Community News - November 2015
November 22 - 28, 2015: Issue 241
Articles This Week
Palm Beach Sailing Club's Beware The Bullets Regatta 2015: Day One
Newport SLSC Hosts Round Two of SLS SNB Surf Boat Premiership 2015-2016
Avalon Market Day Dog Show 2015 by Adrian Boddy
Pittwater Community Arts 11th Art Exhibition and Sale – 2015: Open Today - Sunday November 22nd
Pittwater Prefers to Remain Pittwater: Greater Pittwater Option Forwarded as Second Preference: Cr. Hegarty's Address at Council Meeting of November 16, 2015
Surf Rowers and Team Navy NSW Summer Series 2015-2016: Mollymook November 28-29
Aquatics: HARKEN International Youth Match Racing 2015: hosted by RPAYC - Day 1, 2, 3 and 4 Reports by Stephen Collopy
Pictures: Pittwater the Busy and Pittwater when Quiet - a Kaleidoscope from this week
Collector's Corner: Vintage Brass Mortar and Pestle: This pure brass mortar and pestle weighs at least 4 kilos and has a lovely gold tinge when polished
Food: Kale: This ancient green vegetable has been making its way into many of our dishes lately and giving the kind of energy you won’t get from a vitamin pill
Profile: Jason Waterhouse: current World Number 1 in Nacra 17, debuting in the Extreme Sailing in Austria’s Red Bull Sailing Team, was also awarded the Land Rover “Above and Beyond Award” in February. By August a momentum that began with securing 1st at Weymouth in the ISAF Sailing World Cup, a 2nd at Aarhus in Denmark, led to gold at Aquece Rio International Sailing Regatta 2015 (Rio 2016 Test Event) the crew of Waterhouse/Darmanin came home and focused on more training, determined to not take anything for granted. It began 20 years before 2015 though...
History: Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers - The Green Family: From Greenwich, to Mossman and Milsom's Bay and Pittwater - boatbuilders and scullers - from 1810 to 1921...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month November 2015 - Katarina Wells: Ceramics - Vessels. Totems. Sculptures.
My aim is to express a sense of balance and harmony through my work. I hand build my pieces over a period of a few days, to allow the clay to stiffen sufficiently, before adding more coils. This slow process fosters an organic growth, allows for time to step back and observe where a piece intends to go.
'Drop in' to have your say on Mona Vale's future
20 Nov 2015
Pittwater Council is seeking further community feedback on the future of Mona Vale Town Centre.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said an ‘open house’ will be held on Saturday 28 November between 10am and 2pm at Mona Vale Memorial Hall.
“This is a continuation of the conversation we have been having with residents and business throughout the year that saw a series of urban talks, workshops and interactive activities around the Mona Vale Place Plan.
Mr Ferguson said he was delighted with the level of interest so far, with close to 1,300 comments from the community and business received to date.
“We are now keen for residents and local businesses to have their say specifically on the topic of access and linkages around the Mona Vale Town Centre.
“Part of our vision for Mona Vale is to enhance access and linkages around the centre that encourage more active transport, namely walking and cycling,” said Mr Ferguson.
Experts will be on hand to discuss the issues of:
• traffic flow and parking
• pedestrian, mobility and access
• improving cycling in and around the town centre
• the B-Line bus network.
“We are particularly pleased that representatives from Transport for NSW will join us to discuss the proposed B-line bus network that will bring Bus Rapid Transit to the northern beaches,” he said.
Mr Ferguson said if residents were unable to attend the ‘open day’ there were also opportunities to have their say by completing a Traffic and Parking Survey and a Walk Mona Vale Survey by visiting
“These surveys will help Council better understand how local residents travel to Mona Vale Town Centre, where they park (if they drive), public transport usage and pedestrian access,” Mr Ferguson added.
To view the Imagine Mona Vale – Engagement Summary report visit
Exhibit gets behind the truth of photography
19 Nov 2015
Local residents have a rare opportunity to see the State Library’s travelling photographic exhibition ‘Behind the Truth’ on display at Mona Vale Library until 27 November.
The ‘Behind the Truth’ exhibition has been developed by the Exhibitions team from the State Library of New South Wales.
The display features 10 iconic images from the State Library’s collections to question the role of truth in photography.
Photographs capture the truth in different ways, but they can’t always be used as truthful historical resources. According to information on the State Library of NSW website, “…Our initial reaction to photographic images often leans towards belief or trust that the picture tells a true, unbiased story.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend invited residents to take advantage of this rare opportunity.
“It’s not that often that a local library has the chance to display work that would otherwise be out of reach for many residents.
“I applaud the Exhibition's team at the State Library for putting together this travelling exhibition that – once complete – will have covered 24 public libraries across the state between July and December this year.
Exhibition entry is free and can be viewed during opening hours at Mona Vale Library until 27 November during opening hours.
Full details of the exhibit
Exhibition - Floods, Fires & Storms happen here
19 Nov 2015
Residents across the northern beaches can see how floods, fires and coastal storms have impacted our local area over the past 100 years at one of nine exhibitions during November and December.
Together, Manly, Pittwater and Warringah Councils, the State Emergency Services (SES) and the Rural Fire Service (RFS), have joined forces to deliver this unique curated exhibition as one of the outcomes to the Northern Beaches Flood and Coastal Storm Education Strategy.
Extreme weather events have impacted the northern beaches in the past and the frequency of these events is predicted to increase with a changing climate.
The exhibition curator Cherry Corr has worked closely with the local studies librarians, the SES, RFS and historical societies in order to present a picture of how we as a community respond to natural hazards.
Mrs Corr said the exhibition would be popping up at a number of community events and venues across the beaches between Saturday 21 November and Saturday 19 December.
“The exhibitions will stimulate both visual and tactile senses, as well as engage the mind, with an opportunity for visitors to draw their own experiences of an extreme weather event and there will be an all-hazards guessing competition at every event.
Based on visitors’ knowledge of hazards on the northern beaches, participants will have the chance to win a multipurpose dynamo and solar/manual powered mobile phone charger with runners-up receiving a copy of the calendar with photographs from the exhibition,” added Mrs Corr.
The first of nine events for the Floods, Fires & Storms happen here! exhibition will be held at the Avalon Market Day on Saturday 21 November. There will be a launch at 11am where visitors will have the opportunity to have their photograph taken with the SES and RFS.
The timing of the ‘Floods, Fires & Storms happen here!’ exhibition coincides with the United Nations 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21) where nations will be seeking to achieve a global legally binding and universal agreement on climate.
Households can play their part to prepare for floods, fires and storms by familiarising themselves with the information and tools available at the exhibitions.
This all-hazards photographic exhibition and associated workshops has been made possible with $25,000 grant funding from the New South Wales (NSW) Government under the joint State/Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program.
Full details of all exhibitions including dates, venues and times are attached below and are also available online,
Have your say on traffic and parking around Mona Vale
18 Nov 2015
Pittwater Council is inviting residents and local business to have their say on traffic and parking around Mona Vale.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the community can have their say by completing a quick online survey about how they travel and park in and around Mona Vale Town Centre.
“The study will help Council better understand how local residents travel to Mona Vale Town Centre, where they park (if they drive) and their public transport usage,” said Mr Ferguson.
Mr Ferguson said the survey forms just one aspect of the Mona Vale place planning process that will help develop a vision and plan that will guide future sustainable improvements for the town centre.
“Earlier this year we ran a series of urban talks, workshops and interactive activities around the Mona Vale Place Plan.
“We were delighted with the level of interest, with close to 1,300 community comments received over the engagement period.
“The Imagine Mona Vale – Engagement Summary report provides an overview of the feedback from the various engagement activities undertaken to date. Key themes explored included improving the pedestrian experience, with wider footpaths and better access to public transport and connectivity to the beach.
“Feedback included a desire for an improved pedestrian-focus for the town centre, especially on key retail streets such as Bungan Street, Park Street and Pittwater Road.
“Part of our vision for Mona Vale is to enhance access and linkages around the centre that encourage more active transport, namely walking and cycling.
The Traffic and Parking survey forms part of the overall place planning process providing us with vital data to develop a strategy for the centre,” added Mr Ferguson.
Complete the survey – closes December 1st, 2015
View the Imagine Mona Vale – Engagement Summary report
Safe planning for asbestos removal
18 Nov 2015
November is National Asbestos Awareness Month and Pittwater Council is supporting the campaign by helping residents understand the dangers of asbestos and how they can renovate their home safely.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said asbestos is one of the most dangerous materials found in our surroundings, particularly in homes.
“Australia has one of the highest incidences of asbestos-related diseases in the world and if inhaled, dangerous particles can lead to life-threatening illnesses including Mesothelioma - a cancer that affects the lining of the lungs,” he said.
Council is helping raise the awareness of the dangers of asbestos with an education stall at the Beaches Market, Pittwater Rugby Park, on Friday 27 November, 8am – 1pm.
Mr Ferguson said education officers will deliver asbestos awareness messages to help residents understand the dangers of asbestos and the best ways to manage the material when renovating.
“We will also be giving away 50 Renovation Kits to Pittwater residents who visit the stall.
“It is vital that we educate the community about the dangers of asbestos so homeowners think smart and safe when renovating,” added Mr Ferguson.
When renovating residents should follow these simple steps:
• Before – Do your research. Go Get an assessment. To ensure protection of you and your family it is recommended to use a licensed professional to remove any asbestos from your home. To find a contractor call SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50 (formally Workcover).
• During – Wear appropriate personal protection equipment and carry out safe work practices.
• After – All asbestos needs to be disposed of in the correct way. Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre accepts securely double wrapped small parcels of asbestos. No tipping from trucks. Minimum charge is $65. Plan your disposal by calling Kimbriki on 9486 3512 or visit
For more information: phone: SafeWork NSW 13 10 50 or visit
Dear Readers and Contributors
Please be advised that the Final Issue of Pittwater Online News for 2015 will be published on the 20th of December, 2015 – No 245.
The First Issue for 2016 will be published on the 10th of January, 2016 – No 246.
Contributors who wish to list News or New Year Events that falls within those dates are asked to have these in, ready to Publish, by the 18th of December.
We shall not be back in the Office prior to January the 5th 2015 for Contributors wishing to add Items to the January 10th, 2016 Issue. These may still be sent and will be attended to promptly on our return.
Pittwater Online News.
Gone Fishing Gallery: Established local artists selling small works and a chance to buy some unique Christmas gifts.
Paintings, works on paper, photography, jewellery, textiles and ceramics.
EFTPOS available - Visa and MasterCard.
The Top Room, Waterfront Store and Cafe
1860 Pittwater Road, Church Point 2105
Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club Annual Races
28 November 2015 between 12:15 and 5:30pm
Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club will be conducting our annual series of races on Saturday 28 November 2015 between 1215 and 1730.
There will be 4 races of approximately 8km distance starting from the Rowland Reserve Bay where we store our boats and, depending upon weather conditions, either racing clockwise around Scotland Island and back, or to McCarrs Creek and back.
Both courses will use the Church Point Channel marker as a key reference point both outgoing and upon return.
There will be 4 races starting around 80 mins apart with 4 in each race. The boats will start some 30 seconds apart.
We have obtained an Aquatic Licence, Council Approval and have also notified Marine Rescue.
We will have 2 safety boats accompanying each race. All Sweeps are experienced and will be wearing Hi Vis vests. Sweeps will be fully briefed before each race.
Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
George Webster, Secretary/Race Director,
Bei Loon DB Club, 9905 2919.
HeARTfelt Christmas
Pittwater Artists Trail
Saturday 5th December & Sunday 6th December 2015: from 10am to 5pm both days
Here comes Summer, Christmas and the Pittwater Artists Trail’s last open studios event of the year - and a perfect opportunity to find a unique gift for someone special while having an inspiring day exploring our beautiful coastal environment and viewing amazing art.
This season’s much anticipated Artists Trail will be on Saturday December 5th and Sunday the 6th from 10am to 5pm.
An exciting new development on this Trail is the ARTBUS, a dedicated free bus service for the Trail - two buses departing from Avalon Rec Centre and the Palm Beach Ferry Terminal in half hour alternating circuits will visit selected studios dropping off and picking up visitors from 10.30 until after 4pm. No driving or finding a park, just hop on and off at the studios you choose on the circuit. The buses are a much welcomed trial incentive from the Enliven team at Pittwater Council.
The Pittwater Artists Trail this December will be full of arty inspirations and chances to meet and engage with the makers of beautiful art.
The Trail invites you to consider giving a gift that is not mass produced in a factory but something that is an expression of an idea or feeling and made by the hands of an artist.
Handmade, designed by artists and makers - that’s a real gift.
See you on the Trail.
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes announced on November 12th that work will begin on improvements to Barrenjoey Road at Avalon Beach.
The NSW Government is funding essential road resurfacing works along the 1.3 km section of Barrenjoey Road between the Serpentine and Wollstonecraft Avenue.
The project will complement other major resurfacing works completed along Barrenjoey Road in recent years including Careel Bay to Palm Beach and the Bilgola Bends.
“This project will deliver a vastly improved road service,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Barrenjoey Road is among our community’s most vital road arteries and is used by thousands of motorists every day.
“Other key sections of Barrenjoey Road have been resurfaced over recent years and this project will help complete the stretch between Newport and Palm Beach.
“This is all about delivering a stronger, smoother and safer road surface.
“Works are scheduled to be completed over 8 night shifts, between 8pm and 5am, from Sunday 15 November until Friday 4 December – weather permitting.
“Necessary lane closures will be in place and on-street parking will be restricted in certain areas.
“It’s pleasing to see this project funded and ready to commence,” Rob Stokes said
The Royal Australian Navy’s Team Navy brand has received a major boost with the announcement of the continued alliance with one of Australia’s most demanding marathon races from 3 to 9 January 2016 racing from Bateman’s Bay to Eden on the beautiful NSW South Coast.
This is the Longest, Toughest Surfboat Race in the world. The George Bass Surf Marathon commenced in 1975 and surf skis were added to the event in the 1990's. It is a truly unique experience for all competitors; friendships are made for life once you become part of the Bass family.
George Bass Marathon Race Director Andrew Edmunds said they were very pleased to be again have Team Navy a part of the 2016 event.
“The Bass goes hand in hand with the Navy lifestyle – team work, dedication, camaraderie and fitness,” Mr Edmunds said.
“Team Navy will be providing valuable assistance to the event in terms of logistic support and you’ll be able to see them every day during the event at the start and finish beaches.”
The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) launched its “Team Navy” brand in 2011 with the announcement of a partnership with Prodrive Racing Australia (PRA) in the V8 Supercars championship and now totals six of Australia’s premier sporting teams with more to be announced in the New Year.
Lieutenant Commander Don Hogarth, Manager Team Navy said the partnership with GBSM has been ongoing since 2008 and was beneficial in raising the profile of lifesaving and helping gain community support.
For more information on Team Navy visit
Have your say on a new community health centre at Brookvale
05.11.2015: Media Release - Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal to construct a new community health centre along Pittwater Road at Brookvale will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the application which seeks to:
construct a new four storey community health centre building
construct a pedestrian bridge crossing Pittwater Road
construct a seven storey car park at the rear of the building
construct a loading service bay next to the car park
construct external signage on the northern and southern sides of the building.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive and this is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations,” the spokesperson said.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday 5 November until Friday 4 December 2015.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment, Attn: Director – Infrastructure Assessments GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS is also available to view in person at:
Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
Warringah Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Dee Why Library, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Warringah Mall Library, Shop 650, 2nd Floor, Warringah Mall, 145 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale
You can find about the Brookvale Community Health Centre and the Northern Beaches Health Service Redevelopment HERE

ABHS December Meeting: Stewart Towers of Barranjoey Headland
The next meeting of the Avalon Beach Historical Society will be held on TUESDAY 1 DECEMBER in the Avalon Beach Bowling Club, Bowling Green Lane. It will be our last meeting of the year and start at 8pm sharp. It’s a special meeting because we will be revealing the culmination of our 2 years work on the;
Member David Lyall has completed a first class job on the model of the larger, Inner Stewart Tower to the scale of 1:12 (20 inches/half a metre high). It will be on show on the night for the first time.
The design is the result of intense research on scant information obtained from many reliable sources too numerous to mention here.
John Illingsworth (along with his apprentice Geoff) has produced a fabulous film to take you along our path from initial investigation to the ‘finished product’. He has captured some wonderful footage using his drone at 6am on several mornings and the colours of the northern face of the headland are almost too rich to believe. The footage serves as a fine base and contrast into which is woven some fascinating historic stills.
We will also discuss the Barranjoey Headland trolley-way and its 2 components – one track from the base of the headland to the quarry and one (as a continuation of the lower track) from the quarry to the construction site. We will have 2 remnant pieces of the hardwood ‘rails’ on display, one blackened by the 1912 fire. They have been donated to the Society.
Apologies to those who were looking forward to the ferry trip but the ‘days have been too short’ and we will endeavour to rectify that as soon as we resume in the new year.
We would appreciate those of you who haven’t updated your dues yet to bring along your $10 per head to help keep us in the ‘black’.
As usual guests of members are very welcome and to join us for a ‘Christmassy’ supper at the end of the meeting.
Monster Raffle Supports Local Boardrider Clubs
In 2015/16, Surfing Australia is again running the Monster Raffle in conjunction with the Original Source Australian Boardriders Battle.
Last year, over $27,000 was raised with all proceeds benefiting more than 108 of Australia's boardriders clubs. This year, we want to go bigger so we can give back to the clubs who help make Australian surfing what it is today.
So... grab your ticket today for $5 and not only are you giving back to Australian Boardriders clubs, but you'll also be in the running to WIN a brand new Toyota RAV4 Cruiser valued at $55,000 plus thousands of dollars' worth of other cool gear from Milwaukee, Oakley, Original Source, FCS, Nikon and Boost Mobile!
Buy Tickets at:

According to Rob Berry, one of the Pittwater Series organisers, there will be ocean swims at Bilgola 13 December, Newport 3 January, Avalon 17 January, Mona Vale 24 January and the Big Swim (Palm Beach to Whale Beach) on 31 January.
"Not only will competitors in the Pittwater Ocean Series be competing in one of the most scenic beach areas you will find anywhere, they will go in the draw for a fabulous prize if they complete three of the five swims in the series.
"It doesn't matter what time you record you will still go in the draw for the prize. So, anyone who does the required number of swims can win," he added.
The major prize offered for the Pittwater Ocean Swim Series includes a trip for two to Byron Bay to compete in the Byron Bay Ocean Swim Classic, staying at the BayRoyal Luxury Apartments for three nights. Return air fares are included sponsored by Travel View Avalon.
Pittwater Series swims:
o Dec 13 - Bilgola
o Jan 3 - Newport
o Jan 17 - Avalon
o Jan 24 - Mona Vale
o Jan 31 - Palm-Whale Beach
The Mona Vale Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite the Northern Beaches Community to enjoy a delightful dinner and fabulous guest speakers as we raise funds to support Mona Vale Hospital.
Date: Friday 19 February 2016
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Mona Vale Golf Club
Tickets: $110 each or $1000 for table of 10.
All proceeds will go to the Mona Vale Hospital Auxillary to fund equipment purchases for the Mona Vale Rehabilitation Centre.

FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, said the Framework will contribute to better job opportunities to people with disability.
“The Government wants to get more people with disability into jobs,” Mr Porter said. “People with disability have higher unemployment rates than other Australians, and these rates have remained stagnant for the past 20 years.
“We have a range of disability employment support services, but their performance in helping people with disability find long-term, sustainable jobs can be improved.
“Only one-in-three job seekers in our Disability Employment Services programme find and keep a job for 26 weeks or more.
A taskforce is reviewing the entire disability employment system and developing a new National Disability Employment Framework.
The taskforce already led one round of successful consultation this year to find out what is and isn’t working with the current system, and what other methods could work.
“This consultation, along with other research, has informed the discussion paper. The discussion paper outlines a case for changing disability employment services and describes how disability employment policy could work in the future.
“We will be holding information sessions in capital cities to present the ideas proposed in the discussion paper, and invite more detailed feedback through an online survey.”
The consultation closes on 7 December. For a copy of the discussion paper or to find out more, visit
Perth, Thursday, 19 November 2015
Adelaide, Friday, 20 November 2015
Brisbane, Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Sydney, Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Hobart, Thursday, 26 November 2015
Darwin, Thursday, 26 November 2015
Canberra, Monday, 27 November 2015
Melbourne, Monday, 30 November 2015

Help to Build Barrenjoey High School's Future
BHS are now in full swing with their latest fundraising project which is the building of The Barrenjoey Community Performance Space!
Designed by renowned local architect Richard Cole - this acoustically designed purpose built space will seat an audience of 200, and will play host to many Community and School performing arts programs such as dance, drama, musical concerts, film nights, lectures and so much more!
BHS need your support Community!
If you think you can help, please call Barrenjoey High School 02 99188811 or visit their website
Or leave a message here and we'll get in touch!
More information to follow. This is what we've all been waiting for!
Top; external front of the Barrenjoey Community Performance Space - end of phase 3 – completion
Win New Year’s Eve fireworks tickets
Fancy spending New Year’s Eve with your family watching spectacular fireworks in one of the best spots in Sydney?
This could happen because almost 1700 family passes are up for grabs in the Roads and Maritime Services New Year’s Eve competition.
Winners will watch the fireworks above Circular Quay from the Cahill Expressway, which will be a specially designated family area only accessible by ticket.
Entrants go into the draw to win a family pass of five tickets to watch either the 9pm or midnight fireworks.
Entries close at 11.59pm on Friday 27 November, and are restricted to one entry per household.
Good luck!
Enter the New Year’s Eve on the Cahill Expressway competition here

Avalon Craft Cottage Returns to Avalon
BACK TO AVALON for the group for three days only, Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th & Saturday 5th December, at the Avalon Recreation Centre, in Old Barrenjoey Road.
This is our final show for 2015 and as always it will be a good one with lots of space for the members to spread out and really display their beautiful craft work.
Do remember to check our FACEBOOK page for up-to-date information and please LIKE & SHARE the Avalon Craft Cottage page to spread the word amongst your friends.
Warm regards to all
Maureen Darcy-Smith
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 22/11/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Minister for Women Pru Goward said the awards are a fantastic reminder that there are women all over NSW who are striving to be their very best and achieve brilliant goals.
“Every day women of all ages across NSW make immense and valuable contributions to their community, and these annual awards are our opportunity to publically acknowledge and celebrate these inspirational women,” Ms Goward said.
The 2016 Awards will also include a new category of NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year.
Winners of the 2016 Awards will attend a ceremony with the NSW Premier Mike Baird on 9 March 2016 at NSW Parliament House.
Award categories are:
Premier’s Award for Woman of the Year
This award is specifically for:
a woman who has demonstrated excellence in a career, field or passion
a significant achiever in a traditionally male-dominated area.
A. H. Beard’s Community Hero Award
This award is specifically for:
community heroes and/or volunteers
a woman making an outstanding contribution to her local community.
Harvey Norman’s Young Woman of the Year Award
This award is specifically for:
a positive and inspiring role model to other young women
someone with drive, determination and motivation in her chosen field
a young woman who has made significant achievements and/or contributions to the community.
REX Airlines’ Regional Woman of the Year Award
This award is specifically for a woman from a regional area who is:
a significant achiever in an area important to rural or regional communities
a woman making an outstanding contribution to resolving issues faced by a rural or regional community
a significant achiever in a traditionally male-dominated field within the rural community.
NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year Award
This award is specifically for an Aboriginal woman who is:
an outstanding leader, who contributes to her own community
respected in the wider for community for success and leadership in her chosen field.
Nominations are open until 13 January 2016. To nominate an outstanding woman in NSW or to find out more visit the Women NSW website.
Avalon Market Day Exhibition & Sale
Sat. 21st-Sunday 22nd November, Avalon Recreation Centre Hall
Invitation… Pittwater Community Arts presents a unique opportunity for the Northern Beaches to celebrate its talented and close-knit artistic community. As a major highlight of Avalon Market Day on Saturday 21st November and extending over to Sunday 22nd Nov. , the annual PCA Exhibition and Sale will comprise he works of over 60 local artists’ enlivening the Avalon Recreation Hall. Paintings, jewellery, ceramics and other objet d’art will be for sale at this affordable art show.
This year PCA is celebrating their 11th Art Show. To commemorate this event there will be an Art Competition amongst exhibiting artists who would like to be included. There will be no entry fee
For the competition the prizes will be as follows:
1st Prize $1,000
2nd Prize $ 500
3rd Prize $ 250
People’s Choice $250.00
It is a great pleasure to be able to announce that these prizes have been donated by Pittwater Community Arts Inc. and as this is a community show we are very happy to give back to our wonderful artistic, talented, enthusiastic and loyal Pittwater artist’s and to say thank you for your support over the years.
A special champagne opening night which Mayor Jacqueline Townsend will attend to launch this annual cultural event, on Friday 20th November 7.00 - 9.00pm, includes a preview of the works for sale during the exhibition. Come along, meet the artists, celebrate and support the depth of creativity in your local area. The exhibition is artist-run with sale proceeds going directly to the artists.
PCA is committed to advancing the arts and cultural activities in Pittwater and to make them more accessible to all people. It is a non-profit community-based organisation which seeks to ensure a vibrant and diverse arts and cultural scene in Pittwater.
Saturday 21 November Exhibition 9am - 5pm
Sunday 22 November Exhibition 9am - 4pm
ENTRY IS FREE: Avalon Recreation Centre Hall, Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon
Rowland Reserve Dog Exercise area is closed on Monday November 30th for Maintenance.
Narrabeen Lagoon Trail will be closed November 16 to 20 between Deep Creek and Bilarong Reserve.
Festive fun at Mona Vale Library
18 Nov 2015
Mona Vale Library is decking the halls for festive fun this season with a Christmas Pantomime, Mrs Claus’ Christmas and free movie screening of ‘Elf’ (G certified).
Children of all ages are invited to Mona Vale Memorial Hall on Saturday 12 December from 3.15pm to enjoy Mrs Claus’ Christmas.
This fun-filled pantomime is set on Christmas Eve, Santa Claus has been kidnapped by Barry Von Baddie, who has always been on the naughty list – and it prompts Mrs Claus to spring into action!
Mona Vale Library will also hold a free screening of Elf (G certified) on Thursday 17 December from 6.15pm.
Elf, tells a comical story about Buddy (Will Ferrell) who was accidentally transported to the North Pole as a toddler and raised to adulthood among Santa's elves. Unable to shake the feeling that he doesn't fit in, the adult Buddy travels to New York, in full elf uniform, in search of his real father.
Festive refreshments will be available and Christmas themed dress-ups are encouraged!
Bookings are essential for both events; the cost for the Pantomime, being held at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, on Saturday 12 December from 3.15pm is $5.
The screening of ‘Elf’, at Mona Vale Library is on Thursday 17 December from 6.15pm is free, however bookings are essential and can be made by calling: 9970 1600
Full details on these events and more are available on the Mona Vale Library website.
This year we are celebrating our 22nd Ocean Care Day Festival – Sunday 6th December at Manly Ocean Beachfront - and we are looking for volunteers!
Setting up for the event is where we require the most volunteers. This an early start (from 6.30am) but the bonus is you’ll be finished by 10.30am, or stay longer if you can - lunch and snacks will be provided.
Please email: and specify the shift/s you available for - deadline is Friday 20 November:
Available shifts:
• All day ( 6.30am – 5.30pm)
• Morning (8am – 12.30pm) or
• Afternoon (12.15pm – 5.15pm)
$20 million to help those who help others
Federal Minister for Social Services
Community organisations across Australia are now able to apply for a share of $20 million in grants to support and encourage the work of their volunteers.
In opening the Volunteer Grants 2015 round, Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, said the funding will help make the work of Australia’s six million volunteers easier, safer and more enjoyable.
“Through these grants of between $1,000 and $5,000, community organisations can purchase much-needed equipment such as computers, contribute to volunteers’ training, or use it to support fundraising efforts.
“Volunteers play a critical role in building stronger and more resilient communities—whether it is by helping out with local sporting teams and land care groups, responding to natural disasters and emergencies, or helping local charities.
“This year’s Volunteer Grants gives priority to organisations working with individuals or communities experiencing disadvantage, including communities affected by natural disasters—so we encourage organisations in these areas to apply.
“This funding demonstrates the Government’s commitment to supporting the volunteers who give their time to help others and encourage social harmony,” Mr Porter said.
Applications for Volunteer Grants close 2pm AEDT, Wednesday 9 December 2015.
For further information go to Alternatively, contact the Volunteer Grants 2015 Hotline on freecall 1800 183 374 or sends e-mail).
Nineteen commercial marinas have opened doors to the boating public since the NSW Government launched the Sydney Harbour Boating Destinations Plan in 2013 to improve access for boaters through casual, short term berthing or mooring and access to key facilities.
“Our iconic harbour is the jewel in Sydney’s crown and some of Sydney’s finest marinas offer boaters free access all year around to allow them to hop off, take a break, or grab something to eat or drink,” Roads and Maritime Services Maritime Director Angus Mitchell said.
“Nineteen popular locations including Rose Bay, Gladesville and Mosman are offering this service for anyone having a day out on the water in return for small lease concessions to cover costs.
“Boaters just need to look out for bright green ‘Boating Destination Marina’ banners on display at prominent locations at participating marinas. Blue banners marked ‘Destination Berth’ show boaters where to tie boats up.
“We are continuing to work with other marinas to expand the number of destinations and identify new areas where we can improve the boating experience.
“Handy new maps are now available highlighting the location, GPS coordinates and contact details of marinas and available facilities including wifi, water and fuel, slipway and marine services, public toilets, food, recreational areas, water wash down, power and pump out area.
“This is about making a great boating experience on the harbour even better and we welcome boaters to get out and safely explore the harbour as these facilities are for everyone,” Mr Mitchell said.
An interactive map of participating marinas is available at:
Boaters are welcome to visit participating marinas flying blue and green flags at:
Balmain Marina
Balmoral Boatshed
Cameron’s Marina at Balmain
Cammeray Marina
Clontarf Marina
Cruising Yacht Club of Australia at Darling Point
D’Alboras Marinas at Cabarita Point and the Spit
Double Bay Marina
Fergusons Marina at The Spit
Gladesville Bridge Marina
Kirribilli Marina
Manly Boat Shed
Middle Harbour Yacht Club
Point Piper Marina
Rose Bay Marina
Roseville Bridge Marina
Smiths Boatshed Marina
Sydney Superyacht marina
Roads and Maritime will continue to work with eligible marinas to expand the program.
For more information on the program visit
Eramboo seeks Artist in Residence for 2016
Applications are open for Pittwater artists to apply for a three month residency at the Eramboo Artist Environment from April to June 2016.
The residency is being run by the Eramboo Artist Environment in collaboration with Pittwater Council’s Enliven Pittwater – a strategy designed to create more vibrancy in our town and village centres.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said Enliven Pittwater seeks to support artists in a variety of ways through workshops, talks, demonstrations, exhibitions and educational opportunities such as this Artist in Residence program.
Mayor Townsend said the residency program is open to artists working in all types of art forms including, but not limited to; visual, photography, film, theatre, performance, experimental, multi-media, sculpture, music and the literary arts.
“The intention is to provide local artists with the opportunity to develop their practice,” said Mayor Townsend.
Eramboo’s artistic director Susan Milne said the residency will offer the successful artist the opportunity to develop his or her art practice in the rich natural and cultural environment of Eramboo in Terrey Hills. The artist in residence will have free use of one of Eramboo’s artist studios for three months.
The unique space and connecting with other professional artists, will enable the person to develop their artistic practice with full support from existing networks at Eramboo,” she said.
“The residency is a vehicle for creative people looking to accelerate and further develop their careers,” Ms Milne added.
The resident artist will have the opportunity to show their work in one of Pittwater’s centres. Mayor Townsend said she was ‘thrilled to again be supporting a local artist and their creativity, as well as have their completed work add to the vibrancy of our town and village centres as in previous years.’
Applications are now open and will close Friday 11 December 2015. The successful applicant will be announced in December 2015.
Artist in Residence application forms and guidelines are available from
To download the application form and guidelines please

By Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade is an entirely volunteer NSW Rural Fire Service station located on Sydney's northern beaches.
We are responsible for protecting people and property from bushfire in the Davidson, French Forest, Forestville and Killarney Heights area, which includes over 10,000 homes. We also assist in search and rescues, storm damage and other incidents whenever called upon.
Our Brigade has more than 100 volunteers who commit thousands of hours every year to the service of our community. Our volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Last year the Brigade contributed over 9,500 hours in service of the community.
Why We Need Your Help
In recent years, the Brigade has outgrown the current station, which is unable to adequately accommodate our volunteers, vehicles and equipment. As such, we are embarking on a building project, which will:
• Add two additional fire truck garages (doubling our firefighting capacity),
• Provide a dedicated education room for the public and a training facility to ensure our volunteers receive the best training to help better serve the community.
We need your help to raise a further $150,000. The State government has committed substantial funding to the building project. However, there is a shortfall of $150,000 we need to raise to ensure our project is undertaken and ready for Fire Season 2016/17.
We hold deductible gift recipient status. Any donation you make to us is tax deductible and we will issue you a receipt which indicates this. You can give a tax deductible donation:
1. Online through Chuffed:
2. By EFT by direct deposit to: Account Name - Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade Gift Fund Account, BSB: 032-299 Account number: 111245,
3. By Cheque made payable to the Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade, orCash, posted to PO Box 128, Belrose West NSW 2085.
Thank you!
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade.
Polo by the Sea to Return to Palm Beach in 2016
Your next chance to see all the action and social highlights of Urban Polo in Sydney is Palm Beach on 9 January 2016!
Tickets are on sale now to UPA Members, and to the public via Ticketek. Visit the Polo by the Sea website for more details:

SHOROC Gets Grant to Help Business Reduce Waste Bills and Increase Recycling
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater.
Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by contacting project officer, Ian Mackay a or 0418 602 114. A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.
Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 7,000 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
Seeking Pittwater's local heroes
Nominations are now open for Pittwater’s 2016 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards to be announced at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.
Residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding citizens who have contributed to their community in one of three categories: Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year.
Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson applauded the many volunteers who give their time generously for the benefit of others.
“These people are often considered experts in their fields which cover bushcare, aged care, lifesaving, emergency services, coastal patrol and youth and community services to name just a few,” she said.
“It is a great opportunity to recognise residents who work tirelessly behind the scenes making a significant contribution to their community.”
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge their contribution and to say thank you,” added Cr Ferguson.
Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards Reception and at celebrations at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport on 26 January 2016.
Nomination forms for the Awards can be completed online or downloaded at copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Entries for the Awards close on Friday 27 November 2015.Nominations can be mailed to: Community Relations Team, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale, NSW 1660 or emailed to
Enquiries relating to the Awards or Pittwater’s Australia Day event can be directed to the Community Relations Team on 9970 1172.

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Pet of the Week

For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
November 15 - 21, 2015: Issue 240
Articles This Week
Local Boaties In Ocean Thunder Opener: from SLS NSW and Beko Ocean Thunder Surfboat Series
Milly Bennett Set to Defend Her Youth Match Racing Title by Stephen Collopy, RPAYC
Remembrance Day Service at Avalon Beach RSL Cenotaph: 2015 Mayoral Address
Visions of Japan 2015: Kamekura's Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū Celebration of The Bunkyo Kiku Matsuri (Chrysanthemum Festival) by Paul Wheeler
Reflections by George Repin: SAN SIMEON – “HEARST CASTLE”
Aquatics: Rare Speartooth Sharks Caught and Tagged in Cape York: listed as critically endangered, first ever adults by CSIRO
Open Regatta to decide 2015 MC38 Australian Season Championship by Lisa Ratcliff
Nautilus Marine Insurance Sydney 38 NSW Championships held on Pittwater: Last Hurrah for Fractional Spinnakers by Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay
Pictures: Avalon Art Carnival: A Visual Celebration by Adrian Boddy
Held over:
Avalon Art Carnival: THE GAME - 7 November to 21 November: Program and Details
KEEPING COMPANY: SALTWATER - new works by 45 Northern Beaches artists + 'Metamorphosis': exhibition of ceramics by fourteen students graduating from Northern Beaches Campus in Brookvale @ Manly Art Gallery & Museum 30 October — 29 November 2015
Profile: Christopher Chubb Born in the late 1930's in Hong Kong, Chris was a child when the Fall of Hong Kong, took place. As a survivor of a World War II Internment Camp, Mr. Chubb subsequently went on to Serve as a National Serviceman during the Malayan Emergency as part of one of the world’s oldest Regiments, the King’s Dragoon Guards, rising to the rank of Lieutenant. A successful career in banking followed where Mr. Chubb was posted throughout Asia.
History: Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Bungan Beach - Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play cricket, tennis, golf, soccer and rugby..or hold markets, let their horses graze...have a dance...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month November 2015 - Katarina Wells: Ceramics - Vessels. Totems. Sculptures.
My aim is to express a sense of balance and harmony through my work. I hand build my pieces over a period of a few days, to allow the clay to stiffen sufficiently, before adding more coils. This slow process fosters an organic growth, allows for time to step back and observe where a piece intends to go.
12 November 2015
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced that work will begin this weekend on improvements to Barrenjoey Road at Avalon Beach.
The NSW Government is funding essential road resurfacing works along the 1.3 km section of Barrenjoey Road between the Serpentine and Wollstonecraft Avenue.
The project will complement other major resurfacing works completed along Barrenjoey Road in recent years including Careel Bay to Palm Beach and the Bilgola Bends.
“This project will deliver a vastly improved road service,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Barrenjoey Road is among our community’s most vital road arteries and is used by thousands of motorists every day.
“Other key sections of Barrenjoey Road have been resurfaced over recent years and this project will help complete the stretch between Newport and Palm Beach.
“This is all about delivering a stronger, smoother and safer road surface.
“Works are scheduled to be completed over 8 night shifts, between 8pm and 5am, from Sunday 15 November until Friday 4 December – weather permitting.
“Necessary lane closures will be in place and on-street parking will be restricted in certain areas.
“It’s pleasing to see this project funded and ready to commence,” Rob Stokes said
Rowland Reserve Dog Exercise area is closed on Monday November 16th for Maintenance.
Narrabeen Lagoon Trail will be closed November 16 to 20 between Deep Creek and Bilarong Reserve.
7th November, 2015.
Aged 72 years
A brilliant science educator & film maker,
tireless campaigner for renewable energy,
wilderness adventurer
and loving family man.
John's amazing life will be celebrated at Bayview Golf Club, 1825 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale on Tuesday, 17th November, 2015 from 3.30pm.
No flowers please. If you wish to give something, you could donate to complete John's film, at or any climate action campaign.

