Community News: May 2019
May 26 - June 1, 2019: Issue 406
Articles This Week
Pictures: Restoring Sydney Freshwater Wetlands, near Careel Bay - This project, commenced in 2018, has removed weeds and installed a habitat corridor from the bay to the creek. The last Field Day was Saturday May 25th, when a Buff Banded Rail, the first one seen here ever, was spotted. Volunteers are still needed for maintenance and weeding along the creek - a great way for Duke of Edinburgh Award students to contribute a few hours once a month and actually get to see the changes they have made grow!
Soibada – Our Wonderful Volunteers: Ann Harvey by Tamara Sloper-Harding OAM
Ocean Sentinels: VIVID Sydney 2019 by Selena Griffith
Geoff Searl OAM Investiture Ceremony May 2019
Aquatics: IRB 2019 Premiership Round 2 on the Central Coast
In fact Pittwater has volunteers that are engaged in raising awareness about how to look after and celebrate our oceans, volunteers that began and keep running the Pittwater Artists Trail, volunteers that share and gather History, volunteers that spend their money and time doing anything they can for our sister village of Soibada, volunteers that run fishing, swimming, bowling, pentaque, sight assisted bowling, youth clubs, rowing clubs, surfing clubs, making cloth bags to get rid of plastic bags, looking out for our heritage or conducting tours through our heritage, saving our wildlife and even groups that get together to make very sweet and fine music for the rest of us - and they're all doing it as volunteers.
When you scan through the list of individuals we've run as Profiles they too are all volunteers. They may be celebrities in some arena in some cases, but they are also all volunteers doing something, in some arena, for the rest of us.
Among the History pages are insights into people who formed the first residents associations over 120 years ago, formed committees to raise funds to commence Manly Cottage Hospital, or set aside parks and reserves and began planting trees over 70 years ago.
Through thousands of other articles a celebration of great work and works such as saving dogs and cats, saving birds and bees, sharing knowledge, sharing fun, sharing photographs, and opportunities to get out there and do something in whatever interests you most have been our features.
Artists of the Month: May 2019: Danielle Ryan & James Sherwood - The Map To Paradise - “The Possibility Of Change Rests On Our Own Ability To Believe That We Can Do It.“- In 2016 Pittwater Online News ran information about Curl Curl duo Danielle Ryan and James Sherwood raising funds to make the documentary The Map to Paradise. Now made, a FREE Workshop at the UTS on May 22nd may suit - among other Sydney screenings - details and links run as a great celebration of what has been done and can be done.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 19/5/2019
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To contact Julian:

Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
- Family welfare assistance;
- Refuges for women & children in crisis;
- Homeless shelters;
- Youth drop-in centres and support programs;
- Emergency and disaster relief;
- Drug and alcohol rehab;
- Aged care;
- Intellectual disability programs;
- Employment services and training programs;
- Rural and outback chaplains;
- Court & prison chaplains;
- Chaplains to emergency service personnel;
- Salvos Legal;
- Overseas Aid

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Public Hospital Admissions Growing Faster Than Private
Classification Of Land - 18 MacPherson Street, Warriewood
Your Choice
- In NSW, close to 40% of assaults and 60% of street offences are alcohol related
- half of young offenders were drunk at the time of their last offence
- Approximately five young Australians die every week and another 200 are hospitalised due to alcohol-related injury or disease
- Alcohol consumption can affect a young person's brain development
- Drinking alcohol is a factor in the three leading causes of death among young people.

Sorry Day 2019 At Mona Vale
Netball Courts At Avalon Beach Park

Swan Breeding Season On Narrabeen Lagoon

Seawind 3000 On Station Beach

Whale On!

