August 16 - 22, 2015: Issue 227
Sea Shepherd Sydney Monthly Clean Up of Curl Curl Lagoon
Sunday August 9th, 2015
A 50min clean up in a small area of Curl Curl Lagoon 'nets' this amount of refuse from the water and surrounds!
The Sea Shepherd Volunteers do this every month - give them a hand next time you see them there.
photo courtesy Jools Farrell

Drawing a line in the sand against coal and coal seam gas at North Narrabeen
Sunday August 9th, 2015
On Sunday morning 9 August, the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future campaign created a giant sand-art installation at the Narrabeen Lagoon entrance that was photographed from the air. The reiterated message is simple, "we drew a line in the sand, calling for the coal and coal seam gas mining expansion to be restricted, and our farms, forests, water supplies and public health protected permanently.'
The images were created by raking the sand. It was a fun and family friendly.
On ground photos by I Shoot Mermaids - from air pictures courtesy Our Land, Our Water, Our Future

Check if you're in a 10/50 area: Review Now Complete
10/50 Review report recommendations announced
Tuesday August 11, 2015
A review of the 10/50 scheme has been conducted by the NSW Rural Fire Service, Department of Planning and Environment, and the Office of Environment and Heritage. The review has now been completed and a copy of the final report is available here.
Thirty recommendations have been made. The NSW Government is now in the process of implementing these recommendations.
You can check here if you are in a 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement area. Checking your land is easy.
For more information on the 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement have a read of our frequently asked questions.
Changes to eligibility area
In response to the review recommendations, the NSW RFS has made interim changes to the 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement area which come into effect immediately. Further changes will come into effect once legislation is finalised.
You should always re-confirm your eligibility to remove vegetation using the online tool before taking any action. For more information see our frequently asked questions.
Us (now - we have Spotted Gums and Littoral Rainforest as our front and back yards): Your property is not in a 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement area. You cannot use the 10/50 exemption to clear vegetation on your property. Contact your local council or Local Land Services Office regarding any clearing authorisation required.

Funds Begin Flowing To Pittwater’s Newest State Parks
Thursday August 13th, 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced over $80,000 in NSW Government grants to support the newly established Narrabeen Lagoon and Currawong State Parks on Thursday this week.
Narrabeen Lagoon State Park was established in April last year and covers over 470 hectares of the lagoon and its natural surrounds. Currawong State Park was established in March this year and has formally safeguarded this renowned heritage listed area on Pittwater’s western foreshore.
Funding has been secured under the NSW Government’s Public Reserves Management Fund to support the maintenance and improvement of both key areas. This includes;
• $49,000 for the Currawong State Park Reserve Trust to decommission the area’s outdated septic infrastructure and introduce a new waste management system; and
• $34,000 for the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Trust to install navigation buoys to assist watercraft users avoid sensitive seagrass beds.
Friends of Currawong members Sue Martin, Geoff Bentley, Ken Hughes, Polly Thompson and Michael Mannington with MP for Pittwater Rob Stokes. Picture by Andrew

Above: Narrabeen Lagoon - Below: Currawong resident - pictures by A J Guesdon.

Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade Hazard Reduction
Sunday August 9th, 2015
14 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers completed over 10 vegetation pile burns today to the West of Caladenia Cr, Elanora Hts. The vegetation had been stacked by a number of property owners after they had Hazard reduced natural vegetation on their properties to assist in reducing the effects of future Bushfires.
Photos courtesy Ingleside RFS

John Vaughan - Whale Pictures at Bantry Bay, near Seaforth and on magnificent Middle Harbour
Sunday August 9th, 2015
My BIG whale photos taken on 8 August from an 8' dingy in Bantry Bay and near Seaforth on magnificent Middle Harbour, Sydney. What a thrill to see one of nature's most wondrous creatures alongside your little rowing boat. The Police craft was nudged by our mighty whale. Apparently there has been no recorded large whale visit to upper Middle Harbour waters in living memory. Enjoy the adventure.
John Vaughan, whale watcher and admirer.

Pictures by Many, 2015.