January 13 - 19, 2013: Issue 93
Pittwater Regattas Dates and Flagships Part I – Steamers and Ferries of Pittwater
Once upon a time, on an estuary named Pittwater, people would gather to engage in what became known as the Pittwater Regatta. Beginning with sailing in skiffs, rowing races and current classes of yachts, as years passed motor yacht and powerboat races were added to events to be contested. By the middle of the Depression aerial displays from planes became part of afternoon sessions. People oohed and ahhed through fair weather and foul, attended dinners, dances and balls that were sumptuous and loud. Folk came from near and far to camp on the foreshores, luxuriate on large cruisers or sleep on the Pittwater Regatta flagships.
A flagship is a vessel used by the commanding officer of a group of naval ships, reflecting the custom of its commander, characteristically a flag officer, flying a distinguishing flag. Used more loosely, it is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels, typically the first, largest, fastest, most heavily armed, or best known. In common naval use the term flagship is fundamentally a temporary designation; the flagship is wherever the admiral's flag is being flown. However, admirals have always needed additional facilities; a meeting room large enough to hold all the captains of the fleet, and a place for the admiral's staff to make plans and draw up orders. Flagship. (2012, December 19). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flagship&oldid=528849170
You will notice throughout these records that mistakes regarding which annual Pittwater Regatta each year actually is are frequent. Our research pointed to one organised by run on the 2nd of January, 1888, seemingly to bring people into the area. This was overseen by William Bulfin, then prorpietor of the Newport Hotel (now The Arms), the venue of many a Pittwater Regatta dinner in coming decades.
Others cite a race begun between Queenslanders and New South Welshmen in 1905 as the impetus for the annual regatta after this first attempt:
Pittwater Regatta came into being as the result of a private match, in December, 1905 between the Crouch brothers, of Queensland, and W. D. M. Taylor, who sailed the Carella, owned by Lord Forster, and Mr. John Roche, for 21 years honorary secretary for the regatta. An unusual course was chosen, being from Pittwater, where the flagship was moored on Saturday, around Lion Isle and back, a distance of l8 miles. The Crouch brothers won. Local residents became enthusiastic as the result of this match, and the first regatta was held in February, 1906. It catered for local sailing and rowing boats, but there were only six starters for the first motor launch race. Both the entries and prize money have increased annually. This year there were 107 sailing boats. 57 heavy boats, and eight events under Now South Wales Rowing Association conditions, with crews totalling 80 rowers There were also three races for Navy League Sea Cadets. PITTWATER. (1928, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16431002
1906: Pittwater Regatta came into being as the result of a private match, in December, 1905 between the Crouch brothers, of Queensland, and W. D. M. Taylor, who sailed the Carella, owned by Lord Forster, and Mr. John Roche, for 21 years honorary secretary for the regatta. An unusual course was chosen, being from Pittwater, where the flagship was moored on Saturday, around Lion Isle and back, a distance of l8 miles. The Crouch brothers won. Local residents became enthusiastic as the result of this match, and the first regatta was held in February, 1906. It catered for local sailing and rowing boats, but there were only six starters for the first motor launch race. Both the entries and prize money have increased annually. This year there were 107 sailing boats. 57 heavy boats, and eight events under Now South Wales Rowing Association conditions, with crews totalling 80 rowers There were also three races for Navy League Sea Cadets. PITTWATER. (1928, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16431002
1907 March 23rd: the Steamer Woy Woy
At a public meeting held in Newport Hall on the 13th instant it was agreed to hold a regatta at Pittwater on March 16 next. A programme of 14 events was drafted, including rowing, sailing, and motor-races, prominence being given to the 16-footers' open sailing race, for which a prize of £10 is offered. It is proposed to send the boats over a triangular course of about eight miles. BISHOP LANGLEY. (1907, February 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14832645
The Pittwater Regatta will be held on the 16th instant The programme comprises fifteen rowing, sailing, and motor events The prize money totals £55 100s, besides a number of trophies. There are three sailing events, open to all-comers, viz , Handicap for 16ft skiffs, under P.J.S.S.C. rules, prizes £7, £2, and £1;handicap for 14ft to 24ft boats f jib and mainsail only), prizes £5, £2, and trophy; and an all boats' handicap (jib and mainsail only, to be sailed by youths under 18), prizes £2 and £1.There is also a licensed .fishing boat handicap-jib and mainsail) for Broken Bay, Hawkesbury, Cowan, and Brisbane Water boats, tor prizes of£6, £1, and trophy. The rowing portion includes three races for ladies, and one for ladies and gentlemen, these, as -well as other -events, being for local residents only Entries for all comers' races will close on the 12th, the local events closing tin the 9th. Miss Gladys Lloyd and Mr- -John Roche are the hon. sees, their address being Post Office, Bay View, Pittwater. The flagship will be the steamer Woy Woy. SAILING. (1907, March 9). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115223002
The S.S. Woy Woy, circa 1910. Courtesy Brisbane Water Historical Society.
The Pittwater Regatta will be held on March 16. The programme comprises fifteen rowing, sailing, and motor events. The prize money totals £55 10s, besides a number of trophies. There are three sailing events, open to all-comers, viz.: Handicap 16ft skiffs, under P.J.S.S.C. rules, prizes £7, £2, and £1;handicap for 14ft to 24ft boats (jib and mainsail only), prizes £5, £2, and trophy; and an all boats' handicap (jib and' mainsail only, to be sailed by youths under 18), prizes £2 and £1.There is also a licensed fishing boat handicap(Jib and mainsail) for Broken Bay, Hawkesbury, Cowan, and Brisbane Water boats, for prizes of... £1, and trophy. The rowing portion includes three races for ladles, and one for ladies and gentlemen, these, as well as other events, including... for local residents only. Miss Gladys Lloyd and Mr. John Roche are the hon. secs. SAILING. (1907, March 13). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 51. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71590180
Pittwater REGATTA The Pittwater regatta, which was postponed last Saturday, will be held today. The programme comprises five sailing, nine rowing, and one motor launch event, and as the entries are as numerous as the races are varied, a good day's sport is practically assured. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1907, March 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14853312
In the 16ft Skiff Race at the Pittwater Regatta on March 23, the limit boat (Myrtle), 16min (J. Crouch), was the winner, beating Mat, 9min (W. Riddle), by a minute. SAILING. (1907, March 27). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 48. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71590698
1908 February 1st:
SAILING. PITTWATER REGATTA. The programme for the Pittwater annual regatta on February contains no fewer than 14 important sailing and rowing events. There is a champion 16- footer race, for the winner of which there is a cup valued £10 10s, and £12 added money; handicaps for boats from 14 to 18 feet, and from 14 to 24 feet, a handicap for fishing boats, and a motor launch race.
