June 21 - 27, 2015: Issue 219
The Tasmanian Countess and Marquise of Scotland Island

The Tasmanian Marquise of Scotland Island
Glasgow Park, now called Elizabeth Park, is a 6.8ha bushland Reserve covering the apex of Scotland Island in Pittwater. It was dedicated in June 1924 by and through the Estate of the Marquise de Ruvigny, a Tasmanian born lady.
Previously insights on the correlation between Tasmania and Pittwater show close they are in beauty and nature, so much so that many Tasmanians, in coming north, will settle in Pittwater and feel ‘at home’.
The other aspect is some Pittwater built ships and boats end up in Tasmania, the Geordy for example, launched from Scotland Island, which was bought by a Tasmanian legend and, apart from plying her trade up and down the coast to and from the colonies of Sydney and Hobart, also sailed to New Norfolk on the Derwent when that place, alike Pittwater, was considered the second premier settlement of these young enterprises. There are also many Tasmanian ships and yachts that have ended up on Pittwater. Another similarity is how many Tasmanians of Scotch heritage have contributed to and built up Pittwater, the New South Wales Pittwater, not the Tasmanian version, and how bent on establishing a voice for all and independent thought and living they too were.
Scottish and French heritage, places of insurrection as well as places that either had revolutions, or called for independence (Scotland 1888), and have maintained a stance to such since, are interconnected. While researching who built the early ships in Pittwater, and where they went to, this strong connection surfaced once again in a fine example as this time it turns out that a lady, a Tasmanian of Scotch heritage, and one who eventually built grand enterprises, then moved mountains on Australian and International stages, was also one who owned Scotland Island, Pittwater, at a time when it was quite unheard of for a mother, and wife, to be in business or to demonstrate the unfashionable attribute of having a brain as well as a heart.
There is one of Australia’s premier grazier families, the building of a before its time ‘hotel’ with a rooftop community garden, some heartache, tragedy, romance and both French and Swedish aristocracy mixed in with the saving of Chile by her astute investing and the establishing of the Free Church of Scotland in this one time owner of Scotland Island …And all from a wee lass of Tasmanian ilk who also had a love for Scotland the Brave Island of Pittwater.
There are a few coincidences here too - the gentleman who inherited Scotland Island from his father and this lady's family, both moved from Hobart to Launceston, and would certainly have known each other.
Mary Helen McMillan was born January 4th, 1857 to James Coutts Mcmillan and Mary (nee Overall). Her father was a draper, originally from Airntully in Scotland, a village known for 'Airntully, Perthshire, Scotland. Airntully in 1846. Airntully, or Arntully, a village, in the parish of Kinclaven, county of Perth, 8 miles (N.) from Perth; containing 159 inhabitants. This place, of which the houses are scattered in every direction, was of greater extent than it is at present; and though it has, of late years, considerably decreased in size and population, it still exhibits a striking picture of the ancient villages of the kingdom. It is now chiefly inhabited by weavers for the linen manufacturers of Cupar-Angus, Blairgowrie, and Newburgh; and attached to each of their cottages, is a portion of land sufficient to maintain a cow, and to yield meal and potatoes for the supply of their families.'
TO be LET or SOLD, an excellent new HOUSE, very eligibly situate in the best Part of Clarence- street, containing every Accommodation for a respectable Family, with a large Garden and other Conveniences - It will be Let to a good Tenant on very advantageous Terms. - As also several other Houses in that Neighbourhood. - Also, that desirable Farm, called SCOTLAND ISLAND, situate at the Head of Pitt Water, containing about 150 Acres of excellent Land, with a large House, Buildings, and Salt Works: which, for the Accommodation of a good Tenant, will be put into perfect Repair; and a Lease granted for such Period as may be agreed upon. - Apply to the Proprietor, Mr. R. L. MURRAY, Sydney. Classified Advertising. (1819, June 5). The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article2178734
Robert Lathrop Murray moved to Tasmania and became involved in local press there, his campaigns amounting to a fight for free speech in some instances. His eldest son, D'Arcy, who became a member of parliament, also undertook a similar role, and was based at Launceston with metres of the McMillan/Overall Drapery business set up there, but it does not appear that Scotland Island came into the McMillan family at this time.
The McMillans also moved from Hobart to Launceston, setting up a new Drapers business there. James McMillan, after writing a Will leaving his assets to his wife and in trust for his daughters, was one of the 220 souls 'Lost At Sea on "London" in Bay of Biscay' on January 11th, 1866. It may be he as on a buying trip when this occurred.
NOTICE. From and after the 1st proximo, this journal will be conducted by the undersigned, under the style and firm of Goodwin and Murray, Proprietors, the immediate management thereof, devolving upon Mr. D W. L. Murray.W. L. GOODWIN. D'ARCY W, L. MURRAY. Office of the Cornwall Chronicle, March 17th, 1860.NOTICE TO THE AGENTS OF THE CORN-WALL CHRONICLE. — Agents are particularly requested to furnish this Office with a list of Subscribers in their respective districts, and also, with an account of monies received by them. It will be understood that these statements are absolutely essential to the correct delivery of accounts from this Office. Office of Cornwall Chronicle,19th March, 1860. Family Notices. (1860, March 24). The Cornwall Chronicle(Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article65988294
J C McMillan – Electing first parliament of Tasmania: Advertising. (1856, April 4). Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8781625
W. A. GUESDON & CO. Have received instructions from Messrs. Overell & McMillan, to effect an unreserved clearing sale in the men's outfitting department of their establishment, and sell by auction on the premises, Liverpool-street, on MONDAY the 12th September, at 11 o'clock, AN EXTENSIVE and varied assortment of GOODS, consisting of-Scotch twill, Crimean, Regatta. white and other shirts, Gents' tweed and cloth suits, lambswool shirts and drawers, children's knicker-bockers and tunic suits, felt bats, cloth caps, tweed and cloth sacques, moleskin and cord trowsers, blue and gray serge shirts, hosiery, braces, neck-tics, carpets and hearth rugs, &c, Sic., &c.
30 trunks ladies and children's kid, cashmere, cloth, French and other boots.
The Auctioneers request the especial attention of town and country storekeepers and the trade to the above announcement, as such an opportunity rarely presents itself for advantageously laying in stocks. Messrs. Overell and McMillan are relinquishing the Men's Outfitting department, and hence the instructions to sell without reserve, a promise which the trade now fully understand, will be faithfully carried out.
Catalogues will be prepared and ready for delivery a few days prior to the sale, and the goods on view two days previously. Terms-Under-£50 cash; above that sum, 8 months' credit, on approved bills. Advertising. (1864, August 26). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8828056
Alderman Murray seconded the notion, which was unanimously agreed to Accounts. The Mayor said he had received a communication from Mr McMillan, stating that he was quite willing to bear the expense of altering the patent reflectors to suit the lighting of the Town Hall and he now submitted, on that condition, the account of Messrs Overell and McMillan for 32/ for the two patent reflectors supplied Payment of that and an account from Mr .Smith for cartage of stone was authorised. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. (1865, May 31). The Cornwall Chronicle(Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article72360510
McMILLAN. - At York-street, Launceston, on the 23rd instant, from convulsions, Jeanette, fourth daughter of Mr. J. C. McMillan, aged 2 ½ years. Family Notices. (1865, December 26). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8836743
Henry Charles White was a grazier from a formidable family of landowners, sheep developers and pedigree horse breeders. Family records indicate he, with his first wife, used to bring their children to holiday in Tasmania during hotter months. With wife Isabella Mary Anne (nee Lowe) he had four daughters and two sons. Tragically Isabella died in childbirth in 1875.
Marc Serge Riviere has written a book chronicling the journal of one of these daughters with a wonderful introduction by living relative Judy White. In Daisy in Exile: The Diary of an Australian Schoolgirl in France, 1887-1889 accessible online HERE we can hear the voice of Margaret Isabel 'Daisy' White, a woman ahead of her time too:
The Late Dr. White— .We regret to learn of the death of Dr Margaret Isabel White (late house surgeon at Adelaide Children's Hospital), which occurred at Sydney on the 22nd February The deceased lady was engaged to be married to Dr Morgan(formerly of Laura), at the latter end of March Dr White succumbed to an attack of typhoid fever. THE COWBOY AND HIS GIRL. (1903, February 27). The Laura Standard (SA : 1889 - 1917), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article188610881
WHITE.—February 22, of typhoid fever, at Welford, Macleay-street, Margaret Isabel, third daughter of H.C. White, Havilah, Mudgee. Family Notices. (1903, February 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14520413
Under the many anecdotes written about her father (see his section below) we read this gentleman was near Launceston soon after the passing of his wife buying a prize ram. He is supported vocally by the owner of a Launceston newspaper, the also soon to pass away eldest son of Mr. Murray, the original owner of Scotland Island, and one time acquaintance of Mary's father. At age 20, as a 'Minor' according to her marriage certificate, Mary marries H. C. White:
WHITE—McMILLAN— On the 10th March, by the Rev. James Lindsay, at the residence of the bride's mother, H. C. White, of Glenalvon, Murrurundi, New South Wales, to Mary Ellen, eldest daughter of the late J. C. McMillan. Family Notices. (1877, March 13). Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article37147181
March 13th, at her residence, “Fiona” Double Bay, Mrs. H C. White, of a daughter. Family Notices. (1878, March 16). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18827987
The s s. Mangana left Launceston for Melbourne yesterday morning, clearing Tamar Heads at 11. 50 a.m.. The following passengers had secured Saloon berths:-Mrs. White, Misses McMillan, Macbeth, Messrs. W. L. S. Greer and Reccly. [BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.] MOUNT NELSON. (1881, July 18). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article8999034
They have Gwendolen Mabel White 1878–, Ivy Victoria White 1880–1971, Nea Vivien White 1882–1950, Roy Mordaunt White 1895–1921 and Hal Owena White 1901–1909.
In 1887 a group of gentleman proposed to build a tramway all the way to Pittwater from the other side of the Spit. It seems like, as they registered their company, the 'North Shore, Manly, and Hawkesbury River Tram and Railway Company' in Melbourne, and given that a 'Public Meeting' was held at Bulfin's Newport Hotel, that they are the gentlemen alluded to beneath. As there was talk during this time of moving the Quarantine Station to Scotland Island, and later on, using it as a Naval College site, there would be continued noise regarding the government not buying the island for decades. Even when the Countess began to ready it for sale, and allusions to the sudden 'aristocratic' mien being applied (see Extras) there was still claims from some members of the press that the government should have claimed the island :
A few years have made a great change in Pittwater. The western shore of the harbour is all under cultivation. Fruit trees of all kinds flourish there, and some vegetables can be produced a fortnight earlier than around Sydney. Fish is abundant in the harbour. We assisted at three hauls of the net of our host, Mr. Bulfin. 'Our bachelor' and another gentleman donned fishing garb for the occasion, put their shoulders to the wheel, or rather to the ropes and towed very well indeed for amateurs. Our labours were attended with but moderate success. There is much inquiry for land in Pittwater now, the prospect of the tramway thither doubtless stimulating it. Scotland Island, in the middle of the harbour, area about 150 acres, has been sold to a Melbourne company for £2,500. There is some speculation as to what they are going to do with it. The impression prevails that it is to be utilized for a marine public resort. It was also said down there that a well-known gentleman on the North Shore intends building a large marine hotel on the eastern shore of the harbour, between Stokes's Point and the new wharf. It is a very eligible site if trade could be commanded; but that, no doubt, would come to a well-conducted house. A place there would be easy of access from the harbour, the new wharf affording facilities for landing found nowhere else in the Pittwater peninsula. The largest excursion steamers can come alongside it in all weathers, there being a depth of over 18 feet at low water. The romantic marine retreat of the late lamented Mr. Dalley on Cabbagetree beach, underlying Bilgola head on the Pacific shore, has been purchased by Mr. Jackson. Mr. J. M. Taylor, our bachelor (so designated from having obtained his B.A. degree as an evening student at the University the morning of our visit), was delighted with Pittwater. As a holiday retreat he would prefer it to the mountains principally because 'There is a society where none intrudes By the deep sea, and music in its roar.' C. B. PITTWATER. (1889, January 12). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115380870
Bulfin Vs. Walker. The plaintiff, William Bulfin, of Newport, claimed £25 from defendant, David W Walker, Pittwater, being his commission in connection with the sale of a piece of land at Pittwater. The defence was that plaintiff was not entitled to a commission of 2 ½ per cont for simply introducing the purchaser. Verdict for plaintiff £5. METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT. (1889, March 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1371607
The tram scheme didn't go to plan. A quick read of that proposed lines in Extras may give an idea of what high hopes and what was involved. It wasn't until another 15 years or so elapsed before the tracks made it all the way to Narrabeen - and that's where they stopped. In the meantime, offloading an asset to further other parts of the plan, may have seemed a good idea:
Scotland Island, near Pittwater, New South Wales, is for sale, but the Government, on being questioned by Mr. Levien in the House, declined to become the purchaser. The original Scotland, although not an island, is not so far from one which the Government of a century ago bought right out for some millions of money and some dozens of decorations. When one of the vendors, a member of the College Green Legislature, was upbraided in after years for having sold his country he thanked God that ' he had a country to sell.' Islands, however, are indifferent property at the best, as Britain, and Spain, and France, and China have found with regard to Ireland, and Cuba, and Mauritius, and Formosa. Perhaps it's as well, therefore, that the New South Wales authorities hold their hands when such goods are in the market. N'IMPORTE. (1896, September 19). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 588. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163787177
But that plan didn't come off either until the news reached the country news journal:
AN ISLAND OFFERED AT AUCTION. That picturesque spot at Pittwater known as Scotland Island, containing about 130 acres, was offered at auction yesterday by Messrs. Richardson and Wrench, Limited, by order of the mortgagee. After £1100 had been bid, the property was withdrawn, that price being much under the mortgagee's valuation. AN ISLAND OFFERED AT AUCTION. (1900, May 5). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113717954
That picturesque spot at Pittwater known as Scotland Island, containing about 130 acres, was offered at auction on May 3 by Messrs. Richardson and Wrench, Limited, by order of the mortgagee. After £1100 had been bid, the property was with-drawn, that price being much under the mortgagee's valuation. COUNTRY NEWS. (1900, May 12). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71380613
From 1900 to 1905/09 Mary Helen was very busy being an entrepreneur. H. C White may have been doing too much for too long, he certainly did a lot for a long while, and a shift towards other enterprises, supported by how much their country estate produced each year, made building up other assets a natural for this intelligent woman.
