September 9 - 15, 2012: Issue 75      

Sail Past Salute – Royal Prince Alfred 2012-13 Sailing Season Opening Day, Saturday, 8th of September

SALUTE, (salut, Fr. from saluto, Lat.) a testimony of deference or homage rendered by the ships of one nation to another; or by ships of the same nation to a superior or equal.

This ceremony is variously performed, according to the circumstances, rank, or situation of the parties. It consists in firing a certain number of cannon, or vollies of small arms; in striking the colours or top-sails; or in one or more general shouts of the whole ship's crew, mounted on the masts or rigging for that purpose.

Derived from Thomas Cadell's new corrected edition, London: 1780, page 255, 2004 at: and originally from William Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine;

Images by Michael Mannington and A J Guesdon, 2012.