March 23 - 29, 2014: Issue 155
Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay – Early Motor Boats and Yachts, their Builders and Ocean Races to Broken Bay, the Hawkesbury and Pittwater

Clifton Gardens', Kerry and Co. image No: 28789, courtesy Powerhouse Museum Tyrell Collection on Flickr.
Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay – Early Motor Boats and Yachts, their Builders and Ocean Races to Broken Bay, the Hawkesbury and Pittwater
Ocean Races, Paper Chases and Navigation Trials like that we shall see as part of the final weekend of Pittwater Festival events have formed a part of the RMYC since its inception. Motor Boat Clubs and then Motor Yacht Clubs throughout the world have held similar tests where predicted log races in which navigational skill rather than speed is the basis for scoring remain popular, even with GPS devices. In these tests the skipper of a boat predicts the exact time he will pass specified points on a predetermined course, which he traverses without a watch, adjusting his speed in accordance with variations of wind, tide, and current. The skipper coming closest to his prediction wins.
The Harry Peel Trophy referred to in last week’s History page by Les Spencer ‘ROYAL MOTOR YACHT CLUB BROKEN BAY NSW - CRUISER DIVISION HISTORY’ is still run annually means for skippers to test and keep up their navigation and time trial skills.
There were a few precursors of ocean races from Rose Bay and Sydney Harbour to Broken Bay, but first we should establish how Motor Boat and Motor Yacht Clubs were established here.
On July 6, 1905 a group of motorboat owners in Sydney formed a motorboat club - The Motor Boat Club – only the second in the British Empire. The Club was formed to promote motor boating which included racing and social activities. On November 4th, 1905, a Saturday, the then the Motor Boat Club of New South Wales was inaugurated
'Favoured with ideal conditions, the Motor Boat Club of New South Wales was brilliantly inaugurated on the waters of Port Jackson on Saturday afternoon. If the club is young its membership is already strong, for no body has ever started under happier auspices. Tho club has all tho elements for success-boundless enthusiasm, a peerless domain, and the certainty of great development. Saturday afternoon must always stand out in the annals of the sport of the harbour.
The fleet, comprising motor-driven boats of all shades and sizes, assembled in Farm Cove at about 2 o'clock. Large numbers of people lined the shores to admire the evolutions, and there was plenty to marvel at. Motor boats have not the grace of the gliding yacht, but they offer much to compensate for the lack of the beautiful. They are to the yacht as the funnelled steamer is to tho white winged sailing ship. They cleaved the waters of Farm Cove with a wonderful precision, skimming past the warships, driving recklessly across the bows of a sailing boat, curving and winding with a contemptuous disregard of wind and tide. Some were gay with colour, being competitors for the procession prize, and the majority were enlivened by the summer frocks of venturesome ladies.
It is a boast of the motorist that he is a timekeeper Independent of the assistance of the elements, he observes his appointments. But accidents will happen, and by a strange irony on Saturday the hon. secretary, Mr.G. Whatmore, to whose efforts the flotation of the club was largely due, had a mishap as he came down the harbour to assist In marshalling the little fleet. As he lightly remarked afterwards, his boat, the G-whiz, which has a reputation for speed and reliability, refused to "whiz," and he was delayed. Nevertheless, good work was done by the commodore- (Mr. P. C. Mitchell), the vice-commodore (Dr. George Read), tho rear- commodore . (Mr. Frank Albert), the committee men (Messrs. J. B. Holdsworth, H. E. Ross, C. B. Bradley, G. I. Stanton, and Fred. Alderson), and Mr. F. A. Wiesener (marshal),and a capital procession was formed. The commodore led off in the Cyreno, and streaming out from Farm Cove there were the rear-commodore in the Boomerang, the vice- commodore in the Asthore, Mr. Wiesener in the Little De Dion, with the larger boats on the outer lines, and a host of smaller ones in the centre. Bringing up the rear was the Sydney Ferry-steamer Kareela, thronged with hundreds of friends of the motor boat owners.
Enlarged section showing 'Kareela' from 'Clifton Gardens', Kerry and Co. image No: 28789, courtesy Powerhouse Museum Tyrell Collection on Flickr.
When well launched on the stream the effect was very striking, and illustrated vividly the proportions of the new harbour power. The procession passed along slowly, keeping good order, although here and there flashed a couple of racers, torpedo-shaped craft, that drove at a speed and turned and swirled with a precision that indicated some big racing days as motoring evolves. A couple of yachts and several sailing boats idled through the throng. Their occupants looked at the plain little motor vessels as might the swan at the plain duckling, but the motor-drivers, conscious of their utility and greater certainty, were in no degree discomfited, and they undoubtedly had the pull when the "sailers" fell out to tack. The destination was Clifton Cardona, where the visitors landed and took tea, while the motors engaged in an interesting programme of racing and water sports. A feature of the afternoon was the parade of decorated launches. Mr, E. A. Laurence took first prize with the Mistral, Mr. C. E. Waters second with the Gulnare, and Mr. Fred. Alderson third with the Mimosa. During the afternoon the commodore, in the course of a brief speech in the pavilion, declared the club Inaugurated. Mr, Mitchell said that it was only in last June that Mr. Whatmore set out to got the motor boat owners together. The result exceeded all anticipations. (Cheers.) Such a demonstration as this was beyond anything then hoped for. At present the club embraced about 150 boat-owners. (Applause.) There was not the slightest doubt that the motor boat had come to stay. He had nothing to say against their "white-winged" brethren. There should be no antagonism between the two sections of the water sport. (Hear, hear.)The motor men desired more independence from the caprice of the breeze and the will of the tides. He prophesied a great future for motor boats and for their builders. (Hear, hear.) Then there was the question of defence. He hoped they would be encouraged by the defence authorities to form the club into a naval corps-(hear, hear)-and that all motorists would Join it.
Mr. Whatmore emphasised that the Motor Boat Club of New South Wales was already the largest in the world. In other cities the owners were split up, but here they were all under one flag. (Hear, hear.) The boats owned by the club represented £75,000, and with the exception of the purchase of boilers, all of that money went to local Industry. (Applause.) So far the boats were chiefly cruiser launches, but before the end of the season there would be on Port Jackson some launches capable of speeds equal to the fastest in the world. We had the finest strip of water, and should endeavour to cleave it with the finest boats. (Applause.)
