September 14 - 20, 2014: Issue 180
The Good Ship Packham - Part II

RPAYC and officials aboard the Newcastle at the 1923 Pittwater Regatta - the gentleman third row back, with white collar turned up, is P P Packham. Front row, right, is John Roche. Mr F.J.S. Young is also identifiable, second row centre, white suit. The older gentleman standing in front of the lifeboat, bearded and looking away to the left, is Sydney Harbour identity David Carment. This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William J Hall collection, Object no. 00012208
REGATTA FLAGSHIP AND OFFICIALS. The Newcastle and Hunter River S.S. Co. have placed the S.S. Newcastle at the disposal of the Pittwater Regatta committee for use as a flagship. She will leave Sydney on Friday, December 28 and will return on the following Sunday. Berths may be secured at the company's wharf, covering the three days. The following will act as sailing officials: Starters, Captain S. Spain and W. Douglas ; judge, F. S. Adams: timekeepers, T. S. Mulhall and P. P. Packham; umpire, G. Hawkesley; and record-keeper, W. Maund. THE YACHTSMEN. (1923, December 14). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 7. Retrieved from

A formal group of participating members of the Inter-State Patents Conference including F.F. Turner, the South Australian Commissioner of Patents. Standing (from left) R.K. Oakley (Secretary for Victorian Customs Department), P.P. Packham (NSW's Patents Office), George Townsend (Q. Registrar of Patents). Seated (from left) J.L. Watkins (NSW Parliamentary Draftsman), Acting Judge Neighbour, Vic (Chairman), F.F. Turner (SA Commissioner of Patents), R.M. Johnston (Tas. Commissioner) Image no.:PRG 280-1-4-522, courtesy of State Library of South Australia.
See original at: The Interstate Patents Conference.- The Interstate Patents Conference. (1901, July 4). Table Talk(Melbourne, Vic. : 1885 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from
Our last page dwelling with the Packham brothers, and all the early poets one spent time with during the renascence of Australian Literature that emerged in during the period from 1895 and through to at least 1910, highlighted according to some by the advents of the Dawn and Dusk Club - and its leading to The Supper Club, as well as the reverence and fraternity between all early periodicals and the writers who filled them, is not only a record of great industry producing great wealth to advance the development of ship and yacht building in Australia, during the period when Walter Reeks was claiming Australia, in the design of sleek fleet vessels was twenty years ahead of the rest of the world, it is also a record of how these turn of the century Australian poets, writers, journalists, editors and newspaper owners were enriching Australia and Sydney herself - a passion for one fed a passion for the other and enabled a stll young Australia to stand tall and speak with a voice of her own. There were traces of the irreverence synonymous with Australia still, but like most irreverence, this hid a deeper and always truer pure reverence for all life, for all creations and a silent applause for those who place anything here, on the physical plane, whether it is yacht, poem, a new industry or a company that grants employment, individuality and independence to those who employ or are employed.
Peardon Pearce Packham, as can be seen from the images above, never lost his love of sailing, of Pittwater, and, as described in The Good Ship Packham (Part I), had an innate love of poetry borne of his path trodden from early education until retirement, where his last work was catalouging a library - surrounded by words. In the first part of The Good Ship Packham we listed many of the journalists and editor influences in the writing life of P P Packham - this page shares some others....and a small glimpse of all they gave too.
As he settled into the Autumn of his life he drifted towards the rural setting of his wife, although frequent trips to Sydney mark the records - this time spent on rural holdings in part reflects his wife's heritage and the fact that his sons had chosen this work and lifestyle over that offered in Sydney - even if they did come to the coast for the Sydney Summer. He would have wanted to spend time with them, and not only became involved in rugby, but in some ways may have wanted to make up for time lost with his bride, who always seemed to be heading inland to the family properties with sons Leo and Clive a week or two before Peardon ('Peri' to some) would go sailing - whether to Pittwater or as part of 'the season' races on the harbour.
As the members of the Dawn and Dusk Club began passing away, their funeral services were kept and published and among the literati and society and press members who attended is listed P P Packham, along with George Augustine Taylor before he too passed away.... Bertram Stevens, Victor Daley, Roderic Quinn... all founding members of the Dawn and Dusk Club; these Peardon honoured, their funerals, attended. Some of these are listed in extras below; worth perusing for all the other names there as well.
Despite his rise and position there was in all his dealings a humbleness in keeping with the Dawn and Dusk Club's motto and if he was not one of the 'Casuals Club' (1906), he certainly demonstrated knowledge of its premises in his more sober celebrations of all a literary understanding may bring. :
The 'motto' of the Dawn to Duskers?; "Roost high and crow low."
H C Packham, the youngest son, with refinements of a similar ilk but perhaps a little less given to poetry and the writing of it, although he would use succinct and apt quotes and stanzas at times, would move south to Smithton, near Burnie in Tasmania after the passing of his dear wife, Mary Florence (March 1939), where his only son, Geoffrey 'Brutus', had married a girl from the north of the island. His only daughter, Cecily Florence, also a degree gatherer, would move to be with him and her brother, and pass away quite young, and a year and a half before her father.
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. G. B. Packham invited a number of friends to her home to meet her sister-in-law, Miss Cecily Packham, who, with her father, arrived from Sydney last week to make her home in Smithton. THE WOMEN'S FORUM SOCIAL- DOMESTIC- POLITICAL. (1939, June 27). Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Among Harry's effects to be signed over to his graduating from Sydney University doctor son, was a sailing vessel - and yes, there is every indication that he sailed down south as well - Brutus certainly did too.
AQUATIC CARNIVAL AT SMITHTON There was a large attendance of the aquatic carnival and village fair conducted by the Smithton branch of the Red Cross on the Duck River on Saturday. Every vantage twilit along the course of the sailing events was crowded, the gross returns amounting to £50. In view of the success of the fixture, the committee has decided to repeat it in the near future. The programme comprised 11 events, including sailing, rowing, swimming, high diving, duck bunting, pillow fighting and greasy pole. The cold conditions reducedthe entries in some of the events, but good contests wore provided. The sailing races in particular were popular. Details-Cock of the River for a rooster donated by …Whakanui (G. B. Packham). AQUATIC CARNIVAL AT SMITHTON. (1944, January 18).Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
The difference in the character's of their father's writings were one was given more to technical descriptions of vessels, the other wrapping these in poetical 'white wings' - and this became more marked during the years, making more obvious what melded well together and what stands stark when apart. Although both kept to making a good record of vessels, and who built them, owned them, sailed them, thereby creating and Keeping Australia's maritime traditions, Peardon's do have strains of song that Harry feels his are better without.