It was during this time she lost her husband and a little while later, her youngest daughter with him. Reports state they were living at Greenoaks at this time and he, being ill, had gone south to rest. Hal Owena had been placed with nuns while Mary was overseas attending to other business following her loss:
WHITE. - On February 24, at Painswick, Audley-street, Hobart, Henry Charles White, of Havilah, Mudgee, New South Wales, aged 67 years. Family Notices. (1905, February 27). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article12292778
FALL OVER A BANNISTER. About 3 p.m. on Sunday Hal Owena White, aged 7, was found unconscious on the floor at the Sacred Heart Convent, Rose Bay. The child was the daughter of Mrs. Henry White, of Beulah Flats, North Sydney, and was a boarder at the convent. From the position of her body she appears to have fallen over the staircase bannister whilst sliding down. A doctor was called in, and an examination showed that the child's skull was fractured. She died soon after. ACCIDENT. (1909, September 28). Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103679442
Unfortunately Mary may have been a bit before her time. Scotland Island wasn't her only project and she needed to demonstrate strength to follow through as much as a high level of intelligence:
The Beulah Flats
Beulah: A name symbolically applied to Israel: "Thy land (shall be called) Beulah .... thy land shall be married. .... so shall thy sons marry thee" (Isaiah 62:4). In this figure, frequently used since Hosea, the prophet wishes to express the future prosperity of Israel. The land once desolate shall again be populated.
At the North Sydney Police Court, this morning, Alexander Stewart Norquay and Alfred Waterhouse appeared, on an information, charging them that they did, at North Sydney conspire together between January 23, 1908, and May 29 1908 to defraud Helena C. 'White, by falsely pretending and alleging that loads of sand, to the value of £100. or thereabouts, had been delivered by Waterhouse and received by Norquay, for and on account of Mrs. 'White, and fraudulently obtaining payment from hertherefor. -The sand was ordered for bricklaying work at the large building known as Beulah Flats, on the foreshores of the harbor, between Milson's Point and Kirribilli Point. Mr. G. Martin, instructed by Messrs. M'Laughlan and Murray, appeared for the prosecution; Mr. R. H. Levien for Norquay, and Mr. E. Abigail represented Waterbouse. Mr. Levien asked to be supplied with a copy of the overt acts by the prosecution. Mr. Martin said at present he was unable to supply the dates required. Norquay is an alderman of the Willoughby Council, and had been employed first as foreman at Beulah Flats. Roscoe Joseph Collins, architect, said he was carrying out the work in connection with the erection of Beulah Flats at Kirribilli Point, for Mrs. White. Day labor and the subcontract system were adopted. All the accounts went to witness' office. This year he agreed with Waterhouse to supply white sand at 2s 9d a load, and black sand at 5s. Waterhouse was the only one who had the cartage of sand to the work. From the time he took sand from Waterhouse 400,000 bricks were to be laid. Norquay' s duty was to check delivery of that sand. Since January 1 last to the end of May there were not more than ten loads of sand used for other purposes than the laying of bricks. A load of sand would be sufficient for the laying of 10,000 to 12,000 bricks. The sand charged for by Waterhouse would have been sufficient for 900,000 to 1,000,000 bricks. The bricklaying was finished, and no sand was left over on the job In May last witness began to look into the sand account of Waterhouse.
At the Central Police Court, this afternoon, before Mr. Donaldson, S.M., Alexander Stewart Norquay and Alfred Waterhouse, on remand from the North. Sydney Police Court, appeared, on an information, charging them that they did, at North Sydney, conspire together between January 23, 1908, and May 29, 1908, to defraud Helena C White, by falsely pretending and alleging that loads of sand, to the value of £100, or thereabouts, had been delivered by Waterhouse, and received by Norquay, for and on account of Mrs. White, and fraudulently obtaining payment from her therefor. The sand was ordered for bricklaying work at the, largo building known as Beulah Flats, on the foreshores of the harbor, between Milson's Point and Kirribilli Point. Mr. ,G. Martin, instructed by Messrs. M'Laughlan and Murray, appeared for the prosecution;. Mr. E. H. Levien for Norquay, and Mr. B. Abigail represented Waterhouse.
When the case was called on this afternoon, Mr. Levien. remarked that after what his Worship had expressed -the other day that he thought there was a prima-facie case ? .The Magistrate: Oh, I do, as the case stands at present. Mr. Levien: Then I am not going to take up the time of the Court. When I asked for the adjournment at the North Sydney Court, it was to think over what course it was necessary to
Magistrate: It was quite within your province to have an adjournment for the consideration of any point.
Mr. Levien: Under the circumstances Norquay, on the advice of his solicitor, reserves his defence, and has evidence to give at another time. Norquay was thereupon committed for trial at the next sittings of the Darlinghurst Sessions. He was allowed bail on his own surety of £40.Mr. Abigail was asked if he would adopt the same course, and he said that his client would give evidence. John Parkinson, solicitor,- said he was employed by Messrs. M'Laughlan and Murray. He laid the information in this case, as the Australian agent for Mrs. White. Alfred Waterhouse, one of the defendants, said he was a carter. He had several carts, and took contracts. He had two men, Hutton and Gallaher, carting for him. He said these two men carted sand to Beulah Flats. He got a 'contract 'from Mr. Collins to supply white sand at 2s 9d and black sand at 5s per load. Mr. Abigail: Did you ever charge for any sand you did not deliver? — No. Did you ever have a contract with Norquay to do that? — None whatever. Norquay had nothing to do with your sand contract? — No. Did you tell Collins that von cot nothing of the money, and that you handed it all to Norquay?— I said nothing of the sort. It is untrue.
Mr. Martin asked that Mr. Abigail should confine himself to questions. Mr. Abigail: Don't you dare to address 'me In that way. You address his Worship. Mr. Martin: I will ask the Bench now to stop your little speeches. They should be delivered at the proper time; but not now.
The Magistrate: I have not heard any speeches. Mr. Martin said he wanted to stop the speeches at the beginning. 'Mr. Abigail asked that the books regarding Beulah Flat work should be produced. Mr. Martin said he declined to produce them. Waterhouse said he had delivered sand at Beulah Flats up to September 2 last. He had instituted certain proceedings against Mrs. White, and the matter had not been decided. Some weeks afterwards this information was laid against - him. Mr. Abigail: When did you start carting sand to Beulah Flats?— Last year. Mr. Abigail questioned Waterhouse regarding conversations he had with Collins (architect) and Dwyer (accountant). He denied having said that Norquay got all the money for the sand. He also denied a number of other remarks stated by the prosecutor's witnesses may have been uttered during those conversations. His cart would hold 14 or 15 cubic feet. It was not altered; a horse would not drag a load of 27ft. He had been asked by Collins and Dwyer to make a statement regarding the case. Collins said a statement would help to get him off under the First Offenders Act, and Dwyer stated he would give him a guarantee that what he said would not go further than the office. Mr. Abigail: Did you admit to Collins that this game had been going on since April last?—I did not. Was it not the laugh of the country sideshow Mrs. White was being taken down? —Yes.
Mr. Martin: Did not Collins tell you that a load under 27ft would do him? Nothing of the sort was said. Sydney Hutton, employed as a carter for Waterhouse, said he overheard a conversation between Collins (a witness for the prosecution)and Waterhouse. He heard Collins say, 'Is a tenner any good to you?' Waterhouse shook his head, and said no. Witness then passed along. He never got a ticket for any sand he did not deliver at Beulah Flats.
Herbert George Lancely, manager of the North Sydney Brick and Tile Company, said that about 830,411 bricks were delivered from his company's works for Beulah Flats. A clerk had made up the total. Mr. Martin: What was the time in which those bricks were delivered?
Witness: According to the return prepared the bricks were delivered from August 22, 1907,up to August 26, 1908.
Charles Thomas Pearce said that he collect work for him. He delivered an account for Waterhouse to Dwyer. Dwyer said: 'I cannot give you a cheque. I have sent several times for Waterhouse to come and make a statement.' Dwyer I never said anything at anytime about overcharging. This concluded the evidence.
Mr. Abigail contended that the books regarding the work at Beulah Flats should be produced.
Waterhouse was committed for trial at the Darlinghurst Sessions on September 28.The Magistrate stated that the evidence for the prosecution made out that about £50 worth of sand had been overcharged for. The usual Quarter Sessions bail of £80 would therefore be allowed. ALLEGED CONSPIRACY. (1908, September 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114751967
Despite these challenges it is likely that it was through building this structure that Mrs. Helen White, widow, met her second husband, Count Morner, a gentleman who introduced an Australian variety of fish to Italy to combat malaria through the auspices of his friends in the Royal Navy. Being so close to Admiralty House, the Beulah Flats became the obvious place for wives of Officers to stay:
When in Sydney his favourite aide-de-camp was Captain (now Major) Ralph Verney, who married a Sydney heiress, Miss Nita Walker, niece of Miss Eadith Walker, of Concord. Now that Lord Chelmsford is going off to India to act as Viceroy of the fascinating Eastern Empire, he proffers the office of Military Secretary on Major Ralph Verney, who will be accompanied by his wife and small son. Major Verney fell in love with his wife at a big dance given by the Countess Morner at Beulah Flats, North Sydney. The tall, fair, blue-eyed A.D.C. was as fair as his fiancée, and they made a good looking couple at their marriage ceremony, which was celebrated with great éclat in Sydney. IN THE HARBOUR CITY. (1916, February 3). Punch(Melbourne, Vic. : 1900 - 1918; 1925), p. 31. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article130037199
INVITATIONS have been issued by the Lady Mayoress of Sydney for an 'at home' to be held at the Town Hall next week in honour of Lady Helen Munro Ferguson. It is requested that all communications intended for their Excellencies' staff be addressed to Macquarie-street, and not to Yaralla. It is expected that both the Governor General and Lady Helen Munro Ferguson will have a busy time during their stay in Sydney. Women in public positions have little leisure for themselves. Lady Patey's time is so filled during September that she has been obliged to refuse requests to perform the opening ceremonies at bazaars, and to lend her presence at other such-like functions. The flagship is away at present. Many of the officers' wives reside either in flats or apartments. Mrs. Rodham, the popular wife of the Admiral's secretary, has rooms at Beulah, Kirribilli Point. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. (1914, July 15). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166253445
These Handsomely Furnished Family and Bachelor Suites offer inducement second to none for thoughtful folk. The scale of luxury upon which these apartments arc conducted is a triumph of skilled management. Each Suite is complete in itself, and Is lit throughout by Electric Light. High-grade ... or Bachelor Suites vacant, and early applications are advisable. For furngs. on the premises is another factor making for the comfort and satisfaction of residents. There are a few rather particular apply The Manager, BEULAH FLATS, KIRRIBILLI. Advertising. (1910, June 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15121939
Admiralty House " At Home."
Ideal weather favored His Excellency the' Admiral and Lady Fawkes for their garden party at Admiralty House, Kirribilli Point, on the- afternoon of September, 4. The Admiral and Lady Fawkes received their guests on the lawn, attended by Flag-lieutenant/Willoughby, R.N.; and Mr. Miller, R.N. Refreshments, were served at small tables, dozens of which were placed on the different lawns and on the verandah, and the band of H.M.S. Powerful played selections during the afternoon: -His Excellency the Governor and Miss Rawson were present, with Captain Leslie Wilson, A.D.C., Captain Robertson Clark, and Mr. Harrison Smith, in 'attendance'. Lady Fawkes', dress was of pale heliotrope floral chiffon taffeta, trimmed with black lace, worn with a black hat with black feathers; Miss Rawson was in pale grey, with cream lace blouse, white hat- with ostrich plumes, and a feather boa. As the guests included men in naval, military and civilian dress, the show of uniforms and dainty summer dresses worn by the ladies made a particularly bright scene.