The race for skiffs was won by Mr. L. O'Toole's Yvonne. MOTOR BOATING. (1905, November 6 - Monday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
These two articles give a few insights into these early years and what was being discussed as motor boating ' ...independence from the caprice of the breeze and the will of tides' brought up other issues, some of which would be expanded on in coming years, such as the noise motor boats made every weekend in Rose Bay where others had homes fronting the water, and speeds on the waterways themselves:
THE HARBOUR AND ITS FRONTAGES. With the opening of summer, the boating season comes round again, and we are reminded of the fact as much by correspondence in our columns as by the aquatic festivals of the past few weeks. We have had yachting carnivals and motor carnivals, and we are told that the motorboat will introduce hundreds to the harbour who never discovered It before. That is very well indeed in its way. It is of very little use to possess a sheet of water like ours if we do not enjoy it, yet, fortunately for the general public, there are many inexpensive ways of doing this. But we have been reminded with considerable point and force lately that to enjoy, the harbour we must keep afloat on it. Its foreshores are being alienated so rapidly that it will be next to impossible to land on its sunny beaches or picnic under the shade of its fringing trees. That is one of the facts that a deputation of the newly formed but very belated Harbour Foreshores Vigilance Committee is about to bring under the notice of the Premier to-day. Those composing that deputation will say, in especial, that the beaches at Parsley and Vaucluse Bays ought to be reserved for all time for the use of picnic and yachting parties, which term may be taken to include the occupants of motor launches as well. The men who sail, however, can make out the stronger case for attention, for it is to these bays that they make for refuge when a southerly gale comes up. These bays are their places of shelter, and have been so for many years past. It does really seem strange that with a harbour like ours, and in view of all that our neighbours have to say about it, there should be any necessity to move the Government in such a matter. One would think that the Government might move of its own accord, as it does in cases where other forms of sport and healthful re-creation for the people are concerned. There is the question of cost, no doubt, but that might have been adjusted more easily, perhaps, before the Vaucluse frontages were sold a few weeks ago. There is a crying want for a few more harbour frontage parks or reservations about the harbour, and as we have seen there are plenty of reasons for the making of these. But while we are on this subject of aquatic sport it may be mentioned that our correspondence columns have brought forward another subject suited for discussion. We are told that the motor-boats demonstrate their presence sometimes by "driving recklessly across the bows of sailing vessels." That is a fascinating amusement, perhaps, but is it quite fair, or even safe? As our correspondent "Centraboard" complains very justly, it is not courteous, it ignores the rule of the road, and it may be a piece of dangerous folly. We are promised a rapid increase in the number of high-speed motor-boats on Sydney Harbour, and a glance at its conformation on any map will show how perilous that may prove in certain circumstances. Unless the speed and navigation of these enticing craft are regulated in time by club or other rules there will be an element of danger in rounding the numerous headlands. It is doubtful, indeed, if the near harbour is suited for high-speed launches at all. But no doubt the motor-men will see this of themselves, as well as the need for considering other aquatic sportsmen on the waters of a harbour like ours. High speed has its fascination, whether in the motor-launch on water or the automobile on land, and if it is necessary the One must be regulated and controlled as well as the other. THE HARBOUR AND ITS FRONTAGES. (1905, November 9).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved, from

OCEAN RACES.Entries close on Saturday next for the ocean races, open to all power boats' belonging to the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, Prince Edward Yacht Club, St.George Motor Boat Club, or Port Hacking Motor Boat Club, from Sydney to Pittwater, on Saturday, December 22, and from Pittwater to Sydney on January 1,1924. The races will be run under the racing rules of the Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, and will be open to boats at least 23ft in length, with a beam of 6ft. OCEAN RACES. (1923, December 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Soon after the 21st year and the commencement of the 22nd season for the Motor Yacht Club of NSW the continued attraction of Pittwater, and its less crowded waterways, inspired a meeting in October 1926 that would lead to the formation of a Borken Bay branch of the Motor Yacht Club of NSW. The formation and building of the original RMYCBB can be seen in previous History pages - The Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay Part I and The Royal Motor Yacht Club Boat House and Boatshed. From the records of the day:
At Right: October 16th, 1926 article
MOTOR YACHT CLUB. Branch at Broken Bay. A large, representative gathering of persons interested in the establishing of a branch of the Motor Yacht Club of N.S.W. at Broken Bay, was held at the Club House, Wunulla-road, Rose Bay. The proposal was thoroughly discussed, and a branch of the club duly established at Broken Bay.
In 1927 King George V conferred the right to use the word 'Royal' to the NSW Motor Yacht Club, the first in the British Empire to be allowed to use this prefix. The 'Blue Ensign Defaced' could then be flown and many owners applied and began flying this during the phenomenal activities that brought members to Broken Bay, Pittwater and the Hawkesbury at year end:
CHRISTMAS CRUISE. ROYAL MOTOR YACHT CLUB. The Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales will hold another extended ocean, harbour, and river cruise at Christmas-time, during the course of which 250 miles will be covered, and members of the club will participate in three regattas. The organisation of this cruise will be very thorough, as the club has the experience gained in, the successful similar fixture last year as a guide. Members of the parent club and its two branches, Newcastle and Broken Bay, will take part, and a very large fleet should assemble in Broken Bay, where all the boats will meet. The main fleet will assemble in Rose Bay, and sail from there in two divisions on the morning of December 24 for Broken Bay. To facilitate rapid movement the boats which wish to proceed at more than nine miles an hour will sail under the leader-ship of the commodore of the Royal Motor Yacht. Club, Mr. S K Doyle, in Miramar at 6.30 a.m., while the slower division will be led by Mr. A. C. Cooke, commodore of the Broken Bay branch, in the Modwena, an hour later. On arrival in Broken Bay the entire fleet will anchor as far as possible in parallel lines. The Broken Bay branch section of the fleet will joint the main fleet according to special instructions, while the Newcastle branch vessels will take their instructions on joining the fleet from their own commodore, Mr. J. C. Held. Owing to the early hour of departure from Rose Bay it has been arranged that ladies who are participating in the cruise may go overland to Newport, where arrangements for their transport to the Basin will be made.
On December --, B division of the fleet, the slower boats, will leave at 9 a.m. for Wiseman's Ferry, while the faster division will remain at the Basin until 10.30 a.m. before sailing to Join the early starters. Both divisions are scheduled to reach Wiseman's Ferry at 4.30 p.m. They will then anchor near the shore west of the township, as far as possible in straight lines. The Royal Motor Yacht Club's supply vessel will take up a position nearby, and supplies will be available immediately.
During the evening the commodore will entertain the party with motion pictures from the stern of the Mirimar. On Monday, Boxing Day, December 26, the fleet Will move out In midstream, 460 yards from the shore, and anchor at 9 a.m., When members will participate In the Royal Motor Yacht Club's second Hawkesbury regatta.
Those desiring to participate In the various events set down must have their entries in the hands of the race secretaries on or before December 10, The events are Local handicap skiff race; general handicap for locally owned motor boats; handicap for all Speedboats, 12 m.p.h. and over, for the 1927 Wiseman's Cup; outboard Speed boat handicap and open handicap for pulling dinghies. After this an aquaplaning display will be given, followed by "man overboard" race, handicap for all club boats under 12 m.p h .speed boat handicap race, all boats over l8m.p.h., hydroplane handicap speed boat race. In the evening the regatta ball will be held in the Memorial Hail, Windsor.
On Tuesday, December 2-, the fleet will sail in two divisions for the Colo River, anchoring for the night by Reiby Farm. On the following day a dinghy picnic has been arranged to the Upper Colo River, returning in time for the Ball for Wiseman's Ferry at 8 p.m.
On Thursday the fleet will sail for Berowra Creek (30 miles), where the night will be spent. During the evening a further exhibition of moving pictures Will be given from the stern of the Miramar.
Next day all vessels' will leave for Refuge Bay at 10 a.m., where preparatory appointments will be made to be participated in the Pittwater regatta.
On Saturday the fleet will assemble at 8.30a.m. at Scotland Island, and there "dress-ship" preparatory to participating in the Pitt-water regatta programme of six events. After the regatta the fleet will remain at moorings in order to allow all members to attend the Pittwater regatta dinner.
Sunday will be free, and on the following day, Monday, New Year's Day, special racing events of the Broken Bay club branch will be held, in which all club boats are eligible to compete. The events will bo a handicap hydroplane race; cruiser handicap, "B" class; "A" class speed boat handicap for 12 m.p.h., general handicap, all boats; "C" class Speed boat handicap.
On Tuesday, January 3, the fleet will sail for Port Jackson, where vessels will disband off Steel Point, proceeding to their own moorings. MOTORING NEWS CHRISTMAS CRUISE. (1927, December 8).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Panaroma of RMYC on the Hawkesbury from The Australian Motor Boat and Yachting Monthly - February 1, 1928
All this preceded this happy event:

SCENE FROM THE CLUBHOUSE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. NEW CLUBHOUSE OF THE BROKEN BAY BRANCH OF THE ROYAL MOTOR YACHT CLUB. (1928, March 19 - Monday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
The results of the 1928 Motor Boat section of the Pittwater Regatta are filled with the names of boatbuilders, premier racers and their very fast for then cruisers and speedboats:
The motor boating section of the Pittwater Regatta on Saturday comprised of six events, which were run over a course from the clubhouse of the Broken Bay branch of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales to Elvina Bay and back. For the first time, the programme included events for the new outboard motor racing craft, which provided some good sport, and, incidentally, thrills, as two of them capsized and another collided with a piece of driftwood while travelling at a speed of more than 30miles an hour, knocked a hole in her hull, and sank.