In 1916 Harry Cecil Packham opened one of several new articles, a stream of records for which he registered his publishing company, on the glorious early yachts of Sydney Harbour, most of which also sailed to and in Pittwater. One opens with a few telling sentences, and the story behind this premier yacht, is also instrumental in the formation and development of the Prince Alfred Yacht Club prior to the affix of 'Royal':
So much reference has been made in previous articles on old-time sailing in Port Jackson to the famous little yacht Australian, that a column shall now be devoted to her and her achievements alone. The writer was introduced to and first sailed in the Australian in the early eighties, when she belonged to a resident of Pott's Point, and found her moorings in Woolloomooloo Bay, near the yards of old Dan Sheehy, by whom she was built. Her then owner did not race her often, but as he was a man of substance, he kept her more for the pride of possessing her than anything else.
The history of this yacht dates back some 50 odd years. Designed by a genius named Harnett from the section of a mackerel, the Australian had — for, alas ! she is now a thing of the past — a record as a racing yacht that would put that of any modern vessel completely in the shade. It was owing to her peculiar design — both ends (stem and stern)being alike — that Australian was known by some half-dozen names. Appropriate and beautiful as was her real name, some called her the lemonade bottle; some referred to heras the cigar, others as the Beaky, owing to her overhanging ends; but she was called by thosewho knew her best 'The Old Boxer.'
Not the least thing associated with this marvel of Port Jackson was the fact that her keel had been constructed from one of the timbers of the ill-fated ship Dunbar, which was wrecked at The Gap, Sydney Heads, in August,1857.During her long and successful career Australian had numerous owners, but better known and more closely associated with her later years was her skipper, the late Mr. Henry Stevens. No one, perhaps, understood The Old Boxer better than 'Harry Stevens, who time and again sailed her home to victory. Actually on correct measurement she was not more than 4 ½ tons. Her stern-post, had she had one, would have been perpendicular; but her rudder-head came up through a tube from her keel well amidships. In consequence of this, and having no stern-post, she was measured from end to end and rated at 7 tons. This, however, did not prevent her from successfully competing against boats twice her size.
With her tumble home sides and scant freeboard, Australian, but for her after overhang, would have resembled the present-day yacht model. In fact, at a yachting dinner held some years ago, Mr. Walter Reeks, the well-known marine architect of Sydney, stated that he considered that the Australian was 30 years before her time. That gentleman's opinion would seem to be correct, for, but for her counter plan, Sir Thomas Lipton's new challenger strongly resembles the Old' Boxer. One difference, however, between the two boats would be, were Australian with us today, that while Sir Thomas' challenger.- has the advantage of all the latest improvements in regard to construction, Australian was heavily built, and even in her racing days she had iron clamps ,on both sides of her stem. This, as may be assumed, was to prevent her planking from breaking away from her stem. It was under these disadvantages that the old boat raced — aye, and won, too.
On the occasion of her last race it blew hard from the south, and, in consequence, the issue of the race was thought to lie between some of the bigger boats, the 10-tonner Sirocco being a very hot favorite, and this more especially as the yachts had to cross the Heads and the punch up from Manly was not a thing to beheld too lightly. Despite the blow they started off with all sail and topsails set for the run to the Manly mark, and soon after, looking down the harbor from Double Bay, they were lost sight of among the other regatta competitors until the return to the flagship.
‘Say, what boat is that with the broken topmast ?' asked a spectator aboard the flagship.’
''Why, that's 'The Old Boxer,'' -was the reply. And, sure enough, with her topmast gone by the board, the perky little craft was hanging on to the big Sirocco like a mackerel to apiece of berley.
As she swept under the bows of the flagship Georgie Ellis could be seen handling her mainsheet, while owner Carmichael had his course set right on the stern of his rival. The rest of the fleet seemed nowhere. It was clearly evident that the loss of the Boxer's topmast had lightened her top hamper, which proved very beneficial to her on the thrash up from Manly, Speculation ran high as to whether Sirocco would be able to concede Australian her handicap in the short distance to complete the course. But as the breeze still held up and the smoother waters of the -upper harbor suited the Boxer, her 'chance looked very, hopeful, and time proved this to be correct. And once again the Old Boxer put up a fight that was on all fours with many of her previous successes. But it was not known at the time that this was destined to be the last race of the famous old boat. Yes ! soon after Australian met her fate at the hands of the axeman. Within, a short time of this memorable race; in a. trip down the harbor in a southerly blow the good little ship sprung her stem-head, and her owner saw no way of patching up the damage, and so the pride of Australian yachting was flung on the scrap heap. SYDNEY YACHTING MEMORIES.(1916, June 7). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from
The Woolloomooloo Regatta attracted an immense concourse on the two shores of the bay, as well as in the variated crafts that dotted the harbour, propelled hither and thither by the snowy sail, or the oars with harmonious splash and phosphoric sparkle. The sports of the day comprised 16 races and dingy chase — the latter resulting in the capture of the dingy-man, both having to take to the Water. We will only notice the events where celebrities of championship- fame contended. … We should mention that the honour of carrying away the-crack prize of the day fell to the 'Australian,' D. Sheehy, beating the celebrated Ida, and the equally celebrated Mischief, which came in last. CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. (1860, December 29). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 2. Retrieved from
More on the 'Australian' and the PAYC during further Issues. To close this page as we opened, some true words from Mr. Packham, and below some of the gentlemen who also visited our northern beaches, and Pittwater in some cases, who added to and fired their inspirations in our turn of the century literary aspirations of 1890-1910:
Oh, give me a boat with a nut-brown sail,
And a nor-east breeze with the brine in its tail—
Then the white wind-toss'd sea-horses I'll ride,
To the melody of the murm'ring tide.
For the love of the spindrift, and the scent of the sea;
The surge of the ocean, and its mystery;
So let me; a subject of King Neptune be,
And I'll ride his horses for Eternity. .