Among the-many guests were Miss Darley, the Archbishop of Sydney and the Misses Saumarez-Smith, Lieutenant and Mrs. H. Rawson, General Gordon, Captain and Mrs. Napier, Flag-captain Halsey, Miss Drake, Dr,.and Mrs.- Adams, Dr. and Mrs. Worthington, Lady Barton, Sir Henry and Lady Stephen, Sir James and Lady Fairfax, Miss Fairfax, Mrs.-and Miss Carruthers, Lady, Salamons, Mr;-and-Mrs. Chris Bennett, Mr. Keith Bennett, Dr.. and Mrs. Ewan Frazer, Mr. and; Mrs. Oswald Watt, Mrs. David Anderson, the Misses Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henniker Heaton, the Misses Henniker Heaton, Miss Wilson, Miss Eadith Walker, Mrs. W. Chisholm, Mrs. MacCormick, Mr. Justice and; Mrs. Street, Mrs. James Ashton, Dr. and Mrs. J. Hay, Mrs. and Miss Macarthur Onslow, Mrs. and Miss Mackellar, Sir Matthew and Lady Harris, Colonel and Mrs. Bartlett, Mr. andMrs. John Sands, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Taylor, Mrs. W. Fairfax, Mrs. Lang Campbell, Miss May Campbell, Mrs. Toohey, Miss Macdonald, Miss Dickenson,-Mrs. C. G. Wade, Mrs. And the Misses Gould, Miss Daisie Willis, Miss Vaughan, the Misses Dangar, Mr. and. Mrs. F.H. Moore, Miss Vera Moore, Miss Kelso King, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dayton, Mrs. and Miss Pockley, Miss Consett Stephen, Professor and Mrs. Anderson Stuart, Mrs. Hixson, Mrs. J. O. Fairfax, Mrs. Harry Levy, Mrs. and Miss Collins, Mrs. G, Lane Mullin's; Mrs. and Miss Randal Carey, the Misses Dibbs, the Misses Knox, Mr.' and Mrs. Forbes Angus, the Misses Mann, Miss Greta Robinson, Rev. H. and Mrs. Saumarez Smith, Mr. Trelawney, Count Deym, Mrs. Russell French, and Miss French, Major and Mrs. Eveleigh, Mrs. and Miss Owen, Colonel and Mrs. Irving Mrs. M. Severn, Mrs. Maccallum, Mrs. Lachlan Beaton, Miss Ruby Adams, Mrs. Steer Bowker, Miss Bowker, Mrs. Brady, Mrs. Alec. Hay, Count Morner, and many others. The garden party was given as a farewell to the officers who left by the flagship for Colombo on September 5, after their two years'-commission in Australia. Admiralty House " At Home.". (1907, September 11). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 40. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71596135
In text picture from: BIOGRAPHICAL. Count Carl Birger Morner, who represents Sweden, had seen service in the Foreign Department at Hersingfors, Genoa, Barcelona, Constantinople, South Shields, and Copenhagen, before his appointment to this State. The CONSULS. (1907, June 12). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1503. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article165387022
The appearance of her marriage announcement in a Queensland newspaper may have been placed there to allow her son 'Roy' to read as he was living and working on the Queensland 'Loudon' estate:
MORNER-WHITE.- June 29, at St. Margaret’s, Westminster, by Canon Hensley Henson, assisted by the Rev. Cecil Knox, Count Karl Birger Morner, only son of the late Count C. H. Morner, of Hvilah, Norrkoping, Sweden, to Mary Helen, daughter of the late J. C. McMillan, of Airntully, and a widow of the late H. C. White, of Havilah, New South Wales. Family Notices. (1910, September 10). The Brisbane Courier(Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article19682179
Count and Countess Morner (Pictures) from: (1911, January 7). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1918), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article102801444
A Notable Marriage. The Count and Countess Morner. A notable marriage has just been celebrated in London, which will prove of particular interest to Australians. That well-known and distinguished Swedish consul, Count Morner, so popular in Sydney, was married to a no less distinguished Australian, Mrs. H. C. White, of Havilah, Mudgee. The event was purely a love affair, the Count being attracted to the lady by her remarkable personality, her refinement and her artistic tastes. Count Morner is one of the most notable men in the Swedish foreign service; he is a gentleman of leisure and of ample means, and has a European reputation as a scholar, scientist, poet, and author. The German Government, it maybe mentioned, have adopted for all German schools, as part of their standard readers on language, Count Morner's work on Constantinople. In his own country, the Count stands high in royal and national favor, and his castle is that of one of the oldest Swedish families. He has found for wife a splendid type of Australian. The lady's high, womanly qualities place her in the rank of the first women of the time; and it is probable her equal in finance and tact will not be found anywhere. The way the lady has managed and developed her own estate of Havilah, and other properties of over a million sterling, stamps her as a person of superior mind and great foresight. Count Morner recently came into considerable political prominence in Sydney, over his conflict with Premier Wade. He carried off all honors of the contest, and won the approbation of all classes in the matter. A Notable Marriage. (1910, July 9). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1918), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article102799730
The marriage produced one child, 'Felicite', but did not last long - supercilious reports such as that below, and two obviously strong people, do not always mix well. There was also WWI to place distance between them. During this time Countess Morner purchased War Bonds in England
Countess Morner returned here from Sweden last year on account of the land tax, and now she is here again because of the Income tax, having great estate in Queensland as well as In New South Wales. Countess Morner used to be known as Mrs. "Havilah" White. Her friends do not object to her presence In Sydney, as her little dinner parties at Beulah Flats are very lively, even In the dogdays, Mrs. White married Count Morner, than Consul for Sweden, who had been divorced. His former wife married some high official at Court, and when the now Countess Morner and the Count were presented to their Swedish Majesties it fell to the lot of the official and his wife to receive them. AN IDLE WOMAN'S DIARY. (1912, February 16). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article133955772
Lieutenant Jas. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson, and Countess Morner are among those who have booked passages by the next steamer sailing for America. PERSONAL. (1918, January 4). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15789576
A marriage has been announced to take place at Washington, (U.S.A:)shortly between the Marquis of Ruvigny and Raineval, and Countess Helen Morner, of Sydney, and has an added interest for Australians, from the connection between the title of Lord Portarlington (one of the few Peers who has married an -Australian—he married Miss Yuill), -and that of the Marquis. The first Viscount Portarlington was the second 'Marquis of Ruvigny and eighth of Raineval. His father has been ambassador at the English Court, and at the time of the Huguenot persecution, he left France and offered his services to England. So much were they appreciated that he was afterwards created Viscount Portarlington and Baron Galway and later still Earl of Galway. Dying unmarried, his English titles became extinct, and only the French titles were inherited by his nephew, from whom the present Marquis is descended. The Marquis and his younger son are the only living representatives of the family — the Marquise, her- elder son, (who was killed in action) and only daughter having all died within the past three years. PERSONAL . (1918, January 11). Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article141948442
GOSSIP FROM SYDNEY.BY "EVE."')The picturesque Countess Morner, who last husband was Swedish Consul in Sydney a few years ago, is in Sydney again. She arrived from America a week or so ago. She has the veritable imprint of New York upon her "truly glad rags," and, as always, is a liberal education for the average woman in the manner of wearing the delectable garments. Countess Morner is staying at Beulah, Kirribilli, which is her own Venetian-like residence, but her sojourn in this city will be but brief, and is only for the purpose of putting her affairs in order before she takes her third plunge into the sea of matrimony. The Countess was Mrs. Havilah White before she espoused the late Consul, and she is now about to become the Marchioness de Rudidguy. The Marquis is a British subject, although his title is French. GOSSIP FROM SYDNEY. (1918, August 20). Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 1 Edition: EVENING. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article99024256
This marriage was cut short by the Marquise of Scotland Island dying at sea from a heart attack:
Countess Morner. New South Wales loses an interesting figure by the death of Countess Morner, the information of which was received by the late lady's agent, Mr. H. S. Harvey, Bridge-street, last week. The Countess will be remembered as Mrs. Henry White, of Havilah Station, before her second marriage. Among her many possessions, which included the Astoria Flats at Kirribilli and Lowden Station, Queensland, she had the unusual one of an island. Scotland Island, at the entrance to the Hawkesbury River, belonged to Countess Morner. The Countess was on her way to England when she died. She and her little daughter, aged 8 years, were apparently the only passengers on the Port Elliott, and much sympathy will be felt for the child. Countess Morner. (1921, August 14). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article123244777
Thrice Married, Twice Titled and Fabulously Rich COUNTESS, MARQUISE, ' MRS.'
AFTER the auctioneer's hammer had banged out the final notes of its mournful serenade and the footsteps of the last lodgers down the staircases had echoed away, the memory of a mysterious and fascinating woman still lingered in the deserted halls of 'Brae-burn' private hotel, on the Kirribilli waterfront.
SYDNEY read with interest of the final scenes in the strange eventful history of this huge apartment house towering above the harbor almost within the shadow of the North Shore Bridge. A COMEDY of bailiffs closed the chapter.
WHO of all the thousand, who peered afterwards at this great castle from their ferry boats thought of Mary Helene de Massue, Marquise de Revigny, formerly the Right Hon. Helene Countess Morner, prior to that, Mrs. H. C. White, wife of a wealthy Mudgee grazier, thoroughbred owner, originally a nursery governess, of Tasmania ?
The Hotel Braeburn was the last link binding Australia with the memory of this remarkable woman. Originally known as 'Beulah' Flats, later again as the 'Astoria,' this accommodation house had Just about as strange and stormy a career as that of the mysterious countess who built it. A fortnight ago a posse of bailiffs besieged the flats and laid claim by law to all the goods and chattels contained therein. When this unpleasant little fact was explained to the tenants, a Venetian touch was added to a tragic comedy which followed. Sorties In rowing boats outside the windows were resorted to in a desperate attempt to rescue the nominally-seized goods. The hotel Is the property of Emanuel Myerson to whom It was knocked down about two years ago for what then seemed a bargain price of £23,000. He in turn leased it at a rental in the vicinity of £70 weekly. All this was purely business. Cold and unsentimental. But the other side of the picture — going back to when the flats first sprang into being, with roof garden complete — there remains the memory of one of Australia's most picturesque figures — a woman, thrice married, twice-titled, fabulously rich, conspicuous for her grand scale of international speculations both in husbands and stocks, and yet the saddest and loneliest of women, who found her final rest in that dreariest of all cemetries, the open sea, where not even tombstones keep each other doleful company. Here then we introduce Mary Helene de Massue Marquise de Ruvigny, of Tasmania. As to her original surname there is some doubt. One of her marriage certificates vised by 'Truth' has her maiden name as Mary Helene McMillan, and states that she was a daughter at Mr. James Coutts McMillan, gentleman, of the apple and hops Island. Born 63 years ago, she was in her early twenties when Mudgee Wool King, H. C. White, met her during a Tasmanian tour. A whirlwind courtship, and rapid marriage, found Mary Helene established as one of the big guns of the N.S.W. squattocracy. Her husband was a very rich man, as successful in raising cup winners as in growing wool; and It was during the decade of their life together that Mary Helene, always of a speculative disposition, conceived the Idea of building the great 'Beulah' flats, then acclaimed as the first thing on such a grand scale ever seen south of the line. Above the flats was the first community roof garden and under the ground floor was the first community swimming pool ever attached to a residential hotel property. Anticipation of its money making possibilities ran high. There were great expectations for it, and, apart from them, it was viewed as a wonderful monument to the enterprise of a woman; for the women of that time were mostly either social or domestic in their ambitions. Even In this 'he-woman' age such an achievement as the planning and financing of this great house would make almost any of our lady magnates decide that they had left sufficiently definite footprints on the sands of time. But in true 'she-woman' style Mary Helene appears to have lost a lot of her Interest in the place not long after the paint had dried on the walls. White died at the end of the last century, leaving 'money to burn.' Thence forward adventure ceaselessly called to his widow from the four corners of the world at once, and with the huge pile of flats still a new and striking landmark on the harbor's edge, she set out to roam the seven seas In search of new thrills. For years she remained a widow, but in 1910 married again to Karl Birger Morner, Count in the Swedish Diplomatic Service, and a man of international reputation, at the Parish Church of St. Margaret's, Westminster, London, by special licence. The Count also was an rich as a salt or silver mine, and, like most diplomats, had a hobby for a disguise. His study was zoology. Already a notable International society figure, this marriage took the erstwhile nursery governess to the top floor of exclusive Europe in one step.
