Community News: February 2018
February 25 - March 3, 2018: Issue 349
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 349: Manly Delivers For Opening Day Of Key Sun Zinke Sydney Pro Junior, Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club Hosting 2018 Heron NSW Youth Championships, Summer Becomes Autumn in Pittwater
2018 Poppy Wall For Avalon Beach RSL To Be Hand-Knitted And Hand Made With Love: knitting/crochet group meets on Mondays at 12, Craft group meets Wednesdays at 2pm; donations of handmade poppies can be dropped in; red wool also needed
2018 Interstate Surfboat Championships, Trans-Tasman Test And Navy ASRL Open: Results, Winners Snaps and Wraps - Reports by Surf Life Saving NSW and Navy ASRL. Photos by Avalon Beach SLSC, Surf Life Saving NSW, Navy ASRL, Julie Hegarty and Bill Sheridan, 2018
Pictures: Last Weekend of Summer 2017-2018; a Glance Back at Another Glorious Season
Aquatics: Vissla Sydney Surf Pro. At Manly: 24th of February to 4th of March - bringing top level, international surfing back to the historic and iconic Manly Beach in 2018; over 20 countries will be represented in local, junior and World Surf League Qualifying Series 6000 events. The Vissla Sydney Surf Pro will also host a number of off-beach activations and festivities that will be centralised around the Corso area for the whole family
Marcus Blackmore Enters Latest Buy In Sydney Harbour Regatta: entry deadline is midnight on Monday 26 February - By Di Pearson
Naming Faceless Fish From The Australian Eastern Abyss from CSIRO
Reflections by George Repin: SNAPSHOTS IN THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND – 1954
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work and AMDF Raffle Quilt Touches Stars: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of March: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Avalon Uniting Church Hall
Profile: The Pittwater Artists on the Pittwater Artists Trail for March 10 to 11, 2018 Enjoy a creative escape to the beautiful Northern Beaches, visit 17 artists at 10 studios in Terrey Hills, Elanora Heights, Mona Vale, Newport, Avalon and Clareville. Chat with the artists, watch demonstrations, be inspired, find unique gifts for yourself or a friend. We look forward to meeting you. All studios are open from 10am - 5pm.
Artist of the Month: February 2018 - Willi Michalski – Master Potter
For the past 30 years master ceramicist, Willi Michalski, has been creating one-off pieces in his Church Point studio. Willi has spent decades researching and refining his technique for glaze-on-glaze decoration and, gas reduction firing, with resounding success. Over the years he has developed his own unique style, often creating generously sized pieces, with immediately identifiable sculptural forms.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 7/2/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
High School Open Nights
Grants To Assist Heritage Home Owners
The Manly Kombi Rally
Excerpts From Tuesday Feb. 27th, 2018 Council Meeting Agenda
Rethink Mandatory IHAPS, Says Local Government
Independent Hearing And Assessment Panel Chairs Appointed
Newport SLSC Are 2018 Branch Champions!
B-Line Newport Update
Electoral Matters Committee Extends Submission Deadlines
Lake Macquarie Gears Up For State Champs Boost

Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment February 2018 Forum

Int. 5.5m Class Australian Championship At RPAYC

De Luca Moves For Independent Investigation Into $75m Whistler St Car Park And Manly Oval Fiasco

Loosely Woven Joins With Amnesty International

Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe

Opportunity For Offshore Residents To Secure Long Term Parking At Church Point: EOI’s Now Open
February 16, 2018: NBC Media Release
Northern Beaches Council will open a new carpark at Church Point in late March and applications are now open for offshore residents to secure a long-term reserved parking space.
The two level carpark located on McCarrs Creek Road will allocate 68 reserved parking spaces on the top level of the carpark to eligible residents through a ballot system for a two year term.
The lower level will be a Pay and Display carpark for the community and visitors to the area and will also be available for Church Point Permit holders overnight.
General Manager Environment and Infrastructure Ben Taylor said the reserved spaces will be issued via an Expression of Interest consisting of up to four rounds.
“Demand for parking is a challenge at many locations across the Northern Beaches and Church Point has been particularly difficult for both local residents and those who live offshore,” Mr Taylor said.
“Too often we hear stories of offshore residents coming home and spending hours trying to park, having to walk kilometres to their car, or even giving up and staying with friends nearby.
“Onshore residents are also impacted by the huge demand for limited spaces.
“Access to this new carpark, along with the car parking spaces at Church Point Reserve and Bothams Beach, will provide additional parking options for offshore residents and help to alleviate parking issues in the area, in particular for those wishing to park overnight.
“After several years of consultation with the local community it is exciting to be offering some certainty to local residents.”
First round applications open on Saturday 17 February with priority given to permanent offshore property owners who reside at Scotland Island, Elvina Bay, Lovett Bay, Morning Bay and Douglas Estate who are existing holders of a Church Point parking permit.
The ballot will be selected from the eligible applications at random by a system under the supervision of the Northern Beaches Office of Integrity and Complaints Resolution.
If not exhausted in the first round ballot, three additional rounds will be conducted until all are allocated. A waiting list will be created if demand exceeds the allocation.
Cost to secure a reserved spot for a two-year term is $4,939 per year and paid quarterly.
Applications will close on Sunday 4 March with the first round of notifications being communicated to residents in the week commencing 12 March 2018.
The costs for the reserved spaces together with Pay and Display on the lower level are contributing to the cost of the carpark. Eligible residents can submit an EOI now at
How to Apply
Or download and complete the PDF form and submit via:
- Email:
- Post: Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099
- Deliver in person: to one of our customer service locations
NS14 State Championships At BYRA Easter 2018
Peter Loft Marathon Race 2018: May 6th Fundraiser

Environmental Restoration And Rehabilitation Grants
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work

Consultation Draft Of The New Model Code Of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW
- It contains mandatory provisions (indicated in black font) that reflect the existing meetings provisions of the Act and adapt those currently contained in the Regulation. The existing meetings provisions of the Regulation have been updated and supplemented to reflect contemporary meetings practice by councils and to address ambiguities and areas of confusion in the existing provisions based on feedback from councils.
- It contains non-mandatory provisions (indicated in red font) that cover areas of meetings practice that are common to most councils but where there may be a need for some variation in practice between councils based on local circumstances. The non-mandatory provisions will also operate to set a benchmark based on what OLG sees as being best practice for the relevant area of practice.
- promoting, as the principal object of meetings, the making of decisions by the governing bodies of councils that are in the best interests of the council and the community as a whole
- promoting more accessible, orderly, effective and efficient meetings and to provide councils with the tools to achieve these outcomes
- prescribing principles to inform the way in which meetings are conducted and to prescribe meeting rules that are consistent with these principles
- codifying areas of common practice across councils in a way that is clear, efficient, leads to better informed and more effective decision making and that is consistent with the requirements of the Act
- promoting greater consistency between councils across the state in key areas of meetings practice without losing the ability to allow some variation in practice to meet local needs or expectations
- allowing greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings to accommodate a range of potential scenarios that are not addressed by the current meeting rules
- simplifying the language currently used to make the prescribed meeting rules more accessible and easier to understand
- modernising the rules to accommodate current and emerging technologies (e.g. electronic notice, electronic voting systems and webcasting).
Pet of the Week

B-Line Updates February:Mona Vale And Warriewood
- construction of the car park facade, concrete columns, lift, stairwell and the new amenities block. Temporary toilets will remain in place as work continues on the amenities block
- installation of overhead and underground utilities, including water main relocation
- landscaping which may include vegetation trimming and removal
- finishing work to northbound and southbound bus stops on Pittwater Road
- asphalting, line marking and continued work on new traffic signals
- footpath work
- 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm on Saturday
- traffic island adjustments at the intersections of Pittwater Road and Barrenjoey Road, and Park Street, Golf Avenue and Barrenjoey Road, including drainage and traffic signal work
- asphalting works on Pittwater and Barrenjoey Roads
- installation of new kerb
- Beeby Reserve car park modifications including service installation, pavement work and sign installation
- bus stop completion work
- car park access control work
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Legislation
Northern Beaches Walking Plan: Input Sought
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
February 18 - 24, 2018: Issue 348
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 348: Avalon Beach Avocados Win Their Trans Tasman Test Debut + NSW Wins the Surf Boat Interstates + More
Tumbarumba Delivers Valentine’s Day Divorce Proposal To State Government: Pittwater locals joined a rally this week supporting Tumbarumba residents who came to the big smoke to deliver a proposal to the NSW Government demanding a council demerger
Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe: This Lady is Getting Ready To Row Solo Across The Atlantic - Fundraiser at The Quays Marina, Bayview on March 24th
By The Left Veterans Initiative: Younger And Female Veterans Have Served Too - Avalon Beach ANZAC Day March 2018; Sub-Branch encouraging all female Veterans to March With Us
Church Point Carpark Reserved Parking Space Scheme: EOI's Now Open + we've included some Stage of Works News and Photos for younger Readers who may have an interest in Civil Engineering
Pictures: 2018 Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Championships Results for Surf Boats and Masters
Aquatics: Tiny Membrane Makes Sydney Harbour "Drinkable": New Graphair Technology Has Potential To Save Lives Worldwide - from CSIRO
DIY Ideas: Late Summer and Early Autumn Projects: A Shed For All Storage Solutions + Garden Tasks + Keeping Our Waterways Clean
Coastal Connection Key To Conservation: Connecting the Chinese community with the coast was the theme behind an interactive rock pool walk at Long Reef Aquatic Reserve recently
Change As Good As A Holiday For Young Lifesavers: City to Country and Country to City Exchange Program - Hamish Christie (Long Reef SLSC), selected to represent NSW at the Annual Lifeguard Exchange in New Zealand next month - from Surf Life Saving NSW
Park Bench Philosopher City Of Sydney Chinese New Year's Celebrations: Lunar Lanterns At Circular Quay And Community Performances CNY Festival Runs Until March 4th, 2018 - photos courtesy Selena Griffith and City of Sydney Council
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work and AMDF Raffle Quilt Touches Stars: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of March: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Avalon Uniting Church Hall
Profile: Willi Michalski – Master Potter For the past 30 years master ceramicist, Willi Michalski, has been creating one-off pieces in his Church Point studio. He began in Wollongong decades ago being taught by renowned Australian Artists Ivan and Patricia Englund in 1961 and has recently been honoured by Wollongong Council for his contribution to that city.
Artist of the Month: February 2018 - Willi Michalski – Master Potter
For the past 30 years master ceramicist, Willi Michalski, has been creating one-off pieces in his Church Point studio. Willi has spent decades researching and refining his technique for glaze-on-glaze decoration and, gas reduction firing, with resounding success. Over the years he has developed his own unique style, often creating generously sized pieces, with immediately identifiable sculptural forms.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 7/2/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Newport Residents Association February Meeting

RFS Updates: Summer 2017-18
Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment February 2018 Forum

Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work

Pet of the Week

B-Line Updates February:Mona Vale And Warriewood
- construction of the car park facade, concrete columns, lift, stairwell and the new amenities block. Temporary toilets will remain in place as work continues on the amenities block
- installation of overhead and underground utilities, including water main relocation
- landscaping which may include vegetation trimming and removal
- finishing work to northbound and southbound bus stops on Pittwater Road
- asphalting, line marking and continued work on new traffic signals
- footpath work
- 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm on Saturday
- traffic island adjustments at the intersections of Pittwater Road and Barrenjoey Road, and Park Street, Golf Avenue and Barrenjoey Road, including drainage and traffic signal work
- asphalting works on Pittwater and Barrenjoey Roads
- installation of new kerb
- Beeby Reserve car park modifications including service installation, pavement work and sign installation
- bus stop completion work
- car park access control work
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Legislation
Northern Beaches Walking Plan: Input Sought
Navigation Restriction - Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge

- Vessels are required to maintain a safe distance and speed from the works and operators are reminded that the production of wash which impacts unreasonably on the works is an offence (Marine Safety Regulation 2016 – clause 11(2) - Maximum Penalty $5,500.00)
- Persons within the vicinity of the works must comply with any directions given by a Boating Safety Officer or Police Officer in relation to the works or to marine safety. Failure to comply with any such direction is an offence (Marine Safety Act 1998, s.15A - Maximum Penalty $3,300.00).
Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe

Opportunity For Offshore Residents To Secure Long Term Parking At Church Point: EOI’s Now Open
February 16, 2018: NBC Media Release
Northern Beaches Council will open a new carpark at Church Point in late March and applications are now open for offshore residents to secure a long-term reserved parking space.
The two level carpark located on McCarrs Creek Road will allocate 68 reserved parking spaces on the top level of the carpark to eligible residents through a ballot system for a two year term.
The lower level will be a Pay and Display carpark for the community and visitors to the area and will also be available for Church Point Permit holders overnight.
General Manager Environment and Infrastructure Ben Taylor said the reserved spaces will be issued via an Expression of Interest consisting of up to four rounds.
“Demand for parking is a challenge at many locations across the Northern Beaches and Church Point has been particularly difficult for both local residents and those who live offshore,” Mr Taylor said.
“Too often we hear stories of offshore residents coming home and spending hours trying to park, having to walk kilometres to their car, or even giving up and staying with friends nearby.
“Onshore residents are also impacted by the huge demand for limited spaces.
“Access to this new carpark, along with the car parking spaces at Church Point Reserve and Bothams Beach, will provide additional parking options for offshore residents and help to alleviate parking issues in the area, in particular for those wishing to park overnight.
“After several years of consultation with the local community it is exciting to be offering some certainty to local residents.”
First round applications open on Saturday 17 February with priority given to permanent offshore property owners who reside at Scotland Island, Elvina Bay, Lovett Bay, Morning Bay and Douglas Estate who are existing holders of a Church Point parking permit.
The ballot will be selected from the eligible applications at random by a system under the supervision of the Northern Beaches Office of Integrity and Complaints Resolution.
If not exhausted in the first round ballot, three additional rounds will be conducted until all are allocated. A waiting list will be created if demand exceeds the allocation.
Cost to secure a reserved spot for a two-year term is $4,939 per year and paid quarterly.
Applications will close on Sunday 4 March with the first round of notifications being communicated to residents in the week commencing 12 March 2018.
The costs for the reserved spaces together with Pay and Display on the lower level are contributing to the cost of the carpark. Eligible residents can submit an EOI now at
How to Apply
Or download and complete the PDF form and submit via:
- Email:
- Post: Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099
- Deliver in person: to one of our customer service locations
Funds Available To Support Active Kids

NS14 State Championships At BYRA Easter 2018
Peter Loft Marathon Race 2018: May 6th Fundraiser

Environmental Restoration And Rehabilitation Grants
Register Now For Lending Rights
Consultation On Online Copyright Infringement
Wildlife Wins!
Sydney Wildlife were thrilled and honoured to be the recipients of the Community Event of the Year Award at the Australia Day Awards for our inaugural ‘Go Wild Gala’!!!
It’s wonderful to know that the community is behind our pioneering project, as well as our Councillors and our esteemed Mayor, Michael Regan.
Mayor Michael Regan with Kirstie (one of the lovely award nominators), Sydney Wildlife Treasurer - Diane Jenner, Joan Reid and Lynleigh Greig - 2 of the ‘Go Wild Gala’ committee members.
Not all the committee members could attend the Awards Ceremony but here they all are at a lunch meeting prior to the Gala. Joan, Lynleigh, Lisa, Nicole, Laurie and Ali.
We would like to say a gigantic thank you to all the wonderful people who nominated our event and to the adjudication panel for selecting our event as the winner. We were extremely honoured to listen to Mayor Regan speak highly of our volunteers and to have him present the award to us, along with the Hon. Brad Hazzard and Australia Day Ambassador Peter Wynn.
The Award Ceremony took place on Australia Day 2018 at the Glen St Theatre. There were 6 award categories:
Citizen of the Year
Senior Citizen of the Year
Young Citizen of the Year
Sportsperson of the Year
Community Event of the Year
Outstanding Community Service Award.
Sydney Wildlife’s “Go Wild Gala” won in the category of Community Event of the Year. The gala was held to raise funds to purchase and equip a much-needed Mobile Wildlife Clinic.
The Gala came together as a result of hard work and dedication from many of our volunteers. Our committee consisted of 5 members initially, but when Ali moved back to Bermuda a month before the event, we were down to 4 members - Lisa, Joan, Laurie and myself. Nicole was an honorary member of the committee who spent hours sending out emails and letters to companies asking for donations for our Auction. She also spent 6 months filming and producing an emotive video that was aired on the night, showcasing what we do for wildlife and why we need the mobile clinic. The video can be viewed here:
t took about 6 months to organise the Gala and the amount of community involvement was astounding! Two of our committee members - Lisa and Laurie - weren't actually members of Sydney Wildlife yet but they gave freely of their time and talents. Lisa was a demon in her quest to obtain as many prizes for the Auction as humanly possible! She even managed to get her friends from Levendi Jewellers to donate an exquisite white gold and diamond necklace - the Levendi Kiss - as our raffle prize. And Laurie did all our graphic design work and printing free of charge.
On the night of the Gala we had assistance from the wonderful Jeannie at the venue (the Cardinal’s Palace in Manly) as well as a large group of students at the ICMS who were in charge of decor, general event coordination and the food for the evening. Our MC for the evening, Jason Morrison - Head of 7 News - got the night off to a fun and interesting start and he introduced our first entertainer for the evening.
The beautiful soprano, Phoebe-Celeste Humphreys, of Opera Australia gave freely of her talent and that of her accompanying musicians to open proceedings with her captivating voice. Later we were treated to a wonderful performance by Arthur Murray dancers - Jace and Melissa - who also donated their time for the event.
We had celebrities, councillors, volunteers, executives, media representatives and people from all walks of the community in attendance. We even had Animal Planet’s Snake Boss (Julia Baker) and Johny Bagpipes who flew down from Queensland to do our Auction for us!

The entire event was captured on camera by the sensational Michael Mannington of Volunteer Photography whose images were a wonderful collage of memories of our first-ever Go Wild Gala!

Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
Amon Community Grants Fund - Round 1
Pittwater Artists Trail 2018

Boating facilities upgrade: Two New Pontoons Proposed for Rowland Reserve Bayview
Council are proposing to install additional boat access facilities for the northern and southern boat ramps at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
The proposal for two new access pontoons is being facilitated to provide recreational boat users with a safe and more efficient means of embarking and disembarking water craft about the existing boat ramps.
View the plans
Have your say
Register for updates on the project
In writing marked ‘Boating Facilities Upgrade - Rowland Reserve’ addressed to: Northern Beaches Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
Comments close Sunday 18 February
Frequently Asked Questions - From Council's webpage
Will I be able to launch a boat from land during the works?
Yes, one ramp will be available during construction.
Will access along the foreshore change or be restricted?
A small area at each ramp will be fenced off for safety reasons during construction, but otherwise access along the foreshore will be maintained as existing.
Will parking be affected during or after the works?
A small area for site materials and waste storage will be established adjacent to the boat ramps within the carpark area during construction. This area will be fenced off and unavailable to the public during construction.
The site materials and waste storage area will have minimal impact on the available carparking or associated vehicle lanes.
Will the works affect the navigation of the surrounding waterways?
The proposed new pontoons will extend approximately 23 metres from the lowest astronomical tide mark into the waterway and will incorporate new lighting which will improve navigation about the existing boat ramps.
The impact of the proposal will be minimal with regard to navigation.
Will the proposal affect Marine Rescue operations?
Access to the Pittwater from Rowland Reserve will be maintained for Marine Rescue operations.
How will the proposal affect commercial uses such as barge and salvage operations?
Access to the Northern Boat Ramp will be maintained for commercial operators with minor interruptions during piling works.
Will any marine vegetation be disturbed as a result of the works?
No seagrass species such as Zostera or Posidonia* were found within the Aquatic Survey area. Marine pest Caulerpa Taxifolia was found to be located within the survey area. Management procedures have been prepared to minimise the risk of spreading the pest algae Caulerpa Taxifolia to other parts of Pittwater. A small area of marine algae Sargassum will likely be disturbed near the Southern boat ramp. Additional vertical surface area will be created as a result of the works, which would support fringing algae species. *Refer the Aquatic Ecology Survey Report for details of local sea grasses.

Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
February 11 - 17, 2018: Issue 347
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 347: Summer in Pittwater means 'Show Us Your Dooleys' to Palm Beach Longboarders + A Few Other Pictures from this week!
Pictures: 2017/18 Hobie 14, Hobie 16, Women and Youth State Titles hosted by Palm Beach Sailing Club - Day 1
Vissla Great Lakes Pro 2018: spectacular surfing this week from local and O.S. surfers - Finals day today (Feb 11) - report by Surfing NSW
Clare Costanzo WINS Hardy Cup 2018: First Female Skipper - First All Female Team To Take Out Prestigious Match Racing Event
Avalon Beach SLSC Launches A New Surf Boat - The Roland Luke
Wildlife Wins! by Lynleigh Greig
Whale Beach Patrol Honoured For Top Rescue: SLS NSW Rescue Of The Month - In January were announced SLSSNB Rescue of the Month
Aquatics: Tiny Turtle Hatching Time At Warriewood Wetlands: Also - Get Involved With Frog ID! or Apply for a Restoration Grant
Council tackling significant pollution incident at Beacon Hill: anyone with information is asked to contact Council on 1300 434 434
Sailors With DisAbilities To Help Disengaged and Disabled Youth: project ‘Wright of Passage’ will restore old Herreshoff 53'; learn skills for employment in the marine and allied industries; first TAFE intake is 19 February; focus is on teenagers, but anyone up to 30 can apply. Any young person interested should contact us regardless of the timeline. Donations, including boat products sought
Problem Boat And Trailer Parking Areas Targeted Under Six Month Trial
Days For Girls In Avalon For PFOS from Peta Wise
Reflections by George Repin: A RIDE ON THE JUNGFRAU RAILWAY - 1954
Vissla Sydney Surf Pro Set To Launch (At Manly 24 February - 4 March, 2018): Info About Community Partnership Program and The Key Sun Zinke Sydney Pro Junior Event Was Added This Week
Park Bench Philosopher Bondi's Black Sunday Remembered 80 Years On: Australia's Largest Mass Rescue
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work and AMDF Raffle Quilt Touches Stars: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of March 2018: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Avalon Uniting Church
Profile: Scotland Island Residents Association
Artist of the Month: February 2018 - Willi Michalski – Studio Potter
For the past 30 years master ceramicist, Willi Michalski, has been creating one-off pieces in his Church Point studio. Willi has spent decades researching and refining his technique for glaze-on-glaze decoration and, gas reduction firing, with resounding success. Over the years he has developed his own unique style, often creating generously sized pieces, with immediately identifiable sculptural forms.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 7/2/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Kimbriki Fire

Reply To: “NEW Pittwater Signs”
Re your article and Notice “NEW Pittwater Signs” in Pittwater Online News Issue 346The Budawa Aboriginal Signage Group (BASG) have been trying to have signage that acknowledges the Aboriginal history of the Northern Beaches area for over 4 years. This included a welcome to the Pittwater area Garigal Country.
We had approached the Pittwater Council and Warringah Councils who gave support for the proposal then, the Councils' Amalgamation! Back to square one.
We met with the Administrator Mr. Dick Persson who suggested we concentrate on signs with information of local Aboriginal Peoples and clans, their history and culture; and the Council would do the Welcome signs.
The BASG suggested to the Administrator that the new Welcome signs could be similar to the signs in the Sutherland area. (see photo) or carved or inserted on large local sandstone rocks, as previously.
However, a meeting with the General Manager Mark Ferguson on 9th March 2017 resulted in the BASG being told that the Council would take control of all signage and they would all be produced within NB Council.
The group was able to get just one sign under way about the local Garigal clan. This has taken a lot of time by both parties.
We are presently led to believe by Council that, after nearly 2 years, the sign is just about ready. We are hoping it will be displayed in Mona Vale. We will keep POLN informed when and where.
RE the Welcome Signs, we would welcome any comment from the NBC Council.
I feel as disappointed as you, as this is the Country of my Ancestors and we should also be able to welcome everyone into this area.
Neil EversChairpersonBudawa Aboriginal Signage Group: budawagroup.comDirect Descendent of the Garigal clan of the Northern Beaches.
Tumbarumba Shire Taking Demerge Policy To Sydney
Residents of Pittwater are heading into town this coming Wednesday to Stand by for action on Valentine's Day (Wednesday, February 14), 12 noon, at NSW Parliament House.
Community Group Protect Pittwater state,
"Some of our country cousins - Tumbarumba and Guyra - are taking their demerger proposals (just like our petition) to hand in to the government.
"There'll be a rally with media invited and we'd like to get as many Pittwater residents (with signs and banners if possible) along to support them. So make it a date and join us there!

Environmental Restoration And Rehabilitation Grants
February 6th, 2018: NSW O&H
The Restoration and Rehabilitation grants program is now open to applications, and will close on Monday, 26 March 2018
PurposeTo assist in the ongoing sustainable management and stewardship of significant environmental assets and services in NSW.
FundingIndividual grants of up to $100,000 with a total of $2,000,000 for community organisations and $2,000,000 for government entities.
Who can applyCommunity groups and organisations, incorporated associations, non-profit organisations, non-commercial cooperatives, Trusts and government entities.
Bayview Golf Course Seniors Housing DA Lodged
New - Construction of Seniors Housing consisting of 95 units including golf course upgrades and infrastructure worksAt: 52 Cabbage Tree Road BAYVIEW NSW 2104 Application Type:Development ApplicationSubmitted:19/12/2017Notification Period:10/01/2018 to 12/02/2018Application Number: DA2017/1274
Make a submission:Documents: HERE
Construction and use of seven (7) separate buildings of predominantly 3-4 storeys in height to be operated as a retirement village (within the meaning of the Retirement Villages Act 1999);− Basement parking for 186 cars, loading and servicing; − Landscaping works, including ground level landscaping for the creation of a communal open space area for future residents; and− Extension/augmentation of services and utilities to service the development. Construction of a road facilitating access into the proposed seniors housing development from Cabbage Tree Road and a round-a-bout on Cabbage Tree Road (and associated pedestrian crossing); and Construction of an access pathway from the site through to the bus stop on the eastern side of Annam Road.
Pittwater Mens Probus Club February 2018 Speaker
Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 11AM'Secrets of a Misspent Life': Greg van BorssumGreg Van Borssum is a former body-builder and Mr Australia champion. Greg was also a finalist in the Mr America contest.Greg is also a pistol shooting world champion and won an Oscar for his work on the Mad Max films. After a health scare, Greg has decided to devote himself to public service which includes speaking at Probus meetings.
Probus Trivia NightVenue: Mona Vale Golf Club 20 February 2018Cost: $32 includes dinner (main/dessert and coffee)Time: From 6.15pmTeams: Can be arranged on the night or set up by team members in advance. Come with your partner or single. Guests welcomeBookings: Please pay at the door at the February Club Meeting. Payment can also be sent to PO Box 700, Mona Vale 2103. Cheques payable to Pittwater Probus Club.
Pittwater Mens ProbusOur Probus club is an association for active members of the community, and for those no longer working full time, to join together in clubs for a new lease of life.Its basic purpose is to advance intellectual and cultural interests amongst adult persons; to provide regular opportunities to progress healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities, expand interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.Our club membership is for men only, however partners are welcome at our social events and activities including our monthly guest presentation following each meeting.Visitors Welcome
Monthly MeetingsOur monthly meetings are followed by a guest presentation that will interest our members. Meetings conclude at 12noon followed by an optional lunch at the Golf Club. Partners are invited to attend the presentations.
Pittwater Mens Probus Meetings10am 2nd Tuesday every MonthVenue: Mona Vale Golf ClubVisit:

Significant Pollution Incident At Beacon Hill
The Northern Beaches Council has tackled a significant pollution incident at Beacon Hill, with crews cleaning up a toxic substance before it made its way into South Creek and Narrabeen Lagoon.
Mayor Michael Regan said the incident had resulted in serious impacts to local environment and wildlife after a stormwater detention basin captured around 200,000 litres of contaminated water in a holding pond near Endeavour Drive.
“The thoughtless actions of one or more people have killed most of the aquatic life within the area, and cost the community around $150,000 in clean-up costs, as well as hundreds of hours of staff time dealing with this situation.
“The only survivors were three native eastern long-necked turtles that were rescued and relocated by Council staff.
“This is one of the biggest pollution incidents we’ve had to deal with as Northern Beaches Council. It happened on Christmas Eve and we’re still dealing with the after-effects.
“Fortunately, the prompt response of Council officers contained the pollution in the pond, but the impact was so bad the only way to remove it was to drain and dig out the entire pond, and that’s a huge job.
“We’ve had to organise a number of waste water tankers, excavators and dump trucks, at considerable expense,” Mayor Regan said on Thursday this week.
Along with emptying the contaminated water, crews have also removed around 60 tonnes of sediment as a result of the incident.
Illegally disposing of chemicals can drastically affect our natural areas and harm our local wildlife. Visit and search hazardous waste for more information and to learn about correct disposal procedures.
“Quite apart from the environmental impact, the cost of this clean-up is substantial, and that’s money which could have been spent providing community services and other benefits. It’s really frustrating,” Mayor Regan said.
Council’s Environmental Compliance team is investigating the source of the pollution, and anyone with information is asked to contact Council on 1300 434 434.

Excavators and bobcats cleaning the polluted area - photo supplied
The Northern Beaches Council has tackled a significant pollution incident at Beacon Hill, with crews cleaning up a toxic substance before it made its way into South Creek and Narrabeen Lagoon.
Mayor Michael Regan said the incident had resulted in serious impacts to local environment and wildlife after a stormwater detention basin captured around 200,000 litres of contaminated water in a holding pond near Endeavour Drive.
“The thoughtless actions of one or more people have killed most of the aquatic life within the area, and cost the community around $150,000 in clean-up costs, as well as hundreds of hours of staff time dealing with this situation.
“The only survivors were three native eastern long-necked turtles that were rescued and relocated by Council staff.
“This is one of the biggest pollution incidents we’ve had to deal with as Northern Beaches Council. It happened on Christmas Eve and we’re still dealing with the after-effects.
“Fortunately, the prompt response of Council officers contained the pollution in the pond, but the impact was so bad the only way to remove it was to drain and dig out the entire pond, and that’s a huge job.
“We’ve had to organise a number of waste water tankers, excavators and dump trucks, at considerable expense,” Mayor Regan said on Thursday this week.
Along with emptying the contaminated water, crews have also removed around 60 tonnes of sediment as a result of the incident.
Illegally disposing of chemicals can drastically affect our natural areas and harm our local wildlife. Visit and search hazardous waste for more information and to learn about correct disposal procedures.
“Quite apart from the environmental impact, the cost of this clean-up is substantial, and that’s money which could have been spent providing community services and other benefits. It’s really frustrating,” Mayor Regan said.
Council’s Environmental Compliance team is investigating the source of the pollution, and anyone with information is asked to contact Council on 1300 434 434.
Excavators and bobcats cleaning the polluted area - photo supplied
Wildlife Wins!
Sydney Wildlife were thrilled and honoured to be the recipients of the Community Event of the Year Award at the Australia Day Awards for our inaugural ‘Go Wild Gala’!!!
It’s wonderful to know that the community is behind our pioneering project, as well as our Councillors and our esteemed Mayor, Michael Regan.

Mayor Michael Regan with Kirstie (one of the lovely award nominators), Sydney Wildlife Treasurer - Diane Jenner, Joan Reid and Lynleigh Greig - 2 of the ‘Go Wild Gala’ committee members.

Not all the committee members could attend the Awards Ceremony but here they all are at a lunch meeting prior to the Gala. Joan, Lynleigh, Lisa, Nicole, Laurie and Ali.
We would like to say a gigantic thank you to all the wonderful people who nominated our event and to the adjudication panel for selecting our event as the winner. We were extremely honoured to listen to Mayor Regan speak highly of our volunteers and to have him present the award to us, along with the Hon. Brad Hazzard and Australia Day Ambassador Peter Wynn.
The Award Ceremony took place on Australia Day 2018 at the Glen St Theatre. There were 6 award categories:
Citizen of the Year
Senior Citizen of the Year
Young Citizen of the Year
Sportsperson of the Year
Community Event of the Year
Outstanding Community Service Award.
Sydney Wildlife’s “Go Wild Gala” won in the category of Community Event of the Year. The gala was held to raise funds to purchase and equip a much-needed Mobile Wildlife Clinic.