P. P. Packham.
SAILING SONG. (1934, December 27). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 19. Retrieved from
Victorian telegrams have recently intimated that the Minister for Trade and Customs, Mr. C. C. Kingston, convened a conference of the Commissioners of the state Patent Notices to consider a Federal Patent Bill drafted by Dr. F.L. Watkin, the New South Wales Parliamentary Draftsman. The conference, which was held at the Custom House, Melbourne, was attended by Messrs. G. H. Neighbour (Victoria), chairman, P.P. Packham (New South Wales), G. Townsend. (Queensland), R. M. Johnston (Tasmania); and F. F., Turner (South. Australia), and has now concluded its sittings. The Bill is being kept strictly private, and its actual provisions are not known. The position how is that the sub/committee appointed by the conference, Acting Judge G.H. Neighbour (Victoria),and Mr. G. Townsend, the Queensland Registrar of Patents, are embodying in the Ministerial Bill the suggestions which the interstate conference have made. The Bill will be considered by Cabinet, more particularly as to its form, and it will then be introduced in the business of Parliament. It is proposed that the 'life'' of a complete patent for the - Commonwealth shall be 14years, and that the cost Shall not exceed £13, instead of nearly, £100, as at present. So far as South Australia is concerned, the patent officer as yet has embraced only patent, trade mark, and copyright business, and the only protection of designs has been by copyright registration, so that 'the scope' of protection has been limited. Under the Federal Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act design patents will be granted, which will be secondary patents for subsidiary . inventions. This class, which embraces not merely new inventions, but, novel designs applied to the form of existing wares, has been successful in Great Britain, the United States, and Germany. At present among inventions there are many small ideas, for which it would not be worth while to pay the amount required to take out a full patent in the Commonwealth, but which can be properly protected under a design patent. The term for which these latter are issued is shorter, and the cost will probably not exceed 30s. or £2. The importance of this branch will be recognised when it is remembered that it is largely on this class of registration that many great fortunes have been built up in connection with textile fabrics and small articles of household utility.. A central official registry will doubtless be appointed, with receiving offices in each State. Patent agents in the States will require to be licensed to practise their profession, and also to obtain certificates that they have passed special examinations to prove their qualification for the duties and to protect the public against incapable men. As in England, it will be a penal offence if any one describes himself as a patent agent who is not properly registered as such, and a fine of probably £20 will be enforced. The Colonial Office has asked whether the Commonwealth would introduce and pass three Bills' relating to copyrights, the provisions of which are now in force in Great Britain, and Mr.. Barton has replied that he would be willing to do. so if it were understood .that the Australian Parliament would be free to amend its law as and when it became necessary to do' so. The conditions under the new' patent laws will, it is believed, be' somewhat more rigid than has been the case in some of the States, but, on the other hand, many disabilities, in addition to those regarding fees,' will be removed. In all laws relating to patents it is required that, among other qualifications, in invention to be patentable, must possess that of newness. FEDERAL PATENT BILL. (1901, May 20). The Register(Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 4. Retrieved from
OLD AND ODD. The Dawn and Dusk Club.
Addressing the inaugural meeting of the University Literary Society, on the evening of Monday, June 25, Professor J. Le Gay Brereton recalled memories of similar clubs that had existed in Sydney during the past 30 years. Amongst others he mentioned "the Dawn and Dusk Club."
What a happy, care-free, gay-bohemian crowd were the members of that club; they positively refused to look upon the serious side of life; instead, they wrote, and sketched, and sang with infinite merriment just because they were in love with the joy of living. The club, the idea of which was conceived at the home of the then sub-editor of "the Bulletin," Fred J. Broomfield, was in two divisions. In one were placed the "material," or living, Duskers, and in the other the "spiritual," or departed Duskers. The former included Victor Daley, elected "symposiarch"; Fred Broomfield, "Arch Dusker"; and a number of "Heptarchs," amongst whom were Harry Lawson, short-storyist and versifier; Jim Philp, afterwards commercial-editor of the "Brisbane Courier"; C. Lindsay, journalist; Nelson Illingworth, sculptor; Bert Stephens, after-wards editor of the "Lone Hand" and many other things; Frank Mahony, artist; George Taylor, writer and artist; E. J. (Ned) Brady, poet; William Holman, law monger and afterwards Premier of New South Wales; Tom Roberts, artist; and Randolph Bedford, writer and wanderer.
Shakespeare, Montaigne, Rabelais, Thackeray, Balzac, Tom Hood, Aristophanes, and Raleigh were among the "spiritual" Duskers elected. George A. Taylor tells us that others were nominated, among them Virgil, Dante, Milton, Dr Johnson, Walt. Whitman, Verlaine, Socrates, and Beethoven, but, "though great men, they had not much humour to boast of, hence they were not eligible for membership, though some of the members worked hard to get them elected." Concerning Raleigh, Taylor says that he was "one evening unanimously elected a member, no doubt because of the advertisement he gave the virtues of tobacco, as well as for his gallantry to a well-known lady."
The club had well-defined purposes, its objects being "to promote the good-fellowship of living and departed Duskers, to meet and criticise each other's work with bracing candour, and to chasten each other's conceit by judicious chaffing." Other objects it had which were not so well attained. For instance one was "to establish a society for the erection of ancient ruins in Australia"; another, "to form a fund for the establishment of Australian old masters"; a third, "to establish a branch society for being tired of the newer poets"; and a fourth, "to obtain cash orders for conferring the patronage of the club upon tradesmen with the right to use the name of the club in their advertisements ."
The club also had a motto, attributed to the Bishop of Bath and Wells, which read, "Roost high and crow low." It also had a set of rules, printed in Chinese, which were understood by no one except Heptarch Philp. To him Symposiarch Daley had given power "to interpret the rules when the occasion arose in the way that he deemed most suitable to the emergency."
I don't know whether or not the University Society is modelled along these lines, but, at any rate, if, in years to come, it can look back upon the names of such a crowd of distinguished old members as "the Dawn and Dusk Club" could, if it still existed, it will do well. OLD AND ODD. (1928, July 7). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
LITERARY SOCIETY. FORMED AT THE UNIVERSITY. Addressing the inaugural meeting of the University Literary Society last night, Professor J. Le Gay Brereton recalled memories of many similar clubs that had functioned in Sydney during the past 30 years.
"One of these," he said, "the 'Dawn and Dusk Club," clustered about that lover of smooth verse and beautiful images, Victor Daly, and included in its membership Rod Quinn and Bert Stevens. Another, the 'Boy Authors,' had chief among its members George Lambert, W. B. Beattie, and Arthur Adams. Still later came the now defunct 'Casuals.' "
Speaking of the activities of these groups, Professor Brereton went on to say that out-side the University there was unfortunately no association that provided for writers and other artists the kind of social intercourse which would give incentives to the original worker. "What we want, I suppose," he went on, "'Is a place where we can go when we please with a sure and certain hope of meeting congenial spirits, and where we can talk and listen as we please on the topics that we find of common interest. Your club will fill this want. LITERARY SOCIETY. (1928, June 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
The Dawn and Dusk Club was an Australian bohemian club of writer friends from the late 19th century who met for drinks and camaraderie. Writer Henry Lawson was a prominent member of the club. The club was formed around 1898 in Sydney, Australia by poet Victor Daley. Foundation members of 'the Duskers', a small and exclusive group of friends were Daley, Fred J. Broomfield, James Philp, Herbert Low (journalist), William Bede Melville (a reporter for the Sydney newspaper, The Star), Angus Sinclair (writer), Bertram Stevens and Randolph Bedford. The club met at Broomfield's home on the corner of Ice Road and Great Barcom Street, Darlinghurst, near St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney about September, 1898. Daley was elected 'Symposiarch' of the Duskers andthe seven 'heptarchs' were Lawson, Stevens, Nelson Illingworth, Frank P. Mahony, George Augustine Taylor, Con Lindsay (journalist), and Philp, who drafted the rules. Artist Norman Lindsay was also a member. Truth magazine publisher John Norton called them "a band of boozy, bar-bumming bards". Dawn and Dusk Club. (2013, October 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
'The traffic in George-street was held up while the cortege passed.' —
We buried Henry Lawson just as if he were a king;
With a band, the mounted troopers, motor-hearse and everything
We had dodged him on the Tuesday: he was hard-up, he was dry:
But we stopped the trams on Monday, letting Henry Lawson by.