BUILT BY HELENE, COUNTESS MORNER, and standing as a monument to one of the most interesting women Australia has known, the Hotel Braeburn has long been a landmark on Kirribilli Point
Not only did the ensuing few years definitely establish her as a social and fashion leader, but her mammoth speculations were beginning to arouse the envy of many even in her own set. It is recorded that on one occasion in the last decade she prevented a financial crisis in Chile by her historic bulling of 'Caga' bonds — a purely speculative venture which aroused the admiration of many big financiers who at the time little dreamed that the market was being moved by a woman. Perhaps it was the tragedy of her life which drove her to seek such an outlet for her genius. She was a poignant and vivid study in the paradoxes of life. High though her title, proud her name, boundless her wealth as wish could claim, she still was the saddest and the weariest of women. In the midst of the adulation and public curiosity which beset her path at every turn, she still was heart hungry for the real human love and companionship that Fate denied her. That she had not one friend nor love in the world was a confession she made frequently to her intimates during her last few years. Mary Helene passed from safe Investments to daring speculations after that little flutter. She appears to have concluded that to buy anything but money was beneath the dignity of operators like herself. From then on the Governments of the Western world watched her movements with interest, particularly when she arrived in their territories on business. Her operations in French francs in the years immediately following the armistice were something that the money-changers of Europe will long and often unpleasantly remember.
One other thing she bought that might be mentioned was Scotland Island, off Barrenjoey. She was probably the only Australian woman ever to own an island. These were her very big years, 1910-1920.During them she divorced her Count, and contracted a third marriage, this time with another titled gentleman, the Marquis de Ruvigny, a French noble whom she met In the U.S.A.
When she last visited Sydney, the year before her death, the Marquis was not with her. He died a week after her decease, without having enjoyed his share of her huge fortune. This passed to his son, the present Marquis, whose title goes back to way beyond the middle ages, merely taking In Frederic I., surnamed Barbarossa, Holy Roman (German), Emperor of the West, King of Germany and Italy, Duke of Euabla and Alsace, etc. etc., through whole pages and pages of grand titles. The first charge against the enormous estate left by the Countess was £10,000 as a marriage dowry for Felicite. She left a third of her fortune to each of three people. To a beautiful little girl, in her 'teens, and called in her will, Felicite, Daughter of Helene, Countess Morner, and now a young woman roaming at-road as did her restless mother— last heard of at Gibraltar. To the Marquis, and to her stepdaughter, Mab McLachlan. The wanderlust took the Marquise de Ruvigny from Sydney In July, 1920, when she passed Westward bound through Sydney Heads on the old 'Port Elliott.' But the golden landscapes of the English autumn were not for her this trip. She died suddenly off South Africa, and was buried at sea.
Thus passed the remarkable and almost legendary woman to her last and greatest journey. Mary Helene, governess-Marquise, wandered no longer across the deep to which her mortal remains were committed after the skipper 'had read it through,' but the great flat building still towers about Sydney harbor, a monument to her courage and enterprise. After her death the building was bequeathed to the daughter whose trustee was Mrs. Mab McLachlan, wife of a General of the British army of occupation on the Rhine. The name is well known in Sydney high society. Under the new name of the 'Astoria,' the property was sold to real estate specialist Myerson two years ago. Even now, while sea gulls whimper querulously at the windows through which none but curious intruder peep, and while the emboldened cockroach hold high revel in the deserted cellars, mayhap, for all we know, the spirit of Mary Helene returns to visit the ruins of her first great adventure. AUSTRALIA'S MYSTERIOUS WOMAN OF DESTINY. (1930, November 16). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169384957
The Marquis died soon after the Marquise. Her estate was divided between her stepson, eldest daughter 'Mab' and youngest daughter. These assets and Trust remained for decades after her passing.
Just as Glasgow Park remains on Scotland Island - a testament, in a way to the Free Church of Scotland upbringing this Tasmanian, who also loved Pittwater, and her ethos.
Notes and Extras
The ceremony of turning the first sod of the tram-way line from the North Shore to Manly was performed yesterday in the presence of a number of gentlemen who are interested in the line It will be remembered that after many delays, a bill was passed through Parliament some six months ago sanctioning the construction of a line from the present terminus of the North Shore cable tram to Manly, and thence to Pittwater A company has been formed to undertake the work, which bears the somewhat lengthy title of the North Shore, Manly, and Hawkesbury River Tram and Railway Company, and active operations are shortly to be commenced. The ceremony yesterday took place at the corner of Merlin and Falcon, streets, not far from the proposed terminus of the line, at the corner of the St Leonards Reserve. Mr A E Jaques presided, and amongst the gentlemen present were Messrs I E Ives, E C Batt, Franklin, C J Royle, Church, A J Lewington, Kerle, 1. Birnie, and Owen
The proceedings wore commenced at noon by Mr Jaques, who turned, figuratively speaking, the first sod of the new line As a matter of fact there was really no sod at all, because the ceremony took place in the middle of a hard metalled road. However, Mr Jacques laboriously brake out a few stones with a pick, and then an able bodied workingman completed the task of making a hole in the metalled road. As soon as the hole was made it was filled up again, and the first sod was declared to have been turned Refreshments were then partaken of, and Mr Ives proposed success to the enterprise. He took the opportunity to briefly tracing the history of the undertaking, from its inception in 1887 down to the present date. He pointed out the importance of the route over which the line would pass, and its many attractions, both scenic and otherwise. The company was, he stated, prepared to construct a line quite equal to any of the tramways which had been made by the Government, and the service would be conducted in a manner which he trusted would ensure the patronage of the public
Mr Kerle, of Messrs Kenwood and Kerle, engineers for the line then exhibited the plans for the tramway, and briefly explained the route which it is proposed to follow. The line will start from the north-west corner of the St Leonards reserve, and will continue along the Military-road to the spit at Middle Harbour, a distance of three miles and five chains. This will constitute the first section, the construction of which is to be first proceeded with. The second section will run from Middle Harbour to Manly, and the third from Manly to Pittwater. Pending the erection of a bridge over Middle Harbour, the traffic is to be carried across by means of a special steam punt and if necessary the tram cars themselves will be taken over so as to avoid the necessity for passengers changing cars. Waiting-rooms and every other convenience for passengers will be erected enroute, and it is intended to employ steam as a motive power. The only heavy gradient on the first section of the line is on the descent to Middle Harbour, where the line will terminate for the present at the level of the proposed bridge, 40ft above the water level. A gradient of 1 in 20 has to be surmounted here, but otherwise all the
other gradients on the line »re comparatively easy. The line will be built of 40lb steel rails, with 151lb guard rails laid on transverse ironbark sleepers, and the plans shown provide for a line of exceptional solidity and strength. Other toasts having been honoured, the proceedings shortly after carne to a termination. THE MANLY TRAMWAY. (1889, July 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13734094
SCOTLAND ISLAND. — Hardie and Gorman, on Saturday, November 10, will offer 100 water frontage blocks on Scotland Island. Pittwater, near Manly. The terms are 10 per cent., the balance over ten years. Plans are available. COMING SALES. (1906, October 28). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126557176
NB on Lithograph: The Graziers' Association's solicitors, McLachlan and Murray - these were also Mary Helen's solicitors
Messrs. Hardie and Gorman announce by advertisement particulars concerning the sale In- auction of Scotland Island, near Pittwater. The vendors' point out that the island is well adapted to residential purposes, that the soil is good, and that the subdivision has be in so arranged as to give a great depth to every purchase of a water frontage. Moreover, provision will be made for children and families on portion of the water frontage which can be used for general recreation purposes. The vendors further point out that the present motor bus service between Manly and Pittwater may eventually be replaced by an electric tram service. THE COMMONWEALTH. (1906, November 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28154613
SALE OF SCOTLAND ISLAND. (1906, November 9). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115672747
PROPERTY SALES. Messrs. Hardie and Gorman held a sale of Scotland Island Pittwater (in subdivision), on the Island on Saturday afternoon last. Several blocks were sold at from 20s to 25s per foot on the water frontages. It is proposed to hold a continuation sale of the remaining portions in the salerooms, 133 Pitt-street, on Wednesday next, for the convenience of those persons who could not attend the sale on Saturday last. PROPERTY SALES. (1906, November 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14806836
ATTENTION is directed to the notification in the- "Government Gazette" of this date of APPLICATIONS made for SPECIAL LEASES, as hereunder mentioned. Any objections lodged in writing at this office on or before April 17, 1907, or before the Local Land Board 6hall have concluded its inquiry at the hearing of the respective applications for such Special Leases, will be duly considered; and any objections lodged after that period will not be entertained. T. V. FURBER, Metropolitan District Surveyor.
Applicant; Wm. Henry Speechley. locality: Co. Cumberland, Ph. Broken Bay, Rocky Point, Pittwater. Area:8 ½ p. For boathouse, jetty, and bathing-place. Applicant: Bernard J. Newmarch. Locality: Co. Cumberland, Ph. Narrabeen, Scotland Island, Pittwater. For wharf. Advertising. (1907, April 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28151646
Subdivision of Scotland Island . Week-end Residences or Marine Homes.
The famous Scotland Island at the mouth of the Hawkesbury, a spot which the Government should never have sold, but preserved as a marine park, has now been subdivided and is for auction sale on Saturday, November 25, the auctioneers being Messrs. Stanton and Son, Pitt-street. This auction sale affords people an opportunity of securing a unique restful home in one of the most charming marine spots in Australia. For a century this has been the locality of fishing and marine excursions, and scores of times efforts were made to secure the purchase of the Island from the Government; but, as has already been announced, private success in this direction was only recently effected. When it was known that, so charming and isolated a marine spot as Scotland Island had been secured in private purchase, great efforts were made to induce the Government to resume possession; but it was decided not to disturb the people who had now become the owners. I ro'ii all this, the value of Scotland Island will be fairly well estimated, and it is satisfactory to find that a very liberal plan of subdivision has been decided on, ensuring the creation of many seaside homes in this delightful quarter. No doubt weekend residences on the bungalow line will prove a big boom to Sydney business men and other- who desire a change, or who need to recuperate, and certainly the terms of sale will facilitate the purchases. Subdivision of Scotland Island. (1911, November 11). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1918), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article102805326
Scotland Island. The Manly-Pittwater tram will very shortly now be opened to Narrabeen, and those desirous of securing week-end blocks in the delightful neighborhood of Pittwater will have an opportunity on Saturday next of bidding for the water frontages of one of the most unique positions on the coast. As Garden Island in Sydney Harbor, so is the historic Scotland Island to the Pittwater Lake. There is no doubt this beautiful island, which surely-should have been purchased by the Government, will, in this aristocratic quarter of the district, and those purchasing now will reap the benefit as soon as the tram opens. The areas are big, and so as to give the purchasers a real residential picnic block worth having, the averages being 100ft. frontage to deep water with a depth of 600ft. A special steamer leaves Gosford Wharf on Saturday and motor buses leave Manly in time for the sale at special excursion return rates. Tickets are printable from Messrs. Stanton and Son, the auctioneers, Pitt-street. Scotland Island. (1911, November 25). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1918), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article102802821
Judging by the tickets that have been sold, there will be a rush this afternoon for Scotland Island in the famous Pittwater district. The Island has been subdivided into 80 magnificent two-acre water frontage allotments, and these are to be sold by Messrs. Stanton and Son. Intending buyers have the choice of two routes to the sale to-day. Special motor 'buses are to run from the wharf at Manly, but for those who desire a sea trip a steamer will leave the foot of Erskine-street in time for the sale. In the centre of the island an area has been reserved to be known as Glasgow Park. REAL ESTATE. (1911, November 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15291764
TENDERS are hereby invited for the Formation of about 120 chains of Pathway on Scotland Island, Pittwater. TENDERS CLOSE noon SATURDAY, 12thJanuary, 1024. Plans and specifications may be inspected at the offices of HARDY, BUSBY, and NORMAN, Licensed Surveyors and Civil Engineers,175 George-street. city. Advertising. (1912, March 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15318639
(Before the Chief Judge, Mr. Justice Street.)
Peek v Union Trustee Company of Australia, Limited.
Reserved Judgment was delivered in the suit In which the plaintiff, Rupert de Lacey Peek; asked, among other things, for a declaration that a certain agreement, which was subsequently modified, with respect to the sale of a number of allotments of land on Scotland Island, near Pittwater, ought to be specifically performed and carried into execution by the defendants, the Union Trustee Company of Australia, Ltd., and that the same be decreed accordingly.