The Gala came together as a result of hard work and dedication from many of our volunteers. Our committee consisted of 5 members initially, but when Ali moved back to Bermuda a month before the event, we were down to 4 members - Lisa, Joan, Laurie and myself. Nicole was an honorary member of the committee who spent hours sending out emails and letters to companies asking for donations for our Auction. She also spent 6 months filming and producing an emotive video that was aired on the night, showcasing what we do for wildlife and why we need the mobile clinic. The video can be viewed here:
t took about 6 months to organise the Gala and the amount of community involvement was astounding! Two of our committee members - Lisa and Laurie - weren't actually members of Sydney Wildlife yet but they gave freely of their time and talents. Lisa was a demon in her quest to obtain as many prizes for the Auction as humanly possible! She even managed to get her friends from Levendi Jewellers to donate an exquisite white gold and diamond necklace - the Levendi Kiss - as our raffle prize. And Laurie did all our graphic design work and printing free of charge.
On the night of the Gala we had assistance from the wonderful Jeannie at the venue (the Cardinal’s Palace in Manly) as well as a large group of students at the ICMS who were in charge of decor, general event coordination and the food for the evening. Our MC for the evening, Jason Morrison - Head of 7 News - got the night off to a fun and interesting start and he introduced our first entertainer for the evening.
The beautiful soprano, Phoebe-Celeste Humphreys, of Opera Australia gave freely of her talent and that of her accompanying musicians to open proceedings with her captivating voice. Later we were treated to a wonderful performance by Arthur Murray dancers - Jace and Melissa - who also donated their time for the event.
We had celebrities, councillors, volunteers, executives, media representatives and people from all walks of the community in attendance. We even had Animal Planet’s Snake Boss (Julia Baker) and Johny Bagpipes who flew down from Queensland to do our Auction for us!

Guests arriving at the Cardinal’s Palace

The entire event was captured on camera by the sensational Michael Mannington of Volunteer Photography whose images were a wonderful collage of memories of our first-ever Go Wild Gala!

The key to their future is in your hands.
To donate:
by Lynleigh GreigSydney Wildlife
Sydney Wildlife were thrilled and honoured to be the recipients of the Community Event of the Year Award at the Australia Day Awards for our inaugural ‘Go Wild Gala’!!!
It’s wonderful to know that the community is behind our pioneering project, as well as our Councillors and our esteemed Mayor, Michael Regan.
Mayor Michael Regan with Kirstie (one of the lovely award nominators), Sydney Wildlife Treasurer - Diane Jenner, Joan Reid and Lynleigh Greig - 2 of the ‘Go Wild Gala’ committee members.
Not all the committee members could attend the Awards Ceremony but here they all are at a lunch meeting prior to the Gala. Joan, Lynleigh, Lisa, Nicole, Laurie and Ali.
We would like to say a gigantic thank you to all the wonderful people who nominated our event and to the adjudication panel for selecting our event as the winner. We were extremely honoured to listen to Mayor Regan speak highly of our volunteers and to have him present the award to us, along with the Hon. Brad Hazzard and Australia Day Ambassador Peter Wynn.
The Award Ceremony took place on Australia Day 2018 at the Glen St Theatre. There were 6 award categories:
Citizen of the Year
Senior Citizen of the Year
Young Citizen of the Year
Sportsperson of the Year
Community Event of the Year
Outstanding Community Service Award.
Sydney Wildlife’s “Go Wild Gala” won in the category of Community Event of the Year. The gala was held to raise funds to purchase and equip a much-needed Mobile Wildlife Clinic.
The Gala came together as a result of hard work and dedication from many of our volunteers. Our committee consisted of 5 members initially, but when Ali moved back to Bermuda a month before the event, we were down to 4 members - Lisa, Joan, Laurie and myself. Nicole was an honorary member of the committee who spent hours sending out emails and letters to companies asking for donations for our Auction. She also spent 6 months filming and producing an emotive video that was aired on the night, showcasing what we do for wildlife and why we need the mobile clinic. The video can be viewed here:
t took about 6 months to organise the Gala and the amount of community involvement was astounding! Two of our committee members - Lisa and Laurie - weren't actually members of Sydney Wildlife yet but they gave freely of their time and talents. Lisa was a demon in her quest to obtain as many prizes for the Auction as humanly possible! She even managed to get her friends from Levendi Jewellers to donate an exquisite white gold and diamond necklace - the Levendi Kiss - as our raffle prize. And Laurie did all our graphic design work and printing free of charge.
On the night of the Gala we had assistance from the wonderful Jeannie at the venue (the Cardinal’s Palace in Manly) as well as a large group of students at the ICMS who were in charge of decor, general event coordination and the food for the evening. Our MC for the evening, Jason Morrison - Head of 7 News - got the night off to a fun and interesting start and he introduced our first entertainer for the evening.
The beautiful soprano, Phoebe-Celeste Humphreys, of Opera Australia gave freely of her talent and that of her accompanying musicians to open proceedings with her captivating voice. Later we were treated to a wonderful performance by Arthur Murray dancers - Jace and Melissa - who also donated their time for the event.
We had celebrities, councillors, volunteers, executives, media representatives and people from all walks of the community in attendance. We even had Animal Planet’s Snake Boss (Julia Baker) and Johny Bagpipes who flew down from Queensland to do our Auction for us!

The entire event was captured on camera by the sensational Michael Mannington of Volunteer Photography whose images were a wonderful collage of memories of our first-ever Go Wild Gala!

Water Research Laboratory Open Day
When: 17 February 2018 - 9:00am to 1:00pmVenue: 110 King St, Manly Vale
Ever wanted to know how beaches work? Why do we get rips and what happens to all the sand in a storm? How much water does it take for a car to float away in a flood? How are dams, harbours and breakwaters designed? And how, exactly, is it all tested anyway?…
Based on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, WRL spans four hectares tucked away beside Manly Dam. We are also one of the biggest scientific and engineering facilities in Australia, solving all kinds of problems related to water and the environment. Our “laboratories” don’t have test tubes and lab coats; instead we have big wave machines and fly drones. We build scale models of dams and harbours larger than a lounge room!
The WRL Open Day is a fantastic opportunity for you to experience first hand this unique, world-class research facility. Tour our massive labs, meet the experts, and see engineering and science at work.
All are welcome! If you are interested in water, engineering, science or the environment, then come along!
Register your interest to be sure to receive further updates on this upcoming event.

Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park: 1080 Fox Baiting Program
1080 fox baits (sodium fluoroacetate) will be laid in various locationsacross Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park and Garigal National Park from Thursday 1 February 2018 to Tuesday 31 July 2018.
The baited areas will contain buried baits or ejector capsules. Do not touch the baits or ejector devices as they are poisonous. 1080 is highly lethal to domestic animals and pet owners are reminded that dogs are not permitted in national parks.
For further information during business hours please contact NPWS Greater Sydney Branch Pest Officer on (02) 9542 0678.
Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park: Aboriginal Heritage walk, Akuna Bay,America Bay walking track, Apple Tree picnic area, Bairne walking track,Barrenjoey Lighthouse, Basin Aboriginal art site, Beechwood Cottage,Birrawanna walking track, Bobbin Head, Bobbin Head Information CentreCentre trail, d'Albora Marinas at Akuna Bay, Empire Marina Bobbin Head,Gibberagong walking track, Great North walk – Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Kalkari Discovery Centre, Mount Colah Station to Pymble Station cycle route, Mount Ku-ring-gai track to Berowra Station Perimeter trail,Red Hands Cave walking track - Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park,Resolute picnic area, Salvation loop trail, Sphinx Memorial, Sphinx Memorial to Bobbin Head loop track, The Basin campground, The Basin picnic area, The Basin track and Mackerel track, The Pavillion picnic shelter, The Station picnic shelter, Topham walking track, Wallaroo walking track, Waratah walking track, West Head lookout, Willunga Trig walking track