We packed into St. Andrew's while the solemn anthem rose,
And a richly surpliced parson sobbed and snuffled through his nose.
In his handsome cedar casket, with a pall and flowers on it.
There was poor old Henry Lawson lying, laughing like to split.
Yes! sometimes he was a nuisance: he was deafer than a post,
And since he lost his teeth the point of half his jokes was lost.
He was wasted to a shadow: just the twinkle in his eye:
But it stopped the trams on Monday, letting Henry Lawson by
As if he were an Emperor, they rode him through the town,
We took the tram to Waverley to see them put him down.
While we are, standing yarning, comes a ruffle on the drums,
And the mob all took their hats off as the word passed, 'Here he comes!'
My Henry, O my Henry! since the dawn and dusk club's day:
We have wandered far and often from the straight and narrow way,
And sometimes we were — forgetful — but today my head's held high,
Cause we stopped the trams on Monday, letting Henry Lawson by.
— D. H. SOUTER. LETTING HENRY LAWSON. (1922, September 12). The Sydney Stock and Station Journal (NSW : 1896 - 1924), p. 2. Retrieved from
(By J. G. Davies, Publicity Officer, H. Lawson Society).
Growing older, gradually and gracefully, with the years, but with their enthusiasm as young and unabated as ever, the members of the Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society of Footscray- still remain the driving force in the Commonwealth in the honoring of Australia's writer and poet, Lawson. The eighteenth annual gathering was held in the Footscray Hill Park on Sunday, February 4. For a literary gathering the attendance was fair, and the day fine. Quite a number of leading representatives from other societies were present. Among those to be seen in the crowd were Mr. and Mrs. George Fielding ('The Australian Poetry Lovers' Society'); Miss Margaret Boyd (Hon. Sec. of the Lindsay Gordon Lovers' Society); Miss Kate Baker, O.B.E. (firm friend of all literary societies); Mr. Charles R. Long, of the Gordon Memorial Memorial Committee and the Australian Literature Society; representatives of the Melbourne Burns Club and the Writers' Club; Mr. J. K. Moir(Knight Grand Cheese of the Bread and Cheese Club, together with Mr. Con Lindsay (the acknowledged wit of the same club, and sole survivor of the famous Dawn and Dusk Club). Also a fair number of other Cheesers were there fraternising with Mr. A.H. Chisholm and other well-known journalists. Recitations were given from Lawson. They were all splendidly rendered; they comprised 'Black Bonnet' (Miss E. Callaghan); 'England Yet' (Miss C. Malingren); 'The Star of Australasia' (Mr. P. J. Dearth veteran elocutionist on Lawson gathering programmes) ; 'Peter Anderson and Co' (a spirited and finished rendition by Mr. Edward J. Turner, worthy- scribe of the Bread and Cheese Club); 'Corny Bill' and 'The Shanty on the Rise' (both given by the evergreen Mr. D. J. Ward. The Lord only knows how many times Dave has rcited 'The Shanty on the Rise')! Mr. Steve Ford, last but not least of the elocutionists, responded nobly with 'The Never Never Country.' Addresses were given by the President (Mrs. G. A. Hunter),; Mr. Bernard O'Dowd and Rev. E. J. Durance.
Mr. Bernard O'Dowd, the eminent Australian poet, who has been spoken of as 74 years young and as the Grand Old Man of Australian poetry, paid generous and unselfish tribute to Australian poets and writers, and named an imposing list of them. He said' the soul of a nation was moribund or dead that was not interested in its writers. He appealed to the young people of this land to learn something of the beauty of life, as well as its reality, by reading and feeling poetry, A Footscray clergyman, Rev. E. J.Durance, spoke concisely and well on the subject of 'Literature; and Culture,' dealing with it from various angles. There was no reason why Australia should not have a culture characteristically its own. Humor and sympathy and understanding could well be some of Its attributes. And everyone knew that these were numbered among Lawson's gifts. It was a pleasure for him to be associated that day with them in their honoring of the great Australian by- the society which proudly bore his name.(Applause) During the interval, when a collection was being taken up, Mr. J. C. Davies (Hon. Publicity Officer for the Lawson Society) drew the attention of the gathering to a -proposal brought forward by the Fellowship of Australian Writers to erect an obelisk, by public subscription opposite Lawson's boyhood home at Eurunderee. LAWSON ADMIRERS HONOR THE POET. (1940, February 29).The Grenfell Record and Lachlan District Advertiser (NSW : 1876 - 1951), p. 6. Retrieved from
To Henry Lawson the statement that a prophet is not without honour save in his own country does not apply. During his lifetimehe was, and probably still is, the most widely read writer In Australia. Upon his death he was accorded a State funeral, being the first Australian author to receive one, and a chorus of eulogistic references In the Press and on the platform testified to the appreciation in Which his work was held. A further tribute to his memory has been paid in a symposium, "Henry Lawson-by his Mates," edited by Mrs. Bertha Lawson and Professor J. Le Gay Brereton. This consists of personal reminiscences about him by folk who were brought Into close contact with him at various periods.
Lawson had a genius for friendship, and those who cherish an affectionate esteem for him belong to all classes. The contributors, who number more than forty, range from an earl-Lord Beauchamp, whose admiration for Lawson assumed a practical form-to crafts-men who worked on the Job with him when he was a house-painter at Mt. Victoria and elsewhere. Every phase of his career is dealt with-his boyhood in the Gulgong district, the days when he followed a trade, his experiences in New Zealand, where he was in charge of a Maori school, and in Western Australia, his early struggle to gain a foothold in letters, his wanderings "back of Bourke," his visit to England, his sojourns In Leeton and elsewhere. Lawson was essentially a nomad, and even when prospects were bright, he could never stay long in one place. This restlessness Is one of the reasons why he did not do better for himself from the material standpoint.
In such a compilation as this a certain amount of repetition and difference of opinion are inevitable. To some contributors, for example, Lawson is primarily a poet. Others, in Whom the critical faculty is, perhaps, more developed, consider, rightly we think, that his prose is a far finer achievement than his verse. Outback he ranks par-excellence as a poet, because verse, particularly of the type that he wrote, can be "carried in the head" more easily than prose, and lends Itself to recitation around the campfire. Another divergence of view is In regard to whether Lawson was a genuine bushman or, as one writer puts it, a student of the bush. He himself would, without any hesitation, have described himself as a pukka bushman, and he prided himself on the possession of the accomplishments of one. Yet the ability to bake a palatable damper is said to be an art with which every bushman is conversant, and, on the evidence of Mr. T. D. Mutch and Mr. E. J. Brady, Lawson was wanting in this respect.
