March 22 - 28, 2015: Issue 207
Pittwater Restaurants you could stay at Pasadena Road House – Church Point

From Album: 'Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith), 1950' by Sam Hood. Images No: Home and Away - hood_11654h (top) hood_11650h and hood_11652h (below) - courtesy State Library of NSW.

The Pasadena at Church Point
Given several names throughout its operating days, the 'Pasadena Roadhouse', 'Pasadena Motel', 'Pasadena Lodge Motel', 'Pasadena Club', 'Pasadena Cabaret', as well as 'Pasadena on Pittwater' and being a community hub under the auspices of the Gone Fishing Galleryj ust prior to being placed on the market, this structure, unlike The Rock Lily and Barrenjoey House, has changed a few times during its decades as part of our community. Structural changes from simple boathouses to concrete facades, some to meet an expanding clientele for a popular resort, have not changed the peace and quiet and sense of grandeur any visitor to this tucked away idyll of Pittwater senses when standing on the foreshores of Church Point and gazing towards the Ku-Ring-Gai park and all that bushland.
Prior to the opening of the first version of the Pasadena camping and cottages, some advertising themselves as boarding houses, provided visitors to the area with a wide range of places to stay and even, in the La Corniche of Bayview, proprietor Mr H Rainaud, a restaurant that was travelled to for luncheon.
The Church at Church Point, opened in 1872, demolished in 1932, was the first community structure residents met in or beside. Another early structure visitors and residents may have congregated in, to meet the steamers that plied to Church Point Wharf, was a small shelter shed:
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up till 11 o'clock on TUESDAY NEXT; the 1st November, from persons willing to undertake the ERECTION of a SHED-on the Wharf at Church Point, Pittwater. Specification can be seen and further particulars obtained from the Office of the Engineer-in-Chief for Harbors and Rivers, Sydney, …C. W. DABLEY, Engineer-in-Chief -for Harbors and Rivers. Department of Public Works, Roads and Bridges Branch, Sydney, October 21st, 1892. Advertising. (1892, October 27). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
The land itself was owned by Benjamin James 'the younger', who held 23 acres (part of Portion 25) on the point at the entrance to McCarrs Creek. In 1885 he applied to purchase reclaimed land in front of his property. This portion encompassed what would become the Pasadena Roadhouse and Church Point Reserve.
Department of Lands, Sydney. June 1, 1885. APPLICATION TO PURCHASE RECLAIMED LAND. ATTENTION is invited to the notice in the Government Gazette of the 22nd May, 1885, calling for objections (if any) to the application of BENJAMIN JAMES, Jun., to purchase reclaimed land in front of his property at Pittwater, parish of Narrabeen, county Cumberland. CHARLES OLIVER, Under-Secretary. Department of Lands, Sydney. June 1, 1885. APPLICATION TO PURCHASE RECLAIMED LAND. (1885, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
PITTWATER. PITTWATER. Charming Block of 37 Acres, 2 roods, 9 perches, adjoining GOVERNMENT WHARF at foot of CHURCH POINT, having a frontage of about 3/6 of a mile to M'GARR'S CREEK and BROKEN BAY. The right to an oyster lease of 15 years, extending from northern comer of land and running south-westerly for 200 yards. Will be transferred to purchaser. BATT, RODD, and FDRVES are instructed to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their rooms,88 Pitt-street, on TUESDAY, 14th February, 1893, at 11.30 a.m., The above-mentioned water frontage block at Pittwater, almost opposite SCOTLAND ISLAND. A DAILY COACH service between MANLY and PITTWATER. Advertising. (1893, February 2). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from

An application to Warringah Shire Council to build accommodation closer to the Church Point Wharf appears in 1904 when James Booth, at the fairly new formed shire, records in its 13th meeting of the 22nd of February a request to 'erect a motor car shed in an excavation at Church Point'. In 1908 Mr. Booth requests permission to use this shed as a dining room, which is refused as it may impact on neighbours.
Mr Booth is in charge of a store at Church Point which he then leases to Arthur Norris Simpson, who has a wonderful orchard on the hill opposite. The National Archives of Australia's online files of Church Point Post Office provide an insight into 1908 and 1909 at Church Point:
GROCERY SHOP LOOTED. THIEVES AT PITTWATER. The shop of Mr. Arthur Norris Simpson, Church Point, Pittwater, was broken Into some time on Saturday night or Sunday morning, and several pounds worth of tinned fish and other groceries taken. A fishing dingy from the Jetty near by was also appropriated, but this has since been recovered. A curious trace of the fugitives was discovered on Sunday morning when the local church was opened, a few empty herring tins being found in the porch. GROCERY SHOP LOOTED. (1912, February 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
Simpsons at Church Point, c. 31/12/1908, from State Records NSW pictures, Item No.: 18526_a024_000026.

DISASTROUS FIRE. At Church Point. BUILDINGS AND BOATS DESTROYED. A fire which broke out last night at Church Point caused extensive damage, the general store and post-office, tea-rooms, and garage, as well as a launch and several rowing boats, being destroyed. The residents of the well-known pleasure resort were unable to combat the flames, as no water supply was available.
The fire, it is stated, broke out first in Mr. H. Jensen's general store, a large wooden structure. The flames quickly devoured that building and spread to the adjoining tea-rooms. They razed this building to the ground, and enveloped a large motor garage, containing two or three cars. A motor launch, which was lying on slips at the rear of the garage, and several skiffs, which wore tied up beneath It, also caught fire. The garage and Its contents were destroyed.
Mr. Jensen, the manager of the store, tea-rooms, and garage, was spending the evening with his family at a picture theatre in Collaroy. He was not aware of the fire until he returned home at a late hour to find the buildings In a state of ruin. Mr. Jenson Is also In charge of the post-office at Church Point.
The buildings were owned by Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Lennox-street, Mosman, and were leased by him to Mr. Jensen. The boats were the property of Mr. Jensen. One of the motor cars was owned by the local mailman. The fire was discovered in peculiar circumstances. A resident of Newport, on the opposite side of the bay, noticed a brilliant glare In the direction of Church Point, and he communicated with the Mona Vale Telephone Exchange, and Inquired if any fire had been reported from that vicinity. The telephone operator got Into communication with a resident at Church Point, and this man discovered the fire. It is believed that the damage will amount to several thousands of pounds. DISASTROUS FIRE. (1928, November 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
His efforts to rebuild were delayed by a Timber Workers strike. Both The Post Office Master General and Warringah Council made several inquries during 1929 as to when this would occur, and although he had contractors to rebuild, at a cost of £2000, and furnished a drawing, Charles Frederick Wymark, filled the gap as Post Master.
IT is notified in Government Gazette of 28th December, 1928, that application has been made by Herbert James Fitzpatrick for an extension of term of his Special Leases 1924/23 and 1925/7, Land District Metropolitan, for Store, Garage, Boatshed, and Refreshment Room at Church Point, Pittwater. Objections must be lodged at the Land Board Office, Lands Department, Sydney, up to 28th January, 1929. H.H.MATHEWS, Metropolitan District Surveyor, 24th December 1928. Advertising. (1929, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Records indicate that Mr. Fitzpatrick moved his family to a rural setting at this time, for work, and also for health reasons. Although he continued to have large holdings in Pittwater, particularly in the nooks he loved so much, Church Point, Elvina Bay and Scotland Island, it is Charles Wymark, only son of the wonderful Frederick Wymark, who seems to have moved into Church Point in a big way.
Geoffrey Myers. Church Point [Boatshed, Pittwater, NSW] 1945. Watercolour, titled, dated “10.11.45” and signed lower left to right, 26.7 x 36.7cm. Slight tears to right edge. Item #CL183-125 Price (AUD): $880.00 from:
A Refreshment Room Becomes A Road House
WYMARK—LAWSON.—November 14, 1929, at St. Stephen's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Dr. Scott West, Charles Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. O. Wymark, of Rose Bay, to Lennox Mary, youngest daughter of the late J. R. and Mrs. Lawson of Turramurra. Family Notices. (1930, February 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved November 29, 2013, from
Pittwater. THE young Charles Wymark pair are in the thick of entertaining at their perfectly new house at Pittwater, where, as yet, a cracked cup is not. Chief delight is a swimming pool to give background to 'those beach pyjamas.' Jottings of a Lady about Town. (1929, December 22). Truth(Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
Tenders Approved: Bayview. — Bungalow, Bay view Road. — C. Wymark, Church Point. COTTAGES. (1930, May 14). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from
Tenders Called. Church Point. — Construction of approximately 350ft. of 18 inch Reinforced Concrete Beam, and approx. 90 Reinforced Concrete Piers. All building material supplied, but supply own forms and to use not less than a one bag mixer.— C. Wymark, Church Point, via Manly. UNDATED. (1930, June 18). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from
Tenders Accepted. Church Point— Store, Cabaret, Garage and Boatshed.— C. Wymark, Church Point. - MISCELLANEOUS. (1930, February 19). Construction and Local Government Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1913 - 1930), p. 2. Retrieved from
An Item from Warringah Shire Council's records from the same month of 1930:
Charles Frederick Wymark for extension of term of Special Lease 1927/9 Metropolitan area about 26 perches purpose Boatshed and Wharf situated at Church Point Pittwater Parish Narrabeen County Cumberland Objections may be lodged with Land Board Office Sydney C T WEBB Metrop District Surveyor. Advertising. (1948, June 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Getting There
Church Point Wharf was a visiting point for steamers from at least the 1860's. The Hawkesbury River Steam Navigation Company denying that one of their steamers had damaged the Church point Wharf during the earliest Warringah Shire Council Meetings records predates a Church point Ferry Service by three decades. Other articles state the steamer would arrive around 9 p.m. on a Friday night, bringing everyone down to the wharf to offload goods and load produce for the Sydney markets.
