Careel Bay Playing Fields Reserve - Including Hitchcock Park: Birds, Boots & Beauty

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 11 Retrieved from - and sections from to show Careel Bay saltmarsh detail - photo was taken from what we today call Mackay Rsereve

Careel Bay Playing Fields and Hitchcock Park at present has 14.35 hectares, comprising in 1998, 8.9030 hectares of ovals in the soccer playing fields and Hitchcock Park, where rugby league matches take place during the Winter season, and cricket matches during Summer, making it among the larger green spaces set aside for sport and recreation. The Tennis Courts at the south Eastern end was an idea put forward in April 1977, with a fifth court and upgraded floodlights added in the 1994/95 budget of Pittwater Council. The Peninsula Pony Club had lessons and gymkhanas on the same site from the early 1970's until 1977 and was moved to an area south of the soccer fields that same year. By the mid 1980s falling attendance meant the club closed and in the June 19th, 1990 Meeting of Warringah Shire Council their records state that ''The Reserves Planner said that the dog exercise area could be used by horse riders if required.'' and ''That Manly Warringah Sporting Union be advised that Council has no objection to the reallocation of the equestrian activity area, Hitchcock Park, for use as a "three quarter size" soccer field.''
Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Careel Bay runs concurrent this Issue to underline the shifts in landscape through the change from dairy farms and a fishing hamlet to suburban lots that need green space for fun and games to take place, with these too 'shifting' from a paddock to ride ponies to where tennis, rugby league and soccer may be played - and even a return of a 'polo' of sorts, in the rise of another 'Season'.

Warringah Shire Council has a history and legacy of setting aside beach areas and reserves to create access to the water, the bush and the beach that stems back to its earliest formation and was followed well into the 1970s. The value of these areas inherited by subsequent generations as places for respite, for exercise, for sport, for being in contact with nature and wildlife cannot be underestimated. Although residents were required to meet councils' costs on a £ for £ basis during the earliest stages of this 'Great Work', especially in connection with beach reserves, and there were some actions that destroyed environment through 'reclaiming' works, generation after generation of council representatives persevered in preserving habitat for wildlife on waterways and the bush.
This ethos was continued through Pittwater Council - the outright declaration by that council in regard to Saving Currawong, led by Harvey Rose, backed up by 10 years of pursuing that end by the Friends of Currawong and the then in opposition Member for Pittwater, Rob Stokes, has resulted in a pristine environment being kept for all. Similarly in 1972, when a 'Boat Harbour' proposal was put forward for the Careel Bay Wetlands, with subsequent destruction of the saltmarshes and mangroves, it was the then named Avalon Preservation Trust members, backed up by Warringah Shire Council, that saved the day.
The Careel Bay Wetland is part of the Broken Bay estuary and contains the largest area of estuarine wetlands in Pittwater. The Bay is about 2.5 kilometres long, covering an area of 1.5 square kilometres and is less than five metres in depth. The intertidal flats and foreshores support mangroves, saltmarsh, Casuarina forest and provide habitat and food for marine life, and supports bird nesting sites on the East-Asian / Australian Flyway. Due to the prevalence of permanent or annually visiting shorebirds at Careel Bay, and a practice in years past of allowing pet dogs into the area to chase or destroy them, the Careel Bay Wildlife Protection Area was established by Pittwater Council.
The playing fields themselves were once home to a host of smaller and medium sized birds, with a Fairy Wren colony, two pairs of Willy Wagtails, Spotted Doves, Wattle-birds and the slow rhythmic dawn stroll of White-faced Herons, Spoonbills and Sacred Ibis in synchronicity with each other, as well as honeyeaters and Australian Water Dragons living amongst its greens and tree fringes. During the past 4 years, and having witnessed one woman 'skitching' her off-leash dog onto the Willy Wagtails on Careel Bay Soccer Field 3-4, and laughing as it did, a silence and emptiness where once was birdsong. The same has now happened along the stretches of Careel Creek, where small birds once flourished in the canopy, even into Avalon Beach dunes, and shorebirds once waded in peace. There too dog-owners can be witnessed 'skitching' their off-leash dogs into the creek itself to chase and harm these birds, for their own 'amusement' - or so their smirks and laughter while doing so would indicate. This new absences of birdlife at Careel Bay Playing Fields, and along Careel Creek all the way to Avalon Beach is signalling the most recent 'shift' in that environment.

The law-breakers aren't the only element that have caused huge shifts. In fact, so vast have the changes been that those who saw Careel Bay and its Avalon Beach environs in the early 1800s' would not recognise the place should they be able to lay eyes on it in 2020 - only the outline shapes of some of the surrounding hills would remain similar.
The earliest settlement of Careel Bay occurred in 1818 and the area developed as farmlands, while on the estuary itself a fishing hamlet was established and boats were built. Early newspapers show a number of 'coasters' (small ships) bringing in shells to Sydney Town for lime-burning. These would have been extracted from the numerous middens that marked feast sites by the areas' original inhabitants all around the Pittwater estuary itself. Extracting shells was continued into the late 1930's, with the state government by then overseeing contracts to 'dredge' parts of Careel Bay.
The earliest Avalon Reserve for the public was assigned to the people through the estate of and by John Joseph Therry, who had been given the Avalon Valley lands as a grant of 1200 acres. Through this was dedicated 20 acres, including the beach, then known as 'Burnes Beach' and 'Clareville Beach', and its surrounds.
Warringah Items.
It was unanimously decided to place the seal of the council to a document from the trustees of the late Father Terrey's Estate, dedicating to the council a 20 acre reserve, including the whole of the beach on "Priest's Flat," Barrenjoey Peninsula. This land was left for a reserve some 25 years ago, when the Pittwater Estate was being cut up, but was never dedicated, and the Registrar-General would not recognise it as such. After considerable trouble the dedication was arranged, without expense to the council, and the shire deserves congratulation on the result of their negotiations. Warringah Items. (1912, March 8). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
In the early days of settlement the Collins family had a dairy farm at Careel Bay. It occupied most of North Avalon. They leased the land from Father Therry. The creek was dammed just south of the present North Avalon Rd to ensure a supply of freshwater. It had an earth wall, with a spillway on the western side. Below the dam Barrenjoey Rd crossed the creek. A 1930 aerial photo indicates the dam was well and truly gone but had left a strange “kink” in the creek. [2.]
The creek itself was described in earliest accounts as filled with clear, pure water. North of there, and towards Careel Bay, those walking along the then track of 1861 and up until the late 1880s describe the way to the Careel Bay edge as 'marshy' and quite wet in places - a salt marsh, edged with mangroves - and an obvious water thoroughfare channel. During 1920's and sales one gentleman applied to have his money returned when he found what he had bought was subject to flooding, while those who camped at Avalon Beach, particularly in 1948 and 1953, found themselves 'swept away' by flood waters during a storm, some of their belongings ending up in Careel Bay itself.
Careel Bay, by Sir Thomas Mitchell, 1828 Field and Sketchbook, Items c03082_0015_m and c03082_0016_m, courtesy State Library of NSW
An extract from 'My Holiday' by Charles de Boos, describing the way north beyond Collins Farm:
Having thanked Collins for his kindness and attention, we once more pushed ahead, the road now leading us across a long level piece of country that intervened between the sea and the waters of Creel Bay, until it brought us down to the margin of the latter. Arrived here, we had before us as pretty a marine picture as ever painter sketched, and as directly opposite to the one we had but so recently left as could be well conceived. The flat level land had here narrowed to some sixty rods in width, being backed by a heavily wooded range, the base of which was here and there encumbered by large masses of rock, from which the incumbent soil had been washed, and which now protruded in huge boulders, or lay out bare and detached from their native beds. On the margin of the bay were three little whitewashed slab huts with bark roofs, the passion- ate squalling of an infant that proceeded from one of them would have given evidence of their being inha- bited, even if we had not seen two or three barelegged and barefooted children peering at us round the corner of the house.
Through the narrow belt of low swamp oaks that edged the margin of the bay, the clear smooth waters of Creel glistened in the sun, as the gentle breeze swept over its face and slightly ruffled its surface. On the sands, midway between the shore and the retreating water, for it was nearly low tide, two boys were busied collecting shells, by filling an old basket with the sand, and then agitating it in a water-hole, made for the purpose, until the sand was washed away, and nothing was left but the shells that had been mingled with it. These, when washed clean, were thrown into a boat that lay down helplessly on its side close to them. Out on the waters of the bay, floated a smart little cutter, which, though probably only a shell boat, looked from the clear atmosphere, and perhaps also from the fact that she was the only vessel in view, smart and dapper as a yacht, the red shirt and striped cap of the one man on board, adding still farther to the picturesque appearance of the vessel. Behind her again stretched out the waters of the bay, until they encountered the ranges of the other side, which coming down in many a ridge and gully, and forming many a deep indentation or projecting point, gave a gorgeous variety of tints and lights to a background that under a less brilliant sun or less pure atmosphere would have been sombre and monotonous.
Manly to Broken Bay. (1893, November 11). Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 19. Retrieved from
We halted here just long enough to admire the scene, and to have a shot at one of a number of blue cranes, that were stalking about most consequentially and at the same time most warily upon the sands. It was only by dint of a good deal of manoeuvring and dodging that Nat was enabled to get even within possible shooting distance of the rearmost of the lot; and after all, when he fired, he didn't kill his bird. He however succeeded in frightening it, and not only it but all its companions, for they one and all took to flight with a wild cry. But if he had in one quarter caused a fright and a cry he had in another caused a fright and quietness for the report of the gun had stilled the squalling in the hut so effectually that it was not resumed, so long at least as we remained within hearing.
The track, a mere bridle path, now led along the flat, then across a dank luxuriant gully, down which a little stream roared and brattled and foamed with as much fuss and bother as would have been sufficient for a volume of water twenty times its quantity; afterwards,up a wet sloppy hill from which the water exuded in every direction, round the point of the range, down a correspondingly wet and sloppy descent on the other side; and then on to another flat the very counterpart of the one we had just quitted. Another luxuriant and overgrown gully, another wet hill teeming with springs, and then we come down, upon a somewhat broader flat, at the extremity of which we see two tents a short distance apart that we at once recognise, from the description we had received of them, as being the Chinamen's place.
(To be continued.)
MY HOLIDAY. (1861, September 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
Careel Bay 1882 - subdivision and section from to show saltmarsh size and 'sandy foreshore' and even the position of the school and a road/track to Careel Bay foreshore, Item c053460084 - from Pittwater Subdivision Folders, courtesy State Library of NSW
The Collins farm was one of at least three Dairy Farms in that area adjacent to or around the Careel Creek and Careel Bay. A 1920's lithograph for the third subdivision of the Careel Ocean Beach Estate at present day North Avalon shows the location of 'Thompsons' Farm' (Joseph Thomson who went bankrupt in 1927), while in 1941 the construction or expansion of a Dairy took place in the Careel Head Road-Burrawong-Albert Road vicinity adjacent to the current day soccer fields - the Notice published in Construction for William (Bill) Jones shows a substantial expansion for new works. The Hammond family were running this dairy for Mr. Jones by the early 1930s with around 100 cows being milked twice a day, according to an oral history placed from the Mona Vale Library in the mid 1980s. There is also a Edwin Theordore Bruce registering a stock brand at Careel Bay in 1935:
Careel Bay—Blk. dairy premises, Albert & Burra Wong Rd.—W. H. Jones, Barrenjoey Rd., Careel Bay, Owner; £1170. BUILDINGS & WORKS APPROVED (1941, November 26). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
Bruce, Edwin Theodore, Careel Bay, Palm Beach...REGISTRATION OF STOCK BRANDS ACT, 1921. (1935, March 15). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1133. Retrieved from
There were also cows wandering in from still existing Newport Dairy Farms according to this insight, and they were feasting on the beautiful burrawong palm, for which Burrawong road was named, and for which a subdivision over by Stokes Point was also named due to the abundance of them in the grounds, still, during the 1920s:
Another who probably ran stock is Frederick Smith, purchasing land at Careel Bay and in the valley of Avalon in 1881.

