October 20 - 26, 2013: Issue 133

Pittwater Council has won a National award for its series of local markets and an additional award for Open Space Development for its regeneration of Narrabeen Sports High Playing Fields.
The award is in the Events category of Parks & Leisure Australia’s 2013 awards for outstanding leisure and recreational activities and facilities across the country.
The Council previously won two NSW awards earlier this year, for the markets and the new synthetic sportsfields built at Narrabeen Sports High in partnership with the Department of Education and the AFL.
The two NSW awards were automatically put forward for contention at the national level.
The Council has coordinated several markets for a number of years in the Pittwater area, including the monthly Palm Beach Market for seven months of the year and the weekly fresh produce market held on Friday mornings at Pittwater Rugby Park North Narrabeen.
Another popular market initiated by the Council is the Food & Wine Fair held every May at Winnererremy Bay which attracts around 5000 visitors.
The Council will launch another annual market on Sunday 3 November at Village Park Mona Vale. The inaugural Mona Vale Market also has the backing of the Mona Vale Chamber of Commerce.
The success of the Council’s market program is mirrored by a host of community based markets that have sprung up in recent years with support from the Council. These include Christmas markets at Avalon, Newport and Mona Vale and an arts & crafts market held at Newport Beach.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said she was delighted Pittwater had received national recognition for its markets. “It really puts us on the map – both in terms of being a destination for visitors and as a Council area that provides quality events for local residents to enjoy.”
She paid tribute to Council staff coordinating the market program for their dedication and willingness to work outside normal business hours to ensure the markets success.
Award for Events - Pittwater's Fabulous Community Markets, Pittwater Council
Award for Open Space Development - Narrabeen Sports High School Playing Fields, Pittwater Council