The rowing events include single and double sculling races for men, single and double sculling races for ladies, mixed double sculls, races for youths under 18, boys under 14, girls under 14, and mixed double sculls for boys and girls under 16. SAILING. (1908, January 16). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14955438
At the last meeting of the Port Jackson Skiff Club Messrs. Williams and Roach president and secretary of the Pittwater Regatta, handed over to the winners the prizes for the champion skiff race which was sailed for at their regatta as follows -Meta 1 £12 and silver cup presented by Mr Norman li Murray and Nereid 2 £5. PORT JACKSON SKIFF CLUB. (1908, February 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14934301
Entries for the Pittwater annual regatta, to be held on the 16th instant, will close tomorrow evening at the Bay View Post Office, Newport Hotel, or New Brighton Hotel, Manly. SAILING. (1909, January 8). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113354505
PITTWATER REGATTA. Results of sailing races : 14 to 18 ft. BOATS.— Dorothy (C. .J. Saunders),1 ; Dauntless (W. Boulton),2; Lameroo (C. Trouton), 8.14- to 18 ft.. LOCAL BOATS.— Elsie (E.Wilson), 1; Gertie (J. H. Nicol),2;Weary Willie (K. Taylor) 3. 10ft. SKIFFS.— Cornstalk (J. Moffatt), scr.,1 ; Amanda (C. Stewart), 4min, 2; Mat (W. Riddle). 4min, 3.10 to 24 ft. BOATS:— Erl King (D. Taylor),3min, 1 ; Millie (J. Latta), scr., 2 ; Petrel (H.Wilson) PITTWATER REGATTA. (1909, January 20). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120626003
1910: S S Cammeray
PlTTWATER REGATTA. The fourth annual Pittwater regatta was held on Saturday. A light breeze blew throughout the day and a large crowd was treated to some good demonstrations of rowing and sailing. The steamer Cameray acted as flagship. The following are the results -
Rowing -Single sculls bola 12 scars and under A Erickson 1 Ladies' single sculls Dead heat between Miss James and Mrs T Oliver Bingle sculls for boys 10 years and under E Bule, 1 Gent "s doublo acullá N. Wilson and J. Wilson, 1. and gentlemen's double sculls Kiss Tarnen and Mr, lames Gentlemen’s sculls T Bule 3. Sailing-for boats 14ft_io 18ft (open boats) Ibis 1 For local boats 14ft to 181c Sizzronc, 1 All corners,hflft skills Doroth}, 1 llift to 21ft boats Dinuitless, 1 I Motor events-No 1 Kaipai, 1 No 2 Werona, 1.I Prircs were distributed on board the flagship by Councillor Quirk, and Mr Greig, treasurer to the regatta was presented with an illuminated address in recognition of his services. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1910, January 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15131924
1911: January 7th The steamer Cammeray
PITTWATER REGATTA. The following is the course for the yachts competing in the Pittwater Regatta today. Start at 11am from Fort Denison (Sydney) then around the regatta flagship off Bayview Wharf (Pittwater) thence around a buoy off Kunringgai Chase cottages in Towlers Bay then around buoy off Clareville Wharf, and finish at flagship. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1911, January 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15221419
Wooden paddlewheel steam ship launched 1884. Cammeray was a steam ferry owned by the North Shore Steam Ferry Company (later Sydney Ferries Limited). By 1904 with many new screw steamers available, she had been largely withdrawn from active service and was mainly running excursion trips and by 1905 (along with the other paddlers) she was permanently laid up. It would appear she was offered for sale for by 1909 she could be found on the Hawkesbury River, owned by a Dr F Calder, operating five hour tours for five hundred people every Sunday from the Brooklyn railway station. These were organised by the NSWGR. Information courtesy of The Encyclopedia of Sydney Ferries website.
1912: January 6th
The handicaps for the yacht race at Pittwater to-morrow are:-… The course will be from flagship, round Lion Island, flagship, and a triangle of three miles, total distance 18 miles. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1912, January 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15300039
1913: January 4th flagship, Erringhi
AQUATICS. (1913, January 6). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15388274
ERRINGHI was purchased by the Hawkesbury Steam Navigation Company in 1912 and traded on the Hawkesbury River up to the late 1940s. The vessel was scuttled off Sydney Heads in 1951. This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s Samuel J. Hood Studio collection. Sam Hood (1872-1953) was a Sydney photographer with a passion for ships. His 60-year career spanned the romantic age of sail and two world wars. The photos in the collection were taken mainly in Sydney, particularly a lot of Pittwater Regattas, and Newcastle during the first half of the 20th century. Pictured here at Brooklyn with the Phoenix at right
1914: 3rd of January
The yacht race in connection with the Pittwater regatta on Saturday last, which promised to be one of the most interesting events of the local boats, was a great disappointment to those enthusiasts who journeyed to Broken Bay and also to the residents of the district through the 'want of a' decent breeze. The southerly wind,-which had very little weight in it at any time of the day, gave out before the yachts were back in sight of the flagship, and the two boats which finished. SAILING. (1914, January 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15498761
Cessation during WWI
PITTWATER REGATTA. The Pittwater Regatta, which annual fixture lapsed during the war, is to be revived, and for this purpose a meeting is to be held in the public hall, Mona Vale, on Saturday, October 9, at 7.30 p.m. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1920, September 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16868386
1921: (first since 1914): steamer Gosford
Wooden steam ship. Gosford was the second vessel to carry the name and worked on Brisbane Water and the Hawkesbury River. Photo is of Gosford II.
1921 January 1st: S. S. Gosford
which was the flagship at the last regatta. Then: PITTWATER REGATTA. The Pittwater Regatta, to be held on Saturday, December 31, will be under Vice Regal patronage, as their Excellencies the Governor General and the Governor have consented to become patrons of this fixture.
Namoi at 19?? Pittwater Regatta. John Roche at back of this group. ANMM image no 12165, courtesy Australian national Maritime Museum Flickr collection.