Have Your Say On: Pittwater Development Control Plan 2014 - Amendments (Environment Controls)
- water quality management
- on-site stormwater detention systems
- estuarine and coastal risk management
- consolidating requirements for different development types.
- aligning stormwater quality requirements with Council’s adopted Water Management Policy.
- new water quality treatment requirements for land located in “coastal environment areas” identified under State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018.
- removal of requirements for sediment control pits for dwelling houses (given their failure to be maintained).
- removal of on-site detention requirements in defined Flood Risk Precincts.
- updating a range of terms and references to reflect recent changes to legislation.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Palliative Care-Related Hospitalisations Growing Faster Than Other Hospital Services
May 19 - 25, 2019: Issue 405
Articles This Week
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Some Progress Photos - May 2019 Record
Team Effort Saves Drowning Swimmer At Mona Vale This Week
Pictures: Mid Autumn Captures Federal Election Day Queues: A Tale Of Meandering, Open Day 2019 At Local Fire Stations, Hazard Reduction Burn At Turrimetta Headland report by Joe Mills, Avalon Beach Historical Society President On Duty On A Saturday, Warringah Rugby Club's Round 7 Report with great action photos!, More Cool Bugs At Elanora Heights by Selena Griffith, White Ribbon Cocktail Fundraiser Success by Cr. Vincent De Luca OAM, Mona Vale Road Upgrade: Some Progress Photos, Grevillea Caleyi Bushcare May Day 2019 This Week at Beautiful Bahai'i
Aquatics: Team Australia WINS The Worrell 1000 Reunion Race 2019: Rod Waterhouse, and Beau White, of Palm Beach Sailing Club and Brett White, Speers Point Amateur Sailing Club, Lake Macquarie are in 1st place!
Days For Girls (Part 3) – Soibada by Tamara Sloper-Harding OAM
Work Begins on New Inpatient Building at Mona Vale Hospital
At Ingleside and in some areas surrounding Grevillea caleyi is still present although it is now listed as a critically endangered species in New South Wales and at the Commonwealth level (gazetted May 30th, 2014).
The Pittwater Natural Heritage Association is coordinating a project funded by Greater Sydney Local Land Services and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Saving Our Species program.
Artists of the Month: May 2019: Danielle Ryan & James Sherwood - The Map To Paradise - “The Possibility Of Change Rests On Our Own Ability To Believe That We Can Do It.“- In 2016 Pittwater Online News ran information about Curl Curl duo Danielle Ryan and James Sherwood raising funds to make the documentary The Map to Paradise. Now made, a FREE Workshop at the UTS on May 22nd may suit - among other Sydney screenings - details and links run as a great celebration of what has been done and can be done.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/5/2019
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To contact Julian:
Team Effort Saves Drowning Swimmer At Mona Vale

