Community News October 2017
October 29 - November 4, 2017: Issue 335
Articles This Week
B-Line Rally Calls For A Common Sense Approach To A Potential Problem
Heritage Grant For Church Point Cemetery from Office of Hon. Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater
Pictures: Pittwater RSL and Avalon Beach RSL Community Grants 2017
Vestas 11th Hour Racing Wins Leg 1 Of The Volvo Ocean Race!
Highly Esteemed Bush Care Officer Leaving Northern Beaches For Northern Rivers: Helena Dewis
Aquatics: The Admiral’s Cup Anniversary Regatta on Sydney Harbour Will Celebrate First Australian Win of 1967
Park Bench Philosopher Greater Sydney Commission releases the Revised draft North District Plan for feedback: Mona Vale prioritised forUrban activation
Reflections by George Repin: LAWRENCE HARGRAVE 1850-1915
Byron Bay Writers’ Festival 2017 by Robyn McWilliam
DIY Ideas: Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Trade Centre at Mona Vale + Issue No 1 of Mitre 10’s inSITE Magazine for Tradies and Handymen
Woolworths Surfer Groms Comps Presented by Wahu; Coffs Harbour, Oct 28 - 29: Event 4 from Surfing NSW
Woolworths Surfer Groms Comps Presented by Wahu; Kiama, Oct 21 - 22: Event 3 from Surfing NSW: CONGRATULATIONS Cedar Leigh-Jones (Avalon), Rubie Trew (Seaforth), Fletcher Kelleher (Freshwater), Dane Dujic (Avalon) and Ben Zanatta Creagh (Dee Why) !
Smuggler First Entry For Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship (25 and 26 November: MHYC - Standard entries close Friday 10 November) by Di Pearson
A Date With The 2018 Festival Of Sails (January 26-28: RGYC) by Lisa Ratcliff
Profile: Bilgola Beach SLSC Surfboat Division: Bilgola Blackmores Surfboat Carnival Saturday 4th November 2107
History: The Macpherson Family of Wharriewood The State Library of NSW has recently finished digitising the photos of William Joseph Macpherson and allows us insights into Warriewood, Narrabeen and Manly as well as glimpses of a family who put family and community first
Artist of the Month: October 2017: Adriana Labate Brazilian photographic artist and biologist living in Sydney since 2009 and on Scotland Island since 2015. For the last 16 years I have studied photography in all its aspects - technological, historical and philosophical. I have participated in various contests and exhibitions, such as "Gardens in Focus" at the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, when I was selected as a finalist.
Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
Available for photography tuition and workshops for all ages such as: "Thinking Photography", "The Magic of Light: Pinhole Camera", "Lightpainting", "My place", "Cabinet of Curiosities", "Seeing Light".
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/10/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Kay Cottee Inducted Into The Australian Sailing Hall Of Fame
October 28, 2017Kay Cottee AO, the first woman to perform a single-handed, non-stop and unassisted circumnavigation of the world is to be inducted into the Australian Sailing Hall of Fame (ASHOF). In its inaugural year, the ASHOF will induct seven of Australia’s greatest sailing individuals and teams this Friday, 3 November in Sydney.
An initiative of Australian Sailing in partnership with the Australian National Maritime Museum, the ASHOF was established to recognize the greats of Australian Sailing. According to the highly regarded Selection Panel, Cottee has achieved at the highest level in our sport.
“Kay Cottee AO inspired generations of female sailors when she became the first woman to sail unassisted, non-stop around the globe via both hemispheres,” said the Selection Panel in announcing her induction. “To this day, Cottee remains an inspiration to people of all generations across the globe.”
Born in 1954, Cottee circumnavigated the globe in her 37 foot (11 m) yacht Blackmores First Lady in 1988. Her extraordinary feat was made even more remarkable by the fact that she completed it at a time when modern GPS was in its infancy.
Cottee’s circumnavigation was eastbound from Sydney, Australia and took her around the five great capes in the southern ocean. Departing Sydney she headed south of New Zealand, across the Pacific Ocean, around infamous Cape Horn and then north to cross the equator and round St Peter and St Paul Rocks in the North Atlantic.

Dressed up for a half way celebration on 27 February 1988 - rounding Sao Pedro and Sao Paolo Rocks
From there Kay headed south again and rounded the Cape of Good Hope before crossing the Indian and Great Southern Oceans on her way home around the southern tip of Tasmania. She then turned north for the final long run up the east coast of Australia to Sydney.
Cottee spent more than six months alone at sea. She started out on November 29, 1987, and after sailing for 189 days, 0 hours and 32 minutes she finished on June 5, 1988. Her voyage saw her log 22,100 miles at an average speed of 116.93 miles per day. The voyage was completed without touching land, and without any form of outside aid apart from radio contact.
Cottee's numerous records include:- the first woman to complete a singlehanded nonstop circumnavigation;
- the first woman to circumnavigate nonstop west to east, south of the five southernmost capes;
- the fastest time for a solo circumnavigation by a woman;
- the fastest speed (average speed 4.87 miles per hour during her round-the-world voyage) for a solo circumnavigation by a woman;
- the longest period alone at sea by a woman; and the greatest nonstop distance covered by a solo woman.
During the voyage, her yacht overturned off the coast of southern Africa in 100-knot winds and 70-foot seas. She was washed overboard and saved only by the two safety lines that harnessed her to the boat. Having just missed a collision with a tanker, she recalls in her book:
'My life flashed before my eyes for the second time in an hour as I was washed just over the top of the leeward safety railing before my harness lines pulled me up short. I held my breath under the water until my lungs felt they would burst, willing my lovely to right herself and praying that the two harness lines did not give way. She took her time, but true to form gracefully rose once again, this time with me dangling over the side.'
Cottee relied on the mechanical Fleming wind vane that corrected to a course charted with sextant and compass, with help from a satellite navigation system. Satellite navigation was in its infancy at that time and offered nothing like the coverage and precision we all take for granted from Global Positioning Systems (GPS) today.
Cottee and her major sponsor, Blackmores used the voyage to raise more than $1 million for the Reverend Ted Noffs' Life Education Program. Cottee also undertook an 18-month national schools tour, speaking to over 40,000 senior high school students, inspiring them with her message that you can achieve your dreams if you work steadily towards them.
Kay Cottee’s boat, Blackmore’s First Lady is currently on display at the Australian National Maritime Museum, fitted out as if on voyage complete with Kay’s favourite food, navigation tools and more. To find out more about the boat, visit:

Part of Blackmore’s First Lady Information Cabinet at Warriewood
Seven Hall of Famers will be inducted into the Australian Sailing Hall of Fame this Friday, 3 November 2017 at the Hyatt Regency, Sydney.
About the Australian Sailing Hall of FameThe Australian Sailing Hall of Fame (ASHoF) was established in 2017 by Australian Sailing in collaboration with the Australian National Maritime Museum.
This important initiative was established to recognize the greats of the sport of sailing – those who have inspired many and contributed so much to make the sport what it is today. Sailing has a long and wonderful history in Australia, and has been responsible for some of the most iconic sporting moments the country has ever seen. Recognising those who have been part of this history and acknowledging their contribution is at the heart of the Australian Sailing Hall of Fame.
Nominations were considered by a highly regarded Selection Panel, which was chaired by David Tillett AM. Mr Tillett has served as Chairman of the Jury at numerous Olympic games and America’s Cup events, in addition to serving on the World Sailing Council and Australian Sailing Board. He was joined on the Selection Panel by Amanda Lulham, Michael Spies, Greg Johns, David Staley, Matthew Allen (representing the Australian Sailing Board) and Kevin Sumption (representing the Australian National Maritime Museum).
The Australian Sailing Hall of Fame will recognize those with the highest achievements in the sport. The ASHoF acknowledges exceptional performance and contribution at the highest level, by an individual or a team, both past and present, and covers all disciplines of the sport.

- the first woman to complete a singlehanded nonstop circumnavigation;
- the first woman to circumnavigate nonstop west to east, south of the five southernmost capes;
- the fastest time for a solo circumnavigation by a woman;
- the fastest speed (average speed 4.87 miles per hour during her round-the-world voyage) for a solo circumnavigation by a woman;
- the longest period alone at sea by a woman; and the greatest nonstop distance covered by a solo woman.

23-27 Warriewood Rd, Warriewood: DA Number: N0460/17
Council is seeking public comment on this proposal prior to determination. The proposal is for construction of a three storey residential flat building comprising 32 residential apartments with 83 basement parking spaces, and a three storey multi-dwelling housing development comprising 12 dwellings with associated parking spaces, extension to Lorikeet Grove, new internal roadway, associated landscaping and remediation works to the existing creek line corridor.
Applicant: J & G Knowles & Associates Pty Ltd
Consent authority: Northern Beaches Council.Sydney North Planning Panel has the function of determining the application.
This proposal is an integrated development and requires a Water Activity Approval from the NSW Office of Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.
During the exhibition period, any person may make a submission orinspect application plans and related documents via **
Alternatively, documents can be viewed at Council’s Mona Vale Customer Service Centre during business hours. Written submissions marked with the application number may be sent to the CEO, Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
If required, submissions must be accompanied by a Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement, which can be downloaded
Please note that all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports.
Exhibition: Sat 28 Oct - Tue 28 NovEnquiries: Rebecca Englund, 9970 1111Listed in NBC's Northern Beaches News, Sat. Oct. 28, 2017
Documents on Council website HERENO documents on the Sydney North Planning Panel webpage DA Lodgement date: October 16, 2017
15 Jubilee Avenue, Warriewood Approved
Summary: This planning proposal seeks to amend Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014, as it applies to the site at 15 Jubilee Avenue, Warriewood to rezone the site from IN2 Light Industrial to B7 Business Park.
Stage: Approved by Minister or Delegate Date of Publication 01/09/2017Publish Decision ApprovedLink to LEP Document http:// (NB: this link does not work - Ed.)
What is the Gateway process?Local Environment Plans (LEPs) start with a planning proposal for a development. In most cases this is done by your local council. Proposals are then assessed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. This is called the ‘Gateway’ process.
The five steps in the process are:- The planning proposal - the relevant authority prepares the planning proposal. The relevant authority is usually the local council, however the Minister can appoint the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment, a joint regional planning panel or a Sydney planning panel to be the relevant planning authority.
- Gateway - the Minister (or delegate) decides whether the planning proposal can proceed (with or without variation) and subject to other matters including further studies being undertaken, public consultation, public hearings, agency consultation and time frames. A planning proposal does usually not proceed without conditions of this nature. The conditions are then complied with and if necessary, the proposal is changed. A decision on whether the relevant council is able to finalise particular types of LEPs is also determined at this stage.
- Community consultation - the proposal is publicly exhibited as required by the Minister. A person making a submission may also request a public hearing be held.
- Assessment - the relevant planning authority reviews public submissions. Parliamentary Counsel then prepares a draft local environmental plan.
- The making of the LEP - with the Minister’s (or delegate’s) approval the local environmental plan is published on the NSW legislation website and becomes law.
- The planning proposal - the relevant authority prepares the planning proposal. The relevant authority is usually the local council, however the Minister can appoint the Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment, a joint regional planning panel or a Sydney planning panel to be the relevant planning authority.
- Gateway - the Minister (or delegate) decides whether the planning proposal can proceed (with or without variation) and subject to other matters including further studies being undertaken, public consultation, public hearings, agency consultation and time frames. A planning proposal does usually not proceed without conditions of this nature. The conditions are then complied with and if necessary, the proposal is changed. A decision on whether the relevant council is able to finalise particular types of LEPs is also determined at this stage.
- Community consultation - the proposal is publicly exhibited as required by the Minister. A person making a submission may also request a public hearing be held.
- Assessment - the relevant planning authority reviews public submissions. Parliamentary Counsel then prepares a draft local environmental plan.
- The making of the LEP - with the Minister’s (or delegate’s) approval the local environmental plan is published on the NSW legislation website and becomes law.
Newport Sculpture Trailblazers Now Lights Up Newport Beach

Extra Funding For Pittwater’s Schools
SAFE Rehoming General Member's Meeting
Mike Kitching - Finalist Woollahra Sculpture Prize 2017

Zonta Annual Dinner

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2017 Fashion Parade

Good News For Lovers Of Green Spaces At Frenchs Forest
B-Line Mona Vale Update October 2017
Pet of the Week

Newport Festival 2017

Notice Of Race Available And Entries Open For Sail Sydney 2017

Urgently Seeking Sponsors!