Problem Boat And Trailer Parking Areas Targeted Under Six Month Trial
Northern Beaches Council is introducing a trial designed to crack down on trailers and boats parked on public roads. It is hoped the trial will help residents park closer to a number of popular local parks and reserves.
Introducing a six month trial in five problem locations across the Beaches, Mayor Michael Regan said other measures had failed and it was time to try something different.
“We are getting an increasing number of complaints from residents fed up with trailers and boats taking up most of the parking next to playgrounds, parks and fields and rarely being moved,” Mayor Regan said.
“Under State Government legislation Council could give trailer owners 28 days notice to move on. However we were finding they would wait until the 28th day and then move a few spots down the street, or even just return to the same spot, and Council would have no recourse but to start the process again with another 28 days notice. It simply was ineffective.
“Our new approach prevents boats and trailers from parking at all in some known problem areas.
“These measures will also prevent the dumping of un-roadworthy trailers which is a persistent issue.
“The trial will be reviewed after six months and expanded to other areas if successful.”
The trial has been developed in consultation with the RMS. Council will erect ‘No Parking, Motor Vehicles Excepted’ signs over the next month at:
- Kenneth Rd, Manly Vale
- Balgowlah Rd, Fairlight
- Aitken Reserve, Queenscliff
- Jacka Park, Freshwater
- Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
Council has notified hundreds of residents in the immediate vicinity of the affected areas and the response has been overwhelming in favour of the trial.
Northern Beaches Council is introducing a trial designed to crack down on trailers and boats parked on public roads. It is hoped the trial will help residents park closer to a number of popular local parks and reserves.
Introducing a six month trial in five problem locations across the Beaches, Mayor Michael Regan said other measures had failed and it was time to try something different.
“We are getting an increasing number of complaints from residents fed up with trailers and boats taking up most of the parking next to playgrounds, parks and fields and rarely being moved,” Mayor Regan said.
“Under State Government legislation Council could give trailer owners 28 days notice to move on. However we were finding they would wait until the 28th day and then move a few spots down the street, or even just return to the same spot, and Council would have no recourse but to start the process again with another 28 days notice. It simply was ineffective.
“Our new approach prevents boats and trailers from parking at all in some known problem areas.
“These measures will also prevent the dumping of un-roadworthy trailers which is a persistent issue.
“The trial will be reviewed after six months and expanded to other areas if successful.”
The trial has been developed in consultation with the RMS. Council will erect ‘No Parking, Motor Vehicles Excepted’ signs over the next month at:
- Kenneth Rd, Manly Vale
- Balgowlah Rd, Fairlight
- Aitken Reserve, Queenscliff
- Jacka Park, Freshwater
- Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
Council has notified hundreds of residents in the immediate vicinity of the affected areas and the response has been overwhelming in favour of the trial.
Consultation Draft Of The New Model Code Of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW
NSW Office of Local Government
Amendments made to the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) in August last year by the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016 provide for a model code of meeting practice to be prescribed by regulation.
The Office of Local Government (OLG) is consulting with councils and other stakeholders on the new Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW (Model Meeting Code). Once this is finalised, it will replace the meeting rules currently prescribed in the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (the Regulation).
The Model Meeting Code has two elements:- It contains mandatory provisions (indicated in black font) that reflect the existing meetings provisions of the Act and adapt those currently contained in the Regulation. The existing meetings provisions of the Regulation have been updated and supplemented to reflect contemporary meetings practice by councils and to address ambiguities and areas of confusion in the existing provisions based on feedback from councils.
- It contains non-mandatory provisions (indicated in red font) that cover areas of meetings practice that are common to most councils but where there may be a need for some variation in practice between councils based on local circumstances. The non-mandatory provisions will also operate to set a benchmark based on what OLG sees as being best practice for the relevant area of practice.
The Model Meeting Code has been designed to achieve a range of outcomes, namely:- promoting, as the principal object of meetings, the making of decisions by the governing bodies of councils that are in the best interests of the council and the community as a whole
- promoting more accessible, orderly, effective and efficient meetings and to provide councils with the tools to achieve these outcomes
- prescribing principles to inform the way in which meetings are conducted and to prescribe meeting rules that are consistent with these principles
- codifying areas of common practice across councils in a way that is clear, efficient, leads to better informed and more effective decision making and that is consistent with the requirements of the Act
- promoting greater consistency between councils across the state in key areas of meetings practice without losing the ability to allow some variation in practice to meet local needs or expectations
- allowing greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings to accommodate a range of potential scenarios that are not addressed by the current meeting rules
- simplifying the language currently used to make the prescribed meeting rules more accessible and easier to understand
- modernising the rules to accommodate current and emerging technologies (e.g. electronic notice, electronic voting systems and webcasting).
Links to the consultation draft of the Model Meeting Code can be found on the ‘Related Downloads’ section on this webpage.
Submissions can be made by email to Submissions should be labelled “Model Meeting Code Consultation” and marked to the attention of OLG’s Council Governance Team.
Submissions should be made by COB Friday 16 March 2018.
For further information, contact OLG’s Council Governance Team on (02) 4428 4100 or via email
All submissions are a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection upon request. Submissions may contain information that is defined as ‘personal information’ under the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Submissions will be handled in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act, 1998 and the requirements of the Act will be followed for the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information contained in the submissions. The Office reserves the right to withhold submissions which it considerers to be defamatory, offensive or otherwise not in the public interest to release.
- It contains mandatory provisions (indicated in black font) that reflect the existing meetings provisions of the Act and adapt those currently contained in the Regulation. The existing meetings provisions of the Regulation have been updated and supplemented to reflect contemporary meetings practice by councils and to address ambiguities and areas of confusion in the existing provisions based on feedback from councils.
- It contains non-mandatory provisions (indicated in red font) that cover areas of meetings practice that are common to most councils but where there may be a need for some variation in practice between councils based on local circumstances. The non-mandatory provisions will also operate to set a benchmark based on what OLG sees as being best practice for the relevant area of practice.
- promoting, as the principal object of meetings, the making of decisions by the governing bodies of councils that are in the best interests of the council and the community as a whole
- promoting more accessible, orderly, effective and efficient meetings and to provide councils with the tools to achieve these outcomes
- prescribing principles to inform the way in which meetings are conducted and to prescribe meeting rules that are consistent with these principles
- codifying areas of common practice across councils in a way that is clear, efficient, leads to better informed and more effective decision making and that is consistent with the requirements of the Act
- promoting greater consistency between councils across the state in key areas of meetings practice without losing the ability to allow some variation in practice to meet local needs or expectations
- allowing greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings to accommodate a range of potential scenarios that are not addressed by the current meeting rules
- simplifying the language currently used to make the prescribed meeting rules more accessible and easier to understand
- modernising the rules to accommodate current and emerging technologies (e.g. electronic notice, electronic voting systems and webcasting).
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
February3rd: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 16th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books 17th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle March3rd: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 16th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books 17th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle April7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 14th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle 20th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books May5th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, sewing, books 5th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle
11th: Stall: Outside ANZ Bank, Avalon 8am to 4pmKnitting, sewing, craft, jam
18th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books June2nd: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 9th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle 15th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, booksBoating facilities upgrade: Two New Pontoons Proposed for Rowland Reserve Bayview
Council are proposing to install additional boat access facilities for the northern and southern boat ramps at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
The proposal for two new access pontoons is being facilitated to provide recreational boat users with a safe and more efficient means of embarking and disembarking water craft about the existing boat ramps.
View the plans
Have your say
Register for updates on the project
In writing marked ‘Boating Facilities Upgrade - Rowland Reserve’ addressed to: Northern Beaches Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
Comments close Sunday 18 February
Frequently Asked Questions - From Council's webpage
Will I be able to launch a boat from land during the works?
Yes, one ramp will be available during construction.
Will access along the foreshore change or be restricted?
A small area at each ramp will be fenced off for safety reasons during construction, but otherwise access along the foreshore will be maintained as existing.
Will parking be affected during or after the works?
A small area for site materials and waste storage will be established adjacent to the boat ramps within the carpark area during construction. This area will be fenced off and unavailable to the public during construction.
The site materials and waste storage area will have minimal impact on the available carparking or associated vehicle lanes.
Will the works affect the navigation of the surrounding waterways?
The proposed new pontoons will extend approximately 23 metres from the lowest astronomical tide mark into the waterway and will incorporate new lighting which will improve navigation about the existing boat ramps.
The impact of the proposal will be minimal with regard to navigation.
Will the proposal affect Marine Rescue operations?
Access to the Pittwater from Rowland Reserve will be maintained for Marine Rescue operations.
How will the proposal affect commercial uses such as barge and salvage operations?
Access to the Northern Boat Ramp will be maintained for commercial operators with minor interruptions during piling works.
Will any marine vegetation be disturbed as a result of the works?
No seagrass species such as Zostera or Posidonia* were found within the Aquatic Survey area. Marine pest Caulerpa Taxifolia was found to be located within the survey area. Management procedures have been prepared to minimise the risk of spreading the pest algae Caulerpa Taxifolia to other parts of Pittwater. A small area of marine algae Sargassum will likely be disturbed near the Southern boat ramp. Additional vertical surface area will be created as a result of the works, which would support fringing algae species. *Refer the Aquatic Ecology Survey Report for details of local sea grasses.

Boating facilities upgrade: Two New Pontoons Proposed for Rowland Reserve Bayview
Council are proposing to install additional boat access facilities for the northern and southern boat ramps at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
The proposal for two new access pontoons is being facilitated to provide recreational boat users with a safe and more efficient means of embarking and disembarking water craft about the existing boat ramps.
View the plans
Have your say
Register for updates on the project
In writing marked ‘Boating Facilities Upgrade - Rowland Reserve’ addressed to: Northern Beaches Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
Comments close Sunday 18 February
Frequently Asked Questions - From Council's webpage
Will I be able to launch a boat from land during the works?
Yes, one ramp will be available during construction.
Will access along the foreshore change or be restricted?
A small area at each ramp will be fenced off for safety reasons during construction, but otherwise access along the foreshore will be maintained as existing.
Will parking be affected during or after the works?
A small area for site materials and waste storage will be established adjacent to the boat ramps within the carpark area during construction. This area will be fenced off and unavailable to the public during construction.
The site materials and waste storage area will have minimal impact on the available carparking or associated vehicle lanes.
Will the works affect the navigation of the surrounding waterways?
The proposed new pontoons will extend approximately 23 metres from the lowest astronomical tide mark into the waterway and will incorporate new lighting which will improve navigation about the existing boat ramps.
The impact of the proposal will be minimal with regard to navigation.
Will the proposal affect Marine Rescue operations?
Access to the Pittwater from Rowland Reserve will be maintained for Marine Rescue operations.
How will the proposal affect commercial uses such as barge and salvage operations?
Access to the Northern Boat Ramp will be maintained for commercial operators with minor interruptions during piling works.
Will any marine vegetation be disturbed as a result of the works?
No seagrass species such as Zostera or Posidonia* were found within the Aquatic Survey area. Marine pest Caulerpa Taxifolia was found to be located within the survey area. Management procedures have been prepared to minimise the risk of spreading the pest algae Caulerpa Taxifolia to other parts of Pittwater. A small area of marine algae Sargassum will likely be disturbed near the Southern boat ramp. Additional vertical surface area will be created as a result of the works, which would support fringing algae species. *Refer the Aquatic Ecology Survey Report for details of local sea grasses.

Newport Residents Association February Meeting
The next meeting of the Newport Residents Association will be held on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at the Newport Community Centre, The Boulevard Newport at 7 pm.
We have a break during the month of January however if any matter arises that you wish us to follow up before our next meeting please just contact a committee member or use the ‘Contact Facility’ here.
Should you wish to send an apology for the next meeting please complete and use the ‘Contact Us’ facility.
All community members are encouraged and are most welcome to attend.
Find out more here:

Pittwater Artists Trail 2018
Now’s the time to apply to join the Pittwater Artists Trail for 2018/19. If you’re an artist living on the Northern Beaches and have a studio in the Pittwater area get in touch. Details on our website:
The Pittwater Artists Trail is an alliance of artists who collectively open their studios to the public on two weekends each year creating a Trail for art lovers.
Visitors can engage with the artists, see how they work and what inspires them, buy beautiful, original artworks or perhaps enrol in one of the courses offered by a number of artists on the Trail.
Next open weekend is March 10 and 11, 2018. All studios are open from 10am - 5pm.

Planning Alerts
Find out what's happening in your area. Get alerts of new applications near here straight in your email. It's free!
Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment February 2018 Forum

NSW Surfboat Interstate Team Announced
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work

Palm Beach To Star In New Australian Film

Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: Community Fire Unit Training Announcement
- Working safely
- Preparing your property
- Bushfire behaviour
- Fire fighting equipment and operations
Invictus Games Sydney Clubs NSW Countdown

B-Line Updates February:Mona Vale And Warriewood
- construction of the car park facade, concrete columns, lift, stairwell and the new amenities block. Temporary toilets will remain in place as work continues on the amenities block
- installation of overhead and underground utilities, including water main relocation
- landscaping which may include vegetation trimming and removal
- finishing work to northbound and southbound bus stops on Pittwater Road
- asphalting, line marking and continued work on new traffic signals
- footpath work
- 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm on Saturday
- traffic island adjustments at the intersections of Pittwater Road and Barrenjoey Road, and Park Street, Golf Avenue and Barrenjoey Road, including drainage and traffic signal work
- asphalting works on Pittwater and Barrenjoey Roads
- installation of new kerb
- Beeby Reserve car park modifications including service installation, pavement work and sign installation
- bus stop completion work
- car park access control work
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Legislation
Northern Beaches Walking Plan
Pet of the Week

Navigation Restriction - Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge

- Vessels are required to maintain a safe distance and speed from the works and operators are reminded that the production of wash which impacts unreasonably on the works is an offence (Marine Safety Regulation 2016 – clause 11(2) - Maximum Penalty $5,500.00)
- Persons within the vicinity of the works must comply with any directions given by a Boating Safety Officer or Police Officer in relation to the works or to marine safety. Failure to comply with any such direction is an offence (Marine Safety Act 1998, s.15A - Maximum Penalty $3,300.00).
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Mona Vale Chamber Of Commerce February 2018
Call For National Heritage List Nominations
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Course For A Cause At Avalon

Pittwater Community Groups:
February 4 - 10, 2018: Issue 346
Articles This Week
SLS SNB Rescue Of The Month For December 2017: Whale Beach SLSC
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work and AMDF Raffle Quilt Touches Stars: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of March 2018: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Avalon Uniting Church
Teenagers Swap Bush For Beach On Northern Beaches Exchange; Northern Beaches teenagers will soon have the opportunity to apply be part of the exchange to Brewarrina in April as part of 2018 National Youth Week celebrations
NSW Lifesavers Win Inaugural Youth Cup by Surf Life Saving New South Wales
Pictures: Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Begins Branch Championships Weekends: Masters, Boats, Belles and Outstanding Junior Lifesavers
Hy-Brasil, Avalon Beach - Pittwater Summer Houses; History - Round III
Lots of Local Sailor Triumphs in Recent Days:
Local Sailors Excell At 2018 World Cup Series Miami: More Medals For Olympians Jason Waterhouse and Lisa Darmanin, first hitout for Natasha Bryant and Annie Wilmot in 49er in World Cup events
Marcus Blackmore's Ammonite Wins The 2018 New Zealand Millennium Cup - on Australia Day 2018!
Aquatics: RPAYC Women Skippers In 2018 Hardy Cup Sydney International Match Racing Regatta: begins today, Feb. 4
Park Bench Philosopher 2018 Ferry Name Reach For Longevity In An Environment Crusader and An Environment Author To Engage The Young Needs The Gibbs-Turner Original Magic Button
Artist of the Month: February 2018 - Willi Michalski – Studio Potter
For the past 30 years master ceramicist, Willi Michalski, has been creating one-off pieces in his Church Point studio. Willi has spent decades researching and refining his technique for glaze-on-glaze decoration and, gas reduction firing, with resounding success. Over the years he has developed his own unique style, often creating generously sized pieces, with immediately identifiable sculptural forms.
Profile: Avalon Soccer Club
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/2/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work

Nexba Heads South

Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: Community Fire Unit Training Announcement
- Working safely
- Preparing your property
- Bushfire behaviour
- Fire fighting equipment and operations
Well Done Ratcliff Family!

Avalon Soccer Club Set To Kick Off A Great 2018 Season

B-Line Updates February:Mona Vale And Warriewood
- construction of the car park facade, concrete columns, lift, stairwell and the new amenities block. Temporary toilets will remain in place as work continues on the amenities block
- installation of overhead and underground utilities, including water main relocation
- landscaping which may include vegetation trimming and removal
- finishing work to northbound and southbound bus stops on Pittwater Road
- asphalting, line marking and continued work on new traffic signals
- footpath work
- 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
- 8am to 1pm on Saturday
- traffic island adjustments at the intersections of Pittwater Road and Barrenjoey Road, and Park Street, Golf Avenue and Barrenjoey Road, including drainage and traffic signal work
- asphalting works on Pittwater and Barrenjoey Roads
- installation of new kerb
- Beeby Reserve car park modifications including service installation, pavement work and sign installation
- bus stop completion work
- car park access control work
Calling All Women And Youthful Sailors – Hobie State Titles On Pittwater With Boats Available!
Palm Beach Sailing Club members will donate their boats to teams who would like to enter the Hobie state titles but don’t have access to one of these gleaming speed machines.
The NSW Hobie Association is excited to join the Palm Beach Sailing Club and The Life Aquatic to host the 2017/18 Hobie 14 and Hobie 16 Women and Youth Hobie State Titles on beautiful Pittwater. The regatta will be run on the weekend of the 10th and 11th of February. “We want women and young people to enjoy racing Hobies, and we want these teams to enjoy the Club and all Pittwater has to offer,” said Commodore Andrew Nelson.
“Club members have been working hard to encourage as many women and youth teams to enter this event as possible. And we’re even willing to offer our boats for the regatta to those women and youngsters who don’t have one.” Palm Beach Sailing Club is located at Sand Point, Palm Beach and sailing is often right up underneath the iconic Barrenjoey Headland at the entrance to Pittwater. A small club run by members, the Palm Beach Sailing Club punches well above its weight at national and international competitions. The club boasts Australian Champions, World Champions and Olympic medal winners amongst its members as well as those trying catamaran sailing for the first time.
The atmosphere is friendly and there is always someone to help with tips and techniques to make sailing even more fun. Any teams interested please contact Andrew Nelson

Rescue Of The Month: Whale Beach SLSC
Congratulations to Whale Beach SLSC; Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beach Branch winners of the December Rescue of the Month.
Detailed information on the Rescue of the Month program can be found on the SLSNSW website here
Whale Beach SLSC: "We are very proud of our Patrol 9, what an outstanding effort by the Whale Beach team! A big thank you to ALL of our lifesavers for keeping our beaches safe this summer.
"If you or a mate want to learn how to save a life or find out more about what we do, it's easy just email or head to
Friday January 12th, 2018: SLS NSWTwo Western Sydney men were able to celebrate Christmas with their families after the substantial skills of a team of lifesavers stopped a potential double tragedy at Whale Beach on the Northern Beaches.
The incident happened just after 3pm on December 23 when the two men understood to be in their early 20s got into difficulty while swimming just to the edge of the flagged area.
A set of waves knocked the pair off-balance and they were at the mercy of the rip current, being tossed and turned in the churning water.
Fortunately for the duo help was close by in the form of Whale Beach Patrol 9. Seeing the incident escalate, the volunteer lifesavers quickly rushed into the water with rescue tubes and boards while the Inflatable Rescue Boat was also launched.
One of the patients was in severe distress when he was pulled unconscious onto a rescue board. He received CPR treatment on the beach, while the second man was fully conscious when he was brought ashore. However, once back on the beach, his condition too deteriorated and he began to display the symptoms of secondary drowning and shock.
Both men were transported to hospital for further treatment.
It was a great team effort from the Whale Beach SLSC lifesavers, many of whom were newly qualified and in their teens. For first year Patrol Captain Suzy Bownes and Sophie Rothery, it was a highly stressful incident, but they handled the situation with the skill of seasoned veterans.
“Without their vigilance, skills and training, there is little doubt one or both of these swimmers would have drowned,” said Club President Andrew Pearce.
“When these things happen they happen fast. It doesn't bear thinking about how things might have ended differently had we been less prepared,” he said.
CEO of Surf Life Saving NSW, Steven Pearce, said the incident highlights the importance for lifesavers of maintaining current rescue skills and having a working knowledge of CPR techniques.
“The ability of the volunteers to step up and save someone’s life shows how vital regular training is for all of us in undertaking this important work,” said Steve Pearce.
“This experience brings home the fact that keeping up to date with CPR training and lifesaving skills is paramount.
“It also demonstrates how important it is to always swim at a patrolled beach between the flags. If the patrol hadn’t been there to respond, things would have ended very differently,” he concluded.
Saturday 3 February 2018By SLS NSWA man is in hospital with suspected spinal injuries after being swept into rocks while fishing on Fingal Island in the Hunter area on Saturday morning.
Shortly after 10am, the State Operations Centre was alerted to initial reports of an incident involving a group of bushwalkers near the lighthouse on Fingal Island, which is a popular local fishing spot.
Surf Life Saving assets including the Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) from Fingal Beach SLSC, a Hunter Branch Support Jet Ski, and a Hunter Duty Officer were all tasked to attend, while NSW Police and Paramedics also sent personnel.
Once on scene it was quickly discovered that the incident involved fishermen and not bushwalkers as previously reported.
It is understood that the group of six were hit by a large wave and thrown against the rocks with one young man in his 20s suffering suspected spinal injuries in the incident.
Due to the geography of the area only an air evacuation of the patient was possible.
The Westpac Lifesaving Helicopter arrived on scene at around 11:15 with the young fisherman and a second man who had suffered minor leg injuries both flown to hospital shortly afterwards.
Due to the changing conditions, the area was now completely underwater as a result of the tide, it was decided that the remaining members of the group would be transported by the IRB back to Fingal Beach where a staging area had been set up.
Paramedics assessed the group once they had been brought to the safety of the shore but none required any further treatment.
NSW Lifesaving Manager Matt du Plessis said this morning’s rescue reinforced the importance of inter-agency relationships.
“This rescue involved responders from four different agencies including our volunteer surf lifesavers with each playing a small, but critical role in what was a successful outcome.
“We are pleased to be able to assist and play our part in this rescue,” said Mr du Plessis.
It is unknown if the injured fisherman was wearing a lifejacket at the time of the incident.
General Rock Fishing Safety Tips:- Check the weather, surf conditions and tides before going fishing
- Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back
- Always wear a lifejacket
- Wear appropriate non-slip footwear and light clothing
- Always fish with a friend
- Check the warnings signs for information about the area
- Never turn your back to the water
- Do not try and retrieve anything that has fallen into the water
- Do not jump in if someone falls into the water - wait for assistance or throw an ‘Angel Ring’ or Lifebuoy if there is one nearby
Additionally boaters are urged to always check conditions prior and to log on with their local Marine Rescue Base via radio or using the MarineRescue App. Visit for more informationCall Triple Zero – Police to report an in-water emergency
- Check the weather, surf conditions and tides before going fishing
- Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back
- Always wear a lifejacket
- Wear appropriate non-slip footwear and light clothing
- Always fish with a friend
- Check the warnings signs for information about the area
- Never turn your back to the water
- Do not try and retrieve anything that has fallen into the water
- Do not jump in if someone falls into the water - wait for assistance or throw an ‘Angel Ring’ or Lifebuoy if there is one nearby
Warriewood Angels
January 29, 2018: Warriewood SLSCOur under 19 girls, the Angels were invited to take part in an exhibition race on Australia Day at Circular Quay in front of a massive audience.
A lot has been happening with the boaties over the last few weeks. We had 2 crews, the Rustys and Crustys, complete the world’s longest surf boat marathon of 190kms from Batemans Bay to Eden. Our Open Womens crew, the Wahines, has been competing in Ocean Thunder, the premier surf boat competition in Australia.
Our 2 new younger crews, the Devils in the under 23 males and the Angels in the under 19 females, had their first carnivals in January. The Devils won a race in only their second carnival at Manly on Australia Day. We had all 5 crews competing at Manly and Freshwater over the long weekend. Our under 19 girls, the Angels were invited to take part in an exhibition race on Australia Day at Circular Quay in front of a massive audience. We will be starting learn to row and social rowing in the next week or so.
Photo courtesy Warriewood SLSC

The Initial “Ride For Aboriginal Peoples”
On Friday 26 January, Australia Day/Survival Day, a group of non-Aboriginal cyclists rode from Manly to Church Point to honour the Aboriginal clans of the Northern Beaches. They met at 7am at the plaque near Manly Wharf where Wil-Le-Me-Ring, a Garigal man, speared Governor Captain Arthur Phillip, wounding him. This is the first event of this kind on the Northern Beaches and is welcomed as a gesture of reconciliation.
They rode through Manly, Queenscliff, Freshwater, Curl Curl, Dee Why, Collaroy, Ocean Parade, Narrabeen, Mona Vale, and Church Point then back to Manly.
The group were met at Church Point by local Garigal man Uncle Neil Evers with a Welcome to Country and a thank you to the riders. Aunty Clair Jackson gave a small talk about Australia Day and how the large midden on Church Point was saved by the erection of the first church and cemeteryon it in 1872, leading to the local name of Church Point.

We hope this cycle ride will become an annual event.
For all those interested in joining the ride in 2019 please contact Colin Hutton Neil Evers
Bikalabarley Murraring Walla Giballee Yaddung Guringai Wanangini Wahroong Yennieubu
Let us walk together in Guringai Country as one

On Friday 26 January, Australia Day/Survival Day, a group of non-Aboriginal cyclists rode from Manly to Church Point to honour the Aboriginal clans of the Northern Beaches. They met at 7am at the plaque near Manly Wharf where Wil-Le-Me-Ring, a Garigal man, speared Governor Captain Arthur Phillip, wounding him. This is the first event of this kind on the Northern Beaches and is welcomed as a gesture of reconciliation.
They rode through Manly, Queenscliff, Freshwater, Curl Curl, Dee Why, Collaroy, Ocean Parade, Narrabeen, Mona Vale, and Church Point then back to Manly.
The group were met at Church Point by local Garigal man Uncle Neil Evers with a Welcome to Country and a thank you to the riders. Aunty Clair Jackson gave a small talk about Australia Day and how the large midden on Church Point was saved by the erection of the first church and cemeteryon it in 1872, leading to the local name of Church Point.
We hope this cycle ride will become an annual event.
For all those interested in joining the ride in 2019 please contact Colin Hutton Neil Evers
Bikalabarley Murraring Walla Giballee Yaddung Guringai Wanangini Wahroong Yennieubu
Let us walk together in Guringai Country as one

$10,000 For A Youth Hub In Pittwater
Jason Falinski, MP for Mackellar, this week announced a grant has been secured under the Federal Government's Stronger CommunitiesProgramme, part of the Australian Government's commitment to help deliver social benefits in communities across Australia.
In December 2017 Pittwater MP Rob Stokes also announced over $30,000 in NSW Government funds to support local mental health support services.
"The funds are part of the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership Program and include $20,350 for the Burdekin Association and $12,500 for Lifeline Northern Beaches." Mr. Stokes stated.
"The Burdekin Association is currently working with Northern Beaches Council and Barrenjoey High School to establish a youth health hub in the northern part of Pittwater. The funds will assist with the fitout of the hub which will accommodate a range of youth support agencies."
In January 2018 the Northern Beaches Council announced $48,050 had been allocated to The Burdekin Association in Round Two, the final one, of this program.
"It is recognised that the suburbs within the northern section of the northern beaches are under resourced in respect to support services for young people and their families. The vision is to provide a permanently based youth support/referral hub in this area, designed with community consultation to ensure it best meets the need of the community and to be staffed by the multiple agencies that already support the Northern Beaches community, a collaboration of community services. "
The Stronger Communities Fund was a one off NSW Government grant set up to provide funding to new councils. The Fund was designed to help the delivery of projects that improve community infrastructure and services.
Council were allocated $1million for the Community Grants Program, with individual project funding up to $50,000 to go to incorporated not-for-profit community groups for projects that would develop vibrant, sustainable and inclusive local communities.
The Burdekin Association is based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, providing support and accommodation options for children and young people (12-24) and their families for the past 33 years. More here:
With this week's announcement Pittwater is one step closer to having a much needed Youth Hub.
A video with Mr. Falinski speaking with Justene Gordon, CEO of Burdekin was made available Tuesday, January 30th:
Bayview Golf Course Seniors Housing DA Lodged
New - Construction of Seniors Housing consisting of 95 units including golf course upgrades and infrastructure worksAt: 52 Cabbage Tree Road BAYVIEW NSW 2104 Application Type:Development ApplicationSubmitted:19/12/2017Notification Period:10/01/2018 to 12/02/2018Application Number: DA2017/1274
Make a submission:Documents: HERE
Construction and use of seven (7) separate buildings of predominantly 3-4 storeys in height to be operated as a retirement village (within the meaning of the Retirement Villages Act 1999);− Basement parking for 186 cars, loading and servicing; − Landscaping works, including ground level landscaping for the creation of a communal open space area for future residents; and− Extension/augmentation of services and utilities to service the development. Construction of a road facilitating access into the proposed seniors housing development from Cabbage Tree Road and a round-a-bout on Cabbage Tree Road (and associated pedestrian crossing); and Construction of an access pathway from the site through to the bus stop on the eastern side of Annam Road.
Planning Proposal – 75-79 Old Pittwater Road And 19 Cross Street, Brookvale
Council have received a planning proposal that seeks to amend Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP 2011) to allow business premises, office premises, residential premises and local open space as additional permitted uses on the subject site. It also seeks to amend the LEP to allow building heights of up to 17 storeys.
A Planning Proposal was received on 10 January 2018 for 75-79 Old Pittwater Road and 19 Cross Street, Brookvale ((Lot A DP 166808; Lot 2 DP 600059; Lot 1 DP 204107).
The proposal seeks to retain the existing IN1 General Industrial zone for the site and to include Additional Permitted Uses for the site being:- business premises
- office premises
- residential flat buildings, and
- local open space.
It also proposes that the maximum building height for the site is amended by adding a clause to WLEP 2011 that states that the (current) maximum permitted building height for the site shall not apply in circumstances where Council has approved buildings of greater height on the subject land under an approved precinct masterplan.
The proposal includes a concept precinct masterplan. This proposes nine buildings that range in height up to a maximum of 17 storeys. Each building is to accommodate multiple/ mixed uses.
It proposes 507 dwellings and 11,894sm of employment floor space. It also proposes local open space generally aligning the creek at the north eastern boundary of the site and pedestrian connectivity through the site.
In accordance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 Council are assessing the proposal to determine whether there is merit to proceed as an amendment to Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 (WLEP 2011).
Make a submission:In writing marked ‘PEX2018/0001’ to Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Road,Dee Why NSW 2099.Any person may make a written submission to Council in relation to the Planning Proposal. If you intend to do so, you should make yourself aware of any obligation you might have in relation to (External link)Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure(External link). Please note that all submissions are public documents and are available to the Applicant or other interested persons on request.
For further information contact Kathryn Fadeev(External link), Principle Planner on 1300 434 434.
Submissions close Monday 12 February 2018View the Documents and make a Submission HERE.
- business premises
- office premises
- residential flat buildings, and
- local open space.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
February3rd: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 16th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books 17th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle March3rd: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 16th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books 17th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle April7th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 14th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle 20th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books May5th: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, sewing, books 5th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle 18th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, books June2nd: Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale 9am to 3pmSewing, knitting, craft, books 9th: Bunnings, Narrabeen 8am to 3pmSausage Sizzle 15th: Stall, Foyer Mona Vale Hospital 9am to 3pmBaking, knitting, sewing, booksBoating facilities upgrade: Two New Pontoons Proposed for Rowland Reserve Bayview
Council are proposing to install additional boat access facilities for the northern and southern boat ramps at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
The proposal for two new access pontoons is being facilitated to provide recreational boat users with a safe and more efficient means of embarking and disembarking water craft about the existing boat ramps.
View the plans
Have your say
Register for updates on the project
In writing marked ‘Boating Facilities Upgrade - Rowland Reserve’ addressed to: Northern Beaches Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
Comments close Sunday 18 February
Frequently Asked Questions - From Council's webpage
Will I be able to launch a boat from land during the works?
Yes, one ramp will be available during construction.
Will access along the foreshore change or be restricted?
A small area at each ramp will be fenced off for safety reasons during construction, but otherwise access along the foreshore will be maintained as existing.
Will parking be affected during or after the works?
A small area for site materials and waste storage will be established adjacent to the boat ramps within the carpark area during construction. This area will be fenced off and unavailable to the public during construction.
The site materials and waste storage area will have minimal impact on the available carparking or associated vehicle lanes.
Will the works affect the navigation of the surrounding waterways?
The proposed new pontoons will extend approximately 23 metres from the lowest astronomical tide mark into the waterway and will incorporate new lighting which will improve navigation about the existing boat ramps.
The impact of the proposal will be minimal with regard to navigation.
Will the proposal affect Marine Rescue operations?
Access to the Pittwater from Rowland Reserve will be maintained for Marine Rescue operations.
How will the proposal affect commercial uses such as barge and salvage operations?
Access to the Northern Boat Ramp will be maintained for commercial operators with minor interruptions during piling works.
Will any marine vegetation be disturbed as a result of the works?
No seagrass species such as Zostera or Posidonia* were found within the Aquatic Survey area. Marine pest Caulerpa Taxifolia was found to be located within the survey area. Management procedures have been prepared to minimise the risk of spreading the pest algae Caulerpa Taxifolia to other parts of Pittwater. A small area of marine algae Sargassum will likely be disturbed near the Southern boat ramp. Additional vertical surface area will be created as a result of the works, which would support fringing algae species. *Refer the Aquatic Ecology Survey Report for details of local sea grasses.