Being in the right place at the right time has saved the life of a man who nearly drowned in the surf at Mona Vale on Wednesday this week (May 15th).
While the red and yellow flags have been packed away across most of the state, surf lifesavers, surfers and the local community on the Northern Beaches are never really off-duty.
Just before 1pm on Wednesday 15 May, two 24 year-old Asian males went for a swim at Mona Vale beach. The pair took the natural path from the carpark down to the shore before jumping into the water next to the pool. The area looked calm, the sun was out and the water was warm.
Before the pair knew what was happening they began to be sucked out by the rip current and quickly found themselves out of their depth.
“I came down for a lunchtime swim and was watching the waves, contemplating where to jump in when I heard the screams for help,” said Mona Vale SLSC patrol captain Michael Meadow.
Michael watched from the beach. One of the men was able to find the sandbank and regain his footing. Two surfers paddled quickly over to the other struggling swimmer and were able to get him to shore.
“The surfers said the man was in real danger,” said Michael. “I watched him get to shore and struggle to walk up the beach. He looked distressed. He then sat down and collapsed.”
Michael was about to be confronted by his first real emergency as a patrol captain and realised he would need help from people around him. “It’s what we’re trained to do, not just on the beach but anywhere and anytime. In an emergency it all just comes as second nature.”
Mona Vale SLSC caretaker Monique Wardley was working at her desk in front of her window that overlooks the beach when she heard the screams. “I ran down to the beach to help, unsure whether to jump in the water or call for help,” she recalled. She was met by Michael who instructed her to wait for the Ambulance.
An off-duty nurse arrived on scene to assist, while another club member grabbed the oxygen and the defibrillator from the club.
The team worked seamlessly together to administer oxygen to the patient and get the defibrillator ready while they waited for the Ambulance to arrive.
“It was a collaborative effort that essentially saved the guy’s life,” said Michael.
“This was my first direct experience with a rescue,” said Monique. “One of the biggest things I took away was the strength of the community that comes into play in these situations. Whether our job was big or small we all worked together so well to help the patient. In the end it was a positive result, we saved a person’s life.”
Monique’s partner and fellow caretaker, surfer and lifesaver Jarrad Dober has performed a number of out-of-hours rescues in his time at the club.
“We can see everything from our window and I think club caretakers play a vital role being at the club all year round. Last year alone I pulled an elderly woman and a German backpacker from this same rip.”
Michael added, “Having a skilled water person and surf lifesaver living in the club, right here on the beach, is very underrated.”
“We’re an extra set of eyes and ears here,” said Monique.
The man was transported to Northern Beaches hospital in a stable condition.
Report by Surf Life Saving NSW
New Mural Going In At Newport Public School
Free Worm Farms And Compost Bins Available For Northern Beaches Residents
Rotary Club Brings A Fun Day Of Golf To The Northern Beaches For A Great Cause
Classification Of Land - 13 Warriewood Road Warriewood
Classification Of Land - 18 MacPherson Street, Warriewood
Your Choice
- In NSW, close to 40% of assaults and 60% of street offences are alcohol related
- half of young offenders were drunk at the time of their last offence
- Approximately five young Australians die every week and another 200 are hospitalised due to alcohol-related injury or disease
- Alcohol consumption can affect a young person's brain development
- Drinking alcohol is a factor in the three leading causes of death among young people.

Pets of the Week

Precious Breath Festival
Palm Beach Biggest Morning Tea 2019

Jacqui Morgan Wins NSW Seniors Championship For 2019

Congratulations ASGMWP: A Great Show!
Wanted: Federal Election Material
Surf Life Saving SNB Branch Awards Of Excellence
Have Your Say On: Pittwater Development Control Plan 2014 - Amendments (Environment Controls)
- water quality management
- on-site stormwater detention systems
- estuarine and coastal risk management
- consolidating requirements for different development types.
- aligning stormwater quality requirements with Council’s adopted Water Management Policy.
- new water quality treatment requirements for land located in “coastal environment areas” identified under State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018.
- removal of requirements for sediment control pits for dwelling houses (given their failure to be maintained).
- removal of on-site detention requirements in defined Flood Risk Precincts.
- updating a range of terms and references to reflect recent changes to legislation.

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Entries Open For The Northern Beaches Art Prize
Northern Beaches Art Prize - Categories
- Two-dimensional original paintings or drawings in any medium; printmaking and collage. Excludes sculpture and digitally produced works.
- Open to artists 19 years and over.
- Freestanding plinth based, non-site-specific, three-dimensional objects. Should not exceed 40cm in any dimension.
- Open to artists aged 19 years and over.
- Original works of art: sculpture, clothing, collage and jewellery. Artworks must be made from reused or recycled materials.
- Open to artists aged 10 years and over.
- Two-dimensional original paintings or drawings in any medium; printmaking and collage. Excludes sculpture and digitally produced works
- Open to artists in two categories - 10 to 14 years and 15 to 18 years.
- Adult - First entry $35
- Adult - Subsequent entries $25
- Concession - $15 (valid student/senior concession card holders must be submitted with entry)
Manly Arts Festival - Expressions Of Interest Open
$400,000 To Promote Women's Empowerment
New Air Tanker To Fight Bushfires

