August 2 - 8, 2015: Issue 225
Pittwater Gentleman’s Vision Brings International Recognition

Ian White - Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences
Pittwater Gentleman’s Vision Brings International Recognition
A few years ago we ran a Profile of the Week on Ian White, Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences. Ian is a fifth generation Australian herbalist who has been practicing successfully as a Naturopath for 30 years. His great-grandmother, worked as a herbalist during Australia’s Gold Rush in the 1850’s. Ian’s grandmother like her mother before her, was among the first white people to research and use native plants for healing. Ian grew up in the bush, spending as much time as possible helping her make her herbal tinctures and extracts while she taught him the healing qualities of many of the plants and flowers within the Australian landscape.
Ian continued this family tradition, finding his focus was specialising in the emotional and spiritual qualities of the Australian bush. He is the author of five major books and regularly teaches workshops on the Bush Essences and his Spiritual Essences in over 30 countries as well as here in Australia.
Recently one of the series of products created by ABFE, The Love System, a range of Certified Organic Skincare and Bodycare formulations containing Australian Bush Flower Essences, won the acclaimed The Natural Health Beauty Awards 2015 in the UK.
Australian Bush Flower Essences LOVE SYSTEM was judged the WINNER in the coveted ‘Organic Range’ category, a prestigious accolade from the biggest and most established industry awards, now in their tenth year.
ABFE's LOVE SYSTEM was also awarded FINALIST in the 'Best Skincare Brand' category of the UK's Beauty Shortlist Awards 2015, further recognition of the wonderful qualities of this organic skincare range.
As the judges commented, 'What a beautiful, gentle, ethical range... ABFE's Certified Organic Love System is what healing beauty is all about.'
We spoke to Ian about this recognition during the week:
Could you explain for people in Australia what this award means or represents?
This market has all the major organic skincare makers in the world and Natural Health assesses them and gives an award to the one which they regard as the best each year which this year Australian Bush Flower Essences won.
How did that feel?
It was a great acknowledgement. The Love System skincare range contains fantastic products which people are recognising as containing not only exquisite ingredients, but also having the Bush Essences in there as well, gives the range an extra added dimension.
Where else are you going to have a product that not only is a great skincare but also helps you to release and let go of anything upsetting you or that will promote self esteem as well as greater acceptance and appreciation of your body?
For people who haven’t heard of Flower Essences – how would you describe them?
Flower Essences extract the healing energy of the flower – and the flower is the most evolved part of the plant, so by extracting the healing energy of the flower you are obtaining the healing energy of the whole plant. The Flower Essences resolve and release emotional imbalances, whether that is fear, anger, grief, or other forms of what may upset people.
In Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine, systems that have been observing human nature for thousands of years, they estimate that over 90% of our physical symptoms stem from emotional imbalances. They also state there are direct correlations between organs, emotions and illnesses. The kidneys for example are related to fear, liver to anger and lungs to grief. So if we are getting symptoms in those organs or other parts of our bodies it’s a reflection of specific emotional imbalances. If you have symptoms, such as an infection you can take an antibiotic or some Echinacea or Vitamin C, but you’re not dealing with the underlying cause of the problem.
The beauty of working with Flower Essences is that you’re addressing the cause of the problem. Medications cannot help you deal with frustration, for instance, or impatience, guilt or anger.
This sounds like a very gentle way to shift the persistent emotional settings we may all find ourselves in at times?
It is and because it’s quite straightforward it is easy to use. One of the things I like about them, besides having Doctors and Natural Therapists and skilled Practitioners working with them, is that mums and dads can give the remedies to their children. They don’t need years of medical training to recognise that their child is sad because their grandmother or their pet has died or run away, and to then prescribe the Bush Essences that addresses grief and sadness. Or to choose a remedy for rejection because their child didn’t get invited to the birthday party that all their other friends did. They’re straightforward.
They’re not just for emotional balances though – I found the Cognis Essence very beneficial when studying while having to work and deal with keeping a family and run a home at the same time – this supported and enhanced what I was doing – so they are practical for coping with other life challenges too?
Cognis is great for that, yes. Anyone who is either studying or has a big workload will find this remedy gives them that clarity of thought and focus; Cognis will also help them stop procrastinating and clear any sense of being overwhelmed. My wife is the Principal Harpist in Opera Australia and during the opera she is currently in there is a break where she is not playing for half an hour. Her fingers are getting cold and it could be easy for her to drift off and miss her cue to come in on. To commence on time, be focused and not make any error as well as playing beautifully, she is taking Cognis Essence.
