February 23 - March 1, 2014: Issue 151
The First Scotland Island Cup, Trophy and Race and the Gentleman who loved Elvina Bay

The story of the first Scotland Island Race and Cup is also a story about a man who came from rural stock with builders on the maternal side of his family (Finneran )and his wife’s maternal side (Grandfather – Stephen Gattenhof) who was instrumental in excavating a road into Salt Pan, so loved Scotland Island and Elvina Bay that his daughter, named ‘Elvina Elizabeth’ after her mother’s sister ’, as well as a cruiser later on, may be the inspiration for that beautiful bay’s name and seemed determined to help Pittwater become established as the place to go to, in part due to setting up a company, 'Scotland Island Estates, Ltd’.
Herbert James Fitzpatrick was listed as a 'builder' and developer on a large scale in Pittwater. He was the owner of various property and lands at Scotland Island and Church Point, as well as Elvina. He was a RMYC Commodore, Broken Bay and a committee member on the RPAYC as well as secretary for the Pittwater Regattas when John Roche was ill during the mid -1920’s. A consummate sailor who owned legendary racer the Bona, Mr. Fitzpatrick died quite young, at Manly, in 1938, after a 'long term' illness.
What is notable when perusing the records collected here is that ‘Harry’ was a nickname for men christened ‘Herbert’ during the 1920’s. and even later, and this may indicate why there could be confusion between 'H. J. Fitzpatrick's.
A first note in a life filled to the brim with activity, and a race named for Scotland Island, harks back to the formative days of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht club, decades before the ‘Royal’ prefix, and may be indicative of a policy carried forwrad by Pittwater’s two larger aquatic clubs, the RMYC and the RPAYC:
SAILORS HOME PICNIC - The members of the Royal Sydney and Prince Alfred YACHT SQUADRONS have kindly consented to co-operate by making Tuesday a squadron day. The splendid BANDS of the Galatea and Queen's Own Regiment will be in attendance. Applications for tickets will be received by the Secretary, Treasurer, or any member of the committee. Tickets may also be obtained at the Exchange, Sands and Co.'s, Anderson V, Elvy and Co.'s, Moffitt's, Reading, and Swellbank's, and at Mitchell's, Circular Quay.
FRANCIS HIXSON, Hon. Secretary. BENJAMIN BUCHANAN, Hon. Treasurer. N. B. - Early application for tickets is positively necessary. Advertising. (1868, February 14). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13160773
Born in 1889 at Waterloo to Richard and Elizabeth Fitzpatrick (nee Finneran), Herbert James Fitzpatrick would meet Agnes Florence Bouffier in the early 1920's and in her background are more stories of early NSW:
BOUFFIER-GATTENHOF -May 4, by special licence at St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Sydney, by the Rev. P. J. Mahoney, Frank James, the youngest son of Henry Joseph Bouffier of Marcobruuner vineyard, Cessnock, to Kate, second daughter of Stephen Gattenhof, Esq., of Etville, Potts Point, Sydney. HURLEY-BOUFFIER - On the 20th of April, at St. Patrick's Church, Cessnock, N S.W., by the Rev M. Feran, Edward Harrison Hurley, eldest son of James Hurley, Esq, Glebe Road, Sydney, to Margaret Agnes Bouffier, youngest daughter of H. J. Bouffier, Marcobrunner, Cessnock, N.S.W. Family Notices. (1880, May 8). The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18949888
Stephen Gattenhof was one of the 'builders' of his time, based in Potts Point. Although he clearly worked as a Contractor, organising others for small and large projects, as well as training people, a career path Herbert Fitzpatrick also followed, he was a man who had come to Australia to have a better life and in doing so, reflects the time and place. He died a few months after his second wife during 1898's epidemics of both Typhoid and Dengue Fever :
QUARRYMEN. - Wanted to quarry Rubble Stone. Apply to STEPHEN GATTENHOF, Victoria-street, Potts Point, Woolloomooloo. Advertising. (1859, June 17). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13026417 - WANTED, a Girl, about 16 or 17, as General SERVANT. Apply S. GATTENHOF, Potts Point. Advertising. (1865, February 28). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13109626 - Wanted - a good CABINETMAKER. Apply to Stephen Gattenhof, Potts Point. Advertising. (1867, November 12). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13154402 - WANTED, a PLASTERER. Apply to STEPHEN GATTENHOF, carpenter. Potts' Point. Advertising. (1864, December 14). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13112321 - THREE ROOMS to LET at Potts' Point. Apply to Mr. Gattenhof, Potts', Point. Advertising. (1869, January 8). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13187444 - TENDERS wanted, for Ballasting and Flagging a Bathhouse, about 803 feet: also, Re-laying flagging in a yard about 400 foot. Apply to STEPHEN GATTENHOF, Potts Point. Advertising. (1878, April 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13415151 - Wanted - a Youth, as IMPROVER in carpenter, joiner, and cabinet work. Apply ' Stephen Gattenhof, Potts Point. Advertising. (1878, May 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13415238
POTTS' POINT. THIS fashionable suburb forms one of the most noticeable head-lands by which our harbor is ornamented, and is one of the first to attract the attention of the inward-bound voyager. The handsome residence of Mr. M'Quade, located on the extreme northern point, forms a pretty picture, while amongst the dark foliage composing the background nestle many of the most picturesque villas to be found about Sydney. POTTS POINT, PORT JACKSON. POTTS' POINT. (1869, August 5). Illustrated Sydney News(NSW : 1853 - 1872), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article63514597
POTTS POINT. Mr. A. H. Hicking writes:— With reference to the discussion as to the original ownership of Potts Point, I would like to make a slight correction of Mr. Huntington’s ' article in your issue of March 38, I have before me an old map of Port Jackson and Parramatta River, compiled-and published by Meadows Brownrigg, in Governor Darling's time. It says that the extreme point was a grant to Campbell, and reference to allotments of some it gives the following: 1st, Wylde; 2nd. Douglas; 3rd, Busby;4th, Sparke; 6th, Stephens; fith, Baxter; 7th,Balcomb; 8th, Bowling; 9th, M’Quoid, Perry, and Smith; 10th, M’Quoid; 11th, Mitchell; 12th, Laidley; 13th, Hankinson; 14th, Hallen; 15th E.D.Thompson; 16th, E. D. Thompson; 17th.Barker. The whole- on my map called Darlinghurst. It also 'shows all the old names of early grantees, and of three important places in those days, viz., the Governor's Arms, Field of Mars, Gores House; Waugh House, Female Factory, Female Orphanage School. Now, according to my map, A. M’Leay’s grant, started from Campbell's grant, and all on Elizabeth Bay PTt4 one side of Rushcutter’s Bay. POTTS POINT. (1908, March 23). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article114106817
FUNERAL.—The Friends of Mr. STEPHEN GATTENHOFF are invited to attend the funeral of his late departed WIFE ; to move from his residence, Potts' Point, on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, the 27th instant, at half-past 2 o'clock. THOMAS, Undertaker, 141, York-street, near Wesleyan Chapel. Family Notices. (1869, June 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13188325 + THE Friends of Mr. STEPHEN GATTENHOF and FAMILY are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved WIFE, Elizabeth : to move from 115 Sutherland-street, Paddington, THIS DAY, Friday, at 2.45 p.m., for Waverley Cemetery. W.J. DIXON and CO., 120 Oxford street. 183 George-street West. Tel., 588. Death, Elizabeth Gattenhof (nee Moran) at Paddington Family Notices. (1898, August 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14156480
GATTENHOF. - November 21, at his residence, 115 Sutherland-street, Paddington, Stephen Gattenhof, aged 78 years, leaving four sons, four daughters and 17 grandchildren to mourn their sad loss. Family Notices. (1898, November 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14187485
HEAVY MORTALITY BILLS - Mr. Hayes-Williams, Registrar-General, has had compiled a series of tables showing the number of deaths in N. S. Wales for 1897, 1898 and 1899, and the causes thereof. The returns indicate a great mortality in 1898.The deaths in that year numbered 16,651, as against 14.264 in- 1897 and 15,831 in 1899.Different years appear to be distinguished for different complaints. Thus 1898 seems to have been a great measles and typhoid year, the first' accounting for 509 deaths and the second 387. It was also favourable to diphtheria, there being no less that 169 fatal cases. Whooping cough, which was responsible for only 13 deaths in 1897, caused no fewer than 241 in 1898. Influenza has been on the increase steadily since 1896, thus-189650, 1897 103, 1898 329, and 1899 360 deaths. Cancer shows an alarming increase, the figures being 1897 686, 1898 714 and 1899 761 deaths. Consumption, which claimed 964victims for 1897 and 1088 for 1898, took no fewer than 1639 for 1899. Typhoid figures for the three years were 887, 327 and 347 respectively. This year, by the way, they are expected to jump from 25 to 39 per cent. For some reason or other typhoid has never been so prevalent. Raging in Sydney, it is just as bad in the leading country towns, notably Bathurst, where the hospital is crowded. I note that a similar condition of affairs prevails in Victoria, where typhoid is now quite epidemic. In Melbourne the hospitals are unable to accommodate any more patients. ORION. HEAVY MORTALITY BILLS. (1900, April 14). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61280834