May 12 - 18, 2019: Issue 404
Articles This Week
Federal Election 2019: 7 Candidates For Seat Of Mackellar - Information provided by these + 105 NSW Candidates for Senate (links to Info.) +list of polling places
Reflections by George Repin: A MISCELLANY OF FLOWER IMAGES - for Mother's Day!
Pictures: Pittwater's Mother Nature: for Mother's Day Celebration of the Mother of Us All - photos by a few of us.
Days For Girls (Part 2) – Soibada by Tamara Sloper-Harding OA
Aquatics: The Sirius Circumnavigation (1935-1937): Nossiter Trio Make Australian Sailing History
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/5/2019
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To contact Julian:
Ingleside Firies Recognition

Palm Beach Golf Club AGM 2019
Warringah Rugby Club Round 6

Team Australia And The Worrel 1000
Meanwhile...In San Francisco

Why I Love Avalon, Reason #2

Tim Flannery On Extinction And In Conversation With Alice Thompson
Hosted by Alice Thompson Independent for Mackellar
Tuesday May 14th, 2019: at 7 PM – 8:30 PM
Mona Vale Surf Lifesaving Club
Surfview Road, Mona Vale
Free; Register to attend here
Tim Flannery, author of The Future Eaters, and public policy adviser Alice Thompson, discuss extinction and why this matters for our society.
To discuss what's happening, why this matters and what we need to do to tackle this crisis, author, explorer, biologist and climate activist Tim Flannery talks with Alice Thompson, a public policy leader and former adviser to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull who is also standing as an Independent candidate for Mackellar in the Federal election on May 18th.
Precious Breath Festival

Lifeline Classic 2019

Pets of the Week

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Message In The Wall

Surf Life Saving SNB Branch Awards Of Excellence

Iconic Palm Beach Bus Shelter To Get Rebuilt

Fight Rate Rise Petition
- $4.5m Council rate rise next year
- $65m rate rise over 10 years
- Rate rise despite amalgamation savings of $29m next year and $160m over 10 years
- Rate rise despite budget surpluses of $100m+ over 10 years
- While raising rates, Council wastes $13m on new garbage bins no one needs and no one asked for
Olympic Selection Battle Heats Up For Nacra 17
$400,000 To Promote Women's Empowerment
All Drink Drivers To Lose Their Licence On The Spot

Mothers Day Gift To New Mothers

Sydney Wildlife Carers Course May 2019

Opportunity For Residents To Develop And Select Community Projects
May 5 - 11, 2019: Issue 403
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 403: Autumn In Pittwater
Pictures: Newport Breakers Rugby Family Day - Ladies Day 2019 will be Saturday June 15th
Aquatics: 23 Clubs To Start Their IRB Engines This Weekend: The 50th Anniversary Of IRBs In Australia Is In 2019 and Began Here!
Next Generation Taking To Local Streets To Demand Action On Climate Change
John served as President of ANFA (NSW) for many years and proposed the concept of Australian National Flag Day at the inaugural public meeting in 1983. After thirteen years of active lobbying, Governor-General, Sir William Deane proclaimed Flag Day, 3 September as an annual national day of commemoration. Since 2008, 3 September, Flag Day has also been proclaimed as Australian Merchant Navy Day when the Australian Red Ensign, the National Colours afloat, maybe flown on land in commemoration of service and sacrifice of Australia’s Merchant Navy service.
John spends much of his time speaking on the history and meaning of flags having given more than 5,000 talks, many radio/television interviews and participated in a number of flag debates. Since 1973 he has been making flags specialising in replica historical flags of Australasia. John was the driving force for the new replica signal mast at Sydney Observatory, Fort Phillip Signal Station.
His talk is usually entitled “Australian Maritime and Heritage Flags” and covers the evolution of the designs of other flags which lead to the unique public competition in 1900 to create our national flag of ‘Stars and Crosses’. His own designs include; the First Fleet Re-Enactment Suit of Colours, Lord Howe Island, Dangar Island, Scotland Island, Willoughby City, Sydney Ferries, Anglican Flag of Australia, Greater Sydney, Australian Christmas and the Red Wine Pennant. Australia’s first Southern Cross flag designs of 1823/24, 1831, 1851 and 1853 are displayed. His flag collection has featured on the ABC TV series, “Collectors”.
Regular readers would be aware of his wonderful photographs of our area as well as sharing family images of this place from the years of when his grandfather and father and mother used to frequent Clareville, were founding members of the Avalon Sailing Club, and those he continues to delight us with of the Pittwater estuary and the pristine waters that run alongside Pittwater.
Artists of the Month: May 2019: Danielle Ryan & James Sherwood - The Map To Paradise - “The Possibility Of Change Rests On Our Own Ability To Believe That We Can Do It.“- In 2016 Pittwater Online News ran information about Curl Curl duo Danielle Ryan and James Sherwood raising funds to make the documentary The Map to Paradise. Now made, a local screening is happening at Collaroy on May 15th - a FREE Workshop at the UTS on May 22nd may suit - among other Sydney screenings - details and links run as a great celebration of what has been done and can be done.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/4/2019
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To contact Julian:
PCA Federal Election Candidate Forum
ale Jacqui Giuliano

Fight Rate Rise Petition
- $4.5m Council rate rise next year
- $65m rate rise over 10 years
- Rate rise despite amalgamation savings of $29m next year and $160m over 10 years
- Rate rise despite budget surpluses of $100m+ over 10 years
- While raising rates, Council wastes $13m on new garbage bins no one needs and no one asked for
TLC Fundraiser

New Board Members For SLS NSW
Rain I
Rain II
Waverley Heritage & Design Awards Winner
- Contemporary Design: Any contemporary project or study, including the design of public places.
- Heritage: Any built heritage conservation project or study, or any adaptive reuse of a heritage structure.
- Response to category: Underlying principles and core ideas.
- People: Innovation in design that satisfies the functions and needs of today.
- Place: Excellence in creating places in a manner that responds to and enhances the significance of Waverley.
- Product: Excellence in design and sustainability.

Rachel Ward's 'Palm Beach' To Screen Opening Night Of 2019 Sydney Film Festival
Mothers Day Gift To New Mothers

Pittwater Ocean Swim Series Winner

Jean Arnot Award Winner

Upgrading Local Sporting Facilities
- $160,000 for sportsground lighting upgrade at Newport Oval to meet current Australian Standards for training and match practice
- $140,372 for Bayview Golf Club’s installation of sustainable solar panels to enhance the usability of existing club facilities.
Funds For Long Reef Surf Club

Hands Across The Sand Against 3D Seismic Testing Protest At Manly

Grevillea Caleyi Bushcare May 2019

39th Governor Of NSW Sworn In

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Cane Toads Found At Parramatta