Plaintiff claimed that on December 30, 1921, at the instance of Gwendoline Mab McLachlan, executrix of the will of the late Mary Helen de Massue, Marquise de Ruvigny, the defendants were appointed her attorneys for the purpose of obtaining letters of administration with the will annexed of the estate of the deceased. One of the assets in the estate consisted of a number of unsold allotments of land at Scotland Island. Messrs. McDonald and Watson, It was alleged, were the appointed agents for the purpose of the sale of the allotments. On September 6, 1922, McDonald and Watson wrote to the plaintiff, advising him that they had asked the defendants for an option In his name to purchase the allotments for £5000, on certain terms; and that the defendants had informed them that they were willing to dispose of the whole of the unsold portion of Scotland Island to him for £5250, on certain terms, including a cash deposit of £1000. On September 18 he paid to the defendants a preliminary deposit of £10 In connection with the purchase, for which he obtained a receipt. Subsequently the contract was modified in certain respects. He had always been ready and willing, and hereby offered to perform the agreement In all respects, but the defendants had repudiated it, and refused and neglected to perform it. Plaintiff also asked that In addition to, or in lieu of, specific performance of the agreement be modified, the defendants be ordered to pay him the damages he had sustained by reason of their refusal to perform the contract; and that the defendants be restrained by injunction from selling, mortgaging, or otherwise dealing with the lands, except under his direction.
The defendants denied that McDonald and Watson were their agents In the matter of the sale; and that the agreement was as alleged In the statement of claim- They asserted that the plaintiff did not pay the deposit within the time fixed by the agreement as mutually varied by him and them, where-upon they rescinded the contract, to which the plaintiff acquiesced. ' After the recession of the contract (If any) and the plaintiff's acquiescence In the same, they re-sold the allotments. They submitted that in the circumstances mentioned the plaintiff was not now entitled to a decree for specific performance of the agreement. Neither the contract alleged in the statement of claim as having been originally made, nor as A-arlod, was In writing, and there was no written memorandum signed by them or anyone lawfully authorised by them to do so; and they submitted that the suit should be dismissed with costs. By way of counter claim the defendants pleaded that the plaintiff had filed a caveat forbidding any dealings with the lands. They were desirous of applying to have the lands transferred to them as administrators of the estate of the deceased, and so transferring the properties to purchasers from them. They asked that the plaintiff's caveat be rescinded, and that he be ordered to pay the costs of the counter-claim.
His Honor, after reviewing the facts, said it was clear that as the company broke off negotiations before it signed the formal document, there was no existing contract enforceable against it, and it was not really material to consider whether it acted reasonably or unreasonably in doing so. He thought, however, that the company had acted justifiably and reasonably in breaking off negotiations. It was obvious that the plaintiff was never in a position to carry out his purchase, and that his tactics all through really amounted to an endeavour to obtain what was in substance an option of purchase while he looked round to try and find someone to finance him in the matter. The company showed him a considerable amount of indulgence, but, in the position in which it stood, it could not allow that state of affairs to continue indefinitely, and his Honor thought that it was Justified In calling a halt when it did. He thought, therefore, that the suit failed, and must be dismissed, with costs. The counter claim, which asked that a caveat against dealings lodged by the plaintiff might be removed, would be allowed, with costs.
Mr. E. F. McDonald (instructed by Messrs. A. E. Whatmore and Lee) appeared for the plaintiff; and Mr. Maughan, K.C., and Mr. R. K. Manning (instructed by Messrs. Priddle and Gosling) represented the defendants. IN EQUITY. (1923, December 8). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16124649
Warrinah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
24th June, 1924 . Scotland Island Estate Ltd. stating that they bought only unsold allotments an the original Scotland Island subdivision and have no title to the park on the upper part. Resolved: (Crs. McKillop, Campbell) That the Council's Solicitors be instructed to take the necessary steps to have the park on the upper part of Scotland Island dedicated and that final approval to the plan be deferred until such dedication is effected.
7th of July 1924: 15. Union Trustee Co. of Australia Ltd. 30/6/24. Agents for the Estate Marquise de Ruvigny, Deceased, stating they are prepared to execute any necessary document for the dedication of the Park on Scotland Island - Resolved, - (Crs. • Rayner, Hewitt) That the Seal of the Council be affixed to the Deposited plan of Scotland Island Estate, immediately 7) the Shire Solicitor advise there will be no further hindrance to the transfer going through, and the Solicitors be asked to expedite the matter. . 16. Hardy, Busby and Norman (2/7/24) stating that the wharves and pathways on Scotland Island are almost completed, and asking that an early inspection c made, (Dealt with earlier in the meeting,) Scotland Island in Pittwater.
Hardy, Busby &Norman, re Scotland Island Subdivision and stating proposal to construct a pathway in Elvina crescent - - and a Tennis Court in Catherine Park : Resolved, - (Crs.Hewitt Campbell)'That the Council approve of the proposal. - - 13. Same. 24/3/24, re same estate, -and stating proposed to substitute sawn turpentine sheeting for galvanised wire mesh in baths to be constructed : Resolved, 8212; (Crs. Hewitt, Campbell) That the Council approve;
April 14th, 1924 Crs. Hitchcock, Hewitt) That in consideration of further work done, of the guarantee lodged in respect of Scotland Island Subdivision, be refunded. Hardy, Busby and Gorman 4/6/24, submitting Deposited Plan of Scotland Island Estate for affixing of. Council's Seal and also Memorandum of Dedication of portion of original Lot 7 of Scotland Island as on extension of the circular road . Resolved, - (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the Council accept dedication for the purposes of the public highway, of the piece of lend edged red on the plan annexed to the Memorandum of Dedication by D G Robertson
Henry Charles White
To the Editor of the Cornwall Chronicle.
Sir,— In the Chronicle of the 20th instant I observed a letter from a Mr H.C. White, of New South Wales, condemning the Tasmanian Quarantine Regulations as being a restriction on trade, and wholly unnecessary. Mr White ‘I speak advisedly when I call this an absurd regulation, because in all the colonies except New Zealand, importations of stock from Europe has been prohibited for the past three years, and no contagious disease exists in New South Wales or Victoria that does not exist in Tasmania.' The italics are mine. Mr White states that to be true which has no foundation in fact. His argument against the necessity of the Tasmanian quarantine regulations is based upon the assertion that all the diseases which cattle are subject to in New South Wales and Victoria exists in Tasmania. This is not true. Pleuro-pneumonia does not exist in Tasmanian herds. It does exist amongst the cattle of New South Wales and Victoria, which must be well known to Mr H. C. White, hence the necessity for our Quarantine regulations which he presumptuously denounces as' absurd.' Only a few years ago it was estimated by competent authorities that pleuro-pneumonia carried off forty per cent of the cattle stock of the Australian colonies, representing a money value of £8,000,00 sterling. If this disease was introduced into Tasmania through the withdrawal of the restrictions objected to by your correspondent. Mr H. C. White, the probability is that its outbreak would be as destructive as it proved in the continental colonies; and, moreover, bear the disease amongst our cattle in the same manner that it exists all over the neighboring colonies, entailing occasional heavy losses and constant anxiety to the owners of valuable herds of cattle. If Mr White's Devons are as valuable as he would wish to make it appear, fifty days' quarantine will not keep them from being introduced. It is quite true that Tasmanian cattle are not subject to any restrictions on landing in New South Wales. The reason is obvious. The cattle of Tasmania are free from all contagious and infectious. You have accepted Mr H. C. White's arguments to be conclusive, and have devoted a loading article to elucidate and impress them on the public mind in somewhat forcible language. The conclusion of your article goes the length of disclaiming the existing restrictions on the introduction of cattle and sheep as being detrimental to the best interests of the colony. I feel persuaded that if you had known what a terrible scourge pleuro-pneumonia has been, and still is in the neighboring colonies, you would not have advocated the removal of any reasonable restriction having for its object the protection of Tasmanian cattle men from the tremendous loss which would inevitably befall them if pleuro-pneumonia got into their herds. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, JAMES WHYTE. Ballochmyle,23rd Dec, 1870. CATTLE QUARANTINE REGULATIONS. (1876, December 27).The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article72522323

Death of the Hon. James White.
On page 20 of this Issue we present our readers with an excellent portrait of the Hon. James White. The fact that he is dead will be read with regret, not only throughout Australia, but also in England. No one who has been connected with the Australian turf was held in greater respect than the " Squire of Kirkham,' Mr. White was a native of New South Wales having been born at Stroud on July 19, 1828, so that he was within a few days of 62 years of age. He was a thorough Australian, having received his education partly at "the famous King's School under the late Rev. Robert Forrest, and afterwards under the Rev. Mr: M'Gregor, of West Maitland
On the death of his father, Mr. James White entered into the possession of tho estates of Edinglassie Timor, and Boorooma. At the time he assumed the management of these properties Mr James White was only 16 years of age and with what success may be gleaned from the fact that he added the Narrer Lake Run, Belltrees, Waverley Estate, Martindale, Merton, Dalowinton, and Segenhoe. These properties, after they came into the possession of Mr. White, wero most considerably improved, and are now some of the best in Australia. IN 1866 Mr. White commenced a parliamentary career, which extended over three years, by his representing the Upper Hunter. At the end of that time he took a trip to Europe, returning in1873, when he purchased the property at Rose Bay, known as Cranbrook, where he mostly resided. A year after his return Mr. White was nominated to the Legislative Assembly, but was defeated by Dr. Creed, and he never after sought a seat in the representative Chamber. In 1874 he was appointed to the Legislative Council, and held his seat up to the time of his decease. For a great length of time it was known that Mr. White was suffering from heart disease, and was also a great sufferer from asthma. A few months back his life was dispaired of, but removing to Kirkham he recovered somewhat, and was frequently, when the weather was fine, able to take carriage exercise. Coming back to Rose Bay, Mr. White was able to pay a visit to his stables at Lower Randwick. The weather, however, had its effect, and contracting a cold it defied the combined efforts of Drs. Sydney Jones, Twynam, and Warren, with the result that Mr. White breathed his last at about 4 p.m. on July 13.
Though a very popular man in the districts where he was known, it was not till Mr. White made himself known on the Australian turf that he became well known to the general public. The first horse that did anything of note with his colors up was Chester, in 1877, when he scored the much-coveted double, V.R.C. Derby and Melbourne Cup, and by so doing almost broke some of the principal bookmakers. Chester did wonderful deeds on the turf, as he scored nineteen wins out of thirty starts. As a sire, however, Chester has been a veritable goldmine, having given us such clinkers as Abercorn, Cranbrook, Dreadnought. Titan, Acme, and others. Almost every rich prize on the Australian turf has been won by the horses carrying the famous " blue jacket, white sleeves, and blue and white cap the only exceptions being the Caulfield Cup and Hawkesbury Grand Handicap. To give a full list of the events won by Mr. White would fill a good sized volume. The following are some of the principal .-1877 : V.R.C. Derby, Chester ; Melbourne Cup, Chester. 1879 : Metropolitan Stakes, Democrat.1879: Maribyrnong Plate, Palmyra. 1880: Metropolitan Stakes, The Pontiff; V.R.C. Oaks, Sapphire. 1881 : Maribyrnong Plate, Segenhoe. 1882: Hawkesbury Guineas, Hecla.1883: Maribyrnong Plate, Iolanthe; V.R.C. Derby and Melbourne Cup : Martini Henry.1884: A.J.C. Derby and Hawkesbury Guineas, Bargo. 1885, V.R.C. Derby, Nordenfeldt: Maribyrnong Plate, Acme; Caulfield Great Foal Stakes, Acme. 1886: A.J.C. Derby, Trident;V.R.C. St. Leger, Matchlock; V.R.C. Derby and St. Leger, Trident. 1887: V.R.C. St. Leger, Trident; Caulfield Guineas, Carlyon; A.J.C. Derby, Abercorn; Hawkesbury Guineas, Lava.1888 : Newmarket Handicap, Cranbrook ; Caulfield Guineas, Volley; V.C.R. Derby, Ensign.1889 : V.R.C. Derby, Dreadnought; Metropolitan,"" Stakes, Abercorn; A.J.C. Derby, Singapore; Caulfield Guineas, Rudolph; Caulfield Great. Foal Stakes, Victer Hugo. 1890: A.J.C. St. Leger, Dreadnought. This is a lengthy list, but not one-half of the events won during a career on the turf which made a name famous and popular with all classes. It was Mr. White's ambition to score amongst his triumphs the English Darby, and to that end he sent over to the old country two of Chester's progeny, Kirkham and Narellan. How they fared is a matter of recent turf history. The experiment was to have been repeated, and the second contingent have already arrived in England, and are much fancied. By the death of their much-respected owner, their nominations became void.
