community news: May 2023
May 28 - June 3 2023: Issue 585
This Issue:
Mona Vale’s John McFadden Wins World Food Championships!
Aquatics: Weedy Seadragons Citizen Scientist Project Needs More Eyes On The Seas, Sands + Shores: The SeadragonSearch Project
From The Council Chamber: May 23, 2023 by Pittwater Greens Councillor Miranda Korzy
Full NSW Government Funding For Wakehurst Parkway Confirmed: Improvements In Elanora Road, Elanora Heights + Mirool Street Narrabeen Now Included - New MP For Wakehurst Also Brings Up Cancelled Bus Services + Proposed Lizard Rock Development In Representative Of Community Statements
Two Catherines - A Twisted Scotland Island Tale: Runs This June
Community Forum To Address 4G/5G Infrastructure Concerns Almost Shelved: Will Go Ahead Because Palm Beach Resident Stood Up To Ensure Passed Council Motion Not Dumped - Will Now Be A Call For Amendments To Federal Legalisation To Include Residents + Local Government In Determining Proposals
Pictures: Aquatic Reflections seen this week: Narrabeen + Turimetta by Joe Mills
Park Bench Philosophers Historic Zig Zag Railway reopens: one place to take the youngsters, and oldsters, this Winter school holidays
Environment Learning To Waddle Along A Tree Branch, Why We Love Our Trees by Willoughby Council, Special Treatment For The Worst Polluters: Government Admission Highlights The Need To Stop New And Expanded Coal Mines In NSW, How Citizen Scientists Are Helping To Save A Species: 35 Christmas Beetle Species Unearthed By Volunteers, Protect Mona Vale's Bongin Bongin Bay - Establish An Aquatic Reserve, Ausgrid Community Battery Pilot - Warriewood: Have Your Say, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew: Freshwater May 28, Permaculture NB: June To July 2023 Events, Chemical CleanOut: June 2023, NSW Government To Undertake Electricity Sector Check Up To Deliver Clean Energy Future, Man Charged After Alleged Act Of Animal Cruelty - Little Bay, Place-Based Cultural Immersion Opportunities, Lake Illawarra Site To Remain In Public Hands, Australia is in a unique position to eliminate the bee-killing Varroa mite. Here’s what happens if we don’t, With hundreds of call-outs every day wildlife rescue services can help us understand the threats to our native animals, After the chainsaws, the quiet: Victoria’s rapid exit from native forest logging is welcome – and long overdue, From mangroves to fjords, coastal ecosystems can take up or emit greenhouse gases. But globally, they’re a vital sink, Study finds 2 billion people will struggle to survive in a warming world – and these parts of Australia are most vulnerable, Antarctic alarm bells: observations reveal deep ocean currents are slowing earlier than predicted, A botanical detective story: shedding light on the journey out of Africa for one of Australia’s worst weeds, Biodegradable plastic in clothing doesn’t break down nearly as quickly as hoped – new research, Tiger protection in India also saved 1 million tonnes of carbon emissions – new study, Farmers face a soaring risk of flash droughts in every major food-growing region in coming decades, The real cost of your chocolate habit: new research reveals the bittersweet truth of cocoa farming in Africa’s forests, Coffee, brought to you by bees: a case study in how restoring habitat is a win-win for forests and farmers, Greedy gulls decide what to eat by watching people – new research, Good vibrations: how listening to the sounds of soil helps us monitor and restore forest health, The world’s worst animal disease is killing frogs worldwide. A testing breakthrough could help save them, ‘Painting with fire’: how northern Australia developed one of the world’s best bushfire management programs, How to fool a mouse: ‘chemical camouflage’ can hide crops and cut losses by over 60%, Bushcare In Pittwater, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Report Fox Sightings, Weed Of The Season: Cassia - Please Pull Out and Save Our Bush, New Marine Wildlife Rescue Group On The Central Coast, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Pittwater Environment groups and organisations, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon, Recycle plastic tags
Inbox News Skin patch shows promise for toddlers with peanut allergy, World leaders are flocking to Papua New Guinea; Here’s why, In 2050 Over 800 Million People Globally Estimated To Be Living With Back Pain, Modular Builds May Help Construction Industry Weather A Perfect Storm: UniSA, What Marsupials Can Teach Us About Brain Development, Half Of World's Largest Lakes Losing Water: Climate Change, Human Consumption and Sedimentation Contributing To Decline, New Supply Chain Model To Empower Seabound Hydrogen Economy: UTS, Building Trusted Digital Services: The Trustworthy Digital Society Hub, Flexing Crystalline Structures Provide Path To A Solid Energy Future, Oldest Architectural Plans Detail Mysterious Desert Mega Structures, We Love You Tina - Always Will: Homebake 2009 Festival In Sydney, VALE Dr Rosemary Crossley - In Tribute To Rosemary, Sydney In 1928, Public Hospital Funding Agreement Needs Complete Makeover: AMA, Consistent Link Between The Seaside and Better Health, Wayne’s Hand-Built Lolly Trolleys Bring Sweet Joy For Older People In Need, Victoria shows Australia how to finally abolish stamp duty once and for all, Empowerment, individual strength and the many facets of love: why I fell for Tina Turner, Vaccination Best Protection As We Head Into Winter Months, The Mediterranean Diet: Good For Your Health and Your Hip Pocket, Why surfing can be beneficial for people with brain injuries, ‘We can no longer justify unpaid labour’: why uni students need to be paid for work placements, Applications Open For 150 Apprentice Scholarships, Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards 2023: Opetional Theme This Year 'The Winding Road', Northern Beaches Police Area Command: E-Scooter And E-Bike Safety Operation, The 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards", Enzo Maiorca: Everyone Can Make A Difference, Sydney in 1928, School Leavers Information Service, Word Of The Week: Bamboozle, Empowerment, individual strength and the many facets of love: why I fell for Tina Turner, How can I make studying a daily habit?, Astronomers detected two major targets with a single telescope – a mysterious signal and its source galaxy, Why are killer whales attacking boats?; Expert Q&A, Laws targeting protesters are being rushed through state parliaments; But they are often poorly designed and sometimes, unconstitutional, ‘We haven’t been taught about sex’: teens talk about how to fix school sex education, The great beauty of art is its absence of certainty, 10 ways to help the boys in your life read for enjoyment (not just for school), Ancient humans may have paused in Arabia for 30,000 years on their way out of Africa,

A resident of the beautiful Lovett Bay, secretary for the West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade since the early 1970’s, Margaret had backbone, clarity and generosity and a sharp mind as she sailed into her ninth decade in the world.
Born in Nowra into a family who had lived there since 1900, where her grandfather, Henry Rauch bought and edited the Shoalhaven Telegraph newspaper, later publishing the Shoalhaven and Nowra News, the latter being founded by her father Cecil, who was also Mayor of Nowra in 1926, Margaret Molloy, born May 22, 1932, had saltwater in her essence and words that came together to say what she means.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: May 1, 2023
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Contents May 1st 2023 Issue: Did Scotland Island Used To Be More Fun?, Island Feast for Freedom 2023, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Island Playgroup, The Tuesday Discussion Group, Seafarers' Shindig, International Folk Dancing, Scotland Island Café, Scotland Island Fire Shed Dinner, Scotland Island Revive Retreat, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Winter Market Day, For sale: Stacer 498 Bowrider 2007, Island home for rent, Local handyman for hire
Congratulations John McFadden: World Food Champion
In more exciting news, after winning the World Food Championships in the USA, John has partnered with Doug Fraser, Kylie Franks Fraser and the Basin Dining Room to create a 5 course tasting menu showcasing the award winning dishes. The event will be held on Wednesday June 28th.
For bookings contact The Basin Dining Room, overlooking glorious Mona Vale Beach, at:

Congratulations Leilani, Emily + Ned
''It’s hard to put into words what this day means.To all the people who came before us and paved the way for us to reap the rewards Thank You.To all the girls of my era we have had the best of both worlds pre and post professional era.To the girls who will never know what it’s like to work 2 jobs and train full time I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!There will never be a greater honour than representing your country.''

Congratulations Bei Loon Dragonboat Club + Pittwater Pinks

The Pittwater Pinks Represent In NZ

Ausgrid Helicopter Bushfire Patrols: Saturday June 2-3, 2023


Northern Beaches Police Area Command: E-Scooter And E-Bike Safety Operation
Commencing at 8am today (Wednesday 17 May 2023), officers from Northern Beaches Highway Patrol will be conducting a high-visibility operation on e-scooter and e-bike safety along the Northern Beaches.
The aim of this operation is to educate the public on traffic laws associated with e-scooters, e-bikes and pedestrian safety. It is illegal for any of these to be ridden on footpaths.
Police will also be running this operation across May through to July 2023.
🚲 For more information on E-Bikes:
🛴 For more information on E-Scooters:
Vaccination Best Protection As We Head Into Winter Months
- 14,409 total new positive tests reported in the past 7 days
- 4,638 positive PCR tests reported in the past 7 days
- 9,771 positive Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) reported in the past 7 days
- 69 lives lost reported in the past 7 days
- children aged six months to under five years
- people aged 65 and over
- Aboriginal people from six months of age
- pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy
- those with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, obesity, severe asthma, kidney, heart, lung or liver disease.
- stay up to date with your recommended influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations
- stay home if you have cold or influenza symptoms
- wear a mask in crowded, indoor places
- get together outdoors or in large, well-ventilated spaces with open doors and windows
- wash or sanitise your hands often
- talk with your doctor now if you are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or influenza to make a plan about what to do if you get sick, including what test to have, and being assessed to determine if you are eligible for antiviral medicines
- don’t visit people who are at higher risk of severe illness if you have cold or influenza symptoms or have tested positive to COVID-19 or influenza
- consider doing a rapid antigen test before visiting people at higher risk of severe illness
- free RATs are now accessible to the community via some local councils, ServiceNSW and NSW Health services.
One Year On: Your Independent MP For Mackellar
Councillor Walton Elected As New Deputy Mayor
Local Lifesavers Honoured With National Medal
- John Fielder, Whale Beach SLSC
- Elizabeth Green, Collaroy SLSC
- Andrew Hjorth, Mona Vale SLSC
- Peter Myers, Whale Beach SLSC
- Janet Proudfoot, Newport SLSC

Team Island Boot Camp Take On Push-Up Challenge

Newport Surf Club DA Proposal Update: Decision Deferred
- the Coastal Management Act (CM Act) s 3 - Objects of the Act, and in particular item (g) “to recognise that the local and regional scale effects of coastal processes, and the inherently ambulatory and dynamic nature of the shoreline, may result in the loss of coastal land to the sea (.....), and to manage coastal use and development accordingly, and”;
- suitable alternate locations for the Project given that storm inundation will continue to increase as the sea level rises, until such time as maintaining a building on the site and a beach seaward of the building becomes impractical; and
- whether only the elements of the existing building that are of high or moderate heritage significance should be retained and whether the additional facilities could be accommodated in a new building that was further landward and consequently less exposed to coastal processes, thereby reducing the length of any coastal protection works.

Council Rejects Emergency Services Levy Hike
Pittwater Family Practice Doctor Taking On New Patients: Baltic Languages Spoken

ABHS June 2023 Meeting: ‘Royal’ Avalon Golf Links

New Pavement Coloured Concreting: East End Of Avalon Parade Avalon Beach Now Complete

General Store, Avalon Beach - ON 165/925 Item c07771_0002_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, circa January - February 1922
Help Others Rug Up

Call For Food Donations: Help Us Support Vulnerable Clients At Our Community Centre

Public Amenities Upgrade: Rowland Reserve Bayview, Feedback Invited

Streets As Shared Spaces - The Strand, Dee Why: Feedback Invited

Lock Up Your Cars: Thieves About

Ausgrid Community Battery Pilot - Warriewood: Have Your Say
- Take the survey here:
- Email
- Call 1800 995 674 (Mon- Fri 09:00 to 16:30 AEST)
- Postal Mail to Ausgrid Community Battery Project, GPO Box 4009, Sydney NSW 2001

In Tune With Tony B

Edible Exhibition: 100 Cakes For 100 Years Of Manly CWA - Get Involved!