Australian Human Rights Commission Calls For Public Submissions
- recommend an agenda for federal law reform to protect human rights and freedoms fully
- recommend an agenda for federal law reform to protect human rights and freedoms fully
- recommend priorities for reforming federal discrimination law to make it more effective, comprehensive and fairer in its protection, and simpler to understand
- articulate key actions that all governments must take to adequately protect the human rights and freedoms of all Australians
- identify how we can build community understanding and partnerships to realise human rights and freedoms
- identify options to invest in and build community capacity to realise human rights and freedoms
Council Seeks ‘Human Books’ To Tell Their Refugee Stories
April 28 - May 4, 2019: Issue 402
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 402: Close of Surf Life Season Volunteers Patrol Season - Millions of Hours Given by Thousands
Bodhi Leigh-Jones Wins Hydralyte Sports Surf Series at Cronulla
The Family That Cosplays Together Stays Together At Lithgow Historic Ironfest - School Holidays that proves History is FUN!
Pictures: Anzac Day In Pittwater 2019 - Avalon Beach RSL Sub-Branch Address by Jennifer Wittwer CSM RAN Rtd.
Soibada Training Centre and Guest House + Soibada and our ANZAC Links by Tamara Sloper-Harding OAM
Mackellar Climate Election Candidates Forum At Mona Vale; 'Unfortunately, there are still people who will vote on the 18th of May who will be disregarding scientific fact or wilfully neglecting the impacts their decisions will have on the lives of future generations.' - Alex, local student
Northern Beaches Music Festival 2019 Will Be At Narrabeen RSL: May 3-5
Narrabeen's Indy Griffith Announced As A 'Skillaroo' For 45th WorldSkills International Championship
Aquatics: Richard Hayes Harnett - First Commodore Of The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Designer Of The Yacht 'Australian' - Based On The Lines Of A Mackerel
Artists of the Month: May 2019: Danielle Ryan & James Sherwood - The Map To Paradise - “The Possibility Of Change Rests On Our Own Ability To Believe That We Can Do It.“- In 2016 Pittwater Online News ran information about Curl Curl duo Danielle Ryan and James Sherwood raising funds to make the documentary The Map to Paradise. Now made, a local screening is happening at Collaroy on May 15th - a FREE Workshop at the UTS on May 22nd may suit - among other Sydney screenings - details and links run as a great celebration of what has been done and can be done.
Food: Rozana Mediterranean Cuisine - Officially opened November 18, 2018, Rozana restaurant Avalon is a fusion of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and International flavours. Fresh vibrant food and a great open space in the cottage that once hosted the Avalon Craft Cottage, Khaled Fahmy and his team are wowing local eaters.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/4/2019
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To contact Julian:
Bayview Church Point Residents Association 2019 AGM
Mona Vale SLSC Focus On Sun Safety A Winner

Northern Beaches Music Festival 2019 Will Be At Narrabeen RSL
In the last Issue before the April School Holidays break we ran the disappointing information that the 2019 Northern Beaches Music Festival had had to be cancelled due to licensing laws now imposed in NSW.
Since then the community has rallied and the festival is back on. Paul Robertson, founder and organiser explains:
Dear friends,
It is with great joy, pleasure and gratitude that I can announce that The Northern Beaches Music Festival 2019 is back on!
This is due to the overwhelming support we have received on social media, print, television and radio and the incredibly good fortune to have garnered the support of Narrabeen RSL management and staff who have offered to stage the entire event 'as is' at their venue.
This announcement follows a number of intense meetings to nut out all of the hurdles and obstacles that we were facing. We also sincerely thank the Northern Beaches Police who have extended a generous hand in order to make this happen.
Although there are still issues to be resolved, resourced or funded I believe that none of them are beyond our reach.
So . . . I hope all of you musicians, supporters and volunteers are still available to take part in this great not for profit music event.
Please contact us ASAP to confirm your involvement. We would like to know this very soon so that we can finalise the program. We understand some of you may have already made other commitments.
A few important matters
Those of you who had been originally scheduled to perform on the Solar Stage have now been scheduled to perform acoustically (unplugged) on the Sunny Stage - a garden setting under a small marquee. We understand that this arrangement will not suit everyone.
Attention parents & guardians: Underaged patrons are not allowed in the Sunk and Basement areas after 7pm and are required to be off the Club’s premises completely by 9pm. Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Campaign - To cover the extra costs involved in the new arrangement (extra heavy theatrical curtains & stands, extra courtesy buses and drivers etc.) we have launched a campaign which you can link to from the web site or the Festival’s Facebook page.
The last few days have been a truly wild and emotional ride going from disaster to resurrection - we have gone from a “bad day at black rock“ to a beautiful vista on the Northern Beaches!
It just goes to show you what people power can do.
Paul Robertson (Executive Producer)
Date and Time
Fri 3rd May, 7:00 pm - Sun 5th May 2019, 10:00 pm
Narrabeen RSL Club
116 Nareen Parade, North Narrabeen
Tickets: $20 to $99
The Northern Beaches Music Festival is an annual not-for-profit community based music festival that presents contemporary music - folk, world, blues, pop - together with international food and dance.
PCA Federal Election Candidate Forum
Council Seeks ‘Human Books’ To Tell Their Refugee Stories
Pantry For Community

Peter Loft Marathon

Rotary Club Brings A Fun Day Of Golf To The Northern Beaches For A Great Cause
Community, Arts & Culture Grants Will Foster A More Inclusive Northern Beaches
Surf Life Saving Volunteer Patrol Season Closes
Weekend voluntary patrols began on Saturday 29th September 2018 and conclude today, Sunday, 28th April 2019, at 5pm.
Through a long Season there have been many rescues on local beaches. In all cases it has been a team working as one outfit that have successfully rescued many.
Over the Easter long weekend almost 300 rescues were performed including several rescues by Avalon Beach SLSC Members on Easter Monday.
The rescues came right at the time the volunteers were paying tribute to two fellow lifesavers, father and son Ross and Andrew Powell, also volunteers and Life Members of Port Campbell SLSC, who lost their lives trying to save another in Victoria the day before.
Ross ‘Po’ Powell was a founding member of Port Campbell SLSC in 1963. As well as holding most positions in the club, his passion was surf boats. Po swept and coached countless crews over the years including Aussies at Kurrawa and North Narrabeen. He swept one of the first women crews in Victoria. He took great delight in sweeping his own children in many carnivals, winning many medals along the way. Even after his sweeping retirement, he still offered advice and support for many crews.
Andrew Powell like his father, developed a passion for surf boats. His thirst for rowing knowledge was never ending in his quest to become a better competitor, always wanting to make the boat go faster. He was a great coach and had the capabilities to be an exceptional sweep in future years.
Andrew Powell, who joined the SES at 16, was also a dedicated farmer like his father and won young farmer of the year in 2017.
Andy Powell will tragically never get to meet his baby girl, who is due in August.
A webpage has been set up to raise proceeds to assist his partner and soon to come child -
Surf Lifesaving NSW chief executive Steven Pearce ascribed the warm weather over the weekend drawing visitors unfamiliar with water conditions as a primary cause of the spike in rescues.
“In the Easter long weekend we had so many more rescues because that’s predominantly from people, holidaymakers, who go to other destinations and they are not familiar with those water conditions,” Mr Pearce said.
“They are not familiar with what’s dangerous and what’s not; we had some fantastic weather, so it’s the last hit of summer and everyone is trying to make the most of it and head to the coastline.
“On the coast of Victoria and South Australia there have been very large seas and that’s made it exceptionally dangerous for people; in NSW it has not been as large, but it’s been still tricky,” he added.
“There have unfortunately been several sad incidents this Easter and our thoughts are with the families of those involved and also to the lifesavers who have responded so professionally,” said Surf Life Saving NSW CEO Steve Pearce.
The Easter, Anzac Day break along with school holidays has resulted in nine fatalities recorded around the country, despite warnings issued by Surf Life Saving agencies around Australia, Police, Emergency Services and the Bureau of Meteorology about safety considerations.
After the worst summer (December – February) recorded in 15 years by Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA), the tragic loss of life during the Easter and Anzac Day holiday period, SLSA is asking all visitors to the coast (and other aquatic locations) to stop and consider their safety.
“The incredible loss of life during these two holiday periods (Christmas and Easter) is shocking.” said Adam Weir, CEO Surf Life Saving Australia. “We need all coastal users to stop and consider where they are going and their actions. In nearly all situations these incidents were preventable.”
Surf lifesavers at many locations around Australia have now finished or are finishing volunteer patrols for the season. However, many continue to respond to incidents and provide rescue services all year round as visitors put themselves at risk on rock platforms when fishing or don't assess conditions such as rips or go into the water despite hazardous weather warnings.
“The demands on our volunteer surf lifesavers continues to increase; and to the credit of all they keep on delivering essential emergency service and lifesaving duties at all times of the day and night.” said Mr Weir. “We thank all our members for the time they have given, the commitment they have made and for the efforts on providing rescue, first aid, preventative actions and safety to the beach going public, thank you.”
“We are seeking all to heed safety advice and signs but also take a moment to check for dangers.” said Shane Daw, National Coastal Risk & Safety Manager. “We also ask people to swim at patrolled locations, don’t risk your life, that of family or friends, or that of strangers and rescue personnel who may be called to assist you.”
“The unnecessary risks that people have taken that has cost their lives; and in other situations that of those going to rescue them; all which have significant impacts with family, loved ones, friends having to live with this loss every day. Having two surf lifesavers lose their lives in the line of duty is devastating and felt by the entire organisation.” said Mr Daw.
President SLSA Graham Ford AM was in Port Campbell on Easter Monday to support the members and staff of Life Saving Victoria during this difficult time. Surf Life Saving Australia asked all members to join in this mark of respect with the minute silence at 12:30 p.m.
Surf lifesavers provide over 1 million volunteer patrol hours and perform more than 10,000 rescues annually.
The Surf Life Saving motto is Vigilance and Service.
The details of the rescues by Avalon Beach SLSC patrol members are;
1225 : Mike Stanley Jones called Nick Sampson informing a boat was drifting towards the rocks off the Whale Beach headland was unable to get in contact with Marine rescue, the anchor was not holding the boat in position, and we were asked to launch the IRB to assist 2 people on board vessel.
IRB was launched by Matthew Mayall and Scott Poole. Surfcom was advised they were trying to mobilise Whale Beach IRB to assist as well Marine Rescue advised 20mins to location
1234: 9 mins since the initial call, IRB arrived on location at Whale Beach. As the IRB reached vessel, it was approx. 150 m off the rocks but drifting fast. By the time the boys had the Vessel under tow it was approx. 75m off the rocks. IRB kept the vessel under tow until Marine Rescue came and took over the tow back to Pittwater.
While this was occurring, back at Avalon Beach, as the tide was dropping and during the mobilisation of the IRB, flag conditions had changed. Patrol members were in the process of moving the flags to a safer location when 2 people were carried out in the rip. Zac Dale and Amelia Barber completed board rescues.
On completion of the first rescue another person was swept off the bank and into the rip, so Zac Dale turned and went again and completed another board rescue.
As he was completing the rescue a 4th person got swept into the rip so Nick Sampson completed a board rescue.
"This all occurred in under 15 minutes. It goes to show just how vigilant and how fit ALL of the patrolling members have to be to deal with something like this. Thankfully in this situation all members of the public managed to go home safely to their families. Incredible effort from all the patrol Members there for keeping the rest of the beach safe while this all went on." Nick Sampson stated afterwards.
AM patrol – Lauren Peterson (Patrol Captain), Chloe Scott, Neil Peterson, Amelia Barber, Nick Sampson, Matt Mayall, Robyn Husband, Sophie Jones, Ella Brady
PM patrol – Nick Sampson(Patrol Captain), Ian Dalgleish, Scott Poole, Rachel Murray, Zac Dale, Regan Dale, Sophie Jones, Ella Brady
Avalon Craft Cottage .... At St Ives

Nominations For State And Territory Sailing Awards Now Open
- Male Sailor of the Year
- Female Sailor of the Year
- Youth Sailor of the Year
- Sailor of the Year with a Disability
- Sport Promotion Award
- Sport Professional Award
- Offshore Sailor of the Year Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Sustainability Award
- SheSails Award
- Coach of the Year
- Instructor of the Year
- Official of the Year
- Volunteer of the Year
- Club of the Year
Bungaree Inspiration Group
Sydney Wildlife Carers Course May 2019

Opportunity For Residents To Develop And Select Community Projects
Pets of the Week

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

FOTB Seeking Prize Donations For 6th Annual Christmas In July Ball
Guns Out For Tombsy Gala Benefit Dinner