The principal events on the programme, the motorboat section of which was controlled by the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, were the outboard motor boat championship of Broken Bay, and the R. Walder speed boat handicap, for boats over 16 miles an hour. Some well known little hydroplanes from Sydney competed in the championship, the winner of which was Mr. E. Williams' Elto III., at an average speed of about 28 miles an hour. It was in this event that Mr. R Smith's Boo Saada, another very well known competitor, sank. Earlier in the day, while competing in the Stuart Doyle handicap, Mr. H. McEvoy's Cettien IV suddenly leaped over the wash of another competitor, dived, and turned a complete somersault, throwing her owner into the water. The third mishap was experienced by Lady Evinrude in the last race of the day, the R. Walder Handicap. Lady Evinrude, when travelling at a good rate of speed, had not completed the first lap when she was observed to swerve suddenly and turn over.
Boo Saada and Lady Evinrude + ? at 1928 Pittwater Regatta. Image No.: 00011534, courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum
The Regatta was attended by the fleet of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, engaged in the annual Christmas cruise, headed by the commodore, Mr. Stuart F. Doyle, in his yacht Circe. The fleet came from the Basin in the morning to attend the regatta, and added to the general brightness by anchoring along the northern shore of Pittwater, the boats being dressed with bunting. Messrs. E. C. Griffith. C. F. Norris, and H. Read, officials of the Royal Motor Yacht Club, took charge of the motorboats events, which resulted:
The W. Herman Slade Handicap (local boats only).Distance. six miles. - Thistle (D. Fraser), handicap,27m 47s (time, 33m 16s), 1; Vulcan (S. E. Green).27m 47s (33m 22s), 2; Miss Newport (E. Figtree), 31 m53s (37m 56s.). 3. Won by 6s -- between second and third.
Stuart F. Doyle Outboard Motor Handicap (all-comers). Distance, six miles.-Elto III. (E. Williams),30s (12m 6s), 1; Lady Evinrude (L. H. Larsen), lm6s (13m 38s). 2: Boo Saada (R. Smith), lm 42s (14m24s). 3. Cettien IV. when going well- capsized. Wonby 56s
The A. C. Cooke Speed Boat Handicap (all-comers),for boats 12 miles an hour and over. Distance, nine miles.-Lady Evinrude (L. H. Larsen), 2m 42s (time19m 12s), 1; Miss Joan (D. S. J. Blumer), lm 57s(18m 46s), 2; Bronzewing (G. K. Snow), Scr. (16m 48s)3; Universal Too (J. Miles), 19m 12s, 4. Won by4s, with 2s between second and third.
Outboard Motor Boat Championship of Broken Bay(all-comers) Distance, six miles.-Elto III. (E.Williams), time, 12m 44s, 1; Strewth (F. H. Sargent),lim 15 2-6s, 2; Lady Evinrude (L. H Larsen), 23m24s. 3. Boo Saada (R. Smith) and Cettien II. (H.McEvoy) also started. Boo Saada, Lady Evinrude and Elto III. set the pace-until the former experienced spark-plug trouble and Boo Saada stove in a plank and sank near the Elvina Bay turn, and Cettien's steering handle came adrift. Won by 2m 31s. .
The E. C. Griffith Motor Boat Handicap (all- corners,7 to 16 miles an hour; distance 9 miles),-Koonva(W. J. (Dalgarno), 30m 18s (09m 29s), 1; Ivanhoe(L. M. Barker), 34m '48s (lh 3m 59s),' 2; Thistle(Dr. Donald Fraser), 22m 48s (62m 7s), 3. Wonby four seconds, with 10 seconds between second and third.
The R Walder Speed Boat Handicap, for boats 14miles an hour and over; distance 12 miles -Bronzewing (G. K. Snow), scr. (17m 8s), 1; Strewth (F.H. Sargent), 3m 80s (41m 21s), 2. MOTOR BOAT SECTION. (1928, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
The next year (1929), Bronzewing, the speed boat not the famous vessel owned by Mr. Hordern in 1904, won the A C Cooke Speed boat handicap:
Gordon K. Snow's speedboat, Bronzewing, claimed much attention in the motor boat races at the annual Pittwater regatta on Saturday, being the only craft to win a double. (1930, January 1). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 16. Retrieved from
Lars Halvorsen has just completed a handsome cruiser for Richard Strelitz, of the R.M.Y.C., which he has named Pollyanna II. She underwent her trials last week and averaged more than 11m.p.h. J. F. Lucas has just completed a 38ft cruiser with lift beam for Mr. F. A. Grayson, of the Broken Bay branch of the R.M.Y.C., and is now working on two 20ft cruisers ordered by Messrs. J. Curtis, of Croydon, and B. Higginbottom, of Ryde. J. Robinson, of Balmain, is working on two new cruisers, one being for the secretary for N.S. Wales Railways, W. Newman, and another for F.A. Homer. They will join the R.M.Y.C. Alexis Albert is to have a new speed boat when he returns from America. It is being built privately at Elizabeth Bay.
THE GALATEA. W. A. Dettman will shortly launch his new cruiser Galatea, which is in the hands of J. Williams and Sons, of Bayview, Pittwater. She is 63ft overall, with a clipper, bow and counter stern. The vessel will have splendid accommodation, with a bridge deck, a promenade deck, 20ft long, and a sun deck. There will be sleeping accommodation for ten. The craft is to be added to the register of the R.M.Y.C. Mr. Dettman has purchased a Spanish bungalow at Salt Pan, and is laying down moorings, not only for his own craft, but also for prospective visitors. Motor Sport and Motoring. (1934, June 7). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved from
S. P. Paull's 38ft cruiser with a 10ft beam is under construction at Gladesville by C. Larsen, she will help to swell the fleet at the Broken Bay branch of the R.M.Y.C. Larsen is also building a craft for Messrs. Edgar Ryes, J. Earl, and G. Bevan. BOAT BUILDING AT ITS BUSIEST. (1934, August 2). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved from
S P Paull's cruiser was named 'Hourglass', sometimes spelt 'Hour Glass - this photo at the 1936 Pittwater Regatta shows him on this vessel (he is the gentleman with the captains cap on). He did quite well in her in races he did enter. Image No.: Hood 13590h, courtesy of the State Library of N.S.W.
BROKEN BAY R.M.Y.C. Messrs. A. D. Walker (commodore),S. E. Blundell. (vice-commodore), R. D. Read (rear-commodore), and W. J. Carrad (hon. secretary) were re-elected to their positions at the annual meeting of the Broken Bay branch of the Royal Motor Yacht Club. The general committee appointed comprises: Messrs. A.E. Flecknol, S. P. Paull, W. P. Renshaw, J. C. Webster. A. G. Wilson, N. D. Smith, and R. S. Penniman, all of whom are boat-owners, while the race committee will consist of W. A. Passau, N. D. Smith, R. S. Pennman, and C. H. Pearce. The season will open on October 6.
El Capitan - 1935 photo.
The wave of activity still washes round the N.S.W. building yards. W. Holmes, at McMahon's Point, Sydney, is finishing two new 40ft bridge-deck cruisers similar to the El Capitan. recently completed on behalf of Claude Daly, of the Port Hacking branch of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of N.S.W. One of these boats is for Melbourne and the other for a well known retired hotel-keeper. Holmes has overhauled H. P. Christmas' palatial cruiser, and has laid down the keel for a 65-ton schooner yacht; and is finalising details of boats for Nick Johnston and N. Hegarty.