Herbert Fitzpatrick, 'builder' experienced bankruptcy in 1916, and discharged his debt, experienced the same two years later, and discharged his debt, indicating what many a person who pays out of their own pocket for projects has experienced. His parents, by then living at Manly, and a tragedy in her own family which brought Florence Bouffier to Manly, had at least one happy outcome:
Miss Florence Bouffier, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Frank Bouffier, and Mrs. Bouffier, of 'The Briars,' Randwick, was married recently at the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick. The bridegroom was Herbert Fitzpatrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzpatrick, of Tower-street, Manly. Rev. Father Flemming, assisted by Rev. Father. Carroll, solemnised the marriage, during which Mr. Cottingham sang an 'Ave Maria.' The bride, who was escorted to the altar by Mr. T. Roarty, wore a charming gown of white crepe morocain, finished at the ceinture with a diamond buckle. A Limerick lace veil, held in place by a couplet of silver leaves and orange blossom, entirely covered the gown, and a shower bouquet of white watsonias and carnations was carried. The bride's sister Hilda was in attendance, wearing a frock of heliotrope morocain and white georgette, and a black picture hat adorned with whie ospreys. Her bouquet was of pink and mauve carnations. Mr. Harold Fitzpatrick attended his brother as best man. Areception was held in the white and gold room of the Mary Elizabeth, where Mrs. Bouffier received the guests. The bride's travelling dress was of nattier blue georgette, worn with a plain brule hat, trimmed with French posies. The guests in- 'eluded the Misses Hilda and Pat Noonan, May and Vonnie Frost, Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, Mr. Ducker, Mr. and Mrs. Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Duggan, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.Ledger, Miss Vera Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Hermanson, the Misses Kate and Ivy Carroll, Miss Kathleen Roarty, Miss Mitchell, Mr. Fox, Mr. Blaxland and Mr. Butcher. SOCIAL NEWS AND GOSSIP. (1924, January 17). The Catholic Press (NSW : 1895 - 1942), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article106403779
Florence Bouffier, born in Sydney in 1890 was the daughter of one of Frank James Bouffier, one of the sons of Joseph H, whose father, Henry Joseph brought wine to 'Cessnock':
Messrs. Bouffier Brothers' Exhibit. (See illustration
on next page.) Messrs. Bouffier Brothers had a very fine wine trophy at the
show. The artistic blending of the various colors, the numerous gold and silver
prize cups, trophies, and medals, and other attractions made the whole display
most attractive, and the firm was warmly congratulated on the excellence of
their exhibits. Some twenty different varieties of wines were shown by the
Messrs. Bouffier Brothers, including ports, sherries, hocks, chablis, sauterne,
clarets, burgundies, etc., of various qualities and vintages, which, upon being
submitted for examination, were considered to compare favorably with the
choicest vintages of the old world. This speaks well for the future wine-growing
industry of Australia, and it is much to be lamented that vineyards are not
being more rapidly extended. Much has been done by the firm of Messrs. Bouffier
Brothers towards popularising Australian wines in the colonies, as also in the
old world, their consignments to Berlin of red and white wines having received
the highest commendation from German experts appointed for their examination. In
Sydney the firm has three establishments: the retail and single bottle
department, is situated at 97 Oxford street, which is one of the most
replete establishments of the kind in the Australian colonies, the requirements
of both rich and poor being alike supplied, the prices by the single bottle
ranging from le per quartto 7s 6d per bottle for choice old vintages the cheaper
wine being in such demand hy the working classes, the firm experience a positive
difficulty in keeping up the supply, as may be judged from the fact that nearly
100 dozen bottles of this wine alone have been sold in one day; the bulk store,
where the wines are received from the vineyard and given the finishing polish by
Mr. F.J. Bouffier, one of the most eminent wine experts of the day, previous to
being bottled; the boiled wine store, where recently-bottled wines are binned
for, at least a year before being placed on the market. It will be seen the
principle upon which the business of Messrs.Bouffier Brothers is founded brings
the every-day use of wine within the reach of all classes, and that the
facilities thus offered should be freely availed of is not surprising, which is
clearly demonstrated by the increasing demand for the firm's wines. Mr. "Jack"
Moses, who has become quite an institution at the western and southern shows, is
the firm's representative in those districts; whilst Mr. W. M. Hania m is the
northern representative. Messrs. Bouffier Brothers' Wine Trophy. (See
letterpress on previous page.) Messrs. Bouffier Brothers' Exhibit.
(1897, May 1). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 -
1907), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71292693
Australian Wines. At the Commonwealth State Banquet A First-class Native Product. The name of Bouffier Bros., Vignerons and Wine Merchants, of the Hunter River, and 97Oxford-street Sydney, is a household word throughout these districts, and, in fact throughout Australasia. They make a first-class wine, which advertises itself wherever used. The firm has been established over 50 years, for it was in the early forties when the father of_ the present Messrs. Bouffier Bros, planted his vineyard in the valley, of the Hunter. This business has grown wonderfully since then, and is now the largest in the Southern Hemisphere. These wines have secured numerous prizes in all parts of the world, inside and outside of Australia, and have gained much favor among consumers in : the land where they are produced. At therecent Commonwealth State banquet the wines were supplied by Messrs. Bouffier Bros— a fact that speaks fur itself. Their sampling kiosk will be at the ensuing Maclean Show, in charge of Mr. S. V. Bouffier, who will be pleased to receive orders on behalf of the firm. Australian Wines. (1901, March 26). The Clarence River Advocate (NSW : 1898 - 1949), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article121368083 - 'SV' is F J's son Stephen V
MRS. GRACE BOUFFIER The death took place last Friday evening of a well-known resident of Cessnock in the person of Mrs Grace Mary Bouffier, aged 72 years. The deceased had only been ill a fortnight, and a week before had been operated upon In the Cessnock Hospital. Her condition became so low that she gradually sank and died. The deceased lady resided In Cessnock nearly all her life coming here with her father, the late, Mr Bernard McGrane, when a child. Her remains were laid to rest in the Roman Catholic portion of the Sandgate cemetery alongside those of her son. The late Mrs. Bouffler was one of the oldest of Cessnock district residents . She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Grant Pentland (Cessnock), Mrs. J. Osborne (Brisbane) and Miss Kitty Bouffier. 'The death of Mrs. Bouffier recalls the interesting fact that both her husbands' and her family(McGrane's) are connected with the earlier history of the pioneering days of the Cessnock district. The Bouffier family came to Cessnock in the early 60's, and settled on the land facing the Wollombi Road known for years as Bouffier's Estate, but later on becoming known as Shedden's Estate, when it was purchased for sub-division. It is a matter of history that Henry Joseph Bouffier planted the first vineyard in the Cessnock district, the date being given as 1866. The vineyard will be well remembered by residents of fifteen years back.- Henry Joseph Bouffier was found dead having been thrown from his horse on the Pokolbin road on November,1882, the site of the finding of his body being marked by a wooden cross— which is a landmark today. Joseph Bouffier was a son of the old pioneer, and married the deceased at Cessnock.