Free Native Plants for Pittwater Residents
Pittwater Council is providing free native plants for Pittwater residents! Look for our Bushcare stall at:
Avalon Market Day on 21 November from 9am to 4pm.
Limit 3 per customer.
Bushland Management staff will be on hand to provide advice and help you put the right plant in the right place!
Avalon Market Day Exhibition & Sale
Opening Night Friday 20th November 2015 at 7pm
Sat. 21st-Sunday 22nd November, Avalon Recreation Centre Hall
Invitation… Pittwater Community Arts presents a unique opportunity for the Northern Beaches to celebrate its talented and close-knit artistic community. As a major highlight of Avalon Market Day on Saturday 21st November and extending over to Sunday 22nd Nov. , the annual PCA Exhibition and Sale will comprise he works of over 60 local artists’ enlivening the Avalon Recreation Hall. Paintings, jewellery, ceramics and other objet d’art will be for sale at this affordable art show.
This year PCA is celebrating their 11th Art Show. To commemorate this event there will be an Art Competition amongst exhibiting artists who would like to be included. There will be no entry fee
For the competition the prizes will be as follows:
1st Prize $1,000
2nd Prize $ 500
3rd Prize $ 250
People’s Choice $250.00
It is a great pleasure to be able to announce that these prizes have been donated by Pittwater Community Arts Inc. and as this is a community show we are very happy to give back to our wonderful artistic, talented, enthusiastic and loyal Pittwater artist’s and to say thank you for your support over the years.
A special champagne opening night which Mayor Jacqueline Townsend will attend to launch this annual cultural event, on Friday 20th November 7.00 - 9.00pm, includes a preview of the works for sale during the exhibition. Come along, meet the artists, celebrate and support the depth of creativity in your local area. The exhibition is artist-run with sale proceeds going directly to the artists.
PCA is committed to advancing the arts and cultural activities in Pittwater and to make them more accessible to all people. It is a non-profit community-based organisation which seeks to ensure a vibrant and diverse arts and cultural scene in Pittwater.
Friday 20th November Opening Night 7pm - 9pm
Saturday 21 November Exhibition 9am - 5pm
Sunday 22 November Exhibition 9am - 4pm
ENTRY IS FREE: Avalon Recreation Centre Hall, Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon
FURTHER INFORMATION Contact Lorrie Morgan on 0412 141 852
Dia de los Muertos – Living Ocean fundraiser for Sea Shepherd
Sunday, November 15; at 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Cranky Fins Holidae Inn: 1 Beach Road, Palm Beach, New South Wales, Australia 2108
Join us on Sunday night 15th of November at Cranky Finn’s for our Day of the Dead fundraising party!
The night will consist of live music provided by renowned local bands Lime Cordiale and Dominic Breen and the Dopamine, as well as margaritas and a live auction!
This event aims to raise money for Sea Shepherd to assist them in their endeavours in ocean conservation. Captain Peter Hammarstedt, Director of Ship Operations for Sea Shepherd Australia, will be gracing us on the night to discuss Sea Shepherd’s latest activities and share his experiences.
The theme is Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, to celebrate environmentalists and ocean wildlife that have passed. There will be a prize for best dressed as well!
Tickets are $60 purchase here:
See you there!
Report to Members - Re:- Council Amalgamations
November 12, 2015: PBWBA
Pittwater Council has been deemed unfit by IPART due to its failure to meet the ‘scale and capacity’ criteria. Pittwater Council met all the other criteria
The PBWB Association believes that the whole Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) process was a sham.
IPART has proposed one large council on the Northern Beaches, amalgamating Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Councils. This proposal is totally unacceptable to the association.
Our local member the Hon Rob advised us at a meeting of community leaders last Saturday 7th November that he continued to support Pittwater, however highlighted that the State Government meant business and the status quo was not a viable option for Pittwater.
An Independent Greater Pittwater Council involving a change in the boundaries was also discussed.
Greater Pittwater is defined as the current Pittwater suburbs and would incorporate the catchment of Narrabeen Lagoon, the two National Parks, the southern boundaries of Collaroy, Cromer, Collaroy Plateau, Oxford Falls and Duffy’s and Frenchs Forests.
The remainder of the northern beaches council areas would become the Greater Manly Council.
At its meeting on Monday 16 November the Pittwater Council is putting forward a motion supporting this proposal as its Preference. The council has until the 18 November to submit a reply to government
This proposal has much merit as it:
Avoids one large Northern Beaches CouncilAvoids an amalgamation with Warringah Council
Allows Pittwater Council to remain strong and independent
Provides a better and more holistic management of Narrabeen Lagoon catchment
Allows greater flexibility in accommodating Government housing density targets Allows Pittwater Council to strengthen focus on natural asset protection and advocacy – including 40% of Sydney’s beaches, 2 National Parks, 2 State Parks and Sydney’s largest coastal lagoon
Avoids the difficulty associated with being a small council attempting to compete with larger and better-resourced councils for government grants and regional infrastructure
The ecology and demographics of the new areas are similar to those of Pittwater
After much thought and debate at the PBWBA committee meeting on Monday 9th November 2015 the following motion was passed unanimously:
"The Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association's preference is for Pittwater to remain an independent local council within the present boundaries. However if this is not attainable the association is willing to consider the proposal for a change in the boundaries to create a Greater Pittwater."
Richard West AMPresident Palm Beach & Whale Beach Association

Nesting Box Usurped
November 13, 2015 : Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group
This is why we do what we do! This is a photo (above) taken of an Indian Myna that has taken over a nesting box meant for the gorgeous Sacred Kingfishers (below) at Warriewood Wetlands - one of our last remaining native bird strongholds! Please read this little story...A few years ago Sacred Kingfishers were common in Warriewood Wetlands and nested in holes they made in arboreal termite nests. The termites would repair the damage each year - how cool and symbiotic is that?!
Then for some unknown reason the termite colonies died. Their nests began to collapse so that the nesting holes disappeared. Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA) funded 5 boxes that were supposed to be used by the Sacred Kingfishers. But now the dreaded Indian Mynas have moved in to them!
Sonja Elwood a bushland manager in Pittwater Council took this photo last weekend and said she would organise to have the boxes moved towards the waterfall end of the reserve where Kingfishers are still breeding in living termite mounds.
This is proof that Indian Mynas take over nesting sites of our native birds. And the future of the magnificent Sacred Kingfisher is looking uncertain in Warriewood Wetlands. Which bird do you want nesting in Warriewood Wetlands - the above or the below?! Please contact us if you would like to help our native birds...
We have had great success (11 birds in a week) at a cafe in Newport and we are looking to local businesses especially cafes, restaurants, marinas, schools and shopping centres to get involved in the Program.
We have plenty of traps available for Pittwater residents. For all those who have contacted us outside of Pittwater FEAR NOT we are working on sources for traps for you very soon!
Please share our page with others so we can reach more people and get the whole of the Northern Beaches involved in this Program.
Sacred Kingfisher. Picture courtesy taken with Canon 20D + Canon 400mm f/5.6 L

Have your say on a new community health centre at Brookvale
05.11.2015: Media Release - Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal to construct a new community health centre along Pittwater Road at Brookvale will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the application which seeks to:
construct a new four storey community health centre building
construct a pedestrian bridge crossing Pittwater Road
construct a seven storey car park at the rear of the building
construct a loading service bay next to the car park
construct external signage on the northern and southern sides of the building.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive and this is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations,” the spokesperson said.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday 5 November until Friday 4 December 2015.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment, Attn: Director – Infrastructure Assessments GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS is also available to view in person at:
Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
Warringah Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Dee Why Library, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Warringah Mall Library, Shop 650, 2nd Floor, Warringah Mall, 145 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale
You can find about the Brookvale Community Health Centre and the Northern Beaches Health Service Redevelopment HERE

ABHS December Meeting: Stewart Towers of Barranjoey Headland
The next meeting of the Avalon Beach Historical Society will be held on TUESDAY 1 DECEMBER in the Avalon Beach Bowling Club, Bowling Green Lane. It will be our last meeting of the year and start at 8pm sharp. It’s a special meeting because we will be revealing the culmination of our 2 years work on the;
Member David Lyall has completed a first class job on the model of the larger, Inner Stewart Tower to the scale of 1:12 (20 inches/half a metre high). It will be on show on the night for the first time.
The design is the result of intense research on scant information obtained from many reliable sources too numerous to mention here.
John Illingsworth (along with his apprentice Geoff) has produced a fabulous film to take you along our path from initial investigation to the ‘finished product’. He has captured some wonderful footage using his drone at 6am on several mornings and the colours of the northern face of the headland are almost too rich to believe. The footage serves as a fine base and contrast into which is woven some fascinating historic stills.
We will also discuss the Barranjoey Headland trolley-way and its 2 components – one track from the base of the headland to the quarry and one (as a continuation of the lower track) from the quarry to the construction site. We will have 2 remnant pieces of the hardwood ‘rails’ on display, one blackened by the 1912 fire. They have been donated to the Society.
Apologies to those who were looking forward to the ferry trip but the ‘days have been too short’ and we will endeavour to rectify that as soon as we resume in the new year.
We would appreciate those of you who haven’t updated your dues yet to bring along your $10 per head to help keep us in the ‘black’.
As usual guests of members are very welcome and to join us for a ‘Christmassy’ supper at the end of the meeting.
Monster Raffle Supports Local Boardrider Clubs
In 2015/16, Surfing Australia is again running the Monster Raffle in conjunction with the Original Source Australian Boardriders Battle.
Last year, over $27,000 was raised with all proceeds benefiting more than 108 of Australia's boardriders clubs. This year, we want to go bigger so we can give back to the clubs who help make Australian surfing what it is today.
So... grab your ticket today for $5 and not only are you giving back to Australian Boardriders clubs, but you'll also be in the running to WIN a brand new Toyota RAV4 Cruiser valued at $55,000 plus thousands of dollars' worth of other cool gear from Milwaukee, Oakley, Original Source, FCS, Nikon and Boost Mobile!
Buy Tickets at:
It is the ONLY Pittwater specific Actual & Forecast weather website – ALL other websites base their data on Terrey Hills if you look very closely into their data. Pittwater is a ‘micro-climate’.
The Bureau of Meteorology has given us a 5 Gold Star rating, our equipment is ISO Certified and the Federal Minister for The Environment has sent us a letter congratulating our outstanding initiative by being “the first community group in Australia to develop a coastal weather network”.
The BoM Head of Marine and Coastal Weather has enthusiastically embraced our data & is feeding it into their WOW (Weather Observation Website). Visit, then go to Observations, then Sydney Area. It is a very basic presentation but valuable anyway.
Our website presently features four stations – Observation Point (Palm Beach), Scotland Island (East), The Quays Marina (Church Point), and Mona Vale.
The Actual weather conditions are updated every 2 minutes including Temperature, Humidity, Feels Like Temperature, Wind, Wind Chill, Barometric Pressure, Solar Radiation, UV Index, Rainfall (present & cumulative), Sunrise/Sunset, Dawn/Dusk, Moonrise/set and a multitude of other data.
The ‘Snapshot’ of each station gives the most used info – Temp./Humidity/Wind Speed & Direction.
The ‘Gauges’ tab then ‘Steel Gauges’ also gives a fascinating overview.
We have two more stations coming to complete our coverage – Stokes Point and Barrenjoey Lighthouse.
We have already had over 40,000 hits on our stations with Scotland Island presently showing 5,300 hits since the seven months of operation from 1st April 2015.
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) at The Quays use our forecasts as their official reference and daily posting. Stephen Hosking – manager The Quays – has studied our forecasts vs BoM & finds them more accurate (because they are location specific). The whole of Sydney is a huge area.
The RMYC & Avalon Sailing Club have links on their websites to our service.
Rohan Walter
President – Pittwater Weather Incorporated

According to Rob Berry, one of the Pittwater Series organisers, there will be ocean swims at Bilgola 13 December, Newport 3 January, Avalon 17 January, Mona Vale 24 January and the Big Swim (Palm Beach to Whale Beach) on 31 January.
"Not only will competitors in the Pittwater Ocean Series be competing in one of the most scenic beach areas you will find anywhere, they will go in the draw for a fabulous prize if they complete three of the five swims in the series.
"It doesn't matter what time you record you will still go in the draw for the prize. So, anyone who does the required number of swims can win," he added.
The major prize offered for the Pittwater Ocean Swim Series includes a trip for two to Byron Bay to compete in the Byron Bay Ocean Swim Classic, staying at the BayRoyal Luxury Apartments for three nights. Return air fares are included sponsored by Travel View Avalon.
Pittwater Series swims:
o Dec 13 - Bilgola
o Jan 3 - Newport
o Jan 17 - Avalon
o Jan 24 - Mona Vale
o Jan 31 - Palm-Whale Beach
The Mona Vale Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite the Northern Beaches Community to enjoy a delightful dinner and fabulous guest speakers as we raise funds to support Mona Vale Hospital.
Date: Friday 19 February 2016
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Mona Vale Golf Club
Tickets: $110 each or $1000 for table of 10.
All proceeds will go to the Mona Vale Hospital Auxillary to fund equipment purchases for the Mona Vale Rehabilitation Centre.

FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
People with disability, their families, carers and employers are encouraged to provide feedback on a new discussion paper aimed at developing a National Disability Employment Framework.
Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, said the Framework will contribute to better job opportunities to people with disability.
“The Government wants to get more people with disability into jobs,” Mr Porter said. “People with disability have higher unemployment rates than other Australians, and these rates have remained stagnant for the past 20 years.
“We have a range of disability employment support services, but their performance in helping people with disability find long-term, sustainable jobs can be improved.
“Only one-in-three job seekers in our Disability Employment Services programme find and keep a job for 26 weeks or more.
A taskforce is reviewing the entire disability employment system and developing a new National Disability Employment Framework.
The taskforce already led one round of successful consultation this year to find out what is and isn’t working with the current system, and what other methods could work.
“This consultation, along with other research, has informed the discussion paper. The discussion paper outlines a case for changing disability employment services and describes how disability employment policy could work in the future.
“We will be holding information sessions in capital cities to present the ideas proposed in the discussion paper, and invite more detailed feedback through an online survey.”
The consultation closes on 7 December. For a copy of the discussion paper or to find out more, visit
Perth, Thursday, 19 November 2015
Adelaide, Friday, 20 November 2015
Brisbane, Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Sydney, Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Hobart, Thursday, 26 November 2015
Darwin, Thursday, 26 November 2015
Canberra, Monday, 27 November 2015
Melbourne, Monday, 30 November 2015
State Government of NSW Invites you to Have Your say On:
Review of NSW tenancy laws
What are we doing?
NSW Fair Trading seeks public feedback in a review of the NSW Residential Tenancies Act 2010. A Discussion Paper has been released to guide feedback on the laws and covers topics such as:
• starting a tenancy
• rental bonds
• rent and other charges
• rights and obligations of landlords and tenants
• terminating a lease
• disputes.
This review will look at whether the current laws are working effectively and how to improve them. It will also consider if updates to the laws are needed in light of a changing rental market. Please read the discussion paper (PDF- 2.04 MB – 54 pages) on the review before providing feedback.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by 29 January 2016 via, online submission form or post to:
Statutory Review of Residential Tenancies Act 2010, Policy and Legislation, NSW Fair Trading, PO Box 972 , Parramatta NSW 2124
Online Consultation
Date: Oct. 29, 2015 - Jan. 29, 2016
More Information: or phone: 13 32 20
Caravan parks and camping grounds
What's this about?
The NSW Government is working to improve the planning and approval process for manufactured homes and estates, caravan parks, and camping grounds.
The Department of Planning and Environment with the Office of Local Government have prepared a discussion paper to seek feedback on proposed improvements. These proposed improvements aim to:
• simplify and streamline the planning and approval process
• balance short-term tourist accommodation needs and long-term residents’ needs
• improve the design, location, and amenities of future developments.
There will be no impact on residents living in existing manufactured homes and estates, caravan parks, and camping grounds. Tenancy and management issues are set out in the laws administered byDepartment of Fair Trading.
Have your say
Submit your feedback on the discussion paper by 14 December2015 via the online submission form or view the exhibition at:
Department of Planning and Environment, 23 - 33 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
Exhibition: Date: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14, 2015
More Information:
Better planning for caravans and camping
01.11.2015: Media Release - The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today released a discussion paper with options that aim to simplify planning for caravan parks and camping grounds.
Mr Stokes said caravanning and camping were popular holiday choices, and caravan parks were also an important affordable housing option.
“There are 900 caravan parks in NSW, which families flock to over summer for holidays in some of the state’s most spectacular locations,” Mr Stokes said.
“We want to make sure planning rules are simple and consistent so these businesses can continue to provide affordable holidays and diversity of housing choice to the community.”
The NSW Government is seeking community feedback on ideas including:
• Creating a single compliance code for manufactured homes and estates, caravan parks and camping grounds to simplify approvals
• Making sure new caravan parks, camping grounds and manufactured home estates are in the right location and operating under consistent planning rules
• Promoting a greater range of housing choices for residents and tourists
• Providing affordable housing options for the broader community and for seasonal workers
• Improving building standards and safety for manufactured homes.

Help to Build Barrenjoey High School's Future
BHS are now in full swing with their latest fundraising project which is the building of The Barrenjoey Community Performance Space!
Designed by renowned local architect Richard Cole - this acoustically designed purpose built space will seat an audience of 200, and will play host to many Community and School performing arts programs such as dance, drama, musical concerts, film nights, lectures and so much more!
BHS need your support Community!
If you think you can help, please call Barrenjoey High School 02 99188811 or visit their website
Or leave a message here and we'll get in touch!
More information to follow. This is what we've all been waiting for!
Top; external front of the Barrenjoey Community Performance Space - end of phase 3 – completion
Win New Year’s Eve fireworks tickets
Fancy spending New Year’s Eve with your family watching spectacular fireworks in one of the best spots in Sydney?
This could happen because almost 1700 family passes are up for grabs in the Roads and Maritime Services New Year’s Eve competition.
Winners will watch the fireworks above Circular Quay from the Cahill Expressway, which will be a specially designated family area only accessible by ticket.
Entrants go into the draw to win a family pass of five tickets to watch either the 9pm or midnight fireworks.
Entries close at 11.59pm on Friday 27 November, and are restricted to one entry per household.
Good luck!
Enter the New Year’s Eve on the Cahill Expressway competition here

Avalon Craft Cottage Returns to Avalon
The Craft Cottage will be at St Ives Village Centre for one week starting Monday 9th November and will be open all week during normal business hours for the Centre.
A lovely range of handcrafted gift items for you to start your Christmas shopping with something for everyone, from woodwork & jewellery through to silk scarves and beautiful baby wear, plus handcrafted greeting cards.
The stall can be easily found on the upper level, just in from the carpark and near the Concierges desk.
And then, just a matter of weeks later, it is BACK TO AVALON for the group for three days only, Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th & Saturday 5th December, at the Avalon Recreation Centre, in Old Barrenjoey Road.
This is our final show for 2015 and as always it will be a good one with lots of space for the members to spread out and really display their beautiful craft work.
Do remember to check our FACEBOOK page for up-to-date information and please LIKE & SHARE the Avalon Craft Cottage page to spread the word amongst your friends.
Warm regards to all
Maureen Darcy-Smith
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 13/11/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
Nominations are now open for the 2016 NSW Women of the Year Awards which celebrate remarkable and inspiring women and acknowledge the contributions they make in NSW.
Minister for Women Pru Goward said the awards are a fantastic reminder that there are women all over NSW who are striving to be their very best and achieve brilliant goals.
“Every day women of all ages across NSW make immense and valuable contributions to their community, and these annual awards are our opportunity to publically acknowledge and celebrate these inspirational women,” Ms Goward said.
The 2016 Awards will also include a new category of NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year.
Winners of the 2016 Awards will attend a ceremony with the NSW Premier Mike Baird on 9 March 2016 at NSW Parliament House.
Award categories are:
Premier’s Award for Woman of the Year
This award is specifically for:
a woman who has demonstrated excellence in a career, field or passion
a significant achiever in a traditionally male-dominated area.
A. H. Beard’s Community Hero Award
This award is specifically for:
community heroes and/or volunteers
a woman making an outstanding contribution to her local community.
Harvey Norman’s Young Woman of the Year Award
This award is specifically for:
a positive and inspiring role model to other young women
someone with drive, determination and motivation in her chosen field
a young woman who has made significant achievements and/or contributions to the community.
REX Airlines’ Regional Woman of the Year Award
This award is specifically for a woman from a regional area who is:
a significant achiever in an area important to rural or regional communities
a woman making an outstanding contribution to resolving issues faced by a rural or regional community
a significant achiever in a traditionally male-dominated field within the rural community.
NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year Award
This award is specifically for an Aboriginal woman who is:
an outstanding leader, who contributes to her own community
respected in the wider for community for success and leadership in her chosen field.
Nominations are open until 13 January 2016. To nominate an outstanding woman in NSW or to find out more visit the Women NSW website.
Critter of the Month - November 2015: Baby Birds
Well, it’s Spring-time and all our baby birds are hatching, growing and learning to fly! It’s a trying time for parent birds and a scary time for the ‘learner’ flyers.
Parent birds have resorted to swooping passers-by to protect their babies. Magpies, currawongs and plovers are particularly partial to the ‘swooping technique’ so if you can avoid their nesting area for a few weeks, all the better for you and them.
If you can’t avoid the area, wear a few protective items as you walk/cycle through the nesting zone. Pop on some sunglasses, wear a hat, carry an open umbrella (like a shield) or wear a bicycle helmet with cable ties attached as ‘spikes’. Usually the birds only use the technique as a warning and tend not to make contact but it’s best to have your head and eyes protected, just in case.
When birds are freshly-hatched, they are pink and featherless and very helpless. They have to be kept warm or they will die. They are referred to as ‘hatchlings’. As they grow, they get downy feathers and are referred to as ‘nestlings’. This means that they are still completely dependent on the parent birds for warmth and food and are nest-bound. As they grow more, their flight feathers come in and they start perching on the edge of the nest. As they begin learning to fly, they are referred to as ‘fledglings’.
Two nestling rainbow lorikeets with their mum.
Learning to fly involves falling to the ground. In the same way that human babies wobble and fall when learning to walk, baby birds wobble and fall when learning to fly. When they fall to the ground they are often intercepted by well-meaning people who assume the baby bird is lost and they scoop it up and take it to a veterinarian. The parent birds will then fret, the baby will fret and the situation can end badly for both.
If you do happen to find a baby bird on the ground, take a moment to sit back and observe it. Is it pink and featherless? If so, these hatchlings need to be warmed up and put back in the nest (if they are not injured). Does it have downy feathers? It may be a nestling that has been jostled out by its siblings. These can be put back in the nest. Does it have its flight feathers and is it able to perch? If so, it’s probably a fledgling that is learning to fly. Keep an eye out for the parent birds. They are usually close at hand, keeping a watchful eye on the baby. Wait and watch to see if they come down and feed the baby. If the parents are around, leave the chick – unless they are in immediate danger (on the road, in the park with dogs running around etc).
If the bird is injured or if the parent birds don’t come after a few hours, you could consider calling a wildlife rescue organisation for advice or you could gently pick it up, pop it in a cardboard box with holes and take it to your local veterinarian.
If the bird is not injured and you think it would be better up off the ground, you could consider making an artificial nest for it:
Take an empty ice-cream container, make some holes in the bottom (in case of rain) and fill it with some soft nesting materials. Attach the nest securely to the tree where the parent birds are perching. We use cable ties so that the tree isn’t harmed either.
Artificial nest made from an ice-cream container.
Baby birds brought to Southern Cross Wildlife Care with injuries.
So, if you find a baby bird on the ground, try to figure out if it’s a hatchling, a nestling or a fledgling. If it’s in a learning phase, wait and observe before interfering. If the parents come down, leave the baby unless it is in immediate danger.
Enjoy the season of baby birds!!!