Lars Halvorsen (Neutral Bay) has just launched a new bridge-deck cruiser for; W. G. Marshall, a member of the Royal Motor Yacht Club. This craft is a 38footer with a beam of lift Oin, and has been named Sunbeam II. She is having C.L.A.E. marine engines installed. C. A. M. Fisher and Sons, of La Perouse, are building a 38ft coach-house cruiser with a Oft beam, for Mr. Maxwell, of the Sydney Stock Exchange. Huon pine is being used, with spotted gum for the ribs, and ti-tree for stem and stern. W. M. Ford has an order for a yacht of 125 tons, with a length of 110 feet and a beam of 18ft and twin-screw Diesel engines. This boat, when completed, will run into £14,000. J. H. West, of Sailor's Bay, Northbridge, is to remodel F. J. Henkel's speedboat. She will reappear as a bridge deck cruiser and will race with the Australian Motor Yacht Squadron, which has chosen October 0 as its opening day. Richard Smith is the new commodore; Mr. Alick Blackwood vice-commodore, and Mr. J. S. Bruce rear-commodore.
Next week Messrs. G. and H. Solomon, builders, of Newport (Broken Bay) will launch a handsome cruiser for F. M. Keighley, of Cremorne. This craft has a length of' 35ft with lift beam, and will have the latest bridge deck. Huon pine has been used in the hull, with Indian teak for the decking, while the interior has been finished off with Queensland polished maple. The craft will have twin screws and two Universal engines. J. Miles, of Newport, is completing a 31ft raised-deck bridge-type- cruiser of 31ft, a 10ft beam and ,a draught of 2ft10in. Sleeping accommodation for six has been provided and a C.L.A.E. engine is to be installed. A. G. Williams, of Drummoyne, is building a new racing cruiser for C. P. White, while. Miss Joy II, owned by Mr. J. C. Wylie (transferred to the register of the R.M.Y.C.) is at Jack Robinson's yards for an overhaul and the replacement of the old engine with the latest C.L.A.E. Motor Sport and Motoring. (1934, September 13). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from

Big Fields In N.S.W Motor Boating. THE popularity of motor boating In New South Wales was demonstrated on January 12, the opening of the second half of the season, when more than 200 boats, valued at £150,000, competed in events conducted by the Royal Motor Yacht Club at Rose Bay; Broken Bay (R.M.Y.C.), at. Newport; St. George, at. Sans Souci; Australian Motor Yacht Squadron, at Middle Harbor; Georges River; at Como; and Jewfish Bay Club, at West' Como.Twelve of the fastest boats, in the State competed -in the St. George Club's contest for 'C' class speedboats. Thiswas won by. R. Cam's Miss Victory, bya point' from a newcomer to the sport,D. Mclnnes' All Phast, with Charlie Cam's Elsie II third. Miss Victory,when she won the second heat, averaged 34 m.p.h., but only had. half a second to spare from Esperance (A.Cam) with All Phast third. One and a half seconds divided the trio. All Phast averaged 27 m.p.h., and a similar speed was put up by Esperance .R.M.Y.C. .C.- P. White, with his new cruiser, Zelma, won the cruiser race on points,scoring a win and a second place in two starts for 175 points, with E. Benjamin's Vagabond, 150 points, second, and W. D. Lawson's Sylph IXT, 125 points, third. DAY OF CLOSE FINISHES. (1935, January 17). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved from
Mr. Neal Smith, a committeeman of The Royal Motor Yacht Squadron, who visited Windsor during the Christmas and New Year holidays on his boat 'Moonmist,' pays a generous tribute to the Upper Hawkesbury Motor Boat Club. In offering congratulations to the members of that organisation on their efforts to popularise this end of the river, he says he has never had more hospitality shown to him, or more assistance rendered, than was the case during his recent visit to the town, and he intends to bring the club's activities under the notice of the Royal Motor Yacht Squadron. WEEK TO WEEK. (1934, February 2). Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
BROKEN BAY R M Y C. After the commodore Mr A D Walker had taken the salute from a procession of boats including the Sydney fleet which participated in the ocean race from Rose Bay, the season of the Broken Bay branch of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales was declared open. A programme of three races resulted -
Opening Day Handicap, two miles -Vagabond(F Benjamin, RMYC). 1, Peter Pan (G Grimes Broken Bay) 2, Izzard (D MacQueen Broken Bay) Koolaroo (D A Douglas Broken Bay)Myuna (R Grayson. Broken Bay) and Hoona (V Heine, RMYC), dead-heat 3 Won by 1s. Fifteen boats competed and six of them finished within three seconds.
Speedboat Handicap, four miles -Wingo (R T Penniman Broken Bay) 1 Sinabada II (A D Walker, Broken Bay), 2 Moon Mist (N D Smith Broken Bay) 3 Awatea (H Hardie, Broken Bay)4 Won by 2s at 31 miles an hour
Visitors Handicap for Cruise is two miles - Izzard (N V MacQueen Broken Bay), 1 Myrah (B Briscombe, Broken Bay) 2, Myuna (F Grayson, Broken Bay) Constance (A E Flecknoe Broken Bay), and Hoona (V Heine, RMYC)dead-heat 3 Seven started Won by 4s
E C Griffith Trophy, General Handicap two miles -Woonah (R D Read, Broken Bay) 1 ElCapitan (C L Daley Port Hacking), 2, Awatea(H Hardie. Broken Bay), 3, Mayrah (B Briscombe, Broken Bay), Peter Pan (G Grimes, Broken Bay) and Constance (A Friecknoe Broken Bay) dead-heat 4 Twelve started Won by 5s at eight miles an hour. BROKEN BAY R.M.Y.C. (1934, October 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
Commodore Victor Heine, of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, won the ocean race from Rose Bay to Broken Bay last Saturday with his cruiser 'Hoona,' defeating F. Luks' 'Stormbird,' with Dr.Caleb Goode's 'Leisurlea' 3rd. It was reported that Claude Daly, Commodore of the Port Hacking Branch of the R.M.Y.C, owner of 'ElCapitan,' had entered a protest. The grounds were not disclosed. Ike May had a day out with his speedboat, 'G. Whiz,' at the St. George Club, Sans Souci, on Saturday, when he put up the unique performance of winning in three straight heats. He averaged 25 m.p.h.
G Wiz, image No.: 00013073, courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum.