But there are other matters in which there is Unanimous agreement. All bear witness to Lawson's sense of mateship-to him the supreme virtue-his broad humanity, his sympathy with the under-dog, his spontaneous generosity, and his boundless faith in Australia's future, qualities which have made his the most authentic literary voice that has yet spoken for Australia. There are glimpses of the "Dawn and Dusk Club," a Jovial fraternity Which flourished in the nineties and the early years of the century when there was a literary and artistic renascence in Australia. Among those who used to attend its merry reunions and whom death has gathered were Victor Daley, Frank Mahony, George Taylor, W. H. Fullwood, Nelson Illingworth, N. J. Gehde, "Hop.," A. J. Daplyn, and others.A number of members still survive, but the passage of the years and the demands of respectability have Imposed upon them more sedate diversions. (Angus and Robertson; price 5/.) CURRENT LITERATURE HENRY LAWSON. (1932, January 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Those who paid their respects to the Dusk and Dawn Club members
Word passed through Sydney on Friday of last week that Australia's sweetest singer, Victor John Daley, was no more. To those who enjoyed his friendship the announcement came as a heavy blow ; to the people who prized his poetic Worth the news was received as a personal bereavement] by all his death was regarded as a national loss. No master of verse in broad Australia has earned greener chaplet than Victor Daley since Henry Kendall was laid to rest.
The deceased had been seriously ill for over a year with phthisis. A change to Orange did him little good. It could have done little good to any man not blessed with any worldly wealth. Still he struggled bravely on with his pen and what consolation a few faithful friends could afford. With many dependent on him the struggle must have been keen. Back to Sydney he came and. fixed his last home at Waitara, where Mrs. Daley and the children nursed him through his long illness, and a few sterling friends did all that thoughtfulness could do to ease his last hours. To Mr. W. J. Spruson, indeed, is due a large measure of thoughtful, kindness which the family received, and to the .proprietors of the 'Bulletin,' who were responsible for the funeral arrangements, a word of appreciation is also due.
Victor Daley died at forty-seven, it may be said in the prime of life, with a intellect still bright in the body wasted by consumption. To the last he gave evidence of that unconquerable spirit of cheerfulness which even in the shadow of death distinguishes the Irish race. And he died with all the consolation of the faith of his fathers. Victor Daley was by common accord Australia's poet laureate, although his robust sense of humour forbade him imagining, save in play, such a heritage in this new land. 'I name you laureate, 'he said, in playful mood, to Roderic Quinn, the day before he died. And then, remembering that another poet was present, he added, 'And if you don't want it Brady can have it.'
Thanking the devout nuns of Waitara, who had been his good angels in his lingering illness, he told them that his soul's preparation for the end was brought about by their kindness. But the good Sisters knew better, and they told him that the end was achieved by the grace of God. 'And are not you the grace of God?' he insisted.
Twas the poet in him that spoke thus. Far back in Irish history the dreams of Victor Daley belonged. Historians tell us that in the ancient days of Eire flourished a class of hereditary bards, poets, story-tellers, and men learned in the script of the time. They were physically men of refined features—a race below the ruling height, small and fine of hand and foot as became their calling. Daley seemed one of those troubadours reincarnated. Indeed, he often classified himself as a descendant of those hereditary men of song and allied art. Always humming a melody, the old music was on his lips as in his ever young-heart — the charmed stiain-,of those bygone days of love and battle. He sang in numbers unsullied by any touch of grossness. His verse was pure and refined. His lighter work, over the signature of 'Creeve Roe,' delighted those gifted with a sense of humour, due appreciation of dainty rhyme, and good-natured irony.
Victor Daley was a lad of twenty when he landed in Australia. His native place was Armagh, where he was born on August 5,1858. There, as in other parts of Ireland, nearly every square foot is historic ground. Every rath ha* its fairy tale, every ruin its thrilling historic memories. Young Daleydrank in these traditions — fairy lore and song and story. — and the old charm and spirit of them scorned to breathe in his after work which smacked of the truest traits in Irish life. Young as ho was when he touched Australian earth his memories were well defined. Few of his age would have stored their minds with a fraction of those rich memories which Daley brought with him to the now land 'from the old. But Victor Daley was no ordinary man. He had that spark of the immortal fire which burns from cradle to grave in the soul of genius. And so it was he sang of 'the' bid dead flowers of bygone ' summers' and 'the old sweet songs,' with* all' 'the to'nder yearning sadness of the transplanted Colt striving to twine the shamrock with the wattle and endow each with the glory' of the other.
He began Australian life as clerk in Adelaide, and to a suburban paper sent his first chirpings. Thus he made known, his aspirations to the public, and thereafter he ventured to Melbourne and Sydney, and laid the readers of Sydney 'Punch,' the 'Freeman,' and the 'Bulletin' under tribute to his talent. In Queanbeyan, whither he went on foot, he met the late John Farrell, and the two kindred souls, destined to brighten Australian literature, helped to illume a local journal with their flashing pens. To the 'Bulletin,' under its then editor, Mr. J. F. Archibald, Daley drifted with his stock of poetic outpourings, and his name became a power in its pages as in those of the 'Freeman's Journal,' and other avenues of publicity. Personally,, Victor Daley was business-like in, manner, full of energy, humorously original in conversation, rich in his mind's treasury of knowledge of the things that matter to the men who do not care for the vanities of the world. He would rather dwell in Bohemia than in any other land.'
As his fellow bard, Roderic Quinn wrote of him on the occasion of the public tribute tendered him at Sydney, he knew that stocks and shares existed, and, perhaps, he knew the price of beef and bread, but he thought there were better things than stocks and shares in the world, and more exalted mind food than the price of bread and meat.
Victor Daley talked with a charm of words and a manner that fascinated. He despised much that the world prized — the sham, the seeming, and the cheap ambitions. Not to gain a world would he surrender his soul of song — at least not to win the moneymaker's world. A routine career only trammelled his mind — he would have none of it. On the occasion of the public tribute tendered to him in Sydney a few years ago, some of his admirers recorded their appreciation in song, prose and picture. The late John Farrell; himself no mean artist in verse, wrote? oi Daley: — ''He has proved himself the ablest verse craftsman of this southern land; of all our poets he is the most delicately fanciful ;and ot all the most beautifully Celtic.'
Roderic Quinn wrote: —
The tears will but unfold it,
And time make fierce its flame ;''
Tis his to; have and hold it —
The scarlet Flower of Fame.
Will H. Ogilvie, the bard of the Bush and the Scottish Border, wrote:-—
The stars are lit;
the shadows lower,
Dream music fills the lilac-bower,
And I would be content, content
With such sweet songs and such gold gloams
Could all my dole of days be spent
In Daley's Land of Dreams.
Constance Clyde, the clever New Zealand writer, contributed her mite, in which she sang: —
Yet still, while other b'ossoms fade,
And other memories pass and die,
Shall Daley's flowers of fantasy.
Bloom in Memory Land for Aye.
Fred J. Broomfield's tribute opened thus: —
Robe-bloom; and azure and a flush of gold,
Swilt vivid light that o'er tho margin gleams ;
A radiant vision of the days of old—
And Daley dreams.