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00, Second prize – $750.00, Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00, Second prize – $350.00, Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570

Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

Newport Sculpture Trail 2015 Opens
November 14, 2015
A little rain didn’t stop Newport from partying on Friday evening when the Newport Sculpture Trail was launched. With a theme this year of ‘Bush and Beach’ the works on display until November 30th will delight and inspire.
Great music, food, a street bar and a couple of great performances from Avalon Tap Dancers and Smarty Pants Drama Education ensured a great opening night for a great initiative.
The photos here show stunning art from Nicole Ballingall (above) and a few of the up and coming younger artists (below).
There are awesome older artists too. Have a look at 82 years young Audrey Cross's sculpture at Bellairs Dance Wear in Coles rd‘ ‘Mermaid on Rock’!
Stay up to date by visiting the Newport Sculpture Trail and Facebook
Pictures Courtesy Deputy Mayor of Pittwater, Cr. Kylie Ferguson

Framing the response to natural hazards
11 November, 2015
Residents across the northern beaches are encouraged to get along to one of nine exhibits profiling our community’s response to natural hazards including: floods, fires and coastal storms during November and December.
This all-hazards photographic exhibition and associated workshops has been made possible with grant funding from the New South Wales (NSW) Government for a total of $25,000 under the joint State/Commonwealth Natural Disaster Resilience Program.
Pittwater Council Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said Pittwater Council is committed to addressing the impacts of climate change by building community resilience to floods, fires and storms on the Northern Beaches.
“With this in mind, we have worked together with Manly and Warringah Councils, the State Emergency Services (SES) and the Rural Fire Service (RFS) to deliver this unique curated exhibition as one of the outcomes to the Northern Beaches Flood and Coastal Storm Education Strategy,” added Cr Townsend.
The first of nine events for the Floods, Fires & Storms happen here! exhibit will be held at the Avalon Market Day on Saturday 21 November.
The exhibition curator Cherry Corr has worked closely with the local studies librarians, the SES, RFS and historical societies in order to present a picture of how we as a community respond to natural hazards.
Mrs Corr said the exhibition would be popping up at a number of community events and venues across the beaches between 21 November and Saturday 19 December.
“The exhibitions will stimulate both visual and tactile senses, as well as engage the mind, with an all-hazards guessing competition at every event.
"Based on visitors’ knowledge of hazards on the Northern Beaches, participants will have the chance to win a multipurpose dynamo and solar/manual powered mobile phone charger with runners-up receiving a copy of the calendar with photographs from the exhibition,” added Mrs Corr.
Cr Townsend said preparing for natural hazard events has evolved in the 21st century.
“Emergency kits not only require battery operated radios— to keep up to date with safety messages—but mobile phone charges also. Many community members rely heavily on social media for updates during an event, making chargers a critical element of any emergency kit,” she added.
For full details and locations of the exhibits and workshops

We were very lucky to have the support of many high profile athletes including the Olympic kayaking greats Chantal Minchin (nee Meek) and Yanda Nossiter and NBI Ambassador Guy Leech with his beautiful daughter Paloma. Spot Anderson from Bondi Fit Training is Australia’s most experienced triathlon coach and his athletics CV includes a World Champs Gold Medal as a Pro Triathlete in 1989, a 44 minute City To Surf, Ocean Swim Outright Victories & Coolangatta Gold Masters Division.
We were very lucky to have Spot participate in our event and loved that he took the time to send us #GoPro footage of him riding the wash of one of the boat crews. "Thanks for the event - was fun! Hope it went well for you guys. Congrats on the great cause."
NBI would like to thank all participants for your support, generosity and great spirit - we can't wait to do it all over again next November!
Results at HERE

New B-Line to transform Northern Beaches bus travel
9th November 2015: NSW Government
The NSW Government has today unveiled the future of bus travel on the Northern Beaches, with a fleet of double decker buses to run at least every 10 minutes during the day from new bus stops between Mona Vale and the CBD.
NSW Premier Mike Baird and Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance said services on the new 27 kilometre bus rapid transit network called B-Line are expected to be up and running by late 2017.
“The B-Line will transform bus travel on the Northern Beaches and, in just two years, customers will be able to rip up their timetable and catch a bus at least every 10 minutes,” Mr Baird said.
“New double decker buses will have plenty of comfortable seats, architecturally designed B-Line stops will include modern facilities and real-time service information, and customers will be encouraged to park and ride with about 900 new commuter parking spaces.”
The project will include:
• Nine modern B-Line stops at Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen, Collaroy, Dee Why, Brookvale, Manly Vale, Spit Junction (Mosman) and Neutral Bay with real-time information, seating, weather protection and improved facilities for customers;
• Six new commuter car parks at Mona Vale, Warriewood, Narrabeen, Dee Why, Brookvale and Manly Vale providing about 900 spaces;
• Brand-new double decker buses with improved on-board capacity and comfort
• Roadworks including new bus lanes, bus bays, minor lane widening and other road improvements to support bus services; and
• Improved pedestrian and bicycle links to connect customers with B-Line stops.
Mr Constance said ahead of the new B-Line opening, about 480 additional weekly bus services will be added between February and October 2016 to address the immediate need for improved services.
“The NSW Government will now start the consultation process with the community and businesses on the preferred locations of some of the B-Line stops and commuter car parks along the 27 kilometre route,” Mr Constance said.
Visit for more information.

November 9, 2015: Manly Council
This year we are celebrating our 22nd Ocean Care Day Festival – Sunday 6th December at Manly Ocean Beachfront - and we are looking for volunteers!
Setting up for the event is where we require the most volunteers. This an early start (from 6.30am) but the bonus is you’ll be finished by 10.30am, or stay longer if you can - lunch and snacks will be provided.
Please email: and specify the shift/s you available for - deadline is Friday 20 November:
Available shifts:
• All day ( 6.30am – 5.30pm)
• Morning (8am – 12.30pm) or
• Afternoon (12.15pm – 5.15pm)
Beware of scammers imitating Centrelink officers
11 November 2015
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is warning consumers to beware of scammers imitating Department of Human Services or Centrelink officers to trick you into handing over your money or personal details.
“The ACCC has received a spike in contacts about fake rebate scams in which the scammer claims to be from Centrelink or the Department of Human Services. One hundred people contacted the ACCC about this scam last month, compared with 20 reports in May. Four people have reported losing over $3,000 to this scam in the past 6 months, with 300 contacts in that time,” ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard said.
How these scams work
• You receive a call from someone claiming to be from the Department of Human Services or Centrelink.
• The caller tells you that you are entitled to more money but you must provide some personal details to prove your identity. At this point the scammer attempts to gather as much as they can about you for identity theft.
• If you provide these details the scammer will then ask you to send money directly via a wire transfer service or may even direct you to your nearest Post Office to pay the ‘fee’.
• The scammer may claim that your Centrelink payments will be cut off unless you pay the fee.
• If you send any money via wire transfer, you will never see it again – it’s nearly impossible to recover money sent this way. You will also never receive the promised rebate or refund.
• If you refuse to do this, the scammer might use any bank details you provided to access your bank account directly and attempt to steal your money. These details may also be used in the future for identity theft.
Protect yourself
“If you receive a phone call out of the blue from someone claiming to be from a government department and they claim that you are entitled to money, hang up,” Ms Rickard said.
“If you have any doubts about the identity of any caller who claims to represent a business, organisation or government department, contact the body directly. Don’t rely on numbers, email addresses or websites provided by the caller – find them through an independent source such as a phone book or online search.”
“Never give your personal, credit card or online account details over the phone unless you made the call and the phone number came from a trusted source. If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately,” Ms Rickard said.
You can report scams to the ACCC via the Scamwatch report a scam page or by calling 1300 795 995.
Eramboo seeks Artist in Residence for 2016
Applications are open for Pittwater artists to apply for a three month residency at the Eramboo Artist Environment from April to June 2016.
The residency is being run by the Eramboo Artist Environment in collaboration with Pittwater Council’s Enliven Pittwater – a strategy designed to create more vibrancy in our town and village centres.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said Enliven Pittwater seeks to support artists in a variety of ways through workshops, talks, demonstrations, exhibitions and educational opportunities such as this Artist in Residence program.
Mayor Townsend said the residency program is open to artists working in all types of art forms including, but not limited to; visual, photography, film, theatre, performance, experimental, multi-media, sculpture, music and the literary arts.
“The intention is to provide local artists with the opportunity to develop their practice,” said Mayor Townsend.
Eramboo’s artistic director Susan Milne said the residency will offer the successful artist the opportunity to develop his or her art practice in the rich natural and cultural environment of Eramboo in Terrey Hills. The artist in residence will have free use of one of Eramboo’s artist studios for three months.
The unique space and connecting with other professional artists, will enable the person to develop their artistic practice with full support from existing networks at Eramboo,” she said.
“The residency is a vehicle for creative people looking to accelerate and further develop their careers,” Ms Milne added.
The resident artist will have the opportunity to show their work in one of Pittwater’s centres. Mayor Townsend said she was ‘thrilled to again be supporting a local artist and their creativity, as well as have their completed work add to the vibrancy of our town and village centres as in previous years.’
Applications are now open and will close Friday 11 December 2015. The successful applicant will be announced in December 2015.
Artist in Residence application forms and guidelines are available from
To download the application form and guidelines please
Palm Beach Sailing Club - Beware the Bullets Regatta 2015
To be held in conjunction with F18 Association - NSW Travellers Series 21st and 22nd November 2015 at Sand Point, Iluka Road, Palm Beach
Saturday 21st November; 11:00am Briefing
12:30pm First race (not before this time)
Sunday 22nd November: 9:30am Briefing
11:00am First race. No racing start after 3pm
Organising Authority & Venue: Palm Beach Sailing Club Inc., cnr Barrenjoey and Iluka Rds, Palm Beach NSW. Rigging and briefings will be held on the beach at Sand Pt, end of Sand Pt Lane, Palm Beach. Racing will be held within Pittwater and/or the enclosed waters of Broken Bay, NSW.
All off the beach boats welcome and forms part of the NSW F18 Travellers Series. Come and enjoy 2 days of awesome racing on stunning Pittwater amongst a friendly, welcoming Club. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to any fellow sailors who may be interested. Look forward to welcoming you all
All off-the-beach multihulls are eligible to compete. At least one member of each crew has to be a member of a sailing club or class association with ISAF affiliation. 5 boats constitutes a class, any classes with fewer than 5 boats will race in a miscellaneous division decided on yardstick.
Find out more at: and on Facebook page

By Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade is an entirely volunteer NSW Rural Fire Service station located on Sydney's northern beaches.
We are responsible for protecting people and property from bushfire in the Davidson, French Forest, Forestville and Killarney Heights area, which includes over 10,000 homes. We also assist in search and rescues, storm damage and other incidents whenever called upon.
Our Brigade has more than 100 volunteers who commit thousands of hours every year to the service of our community. Our volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Last year the Brigade contributed over 9,500 hours in service of the community.
Why We Need Your Help
In recent years, the Brigade has outgrown the current station, which is unable to adequately accommodate our volunteers, vehicles and equipment. As such, we are embarking on a building project, which will:
• Add two additional fire truck garages (doubling our firefighting capacity),
• Provide a dedicated education room for the public and a training facility to ensure our volunteers receive the best training to help better serve the community.
We need your help to raise a further $150,000. The State government has committed substantial funding to the building project. However, there is a shortfall of $150,000 we need to raise to ensure our project is undertaken and ready for Fire Season 2016/17.
We hold deductible gift recipient status. Any donation you make to us is tax deductible and we will issue you a receipt which indicates this. You can give a tax deductible donation:
1. Online through Chuffed:
2. By EFT by direct deposit to: Account Name - Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade Gift Fund Account, BSB: 032-299 Account number: 111245,
3. By Cheque made payable to the Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade, orCash, posted to PO Box 128, Belrose West NSW 2085.
Thank you!
Davidson Volunteer Rural Fire Brigade.
The Wildlife and Wildlinks Meeting held on Monday November 9th at Narrabeen and hosted by Pittwater Natural Heritage Association was attended by nearly 100 people. The audience heard an address by Professor Darryl Jones of Griffith University, a behavioural ecologist working in the fields of urban ecology and wildlife management. He is especially interested in urbanisation and the way certain species are adapting to this process.
Earlier on November 9th Professor Jones met with Pittwater’s Hon. Rob Stokes to provide expert advice on the needs of wildlife for bushland connectivity and recommended this advice inform the construction of the widened Mona Vale Rd. The Department of Planning must also take on board the need for connectivity in the Ingleside land release planning.
Dr Bradley Law is a Principal Research Scientist in the Forest Science Centre, NSW DPI. Dr. Law has a background in zoology and ecology and his personal research program focuses on aspects of bat ecology, probably the most species diverse group of forest mammals in NSW. A focus of recent research has been on other small mammals including Eastern Pygmy Possums and Hastings River Mouse.
Both were engaging speakers able to convey their knowledge and passion to the appreciative audience.
PNHA will be meeting with Roads and Maritime Services staff in the next couple of weeks to continue discussions of how to ensure adequate crossings for fauna.
Marita Macrae
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
For those unable to attend the Meeting some Study Papers by these Speakers and Others this news service has been reading:
Jones, D.N. & Bond, A.R.F 2010. Road barrier effect on small birds removed by vegetated overpass in South East Queensland. Ecological Restoration & Management 11: 56-67. Oecologia Australis 17(1): 147-156, Março
Polak, T., Rhodes, J., Jones, D.N. & Possingham, 2014. Optimal planning for mitigating the impacts of roads on wildlife. Volume 51, Issue 3, pages 726–734, June 2014. Journal of Applied Ecology. At: doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12243/abstract
In full in Google Scholar (PDF):
Law, Bradley; Chidel, M.; Britton, A. (1 March 2013). "High predation risk for a small mammal: the eastern pygmy-possum (Cercartetus nanus)" Australian Mammalogy 35(2) 149-152
Submitted: 16 July 2012 Accepted: 30 September 2012 Published: 1 March 2013
Bladon, R. V., Dickman, C.R. and Hume, I.D. (2002). "Effects of habitat fragmentation on the demography, movements and social organisation of the eastern pygmy possum (Cercartetus nanus) in northern New South Wales".Wildlife Research 29: 105–116. doi:10.1071/WR01024
Polo by the Sea to Return to Palm Beach in 2016
Your next chance to see all the action and social highlights of Urban Polo in Sydney is Palm Beach on 9 January 2016!
Tickets are on sale now to UPA Members, and to the public via Ticketek. Visit the Polo by the Sea website for more

SHOROC Gets Grant to Help Business Reduce Waste Bills and Increase Recycling
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater.
Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by contacting project officer, Ian Mackay a or 0418 602 114. A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.
Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 7,000 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
$20 million to help those who help others
October 2015: Federal Minister for Social Services
Community organisations across Australia are now able to apply for a share of $20 million in grants to support and encourage the work of their volunteers.
In opening the Volunteer Grants 2015 round, Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, said the funding will help make the work of Australia’s six million volunteers easier, safer and more enjoyable.
“Through these grants of between $1,000 and $5,000, community organisations can purchase much-needed equipment such as computers, contribute to volunteers’ training, or use it to support fundraising efforts.
“Volunteers play a critical role in building stronger and more resilient communities—whether it is by helping out with local sporting teams and land care groups, responding to natural disasters and emergencies, or helping local charities.
“This year’s Volunteer Grants gives priority to organisations working with individuals or communities experiencing disadvantage, including communities affected by natural disasters—so we encourage organisations in these areas to apply.
“This funding demonstrates the Government’s commitment to supporting the volunteers who give their time to help others and encourage social harmony,” Mr Porter said.
Applications for Volunteer Grants close 2pm AEDT, Wednesday 9 December 2015.
For further information go to Alternatively, contact the Volunteer Grants 2015 Hotline on freecall 1800 183 374 or sends e-mail).
Seeking Pittwater's local heroes
Nominations are now open for Pittwater’s 2016 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards to be announced at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.
Residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding citizens who have contributed to their community in one of three categories: Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year.
Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson applauded the many volunteers who give their time generously for the benefit of others.
“These people are often considered experts in their fields which cover bushcare, aged care, lifesaving, emergency services, coastal patrol and youth and community services to name just a few,” she said.
“It is a great opportunity to recognise residents who work tirelessly behind the scenes making a significant contribution to their community.”
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge their contribution and to say thank you,” added Cr Ferguson.
Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards Reception and at celebrations at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport on 26 January 2016.
Nomination forms for the Awards can be completed online or downloaded at copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Entries for the Awards close on Friday 27 November 2015.Nominations can be mailed to: Community Relations Team, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale, NSW 1660 or emailed
Enquiries relating to the Awards or Pittwater’s Australia Day event can be directed to the Community Relations Team on 9970 1172.
Bush Fire Stories for NSW Rural Fire Service
We are looking to build up a library of bush fire stories and testimonials from members of the public and would like to give you an opportunity to be involved. Sharing these stories can make a big difference in helping other people be better prepared for bush fire. These stories may be shared in our publications, websites and on social media.
If you know of anyone who would like to share their experience of bush fire, please encourage them to submit their story through our website. See the link for information on what we’re looking for and to submit.
Boaters are benefitting from complimentary access to some of Sydney Harbour’s most exclusive private marina facilities as part of the expanding Sydney Harbour Destinations Plan, now in its third year.
Nineteen commercial marinas have opened doors to the boating public since the NSW Government launched the Sydney Harbour Boating Destinations Plan in 2013 to improve access for boaters through casual, short term berthing or mooring and access to key facilities.
“Our iconic harbour is the jewel in Sydney’s crown and some of Sydney’s finest marinas offer boaters free access all year around to allow them to hop off, take a break, or grab something to eat or drink,” Roads and Maritime Services Maritime Director Angus Mitchell said.
“Nineteen popular locations including Rose Bay, Gladesville and Mosman are offering this service for anyone having a day out on the water in return for small lease concessions to cover costs.
“Boaters just need to look out for bright green ‘Boating Destination Marina’ banners on display at prominent locations at participating marinas. Blue banners marked ‘Destination Berth’ show boaters where to tie boats up.
“We are continuing to work with other marinas to expand the number of destinations and identify new areas where we can improve the boating experience.
“Handy new maps are now available highlighting the location, GPS coordinates and contact details of marinas and available facilities including wifi, water and fuel, slipway and marine services, public toilets, food, recreational areas, water wash down, power and pump out area.
“This is about making a great boating experience on the harbour even better and we welcome boaters to get out and safely explore the harbour as these facilities are for everyone,” Mr Mitchell said.
An interactive map of participating marinas is available at:
Boaters are welcome to visit participating marinas flying blue and green flags at:
Balmain Marina
Balmoral Boatshed
Cameron’s Marina at Balmain
Cammeray Marina
Clontarf Marina
Cruising Yacht Club of Australia at Darling Point
D’Alboras Marinas at Cabarita Point and the Spit
Double Bay Marina
Fergusons Marina at The Spit
Gladesville Bridge Marina
Kirribilli Marina
Manly Boat Shed
Middle Harbour Yacht Club
Point Piper Marina
Rose Bay Marina
Roseville Bridge Marina
Smiths Boatshed Marina
Sydney Superyacht marina
Roads and Maritime will continue to work with eligible marinas to expand the program.
For more information on the program visit

Labor cheers Government’s deeply undemocratic planning bill through Parliament
Media release: 11 November 2015 – The Greens
The Greater Sydney Commission bill has been cheered through Parliament by the Labor “Opposition” tonight despite serious concerns being raised about its deeply undemocratic and unaccountable form.
The Greater Sydney Commission Bill creates a new planning body which is able to implement its planning decisions on local areas across greater Sydney and re-write local environment plans with no democratic constraints on this power. But the bill also contains a hidden kicker for rural and regional areas of NSW, by allowing regulations to designate a new planning authority for that area, with no system of accountability.
The Greens put forward a number of amendments to try and ensure some democratic accountability in this state’s planning but they were voted down by both Liberal and Labor in the Upper House.
Greens MP and planning spokesperson David Shoebridge said:
“Sydney’s need for sustainable, coordinated and strategic planning will not be satisfied by the top down bureaucratic approach of the Greater Sydney Commission.
“Given Labor’s history of supporting grossly undemocratic planning laws, it should come as no surprise that they’re cheering the Greater Sydney Commission home.
“The largest and most controversial planning decisions will now be made by an undemocratic body populated entirely by appointees of the Planning Minister.
“The unelected Commissioners will have no responsibility to engage with local communities or councils and are not in any way accountable to anyone as to how they exercise their powers.
“This was a missed opportunity to implement a model where regional planning is undertaken by joint organisations of councils backed up with fresh statutory powers to ensure democratically accountability.
“Instead local councils will be stripped of their planning powers, community consultation will be bypassed and development will be fast-tracked.
“There should be no mistake that, despite its name, this is not just a Sydney bill. This is a cut price quick and dirty solution for the entire state.
“By regulation, and without any legislative restrictions, the Minster can appoint anyone he wants to take over regional planning in NSW.
“The Greater Sydney Commission is an extremely long way from the Coalition’s promise of returning planning powers to communities.
“This bill will go down in history as the moment that the Coalition and Labor joined teams and officially ended democratic planning in this state.” Mr Shoebridge said.
Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Pet of the Week
SpikeAGE/SEX: 12 months / M
BREED: Wiry Terrier x

For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is December 6th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,

November 8 - 14, 2015: Issue 239
Articles This Week
Bilgola Surf Life Saving Club Hosts Round One of 2015-16 Season Boat Premiership: A Great Day of Competition by Kath McKenzie
Palm Beach Longboarders Club 2015 Old Mal Old Log Rally
Aquatics: Yachting Australia Awards 2015: Female Sailor of the Year, Sailor of the Year with a Disability and Lifetime Achievement Some of Pittwater's Finest Recognised
Avalon Art Carnival: The Game Launched: 7 November to 21 November
Buy A 2016 Doggie Rescue Calendar and Save A Furry Life - pics from the Launch of the main fundraiser for DoggieRescue
Baby Birds by Lynleigh Greig, Southern Cross Wildlife Care - what do if being chased by a nesting magpie or if you find a baby bird on the ground
Pictures: Out and About In Pittwater
Held over:
Avalon Art Carnival: THE GAME - 7 November to 21 November: Program and Details
KEEPING COMPANY: SALTWATER - new works by 45 Northern Beaches artists + 'Metamorphosis': exhibition of ceramics by fourteen students graduating from Northern Beaches Campus in Brookvale @ Manly Art Gallery & Museum 30 October — 29 November 2015
Profile: Computer Pals for Seniors Northern Beaches - A club that helps interested seniors use their computers more effectively - learn the Basics, join in classes about other Programs - join in the great social events!
History: Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Bungan Beach - Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play cricket, tennis, golf, soccer and rugby..or hold markets, let their horses graze...have a dance...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month November 2015 - Katarina Wells: Ceramics - Vessels. Totems. Sculptures.
My aim is to express a sense of balance and harmony through my work. I hand build my pieces over a period of a few days, to allow the clay to stiffen sufficiently, before adding more coils. This slow process fosters an organic growth, allows for time to step back and observe where a piece intends to go.
HSC is Over!
Final exams for the HSC for 2015 were held on November 4th
Congratulations to all of our SLSNSW Year 12 members and volunteers for completing their HSC exams - it’s smooth sailing from here on!