Owing to the Inadequate accommodation on the steamer Gosford, which was the flagship at the last regatta, the committee has for the coming event secured the steamer Namoi to act in that capacity, and has also arranged that this boat will take passengers to the regatta, leaving Sydney on Friday and returning on Saturday night. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1921, October 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15991238
The SS GOSFORD was the Flagship for the first Pittwater Regatta after WWI:
THE FLAGSHIP— S.S. GOSFORD. The Pittwater Regatta was revived on New Year's Day, having been in abeyance since the beginning of the Great War. The regatta attracted some thousands of spectators, and competitors were very numerous. It is intended that this shall again become an annual fixture. BEAUTIFUL PITTWATER : REVIVAL OF THE REGATTA. (1921, January 5). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159037884
1922: SS Newcastle
1921: steamer Namoi
1923: SS Newcastle
and also firstly named as The Manly steamer Bingarra in November SMH article
AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA. THE ALL YACHTS HANDICAP RACE. On the left of the picture is a group of the executive officers of the regatta, taken on board the flagship-the Newcastle. In the centre, at the top of the picture, is a photograph of the Aoma, the winner of the Scotland Island Cup, and on the right of the Illustration 1s a photograph of the Scotia, which was placed second In the All Yachts event. AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA. (1923, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16119046
SS Bingarra was a Steel screw steamer launched 1905. 442 tons .Dimensions: 58.00 x 9.00 x 3.25 (metres), Passenger capacity: 1332, Speed: 13 knots. Binngarra was to be the first of ultimately six similar ferries that were to dominate the Manly ferry trade for eighty years. These six vessels would all be built by Mort’s Dockyard and Engineering Company – five at Woolwich and the last at Balmain. The builders had produced other ferries for the Manly trade; these six were to be the penultimate design for an Australian built Sydney ferry.
REGATTAS. - PITTWATER. Entries for the Pittwater Regatta close on December with the Hon, secretaries, at the Newport Hotel, Pittwater. For this whole-day regatta there Is a very attractive programme, consisting of 11 sailing events, including two races for the 12ft dinghies and two for the 21 restricted class. There are 12 rowing events and five motor boat events. It is anticipated that the support given to this year's event will be even greater than that-accorded last year, which was a record. Although the Pittwater regatta has not the historic associations of the Anniversary regatta, it is looked forward to with equal keenness by the large number of sportsmen who are able to participate in it, and who thoroughly enjoy racing on the picturesque waters free from the traffic, which interferes with the racing on Sydney Harbour. REGATTAS. (1923, November 28). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16113811
AQUATICS. PITTWATER REGATTA. A fine programme has been issued for the Pittwater regatta, which will be held on Saturday. The Sydney boats have been well catered for, and In the sailing events there are two races for the 21ft restricted class, and also for the 12ft cadet dinghies. This fixture promises to be one of the most successful held at that picturesque spot. Quite a number of enthusiasts have signified their intention of being present, and it is anticipated that the steamer New castle, which will be the flagship, will carry a full complement of passengers when she leaves Sydney next Friday morning for Broken Bay. AQUATICS. (1923, December 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16126150
1924: SS Newcastle
Some of the officials and yachtsmen who participated in Saturday's Pittwater regatta. They all had a merry time, and were downhearted when the two days and two nights' festivities cams to an end. Johnnie Roche, who organised the regatta, is to be seen standing in the background. Seated in the centre of the front row is Fred. J. S. Young, the vice-commodore, and a son of the founder of bowls in Australia. – Aboard the steamer Newcastle. PITTWATER NOT A PARADISE. (1924, December 30). Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW : 1900 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article167169262
1925: December 26th S.S. Archer
PITTWATER REGATTA. The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Thursday 3 December 1925 p 14 Article
... PITTWATER REGATTA. Entries for the Pittwater Regatta closed on December 7. The committee advises that boats may be loaded on the S.S. Archer, act as flagship, until 4 p.m. on Christmas afternoon.
SS Archer Pittwater Regatta flagship 1925, image courtesy Australian Maritime Musueum, Image No.: 00010681.
AWAITING RESCUE.-One of the many capsizes which occurred during the heavy weather at the Pittwater (Sydney) regatta. OUR PICTORIAL SECTION. (1925, January 13). The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954), p. 1 Section: OUR PICTORIAL SECTION. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article73031530
ARCHER 694 gross tons, 440 net. Lbd: 200'2" x 29' x 13'2". Iron steamship built by London & Glasgow Engineering and Iron Shipbuilding Co., Glasgow for the Queensland Steam Shipping Co., London. Passenger vessel of 95 horsepower and capable of 10 knots. April 1887 of the AUSN Co., registered Brisbane. Sold September 1891 to H W Henderson's Circular Saw Line, registered Sydney. September 1898 sold to J Morrison, Newcastle. Sold January 1901 to the Newcastle and Hunter River S N Co. Sold January 1933 to Stacey and Williams. 1934 converted into a hulk. 1946 scuttled off Sydney Heads. Photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William Hall collection; Object number 00010666.
1926; The officials will then lay out the course and make all preparations for the arrival of the flagship of the regatta, the s.s. Erringhi. A 8 o'clock a meeting of members of the local committee will take place on board the Miramar.THE MOTOR BOATS. (1926, December 24). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103439184
1927: December 30-31 steamer Newcastle
THE HOLIDAY. MANY ATTRACTIONS. The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 31 December 1927 p 14 Article
Today the annual Pittwater Regatta will be held. His Excellency the Governor General is to be present, and on his arrival he will be escorted to the flagship by a naval guard of Sea Cadet. THE HOLIDAY. (1927, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16430624
This image depicts the paddle steamer NEWCASTLE possibly in Pittwater, New South Wales. The vessel was flagship for the Pittwater Regatta in 1922, 1923, 1924 and 1927. The horizontal tricolour house flag reads `P.R'. People are on the accommodation ladder that leads to a pontoon and a waiting dinghy and motor launch. Inscribed '1816' in the lower right corner. Part of the Hall collection acquired from the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William J Hall collection.
AQUATICS. Annual Pittwater Regatta. INTERESTING CONTESTS. Not withstanding that the committee was unable to obtain a suitable flagship for the twenty-second annual Pittwater Regatta, the fixture was carried out with even greater success than many of its predecessors. Salt Pan Point, which was made headquarters, was eminently suitable for the purpose. The weather was favourable, there being bright sunshine. The nor'-east breeze was of a light nature in the morning, but freshened during the afternoon, and the programme of sailing races was finished in good time. The Victorian yacht, Imina-Mara was entered for the yacht races, but not having completed her cruise from the southern State, her absence was regretted. There were several mishaps in the motor boat sections, two boats capsizing, while another sank. The president of the regatta (Mr. Frank Whiddon) was ably supported by the honorary secretaries, Messrs, John Roche, Stan Spain, and C. Plowman, as well as by members of the committee, including Mrs. Greig, Messrs. T. Mulhall, F. S. Adams, John Williams, A. R. Cooke, and E. Higgs, all of whom have been workers for the regatta for many years, particularly Mr. John Roche, who has held the office of secretary since the Inception of this popular fixture. Before the racing started there was a review of the fleet of the Royal Motor Yacht Club. AQUATICS. (1928, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16520177
1929: Manly ferry steamer Burra-Bra
A wanton westerly tousled the placid surface of picturesque Pittwater into a million splashing wavelets and flirted outrageously with the thousand craft which careened and plunged over its shimmering depths and shallows . The yachtsmen's prayer was answered. It was Pittwater Regatta and good sailing weather.