'Sayona' ( J. Sayburn), was runner-up, while 'Endeavor' (T. Richards), and 'Esperance'(A. Cam) tied for third place. 'OurNul' (W. Shevill) captured the cruiser race by a second from E. Goulders 'Rover,' with 'Selvin' (N. Shevill and J. Neilson) third. ANOTHER OUTBOARD FIASCO. (1935, April 18). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 15. Retrieved from
DECLARED NO RACE. THE recent ocean race to Broken Bay, staged by the R.M.Y.C. and which was won by Commodore Victor Heine's 'Hoona' has been declared 'no race ' The decision was the result of a protest entered by Commodore C. L. Daly, of Port Hacking, and the owner of the cruiser 'El Capitan’. Whether it will be re-run is doubtful as the R.M.Y.C. has a big programme to get through before the reason terminates. DECLARED NO RACE. (1935, May 16). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 18. Retrieved from

SACKVILLE'S SUCCESS. SECOND ANNUAL EASTER CRUISE. ROYAL MOTOR YACHT CLUB. BRILLIANT sunshine, a large and representative gathering and thrilling speedboat events were the features of the second annual Easter cruise of the Royal Motor Yacht Club to Sackville on Saturday last at the invitation of the local Motor Boat Club. There must have been 1,000 people present to witness the splendid programme of racing thrills. We understand that the cruisers left Newport in three sections. The Marie Mac, with R.M.Y.C. officials- oa board, left Newporton Thursday direct for Sackville. The first division of the fleet, in charge of Flotilla leader Mr. W. Giles, in Runette, left Newport at 8 p.m. on Thursday, the second division, in charge of Flotilla-leader Rear Commodore Paull in Hour Glass, left the Club House, Newport, at 8 a.m. on Friday. The third division, in charge of Commodore A.D. Walker, in Lolita, left Newport at 11 a.m. on Friday, direct for Lower Portland, where the fleet united on Friday night. The combined fleet, under Commodore Walker, left Lower Portland at 9.20 on Saturday morning for Sackville, arriving at 11 a.m. The arrival of the fleet in the picturesque Sackville Reach was a very spectacular event, and Commodore Walker on arrival fired a salute of eleven guns, which was returned from the saluting base of the Sackville Motor Boat Club. The fleet of cruisers proceeded to the end of Sackville Reach and made a complete turn to port and carried on in line behind Lolita and 'anchored in line behind the Lolita. The sports programme for the day was an exceptionally good one. There were six events and the running was broadcast from an official boat by Mr. K. Mortley and another announcer, the latter on one occasion remarked, 'The chaps up here know more about speed boat racing than any others in the State.' This was certainly a compliment to the locals. The Upper Hawkesbury Motor Boat Club .co-operated in the racing programme, the results of which were as follows: — —First Speed Boat Handicap: Demon 27.5*m.p.h. 1, Gannet 29.75 m.p.h. 2, Invader 24.5 m.p.h. 3. Second Speed Boat Handicap: Archimedes 26 m.p.h. 1, Rapide 20 m.p.h. 2, Invader 25 m.p.h. 3.Third Speed Boat Handicap: Invader 25m.p.h. 1, Nala 20.25 m.p.h. 2, Gannet27.5 m.p.h. 3. '. Four Miles Speed Boat Anniversary Handicap, open to all comers, for the George Bush Trophy: Ike 24.75 m.p.h. 1, Mo 28.75m.p.h. 2, Comet 31.75 m.p.h. 3.First Cruiser Handicap: Wai Jones, Upper Colo, Warragamba 1.1 Second Cruiser Handicap: C. Skidmore G.K. 1.Mr. Nick Collakides, the well-known dispenser of good meals, was operating during the day, and visitors who did not bring their lunch or afternoon tea received the same good service as they obtain at the Blue Bird Cafe at Windsor. Altogether it was a splendid day's sport, and much credit is due to the hon. secretary, Mr. Geo. Turnbull, who saw that all details passed off without a hitch. SACKVILLE'S SUCCESS. (1938, April 22). Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from

Above: Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation Network Conference (taken for radio station 2UW), Miramar MOTOR YACHT 7/1938 Call Number Home and Away – 17392. Below: Pittwater Regatta, 1937, Image No.: hood_16619. Both Courtesy State Library of NSW.

Blue Water Navigation Trial
Saturday 29th March 2014
8am to 11am
Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay extends a hearty invitation to join in and be part of the Blue Water Navigation Trial on Saturday 29th March and the Pittwater Paper Chase on Sunday 30th March 2014. These events are part of the inaugural R-Marine Riley - Pittwater Festival.
The Blue Water Navigation Trial is limited to only 25 competitors, who may use all forms of navigation aids; including electronic chart plotters, radar, depth sounders, speed logs; as well as compass and time keeping instruments to complete the nominated course.
You are encouraged to involve as many of your family and friends as there is no limit to the number of crew you may have aboard. You will be provided with a topographical chart (provides more detail on land based objects for taking bearings) which includes the course clearly marked. Legs of the course for the main part, line up with land based prominent features to aid course navigation. In these instructions you have will also been provided with the waypoint latitude and longitude for the start, each turning point and the finish point. Also provided will be the approximate magnetic bearings and cumulative distance in nautical miles for each course leg. In other words you have all the information to enable you to steer an accurate course and to be on time along the course.
The maximum speed allowed to be declared for this event is 8 knots but please be aware of your wash when passing other boats and you must observe the Roads and Maritime rules for safe navigation at all times. The event which starts in Pittwater travels up to and into the entrance of the Hawkesbury River before returning to back to a finish in Pittwater.
The event will be scored using GPS tracker boxes to be placed on each boat. These boxes are to be promptly returned to the Event Committee at the RMYC immediately after completing the course to allow each boat’s score to be computed. For every second a boat is either early or late at secret check points along the course a penalty point will be incurred. The boat with the least penalty points will win the event and second and third will follow with the next least number of points etc. Great prizes will be awarded to the winning boat and those that run second and third.
Start times will be advised after receipt of all entries on Friday 21st March. The Course Chart and Instructions will be available for pick up after receipt of your entry form from RMYC Reception. Cathy McDonald 99975511. More Details here
Pittwater Paper Chase
Sunday 30th March 2014
12pm to 2pm
Come and join in the fun of the last event of the R-Marine Riley Pittwater Festival.
You are guaranteed a great afternoon on your boat and the beautiful waters of Pittwater. The Paper Chase is a challenge of observation, whereby you follow simple instructions that are provided when you enter, to navigate the course which starts at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay and takes you to various locations around Pittwater. Along the way you will be asked to find the answers to questions that are provided on the questionnaire from things you will see on the way.
You will be asked to find, various locations, names, objects or identifying features on the shoreline or on the water along the course.
Clues might be, a particular house or jetty, a name on a boatshed, or unusual object that is nearby. The clues may be straight forward, or cryptic, or just plain tricky. Clues will be in the order of the key locations that you have to navigate to, so there is no need to back track.
The course takes you from the RMYC across to Scotland Island, then head North to Stokes Point, then to Morning Bay on the western foreshore, then head around Scotland Island towards Bayview and then to the finish off the RMYC. Questionnaires will be marked by completely incorruptible, dedicated, invisible officials of the RMYC!
Allow approximately TWO HOURS on the water to complete the questions.
You are required to be back at the RMYC by 2pm to hand in your completed questionnaire. Time then to relax enjoy some food, refreshments, live entertainment and the presentation of prizes.
Excellent prizes for the most accurate and other novelty prizes to be won. More Details here
An Insight into how many power boats were racing and their racing numbers:
If the animated scene which Rose Bay presented on the occasion of the opening function of the Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales on Saturday afternoon be taken as any criterion, power-boat enthusiasts may entertain little trepidation as to the success of the1913-14 season. So far the Motor Yacht Club is the only body interested. In the sport in local waters, but beyond the stimulus to a undertaking which a little healthy competition Instills, there is small hope of a new power-boating body, If such were established, doing any more than is already done and projected by Commodore Frank Albert and his loyal band of honorary workers, who spend so much of their time and money In furthering the interests of all Sydney marine motorists in general and those of their club members in particular.
There is more trouble lurking around the marine motorist than that which is generally supposed to be contained in the engine-room hatch. There are always, for example, such questions to be considered as the cost of fuel the menace to the hulls and propellers, which the large quantities of derelict timber and rubbish floating In the fairway are mainly responsible, and a dozen other little pinpricks which are caused through the power-boats having to comply with regulations not always to his liking, or, as a matter of fact, to his benefit. All these matters are being gradually taken up and thrashed out by with the executive of the club, in whose experienced and capable hands there is no doubt that the affairs of Its members are well placed.
The prospects of the season's racing are brilliant, but at the same time keen disappointment will be felt at the apparent apathy of the club members towards craft having a high turn of speed. As far as can be gathered the general feeling of members is towards a comfortable seaworthy boat which will enable them to potter about though harbour and engage only, In those competitions and races wherein a great knowledge of the intricacies of marine motors and their "tuning-up" is not required. Power-boat racing In the un-limited class always has been, and always will be, a hobby for the millionaire class, or that section of the community known colloquially as the trade. Moreover, as time progresses and engines become more powerful, and speeds in a degree higher, the cost of the speedster becomes appalling, and beyond winning a championship event, the lightly-constructed shells have little or no further service for their owners. It it is a question of retaining or securing the championship honours of the Commonwealth or Australasia for the State, it would be a far better plan for the club to f finance the building or Importation of a speed-boat rather than, letting the whole weight of the venture devolve on the shoulders of the Individual member. At the present time Mr. Chas. H. Relph's Meteor II. is the only boat on the club register which may be looked upon to give a good account of herself when matched In first-class, company.