The roads into and through Pittwater left a lot to be desired and Mr. Booth winning a contract to improve the track to Church Point was preceded by:
Deputations. PITT WATER-ROAD. A DEPUTATION, consisting of Dr. Tibbets, and Messrs. M'Ewen, F. Smith, R. Crawford, and B. James, waited upon the Colonial Secretary last Friday in reference to what they termed the "disgraceful condition of the road" between Manly Beach and Pittwater. It was stated that the road was a mass of sand and ruts, and that in consequence of being hilly in some places this made it much worse. lt was also stated that unless the steam communication was improved, the traffic of the road in question must greatly increase, and the deputation therefore asked that something might be done. The Premier admitted that the road was a very bad one, although improvements were being made to it, though somewhat slowly. The road would no doubt have to be made, and he would cause a report to be drawn up on the subject. Deputations. (1883, June 9). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 39. Retrieved from
Once a road into Church Point was built the coach lines and then Mr. Bottles Motor Bus followed by those who could afford a motor car brought more and more visitors to Church Point. The boon in 'motor car touring' brings some lovely early images of Church Point through such reports and always featured as one of the picturesque drives to take when going on a 'motor tour'.
So many came to Church Point on motor tours that it became a place to purchase fuel. From Warringah Shire Minutes: British Imperial Oil Co; 30.7.26 requesting permission to install a petrol tank under the road in front of H. J Fitzpatrick's Special Lease at Church Point, within three foot of the approved position for the pump: Resolved; -' (Crs; Hope, Hitchcock) That the request be granted
Above from: Narrabeen Lakes Estate, 1906 / Arthur Rickard & Co. Ltd Auctioneers. 1906. MAP Folder 114, LFSP 1695 (Copy 1). Part 17. Courtesy National Library of Australia.
H. C. BOTTLE'S NARRABEEN-PITTWATER MOTOR CAR SERVICE. Fast, Up-to-Date 'Fiat' Motor Char-a-Baue. To Newport Daily.— 'Bus leaves Narrabecn : 6 a.m.;&15 a.m. (Sundays ex.), 11.1 a.m., 1.1 p.m., 3.1 p.m.,5.1 p.m., 0.29 p.m. From Newport.— Motor Bus leaves Newport : 6.45 a.m.,8.45 a.m. (Sundays ex.). 11.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 3. 30p.m., 5.30 p.m., 7.15 p.m. To Church Point Daily.— 'Bra leaves Narrabeen : 6a.m., 10.1 a.m., 1.1 p.m., 5 p.m. From Church Point.— Motor 'Bus leaves Church Point :10.30 .a.m., 1.35 p.m., '5.30 p.m.; Monday, 6.43 a.m. from Church Point, and day after Holiday. Additional Trips. Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. Special Parties and Picnics arranged. Tel., Manly 510. Advertising. (1917, December 30). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 23. Retrieved from
AT CHURCH POINT, PITTWATER. The scenery in this locality, which is a favourites' motor run from Sydney, is strikingly beautiful.The Beaches a Wonderful Asset. (1928, October 10). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 24. Retrieved from
A Picturesque Motor Drive — View at Church Point (Pittwater), from McCarr's Creek. With the approach of warmer weather Sydney motorists are making preparations for outings to pleasure resorts near the city. The charms of the Manly and Pittwater districts and one of the most popular spots near Broken Bay is Church Point. MOTORING. (1929, August 28). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 45. Retrieved from
THROUGH THE TREES. A beautiful vista at Church Point, Pittwater, near Sydney, where the spotted gums grow well. Shrubs and Trees for the Home Garden. (1934, June 13).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 47. Retrieved from
follow the main concrete road via Military Road to Palm Beach and the road to the left, to Church Point….Advertising (section from whole 'map'). (1931, December 13). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Seafood and fresh farm fare was the specialty of Pittwater in its early days, from the reports of falling into the Pittwater while seeking oysters in My Holiday by Charles de Boos - 1861, right through to the sought after 'Newport Oysters', and numerous fishing reports of all caught at Church Point, fish as fresh as the morning were available and listed as fare and as a sport among the attractions to potential excursionists brought by their thousands in steamers (also here). Apparently many came here just to fish and many on these steamers went home with good catches. Visitors planning to spend any time here as campers or boarders were advised most of what they need could be bought here or easily caught, and to only bring essentials, see: A TRIP TO BROKEN BAY (1873) By a Freshwater Sailor.
The Roche's specialised in eggs, dairy farms producing milk, and cereal crops made Pittwater a food bowl for the rest of Sydney. The range of available fresh produce is spelt out in this extract from a larger article and many others where locals would have not only made their own butter but also their own jam to go atop freshly made bread:
From Bayview the road, a very good one, winds around the beach, disclosing as every vantage point is gained new beauties of land and water. Around here are some very good orchards, with trees laden with fruit, and the homesteads peeping out from masses of evergreen foliage, with an extensive vista of land and water. In a charming spot on a sloping hillside, with such a fore-ground and a craggy background Professor Anderson Stuart has a summer residence and orchard. Mr. W. G. Geddis has a neat residence on a pleasant point. Mr. W. Baker has an orchard with some magnificent trees, while on a commanding bluff is Mr. John Poster's residence and orchard. Mr. A. McIntosh's residence is also hard by.
This road ends at Church Point, a lovely spot commanding a view of Pittwater; the town and hotel of Newport at the head of Navigation, Broken Bay, and Barrenjoey directly in front; Scotland Island and Towler's Bay right across the water, with the long and deep arm known as McGarr's Creek on the left. On the Towler's Bay side there are several residents who pull across the water to the wharf at Church Point and meet the steamer from Sydney or the coach from Manly, as the case may be. The dynamite powder hulk is moored in Towler's Bay, with residences on shore for the officers in charge. Mr. Robert Robinson has his residence of Raamah at the same place. Mr. Robinson informs me that he can grow to perfection such tropical fruits as bananas, guavas, ginger, mangoes, pineapples, Brazilian cherries, &c. This fact will demonstrate that there can be little or no frost in this locality. Other residents of this side of the bay are Mr. F. Chave, Woodlands, who has a very nice orchard, mostly summer fruit ; Mr. E. C. Johnstone, who has a nice residence and orchard; Mr. A. Steffani is another prominent resident, while the residence of the firm of Flood and Oately occupies a lovely peninsula in the quiet waters of the bay. Mr. Geo. Brown has a residence and an orchard in the neighborhood, and there is also a small church and cemetery at Church Point. Manly to Broken Bay. (1893, November 11). Australian Town and Country Journal(Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 19. Retrieved from
The chefs who concocted menus at the Pasadena presented a la carte meals. In the 1950's afternoon teas were available and dinners for Cabaret shows. Reginald Lee, as shown in article below, was one of the first chefs at the Pasadena and a nod towards the Wymark's enjoying the best food available in Sydney prior to their Church point days. The Fare, it seems, was the best from the outset.