Johnston Estate 1926, showing Riverview road, Shore Brace, Bayview, Queens Avenue, Patrick Street, The Parade, George Street - and NEWLY formed Elvina Avenue Herbert J Fitzpatrick - (but no Lewis street as yet - Fitzpatrick Subdivisions - See Scotland Island Street Names) Item c027560023, Pittwater Subdivisions folders, courtesy State Library of NSW
Three separate estates at Avalon and Careel Bay are to be sold by Messrs. Peach Bros, (in conjunction with Clubb and Hibble, and Laws and Flowerdew), next Monday.
They are linked together by the title of Johnston Estates, but are separate, and strung across the Barrenjoey Peninsula, between Avalon and Pittwater. There are 14 allotments in the section situated on the narrow strip which juts Into Pittwater and terminates at Stripe Head. They overlook the broad sheet of water, and are Within 100 feet of it. The second wayside estate has actual water frontages to Careel Bay. There are eight of these, with big depths of nearly 400 feet, which gives them other frontages to Bayview-road and Queen's-avenue as well. The Avalon offering is situated slightly north of the beach, on a rising slope which gives wonderful views across Pittwater, as well as down the southern coastline. This is the bigger section, its 34 allotments having frontages of from 40 to over 100 feet. Deposits for water frontages are £10. per lot, and for others £5 per lot. AVALON-CAREEL (1926, December 24). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
On the above you can see the placement of the homes of the Monckton, Elliott and Howard lands. Mr. Howard was married to a daughter of the same Frederick Smith who bought a farm lot and other land holdings in May 1881- specifically lots 5 and 6, section A, 3 acres 1 rood 21 perches and a Farm; lot 4, 65 acres 0 roods 32 perches, paying L247 15s 2d for the 65 acre farm
HOWARD — SMITH.— April 25th. at St. Augustine's Church, Neutral Bay, by the Rev. G. North Ash, Harold T. Howard, third son of W. H. Howard, of North Sydney, to Mary T. J. Smith, youngest daughter of Frederick Smith, of "Alma," Belmont Rd., Mosman. Family Notices (1900, May 12). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 1. Retrieved from
Frederick Smith, Careel Bay, Pittwater - REGISTRATION OF BRANDS ACT OF 1866. (1886, January 9). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 171. Retrieved from
Hammond Dairy lands at North Avalon - Careel Head, Burrawong and Albert roads. circa 1935 - Hammond Family photo
Tom Gilbert in the garden at the first home he and wife Dawn owned in Albert Road, Avalon. This formed part of the Dairy and was originally one of the workers houses. This photo is from February 1966.
When Frederick Smith passed away Mr. Howard was placed in charge of part of his Careel Bay land holdings:
The net value of the estate of the late Frederick Smith, who resided at Alma, Belmont-road, Mosman, has been sworn for probate purposes at £17,159. By his will dated October 26, 1904, testator appointed his sons Sidney, Arthur, and Frederick, and his daughter Frances, executors, executrix, and trustees of his estate.
He bequeathed the furniture, ornaments, plate, and effects at Alma to his daughter Frances, which furniture and effects were purchased by her with her own money. He also gave his pony phaeton, harness, and all other articles of a similar nature to his daughter Frances. The house occupied by his son Frederick in Chuter-street, North Sydney, testator left to Frederick upon trust to receive the benefits, rents, or profits from it until his death, when it goes to the children. If there are no children the house becomes part of testator's residuary estate. He left the property at the corner of Alexander and Atchison streets, North Sydney, upon trust to his son Francis, and the property in Glover-street upon trust to his son Arthur for life, both upon the same terms as that provided in the case of the be quest to the son Frederick.
He left certain property at Careel Bay, Pittwater, to his son-in-law, Harold Trotman Howard, absolutely, and the remainder of his Careel Bay property to all of testator's children as joint tenants.
He left £50 to the North Shore Hospital, an annuity of £200 to his daughter Frances, an annuity of £150 to his friend Rosalie Grigg, and an annuity of £50 to his daughter Isabella, now Isabella Reed. The residue of real and personal estate to be held in trust for the children after due provision has been made for the paying off of certain mortgages. In a codicil dated March 31, 1908, testator revoked his former provision In the matter, of the trustees, executors, and executrix, and appointed In their place his son-in-law, Harold Trotman Howard, in conjunction with testator's son Arthur and daughter Frances. He further provided that in the event of Rosalie Grigg predeceasing his daughter Frances the annuity of £150 should go to Frances, while the annulity of £50 payable to Isabella Reed is to go to the daughter May Howard in the event of the annuitant predeceasing May Howard. ESTATE VALUED AT £17,159. (1914, July 7). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 1 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
Old North Sydney resident.
The lute Mr, Frederick Smith, who died at his residence, Belmont-road, Mosman, on Wednesday, was one of the oldest identities of North Sydney. He had reached his 83rd year, and the greater part of this long life was spent in that district, where, until recently, he was a familiar figure at most public gatherings. His interest in local office was shown in his participation in public duties. Prior to the amalgamation of the old municipalities of Victoria, St. Leonards, and East St. Leonards into the present North Sydney in 1890, he was Mayor and Alderman of Victoria, which was that area around M'Mahon's Point, Blue's Point, Lavender Bay, and Bay-road. In the united council, he sat for six years, then giving place to a younger man. He was one of the oldest Masons of the northern suburbs, having been Initiated into the mysteries of the Order about 50 years ago, and was associated with the first lodge established on the North Shore in 1867. He was also a foundation member of Lodge Samaritan, formed in 1874, subsequently occupying the chair. His interest in the craft was very keen, and fit the meeting of the latter lodge in April last, he was presented with a framed photograph of himself, to mark the members' appreciation of his services. As a member of the committee of the North Shore Hospital, he did good work, besides taking an interest in charitable movements generally. The funeral took, place at Gore-hill Cemetery yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a large and representative gathering. The burial service' was read by tile Rev. G, North Ash, and following It, extracts from the Masonic ritual were lead by Wor. Bro. Hall (Lodge Samaritan), accompanied by the usual riles of the Order. The chief mourners were:— Messrs. Frederick, Francis, Sidney, and Arthur Smith (sons), Howard (son-in-law), and amongst the others present were Ald. Anderson (Mayor of North Sydney), and other representatives of the council, Captain Green (representing the North Sydney Orphans), Wor. Bros. V. E. Neilly (W.U.), and F. S. Murco (secretary), and officers and brethren ot Lodge Samaritan, and representatives of St. Leonards. Mosman, Ku- ring-gal, Lawson, Empress of India, and other lodges. LATE MR. FREDERICK SMITH. (1914, May 15). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 11. Retrieved from
It is Mr. Howard, a Surveyor whose main address is at ''Lincoln'', Kenneth-street and Belcote-avenue, Longueville, who on August 26, 1918 has correspondence dated 8/8/18, is recorded in Warringah Shire Council records, on behalf of seven owners at Careel Bay, who is asking council to take steps to have an obstruction across old road way leading from Stokes Point to the main Careel Bay Road removed. This was Referred to the Engineer for report, and perhaps lends insight into his 1924 objections as well.
Warringah Shire Councils' Meeting of October 21st, 1918 records Russell C. Roxburgh, 17/10/18, re notice to W. H. Monckton to remove fence from road at Careel Bay and a notice to Dr. Elliott to remove fence from road at Careel Bay; Consideration was deferred-until next meeting.
On November 4th, 1918 Howard & Company, 22/10/18, are submitting a plan of a proposed subdivision of land at junction of Careel Bay Road and Barrenjoey Road. It was Resolved, on the motion of Councillor Atkin, seconded by Councillor Sturman, that the plan be approved.
In July 1926, Mr. Howard died, at a relatively young age:
HOWARD -July 27, 1926, at his residence, Lincoln, Kenneth street, Longueville, Harold Trotman, beloved husband of Mary Howard, aged 53 years By request no flowers.
HOWARD.-the Relatives and Friends of the late Mr. HAROLD TROTMAN HOWARD are informed that his Funeral will leave his leave residence, Lincoln, Kenneth street, Longueville, THIS WEDNESDAY, at 9.45 a.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Northern suburbs. Motor funeral. By request, no flowers. WOOD COFFILL LIMITED, Motor Funeral Directors.
HOWARD-MASONIC-The Members of LODGE LANE COVE, No 338, are requsted to attend the funeral of the late Bro. H. T. HOWARD: to leave his residence at 9.45 o'clock THIS MORNING. E.L. TRISTRAM W.M. E. H. THORNTON, Sec. ,
HOWARD.-MASONIC- The Members of the LANE COVE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, No 567, S.C. are requested to attend the Funeral of the late Comp H. T. HOWARD; to leave his residence at 9 45 o'clock THIS MORNING. R. H. WHITEHOUSE, M E Z, C PEARSON SHAW, Scribe E. Family Notices (1926, July 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
His wife then had to deal with:
Notice under Section 11 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1898. In the Supreme Court of New South Wales. (26,159)
Re The Estate of Harold Trotman Howard, deceased, late of Lincoln, Kenneth-street and Belcote-avenue, Longueville, surveyor, and carried on business with John Noble Rogers, as Howard & Rogers, at Lom bard Chambers, 107 Pitt-street, Sydney.
NOTICE is hereby given that a Sequestration Order has this day been made against the abovenamed bankrupt, on the petition of the executrix of the will of Harold Trotman Howard, deceased, and Mr. C. F. W. Lloyd appointed to be the Official Assignee.—Dated at Sydney, this 11th day of January, 1927.
Registrar in Bankruptcy. IN BANKRUPTCY. (1927, January 14). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 200. Retrieved from
The Estate of HAROLD TROTMAN HOWARD (deceased), late of Longueville, and carried on business with John Noble Rogers as HOWARD and ROGERS, at Lombard Chambers. 107 Pitt St., Sydney, Surveyor (No. 261»9), a first account and plan of distribution, showing, payment of a dividend of elevenpence and five-sixteenths of a penny in the £ on all proved concurrent claims. Advertising (1927, September 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 22. Retrieved from
THE WORLD'S WANTS REAL ESTATE - HOMESITES FOR SALE CAREEL BAY, ELYSIUM ESTATE This Estate Is Just opened up. It Is situated In the midst of picturesque surroundings, and offers Ideal opportunities for home or week-end bungalow sites. Numerous Lots to Choose From torrens title. Surrounded by every facility, close to surf, booting, fishing, end within cosy distance of the famous Avondale Golf links. MOTOR 'BUS PASSES THE ESTATE. KEENLY PRICED BLOCKS, VERY EASY TERMS. BUT DIRECT FROM THE OWNER, AND SAVE MONET. A. C. McEWAN 308 ENMORE ROAD, ENMORE. . Right at the Tram Terminus. 'PHONE, L1708. 1 Please forward me, without obligation, full particulars of your Elysium Estate. NAME | ADDRESS .. .. .. J' I DATE .. .. .. .. .. Advertising (1928, December 2). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from
The Phillipson land holdings underline 'Careel Bay' as stretching from McKay Reserve Palm Beach to Careel Bay surrounded by Careel Head and Bangalley Reserve on the east and Stokes Point on the west. Through Warringah Shire Councils' ethos of requiring reserves to be set aside or dedicated to council in subdivisions, and purchasing lots of land in some places to facilitate larger holdings for the community, Careel Bay not only has laying fields, it has the aforementioned Bangalley Reserve, Careel Bay boatshed foreshore reserves, and a public wharf, a thoroughfare originally named 'Dolphin Park in Dolphin Crescent, as well as 'Coral Park' and steps up Whale Beach road, and Hitchcock Park and the Careel Bay Play Fields.
Their big 1924-1926 reserve acquisition lands come through the rush by the populace to have a plot of green beside the sea and those who owned the land deciding it was time to subdivide.
Mary Constance Carruthers was born in 1896, in Perth, Australia, to Walter John Phillipson and Rose Ann Phillipson (nee McKenzie). Her father was a son of Jonas Moses Phillipson and Matilda Constance (Goldsmid) Phillipson, early settlers in Adelaide, South Australia, who also had vast land holdings.
Her father passed away in 1923: PHILLIPSON. — On the twenty-fifth (25th) January, at Domain road, South Yarra, Melbourne, Walter John, second son of the late J. M. and M. C. Phillipson. Family Notices (1923, January 27). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 8. Retrieved from
Her mother owned:
No. 25,430. Rose Ana Phillipson, 96 a. 3 r. 38 p., Block V, South Division, Pittwater Este., Shire Warringah. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1924, May 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2547. Retrieved from
Later that year Mary was married to a son of a NSW Premier:
The marriage of Miss Mary Constance Phillipson, only daughter of Mrs. Phillipson, of Kinnell, Elizabeth Bay, and the late W. J. Phillipson, of Perth, Western Australia, to Dr. Douglas Gordon Carruthers, son of Sir Joseph and Lady Carruthers, Waverley, was celebrated by Rev. J. P. .S. Russell at St. James' Church, King-street, on Tuesday evening. The bridal gown was of white silk morocain and georgette, with borderings of white fur. She wore a tulle veil, encircled with orange blossom, and her bouquet was of white blooms. The bridesmaids were Miss Sybil Scharre, in rose pink georgette, and Miss Alice Carruthers, in rose pink crepe romaine. They carried posies of delphiniums, forget-me-nots, and white sweet pea, tied with blue tulle. Mr. J. B. Carruthers was best man, and Messrs. W. A. Carruthers and Eric Hull groomsmen. A reception was afterwards held at the Ambassadors, where Mrs. Phillipson, wearing a gown of black morocain, received the guests. Lady Carruthers wore a frock of mole morocain, and hat of the same shade. Dr. and Mrs. Carruthers left by the Makura for a honeymoon trip to Canada and U.S.A. Family Notices (1924, November 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
(4) Mrs. Douglas Carruthers (Miss Phillipson), who was married on Tuesday evening. (Monte Luke.) Society (1924, November 23). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 6 (Social and Magazine Section). Retrieved from
That same year Warringah Shire Council records state that on September 29th, 1924 an S. C. Calderwood, 11/9/24, is complaining of the delay in dealing with James Young’s proposed subdivision between Barrenjoey Road and Careel Bay, and asking the Council to agree to the subdivision of the higher portion of the land, and that James Young, per correspondence dated 8/9/24 is making a similar request, and offering to sell the subject land to the Council for park purposes Resolved, - (Crs. Campbell, Hewitt) That the Works Committee inspect the land and give consideration to the matter of the proposed park.
The complaint may refer to this item from the year before:
8A. H. Wolstenholme, 13/9/24 and 23/9/24. one of the Liquidators of the Barrenjoey Co. Ltd., advising that Lot 84 Beach and the residue of Lot 93, Palm Beach Estate would probably be dedicated to the Council on condition that the palm trees be preserved, and no bathing sheds be erected on the former lot- Resolved, • (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the Council accept the two lots under the conditions mentioned, and Mr Wolstenholme be informed that the other matters referred to in his letters will receive the Council's attention, in due course. That a copy of the Engineer's report on the cost of widening the steep angle in Pacific Road, Palm Beach at the first angle from Palm Beach Road be forwarded to Palm Beach Lands, and they be informed that the Council will proceed with the work, upon receipt of their cheque for £27/10/-, which is half the estimated cost, 14, . Resolved, - (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) MacGregor and Palmer on behalf of J. Young 24/11/23, submitting plan of proposed Subdivision of land in Careel Head Road, Whale Beach Estate.
James Young was one of the original Directors of the Barranjoey Land Company, a relative of Mr. Wolstenholme, who was in turn a son of Maybanke Anderson. He was a barrister by profession, served as President of Ku-ring-gai Council at one time.
The Minutes of the Warringah Shire Council Meeting of 27th October,1924 state ''The President verbally reported having interviewed Mr. James Young and submitted a letter from Mr. Young, offering to sell his 10 ¾ acres at Careel Bay fronting Barrenjoey Road for £700 on terms, namely, £50 deposit, and the balance in annual instalments of £100 each with interest at 6 ½ % on unpaid purchase money. It was resolved, - (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the offer be accepted and the terms approved, but that the President endeavour to arrange for a smaller deposit. ''
The President of Warringah Shire Council who spoke to Mr. Young was Arthur George Parr (1876–1931; Responsible for completion of Warringah public lighting and electrification; and the then second-longest-serving mayor or shire president.);
To-night hundreds of electric lights will shed their cheerful radiance over the populated areas in B and C Ridings of Warringah Shire, when the president, Mr. A. G. Parr, switches on the current. For some months the work of erecting the poles and carrying out other work incidental to the installation of electric power, has been going on, and to-night's ceremony will crown the efforts of those who have advocated and worked for the project for some years past.
Mr. Parr is one of the pioneers in the move to have the electric light extended- to the populated areas of this rapidly-growing district. Since his election to the Shire Council over three years ago he has worked untiringly to achieve that end. To use his , own words, "I felt the battle was won when Sir Denison Miller, governor of the Commonwealth Bank, told the deputation that waited on him that he would favorably consider our request for a loan of £23,000 to carry out the work."
Sir Denison was as good as his word, and Immediately the council received word that the money was available the work was put in hand. It is anticipated that a considerable increase in land values will take place in the area served by the electric light in the near future. Landholders will thus be recompensed for the additional payments they are called upon to meet In the current year's assessments.
Substation and motor house in Winbourne Road, Brookvale. Inset: Cr. A. G. Parr, president of Warringah Shire Council.
ELECTRICITY FOR WARRINGAH (1923, March 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
By November 10th, 1924 a report regarding Careel Ocean Beach Estate Subdivision is being referred to the Works Committee, and the subdividers are to be asked what provision they are making for recreation area's at North Avalon. Bangalley Reserve, comprising Careel Head in old terminology, and North Avalon Headland Reserve includes lands reserved under the County of Cumberland Planning Scheme in the 1950's and subsequent open space contributions from subdivisions in the area.
The adjacent land was subdivided in 1914 as part of "Careel Ocean Beach Estate". It is presumed that the three large blocks of land that comprise the bulk of the reserve's bushland were dedicated as open space during this and subsequent subdivisions.
At the same time the President reports on the Careel Bay Park purchase from James Young and an interview he had with Mr. James Young in regard to the purchase, for public recreation purposes of that gentleman's 10 ½ acres adjoining Barrenjoey road at Careel Bay, and it was resolved that the terms arranged with Mr. Young by the President be continued, namely ''That the Council pay a deposit of £10; £60 on 1st May next, and the balance of the £700 by 14 equal half-yearly installments of £90, the first to be paid on 1st May, 1926 with interest at 6 ½ % to be paid on unpaid-balances of purchase money.''
In 1925:
The following new companies have been registered in New South Wales:
City Securities, Limited. — Capital, £50,000 in £1 shares. Objects are to buy, sell, lease or otherwise deal in land, buildings and other property. First directors are T. J. Martin, Rose A. Phillipson, Mary C. Carruthers, and T. A. Thomson. Registered office Sydney, Registered March 7. NEW COMPANIES. (1925, March 10). Daily Commercial News and Shipping List (Sydney, NSW : 1891 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
A few years later, on September 13th, 1926 Council records that a letter from James Young, dated 3.9.26, offering ten or twelve Lots adjacent to the land at Careel Bay, which the Council acquired from him for a park, at £1 per foot on five years' terms, with interest at 6 per cent, was read. It was Resolved, (Crs. Simpson, Hope) ''That if he will sell the land with not less than 500 feet frontage for £500, on satisfactory terms, the Council agree to purchase it, and it be left with the President to negotiate with him in regard to the terms.''
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records on the 27th of September, 1926;
Careel Bay Park Extension. The President verbally reported on his interview with Miss C. Phillipson (Mrs.Carruthers) and Mr James Young, on the matter of acquiring their land for the extension of the Careel Bay Park northwards, and that Miss Phillipson was prepared to sell Lots 68 to 70 for £180 Cash, or £200 - terms; and Mr. Young Lots 71 to 79 for £406 cash or £450 terms, Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson, Hitchcock) That the offers to sell for cash be accepted; the purchase prices to be included in the proposed loan for resumptions for public recreation purposes in A. Riding.
On October 11th, 1926 Council Records regarding the Careel Bay Park Extension note that a F. T. Jeffery, 30.9.26, is offering to sell twelve lots in Palm Beach Estate, as an addition to Careel Bay Park Reserve and that Miss C. Phillipson (Mrs. Carruthers) has written in correspondence dated 8.10.26 about the purchase of her land at Careel Bay, and asking for a Deposit of £25, whereon it was Resolved,that a deposit of £25 be paid.
A fortnight later, on the 26th of October, 1926, the Careel Bay Park Extension arises again with the recommendation to purchase Lots 60, 80A, 81A and 82 to 89, for £600 Cash, for the purpose of extending the Careel Bay Park, be adopted, provided the two sold lots, namely Lots. 80B and 81B be also acquired.
F. T Jeffery is an Estate agent involved in selling The Boulevarde Estate in conjunction with Hardie and Gorman along the main road and shop sites at Newport in 1929 and the Hollywood Estate at the same place later on. A son is born at Newport in 1928 and named 'Gerald'.:
Mr. F. T. Jeffery, secretary of the Warringah Direct Transport League and president of the Newport Progress Association, stated last night that local interests would suggest to the authorities that Pittwater should be chosen for the flying-boat base. Various local organisations had approved the proposal.
Pittwater, Mr. Jeffery stated, was an Ideal site. From Bayview to Barrenjoey was six miles, with an average width of water of one mile. Between Newport and Church Point there was a run of two miles, and the flat country extending to Mona Vale offered no obstacles to machines climbing up from the water. Moreover, the site was well protected from winds. CLAIMS OF PITTWATER. (1937, July 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Mr. Jeffery went on with his campaign for green spaces locally:
Newport Progress
"Taxpayer's" letter ("Sun,' Mar. 4), protesting against the proposed resumption of allotments on the Woolcott Estate, Newport, calls for an immediate reply. Warringah Shire Council is acting in this matter following a petition signed by 275 Newport residents for the resumption of the land which is badly needed as a general sports ground, a playing field for school children and a site for a community centre. Newport is a rapidly growing centre, but because of bad planning in the early days it has no adequate recreational area. School children have no playing field apart from the sloping school grounds which are rapidly becoming built upon and school attendance has doubled in the past seven years. The land in question, is largely inferior and a considerable area is swampy, and this is under embargo for building by the Board of Health The proper draining and reclamation of this area would, in itself, be sufficient reason for the proposed resumption.