The original Bernard MacGrane arrived in the Wollombi district as a young man, subsequently, after keeping an hotel at Millfield in the early 50's, moved to Cessnock where he had acquired portions of the original Cessnock Estate, subdivided in 1853. He built the original stone building licensed as the first, and for 48 years, the only hotel in Cessnock, known as the Cessnock Inn, but now the Cessnock Hotel. He, however did not secure the license, that being issued to his. brother-in-law, Michael Carroll who at that time had a carriers Business in Sydney, but sold out, to takeover the newly erected hotel. He at that time was living in the old Cessnock homestead, in the vicinity of' the present modern Cessnock District Hospital. The late Mrs. Bouffier was one of his daughters. Another daughter, Nora, married another son of the pioneer Bouffier, so that the pioneer families were doubly connected. Mr. Bernard ('Bun') McGrane is a brother of the deceased, Mrs. Bouffier. In connection with the reference to the death of the late Henry Joseph Bouffier, the following is taken from a file of the Maitland Mail November 25th 1882. On Tuesday last Mr H J Bouffier of Marcobruner Vineyard, Cessnock, was found lying dead on the Pokolbin Road. He had been out riding and it is supposed that his horse had either stumbled or thrown him. The horse was found quietly grazing a short distance away from where the deceased was found. In-formation was given to Constable O'Brien and the body was removed to the Cessnock Inn where the Coroner (Mr. A. Vindin), held an inquest on Wednesday morning. From Dr Powers Evidence it was elicited that there was a fracture at the base of the skull which was in itself sufficient to cause death. The jury found in accordance with the Testimony of Dr. Power. The deceased had been a resident of this district for a considerable time and was greatly respected. MRS. MEANS. (1932, January 12). The Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder (NSW : 1913 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article99482634
REPRESENTATION of N. S. W. WINES AT BORDEAUX. -Mr. Frank Bouffier, of Sydney, taking advantage of a visit to the Hunter River district to see his friends, has waited on a number of wine-growers with the view of inducing them to exhibit at Bordeaux, so that the representation at this exhibition, so far as this colony is concerned, may be as thorough as possible. LOCAL NEWS. (1882, February 28). The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article848272
FITZPATRICK.-September 25, at the Crescent private hospital, Manly, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Pittwater, Lennox-street, Mosman-a daughter (Elvina Elizabeth). Family Notices. (1925, October 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16248361
NOONAN.— July 1, 1922, at a private hospital, Darlinghurst, Elvina, dearly beloved wife of David Noonan, and loving mother of Hilda, Ethel (Pat) Noonan, of Wonga, Darley Road Manly (late of Katoomba), and dearly loved daughter of Catherine Bouffier, and sister of Hilda, Florence and Vivian Bouffier of 36 Avoca-street, Randwick, aged 40 years.. R.I.P. :
NOONAN. — The Relatives and Friends of Mr. DAVID NOONAN and FAMILY, of 'Wonga,' Darley-road, .Manly, are invited to attend the Funeral of his late dearly beloved WIFE and their MOTHER, Elvina, to leave Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Avoca-street, Randwick, TO-MORROW (MONDAY) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, for Catholic Cemetery, Long Bay-road, Coogee. .'WOOD, COFFILL, LIMITED. NOONAN.— The Relatives and Friends of Mrs CATHERINE BOUFFIER and FAMILY, of 87 Avoca-street, Randwick, are invited to attend the Funeral of her late dearly beloved DAUGHTER and their SISTER, Elvina Noonan, to leave Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Avoca-street, Randwick, TO-MORROW (MONDAY)MORNING, at 10 o'clock, for Catholic Cemetery, Long Bay-road, Coogee. Family Notices. (1922, July 2). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128213694
The first Scotland Island Cup predates the wedding of Herbert and Florence:
PITTWATER YACHT RACES. The sailing races at the Pittwater regatta include two events for the 21ft restricted class yachts, an all-yachts handicap, and a general handicap for cruisers, etc. These should prove most attractive, involving the ocean trips to and from Broken Bay. Entries close at 5 p.m. on Dec. 7, and at the Newport Hotel at 5 p.m. on the 9th idem. SCOTLAND ISLAND CUP. Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick has presented a silver cup to be known as the Scotland Island Cup, to be awarded as the first prize in the All-Yachts' Handicap Race at Pittwater. There should be at least seven entries. UNDER A SUMMER SKY. (1923, November 30). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103541389
An indication of drama in Mr. Fitzpatrick's 1924 year:
NO. 3 JURY COURT (DARLINGHURST). (Before Mr. Justice Campbell and jury.) FITZPATRICK V HUMMERSTON. Argument was concluded in the claim for'£500, made by Herbert James Fitzpatrick against Stan Hummerston, for alleged breach of agreement. According to the plaintiff, defendant was to execute certain work and supply the material in repairing and building certain wharves, baths, and sheds at Scotland Island, near Newport, for the price of £484/10/, within three months of a certain date. The work was to bo done to the satisfaction of plain-tiff's and the Warringah Shire engineers, also to that of the works' committee of the council. Plaintiff contended that the work. was not done In a workmanlike manner, nor to the satisfaction of the engineers mentioned. The work was defective, and of no value to the plaintiff, who alleges that he had to employ other persons and purchase other material at a higher price to remedy the-defective work of the defendant. Defendant said that he did not promise as alleged, also that plaintiff failed to obtain the consent of the necessary authorities to the carrying out of the work, and refused to allow him to proceed with the work. He contended that the damages sustained by him were greater than those provable by the plaintiff. Ho was willing, however, to setoff the damages so sustained by him against those provable by the plaintiff. Mr. H. Manning and Mr. Monahan (instructed by Messrs Priddle, and Gosling) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Brian Fuller(Instructed by Mr. G. TV. Connah) for the defendant. The jury found a verdict for the defendant. NO. 3 JURY COURT (DARLINGHURST). (1924, June 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16132138
The 1924 Regatta:
VIOLENT BLOW AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA. YACHTSMEN HAVE TO SEEK SHELTER. Lord Forster's Dual Success in the 21 Foot Restricted Class Races : Fine Sport in Boisterous Weather. (By The Referee Special.) The Pittwater Regatta of 1924 will remain green in public memory for many years on account of the violent climatic change which occurred. While the morning events were in progress the sun beat, down fiercely on the scene. In the afternoon spectators wore overcoats to protect them from the cold, wind and rain. THE prospects of Pittwater looked gloomy in the extreme on Friday night when the regatta officials boarded the flagship, s.s. Newcastle, in Sydney. Rain was tumbling down, and a high wind howled on the harbor. 'Let's hope we get an entire change tomorrow,' said the optimistic commodore, Mr. Oscar Curtis.