The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon last. It moved from his late residence, Cranbrook, Rose Bay, and was very largely attended by many of the most respected citizens of the metropolis. At the wish of deceased the funeral was a plain one, and in this respect his wishes were carried out. The coffin was of varnished oak with silver mountings, and a small silver plate giving the name, date of birth, and death, while there were no decorations about the hearse. The only display made - and that was a great one was in the way of the wreaths and floral tributes. They were many, varied in designs, but all rich. The coffin was completely enveloped in them. Among them were the following :
Australian Jockey Club, large wreath of choice white flowers with white and blue ribbons ;Canterbury Park Racing Club, :do ; Tattersalls Club, do ;. Warwick Farm Racing Club, do ;. South Australian Jockey Club, ditto ; Union Club, ditto j Warrigal Club, large horseshoe and arrow of white flowers and violets ; Rosehill Racing Club, large wreath of choicest white flowers; Lord and Lady Carrington, ditto, attached to which was a card inscribed-"With the sincere sympathy of Lord and Lady Carrington, as a mark of respect and regard"; the Mayor and Mayoress of Sydney, db? Mr. F.'C. Joseph, cross of lilies; Mrs. Thomas, wreath of souvenir roses, &c. ;Mr. Charles E.- Riddle,- large wreath of choicest white flowers; the servants of Cranbrook, ditto.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. C. M. Lloyd, V. J. Dowling, E. J. . Weaver, P. Mackellar, JH. C. Dangar, and G. Cobb. A more unsatisfactory afternoon in the way of weather could not have been than that at the Waverley Cemetery. Just as the coffin was taken from the hearse a blinding shower of cold sleety rain came on; but this did not prevent every respect being paid, and the crowds around the gate gave every evidence of the popularity of the deceased, so great was the attendance round the grave that many could not get high to hear the service read. Amongst the followers were the committee of the A.J.C, the Postmaster-General(Hon. Daniel O'Connor), the President of the Legislative Council. (Hon. Sir John Hay), Sir John Robertson, Major-General Richardson, Inspector-General Fosbery ; the Hons. Sir William Manning, John Lackey, S. A. Joseph, R. H. D. White, W. A. Long, Alexander Dodds, G. H. Cox, and E. Knox, Ms.L.C. ; Messrs. G. H. Reid, J. P. Abbott, J. E. Street, C. A. Goodchap, R. G. Fitzgerald, T. T. Ewing, Ms. L.A.; the Rev. H. Wallace Mort, the Rev. G. H. Allnutt, Dr. Cox, Dr. Traill, Messrs. C. B. Fairfax, P. O. Williams, H. Austin,T. S. Clibborn (secretary to A.J.C.), James Perry (secretary to Tattorsall's Club),- W. B.Walford, Walter Hall, G.N. Griffiths, Ewen, E.M. Betts, J. A. Scarr, Richard Jones, J, de V.Lamb, Mr. G. B. Rowley (secretary Rosehill Racing Club), Mr. Ackman, B. Oxenham, M. Macnamara, Ebsworth, Hunt, Jas. Johnson, T.Payten, Henry Raynor, T. Lamond, and J. Monaghan. The burial service was conducted by the Revs. H. Wallace Mort and G. H. Allnutt. Death of the Hon. James White. (1890, July 19). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 36. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71179395

The accompanying engraving represents Havilah, near Mudgee, the splendid homestead of Mr. N. P. Bayly.
After a pleasant journey from Mudgee along a road in perfect repair, the traveller is enchanted with the vision of a magnificent park-like estate, and, if he has previously known tho spot, must at the same time be imbued with wonder at the transformation within a few years of a rude and untenanted waste, into a structure and surroundings such as rarely greet the traveller's eye. The site of the homestead is extremely picturesque, and commands the most extensive and beautiful views imaginable. It is situated upon a rising slope in the home paddock, and is replete with every comfort and luxury that the heart can long for, or the eye contemplate.
The structure comprises two stories, and is built of the best materials; the roof is formed of the finest slate, while the verandah, which covers an extent or 8O feet in length, is conspicuous as a work of art, labour, and skill. At the rear of the house is an under ground reservoir, or receptacle for the water which falls from the slated roof. This reservoir is of capacity sufficient to hold -10,000 gallons of water, supplying the whole place by means of numerous pipes, with the purest description of that fluid, whilst, as matters of precaution, a system of drainage is arranged to carry off any surplusage of water, and due measures have been taken to guard against fire. The house stands in the centre of a well arranged flower-garden, abounding in the choicest plants and most exquisite blossom, every appliance being at hand for horticultural convenience.
Some short distance from the residence is a vegetable and fruit garden, which is irrigated by an excellent system of drainage. The house contains eleven compartments (besides cellarage), finished elaborately, and furnished without regard of cost. The talent of the artist blended in harmony with the exquisite taste of the sculptor, gives a grand tone to the interior of the building. No expense has been spared to attain perfection, and to make Havilah the most handsome homestead in the colony, and in this respect the proprietor has no doubt succeeded. From the fact that Mr. Bayly has during the last six years expended nearly £30,000 on the Havilah estate, some idea may be formed of the nature of the improvements.
The estate of Havilah is situated on the main road to Rylestone, and about twelve miles from Mudgee. The estate comprises about 53,000 acres of land, of which 21,000 are freehold, the remaining 32,000 being held by pre-emptive right. It would in its present condition carry more than three times the number of sheep Mr. Bayly depastures on it, and if it were all fenced it would hold considerably more. Havilah is well watered at all points by Lawson's Creek running through the part near the home station, and by numerous tributaries, and upwards of 20 dams in various parts; many of the latter of a most costly character, varying in value up to £1200. The woolshed, which is of very neat construction, is erected in the home paddock not far from the house, and about half a-mile from the washpen, making them most conveniently situated to the proprietor. The washpool is a magnificent one, having been erected at an enormous dam, which is 24 feet deep, the earth work being 394 feet long, and containing about 14,000 cubic yards of clay.
The sheep on the Havilah estate amount in number at the present time to 16,500, and are admitted to be perfection itself. "Without fault" is the entry under the signatures of the judges concerning Mr. Bayly's sheep at the last Mudgee Show, and the Squire of Havilah has scores of cups and valuable prizes testifying to the relative merit of the Havilah sheep. Mr. Bayly has, in fact, long been known as the most successful sheep breeder in New South Wales, which proud position he has achieved from unremitting personal attention to his flocks for the last thirty-five years.
The fame of Mr. Bayly's wool has been long known in the London market. It is also an admitted fact that Mr. Bayly has distributed more stud sheep among the flocks of the colony than any other flock master, and when it is considered that gentlemen competent to judge have p aced our wool-growing resources before gold and minerals in estimating future progress, then Mr. Bayly deserves great credit for his extensive distribution of sheep ; in fact the demand for Mr. Bayly's rams is such that ho cannot breed one half sufficient to meet the demand. Such sheep are indeed a gold mine to the fortunate proprietor, as stud rams are sold at from £50 to £300 each, and stud ewes at from £20 to £40 each. Only a few weeks ago Mr. Bayly sold 30 stud rams to Messrs. W. and T. Richardson of Murrauombie, Duck Creek, which cut the enormous average of 10^lb of wool. Mr. Bayly keeps in the enclosure fronting his home, about 130 magnificent rams, just to remind him that he possesses some of the pure Australian merino. A letter, lately received by Mr. Bayly from a gentle man in the Riverina country, enclosed a beautiful sample of wool, which the writer stated he took from a ram the progeny of Mr. Bayly's sheep, and for which £700 was refused. Havilah. (1876, March 18). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70589896
Count Morner
Count Morner, the Consul-General for Sweden In Austrilia, is a scientist, and has just been lnlonaed tiat the Government of Italy Is:t- confer some decoration, upon him for his work related to malaria. He discovered a little fish in Sydney which destroyed the mosquito larva, and, knowing so much about the ravages of malaria in Italy, placed himself in communication with the Italian Minister of the Interior. The result was that some fishes were sent to Italy. Transportation was a difficult matter, and failed several times, despite the care of the N.D.L.' captains. At last some of the fishes reached Italy, and experiments with them have proved most successful. At a function on board the Swedish- Australian steamer Tasmanic, on Tuesday night. Captain Haakensen referred to the matter, and said that Count Morner deserved the thanks- of the whole community for his efforts in the caste of humanity. Count Morner gave an interesting account of his discovery, which began, he said, at a function in connection with the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. He had been assisted by Mr. Lej Sosef, of the Zoological Society, Sydney. People throughout the world had said he was mad when the matter was first talked about, but he thought a different opinion existed now. He did not know what form the decoration from Italy would take. Mr. Boner, of the N.D.L.., explained that when the Count, spoke of sending the fish to Italy for that particular purpose, he was only too glad to , assist him, as he had had personal experience of malaria. Everything possible' was done to ensure the safe delivery of the fishes. '
Fish and Malaria. (1908, July 17). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114748954
The announcement that Count Morner, Swedish Consul In Sydney, had been decorated by the King of Italy, through the Swedish Ambassador in Rome, for scientific work in connection with Australian mosquito-eating fish, directs attention to a subject which for many years occupied attention in the country.
Count Morner by no means claims credit for being a pioneer In the investigation work, and has given the fullest credit to such Australian naturalists as Mr. Albert Gale and Mr. I Souef (secretary Zoological Society) for what they have accomplished. All he claims to have done is to introduce the fish to Italy where it is recognised that the mosquito is a fruitful source of malarial infection.
"It was in January, 1907," said Count Morner, "that I first drew the attention of the Swedish Ambassador in Rome to the fact that in this country there were several varieties of Indigenous fresh-water fish which devour the larvae of mosquitoes, and the mosquito themselves. My friends, Messrs Le Souef and Gale, gave me the greatest possible assisance, and Mr. Le Souef, who has specimens of the fish at the Zoological Gardens, spared no pains to secure me several lots of the fish. Mr. Gale has known for 20 years at least that many of the fish here feed on mosquitoes and their larvae, but the fact was not known in Italy. I lived in Italy for two years, and contracted malarial fever there, and while in that country I did my best to prevent the wholesale and wanton destruction of small birds which went on. The birds used to eat thousands of mosquitoes, and it was to my mind shameful to see so many big men go about with guns to shoot the little feathered creatures which accomplished such beneficial work, I did all I could to check the destruction of birds, but it went on. This matter of malaria is the most serious problem they have in Italy, for about 8000 lives are lost annually through the disease, and two million hectares of what was once fertile and cultivated land is now a place where malaria predominates. In the time of the Goths when they descended upon Rome the aqueducts from the Appenines were cut, and the water was diverted into this low-lying land, with the result that it became a marsh. Emigration from that part of Italy has been great for the swamps have bred both malaria and mosquitoes, and the insects convey the disease to humanity. No efforts to drain the marshes were successful, and it was not known in Italy that the insects could be held in check by fish. I have more recently pointed this out, and sent the Australian fish to Italy. Altogether seven attempts to get the, fish to Italy have been made, the majority being unsuccessful, owing to the delicate nature of the consignments. The two species which have at last been successfully introduced to Italy, and found by the Chief Director of Health in that country to be capable of doing what it was thought they could, are the blue-eye (Pseudomigil signifer) and the galaxias(Galaxias scriba), but there are others which may be utilised for the same purpose. The subject has aroused a good deal of attention throughout the world, and has been dealt with in the newspapers of many, countries. The Mexican Government has written to that country for Information on the matter. There are enough of the Australian fish in Naples now to enable the authorities there to satisfactorily carry out experiments and stock the marshy places. One little fish can eat at least a hundred larvae in a day. Professor Jordan told me that Texas mosquito-eating fish were being sent to Honolulu, where they suffer from mosquitoes, but not from malaria. There Is another fish having the same useful qualifications in Barbados."
"What is the decoration you have had conferred upon you?"