Two New Magistrates For The NSW Local Court
NSW Government Delivers On Election Commitment For Fairer Grants With Its First Bill To Pass Parliament
- Require that a person who approves or declines a grant has regard to the 7 key principles to be applied in administering grants (robust planning and design, collaboration and partnership, proportionality, an outcomes orientation, achieving value with relevant money, governance and accountability, and probity and transparency) in doing so.
- Require that a minister must not approve a grant unless satisfied that the grant would be an efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of money, and that it achieves value for money.
New Funding For Palliative Care Projects
- improving palliative care education and training for the primary care, acute care and aged care workforces
- raising awareness of palliative care and advance care planning
- quality improvement for care providers
- increasing palliative care support in rural and regional areas
- encouraging the uptake of advance care planning.
Australians Battling With Prostate Cancer To Benefit From New PBS Listing

Winter Market Day: Scotland Island - Catherine Park Call Out For Makers

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Needs Volunteers

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
Rig Recycle: Fishing Gear Items

Mona Vale Residents Association

Volunteers Needed: Red Cross Avalon Shop
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive

Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

Community News
Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.
March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015
January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022
Appointment Of Metropolitan Cemeteries And Crematoria Administrator
Jellyfish Turning Up In Rock Pools At Present

Nominations Open For The Australian Mental Health Prize 2023
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
- lived experience
- professional
- community hero.
The 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards"
Entries close Wednesday, 31 May 2023
The Central West Astronomical Society is proud to announce the 2023 CWAS Astrophotography Awards - the "David Malin Awards".
The competition will continue with the new judging structure, introduced last year. In order to build on the experience of previous years, and to continue as the premier competition of its kind in Australia, a panel of distinguished Australian astrophotographers will judge the category entries. Dr David Malin will judge the Overall Winner from the list of these winners. We are honoured that the judging panel will include Phil Hart, Alex Cherney, and Peter Ward, previous winners of the "David Malin Awards" and numerous other national and international astrophotography competitions.
There are three sections of entry - General Section, Open Themed Section, and a Junior Section (18 or younger). The general section is divided into six categories; Wide-field (camera shots), Deep Sky (telescope shots), Solar System, Nightscapes, Animated Sequences, and Smartphone Astrophotography. The Junior Section will have one open category and entries can be of any astronomical subject, and can be an animated sequence.
The Competition Structure:
- General Section:
- Wide-Field
- Deep Sky
- Solar System
- Nightscapes
- Animated Sequences
- Smartphone Astrophotography
- Junior Section (18 or younger) - One Open Category (can be of any astronomical subject)
- Open Themed Section - "The Zodiac"
Submission of entries will close at 24:00 (AEST) on Wednesday, 31 May 2023. Entrants must first create an account on the MyPhotoClub submission page, by clicking on the green entry button. Follow the links to create the account and password.
Entry fees are $15 per entry and should be paid by the PayPal gateway on the entry website. Credit and debit cards can be used on this gateway.
The photographs will be judged by a panel of distinguished astrophotographers, who will judge the category winners. Dr David Malin will judge the overall winner from this list of winners.
Submitted image files should not contain identifying metadata. If anonymity of the judging process is important to the entrant, then images should not be shared in public forums prior to completion of judging. The winners will be notified and presented with the "David Malin Awards" during a special ceremony, held during the 2023 CWAS AstroFest, in the presence of invited dignitaries on Saturday, 22 July 2023. All winners should make every effort to attend the presentation of the awards.
A selection of the finest astrophotographs received will be professionally printed courtesy of Sunstudios and exhibited for the entire year at the CSIRO Parkes Observatory's Visitors Centre. In addition, a second set will tour the country in a travelling exhibition, organised by the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, to selected venues across Australia.
There is a limit of five (5) entries per category per photographer. All photographs must have been taken no more than 2 years before the closing date of entry, and no re-entries from previous DMA competitions will be accepted. All entries must be submitted in electronic form via the MyPhotoClub submissions web site. The entrants must provide brief details of the equipment, exposure times, processing, and where relevant, the location where the image was taken.
It is not just technical skill that the judges will be looking for, but an aesthetically pleasing picture that reflects and captures the beauty, inspiration and interest of astronomy. All images will be judged by these criteria.
More details here:
Enter here:
2022 Winner: Ian Inverarity - Nightscapes; OVERALL WINNER "Old Giant in the Fog"
Citation: "This is the finest image I have seen in this competition. It is simply beautiful, and no more needs to be said. No sign of stitching, either."
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week


To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
2023 Volunteer Of The Year Nominations Open
- Be a volunteer in NSW, a practice defined as time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain*.
- Have volunteered during the previous 12 months for a legitimate not-for-profit organisation, community group, or other entity which engages volunteers in a safe and legal manner, such as schools or government agencies.

NSW Considers Penalties For Improper Disclosure Of Confidential Government Tax Information
Council: Fox Baiting Notice To Pet Owners
- Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- Forestville Park, Forestville
- Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge
Narrabeen Sharks JRLFC: A Sharks Tale The Book Celebrates 90 Years Of The Narrabeen Sharks

Report Hate Crimes
Letters To The Editor
Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

May 21 - 27 2023: Issue 584
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Pictures: History Excursion To Avalon Beach SLSC By Years 1 & 2 Of Maria Regina Primary School, Avalon Beach by Roger Sayers OAM
Aquatics: 'Seas The Day' Women's Surf Competition & Festival: June 2023 - Enter Your Team Now
DIY Ideas Mould set to rise Inside Your home this Winter: How to Keep Air and Surfaces Healthier
Park Bench Philosophers CSIRO Confirms Location Of MV Blythe Star Shipwreck; Ending 50-Year Mystery
Environment Drain Is Just For Rain, Hawkesbury Councillors Battling Own Councillors To Save Koala Habitat: Rural Boundary Clearing Code, Council Victory In Court Over Illegal Clearing Of Trees = 10k For 14 Killed Trees, International World Turtle Day 2023, Flowering Now; Pittwater Spotted Gum, Corella Fledgling Pair On Mother's Day 2023; 'Feed Me, Feed Me!', Global Temperatures Set To Reach New Records In Next Five Years, 'Planet Hurtling Towards Hell Of Global Heating' UN Secretary-General Warns Austrian World Summit; Urging Immediate Emissions Cuts, Fair Climate Funding, Friends Of Bongin Bongin Bay (Mona Vale Basin) Update: May 2023, Ausgrid Community Battery Pilot - Warriewood: Have Your Say, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew: Freshwater May 28, Permaculture NB: May To July 2023 Events, PNHA Guided Nature Walks 2023, Chemical CleanOut: June 2023, Platypus Return To Royal National Park For The First Time In Decades, NSW Natural Resources Minister Visits Mt Arthur Coal Mine, Inaugural Exotic Vet Nurse Of The Year 2023: Elizabeth ‘Liz’ McConnell - Senior Nurse At Taronga Wildlife Hospital, Draft Bush Fire Risk Plan: North Shore, Getting The Scoop On The Pelican Travel Brief: Please Report Any Pelicans With Bands, NPWS Ramps Up Bushfire Preparedness, These giant ‘drop bears’ with opposable thumbs once scaled trees in Australia; But how did they grow so huge?, Community batteries are popular – but we have to make sure they actually help share power, Program to plant 20 million trees prioritised cost-saving over gains for nature research finds, Global warming to bring record hot year by 2028 – probably our first above 1.5°C limit, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek approved a coal mine, Breaking the mould: why rental properties are more likely to be mouldy and what’s needed to stop people getting sick, Despairing about climate change?; These 4 charts on the unstoppable growth of solar may change your mind, Check your tyres: you might be adding unnecessary microplastics to the environment, Methane must fall to slow global heating – but only 13% of emissions are actually regulated, Saving humanity: here’s a radical approach to building a sustainable and just society, Fixing broken flood gauges is important; But most of us don’t evacuate even when we know the water is coming, New study helps solve a 30-year-old puzzle: how is climate change affecting El Niño and La Niña?, Bushcare In Pittwater, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Report Fox Sightings, Weed Of The Season: Cassia - Please Pull Out and Save Our Bush, New Marine Wildlife Rescue Group On The Central Coast, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Pittwater Environment groups and organisations, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Frie3nds of Narrabeen Lagoon, Recycle plastic tags
Inbox News Plastic pervasive in food supply: new study, Support For Women Living With Hyperemesis Gravidarum: NSW Health, Cancer Survival Rates For Young Australian People At An All-Time High, Construction Complete At Tamworth Ambulance Station, New Guide For Estimating Space Requirements For Hospital Departments In Australia, Out Of This World Control On Ice Age Cycles, Murujuga’s rock art is being destroyed – where is the outrage?, Butterfly Tree Of Life Reveals Origin, Wildlife Photography Thrills At The Australian National Maritime Museum, Northern Beaches Police Area Command: E-Scooter And E-Bike Safety Operation, The 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards"; Entries close Wednesday 31 May 2023, The Big Bike Film Night At Warriewood, Australian Flies: There Are 30 Thousand Species - Here's Two That Look Like Bees That You Will See During Winter, History Of The Spit To Manly Tramline (And A Bit On A Punt And A Bridge), "French Roast" - By Fabrice O. Joubert, School Leavers Information Service, Word Of The Week: Blue, Bees can do so much more than you think – from dancing to being little art critics, TikTok promotes vaping as a fun, safe and socially accepted pastime – and omits the harms, We have all heard social media can impact women’s body image – but it isn’t all bad, ‘Habits of civilised life’: how one state forced Indigenous people to meet onerous conditions to obtain citizenship, ‘Whales died so women could look like this’: what shows like Bridgerton get wrong about whalebone and corsetry, Earliest evidence of kissing pushed back 1,000 years, From bird poo frogs to alligator snapping turtles – here are nature’s masters of deception, Friday essay: what is ‘time activism’ – and why do we desperately need it?, Vale George Annells Champion, History Of The Spit To Manly Tramline, State Of The Older Nation (SOTON) 2023: New Research Shows Age-Related Discrimination Is Rampant In Western Australia, Lifting The Standard Of Food And Nutrition In Aged Care, Care Finders Program Launches In Northern Sydney, Giving Up Driving Is A Senior’s Nightmare – But Smart Help Is Here, Pittwater RSL: Seniors Show + Lunch 2023, Seniors Miss Out On Vital Crohn’s and Colitis Support, When someone living with dementia is distressed or violent ‘de-escalation’ is vital, Am I too old to build muscle? What science says about sarcopenia and building strength later in life, Heart Health Assessment Rebate Extended, Volunteers In Aged Care Consultation Open, AvPals Term 2 At Newport, U3A events, Mens Table at Pittwater RSL
Food Manly CWA Edible Exhibition: 100 Cakes For 100 Years Of Manly CWA Invites You To Choose An Event From 1923 To 2023 + A Look At Some Aussie Classic Cakes, Commencing From 1923 With The Frog Cake

Data made available, and which excludes half that submitted, shows we are losing 2 nocturnal bird species every single week and 8 parrots every single day. The primary reason? Habitat destruction - cutting down trees.
Definition from - ;
Ringtail: from the 'Common Ringtail Possum' which is not so common anymore in urban areas. The Common Ringtail Possum is found along the entire eastern part of Australia and south west Western Australia. They are also found throughout Tasmania. The western ringtail possum is a threatened species under State and Commonwealth legislation. In Western Australia the species is listed as Critically Endangered fauna under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.+
Posse: noun. 1 : a large group often with a common interest 2 : a body of persons summoned by a sheriff to assist in preserving the public peace usually in an emergency 3 : a group of people temporarily organised to make a search (as for a lost child) 4 : one's attendants or associates.
Vale George Annells CHAMPION