It would be difficult to imagine a more delightful spot than this broad sheet of water which changes mysteriously into blue, green and grey, with the caprice of the sun. Soft, green masses grow to the water's edge, tall gums crawl up the slopes of the jutting head-lands, here and there nestles a tiny bungalow, isolated in the midst of a community of wild things. To starboard of the flagship lay Scotland Island which seems to rise green and living from the lapping water. In its lee lay Woods Point darkening to a russet brown with Longnose Point bold and grey and Lion Island blue in the hazy distance. In the occasional flashes of sunshine it seemed as though a curtain of gauze had been omnipotentlv rolled aside to reveal these prominences in a richer, more amazing beauty.
Early in the morning it was sultry with alight nor'-easter; but before long the breeze veered to a fairly boisterous westerly and the bay was quickly dotted with craft of almost every example of the builder's art. There were yachts, schooners, motor yachts, yawls, specks of wood and canvas called dinghies, and demented ironing boards, which were called outboard speed-boats. As the breeze freshened the crews, in their gaily coloured uniforms were kept immoderately busy scampering hither and thither to the swinging of the boom. The flagship, which was the Manly ferry steamer Burra-Bra, swung idly at anchor with Church Point on her beam, and past her swept a procession of 18-footers biting at the water and snarling at the spume, like dogs on the leash. Speed-boats darted madly in and out of the host of pleasure craft, distributing thorough soakings in flying spray gratuitously. Outboards chattered noisily and ineffectually after them, progressing in amusing leaps and bounds with their pilots clinging tenaciously to them.
A regatta is a serious thing, as every yachts-man knows, but comedy lurks in the most unexpected places and the crowd which watched proceedings from the still comfort of the flag-ship was much amused by the antics of the outboards, which they soon came to regard as the clowns of the performance. It was certainly amusing to see them leap like tortured fish from crest to crest. But if there was comedy there was also skill in the handling of these and other craft, the stern endeavour of the oarsmen and women, thrilling speed, and a breath-taking beauty in the bigger yachts. Starting from the flagship, the course for the races under sail was to Hebbden's Wharf, Scotland Island, thence through thin air to Towler's Bay, across to Careel Bay, and back to near the finishing line. The palpitating life which animated every line and sail when near at hand faded with the distance into quiescence. Heeling over to an insistent blow, they revealed the bright keel colourings of the builder's imagination, and skimmed over the ruffled surface like enormous birds.
The first Pittwater Regatta was held in 1906 when the races were confined to local boats. Since then it has been held every year and has grown steadily in magnitude and popularity. Many of those who assisted in the early ventures are still associated with the regatta notably the honorary secretary (MrJ Roche), the only occupant of that office to date, who was responsible for Saturday's function. The officials In charge of the racing were as follow…. and full results at: PITTWATER. (1929, December 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16614023
Manly ferry SS Burra Bra was a Steel screw steamer launched 17/6/1908, 442 tons 59.00x9.00x3.25metres, carried 1448 and could reach 13 knots. Burra Bra was the second of the 'Binngarra' type Manly ferries built for the Port Jackson company.
1930 December 27th: None
The 24th annual Pittwater regatta on Saturday provided a brilliant spectacle and excellent spoil, despite boisterous weather. In the principal yachting race Bona beat Rawhiti by a margin of only 13 seconds, Morna being third. SUMMARY. (1930, December 29 Monday). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16741956
PITTWATER REGATTA. ANNUAL MEETING. The report of the committee of the twenty third annual Pittwater Regatta, held on December … last, was presented to subscribers and competitors at a meeting held last week. The report disclosed that the last regatta was successful, although the westerly wind which prevailed on the day was not entirely suitable for the Wing, but on extensive programme of sailing, rowing, and motor boating events was carried out without any accident or protest. The entries totalled 337.For the 1928 regatta a flagship was dispensed with, but in response to requests the committee made arrangements for the Manly steamer BurraBra to act In that capacity last year, but the attendance on board was very small. The cost of chartering a suitable steamer, Including extra Insurance, etc., amounts to at least £75. The return last year was slightly under £8. A flagship of this nature is therefore, a luxury, and will not be provided this year.
Mr. John Roche, who, since the Inception of the regatta In 1906, has been honorary secretary, announced his retirement from the office. During the whole of that period Mr. Roche devoted much time and energy to the affairs of the regatta, and its present happy position is very largely due to his efforts. His resignation was accepted by the meeting with regret. Mr. Roche has the fine record, having attended all but one of the 215 meetings held during his occupancy of the office. Office-bearers for the ensuing year are:-President Mr. A C. Cooke; vice-president. Mr. Frank Whiddon; official secretary. Mr. J. Roche PITTWATER REGATTA. (1930, October 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16721173
PITTWATER REGATTA. A Varied Programme. The twenty-fourth annual Pittwater regatta will be held on Saturday, when a programme of sailing, rowing, and motor boat events, 25 in all, with a total entry of 177 competitors, will be decided, from 10 a.m. The steamer Gosford will act as flagship, taking up her moorings a little to the south of Salt Pan Point, so that she will be adjacent to the finishing line of all the races. Events and their starting times are: SAILING. E. Q. Grieg handicap, 12ft to 25ft local boats, 10.30 a.m ; 12ft cadet dinghies' champion- ship. 11 a.m.; John Roche all yachts' nominated skippers, 11.15 a.m.; Mischief Memorial nominated skippers, 11.40 a.m.; Pittwater Regatta Cup. all yachts, 1.15 p.m.; Scotland Island Trophy. S.AS. Club boats, 2 p.m.; A. T. Black 12ft cadet dinghies' handicap. 2.35 p.m.; John Williams handicap, 12ft to 25ft local boats, 2.50 p.m. MOTOR BOATS. J. M. Dempster handicap, local boats, 10.30 a m.; Miramar cruiser handicap, All-comers, 11.45 a.m.; A. C. Cooke motor speed boat handicap, 1.30 p.m.; outboard motor boat handicap, 2.45 p.m.; B. a. Griffith motor boat handicap, 3.15 p.m.; outboard motor boat handicap. 4,15 p.m. ROWING. Men (New South Wales Amateur Rowing Association clubs): Heavyweight maiden fours, 2 pin.; outriggers, best and best (single sculls handicap), 2.15 p m.; lightweight malden fours. 2.30 p.m.; senior fours, 3 p m.; Gladstone skiffs, 3.30 p.m. Women (New South Wales Amateur Rowing Association): Ladies' lightweight four-oared championship of Pittwater, 11.30 a.m.; ladies' heavyweight four cared championship of Pittwater, 12.30 p.m. Gladstone and 14ft skiff rowing: Boys' single sculls, 10.45 a m.; Gladstone skiffs handicap, first heat, 11.30 a.m.; Gladstone skiffs' handicap, second heat, 12.15 p.m.; Gladstone skiffs' handicap, final, 2.15 p.m. Men's single sculls' handicap, 3.15 p.m. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1930, December 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16741210
Wooden steam ship. Gosford was the second vessel to carry the name and worked on Brisbane Water and the Hawkesbury River. Photo is of Gosford II.