When you’re in the middle of work or study Cognis is great, but at the end of the day when you want to relax and unwind, especially after a hectic day or challenging day, I recommend the Calm and Clear Essence. This will help you to relax and rest, stop your mind from going over and over any problems that have arisen and what you need to do the next day. It is really good for being able to let go of all the mental stress you have gone through that day.
All the Bush Essences come in liquid form but some of them, including the Calm and Clear Essence, also comes in a cream and a spray. We have some lovely stories from people having written in saying that when their partner comes home from work, as soon after they step through the front door, they’re sprayed with the Calm and Clear so they can be a nice human being who can relate to everyone else in the household and let go of all the things that have happened that day at work.
This Essence, by switching off the mind and easing worries, can also improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. You can spray the bedroom with this Essence before going to bed and then rub the cream onto your face and feet.
The award winning range of creams has a cleanser, daily cream, intensive face and body creams for night time and the sprays you mentioned – there is also part of this range aimed specifically at morning and evening?
What will work best for an individual depends on what Essences we’re adding in to each. The Uplifting body lotion you refer can help you feel revitalised and energised, which is great for morning and for other times you feel you need that.
Where as the Soothing body lotion will work well in the evening when you want to relax and unwind.
There are a number of creams that you use these on your face and body but the range also has six Skin and Space Mists that can be used topically on your skin to rehydrate and tone.
One that may be good for women to keep in mind is the Woman spray for menstruation, which can be sprayed straight onto the skin when cramps or discomfort are occurring. Another is the Emergency spray and cream if people have any area that is feeling a bit tight or uncomfortable, they can massage in this cream or use the spray on that area.
There’s cleansers, exfoliates, creams and sprays and intensive creams and all have the wonderful Essences in them in combinations that enhance and promote wellbeing.
Our vision
Our vision was to create more than just exquisite organic skincare & bodycare products, we have created for you something which we believe is far more valuable, and respects who you are at a very deep level.
You only have one physical body in this life, this body is your temple. We want you to Learn to love it, respect it, nurture it, connect it to your Higher Self, and cover it with beautiful organic botanicals, plant butters, exotic oils and herbs, and Essences from some of the world’s oldest and most unique Australian Bush Flowers in existence.
We encourage all individuals to make the connection between body and soul and develop a healthy, responsible and nurturing daily regime of connectedness to discover your true innate beauty, and share it with the world.
That’s why we created what we believe are “the most profound skin & bodycare formulations on the planet”.
Values & philosophies
We’ve called our new organic skin & bodycare formulations the LOVE SYSTEM, because this best reflects the values & philosophies that imbibed the creation of what we believe has never been created before.
This is a system of beautiful organic formulations to Care for, Love & Respect your Body - to encourage you to Connect with, Inspire and Grow your Soul - to Love and Express Who and What you Are - to Love & Respect your Planet - to Express Love and Respect for those who Live upon it – to discover, and share your true beauty.
This is more than mere organic skin & bodycare. This is a philosophy for the way you choose to live your life, and a philosophy for choosing skin & body formulations that add value to you, to the planet, and all those who live upon it.
The LOVE SYSTEM was created to inspire us towards the higher things that really matter.
A percentage of all formulations go to our LOVE TRUST to assist communities in need.
STEP 1. Gently Cleanse & Purify STEP 2. Rehydrate & Tone
STEP 3. Daily Essence Moisturiser STEP 4. Intensive Face & Body Treatments
Sample the most profound skincare on the planet
Ever wished that you could try before you buy ?
We understand that skin & bodycare is a very personal choice, and that you want to be absolutely sure that a new skin system not only suits your needs, but really works for you.
That’s why we have developed our new “Love System Sampler Pack”, to respectfully give you the opportunity to experience this exquisite skin & body system before you commit to purchasing any full size formulations.
You’ll receive 12 formulation samples that cover:
Step 1: Gently Cleanse & Purify (all 4 cleansing formulations)
Step 2: Tone , Clarify & Rehydrate (Woman Skin & Space Mist)
Step 3: Daily Essence Moisturiser (Calm & Clear Essence Daily Moisturiser)
Step 4: Intensive Face & Body Treatments (all 6 Intensive Treatments)
Combined, you’ll apply the 4 steps to a vibrant complexion, and fall in Love with the full LOVE SYSTEM experience.
The LOVE SYSTEM Sampler Pack also makes the perfect gift of Love for anyone, at an extraordinary price.
$12.95 - Order Here