"It is that of San Maritil e Lasaria," replied the Consul. "It is given for scientific research. I may also point out that the subject of mosquitoes and malaria is engaging attention in India. From a letter written at Kuhl, in the Punjaub, by Lieutenant-General W. Osborn, in the Indian Medical Gazette,' I learn that he has found that a silvery fish known as the chilwa in the Punjaub and the roopchal in Southern India devour larvae. He cleared some cisterns of the larvae by means of these fish, and found that lime also killed the larvae in the water gurrahs kept for fire buckets. The fish, like the Australian ones, are surface feeders." MOSQUITO-EATING FISHES. (1908, July 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28148400
Sir,-I was dumbfounded when reading Mr Ekensteen’s letter to the “Herald” dated February 10. As a genuine Swede, not devoid of feelings for my native country, I must heartily oppose the statements made by Mr
Ekensteen, statements prompted no doubt by anything but love for his country, if it can be called such knowing that he left it when a mere boy. In the first instance I may inform Mr Ekensteen that Count Morner was appointed Chief Consul of Sweden (with power equal to it Consul-General) over Australia, New Zealand, and the British South Sea Islands, on October 5 1905. In the second instance with regard to the gross insult delivered against our noble representative Count Morner, a true gentleman in every sense of the word, I can only say that it shows that Mr Ekensteen knows neither the Consul nor his Government any more than he knows his native tongue. Count Morner is nota man who (to use Mr Ekensteen's expression) desires to ingratiate himself with the Swedish Government. He is above such a thing, his statements being purely prompted by his great love for his countrymen and his strong convictions with regard to this subject. Sweden has for years past lost its very life blood through emigration, and it is only natural that Count Morner should warn his country men from coming out to Australia, at least until such times when more assistance will be given to emigrants I am, etc., C. A. FRIDOLF ULLBERG. Potts Point. COUNT MORNER AND IMMIGRATION. (1910, February 18).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15150591
Marquis de Ruvigny
Monday, Feb. 8th, was the anniversary of the death of Mary Queen of Scots, and some members of the “Legitimist League” thought to honour her beloved Majesty by laying a wreath on her grave at Westminster Abbey. Saints and martyrs, it may be remarked, are also celebrated by the League on their death days. With that due regard for law and order which characterises the Legitimist League,-permission was first asked of the Abbey authorities, Canon Furse, thus appealed to, refused to permit any profession in the Abbey, as there were no precedent for such a thing, and no one, in the absence of the Dean, who happens to be in the Riviera, would care to take upon himself the responsibility of creating a precedent. As two o’clock approached quite a large crowd gathered in the historic church and shortly afterwards the Marquis de Revigny, Mr. Clifford Mellor, Mr. Stuart Meade came in bearing a magnificent wreath of white flowers, and a martyr’s cross and crown made up of white roses. Having received Canon Furse’s intimation they could hardly be said to have been surprised when they found the entrance to the chapels closed. Acting on the instructions of the Canon the chapels has been closed at one o’clock. “I hope you will protest against such a thing,” said a Jacobite to one of our representatives “as closing the chapels on a free day.” The admirers of Queen Mary were permitted to leave the cross and crown in the care of a verger, but they left the Abbey with the wreath without making any demonstration, which disappointed the now swelling crowd. A rumor spread that Archdeacon Farrar and other dignitaries were spectators of this curious scene. Once outside the building—in the blinding rain—the Legitimises thought the better of their action, and solemnly marched back to the entrance to the chapels followed by the curious crowd. They then hung the wreath on the railings which prevented their ingress. The verger came up and asked that the floral emblem might be removed, but the gentlemen refused, and the verger, saying that he had had orders not to remove it, let the wreath remain. Canon Trontoeok at first had ordered - that it should be removed, but on second thoughts gave instructions that the vergers should not interfere. The real reason of this seeming surrender was that the hour for public worship was fast approaching, and when the people were once outside the barrier the authorities could do as they desired. One Legitimist bolder than his fellows, suggested that a procession should be formed to the habitation of the Canon’s residence for purposes of protest, and the silent statues looked down for a moment or two on the unusual spectacle of a kind of indignation meeting. Then the cautious counsel of the Marquis was heard suggesting that they might be had up for brawling unless they were careful, so nothing came of the suggestion. As the time for service got nearer the crowd loft the building.—Pall Mall Budget. ' AT THE TOMB OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. (1892, March 26).The Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 - 1901), p. 3 Supplement: Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 - 1901). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article174510533
Playing at Treason
ON the night of Tuesday, January 22 — in other words, the night of the death Queen Victoria— there was posted by an unknown hand on the gates of St. James's Palace, the railings of the Guildhall, and the walls of St. Alban's Church, Wood-street, the following notioe: —'WHEREAS, Albert Edward Prince of Saxe Coburg and Gotha has usurped the Throne in succession to the late
occupant, We hereby protest and declare that the Crown of England doth of right belong to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Mary the Fourth, whom God defend. 'God Save the Queen.' There, was no signature, date, or address to this extraordinary document, and no one was seen to affix it. At each of the three places mentioned the document was discovered in the early morning by the police on duty, carefully detached, and taken to divisional headquarters. The protest occupied the attention of Scotland Yard; and was then, it is believed, submitted to the consideration of Royalty itself. It will be remembered (says the London 'Daily Mail') that the proclamation of King Edward took place an hour earlier on Thursday morning than officially announced. The reason given to those concerned for this hastening of a historical event was that there were not enough troops in London to keep order among the crowds, of people expected to assemble.
It, is not altogether unlikely that the publication of the protest affected the alteration of the hour.'
Scotland Yard preserves an air of inscrutable mystery over the affair. But the 'Daily Mail' is in a position to say by whom the protest was uttered and published. He is a member of the Legitimist Jacobite League of Great Britain and Ireland — not a prominent member, but one who is very earnest in his convictions that the present dynasty had no right to the throne of England. His action is denounced by official members of the league as inopportune and unauthorised.
'No protest,' said the Marquis de Ruvigny, a vice-president of the league, 'was made by or on behalf of the Legitimist Jacobite League. I am now aware that a protest was made by an individual acting on his own behalf, and, so far as I am aware, without the knowledge of anyone else. I do not agree with the form of the protest or the occasion.'
'The leaders of the party,' said Mr. Walter Clifford Meller, another vice-president, 'do not approve of this protest, and they did not give their sanction to it, as they thought the time inappropriate. But, most important of all, they received no mandate from across the water to make any protest. If such mandate comes, we shall know how to act.''
Across the water' is a phrase which smacks quite pleasantly of the time of bonny Prince Charlie; and, though it sounds strangely in a modern drawing-room, has direct reference to the Stuart family. The Legitimists, of course, refuse to recognise the right of Parliament to determine the royal succession as it did by the Act of Settlement and the Abjuration Act of 1701, whereby the throne was diverted from the Stuarts to the Hanoverians. The authority 'across the water' is, therefore, Mary Theresa Henrietta Dorothea, Archduchess of Austria Este-Modena, and wife of H.R.H. Prince Louis of Bavaria, to whom they render homage as Mary the Fourth and Third of England. One effect of the protest is that for the first time since 1893 the Legitimists were not allowed on January30 to place a wreath on the statue of King Charles the First in Whitehall. They sent one made of ivy and immortelles, with Charles's last word, 'Remember!' woven into the floral design, but it was detained by the Board of Works. It is not improbable that some police action will betaken in regard to the Jacobite protest; but the Crown is hardly likely to dignify the action of an irresponsible individual by making it a case of treason felony. PLAYING AT TREASON. (1901, April 20). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4 Supplement: SUPPLEMENT. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112566632
CHLOE. Flowers were laid on the tomb of Queen Mary of Scots in Westminster Abbey on February 8, in commemoration of the 324th anniversary of her death The Marquis de Ruvigny brought a large bunch of snowdrops. Lady Muriel Watkins brought snowdrops and violets, and Mrs. Astley Cooper Foulds and Miss Josephine Foulds sent a bunch of Scottish heather tied with white ribbon. White carnations, hyacinths, and violets were brought by Miss Gertrude Stewart and other members of the Royalist Club. PEOPLE OF THE MIST. (1911, March 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15229162
Behind the Council House of the Borough of Wandsworth, in a ' thoroughfare where motor-omnibuses, electric tramways, and all manner of street traffic jostle in frenzied competition, lies the grey, tomb-strewn cemetery of Mount Nod. Outwardly it is just like any other tiny "God's acre" in London, and it is only when the curious visitor begins an inspection of the worn, old tombstones that the historic interest of Mount Nod burial ground is revealed.
St. Bartholomew's Day, the Edict of Nantes, the Revocation of the Edict, and the flight of the Huguenots in search of religious freedom, to Switzerland, Holland, Germany, England, and Wandsworth—among other places around London—all these old, unhappy, and almost forgotten events are recalled by the names and Inscriptions on the sepultures of Mount Nod. They stand there in pathetic array, memorials at once of almost the last of the heroisms of religious faith and of a new invasion of England, which changed the history of little towns -like Wandsworth, and Bethnal Green, and Spitalflelds, and Coventry.
As long ago as May, 1896, an appeal was made to "the wealthy inhabitants of Wandsworth, who love their still picturesque town and cherish its ancient memorials and relics," to combine and subscribe a sufficient sum to put the ancient burial ground into proper and substantial condition.
Now another movement has been started to erect a memorial to those exiles for their faith who, 230 years ago, came to the banks of the Wandle, and, like another generation of exiles in another land many centuries before, wept because "Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus," were more to them than "all the waters .of Israel."
The earlier effort to put the graveyard into "proper and substantial condition" was successful, and it is now proposed to erect within the cemetery a fitting memorial "alike in commemoration of the faithful and brave men of the past and as a stimulus to our own and future generations."
The memorial has been designed by Mr. Harold Trimnell, A.R.I.B.A.
There are still living in Wandsworth, and in other parts of London, some of the descendants of those old heroes and heroines of the Protestant faith. They are not easily traced, however, for after a time the charms of the high-cheeked Norman maids and the dark-eyed Picardy girls won on the youths of "Wandlesworth," and there were inter-marriages in which Dormays and Hantaines, Lafittes and Lechiers lost their identity by becoming the wives of good burghers of the name of Smith, or Robinson, Brown or Jones. In, cases where Frenchmen married English girls the usual philological corruption took place, so that the high-sounding and aristocratic Chatelaine became the more commonplace Chatting, and Duquesne was hardly recognisable, in spelling at least, as Du Cane.
In many instances, where the Huguenot descent has been on the maternal side, the French name has yet been preserved in the family as a middle name, as with Mr. A. Herve Browning treasurer of the memorial fund. Mr. Browning is, also, a member of the Huguenot Society, which was founded in London a quarter of a century ago, with the object of "interchanging publications and knowledge relating to the history of the Huguenots in France, .and the Huguenot
emigration from France and adjoining countries, to refugee settlements throughout the world, and particularly those in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands."
There is, in this roll of notable names, Richard Chenevix, who was Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, and grandson of the Protestant pastor of Livray, near Nantes. There is also a Ruvigny, whose present-day representative is Melville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddle de la Caillemetie de Massue
de Ruvigny, ninth Marquis of Ruvigny and Raineval, of Galway Cottage, Chertsey, and Hanover-chambers, Buckingham-street, Strand. Another name is that of Sir Samuel Romilly, a great and humane law reformer of the eighteenth century, descended from that William Romilly of whom we are told that he "came to England at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and settled at Hartlepool, where he carried on the trade of a corn denier." Martineau is another name on the list, and all the English Martineaus, including the astonishing Harriet, who, among other deeds, suggested and managed Carlyle's first course of lectures, and James, the great Unitarian divine, are descended from David Martineau, who in 1685 found at Norwich a refuge from the troubles that assailed him in his own land.
These are more or less familiar names by reason of the prominent part their
bearers took in the life of the nation. One, less well known, is that of De Portal, the family who now make the paper on which the Bank of England notes are printed. There is also a Dollond, whose descendants carry on business as opticians on Ludgate Hill. But of the Wandsworth Huguenots hardly a trace seems left or discoverable, at any rate, in the borough itself. Mr. Davis, the librarian, who has made a special study of the subject says "they intermarried with English families, and so became absorbed, and their names became Anglicised or corrupted."
The building in which they worshipped is now no more, and the trades they established on the banks of the Wandle have departed to other districts.
Thirty-one families are to be commemorated, and the memorial-stone bears the following inscription:—
"Here rest many Huguenots who on the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1685, left their native land for conscience sake, and found in Wandsworth freedom to worship God after their own manner. They established important industries, arid added to the credit and prosperity of the town of their adoption."
The commemoration movement was started 12 months ago with the object, as the promoters explained, that "some fitting memorial should be erected on the spot, alike in commemoration of the faithful and brave men of the past, and as a stimulus to our own and future generations." "FOR CONSCIENCE SAKE". (1911, December 7). Watchman(Sydney, NSW : 1902 - 1926), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112372644
An Old Jacobite Family. Writing on October 10, our London correspondent says: The Marquis de Ruvigny, who was best known as the head of the small band of Jacobites in this country, and president of the Legitimist League, died on Thursday, in a nursing home, after a serious operation. Nearly 20 years ago he was received into the Church by Father Maturin, and in later years he served on the Council of the Catholic Record Society. He was the author of a number of genealogical works, including 'The Jacobite Peerage.' The first Marquis de Ruvigny, a member of a Huguenot family, came to London as French Ambassador in the reign of 'Louis XIV. One of the last public appearances of the late Marquis was at the funeral of the Lord Mayor of Cork (Terence MacSwiney), who died a year ago in Brixton prison. The funeral of the Marquis de Ruvigny took place, following Requiem Mass at Westminster Cathedral. — R.I.P. HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE. (1921, December 8). The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106258205
The Marquis de Ruvigny and Raineval, a member of the French nobility and an enthusiastic Jacobite, has died in London in his 54th year. He was well known as a genealogist and historian. He was a member of a Huguenot family, but he became a Catholic in 1902. Curiously enough, the ancestors of the Marquis were anything hut Jacobite! One ancestor, the second Marquis, commanded the troops of William of Orange and Queen Anne against King James II. Purely Personal. (1922, February 3). Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article167027520
The 'man in the street has little idea of the astonishing number of people in England who are able to boast of royal descent. A volume has just been. published by Messrs. T. and/E. Jack, . entitled 'The Blood Royal of England,' by the Marquis of Ruvigny, containing the .names of all the known legitimate descendants of Kings Edward IV. and Henry VII. of England arid James III. of Scotland.- -It- contains. 620 pages, and gives the names of 11,723 living persons who have royal blood in their veins. And even this lengthy list- is. incomplete, the author admitting' that there are several families- whose descendants he has been unable to trace, says the London 'Mail' Had the progeny of all our rulers thus multiplied we should have nearly 400,000living people in some way or other related to royalty. - And if all the descendants of those children of kings who BORE THE BEND SINISTER were included — but that, and -perhaps for the sake of royal reputations it is well that it is so, is another story.' All ranks of life— kings, nobles, and common people — are represented in this work. With the exception of the Kings of Sweden and Norway and Servia and the Princes of Monaco and Montenegro, there are the names of every Christian crowned head in (the world, -including even an Empress of Mexico. Many of the higher nobility of Great Britain, France, 'Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Russia are also here, and, on the other hand, there are the names of thousands of commoners— Smiths, Browns, Jones and Robinsons — some of them pursuing the humblest of avocations. The compiler is surely well justified in claiming that this is the largest pedigree ever published. In this extraordinary book each name is prefixed by a number which shows how near its owner is to the head of the family, and consequently, if the matter were settled by descent, to the English throne. . The No. 1 is opposite- the name of Mary Theresa Henrietta Dorothea, the present Princess Louise of Bavaria, and the lady is described as 'Heiress of the Royal House of Stuart, Tudor, Plantagenet, Bruce, and Savoy, and the princely House of Este, who but for the Act of Settlement would now be de jure hereditario Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland.' The Act of Settlement of 1701 excluded the Catholic sons of Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, sister of Charles I., from the throne, and settled it on the CHILDREN OF HER PROTESTANT DAUGHTER, the Electress of Hanover.