Edward Dyson, the Victorian, poet of the mines, wrote : —
The art so -delicate, so line,
That to the soul each subtle line
Unfolds as daintily as those
Fair petals of the perfect rose?
And so wrote other contemporaries. And that which they have written the- future shall illumine;
The mortal remains of the dead poet were laid to rest at Waverley by the blue Pacific. It is one of the grandest of resting-places for the dead. The band of mourners that followed the hearse from the church looked on the scene with a full sense of its fitness as a last resting-place. And as the mourners looked upon the grave the unspoken feeling was that of which the dead poet himself had written in honour of Kendall : —
Dreamer of dreams, thy songs and dreams are done,
Down where thou sleepest in earth's secret bosom,
There is no sorrow and no joy for thee,
Who can'st not see what stars at eve these be,
Nor evermore at mom the green dawn blossom
Into the golden king-flower of the sun
Across the golden sea.
THE FUNERAL. .On Friday evening the remains were removed from the deceased's late residence, Waitara, to St. Charles's Church, Waverley, where they rested in front of the High Altar surrounded by lighted candles, till the funeral took place. Shortly before 3 o'clock on Saturday the friends of the late poet began to assemble in the church, and whilst waiting for the coffin to be removed to the hearse, Miss May Summerbelle played on the organ 'The Dead March' in 'Saul,' and Mr. J. A. Delany, an old and esteemed friend of Mr. Daley, played Chopin's 'Funeral March.' 'The Dead March' from Mendelssohn's 'Songs Without Words,' and 'the Dead March' in' Saul.'
The ceremony in the church was conducted by the Very Rev. Father Begley, O.F.M., Commissary-Provincial of the Franciscans, who gave the last Absolution. As the remains were being taken to the hearse, Miss Tracey played 'The Dead March' in 'Saul.'
The literary and artistic friends as well as admirers of the sweet singer turned up in good force. Over one hundred marched after the coffin. The coffin was of polished cedar, with silver mountings, and was covered with beautiful wreaths sent by 'Olive,' 'With deepest sympathy,' Mrs. Espinasse ; a pretty design from Miss May Summerbelle, with a card bearing the following verse: —'Immortelles for thy crown, Earth mourns thy loss. Mute now thy sweet voice lyre, What earth has lost Heaven gains in her celestial choir.'
A beautiful laurel wreath, and on the attached card were the words: 'He also dwelt in sorrow for song's sake.' From one who loved his song. From Thudy, Maggie, and Ella Gormly. 'With deep and loving sympathy. B. Lawson, with sincere sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison; Claude and Keane Martin; Dr. MacCarthy; Nelson Illingworth ; and a magnificent design in the form of a large harp, to which was attached a pretty laurel wreath, and a large heart formed of red carnations. The outline of the harp was covered with green and white satin on which were shamrocks and beautiful asparagus trailings, the base being composed of white flowers. The whole was symbolical of the harp of Erin, the laurel wreath of the poet, and the generous large heart of the deceased. Attached to the design was a white satin ribbon, on which was inscribed .' in gold letters, VICTOR, In Verse, In Life, In Song.
This was 'From some lovers of Victor Daley, and some admirers of Australian verses.1'
The tribute attracted a great deal of admiration, and reflected the greatest possible credit on Miss Goodenough, the well-known florist of King-street, who made it. Another beautiful wreath was sent by Miss Muriel Hinton, 'with 'Tackra's' love to the best of comrades, V. J. D. I cannot write a verse, to you while my 'heart beats slow with sympathy.'
The chief mourners were: J. W. and Xavier Daley (sons), and Eileen (daughter). Amongst others present were Messrs. W. J. Spruson,Roderic Quinn, Rev. N. J. Cocks, J. A. Delany, J. Gormly, W. Macleod(Manager 'Bulletin''), A. G. Stephens ('Bulletin'), Henry Lawson, J. Le Gay Brereton, E. J. Brady, B. Stevens, J. Blakeney ('Freeman's Journal'), Rev. J. Milne Curran, Fred J. Broomfield, Mrs. Bloomfield, W. T. Goodge, Captain A. S. Hughes; C. V. Hynes ('Freeman's Journal'), H. Lantond ('The Worker'),W. B. Melville ('North Sydney News'), A. A. D. Bayldon, L. FoIey, W. J. Hegarty('North Sydney News'), E. Lewis Scott, W.R. Rogers, E. M'C. S. Hill (President Australian Amateur Press Association), M. C. Brennan, P. J. M'Mahon, P. J. Gandon, N. J. Bsirnott- J. Moehan, M.L.A., Greenless,W. J. O'Neill ('Daily Telegraph'), W. R. Winspear, T. J. Holland ('Daily Telegraph'),J. A. Dobbie, J. B. Frawley, J. J. Quinn, H. Hall ('Evening News'), N. Illingsworth,W. J. Fallon, H. Hourigan, C. Smith, J. S. Ryan ('News Letter'), P. B. Bourke, W. D. Benjamin, W. Mailer, T. O'Dea, T. W. :M'Mahon, W. H. Gocher, A. Montgomery, R.Roberts, J. S. Lyon, Captain M'Laughlin, IC. Smith, Dan Green, P. P. Packham, J. H.Jenkins, H. Weston, John Barlow, Miss Muriel Hinton ('Tackra'), Miss May Summerbelle, W. J. Bradley, S. Gormly, M.J. Dunphy,Captain Ain, W. H. Williams, W. Neilon, T. Quealey, — Ford, Miss Rena Wallace, Mrs. Rhys Davies, and Mr. J. W. R. Clarke.
Mr. P. E. Quinn, who had to leave for New Zealand on Saturday morning, expressed regret at being unable to attend the funeral.
When Henry Clarence Kendall was buried in the Waverley cemetery in 1882, Victor Daley, who was one of the very few faithful friends who stood around the grave, remarked, 'I should like to pick a grave' in this place. I hope they will bring me here to listen to a song of the sea, when my time comes.'
The poet's wish has been fulfilled. His remains were interred in the Catholic portion of the Waverley cemetery just overlooking the blue Pacific, and within roar of the surf as it breaks on the shore, (surely an ideal spot for the last resting-place of Australia's sweetest and most beloved singer. The large concourse stood reverently with bared heads around the grave, and listened to the beautiful words of hope and consolation contained in the burial prayers read by Father Begley.
The funeral arrangements were carried out by, Mr. W. N. Bull. It may be mentioned that the cartoon in the Christmas 'Bulletin' parodying the Crucifixion, and which accompanied some verse by Daley was strongly disapproved of by him. The irreverent character of the drawing angered him very much. The devotedness of the Sisters of Waitara Foundling Home, to the dying poet cannot be too highly spoken of. As to the memorial meeting our readers' attention is directed to the announcement of the meeting of sympathisers. The Late Victor J. Daley. .(1906, January 6). Freeman's Journal(Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 13. Retrieved from
A large gathering of mourners yesterday attended the funeral of Mr. Bertram Stevens, which took place at South Head Cemetery. The service of the Church of England was read by the Rev. J. H. Cherry, of Watson's Bay. Many beautiful wreaths were laid upon the grave.
