February 12 - 18, 2012: Issue 45

Copyright Bruce Crutcher and Johnson Bros Mitre 10, 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Privacy Screens II
By Bruce Crutcher
Welcome to our next issue of Johnson Bros Handy Hints. We will be continuing our series on installing privacy screens. Our last article dealt with the set out of your screen and the posts. In this article we will start to look at some of the different types of material available for use as the actual screening.
Timber is the most common material used for screening, and there are a number of species of timber which are manufactured into section sizes suitable for use as screens. Composite timber and plastic products are also available and are becoming more popular as people become aware of their advantages.
Let's start with timber. In treated pine, there are a number of sectional sizes available. There are decking boards which are 70x20mm or 90x20mm and generally come in a set length. With set length boards, wastage is generally kept to a minimum with less off cuts. Treated pine decking does however have ribs on one side, which can make one side of your screen less attractive than the other. Some other options in treated pine include using the structural timbers which are "laser cut", or "rougher headed". These timbers have fine grooves machined along the timber. Sizes available for screening are 70mmx35mm, 70mmx45mm, 90mmx35mm and 90mmx45mm. These sizes offer a chunky look, and because of their thickness, have a bit more stability. They will have knots and other defects visible.
For a smooth finish in treated pine, choose Finger Jointed treated Pine. Finger jointed pine is made up of small pieces of pine joined together to form longer pieces. The advantage of this process is that any defects in the timber have been cut out, is straight and is stable. Johnson Bros Mitre 10 stock Design Pine, one of the market leaders in these products. There are a number of sizes available including;
42mmx18mm, 66mmx18mm, 90mmx18mm, 42mmx30mm, 66mmx30mm and 90mmx30mm. Design Pine comes pre-finished with a blue primer, ready for painting. Choose lighter colours to paint your screen, to minimise any show through of the joints. The web address below will also give you more information on design pine.
We will have a look at further material options in our next article. For more information on screening, come in to Johnson Bros Mitre 10, Mona Vale or call our helpful staff in the timber section on 9999 0333.
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