But your ardent legitimist still holds that the royal rights of the descendants of those excluded sons should be recognised, and, of course, in this family of pedigree their names all come before that of King Edward VII.
For centuries the blue blood of these three kings was mated with the aristocracy, and hundreds of years after they died we find very few untitled names among those who married their descendants — it seems as though their children and children's children to the ninth generation nearly all haughtily refused to wed any but those of ancient lineage. But little by little, as their numbers increased, we find some of them descending in the social scale, and by the nineteenth century the commoners among them are in the majority. Yet even to-day, though many of them appear to be in the humbler spheres of life, most of them belong to the higher classes.
Some idea of the scope and magnitude of this work may be gathered from the following. The Duke of Devonshire, although not figuring high in the pedigree (he is 3653 from the Princess of Bavaria) has A STRAIN OF HENRY VII.'S BLOOD in his veins, and this is how it is traced. He is son of Lady Blanche Georgiana Howard, who was daughter of Lady Georgiana Dorothy Cavendish,- who was daughter of Lady Georgiana Spencer, who was daughter of the first Earl of Spencer, who was son of Lady Georgiana Caroline Spencer, who was daughter of Frances Worsley, who was daughter of Frances Thynne, who was daughter of Lady Frances Finch, who was daughter of Lady Mary Seymour, who was daughter of William Duke of Somerset, who was son of Lord Beauchamp, who was son of Lady Katherine Grey, who was daughter of Lady Frances Brandon, who was daughter of Mary Tudor, who was daughter of Henry VII. 12,000 PEOPLE. (1904, January 17). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3 Section: The Sunday Times Magazine Section. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127797032
The Marquis de Ruvigny is engaged compiling a record of officers, non commissioned officers, and men who have fallen in the war. If relatives will send information to 14-15 Hanover Chambers, Buckingham street, Strand, London, W.C., the names of the deceased will be enrolled. Photographs will, be acceptable. No payment is required. PERSONAL. (1916, February 19). The Australasian(Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), p. 28. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article142987403
HOW IRISHMEN RISE ABROAD. ‘London 'Tablet' (18-4-'08) supplies the following evidence as to how Irishmen are appreciated in foreign lands. It is a strong argument from an unexpected source of the ability, at least, of modern Irishmen to make as good a figure as of old (before the British policy of ''Divide and conquer' was applied)in a self-ruled Ireland. It has sometimes puzzled, the everyday reader of history (says the 'Tablet') to find a Prince Barclay deTolly in supreme command of the Russian armies; a MacMahon, Duke of Magenta, President of the French Republic; a Clarke, Duke of Feltre, Minister of War to the great Napoleon ; a Count Hamilton, President of the Swedish Diet; or the historic title of the Duke of Alva, borne by a Stuart-Fitzjames. In a book which the Marquis de Ruvigny is about to publish, an attempt will be made to enumerate and account for those English, Irish, and Scottish families who, settling abroad, became naturalised and ennobled in the lands of their adoption. The Revolution of 1688 and the attempts to reverse it in1715 and 1745 are indirectly responsible for many Scotch and Irish names in the peerages of the Empire, France, and Spain. The Marquis de Ruvigny's work will further treat of British subjects who have received or inherited foreign titles, including various foreign orders of knighthood. The roll, for instance, of the Spanish Order of St. James of the Sword (Santiago), between 1600 and 1830 contains the names of fifty-four Irish soldiers, besides English and Scottish; while the military Order of St. Louis was won by over two hundred Scottish and Irish officers for valour on the field. The Marquis de Ruvigny, in attempting a systematised record of these, should produce a book of a wide historical, as well as personal, interest. HOW IRISHMEN RISE ABROAD. (1908, May 28). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109864907
RACHEL DE RUVIGNY. Countess, of Southampton.
The accompanying portrait by Sir Anthony van Dyke was painted about the year 1635. It was purchased by the Felton Bequest in 1922 for the sum of £ 15,000. The trustees reported that it was acquired from the Baroness Lucas and Dingwall, and was one of the famous series formerly in the collection of the sixth Earl Cowper at Panshanger. The picture was designated by the artist "Fortune In the Clouds "
The lady thus depicted was the daughter of Daniel de Massue, Seigneur de Ruvigny (in Champagne, France), who was married to the Earl of Southampton in August, 1634. This marriage resulted in the linking of three families whose members figured in English history of the times of James I up to the reign of George I. These families were the Southamptons, the de Ruvignys. and the Russells.
Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton, the son of the 3rd Earl-the patron and friend of Shakespeare-was born in 1607, and was nine years of age when the great Bard passed away. It is possible that he may have met in his father's home the poet who dedicated to him several of his sonnets, or as a youngster of six years may have been taken to see the ruins of the Globe Theatre, destroyed by fire at that time. Later he went to Eton and Oxford, and succeeded to the title on the death of his father in 1624. From Oxford he proceeded to the Continent, and there met his future wife as a young woman. In 1634 he again visited France, and, as stated above, married the lady.
In Agnew's "Protestant Exiles from France" a reason is given for this visit. This is how he puts it: "The Earl had sown his wild oats on the turf. A letter dated March 20, 1634, reports: 'The Earl of Southampton (they say)Has lost a great deal of money lately at horseracing at Newmarket. He has a licence to travel for three years, and has gone in all haste to France.' "
Mr. Agnew Infers that the Earl's exemplary life after this catastrophe was In all probability due to the Influence of the Countess, who was a lady of great personal attractions and moral excellence, as well as being a zealous believer in the Protestant religion.
Southampton became a devoted adherent of Charles I., and his counsels in the interests of peace and reason are said to have had a great influence on his Royal master. He tried In vain, however, to reconcile the King and Parliament.
During the Commonwealth, Cromwell permitted him to remain in England, not with-standing his known attachment to the late King, and at the Restoration Charles II appointed him as Lord High Treasurer, an office which he carried out till his death some seven years later.
He took a considerable part in State affairs in which he had to withstand constant pressure from Royal and other sources. He also exercised his right frequently as a member of the House of Lords to protest against many noxious and oppressive measures.
Sidney Lee, in his Dictionary of National Biography, published in 1900, says:
Southampton left his mark on London topography. In early life he abandoned the family mansion, Southampton House, in Holburn. In1638 he applied for permission to demolish It and to build small tenements on its site. Permission was refused at the time, but about 1652 the Earl carried out his design and the old Holburn house was converted into Southampton Buildings. At the same time he built himself a new and magnificent residence on the north side of what is now Bloomsbury Square. The new edifice occupied the whole of the north side of the Square. It is supposed to have been designed by John Webb, a pupil of Inigo Jones. The gardens included the south side of what is now Russell Square.
Pepys walked out to see the Earl's new residence on Sunday, October 12, 1662, and "deemed it a noble work."
Evelyn records a dinner on February 9, 1665, "At my Lord Treasurer's new Bloomsbury seat 'Fortune In the-Clouds" that the Earl built -a noble square or piazza, a little tower, some noble rooms, a pretty cedar chapel, a native garden to the North, with good air." The house was pulled down in 1800.
The Ruvignys had always been one of the noble families of France, loyal to the Protestant cause. Daniel, the father of Rachel, died in 1611, when she was a girl in her teens, but little is known of her beyond her beauty, her strong attachment for her husband, and her firm religious convictions. Her Influence on her husband has been referred to, and the same guiding principles must have been exercised in regard to her children, of whom two daughters only survived. Of the second daughter, also named Rachel, more will be said later. Lady Southampton's brother was Henri, Marquess de Ruvigny. He was Ambassador for France at Whitehall in 1667, and was a man of wonderful tact and sympathy. He was the deputy of the Protestants in France in the Parliament of Paris, and after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685,when he was over 80 years of age, he migrated to England in charge of several hundreds of exiles. These refugees made their homes at Spitalfields and other places in England and Ireland. Greenwich became the headquarters of the Huguenots under his guidance. Under date April 24, 1687, Evelyn reports a visit to the old parish church at Greenwich:
At Greenwich, at me conclusion of the church service, there was a French service preach'd after the usual English liturgy, translated in French, to a congregation of about 100 French refugees, of whom Monsieur Ruvigny was the chiefe, and had obtained the use of the church after the parish service was ended.
Ruvigny became the first Marquis of Galway, and died at the age of about 84.
Lord Southampton's daughter, Rachel, previously referred to, was married first to Francis, Lord Vaughan, and secondly to Mr. William Russell, who became Lord Russell, and the heir-apparent of the Earl of Bedford.
Lord William Russell entered Parliament at the Restoration. He was a strong advocate for constitutional liberty, and his downfall was due to the fact that he became the dupe of associates with less worthy motives.
After the Rye House plot, he was arrested for treason, chiefly through what is now widely regarded as the perjury of Lord Howard, was sentenced to death and beheaded. Macaulay's summing-up is that Russell appears to have been guilty of no offence falling within the definition of high treason.
At his trial, a thrill ran through the court of spectators, according to Cascell's "Old and New London," when they saw the daughter of the excellent and popular Lord Southampton proffering her aid to her husband in his defence. The incident was not likely to be forgotten, and both painters and poets have long delighted to dilate on the Image "of that sweet saint who sat by Russell's side." The aid referred to was in taking notes during the progress of the trial to assist her husband's memory. Russell had asked the presiding Judge- for assistance of someone to write these notes, and was informed that "any of your servants shall assist you in writing anything you please for you." But Russell replied: "My wife is here, my Lord, to do it for me."
Lady Russell survived her husband more than 40 years. She died on September 29,1723, at the advanced age of 86. Her Interesting letters, compiled from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey, were published in the same year. An old copy is our own Public Library.
Thus ends the story of those three worthy families, who, no doubt, were all familiar with the portrait by van Dyke. In those difficult times of the past, when British justice, as we know It, had not emerged from the melting pot, times of religious rancour and persecution, of regal extravagance and favouritism, it is surely a comfort to know that such families existed and stood four-square to the dictates of truth and right. RACHEL DE RUVIGNY. (1936, December 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17298118
Mrs. E. M. Adams, of The Towers, Taroona, writes to the editor of 'The Daily Post,' Tasmania:'Sir, — In a recent issue of the 'Daily Post' I saw a paragraph, about the Marquis de Ruvigny's work in connection with the above and I wish to draw the attention of those bereaved by: this war (as we were) to the duty, they owe to those dear to them who Have laid down their lives in our defence. In years to come it will be our pride and privilege to show to those of their kin who are now children the names of these heroes inscribed in the Roll of Honor, the first, I believe, ever published in book form, which contains the names of the humblest -as of the proudest, who gave their lives for their country. The marquis expressly requests anyone who possesses 'particulars of Australians Who have died from any cause in their country's service in this war to send them to him. He makes no charge whatever for inserting the names. The address is 15 Hanover Chambers. Buckingham-street, Adelphi. London, W.-C. ' The marquis desires date and place of birth, names of parents, and a short account of life, such as school or college (college degrees),date and place, of enlistment, regiment mental rank, deeds on the field, wounds and illnesses while on active service, date of death, place of burial, etc.' ROLL OF HONOR. (1916, March 31). Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1938), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article101151556
The roll of honour. A biographical record of all members of His Majesty's naval and military forces who have fallen in the war
by Ruvigny and Taineval, Melville Amadeus Henry Douglas Heddle de la Caillemotte de Massue de Ruvigny, 9th Marquis of, 1868-1921
The Marquise of Scotland Island - Threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2015.