February 9 - 15, 2014: Issue 149
Pittwater Schoolchildren Help Create Taronga Wild! Rhinos Sculpture Trail

Chloe ( 2 years old) at Warriewood Shopping Centre this week with one of the Wild! Rhinos.
Schoolchildren Help Create Taronga Wild! Rhinos Sculpture Trail
A huge herd of 125 wildly colourful rhino sculptures have charged into town to create a spectacular world class sculpture trail through the streets, parks and public spaces of Sydney, Dubbo and surrounds during February to April 2014 to help raise awareness of the critical plight facing rhinos through poaching and habitat loss. To join the charge, discover the whereabouts of all the 125 Wild Rhinos, download the mobile app or visit here for a trail map.
On May 14 the wild artworks will be auctioned at The Star, Pyrmont to raise over $400,000 for Taronga’s Black Rhino breeding and in-situ conservation programs.
As part of the Taronga Wild! Rhinos education program, 55 schools from across NSW have painted 64 rhino calves. The designs and creativity are incredible, with Taronga giving a big thanks to Federation Centres for supporting this program. The schools rhino calves will be displayed in Federation Centres across Sydney from 2nd February to 28th April, have a look and see where you local schools rhino will be displayed and get out and about and pick your favourite.
Federation Centres involved are at: Bankstown Central – Stacey Street, Bankstown, Centro Roselands – Roselands Drive, Roselands, Carlingford Court – Corner Pennant Hills and Carlingford Roads, Carlingford, Nepean Village – Corner Station and Woodriff Streets, Penrith, Centro Lennox – Cnr Great Western Highway and Pyramid Street, Emu Plains and Centro Warriewood – Jacksons Road, Warriewood. See: http://www.federationcentres.com.au/
Up to 75 life-sized rhinos are on display around Sydney, Dubbo and their surrounds for 10–12 weeks forming a spectacular sculpture trail for all to enjoy. We spoke to visitors to Warriewood on Wednesday and they said the one in at Darling Harbour is huge, and spectacular!
Find out more at: http://taronga.org.au/wild-rhinos
We have visited Warriewood Square this week and photographed those done by schoolchildren in Pittwater and schools surrounding our home. All wonderful creations, these works of art, and a little about them is listed below.
Fisher Rd Special School working with Barrenjoey High School
We cater for students with an intellectual disability in the moderate to severe range, aged between 4 and 18 years. Some students also have additional physical, sensory or behavioural problems. At Barrenjoey we believe that all students are capable of high achievement and all students are supported by our school to, not only achieve, but also exceed their potential.
Website: www.barrenjoey-h.schools.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Reggie
Rhino Inspiration: Our rhino is painted the colours of the earth and sea. He wears a suite of armour to protect him against those who would see him killed for reasons of wealth and superstition. He is decorated in a complex mix of patterns which represents students working together. Students with severe disabilities have worked with students without disabilities to create a beautiful and symbolic artwork. Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Bilgola Plateau Public School
Bilgola Plateau Public School is situated in an idyllic bushland setting with extensive landscaped grounds and views to the ocean and west to Pittwater. Bilgola School currently has 462 students enrolled from Kindergarten to Year 6. The school's modern facilities, dedicated teachers and caring environment make it an ideal choice for parents looking for a smaller school that caters for students of all abilities.
Website: www.bilgolapla-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Banzi
Rhino Inspiration: Banzi's artwork was inspired by the Australian artist David Larwill. Our Kindy students painted a multi-coloured background on Banzi with images of themselves over it in black ink to symbolise our effort in supporting the Wild Rhino Project. The spaces between the student outlines have been filled with animal print. To complete Banzi's look a group of our talented Stage 3 artists painted the aqua background to enhance the symbolism of the impact we can have in supporting animal conservation. Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Newport Public School
Newport Public School provides an extensive and varied curriculum with a strong academic focus, developing students’ skills in literacy, numeracy and the performing arts. Our school has a proud tradition of excellence in sport.
Website: www.newport-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Newport
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

North Narrabeen Public School
The provision of a happy, caring, stimulating environment is enhanced at Narrabeen North by the distinctive surroundings of natural bush land and extensive open space. The school, supported by its community, aspires to develop in the individual: self discipline; respect for others; a caring for the environment; the ability to cope confidently with the ever-changing world; and a realisation that education is a lifelong process.
Website: www.narranorth-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Rafiki
Rhino Inspiration: Rafiki was chosen through an artwork competition, our student designed a compilation of the animal markings of endangered and vulnerable animals for our rhino calf. This highlights how life is fragile for so many animals in our world.
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary
Our Lady of Good Counsel is a co-educational Catholic school meeting the needs of children from Kindergarten to Year Six. We believe in Catholic values including respect, responsibility, justice and love and these values permeate life in our school. The directions of our school are guided by our motto” Let your light shine”. Our Lady of Good Counsel is situated in a stunning natural environment. The children are very connected to the world around them and, as such, this project was a natural progression.
Website: www.dbb.org.au/schools/olgcforestville/ourschool/Pages/default.aspx
Rhino Sculpture Name: Hans
Rhino Inspiration: Hans is a very handsome black baby rhino who is looking forward to a long and happy life in the children’s vegetable garden at OLGC. He has been decorated in colourful handprints courtesy of the kindergarten children. The hands represent the idea that whilst one individual can make a difference, together we can make a real difference to the future of one of God’s beautiful creatures.
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Curl Curl North Public School
Curl Curl North Public School is situated on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Our extensive grounds and location opposite John Fisher Park and Curl Curl lagoon, highlight our slogan 'The feel of the country in the heart of the city'. Our school has a friendly and inclusive atmosphere where teachers and parents work together to provide high quality resources and an enriched learning environment.
Website: www.curlcurlschool.com.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Curly
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

St Marys Catholic Primary
An innovative and inspirational Catholic community school that celebrates the journey of faith and learning we make in relationship with all creation.
Website: www.stmarysmanly.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Mary
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Queenwood Junior School
Queenwood is a K to 12 school for girls situated in Mosman that provides an academic and caring environment to challenge each student to strive towards personal excellence. Queenwood aims to equip girls with the skills they will need in the future and the ability to live a meaningful and fulfilled life, contributing positively to their world.
Website: www.queenwood.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: ROLO (Rhinos only live once)
Rhino Inspiration: Rolo represents the world. He shows us that rhinos are a part of the eco-system; we need to not only protect them from extinction but also take responsibility for our entire planet and the beautiful flora and fauna that live on it. He expresses the sadness we feel but also conveys messages of hope, peace and love.
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Mosman Public School
Mosman Public School is a NSW Government School. We are committed to providing education of the highest quality. Our school motto, ‘Accept the Challenge”, encourages students to strive for excellence in learning and personal achievements.
Website: www.mosman-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Rhino Sculpture Name: Olive Muriel Pink
Rhino Inspiration: Drawing inspiration from OLIVE Muriel Pink the Australian botanical illustrator, anthropologist, gardener, and activist for aboriginal rights we wanted to give our rhino a sense of identity as well as acknowledging the rhino. Habitat is of great importance to the rhinos so Olive was firstly decorated with Australian earth colours and dot designs as a tribute to aboriginal artwork and acknowledgement of the importance of the land to us. As rhinos are known as a charismatic mega herbivore we thought it was fitting for Olive to be decorated with flowers from an Australian garden. The flowers painted in the style of a botanist, are painted with great care and affection to reflect the great love we have for the plight of the wild rhino.
Rhino Sculpture Location: Centro Warriewood

Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2014.