Mr. Reg. Holmes has expressed his intention in no half-hearted manner of not taking part In any speed events In the future, and is prepared to dispose of the two flyers, Rainbow and Peerless, which were associated with his name during the last season. Of N.S.W. little or nothing has been heard since the boat was launched 12 . months, ago. Certainly she did not come up to the expectations of her designers and owners! There is then a big drop as far as speed is concerned, to Mr. W. H. Mason's Tu Tu, which was successful in winning the opening race of the seasons handicap event for boats having a speed of 10 miles an hour or more-twice over the Rose Bay course, a distance of eight miles, on Saturday afternoon. At her best, Tu Tu can reach the 21 miles an hour mark, which is Just about half the speed required to hold her own with some of the modern hydroplanes.
Meteor on Sydney Harbour. Image No.: 00011978, courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum.
Although the club is undoubtedly badly off in the matter of speed craft, as far as the cruiser class is concerned it would be hard to find an organisation more replete with vessels of such great variety-or Individual value. The commodore's ocean cruiser Revonah, for example, is perhaps the beau Ideal, and all that a motor boat should be. There is no fitting too lavish for her spacious cabins, and she has no small care bestowed upon her, as ;her glittering deck fit-tings and the spotless paint of her hull bore witness when she proudly escorted the fleet Into the club waters on Saturday afternoon. There are other cruisers too, designed for day, week-end, or ocean work in great variety, and In view of the coming weekends, when these craft will be in evidence about the harbour taking part In the several club races and competitions; it will not, perhaps, be out of place to print their names, some details, of their equipment, and the official numbers under which they will compete during the season; Following is the fleet:-
Revonah (racing number 51), owner Commodore Frank Albert, powered with a 50-h.p. Jersey Standard engine: Cambria (64). Vice-commodore I,. J. Davies, 30-h.p. Smalley and 20-h.p, Ralacoco engines, driving twin-screws; Bell Bird (22), Rear-commodore R. Louat, a 6-h.p. Gibb engine; Wegiheh (17), Mr. Geo. H. Henry, hon. treasurer, 8-h.p. Ferro engine: Alack(27), Mr. W. Chas. Crawford, . 12-h.p. Standard engine: Vao (62); Mr. H. G. Such: Ruri (46). Mr. Frank Saunders, 12-h.p. Union engine; Dora (24),. Mr. F. Butler; Don (6), Mr. C. A. Copeland, 6-h.p. Balaco engine N.T.H. (20), Mr. E. O. Griffith, hon, secretary, 25-h.p. Lackawana engine.
Rooganah (57), Mr. Alvin Taylor, 20-h.p. Atlas engine; Aiglon (45), Mr. R. Lee. a 10-h.p. Italaco engine; Doreda (30), Mr. P. B. Reaney, 30-h.p. Dreadnought engine; Duzgo (28), Mr. Neil Harvey, 15-h.p. Doman , engine; Erindi (8). Mr. E. Mortimer,12-h.p. Scripps engine; Fi Fi (41), Mr. A. E, J. Steel, 6-h.p. Gray engine: Kelvin (47), Mr. P. W.Pearson, 8-h.p. Union engine; Koala. (44),- Mr. S. Black, 8-h.p. Union engine; Lara (63), Mr. B. Gilchrist, Union engine;-Laurel II, (66), G. S.Pursey, 21-h.p. Ferro engine; Lily. (30), Mr. W. F. McAndrew, 20/80-h.p. Smalley engine; Mouette (25),Mr. Alan Holt, 5-h.p. Wagra engine; Maurna (68). Mr. L. Holland, 8-h.p.' Lamb engine; Nerangi (60), Mr. E. Wilks, sch., 30-h.p. American Mercedes engine; Meteor (1). , Mr. Chas. H. Relph, 120-h.p. Daimler engine; Meteor II. (58),. Mr. Chas. H. Relph, 90-h.p. Brazier engine; Oberon II. (65), Mr. H. T. Seymour, 10-h.p. Atlas engine; Ottawa (36), Mr. Ross Brown, 12-h.p. Smalley engine; Peggie: (40), Messrs. H. K. and J. A. Barraclough,12-h.p. Smalley engine: Prodigal (61). Mr. H. H. Hinds, 12-h.p. Max engine, Restless (69), Mr. R. G. Geddes, 18-h.p. Wolverine engine; Samasuka (2), Mr. S. T. Phelps, 12-16 Smalley engine; Signa (42), Mr. Reginald Roberts, 6-h.p, . Loew Victor engine; Sylvia (29), Mr. W. E. Adams, ' twin-cylinder, 6-h.p.smalley engine; Tu Tu (34) Mr. W. H. Mason; 40-h.p.White and Poppe engine, Tom Boy (66), Mr. J. Stavenhagen, 6-h.p. Wolverine engine; Wonga (50),Mr. A. W. Crane, 12-h.p. Standard engine; XQQ-Me(3), Messrs. Alvin W. Taylor and Niel Harvey, 40-h.p. Mutell engine; Za0 (68),'Mr. G. S. Pursey: Wa Wo(48), Mr. R. A. Thompson; . Vaiti (60) Mr. J. T. McCarthy; Ursula (9), Mr. G. L. Corner; Thrasher (49), Mr. J. M. O. Forsayth; Skwert (52). Mr, G. S. Pursey; Baby Revonah (5), Mr. Otto Albert; Nita(19);- Mr. R. Eastway; Mirama (67), Mr. F. G. Shrimpton; Laurel- (54), Mr. G. S. Pursey; Ivanhoe (10), Mr. H. V. Hartley; Failford (48). Mr. H. Breckenridge: Corinna (12),. Mr. G. E. S. Sandeman;- Alice (58), Mr. E. S. Stewart; Istria, Mr. A.C. Harker.
Among the above-named are a dozen or more craft which come well within the category of the ocean-going cruiser class, yet in the past the racing committee has had the utmost difficulty in obtaining the necessary entries for its annual ocean races. For the season these particular events have been deleted from the season's programme and a number of races of the "bang and go back” variety, substituted. Short of speeding, ocean racing is the most exciting phase of the sport, and it seems a pity that these attractive events should have been abandoned especially when the formation of the New South Wales coast offers unequalled opportunities for both long and short distance handicaps.
It was patent at Saturday's' demonstration that no boat or installation was in better trim than that of N.T.B., the cabin-cruiser owned and skilfully manoeuvred as scout by the hon. secretary of the club. Mr. Ernest C. Griffith. How much time Mr. Griffith gives to the club is known only to himself for he is of a retiring disposition, but judging from the success of the several amateur sporting bodies which have been so fortunate as to have the benefit of his services, and also from the present prosperous condition of the Motor Yacht Club, it is obvious that his time is ungrudgingly given, and moreover well-spent. The club members, as has been intimated, are fortunate In the selection their commodore; they are as fortunate In having such hands as Mr. Griffith's at the spade, and the same may be said of the several committees whose efforts are in no small measure reflected by the results. It therefore devolves upon the individual club members to assist these gentlemen In the several honorary . duties, which collective)have as their object the furtherance of the sport and the entertainment of its adherents. In no more acceptable manner may these duties be lightened and made less onerous than by the members bringing their craft along to the club waters on all possible occasions and taking part In the several attractive events arranged with no little labour by the committee.
Saturday's demonstration was most encouraging, and the Motor Yacht Club's opening day will no doubt become one of the most attractive functions seen on the harbour in the twelvemonth. But in order to prevent the objectionable interference of outside craft, which on the last occasion nosed their way into the club lines, and tended to upset the uniformity of the procession, it would seem that it is necessary to call for the assistance, of the water police. Polite hints apparently had little or no effect.
Another Innovation, too, which would be a great assistance to those members who are not too well versed In nautical phraseology would be to have the several evolutions of the day explained in diagrammatic form on the programme. All hesitancy would thereby be eliminated from the movements of the fleet at the moment the signal for the manoeuvre is given from the commodores boat.
Rooganah, the champion ocean-going cruiser, is being refitted by her owner, Mr. Alvin Taylor, for more extensive cruising work. The power plant will be re-installed amid-ships, and two large cabins-one measuring 12ft x ,10ft, and the other 9ft x 10ft, arranged with sleeping accommodation. The mast, or "stick," as it is known in the parlance of the enthusiasts, will be brought further aft and equipped with crosstrees and signal halyards. XQQ-Me, also, is undergoing some alterations, and her installation will shortly include a reverse gear, and a dashboard control arranged on the automobile plan. The Idea of her owners is to convert the craft into a speedy gentleman's 'runabout, much on the same lines as the type of boat which is most popular In America and the Canadian Lakes at the present time, where single-handed craft are the order of the day.
Mr. Reginald Roberts, of the Criterion Theatre, has entered the ranks of the enthusiasts, and has purchased Sigma, a natty little 6 h.p. cabin cruiser, formerly owned by Mr. Reg. Holmes. Mr. Holmes is now building a 26ft craft, on the latest American lines, in which a double cylinder' Loewe-Victor engine of the same class of that found In Sigma will be installed. POWER BOATING. (1913, October 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
MR. FRANK ALBERT. GREAT SPORTING CAREER. Mr. Frank Albert, to whom reference has been made as having occupied several positions as a flag officer of the Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, and as the donor of the different Albert Cups, which have been raced for in motor boat championships, is one of the best-known followers of aquatic sport in Australia. To-day he devotes most of his attention to sailing, being the owner of the great yacht Rawhiti, but he still takes a keen interest in the doings of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, of which he was commodore for about eight years.
Mr. Albert first became actively interested In aquatics
about 27 years ago. His first motor launch was a 16ft launch of striking
appearance, the Gromobol. At that time Mr. Albert states that there were no
more than 12 motor boats in Sydney Harbour, and he used to take more risks with
this little vessel than he would subsequently face with a magnificent motor
yacht, the Revonah, which he subsequently built. This vessel was one of the
most palatial in Port Jackson before the war, and was the outstanding craft at
most of the demonstrations and outings promoted by the Motor Yacht Club. Mr.
Albert exchanged the original Gromobol for a 25-footor of the same name. He
became associated with Mr. E. E. Bayer In1902, and was elected rear commodore of
a sailing club, which had both motor boats and sailing boats on its register.
He became very enthusiastic about sport on the harbour, particularly motor
boating, and built a large craft similar to one owned by the late Mr. S.
Hordern, the Bronzewing, in 1904. This boat, the Boomerang, was well known on
the harbour, and cost about £1200. It had a 20-h.p. Union oil engine. In 1906
Mr. Albert assisted in the formation of the Motor Boat Club, but when he
left on a visit to America sold the Boomerang to Mr. Plunkett. On his return Mr.
Albert bought a 30ft launch, the Fedora, and when the Motor Boat Club came into
existence, was elected rear commodore. After a couple of years' service as
vice-commodore, Mr. Albert retired from taking an active interest in motor
boating, and, with Mr. Sayer, devoted himself to sailing, and they purchased
from Mr. Brockhoff the New Zealand built yacht Rawhiti.
Picture to right: Frank and Alexis Albert, ANMM Image No.: 00024218. Michel François (Frank) Albert (1874-1962). Frank Albert was the son of Jacques Albert, who established one of Australia's oldest music publishing companies, J Albert and Son, in Sydney in 1885. Frank Albert was a yachting enthusiast and participated in many races in Sydney Harbour. He was elected to the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron in 1920 and won many of the opening yacht season honours, racing RAWHITI. His son Alexis also participated, racing NORN.
With Rawhiti, Messrs. Albert and Sayer won the championship of the Prince Alfred Yacht Club for 1909-10, and the blue ribbon the following year. Subsequently they won many important trophies and titles with her including the Basin Cup in 1912. Messrs. Albert and Sayer remodelled Rawhiti, and with the assistance of one of the leading marine architects, Mr. Walter Reeks, redesigned the whole sailing plan as well as rigging. Later, Messrs. Albert and Sayer purchased from Mr. W. M. Marks his yacht. Culwulla II., which they re-named Rawhiti II., and with her they visited Melbourne, but were unsuccessful. On returning to Sydney the plan of the sails of Rawhiti II. was altered by Mr. Reeks, and she won the Northcote Cup.
Mr. Albert was elected commodore of the Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales In 1912, and devoted a great deal of attention to that body. He held the office without a break for the whole duration of the war, and did splendid work, with the assistance of the other flag officers, in many ways, notably in entertaining convalescent soldiers from the military hospitals in Sydney at outings on the harbour and at the club house, Rose Bay. His late son, Otto, and also Alexis Albert, both took much interest In the club, and were regular competitors in handicaps at Rose Bay in a little launch, Baby Revonah, which acted as tender to their father's fine yacht, the Revonah. Mr. Albert has always been a liberal supporter of aquatic sport, and among the trophies he presented to the Motor Boat or Motor Yacht Club were the original Albert Cup for the championship of New South Wales, won outright by Mr. A. H. Davies (Fairbanks),a trophy valued at £52/10/ for the winner of a point score covering the year's races, which was eventually won outright by Mr. J. Spencer Nolan, and the Albert Cup for the championship of the 151 cubic inches piston displacement class, which has been raced for twice, and each time won by Mr. J. Breckenridge's hydroplane, Miss Bree. MR. FRANK ALBERT. (1927, January 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
NEW BOAT SHEDS. Since Mr. Stuart Doyle has been at the head of affairs of the Rose Bay, he has advocated progressive reforms, and has placed the R.M.Y.C. on a firm financial footing. Tomorrow, Mr. Doyle will open the new boat sheds, which cost the club in the vicinity of £8000.00. NEW BOAT SHEDS. (1928, May 4). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 9. Retrieved from
Old Timers Race. There will be a unique attraction on the Sydney Harbour this afternoon, at the third annual ''Old Timers' ' yacht race in the 21ft restricted class, Mady pioneers of the sport., will be participating, particularly men, who made their marks in the deep, heel yachts in the good 'old days,' when ocean racing gripped, more than the harbour events.
MANY notables are competing, including F. S. Adams, who used to delight in racing to Norah Head or down the coast as far as Wollongong ; T.M- Bremner of the Scotia fame; S. M. Dempster, who had many remarkable achievements in the Petrel, and later In the cruiser Stormy Petrel. A. E. ('Doggie') Wallis, who was associated with Dempster for many years, and it is a coincidence that the pair have been drawn to be colleagues in the Nettle to-day. J. St. G. George will be afloat today. He won a championship in the Sydney Amateurs . more than a quarter of a century back, and Walter Dalgarno, who was right-hand man to Walter M. Marks in the palmy days of the Culwullas, hope to win with Nettle.
The crews chosen by ballot for today’s historic event comprise —
Awinya. — T. W. Bremner, E. E, Sayer, F. T. Buchanan, J. Asphops and J. St. George.
Boomerang. — S. D. Wenborn. W. Rayment, R. A. Carter, Andrew Wilson. John Buchanan.
Lourella II.— S. Gilchrist, Oscar Curtis, John Roche, H. Pickering, F; P. Pring.
E.O.J. II — Travers Black, R. L. , Patrick, Richard Old, A. Mould. Roy Walters. Nettle.— O. Meyer, W. J. Dalgarno, Dr. A. R. Marks, W. C: Boesser. W. J. Buchanan
Wattle— F. S. Adams, H. R. Harpur, J. Gosling, A. . E., Wallis. -S. M. Dempster. THE YACHTSMEN. (1925, December 16). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 15. Retrieved from
Watty M. Ford, Walter L. Dendy, and
Walter Dalgarno are keen supporters of the
Sydney Amateur A class cruisers. They are providing the trophies for tomorrow's
race. W. M. Ford was for years with the 18ft class, and owned the Australian,
which won the 18ft championship of the Commonwealth in 1914with Chris Webb at
the helm. Walter Dendy is now the manager of the Port Jackson and Manly
Steamship Co., and a former captain of the S.A.S.C. He has owned and sailed many
a cruiser, but to-day he devotes his time to handicapping. Walter Dalgarno is one of' the
'old timers,' and a member of the committee of the Royal Prince Alfred Club.