Exclusive Night Spot
During the first decade of the Pasadena a reputation as the place to go was enhanced by those who dined and danced in the premises. It was a special events place and weddings as well as important announcements were made:
MISS VALERIE (BETTY) QUINLIN, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Quinlin, of Neutral Bay, who announced her engagement to Mr. John Kingsford-Smith, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Kingsford-Smith, of Wollstonecraft, at a party at Pasadena, Church Point, last night. (photo) Family Notices. (1937, January 1). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
At the Pasadena. Mr and Mrs Campbell Jacquet, of Pimpampa, Rowena, who are staying at Redcliff, Collaroy, included in their party at the Pasadena last night Miss Peg Arnott and her brother Mr Bob Arnott. Others were Mr and Mrs Charles Bristowe Mr and Mrs Jack Cassidly Misses Nancy Lonergan and Cheny King, Messrs. Dougald Bertie, Keith Arnott and Bill Hynes SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. (1939, February 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Birthday Celebrated. At their home in Mosman on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Portus entertained at a cocktail party in honour of the twenty-first birthday of their daughter, Judith. After the party many of the guests went to the Pasadena at Church Point for dinner and dancing. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs Ewan Pizzey, Mr. and Mrs. .. Pizzey, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lawrence, Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Freeman, Misses Nerida Nash, Joan Wallis, Shirley Edmunds. Mona Hyles. Nina and Sheila Bragg. FOR WOMEN. (1940, February 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
World War Two meant the Pittwater Regattas were suspended, as they had been in WWI in deference to all serving, and that Pitwtater itself, regarded once more as a potential landing site for invaders, was closed down to a certain extent, with vessels that may be stolen taken up the Hawkesbury for the duration and premises that could be utilised by the Defence Forces, commandeered for the duration:
[Hire of 'Coo-ee', Church Point Road, Mona Vale by the Australian Military Forces. Property owned by Mrs HAV Schreinert and required by 18 Battalion] from - National Australian Archives
From Warringah Shire Council Meetings minutes: 9.5.1944; The Shire Engineer reported orally on a request from the Pittwater Marine Workshops for permission to place U.S. barges on the mud-flats of Pittwater near "Pasadena" while being painted. Resolved, - That the Council raise no objection: (Crs. Nicholas, McLean)
It didn't stop reports regarding the Pasadena and its food appearing though, even if a few states away, and for this 'grand dame of Pittwater' to be spruced up prior to being opened for more of the same:
Visit to A.I.F. in Camp in England. BURRA BOY IS CHEF. By Wireless from Mary St. Claire. Among the articles in the Australian Women's Weekly written by their special representative we note the following headed ‘former chef’ which refers we are given to understand to one of our Burra boys, Reg Lee, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Lee, of Kooringa. His wife who is living here during Reg's stay abroad verifies the addresses. The paragraph reads: — Another mess I visited is conducted in really deluxe style by Sergeant Lee, formerly Romano's chef and before that chef at Pasadena, Church Point, N.S.W. How he cooks rabbit is just nobody's business. He always manages to have two green vegetables on the menu, and usually succeeds in giving his diners a choice of two meat dishes — due chiefly to the fact that plump hens, ducks and trout unaccountably find their way to his pots.' As a sample menu he provides for lunch, kidney soup, mutton curry or rabbit pie, cabbage –from the previous day's cauliflower leaves, spinach from the –outside leaves of the previous night's salad, jam tarts and custard. Actually he manages to get three cups of tea daily for the boys, though other messes are cut down to two cups since tea was rationed. The writer went on to say they all asked her to give this message: 'Tell folks we're doing fine, but hurry up with the home letters; we're starving for news from home.' Visit to A.I.F. in Camp in England. (1940, August 6). Burra Record (SA : 1878 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Pasadena, at Church Point, which before the war was one of Sydney's most exclusive roadhouses, is to re-open - redecorated, refurnished. SYDNEY NIGHT CLUBS. (1946, July 8). Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Captain P. G. Taylor, who founded the Loquat Valley School at Bayview two years ago, and Mrs. Taylor, will receive the guests at the school ball, which will be held at the Pasadena, Church Point, tonight. Some Coming Events. (1949, June 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
TROPHIES won during the 1950-51 season were presented to the winners by Commodore K. C. K-. Dalton at the first annual ball of the Bayview Yacht Racing Association, held at Pasadena, Church Point, on Friday. Commodore Dalton also announced that a grant of land and a suitable building would soon enable the club to have its own clubhouse. Scholarship Worth £500 For Ballerina. (1951, June 24). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 19. Retrieved from
SAILING PITTWATER -Pasadena Trophy class Amity (J Demontford) 1 Lark (R Dubois) 2 VJs Blue Bird (B Smith) I Wings (R Grimes) 2 WEEK-END SPORTING IN DETAIL. (1950, March 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Next Saturday evening a Ball is being held at Pasadena, Church Point, to introduce candidates for the Miss Pittwater Queen Competition, being run to raise £500 with which to endow a bed in perpetuity at the Manly District Hospital. Among those who will attend are Mr. and Mrs.W. C. Wentworth, Mr. and Mrs. R. Askin and Major and Mrs. Starrett, Lieut. Cmdr. Cornelius, R.N., and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Treweeke and Mr. and Mrs. Bexter Moore. Round about WITH SUZANNE. (1953, August 9). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from
That's Entertainment!
A sample of those who played the Pasadena's rooms also shows there was a 'season' during the first decade of the Pasadena and months when the premises did not trade, or at least, have big music available when these were not supporting fundraising efforts:
Mr. and Mrs. George Rayner and their party have chosen their yacht Ragnar as a novel means of transport to attend the dance organised by Commander Gifford at Pasadena, Church Point, tonight, for the funds of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Situated at the water's edge, the ballroom is quite convenient, for all who choose this manner in which to arrive. Dress will be "Palm Beach." Reservations may be made by telephoning Y9007. Social and Personal. (1936, February 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Spanish and Russian songs sung by the Russian tenor, Mr. Charles Niels, were wafted out on the breeze over moonlit, waters at Church Point on Saturday night, when a dance, organised by Commander Gifford, was held at Pasadena, Church Point, and as a result £40 was added to the funds of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
Charles Niels Picture from: From the Schools. (1930, November 26). The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Most of the guests who arrived early wore Palm Beach dress, and although some of the women wore shorts, others chose three piece beach ensembles of linen, or seersucker, and some wore slacks. Several parties came on after the premiere of "Anything Goes,” and added to the sartorial medley the more dignified aspect of full evening dress. An illuminated boat sped from the pier near the ballroom taking guests for short trips, and moored just below the windows was the Ragnar, Mr. and Mrs. George Rayner's yacht, which proved a popular rendezvous. In their party were Miss Joan Gifford, who will leave for the East at the end of the week with Mrs. Rayner, Major and Mrs. G. B. Jenkins, Miss Enid Hull, Mr. L. J. Carroll, and Mr. T. Alcock, Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pratten, Mrs. Philip Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Foster, Miss Thelma Hill, Miss Jean Black, Mr. and Mrs. R. Larkin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cohen, Miss Bebe Cobcroft, Mrs. N. Gunning, Mr. Karl Krewinkel, Mr. R. Brasch, Mr. F. Graham, Captain H. N. Talbot Lehman. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. (1936, February 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Advertising. (1938, September 25). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 34. Retrieved from
Advertising. (1940, September 29). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 32. Retrieved from
Fundraising and Community
The Pasadena, under Charles Wymark and all proprietors who followed, has always been imbued with community spirit.
Right: From Album: 'Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith), 1950' by Sam Hood. Images No: Home and Away - hood_11658h
THE Hospital Saturday Fund appeal seldom falls on deaf ears and a gigantic effort is being put forth this year to swell the coffers. Today at the lovely Pasadena, Church Pt., kindly made available by Madame Freida Harfelt, there will be a Gala Hawaiian Revel starting at 3 p.m. which should swell the Fund greatly. Attractions will include top line theatrical and radio stars, dancing to Andre's Rhythm Band, and many novel competitions. The parade of beauties displaying beach and sportswear should be easy on the eye and it is hoped there will be a big attendance. IN TOWN and Out. (1951, November 11 - Sunday). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 36. Retrieved from
COLOURFUL costumes reminiscent of Latin America countries will be worn by dancers at theCaribbean Night party to be held by the Collaroy Branch of the Torchbearers for Legacy at Pasadena, Church Point, on January 16.THROUGH ONE MAN'S EYES. (1953, January 4). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 21. Retrieved from
And a recipe for... yes, a seafood dish!:
CALALOU-a spicy Creole dish concocted from pickled pork, fish, shrimps, and sago and made through-out the islands of the West Indies-will be served at the "Caribbean Night" party being organised by the Collaroy branch of Torchbearers for Legacy at Pasadena Roadhouse, Church Point, tomorrow.
Mrs. Raymond Glass, of Mona Vale, supplied the recipe, which is as follows:
Ingredients: 1 ½ lb salt or pickled pork. 6 onions (chopped). 2 lb spinach leaves (chopped), 1 lb fish (chopped), 1 lb shrimps or prawns, or 3 or 4 small sand crabs, 1 lb okra or, alternatively, sago. Clove garlic. 1 tspn. marjoram. 2 or 3 fresh red chillies (chopped), 1 tspn. cumin.1 quart water.
Method: Cut pork into 2-inch lengths, fry in hot pan till browned. Add onions, garlic, marjoram, cumin and chillies. Pour in water, bring to boil. Add spinach, fish, shrimps and sago. Simmer gently for three hours. Serve with plain boiled rice. CREOLE DISH SERVED AT LEGACY PARTY. (1953, January 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2 Section: Women's Section. Retrieved from
A FASHION parade will be held at Pasadena House, Church Point, on Saturday to aid the Bill Roberts Benefit Fund. Bill Roberts, proprietor of the water taxi service at Pittwater, was drowned on August 10 while trying to rescue his son, Michael, who fell overboard from a launch. Social News, Gossip. (1954, September 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
Mr Roberts was another Veteran who was a prisoner of war during WWII, taken at the fall of Singapore and reported to have worked for nine months on the Burma railway. He was 38 and his son only 17 months when they were tragically lost. The offshore and Church Point Community, as it still does, rallied around his wife Grace and daughter Diane, only 11, an did their utmost for them, while Mrs. Roberts clearly had the spirit we all still celebrate in our western shore residents:
Widow Keeps "Dream Boat" Going. Mrs. Grace Roberts is determined to do everything she can to keep her husband's water-taxi running at Church Point. Mrs. Roberts lost her husband and baby in tragic circumstances. The baby, Michael, aged17 months, fell overboard from the water-taxi on August 11 and her husband, Bill, was drowned trying to save him. At her little cottage at Lovett Bay Mrs. Roberts said yesterday: "Bill's boat was his dream-his ideal.