IT AIN'T GONNA RAIN. And surely enough they did. When he and his fellow officials awoke on the flagship, at Pittwater the following morning, the waters of Broken Bay were of an opalescent blue, and the sun was shining brightly. 'Splendid!' said Mr. John Roche, the indefatigable hon. secretary. After breakfast, sailing craft of all shapes and sizes were on the scene, and everything looked lovely. One crew, as they sailed round the flagship before the racing began, sang 'It aint' gonna rain no mo', no mo ,'It ain't gonna rain no more.''
It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. John Roche
(left) works 12 months a year in order in break his own Pittwater Regatta,
records. Since the event was Inaugurated in 1906 he has been honorary secretary,
and he is a master at studying the comfort of all who attend.
A CHARMING SPECTACLE. Just then Broken Bay presented an enchanting spectacle. Surrounded by thickly wooded slopes, flanked by inlets and beaches of indescribable charm, it is an ideal spot at which to hold a regatta. The Fire Brigades' Band was playing bright music aboard the flagship, which was well filled with aquatic enthusiasts, and away in the distance scores of yachts, sailing boats, and other craft dotted the bay. In the vicinity of the flagship gaily decorated yachts lay at anchor, including Sir Alexander McCormick's Morna, Mr. E. P. Simpson's schooner Mistral II., Mr. Paul Ross' Sayonara, and Athene, owned by Mr. D. Carment, one of Australia's veteran yachtsmen.
AN IMPORTED YACHT.A great deal of curiosity was manifested in the first public appearance of Mr. J. S. Palmer's 'eight-metre yacht Brand V. She was built in Norway, carries a 57-foot mast, and has a Marconi rig. Wags christened her Bran Pie. She may be a fast boat in light weather; but is hardly likely to shine in squalls against boats of the calibre of Rawhiti and Bona.'
FIFTY MILES AN HOUR. The weather change, occurred with extraordinary suddenness. While the 16miles race for the Commodore's Cup was in progress, a squall swept Broken Bay and quickly assumed hurricane force. Yachtsmen do not crack up in bad weather, but they made for shelter on this occasion as soon as the full force of the gale was felt. Bona was in the hands of its owner, Mr. Curtis, for the first time in a race, and as soon as the gale died down it was seen she would make a bold bid for victory against Aoma and Rawhiti. After a great race, Bona won, and the popular Commodore came in for the heartiest possible congratulations when he returned to the flagship.. 'It was the worst blow I have experienced,' he declared, 'and for a few seconds I though we were gone.
Pittwater’s rear-commodore, Mr. W. R. Alexander(right), is a prominent personage in Sydney shipping circles, and he gave the committee practical support by providing, free of all charges, his splendid tug boat, Antarctic, for the conveyance of the public from Bayview, Newport, and other spots.
Tugboat ANTARCTIC during the 1924 Pittwater Regatta, courtesy Australian National Maritime Museum, Image no.: 10670, photo taken by William J Hall or his father William Frederick Hall
We estimated that the wind blew quite 50 miles an hour ; some say more than that. I should not care to face such conditions again.'
When an old salt congratulated Mr.Frank Albert, owner of Rawhiti, upon the showing of his boat under such bad weather conditions, he dipped into 'history and said : 'When Napoleon defeated the Austrians at Austerlitz he was heartily congratulated but the famous Frenchman replied: .'A few more such victories and there would be no French army.' A few more days like this –one and there, might be no yachts.'
LORD FORSTER'S VICTORIES. A feature of the. yachting races was the double success of Lord Forster's Corella, which won the 21ft restricted class races in the morning and afternoon. . '' .It was a great, pity that' the storm 'interfered with the racing. Pittwater had never offered its patrons such an. interesting programme. The entries were a record, and for the first time since the regatta was inaugurated in 1906 the New South Wales Rowing Association was represented. It was good to see fours rowing on the Hawkesbury, and , Mr. H.J. Alderson, chairman of the N.S.W.R.A., said he hoped it would not be long ere Pittwater had eights competing.
WELL LOOKED AFTER. The biggest increase in entries came from the motor- boat owners, who were twice as strongly represented as they were last year, and but for the storm a splendid exposition of speed work would have been witnessed on this ideal course. During the afternoon several of the smaller sailing craft capsized, and gave their crews a ducking in the cold water. Lane Cove's 12ft skiffs competed at Pittwater for the first time, and there were also present representatives from Gosford and Woolwich Amateur Sailing Club. Competitors, officials, and visitors were well looked after by Mr. John Roche, to whom nothing seems too much trouble. Among those noticed at the regatta were Major-General Sir Granville Ryrie, M.H.R., Mr. Scott Fell. M.L.A., Mr. C. Murphy, M.L.A., Councillor Parr (president of Warringah Shire), Messrs. John Buchanan, H. G. Alderson, F. F. Buchanan, L. C. Waterman, Dr. Cyril Shepherd, W. R. Alexander, F. J. S. Young, H. J. Fitzpatrick, O. G. H. Merrett, Frank Albert, Donald McIntyre, C.A. Copeland, J. Milne, J. S. Palmer, and W. J. Dalgarno. '
THE REGATTA BANQUET. At the banquet at night at the Newport Hotel, Commodore Oscar Curtis presided over a large and enthusiastic company. Many persons spoke, but not for long. After the Commodore had traced the splendid progress the regatta had made in recent years, Major-General Sir Granville Ryrie, M.H.R., presented the cups and other prizes. The Chief Secretary (Mr. Oakes), on behalf of the regatta committee, thanked the Newcastle and Hunter River Steamship Co., Ltd., for having again furnished Pittwater with a flagship free of charge.(Cheers.) Mr. Hudson responded on behalf of the company; Other speakers included Dr. Cyril Shepherd, rear commodore of the Prince Edward Yacht Club, Messrs. Frank Albert, H. G. Alderson, Stanley Spain, vice-commodore of the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, and T.L. Mulhall. An hilarious hour was spent aboard the flagship after the banquet discussing a case of wine which the winner, of a raffle presented to the company. Chanties were sung, chorus songs went big and stories of all sorts were related. The principal contributors were Mr. A.R. Cooke, Captain .Banks, the popular skipper, who sang Cockles and Mussels three times, Mr. S. G. Keegan, and Alec Henderson. By way of accompaniment somebody occasionally fired the starting pistol.
HERE AND THERE. Marene, the fast 14ft skiff from' Balmain, carried away at her first start, later on in the day she lost her mast, and then spilt the crew. Shamrock was another skiff to capsize. The Boomerang Cup, presented by Mr.Frank Albert, was won by Lord Forster's Corella, and in both races which Corella won Boomerang was second .
June Bird won for the first time for Mr. E. C. Gale, and
incidentally lifted the Scotland Island Cup, presented by Mr. H. J.