Boating facilities upgrade: Two New Pontoons Proposed for Rowland Reserve Bayview
Council are proposing to install additional boat access facilities for the northern and southern boat ramps at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
The proposal for two new access pontoons is being facilitated to provide recreational boat users with a safe and more efficient means of embarking and disembarking water craft about the existing boat ramps.
View the plans
Have your say
Register for updates on the project
In writing marked ‘Boating Facilities Upgrade - Rowland Reserve’ addressed to: Northern Beaches Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
Comments close Sunday 18 February
Frequently Asked Questions - From Council's webpage
Will I be able to launch a boat from land during the works?
Yes, one ramp will be available during construction.
Will access along the foreshore change or be restricted?
A small area at each ramp will be fenced off for safety reasons during construction, but otherwise access along the foreshore will be maintained as existing.
Will parking be affected during or after the works?
A small area for site materials and waste storage will be established adjacent to the boat ramps within the carpark area during construction. This area will be fenced off and unavailable to the public during construction.
The site materials and waste storage area will have minimal impact on the available carparking or associated vehicle lanes.
Will the works affect the navigation of the surrounding waterways?
The proposed new pontoons will extend approximately 23 metres from the lowest astronomical tide mark into the waterway and will incorporate new lighting which will improve navigation about the existing boat ramps.
The impact of the proposal will be minimal with regard to navigation.
Will the proposal affect Marine Rescue operations?
Access to the Pittwater from Rowland Reserve will be maintained for Marine Rescue operations.
How will the proposal affect commercial uses such as barge and salvage operations?
Access to the Northern Boat Ramp will be maintained for commercial operators with minor interruptions during piling works.
Will any marine vegetation be disturbed as a result of the works?
No seagrass species such as Zostera or Posidonia* were found within the Aquatic Survey area. Marine pest Caulerpa Taxifolia was found to be located within the survey area. Management procedures have been prepared to minimise the risk of spreading the pest algae Caulerpa Taxifolia to other parts of Pittwater. A small area of marine algae Sargassum will likely be disturbed near the Southern boat ramp. Additional vertical surface area will be created as a result of the works, which would support fringing algae species. *Refer the Aquatic Ecology Survey Report for details of local sea grasses.

Pittwater Artists Trail 2018
Now’s the time to apply to join the Pittwater Artists Trail for 2018/19. If you’re an artist living on the Northern Beaches and have a studio in the Pittwater area get in touch. Details on our website:
The Pittwater Artists Trail is an alliance of artists who collectively open their studios to the public on two weekends each year creating a Trail for art lovers.
Visitors can engage with the artists, see how they work and what inspires them, buy beautiful, original artworks or perhaps enrol in one of the courses offered by a number of artists on the Trail.
Next open weekend is March 10 and 11, 2018. All studios are open from 10am - 5pm.

Mona Vale Chamber Of Commerce February 2018
Join us at the first Mona Vale Chamber Function of the year, hosted by Community First Credit Union!
Date: 13 February 2018Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PMVenue: Shop SP018, Jacksons Rd, Warriewood Square, Warriewood NSW 2102Cost: Free for Members, $20 for Guests
Mona Vale Chamber of Commerce was reformed on 26 May 2010, was registered as incorporated association on 29 June 2010 and exists to promote and protect the trade, commerce, industries and tourism of Mona Vale and its immediate surrounds.
Find out more at:
Newport Residents Association February Meeting
The next meeting of the Newport Residents Association will be held on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at the Newport Community Centre, The Boulevard Newport at 7 pm.
We have a break during the month of January however if any matter arises that you wish us to follow up before our next meeting please just contact a committee member or use the ‘Contact Facility’ here.
Should you wish to send an apology for the next meeting please complete and use the ‘Contact Us’ facility.
All community members are encouraged and are most welcome to attend.
Find out more here: of the Week
AGE/SEX: 2 years / MBREED: Staffy XNUMBER: 9486 3133Ranger is a very friendly happy boy. Out walking he pulls on lead, walks at a good pace and likes to run. He ignores passing cars, but lunges/barks at dogs. He enjoys being cuddled and patted and jumps up to lick your face. He has excellent interactions with kids. He has a smooth coat and weighs 23kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at DoggieRescue call 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

Pet of the Week

Planning Alerts
Find out what's happening in your area. Get alerts of new applications near here straight in your email. It's free!
Seeking Misses Macklin Relatives
In November 2017 we ran a celebratory history page as part of thepresentation of bronze medallions to the Terrigal ladies who patrolled that beach during World War Two as an all-women squad. The Central Coast, Hawkesbury and Pittwater regions have been linked since earliest days and this includes the associations and support between sailing bodies and the interaction between surf life saving clubs and more recently, surfers.
As part of our research we found details of numerous women involved in or being part of looking after people on beaches long prior to when women were officially allowed to become life savers.
Among those archives searched were the old Warringah Shire Council Minutes of meetings where this is recorded:
Meeting of 8th November, 1926
North Curl Curl Life Saving Club. 1/11/26 nominating James Wilson, Thos Christian; Miss H. Macklin and Miss P. Macklin, as Beach Inspectors; (2) requesting some old timber from the council's depot for the purpose of roofing their shed and enclosing the Club Room verandah :Resolved – (Crs. Campbell, Corkery) That the persons nominated be Beach Inspectors, the appointments to be under seal, and the timber supplied as requested.
As part of our ongoing focus on women in surf life saving and surfing we would welcome any information anyone can provide on these two ladies for future History pages/created records of our area scheduled for publication.
Please email us at if you can shed any light, or water, on the Misses Macklin.
For Examples on what Pittwater Online news does in this regard, please visit:
Huge Thanks
Pittwater Online News would also like to thank those across Australia who have sent in additional records and photos over our Christmas-New Years Break to add into existing history pages/records. We will be making these pages even greater, thanks to you, and will be sending out our files for your own Family Records in February, as requested, when we get back to work properly (translation; get off the beach and estuary)!
Your generosity and help in creating a permanent record of interlinked pages are coalescing into a map that unfolds for all here, and around the country and world apparently, a dynamic living insight into our place. This resource is utilised and accessed by young and old in the hundreds of thousands annually and everyone LOVES it - the young can go and stand on that hill there, in that same breeze from the middle of that same season and look out and see that same water - only 150 years or so on. The mature are recalling phrases and adventures and fashions their grandchildren want to see and know about. THANK YOU!
P.S.: Apologies for the delay - we are clearing the backlog.
Pittwater International Women's Day Breakfast
Wednesday 7 March 2018
hosted by Zonta Club of Northern Beaches
This breakfast marks International Women's Day. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. It's a day to acknowledge women's contribution to making Australia, and the world, a better place. Everyone is invited to celebrate the day. The 2018 Pittwater Woman of the Year will be announced at the breakfast by Rob Stokes, Member for Pittwater.
The delightful location at the RPAYC looks over the waters of Pittwater and across to Bayview and Scotland Island. Everyone is invited to attend and men are particularly welcome. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Booking details below.

Amon Community Grants Fund - Round 1
In September last year, I was privileged to be elected as a Liberal Party endorsed Councillor to serve the people of Narrabeen Ward on Northern Beaches Council.
In my brief time on Council, I have been struck by the generosity and effectiveness of our community groups. As a way of giving back, I am establishing the Amon Community Grants Fund by donating a part of my Councillor pay.
Round 1 of the program includes a total of $5,000 and is now open for applications. Grants are between $200 to $500 for any community group to help with projects or the purchase of items which benefit our community.
As I am a Councillor for Narrabeen Ward, priority will be given to groups with a connection to that Ward. A connection might be that your group is based in Narrabeen Ward, does work in the Ward, or one of your members lives in the Ward. However, the application process is very brief so please apply by clicking below. All applications will be assessed by an independent community panel.
Applications close on 28 February 2018 - apply today!
Rory Amon.
PFOS AGM And Information Evening
Hosted by Pittwater Friends Of SoibadaTuesday, February 6 at 7:30 PMAvalon Beach RSL Club1 Bowling Green Lane, Avalon Beach
Pittwater Friends of Soibada is a diverse group of local individuals who are committed to forging a lasting friendship between communities on Sydney's Northern Beaches and those in the Central Timor Leste province of Soibada. Our key objective is to support the local people in their efforts to achieve sustainable development in their region. All our projects are initiated by the people of Soibada themselves.

The Pittwater Regatta Is Back In 2018!
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Newport, invites you to the return of the Pittwater Broken Bay Regatta, to be held over the weekend of Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th February, 2018.
This is a great regatta for offshore and inshore competitors alike, with post racing celebrations, crew BBQ, including live music, held at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club.
This Grand Prix Regatta is perfect for IRC, PHS, One Design and Sports Boats incorporating the Etchells World Qualifying Series.
Offshore windward/leeward courses will be held in the Broken Bay Offshore Zone for the Premier and Performance classes, with the One Design and Sports Boats racing inshore on Pittwater.
Berthing is included in the regatta entry fee - please contact the Waterfront staff at for all berthing enquiries.
Enter online today and join in this exciting grand prix regatta competing with members from other Sydney and NSW Yacht Clubs, and enjoy a fun weekend on Pittwater.
For more information, including online entries, please visit or contact the sailing office at

Policy For Appointing Community & Stakeholder Representatives To Committees
A policy has been developed to govern how community and stakeholder representatives are appointed to NBC council committees.
Learn More: View the Council report (automatically downloads PDF: 195.78kb) Read the draft policy (automatically downloads PDF: 30.06kb)
Have your say on the draft policyIn writing marked 'Policy for Appointing Community and Stakeholder Representatives to Committees', to the CEO, Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why, NSW, 2099Submissions close Sunday 4 February 2018.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Championships 2018
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Legislation
Northern Beaches Walking Plan
Elanora Players Glorious Success

Avalon Beach Authors' Forthcoming Release - Spinning Tops & Gumdrops: A Portrait Of Colonial Childhood

Australia Council's Latest Funding Round Supports Close To 200 Projects, With Strong Success By Female Artists
Public Consultation For Improving Disability Resident Protections In Supported Group Accommodation
- answering an online survey (approximately 15-20 minutes)
- emailing a response
- writing a letter to the Department of Family and Community Services.
- people with disability in NSW who are living in supported group accommodation their families and guardians
- peak body and advocacy groups
- people and organisations of the disability and housing sector.
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Call For National Heritage List Nominations
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Course For A Cause At Avalon

Northern Beaches People

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
Summer Cheers From The Critters

Thankfully, however, our community is also overflowing with superhuman beings who pour all their passion, energy, time, money and their very souls into making things better for the wild babies! These are the people we would like to thank profusely.
Concerned members of the public, all wildlife rescue organisations, our Police, our Firefighters and SES, all our educators, our environmental representatives and wildlife advocates in Council, our veterinarians and their staff, our Zoo clinic, our wildlife-trained dogs and their trainers, our bush regeneration teams, our volunteer environmental advocates and groups, our roadkill prevention team and our wonderful media without whom the wildlife would be lost.
Over the Christmas period, temperatures go up, more people will be on the roads and there will be lots of fireworks for celebrations.
Just like our pets, the wildlife will be affected by all these things, too.
In hot weather, you can help immensely by leaving a bowl of fresh water at the bottom of the garden for thirsty little critters. Not a metal bowl as they get too hot. A nice ceramic bowl works best in a shaded area with some tree/bush for cover. Make sure to replenish it daily.
When driving, try to keep alert for wildlife at the edge of the road and slow down if they look like they are attempting to cross. If you see any marsupials (mammals with pouches) that have been hit, call for help as a joey could still be alive in a pouch.
If you see any wildlife in distress or in an odd location during or after the fireworks, please call:
Sydney Wildlife 9413 4300 (24-hour service)
WIRES 1300 094 737
Wishing you all a safe, happy and WILD Christmas and New Year!!!
Lynleigh Greig
Sydney Wildlife
Red Cross Shop Newport