Woody Point Yacht Club Open of Summer Sailing Season Wednesday 10.10.2012 – Editorial from Commodore Volker Aebischer
I can think of many good things and I am certain you all agree with this: There is nothing better than starting the summer sailing Season with the first gentle North–Easterly Breeze of 12 to 14 Knots. Finally - the Ruler of the Winds has accepted that the WPYC Skippers and Crew Members had enough of the forever changing westerly breeze! At times and as some of the Skippers found out during the Winter Series you can be Hero one second and a feather duster a minute later! Particularly if you're just moments away from crossing the finishing line and the Fleet is mowing you down from behind with you stopped in no pressure. Moments like this can leave you wondering: Why do I bother with Winter sailing?
It was pleasing to see that the Fleet doubled from the winter series for the 1st Trophy Race and Opening Day for WPYC 2012-2013 Summer Season. A total of 40 Boats made an appearance to this Race, if you include a Mastless and electrical Motor driven Boat. This is still short of the 76 Boat listed and still growing numbers of application for the Summer Season. It may have something to do with moving the clock forward by an hour a couple days beforehand. I notice as well that one Skipper had taken the option to shake the Cobwebs out of the Spinnaker to make sure he is not late for his Start. The Queen Bee - a new addition to the Club a beautiful Carol 24 Timber Boat was first over the Start Line just to be chased by the rest of the Fleet of Gaff Couta Boat, Soling, Northshore, Jubilee, Triton, Farr, Sayer, Etchels, Berthon Cutter, Colleen, Ross, Star, Finn, 11 Meter, Trimaran, Holland, Hobbie and the List goes on. (My apology, if I missed mentioning anybody!)
Not surprising, but we had not even sent half of the Fleet on the way, when the Start Boat received the first incentive to improve the Start time for one of the fast Plastic Fantastic Boats. Thank you, we are flattered and like the aspiration, but we are waiting first for a little persuasion before the Race Committee is doing any adjustment to the Results!
The finish of the Race was illuminated by a soft pink evening sky, which the Mermaids possibly missed as they were busy scribbling down numbers and times as the Race came to a close. It was rather quite easy, as most of the Boats displayed the Boat Number when crossing the finishing Line. Even more so, that the Back Runners displayed their Navigation Light at Dusk. Thank you!
The result for the 1st Trophy Race stands as follows - but is possibly subject to changes, briberies, corruption; as these are a long established part of the Club:
1st: Proteus - Ron Owers* F/G Daydream 28
2nd: Seal - Allan Yuille *Swanson Dart 22
3rd: Sylvia – Larry Eastwood * Gaff Couta Boat 26
In closing, I like to stress again: Please remember that most of the Wooden Boats are not turning on a Penny. Safety is paramount at the WPYC and comes first! Followed, by looking after our prestige Environment – so no tossing of any Rubbish into the Pittwater and last and least, respect your fellow competitors! Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to the Start Boat Skippers, Mermaids and Committee Members for volunteering and cleaning out the Chilli Bin. Photographic work was done by Leah Norris and special thank-you to Alison Guesdon from Pittwater Online News for the support and publishing all this. So keep the good work up and I am looking forward to more mind –blowing and awe-inspiring days with 80+ boats in the Fleet this summer.
Fair Weather; always have 3” of Water underneath your Keel and good Luck in the 2012/2013 Sailing Season with the Woody Point Yacht Club.
Yours faithfully Hill-Billy
Volker Aebischer
Full Results on Woody Point Yacht Club Website
Copyright Volker Aebischer, 2012. All Photographs by Leah Norris. All Rights Reserved in both cases.