1931 December 26th:
PITTWATER REGATTA At the annual Pittwater Regatta on December 26, five events for motor-boats of all types will be decided. These events will be run under the racing rules of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales and entries for them close with Mr, Vernon H. Moor, race secretary of the club, at Wunulla-road, Edgecliff, on December 1. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1931, November 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16823687
PITTWATER REGATTA Arrangements for the twenty-fifth Pittwater regatta which will be held on Boxing Day, December 26 are well In hand Mr Charles Jacobs, who is commodore of the RMYC of N S W , has accepted the office of president while Mr John Roche, who for 23 years was honorary secretary, has been appointed vice-president The present honorary secretary is Mr C M Smith, 228 Pitt street Sydney (MA33B1) It has been decided to include in the progmmme this year a special race for cruising yachts. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1931, November 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16816752
PIC: NEARING THE FINISHING LINE IN THE JOHN ROCHE HANDICAP FOR ALL YACHTS ON SATURDAY AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA. The yachts are, from left to right: Norn (A. Stevens), Bona (A. J. Wilson), the winner Utiekah lI. (H. G. Nossiter), and Morna (W. Henderson ), third. The yachts were sailed by members of the crews other than the regular skippers. NEARING THE FINISHING LINE IN THE JOHN ROCHE HANDICAP FOR ALL YACHTS ON SATURDAY AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA. (1931, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16819029
1932: December 31 Gloria (Wooden motor vessel)
PITTWATER REGATTA. The flagship Gloria will be moored In midstream slightly south of Salt Pan Point. TO-DAY'S SPORTING FIXTURES. (1932, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16942346
Gloria was the largest of the Windybanks ferries operating out of Cowan Creek on the Hawkesbury River. Unlike her running mates, she was a two deck vessel with a larger freeboard which allowed her to operate in open water. Taken over by the Army during World War II, she was shipped off to New Guinea and fitted with heavy machine guns and used as a patrol vessel. She never returned after the war.
1933: December 30th SS Gwydir
PITTWATER REGATTA. FLAG OFFICERS. Commodore Stuart F. Doyle. Vice-commodore John Roche, and Rear-commodore Stanley Spain have been appointed flag officers for the day for the Pittwater regatta, which will be held on December 30.Thev will be in charge of the flagship, the T.S.S. Gwydir, that day. Eight sailing races have been Included on the aquatic programme at this regatta. One which should be of particular interest to Palm Beach is an event for big class yachts which will carry prizes presented by Palm Beach residents. The course of this race has been so arranged that the competing yachts will pass Palm Beach on four occasions. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1933, December 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17032313
PITTWATER REGATTA. VICE-REGAL PATRONAGE. The Governor-General (Sir Isaac Isaacs) and the Governor (Sir Phillp Game) have extended their patronage to the 27th annual Pittwater regatta, which will be held at Pittwater on December 30. For the first time for five years an ocean-going steamer will act as flagship, the committee having arranged for the Gwydir to make the trip. She will leave Sydney with passengers at 7 30 on the morning of the regatta, and return the same day. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1933, December 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17030674
1934: December 29-30h T.S.S. Gwydir
An Interesting item in the programme of the Pittwater regatta this afternoon will be an aerial "bombing" attack on the speedboat Wyvern, under the command of her owner, Mr. J. C. Webster, by an aeroplane (VH-UAJ), piloted by Flight-Lieutenant N, Mulroney. The attack will take place about 4 o'clock in the vicinity of the flagship Gwydir, which will be moored off Bayview. Dummy bombs in the form of bags of flour will be used as missiles. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1934, December 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17115270
Pittwater Regatta, Broken Bay, Hunter River Steamship Co.'s SS "Gwydir" as flagship. Image No: hood_06534, courtesy State Library of NSW
PITTWATER REGATTA. The committee of the twenty-eighth annual Pittwater regatta has arranged for the use of the S.S. Gwydir as flagship. The Gwydir will undertake a week-end yachting cruise. In association with the regatta, sailing from Sydney at 10 a.m. on Saturday, December 1, proceeding to Pittwater to act as flagship. In the evening a Venetian ball will be held on board the ship. On December 30 the Gwydir will cruise around Broken Bay, Cowan. Brooklyn Bridge. Lion Island, and Cape Three Points, and return to Sydney on the Sunday afternoon. Arrangements have been made for 200 passengers to be carried, and deck sports will be introduced. Full co-operation of the Aero Club of New South Wales with the regatta has been secured, and an air race will be staged from Mascot around a mark off Palm Beach, finishing at the flagship, moored at Bayview. It Is expected that eight or ten of the fastest machines will take part In the race for the Archer Whitford Air Race Trophy. After the air race planes from the Aero Club will give a demonstration of manoeuvres and stunt flying, mimic warfare, and aerial bombing. There, will be races for every type of craft, and it is expected that at least 300 craft will take part In the events. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1934, November 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17112992
REGATTA. Bright Scenes at Pittwater. KEENLY-CONTESTED RACES.