Greater Sydney Local Land Service Mini-Grants Now Open
- community events
- running of field days, workshops and courses
- educational signage
- production and distribution of educational resources such as fact sheets and booklets
- small scale demonstration style on-ground works that have an education focus.
LGNSW Welcomes Key Changes To GSC’s District Plans For Sydney
Man Charged Following Bus Driver Assault - Mosman
Koalas Spotted In Dharug National Park

NDIS Provides $80 Million For Inclusion
Narrabeen Lakes Festival 2017
Frenchs Forest Road And Naree Road Traffic Changes
Connecting The Northern Beaches - Comment On Online Map
Planning Proposal 2 Macpherson Street Warriewood
- the planning proposal title clearly marked on the title page
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal; and
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
Planning Proposal - 9, 11, 12 & 13 Fern Creek Road, Warriewood
Expressions Of Interest - Palm Beach Walkway Aesthetics Advisory Group
- Safe pedestrian access along Barrenjoey Road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park
- Increased safety for vehicles travelling on Barrenjoey Road by upgrading the road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park to better accommodate larger vehicles including buses
- Improved pedestrian safety at the intersection of Barrenjoey Road and Beach Road by providing pedestrian crossing facilities
- Improved pedestrian and vehicular safety by formalising the on-street parking along Barrenjoey Road near Beach Road
- Relevant technical qualifications or experience
- Local knowledge and interests
- Experience working collaboratively
- Extent of community networks and willingness to disseminate information to the broader community
- Availability to attend the scheduled meetings and commitment to the Terms of Reference
- Council has discretion to fill any vacancies as required – based on the above criteria.
Palm Beach Walkway - Upcoming Works And Information Session
- concrete footpaths
- sections of elevated boardwalk
- Custom screening and handrails
- Planting of new native trees.
- Site set up
- Establishing site storage facility
- Vegetation clearing and some footpath works.

Bus Changes And Timetables
- Better connections, more capacity and improved connectivity, with extra weekly trips
- Brand new high frequency and reliable bus services on the B-line connecting the Northern Beaches to the City
Community Photos Sought For Brookvale
Support Warwick!

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017

Position At Newport
Pasadena Progress?

Draft Brookvale Structure Plan On Public Exhibition
Pittwater Paddle 2017

Avalon Beach Market Day 2017
Sydney Wildlife Critter Of The Month: The Long Hop To Freedom
It was a chilly day in August last year when we received a call from Scott to attend to a fatally-ill female swamp wallaby who was having trouble hopping and could hardly stand. She had cataracts in both eyes and could barely see. She was also carrying a joey.
The mother wallaby was sedated for transportation to a veterinarian. Her cute little joey was a very curious critter and kept peering out of the pouch to see what was happening. Dr Ward examined the mum but she was already moribund and he decided to extract the joey before the situation became too stressful for them both. The joey was a tiny furless 300g boy. He was in good health and after a quick examination, Dr Ward popped him into a fleecy pouch to stay warm. Before the mum passed away, we allowed her to ‘say goodbye’ to her joey. It was a very moving moment for all of us. We promised her that we would take good care of her baby. And then she slipped away.

The tiny boy tried to box his way out of his new artificial pouch and he put up his dukes whenever we looked in on him. So a friend suggested we call him Cassius (Clay) aka Mohammed Ali.
Cassius was quite the character from the start. He did what joeys are meant to do - drink milk, grow fur, venture from the pouch - but he tried to do all these things in a mad hurry. He was trying to stand and hop long before his time! He never seemed to sleep. Was always looking out of his pouch and desperate not to miss out on anything. FOMO could’ve been his middle name! FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) was almost the death of him. He tried to follow me up the stairs one day - long before he was hopping ably. And he fell… We rushed him straight to the vet, fearing that he may have fractured something but the x-rays were clear. Phew! Then - instead of staying in his heated pouch like a normal wallaby joey - he kept venturing out to find everyone and ended up getting pneumonia. Sigh. Back to the vet.

5 months from the date of his rescue he had grown from 300g to 3kg. It was time for Cassius to graduate to 'Big School' aka The Sydney Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility.
Our Rehab Facility is also known as Waratah Park. It is where “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo” was filmed many years ago. (Our lovely Facility Manager, Joan Reid, was granted permission from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council - MLALC - to utilise a section of Waratah Park for wildlife rehabilitation. The first thing she did was build a big fenced area for a macropod yard. The word macropod is derived from Greek and literally means ‘big foot’. Kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos are all examples of macropods. In addition to the macropod yard, Joan also organised for the volunteers to build a ‘rubber room’. The rubber attached to the walls allows the joeys or injured macropods to jump around without injuring themselves.)
In contrast to the chilly day when Cassius was rescued, the day of his ‘soft release’ was sizzling! I think it was close to 38 degrees. Joan had the sprinklers on for all the animals and one of our members - Nicole Wedlock - captured a gorgeous photo of Cassius dripping in water from the sprinklers. It was quite weird to leave him there. I felt a bit like we’d abandoned him but we knew it was time for him to become a proper wallaby. In preparation for his release back to the wild, Cassius would need to become dehumanised. This meant reducing his contact with humans and allowing him the chance to experience storms, rain, parasites, fending for himself around other wallabies etc.

Well, luckily he integrated quite well with the others and quickly settled down to life as a big boy.
Cass-cass spent almost 8 months in the Rehab Facility. The wonderful volunteers that keep the facility running like clockwork make sure that all the animals are fed, clean and safe. They are always careful not to interact with the joeys that are being dehumanised and keep their visits limited to once a day. When Cassius reached 7kg and was entirely independent, it was time to go back to his site of rescue and be a wild wallaby.
14 months from the day he was rescued, he was captured, sedated and transported to his release site. The day was cool and the gentle rain added to the beauty of the very picturesque setting where Scott could keep an eye on him from afar.
We released him from the transportation bag and waited for the sedative to wear off. He blinked his eyes at the new surrounds and then gently hopped off.
National Photographic Portrait Prize 2018
Course For A Cause At Avalon

Seeking Accommodation
New Funding For Anzac Community Projects

The Palmy Old Mal Old Log Rally 2017

![]() | 2017 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally Entry Form.pdf Size : 301.448 Kb Type : pdf |

Pittwater Community Groups:
Planning Alerts
October 22 - 28, 2017: Issue 334
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 334: $1 Million For Barrenjoey Community Performance Space
Northern Beaches State MPs Vote Against Democracy: Local Government Amendment (Amalgamation Referendums) Bill 2017
Stacey Jackson Among Australian Sailors In Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018: Focus On Ocean Health And Plastic Pollution Being Taken Global By 13th Edition Of Classic Race - coming to Melbourne this December
Australian Sailing Awards 2017 Finalists Announced: The Australian Sailing Award finalists have been announced. A fantastic result and coverage for the RPAYC, from Youth Sailing, Coaching, Sports Promotion and of course Club of the Year. Also nominated is Lisa Ratcliff – a wonderful sailing Journo whose reports run just about every week. Lisa, a Pittwater resident, will run as our Profile of the Week for Issue 342, published December 17, for several very good reasons!
Pictures: Manly Warringah District Junior Rugby League Football Club Presentation Evening 2017 by Brian Friend OAM
Aquatics: Operation Crayweed Update: Success As North Bondi Restoration Works Produce Next Generation Of Crayweed - Also This Week: Green Globe Award For UNSW SIMs Operation Crayweed Project by Wendy Frew UNSW - Visit: Palm Beach Seaweed Contributes To Reef Restoration - Bald Reef Gets New Growth With Seaweed Transplant - Issue 146, 2014 and Artists, Scientists And Children Celebrate Restoration Of Underwater Forests - Issue 287, 2016
Farr 40 class’ Middle Harbour Yacht Club One Design Trophy 2017 by Lisa Ratcliff
Park Bench Philosopher Gravitational Waves World-First Discovery Down Under by CSIRO and University of Sydney
Aussie Backyard Bird Count 2017: Take part from 23 - 29 October - how many birds live here?
The Newport Sculpture Trailblazers 2017: runs from October 27th to November 13th
Profile: Newport Bowling Club: is Celebrating 80 Years in 2018! Nestled behind the trees at the bottom of Newport hill is Newport Bowling Club. A proud tradition started in April 1938 when 13 local men formed Newport and District Bowling Club, later changed to Newport Bowling and Recreation Club.
History: The Macpherson Family of Wharriewood The State Library of NSW has recently finished digitising the photos of William Joseph Macpherson and allows us insights into Warriewood, Narrabeen and Manly as well as glimpses of a family who put family and community first
Artist of the Month: October 2017: Adriana Labate Brazilian photographic artist and biologist living in Sydney since 2009 and on Scotland Island since 2015. For the last 16 years I have studied photography in all its aspects - technological, historical and philosophical. I have participated in various contests and exhibitions, such as "Gardens in Focus" at the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, when I was selected as a finalist.
Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
Available for photography tuition and workshops for all ages such as: "Thinking Photography", "The Magic of Light: Pinhole Camera", "Lightpainting", "My place", "Cabinet of Curiosities", "Seeing Light".
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/10/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Church Point Commuter Wharf: Upcoming Relocation And Work
Church Point Relocation Works: Catch The Ferry
Support Warwick!

Boathouse Expansion

Tinnie Party At Modus Operandi For Sea Shepherd

Reminder: Hoaxers Are About

Newport Festival 2017

MP For Mackellar Calls On Northern Beaches To Join The Fun Of Veterans Health Week
Urgently Seeking Sponsors!

Community Photos Sought For Brookvale
RPAYC 150 Yrs Celebration Concludes With Fireworks At The Garden Party

Bus Changes And Timetables
- Better connections, more capacity and improved connectivity, with extra weekly trips
- Brand new high frequency and reliable bus services on the B-line connecting the Northern Beaches to the City
![]() | 199-Palm-Beach-to-Manly-20171126.pdf Size : 295.11 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | L90-Palm-Beach-to-City-Wynyard-Limited-Stops-20171126.pdf Size : 115.795 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | E89-PrePay-Only-Avalon-to-City-Wynyard-Express-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 61.971 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | E88-PrePay-Only-North-Avalon-to-City-Wynyard-Express-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 69.717 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | 191-Avalon-to-Taylors-Point-Loop-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 79.415 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | 192-Avalon-to-Stokes-Point-Loop-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 73.254 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | B1-B-Line-Mona-Vale-to-City-Wynyard-20171126.pdf Size : 386.309 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | E85-Mona-Vale-to-City-Wynyard-via-Warriewood-Express-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 67.499 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | 185-Mona-Vale-to-City-Wynyard-via-Warriewood-20171126.pdf Size : 118.919 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | E83-PrePay-Only-North-Narrabeen-to-City-Wynyard-Express-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 65.706 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | 182-Mona-Vale-to-Narrabeen-20171126.pdf Size : 100.048 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | E60-Mona-Vale-to-Chatswood-Express-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 63.322 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | 156-McCarrs-Creek-to-Mona-Vale-20171126.pdf Size : 102.303 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | 155-Bayview-Garden-Village-to-Narrabeen-20171126.pdf Size : 94.514 Kb Type : pdf |
![]() | E54-Mona-Vale-to-Milsons-Point-Express-Service-20171126.pdf Size : 103.45 Kb Type : pdf |
MVHA 2017 Fashion Parade

Planning Proposal 2 Macpherson Street Warriewood
- the planning proposal title clearly marked on the title page
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal; and
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
Expressions Of Interest - Palm Beach Walkway Aesthetics Advisory Group
- Safe pedestrian access along Barrenjoey Road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park
- Increased safety for vehicles travelling on Barrenjoey Road by upgrading the road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park to better accommodate larger vehicles including buses
- Improved pedestrian safety at the intersection of Barrenjoey Road and Beach Road by providing pedestrian crossing facilities
- Improved pedestrian and vehicular safety by formalising the on-street parking along Barrenjoey Road near Beach Road
- Relevant technical qualifications or experience
- Local knowledge and interests
- Experience working collaboratively
- Extent of community networks and willingness to disseminate information to the broader community
- Availability to attend the scheduled meetings and commitment to the Terms of Reference
- Council has discretion to fill any vacancies as required – based on the above criteria.
Planning Proposal - 9, 11, 12 & 13 Fern Creek Road, Warriewood

Position At Newport
Pasadena Progress?

Draft Brookvale Structure Plan On Public Exhibition
Pittwater Paddle 2017

Dr Marian Baird To Speak At Zonta Annual Dinner – ‘Women, Work And Family’

Avalon Beach Market Day 2017
More Than $60 Million For End-Of-Life Care Projects
- Palliative Care Australia ($5.5 million) to continue its sector leading work promoting quality end-of-life care for all;
- University of Wollongong ($7.8 million) for the Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration, which supports palliative care providers to measure the impact of their service delivery for people with a life-limiting illness;
- Queensland University of Technology ($12.0 million) for the Palliative Care Education and Training Collaborative, which builds the capability and capacity of the heath workforce to provide quality palliative care;
- Flinders University in South Australia to continue CareSearch ($3.6 million), an online resource that provides evidence and palliative care information for health professionals and consumers; and
- Austin Health for Advance Care Planning Australia ($4.1 million) to increase awareness and uptake of advance care planning nationally.
Sydney Wildlife Critter Of The Month: The Long Hop To Freedom
It was a chilly day in August last year when we received a call from Scott to attend to a fatally-ill female swamp wallaby who was having trouble hopping and could hardly stand. She had cataracts in both eyes and could barely see. She was also carrying a joey.
The mother wallaby was sedated for transportation to a veterinarian. Her cute little joey was a very curious critter and kept peering out of the pouch to see what was happening. Dr Ward examined the mum but she was already moribund and he decided to extract the joey before the situation became too stressful for them both. The joey was a tiny furless 300g boy. He was in good health and after a quick examination, Dr Ward popped him into a fleecy pouch to stay warm. Before the mum passed away, we allowed her to ‘say goodbye’ to her joey. It was a very moving moment for all of us. We promised her that we would take good care of her baby. And then she slipped away.

The tiny boy tried to box his way out of his new artificial pouch and he put up his dukes whenever we looked in on him. So a friend suggested we call him Cassius (Clay) aka Mohammed Ali.
Cassius was quite the character from the start. He did what joeys are meant to do - drink milk, grow fur, venture from the pouch - but he tried to do all these things in a mad hurry. He was trying to stand and hop long before his time! He never seemed to sleep. Was always looking out of his pouch and desperate not to miss out on anything. FOMO could’ve been his middle name! FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) was almost the death of him. He tried to follow me up the stairs one day - long before he was hopping ably. And he fell… We rushed him straight to the vet, fearing that he may have fractured something but the x-rays were clear. Phew! Then - instead of staying in his heated pouch like a normal wallaby joey - he kept venturing out to find everyone and ended up getting pneumonia. Sigh. Back to the vet.

5 months from the date of his rescue he had grown from 300g to 3kg. It was time for Cassius to graduate to 'Big School' aka The Sydney Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility.
Our Rehab Facility is also known as Waratah Park. It is where “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo” was filmed many years ago. (Our lovely Facility Manager, Joan Reid, was granted permission from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council - MLALC - to utilise a section of Waratah Park for wildlife rehabilitation. The first thing she did was build a big fenced area for a macropod yard. The word macropod is derived from Greek and literally means ‘big foot’. Kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos are all examples of macropods. In addition to the macropod yard, Joan also organised for the volunteers to build a ‘rubber room’. The rubber attached to the walls allows the joeys or injured macropods to jump around without injuring themselves.)
In contrast to the chilly day when Cassius was rescued, the day of his ‘soft release’ was sizzling! I think it was close to 38 degrees. Joan had the sprinklers on for all the animals and one of our members - Nicole Wedlock - captured a gorgeous photo of Cassius dripping in water from the sprinklers. It was quite weird to leave him there. I felt a bit like we’d abandoned him but we knew it was time for him to become a proper wallaby. In preparation for his release back to the wild, Cassius would need to become dehumanised. This meant reducing his contact with humans and allowing him the chance to experience storms, rain, parasites, fending for himself around other wallabies etc.

Well, luckily he integrated quite well with the others and quickly settled down to life as a big boy.
Cass-cass spent almost 8 months in the Rehab Facility. The wonderful volunteers that keep the facility running like clockwork make sure that all the animals are fed, clean and safe. They are always careful not to interact with the joeys that are being dehumanised and keep their visits limited to once a day. When Cassius reached 7kg and was entirely independent, it was time to go back to his site of rescue and be a wild wallaby.
14 months from the day he was rescued, he was captured, sedated and transported to his release site. The day was cool and the gentle rain added to the beauty of the very picturesque setting where Scott could keep an eye on him from afar.
We released him from the transportation bag and waited for the sedative to wear off. He blinked his eyes at the new surrounds and then gently hopped off.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
Red Cross Shop Newport

Keep The Emergency Department For Emergencies
Queensland State Title Up For Grabs At Club Marine Pittwater To Paradise

Narrabeen Lakes Festival 2017
From The Pages Of The Past: Newport In 1913

Above: Scott's' guest house at Newport (NSW) 31/12/1908 Pic No 18526_a024_000031, Below: Tables at Scotts Guest House, Newport (NSW) Pic No: 18526_a024_000106 All dated 31/12/1908 and from the State Records of NSW

Court Forfeits ‘Borrowed’ Boat Used For Illegal Fishing

Frenchs Forest Road And Naree Road Traffic Changes
Connecting The Northern Beaches - Comment On Online Map
National Photographic Portrait Prize 2018
Course For A Cause At Avalon

Seeking Accommodation
Pet of the Week

New Funding For Anzac Community Projects

October 15 - 21, 2017: Issue 333
Articles This Week
Newport B-Line Update October 2017: Roundabout proposed for Neptune/ Barrenjoey roads - Newport Residents Association is holding a Community Rally around these issues on Sunday October 22nd at 12.30 p.m. at Newport Surf Club - all welcome. Transport for NSW is holding drop in sessions so you may ask questions and provide feedback - dates, times and places in page
Pilot Project Puts Microplastics in the Spotlight - What’s in our Lagoons? launched at the Narrabeen Lagoon
Surf Club Open Day 2017 Set To Make A Big Splash: Sunday October 15th
Local Surfers Shine in Round Two of Woolworths Grom Comp at Cronulla from Surfing NSW
The Long Hop to Freedom by Lynleigh Grieg, Sydney Wildlife
Soldier On Launches Side By Side: Soldier On NSW will be hosted by the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club on October 22nd for a Family Sailing Day and BBQ - this week Soldier On HQ announced the launch of support for current and former staff from Departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Immigration, Attorney-Generals and Defence and agencies such as the Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force
Next Generation Of Sydney and Northern Beaches Surf Athletes Put Through Paces from Surf Life Saving NSW
Aussie Backyard Bird Count 2017: Take part from 23 - 29 October - how many birds live here?
The Newport Sculpture Trailblazers 2017: runs from October 27th to November 13th
Aquatics: MC38s Draw Record Fleet And A Bevy Of Superstars by Lisa Ratcliff
Pictures: Couta Boat Australian Championship And Wattle Cup 2017: On Pittwater - Hosted by Avalon Sailing Club by Lisa Ratcliff
Park Bench Philosopher Pacific Highway Koala Holocaust by Sue Arnold
Food: Mekong: Merchants of Taste - great new place to enjoy fresh authentic Vietnamese street food in Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach: salads, Pho (soup) Baguettes and more
Profile: Norman Godden: joined Warriewood SLSC in 1953, witnessed visiting American surfers at Avalon Beach in 1956, was born in Manly a little before that! A few insights into an earlier Warriewood and Manly - and surfing's turning point!! + a few extra Historical Warriewood insights
History: Traces Of WWII 1942 Coast Watchers Found On Bangalley Headland After Recent Fire a reader and regular walker along the tracks of the 'little hill' overlooking Avalon Beach has sent in some photographs of carvings dated with Service numbers and dated in 1942 - we investigated what was going on then, not only in WWII service by the enlisted and the Plane Spotting volunteers, but also who and what else was going on here
Artist of the Month: October 2017: Adriana Labate Brazilian photographic artist and biologist living in Sydney since 2009 and on Scotland Island since 2015. For the last 16 years I have studied photography in all its aspects - technological, historical and philosophical. I have participated in various contests and exhibitions, such as "Gardens in Focus" at the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, when I was selected as a finalist.
Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
Available for photography tuition and workshops for all ages such as: "Thinking Photography", "The Magic of Light: Pinhole Camera", "Lightpainting", "My place", "Cabinet of Curiosities", "Seeing Light".
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/10/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Urgently Seeking Sponsors!

Planning Proposal 2 Macpherson Street Warriewood
- the planning proposal title clearly marked on the title page
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal; and
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
Expressions Of Interest - Palm Beach Walkway Aesthetics Advisory Group
- Safe pedestrian access along Barrenjoey Road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park
- Increased safety for vehicles travelling on Barrenjoey Road by upgrading the road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park to better accommodate larger vehicles including buses
- Improved pedestrian safety at the intersection of Barrenjoey Road and Beach Road by providing pedestrian crossing facilities
- Improved pedestrian and vehicular safety by formalising the on-street parking along Barrenjoey Road near Beach Road
- Relevant technical qualifications or experience
- Local knowledge and interests
- Experience working collaboratively
- Extent of community networks and willingness to disseminate information to the broader community
- Availability to attend the scheduled meetings and commitment to the Terms of Reference
- Council has discretion to fill any vacancies as required – based on the above criteria.

Planning Proposal - 9, 11, 12 & 13 Fern Creek Road, Warriewood
Grand Opening Of DOGUE Avalon

Pasadena Progress?

Draft Brookvale Structure Plan On Public Exhibition
Pittwater Paddle 2017

Dr Marian Baird To Speak At Zonta Annual Dinner – ‘Women, Work And Family’

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage In New South Wales: Public Consultation
Avalon Beach Market Day 2017
Sydney Wildlife Critter Of The Month: The Long Hop To Freedom
It was a chilly day in August last year when we received a call from Scott to attend to a fatally-ill female swamp wallaby who was having trouble hopping and could hardly stand. She had cataracts in both eyes and could barely see. She was also carrying a joey.
The mother wallaby was sedated for transportation to a veterinarian. Her cute little joey was a very curious critter and kept peering out of the pouch to see what was happening. Dr Ward examined the mum but she was already moribund and he decided to extract the joey before the situation became too stressful for them both. The joey was a tiny furless 300g boy. He was in good health and after a quick examination, Dr Ward popped him into a fleecy pouch to stay warm. Before the mum passed away, we allowed her to ‘say goodbye’ to her joey. It was a very moving moment for all of us. We promised her that we would take good care of her baby. And then she slipped away.

The tiny boy tried to box his way out of his new artificial pouch and he put up his dukes whenever we looked in on him. So a friend suggested we call him Cassius (Clay) aka Mohammed Ali.
Cassius was quite the character from the start. He did what joeys are meant to do - drink milk, grow fur, venture from the pouch - but he tried to do all these things in a mad hurry. He was trying to stand and hop long before his time! He never seemed to sleep. Was always looking out of his pouch and desperate not to miss out on anything. FOMO could’ve been his middle name! FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) was almost the death of him. He tried to follow me up the stairs one day - long before he was hopping ably. And he fell… We rushed him straight to the vet, fearing that he may have fractured something but the x-rays were clear. Phew! Then - instead of staying in his heated pouch like a normal wallaby joey - he kept venturing out to find everyone and ended up getting pneumonia. Sigh. Back to the vet.

5 months from the date of his rescue he had grown from 300g to 3kg. It was time for Cassius to graduate to 'Big School' aka The Sydney Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility.
Our Rehab Facility is also known as Waratah Park. It is where “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo” was filmed many years ago. (Our lovely Facility Manager, Joan Reid, was granted permission from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council - MLALC - to utilise a section of Waratah Park for wildlife rehabilitation. The first thing she did was build a big fenced area for a macropod yard. The word macropod is derived from Greek and literally means ‘big foot’. Kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos are all examples of macropods. In addition to the macropod yard, Joan also organised for the volunteers to build a ‘rubber room’. The rubber attached to the walls allows the joeys or injured macropods to jump around without injuring themselves.)
In contrast to the chilly day when Cassius was rescued, the day of his ‘soft release’ was sizzling! I think it was close to 38 degrees. Joan had the sprinklers on for all the animals and one of our members - Nicole Wedlock - captured a gorgeous photo of Cassius dripping in water from the sprinklers. It was quite weird to leave him there. I felt a bit like we’d abandoned him but we knew it was time for him to become a proper wallaby. In preparation for his release back to the wild, Cassius would need to become dehumanised. This meant reducing his contact with humans and allowing him the chance to experience storms, rain, parasites, fending for himself around other wallabies etc.

Well, luckily he integrated quite well with the others and quickly settled down to life as a big boy.
Cass-cass spent almost 8 months in the Rehab Facility. The wonderful volunteers that keep the facility running like clockwork make sure that all the animals are fed, clean and safe. They are always careful not to interact with the joeys that are being dehumanised and keep their visits limited to once a day. When Cassius reached 7kg and was entirely independent, it was time to go back to his site of rescue and be a wild wallaby.
14 months from the day he was rescued, he was captured, sedated and transported to his release site. The day was cool and the gentle rain added to the beauty of the very picturesque setting where Scott could keep an eye on him from afar.
We released him from the transportation bag and waited for the sedative to wear off. He blinked his eyes at the new surrounds and then gently hopped off.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
Frenchs Forest Road And Naree Road Traffic Changes
Connecting The Northern Beaches - Comment On Online Map
Friends Of Barrenjoey
Pittwater Artists Trail October 2017

President Of Ireland To Give An Address At UNSW On The Ethics Of Remembering

MVHA 2017 Fashion Parade

Course For A Cause At Avalon

Seeking Accommodation
Give Waste The Boot At The Avalon Car Boot Sale
Pet of the Week

Residency In Rome Now Open For Australian Visual Artists Through Mordant Family/Australia Council Fellowship
Start Of The Bushfire Danger Period – Fire Permits Required
Given recent weather conditions, the lack of rain and a number of Total Fire Bans, the risk of bushfire in our community is already quite high. In fact, we’ve had a number of bushfires in the local area already.
However, the 1st October marks the start of the official Bushfire Danger Period which will run through until at least 31st March.
During this period residents wishing to do hazard reduction or pile burns will require a Fire Permit as well as a Hazard Reduction Certificate.Fire Permits are valid for a period of 21 days.
They are automatically suspended during Total Fire Bans and periods when the Bushfire danger is rated Very High or above. Before issuing a Fire Permit, the Permit Issuing Officer will need to be convinced that appropriate plans are in place for supervising the fire, containing the fire and extinguishing the fire.
You are also still required to notify neighbours and the Rural Fire Service at least 24 hours before you plan to do the burn and before you light the fire.
Other conditions may also be imposed when the Permit is issued.You should read the Before You Light That Fire document which is available on the RFS web site.
If you need a Hazard Reduction Certificate this can be arranged by contacting the Northern Beaches Fire Control Centre on (02) 9450 3000.
When you have the Hazard Reduction Certificate you can obtain a Fire Permit by contacting the Scotland Island Brigade on 9999 4404 (or the West Pittwater Brigade for offshore residents on 9997 3795) or the Northern Beaches Fire Control Centre.
Courtesy Scotland Island Fire Brigade
Apply For A Liveable Communities Grant
Red Cross Shop Newport

New Funding For Anzac Community Projects

The Palmy Old Mal Old Log Rally 2017

![]() | 2017 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally Entry Form.pdf Size : 301.448 Kb Type : pdf |

- putting on the red and yellow and patrolling the beach;
- helping train up our Nippers into Lifesavers;
- officiating at sport events;
- training up your fellow members;
- supporting the governance of the Club;
- fundraising or running the barbeque;
- jumping onto the radio to aid in communications;
- running social events for members;
- undertaking skilled project work within the club; or
- filling one of the other dozens of roles available within Surf Life Saving.
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Planning Alerts
Pittwater Community Groups:
October 8 - 14, 2017: Issue 332
Articles This Week
Surf Club Open Day 2017 Set To Make A Big Splash: Sunday October 15th
Aquatics: State Of The Beaches 2016-2017: Northern Sydney (Pittwater To Manly)
Pictures: The Lion Island Challenge 2017 hosted by Avalon Beach SLSC
Eclipsed Rudder Replaced In Time For Couta Boat Nationals by Lisa Ratcliff
Reflections by George Repin: DIDYMA
Rising Young Pianists 2017 To Perform At Forestville This October: Wyvern Music 2017
Lock Crowther 2017 Multihull Regatta by Alan Brand
DIY Ideas Bushfire Season Preparation 2017: Home and Outdoor Areas - The NSW Rural Fire Service recommends the following checklist to prepare your home and property, including sealing, installing metal gutter guards +
Park Bench Philosopher Did Teddy Evans Fatally Undermine Scott Of The Antarctic? - The 1912 death of Scott of the Antarctic and four companions has long been blamed on poor planning by Scott, but documents discovered by a UNSW researcher reveal a different story – and a possible cover up.
Big Names Head To The Festival Of Sails 2018: New Ichi Ban now here, RGYC, Victoria’s 2017 Yacht Club of the Year, has reduced entry fees across all divisions and owners who enter before November 30 will receive an anniversary plaque engraved with their boat name - by Lisa Ratcliff
Contender Australian And World Championships 2018 Coming To McCrae Yacht Club by Di Pearson
Profile: Adriana Labate - our October 2017 Artist of the Month is a Scotland Islander with a passion for photography. Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
History: Traces Of WWII Coast Watchers Found On Bangalley Headland In 1942 After Recent Fire a reader and regular walker along the tracks of the 'little hill' overlooking Avalon Beach has sent in some photographs of carvings dated with Service numbers and dated in 1942 - we investigated what was going on then, not only in WWII service by the enlisted and the Plane Spotting volunteers, but also who and what else was going on here
Artist of the Month: October 2017: Adriana Labate Brazilian photographic artist and biologist living in Sydney since 2009 and on Scotland Island since 2015. For the last 16 years I have studied photography in all its aspects - technological, historical and philosophical. I have participated in various contests and exhibitions, such as "Gardens in Focus" at the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, when I was selected as a finalist.
Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
Available for photography tuition and workshops for all ages such as: "Thinking Photography", "The Magic of Light: Pinhole Camera", "Lightpainting", "My place", "Cabinet of Curiosities", "Seeing Light".
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/10/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Articles This Week
Surf Club Open Day 2017 Set To Make A Big Splash: Sunday October 15th
Aquatics: State Of The Beaches 2016-2017: Northern Sydney (Pittwater To Manly)
Pictures: The Lion Island Challenge 2017 hosted by Avalon Beach SLSC
Eclipsed Rudder Replaced In Time For Couta Boat Nationals by Lisa Ratcliff
Reflections by George Repin: DIDYMA
Rising Young Pianists 2017 To Perform At Forestville This October: Wyvern Music 2017
Lock Crowther 2017 Multihull Regatta by Alan Brand
DIY Ideas Bushfire Season Preparation 2017: Home and Outdoor Areas - The NSW Rural Fire Service recommends the following checklist to prepare your home and property, including sealing, installing metal gutter guards +
Park Bench Philosopher Did Teddy Evans Fatally Undermine Scott Of The Antarctic? - The 1912 death of Scott of the Antarctic and four companions has long been blamed on poor planning by Scott, but documents discovered by a UNSW researcher reveal a different story – and a possible cover up.
Big Names Head To The Festival Of Sails 2018: New Ichi Ban now here, RGYC, Victoria’s 2017 Yacht Club of the Year, has reduced entry fees across all divisions and owners who enter before November 30 will receive an anniversary plaque engraved with their boat name - by Lisa Ratcliff
Contender Australian And World Championships 2018 Coming To McCrae Yacht Club by Di Pearson
Profile: Adriana Labate - our October 2017 Artist of the Month is a Scotland Islander with a passion for photography. Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
History: Traces Of WWII Coast Watchers Found On Bangalley Headland In 1942 After Recent Fire a reader and regular walker along the tracks of the 'little hill' overlooking Avalon Beach has sent in some photographs of carvings dated with Service numbers and dated in 1942 - we investigated what was going on then, not only in WWII service by the enlisted and the Plane Spotting volunteers, but also who and what else was going on here
Artist of the Month: October 2017: Adriana Labate Brazilian photographic artist and biologist living in Sydney since 2009 and on Scotland Island since 2015. For the last 16 years I have studied photography in all its aspects - technological, historical and philosophical. I have participated in various contests and exhibitions, such as "Gardens in Focus" at the Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney, when I was selected as a finalist.
Adriane is currently working on the "Aether" series which brings together my passion for photography and my passion for the natural world. Using an in-camera technique I aim to capture the "spirit" of the 4 elements (Air, Earth, Fire and Water). Two images of this series have recently been selected to be part of an art exhibition organised by the Northern Beaches Council this coming November.
Available for photography tuition and workshops for all ages such as: "Thinking Photography", "The Magic of Light: Pinhole Camera", "Lightpainting", "My place", "Cabinet of Curiosities", "Seeing Light".
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 8/10/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Frenchs Forest Road And Naree Road Traffic Changes
As part of the road upgrade Roads and Maritime Services will implement temporary changed traffic conditions along Frenchs Forest Road and Naree Road from Sunday 8 October when Frenchs Forest Road and Naree Road will become one way for westbound traffic only.
The eastbound traffic lane along Frenchs Forest Road and Naree Road will be closed between Forest Way and Patanga Road. This is a temporary arrangement for up to 10 months.
Eastbound traffic will need to use alternative routes along Forest Way and Warringah Road. Access to and from several of the side streets off Frenchs Forest Road will also be impacted.
View or download the PDF with all changes to bus stops, those living along these roads etc. (also please note advice to HSC Students in this PDF )
For more information on construction activities, to register for project updates or to speak to a member of the FYJV team:Phone: 1800 014 307Post: PO Box 6040, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086See FYJV team in person: Community information centre, Cnr Wakehurst Parkway and Warringah Road, Frenchs Forest
Pittwater Artists Trail October 2017
Open Studios Weekend: 14th and 15th18 Artists across 11 studios are welcoming visitors - glass, painting, ceramics, jewellery, textile art, sculpture.

Colours of the Kimberley’ miniature watercolour on Yupo paper - By Vicki Ratcliff
"Having spent the winter months on a road trip exploring the Kimberley and the Centre I am totally inspired by the colours and majesty of our beautiful country." - Vicki
Go to our website to download the Trail guide.
Please note Tabitha Higgins studio will not be open in October.

Newport Bowling Club Introduces Barefoot Bowling
Newport Bowling Club Breakfast Bowling. From October 15th Sunday mornings 9.00 to 12.00. $10 includes an egg and bacon roll.
Beginners welcome, bowls are supplied. Club is also available for barefoot and corporate bowls.Palm Road, Newport.For further information, call 9999 1661 or 0402 126 109
The Newport Bowling Club is situated on the beautiful Barrenjoey Peninsula, the most northerly point of the Northern Beaches area of Sydney, Australia. The Club is located on the corner of Barrenjoey and Palm Roads, Newport. Visitors are very welcome, whether local, from within the state, interstate or overseas.
Find out more by visiting:

MVHA 2017 Fashion Parade
The Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary will be having their annual fashion parade on Tuesday, 24th Octoberat Newport Bowling Club, cnr Palm and Barrenjoey Roads.
Morning tea is at 10.30am followed by a Donna Lou Affordable Fashions parade.
Proceeds will go towards providing medical equipment for the hospital and rehabilitation centres. There is a $10 entry fee and there are raffles and lucky door prizes. All welcome. More info: 9979 5115

Fancy A Trip To Cootamundra?
Help send the National Party the message: we want our councils back!There are 3 by-elections coming up in country seats and the Save Our Councils Coalition is focusing on one: Cootamundra.
This "safe" Nationals seat is where Gundagai fought so valiantly for their survival as an independent council, but they are presently forced into the "Cootamundra - Gundagai Regional Council". SOCC will be in the Cootamundra electorate on Saturday 14th October - just six days away - can you come too? Can you help SOCC repeat the decisive impact it had in Orange?
As the ABC's Antony Green says, "After the National Party's loss at last November's Orange by-election, Cootamundra is set to be a test for new National Party Leader John Barilaro as well as new Premier Gladys Berejiklian".
SOCC is organising comfortable transport and car-pooling. You'll need to stay Friday night and possibly Saturday night in Cowra, where the cost is about $90 per night for a twin room at the Civic Motor Inn.
For those of us in Pittwater, please remember the terrific support SOCC has had from council communities in the Cootamundra electorate - Gundagai, Harden and Boorowa; and from others nearby - Tumbarumba and Guyra. Like us, all of these want to de-merge.
We've also had word that the bill for plebscites in each of the amalgamated council areas and for their demergers - that passed in the NSW Upper House earlier this year - is likely to come up in the Lower House on Thursday October 12 (this week). So keep that date free if you can, to go and show our support for the bill.
If you can join the trip to Cootamundra, please email Brian, Will and Jacquie at
Pittwater Supporters of the Save Our Councils Coalition
Seeking Accommodation
Fully furnished Accommodation (Housesitting, Share, rental) required from November 2017, for professional female, (non smoker), who was working for Diplomatic Consulates in Canberra, and recently caring for her mother full-time.
Once settled is very much looking forward to getting involved in local activities and meeting others within the community.
Excellent references supplied on request.
Please phone or text Heather on 042 666 4877Email:
Avalon Craft Cottage At Warriewood
Dear Customers
Just a brief message to let you know that the Craft Cottage members are heading back to Warriewood Square for one week, starting Monday 9th October.
Once again, we will be situated in the corner outside K-Mart, easy to find, and will be there all week including Thursday night, and closing at 4pm Sunday 15th.
As always, a huge range of everything ‘crafty’…. patchwork; timber work; embroidered & appliqued towels and washers; gorgeous baby shawls & blankets; embroidered bed socks; screen printed or appliqued tea towels; pretty little girls dresses; microwave pot-holders; ceramics; beautiful jewellery and hundreds of greeting cards.
PLUS… it that time of the year again… when our thoughts turn to Christmas ….so we have our first Christmas table of the year.
Beautiful Christmas cards, gift tags, kid’s T-shirts, decorations, Christmas pomanders, book marks, and plenty of stocking stuffers.So… we hope to see you there during the week.
Please check out the photos on our Facebook page and if you could, please LIKE our page and share with your friends.
And remember, everything on our stall is hand-made here, in Sydney, by the Avalon Craft Cottage members, who would be happy to chat with you at the stall.
Maureen Darcy-Smith President Avalon Craft Cottage
Give Waste The Boot At The Avalon Car Boot Sale
The Avalon Car boot Sale is becoming the ultimate sustainable event with Council working hard to make its spring market waste free.
The Saturday 21 October market at Dunbar Park between 8am-2pm is an extremely popular Northern Beaches Council event and a great way for residents to sell pre-loved household goods, keeping them out of landfill.For a chance to win prizes, locals and visitors are being asked to BYO reusables such as coffee cups, water bottles and carry bags and do their best to avoid single-use plastics on the day.
The day will also be the first combined meeting of all Northern Beaches' Boomerang Bags groups with representatives from the Avalon, Collaroy and Manly groups uniting to show people how to get involved and make bags to help reduce single-use plastic.
Plenty of wast-free wares will be on offer as well as a huge range of pre-loved retro and vintage items, designer fashion, children's toys and clothes, sports gear and household goods.
Offering live music by Mark 'N' The Blues, yummy barbecue and vegetarian food options and a wonderful community atmosphere, this is a day the whole family can enjoy.
Start Of The Bushfire Danger Period – Fire Permits Required
Given recent weather conditions, the lack of rain and a number of Total Fire Bans, the risk of bushfire in our community is already quite high. In fact, we’ve had a number of bushfires in the local area already.
However, the 1st October marks the start of the official Bushfire Danger Period which will run through until at least 31st March.
During this period residents wishing to do hazard reduction or pile burns will require a Fire Permit as well as a Hazard Reduction Certificate.Fire Permits are valid for a period of 21 days.
They are automatically suspended during Total Fire Bans and periods when the Bushfire danger is rated Very High or above. Before issuing a Fire Permit, the Permit Issuing Officer will need to be convinced that appropriate plans are in place for supervising the fire, containing the fire and extinguishing the fire.
You are also still required to notify neighbours and the Rural Fire Service at least 24 hours before you plan to do the burn and before you light the fire.
Other conditions may also be imposed when the Permit is issued.You should read the Before You Light That Fire document which is available on the RFS web site.
If you need a Hazard Reduction Certificate this can be arranged by contacting the Northern Beaches Fire Control Centre on (02) 9450 3000.
When you have the Hazard Reduction Certificate you can obtain a Fire Permit by contacting the Scotland Island Brigade on 9999 4404 (or the West Pittwater Brigade for offshore residents on 9997 3795) or the Northern Beaches Fire Control Centre.
Courtesy Scotland Island Fire Brigade
Avalon Bilgola Amateur Swimming Club Season 2017-18
Start of the 2017 SeasonSaturday, October 14 at 8:45 AM - 11 AMAges 4 years to AdultsMeet down at Bilgola rock pool at 8:45 for registration, 9am racing starts.Registration fee is $40 per swimmer
We swim down at Bilgola Rock Pool, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, during the summer months on Saturday mornings. Races start at 9:00 am, entries close 8:45 am, with events for all the family. We have a 100/200/400m event then 3 handicap (15/25/50m) events in Freestyle and 2 of the other strokes or 2x50m Relay each morning.
We cater for all standards of swimmers, from the social swimmer to those who enjoy some fun Competition. Being handicap events everyone has a chance of winning with a big emphasis placed on the point-score.
Find out more at:
Do you have clothes taking up closet space? Are they too good to simply throw away? Then why not swap them? Swapping is great for the environment and will give you a great new look.
Avalon Community Garden is hosting a clothing swap on 22 October at the Barrenjoey High School hall (Tasman Rd gates.)
Drop your clothes off at 10:30, chill with some cool music and morning tea, or take a stroll through the Garden until 11:00 when doors open.
Entry is $15 which allows you to swap up to 5 items, so come and find some great deals and a whole new wardrobe!
For further information phone 0418 482 481Avalon Community Garden is hosting the event at Barrenjoey High School Hall, 10:30 for a 11am start!Get there early for the best deals!

Planning Proposal - 9, 11, 12 & 13 Fern Creek Road, Warriewood
Submissions close Friday 3 November 2017The Planning Proposal is amending the Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 to – 1) Rezone the northern portions of 9, 11 & 12 Fern Creek Rd from R3 (Medium Density) to RE1 (Public Recreation). (See Figures 1 and 2) 2) Rezone 13 Fern Creek Rd from R3 (Medium Density) to RE1 (Public Recreation). (See Figures 1 and 2) 3) Amend the Height of Building Map applying to northern portions of 11 & 12 Fern Creek Rd, from 10.5m to 8.5. (See Figures 3 and 4) 4) Amend the Height of Building Map applying to 13 Fern Creek Rd, from 10.5m to 8.5m. (See Figures 3 and 4) 5) Amend the Height of Building Map applying to southern portion of 9 Fern Creek Rd, from 8.5m to 10.5m for (See Figures 3 and 4)6) Amend the provisions in Part 6, Clause 6.1(3) regarding the permitted number of dwellings as it relates to the subject properties: Delete ‘9 Fern Creek Road. – No dwellings’ Amend ‘901C & 901G - Not more than 28 dwellings or less than 23 dwellings’ as it relates to 11 & 12 Fern Creek Road and replace with ‘901C & 901G & 9 Fern Creek Rd - Not more than 33 dwellings or less than 26 dwellings’ Remove 13 Fern Creek Road from Sector 901A (as this property will no longer have any dwelling contribution to Sector 901A as a result of this Planning Proposal) Amend ‘901A - Not more than 192 dwellings or less than 156 dwellings’ as it relates to 13 Fern Creek Road and replace with ‘901A - Not more than 190 dwellings or less than 154 dwellings’.
Following the Gateway determination, the following amended documents are now on exhibition• Planning Proposal• Pittwater Local Environmental Plan (PLEP) 2014• Pittwater 21 Development Control Plan (P21 DCP)• Warriewood Valley Strategic Review Addendum Report (Addendum Report)
The proposal and relevant documents can also be viewed at Councils Customer Services Centres at Manly, Dee Why, Avalon and Mona Vale.
Make a submission• Online• In writing to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 882, Mona Vale, NSW 1660
Submissions will be taken into account during the assessment process, provided they are relevant to the application.
For all enquiries please contact the Strategic and Place Planning Team (Mona Vale) on 9970 1111
Barefoot Bowls For Breast Cancer
Tuesday, October 10 at 2 PM - 6 PMHosted by Pittwater RSLPittwater RSL82 Mona Vale Rd Mona ValeOnce again our wonderful men and women bowlers are turning the greens pink to raise funds and awareness for breast cancer. Last year we raised nearly $20,000 for Pink Ribbon, and this year we hope to do the same for the McGrath Foundation.
We want you to join us! Put a team of four together, ask your boss for the afternoon off and join us for a fun afternoon of food, drinks and social bowls. There's no experience or equipment necessary, just come along in your thongs or bare feet, and make sure you wear pink!
Tickets are $30pp with all proceeds going to the McGrath Foundation. Tickets include a BBQ and finger food, and drinks will just set you back a gold coin donation if you want to make an afternoon of it...
Bookings are essential so please call us on 9997 3833 to register your team of four. If you can't get four people together just let our staff know when booking and they'll fill your team out with a couple of friendly bowlers from our club.

Narrabeen Lagoon Clean Up - 2101 Community Page Initiative
When: Sunday, October 15 at 8 AM - 11 AMPlease meet @ 8am - Woolworths Carpark; and 8.30am Bilarong reserve.
We're asking the community to come together on Sunday 15 October 2017 to help clean up the foreshore and waterways of Narrabeen Lagoon.
Bring kayaks, standup boards, hats, sunblock and a great attitude.
Looking forward to seeing friends and family there to help keep 2101 beautiful!!
Join the Page and keep up to date on what's happening on the 15th!
Free National Parks Vehicle Entry On 8 October
4 October 2017: NSW OE&HVehicle entry costs will be waived for the state’s 45 fee paying national parks on Sunday 8 October as part of National Parks and Wildlife Service’s 50th anniversary celebrations, NSW Environment Minister Gabrielle Upton announced today.
The 50th anniversary celebrates five decades of conservation and is an opportunity to thank the staff and volunteers who protect and conserve more than 870 reserves, covering over 7 million hectares.
“National parks aren’t just incredibly beautiful, they are also home to many of our native plants and animals, including many threatened species,” Ms Upton said.
“You don’t have to be a professional bushwalker to enjoy the state’s national parks. People can swim, whale watch or picnic – there is something for everyone.”
To celebrate the 50th anniversary, seven public events will be held around the state on Sunday 8 October 2017, including a flagship event at Royal National Park, the oldest national park in the state.
The Royal National Park event at Ironbark Flats will include free Discovery Ranger tours and opportunities to learn about Aboriginal culture and Australian wildlife.
People can picnic or enjoy the free sausage-sizzle and the event’s music and dance performances. A free bus shuttle will run from Sutherland, Engadine and Loftus Train Stations and Bundeena to Ironbark Flats.
National Park events on Sunday 8 OctoberRoto House, Macquarie Nature Reserve, Port MacquarieCape Byron Lighthouse, Byron BayFitzroy Falls Visitor Centre, Morton National ParkYarrangobilly Caves, Kosciuszko National ParkHill End Historic Site, Hill EndThe Kinchega Woolshed and Shearers Quarters Complex, Kinchega National Park
Landing fees at The Basin, in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park and Sydney Harbour National Park islands will also be waived. Why not pack a picnic, gather up your family and friends and enjoy a nature escape in a national park.
For more information and to register for the Royal National Park event, visit:
Pittwater Paddle 2017
The NBI Pittwater Paddle is on again this year, and we’d love you to join in the fun!
The Pittwater Paddle is NBI’s main fundraising event for the year,and we’d like to ask you to register for the event and to raise funds for us,so that we can continue to support children with additional needs, and their families.
The Pittwater Paddle is on Sunday 12 November and we’ve added asecond event this year so that more people can join in the fun on the day.
The Pittwater Paddle:An 8.4km paddling event for elite or recreational paddlers (aged 12 years and older).
The NEW Pittwater Family Paddle:A shorter 3.6km paddling event for families and less experienced paddlers (aged 12 years and older).
You can register as an individual or compete as a team in a multi-seated craft.
If paddling isn’t your thing, simply come along and show your support on the day – there will be food and entertainment available on-shore.

Funds For New Netball Courts In Avalon Beach
27 September 2017Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced NSW Government funding for the installation of permanent netball courts in Avalon Beach. The NSW Government will contribute $300,000 towards Northern Beaches Council's construction of new courts to cater for the increasingly popular sport. Newport Breakers Netball Club and Peninsula Netball Club together have over 1,000 registered players, made up of over 55 junior and senior teams. "Permanent netball courts in Avalon Beach will enable additional training and playing facilities for the entire Northern Beaches netball community," Rob Stokes said today. “With netball becoming increasingly popular - this is a great financial boost that will support even more local players to get involved. "Local netball clubs have worked together brilliantly to make this happen - I'd like to thank Cara McCauley from Newport Breakers Netball, Simone Dickinson from Peninsula Netball, and Pittwater ward Councillor Alex McTaggart for their advocacy on behalf of our netball community. “I look forward to seeing this project get underway and the benefits it will provide,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater Mens Probus Club October 2017 Speaker
Tuesday 10th October 2017 at 11AMBattle of the Coral Sea
Retired Lieutenant Colonel Peter Sweeney RFD will talk about the Battle of the Coral Sea. It was 75 years in May this year that American warships aided by Australia turned the Pacific War around by preventing the Japanese from invading Port Moresby in this historic battle off the coast of Queensland.
Pittwater Mens Probus Meetings10am 2nd Tuesday every MonthVenue: Mona Vale Golf Club
Pittwater Mens ProbusOur Probus club is an association for active members of the community, and for those no longer working full time, to join together in clubs for a new lease of life.
Its basic purpose is to advance intellectual and cultural interests amongst adult persons; to provide regular opportunities to progress healthy minds and active bodies through social interaction and activities, expand interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends.
Our club membership is for men only, however partners are welcome at our social events and activities including our monthly guest presentation following each meeting.Visitors Welcome
Monthly MeetingsOur monthly meetings are followed by a guest presentation that will interest our members. Meetings conclude at 12 noon followed by an optional lunch at the Golf Club. Partners are invited to attend the presentations.
GolfOur golfing group plays every second Friday of the month at Palm Beach.
Investment GroupProbus Members may participate in our Investment group. This meets each month to discuss financial investments that are interesting for our members.
More details here:

Planning Proposal - 66 Bardo Road And 2-4 Nooal Street Newport
Council is undertaking a Preliminary Notification (non-statutory) of a Planning Proposal Application for:2 Nooal Street Newport (Lot 1 DP 540092)4 Nooal Street Newport (Lot 1 DP 315279)66 Bardo Road, Newport (Lot 2 DP 540092)Council is seeking public comment on this proposal prior to an assessment of the application being reported to Council.
The application seeks to add an Additional Permitted Use to the sites under the Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 to allow for a seniors living development.Submissions close Monday 16 October 2017Documents and have a say at HERE
You can now join the Scotland Island Residents’ Association through the online Self-Service Portal at
Alternatively, there are offline methods of joining, read more here or
Join West Pittwater Community AssociationTo join the Western Pittwater Community Association
1945 Bus To Narrabeen
Bus queue. Carrington Street at Wynyard Park, 1945 / Max DupainSource: Mitchell Library, SLNSW (PXD 965/36)

Curl Curl North Public School Redevelopment
NSW Dept. of Planning
Redevelopment of the existing school site to accommodate new student enrollment in the area.
Exhibition Start 31/08/2017Exhibition End 16/10/2017
Draft Brookvale Structure Plan On Public Exhibition
The Draft Brookvale Structure Plan is now on public exhibition.Submissions close Monday 20 November 2017Docs. at: HERE
NSW To Host World Polo Championship For The First Time
October 4th, 2017: Media Release - The Department of Planning and Environment
Sydney’s picturesque Hawkesbury region is set to come alive with the sounds and scents of polo ponies and their riders when it plays host to the 11th World Polo Championship for the first time.
Executive Director, Key Sites and Industry Assessments, Anthea Sargeant today announced that the NSW Government has approved the Federation of International Polo (FIP) event under the Major Events Act 2009.
Up to 60,000 people - including international media, top polo riders and spectators - are expected to flock to the prestigious event at the privately-owned Sydney Polo Club, in Richmond, from 21 – 29 October.
“It’s an exciting opportunity for Sydney and the Hawkesbury region as it’s the first time this major event will be held in NSW,” Ms Sargeant said.
“As well as being a fun family day out for polo fans, the event will boost the local economy and continue to build the profile of NSW as a leading international sporting host state.
“There will be 14 polo matches held over six competition days and 100 international-level competitors from eight nation-based teams competing for the world polo title.
“In addition to the polo, there will be live music, arts and fashion shows, along with a petting zoo, livestock displays, a rodeo, show jumping and jousting. There will also be picnic areas, and food and drink stalls.”
This is the 11th staging of the event, organised by the FIP, the sport’s governing body which is recognised by the International Olympic Committee._________________________
Find out more - HERE: Tickets on sale now with Children 15 and Under Free! General Admission: $50.00
Reliable Mobile Services On Central Coast Trains A Step Closer
27 September 2017: JOINT MEDIA RELEASE - Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, Lucy Wicks MP, The Hon Andrew Constance MP, Scot MacDonald MLC
The Turnbull Government is investing $12 million to deliver reliable mobile phone services for thousands of commuters along the Central Coast rail line.
Expressions of Interest are now being called to upgrade the mobile telecommunications infrastructure along the 60km stretch of rail line between Wyong and Hornsby.
“Mobile drop outs and blackspots are incredibly frustrating for commuters along the Central Coast Line, and the Turnbull Government is delivering on its election commitment to fix the problem.” Minister Fifield said.
The total funding commitment of $16 million includes $4 million from the NSW Government.
The total package will deliver improved mobile coverage as well as provide Wi-Fi at stations for up to 30,000 Central Coast commuters who travel on Sydney Trains and NSW Trainlink services every day.
Federal Member for Robertson Lucy Wicks MP said the investment was an important step forward in supporting thousands of local, hard-working commuters.
"When I'm at train stations like Gosford and Woy Woy listening to commuters early in the morning, many of them are asking about the progress of this vital commitment from the Coalition Government. Today's announcement is good news for commuters," Mrs Wicks said.
The Expression of Interest will be open until November 2017 and a formal tender process will commence by the end of the year.
“We’ll be working with mobile network operators and infrastructure providers to remove coverage blackspots on more than 60 kilometres of rail corridor so commuters will be able to continue working, or stay in touch with family and friends, while travelling on the Central Coast Line,” Mr MacDonald said.
“This is an important milestone in delivering better services to central coast commuters. This is part of a broader plan to deliver upgrades to NSW commuters, and details of train station Wi-Fi hotspot upgrades will be made available in due course.” Minister Constance said.
The NSW Government will be announcing a further Expression of Interest to install Wi‑Fi at stations along the Central Coast rail line.
Harbour Trust Invites Community Feedback On Interpretation Strategy For Headland Park
Wednesday, 20 September 2017: Harbour Trust
The Harbour Trust is inviting the community and stakeholders to help share the rich history of Headland Park by providing feedback on its draft Interpretation Strategy for Headland Park. The Strategy aims to draw out various aspects of the site’s rich history and guide the addition of interpretative elements across the precinct that share this history.
Headland Park is one of Sydney’s most striking urban parklands with incorporating the former military sites at Chowder Bay, Georges Heights and Middle Head and connecting with Sydney Harbour National Park and Mosman Council reserves. It also has a rich Indigenous history. The urban parkland was first opened to the public in 2003 and has since become a thriving business park with a mix of commercial tenants, boutique cafes and art studios, and incorporates spectacular views of the harbour, bush tracks and recreation facilities.
“The Harbour Trust is developing an Interpretation Strategy to build on the existing heritage interpretation and further share the stories of the site’s Indigenous, military and submariner history as well as its modern history as an urban parkland,” said Harbour Trust CEO, Mary Darwell.
“It is expected the Strategy will result in the addition of interpretative items across the precinct using modern interpretive methods, resulting in a more engaging visitor experience and allowing the important historical threads of the site to be shared and remembered.
“In order to develop the draft Strategy, the Harbour Trust undertook workshops and online surveying with key stakeholders representing the site’s Indigenous and military history as well as community groups who are actively involved in the site.
“The contributions of these stakeholders has been vital in the development of the draft Plan, and I now encourage all members of the community to take this opportunity to join in the conversation and provide feedback on how this site’s intriguing history can be shared with everyone,” said Ms Darwell.
“We look forward to working closely with National Parks and Wildlife Services and Mosman Council in the delivery of the strategy,” she said.
The Interpretation Strategy will build on the existing military heritage interpretation of the site that includes the Hospital on the Hill interpretation trail and the History of Headland Park Interpretation Centre which tells the story of the Submarine Miners at Chowder Bay. Regular guided tours also take place every month taking visitors through the site’s underground tunnel and gun emplacements.
The plan will be on exhibition until 9 October, and available on . Printed copies are available to view at the Harbour Trust Office, Building 28 Best Ave, Mosman; Mosman Council, Civic Centre, Mosman Square; and Mosman Library, 605 Military Rd, Mosman.
Dr Marian Baird To Speak At Zonta Annual Dinner – ‘Women, Work And Family’
The Zonta Club of Northern Beaches, with the Mackellar Girls ZClub, is pleased to announce their “Women, Work & Family” Annual Dinner will be held this year on Thursday 26th October in the Oaks Room, Dee Why RSL, 6.45pm for 7.00pm.
Join us and be inspired by our guest speaker Dr Marian Baird, one of Australia’s leading researchers on women and work, and a committed advocate for improving policies affecting women in the workplace.
Professor Marian Baird (PhD) is Chair of the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies in the University of Sydney Business School and Professor of Gender and Employment Relations.
Professor Baird is Director of the Women♀Work Research Group. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, a Fellow of the University of Sydney Senate and a member of the Women's College Council.
Professor Baird is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Industrial Relationsand is on the editorial board of the Australian Bulletin of Labour. She is also President of the Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales.
Research: Marian is one of Australia's leading researchers in the fields of women, work and family. Her most recent book is a collaborative undertaking with eminent scholars from the University of Sydney and the region on Women, Work and Care in the Asia-Pacific. She has received a number of Australian Research Council and federal and state government grants to study maternity and parental leave, flexibility for working parents, women and the global financial crisis, mature age workers and low paid workers, gender equitable organisational change and work and family in regional Australia. Marian has also been commissioned by business, not-for-profits and unions to undertake workplace and policy research related to women’s workforce engagement. She is widely published in Australia and internationally.
Ticket prices: Early bird $65, after 10th October $70, School Students $50. Come by yourself, bring a friend or make up a table of 10. Seating will be arranged. Please book by 13 October.
For enquiries and to book please contact Julia on 0419 122 987 or Lyn on 430 437 881 or email
The dinner will raise funds to support Zonta projects for local women in need on the Northern Beaches.

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage In New South Wales: Public Consultation
The NSW Government is reforming the way Aboriginal cultural heritage is conserved and managed in New South Wales and is seeking your feedback to help refine the proposed new system. The public consultation is open from 11 September to 18 December 2017.
The first step involves changing the law for conserving and managing Aboriginal cultural heritage. This will form the cornerstone of a new legal framework that will, over time, also include new regulations, policies and guidelines.
After several years of consultation, we have developed a proposed new system for managing and conserving Aboriginal cultural heritage. For a 3-month period from September and October 2017, we will hold a series of information sessions and webinars to explain the new system. Following these information sessions, we will hold workshops on the draft legislation to establish the new system.
Where is the process up to?Public feedback from a reform model released by the NSW Government in 2013 revealed general support for the principles of that model, but there were wide ranging and often contrasting views about detailed design elements. We have carefully considered this feedback and have developed a proposed new system.
What the proposed new system aims to doThe proposed new system aims to fulfil the NSW Government’s commitment to deliver stand-alone legislation that respects and conserves Aboriginal cultural heritage for current and future generations. It also aims to recognise Aboriginal custodianship and ensure Aboriginal people have the authority to makes decisions about Aboriginal cultural heritage, while providing clear and consistent processes for economic and social development in New South Wales.
How you can have your sayPublic consultation open from 11 September to 18 December 2017.You can get involved in the public consultation process by giving feedback on the draft legislation and support materials by:attending an information session, workshop and/or webinarmaking a written, verbal or online submission
Avalon Beach Market Day 2017
Sunday, November 19 at 9 AM - 4 PM
The main streets of Avalon Beach village and Dunbar Park come alive with amazing music, a fantastic array of market stalls selling fashion, jewellery and crafts as well as gourmet food stalls. For the kids there is face painting and carnival rides
Pesticide Notification
1080 FOX POISON (sodium fluoroacetate) FOR FOX CONTROL 1080 poison as buried baits or 1080 poison capsules in ejector devices Will be laid in a continuous and ongoing way from: Date: 1st August 2017 to 31st January 2018Where: - Garigal National Park.
- Lane Cove National Park,
- Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
- Sydney Harbour National Park:
- North Head including the Quarantine Station,
- Dobroyd Head,
- Middle Head,
- Chowder Head & Bradleys Head managed by the National Parks & Wildlife Service.
- The North Head Sanctuary and Former School of Artillery managed by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust.
- The Australian Institute of Police Management, North Head
Pet owners must ensure that their pets do not enter baited reserves.Warning signs will be displayed to notify the public.
Dogs and cats are prohibited in National Parks (NPW Act 1974 & Regulations) and the North Head Sanctuary (Local Govt Act (1993) Sect 632 (2) (d). Penalties apply.
For further information please contact:National Parks and Wildlife Service Pest Management Officer: 9472 8953 NPWS Harbour (north) Area office: 8968 6300 NPWS Ku-ring-gai Chase (Forestville) Area office: 9451 3479 NPWS Ku-ring-gai Chase (Mt Colah) Area office: 9472 9323
- Garigal National Park.
- Lane Cove National Park,
- Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
- Sydney Harbour National Park:
- North Head including the Quarantine Station,
- Dobroyd Head,
- Middle Head,
- Chowder Head & Bradleys Head managed by the National Parks & Wildlife Service.
- The North Head Sanctuary and Former School of Artillery managed by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust.
- The Australian Institute of Police Management, North Head
Come To The Star-Studded Event Of The Year!

Have you ever wanted to drink cocktails on the balcony of the Cardinal’s Palace whilst chatting with Animal Planet’s Snake Boss, Julia Baker?

Animal Planet’s Snake Boss, Julia Baker
Have you ever wanted to hang out with the devilishly mischievous Real Housewives of Sydney stars - Lisa Oldfield and Athena Levendi?

Lisa Oldfield and Athena Levendi (lady at far left is our own Lynleigh)
Have you ever had a hankering to listen to the spellbinding voice of award-winning soprano, Phoebe Humphreys, of Opera Australia whilst sipping on a Lemon Lime and ‘Critters’?

Phoebe Humphreys - award winning Soprano at Opera Australia
Or wished for the opportunity to bid on a dinner cooked by the one-and-only David Oldfield who has trained under world-renowned chef, Marco Pierre White?
Or dreamt of being the winning bidder of a one-of-a-kind skateboard signed and painted by Johnny Depp?
Well, if any or all of this sounds like a truly spectacular and exciting evening, don’t miss out on your chance to buy a ticket to the Go Wild Gala - hosted by Sydney Wildlife and MC’d by Channel 7’s Sydney director of news, Jason Morrison!
Why are all these amazing celebrities helping Sydney Wildlife?Well, we are frantically raising funds to buy and custom-fit a van which will become a Mobile Clinic for treating injured, sick and orphaned wildlife.The van will be stationed in different parts of Sydney every week to assist with wildlife in distress.
It may also be deployed to areas affected by natural disasters such as bushfires, floods and soaring temperatures causing heat-stress events.
The van will be staffed by veterinarians who offer to volunteer their time to help our wildlife. It may be a wonderful training centre for our veterinary students and a huge asset to our community.
All these wonderful celebrities believe in our pioneering vision and are willing to donate their time and celebrity status to bring our vision to life.

What is Sydney Wildlife?We are a 100% volunteer-run organisation dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing any sick, injured or orphaned Australian native wildlife.We receive no Government funding and we need YOU to help us!
Why do our wildlife need help?
The biggest danger our wildlife face is a lack of interest in their welfare.In addition - habitat loss, vehicle strike, disease, predation and injury from introduced species, dealing with man-made obstacles such as netting, litter and fences and natural disasters are among the many perils they face daily.
How far are we with our goal?
The cost of the van, the custom fit-out, the medical equipment and medications needed to get the Mobile Clinic on the road we estimate to be around the $200K mark.So far we have raised $72K.

Yes, it’s an ambitious project.Yes, it’s a pioneering project.Yes’ it’s a first.
But, in the wise words of veterinarian Dr Karin Lourens:“There is a first for everything.Sometimes it’s the only way to make history.”

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on theirFacebook page


The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on theirFacebook page
Apply For A Liveable Communities Grant
October 4th, 2017: NSW Government
Got an idea to make your community more responsive and inclusive of the needs of older people?
More than $1.3 million has been allocated to round three of the Liveable Communities Grants Program to fund projects that will increase older people’s participation in activities in the community.
Minister for Ageing Tanya Davies said projects would be assessed on innovation and the potential to create sustainable long-term solutions to issues facing older people.
“We want NSW to lead the country in supporting fresh ideas that improve the lives of older people and the communities they live in,” Mrs Davies said.
“A liveable community means living without physical or mental barriers in place. When everyone does everything possible to remove those barriers, it makes for a happy and healthy community for older and younger people alike.”
The NSW Government encourages regional NSW applicants and projects targeted to indigenous communities to apply.
Who can apply?We encourage organisations in NSW with innovative ideas to submit an application for grant funding. The grants program is open to non-government organisations, community organisations, universities, entrepreneurs, businesses and local councils.
How to applyAll grant applications must be submitted online through the SmartyGrants Portal.For more information, including the selection criteria and terms and conditions, please read the Grant Guidelines.
Applications close at 2pm on 20 November 2017.
Attend an information sessionInformation sessions on Liveable Communities Grants are being held in Sydney, Wagga Wagga, Goulburn and Tamworth.
The sessions will focus on the types of projects the NSW Government is looking to fund and tips for writing a stand-out grant entry.
Red Cross Shop Newport
The Newport Red Cross shop desperately needs your quality, discarded clothing items. Now that spring is almost springing, perhaps you are all set to 'declutter' your offshore abode. But what to do with all those gems that are no longer you. Well donate them of course. The Red Cross shop at Newport is very excited to receive your cast offs. We also take small household items but alas, no electrical or furniture.
Did you know that all profits from Red Cross shops stay in Australia? Profits from Red Cross shops support worthy programmes like providing breakfast for school kids, Telecross - a daily call to elderly people in need of contact, youth services, disaster relief, mental health services and much, much more.
Should you need assistance please feel free to call me or just leave your items in our boat. We live on the northern side of Lovett Bay between Now and Zen and Therese and John. The house is called 'Foreshore' and our boat is a Stabicraft for purposes of identification!
Don't hesitate to call in to the Newport Red Cross shop with your donations - close to Woolworths petrol station at 334 Barrenjoey Rd Newport or call Lesley Scott to help with donations - 0410 687864

New Funding For Anzac Community Projects
15 September 2017Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced new funding is available to help communities protect and repair local war memorials and support projects which commemorate the service of current and former NSW service men and women.
$175,000 is available through the Community War Memorials Fund (CWMF) and the Anzac Community Grants Program (ACGP).
The CWMF provides grants of up to $10,000 for local war memorial projects, including conservation works and protection.
The ACGP provides grants of up to $2,000 to schools, community and veterans groups to educate the community on the service and sacrifice of military personnel, support activities benefiting veterans, and engage with the community.
“Our war memorials are lasting tributes to those in our community who have served and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice,” Rob Stokes said today.
“These stories echo down generations, through families and through communities.
“The Centenary of Anzac is an important reminder of the freedom with which we have been bequeathed.
“CWMF and ACGP funds assist community members and organisations in caring for local memorials and provide an opportunity to honour and support our veterans – young and old,” Rob Stokes said.
Applications for both grant programs are open until Remembrance Day, Saturday 11 November 2017. For more information, please or

Community Invited To Pregnancy And Infant Loss Remembrance Evening
Monday September 18, 2017Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery invites the community to its third annual Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Evening on Sunday, 15 October.This poignant and important event, which commences at 6.15pm, aims to build awareness of the sudden or unexpected death of babies and young children and will also support those who have lost a baby.
The program for the service also includes commemorations for the International Wave of Light, where participants are encouraged to light a candle, forming a continuous chain of light spanning the globe for a 24-hour period to honour and remember lost babies.
“We hold this service to help unite families and the community whose lives have been affected by the death of a baby or young child,” Northern Cemeteries Chief Executive Officer Pauline Tritton said. “We hope it will help comfort those present and help them remember their beautiful children.
“We are honoured to be hosting the service and we welcome families and the wider community to attend.”
A light supper will be served after the service, which will last approximately one hour.
The service is taking place at Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery, 1 Hakea Avenue, Davidson.
RSVPs should be emailed to Elissa Rogers or by calling 0413 135 403.
Frenchs Forest Bushland Cemetery is one of five cemeteries managed Northern Cemeteries, a not-for-profit organisation committed to caring for the community in all its diversity.For more information, visit

The Palmy Old Mal Old Log Rally 2017
Saturday, November 11 at 6 AM - 5 PMPalm BeachHosted by Palm Beach Longboarders
Entries close 3rd November 2017First in best dressed Entry Fee $60 Open & over 50. Juniors & second events $40.
Entry Options: 1. Cheques and detached entry form to: Palm Beach Longboarders Inc. PO BOX 525 Avalon NSW 21072. Email Entry Form and EFT Payment Details to:peter.fodor@bigpond.com3. Photo/SMS to 0419 466 955 (photo must be clear and capture the whole form!)
Entry form below - simply click on and 'save as'
2017 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally Entry Form.pdf
Size : 301.448 Kb
Type : pdf
Photo by Jacqueline Andronicus
Get down to your local surf club on Sunday 15 October to be part of our annual Surf Club Open Day.Want to be a part of Surf Life Saving? Our members don’t just patrol the beach, your local surf club has a role for everyone and plays a much bigger part in the local community than you might think.
There are dozens of roles that you can take on in your local Surf Life Saving Club which will see you making a difference to the safety of our beaches and make you feel part of the Surf Life Saving family. See examples of roles below:- putting on the red and yellow and patrolling the beach;
- helping train up our Nippers into Lifesavers;
- officiating at sport events;
- training up your fellow members;
- supporting the governance of the Club;
- fundraising or running the barbeque;
- jumping onto the radio to aid in communications;
- running social events for members;
- undertaking skilled project work within the club; or
- filling one of the other dozens of roles available within Surf Life Saving.
Participating clubs will host a range of activities, including lifesaving demonstrations, clubhouse tours, barbecues and displays.
Some will also offer people the chance to try out a range of beach activities and rescue scenarios first hand to give them a genuine feel for the challenges and excitement of surf lifesaving.
Information on how to join your local Surf Life Saving Club will also be available on the day.
Find Your Registered Local Club:

![]() | 2017 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally Entry Form.pdf Size : 301.448 Kb Type : pdf |

- putting on the red and yellow and patrolling the beach;
- helping train up our Nippers into Lifesavers;
- officiating at sport events;
- training up your fellow members;
- supporting the governance of the Club;
- fundraising or running the barbeque;
- jumping onto the radio to aid in communications;
- running social events for members;
- undertaking skilled project work within the club; or
- filling one of the other dozens of roles available within Surf Life Saving.
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
We the undersigned, write in connection with the above proposal and wish to object strongly and respectfully to the development of the area in the proposed manner.
Ingleside is a dispersed settlement where development proposals should be considered very carefully: infilling could ruin the character of the area but estate development will not only overwhelm it but also overwhelm the vast majority of residents living from Narrabeen to Palm Beach who will travel through or near Ingleside every day.
Naturally, we understand that the State Government has a determined growth strategy. However, the overwhelming increase in immediate population and thoroughfare traffic will have a devastating effect upon the existing population who live here and contribute to Sydney as a city and as a defined demographic already.
Pressure for the development in the region is considerable, mainly for housing city commuters, but has been successfully resisted for more than 30 years for the same reasons as now. The infrastructure was not in place and as can be seen by the impact of development in Warriewood, remains at an unsupportive level. The reasons for rejecting those schemes also included the inadequacy of the minor roads apart from Mona Vale Road to accommodate even small increases in traffic.
Reference is made to the over one thousand comments on the supporting website, mostly by residents of Pittwater external to the immediate area of Ingleside who have failed to have a voice but as your constituents have equal right to be represented as bearing the impact of the development.With the above in mind, we request that the development be reviewed to take into account the residents of Pittwater, whom you represent. Rather than telling them why it will be good for them, consider the voice of the residents and understand why it will be bad for them.
Planning Alerts
Find out what's happening in your area. Get alerts of new applications near here straight in your email. It's free!
Breakwater Ball 2017
Hosted by Lifeline Northern BeachesSaturday, October 14 at 6 PM - 11 PMInternational College of Management, Sydney (ICMS)151 Darley Road, Manly
On Saturday 14 October 2017, we are holding an event to support two much-loved community groups: Lifeline Northern Beaches and Queenscliff Surf Life Saving Club. United by their commitment to supporting the people of the Northern Beaches, these two organisations provide safety, strength and protection – just like the breakwater provides a safe harbour from the waves.
Join us for a night to remember, and help these organisations do what they do best: change lives for the better.
Tickets on sale soon – keep up to date here Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 4 years / FBREED: English Staffy X
Harmony is an athletic good natured girl. She can get very excited to go out walking and after initial exuberance she walks on loose lead. She is scared of cars and can lunge at some dogs but she is just the best with kids! She loves them! She is very food focussed and easy to train. She needs an active strong family to do some basic training with her. She has had litters in her life. She has a smooth coat and weighs 19kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $450.
For further details or to meet all dogs at DoggieRescue call 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Pet of the Week

Northern Beaches Veterans And Community Day
When: Sunday 12th November 2017
Where: Dunbar Park Avalon Beach 10am – 4pm
The Inaugural Northern Beaches Veterans and Community Day will be held on 12 November 2017 in Dunbar Park Avalon Beach. This new event evolved due to the success of the Avalon Military Tattoo over the last 10 years, the enhanced relationship between local RSL sub-Branches and the community, and to carry on the legacy of past Avalon RSL Sub Branch President CDRE Graham Sloper AM RAN (Rtd).
Awareness of veteran’s issues is increasing within the community, and the ANZAC Spirit is flourishing on the Northern Beaches. Crowds at ceremonies have been increasing steadily in recent years. This will be an opportunity for the younger generations to learn more about past and current conflicts and to meet veterans and serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
Our mission is to instil a greater awareness and enduring compassion for veterans and the community in general.
Our objectives are: • Highlight concerns for veterans and the community;• Create an opportunity for interaction;• Acknowledge service and sacrifice;• Create harmony;• Reflect on history;• Enhance awareness of Defence career opportunities;• Address veterans issues of reintegration into civilian society, homelessness and suicide; • Profile veterans success stories
This will be a free of charge, non-profit event with participation on a voluntary basis. Any funds raised will be donated to Veterans Organisations and primarily the Veterans Centre Sydney Northern Beaches. There will be an emphasis on youth activities and careers. The primary market is the geographical area from Narrabeen to Palm Beach.
It is intended that local schools and community groups will have an arena to showcase their talents through music, drama and artwork with an Australian veterans theme. Over the coming months these groups will have the opportunity for input to shape the programme for the day. There will be a children’s art exhibition, a quilting display, ANZAC biscuit baking competition and many interactive displays and activities. Veterans Support Agencies are welcome to have a display and marquee in the park. There will be a stage with live music and performances throughout the day.
For further information, to book a stall or offer sponsorship, or VOLUNTEER to help, please contact the coordinators Lynn Murphy on 9883 9815 and Tamara Sloper Harding on 9883 9814 or email
Mark Ferguson President Palm Beach RSL Sub-BranchChairman Northern Beaches Veterans and Community Day CommitteeA collaboration between Avalon, Palm Beach & Pittwater RSL Sub-branches.

2017 Mosman Art Prize
Saturday 23 September - Sunday 29 OctoberMosman Art Gallery
Mosman Art Gallery is thrilled to announce that in 2017 the Mosman Art Prize will celebrate its 70th year!
Established in 1947, the Mosman Art Prize is Australia's oldest and most prestigious local government art award. It was founded by the artist, architect and arts advocate, Alderman Allan Gamble, at a time when only a small handful of art prizes were in existence in Australia and the community had very little support and few opportunities to exhibit their work.
Over the past seventy years the Mosman Art Prize has developed in stature to become Australia’s most prestigious municipally funded art prize with a national profile. It regularly attracts over 900 entries annually and currently offers over $40,000 in prizes.
As an acquisitive art award for painting, the winning artworks collected since 1947 form a splendid collection of modern and contemporary Australian art, reflecting all the developments in Australian art practice since 1947.The inaugural winner in 1947 was a young Margaret Olley. Since the prize has been won by scores of artists including Guy Warren, Grace Cossington Smith, Weaver Hawkins, Nancy Borlase, Lloyd Rees, Anthony Galbraith, Elisabeth Cummings, Tim Johnson, Guan Wei and Michael Zavros among many others. Past adjudicators also include notable Australian art figures such as Margaret Preston, John Olsen, Tim Storrier, Jenny Sages and Edmund Capon.Now in its 70th year the Mosman Art Prize is more relevant than ever before and continues to sit at the centre of contemporary painting practice and is a not to be missed event on the nation's cultural agenda.- Mosman Art Prize (major acquisitive prize) sponsored by Mosman Council - $50,000
- Allan Gamble Memorial Art Prize sponsored by Mosman Council - $3,000
- Commendation Prize sponsored by Mosman Council - $2,000
- Fourth Village Providore Emerging Artists’ Prize (under 35) - $2,000
- Mosman Art Society Viewers' Choice Prize - $1,000

- Mosman Art Prize (major acquisitive prize) sponsored by Mosman Council - $50,000
- Allan Gamble Memorial Art Prize sponsored by Mosman Council - $3,000
- Commendation Prize sponsored by Mosman Council - $2,000
- Fourth Village Providore Emerging Artists’ Prize (under 35) - $2,000
- Mosman Art Society Viewers' Choice Prize - $1,000

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
October:October 14th: 8am to 3pm Bunnings, Narrabeen Sausage sizzleOctober 20th: 9am to 3pm Stall, foyer Mona Vale Hospital Baking, knitting, craft, books, sewingOctober 24th: 10.30 am Fashion Parade, Newport Bowling Club, Palm Road, Newport
November:November 4th: 9am to 3pm Stall, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale Knitting, sewing, craftNovember 11th: 9am to 3pm Bunnings, Narrabeen Sausage sizzle
December:8am to 4pmNew Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Pittwater Community Groups:
Gardens and Environment
Rural Fire BrigadesIngleside Rural Fire Brigade - 9913 2230 Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 Warringah-Pittwater Headquarters RFB - 9450 3000
West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795
Arts and Social
Oils In The Alice: The Great Circle 2017 World Tour