Fitzpatrick. Mr. Andrew Wilson's dinghy, E.un-na-Mara III., also won a
double. Jack Hordern, the skipper, has won nine out of 12 starts in 12ft. dinghy
races— a great record. Mr. E. P. Simpson's wireless-fitted schooner, Mistral
II. and Mr. H. B. Tracey's Valencia won prizes given by Messrs H. J. Fitzpatrick
and F. J. Young for non-competitive yachts. Collaroy (W. J. Douglas) won
two sailing races. A thrilling finish was witnessed in the all-comers' double
sculls. Four crews finished within a length of each other. Mr. J. R. Palmer was
responsible for a real hustle in order to reach Pittwater. He stepped off the
s.s. Maunganui during the morning and raced overland to Pittwater, arriving
there in time to sail Brand V., the yacht he purchased recently in
Mr. Oscar Curtis (right), commodore of Pittwater Regatta, filled the bill admirably, and scored a distinct personal triumph ashore and afloat. He sailed his fine yacht Bona for the first time in a race, won the cup he presented, and then re-presented it for competition next year. Well known in commercial circles of Sydney, Mr. Curtis is no stranger to the turf. He is part owner of one of Sydney's best gallopers. VIOLENT BLOW AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA. (1924, December 31). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article136620659
Some indication of the many roles Mr Fitzpatrick was filling while also juggling a developing company (see Warringah Shire Records and Extras below):
Many yachtsmen contemplate going away from Sydney cruising at Christmas time. Wal Dalgarno will put to sea in Koonya, with Sid Wenbon as chief lieutenant, on Christmas morning. Regatta president of Pittwater, Oscar Curtis, will sail his own yacht, Bona, on Boxing Day, while skipper Len Patrick will be one of the working hands by the way of a change. Last year he had the distinction of winning his own trophy. The new Prince Class boats will be in the water on December 23, and their first official trials will be at Pittwater on Boxing Day. A start will be with the three boats built for Drs. Cyril Shepherd and Kirkland, and Mr. £. P. Andreas. Harry Fitzpatrick, assistant secretary, has rendered magnificent service to the Pittwater Regatta Committee owing to the unfortunate illness of organisor John Roche. Fitz is a born organizer and has the makings of a fine yachtsman. Percy Usher is still advocating for the need for more encouragement of novice skippers. He wants to see the big clubs with races on their programmes for men who are members of the crews and who work hard all the year round. Old-timers, he says, are looked after annually. Why not the men of the young brigade, who have ambitions of becoming skippers? A LIFE MEMBER. (1925, December 18). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article105943708
COSTLY TO BONA. Bona tore her sails last Saturday whilst attempting to gybe at the South Reef buoy. Skipper Patrick took the turn rather fine, and, in addition to hitting the buoy, helped to swell the coffers of the sail-makers. Oscar Curtis, however, is a good sport, and did not mind paying for the damage. Yachtsmen will be pleased to learn that Jack Roche has got over his recent illness and was an interested spectator at last Saturday's R.S.Y.S. race. He attended the meeting of the committee of the Pittwater Regatta, and received a warm welcome from President Oscar Curtis. Wal Dalgarno, Sid Wenborn, and F. J. S. Young. H. J. Fitzpatrick, Stan Spain, G. Travers Black, and F. L Ernest Walker are doing a great bulk of the organizing work for the Pittwater Regatta in order to allow John Roche to regain his health. C. A. Le Maistre Walker and F. J. S. Young are becoming hon treasurers of the Pittwater Regatta. COSTLY TO BONA. (1925, November 6). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article105942154
PITTWATER REGATTA. Entries for Pittwater Regatta, to be held on December 31, at Broken Bay, close next Sunday at the Newport Hotel, or next Monday at the office of Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, at 105 Pitt-street,. Sydney. This carnival will be the 21st, and the committee will celebrate the regatta in excellent style- to mark the coming of age. The programme is a record, catering for all types of boats, and the prize fund shows a distinct advance on that of past seasons. Mr. John Roche, who was. hon. secretary at the first regatta, is still at the helm, and associated with the carnival are Messrs. C. A. Le Maistre Walker (president), Oscar Curtis, J. S. Young, Stanley Spain, Walter Dalgarno, E. C. Griffith, A. C. Cooke, T. H. Mulhall, and F.S. Adams. THE clubman was confiding his recent troubles to another. 'You know what— ,' he said, mentioning: a celebrated actress,- 'Well, I used to be awfully friendly with her. She used to say that there was something about me that appealed to her very much.- Now she doesn't appear to care a hoot for me.' 'Ah !' suggested the other, wisely, 'I expect you've, spent it all, old boy.' PITTWATER REGATTA. (1927, December 2). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103432150
AQUATICS. PITTWATER REGATTA. The 21st annual meeting was held on Monday night, to consider the report and balance-sheet of the committee responsible for carrying out last season's re-gatta at Pittwater.. The committee was heartily congratulated on the record success achieved in every way, and it was decided to hold the next Junction on Saturday, December 20. Mr. John Roche, who has held the office of honorary secretary since the inception of the regatta, consented to continue in that position, assisted by Messrs. Stanley Spain ... The latter replaces Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, who retires after several years of energetic service to the Regatta, and Mr. M. W. Asher succeeds Mr. T. lioarty as honorary treasurer. The appreciation of the great services rendered by Messrs. Walker, Fitzpatrick, and Koarty were placed on record by the meeting. AQUATICS. (1928, September 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28051134
YACHTING. ROYAL PRINCE ALFRED YACHT CLUB. The annual meeting of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club was held in the club rooms, Castlereagh street, last evening, and was attended by a large number of members presided over by- the Vice-Commodore, Mr. Andrew- Wilson. The fifty-ninth annual report, with the hon. treasurer's statement to July 31, was adopted. 'The report states that the membership roll has steadily increased, and now stands at 839, which Is a record for the club. The hon. treasurers statement indicates that the club's financial position is most satisfactory. Thee election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows.-Commodore, Admiral Sir Dudley de Chair; vice-commodore, Mr. Andrew Wilson; rear commodore, Mr. E P. Andreas; hon, treasurer, Mr. John Buchanan; general committee, Messrs. James Alderton, D. C. Brockhoff, F. F. Buchanan, W. J. Dalgarno, H. J.Fitzpatrick. Peter MacDonald, J. Pope, J. Roche, Paul Boss, H. B. Treacy lion, auditors, Messrs C., V. Witt and H. L. McDonald. Liberal donations were made to the prize fund for the coming year. YACHTING. (1926, August 27). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16315861
Mr. H. .T. Fitzpatrick, as vice commodore and assistant hon. secretary, has been a tower of strength, and has done magnificent organising work. He is a resident of the district, and has presented the Scotland Island Cup for competition among the amateur's of boats on the register of the S.A.C.C. There are 15 competitors, and some of the boats are making first, appearances' for the season, namely H. L. Carter's Waitangi, which is on scratch with June Bird. A. L. Truebridge is racing Boreas and C. Abbott, Cutty Sark. THE YACHTSMEN. (1926, December 24). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103439200
FITZPATRICK. —March 13 at Glengarry private hospital, Mosman to Mr and Mrs H J Fitzpatrick, Pittwater Lennox street Mosman-a son (Herbert Anthony).Family Notices (1927, March 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16363988
The vessel RAWHITI appears at the centre of this image with the number '6' on the mainsail. To the left is CUTTY SARK, displaying the text 'A 40' and the vessel to the far right with the number '19' on the mainsail is BONA, Image No: 11538, courtesy Australian National Maritime Musuem.
Pittwater is destined to become the home of yachting and motoring in the near future. The Broken Bay branch of the Royal Motor Yacht Club is erecting a palatial clubhouse to the value of £3000, and in the near future it is believed that the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club will develop its magnificent property at Green's Point. The all-yachts are to race for the John Roche Handicap, an event for nominated skippers for prizes donated by Mr. J. S. Palmer, owner of Aoma, who for years has been an advocate for the staring of races for members of the crew. This event is scheduled for 10.45, and. The course is limited to 51 miles, while at 1.40 the big yachts will saddle up again for the Pittwater Regatta Cup, over a distance of 16miles. The cruisers are to race for the F.J.S. Young trophy, an event open for nominated skippers, and later in the day the same fleet are to compete for the Scotland Island Cup, donated by Vice-Commodore H. J. Fitzpatrick. Many attractive trophies are being offered for the speed boats. All comers, boats 12 miles per hour and over, are to race for Fiske Bros. trophy. For a course of eight miles the hydroplane Theodora (L. M. Baker)is allowing some phenomenal starts, the limit boats being EJ. Light's Miss Newport, and H. Read's Zoe, which are on 20min 34sec.Theodora appears again later in the day in an event open to boats of 14 miles per hour and over. Here the winner of the Sir Dudley de Chair is conceding Morn Mist (N. D.Smith), 26min Usee, and Atta Boy (W. A.Passau), the limit boats, 26min Usee, and24min' 26sec, respectively. Theodora's nearest rival is-E, A. Figtree's Lady Jean, which is in receipt of lmin 15sec.