A blue sky lightly flecked with fleecy clouds, golden sunshine, and a north-easterly breeze made conditions ideal for the 27th Pittwater regatta on Saturday. The function was successful from every point of view. Pittwater, the land-locked stretch of water between Newport and the entrance of the Hawkesbury River, Is a yachtsman's paradise. For days almost every type of craft had made its way to the course, and on Saturday they came forth in their numbers, most of them to compete in the big programme of events, the remainder to lend moral support by anchoring and dressing ship near the starting point. It was a colourful scene. The events were keenly contested. The entries and the number of spectators did not exceed those of the peak years, but they were a decided improvement on last year. The committee took a brave step and reverted to the practice of more prosperous years of providing an ocean-going flagship; the venture received the success it deserved. The flagship was the Newcastle steamer, Gwydir. REGATTA. (1934, January 1). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17036755
1935: December 28th T.S.S. GWYDIR was touted but the motor launch Gloria is named below
PITTWATER REGATTA. Plans have already been launched to make this year’s Pittwater regatta which will be held on December 28 one of the most successful in the history of the regatta It is expected that between 300 and 400 vessels will take part and It Is hoped to again have the TSS Gwydir as flagship. Support has been promised for the Regatta - the 29th annual by the way-from all sections of the boating community including sailing big yachts motor cruisers speed boats amateur and professional rowing In addition officials will have the full cooperation of the Royal Aero Club of New South Wales. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1935, November 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17214121
The entire of the varied activities will be the flagship the motor launch Gloria and various sailing, motor boating, rowing and aeroplane courses will radiate from and converge upon her. She will be moored off Bayview so as to command a view of the whole of Plttwater from Nev port and Church Point to Lion Island. Including post entries about 390 craft and rowers are expected to participate the prize money and trophies amounting to more than £170. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1935, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17221891
The most well known motor launch named 'Gloria' that frequented Pittwater at this time was the ML Gloria - which was also making ferry runs to and from Patonga:
In glorious sunshine the party embarked on Windybanks launch, the "Gloria," and with a cool north-east wind blowing proceeded down Cowan Creek and then up Coal and Candle Creek, another arm of Cowan Creek. Afternoon tea was partaken on board, and the party then proceeded down stream, passing Yeoman's Bay, Refuge Bay, and a view of Lion Island was seen in the distance. On the journey back to Bobbin numerous of her inlets and beaches were observed, and many expressions of appreciation were made at the grandeur and beauty of the scene. N.S.W. COUNTRY PRESS. (1937, December 7). The Muswellbrook Chronicle (NSW : 1898 - 1955), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article107642232
SUMPTUOUS Craft Several of the finest cruisers in Sydney 'dressed ship in the vicinity of the flagship, ‘M . L. Gloria', and the sight was rare. 'Miramar' (Stuart Doyle),'Zelnia' (C. P. White),'Nooroo' (Mrs, H.. S. Phillips). Lolita' (A; D. Walker).'Swerdna'; (J. O. Andrews)...PITTWATER REGATTA WAS A BRILLIANT SPECTACLE. (1936, January 2). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article135649550
1936: ‘Mascot’, Palm Beach was flagship – the ‘auxiliary schooner’ photo taken by Sam Hood. Pittwater Regatta, Broken Bay, Pic No.: hood_06524, courtesy State Library of NSW.
‘Unfavourable weather spoilt the Pittwater Regatta ‘ SMH report of Monday 28 December 1936
AEROPLANE RACE. Aerial Derby, trophy presented by Charles E.Blanks (Mascot. Palm Beach, flagship), 28m_C.H. Fischer (Cirrus Moth). PITTWATER REGATTA. (1936, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27988276
Earlier that year: MR. J. ROCHE. Mr. John Roche, who died at the War Memorial Hospital yesterday, was widely known in yachting and sailing circles. He was associated with the Pittwater regatta from its inception, being honorary secretary for 24years up to 1931. He had always taken a keen interest in aquatic sports, and in 1906 participated in a challenge skiff race at Pittwater. From this race grew the annual regatta, the first of which was held in 1907.He was a member of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, being for a time a committeeman, and of the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club. He was keenly interested in the organization of sailing and yachting events, and took an active part in the arrangement of the Anniversary Regatta over a number of years. He is survived by Mrs. Roche. MR. J. ROCHE. (1936, October 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17280386
1937: December 27th: SS Gosford
PITTWATER REGATTA. To enable boats of the Vaucluse classes to compete at the Pittwater regatta on Monday December 27, arrangements have been made for the steamer Gosford to leave the Albion wharf at 4.15 a m , and call at Watson's Bay, to commence loading "V S " and "V J." class boats at a quarter to five. Applications, for space should be made to Mr V. R Jukes, 7 Mary Street, Longueville. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1937, December 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17435709
SS Gosford II
PITTWATER REGATTA. TODAY'S PROGRAMME. An all day programme of sailing motor boating professional rowing and aeroplane events will be provided at the Pittwater regatta today. The aerial events will begin at 3 15 pm with a Derby from Mascot to the flagship This will be followed by a display of formation flying by two teams from the Royal Aero Club of New South Wales i display of acrobatics and a mock bombing attack. The centre of the regatta will be at the flagship moored about equal distant off the Bayview wharf and Horseshoe Cove all races finishing at this point. The rowing courses is to Church Point the sailing courses to Careel Point and West Head and the motor boat events to Taylors Point The programme Is - Sailing Vaucluse senior class sailing boats 10.20 am Vaucluse Junior class sailing boats 10. 30 a m John Roche memorial handicap for big class yachts and deep keel cruising yachts(nominated skippers) 11 am Fred S Adams memorial handicap for 16ft skiffs 11 15 a m W D M (Dom Taylor memorial handicap for yachts of SAS Club and LMYC 1.20 pm Vaucluse senior class sailing boats 2 p m Vaucluse Junior class sailing boat 2 10 p m Pittwater Regatta Cup deep keel cruising yachts handicaps 2 20 p m tí J Gray handicap for 10ft skiffs 2 40 p in Motor Boats -W D Lawson cruiser trophy 10 45 a m general handicap for Boomerang trophy 12 noon Angus and Coote speedboat trophy 2pm cruiser handicap for W J Goddard trophy 2 .10 p m Sam Bowen speed boat trophy 3 pm general handicap for W J Stuart trophy 3 30p m Upper Hawkesbury speedboat handicap for C P White …. 2 45 pm the Broken Bay rowing and sculling clubs double, sculls hnndicap4 30 p m the Pittwater youths (under 17 years! single sculls handicap 2 11 p m PITTWATER REGATTA. (1937, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17439286
1938: December 27th
The regatta dates are:-Anniversary, January 30; Vaucluse, February 11; Pittwater, December 26 or 31 (the date to be fixed). YACHTING SEASON. (1938, September 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17523225
PITTWATER REGATTA. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. The annual Pittwater Regatta, the first of which was held in 1906, will be held today, the first event starting at 10 10 a m . and the last at 4 p.m There are races for sailing craft of various types, seven for motor boat, two for professional rowing and an aerial "Derby." as various displays of formation diving, aerobatics, mid "bombing." by members of the Royal Aero Club of N S.W. The principal attraction is the newly formed "Jubilee1' class, which will start at 10 45 - 15 boats having entered for each event. The machines In the aerial "Derby" will leave Mascot at 3 15 p m and fly over a 28-mile course to Palm Beach to the official launch. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1938, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17546097
Gypsy Moth aeroplane flying near stern of Gwydir, Creator: Hood, Sam, 1872-1953 Pic No: hood_06535, Courtesy State Library of NSW.
1939: December 27th
PITTWATER REGATTA. Big Jubilee Class Fields.FIRE ON A SPEEDBOAT. Sailing craft, motor boats, and aeroplanes took part In the Pittwater Regatta which was held yesterday, the programme extending from 10 o'clock In the morning until late In the afternoon. For the sailing men. the wind was tricky, chopping and changing from the east until too late tor utility, it settled down in the north-east; but for the other classes conditions were very good. A large fleet or craft assembled and gave an animated display, marred only bv a fire on the speedboat Pandora (F. Helnkel). The fuel supply caught fire while the boat was ciuising round before the afternoon races. A regatta patrol launch took the Pandora in tow alongside the flagship, and chemical fire extinguishers put out the flames, little damage being caused. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1939, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17633175
Cessation during WWII
1940-45 : WWII ; all sea craft on Pittwater and surrounds commandeered for war effort uses or taken up the Hawkesbury so they could not be used by invaders - See Cedric Moreton Williams - Early Pittwater Rowers The Williams Family of Bayview
: NO PITTWATER REGATTA TO-DAY. Pittwater regatta, held annually on Boxing Day.is not being held this year, because of the war. NO PITTWATER REGATTA TO-DAY. (1940, December 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17700299
Earlier in year with Pittwater competitors included:
ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. Programme of Events. The 104th Anniversary Regatta will be held on Sydney Harbour on Monday. All classes of boats are catered for in the comprehensive programme which has been arranged. The flagship will be the S. S. Koondooloo which will be moored off Cremorne Point Neutral Bay. and to which a ferry service from No. 5 jetty, Circular Quay, will be run, commencing at 10.15 am. The motor yacht races will be held on Rose Bay, and the professional sculling events on the Parramatta River but starts and finishes for all other events will be visible from the flagship. The New South Wales State Military Band will be aboard the flagship and refreshments will be obtainable. Admission charges to the flagship will be 1/ for adults and 6d for children. The programme is - SAILING EVENTS ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. (1940, January 27 Saturday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17660814
1945 December 26th:
Pittwater Regatta. The Governor-General, the Duke of Gloucester, will be patron of the 39th annual Pittwater Regatta, to be held on Boxing Day. The approximate programme is: SAILING: Vee-Jays IO am, course 1 1/2miles: local boats, 22ft to 10ft. Including "Jubilees," 10.15 a.m , course seven miles. 16ft skiffs, 10 40 am, course seven miles;Sydney amateurs' class, boats 18ft to 15ft.I IO p.m , course 13 miles: I6ft skiffs, 2 p m..course 13'miles; yachts. Pittwater Regatta Cup. flying start, 2 20 p.m., course 20 miles! Vee-jays, 2 30 p.m , course 5 16 miles. MOTOR BOATS: Morning races, cruiser handicap. general handicap. Afternoon races cruiser handicap and general handicaps and motor cruiser races. Entries close December 4 Post entries will be accepted for motor crusier races. , ROWING: Rowing events will be announced later. Pittwater Regatta. (1945, November 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17958676
Yacht Races Again At Pittwater After a lapse of five years, the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club will hold three harbour races this afternoon at Pittwater. Sydney's crack racing yachts are included in the first division event, to be sailed over a course of 14 sea miles, starting at 2 p.m. J. R. Palmer's Brand V is the scratch boat in a field of 16, which includes Kyeema, winner of Wednesday's Pittwater Regatta Cup. Trade Wind (M. E. Davey) will be racing all-out to avenge her defeat by five seconds in that event. G. E, Bryant's Lewan is another yacht expected to sail well. She did not reach expectations on Wednesday. The second and third division races will be sailed over a nine-mile course, and there are five and seven entries respectively. J. A. Kyd's Wraith and C. McAlister's Phantom are scratch boats in the second division, and Manais (H.S. Lloyd) will be conceding all others eight minutes in the third division race Yacht Races Again At Pittwater. (1945, December 29 Saturday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17964999
1946 December 26th:
Record entries have been received for the motor boating events at the Pittwater Regatta, Broken Bay, on Boxing Day. Among those which will be racing round the 50 miles per hour mark will be Verity H (Carl Halvorsen),D St E (H Mcintosh), St Emilion(T Bunce) Gilda (H. Taylor), Labo(D Bojee and Stan Lands), Whoopee(F Robinson) Osprey (Biuce Savell),Grej hound (B Bayley), Atom (Aand G Lawson)
Mr A Ben Fuller will race his new big cruiser Pattoo for the first time against Kweena (W. Fair-weather Beryl (A Hutchinson),Zelma (C P While), Karak (S LTjler), Rekrap (J. Parke), Sea Sprite (C Finch), Moonray (APeck), and Spray (H Fullagar). MOTOR BOATING ENTRY RECORD. (1946, December 23).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18016619
SKIFF RULED OUT AS CREW PADDLED The 16-foot skiff Martine (P. M. Evatt), was disqualified after crossing the line in the 14-mile Palm Beach Handicap at the Pittwater Regatta yesterday. Officials ruled that members of the crew used their hands, paddling the skiff when it was almost becalmed. Officials were ashore, the incident occurring in failing light at 7 p.m. They were watching the finish through glasses. The Martine would have been placed fourth, but lost all placing. Many officials claimed that some of the events were too long. The Palm Beach Handicap started at 2 p.m. and only six boats were home at 7.4 p.m. There was an absence of steady sailing breezes, particularly toward the end of the afternoon. The John Roche Memorial Handicap for yachts had to be cut to half its distance. First of the boats reached the half-way mark at 5.10 p.m. A Victorian, L. Pound, stole a march on his Sydney rivals' in the Jubilee Class yachts in Aeolus, coming in well ahead. SKIFF RULED OUT AS CREW PADDLED. (1946, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27903461