"He slaved from six in the morning until late at night to build up the taxi service; It was more than just a business proposition. Perhaps because we are so cut off down here, there is a strong community feeling among us. Bill liked to feel he was helping to build that feeling by being willing at any time and in anyway to help people. I couldn't bear to see the boat idle," added Mrs. Roberts, as we watched the water-taxi cut a clear line across Pittwater towards us. It was against all Bill's principles that people here should be left stranded."
She said she had engaged a certificated driver, Mr. Jim Hall, of Narraweena, to run the boat for her temporarily. Later she would like to lease the boat to someone. A total of £256 has already been presented by Pittwater residents to Mrs. Roberts. A "Bill Roberts" fund for his wife and 11-year old -daughter, Diane, was formed last week. The chairman, Mr. Charles Wymark, said yesterday that this fund already stood at £160. Widow Keeps "Dream Boat" Going. (1954, August 22). The Sun-Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1953 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
22ft launch, Aldec, which ferried passengers and goods in Pittwater. Father, Son Drowned In Pittwater. (1954, August 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Another fundraiser, for Hebrew Peoples of Sydney:
Advertising. (1947, March 20). The Hebrew Standard of Australasia (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1953), p. 5. Retrieved from
Advertising. (1950, June 14). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
Liquor Laws – 1951/52 - 'order prior to 5.30p.m.'
In Barrenjoey House being able to have a drink with your meal clearly occupied any proprietors thoughts. What created the 'six o'clock swill' in Australia, which was started during WWI when licensed premises had to close their doors by 6 p.m. due to a push towards austerity, and compounded by a soldiers riot in 1916 in which one man was shot at Central station, became a matter to be addressed once more as WWII ended. Viewed as a semi-prohibition, with Tasmania the first to change the law so hotels could stay open until 10 p.m., but not on a Sunday - even into the 1970's, in NSW it was not until 1954 that this law was changed to catch up with Tasmania and 1955 before the 10 p.m. closing time began.
The changes needed to take place as people were bent on having a drink after the sun went down and 'sly grog', or 'refreshments' as any drink is alluded to in connection with the Pasadena prior to the change, had to be procured at least seemingly legally.Here once again part of the spirit of offshore folk shows through:
PASEDENA CABARET CHURCH POINT. Most Beautiful Rendezvous on Bay. Superb Dance Floor. Afternoon Tea and Dinners.ORCHESTRA BY ANDRE JACQUES. Make up your party for Saturday night. Enjoy yourself In the most beautiful and congenial surroundings. Order Refreshments Before 5 30 p m. Phone XW9007 JB1496 MA3099. Advertising. (1950, June 21). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
Advertising. (1951, February 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Church Point wine and spirit store (owner Ernest Caldwell) licensee, Harry Jackson, admitted blackmarket sales of 75 percent of supplies, including some sales to the Pasadena Club. Pasadena Club. Church Point, alleged blackmarket purchases from Harry Jackson.Judge's Demand For Details On 'Black' Beer Sales. (1952, April 13). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Harry Jackson, spirit merchant, of Church Point, admitted that he sold three quarters of his weekly bottled beer quota above the right price. He said the highest price was £2/6/ a dozen for beer supplied to the Pasadena Club. Instructions to overcharge for the beer had been given him by Ernest Caldwell, who held the shares in the company conducting the Church Point store in which the wine and spirit business was situated. Jackson said his Australian beer quota was nine dozen a week from Tooth's (reduced to eight dozen), five dozen from Toohey's, and between four to 12 dozen from Walter Cavill's. He supplied the Pasadena nightclub with anything from six dozen to 12 dozen bottles of beer a week. Balance of his Australian beer was sold to customers in the district. LIQUOR ROYAL COMMISSION. (1952, April 10). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 3. Retrieved from
In 1958 Charles Wymark is renovating his holdings at Church Point again. The structures facade and interior is changed but the name stays the same. In 1960 John Hackett and Ray Berne with their four children, Cheryl, Joneen, Gai and Tom take over the Pasadena in 1960. The building has a general store and newsagency with a ballroom upstairs. The family resides in a flat at the back of the store.
In 1963 Building Approval to remodel is approved
Building Approval A212/63 was …. issued by Warringah Shire Council in March 1963 for 3 shops, an estate agent's office, 3 storerooms, toilets, vestibule, restaurant, kitchen and storeroom and a concrete terrace area (which later formed part of the covered eating area on the northern side of the building), 13 motel rooms on the first floor and common laundry, plant room, private laundry and store on the second floor. (Extract from Paper on Pasadena prepared by Gordon Edgar, Pittwater Council 3 Oct 2013)
During the late 1980's a kitchen garden with herbs supplemented the fresh produce being delivered to the Pasadena. The kitchen, large and commodious, was to the right of the dining room, which was tiled and opened out to the front of the building to give diners a wonderful view of Pittwater, while the rooms were upstairs.
In 2000 the 'Pasadena on Pittwater' in restaurant and travel guides lists 14 rooms upstairs at $75.00 per night. In 2002 a planned redevelopment which was "to demolish the existing building and erect a four-storey mixed residential development containing nine residential units and basement car parking" and objected strongly to by the community was subsequently approved on Friday 12 January 2007 by the Land and Environment Court, objected to again, plans changed and.... then nothing happened.
Owners, the Romeo Family ran a very popular restaurant and rooms to stay in, listed as '12 motel rooms with ensuites' on the upper floor in 2012. The ground floor still had a large open restaurant, commercial kitchen and bar. The top floor had a laundry and open terrace.
The wonderful artist-run Gone Fishing Gallery occupied the spaces, although it leaked when it rained, until the sale to two gentlemen in 2012.
Why 'Pasadena' though?
Pasadena in California was a winter haven for wealthy people during the 1920's, a tourist attraction. It was recognised as an affluent suburb, surrounded by citrus groves... a peaceful and beautiful landscape surrounded by hills and mountains.
Orange Orchard, Pittwater, part of the Tyrrell Photographic Collection, Powerhouse Museum. Taken circa 1898
Spanish Baroque and Art Deco was the style of architecture being employed for new constructions in this area, influenced by earlier 'Rancho' style with the Spanish Revival which was predominant throughout the 1920's to 1930's. Open courtyards, verandas whcih offered 'umbrella' rooves to shield one form the subn but still keep open access to vistas was the norm. White-washed walls, arched doorways and recesses were decorative, functional
A California Bungalow architectural phase was to influence Australian building throughout the 1930's, Avalon Beach had many such houses of this style built then. So it may simply be the similarities, and a local knowledge that getting people to visit in Summer was easy, Winter a whole other matter. An association technique that worked well at Palm Beach where land sales were poor prior to associating this idyll with a name of affluence once again in the US of A.
Or there may have been other local talk and influences during the year of the original construction that cemented the inspirations of the time as a 'clincher'. A Pasadena Estate was offered at Cronulla in July 1929 with the opening of the Georges River Bridge, a story called 'The Phillimore Necklace' ran in a series in a local periodical, with frequent references to Pasadena, the golf tournament of Pasadena was reported on, the movie 'Manslaughter', filmed in Pasadena homes, was released - 'Talkies' then being all the rage, Ivan Herrmans' Pasadena Band was playing at numerous functions, a radio programme 'The Blue Hills of Pasadena' and even an advertisement to travel there appeared during the year Charles Wymark married his first wife:
Right: Advertising. (1929, April 10). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 2. Retrieved from
Or perhaps very local inspiration added to the decision for the name:
TO FLY AROUND THE WORLD. An American Project. WASHINGTON. Monday. Lieutenant Albert Hulse, with Lyons, who flew to Australia in the Southern Cross, and four other internationally-known aviators, plan to leave New York on the first clear day of September, to fly round the world, 13,500 miles, refuelling in the air at 22 stations, of which ten are emergency. NEW YORK, Tuesday. The 'New York Herald-Tribune' states that Lyons has announced that he will be accompanied by Lancaster and Kingsford Smith, flying in a trimotored plane, which is now under construction in California, and about 70 per cent, completed. The plans are to leave Pasadena (Cal.), and fly to New York, then to London, after which they will continue to Yokohama, thence to Guam, Honolulu, and California. TO FLY AROUND THE WORLD. (1929, May 3). The Riverine Grazier (Hay, NSW : 1873 - 1954), p. 1. from
Church Point is still around 20 miles from Sydney and still thousands of miles from such noise and rush. The Pasadena, octogenarian and still present, may yet shake off the shackles of fences and boards, rise and waltz off across the ballroom of a teal estuary and send laughter, and the smell of great food, up into the hills which surround her.