The Vicar-General (the Ven. Archdeacon G.D'Arcy-Irvine), in the course of an address, said:—"We meet to-day at the graveside of one whose name will be remembered for years to come in Australia and beyond her borders. He was one whose heart was very large—always ready to help young writers forward along a path where setbacks are many and along which there are always some ready to frown. Our friend, on the contrary, always offered the beginner his helpful aid, and readily assisted the development of merit. Others know even better than I the great personal interest he took in this giving of encouragement to young writers. Indeed, he belonged to all, and will continue to belong to Australia. And now he has passed, leaving, as we believe, an imperishable name in the history of our young country."
Bertram Stevens, 1922 - by Sir Lionel Lindsay, image No.: nla.pic-an10695415, courtesy National Library of Australia.
Among the mourners were the three brothers of Mr. Stevens, and his two sons (Garnet and Brian), Messrs. S. Ure Smith, Harry Julius, Albert Collins, Henry Lawson, J. Abbott, Roderick Quinn, Louis Stone, Greegan McMahon, Frank Weston, Will Ashton, A. G. Stephens, Martin Stainforth, G. Taylor, Dowell O'Reilly, Arthur Adams, T. R. Bavin, M.L.A.,H. S. Nicholas, John and Will Dalley, Rod. Thomas, Norman Carter, Percy Lindsay, John D. Moore, Les Robinson, W. J. Richards, J.O'Brien, W. R. Charlton, Ernest Blackwell, Frank Jones, Ernest O'Farrell, H. B. Bignold, Leon Gellert, C. Lloyd Jones, J. L. Forsyth, H. Daniel, E. J. Hyde, G. Dwyer, R. T. Hilder, Claude McKay, T. L. Kenway, Eric Birks, John Lane Mullins, M.L.C., Arthur Jones, J. Tyrrell, Camden Morrisby, G. H. Godsell, Arthur McQuitty, Ken. Austin, D. H. Soutar, S. Burton, F. H. Day, Frank Wilkinson, G. V. F.Mann, Ernest Watt, H. W. Hemsworth, J. N. Bell, W. S. Grubb, Harry Palmer, J. F. Clack, G. H. Patterson, P. P. Packham, T. J. Houghton, and W. O. Richards. The council of the New South Wales Institute of Journalists, of which Mr. Stevens was a vice-president, was represented by Mr. D. J. Stewart. THE LATE MR. STEVENS. (1922, February 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Bertram William Mathyson Francis Stevens (8 October 1872 – 14 February 1922) was Australian journal editor (Single Tax; Native Companion; Art in Australia; Lone Hand) literary and art critic, anthologist (An Anthology of Australian Verse [which contained five poems by Henry Lawson]; The Golden Treasury of Australian Verse).
Stevens was born at Inverell, New South Wales, the eldest child of William Mathison Stevens and his wife Marian, née Cafe, from Queanbeyan. By 1882 Stevens moved with his family to Newtown, Sydney where he was educated at public schools. Stevens was an avid reader and developed a wide knowledge and culture. In 1895 he began a fifteen-year period as a solicitor's clerk and it was intended that he should study law. During this time Stevens worked as a freelance journalist, coming into contact with a number of literary figures, he edited My Sundowner and other Poems (1904) by John Farrell with a memoir. Stevens prepared An Anthology of Australian Verse(1906), in which he was hampered by copyright restrictions, but he had a much freer hand in The Golden Treasury of Australian Verse(1909), the first anthology of Australasian verse of any importance. In the same year he had the difficult task of succeeding Alfred Stephens as editor of the 'Red Page' of The Bulletin. David Scott Mitchell gave him access to his library of Australiana.
At the end of 1911 Stevens became editor of the Lone Hand and conducted this journal for seven years. In 1916 Stevens was one of the founders and joint-editor (with Sydney Ure Smith) of Art in Australia until his death. He also did literary criticism for the The Sydney Mailand other journals, published editions of Australian poets, prepared other anthologies, and edited books on leading Australian artists. Much of his literary work is listed in Serle's Bibliography of Australasian Poetry and Verse and Miller's Australian Literature.
Stevens campaigned for the land policies of Henry George, temporarily winning Henry Lawson to the cause. He was a founding member of the Dawn and Dusk Club in 1899 and of the Casuals Club in 1906. Stevens was deeply involved with attempts at rehabilitating Henry Lawson at Yanco, New South Wales and Edwin Brady's property at Mallacoota, Victoria.
Stevens died suddenly of cerebral haemorrhage and chronic nephritis at Sydney, on 14 February 1922. He left a widow, two sons and a daughter. Henry Lawson wrote a warm confessional tribute in The Bulletin. At the time of his death he was vice-president of the New South Wales Institute of Journalists. He had been preparing A History of Australian Literature for some years before his death, but this was never published.
Bertram Stevens (critic). (2012, December 26). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
CON LINDSAY, who died at Melbourne on May 25, aged 76, was not a one-part -actor in life's drama. Much of his activities were devoted to politics and newspaper work in its different brandies. He was a ready speaker and a convincing writer. When in company with E. J. Brady, W. G.Higgs, the late W. H. McNamara and a few others, he was prominent in the Australian Socialist League,' Sydney, which existed before the establishment of the real Labor Party, Con was a delegate on the Sydney Trades and Labor Council during the historic Maritime strike of 1890. In 1891he stood for Molong, - country electorate, which did not then realise the significance of the difference between Capitalism and Labor, as a Labor candidate. That was the year that Labor first asserted itself as a potent Parliamentary factor in the State. Although he was defeated, he put up a good fight. Journalism engaged Mr. Lindsay's attention for over fifty years in New South Wales, Victoria and New Zealand. He was the last surviving member of the literary and Bohemian Dawn and Dusk- Club, Sydney, of the nineties of the last century. His old friend and club colleague, Fred. J. Broomfield, predeceased him by two days. Con was a member of the emphatically Australian Bread and Cheese Club. He maintained his mental alertness and customary energy until he was stricken with a long illness which began about six months ago. His entertaining qualities always made him welcome in any gathering that he joined. Con Lindsay's exit from this world will be regretted by many. N. G. RANKIN. VICTORIAN NEWS. (1941, June 4). The Australian Worker(Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1950), p. 10. Retrieved from
FUNERAL OF BALLADIST- Roderic Quinn Buried
The funeral of Mr. Roderic Quinn, one of the last of the Australian bush-balladists, took place at Waverley Cemetery yesterday. He died on Monday, aged 79.Friends laid his walking-slick and a sprig of gum-tips on his grave. Mr. Quinn was a close friend of Henry Lawson, Will Ogilvie, E. J. Brady, and "Banjo" Paterson, who led the school of ballad poetry in Sydney in the 1890's. Will Ogilvie, who is in Scotland, and E. J. Brady, now living in Victoria, are the only survivors of the group. The Roman Catholic Vicar General of Sydney, Monsignor R. Collender, celebrated Requiem Mass at the Holy Cross Church, Woollahra. The Mass was attended by many of Sydney's best known artists and authors. The Minister for Local Government, Mr. J. J. Cahill, and the Minister for Conservation, Mr. G. Weir, represented the State Government. The chief mourners were fourof Mr. Quinn's nieces. FUNERAL OF BALLADIST. (1949, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from

No more will Rod his lyrics sing,
As tuneful as the thrush when Spring
With minstrel voice is calling;
As joyous as the gentle chime
Of bellbirds in the Summertime
From sylvan spires down-falling.