MANY PARTIES ON BOATS AT REGATTA Entertaining among members of the various motor yacht clubs of New South Wales reached a pre-war peak at the 40th annual regatta on Pittwater yesterday. Cool clothes and even cooler drinks were chosen by the spectators who watched the sailing, motor boat, and aerial races from luxury launches anchored in Horseshoe Cove, Newport. One of the newest motor yachts was the Sylph V, which is owned by Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lawson, of Rose Bay. It was a family party on board, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lawson and sons, Richard and Peter, Mr. Archie Lawson, and Mrs. P. Bayley. The overflow spread to LH-B, which is owned by Mr. Bernard Bayley. One woman who took part in the racing was Mrs. Roy Icher, who was a crew member with her husband in Mr. J. Icher's yacht, Alice, in the John Roche Memorial Handicap for the Regatta Cup. A familiar sight was the vice-commodore of the Rose Bay club, Mr. Fred Harris on board his motor yacht, Steady Hour. Her first visit to Sydney brought Miss Mignon Booth, of Melbourne, to the regatta on Mr. A. Hutchinson's boat, Beryl IV. Also in the party were Mrs. G. N. Kenworthy, whose husband was rear commodore of the regatta, Mrs. H. Kenworthy, Mrs. S.Elphinstone, and Mrs. J. O. Andrews. MANY PARTIES ON BOATS AT REGATTA. (1946, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27903405
SAILING PITTWATER REGATTA.- Currawong Race for VJs. 5½m: Kestrel (P. B. Docker). 1;Comet (W. S. Tost). 2: Achilles (K. W.Gravenor). 3. Won by 2 min., 4 min. Bayview Race for 16ft Skiffs, 7m: Pathfinder(H. Graham). 1: Maritime (P. M. Evatt).2; Ronnie (A. J. Schultz). 3. Won by 1m 45s. 1m 50s. W. J. Goddard Memorial Race for Yachts. 8½m: Judith Pihl(J. W. Jira). 1: Clipper (Dr. H. S. Kirkland),2; Julnar (G. L. Griffen). 3. Won by 29s, 1m 23s. A. J. Riddle Race, localboats. 7m: Chance (R. Tumeth). 1; Planet(M. Porter). 2: Doris IR. Mayjor). 3. Wonby 16s. lm 55s. Church Point Handicapfor VSi, 7m: Shadow 8 (L. B. Smith). 1;Vlei (H. Marson). 2: Wendy (G. Thorne).3. Won by 35s. Im 55s. Sil Roim Me-morial Handicap for VJs. 5'/2m: Kestrel (P.B. Docker). 1: The Rocket (P. Hanson), 2;Achilles (K. W. Gravenor). 3. Wen by20s, 12m 13s. Lionel V. Edye Scratch Race,Jubilee class yachts: Aeolus (L. Pound), 1:Petrel (A. P. Baldick and K. Clarke). 2;Gem ll tw. A. Audsley). 3. Won by 6m5s. 23s. John Roche Handicap, yacht!,8'/2 rn: Mustang (R. J. Singer), 1: Juinar(G. L. Griffin), 2; Kyeema (C. Galbraith),3. Wen by 5s. 4m 30s. Don Taylor Handi-cap, yachts 18ft to 35ft, 14 m: Caprice (H.E. Pflcfferl. 1: Ozone (A. .1. Stone), .2;Janaway (J. Word). 3. Won by 20m10s. 58s. Palm Beach Handicap, 16ftsk,'JTs, 14m: Pathfinder (H. Graham). 1;San Toy (E. O. Shaw). 2: Ronnie (A. J.Schultz), 3. Won by 7m 10s, 59s. MotorYachts:-Cruiser Handicap. l'/3m: Karuah(H. Murphy). 1: Mconray (A. G. Peck). 2;Pastime (A. Pickering), 3. Power boat handicap, IVim: Karak! (Commodore Tylor),1: Gilda (H. Taylor). 2: Karuah (H. Mur-phy), 3. C. E. Le Gallien Speed BoatTrophy, 3m: Gilda (H. Taylor). 1; Lat» (D.Boyce and S. Lands), 2: D. St. E. (H. B.McIntosh). 3. Aerial Derby (Bankstown to Newport): VH Azr. 1: VH Ape. 2; VHAph. 3. SAILING. (1946, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27903425
THE Annual Meeting of the 40th Annual Pittwater Regatta will be held at Science House. Gloucester St. Sydney, on Thursday,27th inst., at 7:45 p.m. Business: To receive and adopt the annual report and accounts. ALAN R. BEVERIDGE. . Hon. Secretary. 8 Chelmsford Ave, Epping. Advertising. (1947, November 19). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 30. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27891829
1948: December 27th
PITTWATER REGATTA. While the president of the 42nd annual Pittwater Regatta Mr. F. C. Mackillop, and the committee entertained official visitors at the regatta yesterday at luncheon in the Royal Motor Yacht Club House in Broken Bay, more than 100 people had a picnic lunch on the lawns outside. During the afternoon nearly 1,000 people watched the speedboat races from the lawns. The vice-commodore of the regatta, Mr. A. Hutchinson, and Mrs. Hutchinson entertained a party on board their yacht, Beryl. PITTWATER REGATTA. (1948, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18096608
REGATTA PROSPECTS Week-end campers pitched small colonies of tents at Narrabeen Lakes, Pittwater, and on vacant allotments at Dee-why and Collaroy. Crowds Out To Enjoy Sunshine. (1948, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18058613
1949: December 26th At the Pittwater regatta more than 2,000 people in small craft followed the races. WARM DAY FOR HOLIDAY. (1949, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18138461
1950: December 30th
Holidays Afloat. MOTOR cruisers and yachts have been arriving at Pittwater in a continuous stream during the week to take part in the New Year festivities to be held this week-end. Families and friends spend much of their time visiting other boats and wishing one another "all the best" for the New Year. Gala day was the annual Pittwater Regatta yesterday and the highlight of this week-end will be the traditional New Year's Eve barbecue to be held at The Basin tonight. Above: A/IR. and MRS. R. B. DAVIES (centre), with their daughter, MISS BETTY DAVIES, who returned home last week after a 10 months' tour abroad, and their daughter-in-law, MRS. ROSS DAVIES, who are all stayina on the 50-foot cruiser, Minocqua. Holidays Afloat. (1950, December 31). The Sunday Herald(Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 10. Retrieved January 10, 2013, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28671540
Pittwater Regattas and Flagships Part I threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2012-2013.

Above: Unidentified man and a woman on flagship, Image No.: hood_06549, Hood, Sam, 1872-1953, courtesy State Library of NSW.
Idenitified per Newspaper article below:
Who'd give a penny for their thoughts? Or a fiver maybe? Mr. Barry Young and Miss Lois Read sit in pensive mood aboard the flagship at Pittwater. WATER SPORTSMEN'S GREAT DAY AT PITTWATER. (1934, December 30). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169336131