F. T. Jeffery, president, Newport Progress Association. Newport Progress (1946, March 7). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
Some of the Phillipson land sales:
NEWPORT Whale Beach fronting Careel Head road -Vacant Land Lots 36 to 41, Phillipson's Estate, each about 56ft x 165ft TORRENS TITLE. Also Lots 23 to 20, fronting Whale Beach-road each about 50ft X 100ft «in, Lot 27 having a frontage of about 110 feet TORRENS TITLE. Under instructions from Mortgagee … Advertising (1930, November 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
Richardson and Wrench, Ltd., will include in their list for Friday, June 2, the following properties: ....Careel Head, Rayner road, off Whale Beach-road, vacant land, lots 110, 111, and 112. Phillipson's subdivision: Careel Bay, fronting Barrenjoey-road near Whale Beach-road, lot 102, Phillipson's sub-division; REAL ESTATE. (1933, May 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
PHILLIPSON.—March 5, 1935, at 589 New South Head-road, Rose Bay, Rose Anna Phillipson, mother of Mrs. D. G. Carruthers in her 63rd year. Family Notices (1935, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
PHILLIPSON.--The Funeral of the late ROSE ANA PHILLIPSON, of Rose Bay, took place privately in Church of England Cemetery, South Head, YESTERDAY, 6th March, 1935. CHARLES KINSELA, Motor Funeral Director, Oxford-street, Taylor-square, Darlinghurst. Phones, FL4136-7-8. Family Notices (1935, March 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Rose ‘Ana’ had extensive holdings at Blacktown and the Blue Mountains as well, with many Rates Notices showing up with her name, in conjunction with others, for decades after she passed away. Her daughter also turns up with more land holdings at Careel Bay-Whale Beach about to be sold due to unpaid Rates:
OVERDUE RATES.—Shire of Warringah.—Land to be Sold for Default.—The following persons are required to take notice that the Council of the Shire of Warringah has applied to the Public Trustee to sell the land specified below against their names, of which they appear to be the owners or in which they appear to be interested for overdue rates, amounting to the sums mentioned in each case, and that in default of payment forthwith to the Public Trustee of the said rates and all interest charges and expenses in connection with the said applications and proceedings by the Public Trustee, the raid land will be offered for sale at public auction by Messrs. Weight & Yonge, Auctioneers, of Dee Why, in conjunction with Beach Estates Pty. Limited, at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, 1st September, 1951, at Glendowie Hall, The Strand, Dec Why, on behalf of the Public Trustee:—
Mary Constance Carruthers, of Sydney, and Jack Kenny, of Narrabeen; overdue rates, £54 17s. 9d.; land, lot 52, d.p. 11,900, Barrenjoey-road, Careel Bay. OVERDUE RATES.—SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Land to be Sold (1951, June 29). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1919. Retrieved from
Mary passed away on September 11 1972, at age 76, her address given as 4 St Mervyns Avenue, Point Piper in her Probate Notice. Her husband, Douglas Gordon Carruthers, is named the executor of the will.
The Warringah Shire Council Meeting held on June 29th, 1937 record that the Main Roads Department, 16/6/37, is forwarding for Council's information, copy of plan showing the portion of Hitchcock Careel Bay, resumed for main road purposes. Council Resolved; That the Department be asked to beautify the small three- cornered piece severed from the park by the deviation of the road - this three-cornered peice would be that where the North Avalon bus shelter is with North Avalon road on one side and Bangalley Way at the rear and Barrenjoey road at front.
Elements of farms are still evident in 1946 photos on the eastern side of Barrenjoey Road. These intertidal wetlands and adjoining land may have been used for stock grazing over this period and the mangroves and casuarinas felled to promote pasture growth. The extensive areas of young mangrove regeneration in the photos suggest regeneration following the cessation of grazing and associated clearing practices. Dense casuarina forest was restricted to only a few tiny stands by 1946, but rapid regeneration followed and by 1961 these covered a large area around the saltmarsh and looked similar to that shown in the Enemark panorama above, taken circa 1917, prior to the large scale subdivisions of paddocks and urbanisation which commenced in the 1920s. Residents living adjacent to the Careel Bay Playing Fields in the 1950's and 1960s recall the mangroves and casuarinas ran to the edge of Barrenjoey Road during those years.
There were also aspects of the environment itself which shaped how the bush left intact in Reserves shaped the landscape:
BUSHFIRES again yesterday threatened lives and property, but firemen, police, and civilians fought their advance in a high wind at many points, and last night reported that threatened areas were out of danger.
Caught in the centre of a circle of flame, a party of police and civilian fire-fighters spent an anxious forty minutes at Warringah ????, off Church Point.
"Luckily we had the burned-off area to fall back on — but for that we'd have been in a bad spot," said Constable A. E. Simpson, of Mona Vale, one of the fighters.
The house was saved.
For seven hours, firemen and volunteers at Avalon fought to save 30 homes.
The blaze extended for three miles from Tasman Street, Avalon, to Whale Beach, and from Pittwater Road* to the sea on a two-mile front.
FIERCE PITTWATER FIRE MENACES WEEK-END HOMES (1936, November 11). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
The Pittwater Road referred to in the above article would actually have been Barrenjoey Road, which commences at the Mona Vale-Bayview turn off.
On the bay side itself, with a wharf installed by J. J. Therry and easy access towards Avalon Beach (once known as 'Clareville Beach'), Careel Bay became the destination for excursionists from the late 1860's on and by the 1890s', with a new wharf installed, was a fortnightly 'place to visit', with small insights to fill those paddle-steamers also giving insights into the landscape. Some 'danced on the flat' in one recount of an excursion - whether this was towards the Collins farm or at Careel Bay itself is not specified, while others:
Even Real Estate advertisements for subdivisions into the 1930's remark on the green down to the waters edge, while residents who lived adjacent to Careel Bay in the 1950-'s and 1960's recall mangroves that were much more extensive and up to the present Barrenjoey Road at the points between Whale Beach Road, Careel Head Road and Currawong Avenue.
Careel Bay - circa 1912-1917 - photos courtesy Peter Verrills, from Verrills Family Albums visit: Careel Bay Steamer Wharf and Boatshed
The Careel Bay area adjacent to the current boatshed and public wharf was once eyed off as a potential landing place for flying-boats. It was also 'mined' for shells, with one lease granted, for 20 years, in 1938. :
Mr. F. T. Jeffery, secretary of the Warringah Direct Transport League and president of the Newport Progress Association, stated last night that local interests would suggest to the authorities that Pittwater should be chosen for the flying-boat base. Various local organisations had approved the proposal.
Pittwater, Mr. Jeffery stated, was an Ideal site. From Bayview to Barrenjoey was six miles, with an average width of water of one mile. Between Newport and Church Point there was a run of two miles, and the flat country extending to Mona Vale offered no obstacles to machines climbing up from the water. Moreover, the site was well protected from winds. CLAIMS OF PITTWATER. (1937, July 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Sir,-I am directed to suggest the use of Pittwater as the base for the air mail service in place of Rose Bay, and to express our surprise that this site should have received such small consideration, in view of its apparent suitability for the purpose.
There we have a sheltered stretch of water about 6 miles long by an average of one mile broad, and, further, with an east-west width at the southern end of two miles, and a large area of flat land to the south and south-east, to facilitate the take off of 'planes to the south.
Then, for building docks, etc., there are about 40 acres of the Winnererremy Swamp which needs reclaiming. Should this be thought too exposed, or in any other way, un-suitable, there is McCarr's Creek, having deep water of about 400 yards wide for about three-quarters of a mile, and about 200 yards wide for a further third of a mile, and sheltered from every wind that blows.
Ample cheap land is also available for development. We feel that the authorities would do well to investigate Pittwater further before deciding elsewhere.
I am,
hon. secretary,
Warringah Direct Transport League. July 9.
AIR MAIL BASE. (1937, July 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Careel Bay, Pittwater, was suggested as a future flying-boat base yesterday at a meeting of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement.
Its possibilities were pointed out by Mr. A. J. Small, a member of the committee, during discussion on an application by a company for a 20 years' lease to dredge shell "We cannot expect these days to have our flying fields close to the city," said Mr. Small, "and in other parts of the world large sums are being spent on aerodromes outside the towns." "Careel Bay has a water run of over a mile, and adjacent land could be developed as a flying field, recreation ground, or air base depot." It was decided to approach the Minister for Mines for a discussion of the matter, before the department granted the lease. SUGGESTS PITTWATER AIR BASE (1938, July 7). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
INQUIRIES in terms of section 91, Mining Act, 1906, will be held as follows:—
Application No. 207, Sydney, by Walter Sidney Gray, to mine for sea shells by means of suction pump and mechanical grab, on portion of Careel Bay, parish Narrabeen, county Cumberland, embracing part of Careel Bay, at Warden's Court, Sydney, on Monday, 5th July, 1937, at 10 a.m.
Applications Nos. 209-210, Sydney, by Pittwater Shell and Lime Company Limited, to mine for sea shells, by means of pump and mechanical grab, on portion of Pittwater, parish Narrabeen, county Cumberland, embracing part of Pittwater, at Warden's Court, Sydney, on Monday, 5th July, 1937, at 2 p.m.
Objections to the applications must be lodged in the Warden's Office where application made before the date of the inquiries.
F. A. HYNES, Warden.
2nd June, 1937. NOTICE UNDER MINING ACT, 1906—APPLICATIONS FOR DREDGING LEASES. (1937, June 11). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2222. Retrieved from
Three applications have been made to the Mines Department for permission to mine for sea-shells In Pittwater. "There is an enormous market for the sea-shells, which are used for making lime and feeding fowls," said Mr. W. S. Gray, of Bellevue Street, North Sydney, who is one of the applicants, yesterday. The mining will be carried out at Church Point, Bay View, and Careel Bay. The president of Warringah Shire Council (Councillor A. H. Hughes), who lives at Bay View, said that a quarter or a mile of electricity cable would have to be run across Bay View beach to the mining machinery. MINING FOR SEA-SHELLS (1937, June 21). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
Department of Mines,
Sydney., 15th July, 1938.
NOTICE is hereby given that the necessary evidence and report with reference to the undermentioned applications for dredging leases having been received, I have determined that leases may be granted of the areas specified therein, subject to the usual and the following conditions:—
(1938-8,536 L.B.)
Sydney No. 207, Walter Sidney Gray, nominee: John. Worroker Austin, portion ML 5, county Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, 100 acres, dated 7th October, 1936.
1. The term of the lease shall be twenty years.
2. The lessee shall within nine months of the grant of a lease instal thereon dredging plant valued at not less than £1,000.
3. The lessee shall observe, fulfil and perform the provisions of the Navigation Act, 1901-1935, and any Regulations made thereunder so far as they may be applicable.
4. The lessee shall not conduct any dredging operations within 25 feet of any pile beacon and plant or machinery shall not be moored or placed in such a position as to obscure any such pile beacon.
5. The lessee shall not conduct any dredging operations on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays nor between the hours of 5 p.m. and 7.30 a.m. on other days.
6. The lessee shall so conduct the operations hereby authorised in such a manner as not to cause any interference with shipping.
7. The lessee shall use such anchors only as are approved by the Maritime Services Board of New South Wales and all anchors, mooring posts and any like obstructions shall "be removed immediately after operations are completed in the locality of such anchors, mooring posts or like obstructions.
8. The lessee shall not conduct any dredging operations within 50 feet of any mooring already laid down or any mooring site which has been or which may be allotted by the Maritime Services Board of New South Wales.
9* The lessee shall not conduct any dredging operations within 50 feet of any existing retaining wall or jetty or any retaining wall or jetty which may be constructed in the future.
10. In the event of electric or other cables being connected to the dredging plant from the shore such cables or the piles on which such cables are suspended shall be placed and 'maintained in such a position as not to interfere with navigation.
11. The lessee shall not foul existing channels with grit, sand or mud land shall carry out dredging operations in such a manner to the satisfaction of the Secretary .for Mines as not to cause potholes to be left or not to cause shoaling or erosion.
12. The lessee shall exhibit the uniform dredger signals and the regulation day and night signals on all plants punts and machinery.
13. The Secretary for Mines may, upon written notice to the lessee, prohibit the continuance of dredging operations on any defined part of the area demised if, in the opinion of the said Secretary for Mines, it is desirable in the public interest so to do.
14. The lessee shall so conduct the dredging operations hereby authorised to the satisfaction of the Secretary for Mines as not to interfere with fish life, or with fishermen.
15. The lessee shall at all times permit the holder of and Permissive Occupancy or Special Lease to have free and uninterrupted access to his or their holdings and the lessee shall observe, fulfil and perform any directions of the Secretary for Mines designed to protect the interests of any residents on neighbouring foreshores or any other persons.
16. The lessee shall serve a notice in writing on the Metropolitan Engineer, Department of Works and Local Government immediately after dredging operations have been commenced and shall serve a similar notice immediately after operations have been completed.
17. Dredging operations shall be subject to surveys or inspections by any officer appointed by the Secretary for Mines or the Department of Public Works and Local Government at such times as the said Secretary for Mines or the said Department of Public Works and Local Government may determine, and the cost of such surveys or inspections shall be borne by the lessee.
18. The lessee shall dredge or excavate such material only as shall be necessary to obtain sea shells and shall dispose of any surplus material in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary for Mines.
19. The lessee shall not make any excavation of a greater depth than 10 feet from the present bottom and the sides of any such excavation shall not be of a steeper grade than two in one.
20. The dredging operations hereby authorised shall be conducted in such a manner that the bottom of Careel Bay is not raised above the level easting at the date of this demise.
21. The lessee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Crown from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands of whatsoever nature and all costs, charges and expenses which may be awarded or brought against the lessee or which the lessee may incur in respect of any accident or injury to any person or property which may arise during the term of the lease through any cause whatsoever, or for any damage which may be consequent upon dredging operations on the leased area notwithstanding that the conditions and covenants contained or referred to in such lease shall in all respects have been observed by the lessee or that any accident or injury shall arise from any act or thing which the lessee may be authorised or compelled to do in respect of the above conditions.
22. The Governor with the advice of the Executive Council may cancel this lease without compensation to the lessee at any time during the currency of the said lease provided that the lessee shall be given not less than twelve months' notice of the intention to cancel such lease. Government Gazette Notices (1938, July 15). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2685. Retrieved from
Round Two:
Chief Secretary's Department, Sydney, 26th March, 1954.
TENDERS from, oyster farmers addressed to the Under Secretary, Chief Secretary's Department, and endorsed "Tender for Spat at Pittwater" will be received until noon on the 21st May, 1954, for the exclusive right to collect oyster spat from Careel Bay, Pittwater, south-east of a line drawn north-easterly from the most eastern foreshore corner of Oyster Farm No. 43-147 at Careel Bay.
Each tender must be accompanied by a deposit representing the premium offered.
In the event of tenders of equal amounts being received, acceptance will be by lot. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Tender forms are obtainable from the Chief Secretary's Department, Sydney, or from the District Fisheries Inspectors. (2225} C. A. KELLY, Chief Secretary. Government Gazette Tenders and Contracts (1954, March 26). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 969. Retrieved from
Add this in:
Department of Public Health, 11
Sydney, 24th July, 1959.
Unhealthy Building Land at Careel Bay, Shire of Warringah, Area No. 673
THE Board of Health have reported that, after due inquiry, they are of the opinion that it would be prejudicial to health if certain land situated in the Shire of Warringah, described in Schedule hereunder, were built upon in its present condition.
The Board of Health have further reported that in order to render such land fit to be built upon it is necessary that:
1. The surface of the land be raised with clean soil or sand at the shore of Careel Bay to a level of five feet standard datum, rising therefrom on an even grade of one foot in two hundred feet.
2. The whole of the work be carried out to the satisfaction of the Board of Health.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power and authority vested in me by section 55 (1) of the Public Health Act, 1902-1952, I hereby declare that such land shall not be built upon until the measures above referred to, which are also specified in a document deposited in the office of the Local Authority (the Council of the Shire of Warringah) and open to the inspection of any person, have been complied with, or until this notice has been revoked by me.
W. SHEAHAN, Minister for Health.
All that piece of land situated at Careel Bay, in the Shire of Warringah, parish of Narrabeen, Metropolitan Land District: Commencing at a point on the shore of Careel Bay being the north-western corner of lot B in M.P.S. (O.S.) 10,987; bounded on the north by a line generally easterly along the shore of Careel Bay to the north-western alignment of William-street; thence south-westerly by part of that alignment to its intersection with the north-eastern alignment of John-street; thence north-westerly by part of that alignment to its intersection with the north-eastern prolongation of the south-eastern boundary of lot 11, section 10, of the village of Brighton; thence southwesterly by that prolongation and part of that boundary of a distance of 110 feet; thence south-westerly to the south-western corner of lot 12, section 10, of the village of Brighton; thence north-westerly by the south-western boundaries of lots 13 and 14, to the south-eastern alignment of Joseph-street; thence westerly by lines to the eastern corner of lot 9, the eastern corner of lot 6, and the western corner of lot 4 in deposited plan No. 25,088; thence north-westerly by a line to a point on the north-western alignment of Therry-street, distant 60 feet north-east of the north-eastern alingment of George-street; thence north-westerly by a line to a point on the northwestern boundary of lot 6, section 3, of the village of Brighton, distant 30 feet north-east of north-eastern alignment of George-street; thence south-westerly by part of the northwestern boundary of lot 6 to the north-eastern alignment of George-street; thence north-westerly by part of that alignment to the south-western corner of lot B in M.P.S. (O.S.) 10,987; thence north-easterly by the north-western boundary of that lot to the point of commencement. PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1902-1952 (SECTION 55) (1959, July 24). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2233. Retrieved from
Area. No. 835
Unhealthy Building Land at Careel Bay
THE Health Commission has reported that after due inquiry it is of the opinion that it would be prejudicial to health if certain land situated in the Shire of Warringah and described in the Schedule hereunder were built upon in its present condition.
The Health Commission has further reported that in order to render such land fit to be built upon, it is necessary that the whole of the garbage that has been deposited on the land shall be assimilated to the satisfaction of the Health Commission or the area shall otherwise be treated in a manner approved by the Health Commission.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power and authority vested in me by section 55 (1) of the Public Health Act, 1902, I hereby declare that such land shall not be built upon until the measures referred to, which are also specified in a document accompanied by a plan of the area deposited in the office of the Local Authority (The Council of the Shire of Warringah) and open to the inspection of any person, have been complied with or until this notice has been revoked by me.
JOHN M. MASON, for Minister for Health.
All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Shire of Warringah, Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland: Commencing at the intersection of the western side of Barrenjoey Road with the prolongation of the southeastern boundary of lot 120 in Deposited Plan 17189, bounded thence on part of the south by a line bearing 288 degrees 15 minutes distant 76 metres, bounded thence on part of the southwest, part of the west and part of the northwest by lines bearing 320 degrees 45 minutes for 89 metres, 333 degrees 20 minutes for 222 metres, 323 degrees 30 minutes for 94 metres, 313 degrees 45 minutes for 197 metres, 42 degrees 30 minutes for 57 metres, thence again on the remainder of the southwest, south and west by lines bearing 301 degrees 00 minutes for 111 metres, 245 degrees 20 minutes for 159 metres, 347 degrees 00 minutes for 64 metres, thence bounded on the northwest by a line to the southwestern corner of lot 88 in Deposited Plan 11909, thence by a line to the southwestern corner of lot 84 in said Deposited Plan 11909, again by a line to the northeastern corner of lot 80 in aforementioned Deposited Plan 11909, thence bounded on the north, northeast, and east by the southern, southwestern and western sides of Barrenjoey Road to the point of commencement. PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1902 (SECTION 55) (1975, July 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2827. Retrieved from
Careel Bay Public Wharf, Boatshed and foreshore in 2011
Careel Bay Public Wharf, Boatshed and foreshore in 2017
Careel Bay Public Wharf, Boatshed and foreshore in 2017
Careel Bay Public Wharf, Boatshed and foreshore in 2017
The 'unhealthy building land' brings in people contracting polio - and this runs through at least three generations of families associated with the Careel Bay area. The Collins-Roche family being the first.

Situated between the main Barrenjoey-road and the waters of Careel Bay, the Roche Estate, Pittwater, will be sold by auction on the ground to-morrow by Messrs. Raine and Horne. Many of the allotments have frontages to the main road, as well as to the recreation reserve, which fringes the bay. Most are about 50 feet wide, with depths of from 120 to 140 feet. The estate Is on the narrow neck of the peninsula almost opposite Whale Beach, and commands views over a wide stretch of Pittwater It is handily placed for yachtsmen who cruise on this broad sheet of water, for moorings could be laid directly In front of these homesites. Terms of sale will be 10 per cent, deposit. and the balance in three years. REAL ESTATE (1930, January 3). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (CRICKET STUMPS). Retrieved from
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings record that on December 3rd 1927 Plans and specifications of Mrs Roches' proposed subdivision of Mrs Roche's property in Barrenjoey. Rd, Careel Bay were submitted and referred to the Engineer. On September 3rd 1928 amended plans by Scott & Scott were approved subject to the roads being constructed, and a turning point being made at the dead-end of the road.
Warringah records show that on February 10th, 1930, as recommended by the Engineer, the road work on Roche's Estate, Careel Bay, be finally passed as satisfactory. By June of the same year G.A.Robin & Co. 20/6/30, were submitting, for affixing of Council's Seal, the Deposited Plan of Roche's Subdivision, Careel Bay. The Council Resolved that the Seal be affixed upon the Engineer certifying the permanent marks.
While all this was going on it seems one proprietor was making use of the land for those streaming north for Summer holidays as on December 30th, 1929 a Mr. M Wicks was asking permission to erect a portable stand for trading on Roche's Estate, Careel Bay - owner's permission has been given. Mr.Wick's application to erect an immovable stand on Roche's Estate, Careel Bay was granted during the Council's pleasure on the motion of Cr.Parr , seconded by C.Austin.
Katherine Roche was the youngest daughter of John and Honorah Collins, married June 12th, 1847, known by many as the 'father of Pittwater'. Her eldest son, John Roche, was known as 'the soul of Pittwater' as well as 'father of the Pittwater Regatta’.
Whiffs From Pittwater - JOHNNY ROCHE celebrated his twenty-third year of office as secretary of Pittwater Regatta on Saturday, but there was a whisper round Newport and Bayview after the termination of the carnival that the 'soul of the district' will not be a candidate for the office next year. Johnnie's burdens have been mounting up in recent years and he feels that it is up to somebody else to take up the work of running a gigantic aquatic gala. Whiffs From Pittwater. (1929, December 31). Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW : 1900 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
‘In the midst of life we are in death' was sadly illustrated in the case of Mr. John Collins, of Pittwater, on Friday night, the 20th inst. Mr. Collins came up the Sunday before to attend the sale of the Pittwater estate, which took place on the 16th inst., his 66th birthday. From Monday to Friday he was making arrangements with a contractor for the erection of a cottage on one of his farms. Returning from Sydney on Friday evening by the half past 5 boat he fell overboard at Lavender Bay wharf, through, it is supposed, the bumping of the steamer against the piles. Owing to the noise of the engine the accident was not observed on the instant, and some short time had elapsed before Captain Butler, who has saved scores of lives from drowning, plunged in to the rescue. He soon brought Mr. Collins on board and proceeded with his steamer to Milson's Point, when he placed him in a cab which conveyed him to his brother-in-law's (Mr. Connolly), the Union Inn. Father Kennedy, S.J., and Dr. V. Browne were immediately in attendance, and both had strong hopes of his recovery until about 1 o'clock at night, when capillary bronchitis supervened. The deceased gentleman was an old colonist, having emigrated from Cork with his parents about 50 years ago. He was well known and widely respected, not only in Pittwater, where he was regarded as a patriarch, and where he resided for upwards of forty years, but also in the North Shore and in Sydney. He was a man of sterling principle, so fond of the right that he would not do wrong deliberately for a kingdom. He had a great contempt for the worldliness, avarice, and selfishness so characteristic of the present times, his own character being the very antipodes of these. On Monday morning a Requiem Mass for the repose of his soul was celebrated by Father Kennedy in the church of St. Mary Star of the Sea. The respect in which Mr. Collins was held was testified by the numbers of all classes who attended his funeral, which was the largest of any private funeral that has taken place here for the last twenty years. He leaves a widow, four sons, and a daughter, all, except one of the sons, living in Pittwater. May his soul rest in peace. ST. LEONARDS. (1881, May 28). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 10. Retrieved from
The Collins stayed in Pittwater, now land-owners at Careel Bay. On 8 September 1881 Honorah Collins purchased from Therry’s estate the 80 acre grant at Bayview, next to Winnyjimmy Swamp, for £80, which was the market value of the land at the time. [LTO Book 229 No. 144] Honorah and her daughter Katherine lived at Bayview, Katherine taking on the duties of Post Mistress to the growing Bayview area on 21 August 1882. - PROFILES OF THE PIONEERS IN MANLY, WARRINGAH AND PITTWATER by Shelagh Champion, OAM, B.A.(Lib.Sc.) and George Champion, OAM, Dip.Ed.Admin. Revised 2013.
Soon afterwards Katherine married:
ROCHE—COLLINS.—April 18, at the residence of the bride's mother, Rockvale, by the Rev. Dean Hanly, James Joseph, youngest son of John Roche, Esq., County Cork, Ireland, to Katherine M., youngest daughter of the late John Collins, Esq., of Pittwater. Family Notices. (1883, May 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
They had six children: John (born 1884 - October 15, 1936) Elizabeth Ellen ( February 5th 1886 - 8 Apr 1979) Mary Honorah (Born 1888 - 26 Jul 1979) Katherine Agnes T (born 1889 - 13 Jul 1976) Nano E (1892- 29 Sep 1979) Francis Michael G (Born 1895).
Katherine's mum passed away and James lost his brother in the same year:
ROCHE -March 21,1897, John Roche, Q.C., of Summerville, Cross-avenue, Dublin, late Co. Court Judge for Down, eldest son of the late John Roche, Co. Cork, and brother of J. J. Roche, Bayview P.O., Pittwater. Family Notices. (1897, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
ROCHE.—In loving memory of John Roche, Q.C., who died at his residence, Summerville, Dublin, 23rd March, 1897, late County Judge for Down, eldest brother of J. J. Roche, Bayview, Pittwater. R.I.P. Family Notices. (1899, March 23). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
DEATH OF MRS. COLLINS. Full of years spent worthily, Mrs. Honora Collins relict of the late John Collins, died on the 20th instant the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. J. J. Roche, Bay View, Pittwater. For more than half a century she had lived at Pittwater, and no family was better known or more highly respected than the Collins family of Careel Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Collins were natives of the County Cork, whence they emigrated 60 years ago. Soon after their arrival in the colony they settled on Father Therry's grant at Pittwater, where Mr. Collins engaged in grazing and farming. The district has always been a great health resort. Many an invalid from Sydney recruited his health at the hospitable homestead of the Collins family. The cottage was flanked by two hills, named Mount St. Joseph and Mount St. Mary by Mr. Collins. It is told of him that he would allow none of his sick guests to leave until he saw that they were completely 'on their legs,' his test for which was a given time to ascend and descend these hills before breakfast. The remains of the deceased lady were brought on the 21st from Bay View to St. Mary's, North Sydney, where Masses were said for the repose of her soul. The funeral took place at Chatswood Cemetery, the family burial-place, the same day. The chief mourners were Mr. J. Collins, of the Harbours and Rivers Department; Mr. P. Collins (sons); Mr. J. J. Roche, son in-law; Messrs. J. T. and E. P. Swanson, nephews. Among others present were Mrs. Black, of Barrenjoey Customs Station, Mrs. Midden, Mrs. Roche, Mrs. Earl, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. F. Collins, Mrs. P. Collins, Messrs. D. J. Glacken, M'Teague, J. Wall, J. Crowley, H. Coyle, J. Macintosh, and Boulton. The Rev. Father Dowling, of St. Patrick's College, Manly, attended Mrs. Collins during her last illness, and officiated at the grave. May her soul rest in peace. DEATH OF MRS. COLLINS. (1897, October 30). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 16. Retrieved from

SWANSON. — At her father's residence, Pittwater, on the 6th instant, Ellen, the beloved wife of Charles Swanson, Esq., and eldest daughter of John Collins, Esq.,aged 26. Requiescat in pace. Family Notices. (1874, October 10). Freeman's Journal(Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 8. Retrieved from
SWANSON — On April 7th, at Forbes, Charles John Swanson, son-in-law of John Collins, Pittwater, aged 39 years. Requiescat in pace. Family Notices. (1878, April 20). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 12. Retrieved from
AN APPRECIATION. The 'Late' John Roche. (BY. R.S.S.)
In the experience of everybody, we come across personalities which attract us, for reasons which often. are somewhat hard to define-or, on the contrary, for outstanding qualities, which those who run may read, or, indeed, for some special act of public usefulness, or private unselfishness.
From whatever reason, or from whatever combination of them, John Roche, who died last week, was certainly one of those rare souls, who unconsciously, and without effort, gained among his fellows, their affection and confidence. It was Just his cheerfulness, his placid courage, his elan, and fine conduct of life, which, in his case, had been, in many ways, no easy one, '
Roche was brought up, from his earliest years, on a property on the estuary of the Hawkesbury, owned by his family at Bay View. We all, in our hearts, cherish some spot of this attractive, if difficult world, which we call home, and to which, as poets so often remind us, our wandering thoughts return. John Roche's mind, I do believe, was never far divorced from his beloved Broken Bay. He knew and loved every arm of its far-flung waterways, and he used to dwell with pride on the lush and often exotic vegetation that hid itself, and flourished, in sheltered spots round the creeks of that delectable region.
It followed that he not only liked the trees and fruits of his native bushland, but it was the sea that mostly called him, and so fishing and boats and yachts, or indeed anything that would carry him on the face of the waters, gave him a joy which never paled-a Joy happily shared by many of us who have escaped the devastating malady of golf or other things even less laudable!
But, apart from the prominent positions he has held in the yachting world, and which, Indeed, have been very useful, Important, and unselfish ones in all ways, and about which others are very much more competent to speak than I am-it is rather concerning his character as a man that I would wish to add my little offering to his name and fame.
It was probably known to all who knew him intimately, that from his childhood, he suffered from the after-results of that tragic malady of early life, Infantile paralysis. Most men would have wilted under such a handicap. Not so John Roche-neither in deed, manner, nor word did lie allow his disabilities to alter his way of life.
Nor did he ever pour out useless complaints against fate regarding his own great physical drawbacks. Far otherwise was his way, for he always carried a high heart, with a happy smile, and a wholesome speech to sweeten the day's greeting.
I might write much, and with more detail, of this line man's fine record, but it is not necessary, for of those who read tills small eloge of mine, who knew him, they could themselves tell much more of things Indicative of his life-long courage in the face of many difficult, days. We part indeed from "a very gallant gentleman," and a fine sportsman. AN APPRECIATION. (1936, October 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Left: Portrait of a Mr John Roche courtesy ANMM, Object no. 00024319.
When speaking with Peter Verrills years ago for his Profile, he too contracted polio while living at Careel Bay - fortunately Peter recovered from his battle with this disease and went on to have wonderful children who have, in turn, had wonderful children themselves - all great contributors to the Pittwater community over generations.
Although his official education states John Roche was an engineer there is also records showing he worked in real Estate in the area, and possibly looked after his mothers' interests. Soon after he passed council is trying to get her to catch up with Rates payments for various properties in her name, some showing that she inherited her brothers' Careel Bay land holdings.
Through the Collins-Roche families there is well over 100 years of connection to this place.
Barbara Allen's Birthday party (daughter of Scotty Allen) the great aviator. Pearl Turton is on the far right while Sue (Robison) and Barbara are in the pic as well as Penny and Wendy Hall. Photo supplied by Sue Harrington (Robison was her maiden name) C1954.

The Gilbert Family in front yard of their home at Currawong Avenue, Careel Bay on day Tom's sister Edna was married. Tom Gilbert is in the middle at the back. Mother and father Daphne and Cecil 'Bluey' Gilbert directly in front and to his left.
The Same Careel Bay Reserve Area In June 2020
Still providing estuary shoreline access:

Stokes Point Estate, 1952 Item c053460052, Pittwater Subdivisions folders, courtesy State Library of NSW
75 blocks unparalleled beauty 23 miles from Sydney now available.
Magnificent views every block. Essential services. Ideal retreat among trees. Very close Pittwater Facliaties tor yachting bathing etc Inquire now. Terms available from £250 per block
Open Dally Incl Sat and Sun. Advertising (1952, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from

J. T. Stapleton, ABHS photo - courtesy ABHS and Stapleton family.
Hitchcock Park
Hitchcock Park is named to honour and remember George William Hitchcock, a successful orchardist. He 'retired' to Palm soon after his son, named the same way, and born at Dural in 1891, to George William and Phoebe (nee Smith - they married in 1890) returned home after serving as part of the 1 Pnr Bn [Pioneer Battalion] - 2 to 5 Reinforcements (April-August 1916) in WWI, aged 24 and a half at enlistment in 1916. George W. Junr. was given a Soldiers land Grant, he returned home and married Florence Ruby P Brown at Auburn in 1920.
A military wedding was celebrated at St. Philip's Church, Auburn, by the Rev. P. J. Evans, when Miss Ruby Browne, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Browne, "Aberdoone," Verona-street, Auburn, was married to Spr. G. H. Hitchcock (late 7th Engineers), son of Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock, Palm Beach. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty frock of white georgette and satin, with a hand-embroidered veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white dahlias and asparagus fern, tied with the bridegroom's battalion colors. The bridesmaid, Miss Gwen Browne, was daintily frocked in white georgette, with a mauve sash and white tulle hat. She carried a bouquet of pink dahlias and maiden-hair fern, which, with a gold bangle, was the bridegroom's gift. Private D. Hitchcock was best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents, Mrs. Browne receiving the guests In a gown of black crepe de chine, with white beads and embroideries, and a black picture lint. Subsequently Spr. and Mrs. Htchcock left for the South Coast, the bride travelling in a navy tailored costume, with navy pannel velvet hat. AN AUBURN BRIDE. (1920, March 27). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 10. Retrieved from
Later that year his father was elected to the Warringah Shire Council:
Warringah By-Election
A by-election was conducted in Warringah Shire on Saturday to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Councillor Lodge, one of the three A Riding representatives. Messrs. George W. Hitchcock, of Palm Beach, and F. V. Hall, of Mona Vale, were nominated for the vacancy, 101 votes being polled for the former and 91 for the latter. Warringah By-Election (1920, October 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
He was also big on protecting the environment and its wildlife, and saving lives on the beaches:
Chief Secretary's Office,
Sydney, 14th January, 1921.
Appointment of Honorary Rangers.
IT is hereby notified, for general information, that Mr. William Hitchcock of Palm Beach, has been appointed by me as an Honorary Ranger, in pursuance of the provisions of section 11 of the Birds and Animals Protection Act, 1918. JAMES DOOLEY. BIRDS AND ANIMALS PROTECTION ACT, 1918. (1921, January 14). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 105. Retrieved from
Palm Beach Progress
Palm Beach followers assembled in force at the first annual meeting last Sunday. Everything is well with the Woop Woops, as the metropolitan clubs dub them. In their first season Palm Beach have handled no less than £201, purchased a surf boat for £93, acquired a clubhouse and all necessary gear. The disbursements amounted to £164, and the balnnce in hand is £.35. The following officials were elected : — Patron, Sir Herbert Maitland ; president, Mr. Thomas Peters ; vice-presidents, Messrs. W. J. Barnes, J. W. Brown, Dr. H. H. Bullmore. Messrs. J. M. Craig, H. K. Crossman, Judge Curlewis, W. Goddard, W. Chorley, E. D. Gray, A. I. Hordern, H. W. Meggitt, R. B. Orchard, M.H.R.. T. Peters. W. H. Raynor, F. Spier, H. A. Wilshire and W. W. Woodley; captain, A. Goddard ; vice-captain, E. H.' Sheedy: hon. secretary, L. A. Palmer ; hon. treasurer. E. H. Sheedy ; hon. instructor, A. Dellit; delegates to S.L.S.A.. E. H. Sheedy and L. A- Palmer ; hon. auditors, Messrs. Goldsmith and W. H. Raynor ; trustees of club property; Councillor G. W. Hitchcock. Messrs. H. W. Meggitt, T. Peters, W. H. Raynor. and H. A. Wilshire; committee. Messrs. K. Oatley, L. Gallagher, W. Goddard. A. Curlewis, H. Holt. The club is keen on surf-boat work this Summer, and the following have been chosen to man the craft pending a final selection : H. Holt, A. Goddard, A. Curlewis, A. Dellit, T. Gonsalves, and J. Ralston. Holt and Curlewis are 'Varsity senior oarsmen. The next move of Palm Beach is to erect a boathouse in a suitable position. Meanwhile great preparations are being made for the carnival on Jan. 1. at the double. THE LIVELY WOOP WOOPS (1922, December 1). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved from
Palm Beach Happy With A Cash Surplus
A" is well with the Palm Beach Surf Club, for at its annual meeting last night the financial position showed a surplus of £51/11/11. The feature for the year's activities was the erection of what is known as the "Bunkhouse." This provides sleeping accommodation for twelve. The facilities thus provided proved of inestimable convenience to members on patrol. Electric light had been installed throughout the club house, while the casualty room, mainly through the generosity of Mr. G. M. Merivale, was re-lined and thoroughly re-conditoined. . During the season It was deemed advisable, to facilitate the training, of the boat crew in town; to purchase a boat from Dee Why Surf Club at a cost of £25. A further £19 was spent on reconditioning, to the club now owns two boats, both excellent condition. Gear had been inspected, and found to be in efficient condition. The Officers Elected Regret was expressed that Gordon Morrow was not available this season as permanent life-saver, but the club had been fortunate in securing the services of Mr, J. H. Christie, of Dee Why, who will commence duty at the beginning of December.
Officers elected for the present season were: — Patron. Mr. Percy Hunter; president. Mr. E. R. Moser; vice-presidents. His Honor Judge Coyle, Messrs. R. T- McKay, W. J. Barnes, C. R. Crossman, D. B. Hunter, E. B. Harkness, W. W. Woodley, L. Gallagher, A. Curlewis, J. M. Ralston, E. A. Box. J. P. Mant, B. B. Wiltshire, K. Hunter, A. M. Lamport, Commander Vitalli, Councillor Hitchcock; captain, B. V. Kenny; vice-captain, J. Hall-Johnstone, boat captain. G. E. R. Brown; hon. secretary, G. Wray; hon. treasurer, L. M. Moyle: non. chief instructor, K. Hunter; gear steward, N. F. Brown; delegates to S.L.S.A., Messrs. K. Hunter. B. V. Kenny; hon. solicitor, Mr. J, M. Ralston; hon. auditor, N. H. Routley; hon. medical officer, Dr. D. G. Maitland; committee, Messrs. C. N. Walker. I. G. Kell, D. Carr, G. B. Morrow. J G. Rohr, J. H. Pilcher; trustees of club property; Percy Hunter, E. R. Moser. SURFING (1933, October 11). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
His wife predeceased him and he remarried soon after:
Mrs. Phoebe Hitchcock (71), wife of Mr. George W. Hitchcock, of Middle Dural, died at Palm Beach on Sunday. She leaves also a family. The funeral on Monday afternoon was largely attended, the interment taking place in the Methodist Cemetery, Dural, where Rev. H Willis officiated. The arrangements were in the hands of William Metcalfe and Co. Ltd.; Parramatta. OBITUARY (1937, December 23). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 7. Retrieved from
Mrs. Hitchcock senior, of Palm Beach and former resident of Dural, died recently. The funeral left her son's place in Dural last Tuesday. DURAL (1937, December 23). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 3. Retrieved from
MARRIAGE NOTICES. HITCHCOCK - PARKER.-On December 14, at Careel Bay, Lilian C. Parker, Careel Bay, to George Hitchcock of Palm Beach, New South Wales. Family Notices (1938, December 22). Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Married To-day. MRS. ADDISON PARKER, of Careel Bay, was married to-day to Councillor Hitchcock, of Palm Beach. The ceremony took place at the home of Mrs. Parker, and the couple plan to make their future home at Palm Beach. Married To-day (1938, December 14). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 20 (LAST RACE ALL DETAIS). Retrieved from
He passed away in 1949, an octogenarian: photo of Mr and Mrs G W Hitchcock circa 1940
HITCHCOCK, George William.—January 22, 1949, at Castle Hill, formerly of Glenorie and Palm Beach, beloved father of George, Arthur, Emma (dec.), David and Charles, and stepfather of Tom, aged 82 years.
HITCHCOCK.—The Relatives and Friends of the late Mr GEORGE WILLIAM HITCHCOCK are invited to attend his Funeral to leave our Chapel 181 Church Street Parramatta This Monday at 2 45 p m for Methodist Cemetery, Dural. Family Notices (1949, January 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
However, it was the council's need to create a playing field that commenced the filling in of the mangroves at the northern end and the leasing of the land for a tip, also to fill in the mangroves.
Warringah Shire Council records on July 3rd, 1933, by Cr. Hitchcock, seconded by Cr. Hughes, that ''in regard to the Palm Beach District Cricket Club's letter handed in to this meeting, submitting several requests; the Club be supplied with metal from Newport quarry for the construction of a wicket on Careel Bay Park, the work to be done under the supervision of the Inspector, and in consideration of the Club doing this work and improving the reserve; it be granted the use of the ground for three years without charge.''
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of the Meeting held on November 6th, 1933 record:
36. Palm Beach District Cricket Club, 26/10/33, (a) inviting Councillors and Officers to attend the opening of the new cricket ground on Careel Bay Park on 11th November at 1.30 p.m; (b) requesting Council to call the reserve at Careel Bay "Hitchcock Park". Resolved, - That the reserve be called Hitchcock Park. .(Crs. Austin, Hughes)
For more on the Palm Beach District Cricket Club visit Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, Sand Point Reserve, Snapperman Beach Reserve - Palm Beach: Some History
25th of September 1933; That the sand pump at Newport Beach be sent to Careel Bay Park cricket ground and installed there.
Warringah Shire Council minutes of Meetings record, November 20th, 1933: By Cr. Hitchcock - That the preparation of plans for drainage at Wilshire Park and Glenburnie Park be expedited. Careel Park; by Cr. Hitchcock - That plans for dredging Careel Park be prepared as soon as possible.
Worth noting from the same council minutes is how that triangular piece of land where the North Avalon bus stop is was formed:
Main Roads Department, 16/6/37, forwarding for Council's information, copy of plan shoving the portion of Hitchcock Park Careel Bay, resumed for main road purposes. Resolved, Hitchcock' That the Department be asked to beautify the small triangular-cornered piece severed from the park by the deviation of the road. (Crs. Hitchcock, Ross)
On October 28th, 1941 that same Council records: Re Careel Bay Reserves, recommending that the Minister be requested to dedicate or reserve a strip between Hitchcock Park and highwater mark for public recreation purposes, as an addition to Hitchcock Park.
Although the above shows the Warringah Shire Council was calling this area 'Hitchcock Park' by October 1941, it wasn't officially known as Hitchcock reserve an area designated for public recreation and registered as such until November 13th, 1942.
Geoff Searl OAM, President of Avalon Beach Historical Society provides this aerial from 1951 which shows just a cricket pitch on the site of the Careel Bay Tennis Courts (directly opposite Whale Beach Road!).
Geoff says;
There seems to be some activity and an entrance to the mangroves from the entrance to the dairy buildings opposite.
No sign of the tip but I think some locals have begun to use the area for depositing rubbish (dairy mob.?).
No sign of the cricket club building before it was moved to Palm Beach to serve as the surf club for North Palm Beach SLSC. I think it had already been moved - soon after 1946?
The 1950's were a busy time for subdivisions around Careel Bay from Stokes Point to Whale Beach and into Avalon Beach itself, the pages of the then published 'Construction' are filled with Building Approvals at many addresses. So much so that one visitor, possibly with a weekender, writes:
Dumped Rubbish
Sir,-Palm Beach is one of the beauty spots of the world.
The magnificent views of Pittwater and Careel Bay are spoilt by the enormous quantities of rubbish dumped in the bush by builders.
At the same time the wildflowers are being killed.
Nothing seems to be done to prevent this, nor is the rubbish being removed.
The result is: more and more rubbish. It is a disgrace. Perhaps the Queen's visit will help.
Dumped Rubbish (1953, November 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
A council tip was operated on the east side of Careel Creek in the 1960s which was filled and converted to playing fields in the late 1960's and early 1970s. An Equestrian area also occupied an area on this side of the creek. A number of tracks were established through the saltmarsh and mangroves as well - some of them still in use through boardwalks.
Warringah Shire Council Records state on November 8th, 1965 a request was made by By Cr. Beckman that: ''Could the Careel Bay Tip area be cleaned up and a report given to the next Parks and Reserves Committee Meeting on possible extension of play areas in this area? Yes.''
Warringah Shire Council records show that a Report by Shire Engineer lodged on the 5th June, 1967 states; 'BEACHES & RESERVES. Careel Bay. Work commenced levelling section of tip for future playing area.'
By the 28th August, 1967. PARKS AND RESERVES. ROCK POOLS. Avalon. Section of concrete wall on north eastern end of pool, 20' x 4'6" x 1'6", constructed. Mona Vale. 12 cubic yds. of concrete placed during repair to children's wading section and coping of adult area. Dee Why. Cleaned on 3.8.67. Collaroy. Approximately two thirds of the wall poured using 30 c:yds. of concrete. Bilgola, Safety net framework removed and work in progress on cliff face. AND 'BEACHES & RESERVE. Careel Bay-Reclamation Area. Sprigging of area with grass roots in progress.'
Geoff Searl OAM, President of Avalon Beach Historical Society provides this aerial from June 1974.
Geoff: ''This shows where the tennis courts were later built. The cricket pitch has been relocated in a much more formalised Hitchcock Park and there seems to be some early activity where the pony club building/store was later erected across the ditch from Hitchcock Park.
Paul Collins, past President and Life Member of Avalon JRLFC, shared some insights in his Profile:
So you recall Hitchcock Park when it was still used as a tip?
Yes, with Mary Gibson, and seeing those changes and the development of the fields. I used to go down and help Mary Gibson and in return could take anything I wanted. I would take children’s toys and fix them all, I even got a complete set of brand new tyres once that someone had thrown out.
What was the first clubhouse like?
The first clubhouse wasn’t really a clubhouse, it was a canteen in an existing toilet block near the car park, it’s still there now but the face of it has been changed. Originally a wall went along and there was a door. There was a narrow room off this and that was our canteen.
From there we went to a tent and from a tent to a caravan with a tent canteen, which we’d set up every Saturday. We’d go to Teddy Allen, the local fisherman, to get ice as we didn’t have refrigeration and would ice all the drinks down with that. I’d go to work and then come back in the afternoon and pull the tent down; if it had been raining I’d try and dry it out at home so it wouldn’t rot.
We then extended the toilet block at the car park, extending it out, adding the awning which you can still see now, and the roller shutter, which then became the canteen.
We then decided to build the clubhouse.
The Amenities block was extended to provide canteen and storage in 1993
Did Council help you with the clubhouse?
To a point. In around 2004 we started out with 70 thousand dollars. Before we could begin to build the clubhouse we had to do a lot of work. The first thing was to move the cricket nets, which were near the toilet block originally, they were moved from that side of the field to the other side of the field. The club had to pay for all of that. We had to dig up the cricket pitch, which was in the middle of the field, and pay to reinstall it when it needed to be used during the Summer season.
We got a government grant and Council also contributed towards this too. We had a lot of materials and other support donated to us, such as all the gyprock for the ceilings.
Who did the building construction work?
The members. It took two years every Saturday – the main person behind this was our President at that time, Brian Iliffe, Shane Dunn had a builder’s licence to ensure it was all done as it should be and could be signed off correctly.
This local builder, Shane, did a lot of the negotiating between Council for us before it got off the ground.
For two years the members would come down and build and sit down late Saturday afternoon and have a beer afterwards. Brian Iliffe would go over to the cake shop at Careel Bay and he’d buy pies and sausage rolls to keep us going. It was all done by members, every brick, and it was only a handful; of members that did this.
Did you have an opening party once done?
Oh yes, we had an official opening, the Mayor of Pittwater at that time, Patricia Giles, came down and a couple of state MP’s attended as well.
You’re still down there now too though?
Yes, I’m still involved. At present I’m a Life Member, an with Honours Life Member, which has only just started. I’m a handyman there, do some setting up prior and after games, I mow all the lines and mark those, with help of course.
I’m in helping with the Touch Football, which is Summer, and in Winter too, which is the football season.
I do all the trophies at the end of each season, I’ve been doing these for 22 years.
Brian Friend, OAM, who is also a Life Member of Avalon Bulldogs JRLFC, has coached the littlies divisions for decades and turns up to mark the lines on the field with Paul Collins as well as to umpire matches, also shared some insight during his Profile interview:
So what’s the attraction with league football?
It’s a sport I like. When I was young I played Rugby League and a bit of Union.
How old were you when you started?
About ten, back in those days ( the early fifties) we didn’t have under 7’s, under 8’s; I think 10’s or 11’s was the youngest year. My mum bought a place in Narrabeen in 1947 and then I moved out here, (Robyn and I got married in 1967), to Avalon.
I joined the Avalon Junior League in 1966; I was the manager and assistant coach with one of my best mates Keith Feebely (also my best man); We played at Newport because Mary had a tip over here at Avalon that she was running.
Mary Gibson; she was a character, a wonderful lady, she had the rights to the tip(at Careel Bay), and at Warriewood; there was a Salvation Army paddock there where Rat Park is now, and also she had the rights to the one up at Terrey Hills. But she was a real character; her husband had been in prison that many times; when he shot ‘Doodsie’ West at Narrabeen, that was about his 75th conviction!; he’d done a few armed holdups and break-ins. I used to get on pretty well with him; I was in the coppers for 32 years and I’d go around and knock on his door and say ‘Luke, I’ve got a Summons here.’ And he’d yell back ‘Go away, I’m drinking..!’ I would then turn up the next day and he’d accept it. It’s called ‘street wise policing’.
When was the official opening?
May 3rd, 2003 if my memory serves me rightly. I have some photos of the opening day somewhere.
The wonderful Women's Weekly has bothered to do a small interview and take a photograph with Mary Gibson, who passed away 9 years later - many may recall her shop in Mona Vale:
Treasures from the tip Mary Gibson,
To Mary Gibson, there's no such thing as rubbish (she's built a business on things people throw away
Mary Gibson's house has been furnished largely from the rubbish tip at Terrey Hills in Sydney. Even her cat, Ginger, was picked up on the dump and added to her most treasured possessions.
But Mary has had her share of trouble lately. A council engineer asked that her salvaging rights to the tip be withdrawn. He said he was afraid she might be buried by a bulldozer beneath a mountain of rubbish.
"Rubbish!" says Mary. "The tip's a big place and there's plenty of room for all of us to work in."
It had also been said the rubbish tip is a health hazard. "Garbage!" scoffs Mary. "It's clean, dry rubbish and I've hardly had a day's sickness since I started working the tips 18 years ago." She won the battle to keep her salvage rights by convincing the council that she was performing a community service.
Mary pays Warringah Shire Council $2000 a year for the rights to the tip in Sydney's northern suburbs and has done so for many years. She also pays $3000 for insurance cover and more than $31,000 a year in wages to her helpers. It's quite a nice little business. She has a full-time and a part-time driver, several 16-year-old boys who help her during the weekend and three women who sort the "treasure" at her shop in Mona Vale three mornings a week.
She opens for business three nights a week and has regular customers from all over Sydney, sometimes from interstate.
If something valuable is thrown out by accident, local residents often call on Mary Gibson to keep an eye out for it. And she, in turn, calls on her great mate St Anthony, who is said to be able to find needles in haystacks or owners for stray kittens.
"Some callous people left their two cats on the dump one day and I said, 'St Anthony, you've got to find someone to look after them'," Mary says. "I asked two women in the next car that drove up if they'd like two lovely cats, and do you know what love, they took them both. Wasn't that marvellous?"
To walk into her little weatherboard house is like entering a mini-museum, She bubbles away with a running commentary as she moves about the rooms admiring her extraordinary col-lection from the tip.
"Just look at this beautiful clock, love," she invites. "Fancy throwing that away. It still works. And look at these beautiful things - all sterling silver. Aren't people mad, love, to get rid of these?" She upends a bag and out tumbles a gleaming collection of silver jewellery, cigarette cases, antique rattles, lipstick cases, watches and antique perfume bottles.
[Mary with some of her "treasures" collected while salvaging on tips.]
"Now come out here and have a look at this," Mary says. "What do you think of it?" And her eyes shine as if it were only yesterday that she found the century-old Mary Gregory vase. Someone offered her $400 for it but there are some things that she finds hard to part with.
"Do you like dolls, love?" She proudly shows off a collection of aging beauties reclining in a big chair, all of them collectors' items.
In her own practical way, Mary Gibson is preserving much of Australia's heritage that would otherwise be buried and lost forever. While rummaging away one day, her expert eye darting hither and yon, she came across a receipt for 10 pounds. About to toss it away, she glanced at the signature, "Florence Nightingale, 1855."
Gramophone records by the thousands are tossed on to the tip, many of them faulty. She always checks them and, for her pains, has a 78rpm record signed by Charles Kingsford Smith and his co-pilot Charles Ulm discussing their historic 1928 trans-Pacific flight.
Dragging aside boxes of papers and rubbish, she has pulled out reindeers' antlers, tiger skins, a stuffed emu, ivory mahjong sets, an electric organ, convicts' iron leggings with ball and chain and paintings by artists such as Donald Friend ("I'm looking for a Rembrandt actually, love").
Among visitors to the dump who will never forget Mary Gibson is a woman who had accidentally thrown out her diamond ring. She and her husband were frantically sorting through mounds of debris when Mary came to the rescue. How could even eagle-eyed Mary find a tiny ring among all those heaps of rubbish? "I got St Anthony on the job, love," she says. "He's an amazing saint you know. When I picked up that diamond ring, the woman threw her arms round me and burst into tears."
Even after 18 years of collecting objects that others have thrown away, Mary Gibson is still enthralled with her work. "It's so exciting, love. It really is," she says. "Look at what I found today. Just look at the lace. It must be 100 years old." And her eyes gleam as she displays a lovely satin wedding dress.
"Sad, isn't it, love when you think of the lovely things Australians throw away?" says Mary Gibson.
Treasures from the tip (1980, November 5). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 27. Retrieved from
The Giddy-Up Times
Careel Bay Playing Fields
Residents born in the 1950's recall that where the soccer fields are now was all mangroves and saltmarsh that came within feet of Barrenjoey road. This area was used as a tip too until remediation works to turn it into playing fields began. Roland Luke, a Life Member of the Avalon Soccer Club, shared in his Profile that games were conducted down at Dunbar Park to begin with.

Careel Bay Boat Harbour Proposal

The Avalon Preservation Trust became a major player on the Careel Bay Advisory Committee and a public meeting in 1975 attracted 600 people.A 1974 report from the Water Research Laboratory confirmed that the bay must be left alone. - Geoff Searl, Avalon Preservation Association History, 2019

Crown Lands Dedicated

Rehabilitation & Regeneration: Careel Creek Bushcare Group - 1990 To 2019
Careel Bay Restoring Sydney Freshwater Wetlands Bushcare Group - Final Field Day - May 25th, 2019
Careel Creek days coming up are: June 22, July 27, August 24, September 28, October 26, November 23.
Great for those who want to see their efforts 'grow', literally, and for those doing their Duke of Edinburgh award. You will also get to be amongst a great group of people and see some of the resident fauna being attracted back to our area through your efforts.
Below runs an overview of what's been done so far courtesy of the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, Oceanwatch and the Hawkesbury-Neapean Catchment Management Authority, Greater Sydney Local Land Services and Council:
Careel Creek
Geological History
The familiar coastal landscapes of the Northern Beaches have developed quite recently in geological time. The earlier coastline during the last glaciation was about 20 kilometres to the east. Today’s familiar beaches and estuaries developed as a result of sea level rise as the ice age ended, about 10 000 years ago. The sea reached its present level about 6000 years ago.
Many beaches along the NSW coast are (or were) backed by dunes with a wetland, lagoon or creek behind the dunes, into which the hinterland drains. Typically the lagoon opens periodically to the ocean. The opening generally is where dunes are lowest, at the north end of the ocean beach. Southerly ocean currents and winds carry sand northwards until blocked by a rocky headland. Narrabeen Lagoon and beach is a typical example. ICOLL is the acronym geologists give to this landscape feature – intermittently closed and open lake or lagoon.
Avalon Beach and Careel Creek, before European settlement, would have been a similar landscape formation. However, the catchment of Careel Creek is much smaller than that of many along the coast, bounded by the ridges of Avalon Golf Course, Bilgola Plateau, the rise towards Clareville, Stapleton Park and the slopes near Kevin Ave and George St. The creek behind the dunes was quite wide and shallow and would have retained water much like a coastal lagoon particularly after heavy rainfall events. But perhaps there never was enough water flowing down the creek to force its way through dunes. Also, the lie of the land is lower towards Pittwater so the creek flows into the receiving waters of Careel Bay.
Careel Creek since European settlement
The name Careel is thought to be a corruption of the word Careen – the hauling ashore of boats for maintenance and to clean the hull of marine life. The earliest recorded European settlement at Careel Bay occurred in 1818 with the area developing as farm land. Europeans came to the area not just to farm but as fishermen, vegetable gardeners, shell diggers, small boat builders and coastal traders. More about Careel Bay: (Careel Bay Org History)
In the early days of settlement, about 1840-1880, the Collins family had a dairy farm at Careel Bay. It occupied most of North Avalon. They leased the land from Father Therry. The creek was dammed just south of the present North Avalon Rd to ensure a supply of freshwater. It had an earth wall, with a spillway on the western side. Below the dam Barrenjoey Rd crossed the creek. A 1930 aerial photo indicates the dam was well and truly gone but had left a strange “kink” in the creek.
In the 1940s Bill McDonald, a prominent citizen of early Avalon, was able to paddle his surf ski up to the shops, when the tide was high and especially after a heavy downpour. This would have been before the creek behind the dunes was turned into an open concrete drain.
Careel Creek – or Avalon Main Drain?
The catchment of the creek has been progressively urbanised. With settlement come increased and sudden flows of stormwater off the hard surfaces of roads and roofs. Avalon shopping centre is almost at sea level. Flooding has been a problem, particularly when heavy rain coincides with high tides.
One early solution to this was to turn the upper section of Careel Creek into a concreted open drain, in the hope of speeding the flow of stormwater which would have been impeded by the wetland and vegetation downstream. Pittwater Council staff believe the concrete drain was installed when Barrenjoey Rd was widened in the 1960s.
To reduce risk of flooding in 2005 a stormwater detention basin was installed in the grassed area beside Old Barrenjoey Rd and the drain under North Avalon Rd widened (2008).
Above: Planting near the creek at Etival St.
Above: Bushcare volunteers planting tubestock in November 2011
Water Quality
Another effect of urban development has been a deterioration in water quality in the creek. Wetlands are natural filters for organic and mineral sediments and plant nutrients such as phosphorus. The concrete drain allows any pollutants in the catchment wash straight down the creek. A Gross Pollutant Trap near the eastern end of Central Rd catches large items such as plastic bottles and other rubbish, also larger organic material such as leaves. However water quality is not suitable for swimming.
The concrete drain ends near alongside the Barrenjoey High School fence. Then the creek’s banks and bed are of mud and sand. Occasionally the creek’s lower reach gives off strong unpleasant sulphurous smells. Pittwater Council undertook investigations into the odours from the creekline and has determined that the source of the smell is natural anaerobic decomposition of leaf litter and other organic matter washed down the creekline.
Dredging to reduce flooding and smells is not an option because of the presence of acid sulfate soils. Like sleeping dogs, these must be let lie. Acid Sulfate Soils occur naturally in both coastal (tidal) and inland or upland (freshwater) settings. Left undisturbed, these soils are harmless, but when excavated or drained, the sulfides within the soil react with the oxygen in the air, forming sulfuric acid. This acid, together with associated toxic elements (heavy metals and other contaminants), can kill plants and animals, contaminate drinking water and food such as oysters, and corrode concrete and steel. This would be a disaster for Careel Bay.
Careel Creek, Avalon Dunes & Careel Bay
These areas offer valuable habitat to wildlife, all the more so if they are connected. Avalon Dunes was once infested with Bitou Bush, the creek’s banks with various woody weeds and Careel Bay’s saltmarsh areas were under attack from Asparagus Fern and other weeds.
Since 1990 ongoing bush regeneration projects have enabled local native vegetation to replace the weeds and recreate valuable fauna habitat. To provide this link to Careel Bay, Careel Creek’s banks are being progressively revegetated with local native plants.
Revegetation work in 2012 along the section from the sewer pumping station to North Avalon Rd was funded by a Community Action grant to Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, in partnership with Pittwater Council. The grant is from the Federal Government via Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Authority. Students from Barrenjoey High School, Avalon Public School and community volunteers helped with planting tubestock here.
Trees & shrubs are growing fast. Swamp Mahogany (Eucalyptus robusta) will provide winter food for honeyeaters and lorikeets.

Duke of Edinburgh Award 2012 participants from Barrenjoey High School: Robert Rufatt, Michael Zonneveldt, Rory Wilkins and Sonja Elwood, Bushcare Lady, Pittwater Council. 17.5.2012.
Birds often seen along the creek include: Pacific Black Ducks, Australian White Ibis, Little Pied Cormorant, White-faced Heron. Unfortunately many of the ducklings are eaten by large eels. As native plants grow small birds such as Superb Wren, Spotted Pardalote and White-browed Scrub Wren will forage for insects there. Watch for the mud nests of Magpie Larks in the trees on the western bank.
The Bush Stone-curlew is an endangered species in the Sydney area, but breeds in Careel Bay. During 2011 one was often seen along the creek or nearby. This bird needs open woodland or saltmarsh, with fallen branches to hide among, as it relies on camouflage to protect itself and its nest on the ground.
Schools of small fish, perhaps mullet, come upstream to the start of the concrete. The highest tides push upstream to about this point. So despite the poor water quality from a human perspective, at least some fauna find it acceptable.
The walking track from Avalon to North Avalon, the “Yellow Brick Road”, swings eastwards around the dunes before the sewer pumping station. But an informal track continues along the east bank of the creek. By a quirk of past subdivision, the rear boundaries of some Elaine Ave properties adjoin the western high school boundary in midstream. So this track is actually on school property.
Unfortunately much of the western creek bank here is private property and very weedy. We can but hope for future improvements.

Above: Stone Curlew, October 2011.
Trees planted near sewer pumping station, March 2012
More Information:
Map of Careel Creek Catchment: at Pittwater Council
Acid sulphate soils:
Compiled by Marita Macrae, Geoff Searl and Paul Hardie.
Oceanwatch And Hawkesbury-Neapean Catchment Management Authority Healthy Waterways Clean Up Day At Careel Bay: In December 2012

Some of the Pittwater residents who cleaned up Careel Bay Creek and Bay and its surrounds on Saturday morning in front of the ute filled with rubbish. Photo by A J Guesdon.
Oceanwatch And Hawkesbury-Neapean Catchment Management Authority Healthy Waterways Clean Up Day At Careel Bay
For over thirty years one staff member has been collecting rubbish from our estuary foreshores, along the beaches and in the rock platforms that separate these. The 1980’s this was mainly paper rubbish deposited every foot of the beach and most rubbish would be collected after Summer weekends when those who don’t live here think someone is being paid to collect their laziness or couldn’t carelessness. In the last decade or more the refuse has become increasingly plastic bottles, caps and bags, stryrofoam, or shining packaging like that on potato chips that may be mistaken for silvery fish by aquatic creatures and waterbirds. Some days garbage bags full were collected, on other days only one or two filled to the brim. No matter how much is collected though this is a tide, that unfortunately, keeps coming to shore as though the ocean and estuary are saying “You can have that back.”
On Saturday morning around fifteen Pittwater Residents led by Bec Mooy and Eduardo Gallo from the Hawekesbury Neapean Catchment Authority and Oceanwatch respectively collected a ute and a half of rubbish from the creek and mangroves and the foreshore of Careel Bay. Items dragged from where they had obviously been dumped by residents included an old fish trap, car tyres, a rusting car battery, a big cardboard box filled with Styrofoam, plastic bottles and at least thirty small plastic bags of dog faeces. In one spot amongst the mangrove edges twenty empty cigarette packets and two hundred cigarette butts were collected; clearly a ‘let’s sneak off and have a smoke’ dump place for those who don’t want to be seen, or aren’t allowed, to slowly kill themselves and the environment with what is acknowledged as toxic.
As part of the Environmental Education Strategy for NSW Coastal Boaters and Fishers, five marine clean up events have taken place in 2012 at various locations in the south and north, along the Hunter and Central rivers.
The coastal areas in NSW are: Northern Rivers CMA, Hunter Central Rivers CMA, Hawkesbury Nepean CMA, Sydney Metropolitan CMA and Southern Rivers CMA. Yesterday’s (8.12.2012) Clean Waterways focus on Careel Bay was funded by a grant from the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority was the last of these. Bec Mooy tells us there will be further clean ups along the Hawkesbury in coming months and that McMaster’s SLSC has been funded by the HNCMA to do clean ups on the water.
The hope yesterday was to attract boating and fishing folk to the clean up as part of the focus was education. One sailor attending, a Pittwater resident and yachtsman on the estuary for a long time, found all sorts of bits off boats he could identify and even a cover for a light he could reuse.
For almost three hours these volunteers ranging in age from eight to eighty two worked side by side finding everything small and large that is polluting this beautiful bay, its mangroves and its creek.
While along the foreshore a Striated Heron, White Faced Herons, the Royal Spoonbill spotted a few weeks back, Australian Ibises and an Australian White Heron picked their ways over the mangroves at low tide amongst plovers, Native Ducks and seagulls seeking fish. Above us an Australian Pelican circled majestically, riding a thermal higher and higher. Pelicans are an ancient symbol of change. Seeing this one watching the workers below bodes well for the future of New South Wales waterways if our Government continues to fund such initiatives and finds in our communities people who are more then willing to make a difference, to be those who are not so careless…or lazy.
The Healthy Waterways Project has also included:
Healthy Waterways: Better boating, more fish
Click here to download the brochure.
The five Coastal Catchment Management Authorities (CMA) in partnership with the Boat Owners’ Association of NSW (BOA), Boating Industry Association of NSW (BIA), Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW (RFA), NSW Maritime and Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) are undertaking an Environmental Education Strategy for NSW Coastal Boaters and Fishers.
The aims of the project are to:
- Raise the awareness of boaters and fishers to key aquatic environmental issues.
- Encourage, if needed, changes in behaviour to reduce impacts on our aquatic natural resources.
- Identify aquatic champions among boating and fishing groups to be trained and deliver peer education
- Encourage individuals to “get involved” in aquatic habitat rehabilitation projects e.g. marine debris clean up days.
Healthy Waterways
The NSW CMAs are currently implementing community group presentations across Coastal NSW. The presentation highlights aquatic environmental issues and how boaters & fishers can help to reduce impacts on the aquatic environment. If you are a member of a boating and/or fishing club and would like to know how to organise a presentation to your group please contact the Sydney Metropolitan CMA on (02) 98957898 or email the Project Manager, John Naughton at for further information.
One of the key educational outcomes of the project was the delivery of community group presentations across coastal NSW. The presentation format has been trialled with 5 major boating and fishing associations and refined to reflect comments and advice received. A SMCMA staff training day was held in August 2011 with a focus on tailoring community group presentations to reflect local aquatic environmental issues. Presentations across the 5 Coastal CMA regions commenced in November 2011.
There are lots of volunteer groups around Sydney who work on improving the aquatic environment and have fun doing it. There are underwater diving groups and fishing groups who do monitoring, , marine debris clean ups and community awareness raising. There are Fishcare volunteers who are spreading the word about fish habitat issues and responsible fishing practices to anglers, community groups and schools. There is also the Fish Habitat Network where fishing groups actually do fish habitat rehabilitation work. There are also Bushcare groups working on saltmarsh and mangrove areas.
If you are interested in making a difference to the aquatic environment, and look for an aquatic volunteer group based on location (so that you can volunteer close to home) please click on the following link Find A Volunteer Group.
To find out more about becoming a Fishcare Volunteer visit:
To find out more about the Fish Habitat Network visit:
Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority has merged with Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority
The NSW Government recently announced that the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority has been merged with the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority as part of the changes to the regional service delivery model.
From January, 2014 Local Land Services, a new regionally-based organisation will replace the Catchment Management Authorities, Livestock, Health & Pest Authorities and incorporate agricultural services currently provided by Agriculture NSW.
The Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority's area of operation now includes all the areas previously covered by the Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority. This website will now become an archived website. For more information about Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority, and to find out about upcoming events visit
Eduardo Gallo and Careel Bay resident Nina Bardsley. Photo by A J Guesdon.

Asparagus Fern Out Day At Careel Bay

Pam Bateman, Noxious Weed Officer with Pittwater Council, Helena Dewis, Bushcare Officer Pittwater Coucnil, Marita Macrae - Pittwater Natural Heritage Association. Picture by A J Guesdon.
ASPARAGUS FERN OUT DAY – Careel Bay, 24th of August, 2013
Pittwater Council and the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association held one of their many bushcare sessions on the noxious weed, asparagus fern, at Careel Bay on Saturday afternoon. This plant is showing its winter-spring red berries at present, and these may be eaten by birds and spread its choking on our bushland and gardens even further. To get rid of it from your own garden or join one of the many bushcare groups in Pittwater to help them and yourself in eliminating weeds from our play reserves and bush areas, will stop its spread.
Like many plants now officially listed as weeds, asparagus fern was originally introduced to Australia as an ornamental plant well over 100 years ago with one variety used as a fashionable stem trail in everything from wedding bouquets to being a potted plant in regional shows garden competitions. Asparagus fern is now a serious weed of bushland and rainforests, covering many areas where native plants once flourished. An invasive root system means this plant will spread if not checked and total removal is recommended if you wish to see Native plants and animals return to the areas it has infested.
Caring for our bushland is one of the many ways you can contribute to and engage in community and Pittwater need all the hands she can get to return and keep our reserves of bush as we’d rather have them.
In Pittwater we have sand dune environments, wetland estuary environments, and remnants of bushland that remain attractive as a place to exhale simply because so many of us give time and energy to eradicating this weed or inhibiting its spread. To be able to picnic on ground where this spiky weed will not spoil your day out can only be a good thing and as ticks seem to thrive in the areas this weed prevails, getting it out of your garden may cut down on bites from this parasite as we head into summer.
Enviroweek commences today, and the Coastal Environment Centre is hosting the Youth Environment Congress the following week, September 3-5.
As Pittwater Council’s Natural Environment and Education Manager, Mark Beharrell said during the week this event brings together the community to conserve their environment.
“Residents can help remove this noxious weed, restore the area around Careel Creek and allow native plants in the area to regenerate,” he said.
Mr Beharrell said the yearly event always drew a committed crowd, with last year’s event having over 40 participants. This year numbers were down a little due to other working bees in the area but those who did attend still managed to make inroads on Careel Bay’s asparagus fern. A sausage sizzle, a cooling breeze and great company made a few hours of toil a worthwhile endeavour.
The Council is being supported in its campaign against asparagus fern by a Caring For Our Country Grant through the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority and by the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association. Pittwater Council provides training, tools, gloves and afternoon or morning tea for its bushcare volunteers. Participants are asked to wear sturdy covered shoes, a hat, long sleeves and bring a drink with them.
For further information about Pittwater’s many Bushcare Groupsplease call Council’s Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367 or
You can also see how easy it is to remove this prickly usurper in Pittwater resident's John and Lyn Illingsworth's 'Asparaus Fern removal' video below.
Or Manually:
The growing points of Asparagus Fern must be removed below the surface. The numerous water tubers can be left in the ground, as they contain no food and the plant cannot reproduce from them.
Wear thick gloves. With secateurs cut off stems about 20cm above soil level and bag. Don't cut too low or you may lose sight of where the crown is.
Larger berries will ripen if left lying on the ground.
Check where stems join crown.
Use knife, peter lever or mattock to cut around crown to sever roots and water tubers. These may be left in place. Lift out crown, checking it is entire and bag.
Follow up: seed lasts a few years in the soil, so you need to watch out for seedlings. Use a knife to ease these out - usually the whole plant will come up easily. Seedlings may sprout where you have removed larger mature plants.
Enviroweek News is on both Youth and Children’s pages this week.
The Youth environmental congress “Youth Leading the World”is coming to the Northern Beaches again. Run by non-profit organisation OzGREEN in partnership with Pittwater and Warringah Council, the congress will be held at the Coastal Environment Centre, Narrabeen, 3 - 5 September 2013, 9am to 3pm. Young people aged 12 to 25 years are invited to attend the interactive, hands-on congress for free. Just bring along a keen interest in environmental and social issues and the passion to make a difference. Now in its fifth year, “Youth Leading the World” is run simultaneously in over 90 locations in Australia and overseas, connected by digital media.
Participants will explore local and global environmental challenges; measure and understand their own eco-footprint; and work on action plans for more sustainable living at home, at school and in their community. For more information contact Ann-Charlott Paduch, OzGREEN Northern Beaches coordinator, or 0439 981 035 and visit
Asparagus Fern – from Trove
ASPARAGUS FERN. ‘'Asparagus' (Mile-End) -writes: — 'Can you help me out with my asparagus fern? It is growing all along the front verandah, but has not been trained up too evenly being too thick in places and too thin in others. It is right up to the roof and hanging over, 'and is probably 10 years old. Could it be cut back within 3 or 4 ft. of the ground? If this would not hurt the fern it would then be possible to put wire 'netting to train it more evenly. What, then, would be the best to do where the ferns are crowded? Can tbe roots be divided and transplanted? At present it is covered with berries, but not showing much new growth. Thanking you in anticipation for your valuable advice.
'To 'Asparagus,' — The best thing you can do is to cut the plant back right to the ground. It will not hurt the plant at all and you will get fresh growth right from the bottom. ' IF you cut back to4 ft. from the ground you will still have a lot of old tangled stems.— 'Greenleaf.' ASPARAGUS FERN. (1913, August 16). The Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Class C—Pot Plants. Prize 2s 6d One fern, Miss Hodge: One asparagus fern, Miss Hodge. Class C—Pot Plants. (1904, November 5). The Wyalong Advocate and Mining, Agricultural and Pastoral Gazette (NSW : 1900 - 1928), p. 2. Retrieved from
One asparagus fern, Miss Connie Bubeck 1, H. C. Just 2. CLASS G. POT PLANTS. (1900, November 24). Sunbury News(Vic. : 1900 - 1910), p. 3. Retrieved from

John Jenkins, Margaret Richardson, Pam Bateman, Helena Dewiss and Marita Macrae. Picture by A J Guesdon.
Restoring Wetlands Near Careel Bay Final Field Day: May 2019
The Careel Creek Bushcare group with council Bushcare Officer Karin Nippard

Bushcare planting at Careel Bay - Etival Street Planting Day 27.6.2015 - Front Page Issue 220
On Saturday June 27, 2015 volunteers helping the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, in conjunction with Council, at a Community Planting Day were finishing planting out an area at the north end of Careel Bay playing fields beside the dog exercise area and on to the corner of Etival street.
Sydney Freshwater Wetlands Project
A grant to PNHA from Greater Sydney Local Land Services funded some of this transformation, in partnership with Northern Beaches Council.
This project, commenced in April 2018, has removed weeds and installed a habitat corridor from the bay to the creek. The last Field Day was Saturday May 25th, when a Buff Banded Rail, the first one seen here for decades, was spotted.
Buff-banded Rail (Gallirallus philippensis)
No greater illustration of what restoration of our waterways and bushland can do is demonstrated in the return of native species and fauna. The wetland area was overrun with weeds, but extensive planting of native plants has transformed it.
Site cleared of worst weeds mid 2018 by contractors funded by the grant. The same area planted late 2018, protected against rabbits.
Sydney Freshwater Wetlands are an endangered ecological community, hence the funding, most of which went to other remnant Wetland areas around Sydney.
Some native plants part of Sydney Freshwater wetlands would be Eucalyptus robusta - Swamp Mahogany, paperbarks such as Melaleuca linariifolia and Melaleuca ericifolia, Sword Grass - Gahnia sieberana and the sedge Carex appressa. The group have planted other native shrubs on drier land around the wetter areas.

The Field Day held on Saturday May 25th was the last for this project, now completed. The only other grant PNHA have in progress at present is for the saving of Grevillea caleyi in the Baha'i temple area, at Ingleside, managed by Office of Environment and Heritage, OEH, with PNHA and Baha'i volunteers also meeting there once a month.
The location beside Barrenjoey Rd is adjacent to some of the work done under the PNHA Careel Creek Vine Weeds grant completed early this year. Vines, native and introduced, can damage Bushland specially along damp areas such as Creek lines, by breaking down trees and smothering smaller plants.
Careel Creek Vine Weeds Project
This involved work along Careel Creek from north Avalon down to near the tennis courts, and other spots around Careel Bay as at end of John St Avalon.

This volunteer was really determined to get cigarette butts out of the creek.
As part of this project PNHA published a booklet about vine Weeds, available in hard copy and on their website, Both were community grants to PNHA from Greater Sydney Local Land Services, which allocates funds from the Federal Government.
When PNHA are about to apply for a grant for bush regeneration they consult with Council Bushland management staff about where money is needed for bush regeneration. If council is already spending on work in that area, that is counted as in-kind contribution to the project, a necessary condition for receiving grant funds.
An important requirement of grant funded projects is to involve the community, in the first instance Careel Creek bushcare group. The Pittwater Natural Heritage Association undertake some publicised Field Days on those bushcare days inviting the community along to take part. They also undertake to share information about each project so people can see the what, why, and how these changes are taking place.
National Volunteer Week 20-26 May 2019, has a theme this year of “Making a world of difference”.
What better way to close this week in a place where practically everyone does something for others than an insight into a the work that has been undertaken by these volunteers which has definitely made a world of difference for some years now.
Volunteers are still needed for maintenance and weeding along the creek once a month for a few hours - a great way for Duke of Edinburgh Award students to contribute a few hours once a month or any others with a will to see their own volunteer hands get busy and actually get to see the changes they have made grow.
Good company and a great morning tea are always provided!
With current dry conditions hand watering is required for these new plants so they all get a good soak. As the volunteers have put in lots of native ground cover, hand weeding is required, not weed spraying.
The Careel Creek bushcare group meets on the fourth Saturday morning of each month from 8.30 to about 11.30. Contact Karin Nippard, Northern Beaches Council Bushland Management Officer, on 0417 040 945 to find where the group will work each month.
Careel Creek days coming up are: June 22, July 27, August 24, September 28, October 26, November 23.
Melaleuca ericifolia
Persicaria decipiens
Marita Macrae, Pittwater Natural Heritage Association and Karin Nippard, Northern Beaches Council
Careel Bay in Pictures
From bush south of Tennis Courts to north foreshore reserves

References - notes
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- Careel Creek by Marita Macrae, Geoff Searl and Paul Hardie
- Careel Bay Saltmarsh - 2012
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Careel Bay
- Avalon Beach Golf Links - Pittwater Fields of Dreams II
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Avalon Beach
- Bangalley Headland Self Guided Walk
- Peter Verrills Profile
- Brian Friend Profile
- Paul Collins Profile
- Tom Gilbert Profile
- Careel Bay Wharf and Boatshed History
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Whale Beach
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Scotland Island
- John Collins of Avalon - Pittwater Patriarchs History
- Katherine Roche - Pittwater Matriarchs History
- Albert Black of Broken Bay Customs Station - Barrenjoey
- Broken Bay Customs Station
- My Holiday by Charles de Boos
- The Barrenjoey School
- Barrenjoey Lighthouse - Lightkeepers
A Wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Narrabeen, on Wednesday afternoon, the contracting parties being Eunice, elder daughter of Mr. J. S and the late Mrs. Russell, of 'Hillcest,' Pittwater-road, Narrabeen, and Roy, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hammond, of Young. The Rev. Hugh Paton, assisted by Rev. C. J. Mackay, officiated.
The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in a dainty frock of cashmere de sole and lace, with tulle veil, and carried a shower bouquet. She was attended by her sister, Miss Jessie Russell, who wore mauve georgette, beaded in white, and carried a bouquet of yellow carnations and narcissus with mauve streamers. Mr. Clarrie Chasher was best man. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a solitaire diamond ring, and to the bridesmaid a diamond initialled wristlet watch.
Mr. Parry was' at the organ, and while the register was being signed, Mrs. Parry sang 'Beloved, it is morn.' The church was beautifully decorated by friends of the bride. During the ceremony, the Rev. Hugh Paton presented the bride -with a beautifully bound bible, — being the first to be married in the church.
The reception was held at Twight's Hall, Narrabeen, which was decorated in the colours of the 39th battalion in which the bridegroom and best man served during the war. About 70 guests (relatives of the bride and bridegroom and & few very intimate friends, included among whom were Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller and Mr. R. Allen, of Young) were received by Mrs. Thomas Russell, aunt of the bride, who was gowned in a beaded frock of black crepe-de-chine and carried a posy of mauve lilac. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond left by car for the South Coast, where the honey moon is being spent, the bride travelling in a grey jersey silk frock with black hat and black cloak. Wedding. (1922, October 26). The Grenfell Record and Lachlan District Advertiser (NSW : 1876 - 1951), p. 2. Retrieved from
Signaller Roy Hammond (of the firm of Hammond and Hanlon, Young) returned from the front yesterday morning. Although on crutches he looks well, and hopes in a short space of time to be able to discard the crutches and resume his old position in the store. Signaller Hammond enlisted from Young in July 1916, and was away from Australia 20 months. In the Passchendaele fighting he was twice wounded. Whilst signalling to the gunners to lift the barrage, a shell splinter passed through his thigh. Although not serious, he decided to make for the dressing station When on his way, however, more mis-fortune overtook him. A shell exploded close to him, blowing him up in the air, and he landed about 20 feet away. A piece of shell had passed almost through his leg at the ankle. This latter wound is the cause of the crutches now being used. Signaller Hammond is on a fortnight's leave, and has to return to Sydney for treatment. BACK FROM FRANCE. (1918, February 19). Young Witness (NSW : 1915 - 1923), p. 2. Retrieved from
The death occurred on Sunday night of Mr. Henry William Meggitt, of "Gundani," Macquarie-street, Parramatta, and founder of Meggitt's Limited, linseed oil manufacturers. Mr. Meggitt, who was in his 75th year, had been in ill health for the past three years and his end was hastened by an injury received, from a fall last week.
Deceased was a native of Lincoln-shire, England, where his father was a brewer, and in 1895 he arrived in Sydney to establish a branch of Lever Brothers works. He was the manager of that enterprise for many years, and after his severance with the firm came to Parramatta and became engaged in the manufacture of cordials. Later he established a dessicated cocoanut business, which was the forerunner of the oil manufacturing venture which bears his name.
Mr. Meggitt retired from active participation in the business of Meggitt's Limited in 1914 and removed to Palm Beach, where he resided for several years. He subsequently returned to Parramatta to live, but, unfortunately, the condition of his health prevented him renewing to the full his former associations. A cultured and well-informed man, deceased's presence was always welcomed at public or social gatherings. He was for a time a member of the committee of Parramatta District Hospital and was treasurer of Parramatta Bowling Club. He was also prominent in Masonic circles. Mr. Meggitt is survived by his widow, two sons - Mr. Harold Meggitt of Harold Meggitt, Ltd., and Mr. Arthur Cecil Meggitt (South Africa) and a daughter - Mrs. Swarbrick. The funeral took place on Tuesday when the remains were cremated at Rookwood. Prior to the cortege leaving deceased's late residence a service was conducted by the Rev. Meanes Massie, who also read the last rites at the Crematorium chapel.
As a mark of respect to Mr. Meggitt's memory, the employees of Meggitt's Limited ceased work for a brief period prior to the funeral. The mourners included: Messrs. Harold Meggitt (son), Alfred Meggitt (brother), H. C. Meggitt (grandson), M. Swarbrick (son-in-law), Wm. Tyzack (cousin). Others present included: Messrs. A. R. Fox (Fox and Mcgill-Cuddy, Ltd.), John Bishop (Bishop Bros.), T. P. C. Burstalll (Australian Bank of Commerce), Fisher (Keep, McPherson and Co., Ltd.), Andrew Craig (J. Sandy and Co., Ltd.), R. Huntley (Harold Meggitt, Ltd.), Guthrie, Higgs, and L. Blumner (Hunter's Hill Bowling Club), W. Hart and W. Hitchcock (Hart, Hitchcock and Co., Ltd.), J. A. Shearman (Master Painters' Association), Williamson (Williamson, Croft and Co.), C. D. Howes, F. Cook and C. Miller (Meggitt's, Ltd.), W. Fairclough, R. T. Bartlett, C. Alt, Geo. Coates, Cooper, W. Love. Jas. Munro, P. Krippner, H. G. T. Brown, H. F. Quigley ("Cumberland Argus"), M. Simmons, R. Moxham, J. Paul, H. T. McKenzie, P. Gorman, L. Campbell, T. Ferris, J. Meares, L. Browning, V. Campbell, S. McVicar, Edwards, Harold Brown, P. H. Robilliard, J. Fahey, J. Lynch , Chas. Gee, G. Watt and Dr. A. H. Hart. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of William Metcalfe and Co. MR. H. W. MEGGITT (1928, June 8). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 12. Retrieved from
Family Notices for Avalon Beach Population
Mr. and Mrs. A. SCOTT, of Avalon Beach, wish to THANK all kind friends for letters, cards ,and personal expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement, in the loss of their dear son. Family Notices (1935, February 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
WATERMAN-MAINWARING. - April 16, 1936, at Methodist Church, Lindfield, by the Rev. R. Finigan, Victor Holford. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Waterman, of Avalon Beach, to Gwenyth Victoria, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mainwaring, of Lindfield. Family Notices (1936, April 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
MACLEAN-GREGSON.-The Engagement is announced of Catherine Grace, only daughter of the late W. H. Gregson and Mrs. Gregson, of Meekatharra, Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach, to Donald Ian, only son of the late Captain and Mrs. D. F. MacLean, of Melbourne, Victoria. Family Notices (1939, June 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
LIPSCOMBE.-August 18, 1940, at his residence, Barranjoey Road, Careel Bay, Joseph Gregory, relict of the late Annie Marie and dear father of William, Irene, Joseph, Holly, Noel, Laurel, Hazel, Aubrey, Heather, Daphne, Eileen, Richard, and Raymond, aged 63 years. Family Notices (1940, August 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
KOONCE-WICKHAM -The Engagement is announced of Lois Jean only daughter of Mr and Mrs. Stan Wickham of Avalon Beach to 1st Lieut William D Koonce Adjt. General's Dept U.S. Army only son of Mr and Mrs. J W Koonce of Hollywood, California. Family Notices (1942, August 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
BEVERIDGE-SERVEAU -October 27 1945 at Avalon Beach by the Rev. A T Newton Deewhy Renee only daughter of the late M F Serveau and Mme A. Servau of Arpajon Seine-et-Oise France to A. G. Beveridge F /Lt; D F C (RAAF Ret.) only son of Mrs. David Beveridge, Avalon Beach and Mr. David Sharp Beveridge Dumfermline, Scotland
BUSBY-CLARK.—November 1, 1945, at St. Philip's, Church Hill, Kathleen Mary, widow of the late F /O Theodore Marcus Clark, RAAF to George James younger son of the late George Busby and Mrs. Grace Gregson of Avalon. Family Notices (1945, November 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 30. Retrieved from
STANFORD.-Missing on an operational flight over Burma, now presumed to have lost his life. No. 411543, Pilot F. S. Bertram James Stanford, pilot of a Wellington bomber, loyal son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. C. Stanford, of Avalon Beach, late of Peak Hill, brother of Maynerd. Greater love hath no man. Family Notices (1946, June 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
THOMSON - September 3 1946 at hospital Sydney, Mona Margaret Thomson eldest daughter of C A and Elizabeth Thomson of Careel Bay Privately cremated. Family Notices (1946, September 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 32. Retrieved from
STANTON, Peter Edmund David.-January 5. 1947, at Children's Hospital. Camperdown, Peter Edmund David Stanton, of 246 Elizabeth Street, city, dearly beloved only child of Gwenda and Stan and beloved grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kops and Mr. and Mrs. E. Stanton, of Avalon Beach, aged 4 months. Privately cremated January 7. 1947 at Rookwood Crematorium. Family Notices (1947, January 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from
WILLIAMSON-April 13 at Fairlight hospital Manly to Jean and Jack of Avalon Beach-a daughter (Julie Gaye). Family Notices (1948, April 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from