Jellyfish Turning Up In Rock Pools At Present

Public Amenities Upgrade: Rowland Reserve Bayview, Feedback Invited

Streets As Shared Spaces - The Strand, Dee Why: Feedback Invited

Biggest Morning Tea At MVSLSC


Northern Beaches Police Area Command: E-Scooter And E-Bike Safety Operation
Commencing at 8am today (Wednesday 17 May 2023), officers from Northern Beaches Highway Patrol will be conducting a high-visibility operation on e-scooter and e-bike safety along the Northern Beaches.
The aim of this operation is to educate the public on traffic laws associated with e-scooters, e-bikes and pedestrian safety. It is illegal for any of these to be ridden on footpaths.
Police will also be running this operation across May through to July 2023.
🚲 For more information on E-Bikes:
🛴 For more information on E-Scooters:
Audit Reveals Critical Shortage Of Grave Sites In Sydney
The 2023 CWAS "David Malin Awards"
Entries close Wednesday, 31 May 2023
The Central West Astronomical Society is proud to announce the 2023 CWAS Astrophotography Awards - the "David Malin Awards".
The competition will continue with the new judging structure, introduced last year. In order to build on the experience of previous years, and to continue as the premier competition of its kind in Australia, a panel of distinguished Australian astrophotographers will judge the category entries. Dr David Malin will judge the Overall Winner from the list of these winners. We are honoured that the judging panel will include Phil Hart, Alex Cherney, and Peter Ward, previous winners of the "David Malin Awards" and numerous other national and international astrophotography competitions.
There are three sections of entry - General Section, Open Themed Section, and a Junior Section (18 or younger). The general section is divided into six categories; Wide-field (camera shots), Deep Sky (telescope shots), Solar System, Nightscapes, Animated Sequences, and Smartphone Astrophotography. The Junior Section will have one open category and entries can be of any astronomical subject, and can be an animated sequence.
The Competition Structure:
- General Section:
- Wide-Field
- Deep Sky
- Solar System
- Nightscapes
- Animated Sequences
- Smartphone Astrophotography
- Junior Section (18 or younger) - One Open Category (can be of any astronomical subject)
- Open Themed Section - "The Zodiac"
The "David Malin Innovation Prize" may be awarded, at Dr Malin's discretion, for a striking astronomical image that shows exceptional imagination, innovation or an unusual approach in any of the categories.
An additional prize, "The Photo Editor's Choice", will also be awarded. This will be judged by a major news organisation's photo editor or editors.
The Solar System category is for images of solar system objects taken with a telescope. Wide-field solar system shots may be entered in the Wide-Field or Nightscape categories depending on the subject and composition.
The Nightscapes is intended to showcase the increasing popularity and evolution of this relatively new genre of astrophotography, combining beautiful terrestrial foregrounds with a night sky scene - often in a single exposure (HDR is OK) or as a multi-shot panorama. NOTE: Any image that contains terrestrial foregrounds will be considered to be a nightscape image.
Animated Sequences should be videos that are intriguing or highlight concepts and events not obvious or significant in stills. Astrophotographers are invited to submit animations, produced as either time-lapse sequences or with other forms of video. They can be of any subject, provided there is a distinct astronomical link. All animations must be submitted as MOV, MPEG, AVI or MP4 files. Today, smartphones are ubiquitous and some are capable of impressive low light-level photography.
In Smartphone Astrophotography we are looking for images that have been taken with only a smartphone, and without telescopes, of an astronomical scene that has some aesthetic appeal and/or that has captured something you might not expect to see from such a tiny camera.
There is no strict delineation between Deep Sky and Wide-Field images. Wide-field images are typically produced with DSLR and interchangeable lens cameras at a focal length of less than ~400mm, but this characterisation is becoming less clear as equipment evolves. Wide-field images are typically constellations or "scenes" rather than deep sky "objects" but entrants are free to submit images to either category.
Judges reserve the right to move images between categories.
The Open Themed Section is open to all astrophotographers. They are encouraged to see who can be the most inventive and creative in evoking the theme, which this year will be "The Zodiac". Photographs could be of the dusty zodiacal light or gegenschein, portraits of the zodiac constellations with or without planets amongst them, or anything else that symbolises the zodiac, one of the earliest astronomical concepts in our understanding of the sky. We are looking for eye-catching images that are also aesthetically pleasing and/or challenging.
All entries must be images that faithfully reflect and maintain the integrity of the subject. Image manipulations or composites that produce works that are more "digital art" than true astronomical images, will be deemed ineligible.
All still images must be submitted as digital files via a dedicated web site that can be accessed at this myphotoclub web page. For judging purposes, still images must be submitted as JPG files with the longest side having a dimension no greater than 4,950 pixels. All images must be in Adobe 1998 RGB colour space and will be judged using a calibrated monitor. Similarly, winning images will be printed from the files as-received, so it would be prudent for entrants to calibrate their monitors if possible. It does make a difference. Click here for an example of a very detailed set of calibration procedures for all platforms. For Mac users, a useful monitor calibration program can be found under "Monitors" in System Preferences, and the ideal solution for monitor calibration is a stand-alone device such as the Spyderexpress.
Submission of entries will close at 24:00 (AEST) on Wednesday, 31 May 2023. Entrants must first create an account on the MyPhotoClub submission page, by clicking on the green entry button. Follow the links to create the account and password.
Entry fees are $15 per entry and should be paid by the PayPal gateway on the entry website. Credit and debit cards can be used on this gateway.
The photographs will be judged by a panel of distinguished astrophotographers, who will judge the category winners. Dr David Malin will judge the overall winner from this list of winners.
Submitted image files should not contain identifying metadata. If anonymity of the judging process is important to the entrant, then images should not be shared in public forums prior to completion of judging. The winners will be notified and presented with the "David Malin Awards" during a special ceremony, held during the 2023 CWAS AstroFest, in the presence of invited dignitaries on Saturday, 22 July 2023. All winners should make every effort to attend the presentation of the awards.
A selection of the finest astrophotographs received will be professionally printed courtesy of Sunstudios and exhibited for the entire year at the CSIRO Parkes Observatory's Visitors Centre. In addition, a second set will tour the country in a travelling exhibition, organised by the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, to selected venues across Australia.
There is a limit of five (5) entries per category per photographer. All photographs must have been taken no more than 2 years before the closing date of entry, and no re-entries from previous DMA competitions will be accepted. All entries must be submitted in electronic form via the MyPhotoClub submissions web site. The entrants must provide brief details of the equipment, exposure times, processing, and where relevant, the location where the image was taken.
It is not just technical skill that the judges will be looking for, but an aesthetically pleasing picture that reflects and captures the beauty, inspiration and interest of astronomy. All images will be judged by these criteria.
More details here:
Enter here:
2022 Winner: Ian Inverarity - Nightscapes; OVERALL WINNER "Old Giant in the Fog"
Citation: "This is the finest image I have seen in this competition. It is simply beautiful, and no more needs to be said. No sign of stitching, either."
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week


To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Conservation Zones Review - Northern Beaches Council's Update: May 2023
- Over three hundred submissions raised concerns with the accuracy of mapping, fifty of which requested a site visit.
- Approximately forty submissions requested a site visit based on concerns about the Review methodology.
Scammers Trying To Capitalise On Federal Budget

2023 Volunteer Of The Year Nominations Open
- Be a volunteer in NSW, a practice defined as time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain*.
- Have volunteered during the previous 12 months for a legitimate not-for-profit organisation, community group, or other entity which engages volunteers in a safe and legal manner, such as schools or government agencies.

Australian Communities Foundation Grants
Proposed Community Garden: Annam Road Reserve Bayview
- grow organic produce (fruit and vegetables) and flowering plants
- promote sustainable lifestyles
- provide a neighbourhood meeting place and opportunities for social interaction
- promote physical activity.
- completing the comment form
- emailing
- writing to Council marked 'Proposed Community Garden - Annam Road Reserve, Bayview’ to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.

Paradise Beach Wharf And Tidal Pool Renewal Feedback Invited
- Widened tidal steps, an external ladder and tie up location on the north side and widening of the wharf deck.
- A new internal stainless steel ladder.
- Raising the wharf deck and pool walls to keep them above water levels in higher tides.
- Replacing the collapsing rocky groyne with a new sandstone block groyne topped with a sand coloured concrete slab. The groyne is proposed to be reduced 2-3m in lengh and increased to 2m in width.
- Maintaining the heritage aspect of the wharf and pool by providing timber decking and timber materials on the upper portion of the structure including a timber waler along the top of the pool walls.
- Long term durability of the structure will be achieved by using steel piles surrounded by black HDPE (high density polyethylene) sleeving. Timber fender piles will be used to maintain the heritage feel at the end of the wharf.
- New shower and foot tap.

Gambling-Related Signage To Go In NSW By September

Council: Fox Baiting Notice To Pet Owners
- Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- Forestville Park, Forestville
- Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge
Lock Up Your Cars: Thieves About

Ausgrid Community Battery Pilot - Warriewood: Have Your Say
- Take the survey here:
- Email
- Call 1800 995 674 (Mon- Fri 09:00 to 16:30 AEST)
- Postal Mail to Ausgrid Community Battery Project, GPO Box 4009, Sydney NSW 2001

In Tune With Tony B

Surgical Care Taskforce To Reduce Elective Surgery Wait Times
Welcoming 225 New Recruits To The Firefighting Frontline

Proposed New Northern Beaches Mental Health Hub DA Open For Feedback
- patient rooms;
- clinical therapy and consultation spaces;
- ground floor café with outdoor dining;
- a three level basement carpark;
- an ambulance bay;
- roof terrace and associated landscaping; and
- earthworks and tree removal.

Edible Exhibition: 100 Cakes For 100 Years Of Manly CWA - Get Involved!

NSW Government Acting To Strengthen Building Industry
Two Judges Appointed To The NSW District Court

Winter Market Day: Scotland Island - Catherine Park Call Out For Makers

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Needs Volunteers

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
Rig Recycle: Fishing Gear Items

Mona Vale Residents Association

Volunteers Needed: Red Cross Avalon Shop
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive

Report Hate Crimes
Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

May 14 - 20 2023: Issue 583
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Small Business Owner At Palm Beach Battling Council To Stay Afloat - Keep Staff Employed
Epic WSL Sydney Pro Junior + Sydney Surf Pro At Narrabeen: May 13-14 + May 17-24
National Volunteer Week 2023: Help Your Community By Being A Change Maker In Whatever Is Your Passion - runs 15-23 May 2023
Surfing NSW Supports The New Wave Of Female Surf Coaches and Judges: apply now to get involved
Aquatics: Australia SailGP Team Wins Season 3 - Historic Third Straight Victory
Pictures: Pittwater's Mother Nature: Mother's Day 2023
Michael Regan, Independent MP For Wakehurst: Inaugural Speech To NSW Parliament
DIY Ideas Mother's Day 2023 DIY Idea: A Basic Bookshelf You Can Make For All Mum's Books
Park Bench Philosophers Lucy Edith Gullett (Dr.) 28 September 1876 - 12 November 1949 - A few insights into one of the original 'spinsters' of Spinsters Hill, Palm Beach
Environment Protect Mona Vale's Bongin Bongin Bay - Establish An Aquatic Reserve: May 2023 Update, Northern Beaches Sustainable Business Solutions Forum: May 17 At Brookvale, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew: Freshwater May 28, Permaculture NB: May To July 2023 Events, PNHA Guided Nature Walks 2023, Chemical CleanOut: June 2023, Bushcare In Pittwater, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Report Fox Sightings, Weed Of The Season: Cassia - Please Pull Out and Save Our Bush, New Marine Wildlife Rescue Group On The Central Coast, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, NSW Reconstruction Authority Regulation: Have Your Say, Draft Bush Fire Risk Plan: North Shore - have your say, Getting The Scoop On The Pelican Travel Brief: Please Report Any Pelicans With Bands, Dungowan Dam Project Will Not Proceed, Builders Urged To Contain Site Litter and Construction Waste: Blitz on this May, EPA Issues Tougher Licence For Metropolitan Collieries, Rising River Alert – Snowy River Below Jindabyne Dam: May 18, Plumwood Mountain Added To NSW State Heritage Register, If the budget ditched the Stage 3 tax cuts Australia could save every threatened species – and lots more, Tail first and making an early splash; some whales just can’t wait to be born, To get to net zero policymakers need to listen to communities; Here’s what they can learn from places like Geelong, Smoke from the Black Summer fires could have made the triple La Niña more likely, Green hydrogen funding is a step forward – but a step doesn’t win the race, What Australia’s new gas tax will mean for new projects, the economy and the climate, HECS for farmers? Nature repair loans could help biodiversity recover – and boost farm productivity, Budget’s energy bill relief and home retrofit funding is a good start but dwarfed by the scale of the task, Microplastics: we’ve found startling quantities in the ice algae that are essential for all Arctic marine life, Thousands of badgers being farmed in South Korea could be a disease risk, Tiny aquatic athletes: how baby Nemo can ‘just keeping swimming’ from the open ocean to the reef, Pittwater Environment groups and organisations, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon, Recycle plastic tags
Inbox News We Need To Talk About Ovarian Cancer; Our Deadliest Gynaecological Cancer, Why Are Electricity Prices Rising Again?, T Cells Can Activate Themselves To Fight Tumours, Researchers Discover A Cause Of Rapid Ice Melting In Greenland, Smallest Shifting Fastest: Bird Species Body Size Predicts Rate Of Change In A Warming World, Potential Found To Counter Depression By Restoring Key Brain Rhythm, Kangaroo Island Ants 'Play Dead' To Avoid Predators, Older Australians; Budget 2023, History of the Harbord Beach Tramline, Delivering The Largest Ever Pay Rise To Aged Care Workers: Federal Government Statements, Scientists Develop AI Tool To Predict Parkinson's Disease Onset, A Tripartite Approach To Address Workforce Shortages In Aged Care, The aged-care budget delivers for workers but meeting our future needs will require bold funding reforms, Here’s how a new AI tool may predict early signs of Parkinson’s disease, COTA: Budget 2023 Delivers Positive News For Older Australians – Particularly Older Women, ‘Queue Jumpers’ Who Opt To Retire Early Are Catching Companies Off Guard, Heart Health Assessment Rebate Extended, Bold and innovative planning is delivering Australia’s newest city. But it will be hot – and can we ditch the colonial name?, Volunteers In Aged Care Consultation Open, Radio Skills Workshop, NSW Youth Advisory Council: Applications Close 21 May 2023, The Big Bike Film Night At Warriewood, Turimetta and North Narrabeen Monday to Friday, History Of The Harbord Beach Tramline, Webb Looks For Fomalhaut's Asteroid Belt And Finds Much More, Word Of The Week: Hope, Mothers’ lives in ancient Greece were not easy – but celebrations of their love have survived across the centuries, Here’s why The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is big news – even among those who don’t see themselves as ‘gamers’, How fast is the Universe really expanding? Multiple views of an exploding star raise new questions, Australia has a National Quantum Strategy; What does that mean?, What’s the latest on GMOs and gene-edited foods – and what are the concerns? An expert explains, Gen Z goes retro: Why the younger generation is ditching smartphones for ‘dumb phones’, Can a photograph change the world?, Research shows giraffes can use statistical reasoning; They’re the first animal with a relatively small brain known to do this

