October 20 - 26, 2013: Issue 133
Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay 87th Opening - 2013/14 Boating Season

The Royal Motor Yacht Club - Broken Bay opened their 2013/14 Boating Season yesterday in fine style on Saturday 19th of October, honouring those who have contributed to this fine old Pittwater institution, confirming their place in our community as family friendly and committed to the enjoying the upcoming season on the water.

Left to right (Front): Olivia and James Mason, Spencer, Fraser and Angela Offen all from RMYC - Toronto, (Back): Marc Mason, Rear-Commodore RMYC - Toronto, Rachel Mason, Murray Offen, Vice-Commodore RMYC - Toronto and Jasper Offen. Picture by A J Guesdon.
Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay – 87th Year Opening - the 2013/14 Boating Season
Brilliant sunshine and cooling breezes kept the fleet joining in the Opening of the Royal Motor Yacht Club-Broken Bay Boating Season revelling on the beautiful waters of Pittwater on Saturday 19th of October, 2013.
Director-General ANC, Commodore Geoff Geraghty AM, RANR officially opened the 2013/14 season. During his address Cmdr. Geraghty mentioned Cmdr. Graham Sloper (RAN Rtd.) and the annual Avalon Tattoo while speaking of a new programme for Cadets he has been discussing with the RMYC – Broken Bay. His aim is to create new opportunities for potential Pittwater cadets and empower them not only with life skills but also with the confidence undertaking a cadetship brings.
Federal Member for Mackellar, the Hon. Bronwyn Bishop, recently made a Patron of RMYC, replied on behalf of the club, its Directors and members, thanking Cmdr. Geraghty for his kind words about the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay and for the positivism he is trying to introduce to Pittwater through a cadet programme. Ms. Bishop reiterated the investment the club makes into our community, supporting individuals in their endeavours and aspirations, holding Ladies Luncheons which are a means for raising funds for a long list of charities, creating employment opportunities for our young, as well as being a family orientated club that encourages the next generation to enjoy all being on the water brings. October 19th is Hon. Bronwyn Bishop’s birthday and while accepting a gift from the club remarked that she could not think of a better way to spend it then celebrating the 2013/14 Opening of the Royal Motor Yacht Club Boating Season.
The Blessing of the Fleet was given by Rev. Ric Bollen who first offered a prayer for all firefighters before a recitation of the Sailors Psalm:
Sailor's Paraphrase of the 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my pilot, I shall not drift.
He lighteth me
across the dark waters.
He steereth me in the deep channels.
He keepeth my
He guideth me beneath stars of his holiness for his name's sake.
though I sail 'mid the thunders and tempest of life,
I shall dread no anger,
for thou art with me;
Thy love and thy care, they shelter me.
preparest a harbour for me in the homeland of eternity.
Thou anointest the
waves with oil
My ship rideth calmly.
Surely sunlight and starlight shall
favour me on the voyage I take,
And I will rest in the port of God

Gordon Cockley Director RMYC–Broken Bay, Jim Geddes, RMYC – Broken Bay, Mark Lloyd, Hon. Treasurer/Past Commodore/Life Member RMYC – Broken Bay.

Peter Haig, Commodore RMYC – Broken Bay with Brian Bird, RMYC – Broken Bay Member.

David Rogers, Director RMYC–Broken Bay with Les Spencer, Life Member RMYC –Broken Bay.

Rob Brown, Divisional Development Officer RMYC – Broken Bay with Cr. Jacqui Townsend, Mayor of Pittwater.

Kathy and John Lockwood, Past Commodore/Life Member RMYC- Broken Bay.

Eleanor Swansbra, Life Member RMYC – Broken Bay, June Whittleton, Barbara Walsh.

Chris Perdue, Unit Commander, Marine Rescue Cottage Point and Karen Mutch.

Mark Farrell, Skipper MV Reliance, Trilby and Philip Bond.

Jan Staunton and John McCuaig, Commodore, Middle Harbour Yacht Club.

David Hinton, Past Commodore/Life Member RMYC – Broken Bay, Lesley Hinton, Kerrie Thorp.

Keren Muir-McCarey, Unit Commander Marine Rescue Broken Bay, Liz Muir-McCarey, Karen Perdue, Robyn Mackey.

Chris Lee, Vice Commodore RMYC-Broken Bay, Peg Lubke, Treasurer RMYC-Broken Bay, Bill Lubke, Past Commodore RMYC-Broken Bay.

Karen Baldwin, General Manager RMYC-Broken Bay, John Cameron, Vice Commodore CYCA, Susie and Howard Piggott, Commodore CYCA (Cruising Yacht Club of Australia).

Jeff Lowe, Life Member RMYC-Broken Bay, Paula Lowe, Pat and John Hagley, Life Member RMYC-Broken Bay.

V.I.P. Director-General ANC, Commodore Geoff Geraghty AM, RANR is greeted by RMYC. Cmdr. Geraghty Officially opened the 2013/14 RMYC 87th Boating Season.

Clan MacLeod Pipe Band – Pipe Bands are a tradition for the RMYC –Broken Bay:
Into the moonlight bay at Pittwater on Saturday night, the members of the Royal Motor Yacht Club (Broken Bay branch) consigned a casket bearing the figures 1933, which they had first carried round the ballroom in solemn procession at the club's New Year ball…. into the ballroom, where 350 danced, by Scotch pipers in regalia. Palm Beach Celebrations. (1934, January 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17036804
HIGHLAND PIPERS. More than 300 people will go to the New Year's Eve’s dance held in the Newport, clubhouse of the Broken Bay R.M.Y.C, where Highland pipers will usher in the New Year and dancing will continue until dawn. At Davis Cup. (1953, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18402896

Hon. Bronwyn Bishop smiling as Clan MacLeod play ‘Happy Birthday’ to her.
RMYC Broken Bay - Winners 2013 of Harry Peel Trophy and Rex Marshall Trophy

RMYC winners of Harry Peel Trophy 2013 on ‘Curly’ – Jeff Butcher, Navigation - David Hinton - The Harry Peel Trophy is one of the longest standing nautical traditions and the premiere Power Cruiser Challenge on the coast. Open to all, with Cruisers and offshore capable vessels representing the Royals (the four RMYCs at Toronto, Newport, Rose Bay and Port Hacking) as well as other major Motor Yacht Clubs from up and down the coast, such as the St George Motor Boat Club. The Harry Peel Trophy is a time trial open to anyone with a cruiser class boat not less than 6.5m in length. The trial entrants negotiate a set course starting at RMYC Rose Bay and finishing at RMYC Port Hacking with limited forms of navigation equipment allowed. See HERE

Rex Marshall Trophy.

Harry Peel Trophy.
Boat Parade and Salute - taken aboard MV Silver Ghost

Royal Motor Yacht Club – Broken Bay.
Report and photos by A J Guesdon, 2013.