The harp is mute from which he drew
The magic of a music new
Of woods and golden beaches;
Its silent strings tell ne'er again
Enraptured tales of hill and plain
And gleaming river reaches.
But this fair land shall ever be
Indebted to his minstrelsy,
So, written on the portal
Of Art's proud temple, will his name
Go down forevermore in fame
Untarnished and immortal.
Roderic Quinn. (1949, October 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
The funeral of the late Mr. Frank Bennett, one of the proprietors of the 'Evening News' and the 'Town and Country Journal,'who died at his residence, 'Fernleigh,' Rose Bay, on Sunday morning; took place on Monday afternoon, the large attendance testifying to the general respect and esteem in which the deceased gentleman was held by a considerable section of the community. The remains were encased in a polished cedar casket, richly embellished with heavy silver mountings, the breast-plate bearing the following inscription: 'Frank Bennett. Died Oct. 27,-1901. Aged, 48 years.' Before the remains were placed in the hearse, the Rev. G. E.G. Stiles conducted the first portion of the burial service according to the rites of the Church of England, the drawing-room being crowded with mourners. The cortege left 'Fernleigh' about 3 o'clock, proceeding to the Waverley Cemetery, in the Church of England portion of which the remains were laid to rest, beside those of the deceased's eldest son (Sydney), who died only recently. The chief mourners were: Master George Bennett (son of the deceased), Messrs. Samuel Bennett(nephew), Richard Burnett, James Burnett, Vivian Bennett, Stanmore Bailey, and Frank Bennett Bailey (cousins). Mr. Chris Bennett, brother of the deceased, who was cabled for to England when 'Mr. Frank first took ill, arrived at Adelaide in the R.M.S. Ociana on Monday morning, and is due in Sydney tomorrow. Among those who followed the remains to their last resting place were Mr. . A. Butterworth(business manager of the 'Evening News' and 'Town and Country Journal,' representing Mr. Chris Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. J. Henniker Heaton), Mr. C. E. Defcker (editor), Mr. J. M. Perrier (of the editorial staff), Messrs. W. F. L. Bailey (sub-editor), F. Underwood, C. W. Smith, F. Koerner, F. Williams, T. M. De Warre, H. J.Hall, F. Goodwin, T. W. Spencer, D. W. O'Sullivan, G. L- Dwyer, J. W. Long, C Bailey, J. S. Hall, G. Hawksley. G. Wright, W. Hands (of the literary staff of the 'Evening News'), Messrs. W. Jettery (editor), E. J. Dempsey (sub-editor), J. Harold, F. Turner, W. Mitchell, G. A. Hills, T.Gleason, F. Wilkinson, and A. J. Plummer (of the 'Town and Country Journal' staff), Messrs.E. Plummer (accountant), W. Waller, C. High John Hayes, G. Bray, R. J. Weston, R. S. Reid,T. Smith, F. A. Kirkwood, F. J. Hooke, J. Ackroyd, E. Ward, E. Selby, G. H. Scarr, M. K.Ariel, W. Wilding, and J. 'Watson (of the commercial department), Mr. J. T. Anderson (foreman) and J. Cochran (assistant foreman), of the printing department; . Mr. A. Evans(publishing department), Messrs. B. Lincoln, W.Carthew. and J. Caffyn (of the machinery department), Messrs. William, Davll, and Alexander Walter, E. Llewellyn, R. Prevost, C. Moescfa,F. Hillyar, C. S. Summers, A. Tertius Holdsworth, O. H. Lewis, F. H. Norrie. C. C. Nelson, Mr. &. H. Reid, M.P., Mr. Critchett Walker fPrinninal ITndpr Secretary, representing the Premier and Colonial Secretary), Mr. Eugene Croft, Mr. W. Franks(representing Alexander Cowac and Sons), Mr. John Taylor, Mr. Kelso King, Mr. F. Penny, Mr.Hosuer M.L.A., Dr. Ross, M.L.A., Captain Bremer, Mr. H. Chipman; Mr. W. J. Moxham, Dr.Todd, Messrs. W. H. Pigott, M.L.C., R. G. Pigott, and J. Stinson (solicitors to the proprietors of the 'Evening News' and 'Town and Country Journal') Messrs. C. B. Fairfax and S. Cook (manager), of the 'Sydney Morning Herald;' Messrs. Watkin Wynne' (manager), and J. Randal Carey (director), of 'the 'Daily Telegraph' T'-wspaper Company; Messrs. J. M. Sanders (managing editor),M. M'Mahon (editorial staff), R. W. Tate, andA. J. Gumming, of the 'Australian Star;' Dr.F. A. Bennett, Mr. W. F. Latimer, M.L..A., Mr,C. Dcrhauer; Messrs. F. Adams (general manager), H. Webster (manager), Newton Dewhurst, and W. C. Heron, of the A.J.S. Bank; Mr. F. W. Dorhauer, Mr. 7orsyth, Mr. E. H.Brady, Mi-. W. C. Penfold, Mr. W. Henderson, Mr. David Fletcher, Mr. F. M'Donald,Mr. W. J. Adams, Mr. M. Mahony, Mr.W. Andrews, Mr. H. R. Way, Mr. J. Laing,Mr. John Sands. Mr. C. H. Pearson, Mr. James Powell (ex-Collector of Customs), Mr. John Plummer, the Rev. F. Firth, Mr. R. R. B. Parry,Mr. F. T. Wimble, Mr. J. H. Davies, Mr. J. . T. Davenport, Mr. W. Ridley (Deputy Registrar-General), Mr. Thomas F. Thompson, Mr. Henry Moses, junior, Mr. Eben MacDonald, Mr. E. C. Amsinck, Mr. A. H. H: Aldworth. Mr. James Hobson ('North Shore and Manly Times'), Mr. E. Lewis Scott (Sydney representative of 'The Era'), Mr. R. T. Robinson, Mr. J.Ellis Gowing, and A. Thompson. The service at the grave was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Stiles. Very many floral tributes, with sympathetic messages, were forwarded, a special carriage being needed to convey them to the grave side. THE LATE MR. FRANK BENNETT. (1901, October 29). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from

AUSTRALIAN II or AUSTRALIAN III (?) , under sail on Sydney Harbour - This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William Hall collection - Object number 00010544