THE YACHTSMEN. (1926, February 12). Arrow (Sydney, NSW :
1916 - 1933), p. 16. Retrieved February 14, 2014, from
Walter Dalgarno (right) will organise the yachting and sailing events for the Rose Bay regatta next month. THE YACHTSMEN. (1927, March 11). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 16. Retrieved from
Mr. Dalgarno was for 37 years in the service of the Australian Gaslight Company, and was on long service leave, which commenced early this year. For many years he was a member of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, and the Royal Motor Yacht Club, and since his retirement from active racing had taken a prominent part in the administration of those clubs. He was best known as the forward hand of Culwulla III. (then owned by Mr. W. M. Marks), acting in that capacity when the yacht went to Tasmania, where she won the Bruni Island Cup, and then to Port Phillip, where she won the Sayonara Cup in 1910, and brought it to New South Wales. He also raced in Culwulla II. in Port Phillip in the contest for the Northcote Cup in the six metre class. Later, he was a member of the crew of Culwulla III. when she made the voyage to Brisbane in 49 hours, which has never been equalled by any vessel under sail. During the last few years he has been identified with the Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve.
He is survived by Mrs. Dalgarno. The funeral will leave his late residence, 47 King's-road, Vaucluse, to-day, at 9.45 a.m., for South Head Cemetery. OBITUARY. MR. W. J. DALGARNO. (1933, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from
MR. G. W. WHATMORE. Mr. G. W. Whatmore, the founder
and original hon. secretary of the Motor Boat Club, is said to have something
very sensational building for a racing craft, to his own design. The doings of
that phenomenal little filer, Baby de Dion, will be fresh in our readers' minds,
and the new craft is pronounced to be something of the same style of boat.
She is to be, so rumor says, modelled on the shape of a shark — blunt bows
and a tapering stern. A motor-car trip of Mr. Whatmore's is... MR. G.
W. WHATMORE. (1907, May 8). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939),
p. 6. Retrieved from
MR. G. W. WHATMORE. The remains of Mr. George Willoughby Whatmore, managing director of Queensland Motor Ltd, Whatmore McIntosh Motors, Ltd. and Austin Cars, Ltd., who died In Brisbane on Thursday, will be brought to Sydney to be cremated.
Mr. Whatmore, who was 61 years of age, was a native of Sydney, and was educated at the old Fort Street School. He was a prominent athlete, and look part in several branches of sport. At one time he was amateur champion cyclist. One of his achievements as a cyclist was that he rode from Adelaide to Sydney on one of the old-fashioned high bicycles. He also established the first record from Brisbane to Sydney on a safety bicycle. He won more than 120 prizes for cycling, and represented New South Wales in many cycling events in other States. He attained a very high skill as an oarsman, and won many sculling races. He was a member of the North Shore Rowing Club and the Mercantile Rowing Club.
Yachting was one of his favourite sports and he was an enthusiastic yachtsman up to the time of his death. He founded the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales, then the Sydney Motor Boat Club. A few years ago, with his own boat, Miss Brisbane, he won the championship race for her class on Sydney Harbour. In Stradbroke II., a vessel of 94 feet in length, he owned the largest motor yacht in Australia at the time of his death. He was commodore of the Brisbane Yacht Club.
Mr. Whatmore took an interest in local government matters, and was at different times a member of the Hunter's Hill Council and a member of the Brisbane City Council. On one occasion he contested a Sydney electorate against the late Mr. John Norton. He was also a Shakespearean student and amateur actor, and was a member of the Shakespearean Society in Sydney, and founded the Shakespearean Society in Brisbane. On the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales to Brisbane, Mr. Whatmore arranged the Shakespearean Ball, which the Prince attended.
He leaves a widow and four sons and three daughters. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2.30 from Wood Cofill's parlours, George-street, for the Rookwood Crematorium. OBITUARY. (1929, June 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from
THERE is every indication that cruisers, speedboats, and outboards will not be seen in action at the Centenary Anniversary Regatta, to be held on Sydney Harbor on- January, 26 next. . .
It is contended by many influential members of the Royal Motor Yacht Club and Australian Motor Yacht Squadron that the water at that time of the year between Shark Island and the flagship moored off Cremorne, is too rough, and with hundreds of yachts, skiffs, and other types being, on the course at the same time have interfered with many of the events; in fact several of the boats, particularly. the lighter craft, have been severely damaged during. the fast few years.
POWER-BOAT- men intend to approach the Anniversary Regatta Committee on the subject, and will ask that the motor-boat events be staged on a course to be selected, probably Rose Bay or Middle Harbor, and that the contests be still known as the Anniversary Regatta events. The matter has been given serious thought by the clubs concerned, who point out that by transferring the contests to sheltered waters it will not affect the spectacular side of the big regatta, and will give greater safety. There will be better facilities for the sailing craft, and it is argued -that by shifting the motor-boats to a new course more enthusiasts would be prepared to enter their boats for the various events, as against competing in open, rough water, crowded with all types. The clubs are even prepared to takeover the liability of providing their own prizes.
MR. LIONEL S. DOYLE, secretary of the Australasian Power Boat Association, considers, the idea the only practical way of maintaining interest in the regatta by motor-boat men. In recent years, entries have fallen off to a remarkable degree due to the risk of accident to their boats. Mr. Doyle is of the opinion that the scheme outlined above will meet with unanimous approval of the Sydney clubs, and cooperation was expected from the Broken Bay branch of the Royal Motor Yacht-Club, Port Hacking R.M.Y.C., and St. George. These three clubs will probably be asked to stage ocean races on that day terminating in Rose Bay. MOTOR BOAT OWNERS AND ANNIVERSARY REGATTA. (1935, September 12). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 17. Retrieved from

The 'Macleay,' just completed by Holmes for the N.S.W. Government. Speed Boat Championship of N.S.W. On Saturday. (1935, June 13). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 15. Retrieved from
For Sale: LUXURY Twin Screw Motor Yacht Miramar 75ft x 16ft Hull and machinery in faultless condition 5 2-berth cabins 1 single berth cabin. Self contained crew’s quarters bathroom lounge room gas stove 2 refrigerators lounge settees piano Ready for immediate sea voyage suitable as a luxury cruiser yacht or a commercial Investment. Further particulars of extensive equipment from Miramar Box 2134 G P O or phone LW 1112 or LW1476. Advertising. (1946, November 23). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
Bona - the Cruiser: Bona - The Yacht
LAUNCH OF A MOTOR YACHT. CHRISTENED BY THE PREMIER. At the invitation of the Standard Oil Engine Company, there was a large gathering of gentlemen interested in aquatics yesterday, at the ship building yard of Mr. W. Holmes, M'Mahon's Point, North Sydney, on the occasion of the christening and launching of a beautiful motor yacht, designed and built by Mr. Holmes to the order of Mr. J. E. Chinnery. The craft, which is moulded on graceful lines, measures 50ft overall, with a beam of 10ft and a depth of 4ft 9in, and will draw 4ft of water. The engines are by the New York Standard Oil Engine Company, are of 25 horse-power, and will develop a speed of between 10 and 11knots.
The launching ceremony was performed by the State Premier (Mr. J. H. Carruthers) who, as the vessel left the ways, broke a bottle of champagne over her bows, and christened her "Bona" amidst the cheers of the large number of invited guests, and others attracted to the scene. The Bona, gaily decorated with bunting and with the flag of the P.A.Y.C. flying proudly, took the water like a swan. The party then adjourned to an adjoining shed, where an oyster luncheon was provided, and which was presided over by Mr. P. H. Sullivan, M.L.A. An appropriate toast list was gone through. LAUNCH OF A MOTOR YACHT. (1904, November 11). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from

Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay – Early Motor Boats and Yachts, their Builders and Ocean Races to Broken Bay, the Hawkesbury and Pittwater - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon 2012-2014.