Appointment of new Directors
6 November, 2015
Pittwater Council is about to get new blood at its helm with the appointment of two new Directors—Melinda Hewitt as Director, Environmental Planning & Community (EP&C) and Ben Taylor as Director, Urban & Environmental Assets (U&EA).
General Manager Mark Ferguson said he is very pleased to announce both Ms Hewitt and Mr Taylor’s appointments as key leaders with the organisation, following the retirement of Mr Steve Evens, Director EP&C and Mr Chris Hunt, Director U&EA.
“Both our new Directors have a wealth of experience in senior management and government, as well as a range of unique experience and skill that I am confident will bring progression and cultural benefits to Pittwater Council.
Ms Hewitt has occupied the position of Manager, Place Management at Pittwater for the past 18 months and has been with Council for six years.
Ms Hewitt’s experience includes senior roles both for the not-for-profit and local government sectors. She has been recognised within industry for her ability to develop and deliver a wide range of innovative social and economic programs.
Mr Taylor joins Council from SHOROC—a partnership of Manly, Mosman, Pittwater & Warringah councils led by a Board of the council Mayors and General Managers—where he has been Executive Director for the past six years.
Mr Taylor has extensive experience in regional planning and intergovernmental relations. He led the successful infrastructure advocacy for the northern beaches and has overseen joint procurement operations and waste strategy. He has also worked in leadership roles in the NSW Government directing whole-of–government planning, communications and project delivery.
Melinda will be transitioning into her new role from 9 November 2015 and Ben will join the organisation in December 2015.
“I am looking forward to collaborating with our new Directors in leading Pittwater Council into the future.
“I would also like to thank Mr Hunt and Mr Evans for many years of commitment and hard work at Pittwater Council, and wish them both a happy and well deserved retirement,” Mr Ferguson added.
Remembrance Day Services 2015
This year 11 November marks the 97th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Each year on this day Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11 am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.
Narrabeen RSL sub-branch: at Cenotaph from 10.150 am
Pittwater RSL sub-branch: begins 10.30 a.m. at the Club Cenotaph (at entrance to undercover parking)
Avalon Beach RSL sub-branch: begins 10.30 am at the Club Cenotaph
Palm Beach RSL sub-branch (Club Palm Beach): at the Cenotaph from 10.150 a.m.
Newport Park Cenotaph
Church Point Cenotaph
War Veterans Village [Narrabeen] RSL Sub-Branch: Remembrance Day Service is to be held at 10.30 am, Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at the Remembrance Wall Montgomery Centre. Special guest speaker, Major General P.W. “Gus” Gilmore AO DSC Commander Forces Command.

Locals enlist help from Queensland academic on fauna road crossings and fauna corridors for Ingleside
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association has enlisted the help of a Queensland academic in its campaign to improve fauna connectivity in the Ingleside Locality
Associate Professor Daryl Jones of Griffith University, Queensland has been engaged by PNHA to speak at an information evening “Roads, Wildlife Links and Development” at the Tramshed Community Arts Centre. The meeting at 7 pm on Monday 9 November will focus on recent developments in fauna road crossings and fauna corridors and what can be achieved in the Ingleside locality.
Also speaking will be Dr Bradley Law a leading fauna researcher with an interest in the endangered Eastern Pygmy Possum and other local fauna. Free tickets are available through the PNHA website or by emailing
Professor Jones has done numerous studies of fauna road crossings and connectivity, notably the Compton Road Overpass in South East Brisbane, a vegetated land bridge connecting two fauna reserves which spans a four lane arterial road.
His research on the Compton Road overpass, undertaken since its construction in 2005 shows that vegetated overpasses will be used by a wide range of fauna species, including small birds, reptiles and bats.
The Ingleside area is rich in these and other fauna species including endangered species such as the Eastern Pygmy Possum, Giant Burrowing Frog (pictured), Red Crowned Toadlet, Rosenbergs Goanna, and Southern Myotis, a small mouse-like bat. They occur within the precinct and the surrounding bushland reserves. However the proposed Mona Vale Road upgrade and the Ingleside Precinct residential development threaten to disrupt their movement through the precinct, which would lead to isolation and eventual local extinction.
Roadkill data from the end of 2010 to the beginning of 2015 show that 2121 native animals have been killed on our roads in the Northern Beaches including 724 wallabies.
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association is keen to see the best possible outcomes for fauna connectivity throughout Ingleside and has been campaigning with other local environmental groups for good planning in the Ingleside locality.
Giant Burrowing Frog. Photo by J Walsh
Avalon Market Day Exhibition & Sale
Opening Night Friday 20th November 2015 at 7pm
Sat. 21st-Sunday 22nd November, Avalon Recreation Centre Hall
Invitation… Pittwater Community Arts presents a unique opportunity for the Northern Beaches to celebrate its talented and close-knit artistic community. As a major highlight of Avalon Market Day on Saturday 21st November and extending over to Sunday 22nd Nov. , the annual PCA Exhibition and Sale will comprise he works of over 60 local artists’ enlivening the Avalon Recreation Hall. Paintings, jewellery, ceramics and other objet d’art will be for sale at this affordable art show.
This year PCA is celebrating their 11th Art Show. To commemorate this event there will be an Art Competition amongst exhibiting artists who would like to be included. There will be no entry fee
For the competition the prizes will be as follows:
1st Prize $1,000
2nd Prize $ 500
3rd Prize $ 250
People’s Choice $250.00
It is a great pleasure to be able to announce that these prizes have been donated by Pittwater Community Arts Inc. and as this is a community show we are very happy to give back to our wonderful artistic, talented, enthusiastic and loyal Pittwater artist’s and to say thank you for your support over the years.
A special champagne opening night which Mayor Jacqueline Townsend will attend to launch this annual cultural event, on Friday 20th November 7.00 - 9.00pm, includes a preview of the works for sale during the exhibition. Come along, meet the artists, celebrate and support the depth of creativity in your local area. The exhibition is artist-run with sale proceeds going directly to the artists.
PCA is committed to advancing the arts and cultural activities in Pittwater and to make them more accessible to all people. It is a non-profit community-based organisation which seeks to ensure a vibrant and diverse arts and cultural scene in Pittwater.
Friday 20th November Opening Night 7pm - 9pm
Saturday 21 November Exhibition 9am - 5pm
Sunday 22 November Exhibition 9am - 4pm
ENTRY IS FREE: Avalon Recreation Centre Hall, Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon
FURTHER INFORMATION Contact Lorrie Morgan on 0412 141 852
Rowland Reserve Dog Exercise area is closed on Monday November 16th for Maintenance.
Narrabeen Lagoon Trail will be closed November 16 to 20 between Deep Creek and Bilarong Reserve.
Have your say on a new community health centre at Brookvale
05.11.2015: Media Release - Department of Planning and Environment
A proposal to construct a new community health centre along Pittwater Road at Brookvale will be on exhibition from today for community feedback.
The Department of Planning and Environment is keen to hear the community’s views on the application which seeks to:
construct a new four storey community health centre building
construct a pedestrian bridge crossing Pittwater Road
construct a seven storey car park at the rear of the building
construct a loading service bay next to the car park
construct external signage on the northern and southern sides of the building.
A spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Environment said the local community always has an opportunity to share their views.
“Community consultation is an integral part of the planning process and the applicant will have to respond to the feedback we receive and this is taken into consideration when we develop our recommendations,” the spokesperson said.
“It’s easy to participate by going online and we encourage everyone to take a look and have their say.”
To make a submission or view the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), visit
Submissions can be made from Thursday 5 November until Friday 4 December 2015.
Written submissions can also be made to:
Department of Planning and Environment, Attn: Director – Infrastructure Assessments GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
The application and EIS is also available to view in person at:
Department of Planning and Environment, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney
Warringah Council, Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Dee Why Library, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why
Warringah Mall Library, Shop 650, 2nd Floor, Warringah Mall, 145 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale
You can find about the Brookvale Community Health Centre and the Northern Beaches Health Service Redevelopment HERE
Pittwater Indian Myna Action Group Update
November 5, 2015
PIMAG update - total number of birds trapped - 44.
We have had great success (11 birds in a week) at a cafe in Newport and we are looking to local businesses especially cafes, restaurants, marinas, schools and shopping centres to get involved in the Program.
We have plenty of traps available for Pittwater residents. For all those who have contacted us outside of Pittwater FEAR NOT we are working on sources for traps for you very soon!
Please share our page with others so we can reach more people and get the whole of the Northern Beaches involved in this Program.
Shearwater Bird Wash-Ups
by Matthew Wiseman: October 30, 2015
Reporting With Sound and Image - UTS Video Journalism Assignment.
Shearwater Bird 'wrecks' are no longer an isolated event. The increasing trend is shocking beachgoers and researchers alike.
Dia de los Muertos – Living Ocean fundraiser for Sea Shepherd
Sunday, November 15; at 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Cranky Fins Holidae Inn: 1 Beach Road, Palm Beach, New South Wales, Australia 2108
Join us on Sunday night 15th of November at Cranky Finn’s for our Day of the Dead fundraising party!
The night will consist of live music provided by renowned local bands Lime Cordiale and Dominic Breen and the Dopamine, as well as margaritas and a live auction!
This event aims to raise money for Sea Shepherd to assist them in their endeavours in ocean conservation. Captain Peter Hammarstedt, Director of Ship Operations for Sea Shepherd Australia, will be gracing us on the night to discuss Sea Shepherd’s latest activities and share his experiences.
The theme is Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, to celebrate environmentalists and ocean wildlife that have passed. There will be a prize for best dressed as well!
Tickets are $60 purchase here:
See you there!
Free Native Plants for Pittwater Residents
Pittwater Council is providing free native plants for Pittwater residents! Look for our Bushcare stall at:
Avalon Markets on 21 November from 9am to 4pm.
Limit 3 per customer.
Bushland Management staff will be on hand to provide advice and help you put the right plant in the right place!
CSIRO Comes Out Swinging In Energy Conversation
4 November, 2015
CSIRO will today launch a massive eight-person energy generating swing at one of the nation's most prominent locations to kick start a conversation about energy sustainability in Australia.
During November, thousands of Australians will hop on the swing and see their movements turned into energy to power a stunning light and sound installation.
Each swing powers a light above its seat and an original ambient music composition that changes with the speed and strength of your swinging. When all eight seats are in motion the word 'INFINITY' is illuminated.
The Infinity Swing will be opened at Customs House Square in Sydney from 2pm today until 8 November before heading to Federation Square in Melbourne from 16 to 21 November.
CSIRO research director, Glenn Platt, said the Infinity Swing aims to spark a conversation about how energy can be sustainable and affordable for every Australian now and into the future.
"As the swing shows, energy isn't easy to generate - just look at how hard you need to swing to light up a letter," Dr Platt said.
"Energy isn't frivolous and it isn't free, so the challenge for Australia is how to keep energy affordable and available while protecting our planet.
"CSIRO has got some of the brightest minds in the country developing solutions to this challenge, and the good news is that they don't involve cold showers, warm beer or other dramatic changes to people's lifestyles.
"The answer lies with innovation, and it's at the heart of what we do."
Energy sustainability is one of the greatest challenges facing the world.
Cost, electricity demand, emergence of new technologies and environmental imperatives will all have an impact on how our energy is sourced in the future.
"Getting the energy mix right is an opportunity for Australia," CSIRO Executive Director Dr Alex Wonhas said.
"The CSIRO Infinity Swing is about starting this discussion and showing the community how science and technology has a key role to play in developing smart energy efficient solutions.
"These technologies are allowing people in Australia to continue to do the things that they love, but with greater comfort, more affordability and less emissions."
The CSIRO Infinity Swing will be open to the community for free from 7:30am to 10:00pm on weekdays and from 10am to 10:00pm on weekends.
Representatives from CSIRO will be on hand to discuss their ongoing energy research.
The community can access more information about the CSIRO Infinity Swing, the organisation's energy innovations and practical energy efficiency tips for in the home on the Infinity campaign website.
Top: The Infinity Swing aims to spark a conversation about how energy can be sustainable and affordable.
State Government of NSW Invites you to Have Your say On:
Review of NSW tenancy laws
What are we doing?
NSW Fair Trading seeks public feedback in a review of the NSW Residential Tenancies Act 2010. A Discussion Paper has been released to guide feedback on the laws and covers topics such as:
• starting a tenancy
• rental bonds
• rent and other charges
• rights and obligations of landlords and tenants
• terminating a lease
• disputes.
This review will look at whether the current laws are working effectively and how to improve them. It will also consider if updates to the laws are needed in light of a changing rental market. Please read the discussion paper (PDF- 2.04 MB – 54 pages) on the review before providing feedback.
Have your say
Submit your feedback by 29 January 2016 via, online submission form or post to:
Statutory Review of Residential Tenancies Act 2010, Policy and Legislation, NSW Fair Trading, PO Box 972 , Parramatta NSW 2124
Online Consultation
Date: Oct. 29, 2015 - Jan. 29, 2016
More Information: or phone: 13 32 20
Caravan parks and camping grounds
What's this about?
The NSW Government is working to improve the planning and approval process for manufactured homes and estates, caravan parks, and camping grounds.
The Department of Planning and Environment with the Office of Local Government have prepared a discussion paper to seek feedback on proposed improvements. These proposed improvements aim to:
• simplify and streamline the planning and approval process
• balance short-term tourist accommodation needs and long-term residents’ needs
• improve the design, location, and amenities of future developments.
There will be no impact on residents living in existing manufactured homes and estates, caravan parks, and camping grounds. Tenancy and management issues are set out in the laws administered byDepartment of Fair Trading.
Have your say
Submit your feedback on the discussion paper by 14 December2015 via the online submission form or view the exhibition at:
Department of Planning and Environment, 23 - 33 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000
Exhibition: Date: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14, 2015
More Information:
Better planning for caravans and camping
01.11.2015: Media Release - The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today released a discussion paper with options that aim to simplify planning for caravan parks and camping grounds.
Mr Stokes said caravanning and camping were popular holiday choices, and caravan parks were also an important affordable housing option.
“There are 900 caravan parks in NSW, which families flock to over summer for holidays in some of the state’s most spectacular locations,” Mr Stokes said.
“We want to make sure planning rules are simple and consistent so these businesses can continue to provide affordable holidays and diversity of housing choice to the community.”
The NSW Government is seeking community feedback on ideas including:
• Creating a single compliance code for manufactured homes and estates, caravan parks and camping grounds to simplify approvals
• Making sure new caravan parks, camping grounds and manufactured home estates are in the right location and operating under consistent planning rules
• Promoting a greater range of housing choices for residents and tourists
• Providing affordable housing options for the broader community and for seasonal workers
• Improving building standards and safety for manufactured homes.
Update - Boomerang Bags Sewing the seed of change
We now have 1500 bags!!!
The momentum is building but we need your help. We hope some people can help us out with a small amount of storage space for some bags. Please let us know.
Secondly, we are looking for people interested in doing a workshop in the evening or on weekends. Get together your own group and we will come to you, or let us know what days/times are suitable and we can set up a workshop for you and friends. Please give us your ideas.
It was lovely to see new volunteers again at the workshop this week.
We had a successful day at the Avalon Car Boot Sale and spoke to lots of lovely locals. Picture below.
And last but not least we have a wonderful new Facebook Page due to the talented and enthusiastic Melanie Colling. Please "like" our page: Avalon Boomerang Bags.
Marine Friendly Sunscreen from Surf Life Saving Australia
Did you know that it's estimated that each year 6,000 tons of sunscreen wash off swimmers in oceans and rivers worldwide?
Surf Life Saving Sunscreen Marine Friendly SPF50+ sunscreen helps protect your skin and our unique marine environment at the same time as it's oxybenzone free, and preservative free!
Your purchase supports Surf Life Saving in their efforts to provide safer beaches and communities for all Australians.
Visit the website to find out more.
Newport SLSC: Rowers Wanted
A great result from last week's request for novice rowers. Half a dozen enquiries and one definite new rower. Great stuff, I knew you could do it!
We still need a few more, however. U19 and U23 boys and girls.
No experience necessary, just a desire to have a go.
Surfboat rowing, turning boys and girls into men and women for over a century.
Contact Jay Borthwick 0410 346 740, or Michael King, 0409 581 319.