From Album: 'Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith), 1950' by Sam Hood. Images No: Home and Away - Above: hood_11662h, Below: hood_11664h and hood_11657h

From Album: 'Pasadena waterside restaurant, Church Point (taken for Mr Teasdale-Smith), 1950' by Sam Hood. Images No: Home and Away - Above hood_11660h below hood_11661h and hood_11672h

Picture from:
Beauty. Peace, and Solitude.
This lovely spot may be reached by the motorist in about three-quarters of an hour from Sydney. It is part of Pittwater, just beyond Church Point, and is known to sailing men as McGarr's Creek. Many motorists who go to Church Point are unaware of the fact that the road— somewhat narrow, but with passing places here and there — running up the hill to the beautiful scene here pictured may safely be taken.
Beauty, Peace, and Solitude. (1929, January 16). Sydney Mail(NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 5. Retrieved from
DEMOLISHED METHODIST CHURCH. Erected in 1872 on Church Point, Pittwater, this old building was recently demolished. DEMOLISHED METHODIST CHURCH. (1932, April 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Church Point. The same year, a probationer in his third year, the Rev. Edward J. Rodd was beginning his two years' term at St. Leonard. His circuit extended to Pittwater, and that year the Church Point Church was erected at a cost of £60. The erection of the church was accomplished through the efforts of Messrs. Geo. McIntosh and Wm. Henry McKeown, who conducted services at Bayview under a tree. Mr. William Oliver gave the site. In many early records it is spoken of as Chapel Point Church. For several years it was used as a public school, and Sir Henry Parkes' signature appears in the old visitor's book. Where is that book now? Diamond Jubilee. (1932, December 17). The Methodist(Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
On the precipitous slopes of the hillside overlooking the quiet backwater of Pittwater, and shaded by the silver coated gums, stands the little wooden church that gave Church Point its name. It is a quaint little structure in which a service is held occasionally, and I should think that ten people would crowd It. It has a tower bell. It looked up at the church from the road that winds round the waterside, and 'Johnnie' Roche, the man they call the 'Prince of Pittwater’— -who was my companion, asked me If I had seen the church yard. We scrambled up past the church, and then, among the rank grass and ever-spreading scrub, found the stones that mark the dust of the 'Rude forefathers of the hamlet.'
Beside one weather worn stones 'Johnnie' paused, and spoke to himself rather than to me. 'He was a relative of the teacher at the little school we got a holiday, I remember, to attend this funeral.' In this quiet spot rest many that were friends of my companion in his boyhood. The muter gardeners Time and Mature are gradually repairing this small 'God's Acre,' and the few graves are being gradually lost to human ken. Meanwhile the waters of the Bay lap the sand-fringed road, and motor parties Indicate that to-day is the day of the quick. The dead are of the past. Church Point. AT CHURCH POINT. (1922, November 23). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from
Church Point. The same year, a probationer in his third year, the Rev. Edward J. Rodd was beginning his two years' term at St. Leonard. His circuit extended to Pittwater, and that year the Church Point Church was erected at a cost of £60. The erection of the church was accomplished through the efforts of Messrs. Geo. McIntosh and. Wm, Henry McKeown, who conducted services at Bayview under a tree. Mr. William Oliver gave the site. In many early records it is spoken of as Chapel Point Church. For several years it was used as a public school, and Sir Henry Parkes' signature appears in the old visitor's book. Where is that book now? Diamond Jubilee. (1932, December 17). The Methodist(Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
It was not a matter of surprise when it was announced that Mr. W.H. McKeown had passed away on Sunday morning last. He had attained the goodly age of 91 years, and was gathered at last as a shock of corn fully ripe. He was a real father in our Methodist Israel, and his story deserves to be more fully told. He was buried on Tuesday last in the Waverley Cemetery. For the present we content ourselves with a journalist's tribute as it appeared in the 'Daily Telegraph' of Tuesday, June 11th.
THE PASSING OF A PIONEER. In the death of Mr. William Henry McKeown, sen., there has passed away one of the oldest colonists of the State, and one of the pioneers of the North Sydney district. His reminiscences of the early days in
THE LATE MR. W. H. McKEOWN. [photo]
what was then called the Lane Cove district were always interesting, and the contribution he made to the material and moral welfare of the neighbourhood such as to deserve honourable mention. Mr. McKeown arrived in Sydney early in the year 1840, being then a lad of 19 years of age. He came from Ireland, and brought with him the sturdy qualities of the typical North of Ireland stock. His early attempts at finding a footing in Australia were associated with the care of 'Government men,' an employment from which he shrank, and which he speedily gave up. One temporary job succeeded another, in which his self-reliance and power of adaptation were tested and developed. About the year 1845 he accepted an engagement in connection with a newly-planted orangery in what is now called Pymble, and thither, with his young wife, he removed. Crossing from Sydney to the northside of the harbour, he found there was no made road to what was then the distant bush. He had to find his way through a dense forest, simply following dray tracks through the bush. A few bark huts at intervals along the way, the abodes of sawyers and wood getters, were the only signs of occupation of the territory where now stand the thriving suburbs of North Sydney, Chatswood, Roseville, Lindfield, and Gordon. Arrived at Pymble, there was a house licensed to sell beer only, an old wooden church, which served also as a school, and a public-house, where all sorts of drink, were sold. A gang or two of 'Government men' were employed hereabout, and timber-getting as the principal occupation. Orcharding on a small scale was also being attempted. For over half a century Mr. McKeown lived in the district, and witnessed its emergence from the primitive conditions in which he found it to one of the most popular and thriving of all the environs of the city of Sydney. The record of his personal struggles interesting enough to form the subject of a popular autobiography. The path of the early settler was beset with many difficulties. Droughts were interspersed with terrific hailstorms, the latter of which occasionally stripped the orchards and rendered them comparatively unproductive for years. Labour troubles even then in evidence although unions and strikes had not been invented. The discovery of gold caused a stampede to the west of the Blue Mountains, labourers, clerks, shop-keepers, and even lawyers forsook their wonted employ to find their El Dorado at the Turon and Tambaroora. Mr. McKeown sufficiently caught the fever to take two trips across the mountains, but it was rather as a chartered driver in charge of organised parties, under contract for a consideration, than as a gold-seeker on his own account. He never believed in sudden roads to wealth, and never found one for himself. From the first Mr. McKeown was interested in the religious welfare of the district, and laboured personally earnestly to promote it. An old stone building stands on the Gordon-road, in Gordon, now as a store, which was the first substantial edifice for public worship erected north of North Sydney. It was built in the early fifties, at a cost of £850, and served also as a schoolroom, with master's quarters attached. For many years this was known as "Lane Cove" Chapel, and was served by ministers from the York-street Methodist Church, and by local preachers, of whom Mr. McKeown soon became one. The debt on it fell principally on its promoter's shoulders, and quaint are the tales he used to tell of the devices resorted to to meet the interest and reduce the debt. Zeal and self-denial eventually overcame all difficulties. 'Revivals' were frequent, and delighted the heart of the earnest man who was set upon the spiritual welfare of his neighbours. As population in-creased and spread, other 'chapels' were built at Willoughby, Hornsby, Pittwater, and other places, these being the pioneer places of worship in their respective neighbourhoods. As long as strength lasted Mr. McKeown continued his voluntary labours as a lay preacher, and at the time of his death he was probably the oldest local preacher in Methodism in Australia. Apart from his special interest in Church matters, Mr. McKeown was a good citizen in respect of the interest lie took in the social and material welfare of the district. He introduced new and improved meth-ods of fruit culture. As a poultry-raiser lie showedwhat could be done by special strains adapted for egg-production or for table use. He set a high standard of commercial morality, and when on one occasion he assigned his estate — mainly through the failure ofothers to meet their engagements to him — he subsequently paid most of his creditors in full, although under no legal obligation to do so. He was an ardent politician, and took a keen interest in public affairs right up to the last. In the, days when candidates were openly nominated on nomination day, he was frequently chosen to 'propose' a candidate from the hustings, and. his local influence was such that his candidate usually topped the poll. For a period he served as an alderman in the City Council, when he was carrying on business as a wood and coal and fruit merchant in Sydney. More than once he was asked to stand for' Parliament, but he could never be persuaded to become a candidate. His house was ever a 'centre' of kindly hospitality, and the record of those who have sat at his table or slept under his roof at Roseville, Pymble, where he resided for over half a century, would be interesting as including ecclesiastics of all Churches, politicians of all hues, and commercial men from all the States and from over the seas. Since 1880 the North Sydney district has witnessed a wonderful development, and has become one of the most popular of all the residential areas of the metropolis. The Milson's Point-Hornsby railway line, has been the principal factor in bringing this about, and in securing the construction of the line Mr. McKeown took a leading part. Public meetings and deputations were organised by him, in conjunction with a few others, and successive Ministries were importuned until the work was put in hand, and at length carried to completion by the extension right to Milson's Point. With this the veteran's public work seemed to come to an end, and shortly after attaining his80th year he removed from the scene of his half century's labour to reside in quietude at Summer-hill. On leaving, he was made the recipient of several demonstrations evincing the esteem and appreciation entertained for him and his wife (who survives him)by the residents among whom they had lived so long and usefully. A family of 10 children and between 50 and 60 grandchildren, with several great-grandchildren, is the best legacy the venerable pioneer has left to the State. His sons are Rev. R. McKeown, of Waverley; Mr. G. M. McKeown, of Wagga Wagga Experiment Farm; Mr. J. McKeown, of the Civil Ambulance Corps; Mr. W. H. McKeown, of Ashfield; and Mr. E. McKeown, of Belford. His sons-in-law are Rev. G.M'Intosh, of Chatswood; Mr. J. G. Edwards, of Killara; Mr. W. Benson, of Waverley; Rev. J. E. Carruthers of Lindfield; and Mr. H. Hazlett, of Summer-hill. THE LATE W.H. McKEOWN. (1912, June 15). The Methodist(Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
I will write and tell you about a delightful holiday Flo and I had a few weeks ago. We had grown rather tired of the Mountains, and thought a seaside place would be a change, so at last we decided on Pittwater. We started one Friday afternoon, and, catching the 3 o'clock boat to Manly, reached it in plenty of time for the Pittwater coach, which left Manly shortly after4 o'clock, and arrived at Pittwater in time for dinner. Although we had a 12 miles' drive by each, still we did not find it a tiresome one, for the road was good all the way ; besides, the scenery was so beautiful. All along the route there was something interesting to look at. Now we were passing through a forest of tall trees and beautiful cabbage-tree palms, and wildflowers growing in great profusion ; and then suddenly we were confronted In all its grandeur by the ocean itself. And soon we drove, until Church Point, which is as far as the coach goes, was reached, and we found ourselves on the shores of Pittwater.
We had made arrangements beforehand as to that coach we would come down by, so we weren't surprised on leaving the coach to find a small motor launch waiting to convey us to our destination. After about 10 minutes in the launch we entered a pretty little bay surrounded almost by mountains, and picturesquely situated on the side of one of these was the cottage which was to be our abode for the next ten days.
Next morning we awoke early and made a tour of inspection, and were delighted with the place, for, besides having a nice orchard, cows, poultry, plenty of milk, eggs, cream, and oysters, we discovered a bathing-place securely fenced off and boats if we cared to fish or row. After breakfast the little launch in which we had come across in the previous evening, and which belonged to the house, was waiting at the pier to take us to see some of the beauty spots round about. That morning we went up as far as the Barrenjoey Heads, which are the entrance to it from the ocean side. On the South Head is the famous Barrenjoey lighthouse. Then we went round Lion Island into Brisbane Water, on to the mouth of the Hawkesbury River, and on our way boat landed at Barrenjoey to inspect the lighthouse, and thence homewards, after having spent a most enjoyable day. Next day we went in quite an opposite direction, and soon found ourselves in the Kuring-gai Chase. Leaving the launch, we followed the path up the mountain. At first we anticipated rather a dreadful climb, but soon the beauty of the flowers and ferns attracted our attention, and so onward we pressed until the summit was reached. Sitting down, we gazed on the surrounding scene — one of the most glorious I had ever looked upon. Down beneath us was the water sparkling like diamonds in the Summer sunshine, and jutting out into it a large isthmus richly clothed in all its beautiful verdure and foliage ;whilst studded here and there among the trees were tiny cottages. Then further on Church Point, and Scotland Island appeared ; and still further on Bayview and Newport. And so our days were spent exploring new places, picnicking, and fishing, until at last the morning came for our departure homewards. And it was rather unwillingly that we bade farewell to beautiful Pittwater. Our board, which was very good indeed, cost us 30s a week; and as there were two of us, and we stayed ten days, it came to £4 6s, a slight reduction being made for staying over the week. The coach journey cost 6s return for the two or us, and our fares by tram and ferry 1s each, making in all. £4 14s. This covered everything excepting tips, but as everyone has his or her idea on that subject I thought it best to leave that item out.— CONSTANCE(Enmore). PITTWATER. (1906, December 23). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 4 Section: The Sunday Times Magazine Section. Retrieved from
Benjamin and Harriet James (nee Murday - mother Frances): two daughters and two sons: John (born 1843) Benjamin (born 1845) Mary S (born 1847) and Frances A (born 1851).
JAMES-On Tuesday, February 12th, Harriet, wife of Benjamin James, aged 39 years. Family Notices. (1861, February 13). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 1. Retrieved from
Department of Lands, Sydney. June 1, 1885.
APPLICATION TO PURCHASE RECLAIMED LAND. ATTENTION is invited to the notice in the Government Gazette of the 22nd May, 1885, calling for objections (if any) to the application of BENJAMIN JAMES, Jun., to purchase reclaimed land in front of his property at Pittwater, parish of Narrabeen, county Cumberland. CHARLES OLIVER, Under-Secretary. Department of Lands, Sydney. June 1, 1885.APPLICATION TO PURCHASE RECLAIMED LAND. (1885, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Mr. Benjamin James, widely known in commercial and political circles, died suddenly this morning at his office. Deceased was 62 years of age, and for many years was associated with the Liberal cause. LATEST WIRES. (1908, December 12). The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate (NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
The Late Mr. Benjamin James.
AMONG our obituary notices yesterday morning was the well known name of Mr Benjamin James, who died after a painful illness at the age of 69. Mr James had been in failing health for many months and often dining the last year the members of his family had gathered round what they feared at that time, would be his death-bed. With the stubborn activity, however, that had distinguished him in the prime of life he bore up towards its clono against the warnings of ago and the threatenings of disease. Six weeks ago alarming symptoms were manifest, and from then until his death shortly before midnight on Sunday he gradually sank. A colonist of 42 years' standing, Mr. James had identified himself with the early welfare of the city, and took a warm and active interest in every movement that promised to advance, his adopted colony, His public life, commencing with the anti-transportation movement, and continuing through all the stages of reform that has produced our present social happiness, ended with the loss of health, made attention to business intermittent and at best uncertain.
For many years he was, a staunch political supporter of the late Sir Charles Cowper, and of the late Dr. Lang he was an ardent admirer. Mr James was no seeker of office. Honors were repeatedly offered to him, but as often rejected. During, the last your of the old City Council he was elected one of its representatives, but without his consent, and he refused to sit. ' Neither would he become a justice of the peace. He was repeatedly solicited to enter the Legislative Council, but that honour he also declined, accounting it more than compensation for his public efforts that he had the goodwill bf his fellow-citizens who manifested their appreciation , of his worth by presenting him with a handsome testimonial a few years 'ago on the occasion of his return, for a few months, to the old country. In no other sphere were the good utilities of our late fellow-citizen more apparent than in his business relations. By trade he was a builder, and contractor, and many of the handsome terraces that were brand new 20 years ago, were erected under his superintendence. As an instance' of his sterling honesty, it may be said that Mr James was never known to take work in hand that he did hot intend at, all risks to carry through, and not only were his intentions good, but this practice was uniform. "When he was engaged in the erection of the large row of houses in Wynyard-square, the gold, fever broke out and wages doubled. Still the work went on to completion-with this difference, however, that instead of receiving a hand-some profit, the contractor made a "dead loss." Upon the death of the late Mr William Watkins, he took a great amount of interest in arranging the details of the deceased’s affairs. Mr James had a singularly powerful memory, easily laying hold in a practical way of what-ever ho took in hand, and whether from books or events of everyday life, he never failed in gleaning facts which, retained with wonderful accuracy, afforded their possessor a fund of knowledge from which he readily drew in conversation. Knowing what it was by sheer industry to attain a position of honour and independence, he was ever ready to lend a helping hand to others, and there are wealthy men in Sydney to-day who owe their start in life to "Old Ben James." Even in the crowded streets many will miss his familiar face, but they will not soon forget the genial friend and honourable man. The Late Mr Benjamin James. (1885, July 18). Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (Grafton, NSW : 1859 - 1889), p. 8. Retrieved from
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF~NEW SOUTH WALES. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. In the Will and Codicil of BENJAMIN JAMES, late of Brisbane street, Sydney, in the colony o' New South Wales, Builder, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof In the Now South Wales Government Gazette, application will be made to this Honorable Court, in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, that Probate of the last Will and Testament and Codicil of the above named deceased, who departed this life on or about the 12th day of July instant, may be granted to JAMES GREEN, JOHN JAMES, and BENJAMIN-JAMES the younger, the Executors In the said Will named. Dated this 22nd day of July, a.d. 1885. HOLDSWORTH and EVANS, Proctors for the said Executors, 73 Pitt-street, Sydney. Town Clerk' Office, Sydney, 23rd July. 1885. Advertising. (1885, July 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
JAMES—BUIST—May 2nd, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Prince-street, by the Rev. H. H. Gaud, Benjamin, second son of Mr. B. James, to Jane, youngest daughter of Mr. D. Buist. No cards. Family Notices. (1868, May 20). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
SECOND MEETING. Re Daniel Farrell, adjourned second meeting. One debt was proved. The insolvent was examined by Mr. Stephen, official assignee, as to his expenditure during the six months prior to the date of the sequestration of his estate. From April to August Farrell lodged with his sister at Moore Park, but he did not pay her anything for board and lodging; witness, about the end of 1885, leased a Jaree farm at Goulburn of Mr. F. L. Rossi, to whom he paid £800 a-year; witness then had property worth £5000; that property was sold through Hardie and Gorman to Mr. Benjamin James; witness had spent the proceeds of the sale; his bank account would show how he expounded the money; the property consisted of 110 acres of land at Pittwater, which witness sold to Benjamin James at £22 per acre ; INSOLVENCY COURT—FRIDAY. (1887, October 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
FOR SALE, Business of a General Storekeeper, trades over £45 per week, within easy distance of Sydney, splendid position, and no reasonable offer refused, all particulars on application. BENJAMIN JAMES, Estate Agent, 'Phone, 2477_49 Castlereagh-street. Advertising. (1908, May 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Sudden Death of Mr. Ben James. Mr. Benjamin James, who was widely known in commercial and political circles in New South Wales, died suddenly in Sydney. Mr. James was educated at schools in Sydney, Hobart, and elsewhere. For many years he was in partnership with Mr. Parker in the grocery business, the firm being known as Parker and James. Subsequently Mr. James became a real estate and commission agent, and was engaged in that business for many years.
Right: Hardie & Gorman Pty. Ltd. Redman's Estate, Brookvale [cartographic material] : Pittwater Road, 3 miles from Manly Wharf : for auction sale 1901. MAP Folder 29, LFSP 382.Courtesy National Library of Australia
Recently he was offered a seat in the Legislative Council, and he declined to accept it. His advice as an expert in regard to land and business matters had often been sought. The deceased leaves a widow and no children. A brother, Mr. John James, is engaged in the office of the Liberal and Reform Association. Mr. James was a well-known figure about Sydney, being of rather striking appearance, with a kindly face, crowned by a wealth of hair, dusted by the snows of his passing years. For many years he was associated with the Liberal cause, and was exceedingly popular. On behalf of that cause he was an enthusiastic and hard worker, and for a long time occupied the position of honorary secretary to the party, which owes a considerable debt to his valuable work as an organiser, and his loyal service at critical times. Some of his hardest work was put in during the close campaign which followed the See^O'Sullivan Administration. Although a Very busy man, he always found time to give a friendly word of advice to those anxious for political information. The members of the Liberal party engaged in the Legislative Assembly on the consideration of the Estimates were exceedingly grieved to hear of Mr. James' death, it meaning in many cases the loss of an esteemed friend as well as a loss to the party as a whole. Sudden Death of Mr. Ben James. (1908, December 18). Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1938), p. 33. Retrieved from
James Booth - Notes
No. 3982. September 14, James Booth, of Bay View, Pittwater, New South Wales, for an improved automatic catch or fastening for gates, doors, and such like. Patents Office Transactions. (1892, September 24). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 695. Retrieved from
The undermentioned tenders in connection with Public schools have been accepted :Mona Vale, improvements and providing tank,J. Booth, £22 lowest; GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. (1890, December 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Tenders Accepted. - public Schools. The under mentioned tenders in connection with public schools have been accepted, viz.: Pittwater,additions to residence, James Booth,£43 7s 6d; Tenders Accepted. (1895, June 22). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 5. Retrieved from
Mr and Mrs. BOOTH desire to return THANKS to all kind friends for their great sympathy and floral tributes over the sad death of their little boy, Bert, at Church Point, Pittwater. Family Notices. (1903, December 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
NARRABEEN LAKES. Governor Phillip's Crossing. A stone monument to commemorate the first crossing of the Narrabeen Lakes by Governor Phillip on August 22, 1788, has been erected in the grounds of the Narrabeen School by Mr James Booth, of Pittwater, and given by him to the Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Historical Society. The unveiling ceremony was performed on Saturday by Mr W L Ross headmaster of the school and a vice-president of the society. Mr A G Priddle, chairman of the Narrabeen Parents and Citizens' Association presided at the outset, being followed by Captain M J Lowe, president of the Historical Society. Among the speakers were Councillor Shepherd, president of the Warringah Shire Council and Mr P W Gledhill, secretary of the society. Lieutenant-Commander Salter, RN, formerly of H M A S Sydney broke a flag whichis a replica of the Union flag flown by Governor Phillip on the shores of Sydney Cove in 1788. NARRABEEN LAKES. (1932, September 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
GOVERNOR PHILIP Speared by Aboriginal. MONUMENT UNVEILED. On September 7, 1790, Governor Phillip, while visiting some aborigines near Manly, was seriously wounded by one of the natives plunging a spear into his shoulder. On Sat-urday a monument erected to commemorate the Incident was unveiled by the Minister for Health (Mr. Marr) at Collins Flat, within the quarantine area, at the invitation of the Manly-Warringah-Pittwater Historical Society. The visitors, who included Mr. Aubrey Halloran, a past-president of the Royal Historical Society of Sydney, and the Mayor of Manly(Alderman J. H. Cross) were welcomed by the president of the society (Mr. M. J. Lowe).
Fairly complete accounts of the attack on the Governor have been preserved. From these it appears that Lieutenant Nepeanwhile going to Pittwater, encountered about a couple of hundred aborgines in a cove near Manly, feasting on a whale which had been washed ashore. As they were very friendly, he sent word back to the Governor acquainting him of the gathering, and next day the Governor, accompanied by Judge-Advocate Collins and Lieutenant Waterhouse, went down the harbour to visit the natives. They found on arrival that among the aborigines was the man Benelong, whom the Governor had known for some time. The Governor was well received, and walked unarmed about among the aborigines. On being told by Benelong that a friend of his wanted to be taken notice of, the Governor advanced towards the man holding out his hand. The fellow, however, drew back and, poising his spear, drove the weapon at the Governor, wounding him very severely. Particulars of the incident are given by T. B. Barton, and in the Macarthur Papers and in diaries and letters of the time. A painting in which Lieutenant Waterhouse is shown trying to break the spear after the Governor fell, hangs in the British Museum. A copy is in the Mitchell Library.
In unveiling the monument, Mr Marr congratulated the society on the admirable work it was performing in marking spots of historic interest in the district. Succeeding generations, he said, were very prone to forget men of an earlier day, and it was well to have reminders of events in the history of New South Wales, particularly of those with which the name of Phillip was associated.
Mr. Aubrey Halloran said it would be a good thing if people who spoke despairingly about Australia nowadays would remember Phillip's example and faith in the hour of trial – and then perhaps they would realise what wonderful times they really lived in.
A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. James Booth, who personally quarried the stone and constructed the monument, the only expense to the society being the marble slab. It was stated by Mr. P. W. Gledhill, secretary of the society, that a cairn would shortly be erected by the society to mark the sight of the first Barrenjoey lighthouse. GOVERNOR PHILIP. (1933, September 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Wymark Family - Notes
A wedding ceremony took place at the residence of Mr. M'Cure, Castlereagh street, last Wednesday evening, the contracting parties being Mr. F. Wymark and Miss E. M'Cure, daughter of the host. The Rev. E. Tremain Dunstan officiated, and Mr. Pyman acted as best man. After the ceremony the guests partook of- refreshments, and after the usual toasts had been honored and duly responded to, an adjournment was made, and dancing commenced and continued with great vigor till the small hours. The bride was the recipient of a large number of very useful presents. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1894, October 26). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
ROSE BAY. ROSE BAY. PRICE £2500. A Charming Modern BUNGALOW, substantially built of brick on stone foundation, with tile roof. The Bungalow comprises entrance porch,8 rooms, 2 private verandahs, and offices, built in cupboards, and all modern conveniences. The grounds are well laid out, and include bushhouse. Inspection any evening, or by appointment any day. F. WYMARK, .Flume, FM1204. Elanora, Lathner-road, Rose Bay. Leave Rose Bay tram at O'sullivan road, then 4 minutes walk. Advertising. (1926, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from
OBITUARY. MR. F. S. SHENSTONE. The esteem in which Mr. F. S. Shenstone had been held by members of the publishing and golfing sections of the community was shown by the large number who attended his funeral, which took place yesterday at the Church of England cemetery, Rookwood. Mr. Shenstone was secretary of Angus and Robertson, Ltd., and supervised most of their publishing work. He was born In Rutherglen, Victoria, in 1876, and came to Sydney when a child. He was educated at Newington College, and entered the service of Angus and Robertson, Ltd., when 18 years of age. Mr. Shenstone was a keen golfer, and was last year captain of the Bonnie Doon Golf Club.
Mr. C. E. W. Bean, the war historian, paid a fine tribute to Mr. Shenstone when his death was announced. He said that Mr. Shenstone's services in the publication of the volumes of the war had been invaluable, and that in his efforts to assist in the work, Mr. Shenstone was indefatigable.
The chief mourners at the funeral were Messrs. F. B. and S. A. Shenstone (brothers),W. G., F. G., and Harry Shenstone and T.H. Perkins (nephews), and Mr. W. H. Davies. Those present included Messrs. George Robertson, H. J. Carter, F. Wymark. W. G. Cousins, A. A. Ritchie, and other members of the staff of Angus and Robertson, Ltd.; Messrs. W. P. Dunlop, of Edwards, Dunlop, and Co., Ltd.; Arthur B. Clarke; M. R. James, of Tyrrell's, Ltd.; B. G. Smith, representing the N.S.W. Bookstall Co.; Mr. J. J. Davey, representing the N.S.W. Booksellers' Association ; A. E. Dowling, W. C. Penfold, C. E. W. Bean, J. H. M. Abbott, R. Quinn, A. H. Chisholm, and H, Burrell. Members of the Bonnie Doon Golf Club included:—Sir William Vicars(president), Messrs. R. W. Watson (secre-tary), A. M. Brown (captain), V. James, A.S. Deane. H. Lethbridge, G. Oreill, and J. R.Moss. There were present also Dr. F. A.Wiesener, Messrs. A. F. Waters, C. F. Neale,C. C. Nelson, and A. Robertson, from the Con-cord Golf Club, and Messrs. E. A. McMillan(Moore Park). F. W. Barrett (Manly), and W. A. Windeyer, representing the Australian Golf Union. Others present included Messrs. W. A. Rainbow, representing Dr. Anderson, of the Australian Museum: N. Cayley, J. M. Taylor, J. A. Ferguson, K. M. Kelly, J. H. King, W. Cavill, S. Rhodes, E. J. Doran, F.J. Burcher. T. R. Kirkland, A. L. Boswell, F. Orton, A. L. Boswell, and C. Dircks. OBITUARY. (1927, May 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from
Mrs. F. G. Wymark and Miss Wymark are organising a bridge and mah-Jong party, to be held at their home, Creswick, O'Sullivan-road. Rose Bay, on Wednesday afternoon, to raise funds for the Christmas tree for the Phoenix Free Kindergarten, Balmain. NEAR AND FAR. (1928, December 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Mrs. F. Wymark, of Rose Bay, was hostess at a pre-wedding party at the Ambassadors yesterday afternoon. In honour of Miss Lennox Lawson, who will shortly be married. A floral basket was presented to the bride-elect, and shoulder posies and name cords marked the place of each guest. The long table was massed with Dorothy Perkins roses and delphiniums. The guests were Mesdames E.Wymark, F. Dalrymple, D. Fraser, S. McCure, J. Lawson, L. Friend, W. Perry, S. Adam3,H. Bolus, J. Langdon, the Misses Gweneth Friend, Ada Wymark, Jessie Lawson, Lilla Wilkens, and Isabel Fraser. NEAR AND FAR. (1929, November 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
WYMARK—LAWSON.—November 14, 1929, at St. Stephen's Church, Sydney, by the Rev. Dr. Scott West, Charles Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. O. Wymark, of Rose Bay, to Lennox Mary, youngest daughter of the late J. R. and Mrs. Lawson of Turramurra. Family Notices. (1930, February 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
AUCTION SALES. RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS. A MOST IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE will be held TO-MORROW, WEDNESDAY, 10th JUNE, 11 A.M, at THE GALLERY SALEROOMS. THE LIBRARY of Mr. FRED. WYMARK, Including: MANY RARE FIRST EDITIONS and IMPORTANT AUSTRALIAN BOOKS. OLD ENGLISH GLASS, including some fine specimens of English Wine and Liqueur Glasses. VALUABLE CHINA, Including: RARE CHINESE PORCELAIN,OLD ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL CHINA. HALL-MARKED SILVER, including FEW VERY FINE GEORGIAN PIECES. A COLLECTION OF RARE ETCHINGS, by LIONEL LINDSAY, SYDNEY URE SMITH, DAVID BARKER, E. WARNER, J. McNEIL WHISTLER. GAYFIELD SHAW.OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER-COLOURS, by Frank Mahoney, Francis Blaydon, Sir Oswald Brierley, Thomas Webster, J. J. Hildor, Neville Cayley, F. C. Terry, etc., etc. The attention of all Book Collectors Is directed Ito this most important sale. The result of forty-six years of careful selection has compiled a library of rare books, which is unequalled in this country. It is the vendor's wish that since the books have been collected in Australia, that they should remain here If possible, and that Australian collectors should have the opportunity of acquiring them. JAMES R. LAWSON, VALUERS, FURNITURE, FINE ART. and GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 236 CASTLEREAGH-STREET (near corner of Bathurst-strcet). Phone, M6403. Advertising. (1931, June 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Primary Application - Charles Wymark 38 1/2 perches on Old South Head Road in Municipality Waverley Parish Alexandria County Cumberland Volume 3999 Folio 23 Date range: 02/11/1926 to 07/05/1927
WYMARK.—October 19 1942 at Church Point Frederick Victor Grey Wymark beloved husband of Emily and loved father of Ada and Charles_aged 70 vears. Family Notices. (1942, October 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
WY MARK Emily Sophia-January 9 1954 suddenly at Mona Vale beloved wife of the late Frederick Wymark of Church Point and loved mother of Ada and Charles and loved mother In law of Marjorie aged 82 years. Family Notices. (1954, January 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
Pasadena Inspirations - perhaps there were even loftier inspirations during the opening of this now at least 85 year old Pittwater 'watershed':
HOME OF THE LARGEST TELESCOPE. Aerial view of Mount Wilson Observatory, near Pasadena, California equipped with a 100-inch reflector telescope. No title. (1930, February 5). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 55. Retrieved from
COSMOLOGY. UNIFIED FIELD. Einstein's New Theory. VANCOUVER, Feb. 4. A report from Pasadena, California, says that Professor Albert Einstein astounded world-famous astronomers at Mount Wilson Laboratory to-day in his first announcement of a new cosmology, resulting from his unified field theory. "The old symmetrical spherical space theory is not possible under the new equations," Professor Einstein said, in a closing talk explaining his unified field theory.
A buzz of excitement ran through the room. The announcement swept aside his original hypothesis of cosmology. While he did not elucidate further, astronomers said that it indicated his acceptance of the theory of Dr.Richard Chase Tolman, a noted mathematician of Pasadena, of a non-static, expanding universe. COSMOLOGY. (1931, February 6). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Photo from: FAMOUS SCIENTIST IN U.S.A. Professor Albert Einstein, who announced at Pasadena a new cosmology resulting from his unified field theory, arriving at New York with his wife. FAMOUS SCIENTIST IN U.S.A. (1931, February 7). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
WE started on a Thursday morning by tram from Mosman to Narrabeen, and walked to Church Point, where we laid in provisions for nearly two days. Church Point shuts its one shop when the proprietor desires a nap, and you have to find him in one of the three or four cottages and explain yourself. Friendly, helpful, and interested, he picked out his three finest potatoes, regretted the bread was getting on for a week old, contributed fresh water and geographical information, declined to take more than half-price for such of his goods as he thought less than super-excellent, and made us feel altogether cheerful. After lunch we made for the heart of things up the nearest arm of Pittwater, and within a half-hour of absolute dark pitched camp. I thought a novice's fingers might delay things, and volunteered as water-seeker, for the creek was still tidal and salt. It only took seven minutes' quick scramble over rocks and bushes to reach a fordable spot, and a few minutes on to a little fresh waterfall. CAMPING OUT IN MID-WINTER. (1921, July 20).Sydney Mail(NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 22. Retrieved from
Lovett Bay, Pittwater. A charming inlet in the Ku-ring-gai Chase, which may, be reached by motor launches, to be hired at Newport, Bay View, or Church Point. Lovett’s Bay THE BEAUTIFUL SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.
MONA VALE BEACHES, With rock-bath shown in left-centre of picture. A regular hourly service of motor 'buses takes 'trippers' to this beach.
The Pretty Little Curl Curl Beach, With a part of Manly showing in the distance.
Picturesque Narrabeen. The lower lake and bridges. Narrabeen has become wonderfully popular in recent years. It is easily accessible, and its charms are all-appealing.
The Ever-popular Freshwater Beach on an 'Off' Day. This beach is said to be the safest on the coast.
DEE WHY BEACH AND LAGOON. The headland in the background forms portion of Griffith Park— a fine, natural park of 17 acres, recently placed by the Government under the control of the Warringah Shire Council, which is now doing its best to make it attractive for tourists and others. THE BEAUTIFUL SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1915, April 7).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 34. Retrieved from

Above: Pasadena - taken from Pittwater Estuary 2012.
Below: Pasadena in August 2014 - coloured images this page by A J Guesdon 2011 to 2015.

The Pasadena Road House, Motel, Club, Cabaret and Pasadena on Pittwater at Church Point - Restaurants You Could Also Stay In Part I - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2015.