National Volunteer Week runs 15-23 May 2023. The theme for National Volunteer Week in 2023 is The Change Makers. This National Volunteer Week Volunteering Australia are asking, what kind of Change Maker are you? You may be a Caregiver, Guardian through your local Residents Association, Nature restorer and Bushcarer, Wildlife Rescuer and Carer, a Rotary club member, Surf Lifesaver, RFS or Marine Rescue member, Zonta girl, Communicator on local radio or a Speaker at U3A or Council meetings, or a combination of these, or a different sort of Change Maker altogether!
The week-long event recognises the vital support that the millions of volunteers in our country provide to their communities and encourages people to consider volunteering. National Volunteer Week 2023 is a celebration of our volunteers' power to drive change and ensure volunteering is inclusive of all members of the Australian community.
The vision is for volunteering to be at the heart of Australian communities as all our volunteers are the Change Makers.
This Issue a glimpse into Sailability Manly through the insights of a founding member, Eli Demeny OAM.
Sailability Manly, like Sailability Pittwater, commenced over a quarter century ago, and was among the first NSW chapters of this great organisation, and Eli was one of those founding members.
You can find out more about Sailability Manly at:
Sailability organisations are “not for profit”, volunteer-based, and through the activity of Sailing enriches the lives of people of all abilities – the elderly, the financially and socially disadvantaged as well as people with physical challenges.
The Vision and Motto is:
Freedom on the Water, regardless of ability
Sailability Manly is a part of Sailability NSW, which in turn is part of the worldwide Sailability organisation. Their principal aim is to facilitate sailing for people with disabilities, on what is acknowledged as one of the most spectacular waterways in the world, Manly Cove and North Harbor.
Eli Demeny OAM, after 27 years at the heart of Sailability Manly, is stepping back from the multiple roles she has held within this chapter. Eli’s involvement with Sailability began when she retired from her career in teaching students with severe disabilities, and her daughter announced she had ‘found a new project for her’.
Sailability was then in its infancy in Australia and, within a year, Eli was deeply involved in the fledgling organisation, devoting long days of service to this cause where her skills and experience meant she could have a huge impact. Eli takes pride in bringing a brand new activity to people with disabilities but most of all she has loved meeting so many incredible people.
Now 81 and a great-grandmother, Eli is stepping back from many of her duties to spend more time with her growing family and enjoy some well-deserved rest. She officially steps down from her leadership roles in August but will still be at sailing days from time to time.
Opening Of The 58th Parliament Of New South Wales
MP For Pittwater Sworn In - Appointed Shadow Assistant Minister For Planning
''charging the Greater Sydney Commission to review and re-balance population and housing targets around transport infrastructure, creating a Rental Commissioner to advocate for renters, banning the practice of secret rental bidding, implementing a Portable Bond Scheme, and many other measures...''
MP For Wakehurst Sworn In: Makes Inaugural Speech
Greens Introduce Forestry Amendment (Koala Habitats) Bill 2023
Reforms To Level The Playing Field And Deliver Relief For Renters
- Close the loopholes in the existing ban on solicited rent bidding to include owners and third parties.
- Eliminate secret rent bidding by requiring owners and their agents to notify applicants of other offers from prospective tenants which are higher than the advertised price.
- Ensure appropriate powers are in place to design and enact a portable bond scheme that reduces the strain on renters.
Peter Loft Marathon 2023: Results

Community Encouraged To Wear Orange In Support Of NSW SES Volunteers

Lock Up Your Cars: Thieves About

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: May 1, 2023
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Contents May 1st 2023 Issue: Did Scotland Island Used To Be More Fun?, Island Feast for Freedom 2023, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Island Playgroup, The Tuesday Discussion Group, Seafarers' Shindig, International Folk Dancing, Scotland Island Café, Scotland Island Fire Shed Dinner, Scotland Island Revive Retreat, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Winter Market Day, For sale: Stacer 498 Bowrider 2007, Island home for rent, Local handyman for hire
Anna's Walk 2023

Where's Rob?
Congratulations Grant!

IRB Premiership 2023 On At Queenscliff

Conservation Zones Review - Northern Beaches Council's Update: May 2023
- Over three hundred submissions raised concerns with the accuracy of mapping, fifty of which requested a site visit.
- Approximately forty submissions requested a site visit based on concerns about the Review methodology.
Scammers Trying To Capitalise On Federal Budget

2023 Volunteer Of The Year Nominations Open
- Be a volunteer in NSW, a practice defined as time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain*.
- Have volunteered during the previous 12 months for a legitimate not-for-profit organisation, community group, or other entity which engages volunteers in a safe and legal manner, such as schools or government agencies.

Powering Communities Grants
Australian Communities Foundation Grants
Proposed Community Garden: Annam Road Reserve Bayview
- grow organic produce (fruit and vegetables) and flowering plants
- promote sustainable lifestyles
- provide a neighbourhood meeting place and opportunities for social interaction
- promote physical activity.
- completing the comment form
- emailing
- writing to Council marked 'Proposed Community Garden - Annam Road Reserve, Bayview’ to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.

Paradise Beach Wharf And Tidal Pool Renewal
- Widened tidal steps, an external ladder and tie up location on the north side and widening of the wharf deck.
- A new internal stainless steel ladder.
- Raising the wharf deck and pool walls to keep them above water levels in higher tides.
- Replacing the collapsing rocky groyne with a new sandstone block groyne topped with a sand coloured concrete slab. The groyne is proposed to be reduced 2-3m in lengh and increased to 2m in width.
- Maintaining the heritage aspect of the wharf and pool by providing timber decking and timber materials on the upper portion of the structure including a timber waler along the top of the pool walls.
- Long term durability of the structure will be achieved by using steel piles surrounded by black HDPE (high density polyethylene) sleeving. Timber fender piles will be used to maintain the heritage feel at the end of the wharf.
- New shower and foot tap.

Streets As Shared Spaces - Avalon Beach Survey Time Limit Extended
Council: Fox Baiting Notice To Pet Owners
- Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- Forestville Park, Forestville
- Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge

In Tune With Tony B

Government Introduces Bill To Ban Clubs With Pokies From Donating To NSW Political Parties

NSW Government To Investigate Strict Penalties For Violent Behaviour At Sports Events
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week

Pebbles And Peaches

To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Narrabeen Sharks JRLFC: A Sharks Tale The Book Celebrates 90 Years Of The Narrabeen Sharks

Letters To The Editor
Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

Ausgrid Community Battery Pilot - Warriewood: Have Your Say
- Take the survey here:
- Email
- Call 1800 995 674 (Mon- Fri 09:00 to 16:30 AEST)
- Postal Mail to Ausgrid Community Battery Project, GPO Box 4009, Sydney NSW 2001

Friends Of Bongin Bongin Bay (Mona Vale Basin) Update: May 2023

Notice Of Public Meeting: Sydney North Planning Panel

Proposed New Northern Beaches Mental Health Hub DA Open For Feedback
- patient rooms;
- clinical therapy and consultation spaces;
- ground floor café with outdoor dining;
- a three level basement carpark;
- an ambulance bay;
- roof terrace and associated landscaping; and
- earthworks and tree removal.

Edible Exhibition: 100 Cakes For 100 Years Of Manly CWA - Get Involved!

Kristina Stern SC Appointed As A Judge Of Appeal Of The Supreme Court Of NSW
Statewide Pharmacy Prescribing Trial To Begin
- female
- aged between 18 to 65 years (inclusive)
- displaying symptoms consistent with an uncomplicated urinary tract infection.
- aged between 18 to 35 years (inclusive)
- taking the pill for contraception purposes only
- prescribed a low-risk oral contraceptive pill in the last two years by a GP or nurse practitioner. (If this prescription has expired but was issued in the last 2 years you are still eligible).

Winter Market Day: Scotland Island - Catherine Park Call Out For Makers


Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Needs Volunteers

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
Rig Recycle: Fishing Gear Items

Mona Vale Residents Association

Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive

May 7 - 13 2023: Issue 582
This Issue:
Sail Port Stephens Race Week 'Passage Series' 2023: Local Winners Are Grinners
2023 Manly Longboard Classic: Competitors Cross-Step and Weave Their Way To QS Victory + World Longboard Tour Wild Cards Confirmed + Winners Of The NSW Longboard State Titles Confirmed
Aquatics: Near Record Breaking Season For NSW Surf Life Savers: 4,605 Rescues Over The 2022-2023 Season + IRB 2023 Premiership begins + 2024 State Championships returns to Queenscliff
2023 Hyeres Regatta In France: Australian Athletes On Course For Paris 2024
Pictures: Irrawong Reserve, Warriewood - A Late Autumn Stroll 2023 - photos by Joe Mills
DIY Ideas Mother's Day 2023 DIY Idea: A Basic Bookshelf You Can Make For All Mum's Books
Environment Protect Mona Vale's Bongin Bongin Bay - Establish An Aquatic Reserve, Little Corella Fledgling Being Fed, National Net Zero Authority, Palaszczuk Government’s Response To Gas-Induced Subsidence Report Leaves Best Farmland At Risk, NT Government Approves Beetaloo Fracking Despite Senate Inquiry Recommendations, Widespread Community Opposition And No Need Of Product For 'East Coast' Shortfall, $57.1b: Record Breaking Fossil Fuel Subsidies Following Climate Election, Northern Beaches Sustainable Business Solutions Forum: May 17 At Brookvale, Permaculture Northern Beaches - Upcoming Events, NSW Reconstruction Authority Regulation: Have Your Say, Australian Bass and Estuary Perch Closure Commences 1 May, Bristlebirds Bolstered By Release Of Captive-Bred Birds, Report Fox Sightings, Weed Of The Season: Cassia - Please Pull Out And Save Our Bush, Record low Antarctic sea ice is another alarming sign the ocean’s role as climate regulator is changing, Humanity’s tipping point?; How the Queen’s death stole a climate warning’s thunder, Let’s protect nature but not merely for the sake of humans, How to make your next holiday better for the environment, Two trillion tonnes of greenhouse gases + 25 billion nukes of heat: are we pushing Earth out of the Goldilocks zone?, Kicking the gas can down the road: why a gas price cap is the worst way to protect energy consumers, An epic global study of moss reveals it is far more vital to Earth’s ecosystems than we knew, Drone seeding and E-seeds sound exciting but ecosystem restoration needs practical solutions, 1 in 4 households struggle to pay power bills; Here are 5 ways to tackle hidden energy poverty, Wild-caught seafood is often untraceable – and some industry players don’t want that to change; Here’s why, In a bad fire year Australia records over 450,000 hotspots; These maps show where the risks have increased over 20 years, Australia is facing a 450,000-tonne mountain of used solar panels; Here’s how to turn it into a valuable asset, Remarkable new tech has revealed the ancient landscape of Arnhem Land that greeted Australia’s First Peoples, Human activities in Asia have reduced elephant habitat by nearly two-thirds since 1700 dividing what remains into ever-smaller patches, Pittwater Environment groups and organisations, Bushcare, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Frie3nds of Narrabeen Lagoon, Recycle plastic tags
Inbox News ‘Kidfluencer’ culture is harming kids in several ways – and there’s no meaningful regulation of it, Vaping and behaviour in schools: what does the research tell us?, Albanese government launches war on vaping; declaring it the ‘number-one behavioural issue in high schools’, Researchers Explore Why Some People Get Motion Sick Playing VR Games While Others Don't, Isotope analysis helps tell the stories of Aboriginal people living under early colonial expansion, Here’s why your freezer smells so bad – and what you can do about it, 'Golden' Fossils Reveal Origins Of Exceptional Preservation, Evidence Of Conscious-Like Activity In The Dying Brain, History Of The Narrabeen Tramline, 2023 HSC Timetable Released, Word Of The Week: Mother, 60 years of The Australian Ballet and 90 years of ‘Australian’ ballet: Identity asks us to reflect on Australian dance today, Why ‘finding your purpose’ matters – and four ways to find yours, Alone Australia contestants are grappling with isolation and setbacks. Here’s what makes a winner, Who owned this Stone Age jewellery?; New forensic tools offer an unprecedented answer, As digital activists teens of color turn to social media to fight for a more just world, How archaeologists reconstructed a Roman gateway to tell the story of Britain’s invasion, Book Of The Month - May 2023: Angela's Ashes, Australia’s Gift To Mark The Coronation, Community Celebration In Memory Of Bob Grace - All Welcome, Slowing Down In Your Old Age? It May Be A Dementia Warning Sign, Star Ratings System Working To Improve Aged Care, Osteoarthritis Sufferers Swing Their Way To Better Health, Payday Super A Boost For Retirement Incomes: COTA, Stress Increases Alzheimer's Risk In Female Mice But Not Males, Air Pollution May Increase Risk Of Dementia, Volunteers In Aged Care Consultation Open, AvPals Term 2 At Newport, ‘Got polio?’ messaging underscores a vaccine campaign’s success but creates false sense of security as memories of the disease fade in US, U3a At Newport Community Centre: Coming Up, Stephen Hawking’s final, god’s-eye view of the cosmos ponders the ultimate origin of our universe

In February this year a new group of businesses and individuals joined in reviving and renewing the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc. to represent local businesses in our unique peninsula. This is a volunteer-run community organisation that wish to invite all businesses in the area to become members and also invite skilled, passionate individuals to support the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber by offering their skills on a volunteer basis.
Historically the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc. (AVPBC) supported a wide variety of needs and events in our local community for many years. However, it wound down in recent years after the many committed previous members retired or were not able to continue. With a long term recovery needed following the Covid-19 pandemic, local businesses have ongoing needs in ensuring our area remains vibrant, commercially viable, innovative and caring of the environment, residents and visitors.
The Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc area includes Avalon Beach, Bilgola and Bilgola Plateau, Careel Bay, Clareville, Palm Beach and Whale Beach.
The commercial community encompasses small and large businesses involved in small and large retail, tourism and hospitality, restaurants and cafes, business and personal services, sole traders, Tradies, health and fitness services, community groups and charities, surf lifesaving clubs, boating and sailing, environmental organisations and local government. There are a range of membership options, listed this Issue, for every kind business we're in.
You can subscribe for a Newsletter or attend one of the 2023 Chamber Committee Meetings - the schedule for upcoming Meetings is:
- Thursday 25 May 2023 6pm; Chamber Committee Meeting
- Thursday 8 June 2023 6pm: Chamber Mixer Social Event at Avalon Bowlo
- Thursday 29 June 2023 6pm: EOFY Chamber Committee Meeting
The renewed Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc. is a non-profit organisation and all memberships collected are used to support programs and activities. All current office holders are volunteer positions.
As the Avalon Palm Beach Business Chamber Inc grows its resources through members and volunteers, they hope to add to your benefits. Already included in your membership is a listing on the APBBC website's 'The Local Guide' webpage which will soon prove to be a 'go to' place to find what you need whether it's a Tradie for a leaking roof, a musician or a birthday cake for that special someone, or where you can find a cleaner, a gardener, a handyman or woman, a hairdresser, areal estate agent, a copy of that book you can no longer get your hands on.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: May 1, 2023
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Contents May 1st 2023 Issue: Did Scotland Island Used To Be More Fun?, Island Feast for Freedom 2023, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Island Playgroup, The Tuesday Discussion Group, Seafarers' Shindig, International Folk Dancing, Scotland Island Café, Scotland Island Fire Shed Dinner, Scotland Island Revive Retreat, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Winter Market Day, For sale: Stacer 498 Bowrider 2007, Island home for rent, Local handyman for hire
Proposed Community Garden: Annam Road Reserve Bayview
- grow organic produce (fruit and vegetables) and flowering plants
- promote sustainable lifestyles
- provide a neighbourhood meeting place and opportunities for social interaction
- promote physical activity.
- completing the comment form
- emailing
- writing to Council marked 'Proposed Community Garden - Annam Road Reserve, Bayview’ to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655.

