Community News: January 2020
January 26 - February 1, 2020: Issue 435
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Australia Day 2020 Honours List
Palm Beach Pavilion Renaming Dedication Honours Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC - Ceremony held on the Centenary of attempted rescue
Station Beach Becomes Conflict Beach
Aquatics Sydney Northern Beaches Retains Interbranch Boat Title - by Surf Life Saving NSW
Pictures: Summer in Pittwater: January 2020 - some of the images sent in since our 'break' - thank you!
Cromer Heights Rock Engravings and Shelter Officially Declared An Aboriginal Place

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update: January 26, 2020
Click on Logo to access latest PON:
To contact Julian:
Reflect, Respect And Celebrate This Australia Day

Operation Safe Return: Double Demerits Long Weekend
- - 4584 infringements were issued for speeding,
- - 8257 other infringements were issued,
- - 478 people were charged with drink-driving,
- - 190,870 breath tests were conducted
- - Three lives were lost
- - speeding
- - mobile phone use
- - not using seat belts or motor cycle helmets
- - $1320 and 10 demerit points during total fire bans
- - $660 and 5 demerit points at other times.
Heritage Bush Shelter At Surf Road Has Been Rebuilt

Man Dies After Being Pulled From Water At Bilgola Beach
Drunk Driver Charged After Man Hit By Car At Allambie Heights
ABHS Summer Hours

Mums For Mums 2020

Back To School Hub
- Starting primary school
- Starting high school
- Starting HSC
- Key School Dates for 2020
- And MORE!
- Term 1 (Eastern division) – Tuesday 28 January to Thursday 9 April*
- Term 1 (Western division) – Tuesday 4 February to Thursday 9 April
- Autumn vacation – Monday 13 April to Friday 24 April
- Term 2 – Monday 27 April to Friday 3 July
- Winter vacation – Monday 6 July to Friday 17 July
- Term 3 – Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September
- Spring vacation – Monday 28 September to Friday 9 October
- Term 4 – Monday 12 October to Friday 18 December
- Summer vacation (Eastern division) – Monday 21 December to Tuesday 26 January 2021
- Summer vacation (Western division) – Monday 21 December to Tuesday 2 February 2021
- Eastern division – 28 January 2020
- Western division – 4 February 2020
- All schools – 27 April, 20 July, 17 December, 18 December 2020

Climate Change Bill
Offshore Clean Energy Infrastructure - Proposed Framework: Consultation
Extension To Submissions For EPBC Act Review
Announcement Of A/Head Of Aboriginal Affairs; Lil Gordon
Pets of the Week

MP For Mackellar Secures Funding For Northern Beaches Schools
- $18,752 to ‘moving forward with information technology’ at Kinma School.
- $10,000 to ‘sensory garden and raised sandpit with disability access in the creative play area’ at Maria Regina Catholic Primary School.
- $5,000 to ‘inspire and innovate in the early years’ at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School.
- $7,500 to the ‘St Martin’s Technology Project’ at St Martin’s Catholic Primary School.
- $15,000 to ‘safety and disability access for approved new high school’ at Yanginanook School.
- $20,000 for air-conditioning units at Galstaun College.
- $19,542 for assembly hall climate control at Kambora Public School.
- $6,874 for a covered outdoor learning area at Frenchs Forest Public School.
- $10,000 to constructing a mini-oval at Collaroy Plateau Public School.
- $19,912 for robotics equipment at Elanora Heights Public School.
- $20,000 for green space restoration at Narrabeen Lakes Public School.
- $10,000 for Mona Vale PS playground renovation at Mona Vale Public School.
- $18,620 for reverse cycle air-conditioned classrooms at Armenian General Benevolent Union Alexander Primary School.
- $6,700 for hearing loop installation in one classroom for students with disabilities at St Lucy’s, St John’s Narraweena campus.
- $12,100 for hearing loop installation in two classrooms for students with disabilities at St Lucy’s, St Joseph’s Narrabeen campus.
Bilpin Bushfire Relief Garage Sale On Today January 26th


Water For Brewarinna Update
#YaamaNgunnaBaakaBusy couple of days delivering 15L water bottles throughout the Brewarrina Community especially to the Elders and those on dialysis.Hopefully this will go some way to helping the people before clean drinking water becomes available again. Those of you with water bottles please keep for refills, we don’t want to have plastic waste #SavingOurWater #NoPlasticWasteSpecial thanks to-Neil and the Northern Beaches mob- and Robert and staff from IGA in Bourke for their support.

New Keoride Hub At Avalon Beach

Relief For Barrenjoey Headland Visitors

Mona Vale Hospital Kiosk Volunteer Needed + MVHA Stalls 2020

Newport Breakers BlazeAid Task Force To Braidwood: Opportunity To Help
‘Better Off With You’ Campaign Takes A New Approach To Suicide Prevention On The Northern Beaches
Pittwater International Women’s Day Breakfast Wednesday 4 March 2020 7am At Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club

Roads Funding Flows In Mackellar
- $190,000 to repair the pavement and resurface with asphaltic concrete at Jacksons Rd, Warriewood.
- $200,000 to repair the pavement and resurface with asphaltic concrete at Middleton Rd, Cromer.
- $240,000 to repair the pavement and resurface with asphaltic concrete at Fisher Rd N, Cromer.
- $60,000 to improve street drainage, repair the pavement and resurface with asphaltic concrete at Oaks Ave, Dee Why.
- $230,000 to repair the pavement and resurface with asphaltic concrete at Howard Ave, Dee Why.
- $220,000 to repair the pavement and resurface with asphaltic concrete at Alfred St, Narraweena.
Ingleside Precinct Update
Wildlife Care This Summer

Refresh/Learn Bridge
January 19 - 25, 2020: Issue 434
This Issue:
Front Page Issue 434: Pittwater Swim Series 2020
Pictures: Our Firies: Their Words, Pictures, Videos - 2019/2020 Fire Storms

It is often said of our fire fighters that when everyone else is running away from danger, they run into it. By Christmas 2019 NSW RFS Strike Teams in the East Region had 'run towards danger' 792 times.
There are four NSW RFS Regions, and a large area in New South Wales that is not a NSW RFS Region - they went in there too, supporting their fellow brigades.
A single NSW RFS Strike Team comprises five fire trucks and a Strike Team Leader's vehicle, all filled with firefighters - sometimes five Strike Teams have been sent into one Fireground, up to 100 people of the 1200 local volunteers. Most of our NSW RFS Brigades have been on rolling deployments (24/7), day after day, for five months now.
This NSW RFS document shows you an overview of Fireground Organisation - This NSW RFS document shows you the four NSW RFS Regions.
To convey the enormity of what the 17 brigades have been doing and have done their social media posts, if they have a platform for those, was enlisted. Even those who do not have social media are there among the mix, as part of teams that have worked together as one. These platforms are used by the Brigades to assure loved ones at home they are safe, to communicate urgent fire warnings to communities, to share vision of 70 metre flame walls or explain back-burning operations, to thank those who have made donations of equipment or provisions, to educate, to share the cards and messages from children, but mostly to exhort residents to ensure their Fire Plan is up to date.

In 2013 a series of 'on water organisations' History pages ran, and included a timeline of Marine Rescue NSW, Broken Bay - also staffed by volunteers and also active in fighting these recent fires, as well as our Water Police and Pittwater's Fire-boats. As we prepare to commence our 10th year of this news service Readers who have recently joined in looking forward to each weekly edition may be interested in how we began fighting fires not just on the land, but from the water too.
The history of fire brigades in NSW, at first following the UK system during the 1830's-40's where insurance companies provided fire fighters and people had to pay to have them attend, did not become a Government overseen and regulated practice until 1884. Although discussed in parliament as early as June 15, 1854 after the Tooth and Co brewery on Broadway burnt for five days, prior to 1884 most fires were fought by convicts and soldiers. Insurance company brigades would only attend fires with their badges affixed to the premises.
News of another fire in the Summer of 1850, which was racing towards Pittwater, tells how ill-equipped people were to defend life and property from bushfires:
CONFLAGRATION ON THE NORTH SHORE.— Since Wednesday last, raging and wide-spreading fires, caused by the prevailing hot winds, and the unusual heat and dryness of the weather, have destroyed property of considerable value on the North Shore; and it is feared that the lives of two persons (known as John the Frenchman and Joseph Curran) have also been sacrificed. At the time of our going to press, the casualties, as far as could be ascertained, were as follows:- Mr. Cook's premises, Lane Cove, have been burned, and two of his horses destroyed. Mr. Archbold's premises, furniture, ... feet of sawn timber, and twelve tons of hay, burned. Mr. Simpson's orchard and fencing: Mr. Clarke's hut and furniture: John Macmillan's orchard and fencing; Mr. Lyon's hut and furniture : Mr. Murphy's two houses and furniture ; Mr. Ross Donnelly's outhouses ; F. M'Cudden's house and furniture; all entirely destroyed. The premises of Colonel Harney, Mr. Derry, Mr. Stirling, and Mr. Bloxsome, have been partially damaged, and almost all the fencing burned. It is to be feared, that no chance of arresting the progress of the main current of the fire presents itself until it reaches the basin of Pittwater. We regret to state that among the sufferers are several who, with their families, are plunged into utter destitution by this visitation; but we sincerely hope that the sympathy of the public, if appealed to, will assist in relieving their calamities to some extent. It is perhaps useless now to express surprise at the absence of all precautions against the attack of a foe whose progress it is so difficult to arrest when once he commences his march of devastation. Here we find valuable plantations entirely unprotected, when by a little labor and outlay in clearing the grass and brushwood, the ruinous consequences we are recording might have been considerably modified if not entirely prevented. Intelligence has also been received that the bush between Wollongong and Kiama was one entire mass of flame. Communication between the two localities was wholly impossible. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. (1850, January 12). Bell’s Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer (NSW : 1845 - 1860), , p. 2. Retrieved from
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update: January 16, 2020
Click on Logo to access latest PON:
To contact Julian:
Ella Apology
by Ella McFadyen.
Summer breathed over the hills to-day,
A waft of the bush and a wind from the bay,
And my truant thoughts went straying:
Pittwater flickered with nor'east flaws,
The surf ran high 'tween the Lion's paws,
And the spring-fed runnels' were playing.
I saw the hills that drop to the sea,
And a honey-bird's call was a call for me
And the great grey sandstone boulders
Were elephant's browsing, heath to the knees.
And the rosy waxflowers, clotted with bees,
Fondled their lichened shoulders.
Tomorrow I'll rise and be ready to roam
In the starlit hour when the cats come home,
Ere ever the birds are waking,
When each needlewood thorn is a dewdrop's place,
And her thread-like blossoms are fairy lace,
And the whole world's mine for taking!
I must seek the lairs where I used to lie,
Curtained by trees and under the sky;
I must find and touch and recover
The sights and sensations laid away,
Where the Lion lies couchant at Broken Bay,
To welcome me back like a lover.
The strong white feet of the winter rains
Have trodden the campfire's cold remains,
The lizards my hearth are keeping;
I must find the cave where the fairy-mouse
And her wee pouched kindred kept their house,
And-the nest where her babes are sleeping.
Grape-blue the hills in the dawn shall be,
And the sun shall rise from a white-gold sea,
With light for the day's adorning,
Where the rain-washed track is a virgin sheet
For the printed tale of a pilgrim's feet;
My feet on the sands of morning.
SANDS OF MORNING. (1935, March 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2 Supplement: Women's Supplement. Retrieved from
Lion Island from West Head - photo by John Vaughan
While On Local History: ABHS Summer Hours

Mums For Mums 2020
Cakes For Koalas Raises Over $400

Avalon Beach SLSC Sends Waves Of Care To South Coast
- - An estimated 360 cubic metres of goods delivered to communities in need.
- - An estimated $14,000 of gift cards distributed.
- - An estimated 250+ volunteers from the Avalon community and beyond sorted, packed, loaded and transported.
- - 1000s of people donated goods and offered help.
- - A Foodbank NSW semi-trailer delivered our goods to the Narooma Evacuation Centre.
- - 28 volunteer drivers delivered 21 loads early in the crisis and directly into communities including Nelligen, Cobargo, Mossy Point, Bimbimbie and Batemans Bay. All came back moved by what they saw and people they met.
- - 2 x 3000w Briggs & Stratton generators donated to families in need
- - Provided 64,000 litres of water to refill water tanks for the residents of Nelligen.
- - Multiple other donations at a more personal level to affected families.
Modus Operandi Brewing Co. Busfire Fundraiser: 15k Realised

The Green Team Bushfire Fundraiser Nets 20k
Rotary Club Of Upper Northern Beaches Bucket Filled With Funds For Firies

Neighbourhood Safer Places: Pittwater
- Your safest option will always be to leave early.
- People with special needs, such as the elderly and people with a disability, should always leave before the threat of bush fire.
- If it is unsafe to leave the area or stay and defend your property, and the path is clear, you should move to your pre-identified Neighbourhood Safer Place, or other safer location, prior to the impact of a bush fire.
- Be aware that when you are travelling to your Neighbourhood Safer Place there may be heavy smoke and poor visibility.
- It is important that you are familiar with the area. Gather at the Neighbourhood Safer Place location and remain there until the bush fire threat has passed.
- The conditions at the Neighbourhood Safer Place may be uncomfortable and you may be affected by heat, smoke and embers.
- Water, toilets and food may not be available at the Neighbourhood Safer Place and emergency service personnel may not be present.
- Lakeside Park Open Space, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen
- North Narrabeen Reserve Car Park (Pittwater Rugby Park), Open Space: 1472 Pittwater Road, Warriewood
- Nelson Heather Centre, Building: 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood
- Pittwater Rugby Park, Building:1472 Pittwater Road, Warriewood
- Apex Park, Open Space: Surfview Road, Mona Vale
- Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre,Building: Namona Street, Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Golf Club, Building: Golf Avenue, Mona Vale
- Pittwater RSL, Building: 82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale
- Kitchener Park Sports Centre, Building: 1610 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Headland Reserve, Open Space: Coronation Street, Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Building:1606 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
- Pittwater Place, Building:10 Park Street, Mona Vale
- Kitchener Park, Open Space:1610 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
- Winnererremy Bay Park, Open Space:Mona Street, Mona Vale
- Bayview Golf Club, Building:1825 Pittwater Road, Bayview
- Bayview Park, Open Space: Pittwater Road (adjacent to Boat Ramp), Bayview
- Church Point Reserve (Thomas Stephens Reserve) Carpark, Open Space: McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point
- Newport Arms Hotel, Building: Kalinya Street, Newport
- Newport Park, Open Space: Bishop Street, Newport
- Newport Community Centre, Building:11 - 13 The Boulevarde, Newport
- Newport Beach Surf Club, Building:394 Barrenjoey Road, Newport
- Dearin Reserve, Open Space: Cnr Kalinya Street and Gladstone Street, Newport
- Newport Beach Reserve, Open Space: Barrenjoey Road, Newport Beach
- Dunbar Park Reserve, Open Space: Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
- Avalon Beach Reserve, Open Space: Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
- Whale Beach Surf Club, Building:Surf Road, Whale Beach
- Lucinda Park, Open Space: Iluka Road, Palm Beach (opposite Nabilla Road)
- North Palm Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, Building:Governor Phillip Park, off Beach Road, Palm Beach
- Clontarf Reserve, Open Space: Sandy Bay, Clontarf
- Manly Beach - South Steyne, Open Space: South Steyne, Manly
- Balgowlah Oval, Open Space Sydney Road, Balgowlah
- Manly West Park, Open Space: Quirk Road, Manly West
- Little Manly Beach, Open Space: Stuart Street, Little Manly
- North Balgowlah Community Centre, Building:Corner of Bardoo Avenue and Wonga Street, North Balgowlah
- Forestville Memorial Hall, Building:Cnr of Warringah Road and Starkey Street, Forestville
- Abbot Road Fields, Open Space: Abbot Road, North Curl Curl
- Brookvale Park, Open Space:Federal Parade, Brookvale
- Beverley Job Reserve, Open Space: McIntosh Road, Naraweena
- Patanga Reserve, Open Space: Patanga Road, Frenchs Forest
- Bambara Reserve (Belrose Oval) & Belrose Community Centre, Open Space: Forest Way (near Bambara Road), Belrose
- Lionel Watts Oval, Open Space: Blackbutts Road, Forestville
- Cromer Park, Open Space:South Creek Road, Cromer
- St Mathews Farm Reserve, Open Space: Grover Avenue, North Cromer
- Vic Huxley Oval (Collaroy Plateau Oval), Open Space: Blandford Street, Collaroy Plateau
- Kurara Reserve, Open Space: Kurara Close, Terrey Hills
- Woolgoolga Reserve, Open Space: Woolgoolga Street, North Balgowlah
- The Greenway Reserve, Open Space:The Greenway, Duffys Forest
- Allambie Heights School - Community Centre, Building:165 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights
- Belrose Public School, Open Space: Cotentin Road, Belrose
- Cooleena Reserve, Open Space: 28-30 Cooleena Road, Elanora Heights
- Frank Beckman Reserve, Open Space:Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills
- Killarney Heights Oval, Open Space: Starkey Street and Melwood Avenue, Forestville
- Millers Reserve, Open Space: Campbell Parade, Manly Vale
- Passmore Reserve, Open Space: Campbell Parade, Manly Vale
- Truman Reserve, Open Space: Corner of Macquarie Street and Toronto Avenue, Cromer
- Terrigal Reserve, Open Space: Terrigal Road, Terry Hills
Pittwater Community Groups:
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability.
Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
Bad News Can Wait Until Next Week
Being in the fire grounds has been gobsmackingly sobering. The sheer scale of devastation, desolation and decimation is beyond description.We were invited onto people’s properties to assess the kangaroos at their places and - even though they have lost absolutely everything themselves - they are still putting out food and water for the wildlife. We just want to throw our arms around the entire community.Our contribution is puny compared to what needs doing but we are so grateful to everyone.
Bush Fire Fund Raising For Bilpin
- Bring stuff you don’t longer need to Billy’s house on Thursday and Friday and we will sell it for you during the weekend (what hasn’t been sold needs to be taken back)
- Bake a cake and bring it in the morning of the 18th, so people can enjoy a slice while looking around
- Make something from scratch that is environmentally friendly for us to sell over the weekend
- Buy raffle tickets via our online raffle
- Share this event with all your friends and come along on Saturday the 18th or Sunday the 19th.

Newport Breakers BlazeAid Task Force To Braidwood: Opportunity To Help
Peninsula Bridge Club Bush Fire Fundraising For Red Cross
Avalon Bowlo Bushfire Benefit

Avalon Beach SLSC Bushfire Appeal
Wildlife Care This Summer

Refresh/Learn Bridge
2020 ASRL Open: Mollymook Confirmed As Host Venue
Pets of the Week

Qualifiers Locked And Loaded For Nudie Australian Boardriders Battle Series Final: Wildcard Nominations Open!

Australian Surfing Awards Nominations Now Open

Please Register Wildlife Road Strikes
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on their Facebook page