STILL ON DECK. There are many identities associated with the Pittwater Regatta, and they have rendered excellent service for 21 years. These include Messrs. 'John Roche, the first hon. secretary; and who is still at the helm; F. S. Adams, the first judge of sailing, and who will again officiate on Saturday; T. L. Mulhall, one of the original timekeepers,;Alan L. Davis, who has started all the rowing events since the inception of the regatta; E. Higgs, John Williams, and Mrs. E. G. Greig. INTERSTATE YACHTING. (1927, December 28). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127907676
EVENTS AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA-YACHTING, SPEEDBOAT RACING AND ROWING. G. K. Snow's Bronzewing, winner of the A. C. Cooke speedboat handicap, rounds a buoy in a cloud of spray just before crossing the finishing line. Sydney No. 3 crew, winners of the Ladies Lightweight Fours Championship. Left to right: Misses M. Gay (bow), M. Garner, M. Harmstorf and J. Levy (stroke). The T. L. Mulhall handicap for yachts. Above.-J. M. Hardie's Morna heeling over in the stiff westerly Below.-Bona (19) and Vanessa (9) nearing the finishing line. EVENTS AT THE PITTWATER REGATTA-YACHTING, SPEEDBOAT RACING AND ROWING. (1929, December 30).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16613831
An description of the course for the Scotland Island race is in this report :
YACHTING. Pittwater Regatta Scotland Island Cup (for A and B class cruisers of the SAS Club) Time at start Course Start line between starter's boat and flagship round mark off Wood s Point Towler Bay thence round mark off Careel Bay Point hence round mark off flagship round Woods Point mark round Careel Point mark and finish between mark and flagship Distance 11 miles-Wirriminna (MG Cooley) 25m Olive (S Stevens) 22m Lena(H R de Russett) 21m Wanderer (A M Merrington) 20m Shadow (F Sargent) 16m SamPan (L Jon-s) 16m Avona (R Rudder) 12m Riawena (Dr H S Kirkland) 12m Imp (S. Spain) I 12m Ioana (L. Buckingham) 12m Wyunalu W Robson) 12m Dawn (O Backhouse) Colleen (A P Anderson Stuart). 10m Rona (RH Spitwater) 6m Caprice (H Pfeiffer) Niobe(J Backhouse) 6m Culwulla (R F Graham) 6m Sea Rover (C Plowman) 5m Blue Bird (W AWlndeyerl 5m June Bird (H M Aspinall), lm Hoana (L. Buckle) scr YACHTING. (1930, December 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16739777
MERRINGTON'S VICTORY ARTHUR M. MERRINGTON, in prewar days owner-skipper, of the 18 foot Merlin, upset all calculations by winning the Scotland Island trophy, the gift of that keen enthusiast, H. J. Fitzpatrick, the owner of Bona. Merrington sailed his hefty cruiser, Wanderer, and favored with a long allowance of 16 mins., was never headed, winning by 11 min 32 secs. from Dr.Hamilton Kirkland's Prince class Riawana, with C. J. Saunders' new boat, Bronzewing, third. Pittwater Gala A Slow Affair For Bored Spectators. (1931, December 30). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article136750495
Mr Fitzpatrick's third 'Elvina':
Easter Monday will be devoted to a novelty— a fishing day — when members will betaken by experts to the best outside fishing grounds. Prizes are to be given for the first, largest, and most fish caught. Branch Commodore H. J. Fitzpatrick is to convoy the fishing fleet, utilising his cruiser Elvina. Hon secretary Frank Barlow will welcome yachtsmen from all clubs to Broken Bay on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. FISHING EXPEDITION. (1928, April 6). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103455135
A fire event seemed to signal a readjustment for Mr Fitzpatrick, and whether he became disheartened with western foreshores enterprises, or was busy with other work elsewhere, as well as a full calendar of social duties, plans to build wharves and subdivide land cease in 1929 and it is not until the end of WWII that advertisements, which appear to be simply dumping land, and by a relative of his partner 'Ducker', appear:
DISASTROUS FIRE. At Church Point. BUILDINGS AND BOATS DESTROYED. A fire which broke out last night at Church Point caused extensive damage, the general store and post-office, tea-rooms, and garage, as well as a launch and several rowing boats, being destroyed. The residents of the well-known pleasure resort were unable to combat the flames, as no water supply was available.
The fire, it is stated, broke out first in Mr. H. Jensen's general store, a large wooden structure. The flames quickly devoured that building and spread to the adjoining tea-rooms. They razed this building to the ground, and enveloped a large motor garage, containing two or three cars. A motor launch, which was lying on slips at the rear of the garage, and several skiffs, which wore tied up beneath It, also caught fire. The garage and Its contents were destroyed.
Mr. Jensen, the manager of the store, tea-rooms, and garage, was spending the evening with his family at a picture theatre in Collaroy. He was not aware of the fire until he returned home at a late hour to find the buildings In a state of ruin. Mr. Jenson Is also In charge of the post-office at Church Point.