Help to Build Barrenjoey High School's Future
BHS are now in full swing with their latest fundraising project which is the building of The Barrenjoey Community Performance Space!
Designed by renowned local architect Richard Cole - this acoustically designed purpose built space will seat an audience of 200, and will play host to many Community and School performing arts programs such as dance, drama, musical concerts, film nights, lectures and so much more!
BHS need your support Community!
If you think you can help, please call Barrenjoey High School 02 99188811 or visit their website
Or leave a message here and we'll get in touch!
More information to follow. This is what we've all been waiting for!
Top; external front of the Barrenjoey Community Performance Space - end of phase 3 – completion
Avalon Craft Cottage Returns to Avalon
The Craft Cottage will be at St Ives Village Centre for one week starting Monday 9th November and will be open all week during normal business hours for the Centre.
A lovely range of handcrafted gift items for you to start your Christmas shopping with something for everyone, from woodwork & jewellery through to silk scarves and beautiful baby wear, plus handcrafted greeting cards.
The stall can be easily found on the upper level, just in from the carpark and near the Concierges desk.
And then, just a matter of weeks later, it is BACK TO AVALON for the group for three days only, Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th & Saturday 5th December, at the Avalon Recreation Centre, in Old Barrenjoey Road.
This is our final show for 2015 and as always it will be a good one with lots of space for the members to spread out and really display their beautiful craft work.
Do remember to check our FACEBOOK page for up-to-date information and please LIKE & SHARE the Avalon Craft Cottage page to spread the word amongst your friends.
Warm regards to all
Maureen Darcy-Smith
FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 6/11/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
Critter of the Month - November 2015: Baby Birds
Well, it’s Spring-time and all our baby birds are hatching, growing and learning to fly! It’s a trying time for parent birds and a scary time for the ‘learner’ flyers.
Parent birds have resorted to swooping passers-by to protect their babies. Magpies, currawongs and plovers are particularly partial to the ‘swooping technique’ so if you can avoid their nesting area for a few weeks, all the better for you and them.
If you can’t avoid the area, wear a few protective items as you walk/cycle through the nesting zone. Pop on some sunglasses, wear a hat, carry an open umbrella (like a shield) or wear a bicycle helmet with cable ties attached as ‘spikes’. Usually the birds only use the technique as a warning and tend not to make contact but it’s best to have your head and eyes protected, just in case.
When birds are freshly-hatched, they are pink and featherless and very helpless. They have to be kept warm or they will die. They are referred to as ‘hatchlings’. As they grow, they get downy feathers and are referred to as ‘nestlings’. This means that they are still completely dependent on the parent birds for warmth and food and are nest-bound. As they grow more, their flight feathers come in and they start perching on the edge of the nest. As they begin learning to fly, they are referred to as ‘fledglings’.
Two nestling rainbow lorikeets with their mum.
Learning to fly involves falling to the ground. In the same way that human babies wobble and fall when learning to walk, baby birds wobble and fall when learning to fly. When they fall to the ground they are often intercepted by well-meaning people who assume the baby bird is lost and they scoop it up and take it to a veterinarian. The parent birds will then fret, the baby will fret and the situation can end badly for both.
If you do happen to find a baby bird on the ground, take a moment to sit back and observe it. Is it pink and featherless? If so, these hatchlings need to be warmed up and put back in the nest (if they are not injured). Does it have downy feathers? It may be a nestling that has been jostled out by its siblings. These can be put back in the nest. Does it have its flight feathers and is it able to perch? If so, it’s probably a fledgling that is learning to fly. Keep an eye out for the parent birds. They are usually close at hand, keeping a watchful eye on the baby. Wait and watch to see if they come down and feed the baby. If the parents are around, leave the chick – unless they are in immediate danger (on the road, in the park with dogs running around etc).
If the bird is injured or if the parent birds don’t come after a few hours, you could consider calling a wildlife rescue organisation for advice or you could gently pick it up, pop it in a cardboard box with holes and take it to your local veterinarian.
If the bird is not injured and you think it would be better up off the ground, you could consider making an artificial nest for it:
Take an empty ice-cream container, make some holes in the bottom (in case of rain) and fill it with some soft nesting materials. Attach the nest securely to the tree where the parent birds are perching. We use cable ties so that the tree isn’t harmed either.
Artificial nest made from an ice-cream container.
Baby birds brought to Southern Cross Wildlife Care with injuries.
So, if you find a baby bird on the ground, try to figure out if it’s a hatchling, a nestling or a fledgling. If it’s in a learning phase, wait and observe before interfering. If the parents come down, leave the baby unless it is in immediate danger.
Enjoy the season of baby birds!!!
Walk to Work Day 2015: Friday November 13, register now!
Written by: Diabetes Australia
Walk to Work is an annual event that encourages Australians to build regular walking into their daily routines. We are celebrating Diabetes Australia Walk to Work Day on November 13 by making a simple commitment to walk, whether that’s ditching the car and walking to work, getting off the tram a stop earlier or simply walking at lunchtime – join us, and let’s get walking Australia!
It’s easy to get involved, simply:
1. Register for FREE as an individual or team at
2. Set a goal for the distance you will walk.
3. Start fundraising using your unique EverydayHero page and share your progress with family, friends and colleagues.
4. Help raise awareness for Diabetes Australia Walk to Work 2015 throughout October and November using the hashtag #wtwd15
5. Celebrate and raise funds by hosting a healthy breakfast in your workplace on Friday 13 November 2015 or at home on World Diabetes Day Saturday 14 November!
Help raise funds for diabetes research today!
Walking is one of the easiest forms of exercise to build daily into your busy life and can make a big difference to your long-term health.
Set your walking goal, create your fundraising page and start walking today.
More information:

Eramboo seeks Artist in Residence for 2016
04 Nov 2015
Applications are open for Pittwater artists to apply for a three month residency at the Eramboo Artist Environment from April to June 2016.
The residency is being run by the Eramboo Artist Environment in collaboration with Pittwater Council’s Enliven Pittwater – a strategy designed to create more vibrancy in our town and village centres.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said Enliven Pittwater seeks to support artists in a variety of ways through workshops, talks, demonstrations, exhibitions and educational opportunities such as this Artist in Residence program.
Mayor Townsend said the residency program is open to artists working in all types of art forms including, but not limited to; visual, photography, film, theatre, performance, experimental, multi-media, sculpture, music and the literary arts.
“The intention is to provide local artists with the opportunity to develop their practice,” said Mayor Townsend.
Eramboo’s artistic director Susan Milne said the residency will offer the successful artist the opportunity to develop his or her art practice in the rich natural and cultural environment of Eramboo in Terrey Hills. The artist in residence will have free use of one of Eramboo’s artist studios for three months.
The unique space and connecting with other professional artists, will enable the person to develop their artistic practice with full support from existing networks at Eramboo,” she said.
“The residency is a vehicle for creative people looking to accelerate and further develop their careers,” Ms Milne added.
The resident artist will have the opportunity to show their work in one of Pittwater’s centres. Mayor Townsend said she was ‘thrilled to again be supporting a local artist and their creativity, as well as have their completed work add to the vibrancy of our town and village centres as in previous years.’
Applications are now open and will close Friday 11 December 2015. The successful applicant will be announced in December 2015.
Artist in Residence application forms and guidelines are available from
To download the application form and guidelines please
November 6, 2015: SLSA
One of Surf Life Saving Australia’s longest serving members has received one of the highest international accolades awarded by the International Life Saving Federation.
Peter George AM was made a Knight in the Order of Lifesaving at the World Conference for Drowning Prevention being held in Penang.
Mr George and veteran SLSA sport administrator Dave Thompson became the third and fourth Surf Life Saving recipients of the prestigious award.
“I feel very proud to receive this honour. I do it because I love it, never for the recognition, but it is always nice to be recognised,” Mr George said.
“I have been a lifesaver for almost 50 years and to receive this international honour now means I have been recognised at every level, which is very humbling.”
Mr George is currently the General Manager of Corporate Service for Surf Life Saving Australia. He is a former national Director of Lifesaving.
He said a turning point in his Surf Lifesaving career came in 1976 when he attended a conference hosted by world renowned water safety expert Dr Ian Mackie.
“I remember he challenged me to go out and teach people about water safety. So I was teaching CPR at Christies Beach in South Australia a few years later and this gentleman dropped his son off for the course but didn’t want to come in himself despite me urging him to do so,” he said.
“Anyway, a couple of years after that he tracked me down and said, remember me? He said he just wanted to thank me for getting him to learn CPR because he ended up using those skills to save the life of a man he worked with. Ever since then I have been convinced that what we do is so important to society.”
Several Surf Life Saving Australia researchers have also been presenting to international delegates at the World Conference for Drowning Prevention.
SHOROC Gets Grant to Help Business Reduce Waste Bills and Increase Recycling
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater.
Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by contacting project officer, Ian Mackay a or 0418 602 114. A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.
Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 7,000 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
$20 million to help those who help others
October 2015: Federal Minister for Social Services
Community organisations across Australia are now able to apply for a share of $20 million in grants to support and encourage the work of their volunteers.
In opening the Volunteer Grants 2015 round, Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, said the funding will help make the work of Australia’s six million volunteers easier, safer and more enjoyable.
“Through these grants of between $1,000 and $5,000, community organisations can purchase much-needed equipment such as computers, contribute to volunteers’ training, or use it to support fundraising efforts.
“Volunteers play a critical role in building stronger and more resilient communities—whether it is by helping out with local sporting teams and land care groups, responding to natural disasters and emergencies, or helping local charities.
“This year’s Volunteer Grants gives priority to organisations working with individuals or communities experiencing disadvantage, including communities affected by natural disasters—so we encourage organisations in these areas to apply.
“This funding demonstrates the Government’s commitment to supporting the volunteers who give their time to help others and encourage social harmony,” Mr Porter said.
Applications for Volunteer Grants close 2pm AEDT, Wednesday 9 December 2015.
For further information go to Alternatively, contact the Volunteer Grants 2015 Hotline on freecall 1800 183 374 or sends e-mail).
Seeking Pittwater's local heroes
Nominations are now open for Pittwater’s 2016 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards to be announced at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.
Residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding citizens who have contributed to their community in one of three categories: Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year.
Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson applauded the many volunteers who give their time generously for the benefit of others.
“These people are often considered experts in their fields which cover bushcare, aged care, lifesaving, emergency services, coastal patrol and youth and community services to name just a few,” she said.
“It is a great opportunity to recognise residents who work tirelessly behind the scenes making a significant contribution to their community.”
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge their contribution and to say thank you,” added Cr Ferguson.
Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards Reception and at celebrations at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport on 26 January 2016.
Nomination forms for the Awards can be completed online or downloaded at copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Entries for the Awards close on Friday 27 November 2015.Nominations can be mailed to: Community Relations Team, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale, NSW 1660 or emailed
Enquiries relating to the Awards or Pittwater’s Australia Day event can be directed to the Community Relations Team on 9970 1172.
Bush Fire Stories for NSW Rural Fire Service
We are looking to build up a library of bush fire stories and testimonials from members of the public and would like to give you an opportunity to be involved. Sharing these stories can make a big difference in helping other people be better prepared for bush fire. These stories may be shared in our publications, websites and on social media.
If you know of anyone who would like to share their experience of bush fire, please encourage them to submit their story through our website. See the link for information on what we’re looking for and to submit.
Win New Year’s Eve fireworks tickets
Fancy spending New Year’s Eve with your family watching spectacular fireworks in one of the best spots in Sydney?
This could happen because almost 1700 family passes are up for grabs in the Roads and Maritime Services New Year’s Eve competition.
Winners will watch the fireworks above Circular Quay from the Cahill Expressway, which will be a specially designated family area only accessible by ticket.
Entrants go into the draw to win a family pass of five tickets to watch either the 9pm or midnight fireworks.
Entries close at 11.59pm on Friday 27 November, and are restricted to one entry per household.
Good luck!
Enter the New Year’s Eve on the Cahill Expressway competition here
Layne Beachley Foundation launches national scholarship grants for girls and women with two new categories for 2016
“ Academia and Education” and “ Science and Technology”.
The Layne Beachley Foundation “Aim For The Stars” has announced the launch of their 2016 national scholarship program for girls and women looking for that extra financial support to achieve their goals in their chosen field of pursuit - and this year they are looking to double their grants. The program open to *girls and women across Australia, offers scholarships for individuals and for groups with a keen focus this year on seven fields of pursuit: Academia and Education, Arts, Media and Entertainment, Business and Leadership, Culture and Community, Environment and Sustainability, Science and Technology, and Sport. Since its 2003 launch, The Layne Beachley Foundation has transformed dreams into reality for more than 400 females Australia-wide in a diverse range of areas including opera, ballet, marine science, diving, literacy education, rally driving, BMX, equestrian, environment and hockey.
Says Layne Beachley, “this program is my way of giving back to a community that supported me in a catalyst moment, when I was working extreme hours, had little time to train and had the world championships in my vision. A $3,000 grant was the catalyst moment which allowed me to travel internationally and for the first time not sleep in my surfboard bag but in a hotel”.
“To this day I remember this moment that changed my life, and now through my foundation I want to support the goals and dreams of aspiring girls and women, emerging leaders in their field that have the potential to reach their dreams and at the same time put back into their field of pursuit and mentor the next generation” said Beachley.
For students keenly following their field of pursuit, The Layne Beachley Foundation provides a solid platform for engagement and advocacy for girls and women looking to learn, to grow and to succeed with a spotlight in 2016 on Science and Technology, and Academia and Education.
The Foundation focuses on assisting girls and women to achieve their goals, while matching grant recipients with a mentor for the year, and flying them to meet Layne in Sydney and attend a 2-day mentoring workshop, with further online materials across the 12 month period.
“Any hard-working female who is committed to pursuing her passion and needs financial support deserves a helping hand and can apply for an Aim for the Stars 2016 Scholarship by the due date.”
Successful applicants will receive a financial grant in accordance with the following amounts and conditions: $4,000 – ‘Individual’ Scholarship, 1 person 12 years and above and $6,000 – ‘Group’ Scholarship, 2 or more people 12 years and above
In recognition of where it all started for Layne and her quest to win her first world championship, the Foundation through the generous support of Clubs NSW are excited to announce the inaugural Layne Beachley Foundation Scholarship.
This $4,000 grant will be awarded to a girl or young women living in the Manly Warringah area, who is looking for that extra financial support to pursue her dreams and aspirations.
To be eligible applicants must be 12 years of age and above, be an Australian resident and have the passion and drive to achieve a dream their dream.
Applications are also open in the following areas:
- Academia and Education
- Arts and Entertainment
- Business and Leadership
- Culture and Community Development
- Environment and Sustainability
- Science and Technology
- Sport
To apply:
1. Go to the scholarship application page
2. Select 'Foundation' from the Pursuit Category drop down box
3. Complete the required fields and click SUBMIT
Applications close on 13 November 2015
If you have any further questions please email Kelly Holcroft, Head of Scholarships, Grants and Alumni or phone 0422 600 733.
Applications close November 13th, 2015, and can be completed online at
Palm Beach Sailing Club - Beware the Bullets Regatta 2015
To be held in conjunction with F18 Association - NSW Travellers Series 21st and 22nd November 2015 at Sand Point, Iluka Road, Palm Beach
Saturday 21st November
11:00am Briefing
12:30pm First race (not before this time)
Sunday 22nd November
9:30am Briefing
11:00am First race. No racing start after 3pm
Organising Authority & Venue: Palm Beach Sailing Club Inc., cnr Barrenjoey and Iluka Rds, Palm Beach NSW. Rigging and briefings will be held on the beach at Sand Pt, end of Sand Pt Lane, Palm Beach. Racing will be held within Pittwater and/or the enclosed waters of Broken Bay, NSW.
All off the beach boats welcome and forms part of the NSW F18 Travellers Series. Come and enjoy 2 days of awesome racing on stunning Pittwater amongst a friendly, welcoming Club. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to any fellow sailors who may be interested. Look forward to welcoming you all
All off-the-beach multihulls are eligible to compete. At least one member of each crew has to be a member of a sailing club or class association with ISAF affiliation. 5 boats constitutes a class, any classes with fewer than 5 boats will race in a miscellaneous division decided on yardstick.
Find out more at: and on Facebook page

Commencing Saturday 7 November, and continuing over Summer, the Harbour Trust is now offering Saturday guided tours for our very popular North Fort tours. Our regular Sunday tours continue but you can now experience the WWII tunnels and more on Saturdays too. Visit our North Fort Tours page for more information. Want to see underground WWII tunnels? Take a 70 minute (approx) guided tour through WWII tunnels, gun emplacements and more at North Fort. Hear how North Fort contributed to the Defence of Sydney and enjoy magnificent views of the harbour.
When: Every Sunday (all year) & every Saturday (Summer from November to end February).
Times: Sundays - 10:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm. Saturdays – 10:30am & 1pm
Cost: $7 adult, $5 child/concession, $20 family (two adults and up to three concessions). Please note payments can be made in cash or via EFTPOS but there is no ATM on site.
Bookings: Saturdays & Sundays on site for that day only (Please note maximum participant numbers per tour apply).
Where: North Fort - North Head Scenic Drive, Manly.
By car: Drive along North Head Scenic Drive, through Parkhill Archway and past roundabout. Continue for approx 2 kms. The entrance to North Fort is on your left and signposted. Follow the driveway through the stone wall to the car park inside. The Visitor Centre is next to the car park near the stone wall.
By foot: As above or if coming from Shelly Beach, walk through North Head Sanctuary (former School of Artillery) along the internal North Fort Rd and through the stone wall. Follow the road around to your right. The Visitor Centre is on your right below the car park.
Conditions: Tour includes bush tracks, steep stairs and underground tunnels. A moderate level of fitness and reasonable mobility is required and visitors must wear sensible footwear.
Group Tours: Group tours are also available Mon - Fri by appointment. Minimum group size of 15, subject to guide availability.
Tel: (02) 8969 2100 - Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Please note in the event that a fire danger rating of extreme or catastrophic in the Greater Sydney region (area 4) is in place, as advised by Rural Fire Service, North Head will be closed.

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 5 years / M
BREED: Kelpie X Foxy
Joey is an active dog with a sooky affectionate nature on. On a walk he pays no attention to cars but can bark at passing dogs. He loves a run and enjoyed pats & cuddles. He knows sit. He has long legs so secure fencing is a must. Joey has lots of energy so needs twice daily exercise and a family who will let him gain some more confidence. He has a smooth coat and weighs 8.3kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
Streamlining rural and regional planning
03.11.2015: Ministerial Media Release - The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Planning Minister Rob Stokes today announced home owners and businesses in 110 rural and regional council areas can now fast-track their building projects.
Mr Stokes said builders and renovators will now be able to get on with their construction projects through changes to the complying development process.
Complying development allows quick approval for straightforward works provided they meet pre-determined criteria assessed by a council or private certifier. Approvals can be issued on average within 18 days, compared to the average determination time for a full development application of 70 days.
“People who take advantage of the new rules will save time and money, and be able to deliver their projects faster,” Mr Stokes said.
“We listened to councils, industry and businesses who told us previous notification requirements made complying development in regional and rural areas more expensive, time consuming and confusing.”
The changes to the existing Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 will:
• remove the 14 day pre-approval neighbour notification for residential complying development
• reduce the pre-construction neighbour notification for new buildings and additions.
Applicants are still be required to notify their neighbours two days before construction starts, and people are still encouraged to have an open dialogue with their neighbours to ensure everyone’s aware of works going on.
Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Planning Richard Colless said the changes will benefit householders in rural and regional NSW.
“These changes mean people in rural and regional NSW can make straightforward modifications to their properties quickly and easily,” Mr Colless said.
For more information go to: HERE
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is December 6th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
November 1 - 7, 2015: Issue 238
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 238: FFTF Facilitators Found Faulty: 'No Amalgamation' Chant Continues, RPAYC's Team Leagues Crew Through to Semi Finals in 2015 Busan Cup Women’s International Match Race, Avalon Art Carnival Brings in Galileo, Trick Or Treaters Brighten Pittwater's Saturday Night, Spring Purpled
FFTF Facilitators Found Faulty: 'No Amalgamation' Chant Continues:
Aquatics: RPAYC's Team Leagues Crew Through to Semi Finals in 2015 Busan Cup Women’s International Match Race
Trick Or Treaters Brighten Pittwater's Saturday Night for Halloween 2015 by Joanne Seve
Avalon Art Carnival: THE GAME - A public art festival around Avalon Village, Saturday 7 November – Saturday 21 November
Reflections by George Repin: RAFT POINT
The Girl Who Stole Stockings by Elsbeth Hardie: a recent visitor to Manly shares a few insights on the best personal non fiction history of a relative transported at age 13 and insights into Green Hills post-Andrew Thompson - one for all Kiwis too!
Pictures: Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club's Jack Gale Centre: Official Opening Ceremony by Stephen Collopy
Pittwater Coutas outsmart the wolves in Wattle Cup by Lisa Ratcliff
Food: 10 Minute Spring Salads: great ideas for those who'd rather spend more time enjoying the season than cooking
Held over:
Eddie's Paddling For A Cause: NBI Pittwater Paddle - 8th November 2015
KEEPING COMPANY: SALTWATER - new works by 45 Northern Beaches artists + 'Metamorphosis': exhibition of ceramics by fourteen students graduating from Northern Beaches Campus in Brookvale @ Manly Art Gallery & Museum 30 October — 29 November 2015
Profile: Katarina Wells Clareville Artist Katarina Wells features as our November 2015 Artist of the Month and shares some wonderful visions of her ceramic works. Specializing in Vessels, Animal Sculptures, Totems and Sculptures inspired by the place we all live in, Pittwater, these works communicate a power of observation translated into something as mundane as clay.
History: Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks - Pittwater reserves adjoin our beaches where small green spaces have been set aside so people may picnic, swing, play cricket, tennis, golf, soccer and rugby..or hold markets, let their horses graze...have a dance...
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month November 2015 - Katarina Wells: Ceramics - Vessels. Totems. Sculptures.
My aim is to express a sense of balance and harmony through my work. I hand build my pieces over a period of a few days, to allow the clay to stiffen sufficiently, before adding more coils. This slow process fosters an organic growth, allows for time to step back and observe where a piece intends to go.

