Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
THAT MAGNIFICENT BLOCK of 400 acres delineated as James Napper's Grant on the Government plan of Parish of Narrabeen, ex the portions reserved by Government for Lighthouse and Public School purposes, IN SUBDIVISION, now in preparation by Mr. Licensed Surveyor, A. W. Stephen, into SUITABLE AREAS, to fit the requirements of YACHTSMEN, RETIRED GENTLEMEN, PUBLIC CATERERS, BUILDING SPECULATORS and others seeking DESIRABLE FREEHOLDS in a district growing in popularity every day, and soon likely to became a favorite suburb.
THE ESTATE is traversed by the MAIN ROAD, and EMBRACES many favorite and historic vantage pctets, notebly on the ocean side— CABBAGE TREE BOAT HARBOR and Little Heads, and in Pittwater that lovely camping ground, CAREEL BAY.
By order of the surviving Trustee of THE BASSETT-DARLEY ESTATE, And the Administratrix of the late BENJAMIN WENTWORTH DARLEY.
BATT, RODD, and PURVES, Limited, are instructed to sell the above by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their Rooms, 88 Pitt-street, on — TUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, AT 11.30 A.M.
Messrs. STEPHEN, JAQUES, and STEPHEN, Solicters, O'Connell-street, will furnish evidences of Titles. Advertising (1900, January 21). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126278402

None of the larger sections sold apart from 30 acres on the estuary side which was purchased by Charles John Edward Forssberg, and registered as such in August 1900, and some acres on today's Whale Beach, purchased by soon to be Newport resident Trevor Jones:
The lots were re-advertised in June 1900 with mention of the tram towards Pittwater being used as a selling point and 18 lots up for sale at 'upset prices'!:
Messrs. Batt, Rodd, and Purves will sell by auction next Tuesday at their rooms 88 Pitt-street, 18 allotments at Pittwater, belonging to the Bassett-Darley estate. The lots vary in size from 74 acres down to 4 acres, and the upset prices at which bidding may start are quoted in the firm's announcement in our business columns. The sale is to be without reserve. No title (1900, June 3). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126286201
A SUBDIVSION by Mr. Licensed Surveyor A. W. Stephen in areas to fit -the requirements of INVESTORS and SPECULATORS, of THAT GRAND BLOCK delineated on the Government Map of the parish of Narrabeen as Jas. Napper's Grant, adjoining the reserve for Lighthouse and Public School purposes.
Breezy Heights and Sheltered Slopes.
TRUSTEES, DETERMINED TO CLOSE ACCOUNTS, have ventured to risk public competition without captious restrictions, and boldly announce UPSET PRICES as per schedule hereunder as minimum reserve figures, at which bidding may start for the CHOICE BLOCKS shown on plan, SALE whereof will be recorded TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER without any reserve.
BATT, RODD, AND PURVES, Ltd., are instructed to sell at their Rooms, 88 Pitt street, by PUBLIC AUCTION, NEXT TUESDAY, JUNE 5, AT 11.30 A.M., the above mentioned LOVELY WATER FRONTAGE BLOCKS, as per LITHO PLAN, NOW AVAILABLE.
ac. r. p.
Lot 1, area 4 1 17 3/4 £50
2, ' 8 2 ,36 1/2 65
3, 18 1 2 1/2 100
4, 32 1 1 100
5, . 37 2 17 1/2 185
6, 46 0 30 , 230
7, 63 2 35 3/4 252
8, 65 1 0 200
9, 74 1 18 220
10, .8 3 . 58 61
11, 8 0 32 51 .
12, 7 2 8 51 '
13, 7 19 50
14, 7 2 0 65
15, 6 3 83 61
16, . 5 3 36 51 '
17, 5 2 0 51
18, . 5 2 16 51
are the SACRIFICLAL PRICES at which the biddings will open, and the lots will be POSITIVELY SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE.
SPECULATORS, consider the opportunity for BIG PROFITS in view of the promised tram.
TITLE PERFECT. TERMS : 25 per cent. Deposit, Balance in 4 equal annual instalments with interest at rate of 5 per cent.
Messrs. STEPHEN, JAQUES, and STEPHEN, O'Connell -street, are Solicitors for Vendor. Advertising (1900, June 3). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126286238
Access via the 'road', a rough single carriageway that in places was covered in boulders, remained a problem, with some articles pointing out that the passage to Barrenjoey was a mere track:

In June 1911, just after the tramline to Brookvale opened, a group of businessmen registered the 'Barranjoey Company', and led by John Ralston, succeeded in purchasing the Bassett-Darley Barrenjoey acreage. Some sources state they paid a whopping £500 - the proprietors apparently wanted at least £1900.00 but settled for what they could get.:
Barrenjoey Company, Ltd, has been registered with a capital of £6000, In 120 shares of £50 each, the object being to purchase 410 acres of the Bassett Darley subdivision. The first directors are Messrs H. Wolstenholme, E T Jones, J T Ralston, J Young, and H R Nolan. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1911, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15239859
They applied to install a jetty and a swimming area was later netted against sharks around this, which Warringah Shire council required them to maintain and make available for students to use.
Attention is directed to the notification in the "Government Gazette" of this date of applications made for Special Leases, as hereunder mentioned. Any objections lodged in writing at this office on or before 13th December, 1911, or before the Local Land Board shall have concluded its inquiry at the hearing of the respective applications for such Special Leases, will be duly considered; and any objections lodged after that period will not be entertained.
Applicant: THE BARRANJOEY COMPANY, Limited (S.L.), 11.7, Metropolitan). Locality: Pittwater, Parish of Narrabeen, County of Cumberland. Area: 32 perches; for wharf. Advertising (1911, November 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15290140
The 'wharf' was situated at what we today call the Gonsalves Jetty, earlier a James Booth enterprise and Carl Gow's Jetty after that.

Observation Point, Palm Beach, Newport Digital Order Number: a106120 circa 1912, Broadhurst Image, courtesy State Library of NSW.
EXTENSION OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, below high-water mark, Pitt water, portion Sp. L. 1912 4 ; Ms. 3,922 Sy. Area, 1 rood 20 perches.
1917 -1176 Barranjoey Co., Ltd., 14 Castlereagh-st., Sydney. No. of Application – 1912 – 4, Metropolitan Bathing Place – from 1 Jan. 1917 to 31 Dec. 1921
Special Lease 1912 4, Metropolitan. Barrenjoey Company, Limited.—The lease shall be subject to subsections 1, 3, 4, G to 0, 11, and 13 of Regulation No. 10G (notified 20th April, 1917), and to the following special conditions:—
(a) The lessees shall permit children attending any school in Warringah Shire, and in charge of teachers, to have the free use of the baths without payment on one day in each week between the hours of 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., such children to provide their own towels and bathing costumes. (b) The lessees shall have not less than three life-buoys readily available at all times. (c) The lessees shall be responsible for the proper conduct and cleanliness of the baths, and shall compel bathers to wear suitable bathing costumes, (d) The lessees shall, after determination of the lease by forfeiture, effluxion of time, or otherwise, and within such time as may be given, remove the structure or all or any material from the lanel at their own cost, and without compensation, if required by the Minister in writing to do so. ) The lessees shall, within six months from the date of notification in the Government Gazette of the granting of the extension of the term of the lease, enclose the land with a shark-proof fence, and maintain such fence in efficient repair throughout the currency of the lease. (e) A breach of any of the conditions, or the occurrence of any indecent or disorderly conduct, will render the lease liable to forfeiture. EXTENSION OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. (1917, November 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5968. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article227328341
Advertisement for above stating 'harbour side wharf': Advertising. (1912, January 6). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15300293
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912 - part of brochure. Item: c052700024, courtesy State Library of NSW
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912 - part of brochure. Item: c052700025, courtesy State Library of NSW
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - Pittwater - Barranjoey Rd 1912. Item c052700030, courtesy State Library of NSW - H. Wolstenholme, solicitor to the estate.
Section from a RAHS photo showing Palm Beach Estate Barranjoey advert circa 1912. Item: c16402_0008_c , courtesy State Library of NSW

Department of Lands,
Sydney, 10th June, 1914.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister for Lands deems it expedient that certain roads should be opened, and that it is proposed to resume for the purpose, under the provisions of the Public Roads Act, 1902, the lands hereunder described.
The proposed roads are shown upon plans which can be inspected at this Office, and a copy of the same may be inspected at the respective Offices of the Crown Land Agents for the Land Districts in which the lands are situated.
All persons interested are hereby called upon to set forth in writing and to forward to the Minister, within one month from date of this notice, any objections which may appear to them to exist to the proposal to open the roads referred to.
Description of Road to be opened - Road from Pittwater to Palm Beach at Barrenjoey, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland, Warringah Shire.
[Registration No. of Papers—Roads 1912-1,091-11; Catalogue No. of Plan—R. 11,872-1,603.]
Owner. James Napper (grantee); The Barrenjoey Co., Ltd. (owner). Occupier. The Barrenjoey Co., Ltd. Character of Holding. Freehold. Width of Land to be Resumed. 100 links ... Area to be Resumed 1a 2r. 0p.
Remarks. Part of this proposed resumption (5 perches) is covered by part of private subdivision road in use. NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED OPENING OF ROADS. (1914, June 10). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3485. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article226768719
Description of Road opened :—Road from Pittwater to Palm Beach at Barrenjoey, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland, Warringah Shire.
[Registration No. of Papers—Roads 1912-1,091-19; Catalogue No. of Plan—B. II,872-1,603.J ]
Description of land now returned for the road specified above, and dedicated as a public road.
A proposal to resume the land referred to for the road in question, was published in the Government Gazette of 10th June, 1914, folio 3185. NOTIFICATION, UNDER THE PUBLIC ROADS ACT, 1902, OF RESUMPTION OR WITHDRAWAL AND DEDICATION OF LANDS FOR ROADS. (1915, January 20). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 334. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article227053700
Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records: Barrenjoey Company, 2/12/18, forwarding plan of Palm Beach 5th Subdivision for final approval. Resolved that the plan be approved
Barrenjoey - Palm Beach Estate - 5th Subdivision - Ocean Rd Item: c052700018, courtesy State Library of NSW
Land sales through the Barrenjoey Company investors took place at Whale Beach for the next few years, visit: Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Whale Beach
Post World War I: The Boys Come Home
The building of Ocean Road brings in the returning home of the young Australian men who served in World War I as many of these came to the Pittwater area for its peace, open spaces and apparent freedoms. Carl Gow, whose brother and father were light-keepers at Barrenjoey Lighthouse is among these, and his friend Reginald Howlett, WWI Diggers looking for a more peaceful way of being. Reginald Augustus Howlett was educated at Bay View school when that still existed, listed with his brother William as among those who won prizes in 1905, and his father, Henry Neil Howlett (born 1863), was an early member of the newly fledged Pittwater Progress Committee, a forerunner of the Bayview-Church Point Residents Association, alongside Kathrine Roche's husband.

Another who came with them, or was here prior to that conflict, was Lawrence Gallagher, the proprietor of Florida House. Although Florida House is stated by some sources to have been built early in 1916 when Lawrence Gallagher was actually serving overseas, Mr. Gallagher may have already been working for one of the main builders of premises in this hilly area after the initial 1912 land sales, Albert Verrills. Laurie, sometimes spelt ‘Lawrie’ was employed building roads and structures around Palm Beach. Family records of the Verrills state it was Albert Verrills who helped in the construction of Florida House, one of the first of many homes he built in the area, and Laurie Gallagher, who completed the stone works. Mr. Gallagher is thought to have acquired the land in 1915, just prior to enlistment.
There was also a Florida House at Vaucluse which was utilised by many ‘coming of age’ young gentlemen and ladies and end of school celebrations or for wedding receptions a few decades later.
Lawrence Gallagher was born in Linlithgow Scotland, 1891. He enlisted in the AIF in August 1915, aged 24 years and two months and left Australia on board HMAT A32 Themistocles on 5 October 1915. His occupation is listed as 'stonemason':
He was enlisted in the 5th Pioneer Battalion but served in the 1st Battalion, 11th Reinforcement AIF WWI and was then moved to the 53rd Battalion, an extension of the 1st. Raised in 1916 for service during World War I the battalion served on the Western Front until the end of the war, before being briefly amalgamated with the 55th Battalion and then eventually disbanded in 1919. It is likely that he met Captain Carl Gow while serving in the 55th as both came to live in Palm Beach after WWI. This Battalion fought in some of the worst battles of WWI on the Western Front and suffered heavy casualties. Lawrence 'Laurie' returned to Australia on June 2nd 1919. In 1924 he married Babette Bruggen, the marriage was registered in Warringah. The Bruggen girls had been running boarding houses in Palm Beach for a few years:
Louisa May, whose husband Harold also served in WWI, was at Kookaburra, and along with Babette, who married Lawrence Gallagher in 1924, a Palm Beach SLSC member, ran Florida House, while sister Amy, ran Barrenjoey House at one stage, another building that was erected by the Verrills family.
Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 12 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162488494 - with Barranjoey House
Some Notices - from Family listings and Advertising:
PALM BEACH.-Accommodation, 2 minutes surf beach, Golfing, fishing. Mrs. Garner and Miss Bruggen, Kookaburra, Florida-rd (late Sunrise). T., P.B. 31. PALM BEACH,-furnished Cottages to Let and For Sale Gow and Howlett. Store. Phone. 21. Advertising. (1922, March 4). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28086268
Mrs Louisa May Garner, wife of Mr Harold Garner, of Birchgrove Oval, Balmain, died in a private hospital on Monday, at the age of 55 years. Deceased was one of the Bruggen family, whose home was on the Western Road, St. Marys, east of the town. Mr Harold Garner is a son of the late William and Mary Garner, of St. Marys. Deceased leaves a daughter (Sheila),a son (William), and two sisters—Mrs. Gallagher (Palm Beach - Florida House) and Miss Amy Bruggen. The funeral took place on Tuesday, when the remains were cremated at the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium. St. Marys. (1942, July 30).Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117890690
GARNER-TER BRUGGEN.-December 21, 1914, at St. Mary Magelalene's, St. Marys, Louisa May, daughter of Mrs. H. Ter Bruggen, and the late Henry Ter, Bruggen, to Harold, third son of William Garner, Esq., The Cedars, St. Marys. Family Notices. (1915, February 13).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15537881
TER BRUGGEN.-In sad and loving remembrance of my dear husband, Henry Jules Ter Bruggen, and our dear father, who passed peacefully away, aged -49, from this life March 8 1905 Inserted by his affectionate wife and daughters, Amy, Louie, Babette.
Had he asked us, well we know, We should cry, O spare this blow, Yes, with streaming eyes should pray, Lord, we love him, let him stay.Belgian papers please copy. Family Notices. (1906, March 8). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14757852
Photographs of PBSLSC founding members from 1921-1922, which include Lawrie show a wiry man with a cigarette perpetually in his mouth.
Lawrie is second from right in row of gents kneeling.
Mr Gallagher also built a house at 79 Florida road, "Kookaburra". This was he and his wife’s premises while Florida House in Florida Road was built for accommodating expected summer guests. Next door to them Robert Russell, one of the last Barrenjoey Lighthouse keepers, built a home, shown in some photos dated 1920. Lawrie Gallagher was a permanent resident, one of the men who attended the first meeting of the Palm Beach SLSC founders and among the first Bronze Medallion passes in January 1922.
There is a narrow neck of land at Palm Beach, between the road and the ocean, which would make an ideal reserve. The Warringah Shire Council heard that the land is to be offered for sale, and sent a deputation to the Minister for Lands. (Mr. Wearne), who was asked to take steps for the resumption of the land as a public reserve. With the deputation were Messrs. Wenver, Scott Fell, Murphy and Dr. Arthur. M.L.A. Mr. Wearne, In reply, said that, where possible, it was the policy of the Government to extend to the people privileges to enable them to enjoy the pleasures of life, not only In the metropolis and suburbs, but throughout the State. He could not promise the resumption of the area. But he would Inspect it, and see whether it was suitable for the purpose desired. AT PALM BEACH (1922, April 29). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article118868181
Palm Beach Golf Links Estate Subdivision, 1922. Item: c052700044, courtesy State Library of NSW - Northview road
Vol/Fol: 2402-128 Title Certificate- Lot 1 - the red line is 'Government Reserve after that, and what became Governor Phillip Park:
Barrenjoey Land Company 1922 sell off of acreage - 20+ acres at Palm Beach Vol/Fol: 3118-26:
zoomed in to show creeks on and above Florida road
Although records indicate Palm Beach visitors having a bit of a putt in the earliest 1920's, the official permission was granted in 1926:
This was a few years after the first paddocks were groomed in 1920 by Henry Wilshire for use as a golf range for summer visitors. According to the Certificate of Title, Henry Austin Wilshire, purchased the land opposite "Sunrise Cottage" from the Barrenjoey Land Company in 1913, and built his home, which in 1922 he sold to Lady Maitland, wife of Sir Herbert Lethington Maitland, eminent Sydney surgeon. This property was at 19 Palm Beach Road.
MR. HENRY AUSTIN WILSHIRE. The death occurred recently of Mr. Henry Austin Wilshire, a well-known city architect, who, amongst other things, was closely associated with Furlough House, Narrabeen, the well-known seaside holiday resort for the wives and children of soldiers, of which he was honorary architect and adviser. He was one of the pioneers of Palm Beach, and was one of the founders of the Australasian Pioneers' Club. The deceased was the youngest son of the late James R. Wilshire, M.L.C., Sydney's second Mayor, whose grandfather (James Wilshire) arrived in Sydney in 1792 as Deputy Commissioner-General [sic: he was deputy commissary from about 1808], and married Esther Pitt, a relative of Admiral Lord Nelson. In the Registrar-General's Department are some quaint references to the grants of land given to James Wilshire, including 570 acres extending from Strathfield to Cook's River, and several acres at Brickfield-hill, Sydney. The deceased leaves a widow and one daughter. MR. HENRY AUSTIN WILSHIRE. (1923, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16089284
By 1924 things were beginning to be a bit more organised and early in 1925 a meeting was held:
A well-attended meeting of the club was held at Palm Beach, when Mr. C. R. Crossman was unanimously elected the first president, Mr. Crossman (who is an old member of, and ex-president of the Cammeray Golf Club) and the late Mr. Henry Wilshire, laid the foundations of the Palm Beach Club, setting out the original course and putting In much labour In clearing and setting up the greens. The links are charmingly situated on Pittwater at sea level, and there is offered to golfers the opportunity of play in pleasant and attractive conditions.
A new course has now been set out, and a general scheme of improvement of the links is projected, which, with the necessary financial support from residents and visitors, it is hoped will be possible of realisation during 1925. The club membership now numbers about fifty, and a substantial increase is expected. GOLF. (1925, January 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16184028
The people behind the Palm Beach Recreation Club
Palm Beach Recreation Club, Limited, capital £3000, divided Into 600 shares of £5 each. First directors, C. R. Crossman, E. R. Moser,H. L. Tress, A. A. Oxlade, S H. Hammond, S.B. Hooper, and A. C. F. Webb. COMPANY NEWS. (1926, August 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved August 8, 2012, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16329572
Originally there was no fence between the park and the course. In 1932 the course was fenced with a low painted rail fence and white painted stones marked the tees.

Palm Beach Again
PALM BEACH is setting new fashions in all directions, and the vogue is not confined to bathing togs alone. Sydney shrugged its shoulders when it learnt that society danced in. shorts during the season, and now comes word that the "gay young things" are sporting diminutive trousers on the golf links, in place of the usual very smart sports suit. Last week some very "fetching" ones made their appearance on this exclusive sports ground, and the fair wearers could not have been unconscious of the effect, when, in between dips they strolled to the links and played a round or two. Fancy! (1930, March 10). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246125223

As with all things Pittwater during her agricultural eras, cows used to roam over those fair grasses. Residents clearly recall the dairy cows that used to provide milk for their families from the 1920’s and through the 1930’s. Not without complaint from visitors however;
CLUB NOTES. DANGER OF WANDERING STOCK. Straying cattle have become a nuisance and a danger at several resorts which are popular with motorists says the RACA notably at Palm Beach, where wandering beasts upset the hampers of picnic parties, and crane their heads into cars in search of food. In addition, the presence of such animals on the adjacent roads is also troublesome and dangerous at night. The R.A.C.A. urges that steps should be taken to compel owners of such stock to keep them off the roads and away from picnic and camping areas. CLUB NOTES. (1933, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16948342
Gonsalves family home in Waratah Street, Palm Beach. From Verrills family album, courtesy Peter Verrills.

Later on that same year Warringah Shire Council's Minutes of Meetings records not only a urinal but the continuation of Ocean road to the south end is in the offing. One of the great aspects of this council during these 1920's booms of selling lands and constructing roads was a focus on ensuring green reserves were set aside for then and into the future. The Barrenjoey Land Company, alike all other subdividers, were required to dedicate parcels of lands and reserves fronting the ocean to council as part of getting any plans passed, plans that had to show those roads.
Minutes of Meetings records:
July 31st, 1922
32. Barrenjoey Co 7/7/22, complaining of the unsanitary and filthy condition of the-public dressing sheds at Palm Beach Decided that Cr, Hitchcock should endeavor to secure a man to carry out sanitary attendance at the shed weekly.
Reserves. 8, Barrenioey Co.; 9/11/23, requesting Council to accept dedication of continuation of Ocean Road, Palm Beach, to the south Resolved, - (Crs, Hewift, Campbell) That the Council to adhere to its original decision, and agree to accept dedication of the land as a public reserve only.
10, J. T. Ralston & Son. 19/11/23, submitting, for acceptance Palm Beach to the Council, Memorandum of Transfer of Lot 92, 2nd. Subdivision Reserves. Palm Beach Estate : Resolved, - (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the Council accept the transfer and affix its seal to the document.
Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club 20/10/24, requesting that the road along the beach frontage continued to the southern corner of the beach Resolved, — (Crs. Hitchcock, Hewitt) That repairs to the rock-bath be effected without delay and a urinal be constructed in the men's dressing shed, as requested. . K 11, Palm Beach Lands Ltd. 24/10/24, requesting that Ocean Road be continued from Mr. Wolstenholme's frontage to the surf sheds, and 12.R. T. McKay, 20/10/24,making similar request : Resolved, (Crs. ??? and Corkery) That the Engineer furnish a report on what is required.
22 C.P. Curlewis. 9/9/24, intimating that if allowed to obtain soil from the sides of roads at Palm Beach, as previously requested; it will not be used as evidence in reggard and to the dispute regarding course of the creek ; -Resolved, -:-(Crs- Ellsworth, Hewitt) He be informed the Council prefers to defer consideration of the request- until the matter of the creek course is finalised.
CORRESPONDENCE was read and dealt with as follows — Local Government Department, 21/10/24, intimating that Council’s application for Barrenjoey Road to be proclaimed and Main Road, has been listed for submission to the Main Roads Board, when constituted : Received.
Thos. Peters. 27/10/24.: suggesting methods of improving Ocean Road, Palm Beach, offering to and discuss with the Shire Engineer, and also requesting that swamp land lying near his place be filled in, 10 Newport Surf Life Saving Club. 27/10/24; stating intention to form a ladies surf club at Newport Beach. Received
12th January 1925. Resolved, - (Cre. }htcne ') That at be left Riding with the works Committee suitable site for a sanitary depot for A. Bar 'The necessary service machinery for the establishment of a sanitary service for Newport be put an motion as possible. Resolved, - (Ors. :hat the Council evrport Re acquisition make steps to acquire, two or three lots extending from Newport, to Pittwater Bay, between Barrett's Store Gladstone Street. (a) The other matters which the President desired noted /,1)0 do for attention by the Council were :— The further acquisition of land fronting the ocean beach; the acquisition. of' Rock Bath sufficient beach frontage to give access to the site of the proposed new rock bath; and the. proposal to sell Trafalgar Park, and apply the proceeds to the purchase of land nore Park. suitable for recreation purposes. (e) Resolved, - (Crs.. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the request. 'of the Palm Beach Golf club, 10/1/25, to clear an area of land 275 yards by 100 feet of Palm Beach Park adjoining the Golf Links be granted. - The Shire Clerks Report was read and dealt with as follows. Resolved, - (Crs,-Mcicillop, Corkery) That the application (Resumptions) for the Governor's aprovd. to a loan of 9,000 for the.; oan turpoce of acquiring lands at Collaroy Beach, in accordance with the proposal advertised in the Government Gazette of 28/11/24, be approved, and the Council's seal be affixed thereto. Main Road S2. . Resolved, - .(çre. parr Hewitt) That the Council enter an emphatic protest against the Government's omission to make more adequate provision for Main Road and for the coming endowment. year, and also against the unwarranted cutting down of the Government endowment to this Shire. Resolved, - (Ore. HoKillop, Hewitt) That it.be left with the President to arrange a deputation to the Main Roads Board, when constituted, to see that the main roads of this Shire receive proper consideration.
The Ocean Road Of Palm Beach
The use of the EB Enemark panoramas, where it can be shown buildings on the landscape appear, combined with a research of Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings, illustrate at least two lots of photographs being taken by John Henry Smedmore Enemark during the period of 1915 to 1922. In the earlier ones the first Dressing Sheds, organised through the work of the Palm Beach Progress Association and erected in 1921, are not visible - at Thomas Peters land holdings, he had four blocks and built, commencing in 1920, the holiday home 'Powhokohat', Australia's first reinforced concrete home - in the earlier versions tents are seen where that clubhouse of Palm Beach SLSC still stands.
From Warringah Shire Councils' Minute of Meetings of June 14th, 1920
27. Barrenjoey Co , 31/5/20, intimating that the Company does not desire a local rate levied at Palm Beach ; Received, 28. Barrenjoey Co. , 31/5/20 asking that steps be taken to prevent the removal of sand from Beach Road, Palm Beach. Resolved - (Crs. Quirk and Lodge) That Mr. Peters be informed of the Company's report, and that he be notified to desist. 29. Barrenjoey Co., 31/5/20, drawing attention to washaway on Florida Road ; Referred to Engineer.
Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 2 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162481294 - includes sections showing Peters home with tents still in it and Chorleys holiday home already built.
Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 7 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162484891 - from Rock Bath Road, Pool end – shows Horderns, Ralston, Chorleys, Wolstenholme and Peters place are all present and finished, dressing sheds (uninstalled 1921) are visible – as well as first Palm Beach SLSC Shed next to Horderns - the pool looks unfinished, thus Mr. Hordern's campaign mid 1920's to get it 'complete by Christmas time' per Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records - so is at least 1921, probably 1924-25 and must be part of those taken in and during second visit to photograph these sections. Signature/logo in lower right hand 'E B Studios 278 George Street, Sydney' was final address prior to J. Enemark closing the business down
Mr. Peters was building the Burrinjuck Dam at that time and local lore has it that much of the concrete was diverted from the build to Palm Beach.
Burrinuck is a heritage-listed major gated concrete-walled gravity dam hydro-electric dam at Burrinjuck, Yass Valley Shire, New South Wales. It has three spillways across the Murrumbidgee River located in the South West Slopes region of New South Wales, Australia. The dam's purpose includes flood mitigation, hydro-power, irrigation, water supply and conservation. The impounded reservoir is called Lake Burrinjuck. It was designed by L.A.B. Wade (of the New South Wales Public Works Department) and built from 1907 to 1927 by Lane & Peters, Sydney. It is also known as Barren Jack Dam and Barrenjack.
Mr. Peters bought blocks of land in the initial 1912 sale and his family became an integral part of the local community and surf club.
Saved Girl From Shark Palm Beach Presentation
At a gathering of residents and members of the Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club on Sunday, including Mr. A. G. Parr, president of the Warringah Shire Council, and the leading officials of the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia, Mr. C. D. Pater-son, president of the S.L.S. Association, presented Mr. Austen Dellit, a member of the Palm Beach Club with the first Bronze Meritorious Award of Merit awarded for conspicuous acts of bravery In the surf. Mr. Dellit, it was stated, had shown extraordinary bravery by jumping between an onrushing shark and a girl aged 13 In the surf at Palm Beach on January 16. Mr. Paterson pointed out in presenting the medallion that the award was the only all-Australian award Issued for acts of bravery, and he congratulated Mr. Dellit on being placed by his act in the same category as the two famous Chalmers brothers. Mr. Dellit was also presented with a cheque for £76 10s from the residents and members of the Palm Beach Club. At the same function Mr. Thomas Peters was presented with a silver model of the club's surf boat, and a framed photo of the club's march-past team, in recognition of the valuable assistance rendered the club in his position as president. COVETED SURF AWARD (1924, June 3). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223401139
Surf carnivals have been going strong. All the life-saving clubs and surf clubs at the beaches have been represented at these gatherings which are wet in the beat sense of that term. Palm Beach is now at the top of Its form, alt the pretty cottages and villas perched so picturesquely on cliffs and amid palm groves, being occupied by their owners. who include many of our leading lawyers and medical men, who may be met in the entertaining large house parties. Blaxland. Mr. A. J. Hordern, Mr. Peters (the dam-builder), and Mr. Percy Hunter are among the residents at Palm Beach. AT PALM BEACH. (1927, January 10). Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article255479211
Prior to his death a conversation had taken place about Palm Beach SLSC acquiring the property on his demise. When he passed away the home was put up for sale for thousands more than the surf club could afford. Fortunately no one else could afford it either. The Peters home and current heritage-listed clubhouse, Powhokohat, was purchased in 1954 for £16,000 to become the Palm Beach SLSC’s clubhouse, where members who do not reside in Palm Beach (during the early years younger members were students at schools like Shore, or lived at Mosman) stay during their patrols over Summer. One of the sale adverts from 1951:
Under Instructions From the Administrator.
Of interest to investors, scholastic institutions, commercial houses for recreational purposes, residential flat developers, sporting and residential clubs
That Prominent and Well-known Palatial Concrete Residence "POWHOKOHAT," OCEAN ROAD (adjoining The Pacific Club and fronting the beach)
ACCOMMODATION GROUND FLOOR Front verandah approx 50ft x 10ft 6in Smoke room Billiard -room-SOUTH SIDE Living room bedroom kitchen two shower rooms separate lavatory verandah (the above accommodation suitable conversion one s c flat unit) NORTH SIDE Verandah approx 48ft x 10ft 11in Six shower rooms storage room drying room sufficient area two flats units)
FIRST FLOOR Main residential section approached by exterior concrete stairway-Open verandah about 50ft x lill lounge (stone fireplace) 20 x l8 dining-room 20 x 13 smoke room kitchen servery (cup-boards) enclosed verandah 36 x 12 seven bedrooms (all of which have built In cupboards) TWO bathrooms three separate lavatories and wash rooms (3 basins) maid s bedroom and bathroom
DETACHED (a) Concrete building-fibro root concrete door containing two car garage bedroom lavatory-storage room and concrete water tank (b) Storeroom fibro walls and roof concrete floor attached concrete storage room fibro roof
SEPTIC TANK COKE HOT WATER SERVICE GROUNDS laid out In perfect lawns-concrete paths and drive
THE RESIDENCE Is erected about 80ft back from the street alignment and this area is available for further development
LAND 122ft x 201ft 7fn and 20Oft with rear 147ft 5ln
If desired an amount up to 50 p c of the purchase money can remain on first mortgage for five years
Solicitors to the Estate MESSRS NORMAN C OAKES &. SAGAR. Advertising (1951, November 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 29. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18237552
The third difference is the building of what today is called 'Ocean Road' along the beachfront at Palm Beach was just 'proposed' in the above December 1912 lithographs and subsequent subdivisions. As can be seen in these photos, and via the Enemark panoramas, what we today and then was called 'Black Rock' is there, and later, the accommodation house established along the beachfront by James Brown Craig, the middle brother of the Brown-Craig family, had title to three blocks on Ocean road by 1921. Here a house named Tigh-Na-Mara (Scottish Gaelic 'the house of the sea') was built next door to The Palladium but no longer exists - a victim of fire (a property given the same name was rebuilt on the same site and recently sold in 2016) - but there is no Ocean Road.
The boom in post war little bus services to Newport and beyond, and then out to Palm Beach, meant better roads right to the end of their destination were called for, as much as bus problems needing to be sorted out. With surf life savers installed thousands were heading to Palm Beach of a weekend, to camp, for a day excursion, to bathe in the weaters - from a January 27th, 1926 newspaper article:
Palm Beach circa 1916-1918 - Sunrise road can be seen going up and over the hill
Palm Beach circa 1917-1920 - Tigh-Na-Mara present.
Section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). circa 1917, Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 14, PIC P865/6/1 LOC Nitrate store, (zoomable at http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162567120 ) – courtesy National Library of Australia
Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 3 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162481896 - has 'No 1a Palm Beach - Looking North' in left hand lower corner.
Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 2 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162481294 Has 'No 2 Palm Beach' written in lower left hand corner- includes sections showing Peters home with tents still in it and Chorley home with car outside, cows, etc - so photo taken pre-1920.. Black Rock section. Photos taken from south end, what would become Rock Bath Road and Pool
Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 10 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162487058 - second visit/round of images taken (circa 1921-1924)- last address for business in lower right hand side.
Palm Beach circa 1918-1924 - NB: Northview Road
Lawrie Gallagher was also a great builder of roads and it is he who succeeds in winning the tender from Warringah Shire Council of then for extending Ocean Road from its end at the oceanside end of Palm Beach Road. The then named Palm Beach Progress association were the instigators of these works. From Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
9th of February, 1925
Resolved, - 9(Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the construction of Ocean Road, Palm Beach, from its junction with Palm Beach Road, southward, in accordance with the (Vote) Engineer's report, at an estimated cost of £678 be carried out. Resolved, - (Crc. Hitchcock, Atkins) That prices for the work be obtained by tender and compared with the Engineer's Estimate.
Going north:
61. Palm Beach Progress Asst. 2/1/1926. setting out the matters which the Association desires the Council to give attention to Resolved, - (Crs. Hitchcock. Simpson) That a "Caution - Drive Slowly" SIGN that the requested notice be erected on Ocean Road; for the extension of Ocean Road northward to Phillip Park be referred to A. Riding representatives for their consideration, and that the Association be informed of the of Council's intentions regarding the other matters.
5th of July, 1926: Ocean Road Tenders
10. Resolved, - (Crs. Hitchcock, Hope) That tenders be called, for the construction of Ocean Road from the intersection of Palm Beach Road northward, in accordance with the Engineer's Report.
46. E. Kenny 28.6.26. submitting, on behalf of Palm Beach Lands, Ltd. plan of subdivision of about 2 acres of land, between Nos 2 and 3 Subdivisions of Forssberg Estate' (Dealt with in Engineer's report)
July 19th, 1926:
E. Kenny 14.7.26. submitting D.P. of 10th Subdivision of Palm Beach Estate : Referred to the Engineer.
Two tenders were received for the construction of Ocean Road, Palm Beach, and it was resolved, - (Crs. Simpson,. Hitchcock) That the lowest tender, that of L. Gallagher for £399/10/.., be accepted, and the Contractor be notified not to touch the big boulders on the beach, and that this be made a part of the Contract.
17, Palm Beach Recreation Club. Ltd. 22.11.26. advising that the Club has appointed Mr. Harriman as Caretaker of the Park; Governor requesting(1) that two signposts indicating the camping areas Phillip be erected, another at the end of the road indicating - "To Park. Ocean Road and Surf", a double one at the junction of New Road, indicating ‘’To Barrenjoey" and to "Ocean Beach and Surf", and (2) that the fees collected from campers be applied towards paying the wages of the caretaker. Resolved, - (Oms. Hope, Hitchcock) That the signs be erected, as requested. Resolved,. (Crs. Hitchcock, Hope) That Caretaker Harriman be given authority to collect camping fees, the fees to be applied towards the payment of his wages. He also be appointed as Honorary Ranger of the Park, - the appointment to be under seal of the Council.

It is likely that this work helped to pay for the building of Florida House, although one person perhaps employed in the Ocean Road works has clearly taken off with more than their wages:
Manly.—A warrant has been issued by the Manly Bench for the arrest of DAVID PIGGOTT, charged with stealing the sum of £40, the property of Lawrence Gallagher, at Palm Beach, on the 27th ultimo. -Offender is 40 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, stout build, fair complexion and hair, blue eyes, clean shaved; dressed in a dark suit, and a grey felt hat; walks with a slight limp; a labourer. Complainant, Lawrence Gallagher, Palm Beach. Offences not otherwise Described. (1927, September 21). New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860 - 1930), p. 540. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article252093936
This landmark was important for at least one other reason by 1926 - it was the site off which another WWI Veteran lost his life while trying to save another. Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC, one of the youngest commanders in the Australian forces during World War I, lost his life in 1920 in the waters out from Black Rock and for whom the Palm Beach Pavillion has recently been renamed. His and the lady who also lost her life that day, were among a handful of people, other WWI veterans among them, who had lost their lives in the 'safe waters' of Palm Beach, but his loss is was the final straw for the local community and those who frequented the beach and lead to the formation and commencement of the Palm Beach SLSC the following year - 1921.
Black Rock has also featured in some quite famous photographs of the Russian Ballet dancers who would tour Australia in the 1930's. Anyone who knows Palm Beach will recognise these on the verge of the sand boulders:

Top: Dancers from the Monte Carlo Russian Ballet with two Australian friends at Bungan Beach (actually Palm Beach), NSW, left to right, Jean (Jan) Hoyer, Anna Skarpa (crouching), Nathalie Branitzka, unidentified dancer, the two friends (with hat; Ailsa Allan - nee Craig), and Igor Youskevitch, 1936 or 1937] - Part of Dr Ewan Murray-Will's album of photographs of performers from the Ballets Russes, on tour in Australia, 1936-1937 nla.obj-149943187-1 Courtesy National Library of Australia.
This picnic hosted by Ailsa Allan was not the first time the dancers had been hosted at Palm Beach:
On The Sandy Point Snapperman Beach side


(Before Judge Curlewis.)
Forssberg and another v the Council of the Shire of Warringah.
This was an appeal under Section 341 of the Local Government Act, 1919, by Christina Elizabeth Forssberg, of Stancombe, Addison road, Manly, spinster, and Valetta Eccles, wife of Herbert Eccles, of Lauderville-avenue, Manly, sharebroker (the surviving executrices and trustees of the will of Charles John Edward Forssberg, deceased) against the decision and disapproval of the Council of the Shire of Warringah on the application of the plaintiffs for the approval of the council to the plan and design of a subdivision of a parcel of land comprising lots 20 to 25 Inclusive, of the Bassett Darley Estate. Pitt-water. Appellants submitted for the council's approval a plan of subdivision of a large block of land at Palm Beach, showing a road-Iulka-road-running through it. The subdivision was bisected by another block known as the Barrenjoey Estate.
 - Copy.jpg?timestamp=1587191100767)
 - Copy.jpg?timestamp=1587190930256)
This had been preceded by - From Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
36. Palm Beach Lands, Ltd. 26/3/25, re Council's voted' £30 for repairs to Pacific Road, and offering to supplement same by £20, if work be put in--hand immediately : Resolved - (Crs Hewitt, Hitchcock) That they be informed the work will be proceeded with immediately their contribution comes to hand
29th of June 1925
In pursuance of Notice, Cr. Hewitt moved, Cr. Hitchcock seconded, that the sum of £250 be voted for improving the worst parts of Barrenjoey road between Gow’s Store and the foot of the hill near Simpson’s. Carried.
5. Palm Beach Progress Association. 16/6/25, suggesting the widening of Ocean Road construction at eastern end to allow motor-cars to turn Referred to the Works Committee,
19th of October, 1925
That in view of the Local Government Departments objection to the Council's A. Riding proposal for a loan of £32,000 for A. Riding, as notified, Loan. I notify two separate loan proposals, — one for £28,000, and one for £4,000; the rating and other conditions be the same as in the proposal already notified.
Proposed Special Loan or £29.000.
NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the Warringah Shire Council to apply for authority, under section 180, Local Government Act, 1919, to borrow the sum of £29,000, for the purpose of constructing the undermentioned roads within A. Riding of the Shire, and for purposes incidental thereto: —
1. Barrenjoey-road, from Neptune-street, Newport, to Palm Beach road, Palm Beach 21,100
2. Warriewood-road, from Pittwater-road to Vineyard-street 1,700
3. Powderworks-road; (a) from Pittwater road to the E. end of Kobado-road; (b) Kobado-road for its entire length. and (c) Powderworks-road from the W, end of Kobado-road to the junction with the Gordon-Mona Vale road 4,000
4. Resumptions, surveys and contingencies 2,200
Included in the estimate of £21,100 for Barrenjoey-road, is a sum of £4.000 for the formation, only, of proposed deviations of that road, which item is taken into consideration in fixing the differential rate referred to hereunder.
The interest payable on such loan shall not exceed six and a half (6£) per cent, per annum, and it is proposed to arrange the loan on terms which shall provide for the repayment of principal and the payment of interest combined in equal hall-yearly instalments extending over a period of ten years. The approximate amount of each such instalment will be £1,994 11s. 9d.
To provide the sum necessary for such instalments, it is proposed to levy a local loan rate of one and three-tenths penny (i /3-l0tl\s d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable land within that portion of A. Riding described in the subjoined Schedule, and eight-tenths of a penny (8-10ths d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in the remainder of the Hiding, the extra impost on the lands described in the Schedule being to cover the instalments of so much of the principal (£4,000) of the loan as it is proposed to expend on the formation of the deviations of the Barren joey-road. The total unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in the area described in the Schedule is £267,842, in the remainder of the Riding, £737,320, the total for the whole Riding being £1,005,162.
Plans, specifications and reports giving details of the proposal, may be inspected at the Shire Hall, Brookvale, at any time during office hours.
Within one month of the publication of this notice any number not less than 25 percent, of the ratepayers of A. Riding may petition the Council to take a poll of ratepayers either as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan or as to whether the loan rate shall fee on the unimproved capital value or the improved capital value, or on both questions. The number of ratepayers enrolled for A. Riding is 3,627.
All that land bounded on the north by the entrance to Broken Bay, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the west by Pittwater Bay, and on the south by the southern boundaries of Village Reserve 18,805, parish portion 21, block VI of the southern division of Pittwater Estate, and parish portion 33.
Shire. Hall, Brookvale, Shire Clerk.
18th August, 1925. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1925, August 21). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3710. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223015768
Proposed Special Loan of £32,000.
NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the Warringah Shire Council to apply for authority, under section 180, Local Government Act, 1919, to borrow the amount of £32,000 for the purpose of constructing the undermentioned roads, and carry out the undermentioned work, within A Riding of the Shire, and for purposes incidental thereto: —
1. Barrenjoey-road, from Neptune-street, Newport to Beach-road, Palm Beach 21,100
2. Warriewood-road, from Pittwater-road to Vineyard-street — . 1,700
3. Powderworks-road (a) from Pittwater road to the E end of Kobado-road; (b) Kobado-road for its entire length, and (c) Powderworks-road from the W end of Kobado-road to the junction with, the Gordon-Mona Vale road '. 4.000
4. Gladstone-street, Newport 1,000
5. Drainage of Black Swamp, Mona Vale 1,900
6. Resumptions, surreys and contingencies 2,300
(Included in the estimate of £21,100 for Barrenjoey-road is a sum of £4.000 for the formation, only, of proposed deviations of that road, which itsm is taken into consideration in fixing the differential rate referred to hereunder.)
The interest payable on such loan shall not exceed six sand a half (6\) per cent, per annum, and it is proposed to arrange the loan on terms which shall provide for the repayment of principal and the payment of interest, combined, in equal half-yearly instalments extending over a period of ten years. The approximate amount of each such instalment will be £2,200 18s. 6d.
To provide the sum necessary for such instalments it is proposed to levy a local'loan rate of one and four-tenths penny (1 4/10ths d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable land within that portion of A Riding described in the subjoined Schedule, and nine-tenths of a penny (9/lOths. d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in the remainder of the Riding, the extra impost on the lands described in the Schedule being to cover the instalments of so much of the principal (£4,000) of the loan as it is proposed to expend on the formation of the deviations of the Barrenjoey-road. Should these rates not provide sufficient for the purpose, the balance will be paid from the General Fund of the Council. The total unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in the area described in the Schedule is .£207,842, in the remainder of the Riding, £737,320, the total for the whole Riding being £1,005,162.
Plans, specifications and reports giving details of the proposal, may be inspected at the Shire Hall, Brookvale, at any time during office hours.
Within one month of the publication of this notice, any number not less than 25 per cent, of the ratepayers of A Riding may petition the Council to take a poll of ratepayers, either as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan, or as to whether the loan rate shall be on the unimproved capital value or the improved capital value, or on both questions. The number of ratepayers enrolled for A Riding is 3,892.
All that land bounded on the north by the entrance to Broken Bay, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the west by Pittwater Bay, and on the south by the southern boundaries of Village Reserve 18,805, parish portion 21, block VI of the southern division of Pittwater Estate, and parish portion 31.
Shire Hall, Brookvale, Shire Clerk.
25th September, 1925.
1263 £4 4s. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1925, October 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4246. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220255392
Oceanside - Barrenjoey Land Company Portfolio sold to palm beach lands
AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 92b Pitt street, Sydney, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the following Resolution was duly passed, and at a 'subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duly convened and held at the same place', on Monday, the seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the same Resolution was duly confirmed, as a Special Resolution, viz.: —
That as a result of the recent disposal of substantially the whole of the Company's land, it is advisable to wind-up the Company and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily; and at such last-mentioned Meeting the following Extraordinary Resolutions were passed: —
1. That George Mason Allard, John Malbon Ralston, Ernest Ebenezer Way, and Harry Wolstenholme, be appointed Liquidators for the purpose of such winding-up.
2. That their salary be fixed at one hundred and eighty pounds among them for the first year.
3. That, as regards Mr. J. M. Ralston, he shall be entitled, in addition to his remuneration as a Liquidator, to be paid all usual Solicitor's Profit Costs and Disbursements in connection with any legal work which he may be instructed to do by the Liquidators in his capacity as solicitor.
Dated at Sydney, this 17th day of July, 1924.
Witness,—E. E. G. de Gyulay. £1 12s.
IN THE MATTER OF THE BARRENJOEY COMPANY, LIMITED. (1924, July 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3572. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222025488
The Council Meeting of May 26th, 1924 presents some confusion as most of the land held by the Barrenjoey Company had since been transferred to the Palm Beach Lands co. - Mr. Ralston's son ended up clearing all this up, but this shows that the Golf Course subdivisions left a few problems in regard to the accessway shown on the lithograph above:
Councillor Rayner raised the question as to whether, certain reserves at Palm Beach, promised by the Barrenioey Company had actually been dedicated to the Council, and it its resolved, - (Crs. Campbell and Rayner) That the Shire Solicitors be asked to make sure whether Lot 92 has actually been transferred as arranged, also the adjacent right- of-way between lots 83 and 84 running from Ocean Road to Florida Road, also the reserve between Ocean Road and Florida Road adjoining Lots 88 and 89 between them and Lot 177 and that if these have not been dedicated, they lodge a caveat against any dealings with the land. t. Resolved, - (Cra. Rayner, Hewitt) That the Barrenioey Co. do be written to pointing out that it has always been understood to have been, the Company's intention to dedicate Lot. 84 as a public reserve, that they kindly have the matter completed. Resolved, - (Crs. Hitchcock, 0esbe1l) That the Works Committee when next down at Palm Beach look into the matter of the Golf footway leading from the dead-end Of North View Road, 'Golf Links Estate, having been constructed on private lands instead, of the surveyed pathway, and also look into any other matters that may crop up in the meantime, and the Representatives of the Riding be invited to be present.
Notice of General Meeting.
NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 141 of the Companies Act, 1899, that a General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Company will be held at the registered office, 92b Pitt-street, Sydney, on Tuesday, the 14th day of May, 1929, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidators; and also determining by Extraordinary Resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company and the Liquidators thereof shall be disposed of.
Dated the tenth day of April, 1929.
H. WOLSTENHOLME, E. E. WAY, J. M. RALSTON, ) Liquidators. 3281 £1 2s. THE BARRENJOEY COMPANY LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION). (1929, April 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1670. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223026442
First directors:
Palm Beach Lands, Ltd., has effected registration with an authorised capital of £15,000, In £1 shares. To traffic in land, house, and other property is the aim of the new company. First directors: R. R. M'Kay, E. B. Harkness, and A. M. K. Scott. COMPANY NEWS. (1924, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16177971
In fact R T McKay was Chairman of this new company, not R R McKay. This new group enlisted the expertise of Willmore and Randell, who were looking after Avalon Beach subdivisions by then. Their take on selling block of land at Palm Beach was to focus on the company new owners would be among, not the permanent residents.
It is during this new phase of land sales at Palm Beach the names of those who had commenced the land sales, or owned the new company, or their family members, start appearing as the names of the streets, as well as such imaginative titles as 'Rock Bath Road' above the Palm Beach Rock Bath, and later 'Ocean Place' and even 'Livistonia Lane':
From Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
36. E. Kenny, 7/5/25, (received 18/6/25 )submitting plan of Palm Beach Est. showing (a.) roads intended to be made as the subdivision goes on and (b) proposed restrictions for park purposes Resolved, (Crs Campbell, mcKillop) He be informed the lay-out generally is acceptable to the Council, but that-he has not furnished particulars of grades of the roads and that it is necessary he should do so before definite approval can be given.
October 6th, 1925:
E. Kenny. 22/9/25. submitting, for approval, plan of Subdivision of Palm Beach Estate Received.
19th of October, 1925
(Crs; Hewitt, Hitchcock) That with regard to the proposed notices to be erected on Palm Grove Reserve, Palm Beach, the Notice suggested by the Clerk be approved, and a letter be sent to Mr. Hordern thanking him for his offers, as contained in the Works' Committee's report. Resolved, — (Cre, Hitchcock, Hewitt) That a notice be erected at the end of Ocean Road, near the rockbath prohibiting the parking of cars on the road.
Palm Beach circa 1926-30, from collection of and courtesy John Cowper - probably the back view of Sir Dudley De Chair
THE GOVERNOR AND FAMILY AT PALM BEACH. The Governor (Sir Dudley de Chair) has been spending a few days at the Palm Beach (N.S.W.) home of Mr. Alfred Hordern, which was placed at his disposal. The Governor is standing on the left facing Lady de Chair and Miss Elaine de Chair and her brother, Lieutenant Graham de Chair, A.D.C. THE GOVERNOR AND FAMILY AT PALM BEACH. (1930, March 5). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article160633195
With the rocky headland of Barrenjoey standing guard at the northern extremity, the broad bosom of the Pacific swelling lazily on the right, and the beautiful waters of Broken Bay, on the left, lies Palm Beach, one of the wonder seaside resorts on the New South Wales coast. From the heights of Palm Beach incomparable landscape and seascape views are to be obtained. In Broken Bay the many inlets and small islands make a moat charming picture, while the 'Basin' is most popular with yachtsmen. Then there is Careel Bay and Pittwater, affording excellent swimming, boating and fishing facilities, while at Palm Beach itself there is a splendid surfing beach fringed with golden sand. Also, from the heights on Pacific-road, the township of Hawkesbury and Ocean Beach, Woy Woy, are discernible, while Lion Island adds a picturesque touch to the already lavish picture that Nature has painted.
Willmore and Randell, real estate specialists, are offering a limited number of home sites for sale at Palm Beach, and they should appeal to the city business man who is seeking a block of laud in a marine suburb not too close to the city. It must be remembered that Palm Beach is the last of the ocean beaches within reasonable distance of Sydney, and the completion of the North Shore Bridge will result in quicker transit to that popular resort. These home sites front Florida-road, Pacific-road and Palm Beach-road, and are commodious in size and practically all commanding wonderful views. The selling agents arrange motor inspections by Appointment only, and cars leave their office,. 10 Castlereagh-street, daily. To anyone desiring further particulars Willmore and Randell will forward an illustrated booklet upon application.
As an indication of the exclusiveness of the locality, the following list of residents can be cited: Lady Maitland, A. T. Hordern. Esq., Dr. Gordon Craig, Dr. Goodsell. D. B. Wiltshire, Esq.. Dr. Thring, W. H. Rayner. Esq., G: Mason Allard, Esq.. W. Lipscombe, Esq., Dr. Blaxland, W. Chorley, Esq., W. Lewis, Esq., C. P. Curlewis. Esq.. T. Peters. Esq., Dr. Bullmore, Dr. Brown, C. R. Crossman, Esq., E. Gray. Esq., E. R. Moser, Esq., Dr. Brown Craig. PALM BEACH (1925, October 4). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128163200
On these subdivision plans and lithograph they even filled in who live where and also shows the hundreds of pounds now being paid per block:
Palm Beach land sales (Willmore and Randell) 1926-27 Palm Beach Estate: Rock Bath Rd, Ocean Rd, Northview Rd, Sunrise Rd, Palm Beach Rd, Barrenjoey Rd, Waratah Rd, Ralston Rd, Mckay Rd. Item: c052700007, courtesy State Library of NSW - sections from:

Palm Beach Estate - Florida Rd, Rock Bath Rd, Scott Rd, Pacific Rd, Bynya Rd, January 25th, 1930, Palm Beach subdivision plans, Item c052700026, courtesy State Library of NSW
An attractive sale at Palm Beach is listed for tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 p.m., on the ground, by Richardson and Wrench. The ground is situated immediately above the rock bath, and faces the reserve between Scott-road and the ocean. A number of frontages on the opposite side of Scott-road will also be offered. Lots average about 60 feet frontage, with medium depths. Title is Torrens, and terms are available. PALM BEACH (1930, January 24). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article119018331
The 1930s were a time of scarcity for many Australians and the road into the Lighthouse Reserve was being used more for parking tents on than for motoring around on roads - people could house themselves if made homeless by being unable to pay rent through the Depression and could catch fish to feed hungry mouths.
The lone, narrow strip of seashore which separates Palm Beach from Whale Beach will be offered for sale by auction to-morrow by Messrs. Richardson and Wrench. This is part of Palm Beach Estate, and Is separated from the ocean only by a public recreation reserve. The subdivision has been planned to make 58 allotments. Almost every allotment has an easterly aspect, for the section extends from near the rock bath at Palm Beach to near the beginning of Whale Beach, along the road which links the two. The rear lots are higher on the hillside and therefore do not sacrifice any of the view. Terms of sale will be 10 per cent. deposit and the' balance in five years. SEASIDE LOTS (1930, January 24). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article226029525
Palm Beach Estate - Ocean Rd, Northview Rd, Sunrise Rd, Florida Road, Boanbong, Cynthea, Ralston. Item: c052700015, courtesy State Library of NSW
Council had access to funds to works such as building rock pools from the state government and undertook improvements themselves via loans:
Special Loan, £21,000—"A'' Riding.
WARRING AH Shire Council hereby gives notice, in accordance with the provisions of Local Government Act, 1919, that:—
1. The Council proposes to raise a Special Loan of twenty-one thousand founds (£21,000) for the purpose of carrying but in Biding "A" of the Shire certain public works, the acquisition of certain lands for public recreation purposes, and the acquisition of certain lands for road purposes; and for the purpose of paying expenses incidental to the carrying out of such works and acquisitions.
2. The Council proposes to expend the loan money as follows, but reserves the right to utilise the surplus or saving on any one item in paying the excess cost of any other:—
(a) In Palm Beach-Whale Beach District: £
Public Reserve oil shore of Pittwater, Palm Beach — Filling, levelling, and construction of retaining wall 1,000
Ocean Beach Reserve, Palm Beach—Making parking area and constructing pipe-line in southern portion 250
Governor Phillip Park — Erection of public lavatories 500
New Wharf—Construction of, at Palm Beach, Pittwater side 500
Improvements to roads, viz.—Florida-road, £1,000; Pacific-road, £405; Palm Beach road, £500; road from Barrenjoey-road to Whale Beach, £500; road from Whale Beach to Palm Beach, £500 2,905
(b) In Avalon-Bilgola-Clareville District:
Public rock-bath at Avalon Beach—Enlargement of 250
Avalon Flat Drainage—Construction of concrete culverts 700 Avalon Beach Reserve, Extension, etc.—
Acquisition of lot 26, Pittwater Estate, with exception of small portion at south western corner 2,750
Bilgola Beach Reserve—Construction of retaining wall 100
Improvements to roads, viz.—Central-road, £600; George-street, £300 900
(c) In Newport District:
Newport Ocean Beach Reserve — Levelling sand, and top-dressing, on northern portion 700
Newport Recreation and Sports Ground— Fencing and other improvements BOO
Queen's-parade drainage % 300 Improvements to roads, viz.—Ocean-avenue,
£400; Foam Crest avenue, £220; Myola-road, £270; Bungan Head road, £400; Beaconsfield-street, £200; Karloo-parade, £200; Robertson-road, £150; Bardo-road, £300; King-street* £150; Queen's-parade and Stuart-street, £250 2,540
(d) In Mona Vale-Warriewood District:
Mona Vale Park—Culvert across park from Park-street to Newport-road 200
Drainage works, Bassett-street, at eastern end 600
Footpath formation—Gravelling footpath on Pittwater-rond, Mona Vale 100
Improvements to roads, viz. — Darley-street, £400; Bassett-street, £220; Noble-street, £100; Bungan-street, £320, Allen-street, £160; Rickard-avenue, £100; Mona-street and Waterview-street, £250; Vineyatd-street, £150; Seaview-street, £126, Hillcrest-avenue, £200 : 1,826
(e) At Bay View—Church Point:
Bay View Park Construction of pavilion and boat-shed 750
Church Point-—Reclamation and parking area near public wharf 200
(f) In North Narrabeen District:
Lake Park Extension, and new road—Acquisition of land for enlargement of Lake Park and for new road connecting Narrabeen Park parade and Collins-street ... 1,075
Improvements to roads, viz. — Kobado and Elanora Estate roads, £750; Powderworks-road, £200; Deep Creek road, £200;- Warraba-road, £120; Garden-street, £200; Taiyul-road, £200; Collins avenue and Walsh-street, £250 1,920 (g) Incidental and contingent expenses 634
Total £21,000
3. The Council proposes to carry out most of the abovementioned works under the Government's Emergency Relief Scheme. The proposed allocations to those works as set out above, are consequently allocations of loan money only and do not include the wages of the relief workers payable from grants receivable from the Government.
4. Plans and full details of the works to be carried out and of the lands to be acquired by means of the loan money may be inspected at tlie Council's office during the ordinary office hours.
5. The rate of interest on the loan will not exceed four per centum (4%) per annum, and the loan will be issued at par.
6. It is proposed to repay the loan over a period of twelve (12) years by 24 equal half-yearly instalments of principal and interest combined. The amount of each such instalment will be £1,110 os. 10d., or thereabouts.
7. For the purpose of repaying the loan and paying the interest on the loan the Council proposes to levy a rate of two-fifths of a penny (2/5d.) in the £ on the unimproved capital value of all ratable lands in the "A'' Biding of the Shire. (Total u.c.v., £1,326,723.) Should the proposed rate not provide sufficient for the purpose the deficiency will be paid from the General Fund of the Shire and charged to "A" Hiding's portion of that fund. (Nom—The loans of £28,200 and £3,500 raised ten years ago or thereabouts for the carrying out of public works in "A" Biding will be entirely repaid this year, and the present loan rate of 4/5d. in the £ levied in respect of them will not be levied after this year, but will be replaced by the proposed rate of 2/5d.).
8. Within one month of the date of the publication of this notice any number not less than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the ratepayers enrolled for "A" Riding may petition the Council to take a poll of the ratepayers, either as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan or as to whether the loan rate shall be on the unimproved capital value or improved capital value, or on both questions. The number of ratepayers on the Roll of Electors for "A"' Riding is 5,421.
A. H. HUGHES, President. R. G. Jamieson, Shire Clerk.
Shire Hall, Brookvale, 20th July, 1936. 358 £7 10s. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1936, July 24). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3236. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223038435
Council also had to, at times, be prepared to step in and finish proposed roads:
This was followed by World War II when scarcity of supplies for just about everything led to rationing, stone metal for tarring or improving roads and this would include building supplies, everything was put into the war effort and those who seemed to be doing the wrong thing, as in this case brought forward by serial Palm Beach 'class' haters Smiths Weekly regarding Mr. Orlando (Romanos) daughters home in their December 22nd 1944 issue - Mr. Romano bought land on Florida road:
Post War scarcity was a problem too - people stayed camping at Palm Beach and those newlyweds, setting out to buy their own block of paradise would still have problems with materials for years, so tents were raised on these suburban lots and garages took the place of cottages and houses for a while. Still, pennies and pounds were invested in land and roads to get to these plots were needed and the council also stepped up to improve the area:
SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—The Council of the Shire of Warringah hereby notifies, in pursuance of section 180 of the Local Government Act, 1919, that:—
(1) The Council proposes to raise a special loan of twenty-fire thousand pounds (£25,000) for the following purposes in connection with parks and reserves of the Shire, viz.:—
Palm Beach—Improvements along ocean front and provision of parking area, £3,500; Whale Beach—Resumption of land along ocean foreshore, £2,000; Newport Sports Ground—Finalising of resumptions and draining and levelling. £4.000; Lake Park—Resumption of land and road work, £5,000; Narrabeen Lake—Resumption of land at lake front, Narrabeen terminus, £1,000; Narrabeen Peninsula— Resumption of land south of Malcolm-street, £1,000; Collaroy Beach—Estimated contribution towards cost of resumption of land by Lands Department, £700; Collaroy—Resumption of land and improvements to reserve above rock baths, £1,300; Griffith Park South—Provision of parking and picnic area, £1,000; Deewhy Oval—Completion of raising, levelling and draining, £1,000; Deewhy Rock Baths—Improvements, £1.800; North Curl Curl—Replacement of rock baths, £1,200; Pickering Point, Seaforth—Resumption of land, £400; Warringah-Manly Memorial Park—Improvements, £1,100; total £25,000.
(2) The rate of interest on the proposed loan will not exceed 3 ½ per cent, per annum, and the securities will be issued at par.
(3) It is proposed to repay the loan over a period of twenty years by forty (40) equal half-yearly instalments of principal and interest combined, each amounting to £874 6s.
(4) The Council does not propose to levy a loan rate for the purpose of providing for the payment of the abovementioned instalments. It is intended that the instalments shall be paid from income received from parks and reserves.
(5) Further particulars of the loan proposal may be obtained at the Council's office during ordinary office hours.
(6) A period of one month from the date of the publication of this notice is allowed in which any number, not less than 25 per cent., of the ratepayers may petition the Council to take a poll of ratepayers on the question as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan. The number of ratepayers on the roll is 21,344.
W. U. GORS, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale, 11th December, 1947. 2—£1 19s. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—The Council of the Shire of Warringah hereby notifies, in pursuance of section 180 of the (1948, January 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225373818
WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL—Special Loan of £16,500.
—The Council of the Shire of Warringah hereby notifies in pursuance of section 380 of the Local Government Act, 1919, that:—
(1) The Council proposes to raise a special loan of sixteen thousand live hundred pounds (£16,500) for the following purposes in connection with parks and reserves in the Shire:—
Palm Beach—Retaining wall and additional parking space 3,500
Lake Park—Levelling 1,500
Narrabeen Lake—Dredging and reclamation 2,500
Narrabeen Rock Baths—Widening and extending road to baths 850
Collaroy Beach—Resumptions 700
Griffith Park South—Picnic Area 1,000
Dee Why Oval—Improvements 1.000
Dee Why Rock Baths—Improvements 3.800
North Curl Curl Rock Baths—Replacement 1,500
Warringah Memorial Park—Improvements 1,100
Ocean-street, Narrabeen—Purchase of part of foreshores 520
Gurney-crescent—Purchase of lot 88 for park purposes 350
Legal costs and expenses 180
Total £16,500
(2) The rate of interest on the proposed loan will not exceed 3 ½ per centum per annum, and the securities will be issued at par.
(3) It is proposed to repay the loan over a period of twenty years by forty equal half-yearly instalments of principal and interest combined, each not to exceed £577 0s. 9d.
(4) The Council does not propose to levy a loan rate for the purpose of providing for the abovementioned instalments. It is intended thai the instalments will be paid from income received from parks and reserves.
(5) Further particulars of the loan may be received at the Council's office during ordinary office hours.
(6) A period of one month from the date of the publication of this notice is allowed in which any number of ratepayers, not less than 25r/c, may petition the Council to take a poll of ratepayers on the question as to whether the ratepayers approve of the loan. The number of ratepayers on the roll is 21,130.
W. U. GORS, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale, 29th April, 1949. WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—SPECIAL LOAN OF £16,500. (1949, May 6). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1338. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224789421
Advertising (1952, February 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 28. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27531064
Palm Beach Street Names
Barrenjoey Road: named for the headland and being the 'road to Barrenjoey'.
Beach Road: leads to the beach.
Boanbong Road: The Poinsettia Gardens of Boanbong, Palm Beach - THE gardens of Boanbong, the Palm Beach home of Mr. R. T. McKay, were open to the public on Saturday in sweet charity's cause. "The Old Gardener," whose articles are a regular feature of The Australian Women's Weekly, speaks enthusiastically on the picturesque setting of this beautiful home, situated within a stone's throw of the beach. In the glorious sunshine of Saturday, the concerted blaze of something like ten thousand poinsettias was a never-to-be-forgotten sight, he says, and Mr. McKay is to be commended on his choice and foresight, and general planning of the spacious grounds. Not even Brazil, their native home, or Queensland, which has adopted the poinsettia as its national flower, could produce a finer display. The Poinsettia Gardens of Boanbong, Palm Beach. (1934, June 30). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 4 Section: THE AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY HOME MAKER. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article46465722
Cynthea Road: originally spelled 'Cynthia'. Cynthia was the only daughter and youngest child of Edward and Vera Harkness, born in 1913. E B Harkness was one of the shareholders of the Palm Beach Lands. Co.
Ebor Road: Ebor is a village on Waterfall Way on the Northern Tablelands in New South Wales, Australia. It is situated about 80 km east of Armidale and about a third of the way between Armidale and the coast.
Names of Roads.NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has, in accordance with the provisions of section 249 (a), Local Government Act, 1919, and of Ordinance No. 30 thereunder, and with the approval of the Minister for Works and Local Government, given the undermentioned names to the roads described* hereunder:—
Situation, Old Name and New Name.
At Careel Bay, Pittwater, parish of Narrabeen—Bayview-road—Cabarita-road.
In Ocean Beach Estate, Avalon (deposited plan No. 9,151), parish of Narrabeen — Seaview-avenue— Elouera-road.
Connecting Ralston-road and Pacific-road, Palm Beach, as shown on deposited plan No. 13,780—Unnamed— Ebor-road.
In Brocks' Estate, Mona Vale, deposited plan 6,195— Rickard-road—Orana-road.
In *Warriewood Estate, Warriewood (deposited plan 5,464), parish of Narrabeen—Sea view-street—Elimatta-road.
At Mona Vale, running easterly from Barrenjoey-road (Newport-road) to the Pacific Ocean—Allen-street— —Golf-avenue.
At Deewhy West, running north-easterly and northerly from the junction of Fisher-road and Lynwood-avenue along the western boundaries of portions 647, 646, 1,290, 643, 642 and 641, parish Manly Cove —Unnamed—Campbell-avenue.
At Manly Vale, parish Manly Cove, running easterly from Condamine-street to Stuart-road—Dalley-street —Koorala-street.
At South Curl Curl, parish Manly Cove, in Foamcrest Estate (deposited plan 6,260)—The Sands—Stewart avenue.
At South Curl Curl, parish Manly Cove, in Foamcrest Estate (deposited plan 6,260)—-The Waves—Travers-road.
At Manly Vale, parish Manly Cove—Osborne-road— Campbell-parade.
At Belrose, running westerly from Secondary Road No. (2,023, westerly along the southern boundaries of : portions 1,667, 1,670, parish Manly Cove—Unnamed —Everton-road.
R. G. JAMIESON, Shire Clerk.
Shire Hall, Brookvale, 26th June, 1939. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1939, June 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3373. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225078398
Etival Street:
Florida Road: one of the first roads in Palm Beach, named to associate the place with the famed Florida in the USA. Accessways were dedicated to council as reserves, in excange for, according to Minutes of Meetings, some modifications to the beachfront:
15. Barrenjoey Co. Ltd.17/9/21, requesting Council to accept dedication of way of access from Florida Road to Ocean Road. Beach Reserves. Palm Beach : Resolved - (arc. Quirk, Hitchcock) That the Council accept dedication, with a recommendation that the width be 66 ft.
The Barrenjoey Company, Limited, 29/ 11/1921, further re proposed way-of access from Florida Road to Ocean Road, Palm Beach, and agreeing to widen same to 66 ft..if Council put some filling in on Ocean Road, near Wolstenholme's: Engineer to furnish an estimate of the cost of such work. - H.E C.Robinson,26/11./1921, offering up-to-date survey map of the world for 25/ - that it be procured.
Iluka Road: 'near the sea'. Iluka is a small village at the mouth of the Clarence River in New South Wales, Australia. It is situated directly across the river from the resort town of Yamba. The town's name is derived from an aboriginal word meaning "near the sea".
Livistona Lane SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Naming of Roads.—Ordinance
30, Clause 53, Local Government Act.—Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned roads have been renamed in accordance with section 249 (a) of the Local Government Act:—
Past Name or Location and New Name. 1. Roskull-avenue, Forestville—Elizabeth-avenue.
2. Avalon-parade, west of its intersection with Central-road and Beach-parade, Clareville—Hudson-parade.
3. Main Road No. 529, sometimes known as Pymble-road— Forest Way.
4. Lane running south off Palm Beach road, Palm Beach, at the rear of properties fronting Pacific-road and Florida road, d.p. 18,074—Livistona-lane.
5. Unnamed road leading north from Mona Vale road past portions 208, 207, 206, 205 and 201, parish of Narrabeen— Chiltern-road.
6. Road leading south from the junction of Haig-street and Pringle-avenue, Belrose, to south of Blackbutts-road, known from this junction to Glen-street as Haigh-avenue—Pringle-avenue.
7. Road leading from Warringah-road to Tristram-road, Beacon Hill, just east of Oxford Falls road— Daines-parade.
8. Road curving between Myoora-road and Booralie-road,! Terrey Hills—Bindook-crescent.
9. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running west" from Thuddungra-road, Terrey Hills,' between lots or portions J.H. 318, F. and K.L.M. 319, N.O.—-Namba-road.
10. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running west from Thuddungra-road, Terrey Hills, between lots or portions P./U. and P.P.; U.W., A.A. and H.H.—Wyong-road.
13. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running south-west from proposed Wyong-road along western boundaries of lots P.P., Q.Q., R.R., S.S. and T.T.—Anembo-road.
12. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running south-west from proposed Wyong-road, between lots H.H., J.J., and A.A., B.B. and C.C.—Bibbenluke-avenue.
13. Unnamed road running west and north-west from Powderworks-road along part of northern boundary of portion 80, and through portion 83, parish of Narrabeen—Wilson-avenue.
J. MORGAN, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale. 16th June, 1955. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—NAMING OF ROADS.—Ordinance (1955, June 24). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1777. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220302395
Mckay Road: named for Palm Beach Lands Company shareholder Robert Thomas McKay - details about him under Extras.
Mitchell Road: may be named for a person or the Mitchell river - most likely named for Gerald Mitchell, Palm Beach Lands shareholder.
Nabilla Road: from and Aboriginal word meaning Nabilla; 'Water'.The name Nabila is also a girl's name of Arabic origin meaning "honorable, noble". Pretty and feminine Muslim name popular in Egypt. The name Nabilla is also of Indonesian origin and means "Gift of god".
Northview Road: it's a towards north view you will have from this road - towards Barrenjoey Headland in particular.
Ocean Place: SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Naming of Roads.—Ordinance 30, Clause 53, Local Government Act.—Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned roads have been renamed in accordance with section 2.49 (a) of the Local Government Act:—
"Past Name or Location and New Name.
1. Unnamed lane between Florida-road and Ocean-road, Palm Beach, along the southern boundaries of lots 98 and 75, d.p. 6,746—Ocean-place.
2. That part of Consul-road, Brookvale, running from Warringah-road to approximately the southern boundary of d.p. 12,200—Consul-road North.
3. Unnamed road from the northern end of Lyly-street to Orara-road, North Manly—Malinya-road.
J. MORGAN, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale, 5th January, 1956 SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—NAMING OF ROADS.—Ordinance (1956, January 13). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 87. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220320277
Ocean Road: this runs beside the ocean
Pacific Road: this faces the pacific - it should be noted that this was extended through the years from that seen in earlier photos:
Under Clause 53, Local Government Act.—Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned roads have been renamed in accordance with section 249 (a) of the Local Government Act:—
Past Name or Location—New Name,
That part of Ralston-road, Palm Beach between Palm Beach road and Pacific-road—Pacific-road.
2. That section of Woodbine-street, North Balgowah, north of where it turns northward at a right-angle approximately opposite Nimbin-street—Bardoo-avenue.
J, MORGAN, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale, 11th October, 1957. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—NAMING OF ROADS.—ordinance (1957, October 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3326. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220358374
Palm Beach Road: this runs over the hill from Barrenjoey to... Palm Beach.
Ralston Road: named for Mr. Ralston - originator of the Barranjoey Land Company. Worth noting is Alexander Ralston, President Warringah Shire Council, 1912 and one of the original councillors when the council was formed from 1906/ first voted for term 1907.
The death took place recently of a well-known resident of Bexley in the nineties, Mr. Alexander Ralston, aged 85 years. Then an ambitious, energetic, and affable young Scot, Alick Ralston conducted a dairy in the paddocks near the junction of Wollongong and Forest Roads, then surrounded by huge gum trees, but now the site of hundreds of bungalow homes. Besides milking cows and delivering milk he found time to be an energetic member of the Bexley Presbyterian Church. After leaving Bexley the late Mr. Ralston went to reside on the northern side of Sydney Harbour, and later became President of Warringah Shire and a member of the Ryde Bowling Club. He is survived by his wife and family. OLD RESIDENT'S DEATH. (1946, November 21). The Propeller (Hurstville, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article235351448
RALSTON -November 13 at hospital Ashfield Alexander loved husband ot Jessie and father of Alex, Annie, Graham, Alan R, Gilbert, Jessie and Jean in his 85th year. Native of Kilsyth, Scotland late or Bexley and Manly Ex councillor and president of Warrlngah Shire At rest
RALSTON -November 13 1946 Alexander much loved brother or Ann (Mrs A McDonald Meadowbank) and Agnes (Mrs G Wannan Dulwich Hill). Family Notices (1946, November 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18002663
Rock Bath Road: leads to the rock bath at south end of Palm Beach. The section that was briefly named Scott road was most likely named for A. M. K. Scott, one of the original shareholders of the Palm Beach Land co. The Whale Beach end of Whale Beach road was proceeded with in 1919. From Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings:
Barrenjoey Co., 22/8/19, submitting proposal for the construction of Whale beach Road, Palm Beach. Resolved, - That the Company be allowed to carry out the work, subject to the Engineer's supervision. (See Works Committee's Minutes)
Snapperman Lane: leads to Snapperman beach - may be associated with fishing for snapper and stem back to Chinese fishermen who used to dry fish on this beach.
Sunrise Road: from here you see the sun rise.
Thyra Road: Thyra, New South Wales is a parish and suburb in Cadell County, Southern New South Wales Australia. It is located 15 km north of Echuca, Victoria
Waratah Road: In A Bunch Of Wildflowers: Historical Spring September Songs (2018) may be read how many wonderful local wildflowers once covered the hills of Palm Beach, similar to those still found in Kuringgai Chase National Park, opposite.

Whale Beach Road: named for the beach and because the road ran to Whale Beach - note above the section near Rock Bath Road was originally called 'Scott Road'.
Woorak Road: Woorak is a rural locality in north-west Victoria, 13 km from hill on the road which runs north-east to Jeparit. The area has also been known as Ni Ni and Lambing Hut. ‘Woorak’, it is thought, is derived from an Aboriginal word meaning 'plain country or mouth'.

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach and Pittwater, New South Wales Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162483141 - NLA: no number but Written in left hand side lower is 'Palm Beach No 4 Pittwater'- shows Palm Beach Beach Road (over hill to beach) view over Gows/Gonsalves and down towards Barrenjoey House pre larger building and when was just a Tea Rooms run by the Verrills opposite Snapperman beach. Shows SS Charlotte times on shed and 'Palm Beach Ferry' (flag) on launch at Gows Jetty/Palm Beach Lands wharf
Advertising (1915, February 26). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 8 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229318883

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 14 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162567120

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 3 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162481896 - has 'No 1a Palm Beach - Looking North' in left hand lower corner.

Misnamed one – is named 'Whale Beach' and actually Palm Beach
EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Whale Beach, New South Wales Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162483691 - view from further back along Sunrise road back towards beach road with Pacific road going up the hill – says ‘Palm Beach No.: 5’ at left hand base of pano. Part of those commissioned by Barrenjoey Land Company - possibly taken around same time those for Whale Beach panoramas and subdivision pamphlets were taken. Palm Beach Land Company cottage sold to Robson Scott on corner of Palm Beach Road and Pacific road opposite what would become stone Maitland home. Peters home still not present on beach, only Chorleys, so certainly circa 1917, possibly 1915-16.

Above- the photo from this 1921 news item.
A MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THE HAWKESBURY ENTRANCE, SHOWING PALM BEACH (ON THE RIGHT), BARRENJOEY LIGHT -HOUSE, AND LION ISLAND IN BROKEN BAY. Palm Beach is a favourite rendezvous for motorists, but the road from Newport needs attention. SYDNEY'S WOMEN ROWERS—BEAUTIFUL BROKEN BAY—HISTORIC PORT MACQUARIE. (1921, April 13). Sydney Mail(NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159037391

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 13 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162489097 - Sunrise road showing Lucy Gullet- Moser home and Windyridge (the Gillham home) and overlooking golf course view towards Barrenjoey where the Gonsalves place in Waratah Road can be seen. Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records: C. H. Gillham, Surveyor, 19/9/41, submitting plan of proposed subdivision of Mrs. Gonsalves land, part Lot 13, Do. D.P. 7656, Waratah Road and Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach. Approved, as recommended by Engineer. 30/9/1941: Palm Beach Aircraft Observation Point: An amendment proposed by Cr. Nidiolas, seconded by Cr. Langdale, that the request be sent on to the Minister for Defence for consideration was defeated.
Possibly from Willmore and Randell who were using the firm for images for Avalon Beach subdivisions, although clearly A J Small did as well for Avalon Golf Course subdivisions from 'Will Be' campaign (1922-1924) - Lucy sold her land/holiday home to the Mosers, soon after acquiring in first 1912 land sale, however she did still keep a place in the area - from Warringah Shire Council's Minutes of Meetings:
39/ Dr. Lucy Gullett. 19/3/25, complaining of dust nuisance arising from untarred portion of main road in front of her place at Collaroy : Received.

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 10 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162487058 - second visit/round of images taken (circa 1921-1924)- last address for business in lower right hand side, dressing sheds visible on beach (built 1921).

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 11 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-162487775 - near McKay Reserve view out over the estuary. This may be either Mr. Enemark or his son in this photo. Passenger vessel seen near Longnose Point is The Phoenix. Barrenjoey road out to Palm Beach can be seen at far left of pano with sandy surface, so pre 1926 road upgrades through Warringah Shire Council, circa 1924 and possibly tied in with Willmore and Randell 1925-1928 subdivisions and road builds up around Ralston, Cynthea roads, after extensions of Pacific and council asked to complete them by Palm Beach Lands Company:.

References and Extras
- Trove - National Library of Australia
- Roads In Pittwater: The Barrenjoey Road
- Summer Houses In Pittwater: A Cottage Of 1916 and Palm Beach House - 1916 To 1929
- Pittwater Summer Houses: The Cabin, Palm Beach - The Pink House Of The Craig Family
- Florida House
- Palm Beach Early Stores: Gow and Howlett's
- Captain Carl Gow WWI
- Palm Beach Jetty and Gow's Wharf
- Carl Gow and Frank Gonsalves Boatshed, Palm Beach
- Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Hordern Or Wiltshire Parks To McKay Reserve – From Beach To Estuary
- The Fearless Men Of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews: A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow’s Tom Thumb 'Canoe'
- Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC
- Pittwater Restaurants You Could Stay At Barrenjoey House – Palm Beach
- Bryan Webster - Profile - 'My grandfather was the first permanent resident of Whale Beach – some say 1921, others say 1923, I don’t have the records to ascertain which it is.'
- Careel House - History
- Pittwater Restaurants You Could Stay At Jonah's Road House – Whale Beach
- The First Weekenders On The Palm Beach Beachfront + A Look Into Palm Beach SLSC Clubhouses In The Club's 101st Season
- Pittwater Summer Houses: Kalua, Palm Beach
- Whale Beach Ocean Reserve: 'The Strand' - Some History On Another Great Protected Pittwater Reserve
- How Camping and Campers At Whale Beach Helped The Whale Beach SLSC Save Lives
- THE FIRST APPENDICECTOMY IN AUSTRALIA WAS PERFORMED AT TOOWOOMBA IN THE COLONY OF QUEENSLAND by DR. DRURY CLARKE, K.StJ., ED. Delivered before a meeting of the Royal Historical Society of Queensland on 27 April 1978. Retrieved from: Espace UQ
- Wikipedia contributors. (2017, November 25). Percy Nolan. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Percy_Nolan&oldid=812061998
Also Available:
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Scotland Island
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Newport Beach
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Clareville
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Avalon Beach
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Warriewood
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Elanora Heights, Green Hills and Ingleside
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Mona Vale
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Bungan
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Bilgola
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Coaster's Retreat and The Basin
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Great Mackerel Beach
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Whale Beach
- Roads In Pittwater: The Bay View Road
- Roads In Pittwater - The Barrenjoey Road
- Motor Car Tours To And In Pittwater Show Us The Way This Place Once Was
- Roads To Pittwater: The Wakehurst Parkway Along Old Oxford Falls Track
- Roads To Pittwater: The Pittwater Road
- Roads To Pittwater: The Sandspit Punt and Spit Bridge
- Roads To Pittwater: The Mona Vale Road
- My Holiday by Charles de Boos – 1861

Palm Beach Estate - Whale Beach Subdivision - Bynya Rd, Barrenjoey Road, Morella Rd, Bungalow Rd, February 18th, 1928, Palm Beach Lands Limited, Norma Road still 'proposed' - from Palm Beach subdivision plans. Item No.: c052700001, courtesy State Library of NSW
Set in the contours which curve around to the northern corner of Whale Beach, a new subdivision of Palm Beach Estate will be offered for sale, by auction, next Saturday. '
Messrs. Raine and Home will be the auctioneers, in conjunction with Mr. A. Vernon Allen. Whale Beach is separated from Palm Bench by a broad headland, but Palm Beach Estate links the two beaches, and the road which it is proposed to build around the headland will form a new link and provide a fine marine drive. Bounded on one side by a park and on the other by a reserve, which extends to high water mark on the beach, the new subdivision contains 94 allotments. It extends from the northern end of the beach almost to the store. Allotments have frontages of from 50 to 60 feet, and depths of around 180 feet. The high backbone of hill which' runs along the Barrenjoey peninsula protects the estate from westerly winds, while it faces eastward to the ocean. 'Bus services connect with. Manly, and a constantly improving motor road gives quick access to the city. Terms of sale will be: Ten per cent, deposit and the balance in five years. REAL ESTATE (1928, February 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 16 (LAST RACE EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224217995
GALLAGHER,-. January 17 at a private hospital, Manly, Nancy, aged 2 1/2 years, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher, of Palm Beach. Family Notices (1929, January 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16524694
Tenders Accepted or Received
WARRINGAH. "A" RIDING: Waterview St., Mona Vale, F. cott.— F. Martinu, £1500; Pittwater Rd., Nth. Narrabeen, F. cott. & gar.—L. Hardwick, £2400; Wimbledon Ave., Narrabeen, Addns. — R. G. Clarke, £950; Whale Beach Rd., Whale Beach, Adds. —K. Vaughan, £1500; Oueen's Pde. E., Newport Beach, Addns.—Dr. M. J. Aitken, £300; Alleyne Ave., Nth. Narrabeen. W.B. eott.—F. W. Simpson, £2750; Cynthea Rd., Palm Beach, Bk. cott—W. J. Waterman, £2500; Booralie Rd., Terrey Hills, Bk. Clubhouse — N.S.W. Gun Club, £6000; Weeroona Avenue, Narrabeen, W.B. cott. 6? gar. — T. D. Lyall, £3000; Barrenjoey Road, Mona Vale, W.B. cott.—G. E. Johnson, £3500; Coonanga Rd.. Avalon, F. addns.—J. Smith, £250; Elaine Ave., Avalon, F. cott.— H. C. Schachts, £1600; Bellevardc Pde., Mona Vale, F. cott.—W. Ferguson, £1290; Barrenjoey Rd., Palm Beach, W.B. gar.—G. E. McCarthy, £250; Mona Vale Rd., Mona Vale, St. and W.B. cott. — H. Seymour, £5000; Irrubel Rd., Newport, W.B. cott.—D. W. Brown £1200; Florida Rd., Palm Beach, W.B. cott.—C. M. C. McCormick, £6000; Karloo Parade, Newport, F. cott. — B. W. Healey. £1500; Trevor Road, Newport, B.V. cott.—S. Fischer, £3000. ....Tenders Accepted or Received (1952, September 10). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223549435
Some Of The People Behind The Subdivisions: The Barranjoey Company
When the Barranjoey Land Company was formally registered in June 1911 the first directors were named as Harry Wolstenholme, E T Jones, John Thompson Ralston, James Young, and Herbert Russell Nolan. Many of these partners were either students together at Newington College, the well-known Wesleyan School at Stanmore, or related through marriages.
Warringah Shire Council has decided that the Palm Beach Surf Club's club-house must be pulled down and that any new structure must be erected on a more suitable site. The existing club-house, a plain erection on a public reserve, has been the subject of an offer by Mr. J. A. Hordern, who has expressed his willingness to lend the council £100 for improvements to the reserve, and to assist the club financially towards the erection of a new building.
It has been stated that the members of the surf club did not want to move, and Councillor Corkery said that if they would not go, the club should be disbanded and a paid life-saver put on the beach. It would never do to allow the council to be dictated to by the club, which was on the beach for the purpose of life-saving only. The council will have a meeting with Mr. Hordern and the members of the surf club, to discuss the question of finance. PALM BEACH. (1929, July 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16546792
PALM BEACH CLUB-HOUSE. In a letter to the Editor, the captain of the Palm Beach Surf Saving Club (Mr. Kenneth Hunter) states that there has been no dispute with the Warringah Shire Council. Discussions that have taken place with regard to new premises for the club have been of a most harmonious character. PALM BEACH CLUB-HOUSE. (1929, July 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16568126
PALM BEACH SURF CLUB HUT. The Palm Beach Surf Club's hut is to be removed from its present situation in a valuable public reserve to a more suitable site, near the centre of the beach. The Warringah Shire council will erect the new hut, which will cost £300. PALM BEACH SURF CLUB HUT. (1929, August 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16579961
Despite these reports a schism did develop between the members and the council that led, ultimately, to members raising funds throughout the years from 1929 (when The Depression began) until they could purchase what is today called the 'Cabbage Tree Club' - formerly 'Chorley's' in 1936 - until then they were placed where suited the council and council's fiscal supporter.
SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Naming of Roads.—Ordinance 30, Clause 53, Local Government Act.—Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned roads have been renamed in accord ance with section 249 (a) of the Local Government Act:—
Past Name or Location and New Name. 1. Koskull-avenue, Forestville—Elizabeth-avenue.
2. Avalon-parade, west of its intersection with Central-road and Beach-parade, Clareville—Hudson-parade.
3. Main Road No. 529, sometimes known as Pymble-road— Forest Way.
4. Lane running south off Palm Beach road, Palm Beach, at the rear of properties fronting Pacific-road and Florida road, d.p. 18,074—Livistona-lane.
5. Unnamed road leading north from Mona Vale road past portions 208, 207, 206, 205 and 201, parish of Narrabeen— Chiltern-road.
6. Road leading south from the junction of Haig-street and Pringle-avenue, Belrose, to south of Blackbutts-road, known from this junction to Glen-street as Haigh-avenue—Pringle-avenue.
7. Road leading from Warringah-road to Tristram-road, Beacon Hill, just east of Oxford Falls road—Daines-parade.
8. Road curving between Myoora-road and Booralie-road, Terrey Hills—Bindook-crescent.
9. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running west" from Thuddungra-road, Terrey Hills,' between lots or portions J.H. 318, F. and K.L.M. 319, N.O.—-Namba-road.
10. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running west from Thuddungra-road, Terrey Hills, between lots or portions P./U. and P.P.; U.W., A.A. and H.H.—Wyong-road.
13. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running south-west from proposed Wyong-road along western boundaries of lots P.P., Q.Q., R.R., S.S. and T.T.—Anembo-road.
12. Road recently opened by Lands Department, running south-west from proposed Wyong-road, between lots H.H., J.J., and A.A., B.B. and C.C.—Bibbenluke-avenue.
13. Unnamed road running west and north-west from Powder works-road along part of northern boundary of portion 80, and through poition 83, parish of Narrabeen—Wilson-avenue.
J. MORGAN, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall, Brookvale. 16th June, 1955. 1792—£3. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—NAMING OF ROADS.—Ordinance (1955, June 24). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1777. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article220302395
Subdivisions land holders and original Barrenjoey Land Company shareholders

The marriage of Miss Jean Winter, only daughter of Mr. A. Winter, of Mungindi, to Mr. Walter Rayner, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rayner, of Palm Beach, was celebrated in St. Stephen's Church, Sydney, on Tuesday night last, by the Rev. Hugh Paton.
The bride was frocked in ivory satin, with a peacock skirt which formed the train. Her veil was of Honiton lace, and she carried an armlet of hyacinths, carnations and forget-me-nots. Mrs. J. Jakins was matron of honor, and Miss Ivy Baker was bridesmaid. Both were dressed alike in green chiffon, inlet at the hem with taffeta embroidered in gold thread. They wore bally buntles to match. Mr. John Ralston was best man and Mr. L. Winter was the groomsman. The reception was held in the ball-room at the Ambassadors. When leaving for the honeymoon the bride was wearing a navy and fawn suit and a navy paribuntle. Weddings. (1929, September 23). Moree Gwydir Examiner and General Advertiser (NSW : 1901 - 1940), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article111726001
Harry Wolstenholme was the son of Maybanke (nee Selfe, later Anderson) and Edmund Kay Wolstenholme. He was a barrister and ornithologist, taking members of Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales to visit the shearwater colony on Lion Island in the 1920's.
Harry Wolstenholme (21 June 1868 – 14 October 1930) was born in Maitland, New South Wales, the son of Edmund Kay Wolstenholme, a timber merchant from West Maitland, and Maybanke Susannah Anderson (1845-1927), feminist and educationist. When his parents moved to Marrickville, New South Wales, he became a pupil at Newington College (1881–1885). In 1883, 1884 and 1885 he was awarded the Wigram Allen Scholarship, awarded by Sir George Wigram Allen, sharing it in 1885 with Herbert Curlewis. At the end of 1885 he was named Dux of the College and received the Schofield Scholarship. At the University of Sydney he graduated B.A. in 1890.
HARRY WOLSTENHOLME, who has achieved such conspicuous success at the recent senior examination, is the eldest son of Mrs. Wolstenholme, of Maybanke School, Petersham, and was educated at Newington College. He is 18 years of age, having entered the college in July, 1882. He passed the junior examination in 1888, with five A's. and two B's., and won the silver medal for geometry. He gained the Wigram Allen scholarship at Newington College in 1883 and 1884, and the Schofield scholarship in 1885, in addition to numerous medals and books at the various college examinations. His record in the Senior is probably unprecedented, as ho has passed in 11 subjects, being marked A in all but one, in which he has B. He also takes the medals in Greek, Algebra, trigonometry, chemistry, and French, as well as the John West gold modal, and the University prize of £20 for general proficiency. It is hoped that this brilliant success is the prelude to an equally distinguished University career, and a life of usefulness to the colony of which he is a native. NEWS OF THE DAY. (1886, December 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13622134
Harry Wolstenholme married Edith Lucy Doust (1875-1947) on 8 January 1902 in the Methodist Church, Stanmore. Lucy was the sister of Stanley Doust and was an early female graduate at the University of Sydney and tennis player. Prior to their marriage 'Lawn Tennis' results published in newspapers show they played against each other. The 'Tribute by E.D.' run after Maybanke's death was written by Edith, who had been one of Maybanke's former students.
Doust, Edith Lucy, Mrs. Wolstenholme. English history, A; geography, A: English, A; French; A, Arithmetic, B; geology, A; botany; A. SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. (1890, November 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13799217
Their marriage notice:
WOLSTENHOLME - DOUST.—January 8, 1902, at the Wesleyan Church, Stanmore, by the Rev. E. J. Rodd, assisted by the Rev. J. E. Carruthers, Harry Wolstenlolme, of Sydney, to Edith Lucy, daughter of Isaac Doust, of Wyroolah, Dulwich Hill. Family Notices (1902, February 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14445797
They had two sons and a daughter, Arthur, named for Harry's lost brother, Marjorie and Harry:
WOLSTENHOLME—MACKENZIE.—April 9, at St. Andrew's, Wahroonga, by the Rev. Stephen Taylor, B.A., Arthur Stanley, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolstenholme, of Wahroonga, to Jeannette Murchison, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mackenzie, of Wahroonga. Family Notices (1927, May 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16384296
The Engagement Is announced of Mary, second daughter of the late Bishop Long and Mrs. Long, of Killara, to Harry Doust, younger son of the late Mr Harry Wolstenholme and Mrs Wolstenholme, of Palm Beach. Family Notices (1933, November 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17023397
Harry Senior entered the legal profession and between 1907 and 1910 was in partnership with Henry Davis, the founder of Henry Davis York. Failing health caused his retirement from professional activity. Regular readers of History pages in Pittwater Online News would associated him with Mr. McKay and the Palm Beach Land Company and for being one of the early owners of a beachfront home and weekender at Palm Beach.

The death occurred somewhat suddenly on the 3rd inst. at the local Hospital of Edmund Kay Wolstenholme, a resident of some 25 years standing. For many years he followed various avocations, but being in receipt of a private income he retired some little time back and lived a very quiet life. He was 72 years of age, and a native of Maitland. The remains were interred in the Presbyterian portion of the local cemetery on Thursday morning, the chief mourners being Messrs. E. W. Wolstenholme (orchardist, Bathurst), H. Wolstenholme (barrister, Sydney), sons, and Mr. Young (Sydney) nephew. THE LATE E. K. WOLSTENHOLME. (1915, February 6). Cowra Free Press (NSW : 1911 - 1921), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article99691766
Herbert Russell Nolan was born in 1866 at 'Patricks Plain', an old name for the Singleton area, one of seven sons of the Rev. James Adams Nolan. His father, born at Greencastle in Ireland in 1837, had migrated to Australia and in 1860 entered the Wesleyan Methodist Ministry. The Rev. James' first pastorate was at Newtown in Sydney and in the 44 years that he served the Church he was Minister to no fewer than 14 Parishes or Circuits as they were called, both in New South Wales and Queensland.
'Russell' Nolan's mother, Sara Susan (née Holme), from whose family the Christian name by which he elected to be known was derived, was a leader in Women's Movements and was widely known for her activity in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, of which she was for a number of years President.
After Newtown the Rev. James ministered successively to the circuits of Shoalhaven, Windsor and Singleton, and his son Russell was born in 1867 in the last year of his ministry at Singleton. It was here that he met and married Sara:
NOLAN—HOLME.—On the 15th March, at the Wesleyan Church, Terara, Shoalhaven, by the Rev. J. Watkin, assisted by the Rev. J.G. Turner, Rev. James Adam Nolan, to Sara Susan, youngest daughter of Thomas Holme, Esq., Tarara. Family Notices (1864, March 29). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60581453
It was then the practice of the Church to give its Itinerant Preachers a change of circuit at intervals of three years, so that by the time Russell was 12 years of age the Nolans had lived also at Newcastle, Maitiand, Sydney and Orange.
In 1880 the Rev. James returned with his family to Sydney, living at Waverley for three years and then for a second time at Newtown. It was during this period that Russell was enrolled as a student at Newington College, the well-known Wesleyan School at Stanmore. Here at an early age he gained a scholarship.
From Newington in 1885 he proceeded to Sydney University where he entered the Faculty of Medicine. His portrait appears in a group of 14 students; the second-year medical students of 1886.
This photograph is of exceptional interest since in the group appears Miss Dagmar Berne, Sydney University's first woman medical student.
Second-year medical students. University of Sydney, 1886. Dr. Nolan is wearing grey suit and black tie, in back row. Dagmar Berne (d. 1900), first woman medical student, in front row.
Their father was a Methodist minister and in 1885 president of the NSW and Queensland Methodist Conference. In 1886, his father was transferred to Queensland to the Brisbane Valley Circuit where he was to remain for three years before moving to Ipswich. Toowoomba was only 70 miles distance from Ipswich and both road and rail transport joined the two cities.
In 1890 while his family was resident in Ipswich, Russell Nolan graduated M.B., Ch.B. He did not remain in Sydney but came to Queensland where his first years after graduation were spent as a Resident Medical Officer on the staff of Toowoomba Hospital.
In 1892, in Sydney, he married Emma Kelynack:
Nolan — Kelynack. — On the 21st inst., at the Wesleyan Church, Stanmore, by the Rev. James A. Nolan, father of the bridegroom, H. Russell Nolan, M.B., of Toowoomba, Queensland, to Emma Florence, eldest daughter of the late Rev. William Kelynack, D.D., of Newington College, Stanmore. Family Notices (1892, December 31). The Methodist (Sydney, NSW : 1892 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article155399498
At the end of 1892 Nolan resigned from the full-time staff of the Hospital and entered private practice in Toowoomba. His address is given as Russell Street At this period most General Practitioners were Physicians and Surgeons. Nolan continued to practice in both fields and held the appointment of Honorary Surgeon to the Hospital.
He must have had a talent for surgery, for in the Australasian Medical Gazette of 15 July 1894 he reported on the three-year survival of a patient "T.W. age 54, from Drayton", whose tongue he had removed in 1891 for cancer, confirmed by Dr. Eugen Hirschfeld, Honorary Pathologist to the Brisbane Hospital.
In the Australasian Medical Gazette of 13 July 1893, he gave an account of the first deliberate appendicectomy to be performed in Australia. The date of this operation was 11 March 1893. The report reads:
"On the afternoon of the 10th of March I was called to see Mrs. W., and found her complaining of great abdominal pain; she was vomiting persistently.
For some few days previously she had suffered from pain in the back, but had continued to perform her household duties. During the previous evening, the 9th, the pain in the stomach was first complained of and the vomiting began. The bowels acted twice, and then a dose of castor oil was taken, but after that there was no result nor had any flatus passed, but the vomiting had increased in frequency and the pain become more intense up to the time of my visit.
She was 30 years of age, and the mother of four children. The previous health good, with no attack like this before, and menstruation had occurred only three weeks ago. Hot applications were ordered, and morphia prescribed.
Late that evening I found her in all the throes of acute peritonitis, with quick pulse, rising temperature, dry skin, and thoracic respiration. Her face wore a very anxious expression, with sunken eyes and piched nose. The vomiting was continuous; no flatus had passed; the abdomen was somewhat distended and rigid, especially over its lower half, and acutely tender. After consultation with Dr. E. Roberts it was decided to operate early next morning.
At 8.30 on the following morning she was seen by Drs. Roberts, Falkiner, Garde, and myself, and it was then suggested to pass a stomach tube up the rectum.
This was attempted, but such pain was produced that it was abandoned; a tender bulging mass was felt high up, to the right of the uterus. Her condition after this became very critical, and for a time she was in a state of collapse.
Operation was delayed for a few hours, and then chloroform was administered by Dr. Falkiner, and with the assistance of Drs. Roberts and Garde, I opened the abdomen in the middle line. Some dark fluid, offensive, but not faecal in odour, exuded. The presenting intestine was drawn out and examined carefully. It proved to be the jejunum and duodenum, and was examined up to the pylorus. Beyond being intensely injected and adherent in parts, it was normal. This was returned and the ileum extracted. This was of much darker hue, being purplish in places and the adjacent folds closely adherent to each other, and marked here and there with large plaques of yellow lymph.
The cause of the trouble soon appeared in the shape of an appendix — the seat of inflammation and perforation. Dark, stinking, thick fluid exuding from two perforations about one inch from its distal end. The appendix was detached, ligatured and removed. The uterus and ovaries were normal. The cavity was irrigated with hot water, carefully dried, and a perforated glass drainage tube left in the lower end of the incision, which was united with silk ligatures.
The subsequent history of the case presented nothing worthy of remark, except that there was much flatulence during the first week, and the track of the tube discharged for some weeks.
On slitting up the portion removed, a small faecal concretion was found at the distal end, about the size of a No. 3 shot grain.
This patient is alive today as the result of a prompt operation, my only regret being that seeing the urgency of the symptoms, even a few hours were lost from trying a useless, and, as it happened, a dangerous expedient."
In December 1894 he reported three further operations which he had performed for "peritonitis due to trouble in the vermiform appendix".
Nolan continued to practice in Toowoomba from his Russell Street address. In 1895 he was nominated by Dr. Freshney for membership of the Queensland Branch of the British Medical Association and duly elected.
In 1898 he volunteered for service in the Boer War and left Australia with the Second Contingent of the Queensland Mounted Infantry.
This constituted the 3rd Company, Queensland Mounted Infantry, and it was raised under proclamation, dated 29th December, 1900, authorising a further "Military Force of Volunteers." The Contingent left Brisbane 13 January 1900 and returned to Brisbane, 3 May 1901.
Captain Herbert Russell NOLAN - from The Queenslander, 20 January 1900, pp. 117 - 123.
His service in South Africa terminated when he was stricken with enteric (typhoid fever). He survived this illness, but it seems to have left his health permanently impaired and at the end of his convalescence he travelled to Europe. During the next two years his time appears to have been spent visiting various clinics and studying rhinology and laryngology.
Russell Nolan returned to Australia in 1902 but not to Queensland. His parents were once again living in Sydney, where his father was preacher at Newtown for the third and last time in his 44 years of ministry. This may have influenced Nolan's choice, although he was now a fully trained specialist and required a capital city in which to practice his specialty.
He set up in Macquarie Street the Harley Street of Sydney, as a Specialist in Diseases of the Nose and Throat and rapidly gained a large following.
In the year after his return he was appointed to the staff of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital as Honorary Clinical Assistant Surgeon in the Department for Diseases of the Nose and Throat. Incidentally, Nolan was the first Clinical Assistant to be appointed to any department in that hospital. Advancement soon came, and on the retirement of Dr. Hankin in 1906 he was promoted to Honorary Surgeon.
Meanwhile he had been appointed Lecturer in diseases of the ear, nose and throat at Sydney University.
In 1914 Nolan's health, which had been indifferent since his South African illness, deteriorated further. He continued to practice, but towards the latter part of the year reduced the work load by taking into partnership Dr. Alexander Dunn. At the very end of the year he retired permanently from practice and on 3 February 1915 he died.
Nolan had married and had three sons, all of whom were living at the time of his death. This then is a thumb-nail sketch of the life of the Surgeon to whom goes the credit of having performed the first deliberate appendicectomy in Australia.
His obituary in the Medical Journal of Australia concludes with the words:
"In his practice he was a man of resource, geniality and kindliness. His knowledge of and technical skill in his specialty, coupled with his experience as a General Practitioner, rendered him more than usually capable in dealing with his patients ... . He was essentially an optimist and his generosity in word and deed, and constant cheerfulness gained him the confidence and affection of his patients and friends". [6.]
Some may have memories of his brother, Percy Leonard Nolan (1886 – 1954) solicitor and a mayor of Manly Council. Percy was the 13th child of Sara and the Rev James Adams Nolan. Percy studied law and served articles with Reginald Cowlishaw, of Robson and Cowlishaw in Sydney. In 1908 he was admitted as a solicitor. He lived in Manly from 1918 and in 1922 he became a partner in the firm of Turner, Nolan & Company.
He first served on Manly Council as an alderman in 1923. For three terms from 1936 he was Mayor of Manly (the 28th Mayor) and served in that role during the Diamond Jubilee celebrations of the council in 1937 and the Sesquicentennial celebrations of the white settlement of Sydney the following year. The Dobroyd Head scenic roadway, funded by the council, was opened during his mayoralty. The new Manly Town Hall and the Eric Andrew designed Surf Pavilion at South Steyne were also undertaken whilst he was mayor. The pavilion won the Sir John Sulman Medal but has since been demolished. During his term as mayor, he was active in convincing the state government to allow the rebuilding of harbour ferry wharf which stands to this day. For many years, Nolan pushed for the removal of the North Head Quarantine Station from Manly and called for its use as public open space. In 1924, Percy Nolan was on the first board of the Manly Art Gallery and Museum and was a supporter of that unique municipal endeavour until his death. Just prior to his death on 3 June 1954 he received a certificate of merit from the Local Government Association of NSW for 25 years’ service to Manly Council. On his death at his residence in Margaret Street, Manly, he was survived by his wife, Irene, and daughters, Dorothy and Joyce. In 1955 Clontarf Road was renamed Nolan Place in his honour. [7.]
He was present at the funeral of his brother:
The funeral of Dr. Herbert Russell Nolan, second son of the late Rev. J. A. Nolan, took place yesterday in the Methodist section of the Rookwood Cemetery. The service held at Meville, Rockwall-crescent, Potts Point, deceased's late residence, and the service at the graveside were conducted by the Rev. Howard Nolan, brother of the deceased, assisted by the Revs. James Colwell, L. H. Kelynack, and F. Colwell.
The chief mourners were Messrs. Morven and Geoffrey Nolan (sons), the Rev. Howard Nolan, and Messrs. Henry, Oliver, Wesley, and Percy Nolan (brothers), the Rev. Harold Kelynack, and Messrs. W. Frank, Aubrey, Erich, and Athol Kelynack (brothers-in-Iaw).
Among others present at the grave were the Rev. C. J. Prescott, tho Rev. F. Boyer, the Rev. F. Colwell (President Methodist Conference), the Rev. Dr. Carruthers (Secretary of the General Methodist Conference, and representative of the Board of Missions), the Rev. James Colwell, the Rev. W. H. Williams, Sir Thomas Anderson Stuart, the Rev. C. E. James, Dr. Sinclair Gillies, Dr. S. Sheldon, Dr. Binney, Dr. Herbert Marks, Dr. W. A. Dunn, Dr. Woolnough, Dr. Mansfield, Dr. S. Lever, Messrs. C. Brunsdon Fletcher, Harold Rabone, W E V. Robson, M.L.A., E. E. de Gyulay, P ' N Slado, Arthur Hardy, F. M'Cure, L. G. Priestley, S. Waterson, A. J. Phillips, A. Whitney, Harold Cowlishaw, W. Cuthbertson, R. Cowlishaw, J. Barnard Clarence Prescott, G. Walker, and others.
A contingent of cadets from Newington College represented the college at the graveside. FUNERAL OF DR. H. R. NOLAN. (1915, February 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15564750
His brother Wesley also has a Manly connection:
The erection of a carillon at North Head to be played to welcome oversea ships is provided for by the will of Wesley Holme Nolan, dentist, of Macquarie-street, who left £26,673. He died on September 2, aged 57, and was a bachelor. His relatives share his estate.
The bequest for the carillon takes effect on the death or marriage of his last surviving unmarried niece. The trustees of the Art Gallery are asked to see to the erection of the carillon on the lines of the one at Catalina Island, California. Mr. Nolan left £50 for an annual trophy for Concord Golf Club members. BEQUEST FOR CARILLON AT NORTH HEAD (1938, December 14). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 1 (LAST RACE ALL DETAILS). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231125530
The bulk of Herbert 'Russell's estate was invested in land, and with his illness, the wish to move lands under the Real Property Act months before he passed away becomes apparent. A Probate notice supports this move:
Probate has bean granted of the will of the late Dr. Herbert Russell Nolan, medical practitioner, of Potts Point, who died on February 3. Testator appointed his widow, Emma Florence Nolan, sole executrix, and bequeathed to her the whole of his real and personal estate.
The net value of the estate was estimated at £16,856 17s 1d, of which £14,764 2s 4d represented real estate. LATE DR. H. R. NOLAN. (1915, March 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15582712
His son Morven would serve too, during WWI, and lost his life in the Western Front in France. Lieutenant Morven Kelynack Nolan. Unit: 13th Battalion (New South Wales), Australian Infantry, Australian Imperial Force. Death: 26 March 1918 Western Front
Morven Kelynack Nolan Image source: Imperial War Museums
CWGC rank is given as 2nd Lieutenant and age as 24 Son of Herbert Russell Nolan and Emma Florence Nolan; husband of Doris Nolan, of Golf Links Rd., Leura, New South Wales. Native of Toowoomba, Queensland.
John Thompson Ralston, a native-born solicitor, and his wife Henrietta Marrianne, (née Orr, who came from Ireland), had three children, Edith Marion Ralston M.B.E. (1894-1967), headmistress of the Wenona school, and John Malbon Ralston (born 1899), of which a little has already been run as one of Palm Beach's first surfers, and Jean (born 1904).

MR. E. W. G. de GYULAY.
Mr. Elek W. G. de Gyulay, who died at his home at Neutral Bay recently, at the age of 74 years, was prominent in Sydney insurance circles for many years. He started his business career with Robert Towns and Co. He had been manager of the Derwent and Tamar Assurance Co, Ltd, and Law, Union and Rock Insurance Co, Ltd, and general manager for more than 20 years, of the Union Insurance Society of Canton.
Mr de Gyulay was born at Woollahra in 1863 a son of Dr A G de Gyulay. He was one of the foundation members of the famous Arfoma Football Club. Mrs de Gyulay survives him.
At the funeral service in St Augustine's Church Neutral Bay the Rev L A Pearce officiated. The funeral took place at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium.
The chief mourners, were Messrs. Etele de Gyulay and Edric de Gyulay (brothers) Osric de Gyulay (nephew) Mr and Mrs Royston Pigott Mr and Mrs C I, Kyle, Mrs Kyle senior and Mr C Elliott.
Others present were Sir George Mason Allard, Captain T E Alexander, Dr A L Ducker, Captain S G Green, Messrs M Bloxham Neill Barclay, J M McLeod Bolton, D T Brownhill, A H Brownhill, Clive Brownhill, C R Crossman (Neutral Bay Bowling Club), T D Douglas (Indemnity Marine Assurance Co) T E Ducker, A M Coward (Commercial Union Assurance Co.) S A Grace, A D Llewellyn and E J O Greenwood (Bankers and Traders Insurance Co) C S Gillham, Henry F Halloran, R S Harris (Gresham Fire and Accident Insurance Society) W H Jackson (Sydney Marine Underwriters Association) M H Macfarlane, W McNeil, A Moore, Alex MrVernon (Queensland Insurance Co) I - Miller, T Michell, R T McKay, F Newman, T Pattenden, W J C Pennell (British Traders Insurance Co) N M F Preston, H C Read and C B Read (Gibbs Briant and Co) RM Steele (Victoria Insurance Co.) H L Slade, C Slade, V W Williams, V W Williams junr., C Williams, Harold Willis (Insurance Institute of New South Wales) F H Wright (Royal Exchange Insurance) and H L Weston. MR.
E. W. G. de GYULAY. (1937, May 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17364447
This photograph—believed to be the only one extant—of the old church on Bar Island, Hawkesbury River, was taken by Mr. E. de Gyulay in 1883. Nothing remains of this structure except a few traces of the foundations, adjoining which is a small cemetery. The history of the Church was related in a recent article on this page. "THE CHURCH ON THE ISLAND." (1940, May 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27951758
Having achieved its objectives, and disposing of what land had not been sold, the Barrenjoey (Land) Company was wound up as the Palm Beach Lands Limited commenced:
AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the above named Company, duly convened and held at 92b Pitt street, Sydney, on the nineteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the following Resolution was duly passed, and at a 'subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duly convened and held at the same place', on Monday, the seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, the same Resolution was duly confirmed, as a Special Resolution, viz.: —
That as a result of the recent disposal of substantially the whole of the Company's land, it is advisable to wind-up the Company and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily; and at such last-mentioned Meeting the following Extraordinary Resolutions were passed: —
1. That George Mason Allard, John Malbon Ralston, Ernest Ebenezer Way, and Harry Wolstenholme, be appointed Liquidators for the purpose of such winding-up.
2. That their salary be fixed at one hundred and eighty pounds among them for the first year.
3. That, as regards Mr. J. M. Ralston, he shall be entitled, in addition to his remuneration as a Liquidator, to be paid all usual Solicitor's Profit Costs and Disbursements in connection with any legal work which he may be instructed to do by the Liquidators in his capacity as solicitor.
Dated at Sydney, this 17th day of July, 1924.
Witness,—E. E. G. de Gyulay. £1 12s.
IN THE MATTER OF THE BARRENJOEY COMPANY, LIMITED. (1924, July 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3572. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222025488
Notice of General Meeting.
NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of section 141 of the Companies Act, 1899, that a General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Company will be held at the registered office, 92b Pitt-street, Sydney, on Tuesday, the 14th day of May, 1929, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of having an account laid before them showing the manner in which the winding-up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be given by the Liquidators; and also determining by Extraordinary Resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of the Company and the Liquidators thereof shall be disposed of.
Dated the tenth day of April, 1929.
H. WOLSTENHOLME, E. E. WAY, J. M. RALSTON, ) Liquidators. 3281 £1 2s. THE BARRENJOEY COMPANY LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION). (1929, April 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1670. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223026442
Palm Beach Lands Limited - From July 1924
First directors: R. T. M'Kay, E. B. Harkness, and A. M. K. Scott:
Palm Beach Lands, Ltd., has effected registration with an authorised capital of £15,000, In £1 shares. To traffic in land, house, and other property is the aim of the new company. First directors: R. R. M'Kay, E. B. Harkness, and A. M. K. Scott. COMPANY NEWS. (1924, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16177971
The above has a mistake in that R T McKay was Chairman of this new company, not R R McKay.
The Wonderland of the North
SYDNEY has, been well-endowed by 'Nature with glorious ocean beaches. All are beautiful, but some are more beautiful than others, and under this latter category may be included Palm Beach. Here, may be seen a Vista of loveliness that probably is unequalled anywhere else in the world. The position of Palm Beach is unique. Upon reaching the higher portion of the locality, and looking north, a wonderful panorama of sea, harbor and landscape, lies at the spectator's feet. Straight in front Is the narrow Isthmus which loins the headland of Barrenjoey to the 'mainland. To the right are the broad blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, rolling on to the ocean beach, providing a wonderful surf. To the left lies the placid Pittwater, a paradise for the yachtsman, while in the distance may be seen Ettalong Beach, and the entrance to the well-known Hawkesbury River. In the foreground, to the left, may be seen Lion Island, rearing Its shaggy head, lying like a guardian of the Pittwater Basin. Then, again. In the distance the rugged mountainous country of Kuring-gai Chase Is to be seen, providing a fitting background to the scene of grandeur that places Palm Beach in the front rank of beautiful sea-side resorts. On every hand may be seen the tall plantation palms from which the locality derives its name, and they lend a touch of tropical color to the landscape that only adds to its charm. Close to Palm Beach Is the great garden of the public, Kuring-gai Chase, which, it will be remembered, was set aside as a reserve for the people, by the Government some time ago, following upon an agitation by "The Sun."
Thus a vast stretch of country rivalling the Blue Mountains in beautiful rugged scenery may be added to the attractions of Palm Beach. , It will be seen therefore, that the residents of Sydney are Indeed, fortunate, as Palm Beach is within 20 miles of the city, and may be reached by car, within an hour. The traffic bridges at the Spit and Roseville have lowered the travelling time, and it Is only natural to expect that the North Shore Bridge will also be most beneficial In this respect.
The approach to Palm Beach lies through wonderful scenic country, such as the heights of Balmoral, the Narrabeen Lake district, past the Lagoon at Dec Why, past Newport, down through the Vale of Avalon. and thence along the banks of the Pittwater, until the destination is reached. Other attractions include boating, fishing, swimming, surfing; tennis, and golfing. There is a nine-hole golf course, on the peninsula, while tennis courts face the ocean beach.
It is noteworthy that most of the homes at Palm Beach are built of stone that abounds there. In some cases the homes have been partially built of stone from the allotment on which they stand. In addition timber (Australian mahogany) can be procured cheaper at Palm Beach than at Sydney. Thus building costs would not be formidable.
Palm Beach Lands
The average citizen of Sydney has in the past been under the impression that land was practically unprocurable at Palm Beach. For many years this was the case, and until Palm Beach Lands Limited, acquired all the available country that was for sale the public were unable to obtain an allotment there, unless they could produce special recommendations. Even now It Is the desire of the present vendors to keep Palm Beach exclusive. This company is, however, offering a number of allotments for private sale at reasonable prices on easy terms, through the medium of their selling agents, Moffitt and Watts, of Manchester Unity Building, Castlerengh street, Sydney.
Means of Access
For those who do not enjoy motor car ownership, regular motor 'bus services run right Into the estate from Manly, Narrabeen and Newport. The tram runs to Narrabeen. In addition, a regular steamer service also connects Hawkesbury River railway station with the wharf of the estate, providing a delightful trip on a most picturesque waterway.
During the Easter holidays free cars will run from the office of the Manchester Unity Building (Castlereagh-streot entrance), for the benefit of prospective purchasers. Arrangements may be made for a seat in these cars through Moffit and Watts, whose office will bo open on Good Friday for that purpose. The cars will leave from 5 10 to 10.30 a.m. Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, and special trips will be made on Easter Sunday by appointment only.
Palm Beach, showing the fine stretches of ocean beach, with Barren joey and Lion Island in the background. PALM BEACH (1925, April 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 19 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224048275
Robert Thomas McKay
- also spelled MacKay in some articles.
Born in 1866 the second son, to Richard and Eliza (nee Miller) McKay R T McKay was a public servant who accomplished great works.
MR. R. T. McKAY.
The "T. & C. Journal" of the 9th May gives a capital photo of Mr. R. T. McKay, son of Mrs. R. McKay of our town, and the following historical record concerning one who is a native of our district we are sure will prove interesting to his numerous friends here; and the young man's career has been of such an exemplary character that we deem it but fair to give publicity to it, as follows:—
"Mr. R. T. McKay (assistant engineer, water conservation and water supply branch of the N. S. W. Public Works Department), who was recently selected by the Minister for Public Works to deliver a series of lectures in the country on the subject of irrigation, entered the department in 1890, after having passed his examination as a licensed surveyor. For a number of years he was engaged in the survey and design of many of the large sewerage schemes in Sydney and suburbs, also schemes of water supply, and was attached for a short time to the harbour improvement works on the Richmond River, and at Newcastle. In 1896 he was appointed resident engineer, and supervised the construction—by day labor and contract—of many important engineering works, such as the low-level sewerage scheme, Marrickville, Chatswood sewerage, Liverpool septic tanks, Coogee and Bondi sewerage, Arncliffe sewerage farm, etc., and works of water conservation and water supply. The cost of the works carried out by Mr. McKay amounted to £250,000.
In 1902 he was appointed secretary and professional assistant to the Interstate Royal Commission on the Murray waters and gained much valuable information during his connection with the Commission, which lasted about twelve months. In 1903 he was appointed a member of the Water Conservation Board of New South Wales, and is the only member of that board who is not the head of an important Government department. In 1904 he acted as secretary to the Royal Commission on the construction of locomotive engines in New South Wales, and his technical knowledge was of great service to the Commission. Before the matter was
settled, during the last session of Parliament, Mr. McKay was instructed by the Premier of N. S. W. to visit the Newport workshops in Victoria, and assist the chairman (Mr. McAlister) in a report to the Government.
Owing to his intimate knowledge of the Murray, he was sent to Hobart last year, to explain the position of the Murray question to the Premiers thus assembled in conference. The Premier of N, S. Wales issued about 300 invitations to the lecture, which was presided over by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania (Sir Gerald Strickland). Probably no other public servant in the Commonwealth has had the honor of lecturing to such a brilliant audience, which included the Premiers, of the various States, several members of the Federal Ministry, Federal Parliament, and State Ministries, Sir Elliot Lewis, Sir Ayde Douglas, and many other representative men of Tasmania. Mr. McKay has lectured on the questions of water conservation and irrigation at the Sydney University, the Royal Society, and has lately been delivering a series of lectures on the subject in various country towns. Mr. McKay has arranged to deliver lectures on irrigation at Jerilderie, Berrigan, Deniliquin, Corowa, Albury, Moama in the near future, and, later, will lecture at Dubbo and other western centres.
"He is an associate member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London, a licensed surveyor, mining surveyor, a member of the council of the engineering section of the Royal Society, a member of the council of the Institution of Surveyors, and one of the representatives of the Public Works Department on the Council of the Public Service Association." Mr. McKay is announced to lecture in Adelong on 29th May, and in Tumut on 1st of June. MR. R. T. MCKAY. (1906, May 25). The Tumut and Adelong Times (NSW : 1864 - 1867; 1899 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article139084803
Mr. R. T. M'Kay. (Photo, by Crown Studios, Sydney,)
MR. R. T. M'KAY. (1906, May 9). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 26. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article71530207
Tribute to R. T. McKay.
At the Annual Dinner of the Institute of Surveyors. N.S.W. (Inc.), which was held at the Wentworth Hotel on April 13th, the Minister for Lands, The Hon. W. F. Shean, paid tribute to Mr. R. T. McKay, who, though of great age, and the oldest member of the Institution, was present, as the originator of the Snowy River Project which he conceived many years ago.ORIGINATOR OF SNOWY RIVER SCHEME. (1949, April 20). Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222882111
Mr. R. T. McKay, former engineering member and Deputy President of the Commission of the Sydney Harbour Trust, who died last week, was one of the most persistent advocates of a scheme to use the waters of the Snowy River to provide water for Sydney. He had been associated with engineering since 1888, when as a surveyor's pupil he helped with a detailed survey of Sydney and suburbs in connection with sewerage schemes. DEATH OF MR. R. T. McKAY (1949, August 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18125276
McKAY- MOORE - November 29 1893 at St Leonards by the Rev Roger Mackinnon, Robert Thomas McKay licensed surveyor, Sydney to Ethel Mary elder daughter of William Moore, Esq., solicitor Sydney. Family Notices (1893, December 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13919026
BIRTHS. McKAY. — June 19th, 1896, at Gowan, Falcon-st„ North Sydney, the wife of Robert T. McKay of a son. Family Notices (1896, June 24). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238600236
McKAY.— May 13, at Gowan, Falcon-street, North Sydney, the wife of Robert T. McKay— a daughter. Family Notices (1900, May 26). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1257. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article165301292
MCKAY ROBERT THOMAS 15800/1949 Parents: WILLIAM ELIZA PADDINGTON - father's name was actually Richard, William was his older brother
His father: Mr. Richard McKay, hotel keeper, and a very old resident in the district, died suddenly this afternoon. OUR TELEGRAMS. (1894, October 3). Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article143444565 - His NSW BDM's record states his parents were 'unknown'.
His mother:
Death removed from out midst one of the oldest residents of the district on Thursday night at 10 o'clock, in the person of Mrs Eliza Jane McKay, relict of the late Richard McKay, at her residence, Blowering road. Up to the previous Sunday night, Mrs McKay, who would have reached her 80th year had she lived till to-day, enjoyed good health, considering her weight of years, and nothing had occurred to cause her relatives any anxiety. However, on the Sunday evening, as previously reported in these columns, she had a paralytic seizure, and from that out the local doctors held out little hope of her recovery.
Her two sons, Robert (of Geelong) and Stanley (en tour with his company) were communicated with, but on their arrival their mother was past recognising them. The latter had written a week previous to his niece (Miss Amy Miller) and apprised her of his movements ahead which enabled his being located Her closing hours were devoid of pain and her death was peaceful.
The deceased highly respected lady, whose maiden name was Miller, was born at Coleraine, Co Londonderry, Ireland, and with her brother (Robert, now of Sydney) arrived in Australia in 1852, coming to Gundagai three months after the big flood. After spending a few years there she went to Upper Adelong. In the year 1862 she married the late Richard McKay at the old Mona Isle Inn (on the site of Mrs. Downing's Star Hotel, Tumut), Mr John Weedon being one of the wedding guests. Seven years later they took over on lease the Old Bee-Hive Hotel which stood on the site of Mr W Eurell's motor garage. At the expiration of the lease, for a time they conducted the Queen's Arms Inn (where Madigan's Oriental Hotel is built), and subsequently purchased the Beehive outright. For 28 years they remained in uninterrupted occupation there, until (1896) Mr McKay's death, upon which Mrs McKay retired and lived private in the home in which she died.
Throughout her life she was regarded as one of high womanly virtues and ideas, and she retained ever the goodwill of a host of friends, old and young, Her chief aim and object was the care, and education of her children, of whose success in life she was justly proud Miss Miller, who lived with her from quite a young girl, with true filial spirit, performed the part of a daughter towards her, and with her son Richard, who also resided with deceased, was a comforting companion in her declining years. Three sons (Robert, of Geelong, Stanley, of Sydney, and Richard, of Tumut), mourn the loss of a most devoted mother. On behalf of the legion of friends and ac-quaintances we tender them, Miss Miller, her brother and other relatives our deepest sympathy. About 18 months ago her son Charles died at Kalgoorlie, W.A., as a result of an accident The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon. The cortege was very lengthy, and those forming it were representative of all parts of the district and all sections of the community—an unspoken tribute to the memory of a good old soul. The remains were interred in the Church of England portion of the old cemetery, next those of her late husband. Her three sons, a nephew (Mr R Miller jr, of Sydney) and Ald J E Madigan and Mr Fred Eberlin were the bearers Rev Ross Edwards officiated at the grave and Mr Jas Elphick was entrusted with the funeral arrangements. - Tumut Advocate and Farmers and Settlers' Adviser (NSW : 1903 - 1925), Tuesday 10 June 1913, page 2
At Tumut, on Thursday last, an old and esteemed resident, Mrs.' Eliza' J. McKay, relict of the late Richard McKay, died. Mrs. McKay, who had resided in the Tumut district for over fifty years, leaves a family of three sons— Mr. Robert McKay, formerly secretary of the Murray River Water Commission; and now manager.of the Geelong Water- Trust, Mr. Richard McKay, of Tumut, and Mr. Stanley McKay, the theatrical manager. CENTRAL RAILWAY PALACE BUILDINGS, LIMITED. (1913, June 8). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126459000
Richard and Eliza's children (married 1862):
MR. R. T. McKAY. M. Inst. C.L.
The late Mr. R. T. McKay consulting engineer of Sydney, whose death occurred recently, was a native of Batlow. He was edueated at Sydney High School. After qualifying as a Licensed Surveyor he joined the Engineering staff of the Public Works Department, and was trained in the design and construction of water supply and sewerage schemes, also habor works. He was appointed engineer and secretary to the Interstate Royal Commission on the River Murray to inquire into the water resources of the Murray Basin and to make a just allotment of the waters of the Murray and its tributaries among the States of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia for the purposes of water conservation, irrigation and navigation. He was also secretary of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the practicability of the construction of loco-motives in the State by the Government or by private enterprise He lectured at the Sydney University on Water Conservation and Irrigation and was invited to lecture at a Premier's Conference to explain the Murray waters question. He was appointed engineer and executive member of the Water Conservation Irrigation and Drainage Board and was associated with many irrigation projects throughout the State, including the Murray, Lachlan and Murrumbidgee Irrigation Schemes, also with the sinking of artesian bores and the distribution of artesian water. He was appointed Chief Assistant Hydraulic Engineer for the State of Queensland.
His next appointment was Engineer-in-Chief of the Geelong Water Works and Sewerage Trust. He was then appointed Con sulting Engineer to the Common-wealth Government in connection with the bulk handling of wheat. A scheme involving the expenditure of £3,000,000, among the wheat growing States of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia. He then accepted the position of engineering member and deputy president of the Commission of the Sydney Harbor Trust.
Since his retirement a few years ago, he has been in private practice as a consulting engineer. He was a persistant advocate for using the waters of the Snowy River to supplement the flow of the Murrumbidgee and to provide a supply to Sydney.
Mr. McKay was a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers and a Member of the Institution of Engineers in Australia. He was on the Council of the Advisory Committee of the Institution of Civil Engineers for many years and occupied the position of Chairman of the Council for six years. The late Mr. McKay leaves one brother, Mr. Stanely McKay, well-known theatrical producer. OBITUARY (1949, September 20). The Tumut and Adelong Times (NSW : 1864 - 1867; 1899 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article139306687
Miss Margaret Harris laid the foundation-stone of the Free Kindergarten In the Children's Playground, Wentworth Park, Glebe, yesterday afternoon.
Professor Mackay (president of the Playground Association), in Introducing Miss Harris, said that they were much indebted to Mrs. Anderson, their energetic secretary, for this kindergarten and playground. The first public children's playground was established at Miller's Point under the auspices of the Harbor Trust, the second In Victoria Park under the auspices of the City Council, and this, the third playground, was under the auspices of the Wentworth Kindergarten committee and Play grounds Association.
Ald. Artlett (Mayor of Glebe) remarked that they had Miss Harris to thank for making the laying of the foundation-stone at all possible. It was the first time under the Municipal Act that the money of the council was being devoted to kindergarten work. Sydney was behind the times as regards playgrounds and kindergartens. Melbourne was far ahead in this respect.
"Why did we build kindergartens at all?" asked Mrs. Maybanke Anderson. Because, she continued, while under the present social order we were able to live in comfort and have high ideals, there were others who deserved them just as much, but were unable to get them. Their children, therefore, had to be cooped up in tiny rooms, or play in the streets. It was our responsibility to look after these children. But, after all, duty was a poor, cold word. We did not care for these children because we felt our responsibility, for deep down in our hearts was a well-spring of mother love, and a desire for the preservation of the race. When the good days came, and the Golden Rule really ruled, every woman would be as much ashamed to see a child that did not belong to her neglected as she would her own.
Miss Margaret Harris was presented by the mothers of the district with a handsome flower bouquet of flowers. Others present included Mrs. W. A. Holman, the Rev. James Green, Mrs. Artlett (Mayoress of Glebe), Miss Kathleen Artlett (who made a considerable sum by selling violets during the afternoon In aid of the kindergarten). Miss Gertrude Artlott, Mr. John Mackay (president of the Kindergarten Union), Mr. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Tait, Miss Georgian King, Mrs. and Miss Hogue, Mrs. Davies, Miss E. Conk, Mrs. Litchfield, Mrs. and Miss Curnow. Mrs Holden, Mrs. and Miss Baird, Miss Braham, Mesdames Goldschmidt, Cains, Dallo, Weston, Miss Desailly, and Miss Langridge. WENTWORTH PARK KINDERGARTEN. (1914, August 5). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article239079418
The foundation-stone of the Wentworth Park Kindergarten at Glebe was laid by Miss Margaret Harris on Tuesday afternoon in the presence of a large gathering of interested persons. Professor Mackay, president of the Playground Association, introduced Miss Harris to the gathering, and in the course of his remarks paid high tribute to Mrs. Maybanks Anderson, who is chiefly responsible for the existence of the Kindergarten playgrounds in Sydney. . Miss Harris was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers by the mothers of the district. Amongst those present were Mrs. V. A. Holman, Mrs. Ardlett mayoress of Glebe, Rev. James Green, Mrs. Litchfield, Mr: and Mrs. Tait, Mrs. and Miss Mogue, and Miss Georgina King. GOSSIP FROM SYDNEY. (1914, August 15). Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 1 (EVENING). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article98824542
(By Redgum)
Nine out of every ten men who take to week-ending fry the seaside are quite content to leave all the garden worries behind them. , They have quite enough lawn-mowing, path-raking hedge-cutting, rose-pruning and land digging to do on the ordinary home lot, to keep them in good trim the whole year through, without the extra bit of hard work which would have to be done to keep the buffalo grass, the geranium, the plumbago and the hydrangeas alive within sound of the sea.
But there are more men who have made their home within easy reach cf the breakers or the calmer waters of a lake or bay, who have taken to gardening because of the pleasure they get out of the- game, and also because of the good fruit and food that can be grown so easily within the home gates. Why grow fuchsias at Palm Beach, when there are so many other tropical and sub-tropical items that, with little trouble, can be made do wonderfully well. Any man or woman can handle hydrangeas or Star of Bethlehem, or saavia; but not one man out, of 100 has any idea of how to go about planting mangoes, paw paws, sugar-cane, bananas, custard upples, Avacado peers, taro, Honolulu passions, fruit salad plant, or any of the rarer things which make the work of the amateur happier and easier as well,'
Only in favorable places can these things be grown to perfection. The average over-exposed seaside situation Is the last place In the world to do any tree-growing or good gardening. But all seaside homesites are not alike. On some lots Moreton Bay figs, coprosma, Norfolk Island pines, Monterey pines, coral, and the Port Jackson fig are the best subjects for filling In the landscape; tropical lines like paw paws and custard apples should have some protection from strong sea winds and also from the west. '
Any location where the plants can see all they want of the north, and feel all they can feel of the sun's heat, will do nicely. We are a long way south of the tropics, even at Broken Bay and Barrenjoey. That is the reason why we place all the hotspot plant items against a' north wall, or In a position where the whole of the day's sunlight can play on their stems and foliage. Plant hibiscus or bougainvillea in a semi-shady place, and the growth and flowering never will be satisfactory: place a young paw paw plant where It will shiver from April to October, and It will never be ,worth your watching. Good gardening means good placing. Haphazard work rarely gets one anywhere. ,Not Not half so much disappointment would be experienced if a little more thought was given to the selection of the tree and plant goods that are selected - to do the Important work of brightening up the home landscape. Not everybody who goes to Pittwater or Palm Beach makes a success of his or her gardening.
Many of the homemakers have chosen situations that are quite unsuited for anything but stone-quarrying or for viewing the beautiful landscapes and seascapes. But here and there an expert worker has found a snug corner where the big gales do not tear holes in -the scrub or blow down the trees. Where those men have worked wisely they have done wonderfully well. Wits and ways count for something, even In gardening.
Mr. R. T. McKay, whose home lot stands on the south-east corner of the beach, is one of the men who has worked wonders on his three-acre hillside allotment. He was quick to see that Palm Beach was a place where something quite unusual could be done; and, having hit on the right idea, was not slow in planning his garden on lines which fitted In with his thinking. It was to see the paw-paws that I went to Palm Beach. Bananas, custard apples, and monstera (known as the fruit-salad plant) are common enough along the coastline. But paw-paws and Avacado pears, two of the world's finest fruits, are not seen every day so far south as Sydney. Both are groat strangers. There is a big pear-tree In the Botanic Gardens which carries the name so well known on the Californian coast; but that tree, big and all that It Is, does not carry any fruit. Sydney Is just a little too far south to give the tree the conditions It requires.
Mr. McKay's Avacoda pear-trees, being so beautifully placed, might behave quite differently. Time only will tell. Someone along our coastline should try hard to make a success of this pear-shaped Item, which can either be eaten with salt or with sugar. We have been too slow in getting In touch with the alligator or Avacado pear. In America It Is one of the choicest things put upon the home tables. Things are quite different with the paw-paws, of which Mr. McKay has several well-grown trees that only recently were carrying full heads of green and golden fruit. The paw- paws I saw hanging under the umbrella of green leaves with which this tropical' fruit tree crowns its head, were good enough for any home table. I heard that the flavor of the fruit ripened naturally Is splendid. There will be quite a dozen trees of one age and another on that hillside at Palm Beach. Many small things which are still In their infancy are not yet counted as trees. Their good time is coming. Paw-paws will one day be as conspicuous as bananas round Pittwater, where there are thousands of locations which would suit the fruit trees down to the ground. It Is only a matter of procuring a few seeds from someone in Brisbane. The young plants grow and thrive like weeds If the situation Is to their liking.
Lines like sugarcane and sugar bananas, though not common, can now and again be seen along the coastline. These flourish at Palm Beach, and in ninny other corners around Pittwater Sugarcane Is the most decorative of all the giant grasses for a hot spot along the coastline. Any of the purply-blue strains are more than decorative. Once planted, the cane will hang on for years. Custard apples and monstera, the first a full-sized tree and the latter a sort of a shrubby climbing plant, grow enormously, and fruit freely. The former is now in full flower, although the fruits are only just over; and the latter is holding a batch of sizy, green fruits that will be ready for the salad bowl before the autumn. This monstera holds several flavors In its six-sided sections. It is good and safe to take in small quantities, but must not be eaten too freely. Custard apples are full of food values, and should be freely grown anywhere there is a chance of holding a tree together. The mango, also, Is one of Mr. McKay's interesting trees. Already he has several specimens in fruit. Later on he hopes to have more trees on his holding. Mangoes are not quick growers. They take years to mature. But once a tree has age and size to its credit, there Is little or no trouble ahead of the owner. Good named varieties should be brought from Brisbane, as chance seedlings are never too sure. Then there Is one big plant of a new passion fruit from Honolulu, known to and sold by the traders as Honolulu Marvel. That passionfruit is to have a big place on the Australian coastline. It Is an Immense grower, a heavy cropper, and has more skin color than anything else In the fruit world. The fruit portion Is not quite as tasty as Is that of the old purple sort, but It is quite good enough to make a splendid addition to any fruit bowl. Mr. McKay's vine has given him great pleasure, and has provided numbers of ripe fruits for distribution to friends along the coastline. I was only prepared,' to soe something with about the same habit of growth as an ordinary purple passion fruit, and was surprised when the vine to which I was taken had run over three spans of trellis about 10 feet long by 10 feet high, and was carrying big fleshy leaves with wiry stems thicker than heaviest Angers. A very ripe passion-fruit has been saved and sent off to friends who have a chance of growing the vine successfully. On the first try-out, the fruit seems likely to make a good hit. The color of the outer skin Is a rich cadmium yellow, with a touch of sage green here and there by way of contrast. In flavor, this novelty Is only a little less acceptable than the old sort. If the habit of growth of the plant at Palm Beach can be taken as an evidence of its true work, then Honolulu Marvel will not be a stranger for long on the warm coastline of Australia. AMATEUR GARDENER (1929, January 5). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (LAST RACE RESULTS). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230377677
CAN'T I see all eyes on the barometer at Government House next week? Sir Philip and Lady Game have taken "Boanbong," R. T. McKay's cottage at Palm Beach, for Miss Rosemary's school holidays. May the weather gods present them with a fortnight of surfing weather! Meantime, Everzil McKay goes off to stay with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McKay, of "Dunally," Coolah. SUSAN SAYS (1931, August 30). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224714707
Surf Pavilion Controversy.
Opposing Views At Palm Beach
Palm Beach opinion is sharply-divided as to the results of the reported lease of Barrcnjoey Headland; to an American syndicate. It is said that the Federal Government has already granted the lease, and that the syndicate will spend £200,000 on cabins for holiday-makers.
"That expenditure should be very welcome to Palm Beach, provided, of course, that it Is spent In a way approved by the authorities," declared the chairman of Palm Beach Lands, Ltd. (Mr. R. J. McKay), today. "Transport and sporting facilities would probably be Improved. I don't think it would depreciate land values. This, however, Is the opinion only of myself and the firm I represent."
"We don't like It at any price," said Mrs. S. B. Hooper, secretary of Palm Beach Progress Association. Land values, she added, would slump Immediately, and Palm Beach would become a commercialised business place, losing all the natural beauty and isolation that has made It an attractive holiday resort. BARRENJOEY PROJECT (1938, August 1). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229128008
Visit: Barrenjoey Headland – The Lessees
Edward Burns Harkness
Born in 1875 on the Richmond River to Edward and Ellen Harkness, Mr. Harkness was another public servant who excelled in his work:
The hearing of the application for a license at Palm Bench was continued at the Licensing Court to-day. The application was made by G. Taylor and G. B. Gough of Palm Beach. Edward B. Harkness, Under-secretary to the Chief Secretary's Department, said that there was a distinct need for up-to-date accommodation at Palm Beach. He contended that there was not a decent place there to stay at. Mr. Harkness was of the opinion that there was not a seaside resort to compare with Palm Beach in Australia amd New Zealand. There was pheno-menal traffic to the resort, due to the two new bridges at the Spit and at Roseville. He did not think that a hotel would take the artisan class to Palm Beach, that was if a hotel where constructed with high-class accommo-dation and under good management. Ernest Walter Bell said that he would not recommend anyone to go to Palm Beach for accommodation. He gave evidence as to the increase in motor traffic along the Manly road to Palm Beach. The Court adjourned' unjll to-mor-row In order to inspect the sit of the proposed hotel. PALM BEACH HOTEL (1926, November 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224125278
SYDNEY, Friday.-Yesterday, at the Invitation of the Premier, the officers of the Treasury assembled in the Minister's rooms, when a presentation was made to the Premier's Private Secretary, Mr. E. B. Harkness, who is about to be married.
On behalf of the cleric staff of the Department, Mr. Carruthers presented Mr. Harkness . with a tea and coffee, service, and on behalf of the messenger staff a pair of cut glass and silver vases, also from Mrs. Carruthers hud-himself a sliver fish service. Mr. Carruthers conveyed to Mr. Harkness the good wishes of his fellow 'officers, and referred In eulogistic terms to his ability and attainments as a public officer. He expressed the hope that Mr. Harkness would enjoy long life and happiness. Afternoon tea was then served at the direction of the Premier. PRESENTATION TO MR. E. B. HARKNESS. (1907, March 30). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61434163
Chief Returning Officer for New South Wales who is responsible for the count of the figures which have decided the political fate of New South Wales for the next three years. MR. E. B. HARKNESS (1922, April 6). The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163679145
HARKNESS - JACK. -Mr. Edward Burns Harkness, private secretary to the Premier, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harkness, of Grafton, was married on Wednesday to Miss Vera Ladell, youngest daughter of Captain William Jack, formerly of the pilot service. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of ivory silk, with overdress of chiffon; wreath of orange blossoms, embroidered tulle veil, and bouquet tied with chiffon. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. E. C. Stiles, the church being decorated in honor of the event. Misses Harkness, Hamilton and Jack were the bridesmaids. Captain and Mrs. Jack gave a reception at the Town Hall, Mosman, where the wedding tea was served. The honeymoon trip will extend to Victoria, Adelaide, and Tasmania. Family Notices (1907, April 6). Clarence and Richmond Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1889 - 1915), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article61434448
HARKNESS — JACK, — April 3, 1907, at St. Clement's Church, Mosman, by the Rev. G. E. C. Stiles, B.A., Edward Burns, eldest son of Mr. Edward Harkness, of Mosman, formerly of Grafton, to Vera Ladell, youngest daughter of Captain A. W. Jack, late of the Pilot Service. At home, "Okoroire," Holts-avenue, Mosman, June 5, 6, and 7. Family Notices (1907, April 13). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238041365
Children of the union:
Distinguished Civil Servant - Mr. E. B. HARKNESS.
The name of Mr. Edward Burns Harkness, C.M.G., is probably as familiar to more people in New South Wales as is that of any of its established politicians, with many of whom he has been officially associated since his youth. His record is indeed a unique one.
Entering the Public Service of New South Wales in 1891, he was early chosen for work of a special character; first performing private secretarial duty in 1894-1899 for the Premier (Mr., afterwards Sir George H. Reid, P-C.); then following the duties of private secretary and confidential official to the following Premiers of the State in succession:—Sir John See, 1902-1904; Mr. Thomas Waddell, 1904; Mr. J. H. Carruthers (now Sir Joseph), 1904-1907; Mr. C. G. Wade (late Sir Charles), 1907-1910; Mr. J. S. T. McGowen, 1910-1913; and Mr. W. A. Hoi man, K.C-, 1913-1916.
In 1905, Mr. Harkness was appointed : first general secretary to the conferences of Premiers of the States of Australia, a position which he retained until March, 1916,. when he resigned to take up his present duties. He was succeeded by Mr. C. H. Hay, C.M.G.
In 1914, Mr. Harkness was appointed secretary and permanent head of the Premier's Department, and from that post .was appointed in March, 1916, to the Under-Secretary ship, Departments of the Chief Secretary and Public Health. He acted as Commissioner for . the re-distribution of State electoral boundaries in 1919, prior to the-election of Parliament in 1920 upon the basis of proportional representation.
As chief electoral officer, he conducted the first election (in 1920) in New South Wales in accordance with the principles of proportional representation.
The application of these principles to the vast electorates of New South Wales was an experiment applied to such large areas for the first time in the history of electoral representation- Critics unanimously affirmed the complete success of the administrative machinery.
In addition to the duties already detailed, he has also those of President of the Board of Fire Commissioners to attend to. That post he has held since May of this year. He is also a member of Lord Howe Island Board of Control, and occupies other honorary and semiofficial positions. Mr. Harkness acted in 1915 (with Mr. John J. Cohen, now Judge Cohen) as honorary organiser of "Australia Day," when upwards of £800,000 was raised for the purposes, of the Red Cross Society and the Amelioration Committee. Also, in 1918, acted as honorary organiser of "Red Cross Day," with Mr. (now Judge) Cohen and Mr. A. L. Blythe. This effort produced £550,000 for the same purposes as Australia Day. The Amelioration Committee, which was financed from Australia Day, 1915, and Red Cross Day, 1918, distributed upwards of £250,000 in cash to returned members of the New South Wales division of the A.I.F. immediately upon their return from active service.
This is a career of usefulness that one would have to go far to find excelled, and the record is all the more to the credit of the subject of this sketch in that, as it were, he "started from scratch." His only advantages —they are the things that count, of course—were good parentage and good home surroundings in boyhood and youth. He was born at Grafton, and secured an elementary education in the public school of that city. On going to the metropolis, young Harkness decided to try for some of the prize positions that were there to be sought. Just with what phenomenal success his well-directed energies were attended, the high offices already mentioned will indicate. His career is a fine-one for a youth of the Civil Service to set an example by. It is the triumph of a wholesome, thoroughgoing and intellectual Australian. —W.B.M. Distinguished Civil Servant (1922, December 11). The Voice of the North (NSW : 1918 - 1933), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112425195
Fairfax Corporation. (1944). Mr Edward Burns Harkness the undersecretary at his desk, New South Wales, 1944 Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-163242844
A. M. K. Scott
An attractive sale at Palm Beach is listed for tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 p.m., on the ground, by Richardson and Wrench. The ground is situated immediately above the rock bath, and faces the reserve between Scott-road and the ocean. A number of frontages on the opposite side of Scott-road will also be offered. Lots average about 60 feet frontage, with medium depths. Title is Torrens, and terms are available. PALM BEACH (1930, January 24). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article119018331
More shareholders:
The Whale Beach Estate, Limited, has received consent to change its name to Whale Beach And Station Estates, Limited. COMPANY NEWS. (1927, October 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16411482
land, lot 40, d.p. 12,590, Brisbane-street, St. Marys. Emile Leon Capelle, of Sydney, Henry Lee of Paddington, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., of Sydney, Stella May Warren, of Sydney; overdue rates, £3 13s. 2d.; land, lot 64, d.p. 9,969, Australia-street,
St. Marys. Emile Leon Capelle, of Sydney, Henry Lee of Paddington, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., of Sydney, Stella May Warren, of Sydney; overdue rates, £4 6s. 6d.; land, lot 97, d.p. 9,969, Australia-street, St. Marys.
Emile Leon Capelle, of Sydney, Henry Lee of Paddington, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., of Sydney, Stella May Warren, of Sydney; overdue rates;, £4 I7s. 5d.; land, lot 98, <Lp. 9,969, Australia-street, St. Marys.
Emile Leon Capelle, of Sydney, Henry Lee of Paddington, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., of Sydney, Stella May Warren, of Sydney; overdue rates, £4 17s. 5d.; land, lot 99, d.p. 9,969, Australia-street, St. Marys.
Emile Leon Capelle, of Sydney, Henry Lee of Paddington, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., of Sydney, Stella May Warren, of Sydney; overdue rates, £4 lis. 6d.; land, lot 103, d.p. 9,969, Australia-street, St. Marys.
William Robert Chaplin, Thomas O'Brien, Stella Mary Warren, all of Sydney; overdue rates, £5 13s. 1d.; land, lot 15, d.p. 9,969, Olossop-street, St. Marys. William Robert Chaplin, Mrs. F. M. O'Brien, Stella Mary Warren, all of Sydney; overdue rates, £10 0s. lOd.; land, lots 17/18, d.pj. 9,969, Glossop street, St. Marys.
William Robert Chaplin, Stella Mary Warren, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., all of Sydney; overdue rates, £5 12s. 6d.; land, lot 34, d.p. 9,969, Glossop-street, St. Marys.
William Robert Chaplin, Stella Mary Warren, both of Sydney, estate of late James Young; overdue rates, £6 12s. 4d.; land, lot 39, d.p. 9,969, Glossop-street, St. Marys.
William Robert Chaplin, Stella Mary Warren, both of Sydney, estate of late James Young; overdue rates, £6 12s. 5d.; land, lot 40, d.p. 9,969, Glossop-street, St. Marys
William Robert Chaplin, Stella May Warren, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., all of Sydney; overdue rates, £4 18s. 3d.; land, lot 37, d.p. 9,969,.Glossopstreet, St. Marys.
land, lot 10, section H, d.p. 935, Morley-avenue, St. Marys. Clifford Malua Collins, Whale Beach Estate Co. Ltd., both of Sydney; overdue rates, £92 lis. 3d.; land, lots 222/225, d.p. 9.969, Great Western road known as Victoria-street, St. Marys. OVERDUE RATES. (1940, February 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1055. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article225080297
IN the matter of the Companies Act, 1936 (Section 182), and in the matter of PALM BEACH LANDS PTY. LTD.—It is the intention of the Directors of the abovenamed Company to issue, after twenty-one (21) days from publication hereof, duplicate share Certificate Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 99 for six hundred (600) fully paid ordinary shares, Nos. 1101 to 1600 and 8801 to 8900 inclusive, in the name of Gerald Wilkinson Mitchell, which have been declared lost. H. W. LEES, Director. IN the matter of the Companies Act, 1936 (Section 182), and in the matter of PALM BEACH LANDS PTY. LTD.—It is (1949, April 22). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1181. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224788931
Narrabeen's Unspoilt Days
Once, long ago, the drive along this road was a feast of beauty, when one bowled along between sea and bush, with wide-spreading views on either side. We used to leave Circular Quay by the 8 o'clock boat to Manly, where at the wharf was waiting the old coach with its four horses. With luck-one seemed to be always lucky in those far-away days we got box seats and set out on our journey with gay spirits in the morning! sunshine. Down the Corso we rattled, and along the Steyne, with the pine trees making a delicate screen between us and the blue ocean. Leaving the Steyne, we crossed the bridge over the lagoon, not yet drained and ordered, into a golf course and suburban lots, but stretching lazily over the lowlands, where a vegetable gardener or two grew produce for "The Village." Then on past swamps, where red callistemon flowered in thousands, on round the foot of the hills, where a million flowers bloomed amongst the grey rocks and birds sang gaily and darted to and fro before us.
Here and there, at long intervals was a dwelling-some hermit in search of solitude, or an intrepid pioneer sensing the future value of the land. But so few they were that they scarcely made an impression on the landscape, and the drive seemed to be all bush. All bush and sea, for ever and again as the road leaned seawards we had the uninterrupted view of golden sand and blue ocean. Deewhy Lagoon, with its background of sand- hills and bushy cliffs, was a-swarm with black swans. Narrabeen stretched In a long, unbroken vista from Long Reef to the Lakes. What houses there were were mostly on the land side of the road, and a few on the shore were so scattered that they did not interrupt the view. (Our young architect used to plan an ideal Narrabeen, with all the dwellings on the hillside and the whole sea front a reserve.) And so all the way to Church Point. At Rock Lily and Bayview, where painters and professors had holiday homes, the houses were built on the higher side of the road, above the encroachment of the tide and the mosquito-laden swamps, and the view was free for all travellers to enjoy.
Perhaps time has shed a glamour on that drive. Certainly the road surface was not what it is to-day, and the old coach rolled and rattled at times, but what are jolts and jerks to sixteen on a fresh spring morning, with sea and sky and bush alive with beauty?
Of the road which branched off to Newport and beyond we knew less, but we used to hear of the many charms along its length from two young men who every winter Sunday morning set out with a packet of sandwiches to walk to Barrenjoey. (They didn't "hike" in those days; they simply walked.) Later we came to know that road well, too. The green slopes and beach of Mona Vale, where a man ahead of his generation had built a mansion, almost at the end of the world it seemed then, the spreading sandhills of Newport, and the little beach beyond, with its rich palm grove-we knew them in their unspoiled days. Leaving the sea, the road climbed across to the inland harbour and ran along the water's edge, with nothing but the tall gumtrees to break our view of the blue bay; past Careel Bay, with its mangrove swamp; past the green flats, with their narrow border of pearly sand, to Palm Beach itself, where the gaunt grotesque tea-trees and banksias grew to the edge of the rosy sands.
But year by year the road grew, and In Its growing lost much of its charm. Tramlines stretched out mile upon mile; houses sprang up in long rows; the swamps were drained; the wild flowers disappeared. At Deewhy the black swans still floated on the lagoon, but in lessening numbers; Narrabeen Beach-now Collaroy-was hidden by a continuous line of cottages, and the sea was glimpsed only at the end of side streets; our young architect's dream of an ideal Narrabeen was gone for ever. The pleasant green sward which flanked Broken Bay at Palm Beach was covered with dwellings, and the white beach which encircled it "like a lovely woman's arm." as a poet said, was barely visible from the road. On the ocean front most of the tea-trees and banksias had gone to make way for neat lawns stretching to within a few yards of the water. Everywhere beauty had been driven out by profit, and the road which might have been one of the loveliest of seaside drives had been reduced to an almost suburban dullness.
With a luck which comes but seldom to those who have wasted their opportunities, this coastal strip has been given another chance. A new road has been built along the top of the cliffs, with wide views over hills and ocean. It is a road along which we always take our visitors, and we are never disappointed at their exclamations of surprise and delight. One world traveler said: "I have never seen a more beautiful seascape. It alone is worth the long journey to Australia!" But alas! this new road is threatened with the fate of the old one. Already here and there a building stands between the road and the ocean. At present they are too few to spoil the landscape, but unless some action is taken in a few years, the whole of the view will be blocked out by rows of houses, and our last chance of a magnificent scenic drive will be gone. THE OLD ROAD. (1933, May 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16965117 - Above: Photo of Amy Eleanor Mack, by May Moore, National Library of Australia, nla.pic-an3084668
From Warringah's archived, and online, Minutes from Council Meetings - mix from Palm Beach-Whale Beach overlap:

Warringah Council were approached with a request to build a second 'shed' for the boat on council land at the southern end. In the 1922-23 season, permission granted, the original shed was moved to what we now call Hordern Reserve and was then named 'Glenburnie Park' - 'glen' is 'a narrow valley', especially in Scotland or Ireland, while 'burnie' is defined as 'a little stream' and this too is a Scottish word.

Warringah Shire Council has decided that the Palm Beach Surf Club's club-house must be pulled down and that any new structure must be erected on a more suitable site. The existing club-house, a plain erection on a public reserve, has been the subject of an offer by Mr. J. A. Hordern, who has expressed his willingness to lend the council £100 for improvements to the reserve, and to assist the club financially towards the erection of a new building.
It has been stated that the members of the surf club did not want to move, and Councillor Corkery said that if they would not go, the club should be disbanded and a paid life-saver put on the beach. It would never do to allow the council to be dictated to by the club, which was on the beach for the purpose of life-saving only. The council will have a meeting with Mr. Hordern and the members of the surf club, to discuss the question of finance. PALM BEACH. (1929, July 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16546792
PALM BEACH CLUB-HOUSE. In a letter to the Editor, the captain of the Palm Beach Surf Saving Club (Mr. Kenneth Hunter) states that there has been no dispute with the Warringah Shire Council. Discussions that have taken place with regard to new premises for the club have been of a most harmonious character. PALM BEACH CLUB-HOUSE. (1929, July 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16568126
PALM BEACH SURF CLUB HUT. The Palm Beach Surf Club's hut is to be removed from its present situation in a valuable public reserve to a more suitable site, near the centre of the beach. The Warringah Shire council will erect the new hut, which will cost £300. PALM BEACH SURF CLUB HUT. (1929, August 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16579961
Despite these reports a schism did develop between the members and the council that led, ultimately, to members raising funds throughout the years from 1929 (when The Depression began) until they could purchase what is today called the 'Cabbage Tree Club' - formerly 'Chorley's' in 1936 - until then they were placed where suited the council and council's fiscal supporter.