The buildings were owned by Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Lennox-street, Mosman, and were leased by him to Mr. Jensen. The boats were the property of Mr. Jensen. One of the motor cars was owned by the local mailman. The fire was discovered in peculiar circumstances. A resident of Newport, on the opposite side of the bay, noticed a brilliant glare In the direction of Church Point, and he communicated with the Mona Vale Telephone Exchange, and Inquired if any fire had been reported from that vicinity. The telephone operator got Into communication with a resident at Church Point, and this man discovered the fire. It is believed that the damage will amount to several thousands of pounds. DISASTROUS FIRE. (1928, November 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16511092
Church Point, Pitt Water, 20 mins n. from Syd. by A. J. Vogan (Arthur James), 1859-1948, photographer. [ca. 1910 - ca. 1915], courtesy State Library of Victoria, Image No.: H82.254/8/29
The winner of the 1930 Scotland Island race:
AT PITTWATER. Brilliant Scenes at Regatta NORN'S CUP. Aquatic men joined hands on Saturday Ito make a brilliant success of the 23rd annual Pittwater regatta.... Nioble just missed a double, running second to Apache (G. Aikmau) in the Scotland Island trophy. AT PITTWATER. (1930, January 1). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article131158989
YACHTING.Club Races. After a break caused by the heats of the Sayonara Cup, ordinary club races will be resumed on Saturdav when the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club will decide the Albert Gold Cup II for all yachts, the Clark trophy for the restricted class, and a handicap for the cadet dinghies over the usual harbour courses. The Albert Gold Cup. -which is the second of Its kind, the first having been won outright by Rawhiti, has to be won three times by the same owner in his own yacht There have only been four races for it and Bona has won it twice, the others being Vanessa, when owned by Mr P S Arnott, and the schooner Windward which holds it at pre-sent If Bona is successful on Saturday she holds the trophy for all time. Entries and handicaps are - Morna (R, C Packer! work light 2m, fresh ter,lead light scr, fresh scr, Norn (A F Albert), scr, 3m2m, 6m. Vanessa (J A Linacre) 2m, 4m, 3m 6m, Bona (H J Fitzpatrick) YACHTING. Club Races. (1932, January 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16837059
YACHTING. P.E.Y.C's Final Race. EUN-NA-MARA AGAIN. On Saturday Eun Na Mara registered her third win in her last four starts when she defeated Utiekah II by 87 seconds In the last Prince Edward Yacht Club race of the current season. Bona sailing her last race under the ownership of Mr HJ Fitzpatrick-she has been sold to Mr W A Dettman-was third 73 seconds further astern. YACHTING.(1932, March 7). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16845959
The last recorded Scotland Island Race occurs in 1931. The Fitzpatrick's moved out of Sydney for a little while after 1932. A mention during a further Pittwater Regatta report states he is at 'the back of the state'. Perhaps ill health caused him to think about slowing down, or, as indicated, he moved to look after rural investments:
After a residence here of 12 months, Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick has disposed of his business, to Mr. J. W: Baker, of Sydney. Mr. Fitzpatrick proved himself a keen townsman, having interested himself in many local affairs. He was president of the swimming club and his departure will be a .great loss to that body: St. Mel's R.C. , Church will also lose two willing workers in Mrs. Fitzpatrick and her niece, Miss Pat Noonan. NARANDERA. (1936, February 21). Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1938), p. 42. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112694253
Business Change.— Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick has disposed of his furniture emporium to Mr. J W. Baker, of Sydney, and he and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and Miss Pat Noonan, propose leaving Narandera early next week. They have resided here for about 12months and during that time have made a large number of friends, who will regret their departure. On account of having pastoral property in the Armidale district, Mr. Fitzpatrick was only able to devote part of his time to his Narandera business. He nevertheless interested himself in local affairs, including the swimming club, of which he was president. Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Miss Noonan (her sister) have interested themselves in the work of St. Mel's Church. Local and General. (1936, February 14). Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article100800573
Farewell to Mrs. H. J. Fitzpatrick and Miss Pat Noonan. The high esteem in which Mrs. H. J. Fitzpatrick and her niece, Miss Pat Noonan, were held during their stay of about 12 months in Narandera were shown to them on Thursday evening last, when about 40 friends gathered at their home and gave them a surprise farewell party. ... A very dainty supper was served by the ladies, after which the Rev. Father Bongiorno made presentations to the guests, end he spoke In high esteem of them. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was presented with a pair of cut glass perfume bottles and Miss Noonan with a cut glass powder bowl. Mr. Fitzpatrick suitably responded, on behalf of his wife: and niece, and thanked the Rev. Father Bongiorno for 'his kindly remarks, and their friends for the beautiful presents, he said they were very sorry to leave such a lot of good friends, and it would not take gifts to remind them 'of the many friends they had made in Narandera. 'For They are Jolly Good Fellows' was sung with great enthusiasm, and the Ringing of 'Auld Lang Syne' brought to a close a very happy function. Mr and Mrs. Fitzpatrick will leave for Sydney today (Tuesday) and they intend to reside at Manly. Farewell to Mrs. H. J. Fitzpatrick and Miss Pat Noonan. (1936, February 18). Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article100811795
FITZPATRICK -November 22, 1938 at his residence 35 Parkview Road Manly Herbert James dearly beloved husband of Florence Agnes and loving father of Frank, Elvina, Tony and Geoff and uncle of Pat. R.I.P. Family Notices. (1938, November 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1754065
MR. HERBERT JAMES FITZPATRICK. Readers will regret to learn that Mr. Herbert James Fitzpatrick, a former resident of Narandera, died in his sleep on Tuesday morning last at his residence, 35 Park View, Manly. Mr. Fitzpatrick was a freeholder, and had property- interests in various parts of the State. About four or five years ago he came to Narandera and purchased the furniture business previously conducted by Mr. H. S. Mackenzie, and while here acquired some town property. During his residence in Narandera he was an active supporter of the Swimming Club, and was for a term its President. For many years he had been one of the foremost yachting enthusiasts in Sydney, and his yacht 'Bona' won important events over a number of years. He had a large and valuable collection of trophies which he won with his yacht. The value of those would be very considerable, and he was always proud to show them to his friends. About two years ago Mr. Fitzpatrick disposed of his business in Narandera to Mr. J. W. Baker and returned to reside in Sydney. He had not enjoyed good health for sometime. Deceased is survived by his widow and a family of three sons and, one daughter. The sons are Frank, Anthony, and Geoffrey, while the daughter is Miss Elvena Fitzpatrick. Miss Patricia Noonan, a niece, resided with them in Narandera. The funeral took place in Sydney yesterday. MR. HERBERT JAMES FITZPATRICK. (1938, November 25).Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article100805248
So ...did this gentleman originate the name for Pittwater's 'Elvina Bay'? - anyone who has written or confirm-able records, please contact us ... three Elvinas in his life, and a passion for the Western shores of Pittwater, including Elvina Bay, which wasn't named so prior to his involvement in the area seem to indicate his love for his daughter, his wife, and by extension her family, and even a vessel named 'Elvina' may be where 'Elvina Bay' sprang from.
We are left with, however, his determination to ensure the words 'Scotland Island' were part of Pittwater Regattas, perhaps as a selling point for his ventures, but for we ninety years on, an accustomed Sea Shanty that on Sunday 9th of March, 2014 will again be chorused by a starters pistol for a brand new Scotland Island Race.
Dear Ms Guesdon,
My name is Kay Morrell and I am a granddaughter of Herbert Fitzpatrick. Your recent article on ‘The First Scotland Island Cup’ has given me great pleasure. It was only by coincidence that I came across your article as an article that I had previously ‘saved’ from your magazine on ‘Harry’ would not open so I went on to your website and clicked on history…I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the headlines…how very fortunate was I and the rest of the Fitzpatrick family who I will be forwarding on your article.
I have only started doing a bit of research on Pittwater and Herbert’s sailing days over the last few years. Our son moved to the northern beaches on his return from a stint overseas (we lived in Griffith) and was in a unit on Pittwater Road. When he advised me of this I laughingly told him that ‘he had returned to his roots’ and, had I ever told him that Pop was christened 'Frank Richard Pittwater'? What a laugh. Daniel has settled in the area due to the fact of falling in love with a Northern Beaches girl that he met overseas and is now married to. He has his own landscaping business so is often in the Pittwater area and has become very interested in the Fitzpatrick history.
My husband and I visited them last year and for the first time, had a good look at the area and even took the ferry to Scotland Island. I was very much aware of it’s significance to the Fitzpatrick family due to remembering Dad telling us stories of their very happy times there…. what a gorgeous part of the world.
I can confirm for you that Herbert did name Elvina Bay. I have an article written by my aunt Elvina Holmes in August 1986 called ‘Surprise Surprise The story of Scotland Island’. She wrote this article at the request of Father Carol Grew a priest from the Diocese of Broken Bay for his parish magazine….she met Father Grew at a catechists mass and advised him of her links to the area.
In this article Elvina states that Herbert met Florence while she was visiting her sister Elvina Noonan in hospital the same time as Herbert, as Elvina Noonan was his neighbour and friend. Elvina Noonan died on 1st July 1922 and Herbert and Florence married in December 1923. They honeymooned on Scotland Island in a very small fibro cottage.
“It was at this time that all the streets on the Island were named after members of both families (with the exception of Thompson St and Robertson Road). As Herbert bought and developed more areas around Pittwater, Newport and Avalon, more streets and parks were named after members of the families. It is no wonder that he named Elvina Bay after the lady who had been responsible for him meeting his wife.”
I can also add that Geoff (youngest child of Herbert and Florence) also called his eldest child Elvina.
Sadly all four children of Herbert and Florence are deceased. Geoff died last year and my Dad died suddenly at the age of 69 years…it seems to me that the older you get you become so much more interested in your parent’s life so I can tell you that it was such a buzz reading about my grandparent’s wedding and other memorable occasions. I knew that they went to Narranderra to live as Dad had pointed out to us (my brother Shane and I) their house opposite the Murrumbidgee River but did not realise that they moved because of my grandfather’s bad health and it was only for 1 year. Dad had told us that during their time in Narranderra he was an altar boy there for the priest John Hartigan known as ‘John O’Brien’ the famous bush poet.
Dad inherited the Marshall Plate and I have fond memories of him getting the silvo out to give it a good polish….it was certainly held in high esteem and was proudly displayed in the loungeroom (which was off limits to us children). The Marshall Plate is a very large ornate silver tray. When Dad died the Plate was passed on to Shane. I will ask Shane to take a photo and send it to you.
Marshall Plate - which Herbert won when owning The Bona - and still held by the family
I have a few newspaper clippings that belonged to Dad of Herbert’s races. One clipping states “The happiest man on the flagship was Vice-Commodore Harry Fitzpatrick, ‘Lord Mayor of Scotland Yard’ who won the John Roche Handicap.” It was obviously apparent way back then of his fondness for the area.
Next time I am in the area for a little bit of nostalgia, I hope to visit the RMYC and the RPAYC.
I wish you a most successful and enjoyable 2014 ‘Scotland Island Race’ and I commend and thank you sincerely on your effort and the time that you have put into this article.
Kind regards
Kay Morrell, Thursday 27th of February, 2014
NB: The Ferry referred to above, 'The Elvina', is still going and looked after still by the Church Point Ferry Services. You can read about her HERE

Fair Helmswomen - THE Broken Bay Branch of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales has decided to introduce lady members into the club, and this new method of membership was formally approved of during the week. This should bring the fair sex into the activities of the motor-boating world to a very much greater extent than previously, and there are indications that the social life of the Broken Bay Branch, with the beautiful club house on the picturesque shores of Pittwater, will become much more active, whilst fair helmswomen will be a common sight on the waters of Broken Bay.
Among those who have the distinction of being members of the first ladies committee of the Royal Motor Yacht Club, Broken. Bay Branch, are Mrs. H. J. Fitzpatrick (wife of the Branch Commodore), Mrs. W. H. Slade (wife of the Vice-Commodore), Mrs. S. E. Blundell (wife of the Rear-Commodore), Mrs. C. V. Witt, Mrs. A. C. Cooke. Mrs. A. D. .Walker, Miss Beryl Aveling, and Miss Rose Thwaites. Fair Helmswomen. (1929, October 6). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article131630807
FITZPATRICK.-May 21, at Glengarry private hospital, Mosman, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fitzpatrick, of Pittwater, Lennox-street, Mosman-a son (Geoffrey James Gerard). Family Notices (1928, June 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16472818
Warringah Shire Council records for H. J. Fitzpatrick’s enterprise in Pittwater:
6th of April 1925: H. J. Fitzpatrick - submitting proposal for subdivision of land at Salt Pan, Pittwater, and asking that the Sub Committee meet him and his surveyor. Decided the Works Committee meet him as requested.
20th of April 1925: H J Fitzpatrick's Beach Bay Subdivision. Pittwater. Resolved, - (Cm. Campbell, Corkery) That the Committee's Beach recommendation be adopted, with the elimination of the proviso and that the seal should be affixed to the deposited Plan, upon a state written undertaking being furnished by Mr. Fitzpatrick that the other incomplete matters will be attended to. -Resolved, - That the other recommendations by the Committee be adopted.
?th of May 1925: Mr. H. J. Fitzpatrick and his surveyor, Mr. Richards waited on the Council in regard to his two subdivisions at Pittwater - one at Elvina and the other near Salt Pan. Resolved, (Crs. Hitchcock, Rayner ) That.Fitzpatrick verbally assures that the work of Beach Bay Estrte is quite comlete, the seal be affixed to' the subdivision plan. Salt Pan Resolved, - (Crc JcIcx1loD, Ccnbefl) That the subdivision of the land near Salt Pan Pt be referred to the Committee. Resolved, (Ore. McKiflop, Campbell)
13th of July, 1925: H. J. Fitzpatrick (Scotland Island Estates, Ltd) 7/7/25. requesting Council's further support in his application for a Special lease of portion of the foreshores at Church Point: Resolved, -. (Crs. Ellsworth, Hewitt) That a letter be written to the Land Department, saying that the Council is disappointed that Mr. Fitzpatrick’s application has been turned down, and asking that it be again considered as it is on the lines favored by the Council.
7th September, 1925: H. J. Fitzpatrick addressed the Council in regard to his subdivision of Portion 31, Pittwater, and asked the Council to accept a guarantee of £3,500 in lieu of the ,amount of the Engineer's estimate (4,400). Resolved, Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the Council accept from Mr. Fitzpatrick a cash guarantee of £3,500, provided he also give a written undertaking, drawn up by the Council's Solicitors, to complete the subdivision works in accordance with the approved Specification, and that upon this being done, the seal of the Council be affixed to the plan, upon the Engineer certifying that it is in order.
19th of October, 1925: That the Seal of the Council he affixed to the Agreement covering the Salt Pan guarantee of H. J. Fitzpatrick and A. H. Ducker, for the Estate, completion of the roads in Saltpan Estate, in accordance with the approved Specification, provided the Shire Engineer is satisfied with the annexures to the Agreement.
1st of February, 1926: H J Fitzpatrick. 27/1/26. submitting plan of proposed resubdivsion of portion of Flood 's Peninsula Estate, Pittwater: Dealt with in Engineer's Report.
15th of February, 1926: H J Fitzpatrick ,advising that plans and specifications are being prepared by his Architect for the proposed boat shed, &c, on his permissive occupancy at Church Point, and will be submitted to the Council later : Received.
22nd of November, 1926: Pittwater Estates Co (H.J. Fitzpatrick 9.11.26 and 17.1126. requesting that the Works Committee discuss with him certain matters in connection with the roads, &c. on Salt Pan Estate Referred to the Works Committee.
1927: Elvina Bay Wharf – that the approach to the Elvina bay wharf at Elvina Bay be repaired as soon as funds are Wharf available, and Mr. Fitzpatrick be informed.
8th of July, 1929: Permissive Occupancies. resolved (Cs; Austin, Robertson) - That the Council withdrew its objection to H. Jensen's application for a Special Lease at Church Point wharf, and that Mr. Fitzpatrick and also the Land Board be advised of this.
Same. 27/9/29. Requesting that favourable consideration be given Dr. Fraser's application for Permissive Occupancies permission to erect a boat shed and garage on a Permissive Occupancy at Church Point held by him since 1921. Resolved, That the Council adhere to its previous decision in the matter and it be pointed out to the Department that Mr. H.J. Fitzpatrick has until February to erect a public boat shed on his Special Lease, that if the work be not done by that time, Dr. Fraser's application will then be dealt with on its merits.
Extras and Incidentals:
Scotland Island Estates, Ltd. Capital,£10,000. To acquire and develop land in the Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland, known as Scotland Island. First directors: H. J. Fitzpatrick and A. R. W. Ducker. COMPANY NEWS. (1924, February 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16118917
SCOTLAND Island. Pittwater: Good water frontages. low prices. Now available, only few left. J. F. Ducker. 17 Bond St. B3600. Advertising. (1945, March 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27929457
SCOTLAND Island Estate. Still few good Lots left. Ducker, 17 Bond St. B3600. Advertising. (1946, December 11). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27902681

Scotland Island today - picture by A J Guesdon.
The Original Scotland Island Cup, Trophy and Race - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2014.