August 16 - 22, 2015: Issue 227
Pittwater Ferry Services: OPAL Card for Pensioners Not Same as Public Ferries

Church Point Ferry Service's L. Duck off Tennis Wharf, Scotland Island - photo supplied
Pittwater Ferry Services: OPAL Card for Pensioners Not Same as Public Ferries
Pensioner and seniors – Would you like to pay $7.50 return instead of $2.50?
The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Andrew Constance, has announced the intention to do away with most paper tickets used within the public transport system in NSW from January 1st, 2016. This is in line with the general move to greater use of the OPAL card system. A consequence of this is that pensioner excursion tickets (PET) will no longer be available. This presents no problem, other than the need to obtain a gold OPAL card, as, for the majority of eligible users in NSW the PET fare structure is incorporated into the OPAL system. Our problem is that private ferry services in NSW have not, as yet, been included in the OPAL system. Meaning this change will result in the denial of access to PETs for private ferry service users.
Palm Beach Ferries and the Church Point Ferry Service, an integral part of our community, who also provide days of delight for visiting pensioners in being able to access our beautiful offshore areas, are asking everyone to contact Transport for NSW, their local representatives and Mr. Constance and bring to their attention what must be an administrative oversight so it may be corrected.
The advice from Transport for NSW to date is:
”seniors and pensioners will be required to buy a concession ticket as per the ferry operators concession ticketing system.”
The Church Point Ferry Service has been in contact with Transport for NSW, with our local members and with the other private ferry operators to try and facilitate a solution to this.
What customers can do if they wish to voice concern about the loss of access to the PET system:
• Contact Transport for NSW on 131 500
• Fill out the feedback form online at HERE
• The Facebook site is Transport NSW Info, or you could contact the Minister for Transport Andrew Constance or your local member Rob Stokes.
Most paper tickets no longer sold from 1 January 2016
Tuesday 04 August: Media Release
From 1 January 2016, most paper tickets will no longer be sold, including:
• Pensioner Excursion tickets
• MyBus TravelTen tickets
• MyMulti Weekly tickets
• MyFerry TravelTen tickets
The only paper tickets available will be single Adult and Concession tickets (trains, buses, ferries and light rail) and return Adult and Concession tickets (trains, ferries and light rail).
• See the list of tickets retiring on 1 January 2016.
• See the full list of tickets retired in 2014.
Seniors and pensioners
If you’re still travelling with a Pensioner Excursion Ticket, it’s time to get your Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card.
The Gold Opal card gives you the same discounted fare on public transport as the Pensioner Excursion Ticket. Gold Opal fares are capped at $2.50 a day, so you won’t pay more than a Pensioner Excursion Ticket*. And, with lots of rewards for regular travel, you may even pay less.
You only need to get a Gold Opal card once and add value to it. Then you can use it as often as you like, day after day.
Find out more about the Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card
* Excluding Sydney Airport Station Access Fee
Adults, children and eligible concession customers
If you’re still travelling with paper tickets, make the switch to the Opal card now and start enjoying all the benefits of travelling with Opal
OPAL card for Adults - OPAL card for children
Tickets no longer sold from 1 January 2016
Ticket type Tickets no longer sold from 1 January 2016
MyTrain • Off Peak Return - Child • 7 Day - Concession & Child • 14 Day - Concession & Child
MyBus • TravelTen - Adult & Concession
MyFerry • TravelTen - Concession
MyMulti • DayPass - Adult, Concession & Child • 7 Day - Adult, Concession & Child
Light Rail • DayPass - Adult, Concession & Family • Weekly - Adult
Day Passes • Pensioner Excursion Ticket (PET) • Family Funday Sunday • Blue Mountains ExplorerLink (1 & 3 Day) tickets • ZooPass tickets
Airport • 7 Day Airport Gate Pass - Adult, Concession & Child
Link tickets • TramLink tickets • Bondi Beach Link tickets • Moore Park Link tickets
Newcastle Buses & Ferries • 4 Hour - Concession • TimeTen - Adult & Concession

Church Point Ferry Service's L. Duck off Tennis Wharf, Scotland Island - photo supplied

Palm Beach Wharf - Palm Beach Ferries - A J Guesdon picture.