Pittwater awarded state excellence for unique heritage work
30 Oct 2015
Pittwater Council was declared a winner in the 2015 Australian Property Institute’s Awards at a presentation last night.
Pittwater received its award in the Preston Rowe Patterson Local Government category for their conservation work on the historic Midholme homestead at Currawong.
Pittwater Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson said she was thrilled that Council had received recognition for this important restoration.
“This was a vital project, carried out to preserve this state heritage-listed building, located offshore at the eco-friendly holiday destination of Currawong Beach Cottages,” she said.
“The project came about through the generosity of the Friends of Currawong and Pittwater Environmental Foundation who funded the project.
“Council staff worked tirelessly to ensure that a significant part of the original materials of the building were retained, with any new materials matching the original such as Welsh slate used on the roof.
“Council staff consulted with the Office of Environment and Heritage to ensure that best practice in conservation principles were adhered to.
“I understand that staff even slept over on occasions at the offshore location to complete the work on schedule,” Cr Ferguson said.
Other works included a newly refurbished veranda, interior walls, floor and ceiling, bathrooms, kitchen and laundry.
“I congratulate our Council staff who took great pride in ensuring that all of the work was completed to a high standard to guarantee this unique heritage property will still be around for many decades to come,” Cr Kylie Ferguson added.
Local community please support
One of Avalon's own, young Trevor Shuttler, esteemed builder and first class soccer player was diagnosed with cancer in late August this year. Trevor has always been involved in the Avalon Soccer Club and community and recently raised funds to purchase the club 2 AED – defibs.
Since this was discovered he has had one kidney removed and is now currently on trial chemo drug to help remove the tumours that he has on his lung and spine.
Like everything this is a long road so we as friends and also the wonderful Avalon community are putting this night together to help, the Shuttler family, get through these coming months as well as being there for the years to come.
With this in mind, we are organizing an evening of light hearted fun with the goal of giving Trevor and the Family a financial hand, any donations/prizes no matter how small would be more than welcome and greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards – Treasure for Trevor Committee
If you think you can help, please contact Jane 0415 961288 Email:
Careel Bay Foreshore Stabilisation Completed
Careel Bay Foreshore is an area that is used by many residents and visitors for water-based recreation. Council is committed to improving access and connection to the foreshore for all users as well as improving the visual amenity of the environment.
Project Description
• Upgrade of roadway amenity, including widening of the road and provision of car parking bays
• Construction of a new structural wall to support road and pedestrian path as well as improve the visual amenity
• Construction of a pedestrian share path to facilitate safe access through the precinct, including beach access by stairs and ramp
• Construction of a dinghy storage area to accommodate 50 dinghies
• Provision of landscaped areas for passive recreation
Visit the completed works at the Careel Bay foreshore at the end of George Street, Avalon. This is a delightful spot to have a picnic while taking in the view. Landscaping includes attractive sandstone blocks that can be used for seating, lawn areas, new pathways and native trees. There is also improved dinghy access to the bay, with new dinghy storage available.

Locals enlist help from Queensland academic on fauna road crossings and fauna corridors for Ingleside
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association has enlisted the help of a Queensland academic in its campaign to improve fauna connectivity in the Ingleside Locality
Associate Professor Daryl Jones of Griffith University, Queensland has been engaged by PNHA to speak at an information evening “Roads, Wildlife Links and Development” at the Tramshed Community Arts Centre. The meeting at 7 pm on Monday 9 November will focus on recent developments in fauna road crossings and fauna corridors and what can be achieved in the Ingleside locality.
Also speaking will be Dr Bradley Law a leading fauna researcher with an interest in the endangered Eastern Pygmy Possum and other local fauna. Free tickets are available through the PNHA website or by emailing
Professor Jones has done numerous studies of fauna road crossings and connectivity, notably the Compton Road Overpass in South East Brisbane, a vegetated land bridge connecting two fauna reserves which spans a four lane arterial road.
His research on the Compton Road overpass, undertaken since its construction in 2005 shows that vegetated overpasses will be used by a wide range of fauna species, including small birds, reptiles and bats.
The Ingleside area is rich in these and other fauna species including endangered species such as the Eastern Pygmy Possum, Giant Burrowing Frog (pictured), Red Crowned Toadlet, Rosenbergs Goanna, and Southern Myotis, a small mouse-like bat. They occur within the precinct and the surrounding bushland reserves. However the proposed Mona Vale Road upgrade and the Ingleside Precinct residential development threaten to disrupt their movement through the precinct, which would lead to isolation and eventual local extinction.
Roadkill data from the end of 2010 to the beginning of 2015 show that 2121 native animals have been killed on our roads in the Northern Beaches including 724 wallabies.
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association is keen to see the best possible outcomes for fauna connectivity throughout Ingleside and has been campaigning with other local environmental groups for good planning in the Ingleside locality.
Giant Burrowing Frog. Photo by J Walsh
Palm Beach Longboarding Club Inc Old Mal – Old Log Rally 2015
IT'S ON – THE PALMY OLD MAL LOG RALLY: if your nine foot plus and single we want you there on the 7th November 2015 so get your entry form for the 2015 Palmy Old Mal Log Rally in. Go to thePalm Beach Longboarders Inc for more details.
The Palmy Old Mal/Log Rally kicks off at 6.30am on Saturday 7th November2015 somewhere along the Palm Beach stretch (look for the tents).
Entries close 3rd November 2015 - first in, best dressed.
Old Mal Rally History
The inaugural Palm Beach Old Mal Rally was held on Saturday March 23, 1996 at Palm Beach, Sydney in conjunction with the council-run Pittwater Festival.
The contest was conceived by the Palm Beach Longboarders Club to promote sportsmanship, competition and traditional surfing. It also aimed to raise funds for The Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) and the club to be actively involved in The Pittwater Festival of 1996.
The contest is about the style and boards used pre-1968 and the judges' aim was to look for classic 60's style of surfing. Manoeuvers such as hang ten, hang five, drop knee turns, soul arch, Standing Island pull-out, stalls, head dips, and of course tube riding were the focus of the day.
ENTRY FORM BELOW Simply click on and 'save as' on your own PC
![]() | PBLB 2015 OMLR Entry Form.pdf Size : 119.493 Kb Type : pdf |

Newport SLSC Members 1st, 2nd and 3rd In Surf Iron Qualifying Series
C/: Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches
What an amazing result by Newport's Kendrick Louis, Dane Farrell and Max Brooks, finishing first, second and third respectively in the opening round of the Surf Iron Qualifying Series at Kurrawa on Sunday October 25th.
With most of the big guns there, Louis and Farrell fought it out most of the way but, in the end, Louis had the faster legs.
''I just stood up first and got the extra inch,'' a modest Louis said.
Coach Trent Herring was thrilled about the performance of his charges. "Just unbelievable,'' he said.
Brooks, who will make his debut in the Nutri Grain series later next month, was behind in the first leg (swim) but made his move on the board and then held his position on the ski.
''That will do his confidence a lot of good,'' Herring said.
Pictures: Farrell, Louis and Brooks after the race. And the close finish. Photos: DAN CAPPS

Free Native Plants for Pittwater Residents
Pittwater Council is providing free native plants for Pittwater residents! Look for our Bushcare stall at:
Mona Vale Markets on 1 November from 10am to 4pm
Avalon Markets on 21 November from 9am to 4pm.
Limit 3 per customer.
Bushland Management staff will be on hand to provide advice and help you put the right plant in the right place!
The 15th Anniversary of "The Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay Timber Boat Festival’’: Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st of November 2015: 10.00am to 4.00pm
The Timber Boat Division at the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay are sprucing up their wooden boats in readiness for their very popular annual Timber Boat Festival. This year the event will be held on Saturday 31st October and Sunday 1st November and attracts around 1,500 boat lovers each year.
A wonderful collection of wooden boats, power and sail, large and small. Classics from Halvorsen, Williams, Herreschoff, Chris Craft, Milcraft and Riva and more will be on display. Many of these boats are old favourites returning but there will be a number of first timers as well. Some resourceful boat lovers have converted commercial trawlers into homes away from home. Others have built their boats themselves.
You will be cordially invited on board any boat which takes your interest, with all boat owners showing off their pride and joy. Have you ever thought about buying, building or renovating a boat yourself? Come along and talk with experienced boat owners and gain the benefit of their passion and their considerable, collective boating skills and knowledge.
Many boats are immaculately painted and varnished with beautifully oiled planked decks. Some display finely decorated and upholstered cabins while others are kind of homely and comfortable just the way their owners like them. Most are an ongoing work in progress. So much of the craftsmanship is just inspirational.
The displays will include interactive demonstrations of electronic navigation equipment, marine antennae for TV and internet, fender systems, rowing dinghies, stainless steel fittings, boat cleaning products, the revolutionary new jet bow thrusters, traditional British Seagull outboard motors and much more.
This festival is not just about looking at boats. The Royal Motor Yacht Club has an excellent bar and bistro where they make the most wonderful array of fine foods from real Aussie hamburgers to full sit down meals at very reasonable prices. There is a children’s menu and the ice cream bar is always a favourite.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club would like to thank our sponsors for their generous support in our 15th anniversary year.
Entry to the Timber Boat Festival is $5.00 for adults with children under 12 free and the show is open between 10am and 4pm on both days.
Contact Timber Boat Festival Shuttle Bus on 0417 558 535. (10.00am to 4.00pm)
Find out more at:
This Changes Everything Screens in Avalon This Wednesday
If you think climate change is a hopeless cause come and see this movie, which argues the climate crisis is our greatest ever opportunity to build a better world.
Book for the special one-time screening at Avalon United Cinemas on Wednesday November 4, at 6.30pm.
Buy tickets ($20.00)here:
An important film on climate change based on Naomi Klein's best-selling book and following her appearance at Sydney's Festival of Dangerous Ideas earlier this year.
NSW strata title laws a boon to developers but not to seniors
29 OCT 2015: National Seniors
Some older people who own home units in NSW may have to sell them under new legislation due to come into force next year, National Seniors says.
Under the new legislation, passed by the state’s parliament on Tuesday, only 75 per cent of strata title owners in a block would have to agree to sell before developers can move in and remodel ageing buildings.
Existing legislation states that 100 per cent of owners have to agree to sell before redevelopment of a block of units goes ahead.
But the new laws, which are due to come into force from 1 July 2016, mean they may have no choice but to sell.
“The state government’s promise of fair compensation for their properties will mean little if residents cannot remain in their local neighbourhoods close to friends, family and support networks,” National Seniors chief executive Michael O’Neill said.
“The trauma, dislocation and social isolation brought on by forced sales will be something many older people are unable to cope with.”
NSW Fair Trading said the new process will apply to new strata title schemes registered after 1 July 2016 but only to existing schemes if the owners’ corporation (body corporate) agrees to opt in to the collective sale and renewal process.
“If more than 50% of votes at a general meeting don’t support the decision to opt in, no further action can be taken,” NSW Fair Trading advised.
More than two million people live and work in strata titled units in NSW.
Fair Trading said a Strata Renewal Advice and Advocacy Program would provide free advice for residents, including an assistance hotline and a free advocacy service for vulnerable residents.
For more information visit the website
Update - Boomerang Bags Sewing the seed of change
We now have 1500 bags!!!
The momentum is building but we need your help. We hope some people can help us out with a small amount of storage space for some bags. Please let us know.
Secondly, we are looking for people interested in doing a workshop in the evening or on weekends. Get together your own group and we will come to you, or let us know what days/times are suitable and we can set up a workshop for you and friends. Please give us your ideas.
It was lovely to see new volunteers again at the workshop this week.
We had a successful day at the Avalon Car Boot Sale and spoke to lots of lovely locals. Picture below.
And last but not least we have a wonderful new Facebook Page due to the talented and enthusiastic Melanie Colling. Please "like" our page: Avalon Boomerang Bags.
Marine Friendly Sunscreen from Surf Life Saving Australia
Did you know that it's estimated that each year 6,000 tons of sunscreen wash off swimmers in oceans and rivers worldwide?
Surf Life Saving Sunscreen Marine Friendly SPF50+ sunscreen helps protect your skin and our unique marine environment at the same time as it's oxybenzone free, and preservative free!
Your purchase supports Surf Life Saving in their efforts to provide safer beaches and communities for all Australians.
Visit the website to find out more.
Newport SLSC: Rowers Wanted
A great result from last week's request for novice rowers. Half a dozen enquiries and one definite new rower. Great stuff, I knew you could do it!
We still need a few more, however. U19 and U23 boys and girls.
No experience necessary, just a desire to have a go.
Surfboat rowing, turning boys and girls into men and women for over a century.
Contact Jay Borthwick 0410 346 740, or Michael King, 0409 581 319.
Cold calling scammers impersonate ASIC staff
29 OCT 2015
Scammers seeking personal and financial details are cold-calling consumers and pretending to be from corporate watchdog the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Warren Day from ASIC’s assessment and intelligence division said anyone who receives such a call should not respond and hang up immediately.
Those who have fallen victim to such a scam or believe their bank, credit union or building society accounts may have been compromised are advised to contact their financial institution without delay.
Day said the scams are intended to trick unsuspecting people into providing their personal details.
“They may even pretend to be from a government agency to appear genuine and may use your information to commit other scams,” he said.
“We encourage the public to be cautious of calls like these.
“If you receive a phone call out of the blue from someone in these circumstances, no matter who they claim to be, simply hang up.”
Those who receive unsolicited emails were advised to delete them without opening, block the sender and never to send money or give your financial details to someone you don’t trust or know.
"If the caller or sender claims to be from a government agency or financial institution, remember that government departments and financial institutions would never ask you for your personal details via cold calls, email or text message," Day said.
Scams should be reported via the “report a scam page” on SCAMwatch or by calling ASIC on 1300 300 630.
Visit ASIC's MoneySmart website for tips on how to avoid being scammed.

Help to Build Barrenjoey High School's Future
BHS are now in full swing with their latest fundraising project which is the building of The Barrenjoey Community Performance Space!
Designed by renowned local architect Richard Cole - this acoustically designed purpose built space will seat an audience of 200, and will play host to many Community and School performing arts programs such as dance, drama, musical concerts, film nights, lectures and so much more!
BHS need your support Community!
If you think you can help, please call Barrenjoey High School 02 99188811 or visit their website
Or leave a message here and we'll get in touch!
More information to follow. This is what we've all been waiting for!
Top; external front of the Barrenjoey Community Performance Space - end of phase 3 – completion
Expanded Support Services For Those Who Wish to Die at Home
Friday 30 October 2015: Media Release
People with a terminal illness who wish to die at home are set to benefit from expanded home support packages funded by the NSW Government.
The packages will now be available to more people in three Local Health Districts -South Western Sydney, Nepean Blue Mountains and Illawarra Shoalhaven. These packages are part of the NSW Government’s statewide, $55 million commitment to community-based palliative care over six years.
Health Minister Jillian Skinner was joined at the Casula Powerhouse today by Member for Holsworthy Melanie Gibbons as she launched a DVD which promotes the Palliative Care Home Support Packages (PEACH) program to general practitioners, patients and carers.
The PEACH packages include personal care during the day, a visit from an evening registered nurse and video support with a night nurse as the patient reaches the end of his or her life. The PEACH program is coordinated in collaboration with not-for- profit health provider Silver Chain.
Since December 2013, 510 people accessing PEACH packages in these three Local Health Districts have been supported to die at home. Similar packages are available in other Local Health Districts across the state.
“Around 80 per cent of Australians tell us they would rather spend their last days with loved ones in their own home than in an acute hospital setting. Flexible packages tailored to the individual’s needs are ensuring more people are fulfilling their wish,” Mrs Skinner said.
Ms Gibbons said: “It’s nice to know terminally ill people have a choice on where they spend their last days and I am pleased our Government is providing this support.”
The PEACH program is a finalist in the 2015 NSW Health Awards in the Patients as Partners category. The awards ceremony will be held on Monday night.
Avalon Craft Cottage Returns to Avalon
The Craft Cottage will be at St Ives Village Centre for one week starting Monday 9th November and will be open all week during normal business hours for the Centre.
A lovely range of handcrafted gift items for you to start your Christmas shopping with something for everyone, from woodwork & jewellery through to silk scarves and beautiful baby wear, plus handcrafted greeting cards.
The stall can be easily found on the upper level, just in from the carpark and near the Concierges desk.
And then, just a matter of weeks later, it is BACK TO AVALON for the group for three days only, Thursday 3rd, Friday 4th & Saturday 5th December, at the Avalon Recreation Centre, in Old Barrenjoey Road.
This is our final show for 2015 and as always it will be a good one with lots of space for the members to spread out and really display their beautiful craft work.
Do remember to check our FACEBOOK page for up-to-date information and please LIKE & SHARE the Avalon Craft Cottage page to spread the word amongst your friends.
Warm regards to all
Maureen Darcy-Smith
FoNLC – Next Forum: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Our Catchment - looking back, looking forward 7pm Monday November 23, 2015 Narrabeen Lakes Public School Hall. 1299 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
Looking Back: Jim Boyce from Manly Warringah Pittwater Historical Society has a fascinating take on looking at historical developments and a talent for telling stories. What major world events shaped the way developments occurred in this catchment? What resources have people sought in this area over time?
Looking Forward: Brent Jacobs is from The Institute of Sustainable Futures. He will alert us to issues we need to be considering as we plan for the future in the light of the impact of Climate Change. Free entry but book your tickets now. Phone: 9905 2135 Email: Judith Bennett
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment
The much loved Doggie Rescue calendar is back, and this year features the adorable Maeko as the cover star. Maeko is one of 11,466 dogs that have been saved from death row through the tireless hard work and dedication of Sydney’s largest private NO KILL animal welfare organisation. These 2016 calendars represent so much more than dates on page, each and every one contributes directly to saving the lives of our best friends.
Maeko was rescued from one of the many pounds around NSW and he represents what happens when abandoned and unloved pets are given a second chance at life thanks to founder and CEO Monika Biernacki;
“The number of dogs facing death row every day in Australia is truly shocking. These beautiful animals all deserve the opportunity to find their forever home and I am so proud that over 11,000 of them are now happily part of their new families”.
The Doggie Rescue calendar forms the main fundraiser for this well respected charity, and with all proceeds going straight back to the organisation, it means that many, many more lives will be saved. If all the calendars find their way into homes around Australia, that represents more than 1200 dogs provided with food, shelter and basic veterinary costs.
There are literally thousands of heartbreaking stories behind these animals, but it is the heartwarming result of every new adoption that provides the drive that keeps Monika and her dedicated volunteers going;
“Doggie Rescue was created to provide a viable NO KILL alternative in Sydney and to educate the public on their lifelong responsibilities when owning a dog. Dogs are not an impulse purchase and people need to become educated about where their new addition has come from. Rescue dogs are very special, most adoptees tell us that in actual fact, the rescue dog has saved them! There is nothing like the love and dedication of a rescued animal. ”
The 2016 DoggieRescue calendar costs just $15 and makes the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. It is available online at or can be purchased by calling 9486 3133 or by visiting the shelter at Ingleside.
The Doggie Rescue calendar will be launched to coincide with Halloween, with a big scary celebration at Doggiewood, Ingleside on 31st October from 10am to 3pm.
Kids dress the part, whether creepy or sweet, and come to DoggieRescue to TRICK or TREAT. Enjoy some spook-tacular fun and lots, lots more - come and see what Halloween has in store! Refuse this invitation if you dare and you will miss out on a Halloween SCARE!!!
We have over 200 dead dogs walking ( DR doggies rescued from death!! ) and more cats and kittens than you think . We need your support so if you cannot join us please spread the word and buy a calendar by following this link….
Movember and Surfing Australia Team Up
Image Credit: Movember
As upper lips begin to twitch in anticipation of the approaching hairy season and people across the country ready themselves for the onslaught of Movember moustaches, Surfing Australia is ready to Mo, today announcing a new partnership with the Movember Foundation.
The Movember Foundation’s quest to change the face of men’s health ties in perfectly with Surfing Australia’s purpose of creating a healthier and happier Australia through experiencing the joy of surfing for life.
Surfing Australia and Movember are challenging the surfing community and all Aussies to get involved as Mo Bros or Mo Sistas - encouraging men to grow and women to support a moustache this Movember.
Men can get involved by growing any style of moustache they see fit over the 30 days of the month. Some might even like to give the ‘Michael Peterson’ a go, as showcased by the legendary surfing cult figure during the height of his powers in the 1970’s.
Movember and Surfing Australia will work together across digital platforms including,, both social media and newsletters as well as at Surfing Australia events.
Movember Foundation’s Paul Villanti, Executive Director of Programs, said the partnership was a great opportunity for men and women in the surfing community to get involved at a grassroots level and make a difference to the health of men across the country.
“Australians love the surf and the beach and a partnership with Surfing Australia will see more Mo’s than ever hit the sand and the waves this Movember,” said Villanti.
Surfing Australia’s CEO Andrew Stark said: “We are very proud to be partnering with Movember Foundation to help drive awareness for such an important national men’s health issue. We look forward to working with the team at Movember and towards achieving some fantastic Mo’s and excellent fundraising results for such an important health issue.”
Join the movement – sign up at to grow, give and support the moustache for the 30 days of Movember.
About the Movember Foundation
The Movember Foundation is a global men’s health charity. The Foundation raises funds that deliver innovative, breakthrough programs that allow men to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Millions have joined the men’s health movement, raising $680 million and funding over 1,000 projects, focusing on prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity.
For more information of the Movember Foundation’s programs and funding and to sign up for this year’s Movember, visit

Creative Creatures Film Festival 2016
Theme 2016
New image or reference to be included in your 3 minute edit is to relate to: “recycling” (plus one only of the previous year items of rabbit, wave or apple)
NOTE: All films must be created specifically for this festival rather than appropriating existing material
To enter please fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee of $30.00
Your registration code will be sent to you on receipt of payment.
Your entry must be delivered to the Avalon Beach Bowling Club on or by January 23, 2016. (look for the recycling bin!)
The final will be held Sunday February 21 at Avalon Beach Bowling Club. There will be a massive even bigger tent if rain is heaven sent and films are shown on a 20 metre square LED screen in rain, hale or shine!
Gates open 1pm - Films start 5pm “Willbe” trophy Presentation 7pm
Submit your entry as a .Mov file on usb or cd and deliver to:
Katy Young c/o Avalon Beach Bowling Club by January 23 2016
What you could win!
Entrants 16+ Years
First prize – $1,000.00, Second prize – $750.00, Third prize – $500.00
Entrants 5 – 15 Years
First prize – $500.00, Second prize – $350.00, Third prize – $250.00
Once again our celebrity judges will be stellar and like the first year, of the highest calibre.
More information at: www.creativecreaturesfilmfestival.2016

Locals Raising Funds for Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary
The Sintang Orangutan Sanctuary in Borneo is quite desperate for money (they are a small non profit group) so our fundraise in Nov is at Bayview and we hope you'll come ? We are hoping that you'll support us with some promotion of the ? It's end of Nov so we have some time BUT need to get organised now.
We are also looking for auction items, so if you have any brilliant ideas we'd love to hear from you. You can also Google up the sanctuary online. Jimmy Smits
started it many decades ago and has devoted his life towards rescuing
and rehabilitating Orangutans. Sadly, time is running out for our magnificent cousins so please help us HELP them.
Many of us are working together to raise funds for these dwindling Orangutans. We live in DY & Bayview and Nth Narrabeen etc and we are committed to protecting & rehabilitating these wonderful but threatened species....our cousins.
The BAYVIEW location is where we have raised funds for other wildlife groups and the owners Sue & Peter Glasson, are THE most aware and compassionate people who open their home & their beautiful views of Pittwater for all to share. Their home was on the ABC's Gardening Australia' program early this year with the incredible Costa.
The funds will go DIRECTLY to the Sintang Sanctuary which is small but effective. The CEO Jimmy Smits has devoted his life to saving Orangutans and works closely with the local community. The money will largely go towards building more enclosures, a fenced rehab site, food, vet expenses , rescuing MORE Orangutans and educating the community. Smits also has an idea about a native seed that MAY replace damn palm oil and further palm oil plantations, that destroys the rainforest. NO rainforest means NO Orangutans.
We will issue receipts to everyone who wants one. There are also online donations available.
For the wild ones
Lindy Stacker M 0409 404570
Critter of the Month- October 2015:
Diamond pythons are typically placid in nature and reluctant to bite. They are mostly arboreal (tree-dwelling) but have been seen on roof-tops, curled up under trees or draped over fence-tops. They prey on rodents, lizards, birds and mammals such as possums. They are constrictors.

They are often seen on the ground which surprises people – given that they are tree snakes. They come to ground to prey on frogs, skinks and fish. Gorgeous little creatures!

What to do if a Snake enters your Home or Property:
1. Do not panic
2. Keep people, children and pets away from the snake
3. If the snake is outside, keep an eye on it and call for advice
4. If the snake is in a room, close the door to that room and call Sydney Wildlife
Snakes have every right to be here and should be treated with respect.
Do NOT attempt to kill ANY snake!!! It is illegal and dangerous. Generally, a snake will only become defensive if it is threatened. Leave them and they will tend to move off of their own accord. Or call Sydney Wildlife to have the animal relocated.
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.

SHOROC Gets Grant to Help Business Reduce Waste Bills and Increase Recycling
October 16, 2015
SHOROC and its partner councils – Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah – have been awarded a $200,000 NSW Government grant to help businesses measure their waste, reduce their waste bills, increase recycling and reduce their impact on the environment.
The Recycling at Work project funds waste assessments for small and medium sized businesses and produces tailored action plans to assist businesses reduce waste and increase recycling. Businesses are assessed by an experienced waste management consultant and eligible businesses can access funding to cover up to half the costs of equipment to enhance their recycling capacity.
SHOROC President and Mayor of Mosman, Cr Peter Abelson says the program will provide free advice and support on how businesses can reduce waste and lower costs by identifying recycling opportunities.
“There are 34,500 businesses in the SHOROC region, some of which could benefit from an independent waste assessment that will help them save money on waste disposal costs and reduce the amount of waste that they send to landfill,” Cr Abelson said.
The program will kick off in Pittwater.
Businesses are invited to register for a FREE waste assessment or find out more by contacting project officer, Ian Mackay a or 0418 602 114. A. Prince Consulting, who has a proven track record in delivering results to businesses has been engaged to conduct assessments of 200 small to medium businesses.
NSW businesses send more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfill each year and more than 70 per cent of this is valuable material, such as food, wood, textiles and plastics that could be recycled.
Small to medium sized businesses generate around 45 per cent of business waste. Reducing their waste makes good business sense and saves valuable water, energy and raw materials. The NSW Government is targeting a 70 per cent recycling rate for business waste by 2021.
To date more than 7,000 businesses across NSW have benefited from the free waste assessment and implemented Waste Reduction Action Plans.
This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy and is part of SHOROC’s Too Good to Waste strategy.
Knitters' Guild Pittwater RSL Group
3rd Nov 2015: 1pm - 4pm
Do you want to knit and crochet?
Do you want to learn new techniques and make new friends ?
Come along to the Northern Beaches brand new knitting group. Meetings held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
Cost: First 2 meetings FREE then $10 to join and $30 annual fee.
Venue: Pittwater RSL Mona Vale. Contact: Maureen North - 9913 1415

$20 million to help those who help others
29 October 2015: Federal Minister for Social Services
Community organisations across Australia are now able to apply for a share of $20 million in grants to support and encourage the work of their volunteers.
In opening the Volunteer Grants 2015 round, Minister for Social Services, the Hon Christian Porter MP, said the funding will help make the work of Australia’s six million volunteers easier, safer and more enjoyable.
“Through these grants of between $1,000 and $5,000, community organisations can purchase much-needed equipment such as computers, contribute to volunteers’ training, or use it to support fundraising efforts.
“Volunteers play a critical role in building stronger and more resilient communities—whether it is by helping out with local sporting teams and land care groups, responding to natural disasters and emergencies, or helping local charities.
“This year’s Volunteer Grants gives priority to organisations working with individuals or communities experiencing disadvantage, including communities affected by natural disasters—so we encourage organisations in these areas to apply.
“This funding demonstrates the Government’s commitment to supporting the volunteers who give their time to help others and encourage social harmony,” Mr Porter said.
Applications for Volunteer Grants close 2pm AEDT, Wednesday 9 December 2015.
For further information go to Alternatively, contact the Volunteer Grants 2015 Hotline on freecall 1800 183 374 or sends e-mail).
Seeking Pittwater's local heroes
Nominations are now open for Pittwater’s 2016 NSW Local Citizen of the Year Awards to be announced at next year’s Australia Day celebrations.
Residents are encouraged to nominate outstanding citizens who have contributed to their community in one of three categories: Pittwater Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year and Sportsperson of the Year.
Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson applauded the many volunteers who give their time generously for the benefit of others.
“These people are often considered experts in their fields which cover bushcare, aged care, lifesaving, emergency services, coastal patrol and youth and community services to name just a few,” she said.
“It is a great opportunity to recognise residents who work tirelessly behind the scenes making a significant contribution to their community.”
“This is our opportunity to acknowledge their contribution and to say thank you,” added Cr Ferguson.
Winners will be announced at an Australia Day Awards Reception and at celebrations at Bert Payne Reserve, Newport on 26 January 2016.
Nomination forms for the Awards can be completed online or downloaded at copies are also available from Council’s customer service centres and libraries at Avalon and Mona Vale.
Entries for the Awards close on Friday 27 November 2015.Nominations can be mailed to: Community Relations Team, Pittwater Council, PO Box 882 Mona Vale, NSW 1660 or emailed
Enquiries relating to the Awards or Pittwater’s Australia Day event can be directed to the Community Relations Team on 9970 1172.
Pittwater Paddle 2015
Show your support on Sunday 8th November 2015 for 2nd annual Pittwater Paddle for NBI, the Northern Beaches' premier community paddling event.
Want to join in the fun this year but don't have a craft? No problemo!
You can hire a kayak or sup as part of the online registration process and it will be delivered to the event ready for you on the day!
How good is that?!
Register NOW at:
21 October 2015: Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust recently placed a proposal for landscaping and park structures at northern end of the former HMAS Platypus site, Neutral Bay on public exhibition.
Following consideration of submissions from the community and stakeholders, the Harbour Trust has approved the landscaping and wharf repair components of the proposal. The approved works comprise planting, creating a paved plaza and reinstating the (lowered) northern end of the wharf.
These landscaping works are the final stage of the remediation works at Platypus, Neutral Bay and will create a new park in the northern area of Platypus.
The assessment of the spiral walkway structure has been deferred. This component was proposed to be undertaken as a separate stage and is currently unfunded. The spiral walkway will be assessed separately.
The works are expected to commence in late 2015 and will take approximately five months to complete.
Click here for more information about the proposal and the planning process.
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion in November
Pittwater High School 30 Year Reunion is on very soon. For Year 12 students from 1985 – our 30 year reunion is creeping up fast! So we need you to buy tickets by 15th October or we may have to cancel the event. That’s less than 2 weeks away!!
So get your tickets fast so we can keep planning for a fantastic catch-up at Bayview Golf Club on 7th November.
All you have to do is click here and follow the instructions.
Tickets are $70 till 15th October and then the price goes up to $75. But we need you to buy now so we don’t risk cancelling the event.
Where – Bayview Golf Club
When – Sat 7th November
Cost - $70 till 15th October, then $75.
Includes – Food & Entertainment, drinks @ club prices
Who – everyone who was in year 10 in 1983, or in year 12 in 1985
Bush Fire Stories for NSW Rural Fire Service
We are looking to build up a library of bush fire stories and testimonials from members of the public and would like to give you an opportunity to be involved. Sharing these stories can make a big difference in helping other people be better prepared for bush fire. These stories may be shared in our publications, websites and on social media.
If you know of anyone who would like to share their experience of bush fire, please encourage them to submit their story through our website. See the link for information on what we’re looking for and to submit.
Layne Beachley Foundation launches national scholarship grants for girls and women with two new categories for 2016
“ Academia and Education” and “ Science and Technology”.
The Layne Beachley Foundation “Aim For The Stars” has announced the launch of their 2016 national scholarship program for girls and women looking for that extra financial support to achieve their goals in their chosen field of pursuit - and this year they are looking to double their grants. The program open to *girls and women across Australia, offers scholarships for individuals and for groups with a keen focus this year on seven fields of pursuit: Academia and Education, Arts, Media and Entertainment, Business and Leadership, Culture and Community, Environment and Sustainability, Science and Technology, and Sport. Since its 2003 launch, The Layne Beachley Foundation has transformed dreams into reality for more than 400 females Australia-wide in a diverse range of areas including opera, ballet, marine science, diving, literacy education, rally driving, BMX, equestrian, environment and hockey.
Says Layne Beachley, “this program is my way of giving back to a community that supported me in a catalyst moment, when I was working extreme hours, had little time to train and had the world championships in my vision. A $3,000 grant was the catalyst moment which allowed me to travel internationally and for the first time not sleep in my surfboard bag but in a hotel”.
“To this day I remember this moment that changed my life, and now through my foundation I want to support the goals and dreams of aspiring girls and women, emerging leaders in their field that have the potential to reach their dreams and at the same time put back into their field of pursuit and mentor the next generation” said Beachley.
For students keenly following their field of pursuit, The Layne Beachley Foundation provides a solid platform for engagement and advocacy for girls and women looking to learn, to grow and to succeed with a spotlight in 2016 on Science and Technology, and Academia and Education.
The Foundation focuses on assisting girls and women to achieve their goals, while matching grant recipients with a mentor for the year, and flying them to meet Layne in Sydney and attend a 2-day mentoring workshop, with further online materials across the 12 month period.
“Any hard-working female who is committed to pursuing her passion and needs financial support deserves a helping hand and can apply for an Aim for the Stars 2016 Scholarship by the due date.”
Successful applicants will receive a financial grant in accordance with the following amounts and conditions: $4,000 – ‘Individual’ Scholarship, 1 person 12 years and above and $6,000 – ‘Group’ Scholarship, 2 or more people 12 years and above
In recognition of where it all started for Layne and her quest to win her first world championship, the Foundation through the generous support of Clubs NSW are excited to announce the inaugural Layne Beachley Foundation Scholarship.
This $4,000 grant will be awarded to a girl or young women living in the Manly Warringah area, who is looking for that extra financial support to pursue her dreams and aspirations.
To be eligible applicants must be 12 years of age and above, be an Australian resident and have the passion and drive to achieve a dream their dream.
Applications are also open in the following areas:
- Academia and Education
- Arts and Entertainment
- Business and Leadership
- Culture and Community Development
- Environment and Sustainability
- Science and Technology
- Sport
To apply:
1. Go to the scholarship application page
2. Select 'Foundation' from the Pursuit Category drop down box
3. Complete the required fields and click SUBMIT
Applications close on 13 November 2015
If you have any further questions please email Kelly Holcroft, Head of Scholarships, Grants and Alumni or phone 0422 600 733.
Applications close November 13th, 2015, and can be completed online at
Palm Beach Sailing Club - Beware the Bullets Regatta 2015
To be held in conjunction with F18 Association - NSW Travellers Series 21st and 22nd November 2015 at Sand Point, Iluka Road, Palm Beach
Saturday 21st November
11:00am Briefing
12:30pm First race (not before this time)
Sunday 22nd November
9:30am Briefing
11:00am First race. No racing start after 3pm
Organising Authority & Venue: Palm Beach Sailing Club Inc., cnr Barrenjoey and Iluka Rds, Palm Beach NSW. Rigging and briefings will be held on the beach at Sand Pt, end of Sand Pt Lane, Palm Beach. Racing will be held within Pittwater and/or the enclosed waters of Broken Bay, NSW.
All off the beach boats welcome and forms part of the NSW F18 Travellers Series. Come and enjoy 2 days of awesome racing on stunning Pittwater amongst a friendly, welcoming Club. Please feel free to pass this invitation on to any fellow sailors who may be interested. Look forward to welcoming you all
All off-the-beach multihulls are eligible to compete. At least one member of each crew has to be a member of a sailing club or class association with ISAF affiliation. 5 boats constitutes a class, any classes with fewer than 5 boats will race in a miscellaneous division decided on yardstick.
Find out more at: and on Facebook page

Commencing Saturday 7 November, and continuing over Summer, the Harbour Trust is now offering Saturday guided tours for our very popular North Fort tours. Our regular Sunday tours continue but you can now experience the WWII tunnels and more on Saturdays too. Visit our North Fort Tours page for more information. Want to see underground WWII tunnels? Take a 70 minute (approx) guided tour through WWII tunnels, gun emplacements and more at North Fort. Hear how North Fort contributed to the Defence of Sydney and enjoy magnificent views of the harbour.
When: Every Sunday (all year) & every Saturday (Summer from November to end February).
Times: Sundays - 10:30am, 11:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm. Saturdays – 10:30am & 1pm
Cost: $7 adult, $5 child/concession, $20 family (two adults and up to three concessions). Please note payments can be made in cash or via EFTPOS but there is no ATM on site.
Bookings: Saturdays & Sundays on site for that day only (Please note maximum participant numbers per tour apply).
Where: North Fort - North Head Scenic Drive, Manly.
By car: Drive along North Head Scenic Drive, through Parkhill Archway and past roundabout. Continue for approx 2 kms. The entrance to North Fort is on your left and signposted. Follow the driveway through the stone wall to the car park inside. The Visitor Centre is next to the car park near the stone wall.
By foot: As above or if coming from Shelly Beach, walk through North Head Sanctuary (former School of Artillery) along the internal North Fort Rd and through the stone wall. Follow the road around to your right. The Visitor Centre is on your right below the car park.
Conditions: Tour includes bush tracks, steep stairs and underground tunnels. A moderate level of fitness and reasonable mobility is required and visitors must wear sensible footwear.
Group Tours: Group tours are also available Mon - Fri by appointment. Minimum group size of 15, subject to guide availability.
Tel: (02) 8969 2100 - Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Please note in the event that a fire danger rating of extreme or catastrophic in the Greater Sydney region (area 4) is in place, as advised by Rural Fire Service, North Head will be closed.
Newport Beach Arts Market
The NEWPORT BEACH ARTS MARKET is the launch event for the annual Newport Sculpture Trail, with the market’s theme “inspired by the sea”.
In 2015 the beach arts market will take place in the heart of Newport from 6 to 9pm on Friday the 13th of November.
For the event, we are looking for street performing artists and market stallholders offering arts, crafts, homewares or services “inspired by the sea”.
We are also offering an opportunity for schools, artist collectives and other community groups to participate in the launch event by creating light sculpture installations to showcase their organisations and work at the launch event for free. Read more here.
For performing artist enquiries call 0415 662 918 or
For market stallholder information and application forms click here
Run a marathon in Japan
If you have ever held a burning desire to run in a marathon in Japan – now’s the time! Mona Vale Library is seeking two Pittwater residents to run in the 2016 Senshu International City Marathon.
Pittwater Council’s friendship with the Tadaoka Town Government in Japan provides local runners with a chance to participate in the marathon in Tadaoka on 21 February 2016.
It’s an exciting opportunity for entrants who must be Pittwater residents, aged 18 and over.
Mona Vale Library Services Manager, Cathy Howie said the exchange visit was a great chance for local runners to experience Japanese culture.
Last year’s participant from Avalon, Lachlan Arnold, couldn’t speak more highly of the warm and hospitable welcome he and his fellow participant, Lisa Tyndall received.
“The people of Tadaoka, from Mayor Wada to all of the people who cheered us on were so welcoming and treated us with the highest level of respect and kindness,” said Mr Arnold.
Mrs Howie said entrants would have their airfare from Sydney to Osaka paid for, along with the costs of accommodation. The period entrants would be away is from 18-23 February 2016.
Participants are expected to have run at least one marathon before and to be Australian citizens.
Those interested can pick up an application pack (with the selection criteria) from Mona Vale Library or download one form the
Please express your interest by email by Friday 6 November 2015. For more information: Heather Thomson: 9970 1614
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan
Pittwater Council is pleased to share Imagine Mona Vale,Engagement Summary for Mona Vale Place Plan. (PDF – 9.64MB)
This engagement summary documents the ideas, inspiration and activations that have been generated for Mona Vale town centre over an 18 month period in consultation with the community and stakeholders. It summarises key elements of the Mona Vale place planning process undertaken between January 2014 and June 2015.
Imagine Mona Vale - Engagement Summary follows on from Mona Vale Snapshot. Mona Vale Snapshot is a scoping document, which provides baseline information about how Mona Vale town centre is operating and offers an explanation of the place planning process that is being applied to Mona Vale.
Feedback has been grouped into themes presented through the recent Urban Talks Series and community engagement activities. These themes have provided the framework for capturing key ideas about place planning. Sometimes overlapping, these themes are the fundamental components of what makes a successful, prosperous place.
Some of the key activations undertaken over this 18 month period were:
• Village Economies Summit and Mona Vale Long Lunch
• Q&A panels
• Workshops and open house
• Staff workshops
• Place making events
• Place audits
• Web and social media
For more details download the Engagement Summary document or visit our website.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/11/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store
Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe.
Keep up to date on their Facebook page

Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 5-6 years / F
BREED: Foxy x
Poppins is a gentle sweet girl who walks well on loose lead and is happy to be picked up by strangers. She takes treats ever so gently. She is social with other dogs and has a very easy nature. She has a short coat and weighs 6.6kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367
Where we work Which day What time
Angophora Reserve 3rd Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Dunes 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Avalon Golf Course 2nd Wednesday 3 - 5:30pm
Careel Creek 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Toongari Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon (8 - 11am in summer)
Bangalley Headland 2nd Sunday 9 to 12noon
Winnererremy Bay 4th Sunday 9 to 12noon
North Bilgola Beach 3rd Monday 9 - 12noon
Algona Reserve 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Plateau Park 1st Friday 8:30 - 11:30am
Church Point
Browns Bay Reserve 1st Tuesday 9 - 12noon
McCarrs Creek Reserve Contact Bushcare Officer To be confirmed
Old Wharf Reserve 3rd Saturday 8 - 11am
Kundibah Reserve 4th Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Beach Basin 1st Saturday 8 - 11am
Mona Vale Dunes 2nd Saturday+3rd Thursday 8:30 - 11:30am
Bungan Beach 4th Sunday 9 - 12noon
Crescent Reserve 3rd Sunday 9 - 12noon
North Newport Beach 4th Saturday 8:30 - 11:30am
Porter Reserve 2nd Saturday 8 - 11am
North Narrabeen
Irrawong Reserve 3rd Saturday 2 - 5pm
Palm Beach
North Palm Beach Dunes 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Scotland Island
Catherine Park 2nd Sunday 10 - 12:30pm
Elizabeth Park 1st Saturday 9 - 12noon
Pathilda Reserve 3rd Saturday 9 - 12noon
Warriewood Wetlands 1st Sunday 8:30 - 11:30am
Whale Beach
Norma Park 1st Friday 9 - 12noon
Western Foreshores
Coopers Point, Elvina Bay 2nd Sunday 10 - 1pm
Rocky Point, Elvina Bay 1st Monday 9 - 12noon
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is November 1st 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE