Harold Nossiter Snr. - His Classic Yachts
Harold Nossiter Snr aboard Utiekah II c1934 - Nossiter family photo
Sailing Notes.
Easter Cruise and Regatta.— Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron.
Ena II on Sydney Harbour 1890's. Kerry Image Courtesy Powerhouse Museum Tyrell Collection on Flickr.
The Yacht 'Era' 1890. photo By Henry King. Courtesy of Powerhouse Museum [85/1285-165] (Tyrrell Photographic Collection.
Racing to and from Pittwater had been occurring for a while prior to The Basin becoming the mooring grounds for other activities:
The race was sailed in a light wind, which gave the yawl very little chance ; she nevertheless stuck well to her rival,but was eventually beaten by about 3 minutes over her time allowance of 3 1/2 minutes. Sirocco's sailing in this race was exceptionally good, and she took second prize by time. The two six-tonners were beaten off and were not timed. The result of these contests was that a private match between the two boats was arranged to be sailed over an ocean course — to Eliot Island and back — under cruising canvas. This, of course, was an advantage to the yawl, who had never yet met her opponent with anything like a similar sail spread. Sao, expecting to meet Assegai, joined in the match, receiving an hour as time allowance. The breeze was not strong, and the sea was smooth. Electra won by half-an-hour from Waitani, Sao being 19 minute outside her time. The time for the whole course by the winner was about 7 hours and 16 minutes — not bad work for about 24 miles to windward and back. This was the last race between these two boats, and on the whole they left off on tolerably level terms, Waitangi having had the best of it three times to Electra' s twice. ...
Sailing Notes. (1886, May 29). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1125. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162812977
Harold Nossiter was also a man ahead of his times in that he had a preference for female crew members from the very outset of his sailing days and encouraged women to take to this salt air sport.
YACHTING is by no means an exclusive masculine sport and every season sees Sydney women taking a keener interest in it. On Saturday week the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron’s annual ladies race for the 3rd division yachts will take place and the several competitors are the best of Sydney's yachtswomen.
Mr. Harold Nossiter, one of the leading yachtsmen in Sydney, thinks that women make excellent skippers, but advises each one to "keep a cool head and endeavor to get a good start by being close to the starting line a few minutes before flag fall."
“Never sail too far away from the mark when beating to windward because a change in wind may put you out of the race," he adds. "Watch the tide carefully and take advantage of it but never desert the wind for the tide.
"Always keep on with a favorable slant of wind when tacking and put about directly it knocks you back. "Never try to make too fine a turn around the buoy as the tide may swing you on to it. "Never go out of your way to blanket another yacht and try to avoid an involuntary gibe when running dead before the wind." ... WITH THE LADIES AT THE HELM (1938, March 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 23 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229872278
Mr. Nossiter was also an innovator. He would take a great boat and through changing the rig to suit whatever purpose he was putting it to - cruising or racing - make the best of 'good bones'. In the various boats he once owned, of all sizes and kinds, is shown a man who knew how to sail on all courses and in all classes.
Both the eldest Nossiter brothers, Harold and Thomas Bailey were firm supporters of Pittwater Regattas, competing in the various races and holidaying in the area during Summer and other seasons. While Reginald, also a brother, would also join in the sailing and rowing and being independent on the water.
Claude Plowman (left), Stuart F. Doyle, T. B. Nossiter, and President Frank Whiddon. Snappy Snapshots of Saturday's Sports (1929, January 1). Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW : 1900 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166459728
This trio grew up in an era where sailing was the sport on the harbour and further afield and where crews and skippers dressed smartly in crew outfits and had yacht 'colours' - something family records indicate Harold Nossiter Snr. maintained throughout his own sailing decades - jackets, smart shirts, smart cap or hat.
Mariners All
There is great joy, consistent with respectability and modesty, in the home circle of Mr. H. Nossiter, at Northwood, on the Lane Cove River. It all arose over the possession of a cup of ancient origin. When Mr. Nossiter and his four mariner sons are not at home at Northwood they are at home in yachts on the Harbour. Last Saturday, Mr. Nossiter, senior, sailed his Utiekah II, a winning race for the possession of the F. J. Jackson Cup. That a cup should have survived for 58 years the rust and moths that corrupt, and the thieves that break through and steal, is wonderful, but apparently it has, and the veteran yachtsman has possession of it. Always a sea lover, Mr. Nossiter has no time for anything else but the proper conduct of an Important department at Dalgety's and yachting. He probably could have been an International League Rugby player or a rider of buckjumpers in a rodeo show, but he started sailing in his Infancy, and has remained a sailor ever since. In his younger days he owned the 20-footer Ladas, the Viking, the Arrow, and the Zenita in turn. Now he has two Utiekahs, one the yacht which he sails with his two older sons, and the other a dinghy sailed by the younger boys. When the racing season is over he and the boys go cruising up; and down the coast, and they spend every week-end on the yacht in one of the bays of the Harbor. Mariners All (1932, November 23). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article135334787

Harold Nossiter Senior was born at Hunters Hill on July 12th 1875, the second son of Thomas Simester and Annie (nee Hossell).
NOSSITER—July 12, Mrs. Thomas Nossiter, of a son. Family Notices (1875, August 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13358449
Thomas Simester was born in 1840 to Charles Nossiter and Ann Hester Bailey in Warwickshire, England. Thomas Simister Nossiter, emigrated to Auckland in 1864 sailing out in a vessel named 'Maxwell', landing in Auckland on July 28th.
The ship Maxwell, Captain arrived from London last evening, and brought up off the North Head. She has made a passage of 111 days from the Downs, having sailed on the 7th April. Took her final departure from the Start on the 8th, passing outside niho Cape de Verds, but inside Madiera Island. Experienced very light and baffling N. E. Trade winds, and crossed the Equator on the 2nd May, in longitude 26 ° 31'W.(23 days out). Had very indifferent S. E. trades, and passed the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on the 11th May, in latitude 18 ° 58' S., longitude 34 ° W. Ran down her longitude between the parallels of 45 ° and 46 ° SS., experiencing heavy weather throughout. On the 15th June fell in with a heavy cyclone, during which time heavy rain, thunder and lightning prevailed, and the wind winged right round the compass. Passed in sight of the Southernmost part of Tasmania, and had fine weather across to this coast. Made the Three Kings on Monday last, and was off the Great Barrier on Tuesday evening. The Maxwell brings a large cargo, and some 70 passengers, all of whom speak in the highest terms of the Captain, and we have much pleasure in publishing the following testimonial presented to him by the different parties on board : — " On board ship Maxwell, 26th July, 1864. " We, the undersigned passengers in the ship Maxwell, from London to Auckland, New Zealand, wish hereby to convey our thanks to Captain Griffith Jones, commander, for his kindness and attention to us during the voyage ; and also to express our admiration of your seamanship, and the great care and anxiety which you have always shown to combine both speed and safety. " We heartily wish you health, promotion and prosperity - ' ' " Yours, Ac. " (Signed by all the passengers.)" The following is a list of the trades or callings of those on board: — 1 engineer, 1 female servant, 1 fishmonger, 4 students, 1 barman, 1 draper. 1 governess, 1 clerk, 1 baker, 2 colormen, 1 mason, 1 painter, and 2 farmers. - NEW ZEALAND HERALD, VOLUME I, ISSUE 221, 28 JULY 1864
Maxwell, ship, 1009 tons, G. Jones, from London. Passengers Dr. and R. L. Pinching ; W. Hudson ; Captain and Mrs. Peile : Mary Smith ; Francis T. Lloyd ; W. Mapplelech ; Thos. ,T. Bell; George Young; Annie, Eliza, Maud, Herbert, and Annie Young; Thomas Nossiter; Walter Firth ; Ensign Jenkins. 18th Royal Irish ; Thomas Brice. Fishmonger: Frederick Campbell, R. A. Catherine-Fitzgerald ; Bridget Mahoney , Maria Hughes: Kate Geryrel and Ellen O'Harn ; Thomas Walsh ; James Entegant; James Aylward; James A. Norris ; Mary Hill ; R. S. Wilford; E. H. Graham ; Eliza, Frank, Ernest, Arthur, Alice, Norah Marshall; Eliza Pisknill; Richard Dupen; George and Mrs. Crocombe; .Sarah Wells ; Charles Fredwell: Emma Combes; Walter R. Peters and family: Robert Wells and wife; Donald McPherson ; William Redshaw; Steward Gael; Thomas Williamson; William Bates; Edmund Bell; Charles Lasocke, wife and family. Total, 61.—Brown, Campbell, and Co., agents. - NEW ZEALAND HERALD, VOLUME I, ISSUE 221, 28 JULY 1864
He worked as an Importer in New Zealand, buying wool, sending barrels of nuts to Sydney, all manner of goods under 'T. Nossiter & Co.'. One item in an NZ paper lists him as an 'Accountant' when a client is making a claim for payment of goods from another, a claim he backs up.
On March 12th 1867 Thomas married Maria Elizabeth Bell in Auckland. They emigrated to Sydney in March 1867, settling in Balmain and Thomas commenced 'T. Nossiter & Co.' here as well. On February 23rd 1868 their daughter, Evaline Nossiter was born in Balmain, New South Wales.
Auckland (S.), 683 tons, Captain Harris, from Auckland 2nd instant. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Ogllvie, Messrs. V. C. Turner, F. C. Turner, Nossiter, Raymond, M'Donnolt, Captain Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Boulton, …Shipping Gazette (1867, March 16). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166802141
Maria Nossiter passed away on June 5th 1868 - at 'Stephen, Balmain', the daughter of William Bell. She was just 21 years of age. No death Notice appears - just registrations for her passing in NSW Records as well as the birth of Evaline being registered.
Soon afterwards the following appears in the Police Gazette:
Burglaries, Stealing from Premises, &c.
Stolen, during the last three weeks, from the late residence of Thomas Nossiter, Stephen-street, Balmain, but at present residing at No. 1, Bridge-street, Sydney,—1 large silver brooch and 1 gold brooch, pattern, a true lover’s knot, 1 silver ring, set with garnets, and 1 gold ring, set with pearls, 45 small gold brooches, not described, but identifiable; also, some bed linen and women’s under clothing. Burglaries, Stealing from Premises, &c. (1868, June 17). New South Wales Police Gazette and Weekly Record of Crime (Sydney : 1860 - 1930), p. 184. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article251749441
As a teenager Thomas was apprenticed to John Hossell, merchant and leather manufacturer and father of Anne Hossell in Salford. Thomas lived with the Hossell family during his apprenticeship. [2]
Anne Hossell came out from England per the Great Britain, leaving Liverpool on October 6th, arriving in Melbourne on Sunday December 4th 1870 - the next day they were married. She was given away by the Captain of 'SS Great Britain' Captain John Grey. Ann and Thomas then travelled on to Sydney in a steamer.
The following is a list of saloon passengers per Great Britain, s.s., which left Liverpool for Melbourne on the 6th October:—Mr and Mrs Coates, Mr Walter John Coates, Mr and Mrs Tattersal! and child, Miss Anne Hossell ...SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. (1870, November 25). The Ballarat Star (Vic. : 1865 - 1924), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article218800315
NOSSITER—HOSSELL—December 5, at St. Paul's, Melbourne by the Rev. S. L. Chase, M,A., Thomas S. Nossiter, of Sydney, son of Charles Nossiter, Esq., of Hall-green, Birmingham, to Annie, fourth daughter of John Hossell, Esq., Irwell House, Manchester, England. Family Notices (1870, December 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13216045
They settled in Hunters Hill, buying Cresent House (now St. Ives in Crescent Street Hunters Hill), a place on the water, overlooking Alexandra Bay, where Harold was born.
One child was lost on June 4th, 1872, stillborn, then Harold's elder brother, Thomas Bailey Nossiter (T. B. Nossiter), was born June 10th 1873, followed by Harold, then Reginald Wright Nossiter (born Feb. 18, 1878), and John Charles Nossiter (born May 28, 1882).
Crescent House - courtesy Google Maps
Thomas S. Nossiter's brother Henry, born at Yardley, Worcestershire, England, in 1854 also came to Sydney viar the R.M.S. China in 1875, marrying the daughter of a doctor in 1876. They had three sons:
NOSSITER—WRIGHT—December 30, at St. James's Church, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, Henry, youngest son of Charles Nossiter, of Cateswell, Warwickshire, to Alice, youngest daughter of Horatio G. A. Wright, Sydney. Family Notices (1877, January 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13390877
Mr. T. S. Nossiter is listed as an 'agent' in various advertisements and Gazette Notices of the 1870's on. He and Henry appeared to have become importers of tin and T. S. Nossiter also went in for mining, being part of or launching a few mining companies for shares. Although none of these ventures appears to have been too successful, and he listed as 'gentleman' in marriage accounts printed in newspapers when his sons wedded, the Nossiters raised four strong boys who were successful in their chosen fields and had one eye, and a whole heart, bent on helping the various communities they were a part of as residents, and as visitors - Thomas Bailey Nossiter being among those who saw various improvements at Newport Beach come to fruition during the 1920s and through to the year he passed away he was a supporter of Newport Surf Club.
The boys were all educated at Hunters' Hill, being listed as 'Old Boys' in later newspaper reports. Thomas Bailey has interests in bicycling and horse trotting. There is also a T. Nossiter who appears in monthly singing fundraisers for local churches at Auburn and in plays - one evening describes the Formal Opening of the New Town Hall at Rookwood.
Their father is listed among those who are involved in Hunter's Hill Regattas from when he and his wife first moved there - so their connection with water, and sailing, or 'messing about in boats' was part of their childhood. Among those regattas their father was involved in prior to their birth are listed the names of some of the then premier sportsmen of their day, so it should come as no surprise that growing up in such a 'stretch yourself to the limits' atmosphere that Thomas Simister's sons would also stretch themselves to the limit in work and in play:
His Excellency the Right Honorable the Earl of Belmore, president Mr W Wright, vice president Mr A S Huntley, umpire Mr R M Pearson, starter Messrs A Lenehan and A S Huntley, honorary secretaries Mr W Jack, honorary treasurer Committee The Hon W Torter, Messrs H Brown, A J Stopps. W Owen, T Salter, T Geard, R Blake, W Campbell, C E Jeanneret, C Fairland, C Manning, H Makinson, J Devlin, jun, T Nossiter, J Sim, H Stathom, T K Bowden, B Gerard, John Campbell, and H P Falser. HUNTER'S HILL AMATEUR REGATTA. (1870, January 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13198085
C E Jeanneret was the gentleman who built the original Newport Wharf and Hotel and took over the running of the mail steamer the S.S. Florrie - another:
The somewhat secluded but romantic arm of Port Jackson known as Lane Cove River was yesterday the scene of an unusual, but extremely exhilarating gala. A number of the leading residents at Hunter's Hill, and on the river, having taken the matter in hand, and the able assistance of Mr. Jules Joubert, as director, having been obtained, an excellent boat-racing programme was the result. The neighbourhood supplied a large number of spectators, besides whom there were a great many picnic parties and visitors from town. The latter reached the spot under great difficulties, the miserable boats now running being quite inadequate in power, capacity, or convenience, for the evidently growing traffic between Sydney and the Hill, and it is a matter for gratulation that the new steamers recently launched by a local company will soon be running. On reaching the bend on the river, just beyond the Butcher's Block, it was evident that something out of the common was about to disturb the almost invariably placid waters in that locality. There were a good many sailing, and rowing boats, such as are usually seen on such occasions, and there were some peculiarly constructed canoes-something between a boot-trunk and a bass-viol case, the like of which was never seen afloat before; and, to crown all, there were about a dozen of young urchins engaged in the some- what difficult task of navigating washing tubs with paddles. It appeared to matter little to the paddlers whether they were in the tubs or in the water, and the rapidity with which they changed from the one to the other was startling to on-lookers of a less amphibious nature. Upon almost every grassy knoll within sight of the course there was a picnic party, and throughout all the races, as long as the competitors were within hail, the partisans of each crew encouraged their favourites in the most enthusiastic manner.
The races, which commenced at 11 o'clock, were as follow, with the results appended :
1st. Dingy Race (pair of sculls). From starting point round a boat moored, off Butcher's Block and back. Prize, 15s.
Anonymous-Robinson ... ... 1 Miller's Boy-D. Tobin... ... ... 2 Spy-T. Stanner .
After this race Tobin entered a protest, which, it is understood, will be decided in his favour, when consequently he will be the winner instead of Robinson.
2nd. -Sailing Dingies.. From starting point round Cockatoo and back. Prize, 21s.
Laelia- Stopps... . .... .. ... ... 1 Spec-Miller ... ..... ...... .... ....2
Laelia took the lead, and kept it to the finish, winning, however, after a very good race by only about half a boat's length.
3rd.--In (bona fide) washing tubs. From starting point round flag in the bay and back. Prize, 10s.
Pill Box-H. Gerard ... .1 Dart- F. J. Joubert Surprise - F. C . Joubert Suds-T. Stanner Garibaldi-Cuneo Looser- C. McKew Swift-E. McKew.
This was a most amusing affair, and the idea of the doctor's son winning the race and renown by means of a "pill-box " afforded a subject for considerable merriment.
4th.-Light Skiffs (pair of sculls). Same course as No. 1; twice over. Prize, 30s.
Barb-Jenkins, .............................1 Chance-J. Stanner.....................2
Tim Whiffler 5th, Wood Boats (with working sails only). From Martins Point round Fort Denison and back. Prize, 1 4 s.
Sprig of Myrtle- Page ... ... ... 1 Mary Ann-J. Frost ... ... ... 2 Mary Jane Baker ... ... ... 3 Fly-by-night-Napier
An excellent start for this race was effected, and they came back in the above order ; the winner being about five boats' lengths ahead.
6th.-Watermen's Skiffs. No entrance.
7th.-Sailing Skiffs. Same course as No. 5. Prize, 21s.
Emma-Gerard ... ... ... 1 Tamer-Miller
The Emma made a good lead, and returned the winner by a long distance.
8th-Licensed watermen's skiffs (two pairs of sculls).
Same course as No. 4. Prize, -
Australia-L.. Kelly, G. Barker ... . 1 Barbelle-Ambrosoli, W. Baker ....2 Star of Australia-T. Jenkins, W. Jenkins...3
This was a very spirited contest, and but for fouling a boat on her course the Star of Australia would probably have changed positions with Barbelle. It was a thoroughly good race, the winning crew coming in a couple of boats' lengths ahead.
9th.-Wild-goose Chase. One man only in each boat, with sculls. To catch the goose within fifteen minutes. S. Stanner H. Gerard C. McKew T. Stanner E. Joubert J, Lowick J. McKew G. Montgomery T. M'Kew, B. Randall
Everybody expected some fun from this novel hunt, and they had it. The goose, which was justifiably wild at being chased, dodged and dived with an amount of cleverness not usually associated with its name, but eventually it succumbed to another diver, who had left his boat twice before he succeeded in capturing the prize. This event brought the programme to a close, and the credit of its successful carrying out certainly belongs to Messrs. T. Nossiter and J. Joubert, who acted as starter and umpire respectively. Captain Dirks had obligingly placed the Meteor at the disposal of the committee for a flagship, and it was gaily decorated with bunting. HUNTER'S HILL REGATTA. (1871, April 11). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article60870986

Harold Snr. is just 22 years old when he and brother Reginald, along with earlier female crew members, are listed as dressing up to support the local hospital fundraising ball - one of many instances, over generations, where Nossiter family members get involved in ensuring a community has what it needs to look after its individuals. Fortunately Harold and his associates are recorded as adorned in a kind of evening dress as members of the Ladas crew.
Ladas (also spelled 'Ladis' in some reports)- 20-Footer
The Winter of 1897's annual ball in aid of the Parramatta District Hospital that took place in the Town Hall, Parramatta, on a Thursday evening, and 'was in every way an unqualified success. There were quite 300 in the dancing hall, and the gallery was packed with a few hundred spectators..'
This item, appearing in the local newspaper, backs up family knowledge of Harold Snr. dressing well on each occasion, yachting and sailing included, and expecting the same for his crew:
The Dresses.
Following is a list of the dresses : —
There was one fancy set present — a Yachting set— (crew of the yacht Ladas). The ladies were dressed in navy blue gowns, with jackets of the same material, plentifully studded with brass buttons. They also sported the regulation navy cap. The gentlemen were all taut in neat naval uniform. It was certainly a prettier set than any seen on the first night. The members of this fancy crew were : — Misses Stafford, K. Stafford, A. Stafford, M. Stafford, Maddock, Done, Munn, and Collingridge, and Messrs. H. Nossiter, R. Nossiter, W. H. Lee, G. A. Illidge, H. A. Herborn, A. Middleton, W. Trollope, and Alexander. The Dresses. (1897, July 10). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article85770450
Ladas (1891–1914) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and sire. His career attracted an unusual amount of attention as his owner, Lord Rosebery, became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the height of his success.
In a career that lasted from 1893 to 1894, Ladas ran eleven times and won seven races. He was the leading British two-year-old of 1893, being unbeaten in four starts including the Champagne Stakes and the Middle Park Stakes. In the following year, he won the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket and the Derby at Epsom to complete the first two legs of the English Triple Crown. He was beaten by the four-year-old colt Isinglass in his next two starts and failed in his bid for the Triple Crown when beaten in the St Leger at Doncaster.
Why would Harold name his first yacht (that we can find) after a horse, apart from all that infers in a champion who was so fleet of foot he won and won and won. The Nossiter brothers were fond of horses, and horse races:
Trotting Match, in saddle or harness. 2 miles, open to all-comers. Handicap by time. Saddles carrying 11st., Harness 10st. One stone allowed for ponies under 14 hands.
Final Heat.
W. Pollard's Dick 1
I E. Stranger's Jerry . . . . . . '2
Miss Florrie Blacks Felicia . . . . 3
Considerable interest was taken in this and the other trotting contests. The race was, in consequence of the number of entries, run in divisions ; the starters in the first being— Charles Franks' Steely, J. A. Bowerman's Eva, J. T. Curtis' Brownie, F. R Black's Darling scratch), A. G. Moore's Confidence (S sees, behind). E. Stranfier's Jerry (10 secs, behind), T. B. Nossiter's Years (25 secs, behind), W. Grogan's Message (45 sec. behind), Miss F. Black's Felicia (75 secs, behind). Stranger's Jerry soon took the lead, making up his handicap before half the first time round the track. The other starters straggled along, but had no appreciable effect on the running. When, however, Felicia, with her heavy handicap, left the stalling post, the excitement grew intense, as it was evident that the mare (which was driven in a trotting machine) was worthy of a better field. The minute and a quarter's handicap in a race of one mile was, however, too great, and Jerry came in at least a quarter of a mile ahead of Felicia, who was going ... CONTESTS. (1897, April 24). The Cumberland Free Press (Parramatta, NSW : 1895 - 1897), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article144444190
Ladas was retired to stud at the end of the season, and sired the winners of several important races. He died in 1914. The name Ladas, derived from that of Alexander the Great's messenger, had previously been used by Lord Rosebery's father for a horse who ran unplaced in the 1869 Derby. Rosebery, then an under-graduate at Oxford University, had tipped the horse to his friends as a likely winner and was reportedly mortified by the result. By way of an apology, Rosebery told his friends that if he ever had a horse with a "prime chance" of winning the Derby, he would name him "Ladas" so that they could all "take the tip and back him."
"Ladas, winner of the 1894 Derby" painting by Emil Adam
Ladas was a bay horse of almost faultless conformation, standing just under 16 hands high. The pronunciation of the name was a point of disagreement between owner and trainer: Rosebery called the colt "Lar-dar" or "Lah-dah", while Dawson insisted on "Lay-das" or "Ley-das". [3.]
One item that appears here during that time:
It is said that Ladas, while being saddled for the Epsom Handicap, attracted probably by the perfume of some picotees in young Leach's buttonhole, playfully annexed the flowers, which he was on the point of swallowing when someone called the young vet.'s attention to the circumstance, and he was just in time to make the horse disgorge the trophy, which, by the way,. represented the Rosebery colours he was about to carry. SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. (1894, December 8). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article137279157
There was also another vessel named 'Ladas' around that time:
THE BARQUE LADAS. (1895, April 18). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article133354739
The Arrow
A 30 foot gaff rigged boat (as they all were then) named Arrow that he raced with an all-female crew
E.M. - 2 1/2 Tons - 23 Footer
the Zenita (also spelled 'Zanita') - and renamed Blue Bird - bulk-keel cruiser
The Zenita
The Prince Alfred Yacht Club will hold a camp at Broken Bay during the Easter holidays. The yachts will sail round on Thursday evening, and the steamer Greyhound will take a number of unattached members, leaving Fort Macquarie at 7.30 a.m. on Friday morning. It is expected that the following yachts will assemble: Bronzewing (s), Commodore S. Hordern; Isea, Vice-Commodore W. M. Marks; Sapphire, Rear-Commodore H. A. Jones; Jess, Jas. Cox; Northumbria (s), Dr. R. Read; Actea, A. R. Marks; Aoma, C. T. Brockhoff; Defender, Jas. Garrick; Violet, F. J. Jackson; Zenita, A. A. Griffiths; Pleiades, Captain Evans; Lahloo,W. H. Murrell.
On Saturday an excursion will be made to Cowan Bay Creek, a smoke concert in the evening concluding the day's programme. A series of sports will be carried out on Monday, after which tents will be struck, and a return made to town. The general arrangements are under the care of Mr. J. H. Harris, hon. secretary to the club; whilst the various departments of the club are managed by sub-committees. CRICKET. (1900, April 11). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article113711479
Yacht VIOLET under sail on Sydney Harbour - This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William Hall collection. Object number: 00002234
On March 10th 1906 Harold married Winifred Shirley Piesley born at Darlinghurst 15th June 1878, died 13th February 1971 at Greenwich aged 92.
NOSSITER— PEISLEY.— March 10, at St. Luke's, Concord, by the Rev. W. H. H. Yarrington, Harold Nossiter to Winifred S. Peisley. Family Notices (1906, April 4). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 909. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article164044519
AN AUBURN BRIDEGROOM.— Mr. Harold Nossiter was, on Saturday, married in St. Luke's Church, Five Dock, to Miss Winifred Peasley, daughter of Mr. Peasley, of Sydney-road, Burwood. The bride was handsomely gowned in white, wore the usual veil and wreath, and carried a lovely bouquet. Her sister, Miss Peasley, who was also becomingly attired in white, was the bridesmaid, and Mr. J. Nossiter, the groom's brother, was the best man. Showers of rice and confetti assailed the happy pair as they left the altar, and after the ceremony the wedding breakfast was held at the residence of the bride's parents. Later in the day. Mr. and Mrs. Nossiter left on the honeymoon trip, for Port Hacking, the bride's travel line dress being a pretty study in blue, with white felt picture hat trimmed with flowers. Their future home is to be in South Parade, Auburn. The presents were particularly choice and numerous. Auburn. (1906, March 17). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article85932563
Harold and Winifred lived at Tennyson Point, 79 Champion Road, in a house they named Harwin from their first names. It is now of historical significance as it’s one of the earliest houses constructed at Tennyson. During their time at Tennyson he didn’t have a boat.
They had four boys, Harold Charles Jnr b 1908, Richard Harwin b 1910, John Harwin b 1916 and Bennet Thomas b 1919.
Every year Harold Snr took his boys to The Basin for a camping holiday. (See Dick’s first letter he ever wrote which was to his mother from The Basin below). Quote from Dick’s memoirs; “Every year my father would take us to The Basin for a holiday. We would go there in a coastal steamer from Sydney to Barrenjoey where we set down all our stuff. Then there was a launch that would take us from Palm Beach to the Basin”.
Harold Nossiter and two of his sons Camping at The Basin, circa 1918
With their now young family of four boys they bought a waterfront block of land on the shores of Woodford Bay in Northwood, 99 Northwood Road. They had a two story house built on the block and a stone boatshed built down on the waterfront and moved into the house in approximately 1920.
Harold Snr now recommenced sailing with his young family of four boys. He soon bought a 12ft skiff from a fellow building them down the end of the bay. The first sailing the boys did was in this skiff. Then later he bought a 16ft skiff, Rocco, with a little inboard engine.
Rocco - 16 foot
Harold's 16 footer at the boatshed - 1924
the Viking
The Viking
Mr. J. Muston's Viking, which raced as a cruiser several seasons ago, reappears today, but as a yacht. Viking will contest the F. J. Jackson Cup, which Is sailed over a Harbor course. The trophy was won originally by the late F. J. Jackson's Ione, in 1874, but was presented by his family for annual competition in 1923. Heavy cruisers in the register of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club will sail a general handicap at 2.15. VIKING TO RACE AS YACHT IN CUP TODAY (1936, November 21). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article246977468
Yachting Viking's First Win
The Royal Prince Edward Yacht Club's race for the John Muston Memorial Cup was won by J. A. Muston (a son of the late John Muston) who sailed Viking. Viking was 15sec. ahead of Thera (J. Cunn), and D. F. H. Packer's Morna was third. The race was remarkable for late starts, and retirements in a strong north-easterly breeze. The limit yachts, Viking and Thera were both about two minutes late, Ozone 3',<t minutes late, and Era about 1 minute late. Shortly after the start, Brand V. and Thetis withdrew. Ozone retired off Watson's Bay Era carried away her mainsail or main halyard in Manly Cove, and Sjo-ro and Vanessa lowered away after rounding Shark Island after the run from Manly. Vanessa, sailed by her owner, E. IX. Pratten, was unfortunate, as she looked like winning the race. She was only 6min. 6sec. behind the leader. Viking, and 7m!n. 22scc. ahead of Morna. when at the Jibe at Shark Island, her backstay fouled the cross-tree and carried it away.
Royal Prince Edward Yacht Club,— John Muston Memorial Cup: Viking (J. A. Muston) (30.0). finished at 4.57.0. 1: Thera (J Carr) (37.0), 4.57.16. 2; Morna (D. F. H. Packer) (scr.). 5.0.48. 3: Culwulla IV. (R. Graham) (32.0), 5.1.25, 4: Windward (sch.t (J. M. Hardie) (28.01, 5.1.37, 6. Heavy Cruiser Race: Spumedrift (J. Jira) (5.0). adjusted finishing time 4.6.7. 1; Cuthonna (Dr. T. M. Furber) (scr.), 4.9.0. 2; Currawong (P. Pring) (8.0).. 4.12.15. 3. 12ft. Cadet Dinghies (handicap): Sleepy Lizard (D. R. Giddy) (3.0). finished at 4.17.0. 1: Maple Leaf (Crane) (8.0). 4.17.24, 2; Ran-cton (C. R. Tait) (8.0). 4.18.0. 3; Utiekah (W. Cummins) (3.0). 4.21.8, 4; Scamp (J. S. Olson) (scr.), 4.21.7, 5. Race for Vee Jay Class Boats (handicap): Shadow (J. Winning), 4.46.0, X; Sea Gull (W. Abbott), 4,48.6. 2: Hermes (G. Spence), 4.51.26. 3; Brownie (R. Rourke),. .4.54.0, 4; Ami (A. Howe). 4.56.28. 5. Yachting (1936, December 20). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 49. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230901467
In the Royal Prince Edward Yacht Club's No. 3 division today, Viking will be sailed by H. Nossiter, one of the best-known yachtsmen in Sydney.
He has not taken part in racing for several seasons. The programme comprises races for the three divisions of yachts and 12ft. cadet dinghies, the first race starting at 2 p.m. Josephine will be sailed by Roger Gale, son of Cliff Gale. The No. 2 division will make a flying start, as the four six-metre yachts will sail the last of the series for the Arthur Muston trophy. Clipper is leading on points, and only Sjo-Ro has a chance of tieing, providing she finishes first and Clipper is out of a place. NOSSITER BACK TO SAIL VIKING (1938, March 5). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247470125
YACHTING is by no means an exclusive masculine sport and every season sees Sydney women taking a keener interest in it. On Saturday week the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron’s annual ladies race for the 3rd division yachts will take place and the several competitors are the best of Sydney's yachtswomen.
Mr. Harold Nossiter, one of the leading yachtsmen in Sydney, thinks that women make excellent skippers, but advises each one to "keep a cool head and endeavor to get a good start by being close to the starting line a few minutes before flag fall."
“Never sail too far away from the mark when beating to windward because a change in wind may put you out of the race," he adds. "Watch the tide carefully and take advantage of it but never desert the wind for the tide.
"Always keep on with a favorable slant of wind when tacking and put about directly it knocks you back. "Never try to make too fine a turn around the buoy as the tide may swing you on to it. "Never go out of your way to blanket another yacht and try to avoid an involuntary gibe when running dead before the wind."
A brief "yachting" biography of the competitors reveals that. . . . Miss Sheila Pring won last year's race in her father's Currawong, and it was the first time she had skippered it in a race, although she had taken the tiller often. Miss Pring, who is the daughter of Mr. Philip Pring, has sailed in all sorts of yachts and started her yachting career in 12-footers and has spent many a wet afternoon in the Harbor after frequent capsizes in these tiny boats. She has also skippered yachts, in races at Pittwater. Miss Pring is aboard Currawong every Saturday of the racing season, wet or fine.
Miss Phyllis King is "the best woman yachtswoman on the harbor," according to Mr. Richard Windeyer. Miss King will take the tiller of his yacht, Blue Bird. Deep blue eyes and fair hair suggest that one of Miss King's ancestors might have had Viking blood and her skill with a yacht rather bears it out. She has raced in the Blue Bird for four seasons, but has sailed in yachts ever since she was a small child. This is also her fourth race as skipper.
14 Years' Experience
Mrs. T. M. Furber, wife of Dr. Furber, owner of Cuthonna, has 14 years of yachting experience behind her and that should make her a dangerous rival in the race. "Last year she came second, but has won the race several times. She races every Saturday and has also been on the yacht during long ocean races."
Mrs. Primrose Carruthers will skipper the winning yacht of the season, Mr. J. Jira's Spumedrift, as it has won the point score trophy. This will be her first race as skipper, although she has raced with the crew all the season. Mrs Harry Livesay, who recently came to Sydney with her husband, Captain Livesay, owner of the yacht Megala, will also compete in this race for the first time. Her former home was in Rangoon, where she and her husband were both members of the Rangoon Yacht Club. In Rangoon they sailed on the lakes, where sailing has to be very skilled, as the yachtsman has to contend with dead calms and sudden dangerous gusts of wind. She won several races while in Rangoon and has also done a good deal of sailing in Ceylon and in England. Mrs. Livesay is tremendously keen about sailing and spends most of her time on Megala. Her ambition is to make a round the world voyage in a yacht. She also has raced in her husband's yacht throughout the season.
Miss Dorothy Stevens, who is the daughter of Mr. Arthur Stevens, one of Sydney's leading yachtsmen, will take the helm of Mr. Colin Galbraith's Utiekah, although she has not raced with them during the season. Miss Stevens, whose home is at Manly, is an excellent skipper, and in that has carried on family traditions. She has more or less grown up on yachts of all kinds since she was a very small child. She has frequently sailed her father's yacht, Anoni, and last year skippered the Morna, which is by no means a small yacht.
Four of the Sydney women, who will be skippers in the R.S.Y.C.'s annual ladies race for the third division yachts on March 19, are pictured above. They are (top left) MRS. PRIMROSE CARRUTHERS, of Darling Point, who will race in Mr. J. Jira's Spumedrift. (Top right), MISS SHEILA PRING on board Currawong, her father's yacht. MRS. HARRY LIVESAY, (lower left) wife of Captain Livesay, formerly of Rangoon, will skipper Megala. MISS PHYLLIS KING, of Woollahra (lower right) will take the helm of Mr. Richard Windeyer's Blue Bird.
WITH THE LADIES AT THE HELM (1938, March 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 23 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229872278
Utiekah II - 'The Music of the Rippling Waters'
Harold Nossiter Snr aboard Utiekah II c1934 - Nossiter family photo
Vessel Dimensions: 12.69 m x 3.51 m x 1.89 m (41.65 ft x 11.5 ft x 6.2 ft)
The Utiekah II was built in Victoria for a teacher. The Australian National Maritime Museum records state:
was designed and built by Jack Savage Senior in 1911, and built by Lyons and Savage in Williamstown, prior to Savage setting up business under his name only. It was commissioned by Giles, who was a master at the prestigious private boys Melbourne Grammar School in St Kilda. The name UTIEKAH is thought to have Maori origins, and refer to the sound of rippling water. It is 12.69m long, carvel planked in New Zealand kauri, and launched as a gaff yawl, fitted with a centreboard.
Elliot Giles as he was known was the son of South Australian Clement Giles (1844-1926), pastoralist, merchant and politician, and Elliott’s upbringing on the land appears to have led to an interest in adventure and the outdoors, which he then continued through yachting and sailing. He commissioned UTIEKAH II as a yacht for him to take students from the school on voyages to test and build their character in a more extreme environment away from the relatively normal city life the students experienced at school. He would take the yacht and its youthful crew out into Bass Strait, a potentially dangerous area with its strong currents, tides, many islands and often rough weather, but the heavy displacement craft was designed and built to be suitable for the task. As a form of what now would be known as 'adventure training', it was an early example and possibly one of the first that involved the sea as the training ground that was associated with a private school. Sea Scouts, the world wide Outward Bound organisation and even some of the curious exploits of the legendary English sailor Uffa Fox, which were directed toward youth character building and leadership, are well known from the 1940s onwards, but the vessels SEA SCOUT in Sydney and SEA HAWK in South Australia did similar ventures in the 1920s and 30s.
AN early Image of UTEKIAH II on Port Phillip, probably in the 1920s
Giles sold UTIEKAH II in 1924 when he had a new larger yacht UTIEKAH III built to continue what had become a successful venture, and he was still operating in this manner in the 1950s.
First, a little about Utiekah I:
On Saturday afternoon the sixth annual yachting contest for the Kintore Cup took place on the Port River. Favorable weather conditions prevailed. The race was won by Mr. R. Woolnough's Utiekah, a new boat, which was designed and partly built by the late Mr John Fraser, who also designed and built the Miranda, the first winner of the cup which was presented to the Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron by the Earl of Kintore. It is a fine trophy of sterling silver standing 24 in. high and mounted on a neat blackwood pedestal. The cup can only be held by. owner of the winning boat for a season without being again raced for. In making the gift the donor stipulated that it should remain the property of the club in perpetuity, and should once in each season be open to competition by all yachts then on, the register of the squadron. YACHTING. (1897, February 8). The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), p. 2 (ONE O'CLOCK EDITION.). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article209083501
Utiekah II's beginnings:
Cruise of Yacht Utiekah II.
After some days of preparation, during which the good ship Utiekah II. had been thoroughly overhauled, hull painted and put in thorough seagoing trim for her Christmas and New Year cruise down at the other end of Port Phillip, and everything pertaining to the yacht looking at its best, with water tanks full, commissariat complete, the crew composed of Messrs. C. Giles (owner), S. Gamble (skipper), S. Page (engineer), R. Barrett (chief chef), D. Brumby (steward), G. Holland (cabin boy), and W. Pearce and N. Strahle (deck hands), on board, at 11.30 p.m. on Friday, December 26, Skipper " Mutt," consulted with the engineer (" The Count "). and decided to give the auxiliary engine a few kicks over. The skipper ordered the cabin boy to set the alarm for 2.30 a.m., but this was not done, as it was t.3o before some of the crew retired to their reposes. All on board were rudely awakened at 4 a.m., and in the beams of early daylight, sails were spread and the happy complement commenced their happly cruise at 4.20. Picking up a light east, which was carried to about one and three-quarter miles south by west of the Pile light. This breeze gave place to light flukey airs, which eventually died right away, but about no.3o, after six hours sailing, in which little headway was made, a slant came from out of the south-east, which carried the good craft down to the Prince George's bank buoy. Engine troubles had been met with during this period, and this process of speed was totally unavailable, much to the satisfaction of Mr. Giles. With a fair turn of speed on, the West Channel pile light was soon made, and the breeze being steady, this mark of Port Phillip was passed at 2 p.m. Away out to the south-east it could be seen that Wyomme was becalmed, but Helen, In charge of popular skipper, Viv. Parker, was sighted making a passage through Cole Channel, evidently on her way to Geelong. It was ascertained later that whilst Skipper Viv. was partaking of some refreshment his sole companion had got Helen in slight difficulties whilst watching Utiekah II. carrying such a fair breeze. It was decided on board Utiekah to make Swan Bay for the night, and the big boat was safely moored at this rendezvous by 3 p.m. Also moored in the little dock were Shamrock, in charge of A. Robinson; Alaho, Mr. Oxley's recently converted auxiliary yawl. Hurrica II., came to mooring later in the afternoon; and the motor launch Hinemoa and Wyomme, of the Port Phillip Club, later in the evening. Early Sunday morning Dodo, of the St. Kilda Club, arrived, and made fast. Mr. Ted Greene's services were availed of to overhaul the Utiekah's engine. After breakfast had been partaken of fine fresh whiting caught by the crew of Alaho, the boat cleared Swan Bay under single reefed mainsail and jib in a stiff south-westerly, in an endeavour to make Sorrento, the rendezvous for the cruise. Everything went well until well into the channel, when the cringle of the mainsail carried away, and Skipper Mutt decided to shake out the reef and host the staysail. Another difficulty met with was the dinghy rowing astern partly filling in the lump that was on, and " Brother Bill " was delegated to act as chief bailer. A passage was made across the renowned Rip without further trouble, and in the lee of the land smooth water was met with, and the craft fairly romped through it, but met the fast ebbing tideway. Just off Portsea "Nifty," the staysail sheet hand, not being acquainted with the accomplishments of such large packets, endeavoured to stop the boom, which swung across whilst in irons, and with disastrous results, a sore head and a sudden immersion. Fortunately, with the alacrity ingrained by the training of the 24-footers, he made fast to the lee rail, and quickly hauled himself aboard still smoking the unsubmerged cigarette, and refusing the first aid remedy of all yachtmen-a wee drop of the crathur. This was the chief incident of this short passage, and it was a case of " Over the side, please."
Arriving at Sorrento at 2.30o, the novices of the crew were initiated to their first anchor drill. Ulira, also from St. Kilda, was already lying safely at anchor, having arrived some hours previously. The Wave, from" Sandringham, came to mooring later in the afternoon. For the rest of the day the yawl was a house boat, as one of the crew expressed it. Kurrewa II., in charge of Gidger Jackson, sailed past under mainsail only, and other visitors were Valhalla, under J. Douglas. The chef, Rupert, who had been christened Bubbles, and his assistant, Don, who had received the sobriquet of Froth, had been very busy in the galley department, and meals were partaken regularly all through the trip. The deck hands were kept busy in keeping the boat spick-and-span, and amidst deep satisfaction to some of the crew a party of ladies came aboard, and Utiekah sailed down channel as far as Portsea, where Valhalla and Maysie were at anchor. About ship, and back past Sorrento, the sail was continued as far as Canterbury, where with sheets eased and the tide in favour, plenty of scope was available for the ever present cameraists to exert their best and always pleasant energies. Skipper Mutt was the chief offender, and deserted the helm to Niftv, so that he could go aloft and take a 'bird's eye picture of the boat and her company.
The gay crew of Uira was also afloat, and took their party of the fair sex down as far as Nepean before returning. As usual, the crew went ashore, looking their best, during the evening, and Christmas Day was ushered in with that good feeling towards each other that should be expected at such a season. The chef, Bubbles, was evidently most excited, and the meat for breakfast suffered in consequence, When reprimanded by Skipper Mutt and the ever-cantankerous cabin-boy, Jeff, he quietly replied that he did not anticipate to overfeed the cress', and they had better save their remarks for dinner-time. The Christmas dinner will long be remembered as an episode of the trip, and Bubbles was highly complimented for the success he achieved. With beaming smiles he was always on hand to satisfy all refills, and it is no wonder that all the company were on the guivive to avoid the wash-up. Some even went so far as to lie in their bulks, which were not deserted until the evening meal was ready. On Boxing Day Brother Bill deserted the ship, and was taken aboard Uira, which cleared out for Mornington, and thence he returned to the city, eventually rejoining on Thursday, 3rd of January.
Visitors during this day were Helen, Valhalla, and Laloma, a new 26-footer, fitted with auxiliary power, also the motor launch Hinemoa. It could be seen that Uira was making but slight headway in the light east airs, but later, after setting her topsail she met with a fair breeze, and made Mornington after a fair passage. During the morning the crew rescued a small dinghy, which was adrift in the tideway, and this extra means of propulsion to the shore came in very handy for two days before being claimed by the owner. That afternoon, with a full complement of the fair sex and the Big Boys, a sail was taken as far as Rye, to the great pleasure of the crew and the passengers, who treated the crew to music and merriment. Several went ashore to participate in the revels of the numerous visitors of this most popular seaside resort, and whilst away it came hard out of the nor'east. Mr. Giles, Jeff and Nifty were left in charge, and the latter took tip anchor watch at Io.3o, scantily clad in bed garments, and to his relief the rest returned about sr.3o, when Mutt decided that it would be advisable to up anchor and make a more favourable anchorage. The engine was requisitioned, and when the anchor was tripped and hauled up half-way the engine again went wrong, and it was a case of make fast the pick and get the sail on her, as she was fast drifting down on Helen. A collision was avoided, with plenty of room to spare, and admirably handled by the skipper in a dead plug to windward, a safe anchorage was made in Cameron's Bay. The crew during this time undertent a heavy sweat, and were satisfied to lay in until 9 a.m.
After the morning meal Utiekah returned to Sorrento in feather white weather, and when snug at anchor, the crew noticed a skiff containing two ladies and their gentlemen' friends in difficulties, evidently having been caught in the vicious puffs coming off the land, and being unable to make headway against the wind and tide. When borne abreast of Utiekah a line was thrown and the skiff hauled alongside, and the occupants taken aboard, little realising the strenuous adventure. which had befallen. them, until made apparent by the crew, who. would not countenance a recurrence during such boisterous weather, having themselves to stand by . in case of emergencies. Towards evening they , were taken ashore by the fishing boat Mermaid, and the weather moderating considerably the crew were once more enabled to stretch their 'legs on terra firma. Short cruises were the order of the following days, until New Year's Day was ushered in, and then,.three of the, crew's holidays having expired, it was decided to make Mornington.
Anchor was hauled at 8 a.m., and the engine, Utiekah and her reluctant crew departed from the scenes of many memorable scenes of enjoyment. By nr.3o she was again safely. anchored ,at Schnapper Point, after the crew had discerned the beauties of early morning sailing close along this picturesque shore. One of the crew then transferred to Uira, which was just returning to her moorings at St. Kilda. Thus ended one of the happiest holidays spent by this crew of eight yachting enthusiasts, and the complement of the yacht was reduced to five, who, being joined by another, safely returned on Sunday last. A HOLIDAY OUTING. (1918, January 12). The Prahran Telegraph (Vic. : 1889 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article75256332
In 1924 Harold Snr. sold the 16 foot skiff and bought a 46 foot LOA gaff rigged yawl named Utiekah II. He bought her in Melbourne and the owner and he sailed her to Sydney where he formally took possession. He then started to race her with his two eldest boys as his main crew. The first year he owned her he removed the mizzen mast and converted her to a cutter, still gaff rigged.
Utiekah under gaff rig c1928 - Nossiter family photos
YACHTSMEN have commenced to look ahead for the approaching one for the apart, and It Is expected that 1927 will eclipse that or any previous term. It Is believed that the big yachts will be the attraction, as no additions are to be made to the 21ft. restricted class. The White Wings, a famous yacht, then owned by the late Samuel Hordern, and which In recent years has been utilised by various enthusiasts solely for cruising under yawl rig up and down the coast, has changed hands again. Her new owner Is Mr. N. L. R. Griffin, a Sydney solicitor, who Is having the craft refitted. The yawl, it is said, is to be discarded, and when the veteran comes up to the starting line she will in many respects resemble the Bona, which is also to race under a new owner, Mr. H. J Fitzpatrick, of Scotland Island, Pittwater.
Utiekah II., a handsome cruiser, which has done exceptionally well since she was brought from Victorian waters by Mr. H. Nossiter, is to be converted into a cutter and will measure pace over ocean and harbor courses with the cream of the harbour throughout the season. Her owner Is a clever helmsman and In a blow with plenty of windward work Utiekah has shown exceptional speed. … YACHTING (1926, August 5). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117311044
In 1927 Harold Snr did a major refit to Utiekah’s rig converting her from a gaff rigger to the then very new Bermuda rig. He was leader in this new rig and amongst the first on Sydney harbour to embrace it. He stepped a new 71 foot mast in this 46 foot boat.
Legend has it that it was Carl Halvorsen who, having showed a talent for woodwork was, at 16, entrusted by his father Lars to fashion the 71-foot (21.6-metre) mast for Harold Nossiter’s Utiekah II, by hand, using an adze and plane.
He was extremely competitive and during the racing season he removed all excess weight from the vessel, heads (toilet), bunks and even the engine. They used to race her so hard the seams would open up with water coming in and they had to bail it out. The new rig proved very successful with Utiekah ll winning many, many trophies over the next seven years.
Among the trophies he won with Utiekah was the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s ‘Rawhiti Cup’ which he won outright. To retain the cup It had to be won by the same yacht owner three times. Well Harold did the ‘Hat Trick’ by winning it the first year it was presented and the following two years. It was expected to be around for a number of years before an owner won it. It must have cost the presenter, Frank Albert of the Albert Music Company, a lot of money. It is about the same size and similar shape to the famous ‘America Cup’ and of solid sterling silver.
But the most prestigious cup of the day that he won was in 1932, the Lipton Cup one of Australia’s most coveted yachting trophies, basically crowning Utiekah ll the ‘King of the harbour’.
‘Rawhiti Cup’
‘Rawhiti Cup’ - rear inscription
Every year at the end of the racing season Harold took Utiekah away on a two week cruise up or down the NSW coast. He really loved the joy and freedom of cruising.
A KEEN YACHTSMAN: OWNER OF UTIEKAH: A FAMILY CREW (1926, December 1). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128099507
Not without challenges:
KIAMA, Tuesday. — The 41ft. yacht Uteikah II., of 17 tons, reached here yesterday afternoon, after a perilous voyage from Twofold Bay. Captained by her owner, Mr. Harold Nossiter, accompanied by this two sons and Mr. D. Robinson, the yacht was In the gale raging on the South Coast, but good seamanship pulled her through. YACHT'S PERILOUS TRIP (1929, February 13). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245522204
SHE'S A CLIPPER Utiekah's Win
ONE of the most popular yachting victories of the season was achieved yesterday by Mr. Harold Nossiter, manager of the wine and spirit department of Dalgety and Co. He handled his deep-keeler Utiekah II. with remarkable skill under the new big Marconi sail set on a 71 ft mast. Utiekah had never been seen to better advantage under her change of gear. She showed rare speed in 'a soldier's wind.' It was a day of 'White Horses' for the Nossiter family, as a son pulled off his first race on the Lane Cove with the 12ft. Avalon.
The big deep-keelers never had a chance against Utiekah over the shortened course.There There was a crash tn the 21ft. class off Bradley*8 Head. Breeze and Wattle collided, but the officials did not notice the incident. Both boats were engaged in a luffing match at the time. They finished a dead-heat for first honours. Dr. Cyril Shepherd's sod won the dinghy race from scratch with Scamp, and Oxar Backhouse came to light in the 'A1 class cruisers by piloting the ancient Dawn to victory.
Results: — ALL YACHTS HANDICAP. Utiekah II. (H. Nossiter), 4.6.23, 1: Matangi II (H. E. White), 4.8.16, 2; Bona (R. L. Patrick). 4.18.20, 3; Vanessa (C. Trebeck). 4.22.64, 4. Others: Norm, 4.23.23; Morna. 4.24.4; Rawhiti, 4.24.16; Brand V., 4.25.58. 21FT. RESTRICTED CLASS. Wattle (F. H. Norton), 4.38.6, and Breeze (J. M. Hordern), 4.88.6, a deadheat for first; Koala (C. B. Forsyth), 4.39.40, 3. Others: N.S.W. L. 4.(0.57: E.O.J. III., 4.43.0. A CLASS CRUISERS. Dawn (O. Backhouse), 4.24.0, 1; Culwulla IV. (R. F. Graham), 4.25.2, 2; Foam (L. V. Buckingham), 4.26.0, 3; Colleen (A. P. Anderson-Rtuart), ' 4.27.16, 4 Hoana (L. C. Buckle), 4.81.9, E, B Class: Quaker Girl (F. C. Acar), 4.36.30, 1; Wanderer (A. M. Merrington), 2; Bawene (S. Peterson), 4.41.55, 8. Sam Pan, Boreas, and Avona, were the others to finish 12ft. CADET OINQHIE6. Scamp -B. Shepherd), 4.19.40, 1; Triton -P. C. Taylor). 4.20.22, 2; Bell Bird -J. Alderton), 4.21.6, 8. , Bona and Sea Nymph were next to finish.YACHTING. (1929, December 1). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article169322398
Utiekah II under Yawl rig at Woodford Bay, circa 1930 - Nossiter family album
Mrs. Nossiter at helm of Utiekah II, the winner of Saturday's yacht race for lady skippers. SAILING SEASON CLOSES. (1930, April 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16671787
A Home On The Waves
"I Know No Better Sport "
Thrills and Joys of Yachting as told by MR HAROLD NOSSITER, Owner of UTIEKAH II "
For thrills, variety in sport, and sheer pleasure, surely no pastime can compare with yachting. Once an enthusiast, always an enthusiast. Mr. Harold Nossiter, owner of the fine performer Utiekah II, should know, for he has been a yachtsman for 30 years. In the following interview he gives a few of the reasons why yachting is his pastime and his hobby.
One of the many thrills of yachting. The Carina (left) and Morna (top right) heel over with the wind abeam. The graceful Utiekah II. Racing neck and neck, Windward and Morna provide a delightful picture.
MR, NOSSITER was bitten by the yachting bug early in life. Thirty years ago he began cruising in the Ladis, a 20-footer, and a few years later acquired Zanita, which was afterwards wrecked at Manly, though he did not own her then, and she had been re-named "Blue Bird."
Then he married, and yachting knew him no more for about 15 years, though he always promised himself that if he had a family, he would return to the sport. He did both. When the eldest of his four sons was about 12 he bought Rocco and seven years ago he acquired Utiekah II. ("The Music of the Rippling Waters"), from a Melbourne man. Utiekah II. is all-Australian, having been designed and built in Melbourne. The original owner would never recognise her now.
When Mr. Nossiter got her she was a yawl, and as such he won three races with her. Then he changed her to cutter rig, altering her balance and making her faster and very much easier to steer. The old 40 foot mast was retained.
Worked For Both
Sailed three years as a cutter, Utiekah was then Bermuda-rigged, with a 70ft. mast, and that is the Utiekah of to-day. Her sails are the work of the famous British firm Ratsey and Lapthorne, which had the unique distinction of making the sails for both British and American contenders for the last America's Cup.
Mr. Nossiter has won 22 trophies with Utiekah II., including the Fairfax Cup, F. J. Jackson Cup, Rawhiti Cup (won outright), the Boomerang Cup he has won twice, just missing a third victory a fortnight ago, and he won the Morna Cup twice in succession, but it was then won outright by another yachtsman. The actual Gascoyne Cup race has been postponed twice owing to heavy weather, and the two substitute races, on the inside course, have both fallen to Utiekah, but those victories do not count for permanent possession.
True to his promise to himself Mr. Nossiter has made yachtsmen of his family with a vengeance. The two principal members of his crew are his sons, Harold and Dick, now 23 and 21 years respectively, while Jack and Ben, 15 and 12, are eager seekers after dinghy trophies with Utiekah Junior. Mrs. Nossiter, too, has the Harbor salt in her veins. Last season she won the ladies' race, and Mr. Nossiter's brother, too, has given him a hand.
Can't Beat It
Great as are the thrills he gets from racing, Mr. Nossiter's chief enjoyment lies in cruising. "You can't beat it," he said. "You are absolutely free. You simply transfer your home from land to water, and go where you like, stopping just where you feel inclined. I have cruised to Bateman's Bay, Jervis Bay, Twofold Bay, Shoalhaven, Broughton Island, Sugarloaf Bay; just to mention a few; while I intend to go up to the Great Barrier Reef one of these days. "One great fascination about cruising is the uncertainty. You get no two days alike. One day you may get a calm, the next a fair breeze, the next a hard one. "Then there is the variety. So many things go with a cruise. You get sailing, bathing, sun-baking, shooting ashore, and, best of all, fishing. It is a glorious, free and healthy life.
Rare Relaxation
"After the strain of the racing season, a cruise comes as a wonderful relaxation. I and my family nearly always go to a new place. There are always new bays and scenes to conquer, while you get an idea of the beauties of the coastline which you can't get from the swifter moving steamer. In a yacht you can see from the fifth breaker, as it were, the hills, the beaches, the magnificent back-ground, and, believe me our coastline, particularly down to the Victorian border, has rare beauties to offer. "Then, again, you can temper your cruise to the season. If it is hot here, you can make your leisurely way down to the cool breezes of the south. If it is winter, the way to the warmer north is open to you.
No Dole Here
"It may seem strange, but I and my boys get just as much pleasure out of the off season, as we do when we are racing or cruising. Each member of the crew has his own particular little job on the boat, and we do practically all our own overhauling.
We slip her on our own waterfront at Woodford Bay, Lane Cove River, and the work of getting her ship-shape for the next season has a fascination that may be hard for the landsman to understand. But just as the keen motorist loves tinkering with his car, so the enthusiastic yachtsman likes pottering about his boat.
"An expensive hobby? Well, perhaps it is, but the expense is largely what you make it, after the initial outlay. If a yachtsman looks after his boat himself, as we do, he will save himself a lot of money; and if his family is largely his crew, he will save a lot more, for entertainment of the crew and paying hired hands are usually a big item.
The Upkeep
"Then again, general upkeep, in the way of sails, painting, and so on, may cost about £300 one year, and about £100 the next. I don't suppose I have spent more than £100 a year in keeping Utiekah II. in trim since I got her; but, as I said, we do most of the work ourselves.
"Of course, the size of a boat has everything to do with the initial outlay and the subsequent upkeep. The life of a yacht, properly looked after, is anything up to 50 years. Britannia, the King's yacht, by the way, was built in 1893. She still wins races, and she notched her 200th flag some time ago. In England, if you win a race you get a flag, so you can imagine that a string of bunting all round the ship, as the King's yacht has, denotes just a little bit out of the ordinary.
Risky Cut-in
"Yes, with a good yacht you can enjoy the thrills of racing and the pleasures of cruising, As for the thrills, I once went right over the tow line that connected a tug with a four-masted ship. It was in a race for the Rawhiti Cup, which I won, and we were coming back from Manly. The ship was cutting me off from Shark Island. Waiting for her to pass would have lost me the race, so I took the risk, and the master of the ship helped me by slacking off, after he had got over the first shock and saw what I was striving to do.
"On another occasion, in a race for the Norma Cup, we were one of the only two to finish. One boat, White Wings, lost a man overboard. He was drowned. Windward lost a mast and the others retired. The race was sailed in a southerly, which increased to a 50-mile an hour 'gale. It was the most strenuous time I have ever had in a race. A big wave washed one of our boys right from for'ard aft, and my brother just managed to clutch him as he was going overboard.
Buoy or Boy?
"Talking of buoys reminds me of one of my earlier races. We lost a lifebuoy near the Heads and stopped to recover it, which we failed to do. When we got in I was asked the reason of our delay, and I replied that we had lost a buoy. They took me phonetically, and next day the papers came out with the statement that one of the Nossiter boys had struck up a permanent acquaintance with Davy Jones. "On a long cruise we used our racing mast, but, naturally, our racing sails are a bit too valuable to hoist on a pleasure jaunt. We have never yet found the mast a hindrance, though on a more extended journey it might be better to have a shorter one.
"For cruises I prefer the Bermuda rig to any other. When at sea you don't run the risk of being knocked overboard by the gaff, I have reefed inside as well as outside while under way in a race, and have lost no time. You can't do that very well with a gaff sail.
"Further, the Bermuda rig is much simpler, and only four hands are needed.
"And, by the way, if you are a fishing enthusiast, go north, not south, if your experience is to be the same as mine. Round Sugarloaf Bay I have found superlative fishing. You get all sorts, and the sharks don't take your catch for bait, as they do in the south. "Yes, yachting in a good yacht will give you all the thrills of the chase, and all the sightseeing facilities of a round-the-world-in-40-days type of American tourist joy ship. Yachting has been my sport for nearly a lifetime. I have yet to hear of a better."
The end of a perfect Yachting Day. Here is Utiekah II, in her yawl rigged days at Abraham's Bosom. Note the rock formation and the eagle, baboon and boar's head.
MUSIC OF THE RIPPLING WATERS (1931, December 27). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224288337
Utiekah II. (H. Nossiter), winner on Saturday of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club's Nossiter Cup. WINNER OF THE NOSSITER CUP. (1932, February 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16844160
Big Class Yachts Will Race On Sat.
(By "Bermuda")
Owners of the big-class yachts will hoist their racing flags next Saturday for the initial race of the 1932-33 season. which will be conducted by the Prince Edward Yacht Club.
Regularly each year there is a thrill about this opening fixture, not only to the skippers and crews, but also to the followers of all branches of aquatic sport and the residents on the Harbor foreshores. Amongst the competing craft will be H. Nossiter's Bermudian rigged cutter Utiekah II., the present holder of the championship trophy. Utiekah II has been fitted out for the racing season by her owner and his sons on their private slip. No alterations have been made to the hull or sail plan for the forthcoming series of races, in which Utiekah II. will be skippered by Mr. H. Nossiter. Big Class Yachts Will Race On Sat. (1932, October 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229255847
Utiekah ll lives on today, moored at Pittwater in Careel Bay and owned for over thirty years by Peter and Li Kershaw of Avalon. She is in immaculate condition thanks to an extensive refit, more a rebuild carried out by Peter himself, a well-known local sailor and Shipwright. At Utiekah’s 100th birthday celebration that was held dockside at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club in 2011, Peter and Li had Dick Nossiter, who was then 101, cut the birthday cake. Tim Nossiter, Dick’s son, has done two cruises in Utiekah, one from Pittwater to Eden in 2015 and one from Hobart to Eden in 2017.
Dick Nossiter with a bottle of RPAYC house red - Tim Nossiter photo
The UTIEKAH II - Still On Pittwater - Still Sailing!
SYDNEY, January 7.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club held three races on Saturday afternoon in weather which was far from satisfactory. The extremely light easterly breeze gave very little work, and at times the yachts did little more than drift. Yachting enthusiasts looked forward to an interesting race of all the yachts for the Nossiter Cup, on account of the Victorian yacht, Eun-Na-Mara, being a competitor, but they were sadly disappointed. Aoma was an absentee on account of her crew having helped to man the challenger for the Sayonara Cup. Utiekah II, Eun-Na-Mara, and Rawhiti had topsails aloft. Handicaps were given at the start, and there was a procession of close-hauled yachts from Bradley's Head to Manly on the one lack. After a tedious journey the craft were timed rounding the Manly buoy as follows:-Utiekah II., 3hr. 16 min. 45sec; Brand V., 3.22.20; Vanessa, 3.22.45: Bona, 3.30.15; Eun-Na-Mara. 3.32.0; Rawhiti. 3.34.15. One leg only was necessary on the journey to Shark Island, and Brand V., better suited to the light air than her opponents, was In tho van at Shark Island, and continued in that position to the finish. Utiekah II. retired, and Rawhiti secured third place on the work to Watson's Bay, but failed to overhaul Vanessa or Brand V., who would have had a closer finish had not Vanessa been In collision with the two 18-footers. The official finishing times were: -Brand V., 5hr. 38min. 18sec.; Vanessa, 5.40.38; Rawhiti, 5.44.4S; Bona, 5.52.36; Eun-Na-Mara, 5.54.7. YACHTING (1929, January 8). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article24237081
THE R.P.A.Y.C.'s race for the Nossiter Cup over the Manly course on Sydney Harbour on Saturday brought out a fair fleet, but the wind was light and unsatisfactory. Mr. Palmer's Brand V., which lost her mast in the Basin Cup, reappeared, and, suited by the light wind, scored a win. The staysail-rigged schooner Windward came second, Mr. Frank Albert's Rawhiti third. With Rawhiti on scratch, Brand was allowed 13 minutes, Windward 26 minutes. Others in the race were Bona, Utiekah II., and Morna.
The restricted class was won by N.S.W. III., which sailed under the Bermuda rig, Mr. J. L. Milson at the helm. She defeated Wattle by 1 minute 44 seconds. An interesting 'mixed' regatta was held on Lane Cove River off Longueville on Saturday, in which, while speed-boats and outboards gave interesting exhibitions,a large fleet of 12-foot dinghies, consisting of the Lane Cove and Greenwich clubs combined, raced in the light breeze, and came to a finish at the regatta— a beautiful sight.
Mr. Peter H.Curtis, of Glenaplin, writes:— In your issue December 10 there is reference to a yachting trophy— with photograph— of 1859. I have in my possession an earlier trophy— 1857— a silver chalice cup competed for in that year in a series of three races by the Mosquito Yacht Club, and won thrice by the Annie S.', owned by my father, Peter Campbell Curtis— a name closely connected with sport in Sydney then and later, and in particular with the Albert C.C. The cup is well cared for.
The World of Sport (1931, February 11). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 31. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article159791600
Brand V. (J. R. Palmer), which won the Nossiter Cup on Saturday. WINNER OF THE NOSSITER CUP. (1933, March 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16986699
The Sirius
In 1934 Harold Snr then had Sirius built for her world circumnavigation. Before retiring on Friday 12th July 1935 (Sirius departed two days later on Sunday 14th July) he was head of the wine and spirits department for Dalgety and Co., Ltd., and was Vice President of the Wine and Spirits Association of N.S.W.
Originally she was reported to be being built under a different name - the 'Mermaid':
PLANNING a world's cruise to last two years, Mr. Harold Nossiter, has a new yacht, the Mermaid, under construction at Messrs. J. Hayes and Son's yards at Neutral Bay. The course or cruise will be from Sydney northward through Torres Strait to Java, Singapore, and Ceylon, then through the Red and Mediterranean Seas, to England. The return voyage will be made via the Panama Canal. The Mermaid is to be an exceptionally fine type of auxiliary cruising yacht of 34 tons. Designed with a spoon bow and cruiser stern, her principal dimensions will be length 54ft., beam 13ft. 6in„ draught 7ft. 6in. An 18 h.p. Jersey City Standard Engine will provide auxiliary power.
Mr. Nossiter will be accompanied by two of his sons, R. H. Nossiter, who will this week sit for an examination for a foreign-going yacht master's certificate, and J. Nossiter. PLANS WORLD CRUISE (1933, October 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247162044
Mr. Nossiter's, Sirius Nearing Completion
AT the end of the month Mr. Harold ' Nossiter's yacht, Sirius, will be launched from the yards of Jas. Hayes and Sons, of Careening Cove, Sydney. The craft has been built with the object of circling the world, and the owner considers that the trip will occupy two years, starting from July next.
The Sirius is- one of the biggest yachts turned out in Sydney for years. She has a length overall of 53ft Oln, with a 13ft 7in beam, and a draught of 7ft 6in. Comfort has been studied, as there is 6ft head room in the cabins, which have been finished in Queensland maple, while the floors are of Western Australian Jarrah. The owner has had a special cabin built for his own comfort, while accommodation has been planned for six, and In addition there Is a large saloon, 12ft by 13ft. Sail lockers have been built, and three hatches have been constructed, with the object of avoiding the use of fanlights, and to prevent water from finding Its way down below in the event of rough seas.
The Sirius has been built above Lloyd's specifications. Tea tree has been used in the construction of knees, the planking is of jarrah, and the beams of spotted gum, with kauri decks. The whole of the voyage will be undertaken by sail, but an 18 h. p. Jersey City marine engine will be fitted for emergency- use. Tanks have been 'fitted' to carry 350 gallons of water, and there is plenty of storage for food.
The yacht will have a crew of four, and the navigator will be Richard Nossiter, 24 years' of age, who has passed for his master's certificate with honors. The initial stage of the trip from Sydney will be to New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Straits Settlements, Ceylon, and thence by the Red Sea to England, returning via America. Four amateurs will constitute the crew.
TO SAIL ROUND THE WORLD (1935, January 3). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article135515537
The Sirius - Launch article - Nossiter family records
The Sirius - Nossiter family photos
An auxiliary cruiser yacht, which has been built at Careening Cove, at the yards of Hayes and Son, for Mr. Harold Nossiter, will be launched on February 5. It Is to be named the Sirius. NEW YACHT TO BE LAUNCHED. (1935, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17137538
Around World In 30-Ton Yacht
SYDNEY, Wednesday. — Four Australians will set out on Sunday to circumnavigate the world in the 30-ton yacht, Sirius, marking an epoch in such ventures in an Australian-built craft of this size. The party will comprise Mr Harold Nossiter, of Northwood Road, North-wood, the owner; his sons. Harold, 27, and Dick. 25, expert yachtsmen, the latter holding a yacht-master's certificate; and Mr Clive Russel, 28, of Melbourne. Farewells have been tendered Mr Nossiter bv the Royal Yacht Squadron, to which he belongs, and the Prince Edward Yacht Club.
The yacht will carry a wireless set, enabling world-wide reception, but no transmission. The Sirius is 53ft. 6in. long, with a 13ft. 7in. beam, and draws 7ft. 6in. The auxiliary 18 horse-power petrol engine in the staysail schooner rigged yacht will j not be used except in ports or in case of emergency.
All-Australian Venture
At 11 a.m. next Sunday, escorted by other private craft, the four adventurers ;will sail from Woodford Bay. Lane Cove River, carrying from 15cwt. to 1 ton of stores— all Australian, and expected to: last for the two years allotted for the! voyage. Mr Nossiters patriotic zeal permeates every aspect of the projected adventure. All Australian material was used in the yacht by the builders, F. Hayes and Sons.
In the choice of the name Sirius, Mr Nossiter explained today, he was guided by several influences. Sirius was the flagship on which Governor Phillip entered Port Jackson at the head of the first fleet. "It is the brightest star in the heavens, and a southern star, and therefore Australian." added Mr Nossiter.
Sirius Cove has pleasant associations for him and it was in Sirius House, Macquarie Place, not far distant from the first Government House where lived Governor Phillip, that were held meetings of the Wine and Spirit Merchants' Association, of which Mr Nossiter was a vice-president until his retirement for this venture. Around World In 30-Ton Yacht (1935, July 10). The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article244935985
Return of Nossiters yacht by Sirius from world cruise 1937. Image No.: hood_14965h, courtesy State Library of NSW
Return of Nossiters yacht by Sirius from world cruise 1937. Image No.: hood_14964h, courtesy State Library of NSW
Return of Nossiters yacht by Sirius from world cruise 1937. Image No.: hood_14968h, courtesy State Library of NSW
The Two Million;
By John Random
Telling The Marines
SOME Interesting people met by. Mr. Nossiter -during his world cruise in the Sirius were described at the Ship-lovers' Society meeting.
"The Sultan of Johore," Mr. Nossiter said, was a multi-millionaire. He donated half a million to the new. Singapore air Even so, he is not allowed on the streets of Singapore after midnight, being the bad boy of the Straits Settlements, and inclined to paint the town red. Rumor said that he advertised for 50 Australian typists for lady friends, and actually, succeeded in getting six.
Then there was the Italian pilot who took the Sirius through the Suez Canal. Noticing the yacht's British Ensign, he was decidedly cool, but learning the crew were Australians, he thawed. "Italy and Australia won the War," he declared.
AND the poor father of a family of eight daughters in Crete, where all prospective husbands demand a substantial dowry."The "The poor fellow Is virtually mortgaged for life," said Mr. Nossiter.
Shortly after the death of King George V, Mr. Nossiter met the late King's sailing master at Cowes. They stood on the Sirius deck at midnight and watched two destroyers escort the Britannia out to sea to be scuttled. "The old sailing-master was in tears," Mr. Nossiter said.The Two Million (1937, August 20). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247226854
Reviewed by "Touchstone
"Southward Ho"
With the Sirius
There is a delightfully Elizabethan touch about Mr Harold Nossiter's "SOUTHWARD HO!" (London: H. & G. Witherby, Melbourne: Gordon and Gotch; Price 10/6), a modest, yet exciting and entertaining account of a small boat voyage from England to Australia. Like Drake, Mr Nossi-tor has circumnavigated the globe. This account of his homeward voyage in his 35-ton schooner-yacht Sirius, deserves to become one of the classics of deep-sea faring.
ONE does not need to be nautically minded to appreciate this record of modern adventure. The Sirius left Cowes, England, on September 17, 1938. Eight months later she dropped anchor in Sydney Harbor. During that time she had travelled 14,422 miles, of which distance all but 400 miles were covered under sail.
Mr Nossiter's route took him from England to Madeira and the Canary Islands, across the Atlantic to the- West Indies, through the Panama Canal to Galapagos, and then across the Pacific to the Marquesas. Society and Tonga Islands to Port Jackson. One cannot help but admire the modern reticence with which the author describes what must have been a hazardous voyage. His crew consisted of himself and his two sons.
The trip across the Atlantic from Madeira to the West Indies was uneventful, alternate winds and calms, which gave Mr Nossiter time to recall the experience of other adventurers, such as Thomas Dudley, who was a fellow yachtsman In Sydney. In 1884 Dudley set out to sail the yacht Mignonette (about the size of the Sirius) from England to Sydney via the Cape of Good Hope. His crew consisted of two men and a boy. Shortly after crossing the Line the Mignonette sprang a leak and sank. Dudley and his little crew took to the dinghy. After 10 days at sea they were in - such a pitiful state of starvation that Dudley suggested -they should draw lots as to who shouV sacrifice himself as food for the others. Brooks, one of the crew, refused to agree to the suggestion, although Stephens, the other member, was willing. In the end Dudley proposed to kill Parker, the boy, who was ill and helpless, and who, according to Dudley, would have died in any case. "They were picked up on July 28 by a Gorman barque when the boy's remains were found in th bottom of the boat by their rescuers At this time Dudley and Stephens were in a state of collapse and had to be carried aboard the ship. "When they were landed at Falmouth about six weeks later, they were charged with murder, but Brooks was acquitted, as he was no party to the slaying of the boy. Dudley and Stephens were, however, committed for trial. They were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, but the sentence was suspended and they were, in the end. only sentenced to six months' imprisonment.
"Dudley came out to Australia after serving his term and started business as a sail and tarpaulin maker and prospered. His end came in a' strange way. m he was the first man to die of the bubonic plague when it first broke out in Australia,"
HAPPILY the crew of the Sirius did not encounter any such misadventures. In fact during the whole course of their voyage they never had to endure more than passing illnesses, and these were only contracted when they touched land. After passing through the Panama Canal and touching at Cocos Island, the haven of all treasure seekers, and the Galapagos, which Mr Nossiter regards as something of a modern Eden, "no need to work ... no taxes, and no duty." the Sirius set out on the longest leg of the voyage, 3000 miles to the Marquesas.
Day after day the sky was "bright with only a few clouds, white horses curling on the crests of the sens, the yacht bounding along as we like to feel it. all sails drawing, leaving a white foam behind as she leaps ahead. Waves followed seeming us though they would come abroad, but falling behind as we run away. All around the horizon— the sea and the sky-boundless and endless. Only ourselves here and we are for the time being, alone, forlorn and forgotten in a world of endless striving for mastery. The sun shining through the clouds brightens the sea. A few flying fish are taking off against the wind from the ocean surface, like aeroplanes, and then turning to the direction In which they desire to fly. Birds that never seem to rest are skimming the water, looking for fish."
AT times navigation was difficult The Pacific is still only partially charted. A reef or shoal marked on the chart may not exist or it may be miles out of position. In such circumstances the wise navigator gives the doubtful neighborhood a wide berth. He does not try to emulate the confident captain who, on being asked by a passenger as to the position of one of these doubtful reefs, remarked. "We are just going over it," only to feel his vessel strike the reef as he spoke.
Mr Nossiter's account of the various islands at which the Sirius touched is full of interest. He remarks that where the natives arc left more or less to manage their own affairs, and the influx of Chinese is either prohibited or strictly controlled, they are happy and healthy. The population of the Marquesas (French) before the coming of the whites and the yellows was estimated at 100,000 to 150,000. Today it is down to about 2000, of which number about 50 are true-blooded Marquesans.
On the other hand, in the Tongan group the number of full-blooded Tongans is now 34.000, as against 20.000 in 1900. The worst weather experienced by the Sirius and her crew was off the I Australian coast. They had to lie to under bare poles for two or three days j before they reached the quiet waters of Port Jackson and the congratulatory cheers of their friends on the completion of their long voyage. The book contains numerous illustrations and a map. Sirius RECENT BOOKS (1938, January 20). The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), p. 34. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article244950649
Patriotic Funds to Benefit.
A BEAUTIFUL silver cup is to be presented to the president of the 33rd annual Pittwater Regatta, Mr, A. D. Walker, who has just retired from the position of commodore of the Royal Motor Yacht Club, which he has held for many years. The cup is engraved with the signatures of the donors-Messrs. Stuart Doyle. H. P. Christmas, and E. R. Williams, and members of their families.
The cup has been well earned, for yesterday, the Pittwater regatta, in aid of the Lord Mayor's Patriotic Fund, for which Mr. Walker and members of his committee have worked so hard, was a tremendous success. Thousands of people arrived in cars, and in their own boats. Many had already been up at Palm Beach, Newport, and neighbouring districts over the Christmas week-end.
An excellent opportunity for displaying summer clothes was offered. Slacks with bright coloured pullovers, dirndls, play suits, shorts and Hawaiian shirts were all favoured. Fish-net turbans had lost none of their popularity while brightly coloured "mammy" scarves formed many head-dress, and were worn with sun glasses.
On board the president's boat, the Lolita, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, the latter wearing a dark blue and white figured frock, entertained a number of guests including Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Walker, jun., the latter wearing a linen play suit appropriately decorated with anchors. Mr. and Mrs. Walker plan to stay at Pittwater for another week.
The Lord Mayor elect, Alderman Stanley Crick, and Mrs. Crick, who looked cool in in ice blue linen frock, entertained on board their boat, the Silver Arrow. They were assisted by their daughters, Misses Shirley and Patricia Crick, both in sun tops and shorts. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cruttenden, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Crick, Miss Olga Martin, and Mr Herbert Crisp. They were joined later by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Henderson, who have taken a cottage at Newport.
Keen spectators were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nossiter, the latter wearing a light green linen frock, and their guests, who had all spent Christmas on board their famous boat, the Sirius, in which Mr Nossiter and his sons did a two years round-the-world cruise some years ago. On board her were Misses Thea Mowle, Billy Williams, Messrs. Jack Nossiter, Ron Potts and Harold Nossiter. On board the Maharani Mrs. Harry Livesay ac-companied her husband Captain Livesay.
Very practical were the navy shorts, striped pullover, and sun helmet worn by Miss Sheila Patrick, who skippered her own 12 footer, South Wind.
A great family reunion was held on board Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Williams's boat, Borough Belle. Their daughter, Miss Dorothy Williams, who, with her mother, has just returned from England, and their three sons, Mr. John Williams, and Bill and Peter Williams, who are pupils at Geelong Grammar School, were all on board Miss Williams has been at school in Switzerland and flew out to Australia not long ago for a month's holiday. She also flew back and landed in England on the day that war was declared. She and her mother took the first available boat home. Others in their party included Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Huntley, Mr. W. V. McCall, M.P., and Mrs. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. John Goodall, Miss June Smith, and Mr. John O'Donnell.
A large party was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Doyle on their motor yacht Miramar. Among their guests were Sir Ernest and Lady Fisk, the Assistant Federal Treasurer, Mr. Percy Spender and Mrs. Spender, who are staying at their cottage at Palm Beach for the summer holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Lacey Zapf, Mr. and Mrs. B. Scott-Fell, Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.Dan Carroll, Mr.and Mrs. A. C. Aubrey, Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Pao, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Dare, and Mr. and Mrs. George Applegate. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT PITTWATER. (1939, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17633066
Yachtsman Marries
A SUGAR model of the yacht Sirius, in which the bridegroom has sailed round the world with his father, Mr. H. Nossiter, decorated the wedding cake at the reception after the marriage yesterday of Miss Elizabeth Williams and Mr. Harold Nossiter. The bride is also a yachting enthusiast, and they will spend their honeymoon in a yacht that has been lent to them. The ceremony took place at All Saints', Hunter's Hill. Yachtsman Marries (1940, February 11). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 33. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248236547
MR. and Mrs. Harold Nossiter received a cable this week from their second son, Lieut. R. H. Nossiter, R.A.N.V.R., announcing his engagement to Miss Nancy Swan, daughter of Dr. George Swan, of Liverpool, England. Lieut. Nossiter is serving with the British Navy. A few years ago, Lieut. Nossiter and his brother sailed on a two years' cruise round the world with their father, in his yacht, Sirius. Now Mr. and Mrs. Nossiter are living aboard the Sirius, which is at anchor at Newport, after having been at Palm Beach. Another son, Mr. Jack Nossiter, will be married in August to Miss Thea Mowle. SUE SEES SYDNEY (1941, July 4). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231631793
Sirius, the 53-foot schooner in which Harold Nossiter and two sons sailed around the world in 1935, will start in this year's Sydney-Hobart yacht race.
Twenty-two ocean-going vessels, representing New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and New Zealand, have entered for the race. Ilex the New Zealand representative, is now on her way across the Tasman for the start— off Clark Island (Sydney Harbor) on December 26.
Sirius was used during the war as an Army Water Transport training vessel. She is now owned by Jim Booth, well-known racing yachtsman, who has completely refitted her for off-shore racing. Sirius will have a "tune-up" race on Saturday in the Cruising Yacht Club's 20-mile handicap from Sydney to Broken Bay. Post entries for the Sydney-Hobart race will be received until December 10. SIRIUS FOR YACHT RACE (1946, December 4). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article248398244
A more definitive record of the Siruis has been complied by current owner Simon Morris
The Full History of Sirius
by Simon Morris
from: http://sirius1935.wixsite.com/sirius1935
In 1932 the celebrated Australian yachtsman, Harold Nossiter, won the Lipton Cup, one of Australia’s most coveted yachting trophies. Nossiter was planning retirement from his Sydney-based importing business in order to circumnavigate the world by yacht. His own yacht, Utiekah II, was a good sea boat but had little forefoot and would not heave-to, so she was condemned for the purpose. For this he felt he required a custom designed boat of advanced concept for the time. He took his ideas to J.D.Thistlethwaite, a naval architect in Greenwich N.S.W. who converted them to paper and completed the design in 1933.
The vessel was to be a canoe-sterned staysail schooner of some 35 tons displacement with accommodation for six. Length overall 62 feet, length on deck 53.5 feet, beam 13.5 feet, draft 7.5 feet and carrying 1600 square feet of sail. Her lines indicated a full-bodied hull of generous displacement. Construction was to be all timber with planking below the water line in Western Australian Jarrah and that above in New Zealand Kauri. The keel, timbers and deck beams were to be of Spotted Gum and the stem in Ti-tree. The design was handed over to J.Hayes and Sons, boat builders of Careening Cove, Sydney. The contract was signed in September 1933 and the keel was laid in February 1934.
The boat was launched on 6th February 1935, in the presence of about 300 spectators and named "SIRIUS" after the brightest of all navigation stars. The masts and rigging were erected once she was in the water and she was fitted with an 18 horse-power Jersey City Standard petrol engine. Harold Nossiter took delivery in the April. It was only possible to make two short coastal cruises before the date fixed for their circumnavigation, 14th July 1935. With his two sons, Harold and Dick and a friend called Clive Russell, they sailed out of Sydney harbour on what was to be a 28,000-mile trip lasting 20 months. The journey took them North to Rabaul in New Guinea then to Buton and Komodo where they saw the twelve foot dragon lizards, varanus komodoensis. Clive Russell the most inexperienced of the crew had a bad experience at the helm one night. He became confused and almost put the Sirius on a reef. Harold Nossiter awoke to the sound of the breaking waves and managed to start the engine in time to avoid disaster by twenty feet. After this incident, the responsibility of steering alone at night affected Russell's nerves and he would wake at night in his cabin and flash his torch about looking for the compass, thinking he was still steering. Nossiter even considered abandoning the circumnavigation and suggested just circumnavigating Australia instead but the eldest crew member, his son Harold was determined to continue and he urged on the rest of the crew. They pressed on to Bali and Batavia (Jakarta), Indonesia then Singapore and Penang where the Sirius was hauled out to have the hull cleaned and anti-fouled. They came off the slip on 10th November and set sail for Langkawi where they moored in Kuah on the 16th. There, Tunku Abdul Rahman, a son of the Sultan of Kedah and a Thai Princess was in charge of the district. He and his wife, an Englishwoman made their stay very pleasant and entertained the crew at their home several times. The Tunku who later became the first Prime Minister of Malaysia gave the eldest son Harold, a Malay Kris.
The next stop was in Colombo where, due to nerve-strain Clive Russell left the vessel. His father flew from Australia to take him home. On the next leg of the journey to Aden with the wind almost dead aft, in a confused and nasty sea, the crew were having difficulty steering as Dick Nossiter recalls with a chuckle; "We told father it was impossible to steer that course but he insisted it could be done and he took control. While steering at night the boom swung over and the yacht gybed breaking the boom. After that whenever he told us that we were doing something wrong we could always remind him that he broke the boom!" Dick was the Navigator and with his sextant and almanac he guided the vessel accurately throughout, making good landfalls. They passed through the Suez Canal and across the Mediterranean stopping at Crete and Cephalonia then passing through the Corinth Canal.
The rest of the trek across the Med was very hard with head winds and storms all the way. Off Italy, in a hailstorm, the cockpit and gunwales were full of ice. At Malta as they could not get her slipped, the midshipmen from HMS Australia offered to clean the bottom of the yacht by diving. They left the Island with an addition to the crew, a young cat which they named Oliver Twist as the animal was always meowing for more food. The journey to Gibraltar in April 1936 was hard with gale force winds on the nose and the cat had to be kept below. He became more and more annoying until one day he disappeared and was never found. Harold Nossiter later confessed that he perpetrated the dark deed, as he felt that "in the ocean his troubles would soon be over-including our own as far as he was concerned - especially with the sea running at the time".
They entered the Atlantic on 12th May and sailed past Cape Finisterre and across the Bay of Biscay to anchor in Plymouth on 2nd June. In the log book, Harold wrote “How apt are the words:- ‘For England home and beauty.’ ” The Sirius had come through the rough and tumble of the voyage very well indeed and as they subsequently found, showed no signs whatever of strain. They were not affected by sea-sickness during the voyage, never missed a meal and could always stay below in the worst weather without feeling any discomfort.
While in Plymouth they had the yacht slipped at Cremyll where she was repainted and anti fouled. A new boom was made to replace the broken one and the deck erections were scraped and varnished. Sirius was out of the water for eleven days so the crew took the opportunity to see some of the countryside of Devon and Cornwall. The Commander-in-Chief at Devonport, and Lady Drax invited them to lunch one day and later the Admiral visited the yacht. A few days later they sailed to Dartmouth where Rear Admiral Holt gave them a mooring off the Royal Naval College. While there, Harold Nossiter visited London for the first time. He was impressed with everything including the Tube but after this visit he avoided the suburban trains whenever possible, finding them poor compared to those in Australia.
The next port of call was Torquay, then Southampton. Harold Nossiter was very impressed with the magnificent yachts that he saw in the Solent and while they were moored at Southampton, which is not far from London, he took every opportunity to visit the Capital and even visited France. He fell in love with the English countryside and was most impressed with Stonehenge and Hastings where he paused on the spot where King Harold fell.
They left Southampton for Cowes on 9th July and moored near a black, dismantled yacht moored to a buoy. Nossiter thought she might be the "Britannia" so he rowed past her in the dinghy and found that she really was the late King's yacht. She still carried about her the remains of her former grandeur though dismasted and dismantled. He wrote in the log. " I happened to look out at eleven p.m. to see if the sky was clearing and saw two destroyers standing by, quite close to us. A launch then came alongside the "Britannia" and silently towed her to the stern of one of the destroyers, where she was made fast to the warship. The day had been windy and cold, with rain and a threatening sky but as the time drew near for the end of the famous yacht, the sky cleared, leaving black clouds only on the horizon, as though in mourning for the fine old boat. The destroyer stood out in majestic outline in the night, with the black hull of "Britannia" lying some lengths astern. At eleven fifteen p.m. the warship moved slowly ahead and like a departing spirit, the poor, dismasted yacht followed in her wake. So she, who had so well played her triumphant part, moved silently away to her last resting place. As the destroyer turned and moved faster ahead with her tow the clouds gradually passed away, leaving a bright, star-lit sky for the old yacht's end, which came a little later when she was sunk by a bomb, six miles out at sea.”
Harold Nossiter Snr. at Cowes - photo from Nossiter Family albums
MRS. H. NOSSITER had a long letter from her husband, Mr. Harold Nossiter, telling of their doings in England. He and his two sons, Dick and Harold, were made members of the Royal Yacht Squadron at Cowes, and have met many prominent people in the English yachting world. Mr. Nossiter has been entertained by Lord and Lady Churston, and sailed in Lord Churston's yacht in the Cowes regatta, which was, according to the Nossiters, a very wet affair, and rained all the time, and everyone wore oilskins whether they were on a boat or not. Dick and Harold were invited to stay in London as the guests of Sir Robert Chadwick, and in between parties and sight seeing have started to fit out the Sirius for the long Journey, as they have planned to leave England in September, and will return via the Panama Canal. Social SIDELIGHTS... (1936, August 23). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 4 (Women's Section). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230310898
The next day, Sir Philip Hunloke, the late King's Sailing Master, came aboard and handed Nossiter an invitation from the Committee of the Royal Yacht Squadron to use the Club House during their stay at Cowes, which they greatly appreciated. They stayed in England for three months which gave Nossiter the chance to document the voyage from Sydney to Southampton in his first book, "Northward Ho" which was published in London by H.F.& G.Witherby Ltd. in 1936 and in Boston by Charles E. Lauriat & Co. the following year. Meanwhile they sailed in Mr. Isaacs Bell's yacht "Bloodhound" with her designer, Mr. Nicholson, joining in a race against four of the J Class yachts (also designed by Nicholson) and came second. Nossiter's two sons Harold and Dick sailed as crew in the "Bloodhound” in several more races, winning the Channel race, the Queen's Cup and other races at Torquay and Gosport.
They departed Cowes on 17th September 1936 to return to Australia via Madeira and Trinidad. It was on this leg of the journey that the Sirius was repeating an earlier attempt to sail in a yacht from England to Australia by the "Mignonette". The skipper Thomas Dudley related the story to Harold senior. A well-known Sydney yachtsman, J.H.Want, bought "Mignonette" in England. She was only fifty-two feet long by about twelve feet six inches beam, about the size of Sirius and left Southampton on the 19th May 1884 for Sydney via the Cape of Good Hope. A very venturesome undertaking in those days. Dudley was accompanied by two men and a boy as crew. The men's names were Stephens and Brooks; the boy's name was Richard Parker who was seventeen years old and looked upon the trip as a great adventure.
The "Mignonette" put in at Madeira, as the Sirius did, then sailed south. After crossing the Line she encountered bad weather and on 2nd July in a storm she was struck by a heavy sea. The yacht had been lengthened and at the point where the timbers were joined she broke apart and water poured into the unfortunate vessel. Dudley could see at a glance that the yacht was doomed and shouted to his terrified crew to launch the dinghy, a boat fourteen feet long. Imagine the confusion on this small storm-tossed craft. It speaks well for the men that they were able to launch the boat in the sea that must have been running at the time. They then endeavoured to provision the dinghy but time was short and with only two small tins of preserved food and no water the unfortunate seafarers were adrift on the ocean.
Dudley was the last to leave the doomed vessel but wisely took with him the sextant and a binnacle. The dinghy leaked through a hole which had been knocked in its side when she was launched and they had to bail the boat constantly. The skipper was very resourceful and used every loose piece of timber aboard the dinghy for a sea anchor and they rode the seas thus. When the weather cleared they used their clothes for sails, keeping a sharp lookout for passing vessels but none were sighted. During this time they had only the two small tins of vegetables for food and a turtle caught and eaten raw. The only water they had to drink was what they collected when it occasionally rained. After sixteen days at sea in the open boat they were in a pitiful state of starvation, so bad indeed, that it occurred to Dudley, after being without food for seven days and with no water, that their only chance was to draw lots as to who should sacrifice himself for food for the others and he made that suggestion but Brookes would not agree. The lad, Parker, was very ill and helpless at the time and according to Dudley would have died in any case. The captain finally proposed to put an end to the boy's life.
The lad was slain and the starving men drank his blood and ate the flesh, which kept the three alive until they were picked up on the 28th July by a German barque when the boy's remains were found by their rescuers, at the bottom of the boat. At this time Dudley and Stephens were in a state of collapse and had to be carried aboard the ship.
When they were landed at Falmouth, about six weeks later, they were charged with murder but Brookes was acquitted, as he was no party to the slaying of the boy. Dudley and Stephens were however committed for trial, found guilty of murder and sentenced to death. They were reprieved on appeal and only sentenced to six months imprisonment. After serving his time, Dudley went to Australia and started a business as a sail and tarpaulin maker and prospered. His end came in a strange way, as he was the first man to die of the Bubonic Plague, when it first broke in Australia. He is buried at the Quarantine Station at Manly.
The Nossiters continued to Trinidad where the locals told them that the Island was outside the hurricane zone, despite the fact that one had struck there as recently as 27th June 1933. It caused extensive damage to the coconut plantations and the derricks of the oil fields, destroyed houses and sank vessels. The Trinidadians would not admit this was a hurricane as they pride themselves on being outside the hurricane belt. They soon moved the yacht to Monos Island where the vampire bat is found and they visited the Pitch Lake which they walked across watching the Negroes digging out the pitch with picks while other labourers carried the lumps weighing up to eighty pounds on their heads, to trucks which hauled it up to the refinery.
On the 1st December as they approached Panama they saw hundreds of floating trees and stumps. They had many narrow escapes from running into huge logs in the dark. Fortunately there was not a heavy sea and hard wind at the time as many of the larger logs would have stove them in. As it was they received a few glancing blows. Then through the Panama Canal where they were measured at a cost of $10 and paid their tolls of $15.75 including pilotage, making a total of $25.75. In Colon the Sirius was hauled up on Wilson's slip at Foulkes River, for a final overhaul, before proceeding on the long run across the Pacific Ocean. Whilst being piloted back to Cristobal by Mr. Wilson, the owner of the dock, he steered too close to a point and they grounded. After several unsuccessful attempts to get off the mud, Harold signalled a passing banana boat for a tow. They were pulled clear but the antifouling along the keel was scraped off and marine growth quickly grew there.
They left Cristobal under power with a pilot and a friend and passed through the first lock. As the ropes were cast adrift, the pilot at the wheel ordered full speed ahead. The water swirling in the lock swung the yacht around and with the engine at full power they rammed into the wall. The bobstay, of 1 3/4-inch wire rope, snapped and the Sirius hung on the wall of the dock by her bowsprit, made of Australian spotted gum. The rushing waters then picked up the yacht and deposited her back in the lock, without breaking the fitting to the stem or the gamin iron. The Port Captain, Captain Rodgers kindly offered to straighten some rigging screws and replace the bobstay, so they were soon ready to sail. They entered the Pacific Ocean and reached Cocos Island on New Year's Day 1937, anchoring in Chatham Bay.
Five days later they hoisted sail and made for Santa Cruz (Indefatigable Island), one of the Galapagos Islands, some four hundred miles distant. The whole way the wind and current were against them so they had a long beat to windward. Nossiter chronicled the return to Sydney in his second book "Southward Ho" which contains many stories and legends of the sea. Here is one example. "I remember a few years ago a story told to me by the brother of a man who was going home late one night from Sydney to Pyrmont and who saw the captain of one of his father's schooners called the "Meg Merriles" get into a rowing boat and row across to Pyrmont. He was rowing across himself and called out to the captain but receiving no reply, followed him in his skiff. He saw the captain land and although he ran after him along the road, he could not catch him and finally he saw him disappear into his cottage.
Next morning at breakfast he mentioned the incident to his father, who was surprised, as he believed that the vessel was up the north coast. He went down to the captain's residence later but his wife said he had not returned and the son was chafed by the family, who said he must have been drinking. The following day the "Meg Merriles" came into port with the flag at half mast. The mate reported the skipper was lost overboard, off Port Stephens, on the same night and at the same time as the captain was seen by my friend's brother going into his home."
In the Galapagos Islands an ex-German named Kubler took care of them and showed them around. He took Harold and Dick hunting wild pig and showed them how to catch lobster by simply feeling for them under the rocks and pulling them out one by one. He also took them to catch a giant tortoise, called a Galapagos by the Islanders. Kubler killed one weighing about five hundred-weight ( 254 Kg.), which he said was upwards of five hundred years old. The Indians at that time were killing them in large numbers and Harold wrote in the log that these creatures would soon be extinct. They dined on the liver of the one they killed for several days.
There was one more stop before leaving the Galapagos Islands, at Islabela (Albemarle Island) where they caught several turtles for fresh meat and fat which was boiled to make oil for cooking. Then came the longest leg of the journey, three thousand miles to the Marquesas Islands. All the way from the coast of America to Australia they never saw another vessel under way. The log was over reading compared to Dick's noon day observations so Harold hauled it in and found that two of the blades were bent. There were bite marks on the blades and as this was the third time the log had been attacked by fish, he decided to dispense with the log as they only had one spare. When they were fifteen hundred miles from the nearest land they saw a large number of whales. Harold then recalled a visit to Twofold Bay, on the New South Wales coast, a few years earlier. He visited the remains of Boyd Town, built by an adventurer named Boyd who came from England to Australia in a yacht called the "Wanderer" in 1842, to develop the pastoral and whaling industry.
Wanderer was the first yacht to sail to Australia. An old whaler told Harold that many whales were found in Twofold Bay in past years and many killer whales assisted in the capture of the whales. Only a few of the killers were left by this time and were known by name. When the killers sighted a whale they would drive him into the Bay and signal to the whalers of his presence by jumping out of the water. The whalers would then go out in their boats, assisted by the killers, which prevented the whale from going to sea and harpoon the poor monster. When the whale was at bay the killers would bite out the tongue and lips which must have been a delicacy, for that is all they bothered about, leaving the carcass to the whalers.
It was the porpoise that kept them company on the lonely tracts of ocean and made them feel less cut off from the rest of the world. Leaping in front of them and crossing the bow, having no fear of the hull moving through the water and missing them with only inches to spare. The flying fish was another friend. Each morning a few would be found on deck and they tasted good when fried in turtle oil. The record number collected was one morning when approaching the Celebes. The crew gathered about seventy. Exhausted birds often came aboard and rested on the yacht. They were usually quite tame and let the crew pick them up. One poor bird stayed with them for quite a time and Harold was sorry to find it dead on the floor of the saloon one morning, where it had fallen from its perch during the night. After nineteen days at sea they reached Fatu Hiva (Magdaline Island), the most southerly island of the Marquesas Archipelago.
One luxury item the Nossiters carried aboard was a wind up gramophone and some 78 rpm records. They would often play some music for the natives, the first western music they had ever heard. Here in Fatu Hive one of the younger men started to do the "Hula Hula" when they gave him a little music. In return they were given breadfruit and paw paws, then one after another, visitors came with presents of oranges, tomatoes, watercress, pineapples and every fruit and vegetable they grew. Harold gave them tobacco and cigarettes but they really did not want anything in return. They also had a camera and Harold would develop the film on board straight away, getting the negatives printed when they reached port. Here in Fatu Hiva the natives were a happy, smiling race but after a day there, Harold noticed that many were diseased, especially the men, with nasty sores, elephantiasis and leprosy. The crew had shaken hands with all on the beach, the night before and never knew how many were afflicted. Later they were told by a Government official at Atouna that this island was closed and they should not have gone there. After this "Garden of Eden" they had a pleasant sail, close-hauled, to Hiva Oa (Dominica Island), then to Tahu Ata (Saint Christina Island) for a few days before returning to Hiva Oa. When they weighed anchor there on 21st February they carried the mail for the island of Nuku Hiva (Marchand Island) where they arrived after an uneventful voyage.
The route across the Pacific took them to the Atoll of Takaroa in the Tuamotu Archipelago where they picked up the next load of mail and headed to Tahiti, then Bora Bora in the Society Islands. Then to Raratonga, Cook Islands and Nuku'alofa, Tongan Islands. By this time Nossiter was becoming fed up with the way his crew would, in his words "chase around after those filthy black girls" whenever they went ashore. Some times the crew failed to return to the yacht on time for their planned departure and Dick's sons now say, "I'm sure we have half-brothers or sisters and cousins all over the South Pacific".
The last part of the journey was the toughest. They sailed down the East Coast of Australia, they encountered a severe storm with force twelve winds from the south. They had to lay hove to with enormous waves breaking ahead and aft of them but none came crashing onto the decks. After three days the current had actually taken them 10 miles further south, towards Sydney. They dropped anchor in Watson’s Bay at 7 p.m. on 20th May 1937 and Sirius earned her place in maritime history as the first Australian Yacht to circumnavigate the globe.
From then until the outbreak of war, Sirius was a well-known racing yacht. Unfortunately the fore mast which was made of Norwegian Spruce had dry rot and Harold’s son Ben had to chop it down. Ben was the youngest of the four Nossiter sons and he became a pilot in the RAAF. He went to England in 1941 and flew Spitfires on 503 Squadron based in South East England. During the war Sirius was impressed into service with the Australian Army Small Ships Division and used as a training vessel. Her service registration number was AK574 and the captain was Charles Gould. They would take a batch of trainees who, when embarked, would spend the first day becoming familiar with her, then put to sea for fourteen days. At first her home base was Clifton Gardens in Sydney Harbour and later at Torbal Point, Bribie Island. Charles remembers that she was “..a marvellous sea boat and one trip heading North in our biggest South-easterly gale covered 182 miles in 24 hours. She was never pooped whilst I was in her and she was such a dry vessel.”
After the war Sirius was returned to Harold Nossiter who sold her to Jim Booth and she returned to the racing circuit with the sail number cYc 53. She entered two Sydney to Hobart races, the first time in 1946/47 (when Jim was 33). Only 11 yachts finished the race, Sirius was blown off course and was one of 8 boats to retire and didn’t get into Hobart until after New Year. The weather was reported as: Light north-east winds for the first two days, then a 65 mph sou’westerly hit the fleet in Bass Straight with seas up to 25 ft. In 1947/48 she finished 15th from 28 starters. Twenty one yachts finished, there were five retirements and two disqualifications. The weather was reported as: Fleet subjected to hard 40-50 mph northerly across Bass Straight. Some yachts trailed sea anchors or hove to, others logged 9-10 knots, Sirius was said to have gone across the strait “under bare poles”.
Sirius elapsed time: 6-02-51-07 , Corrected time: 4-20-00-47
Nossiter's yacht returned 1947. Image No. hood_24366h, courtesy State Library of NSW
Sirius’ racing crew in the Sydney Hobart race were family, friends and people who worked with Jim. None of the crew are still alive. They included:
Jim Booth (owner and skipper) Albert Booth (Jim’s brother) Jim Simmons (Jim’s brother-in-law) E.V.(Ernie) Campbell (Jim’s business partner) V.A.D (Bunky) Auland, Colin Campbell (Ernie’s son), Geoff Gyngell, Bill Parcell, Harry West, Tim Watt, Cyril Rostrum, Dick Pederson, Bill Ryan, Stewart (Porge) Johnston, Ken Dixon and Cecil O’Dea (who took the caul that was over his face at birth in a bottle in the Hobart race as the caul is supposed to bring good luck and be an infallible preventative against drowning!)
The photograph (No. 28) of the crew at Constitution Dock in Hobart was taken when they were “ready for lunch”. Minimum dress code for meals at the table was singlets and shorts, so those without shirts had put on their singlets ready for lunch. As beer was still rationed in Sydney at that time but not in Tasmania they were in no hurry to return home.
For fishing trips, family holidays and ocean racing Sirius was loaded at Alexandra Street Wharf in Alexandra Bay, Hunters Hill, where she was the only boat moored in the bay. This is only a few miles upstream in the Lane Cove River from where Nossiters kept her in Woodford Bay at Northwood. The photograph of Sirius being rigged on the mooring shows Jim’s parents’ house at 4 Vernon Street, Hunters Hill where he grew up. In the background directly behind the main mast is the boatshed, somewhat obscured behind the boom. The slips alongside the shed were built for Sirius and are still in working order, but not these days for anything as big as Sirius. The boatshed is in Mornington Reserve and has public access so you can see it if you are in Sydney.
The photographs of numerous “boys fishing trips” to Broughton Island off Port Stephens tell of huge catches of beautiful big snapper, lots of beer, no women, so no “rules” and no shaving! Ken Dixon’s son remembers his father pushing a wheelbarrow full of snapper along the street near his Sydney home yelling “Free fish! Get your free fish!” There were also fishing trips to Ulladulla on the New South Wales south coast.
On one February 1949 trip they were moored in Esmerelda Cove at Broughton Island and the crew were playing cards. A big storm blew up and the yacht dragged its anchor. Two of the crew, Bunky Auland and Ash Gay went forward and threw a heavy admiralty pattern anchor over when they were six feet from the rocks and close to foundering. Comment was made that although Sirius was insured, it was not covered north of Port Stephens. Ernie Campbell said that he wasn’t in danger because he could have jumped onto the rocks.
Wonderful times were had when Sirius was moored for the summer holidays at Clareville Beach, a beautiful place on Sydney’s Pittwater when the family lived on board with friends and with Merv and Dot Davey’s “ Trade Winds”, the 1949 Sydney-Hobart race winner, moored nearby. In the early years they were the only yachts moored in the bay. Jim’s kids had great adventures learning to row, sail and fish, and watching dolphins right next to them in the bay and seeing torpedoes being tested on the Pittwater range. Lyndall Precians, Jim’s daughter, remembers being fascinated by flying fish landing on the deck. Her sister Judy, who was 14 when the boat was sold and was regarded as a “tomboy”, could spin the red flywheel herself and start the green Lister diesel engine. The engine room was painted beige although it was all varnished in Nossiters days. There was a porcelain hip bath which was much admired, built into a panelled cupboard aft of the main saloon.
In 1950 Sirius entered the second Brisbane to Gladstone race and again in 1951 when she finished 4th out of 14 starters.
In 1952 Ernie Palmer from the Solomon Islands bought Sirius in Sydney, on behalf of Levers Pacific Plantations Limited. Steven Nossiter remembers, as a ten year old, seeing her moored in Manly Cove when sailing with his father Dick, who recognised her immediately. They moored nearby and went across to meet the owner who had a son, Ambrose, about the same age as Steven. The two lads were allowed to spend the night aboard and Steven remembers the spacious interior was large enough for them to leap from bunk to bunk across the cabin, while their fathers were ashore.
In 1955, Palmer sailed her from Sydney, directly to Honiara (for customs and immigration clearance) and then to Ilua in the Russell Islands group, which was the headquarters for Levers Pacific Plantations Limited, at that time. He then chartered her from Levers and set about recruiting labourers to work in Lever’s sugar cane fields. They would collect the men from many different islands and return them home after their year was up. At one time Sirius carried at least sixty passengers, mainly in the stripped out hold. Palmer and the then General Manager had agreed that he would pay more than normal charter fees as a way of buying the ship outright, unfortunately, this agreement was never registered with head office and when the GM died suddenly of a heart attack, Levers head office in Sydney did not recognise Palmer’s claim to the ship. By this time Palmer had almost paid for the vessel but had to hand her back to Levers.
During the time Palmer had her, she remained fully rigged and active as a sailing vessel, all he did was strip out all of the internal panels and fittings to turn her into a working ship. Alick Wickham, a friend who lived on neighbouring Rendova Island, used to sail the Sirius with the owner. Alick, a famous swimmer and high diver, would please everyone by climbing the mast to the cross trees and diving into the sea, swimming under the keel and popping up on the other side of the yacht.
When Levers took her back they based her at Yandina Island. They had no one to handle her as a sailing ship so they unbolted the 7 ton lead keel and let it drop on the sand in one piece so that they could carry that much extra freight. They added a wooden keel and removed her masts and interior fittings. The engine was changed to a Gardener In the ten years that lever Brothers had her she had two captains. The first was a man from Savo Island called Kote and then John Tehelua from Sikiana. There was a full time crew of six including Ivor Koti who had served Palmer for many years as an engineer and later as bosun before he followed the Sirius to levers. At this time Levers had plantations spread across many islands and the Sirius’s job was to take provisions for the workers, plying between Yandina, the Three Sisters Islands and Guadalcanal. John remembers one specific trip when he took her to Malaita Island on a recruitment drive but her main purpose in life was as a supply vessel. Unfortunately they did not maintain the anti fouling paint on the hull and not being copper sheathed, she sank at her moorings.
In 1963 an airline pilot called Laurie Crowley delivered a de Havilland Dove aircraft from Woomera in South Australia to Honiara for his new airline, Megapode airways, the first airline in the Solomon's, which is now Solomon Airlines. Laurie was an old friend of Ernie Palmer and he knew the Pacific Islands manager of Lever Brothers. From them he learnt about Sirius. She was in a pretty bad state and Laurie thought it would be a good boat to resurrect and take back to his home base in Lae, New Guinea. He paid Lever Brothers £750 for the "old girl" and had her towed from Yandina Island to Honiara to carry out some repairs and to make her seaworthy for the trip to New Guinea. There was no way of lifting the 7 ton lead keel off the sand at Yandina so it was decided to cut it into smaller pieces and put it into the bilge as ballast. They first tried to cut the lead with an oxy torch but that didn't work. A German yachtsman called Eddy Haering turned up with a chainsaw and cut the lead into easy to handle pieces in a few minutes. The lead was removed again after making it to Lae to make room for cargo once again. It was stored next to a shed to be refitted later but someone stole it and sold it for scrap.
Eddy Haering and Harry Moss, Laurie's chief pilot, made the repairs to Sirius in Honiara. They fitted a new engine, a 6 cylinder Lister MGR616. Then they repaired the deck with a teak-like timber. The nails were out of sight as the timber was notched before nailing and then the next piece, which was also notched, went over the lower piece.
When she was ready, Laurie Crowley with his son Shane and Harry Moss motored Sirius from Honiara to Lae, New Guinea. Both Laurie and Harry, being aircraft pilots, knew how to navigate. Laurie hung a whistle around his neck and told his crew to do the same but Harry didn't think he needed one. After a couple of days Laurie noticed Harry was wearing his whistle. When he asked why, Harry told him that he dreamt, during the night, that he was hopping off a tram in Melbourne and he woke up to find he was trying to climb over the guardrail around the Sirius. On the trip a huge wave deposited an enormous tree trunk across the deck which was too heavy to remove so the crew had to work for two days with an old saw to cut the trunk in half.
Laurie had another airline in Lea, New Guinea called Crowley Airways, which had a fleet of helicopters doing mostly survey work for mining companies and government bodies. So, when the Sirius arrived in Lae, Laurie had a platform built on which to land a helicopters. The first job was to do a survey from Lae to Samarai and the offshore islands so the ship’s cargo was Avgas (aviation fuel).
The work was measuring the earth’s gravity in different spots for the Department of Mineral Resources in Canberra, Australia. The crew consisted of Harry Moss, the captain and his engineer, a native named Kandelope. He was New Guinea's first aircraft engineer, taught by Laurie. Kandelope not only kept the Sirius going but also the helicopters whose spares, tools and fuel were kept aboard the Sirius.
The very large and beautiful Lister diesel engine driving the boat never let them down. With it, Sirius would cruise at 8 knots at 650 rpm. The maximum revs were about 900 rpm. she would go faster but 8 knots was the best speed for fuel economy. Even though the engine had been under water several times over the 20 years that Laurie owned her (Sirius sank about 4 times from cyclones and tsunamis) each time she was re-floated the engine would start at the first attempt. There was many a beer won over that very fact.
After Harry retired, Laurie's eldest son Denis became the skipper of Sirius. One memorable trip he was while ferrying the Sirius home to Lae from New Britain after some helicopter work he was overdue by a couple of days. The rest of the Crowleys went searching for him in a piper Aztec and found him about 10 miles North of Finschhafen, slowly making his way into port there. They landed and went down to see him.
Apparently he had been battling storms across the Vitiaz Strait and only making about 2 knots. Everything was soaking wet below deck and the engine was snow white with salt. He lost the speedboat, which he was towing, and it was never seen again. It probably ended up somewhere in the Philippines. Denis had his native friend Atrula Samana with him as crew.
Denis had another incident in the late sixties. He was delivering Avgas to Cape Killerton in New Guinea down the coast from Lae. He had left Greg Pike, a school friend, on deck to do the early morning shift, while he and Eddy Haering were asleep below deck. For some reason Eddy woke up and decided to go up on deck. He found no one on the helm and as he peered into the distance he saw someone in the water waving to him. It was Greg Pike, who had fallen overboard while everyone was asleep.
Early one morning in the early 70's while moored at Lae, a tsunami struck and Sirius was beached high and dry. Laurie was a bit concerned as to how he was going to put her back in the ocean, as there wasn't any heavy lifting equipment in Lae capable of raising a thirty-ton vessel. That afternoon, miraculously, another tsunami turned up and re-floated her but not before the newspaper reporter and cameraman recorded the event. After the Sirius was washed back out to sea she was half full of water. Laurie organised Jim Hoyle from Lae to tow her across the Huon Gulf about 20 miles from Lae to a place called Salamaua. Laurie managed to get back to her six weeks later to tidy things up. He hired Jim Hoyle's boat again and put a couple of batteries on board and headed for Salamaua. Laurie' son, Randal was on school holidays at the time and went with them. Jim wanted to know why Laurie had brought batteries. Laurie said he was going to run the engine after pumping the water out and thought that the batteries on board would probably be no use, after being submerged for six weeks. Jim laughed and so Laurie bet him a carton of beer that the old Lister would go. When they arrived at Salamaua, Laurie and Randal set about pumping out the water and setting up the batteries. Jim was watching with amusement, thinking that was the easiest carton of beer he would ever win. Laurie set all the cylinder decompression levers, started spinning the engine over and one by one pulled each cylinder decompression lever into the start position and the old Lister fired into life purring like a kitten. Upon their return to Lae, Jim promptly went into the Lae Yacht Club and returned with a carton of South Pacific lager, or as the locals called them SP Brownies.
By 1972 Laurie had sold his airline Crowley Airways to Helicopter Utilities owned by Bryce Killen in Australia. Laurie was starting to move back to Australia and used the Sirius as a way of getting all his belongings, collected over 24 years in New Guinea, back home. The cargo would also act as ballast. Amongst that cargo was a 4wd Suzuki jeep which would be used as a map table while under way and hoisted out at ports of call, for transport.
They left Lae in 1974 with Laurie Crowley as Skipper, Lloyd Neale, Tommy Ott, and Laurie's three sons, Shane, Randal and Kieren. Lloyd and Tom were a couple of handymen who whacked up six bunks and made the Sirius a bit more liveable for the journey. Laurie wouldn't let them do too many improvements, as he wanted her looking a bit rough, when she was valued by the Customs in Cairns, in order to avoid paying too much import duty. Tommy Ott had built his own speedboat in Rabaul, New Britain and together with Lloyd Neale they motored it down to Lae from where it was towed behind the Sirius to Australia. They used it on the journey to do a bit of fishing and looking about. Tommy also had to have his speed boat valued in Cairns and it was valued at much more than the Sirius. The towrope for the speedboat was designed to set off an alarm if it broke away as they knew that Denis had lost a speedboat on a previous occasion.
They travelled down the coast from Lae to Samarai and then across the Coral Sea to Cairns. They spent a couple of weeks in Cairns waiting for the weather to improve before heading further south to Brisbane. While in Cairns they tied up to the Marlin Jetty and went down to the nearest pub for a beer, still swaying with the waves while standing at the bar. There were some famous people pulling up beside them as there was a marlin fishing tournament in progress. They included Lee Marvin, Jack Nicklaus and Bob and Dolly Dyer. Each evening they would bring in their big marlins for weighing on the Marlin Jetty. Whenever Sirius pulled into port there was always someone who had known her and could tell the crew a story about her.
One day a beautiful yacht pulled in beside them and the crew helped to tie him up. The owner was Admiral Robinson, skipper of the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne. He had just bought his yacht, in Thailand, and was going to do some charter work because he had to leave the Navy due to the collision with the destroyer HMAS Voyager. He was later found to be innocent of any wrong doing in that accident. Laurie asked him what it was like having a waterproof boat and Robinson quickly replied, "Be buggered! It gets wet in this beautiful yacht too." While in Cairns Laurie fitted Sirius with radar and an autopilot.
On the trip from Cairns to go to Brisbane the Sirius was nearly blown up, twice! Tommy Ott was cooking some peas in a pressure cooker and when the time was up he pushed the relief valve on top of the cooker. Thinking he had got rid of the pressure, he proceeded to remove the lid. The cooker let go with an explosion and the inside of the cabin was decorated green. Apparently a wasp had blocked the valve and so the pot was still under extreme pressure. A little later in the trip they were all relaxing on deck when an almighty noise came from the engine room. It turned out that a diving bottle, stored behind the engine, had blown a heat disc, which released 3,000 psi of air and frightened the life out of the entire crew.
When they arrived in Brisbane, they moored in Manly harbour. Randal Crowley remembers "We had just dropped anchor when we heard a lady screaming for help on a yacht about 100 yards away. There was smoke coming from her boat so we grabbed a fire extinguisher, leapt into the speed boat and went to her rescue. We were the only people around so it was her lucky day. She didn't have a fire extinguisher on board!"
They found that they couldn't unload properly at Manly harbour, so they went back up the coast to Mooloolaba where it was more convenient to unload and put the Sirius up on a slip for cleaning and servicing. Lloyd overhauled the engine while they were there. In 1975 they departed Mooloolaba and headed back to New Guinea to pick up some more of their belongings. On board were Laurie as captain, his wife Elizabeth, sons Randal and Kieren and Lloyd. This trip was going to be more pleasant due to the improvements that had been made in Cairns, on the way down.
They struck some very rough weather for a few days and couldn't do any cooking so decided to pull in for some shelter at an uninhabited island called High Peak. When they anchored there was plenty of depth so the decision was made to stay overnight not realising that there was going to be an extremely low tide. A few hours later that evening the keel started to hit the reef. Laurie immediately tried to get back out to sea but it was even shallower behind them.
Surrounded by shallow reef and with the wind picking up Sirius was drifting towards some rocky cliffs about 500 meters away. Laurie dropped the anchor again but it wasn't strong enough to hold her. Launching the new dinghy with an outboard motor they laid out four more anchors and warps which finally held her. The storm was now bouncing Sirius up and down while she lay on her starboard side. Elizabeth, who couldn't swim was down below watching the side of the Sirius bend in and out each time a wave pounded them. Randal made her put on a life jacket just as an extra large wave dumped them so hard on the reef that it broke some timbers and water started pouring in the side.
They had a Yanmar 2" diesel pump on board which was started, to keep the Sirius from flooding. The rudder post was pushed up through the deck as she bounced on the bottom. By day break the tide came back in and Laurie was able to back out into deeper water. Then they set off for McKay where they thought there might be a slip where they could make some repairs. The Yanmar pump was running 24 hours a day for a whole week, struggling to keep her afloat. If it stopped, this history would finish here.
When they finally arrived in McKay they found there was no slip big enough to take the Sirius, so they had to sail a further 360 nautical miles to Cairns where they knew there was a dry dock, the Yanmar running all the time. At Cairns, Laurie and Lloyd spent a few weeks repairing the hull and the rudder. They decided to postpone the trip to Lae as time had run out and work was awaiting down south, in New South Wales. Laurie moored the Sirius at Cairns to await his return some time in the future while Lloyd flew back to New Guinea where he was working as a ships engineer.
Laurie didn't manage to get back to Cairns until 1978 by which time a cyclone had hit and the Sirius was half full of water. He picked up an old air force friend called Jack Dew from Tully, Queensland, to help him pump her out. They made her ship shape and tried once more to head for Lae, New Guinea with just the two of them on board. About half way across the Coral Sea, the weather became intolerable as they were hit by another cyclone. They decided to abandon the trip and return to Cairns, planning to try again when the weather improved.
Laurie organised a caretaker to look after the Sirius while he went back to attend his farm in New South Wales. The caretaker was a man called Harbrow who had a hire boat service in Cairns. A year later Randal and Kieren, Laurie's sons and a few friends were on a fishing holiday along the east coast of Australia which took them as far as Cairns. They used the Sirius as a base for about a week. They had a couple of speed boats which they would use to go fishing during the day and then return at night to sleep on board the Sirius.
It was quite dry and liveable at the time. When they returned home they took the radar and auto pilot back with them for servicing. This is about the time the rumours started about the Sirius being occupied by squatters.
Laurie had been sending cheques to the caretaker, Harbrow quite regularly when in late 1983 he received an urgent message from Harry Randall the Cairns wharfinger saying "Sirius is on the bottom please remove ASAP". Laurie tried to contact Harbrow but couldn't find him anywhere. A cyclone had dropped 30 inches of rain on the Sirius in a short time and seeped through the deck weighing her down in the water until the topsides, which had shrunk over the years let more water in until she sank. She could have been saved if she had been pumped out earlier.
Laurie headed back to Cairns to rescue the Sirius once again. He found some old wartime, rubber fuel tanks which were used in ferrying aircraft long distances. He inserted them in the hull and filled them with air, which lifted the Sirius until the deck was level with the water and then started pumping out to raise her further. He then towed her up to Smiths Creek, Trinity Inlet, to some land owned by Mr. Halsted, where they used Dick Fry's crane to lift her onto dry land to carry out repairs. Laurie worked out there was nine ton of mud inside the hull.
Laurie asked his friend, Bruce Evans if he knew anyone who could restore her. Bruce took a friend, Bill Cotter to see the boat. Bill was a furniture maker who had previously fitted out several yachts. He loved the lines of the yacht and estimated the cost of repairs at $100,000 which was more than Laurie was prepared to spend on her. Bruce then suggested that Bill buy her himself. He offered Laurie $5000 and so, after 20 years of fond memories, the deal was done and reluctantly, Laurie let her go.
When Sirius was raised it was found that her hull was in remarkably good condition thanks to the superior timber and quality of construction demanded by Harold Nossiter. Although the hull was fine the interior, deck and everything above had to be completely rebuilt. The renovation made a few minor alterations to the original layout such as an extra cabin and a larger galley but overall it is faithful to Nossiter’s design while subtly incorporating the latest in modern technology. The deck beams were replaced with laminated Silky Oak that have slightly more camber. This gives more height in the cabin and the deck a better fall. The deck itself was White Beech, from an old contact in the Table Lands which was taken to a sawmill to be cut into planks. The wooden keel was removed and replaced with steel keel, filled with lead, bought from an old fellow who went around collecting little pieces of the metal and melting it down in his frying pan. Bill also fitted a newer engine. Again a Lister was chosen, this time a 1975, 6 cylinder, 170 horsepower JWS6M.
Re-launching Sirius carried a heavy price for the Cotters who sold everything and moved aboard to complete the restoration. They fitted aluminium masts with self-tailing winches and all the latest navigation equipment including radar and depth sounder. Sirius was invited to join the Bicentennial fleet sailing into Sydney Harbour in 1988 but the cost prevented this. This came as a great disappointment to the organisers when she was unable to take her rightful place with the tall ships.
The Australian registration had lapsed and when Bill tried to re-register the vessel he found that the name Sirius had been allocated to a new yacht. So on the 1st December 1989 as a special concession she was allocated the registration of "Sirius 1935". They sailed from Cairns to Gladstone to look for work and while there Bill was offered a job with his previous employer, VDO instruments. The job was in Penang so Bill & Magarete went to Malaysia and left Sirius behind. After a year Margarete returned to Australia and she and Bill divorced. Margarete registered Sirius in her name on 14th October 1991. The following year, with her son Michael and another couple she sailed Sirius from Gladstone to Port Douglas. It was not a pleasant trip and soon after that Margarete, with great reluctance, put Sirius up for sale.
At that time David Plant, an English yachtsman with a yacht charter business in Bali was searching for a larger boat. He flew to Sydney in October 1992 where he learnt of the Sirius from reading about her in the foyer of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. A passing club member mentioned that he had read somewhere that Sirius was for sale, “somewhere up the coast”. David felt his flesh rise in goose pimples and knew this was the yacht for him so he bought an old car, which he drove up the East coast of Australia, looking, for her. He found her in Port Douglas, where the purchase was quickly finalised and he sailed his prize back to Bali. With a young Indonesian lady named Sri, David was sailing through the Indonesian archipelago on his way to Bali, when he made the decision to continue sailing through the night instead of mooring up, in a bay for some sleep. They were sailing under a light breeze, in the pitch dark, with no moon, when they felt the yacht rise under them and swing right round through a full circle, a most unnerving experience. The next day they arrived at a port that had a jetty sticking out into the bay. David noticed a lorry that was hanging off the end of the jetty, suspended by its front axle and Sri noticed that the bay was full of debris. There were logs, whole trees and many bodies floating everywhere. Looking around they realised that the entire bay was wrecked to a height of 100 feet above sea level and that would have been their fate if they had stopped in a bay instead of carrying on. Their weird experience during the night must have been the passage of another tidal wave.
In Bali, David and Sri continued charter cruises with Sirius before sailing to Sumatra where they carried out charters off the Mentawi Islands. The passengers were surfers and there is no way of enjoying these waves unless you live aboard a yacht. One morning in August 1996 they hit a reef and stuck fast. The inside of the boat quickly filled with water and for a while it looked as though the ship was lost. All their possessions were being washed out through the hatches and Sri was swimming around inside the boat rescuing their personal effects. Then the wind picked up and blew them further on to the reef. David struggled for 3 days and 3 nights and at the beginning of the fourth night managed to haul her off using the anchor winch and self-tailing winches on the masts….into deep water and eventually into a dry dock. With sheets of tin, cork and bitumen he patched the badly bruised hull and departed for Thailand where he could get her repaired. The reef is now called Sirius reef.
Nearing the Northern end of Sumatra they encountered a violet storm and due to some contaminated Indonesian diesel, the engine wouldn't run. Sirius had a very narrow escape sailing between two islands in the dark in a storm while being blown towards a lee shore. She was leaking badly and as the batteries had gone flat they had to pump the bilge by hand. For four days they took turns to pump non-stop and had no sleep between them. On arriving in Phuket they dropped anchor in Ao Chalong and David went ashore to organise a haul out. Once the vessel was anchored, the leak was slightly less so Sri took a break from pumping and tried to start the genset. Fortunately the batteries had recovered some charge and the water in the fuel had settled so she was successful and the electric bilge pump started to work. The water which had been up to the top step of the companionway, now started to drop.
In Ratanachai shipyard David found good facilities for wooden boat repairs. He hired a very skilled shipwright who was flown down from Bangkok called Perm who repaired the hull with Mai Dekian a Thai mahogany similar to Jarrah. The steel floors were removed and replaced with wood and the steel keel box section bolted through the floors. The interior was repaired. After a $100,000 re-fit she was re-launched on Christmas Eve 1996.
After two more seasons in the Mentawi Islands David built a new boat better suited to the surf charters, then back in Thailand in December ‘98 Sirius entered the Classic class in the Kings Cup Regatta, in Phuket.
In January 2000 Simon Morris was a customer on David's new boat, Saranya, about to embark on a diving trip for a few days in Southern Thailand. He noticed a fine gentleman's ocean-going schooner moored nearby and remarked how attractive she looked. David said she was his yacht, Sirius, and he offered to show Simon over her when they returned from the trip. Two months later Simon chartered the yacht for a diving trip with his son James and expressed an interest to buy the vessel. He put his own boat, a 1923 Dutch Barge, up for sale and bought the Sirius in November 2001. At that time she was moored in Langkawi where, exactly sixty six years earlier, to the day, Tunku Abdul Rahman had been on board.
She was in need of some repairs and investment, which Simon set about straight away. He replaced the stainless steel stanchions and guardrail, re-caulked the decks, serviced and repaired the engine and electrical system and the steering. With his son, James and youngest daughter, Fey-Louise he did a couple of trips around Langkawi and after a lot of work and many improvements, by February 2003 they were ready to sail her back to Phuket.
After sixty-eight years Sirius still had the strange characteristic of pointing in a different direction from all the other boats at a mooring. All the previous owners have noticed this and some have suggested that it takes forty-five minutes from anchoring after a trip, before she points the same way as the other boats. Many theories for this have been aired and other boats sometimes look aghast at Sirius, then before long, they up-anchor and depart. Often catamarans find it untenable when moored near Sirius; they start sailing around their own mooring and soon leave in disgust.
One night (the first time Simon took the boat out after he bought her) they were moored in a rather large but shallow bay that had a very tall hill just behind the beach. (Off Pulau Dayang Bunting, Langkawi, Malaysia.) After midnight the wind started howling from the shore, as if it was coming straight out of the hill. Sirius was pointing across the mouth of the bay at 90 degrees to the wind and the yacht was being blown sideways. The anchor held but the chain was pressing hard against the bobstay and she just would not turn into the wind. The wind strength increased to over 40 knots and the Sirius healed over to an angle of 25 degrees, just as if she was sailing. It was impossible to walk on deck and Simon could only just struggle up to the bow. He even thought she might have been aground but there was still plenty of water under the keel. Simon let out more anchor chain to try to cure the problem, which did nothing except terrify his daughter and her boyfriend who were in the forepeak. They thought that the anchor was dragging! The most likely explanation, put forward by his son, is that the ghost of Harold Nossiter has other ideas about when and where the Sirius should stop for the night.
Over the next twelve years that Simon owned Sirius she underwent two more refits. The genset and refrigeration unit installed by Bill Cotter nearly 20 years earlier had to be retired and were replaced by a 7 K.W. Onan generator and a new refrigeration unit. New battery banks were built and a new day tank installed. The fuel and water organisers were re-designed and an inverter, solar panels and water maker added, to bring her up to date. With new teak deck, radar and an autopilot, Sirius clocked up over 20,000 nautical miles in those 12 years. Apart from dive trips in the Andaman and South China Seas, Sirius was an active participant in the South East Asian regatta circuit. She competed in the Singapore Classic Race, the Western Circuit Regatta the Raja Muda Regatta, Phuket Race Week and the Phuket King’s Cup where she won the Classic Class in each regatta at least once. In 2009 Mick Cotter, the son of the former owners started working on Sirius and over the next two years he made many improvements including a new forward hatch and a cockpit replacing the old wheelhouse installed by his father. In 2014 Mick bought a share in Sirius and is now taking care of the "Old Girl' with Simon as his partner taking a back seat.
Post Script
Harold Nossiter lives on in history as the first Australian yachtsman to circumnavigate the world. He died in 1956 aged 81. He had four sons, Harold, Dick, John and Ben. The eldest son, Harold married three times and has two sons, Ben and Tony, a tugboat captain in Sydney. Harold died in July 2005 at the age of ninety seven. The kris, a rather lethal and rusty dagger with a wavy blade, which Tunku Abdul Rahman gave him in Langkawi, seventy years earlier, was left to the National Maritime Museum in Sydney. Before he died he also gave the museum the first aid chest from the original Sirius voyage which was packed full of all the nitrate negatives that his father had developed on board the Sirius back in the thirties. The museum has recently made excellent quality prints from these negatives, which can be seen in the library section. They have also recently been posted on Flickr.
Dick went to England in the war and served with the Royal Navy. His experience as a navigator was put to good use as he guided convoys through the Baltic Sea to Murmansk in Russia. In England he met and married Nancy, and brought her back to Australia after the war. Dick, who was 100 years old in June 2010, is a Senior member of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. He visits the Squadron occasionally, where he can see the original compass binnacle from the Sirius, on display in the foyer of the clubhouse. Dick and Nancy had three sons, Steven, Hugh and Timothy, all sailors and yachtsmen. Tim lives in Tasmania where he is the Captain of a converted trawler “Penghana”. Steven lives in Belmont North, N.S.W. just around the corner from his father. He sails his yacht on Lake Macquarie and has a son called Ben. Hugh also lives there and is famous locally, as a magician known as "Super Hubert". Brother John who sailed the Sirius with his younger brother, Ben in those halcyon days before the war moved to Perth, WA where he lived to the age of 87. Ben was never to return home from the war. He was killed in his Spitfire over the English Channel and is remembered on the Commonwealth Air Forces memorial at Runnymede. His body was never recovered from the sea.
NOSSITER..—October 11 1942. previously reported missing air operations over the English Channel. now presumed dead Pilot-Officer Bennet Thomas (Ben), R.A.A.F. beloved youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nossiter, late of Northwood, aged 23 years. Family Notices (1943, May 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17850068
The spinner for the trailing log and one of the pulley blocks for the running backstays are now back aboard the Sirius after an absence of over sixty years. They have been polished and varnished and the original sheer plan dated 10th August 1933 has been framed.
Jim Booth, the second owner, was James Samuel Booth (1913 – 1982), he was born and lived in Sydney he married Jean who died in 1976.
Ernie Palmer, who bought Sirius for Lever Brothers, the third owner, died in 1976 and is buried on Gizo Island. His friend, Alick Wickham died in New Georgia in 1967, one of the most respected men in the island. He had seen it change from a bloodbath to prosperity twice in his lifetime. He is buried on Rendova Island. Alick was the man who showed the world how to swim freestyle, then known as the Australian crawl.
Lever Brothers who owned Levers Pacific Plantations became Levers Solomons Ltd. The skipper John Tehelua retired to an island in the Russell Group and supported himself gardening.
The Crowleys, the fourth owners, Laurie, Elizabeth, Shane, Randal and Kieren, all live together with their families, on their sheep and wheat farm in Junee, NSW. Laurie wanted to do a circumnavigation in the Sirius when he retired but he stayed working on his farm until he died in June 2013 at the age of 93. Their son, Denis was killed in a motorbike accident in Lae on the 5th February 1971 aged 18. His head stone has a bronze plaque with a relief of the Sirius. Denis' friend Greg Pike is now a colonel in the Australian army and his native friend, Atrula Samana, went on to become a senior minister in the New Guinea government after independence in 1975. He never forgot his trips on the Sirius. Harry Moss died in his nineties, after writing a book on his exploits called "10,000 Hours Harry Moss". Tommy Ott, of exploding peas fame, died from cancer not long after the trip from New Guinea to Queensland and Lloyd Neale was killed in a rock climbing accident a few years after returning to New Guinea. Lloyd had worked at sea for about 30 years. The Suzuki jeep is still in use on their farm and Laurie is still looking for a certain Mr.Harbrow.
Bill Cotter, whose seven-year labour of love saved the Sirius estimates that the project took 20,000 hours of work, working from 6 a.m. to midnight with only one day off each year. He is left with very painful but proud memories of those days. Sirius was Bill’s eighth boat project and he can be credited with the fact that Sirius is proudly afloat and in use today. His son Mick took some great pictures of the restored vessel under sail with dolphins swimming in formation at the bow. Margarete has vivid memories of those years. She researched the history of the yacht and maintains a keen interest. She lives in Cloncurry in Outback Queensland near her son Jamie. Bill has now completed and sold his ninth boat, “Little One” which closely resembles Sirius inside. He now has a lovely new home in Bundaberg where he lives with his second wife Norain and their two sons Adam and Harris.
Perm who is greatly appreciated for the repair work he did on the Sirius in Phuket returned home to Bangkok where he died of a brain tumour. Soon after David Plant sold the Sirius, Sri, who saved her from sinking, returned to her home in Bali and started a new chapter in her life. David sold his motor vessel Saranya and lives in Phuket with his son Harry.
Simon Morris lives in Chiang Rai, Thailand. He also has homes in Canada and Australia but still finds time to sail Sirius occasionally. The Old Girl has logged over 195,000 nautical miles (equivalent to seven times around the world) and there is no reason why she should not log many more.
Simon Morris 28th February 2014
The Vaughn Evans Library of the Australian National Maritime Museum, H.F. & G.Witherby Ltd. and Charles E.Lauriat Co. for excerpts from the books Northward Ho and Southward Ho by Harold Nossiter Snr.
The late Harold and Jean Nossiter, Harold's sons Ben and Tony and Jean's niece Heather Patchet. Richard "Dick" and the late Nancy Nossiter and their three sons Steven, Hugh and Tim. Steven's son Ben (who produced the line drawing of his Great Grandfather's yacht).
The late Charles Gould.
Graeme and Lyndall Precians, Belle Booth, Nancy Simmons, John Tankard, Tilly and Stephen Auland, John Dixon, Ash Gay, Val Watt, Annie Reynolds, Jim Murrant, Jeanette York,
Ambrose Palmer. G. Eyre from Levers Solomons Ltd.. and John Tehelua.
Laurie & Elizabeth Crowley and their son Randal.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (interviews with Harold Jnr. and Dick Nossiter and with Bill Cotter for "Blue Water Australians").
Bill and Norain Cotter. Margarete, Mick and Jamie Cotter.
David Plant and Sri.
Also the many people whom I have met and were able to tell me some more of the history of this Classic yacht.
Pittwater Regatta at Broken Bay, near Sydney, was a picturesque holiday event. The day was beautiful, and a light sou'easter made conditions favourable for both sailing and rowing events. A delightful feature was the passing of the big yachts around the flagship, s.s. Newcastle. After they had passed and had put their extra canvas up, the long view from the flagship towards Lion Island was one that would be hard to rival in any part of the world. A VIEW OF PITTWATER REGATTA (1924, January 2). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166151471
References and Notes
1. TROVE - National Library of Australia
2. 'Nossiter Family History' a book written by Benjamin Nossiter (son of Steven Nossiter who is eldest son of Richard Harwin 'Dick' Nossiter)
3. Ladas (horse). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ladas_(horse)&oldid=853426267
Gaff rig is a sailing rig (configuration of sails, mast and stays) in which the sail is four-cornered, fore-and-aft rigged, controlled at its peak and, usually, its entire head by a spar (pole) called the gaff.
A yawl is a two-masted sailing craft whose mainmast is taller than the mizzen mast (or aft-mast). Compared to a similar sized ketch, a yawl's mizzen mast is set further aft and its mizzen sail is smaller.
Historically, the yawl was a commercial working vessel, but today, the yawl is a fore-and-aft rigged pleasure yacht. In Europe yawls are much less common than the more popular ketch. After 1890, the yawl became a popular rig for pleasure yachts, being particularly suited to hulls with extended counter sterns. In its heyday, the yawl's ability to be trimmed to sail without rudder input made it particularly popular with single-handed sailors.
Although both the single-masted Bermuda sloop and cutter have simpler rigging and are more efficient, the sails on a yawl are smaller and more easily handled, and its mainmast is shorter. Both the yawl and the ketch have two masts, with the main mast foremost. The acknowledged distinction, particularly for yachts with overhanging sterns and inboard rudders, is that a ketch has the mizzen mast forward of the rudder post, whereas on a yawl, it is aft of the rudder post. For boats with shorter overhangs or outboard rudders, the distinction is more usefully determined by comparing the purposes and relative sizes of the mizzens. A yawl's mizzen sail is very much smaller than its mainsail, and is usually situated well aft, behind the helm station.
On a ketch, the principal purpose of the larger mizzen sail is to help propel the vessel as part of the working sail, the sail area being divided to ease handling. A yawl's smaller mizzen mainly serves to help trim and balance, working as an "air rudder" or trim tab rather than as a substantial part of the working sail area. Yawls tend to have mainsails almost as large as those of sloops and cutters with similar sized hulls.
The Sydney Yacht Club
The usual monthly meeting of the Royal Sydney Yacht Club was held at tie Club House on Thursday, the 10th instant, Vice-Commodore Brown in the chair, supported by a very large and influential number of gentlemen, who testified, by the interest they took in the club, their intention of supporting to their utmost this already flourishing and successful institution. The Worshipful Lord Mayor, George Thornton, Esq., was unanimously elected Treasurer, vice Thompson resigned the office and also the club. Captain Eldred was unanimously elected Rear-Commodore, vice Want, gone to Europe. The annual dinner was fixed for the first week tn March, 1858, when the Iris will have returned to port, and the Commodore, Captain Loring, R.N., and officers will be enabled to be present. The auditors reported a large balance in the treasury, which, with the new yachts building for the club, completed the successful termination of the present year, and, from the aspects of the meeting, promises to increase with rapid strides in 1858. Several useful alterations were made in the laws of the club, which will come into force next year. THE SYDNEY YACHT CLUB. (1857, December 19). Bell's Life in Victoria and Sporting Chronicle (Melbourne, Vic. : 1857 - 1868), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article201380356
THE annual yacht races of the Sydney Yacht Club came off on Saturday, the 17th April, under very favourable circumstances. The contests were open to two classes of yachts - first and second, with a prize for the winning boat in either race. Two silver cups one valued at £40, for the first class, and for the second a smaller cup, valued at £20 - were the prizes, the winner of either to be the owner, without conditions.
There were three entrances of first class yachts for the principal prize : the Annie Ogle, the property of Mr. T. S. Rountree ; Mischief, T. J. Dean ; and the Surprise, Mr. S. C. Burt. For the second prize there were four entrances, viz., the Truant, Mr. T. S. Rountree ; Kathleen, Mr. R. Harnett ; Mazeppa, Mr. F. Chapman ; and Emma, Mr. M. F. Josephson. These boats are the recognized crack sailers of our harbour, and the speed at which, on this occasion, they went through the water has never before been equalled in the history of colonial aquatic sports.
Captain Loring, of H.M.S. Iris, acted as commodore of the club. A. little after half-past eleven o'clock the Hunter steamer, having on board the Judges, and a goodly company, left the east side'of the Circular Quay, with all her gayest flags and buntings flying, the band of the 12th Regiment striking up a nautical air. She at once proceeded to Farm Cove, where the yachts were moored. A pinnace from the Iris, most gaily decked out with flags, in which was Captain Brown, Vice-Commodore, serving as a starting boat. At nineteen minutes past twelve o'clock exactly, Captain Loring, from the deck of the Iris, gave the signal to start, and the yachts, to that moment under bare poles, gave their sails to the wind, and away they all went in beautiful style down the harbour. A wholesale breeze was blowing at the time, end tested from the very start the capabilities of the boats, thereby increasing the interest of the spectators as to the result.
The following is the result of both races :
FOR THE FIRST PRIZE.-Start nineteen minutes past twelve. Annie Ogle and Mischief started, Surprise being withdrawn. Course as follows : From their moorings laid down in Farm Cove, round a flag boat moored in Big Manly, back round a flng-boat off Fort Macquarie, thence round the Light-ship and Sow and Pigs, and back to the flag-boat off Fort Macquarie. The Annie Ogle leading, rounded the boat in Manly Beach the first time at 12'57"35; the Mis-chief at 12-69,35, being exactly two minutes behind. At Fort Maquarie time was-Annie Ogle, 1'44'55; Mischief, 1'50*26 ; and arriving at the winning-post as follows -. Annie Ogle, 2-42'20 ; Mischief, 2-51'48. The whole distance sailed over being 284 miles ! totrt time, 2 hours 23 minutes 20 seconds for the winning boat.
SECOND RACE.-The course was as follows : From their moorings laid down in Farm Cove round a flag boat moored in Big Manly, back round the flag-boat off Fort Macquarie, thence round Clark's Island, and back to the flag-boat off Fort Macquarie. The boats rounded the flag-boat at Manly Beach in the following order : Truant, 1*5*0 ; Mazeppa, l*7-25 ; Emma, 1-9-40; Kathleen, M5*0. Rounded the boat at Fort Macquarie as follows : Truant, 2*1*35 ; Mazeppa, 2,3,50 ; Emma, 2'4*01 the Kathleen, not placed. Round Clark's Island and home: Truant, 2-47-40; Mazeppa, 2*52*48 ; Emma, 2,56'30. Distance, 23 miles.
Captain Loring, as Commodore of the Club, entertained a distinguished company on board his vessel in honour of the dav- First among the guests were his Excellency Sir William and Lady Denison and the Misses Denison, with many of the elite of Sydney. SYDNEY YACHT CLUB RACES. (1858, May 10). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13009790
The adjourned meeting of the members of the Sydney Yacht Club, was held last evening at Clark's Assembly Rooms, Elizabeth.street, Mr. George Thornton occupied the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A letter was read from Mr. Wilshire, Secretary of the Pilot Board, stating that the Governor General had granted permission to the Club to place their yachts in Farm Cove, between Lady Macquarie's Chair and Bradley's Head for the future.
Mr. John Cuthbert was elected rear-commodore in the place of Captain Darley resigned, and Mr. W. T. Blakeney having resigned the office of Secretary, it being his intention to leave the colony shortly, Mr. Benjamin Bunbury was elected in his place.
The following gentlemen were elected for the year 1860: -The officers of the Club (re-elected), and the sailing committee consisting of Messrs, S. C. Burt, B. Bunbury, W. Church, T. J Dean, T. F. Dye, R, Driver, R. Harnett, F. W. Hill, I. J. Josephson, M. F. Joseph, son, A. Moore, W. McQuade, T. J. Rountree, and Cap. tain Darley. The Measuring Committee consists of Messrs. J. Bramwell, W. Church, R. Harnett, M. Cubitt, and the Secretary, Mr. I. J. Josephson moved, and Mr. Bunbury seconded,-" That an address be presented to Mr. Blakeney on his resignation, signifying the high estimation in which his services were held by the Club, and expressing regret at losing his services, at the same time hoping that it may be to his own advantage."
The resolution was put to the meeting and carried.
Mr. I. J. Josephson then moved, and Mr. M. F. Josephson seconded, the following resolution, which was carried: - "That £300 be offered as a prize for all deep-keeled yachts to be sailed for on the 26th January, 1861, and open to all the world. That the entrance fee be £10 10s., to be made a sweepstakes of, and given as a second prize. The minimum tonnage of the yachts to be ten tons - that is to say, that yachts under that tonnage are to rate as ten-ton vessels."
Several new members were enrolled, and the meeting terminated.
The amount of subscription is now reduced considerably, and it ls to be hoped that persons will come forward and render their assistance and support to the above club. SYDNEY YACHT CLUB. (1860, January 18). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article64096109
FROM 21ST MAY, TO 21ST JUNE, 1862...
Friday, 9th to 13th June.
Meetings have been held lately with a view to the resuscitation of the Royal Sydney Yacht Club, which has for a length of time disappeared almost entirely from the public view. THE SYDNEY MONTHLY OVERLAND MAIL. (1862, June 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13230482
An election of officers for the resuscitated Sydney Yacht Squadron has been made during the week, Mr. W. Walker, of the Chance, being made commodore ; Mr. James Milsom, junior, of the Era, vice-commodore ; Mr. H. C. Dangar, of the Peri, treasurer ; Messrs. Josephson and Brookes were appointed auditors ; and the following gentlemen form the committee for the ensuing year—Messrs. S. C. Burt, Charles Parbury, J. D. M'Lean, J. P. Roxburgh, Captain Rountree, and Staunton Spain ; Mr. Howell was appointed secretary. The names of sixteen gentlemen were then proposed as new members, who, according to the rules of the club, will have to be elected by ballot at the next monthly meeting. THE SYDNEY MONTHLY OVERLAND MAIL. (1862, August 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13233128
THE residents of Hunter's Hill-one of the prettiest villages in the vicinity pf Sydney-have for several years ushered in the New Year by a regatta, which has now become one of the most famous of the numerous gatherings of this kind which are annually held on the waters of Port Jackson. The affair is purely an amateur one, and all the prizes this year were silver trophies.
New Year's Day falling on Sunday, the regatta took place on the 2nd of January, and, accordingly, about ten o'clock oh that morning we found ourselves flying along before a stiff southerly in company with at least a score of sailing crafts of various sizes, all bound for Hunter's Hill. The day was all that could be desired for aquatic sport ; the atmosphere was cloudy and cool, there was very little sea on, though a good ' whole sail ' breeze blew steadily all day. We can hardly conceive anything finer than the view presented from the river. Hunter's Hill, down as far as the 'Pulpit,' appeared a mass of animated nature, decked in every conceivable colour,-paterfamilias, with four or five 'cornstalks,' enjoying a quiet lunch on the rocks or. wandering along the beach-numerous parties tinder shady trees indulging in outdoor pastime-while scores of boats flitted about the river, or lay at anchor while then' fair freights enjoyed a quiet look at the races, the first of which was all amateurs pulling a pair of sculls in outrigger wager boats. For this there were three entries, but as neither Deloitte nor Fitzhardinge put in an appearance, Mr. J Crook pulled over the course, and took the prize. Second Race-all open' sailing boats, not exceeding twenty-two feet. For this four boats started . Royal Oak led round the first time, but was caught on the run home by the Sybil ; a fine race ensued, Sybil finally winning by barely a boat's length. Thought a good third.
The next race was, par excellence, the race of the day-All yachts belonging to the R.S.Y.S. From Pulpit Point, round Cockatoo Island, thence round flagship, round Sow and Pigs, and back to flagship. Seven vessels of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron entered, and all of them were underweigh, but, as the day looked rather dirty, the signal to prepare for starting was only responded to by Xarifa, Peri, Whynot, and Elaine. On the signal to start being given, Xarifa instantaneously ran up her jib, and stood off on the port tack, followed closely by Peri and Whynot, Elaine last In this position they passed the flag-ship the first time, Xarifa about a minute ahead of Peri, the latter a few lengths ahead of Whynot. It was now a dead heat to windward, and in beating down, the Whynot, lying closer to the wind, overhauled the Peri, but failed to catch her. Nor was Peri's chase after the Xarifa any more successful. The latter was never overhauled, and won as she liked, passing the flag-ship at 3'4 ; Peri, 3'15;40 ; Whynot, 3.26. Champion Amateiu Scullers' Race, open to all bona fide gentlemen amateurs in the Australian colonies. Elvira, Mr. A. Crook, 1 ; Sabrina, Mr. Q Deloitte, 2; Mr. Crook jumped off with the lead, and won easily.
The race for dingies under canvas was one of the prettiest o: the day. Eight little flyers contested it, Leonora being the winner ; Maritana, second. Pair of oars and coxswain ; from flagship round Spectacle Island, round flagboat off Five Dock and back to flagship-Sabrina, Messrs. Q. and C. Deloitte, 1 Elvira, Messrs. J. and A. Crook, 2. Pulling skiffs under canvas-Marian, 1; Ettie, 2. Skiffs, two pair of scull and coxswain-Sabrina, Messrs. Q. and C. Deloitte, 1; Elvira Messrs. J. and A. Crook, 2. The gig and dingy chase was won by the latter, and a few moments after the fine steamer. Coonanbarra-the flagship of the day-steamed away for Sydney, followed by a fleet of pleasure boats homeward bound.
-[SEE PAGE 14. ] THE REGATTA AT HUNTER'S HILL. (1865, January 16). Illustrated Sydney News (NSW : 1853 - 1872), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article63512261
THERE is no portion of the British Dominions, with the exception of the mother country, where the spirit of yachting is carried out with more real earnestness than in New South Wales, and it certainly would be difficult to find a harbour or roadstead more admirably adapted for aquatic sports, Yachting has been the great feature on all our public holidays. For many years past, the size and superior I speed of the boats has been steadily increasing, until we can now boast of having English cracks with A1 reputations. The opening match of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron will take place in October next, and it may, therefore, prove interesting to run through the list of vessels which will be eligible to compete on that occasion.
First in pride of place stands Alerte, Commodore the Hon. W, Walker, one of the finest cutters over turned out of a building yard, and the beau ideal of an English yacht. This beautiful vessel is 67 tons, built in 1864 by Ratsey, of Cowes ; she possesses great power and speed, and although not a winner, her performance, when running second to the celebrated Arrow with some of the speediest yachts in company, placed her at once in tho foremost rank. She was purchased for her present owner, and came out under jury rig in 108 days, including detention at the Capo of Good Hope. During this passage her seagoing qualities were well tried and found to be very superior. Her spurs and sails are on board the Margaret Mitchell, now daily expected.
Xarifa, 31 tons, Mr. C. Parbury, is a purely colonial production. She was built by Shea, of Woolloomooloo, on a model as novel as it has proved effective, as up to the present time she has borne the palm from all competitors, and much anxiety is evinced as to the result of her meeting with the English clipper.
The Vice-Commodore's cutter Eva, 25 tons, was built by Inman, of Lymington, and sent to the colony in frame, expressly to tho order of Mr. J. Milson. She is a remarkably pretty vessel, elegantly fitted, and would be an ornament to any club in tho world.Vivid, 25 tons, Mr. S, C. Burt's, is also from England, having been built at Fairleigh, on the Clyde, in 1853, by Fife. Like the Alerte, she came out under jury rig, making the passage in 130 days. She was withdrawn from racing after her first season, and passed into the hands of Mr. H. Elkington, who had her fitted specially for cruising. She is a very powerful cutter, and will prove a dangerous opponent. Peri, 18 tons, Mr. C. H. Dangar's, was built by Mr. J. Cuthbert, of Miller's Point, and is, therefore, a colonial craft, and has carried her owner's colours to the fore in many a well-contested match. Mischief,11 tons, Mr. J. P. Roxburgh, built by Harvey, of Colchester, was brought to the colony some years ago by Mr. Milson, in her day she proved herself a remarkably fast craft ; since in the hands of her present owner she has received a thorough overhaul and outfit, and now looks as good and sound as when first built,-Scud, 13 tons, Mr. S. C. Burt, is an American-built boat, originally a centre-board, but has been decked over, and is now a most commodious vessel.-Why Not, 8 tons, Mr. Hamilton, built at Southampton by Hatcher, is one of the prettiest models out for her size, and remarkably fast.-Ida, 9 tons. Mr. J. J. Josephson, was built in Sydney by her owner, and has always boon well up in her class. Gitana, 9 tons, Mr. F. J. Jackson, is also a colonial production, having been built by G. Green. She was originally about five tons, but has been lengthened, and is now a nice serviceable craft, and very speedy.-Mazeppa, 6 tons, Mr. R. F. Pockley, ls a handy little vessel, but is kept entirely for pleasure.-Julia (iron), 9 tons, Mr. R. C. Want, built by Bain, at Blackwall, is of a peculiar model, and, when racing in English waters, won several prizes.-Southern Cross, schooner, 93 tons, from the yard of Messrs. Wigram, at Blackwall, is owned by Bishop Patterson, of New Zealand, who has lately become a member of the squadron, and is expected to visit Sydney during tho season. The R. S. Y. S. can therefore boast of having, if not as numerous, at any rate as nice a lot of yachts as could well be got together. The opening ocean match- is looked forward to with considerable interest. Alerte, Xarifa, Vivid and Eva, will probably be the competing yachts, when it will be seen if our colonial clipper has any chance with one of the most celebrated cracks of the mother country. YACHTS AND YACHTING. (1865, September 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article31125435
Xarifa [yacht] - Property of C. Parbury Esqre / watercolour by Frederick Garling. Circa 1863. Image No.: a128223h, courtesy State Library of New South Wales.
Royal Sydney Yacht Club.
At a full meeting of the Royal Sydney Yacht Club, Vice-Commodore Milson presiding, held at the club rooms on Thursday last, the following resolution was carried unanimously-"That inasmuch as all yachts belonging to the club now afloat have their permanent fittings, such as bulkheads, sofas, lockers, &c, complete, any owner entering and racing his yacht in the club matches without such permanent fittings, and being declared the winner, would not in the opinion of this meeting, be fairly entitled to claim the prize."
The opening trip of the season was fixed for Saturday, 3rd November, previous to which.the meeting decided upon giving a Yacht Club ball - the day to be afterwards decided upon.
Yacht owners have for a long time experienced great difficulty in getting their vessels cleaned and repaired below the water line, the rise and fall of tide in Sydney harbour being only about 6 feet, whilst most of the yachts draw from 7 to 10 feet, and the advisability of having a slip of their own was discussed. It was admitted to be a matter of great importance, and after considerable discussion a sub-committee was appointed to make enquiries as to the probable cost, a . suitable locality, &c.
Commodore Rochford Maguire and Captain Brownrigg, of H.M.S.S, Challenger, were elected honorary members of the Club. Several candidates were proposed and seconded for election at the next monthly meeting, whereupon the meeting stood adjourned. Royal Sydney Yacht Club. (1866, September 15). Bell's Life in Sydney and Sporting Chronicle (NSW : 1860 - 1870), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article65465640
Yacht Measurement.
The need of reform in the method of measuring yachts is not so apparent here as it has become in the old country, because we have not sufficient racing to make it-worth while to build yachts for that purpose alone and to sacrifice comfort to speed. Consequently yacht-owners have not gone to extremes in building, and have sought to make their boats comfortable cruisers. But we see clearly the type of boat the present tonnage rule tends to produce in some of the three-tonners now in the harbour, and hear the freely expressed opinion of old yachting men that such things should not be dignified by the name of ' yacht.'
The object of the present tonnage rule was to induce designers and builders to use more beam for any given length of yacht than they had done under the ' Thames rule.' But length was found to be so valuable that it has continued to increase, and we find in the smaller classes excessive length, great speed, and an unsafe and undesirable class of vessel ; and in the larger classes a growing tendency in the same direction. Now, the chief end of yachting is to train the yachtsmen and to encourage the building of vessels which combine the maximum of speed with good sea-going qualities and comfort. We say 'the chief end' advisedly; for though most people take to yachting as a pleasure, what form of pleasure is there worth pursuing in which there is not some aim and object beyond the mere enjoyment ? It is the duty of yacht clubs to adapt their rules so as to forward this object, and the question therefore arises— How is this to be done ?
After an exhaustive inquiry, the committee appointed for the purpose by the Yacht Racing Association recommended the adoption of the rule :-—' Multiply the sail area (as found in the manner set forth in the appendix of the Yacht Racing Association rules) by the length on the load water-line, and divide by the constant of 6000.'
The committee thought that it was not possible to make any alteration in the present rule which would be of a satisfactory character, and gave their reason for the adoption of tho length and sail area rule as follows : — ' In considering a new rule for the rating of yachts, your committee have been anxious to preserve the cresent type of yacht as being peculiarly adapted to British waters, to guard against the building of mere racing machines, and at the same time to leave the designer as unfettered as possible.
At the outset they have examined the proposals — '1. To measure the hull only. ' 2. To measure the sails only.
''Both systems have much to commend them from a theoretical point of view. Speed is comparative, and is proportional to the size and disposition of the mass to be propelled and the propelling power (i.e., sail area). Length is the proportion in the design of a hull which tends to reduce resistance at high speeds, and at the same time gives the greatest sail base, but carried to excess produces an undesirable vessel in other respects ; and our long experience of rules founded on hull measurements has taught us how difficult it is to prevent* evasion of such rules without taxing depth and breadth (which are elements of stability and safety), and unduly tying the hands of the designer. A simple sail area rule, although free from such objections, would, in the opinion of your committee, lead to the building of a long type of yacht with unduly small midsection. This, your committee think it would not be desirable to encourage. Your committee therefore determined that mere speed for any given mass or sail area should not be the sole consideration in framing a rule of measurement.''
''A measurement which would link hull and sails together, preventing exaggerated proportions in the hull or in the sail spread, your committee concluded would offer the most satisfactory basis of rating. The proposal to introduce length and beam into the formula as of equal value received our careful consideration ; beam is so necessary for stability and for deck accommodation, and so detrimental to high speed when carried to excess, that your committee deemed it unwise and unnecessary to penalise it. Length, however, stands in a different position, and by placing it as in the Yacht Racing Association sail area rule, as of tho same value as sail area, a moderate but salutary check upon undue proportions in length and -sail area is established.''
Their decision was arrived at after a thorough examination of many celebrated designers, and is according to the weight of their evidence. The question then comes, should our yacht clubs adopt these rules ?
We have the highest possible authority that the new rule is an improvement, and it is difficult to see how we can put this authority on one side unless we can show that the conditions of yachting here differ, in some very important respect from those existing in England. But this is not so. We must have good seaboats, unless we intend to confine our yachting to the harbour. It may be urged that there is not the same necessity for a change in the rule, since we have comparatively little racing. But when we consider that the Intercolonial Cup will cause boats to be built to win it, the danger of an exaggerated form of vessel stands prominently before us. Again, we should introduce tho new rule before vested interests are created, with which it would interfere; for if it were thought that the present boats would be out-classed, there would be much opposition to the new rule. That this would not happen at present seems probable from the comparison of various English yachts under the two systems of measurement, which shows that their relative measurements remains much as before.
The Prince Alfred Yacht Club have decided to admit centreboard yachts into their races; but it is uncertain how far the Squadron will go in that direction. Doubtless, an unwillingness to shut out Mr. J. H. Want's new boat will have weight. Mr. Watson, the celebrated naval architect, is strongly opposed to allowing'centreboard boats to race, not because he thinks they would* beat the deep-keeled boats, but because he believes that they tend to produce an unsafe and undesirable type of boat.' He would protect owners against themselves, and believes that the success of the American boats is due more to their beam than to their centreboard. This opinion, coming from the man who has chosen to design a boot to race for tho America Cup, and who has put his ideas into a practical form in the Thistle, carries great weight, and it would be well for yachtsmen to consider what effect the introduction of centreboard boats into our yacht clubs may have on the future of our yachting. On this subject a point arising in reference to the Arrow-Mayflower match is interesting.
The owner of the Arrow lays down, as one of the rules under which the ' Arrow Challenge Cup ' is to be raced for, that, 'if one of the yachts has a fixed keel and the other a shifting keel, centreboard, or plate, such shifting keel, centreboard, or plate shall be so stopped or bolted that it may not be lifted above the maximum draught of the fixed keel yacht, but it may be lowered to its full depth, and as a compensation for this 10 per cent, shall be added to her rating.'
The reason of this last clause is, .that the raising of her centreboard will enable her to reduce her immersed surface about 10 per cent. The owner of the Mayflower objects to this rule, but up to the present time we have not heard to . what conclusion the owners have come. But if centreboards are admitted here, this must be done without any restrictions. It would be well, if the Yacht Squadron intend to make any alteration in their rules of measurement, that they should do so as early as possible, so that yacht owners and those who propose to build yachts may know what their position is to be. Sailing. (1887, June 4). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1185. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163279665
Opening Of The Yachting Season
Photos By Falk.
As far as prospects for the coming season are concerned ... all those who can still race their boats are rendering yachting a great service and are helping to maintain its position. ... It is the determination of this type of skipper which has kepi the sport of boatsailing alive. . . . '
SIR PHILIP GAME, Commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Whenever his official duties permit his Excellency the State Governor finds enjoyment in taking the tiller.
IT was only to be expected that with the wonderful natural facilities provided for boat-sailing I the citizens of Sydney should very early in its history turn their attention to aquatic sports and pastimes. Sailing soon became an important factor in the life of the community. For one thing, the first residents of the north side of the harbour had of necessity to make themselves proficient in the handling of small craft, for until the advent of the ferry services they were their only means of crossing to and from on their lawful occasions. It was, therefore, not long before organisations for fostering the sport came into being, and sailing clubs were formed and regattas were held at intervals. The first clubs have faded into oblivion, very little being known of their history; but the Anniversary Regatta, which was first held in 1837, still holds its place as a national institution, and in spite of the present strenuous times retains all its old-time vigour and attraction. OF the existing clubs the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, known for the first nine months of its life as the Australian Yacht Squadron, is the oldest, and, having been founded on July 8, 1862, has completed its seventieth year. Next in seniority comes the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, which, having been formed on October 15, 1867, is but five years younger than its associate. After another period of five years came the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, which, dating from October 1, 1872, reaches this season an important event in its life — viz., its diamond jubilee. The junior member of the quartet, the Prince Edward Yacht Club, is but ten years old, having; as its name would suggest, come into being in 1922, soon after H.R.H. the Prince of Wales visited Australia. The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club also derived its title from a visiting member of the Royal family, H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, who remained its patron until his death in 1900.
MR. E. J. BAYLY MACARTHUR, Vice-commodore of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Mr. Macarthur is a 'regular' at the week-end rendezvous at Quarantine with his yacht Nyria.
MR. PAUL ROSS, Commodore of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Mr. Ross is the owner !;of the famous Sayonara, ' which this season will appear under Bermuda, rig.
A DETAILED story of the growth of each club and the difficulties they have had to contend with, and which they have successfully overcome, would be a lengthy and perhaps wearisome catalogue of events and names. It is sufficient to say that for periods ranging from ten to seventy years they have severally filled places of honour in the sporting and social life of the community. It would not be possible to run through their lists of flag-officers, committees, and members .without finding all those who since the middle of the nineteenth century have been the leaders in the harbour activities of Sydney, as well as prominent in its social and business circles: Each club has filled its own particular niche in the structure of Sydney's activities, and filled it well.
The Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron has its delightful clubhouse and grounds at Kirribilli Point, which gives it an added ' attraction, although there are many who will maintain that the ownership of property is far from a blessing in these days Of - stress. Perhaps they are ' right. The ' Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club' with its comfortable rooms in the city is a cheery haven of rest for those yachtsmen who must daily engage in commercial pursuits. Few can avoid this necessity in this year of grace.' For those who. require only an - organisation which will satisfy their sailing needs there is the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, with its additional strength of young and enthusiastic junior members continuously coming forward to relieve the 'older hands at the helm'. The Prince Edward Yacht. Club, with its compact clubhouse and shed and attached bowling green at Point Piper, meets the needs of those living in the east of Sydney.
BETWEEN all these bodies there is the utmost harmony and goodwill. The races of any one of them are open to boats of the members of all the other three. They use the same courses and rounding marks, and to avoid a clashing of dates for the racing fixtures representatives from the four meet early in the season and in a few minutes divide the available dates during the summer to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned. This spirit of co-operation extends to other bodies interested in the harbour. The Navy League Sea Cadets are provided with races. The 16ft skiff clubs turn out in vast numbers on opening days and other dates. It is by no means rare to have nearly 60 of these speedy little craft present on special occasions.
Last Saturday the Sydney Flying Squadron, which controls the famous eighteen -foot fleet, invited the skippers of the four yachting clubs to take charge of their craft in the annual race for the Dumaresq Cup. Far more skippers than there were craft available signified their intention of complying with the offer, and it was necessary to draw lots for the honour of taking the helm. This desire to help kindred bodies is expressed in countless other ways.
MR. J. L. MILSON, Rear-commodore of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Mr. Milson is a member of the fourth generation of the Milson family, pioneers of yachting in Sydney.
AS the more serious side of yachting at the beginning of this century grew in strength and popularity the necessity for some central body to control racing was felt, and in 1902 delegates from the R.S.Y.S. and R.P.A.Y.C. met and decided to form the Sydney Yacht Racing Association. It was established on the same general lines as the Yacht-Racing Association (England), which was formed in 1875. Racing and measurement rules have been drawn up and revised as has been found necessary by the International Yacht Racing Union, and the Y.R.A. has adopted these rules. In turn the Sydney association has adopted them and modified them where necessary to suit local conditions. In a few words, the S.Y.R.A. acts as the High Court of yachting.
Each club conducts its own races, but any points upon which a ruling is required are sent to the S.Y.R.A., from which, should the necessity arise, they may be referred to the council of the Y.R.A., the final court of appeal. The local association also confers with similar bodies in the other States, and in this way a uniformity of racing and measurement conditions is assured, not only in every club, but also in every State, which cannot be other than beneficial to the sport in general.
DURING the last couple of decades, in yachting as in many other activities, there have been considerable changes. The period of voluntary inactivity during the Great War had allowed the pre-war fleet and crews to be dispersed. Many of our best boats were sold out of the State; some of the members of crews, which had volunteered with the alacrity which one would have expected from those who indulge in such a sport, had made the supreme sacrifice. It was, therefore, necessary for the whole structure to be re-erected. Some of the craft, falling into disrepair while their owners and crews attended to far more important duties, needed thorough refitting, while the only way to replace the craft which had left these waters was to build others. The high cost of post-war building, however, made these operations virtually impossible for many.
Still, with the advent of Brand V. from Norway, Norn from England (she was built in Norway), the locally-built Vanessa and Carina, and the reappearance on various occasions of Rawhiti, Bona, Aoma, Oenone, Whitewings, Scotia, Sunbeam, Magic, Yeulba, and Eun-na-mara I. (formerly Awanui III. and Culwulla IV.), until both the latter went to Melbourne, and on rare occasions Sayonara, there seemed every prospect of a complete and successful revival of yachting. And so there was for a period; but some of the craft or their owners were getting old, and the withdrawal of these and the sale of others caused the fleet to dwindle, and had it not been for the advent in the racing arena of Utiekah II., Matangi II., Morna, the cutter Windward, the schooner Windward, and Eun-na-mara II, the members of the racing fleet would have been very small at this date.
NEVERTHELESS, in spite of fluctuations in the numbers and qualities of the racing fleet, the period from the war until a couple of years ago was one of great success. There was with Brand V., Norn, and Vanessa the nucleus of a modern fleet of eightmetre craft which might have equalled in numbers and quality of racing the famous 30-footers which twenty or more years ago formed the backbone of the racing fleet. Two or three years ago several owners were on the point of acquiring craft; but all that is over— tempo-rarily, at any rate. Challenges for the Sayonara Cup, which Culwulla III. had brought to Sydney from Melbourne in 1910, were successfully defended in 1928, 1929, 1930, and 1931, on the first occasion by Norn and on the last three by the more modern Vanessa. Likewise, in 1930, after a period of nine years, Iolaire, formerly Awanui, successfully defended the Northcote Cup against the challenge of Toogooloowoo (formerly Culwulla II., and then Rawhiti II.); and, again, in 1931 a second and more modern Toogooloowoo was beaten; but only by a trick of the weather. After this it was no surprise when last season the Cup returned to Melbourne. By far a greater loss last year was the recovery of the Sayonara Cup by the now Victorian owned Vanessa, which, however, only defeated Norn after the full five heats had been sailed, and. then only by a narrow margin. Thus, last season, were the two Cups lost to Victoria.
ALTHOUGH the larger boats may not have thoroughly regained their place in the years succeeding the war, there can be no doubt about the early success of the 21ft restricted class. In no small degree due to the efforts of Lord Forster, who, when Governor-General of Australia, was not only a keen follower of the sport but also a fine skipper, the class was formed in 1921. It was enthusiastically received and hailed as the successor of the '30-footers,' and some of the closest and keenest racing ever seen in Australia took place in the succeeding years, margins of seconds separating boats at the end of 12- mile courses and dead-heats not being infrequent.
The Forster Cup, presented for the championship of Australia, was first decided in Sydney in 1922, and after that it went the round of the capital cities. It was held by N.S.W. until 1925, when Tasmania first came into the contest. The southern State appeared to be invincible for four years after that, but in 1930 N.S.W., as a result of a great co-operative effort on the part of Sydney yachtsmen, was successful in regaining it in Melbourne in weather the like of which has rarely been equalled in any contest. Since then local interest in the class has evaporated, the difficult times no doubt being the main cause. In any case, the primary idea of a handy, relatively cheap, and useful boat was early departed from, and the class practically developed into a collection of pure racing machines. Most of our best craft have been sold to Melbourne or Adelaide, while the majority of those remaining here have been converted into cruisers. Only one or two of the boats are left in their original form, and the class, although flourishing in other parts of Australia, appears to be quite dead here.
MR. R. F. GRAHAM, Vice-commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Mr. Graham is the owner of the ex-Hobart craft Culwulla IV. and a regular starter every Saturday.
DR. HAMILTON S. KIRKLAND, Rear-commodore of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Dr. Kirkland is the owner of the Riawena and a keen competitor in every race for which his boat is eligible.
A HIGHLY successful and useful class is that of one design 12ft dinghies, popularly known as the 'Cadet' dinghy class, the object of founding which was to provide a training ground for the young idea. Some two dozen or so craft of this class have been built, and about 17 race regularly every Saturday. Great interest and rivalry are displayed by the crews, many of whom seize every available opportunity of being afloat in their craft, and in all kinds of weather can be seen gaily making their way about the harbour. These craft have their championship cup, the Stonehaven Cup, presented by Lord Forster's successor, and -compete for it in' the various capital- cities.' In this contest New South Wales, although having lost' spine of her best boats to other States, has had a, fine, record,' although at the moment, due. to the. fact that the' last contest was held in Perth and the' trip could not be financed, it has passed from her keeping.
SINCE, 1904 the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, which .in ' its early . days had . practically controlled the open-boat type of sailing on .the waters of the harbour, has encouraged the cruising type of boat. Its craft are divided, into two classes, A and B, and with over fifty; boats on its register it attracts between; 30 and 40 starters each Saturday, the majority of them being comfortable and sturdy craft of the half -deck or coachhouse type, but none the less, handy for being of these types.
The S.A.S.C. considers, with justifiable pride, that it is the only true sailing body, among the four associated yacht clubs. It directs all- its activities to sailing and does not indulge in the luxury of owning or even leasing a clubhouse. As a matter of fact, in 1879 it obtained the grant of a piece of land on Benelong Point, and by 1883 had erected; a shed and clubhouse, the first yachting club to launch out' in this way; but no sooner had- the new' building. been opened than the Government of the day resumed the property. The resulting disturbance occasioned a financial loss which for those days was relatively high. Perhaps the unhappy experience of fifty years ago has not been forgotten, and apart from regular sailing dates and monthly meetings it confines its social activities to opening and closing functions and a special day, known as Flag Day, when the club provides races for all classes of craft. In spite of general conditions the club continues to prosper, and its fleet of racing craft increases.
MR. L. C. WATERMAN (President). for over 25 years Mr. Waterman has taken a prominent part in the legislative and organising sides of yacht-racing. He was hon. sec., for the original Sayonara Cup contest in 1904. MR. T. W. BREMNER. The one surviving member of the council of the S.Y.R.A. In the early years of this century he J took an active part in racing at the helm of the Scotia. MR. S. D. WENBORN (Hon. Secretary). Yachting's most successful honorary secretary. A keen, enthusiastic worker, whose special knowledge and tact are appreciated by all the clubs. (Photos by Falk.) - The Sydney Yacht Racing Association
THERE is, of course, the element of danger attached to yacht-racing, as there must necessarily be to any game worthy of consideration, and although on boisterous, stormy days mishaps of a more or less serious nature are not infrequent the racing in all its years has been singularly free from accidents which have had serious consequences. An outstanding mishap which resulted in the death of a prominent member of the sailing fraternity, the late Mr. Walter Moore, and the loss of a famous old craft, the Thelma, occurred on March 8, 1913. On that day there was a howling southerly gale blowing, and Thelma and Sayonara were engaged in a private match over the usual Manly course.
The former on the beat back from Manly had the better of her opponent, which had carried away part of her gear; but while crossing the Heads towards Middle Head Mr. Moore, while attending to a temporary hatch cover, was washed overboard. The yacht was immediately manoeuvred preparatory to effecting a rescue, but in a jibe the mast carried away below the deck and, falling overboard, tore away part of the deck. The vessel was then helpless and, with the remaining nine members of her crew, drifted towards Dobroyd, with seas breaking over her and gradually filling her up. The crew, beyond letting go two anchors which kept her just clear of the breakers, could do nothing but divest themselves of superfluous clothing in anticipation of what seemed inevitable — a swim for life and an attempt to get ashore in what was probably the most dangerous part of the harbour.
Meanwhile the Thelma's plight was observed by the acting pilot steamer Buranda, and a party of rescuers in a whaleboat put off from her in tempestuous seas and heroically attempted and succeeded in accomplishing the seemingly impossible task of rescuing the nine men, who for over an hour had been in dire peril. No sign of Mr. Moore was seen after the Thelma was dismasted, and the yacht herself sank during the night. Later several parts of her were recovered, and to this day part of her mast-bits form portion of a table on the verandah at Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, and bear silent witness to the worst tragedy that has befallen yachting in Sydney, Harbour and. to the subsequent heroism of her crew and their rescuers.
AS far as prospects for the coming season are concerned, frankly -there is little chance of it comparing favourably with the best seasons of the past. Yet when all the present circumstances are taken into consideration it must be admitted that the outlook is far from hopeless. For the past two years the prize list has entirely disappeared in many cases and has been cut down in others. Yet all those who can still race their boats, and by doing so they are rendering yachting a great service and are helping to maintain its position, so that when the tide turns there will be a foundation upon which a new structure may be rapidly and securely based. Some of these men are not in the first flight of skippers, while their craft probably require new sails, new gear, even new decks. It is not always easy to sail a cruiser on a series of light days, as was the case last season, for this may mean a succession of crushing defeats or disappointing retirements, because that unhappy individual the handicapper cannot always counteract such conditions. It is the determination of this type of skipper which has kept the sport of boat-sailing alive for centuries and which will continue to keep it alive, for even in the best of times the monetary rewards were a mere fraction of the expenditure.
LAST Saturday the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club held its opening-day rendezvous, the first official function of the 1932-33 yachting season in Sydney. Next Saturday the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron will commence operations, and then on succeeding Saturdays until April 1, 1932, these two clubs, together with the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club and the Prince Edward Yacht Club, will provide a variety cf races, varying from the all-day ocean races over courses of 44.5 nautical miles for the R.S.Y.S.'s Alfred Milson Memorial Cup and the R.P.A.Y.C.'s Basin Cup down to the five-mile inside races for the Cadet dinghies. These,' together with the events at the Anniversary, Pittwater, and Vaucluse regattas, will provide plenty of opportunities for those who so wish to satisfy their desire for racing.
MR. ARTHUR H. DAVIES (Commodore), A popular figure in the yachting world and a keen worker for many years. His predecessor as | commodore was Sir Alexander McCormick. MR. FRANK WHIDDON (Vice-Commodore), Always keenly-interested in aquatic sport, Mr. Whiddon has been vice-commodore for many years. He was formerly rear-commodore. MR. ARTHUR MUSTON (Rear-Commodore). . The name of Muston has figured in Sydney yachting history for many years. Mr. Muston owns the cutter Windward. (Photos by Falk.) - Prince Edward Yacht Club
MR. R. H. C. DOWN (Commodore), Owner of the cruiser Rana; flag-officer of the S.A.S.C. for the last 20 years. MR. C. W. ROBSON (Vice-Commodore), Owner of the cruiser Wyuna; an ardent worker for yachting in general and for his club. MR. C, PLOWMAN (Rear-Commodore), Owner of the cruiser Sea Rover, and, like many other yachtsmen, a supporter of kindred clubs. - The Sydney Amateur Sailing Club
PRESENT indications are that the racing in the large class will be confined to the eight-metre Norn (Mr. A. F. Albert), the only true modern racing craft in commission in Sydney at the present time; Utiekah II. (Mr. H. Nossiter) really a cruiser, but a most consistent performer last season ; Morna (Mr. R. C. Packer), a fast Fife-designed cruiser, which, however, requires a really good breeze before she can properly show her paces; the schooner Windward (Mr. J. M. Hardie), which being of the staysail variety is very easily handled, but because of the division of her sail plan was not designed for speed alone; Eun-na-mara II. (Mr. R. M. Stephen), which in spite of a new sail plan did not perform well last season on any but rare occasions, but is likely to do better when the effect of subsequent alterations is felt; and the cutter Windward (Mr. A. Muston), which except in P.E.Y.C. races is not a regular starter. Sayonara (Mr. Paul Ross), which started a couple of times last season, is not likely to put in an appearance, although she has been refitted with a Bermuda-sail and Bona, which has been to the forefront of Sydney's yachting since 1900, is a doubtful starter. Rawhiti' and Brand V. are still laid up, but an interesting arrival on the harbour will be the new craft which is being built for Mr. L. C., Buckle. She will be a fast cruiser of approximately 9-metres rating,' and is in all essential particulars similar to Carina (formerly Awanui IV.) She will be a most welcome addition to the fleet.
THE restricted class, as stated before, is virtually non-existent and no races have been provided for it; but the Cadet dinghies are expected to turn up in numbers equal to, if not greater than, last year, when in all . eighteen different craft faced the starter. -The 'amateurs' are expected to average about r 17 entries in each class, and with their own class races, championship races, nominated skippers, Flag Day, ocean races, invitation and cruiser races, and regattas they are likely to do better than ever this season.
Opening of the Yachting Season (1932, October 19). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166226739
NOSSITER, Pte. R., Inf., Strathfield. NEW CASUALTY LISTS (1942, August 13).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17830090
NOSSITER..—October 11 1942. previously reported missing air operations over the English Channel, now presumed dead Pilot-Officer Bennet Thomas (Ben), R.A.A.F. beloved youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Nossiter, late of Northwood, aged 23 years. Family Notices (1943, May 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17850068
Nossiter - Family Notes from Trove
Auckland (S.), 683 tons, Captain Harris, from Auckland 2nd instant. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Ogllvie, Messrs. V. C. Turner, F. C. Turner, Nossiter, Raymond, M'Donnolt, Captain Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Boulton, …Shipping Gazette (1867, March 16). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166802141
TENDERS REQUIRED, for CARPENTER'S WORK of two villa residences, Lennox-street, Richmond, for Thomas Nossiter, Esq Labour only. Apply Norris William Dike, 10 Stephen-street Advertising (1867, July 25). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5773273
COLLEY—NOSSITER.—September 29, 1897, at St. Matthias' Church, Paddington, by the Rev. J. W. Gillett, B.A., William Moles Colley, manager of the City Bank, Auburn, to Evaline, daughter of Thomas Nossiter, of Glenlyon, Rookwood. Family Notices (1897, October 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14091706
NOSSITER.— April 8, Cateswell, Hall Green, near Birmingham, Ann Hester, wife of Charles Nossiter, aged 61 years. Family Notices (1874, June 13). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 771. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article162478787
NOSSITER.-August 15, 1923, at a private hospital, Strathfield, Thomas Simister Nossiter, aged 83 years. Family Notices (1923, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16088382
Thomas S. Nossiter – Brandy Importer and Mines Agent:
Advertising (1871, September 30). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28417290
18 Jun 1872 - Government Gazette I THE undersigned, Lindsay Sharwood, hereby make application to register the “Homeward Bound Gold Mining - Trove
Thomas S Nossiter – Agent (Imports) and Mining
THE undersigned, Thomas Nossiter, hereby make application to register the "Elsmore Tin Mining Company," under the provisions of the Mining Partnerships Limited Liability Act of 1861, and any Act or Acts amending the same: And I do solemnly and sincerely declare that the following statement is, to the best of my belief and knowledge, true in every particular, namely: —
1. The name and style of the Company is the "Elsmore Tin Mining Company."
2. The place of operations and intended operations is on the M'Intyre River, near Inverell, Parish of Anderson, County of Gough, Colony of New South Wales.
3. The nominal capital of the Company is sixty thousand pounds in sixty thousand shares of one pound each.
4. The amount already paid up is twenty shillings per share on forty thousand of the said sixty thousand shares and three shillings per share on the remaining twenty thousand shares.
5. The name of the Manager is Thomas Nossiter.
6. The office of the Company is at Number 62, New Pitt-street, Sydney, New South Wales.
7. The names in full and several residences of the share holders, and the number of shares held by each at this date, are as follows:—
Names and Residences. No. of Shares.
James Buyers, Ashfield 600, James Brown, Macquarie-place 60, Marshall Bayley, North Shore 200, Peter Steuart Buyers, Princess-street 60, William Barton, Woolahra 100, James M. Banks, Princess-street 100 Thomas Michael Brown, Pyrmont 100 Rufus Samuel Burr, Inverell 250 Alexander Brown, Paddington 10,800 Alexander Henry Brown, Paddington 200 Edwin Beckmann, Glebe 400 John Barlow, Waverley 2,000. Joseph Gerrish Barron, Phillip-street 12,300 Donald Connack, Harris-street 60 Edward Emett Chadwick, Macquarie-place 50, Edward Charles Cracknell, Burwood 500 George Curtis, Reform Club 500 William C. Curtis, Darlinghurst Road 200 Peter Campbell Curtis, Redfern 200, John Robert Cottell, Rushcutter's Bay 750 William Cook, George-street 100 Albert Etkington, Glebe Point . 130 Horace Grainger, North Shore 150, Alexander James Gray, Redfern 20 James Hobson, George-street 50 Alfred Harcourt, George-street 200 Walter R. Hail, Fort-street 250 William Hezlett, Sussex-street 150 Henry Albert Hall, Fort-street 200 John Henry Hoare, Marrickville 300 Alfred Hilder, Redfern 50 Joshua Hargrave, York-street 100 Robert Reynold Huntley, Balmain 200 George Kiss, Pitt-street 400 Patrick Kelly, Botany Road 100 J. J. Lee, Balmain 100 Robert Meiklejohn, Wynyard-square 150 John Meyerfield, Darlinghurst Road 50 James Murphy, Pitt-street 1,000 Benjamin Miller Mortimer, Surry Hills 250 Frances M'Nab, Wynyard-square 200 James F. Marshall, Macquarie-place 100 Thomas Nossiter, Hunter's Hill 1,060 A. L. Park, Upper William-street 500 Thomas Peate, North Shore . 200 Robert F. Pockley, North Shore 100 William A. Stokes, Elizabeth-street 40 George Thomas Somerville, Princess-street 50 James Skinner, Darling Point 250 George W. Thornton, Darling Point 200 Reginald Whittaker, Paddington 150 William Woolley, Castlereagh-street 250 Solon Sencea Austin, Phillip-street 10,000 James Alexander Brown, Woolahra 10,000 William Crawford, George-street 50 William Henry Paling, Stanmore 50 William Bullard, North Shore 880 Aron Levi, York-street 150 William Broughton Young, Glebe 350 Daniel Henry, Parramatta-street 50 Charles Elowis, Darling Point 950 Albert Marcus, Macquarie-street 150 John Crawford, George-street, Sydney 50 Jeremiah Frederick Downes, Camden 400 Mrs. Ida Russell, Glenmore Road 20 William Shirlow, George-street 200, W. G. Robinson 250 Marshall Durer Woodhouse 100
136, Pitt-street, Sydney. Sydney, 1st March, 1872.
2171 £15s.
I THE undersigned, Thomas Nossiter, hereby make application to register the "Elsmore Tin Mining Company," (1872, April 19). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 1064. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article223088823
Advertising (1875, April 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28403379
Mining venture didn’t work out - his brother Henry, who landed in Sydney in April 1875, ends up taking over the Tinsmith selling business, advertising as such, in same address, by February 1876:
The following failures are reported.—
John Barlow, grocer—liabilities, £17,000;
Cohen, ironmonger — liabilities, £18.000;
Nossiter, merchant —liabilities, £17,000;
and J. F. Skinner. All have called meetings of their creditors. SYDNEY. (1875, May 15). The Burrangong Argus (NSW : 1864 - 1913), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article247271041
Advertising (1875, May 21). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13355485
Robertson, Brothers., of Leghorn, and the Lloyd Amoruso Company, the latter represented by Mr. Nossiter, show some splendid samples of olive oil, macaroni, the candied lemon, olives in bottle, and other Italian oilmens's stores and confectionery .... Sydney International Exhibition. THE BASEMENT. (1879, December 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13451671
Henry - brother of Thomas S.
The R.M.S. China, Captain Brooks, anchored off Glenelg at 4 o'clock this morning, and sails at 10.
FOR SYDNEY.-M. Littage, Madame Littage and four children, M. Simon, Mrs. Traill, S. R. Trail, E. C. Williams, Lieutenant J. N. Harrison, Messrs. Wauchope, H. Nossiter, Buchanan, Dr. and Mrs. Holme, Mr. Charles Fielding, Dr. Sydney Smith, Mrs. Crowe and three children. PASSENGERS. (1875, April 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13354439
Advertising (1876, February 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28401440
NOSSITER—WRIGHT—December 30, at St. James's Church, by the Rev. Canon Allwood, Henry, youngest son of Charles Nossiter, of Cateswell, Warwickshire, to Alice, youngest daughter of Horatio G. A. Wright, Sydney. Family Notices (1877, January 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13390877
Their children:
NOSSITER.-July 22, at her residence, St. Leonards, ; the wife of Henry Nossiter, of a son, prematurely. Family Notices (1877, August 4). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 32. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article70607920
NOSSITER—July 22, St. Leonards, Mrs. H. Nossiter, son. Family Notices (1877, August 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13398973
4. Puppy.— Bitches : H. Nossiter's Yardley Playmate, 1 ; Pye and Barton's Bondi Mick, 2 ; S. THE KENNEL. (1897, September 25). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 679. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163796639
Mr. Henry Nossiter, of Sydney, draws my attention to his winning bitch puppy Yardley Playmate, with which he won the novice and puppy classes for bitches, and also two special prizes at the recent Kennel Club Show. Mr. Nossiter evidently feels hurt that I did not notice the bitch in my report telegraphed from Sydney, but "that gentleman should remember that it is rather difficult to notice all animals on the judging day- My report speaks in disparaging the breed, but I am glad to say that Yardley Playmate was much above the average of the Irish terriers shown. Her head Which is rather faulty, and her ears, which at present are wrongly carried, ...* - Otherwise, she is a nice ….THE KENNEL. (1897, October 2). The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article138628603
NOSSITER.— April 7, 1913, at his residence, Victoria street, Lewisham, Henry Nossiter, youngest son of the late Charles Nossiter, of Hall Green, Birmingham England, aged 60 years. Interred at Rookwood, Tuesday, April 8th 1913. Family Notices (1913, April 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15411495
NOSSITER.—May 14th 1922, at Kogarah, Alice, widow of the late Henry Nossiter, of Lewisham, and daughter of the late Dr. H. G. A. Wright, of Wynyard square, aged 67 years. Family Notices (1922, May 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16002537
COLLEY—NOSSITER.—September 29, 1897, at St. Matthias' Church, Paddington, by the Rev. J. W. Gillett, B.A., William Moles Colley, manager of the City Bank, Auburn, to Evaline, daughter of Thomas Nossiter, of Glenlyon, Rookwood. Family Notices (1897, October 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14091706
Reginald Wright Nossiter - 1878 - 1946
Reginald would later go sailing with Harold. John Charles moved to Lismore. Evaline married in 1897:
NOSSITER-GARRARD.-November 2, at St. Andrew's Church , Lismore, by Archdeacon Lampard, John C. Nossiter, E. S. and A Bank Stanmore to Grace M, only daughter of the late S Garrard, Boorie and of Mrs.. Ganard Miowera, Lismore. Family Notices (1920, November 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16875394
NOSSITER—Feb. 18, Pyrmont, Mrs. Thomas S. Nossiter, son. Family Notices (1878, February 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13408780
NOSSITTER—HASSALL.—October 7, at St. Stephens Phillip street Sydney by Rev. John Ferguson, Reginald Wright Nossiter third son of Mr T S Nossiter to Madeline, eldest daughter of the late Mr J L Hassall of Summer Hill. At home, Hazeldene, Piper street Lilyfield, November 10 and 11. Family Notices (1911, November 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15286319
Nossiter - Hassall.
On Saturday afternoon the marriage of Mr. Reginald Nossiter, third son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Nossiter, of Cronulla Beach, and Miss Madeline Hassall, eldest daughter of the late J. L. Hassall, of Summer Hill, was solemnized at St. Stephen's Church. The Rev John Ferguson officiated. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. Ernest Hassall, wore her travelling costume of tussore silk, handsomely braided, and a lace hat trimmed with white waterfall plumes. She carried a sheaf of white roses, and was attended by her sister, Miss Elsie Hassall, as maid of honor, who was attired In a white silk frock trimmed with filet lace, and a white Horn hat. Her bouquet of pink roses and a gold Nellie Stewart bangle were the bridegroom's gifts. Mr. Jack Nossiter acted as best man. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at Paris House, where the room was artistically decorated with pink and white roses and the lights softened with Liberty shades. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Nossiter. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hassall, Mr. and Mrs. Colley, Misses Ruthven, Steven, and Mr. Terry. The honeymoon will be spent at Moss Vale. WEDDINGS. (1911, October 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATEST EDITION). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221527470
Thomas Bailey - Brother and supporter of Newport Community
FOR SALE, Australian Rover Bicycle, lamp, bell, etc., almost new. T. B. Nossiter, Peacock Jam Co., Newtown. Advertising (1896, December 30). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article238570428
Trotting Match, in saddle or harness. 2 miles, open to all-comers. Handicap by time. Saddles carrying 11st., Harness 10st. One stone allowed for ponies under 14 hands.
Final Heat.
W. Pollard's Dick 1
I E. Stranger's Jerry . . . . . . '2
Miss Florrie Blacks Felicia . . . . 3
Considerable interest was taken in this and the other trotting contests. The race was, in consequence of the number of entries, run in divisions ; the starters in the first being— Charles Franks' Steely, J. A. Bowerman's Eva, J. T. Curtis' Brownie, F. R Black's Darling scratch), A. G. Moore's Confidence (S sees, behind). E. Stranfier's Jerry (10 sees, behind), T. B. Nossiter's Years (25 sees, behind), W. Grogan's Message (45 sec. behind), Miss F. Black's Felicia (75 secs, behind). Stranger's Jerry soon took the lead, making up his handicap before half the first time round the track. The other starters straggled along, but had no appreciable effect on the running. When, however, Felicia, with her heavy handicap, left the stalling post, the excitement grew intense, as it was evident that the mare (which was driven in a trotting machine) was worthy of a better field. The minute and a quarter's handicap in a race of one mile was, however, too great, and Jerry came in at least a quarter of a mile ahead of Felicia, who was going ... CONTESTS. (1897, April 24). The Cumberland Free Press (Parramatta, NSW : 1895 - 1897), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article144444190
Timbo, s, 712 tons, Captain G.T. Rose, for Hobart. Passengers-Mesdames W. Paterson, Cotter and child, Driver, A. C. Knight, Barnett and child, Misses Knight, Kidston, Knight, Mugec, Pert, Knight,... Knight-, Messrs, II. E. Pratien, W. R Corkhill. T. B. Nossiter, ... Sawyer, F. Burnett, Masters Harnett (U), and 10 in the steerage. CLEARANCES.—October 29. (1898, October 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14162469
NOSSITER—IRONS.—May 7, 1902, at St. Mark's, Granville, by the Rev. A. E. J. Ross, M.A., Thomas Bailey, eldest son of Thomas Simister Nossiter, of Auburn, N.S.W., to Helen Amy, eldest daughter of Thomas Irons, J.P., of Granville, N.S.W. Family Notices (1902, June 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article14437116
A Granville Bride.
St. Mark's, Granville, was on Wednesday afternoon, the scene of a very pretty wedding. The church was prettily decorated, there being arches of greenery and white flowers down the aisle, and the ends of the seats were adorned with similar decorations, chrysanthemums and roses being conspicuous in the display. Just facing the altar was a tasty arch, and suspended from the centre a huge bell, with a fine incurved white chrysanthemum as a tongue. The altar vases were tilled also with white roses and chrysanthemums, and a floral cross stood fixed to the wall conspicuously above them. The ladies chiefly engaged in arranging the decorations were Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Barenscher, Mrs. E. F. Ritchie, Mrs. Kerr and Miss Mitchell. The new furniture of the church, namely the altar rails, which are composed of carved cedar, formerly in use in AH Saints', Parramatta, and new carpet and oilcloth, were in use for the first time. The invited guests numbered about 100, and the general public crowded into the back seats to witness the ceremony.
Punctually to half-past three the bride, Miss Helen Amy, daughter of Mr. Thomas Irons, J.P., one of the members of the Clyde Engineering Company, entered the church upon the arm of her father. She was attired in a beautifully-fitting cream satin costume, trimmed with a richly wrought cream silk lace. The bodice was superbly tucked, and the skirt was flounced with cordon pleats. The bride wore a wreath of orange blossom and the customary bride's veil, and a long train to the skirt. A beautiful star, with pendant, fastened the bridal veil at the crown. Her only bridesmaid was Miss Clara Irons, her sister, whose dress was of cream silk muslin, trimmed with valenciennes lace, insertion and bus ribbon, and she wore a hat trimmed with soft cream ribbon and feathers. She wore a pretty gold bamboo bangle, the gift of the bridegroom. Both bride and bridesmaid bore beautiful shower bouquets.
Mr. Thos. Bailey Nossiter, (son of Mr. Thomas Simester Nossiter, gentleman) the bridegroom, met the party at the altar, and as the procession came down the aisle, a full choir sang ' The voice that breathed o'er Eden.' Mr. Davolrous was best man. The ceremony was performed by the rector of St. Marks, Rev. A. E. J. Boss, M.A., and the choir sung the appropriate ohant3, and at the conclusion the hymn, ' How welcome the call.'
As the party left the church the organist, Mr. Jeffery, played the Wedding March, and showers of confetti were poured upon the newly married pair as they entered their carriage. The breakfast was laid in a largo marquee at the residence of the bride's parents, ' Blenheim,' Railway-street, Granville. To this festal board, after a reception had boon hold in trio drawing room, upwards of 100 guests, more or less related or intimate friends of both families, sat down. Among them were the bride and bridegroom's parents, Mr. J and Mrs. Irons, Mr. T. Nossiter, sen., Messrs. Harold, Reginald, and John Nossiter, (brothers), Mr. Dave and Miss Clara Irons, Mr. John J. Woods and Mr. Henry Hudson (Clyde Engineering Company), Dr. and Mrs. Harrison and Miss Harrison, Dr. and Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Tait, Mr. G. B. Edwards and Mrs. Edwards (Ponoock and Edwards), Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ritchie, Mr. Leslie Ritchie, Miss Cook and Miss Tait, Mrs. and the Misses Lang (2) of Summer Hill, Mrs. Ritchie, son. (Auburn), Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Baronsehor, and others. Mr. G. Edwards proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom in felicitous terms, and Mr. T. B. Nossiter responded. 'The parents of the newly-married pair was proposed by Mr. Henry Hudson, and responded to by Mr. Thos. lions and Mr. Thos. Nossiter, The bride and bridegroom left Parramatta by the evening train for the Jenolan Caves, where the honeymoon will be spent, but will take up their future abode at Manly.
The bride's travelling dress was of a dark red frieze, trimmed with silk velvet and guipure lace. She wore a black fancy straw hat trimmed with feathers, and ornamented with a handsome pearl buckle; and her costume was finished with a handsome Thibet fur boa. The presents wore very numerous and costly ; and in themselves were an exhibition of delight, embracing every conceivable article of use or ornament. It may be mentioned that Mr.Iroim arranged for the ontcrlivinmont of the choir in St. Mark's school, where for an hour or two some twenty ladies and gentlemen enjoyed themselves, and Mr. Bate took the opportunity of asking the company to join him in wishing health, wealth and happiness to Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Nossiter, and their much respected parents. Mr. Rayner also had a low words to soy regarding the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Iron?, and tlm deep interest they took in the choir and church work generally. A Granville Bride. (1902, May 10). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article86198641
Department of the Attorney-General and of Justice,
Sydney, 15th March, 1911.
HIS Excellency the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, has, in accordance with the recommendation submitted by the Industrial Court constituted under the "Industrial Disputes Act, 1908," and with the provisions of that Act as amended by the "Industrial Disputes (Amendment) Act, 1908," been pleased to appoint the undermentioned persons to be Members of a Board constituted for the industries of Fruit Preparers, Tanners, and Labourers throughout the State of New South Wales, and to be known as the Jam Industry Board: —
On behalf of the Employers, Mr. Thomas Bailey Nossiter, of Alice-street, Newtown.
On behalf of the Employees, Mr. Alfred Carter, of 3 Allen-street, Pyrmont.
W. A. HOLMAN. Government Gazette Appointments and Employment (1911, March 15).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1544. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article221617024
Probate has been granted of the will of the late Mr. Thomas Irons, of Cheltenham, managing director of the Clyde Engineering Co., Ltd., who died at Thirroul on February 21 last. His estate is of the net value of £20,175, of which £10,265/10/ consists of shares in public companion. Testator appointed as his executors and trustees his son Captain Thomas Roy Irons, of the Royal Flying Corps, and his son-in-law, Thomas Bailey Nossiter. The special bequests were a dwelling-house at Thirroul and 500 shares In J. C. Williamson, Ltd, to testator's son, Thomas Roy Irons. The residue is left to the trustees in trust; Mrs. Irons (widow of testator) will receive one-half, and testator's children the other half of the estate in equal shares. LATE MR. THOMAS IRONS. (1918, April 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15772497
Thomas Bailey Nossiter, managing director of the Peacock Jam Factory. Ltd.. and hon. secretary of the Jam Manufacturers' Association said the trade had paid abnormal prices for sugar, hut he admitted having received abnormal prices for jam. At present jam manufacturers were obtaining better rates from London than Australia one reason being the sugar shortage, and the increasing demand on the other side of the world had greatly enhanced prices during the past year or two. Given cheaper sugar, fruit growers and the consumers would reap the benefit. It would mean higher prices for the grower and cheaper jam for the public. The Commission adjourned. THE SUGAR INDUSTRY. (1919, May 2). The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27603352
The new rock baths at Newport were opened on Saturday afternoon by the Chief Secretary (Mr. Laszarini). To mark the completion of the baths the Newport Progress Association, in conjunction with the Newport Amateur Swimming Club, held a carnival for the purpose of raising funds to complete the payment for the construction of the pool.
Mr. T. B. Nossiter (president of the Progress Association) presided. He stated that the cost of the pool, which was 37 feet in length, was £560, of which amount the Warringah Shire Council had contributed £310. The balance of £250 was being found by the association, which already had in hand £176. Councillor McKillop (president of Warringah Shire Council) paid a tribute to the civic spirit of the members of the progress association. The Newport rock baths were the seventh constructed in the shire,(the others being at Harbord, Deewhy, Collaroy, Mona Vale, Avalon, and Palm Beach.
The principal events resulted:
Boys' handicap, 37yds: E. Hope,' 22s, 1; 3, Thomson, 10s, 2. ...handicap: First heat: Colin Robertson (Newport), 11s, 1; V. Dyer (Newport), 23s, 2. Second heat: Gordon Robertson (Newport), 12n, 1; 0. Clarke (Mosman), 9s, 2. Third heat: L. Mulhall (Newport),. 9a, 1; J. O. Blackwood (Mona .Vale), 7b, 2.Final: Colin Robertson, 1; V. Dyer, 2; J. E. Black
Girl’s' handicap, 37yds: Miss B. Bolton, 40b, 1; MIm 8. Hope, 33«, 2; Miss J. Booth, 11s, 3. 76yds brace relay race-First heat: J. O. Blackwood and L. W. Hill (Mona Vale), 10s, 1; A. Caniomnll and D. Laidlow (Drummoyne), 4s, 2. Second beat: G. Crockett snd 0. Clarke (Mosman), 4a, 1; J.Walker-Smith and T. 0. Arndell (Mosman), acr., 2..Final: Blackwood and Hill, 1; Carnemolla and Laid-low, 2; Crockett and Clarke, 3. During the afternoon Miss E. Mealing (50 yrds State champion) and Miss M. Mealing (back-stroke champion), gave exhibition swims. NEWPORT ROCK BATHS. (1926, February 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16261163
The third annual fleet cruise of the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales and its branch at Broken Bay, started on Christmas morning, when the Sydney portion of the fleet left Port Jackson for the Basin, Broken Bay, where It was Joined by the Broken Bay boats that will participate The boats which left Sydney were Circe (Commodore Stuart r Doyle), Alkooello (Rear-Commodore C Jncobs), Tortuna (Mr G D Weymouth), Nomad (Mr Bradford Potter) Koonya (Mr W J Dalgarno), Dolores (Mr G N King) Seattle (Mr R M McDougall) Warrigal (Mr H C M Garling), Idle A While (Mr J W Cope-land), Zoe (Mr H Read), Trixie (Mr Bert Paul), Carinya (Dr C L S Mcintosh) Bimbo (Mr F Saunders), Pollyanna (Mr R Slrelltz), Miss Johnson (Mr J F Jackson) Cettien (Mr H McEvoy), and others The boats under nine miles an hour left at 6 o'clock In the morning, and were led by the commodore, Mr Stuart Doyle. Faster boats sailed an hour later In order to overtake the first dh luton In time to enter the Basin, Broken Bay together.
They were Joined at the Basin by Modwena (Mr A C Cooke, commodore of the Broken Bay branch of the Royal M Y C ), Bunyandah (Branch Rear-Commodore T B Nossiter) Rodrick (Mr D Lorimer), Miss Newport (Mr Ted Light) Alpha (Mr D A Douglas), Lady Jean (Mr E A Figtree), and others belonging to the Broken Bay fleet.
Yesterday morning the fleet sailed in two divisions for Berowra where they participated in the third annual Hawkesbury Regatta promoted by the Royal Motor Yacht Club of New South Wales in Berowra Creek this afternoon. This afternoon they will sail for Refuge Bay. ROYAL M.Y.C. (1928, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16519306
Huge baskets of multi-coloured flowers were an additional attraction to many of the tables which were all decorated with the club colours, maroon and gold, at the tenth annual dance of the Newport Surf Life Saving Club, which was held at Hordern Brothers' last night.
The official party was entertained by Mr and Mrs Robin Cale, the latter wearing a classical gown of black trimmed with gold lame Among their guests were Mr and Mrs Percy Cran, Mr and Mrs J H Stevenson, Mr and Mrs Norman Gilbert, Mr Ronald Wilkinson, and Mr and Mrs Jack Cran. The club's treasurer and captain, Mr S Roberts, with Miss Joyce Moore, entertained a large party, which included the Misses Winifred Needham, Ena Bayliss, and Joan Harbutt
Another large party was entertained by Mr G S Gilder, the club's secretary, and Miss Paddy Francis. Also present were Messrs J Stringer, Frank Stayner, Cliff Rudd, George Mellion, Miss Joy Stayner, Miss Lynda Ross, Mr E Wells, Mr and Mrs T B Nossiter, Mr and Mrs N Hawley, Miss Bernice Ross, Miss Nancy Kelk, Mr E R Bromley, and Mr J Sanders. SURF CLUB DANCE. (1935, May 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17146801
Home - Beecroft-Cheltenham History Group at: www.bchg.org.au/index.php/en/2-uncategorised
The land was purchased in 1893 by William Chorley. He sold it in 1912 to Thomas Bailey Nossiter (1873-1949) who was at one time the accountant to the Peacock Jam Factory and became a director of Henry Jones Co-operative.
Thomas was a keen golfer and became the first President of the Pennant Hills Golf Club.
The house was designed by William Nixon. It was built by James Brown of Ashfield in 1914. Its name is a portmanteau word containing elements of the names of each of the daughters of Thomas and Helen (“Nell”) Nossiter namely Jean, Nancy and Beatrice.
NOSSITER.—April 23, at Normanhust, Granville, the wife of T. B. Nossiter—a daughter. Family Notices (1906, May 2). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1181. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article164043819
NOSSITER Thomas Bailey –August 16, 1949 beloved husband of Helen Amy and father of Jean (Mrs Pines) Nan (Mrs Napier) Betty (Mrs Harris) and Thomas Phillip aged 76 years. Family Notices (1949, August 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18125319
NOSSITER- Relatives and Friends of the late THOMAS BAILEY NOSSITER of The Boulevarde Cheltenham are kindly invited to attend his Funeral to leave St John’s Church Beecroft. This Day (Wednesday) after Service commencing at 10 30 a m for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium Family Notices (1949, August 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18125319

Yachts on Sydney Harbour - Australian National Maritime Museum photo
This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William Hall collection. The Hall collection combines photographs from both William J Hall and his father William Frederick Hall. The images provide an important pictorial record of recreational boating in Sydney Harbour, from the 1890s to the 1930's. Object number 00010547 - and enlarged section from showing four women aboard.