Paradise Beach Wharf And Tidal Pool Renewal
- Widened tidal steps, an external ladder and tie up location on the north side and widening of the wharf deck.
- A new internal stainless steel ladder.
- Raising the wharf deck and pool walls to keep them above water levels in higher tides.
- Replacing the collapsing rocky groyne with a new sandstone block groyne topped with a sand coloured concrete slab. The groyne is proposed to be reduced 2-3m in lengh and increased to 2m in width.
- Maintaining the heritage aspect of the wharf and pool by providing timber decking and timber materials on the upper portion of the structure including a timber waler along the top of the pool walls.
- Long term durability of the structure will be achieved by using steel piles surrounded by black HDPE (high density polyethylene) sleeving. Timber fender piles will be used to maintain the heritage feel at the end of the wharf.
- New shower and foot tap.

Streets As Shared Spaces - Avalon Beach Survey Time Limit Extended
Australia’s Gift To Mark The Coronation
May 3, 2023Statement by the Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon. Anthony Albanese
On behalf of the people of Australia, the Australian Government will make a national contribution of $10,000 to Western Australian charity Friends of the Western Ground Parrot in honour of The King’s Coronation.
This contribution will go towards the conservation of the Western Ground Parrot, a rare and critically endangered bird found in the remote Cape Arid National Park and Nuytsland Nature Reserve, to the east of Esperance.
The Western Ground Parrot is shy and rarely seen, as they spend most of their time on the ground in low dense heathland.
It is estimated that there are only 150 Western Ground Parrots remaining. In recent years, bushfires have impacted their known habitat which has threatened the last wild population.
Friends of the Western Ground Parrot Inc. is a registered charity that supports conservation of this rare Australian parrot. They raise funds for recovery and awareness projects, including monitoring and translocations to create a secure second wild population.
Past contributions to mark significant Royal occasions have supported the conservation of the Bilby, Mountain Pygmy Possum, Numbat and Koala.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said, “His Majesty King Charles III has long championed conservation and sustainability, so I am pleased to mark his Coronation with a national contribution to the conservation of the Western Ground Parrot.”
“Known as Kyloring by the Noongar people, the Western Ground Parrot is listed as critically endangered. This contribution will complement other conservation efforts underway to protect the Kyloring.”
Website, Friends of the Western Ground Parrot Inc at:
Photo: Western ground parrots - THEY live and nest on the ground, making them very vulnerable to foxes and cats. photo: Alan Danks/DBCA
Community Celebration In Memory Of Bob Grace - All Welcome
Friends, family and past constituents of former Pittwater councillor Bob Grace are invited to join members of the Protect Pittwater Association for a community celebration of his life on Monday May 15, 7.30pm, at the Avalon Bowlo.
Bob’s commitment to Pittwater was unquestionable, first as a Warringah councillor, then with the newly seceded Pittwater Council, and finally after the council amalgamations of 2016, as one of the founders of the demerger group, Protect Pittwater.
His generosity and support for clubs and within the community was also legendary, amongst them, Avalon Bulldogs Rugby League Club, Whale Beach SLSC, Palm Beach Golf Club and Elanora Country Club.
Please bring your memories of Bob and have a drink with us to celebrate his contribution to our community!
Please RSVP: by May 8, 2023

Lock Up Your Cars: Thieves About

Notice Of Public Meeting: Sydney North Planning Panel
The panel will meet to determine the following:PPSSNH-351 - DA2021/2173, Northern Beaches, 394 Barrenjoey Road, Newport, Alterations and additions to a surf club building with an extension to the northern side and coastal protection works in the form of a buried seawall along the length of the building.
When: Tuesday, 16 May 2023 at 12.30pmWhere: This meeting is to be held via public teleconference due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) precautions as a measure to ensure the health and safety of the community.
Relevant documents are available on the Planning Panels website:
To register to speak or to listen to this meeting, please contact the Planning Panels Secretariat before 4pm on Friday, 12 May 2023 on 02 8217 2060 or email You will be provided the phone number and code to enable you to join the public teleconference once registered.Any person may listen the meeting to the public teleconference.
The panel is required to make an audio record of the meeting and make the recording publicly available on the Planning Panels website. You should be aware that this may include your personal information if you are presenting to the panel.
For more information: (02) 8217 2060________________________________
PON Background report: Council's DA For Newport Surf Club Upgrade Refused By Sydney North Planning Panel
2022 determination:
The proposals is also part of a case in the Land and Environment Court at Present: NORTHERN BEACHES COUNCIL (at the control and direction of the Sydney North Planning Panel)Hearing Date: 05 May Case number: 2023/00109048

Image: Newport Surf Club seawall proposal, Artists Impression

Proposed New Northern Beaches Mental Health Hub Open For Feedback
At: 11 Tilley Lane, Frenchs ForestWhat: 80 BED MENTAL HEALTH FACILITYPlans are currently open for feedback on a $50 million new 80-bed private Mental Health Hospital co-located with the nearby Northern Beaches Hospital.
Due to the cost, this has been declared a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) that has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), pursuant to Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) for the Northern Beaches Mental Health Hub (NBMHH) located at 11 Tilley Lane, Frenchs Forest.
This $50 million proposal seeks to construct a private mental health hospital providing up to 80 sub-acute mental health beds that is within the catchment of the Northern Beaches Hospital and able to leverage off the services and specialities provided there.
On 21 December 2017, PMK Investment Services Pty Ltd received Development Approval (DA 2017/0711) from Northern Beaches Council for construction of a Class 9A Private Hospital with multiple healthcare services at 11 Tilley Lane Frenchs Forest. DA 2017/0711 approved a 2,200 sqm six storey private hospital with two levels of basement parking for 72 cars.
The current Description of proposal is:Construction of an eight storey private mental health facility including:- patient rooms;
- clinical therapy and consultation spaces;
- ground floor café with outdoor dining;
- a three level basement carpark;
- an ambulance bay;
- roof terrace and associated landscaping; and
- earthworks and tree removal.
The application, environmental impact statement (EIS) and accompanying documents are on exhibition from Wednesday 03 May 2023 until Tuesday 30 May 2023.
You can view these documents online at: You can also make a submission to same webpage

- patient rooms;
- clinical therapy and consultation spaces;
- ground floor café with outdoor dining;
- a three level basement carpark;
- an ambulance bay;
- roof terrace and associated landscaping; and
- earthworks and tree removal.

Marine Rescue Luncheon At Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Join us at the Alfred's for lunch and hear from Marine Rescue guest presenters, Pamela Sayers & Matthew King, Unit Commander of the State Communications Centre based in Belrose.Learn more about the service including their work with National Parks monitoring sightings of whales, dolphins and seals.
When: Friday 12th May 2023Time: 12.00pm in the Admirals Cup RoomIncludes: Two course meal, with complimentary sparkling wine or beer on arrival + tea and coffeePrice: $45 Members / $50 GuestsBookings essential (closing 9 May) - Please contact Reception 9998 3700

Edible Exhibition: 100 Cakes For 100 Years Of Manly CWA - Get Involved!
Would you like to help Manly CWA celebrate their centenary? We invite everyone to be involved in our Edible Exhibition.
On Saturday 26th August we are holding our Edible Exhibition at St Matthew’s Manly. It will be a celebration of Manly Branch of the Country Women’s Association throughout the last 100 years with an exhibition and sale of 100 different tea cosies and 100 aprons. The focus will be the 100 cakes – each representing a different year and an event in the history of our area, state or the world.
The Edible Exhibition is a celebration of 100 years of community support by Manly Branch of the Country Women's Association. You are invited to nominate yourself to create a cake. Once you are registered you will then be given a year and information of things that might be represented for that year. Think: 2000 - Sydney Olympics - make 5 ring cakes and decorate to look like the Olympic rings; 1966 - Decimal currency - create a cake that is a coin or a note from the new currency.
You are welcome to knit, crochet, or sew a tea cosy or make an apron to donate to our exhibition. Contact if you have any questions.
For the centenary of cakes, you are requested to register online to participate and in early July you will be given a year to create in a baked form.
To assist in your creative decisions a list of things that happened in the year you are given. Cake will be delivered on the morning of 26th August and displayed along with the aprons and tea cosies which will be available for sale to raise funds to assist women and families throughout New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
To register go to

In Tune With Tony B
In Tune is a radio programme about our local community, culture and home-grown music, hosted by TonyB. Each week, Tony plays great local music and he chats with guests from local community causes and charities, about how they make a difference.
In this week's programme Tony chatted with Robert van Geest from the Beach2Beach Fun Run and also a member of Rotary Club Of Warringah. Robert talked about Sydney's most scenic fun run and his Rotary experience. The programme is available on demand at Beach2Beach
Next week, on Friday 12th May 2023 at 6pm, Tony chats with Sarah Morris from Acts Of Kindness Community Outreach about the wonderful work they do to provide fresh meals and connection to those in need across Sydney.
The programme will also feature a great line up of predominantly home-grown music. Radio Northern BeachesFridays at 6pmFM 88.7 or 90.3Or live stream at programmes, on demand at you would like to chat with Tony on air about your community cause or your music, please feel free to message the Facebook page In Tune - Radio Programme | Facebook and feel free to like and share the page.

Winter Market Day: Scotland Island - Catherine Park Call Out For Makers
Sunday 25 June, 10 - 1 pm: Calling all makers, artists and entrepreneurs! Do you have something you’d like to sell at a market stall at the June island café? It could be artwork, pottery, clothes, candles, books or... well, pretty much anything. Tables are $20. To book, please email

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week

10yo Shihtzu X Maltese
Fluffy is a very calm gentle boy who came from the pound in shocking condition. We named him fluffy as we hoped he soon would be a fluffy dog. When he came in, his eyes were glued together with pus and he had little hair on his body, apart from his head. With eyes creams, good food and medicated baths his condition started to improve. His eyes have started to shine and are clear and he is hair has started to grow over his body. It is so exciting to see the change in him.
Fluffy is a cuddly, but low energy boy. He likes a good walk but happy just to hang around the house the rest of the day and do a little napping. He is very social with other small dogs. He is very food motivated and does scoff his food quickly. He has had a dental with one extraction and he has other teeth missing. Fluffy weighs 7kg and has a non-shedding coat. He needs a diligent owner who will keep the medicated washes going. He would suit apartment living and FT working hours.


12mths Domestic Medium HairTink is a beautiful looking girl with a semi-long coat. She is very smoochy and loves rubbing herself on you. She came to us with ringworm which has cleared long ago. Tink needs a patient owner who understands she is not a fan of being held, but loves being with humans. She has a medium coat and weighs 3kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220.
To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024

To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Call For Artists: Council's Street Art
Council is currently looking for four new public artworks to add to its growing collection of Street Art. The four sites are:- North Curl Curl Community Centre
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall
- Mona Vale Village Park
- Peninsula Carpark, Rialto Square Manly
The program is a chance to bring artists, residents, businesses, property owners and the community together to create quality new artworks in unexpected places in our town and village centres. As part of its Street Art program, Council has previously commissioned artists including, David Cragg, Otis Hope Carey, Elliott Routledge, Claire Foxton, Kentaro Yoshida, Bradley Eastman, Brentos, Helen Proctor and Studio Dennis.
This project is made possible thanks to a Graffiti Management Grant from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

- North Curl Curl Community Centre
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall
- Mona Vale Village Park
- Peninsula Carpark, Rialto Square Manly
Finding Help To Pay Your Bills
For many it’s getting to the stage where you feel sick to your stomach walking to your letterbox or opening your email. You know there’s going to be yet another bill in there costing you more money that you don’t have. The bills are relentless.
Take a deep breath. You have some options.
At the end of the day, the biller just wants to be paidWhen facing the constant, never-ending deluge of bills that we all receive, it is very easy to forget the fundamental truth: the biller just wants to be paid. Yes, they want to be paid their money in a timely manner, but as they consolidate their own debts, it is in their interest that you pay your money at a later point than not at all.
As a person struggling to stay on top of your bills, it is always worth keeping this in mind. As long as a company wants to see its debt paid, there will always be a pathway forward.
To encourage people to pay their bills on time, it is becoming increasingly common for bills to offer an ‘on-time’ discount. Pay your bills by the due date and you’ll pay less.
On-time discounts are a strong incentive for many. But, for those struggling to find the money to pay those bills it makes little to no difference.
Many government agencies and utility companies will offer the ability to apply for a bill extension or instalment plan to pay off a bill. If you know times are tough right now, but that you will have access to more money at a future date, then this can be a good way to defer your debts for a limited time period. You can usually find details about such deferral schemes on the back of the bill you receive or on the website of the biller.
Different types of bills deliver different relief solutionsFor many organisations when they talk about offering relief to people with difficulty meeting bill obligations, they will refer to their relief solutions. Quite often what they are talking about here is putting customers onto an instalment plan to pay off their bill.
Bill payment relief can take multiple forms. For example, many Queensland local councils can refer citizens to the Independent Rates Relief Tribunal which can provide assistance to people having difficulty meeting basic living expenses. To be eligible for assistance like this, the applicants must reside at the residence where the rates are due and own just the one property, among several restrictions.
Some companies are better about the level of support they offer than others. An example of a company that offers a really good service to its customers facing financial hardship is energy provider AGL. Ultimately, it is still a company which is doing what it can to see bills paid, but it goes the extra step with advice and options to try to keep ahead of debt.
It offers the ‘Staying Connected’ program, where consultants assist customers with:
Tailored plans that match the customer’s situation to put them on a payment plan. Advice on payment options, government assistance, and available concessions. Connecting customers with free and independent financial counselling and support services. Advice on energy efficiency to bring bill prices down.
Real help you can useDeferring payments or entering instalment plans is not a long-term solution. After all, it may fix the problem of the current bill, but next month or quarter, another bill will land in your letterbox. While deferring your immediate debts, you need to find a solution that can help you meet your bill obligations into the future.
The best thing you can do is to call the government-run National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007. It runs Mon-Fri 9:30am - 4:30pm. They will help you with general financial suggestions, but also advise on consumer rights and other related issues. Indigenous Australians might prefer to call the similar Mob Strong Debt Helpline on 1800 808 488.
You may also be able to access further assistance through charities and other community organisations who offer emergency relief services like: - Food vouchers / supplies.
- Assistance with utility bills.
- Clothing and furniture.
Don't let your health be impactedAnyone who tries telling you that money doesn’t buy happiness is someone who hasn’t felt the mental stress of a debt spiral.
People having trouble paying their bills can find that they: - Are constantly stressed and irritable.
- Have difficulty sleeping.
- Find solace in substance abuse like alcohol and drugs.
- Cease spending money on healthcare (therapies, medication, and other treatments) to try to pay off debt.
- Overspend (often using credit cards) to feel better about the stress that they feel.
Just as you can get free help to combat your debt, there are several services available to help you with your mental health. Beyond Blue is the largest and most well-known organisation that can help with mental health. You can talk to counsellors via their website or over the phone 1300 22 4636.
There are also other services that can help. If you are still in employment, many businesses offer their staff free access to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). There are also specialised services like MensLine Australia that are focused on assisting with men’s mental health issues.
DisclaimerAll insights and information provided should be considered general advice for educational purposes only. As we are unaware of your personal circumstances, the information in this article should not be misconstrued as personalised financial advice. We recommend seeking advice from a qualified financial professional before making any major financial decisions.
- Food vouchers / supplies.
- Assistance with utility bills.
- Clothing and furniture.
- Are constantly stressed and irritable.
- Have difficulty sleeping.
- Find solace in substance abuse like alcohol and drugs.
- Cease spending money on healthcare (therapies, medication, and other treatments) to try to pay off debt.
- Overspend (often using credit cards) to feel better about the stress that they feel.
JP Public Register
You can find a Justice of the Peace (JP) using the online Public Register. You can search by postcode, name of a JP, day of availability, language spoken and JP registration number. The register lists a JP’s location, availability and telephone number. Please note that JPs are volunteers and may not be available at all times. Click here to access the JP Public RegisterNB: There are 3 J.P’s working in Pittwater RSL Sub-Branch office, we work every Monday (10:30am to 15:30)except on public holidays:- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
Rig Recycle: Fishing Gear Items
Are you tired of seeing fishing gear and packaging waste end up in landfill? (or killing local seabirds and turtles?)Rig Recycle is the first Australian initiative that collects recreational fishing and packaging items and diverts them from landfill through a repair, reuse and recycle framework.
In partnership with Recycle Mate, they've made it even easier to recycle your fishing gear waste! Simply search for your nearest Rig Recycle bin on their app.
Don't have one at your local fishing store? Let them know and they will reach out to them themselves.♻️Visit their website for more information. Visit: www.rigrecycle.orgMore in this Issue's Aquatics Feature.

Volunteers Needed: Red Cross Avalon Shop
Please talk to the people in the shop or telelphone if you can help out each week, for around 4 hours.Address: Shop 4 & 5 / 48 Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon 2107 NSW; Phone: 02 9918 0952
Council: Fox Baiting Notice To Pet Owners
- Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- Forestville Park, Forestville
- Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge

Australia Post: 'Protect Your Pooch And Your Postie' As Attacks Increase Following COVID Pet Boom
- >New South Wales - the Nepean, New England and Hunter regions in addition to Alexandria, Wollongong and St Leonards;
- >Queensland - Darra, Bundamba and Toowoomba; and
- >Western Australia - Palmyra, Geraldton and Rockingham.
- Always keep your front gate securely closed.
- Where possible, secure your dog in the back garden (rather than the front garden) and keep any side gates securely closed.
- If you are expecting a delivery, be careful when opening your front door to ensure your dog doesn’t run out from behind you. Keeping them safely in another room when you answer the door is a great way to prevent this.

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Needs Volunteers

Fire And Rescue NSW Warns Public To Safeguard Homes From Lithium-Ion Battery Risks

NSW Reconstruction Authority Regulation: Have Your Say
- to prescribe actions in relation to which the NSW Reconstruction Authority may direct relevant entities
- to require relevant entities and the NSW Reconstruction Authority to have regard to the State disaster mitigation plan and any relevant disaster adaptation plan in exercising prescribed functions
- to prescribe exceptional circumstances in which the Minister may authorise the undertaking of development without consent or assessment under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- to provide for the determination and payment of fees under the NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022launch.
Narrabeen Sharks JRLFC: A Sharks Tale The Book Celebrates 90 Years Of The Narrabeen Sharks

Letters To The Editor
Conservation Zones Review And Technical Studies Update
- Snapshot of the consultation report – A quick overview of the issues raised in the submissions and the engagement approach.
- Consultation Report – A complete summary of the key issues raised in the submissions and Council’s response.
- Submissions – All of the submissions received during the consultation.
- We are currently investigating changes to the methodology that could address concerns raised by the community.
- We are meeting with the Department of Planning and Environment to discuss the Review, the submissions received, and possible changes. This is important because the Department will have the final say about any proposed zoning changes resulting from the Review.
- We will be undertaking site inspections in certain circumstances where a dispute remains about the mapping of criteria used in the Conservation Zones Review methodology. We will be engaging appropriate consultants to assist with these inspections, which we expect will commence in May 2023. We will contact relevant landowners about any proposed site inspections.
- Finalising changes to the methodology of the Review, in conjunction with the Department of Planning and Environment and relevant state agencies.
- Undertaking site inspections with relevant landowners to resolve remaining mapping disputes.
- Preparing a Planning Proposal for the new Northern Beaches Local Environmental Plan (LEP) which incorporates the outcomes from this work to be considered by Council and subsequent public exhibition and community feedback in 2023/2024.
Mona Vale Residents Association

Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

April 30 - May 6 2023: Issue 581
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Aquatics: Local Surfer Andrew Cassidy Wins Longboard SUP In Port Stephens Surf Festival; Blaze Roberts Wins Open Women Log AND Open Women Longboard - Manly Longboard Classic QS 1,000 Commences This Week
Pictures: Anzac Day In Pittwater 2023
Park Bench Philosophers The First Boat Builders Of Pittwater: The Short Life and Long Voyages Of Scotland Island Schooner The Geordy
Food Barrenjoey House Late Autumn Lunch 2023
Environment Protect Mona Vale's Bongin Bongin Bay - Establish An Aquatic Reserve, NSW Reconstruction Authority Regulation: Have Your Say, Trout Spawning Stream Rules Now In Place In Thredbo And Eucumbene Rivers, Australian Bass And Estuary Perch Closure Commences 1 May, Report Fox Sightings, Weed Of The Season: Cassia - Please Pull Out and Save Our Bush, In hot water: here’s why ocean temperatures are the hottest on record, Restoring forests often falls to landholders; Here’s how to do it cheaply and well, Dozens of woodland bird species are threatened and we still don’t know what works best to bring them back, ‘Statistically impossible’ heat extremes are here – we identified the regions most at risk, The public history, climate change present and possible future of Australia’s botanic gardens, We found long-banned pollutants in the very deepest part of the ocean, Climate isn’t a distraction from the military’s job of war fighting; It’s front and centre, New exposé of Australia’s exotic pet trade shows an alarming proliferation of alien, threatened and illegal species, We want more climate ambition in our foreign policy – here’s how we can do it, Most people already think climate change is ‘here and now’ despite what we’ve been told, The IPCC’s calls for emissions cuts have gone unheeded for too long – should it change the way it reports on climate change?, Australia’s adoption of electric vehicles has been maddeningly slow but we’re well placed to catch up fast, Replacing methane with hydrogen to heat homes is a bad idea – here’s why, We need a ‘lemon law’ to make all the homes we buy and rent more energy-efficient, Rising seas could flood nests of vulnerable sea turtles – new research, Snailfish: the ‘impossible’ fish that broke two deep sea records shows the importance of ocean exploration, 2030 nature targets agreed in December may already be slipping out of reach, Arctic sea ice loss and fierce storms leave Kivalina’s volunteer search and rescue fighting to protect their island from climate disasters, Global shipping is under pressure to stop its heavy fuel oil use fast – that’s not simple, but changes are coming, Arbor Day: Why planting trees isn’t enough, In protecting land for wildlife, size matters – here’s what it takes to conserve very large areas, Pittwater Environment groups and organisations, Bushcare, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Where to Recycle plastic tags
Inbox News Sick And Tired: Long COVID Inquiry Report Released, $50 Million To Support Research In To Long COVID: Australian Government, Two Month Prescribing A Welcome Win For Consumers Facing Cost Of Living Increases, Mudskippers Could Be Key To Understanding Evolution Of Blinking, Global Research Reveals Countries Where Record-Breaking Heatwaves Are Likely To Cause Most Harm, How Long-Lasting Memories Form In The Brain, Small Acts Of Kindness Are Frequent and Universal Study Finds, Jellyfish-Like Robots Could One Day Clean Up The World's Oceans, ice Little Wave, Last Volunteer Patrol Day For 2022-2023 Season; Thank You For Your Service, 2023 HSC Timetable Released, In Youth Week Young People Remain Optimistic About Life Despite Ongoing Challenges: survey for you, History Of The Rockdale To Brighton-Le-Sands Tramline Of The Sydney Tram System, Word Of The Week: Surf, No; vapes aren’t 95% less harmful than cigarettes - Here’s how this decade-old myth took off, The dirty truth about your phone – and why you need to stop scrolling in the bathroom, What to eat when you have COVID – and why reaching for the chicken soup is not a bad idea, Shakespeare’s environmentalism: how his plays explore the same ecological issues we face today, ‘Noisome stinking scum’: how Londoners protested river pollution in the 1600s, Around 1600; speeches in English plays suddenly got shorter – and no one knows why, Auxiliary power: in wartime Australian women fought germs, fired shells – and took on gender norms, Book Of The Month - May 2023: Angela's Ashes, A Memoir by Frank McCourt, Community Celebration In Memory Of Bob Grace - All Welcome, History Of The Rockdale To Brighton-Le-Sands Tramline Of The Sydney Tram System, New National Funding Approach Needed As Public Hospitals Performance Plummets: AMA, Seniors - AMA - COTA Welcome Prescription Changes, Volunteers In Aged Care Consultation Open, COVID-19 Text Message Campaign, AvPals Term 2 At Newport, U3a At Newport Community Centre: Coming Up, Ring for the King: the long history of England’s bellringing tradition, Men’s Table for Pittwater: May 30, obel laureate Brian Schmidt’s big ideas for how Australia funds and uses research
Survey For Feedback On Avalon Beach Shared Space Opens As Six Month Trial Begins - Closes Four Months Prior To Trial End - have your say by the end of May

Community Celebration in memory of Bob Grace - all welcome
Friends, family and past constituents of former Pittwater councillor Bob Grace are invited to join members of the Protect Pittwater Association for a community celebration of his life on Monday May 15, 7.30pm, at the Avalon Bowling Club.
Bob’s commitment to Pittwater was unquestionable, first as a Warringah councillor, then with the newly seceded Pittwater Council, and finally after the council amalgamations of 2016, as one of the founders of the demerger group, Protect Pittwater.
His generosity and support for clubs and within the community was also legendary, amongst them, Avalon Bulldogs Rugby League Club, Whale Beach SLSC, Palm Beach Golf Club and Elanora Country Club.
Please bring your memories of Bob and have a drink with us to celebrate his contribution to our community!
RSVP: by May 8, 2023

'Decoration and Glass: A Journal of Architecture' was initially aimed at the public, exhorting the use of concrete and glass and modernising the Australian home, which the Murray house at Bayview could well be pointed at as an example of the same - contrasting acutely with Hopton Lodge at Bayview, whose additions, built a decade and a half later, were along more traditional English lines. Under Watson Sharp's stewardship as editor it became 'Decoration and Glass: A Journal For Architects, Builders and Decorators'.
Described as a 'tour de force of 1930s architecture which culminated the stylistic period' the Bayview house 'Little Mountain' brought together all the facets of curved glass and new products that were advertised in the journal as well as featuring the murals of Artists Gordon McAuslan and Maurice Cork, both of whom joined K G Murray publishing in 1936 and worked on his then very popular 'Man' magazine. Sydney photographers Max Dupain and Laurence Le Guay were also contributors to Man magazine. Dupain became renowned for his photographs of new buildings and homes for Architects.
In this respect 'Little Mountain' could also be considered a tour de force for K G Murray's building an empire in publishing through masses of advertising and the power of positivity, given the journal was launched, and the home built, when both Murray and Watson Sharp were young men in their 30's countering the strictures of an economical Depression in Australia by 'going bigger and building bigger homes' through their 'celebrate new Australia modernism' approach.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: May 1, 2023
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Contents May 1st 2023 Issue: Did Scotland Island Used To Be More Fun?, Island Feast for Freedom 2023, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Island Playgroup, The Tuesday Discussion Group, Seafarers' Shindig, International Folk Dancing, Scotland Island Café, Scotland Island Fire Shed Dinner, Scotland Island Revive Retreat, Two Catherines: A Twisted Scotland Island Tale, Winter Market Day, For sale: Stacer 498 Bowrider 2007, Island home for rent, Local handyman for hire
Jacqui Scruby To Stand Again
Pittwater Online spoke to Independent Candidate in the 2023 state election Jacqui Scruby on April 25th, Anzac Day, and asked if she will be standing for the Seat of Pittwater again.
''At this stage, yes.'' Ms Scruby answered.
Ms Scruby attended both the Dawn and 11am Anzac Day Commemorative Services at Avalon Beach RSL cenotaph this year.
After a few weeks off to rest and spend time with her children post her strenuous campaign, Jacqui will be back amongst it in the community with rezoning and DA's in her sight.
With Council's drafted documents for rezoning former environmental areas into residential ones largely impacting Pittwater, and virtually no changes in Manly and only 1 block affected in the former Warringah, residents across the area from North Narrabeen to Palm Beach state the Council has the ruination of Pittwater as its aim.
The Whale Beach resident is witnessing whole hills and cliffs being carved away around her home and shares the Pittwater community's distress.
Readers continue to send emails about DA's where the DCP and LEP for Pittwater are 'being ignored'.
See last Issue's report:
De-amalgamation is also a topic Ms Scruby wishes to discuss with community residents groups and the vast number of people who are not members of such bodies.
This will be coming up during the next few days and weeks as the now in place Labor Party stated those who had been forcibly amalgamated and wanted their old councils back would be provided an opportunity to do so.
Due to NSW Labor party members attending and voicing support at so many of the anti-amalgamation and de-merger protests that have taken place since 2016, Pittwater Online sought comment from the then opposition spokesperson that they would honour de-amalgamation statements made after the election.
Greg Warren MP, Shadow Minister for Local Government, confirmed in January 2023 through his policy advisor that:
''a NSW Labor Government will not support the forced merger of local councils, nor will it support any forced demerger. Rather, this must be done voluntarily with the clear support of local residents as confirmed through a local plebiscite.
To this effect, a NSW Labor Government will legislate to put into place independent mechanisms to enable this to occur.''
De-amalgamation campaigners are still active in Pittwater at present, gathering signatures for a plebiscite and for this to take place within the former council boundaries, not across an expanded LGA where, as in the current Council, they are under-represented in Councillor numbers alone. A Protect Pittwater AGM is taking place in mid-May.
Readers have pointed out that Ms Scruby only lost by a few hundred votes, and with the tally showing 3,387 'exhausted votes'; votes for Labor/Greens/and others where no or insufficient preferences were allocated, residents are calling on the government to make lower house preferential voting compulsory in NSW, as it is in every other Australian jurisdiction, so a more accurate reflection of voter intent resolves through the tallies of state elections in NSW.
Ms Scruby stated her focus will still be on her family, her community and Mackellar MP Dr. Sophie Scamps work, along with other jobs she already does.

Jacqui Scruby - taken after Avalon Beach Commemorative Service
''a NSW Labor Government will not support the forced merger of local councils, nor will it support any forced demerger. Rather, this must be done voluntarily with the clear support of local residents as confirmed through a local plebiscite.To this effect, a NSW Labor Government will legislate to put into place independent mechanisms to enable this to occur.''

Community Celebration In Memory Of Bob Grace - All Welcome
Friends, family and past constituents of former Pittwater councillor Bob Grace are invited to join members of the Protect Pittwater Association for a community celebration of his life on Monday May 15, 7.30pm, at the Avalon Bowlo.
Bob’s commitment to Pittwater was unquestionable, first as a Warringah councillor, then with the newly seceded Pittwater Council, and finally after the council amalgamations of 2016, as one of the founders of the demerger group, Protect Pittwater.
His generosity and support for clubs and within the community was also legendary, amongst them, Avalon Bulldogs Rugby League Club, Whale Beach SLSC, Palm Beach Golf Club and Elanora Country Club.
Please bring your memories of Bob and have a drink with us to celebrate his contribution to our community!
Please RSVP: by May 8, 2023

Friends Of Soibada: Mid Year Soibada Visit Update Meeting
Monday May 1st 2023 at 6:30 pmThe Green Room, Avalon Beach RSL ClubIf you are interested in volunteering in Soibada please come along to an evening of information sharing from Friends of Soibada.
You will hear about our Friendship relationship with the village, the projects we have been asked to assist with by the local community, and ways that you can help either here in Australia or over in Timor Leste. We will also give a detailed rundown on the aims and expectations for the Mid Year visit.If you cannot make this meeting, and are interested in getting involved, please email
On Friday April 28 we received word that your donations have made it to Dili! Huge thanks to Rotary DIK and Amin and Miggy. Now the long drive up the mountains begins!

Trucks Crash At Mona Vale Road Roundabout: Appeal For Witness And Dashcam Footage
Contractors for the MVR East Upgrade have stated works at a dangerous roundabout at the intersection with Ponderosa Pde and Samuel St. will be completed by June.
Residents have been stating for months the intersection is dangerous and any works proposed there should have been prioritised.
On Thursday April 27th two trucks collided on Mona Vale Rd at the intersection with Ponderosa Pde and Samuel St. One of the vehicle's occupants was injured and trapped in the cab for a period of time. A man in his 50s complained of pain in his chest and knee. Another man, in his 60s, was not injured. Both were taken by ambulance to Royal North Shore Hospital.
Traffic was diverted for hours while the trucks were cleared.
Northern Beaches Police Area Command is appealing for dashcam footage of the accident - details in NBPAC graphic below.

Photos/Graphics: NBPAC and Sharon Ignacio

Byron Bay Council Makes Leg Ropes Compulsory For Surfers: $1100 Fine Could Be Imposed
At its Meeting held on April 27th 2023, Byron Shire Council unanimously passed a motion making leg ropes compulsory.
Although originally developed as a means to stop surfers losing their boards and having to paddle back into shore to retrieve them, Byron Shire Council rightly also views them as safety devices that prevent others being hit by surfboards.
The use of leg ropes in the Byron Bay area was highlighted in February this year when former pro surfer Mathew Cassidy suffered a serious arm injury after being hit by a loose longboard at Wategos Beach.The motion was put forward by Cate Coorey, who said it was about sending a message to the surfing community.
Councillor Cate Coorey’s supporting information states:
''This issue has been brought to our attention yet again with the recent, serious accident at Broken Head involving an out-of-control surfboard, with no leg rope attached, striking another surfer.Media interest always surrounds these events, and they could become preventable with some community education and enforcement. People are looking to Byron to take the lead on this issue as we have tried in the past to address it with minimal success.
I believe that, in concert with our expressed desire to see more and increased application of fines to dog owners who have their dogs in locations that they shouldn’t have, the regulation of leg-ropes could be undertaken when compliance officers are in the beach areas.
If we provide signage at key entry points to the beach, then there is justification to issue a fine. In the same way that issuing fines to dog owners is not without its challenges, it nevertheless should not preclude us from finding ways to create an enforcement notice and take enforcement action to show that we mean it. This is a long-held wish of residents, including the majority of the surfing fraternity, especially on our most crowded surf breaks.
As confirmed by Council’s Legal Services Officer, Ralph James, the Local Government Act gives Council powers to regulate some beach activities.
Section 633(1) makes it an offence for a person in a place listed in the section to act contrary to a notice installed by Council. While the section is primarily intended to deal with nude bathing, it extends to other beach activities:
633 Bathing (including nude bathing) and other water-based recreational activities (1) A person who, in a place being—(a) a public bathing place under the control of a council, or(b) a river, watercourse or tidal or non-tidal water, or(c) the sea adjacent to (although outside) an area, or(d) a public place adjacent to any of those places, fails to comply with the terms of a notice erected by the council is guilty of an offence.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units [$1,100].''
Under current state legislation, not wearing a leg rope could be punished by an on-the-spot fine of $75, or maximum fines imposed by a court of up to $1,100.
Legal advice provided to councillors ahead of the meeting said the leg rope rule would be difficult to enforce.
"The offence ... is not just about engaging in certain conduct [not wearing a leg rope], but engaging in that conduct contrary to a notice," the report said.
Further, the legal advice said that to establish the offence to a criminal standard, the council would need to prove that a surfer was not wearing their leg rope, and that they had passed "near enough to a notice prior to entering the water that they could be said to have acted contrary to it".
The news brings up the discussion, in a place where so many surf - do we need this here or are surfers already looking out for others in the water by using leg-ropes?
''This issue has been brought to our attention yet again with the recent, serious accident at Broken Head involving an out-of-control surfboard, with no leg rope attached, striking another surfer.Media interest always surrounds these events, and they could become preventable with some community education and enforcement. People are looking to Byron to take the lead on this issue as we have tried in the past to address it with minimal success.I believe that, in concert with our expressed desire to see more and increased application of fines to dog owners who have their dogs in locations that they shouldn’t have, the regulation of leg-ropes could be undertaken when compliance officers are in the beach areas.If we provide signage at key entry points to the beach, then there is justification to issue a fine. In the same way that issuing fines to dog owners is not without its challenges, it nevertheless should not preclude us from finding ways to create an enforcement notice and take enforcement action to show that we mean it. This is a long-held wish of residents, including the majority of the surfing fraternity, especially on our most crowded surf breaks.As confirmed by Council’s Legal Services Officer, Ralph James, the Local Government Act gives Council powers to regulate some beach activities.Section 633(1) makes it an offence for a person in a place listed in the section to act contrary to a notice installed by Council. While the section is primarily intended to deal with nude bathing, it extends to other beach activities:633 Bathing (including nude bathing) and other water-based recreational activities(1) A person who, in a place being—(a) a public bathing place under the control of a council, or(b) a river, watercourse or tidal or non-tidal water, or(c) the sea adjacent to (although outside) an area, or(d) a public place adjacent to any of those places, fails to comply with the terms of a notice erected by the council is guilty of an offence.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units [$1,100].''
In Tune With Tony B
In Tune is a radio programme about our local community, culture and home-grown music, hosted by TonyB. Each week, Tony plays great local music and he chats with guests from local community causes and charities, about how they make a difference.
In this week's programme Tony chatted with Stephen Wells from Radio Northern Beaches (a radio show about a radio show and the ins and outs of community radio). Here is a direct link to the programme on demand: InTune Goes Down The White Rabbit Hole
Next week, on Friday 5th May 2023 at 6pm, Tony chats with Robert van Geest from the Beach2Beach Fun Run and also a member of Rotary Club Of Waringah. Robert talks to us about Sydney's most scenic fun run and his Rotary experience.
The programme will also feature a great line up of predominantly home-grown music. Radio Northern BeachesFridays at 6pmFM 88.7 or 90.3Or live stream at programmes, on demand at you would like to chat with Tony on air about your community cause or your music, please feel free to message the Facebook page In Tune - Radio Programme | Facebook and feel free to like and share the page.

Edible Exhibition: 100 Cakes For 100 Years Of Manly CWA - Get Involved!
Would you like to help Manly CWA celebrate their centenary? We invite everyone to be involved in our Edible Exhibition.
On Saturday 26th August we are holding our Edible Exhibition at St Matthew’s Manly. It will be a celebration of Manly Branch of the Country Women’s Association throughout the last 100 years with an exhibition and sale of 100 different tea cosies and 100 aprons. The focus will be the 100 cakes – each representing a different year and an event in the history of our area, state or the world.
The Edible Exhibition is a celebration of 100 years of community support by Manly Branch of the Country Women's Association. You are invited to nominate yourself to create a cake. Once you are registered you will then be given a year and information of things that might be represented for that year. Think: 2000 - Sydney Olympics - make 5 ring cakes and decorate to look like the Olympic rings; 1966 - Decimal currency - create a cake that is a coin or a note from the new currency.
You are welcome to knit, crochet, or sew a tea cosy or make an apron to donate to our exhibition. Contact if you have any questions.
For the centenary of cakes, you are requested to register online to participate and in early July you will be given a year to create in a baked form.
To assist in your creative decisions a list of things that happened in the year you are given. Cake will be delivered on the morning of 26th August and displayed along with the aprons and tea cosies which will be available for sale to raise funds to assist women and families throughout New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
To register go to

Greendale Creek Flood Study
Northern Beaches Council is responsible for the identification of flood prone land in the Local Government Area (LGA). Council have prepared the draft Greendale Creek Flood Study that outlines how flood waters move through the Greendale Creek catchment and flow down to Curl Curl Lagoon.
The study area includes parts of the suburbs of Beacon Hill, Brookvale, Curl Curl, Freshwater and North Curl Curl. The catchment is affected by flooding due to rainfall runoff, and in the lower parts from rising lagoon flood waters. The results of the study will update the flood information currently used by Council for planning.
Council appreciates there is a lot of technical information contained in the draft study and invite you to come along to talk to one of their flood specialists to understand what this might mean for you. Click here to make a booking or call the Floodplain Planning Team on 1300 434 434 (during business hours). Bookings are essential.
Council have presented the draft study in different ways on this page, including a study area map, a breakdown of the sections, and the full document. They also encourage you to view the Frequently asked questions.
You can provide feedback on the draft study by:
completing the submission form hereemailing to marked ‘Draft Greendale Creek Flood Study', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
Submissions close Sunday 7 May 2023.
Winter Market Day: Scotland Island - Catherine Park Call Out For Makers
Sunday 25 June, 10 - 1 pm: Calling all makers, artists and entrepreneurs! Do you have something you’d like to sell at a market stall at the June island café? It could be artwork, pottery, clothes, candles, books or... well, pretty much anything. Tables are $20. To book, please email

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
15 weeks Ridgeback X Staffy pup

Henry, Harry and Herbie, all brothers were surrendered when the owner realised she could not cope with the pups. They are sweet pups who will grow to medium size. They have been socialised with other medium sized dogs and pups. At 14 weeks Henry weighed 10.5kg and has a smooth coat. Henry would suit a home-based worker with garden for him to run in. All our dogs come with desexing, all puppy vaccinations, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $450.

Batman & Robin
10yo & 12yo JRT
Batman and Robin are brothers who have always lived together. They were left abandoned in a deserted house. They are sweet, affectionate and quite obedient. They are social with other dogs. They love to explore when they are out in parks but happy just to chill and lay around at home and enjoy the comforts of a soft warm bed. They tend to sleep in the same bed together. They are both have dental disease and are booked for dentals. Batman also has a heart murmur. Batman weighs 6.6kg and Robin 4.6kg. They suit home based workers and happy to live in an apartment. All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Their adoption fee together is $800.
To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024

To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Call For Artists: Council's Street Art
Council is currently looking for four new public artworks to add to its growing collection of Street Art. The four sites are:- North Curl Curl Community Centre
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall
- Mona Vale Village Park
- Peninsula Carpark, Rialto Square Manly
The program is a chance to bring artists, residents, businesses, property owners and the community together to create quality new artworks in unexpected places in our town and village centres. As part of its Street Art program, Council has previously commissioned artists including, David Cragg, Otis Hope Carey, Elliott Routledge, Claire Foxton, Kentaro Yoshida, Bradley Eastman, Brentos, Helen Proctor and Studio Dennis.
This project is made possible thanks to a Graffiti Management Grant from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.

- North Curl Curl Community Centre
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall
- Mona Vale Village Park
- Peninsula Carpark, Rialto Square Manly
Scam Alert: Telstra Impersonation Emails
From ACMAHave you received an unexpected email from Telstra asking you to complete a form to avoid disruption or cancellation of your service? Be wary – it may be a scam!
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is aware of an emerging email scam that uses Telstra’s branding and advises recipients to complete a KYC (Know Your Customer) compliance form. The email falsely advises that this is required due to a new ACMA policy.
If you’ve received this email do not download or open the attachment or any links in the message.
If you are in any doubt about whether an email you have received from Telstra is genuine, contact Telstra via its publicly available contact details or verified app.
Telstra has more information about how to identify a legitimate email on their website:
If you believe you are victim of a cybercrime, go to ReportCyber at
Scammers target everyone. Learn more about how to protect yourself from phone scams on the ACMA website and make a report to ScamwatchScamwatch:

Finding Help To Pay Your Bills
For many it’s getting to the stage where you feel sick to your stomach walking to your letterbox or opening your email. You know there’s going to be yet another bill in there costing you more money that you don’t have. The bills are relentless.
Take a deep breath. You have some options.
At the end of the day, the biller just wants to be paidWhen facing the constant, never-ending deluge of bills that we all receive, it is very easy to forget the fundamental truth: the biller just wants to be paid. Yes, they want to be paid their money in a timely manner, but as they consolidate their own debts, it is in their interest that you pay your money at a later point than not at all.
As a person struggling to stay on top of your bills, it is always worth keeping this in mind. As long as a company wants to see its debt paid, there will always be a pathway forward.
To encourage people to pay their bills on time, it is becoming increasingly common for bills to offer an ‘on-time’ discount. Pay your bills by the due date and you’ll pay less.
On-time discounts are a strong incentive for many. But, for those struggling to find the money to pay those bills it makes little to no difference.
Many government agencies and utility companies will offer the ability to apply for a bill extension or instalment plan to pay off a bill. If you know times are tough right now, but that you will have access to more money at a future date, then this can be a good way to defer your debts for a limited time period. You can usually find details about such deferral schemes on the back of the bill you receive or on the website of the biller.
Different types of bills deliver different relief solutionsFor many organisations when they talk about offering relief to people with difficulty meeting bill obligations, they will refer to their relief solutions. Quite often what they are talking about here is putting customers onto an instalment plan to pay off their bill.
Bill payment relief can take multiple forms. For example, many Queensland local councils can refer citizens to the Independent Rates Relief Tribunal which can provide assistance to people having difficulty meeting basic living expenses. To be eligible for assistance like this, the applicants must reside at the residence where the rates are due and own just the one property, among several restrictions.
Some companies are better about the level of support they offer than others. An example of a company that offers a really good service to its customers facing financial hardship is energy provider AGL. Ultimately, it is still a company which is doing what it can to see bills paid, but it goes the extra step with advice and options to try to keep ahead of debt.
It offers the ‘Staying Connected’ program, where consultants assist customers with:
Tailored plans that match the customer’s situation to put them on a payment plan. Advice on payment options, government assistance, and available concessions. Connecting customers with free and independent financial counselling and support services. Advice on energy efficiency to bring bill prices down.
Real help you can useDeferring payments or entering instalment plans is not a long-term solution. After all, it may fix the problem of the current bill, but next month or quarter, another bill will land in your letterbox. While deferring your immediate debts, you need to find a solution that can help you meet your bill obligations into the future.
The best thing you can do is to call the government-run National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007. It runs Mon-Fri 9:30am - 4:30pm. They will help you with general financial suggestions, but also advise on consumer rights and other related issues. Indigenous Australians might prefer to call the similar Mob Strong Debt Helpline on 1800 808 488.
You may also be able to access further assistance through charities and other community organisations who offer emergency relief services like: - Food vouchers / supplies.
- Assistance with utility bills.
- Clothing and furniture.
Don't let your health be impactedAnyone who tries telling you that money doesn’t buy happiness is someone who hasn’t felt the mental stress of a debt spiral.
People having trouble paying their bills can find that they: - Are constantly stressed and irritable.
- Have difficulty sleeping.
- Find solace in substance abuse like alcohol and drugs.
- Cease spending money on healthcare (therapies, medication, and other treatments) to try to pay off debt.
- Overspend (often using credit cards) to feel better about the stress that they feel.
Just as you can get free help to combat your debt, there are several services available to help you with your mental health. Beyond Blue is the largest and most well-known organisation that can help with mental health. You can talk to counsellors via their website or over the phone 1300 22 4636.
There are also other services that can help. If you are still in employment, many businesses offer their staff free access to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). There are also specialised services like MensLine Australia that are focused on assisting with men’s mental health issues.
DisclaimerAll insights and information provided should be considered general advice for educational purposes only. As we are unaware of your personal circumstances, the information in this article should not be misconstrued as personalised financial advice. We recommend seeking advice from a qualified financial professional before making any major financial decisions.
- Food vouchers / supplies.
- Assistance with utility bills.
- Clothing and furniture.
- Are constantly stressed and irritable.
- Have difficulty sleeping.
- Find solace in substance abuse like alcohol and drugs.
- Cease spending money on healthcare (therapies, medication, and other treatments) to try to pay off debt.
- Overspend (often using credit cards) to feel better about the stress that they feel.
JP Public Register
You can find a Justice of the Peace (JP) using the online Public Register. You can search by postcode, name of a JP, day of availability, language spoken and JP registration number. The register lists a JP’s location, availability and telephone number. Please note that JPs are volunteers and may not be available at all times. Click here to access the JP Public RegisterNB: There are 3 J.P’s working in Pittwater RSL Sub-Branch office, we work every Monday (10:30am to 15:30)except on public holidays:- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive
At Rotary Upper Northern Beaches, we are always welcoming new members. We find that new members bring new ideas, energy and opportunities. There is something for everyone in Rotary and you can apply your skills for the betterment of our community. This can include anything from cooking a BBQ, to managing a fundraising project, to helping with marketing and social media. You can even get the opportunity to serve on our Board.
We have been quite active in the community over recent and coming weeks, including; - Pre Christmas community projects, such as the Tree of Joy (Warriewood Square) and Carols In The Park at Village Park, Mona Vale. - Australia Day Breakfast at Newport Beach - Annual Art Show at Mona Vale Memorial Hall (24 - 26 February) raised much needed funds for worthy charities - An evening of collaboration with other Northern Beaches Rotary Clubs brainstorming strategies for member engagement and growth (21 February) - The Bobbo (Bobbin Head Cycle Classic, Sunday 26 March). Another great collaboration with other Rotary Clubs based on the North Shore - Our Annual Charity Golf Day (6 April at Monash Country Club) These are just a few examples of our fund raising and community activities. If you are looking for a way to give back to the community, while meeting some great people and having some fun with it, please come and check us out. We meet most Wednesday nights at The Sands Hotel Narrabeen (except for the 2nd Wednesday if each month, which is at Avalon RSL (6pm Dinner in the bistro for 7pm Rotary meeting upstairs at both venues).
If you would like to know more about Rotary and how you can get involved, please contact us on 02 8005 0711 or email

Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing
Phoebe the Swamp Wallaby weighed less than a kilogram when she was orphaned on the roadside after her mother was hit and killed by a vehicle. Fortunately, Phoebe was uninjured, taken to a local vet and raised and then released by Sydney Wildlife volunteer Jane.
While Phoebe was fortunate, other native birds and animals are not so lucky. So, if you’re returning home after your summer holiday (or just out and about on Australia Day), please slow down - particularly at dawn and dusk and in areas identified with wildlife crossing signs, for your safety and the welfare of our wildlife.
Please contact Sydney Wildlife Rescue on (02) 9413 4300 for advice if you hit a native animal or come across an injured one while driving. It is helpful if you can provide an accurate location or landmark to assist our rescuers who will pouch check marsupials for joeys, so little lives like Phoebe can be saved.

Photo: Phoebe the Swamp Wallaby by JaneNotice by Sydney Wildlife Rescue

Community News
Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.
March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015
January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022
Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.
March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015
January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022
Council: Fox Baiting Notice To Pet Owners
- Manly Dam, Manly Vale
- Allenby Park, Allambie Heights
- Forestville Park, Forestville
- Middle Creek Reserve, Oxford Falls
- Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge
Warringah Rats Results


Community Garden Planned For Bayview

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Needs Volunteers

Fire And Rescue NSW Warns Public To Safeguard Homes From Lithium-Ion Battery Risks

NSW Reconstruction Authority Regulation: Have Your Say
- to prescribe actions in relation to which the NSW Reconstruction Authority may direct relevant entities
- to require relevant entities and the NSW Reconstruction Authority to have regard to the State disaster mitigation plan and any relevant disaster adaptation plan in exercising prescribed functions
- to prescribe exceptional circumstances in which the Minister may authorise the undertaking of development without consent or assessment under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
- to provide for the determination and payment of fees under the NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022launch.
Law Council Of Australia: Constitutional Amendment To Provide For The Voice Is Just And Legally Sound
Narrabeen Sharks JRLFC: A Sharks Tale The Book Celebrates 90 Years Of The Narrabeen Sharks

Broadcasters Breach Rules In COVID And Climate Coverage
Letters To The Editor
Conservation Zones Review And Technical Studies Update
- Snapshot of the consultation report – A quick overview of the issues raised in the submissions and the engagement approach.
- Consultation Report – A complete summary of the key issues raised in the submissions and Council’s response.
- Submissions – All of the submissions received during the consultation.
- We are currently investigating changes to the methodology that could address concerns raised by the community.
- We are meeting with the Department of Planning and Environment to discuss the Review, the submissions received, and possible changes. This is important because the Department will have the final say about any proposed zoning changes resulting from the Review.
- We will be undertaking site inspections in certain circumstances where a dispute remains about the mapping of criteria used in the Conservation Zones Review methodology. We will be engaging appropriate consultants to assist with these inspections, which we expect will commence in May 2023. We will contact relevant landowners about any proposed site inspections.
- Finalising changes to the methodology of the Review, in conjunction with the Department of Planning and Environment and relevant state agencies.
- Undertaking site inspections with relevant landowners to resolve remaining mapping disputes.
- Preparing a Planning Proposal for the new Northern Beaches Local Environmental Plan (LEP) which incorporates the outcomes from this work to be considered by Council and subsequent public exhibition and community feedback in 2023/2024.
Rig Recycle: Fishing Gear Items

Mona Vale Residents Association

Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

Volunteers Needed: Red Cross Avalon Shop
Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Report Hate Crimes
Pittwater Community Groups:
Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal