June 8 - 14, 2014: Issue 166
Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries Runs In Pittwater

Launches and yachts moored at Newport Public Wharf, probably during a Pittwater Regatta This photo is part of the Australian National Maritime Museum’s William Hall collection. The Hall collection combines photographs from both William J Hall and his father William Frederick Hall. Object number 00012150
Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries In Pittwater
A report from soon after the turn of the century, when Pittwater was being promoted as a place to holiday, recounts visitors being dropped off by coach at Church Point and taken across the estuary to the place they were staying by a launch belonging to this holiday/vacation establishment. The place described reads like Scott’s Bay View House, and with a Scott’s boatshed opened around this time, the launch that ferried the guests across the estuary may have been skippered by one of the Scott family members or been one of the numerous residents who found employment through their skills with the mechanics of vessels or being able to navigate them across the relatively calm waters of the estuary. Leighton "Lee" Scott, most certainly took on this kind of employment as a passenger service and then winning the contract for the school launch run in between working in his boatshed. He was a lad of 24-25 when these reports ran:
Newport is one of the best possible picnic spots; It is only twelve miles from Manly, with coach communication twice daily, yet it is far from the madding crowd. Situated on a peninsula, there is on the one hand the bay of Pittwater with its innumerable and oyster rocks ; and, on the other, within ten minutes' walk, there is the ever-restless sea, with its magnificent coast line of headlands, .and beaches, its surf and lagoon bathing, its schnapper fishing., from the rocks, and its grand exploration tours. There is Barrenjoey and its glorious ocean scenery seven miles distant, and there is the mysterious cave near the 'Hole in the Wall,' three miles' walk from Newport, said to have been used in the 'good old days' by the smugglers and escapees. On the way to the cave is the residence of the late W. B. Dalley, in its picturesque demesne, a sight worth seeing, and an ideal picnic spot. Within half-a-mile of the township stands Bushrangers' Hill (noted for its flannel flowers), from the top of which a matchless panorama of land and sea can be obtained. To get to Newport, catch the 9 a.m. or 3 p.m. steamer from Sydney, and you will find the coach waiting at the wharf. The most enjoyable drive takes you over Curl Curl and Dee Why lagoons, through the village of Narrabeen, over Sheep-station Hill, changing coach at Rock Lily Hotel, and then five miles more to Newport. The morning coach lands you there at noon, the afternoon at 6 p.m. Avoid camping under trees for fear of falling wood or the drip after rain or heavy dew. Select an open spot on a rise, yet sheltered by timber. Manly butchers and bakers visit Newport twice weekly, and there is a well-stocked local store, so that you may 'fly light' if you choose. You want rugs or blankets, billycans, plates, pannikins, candle lantern, fishing tackle ,and oyster knives. Make bag bunks, two bags to a bunk; they are the cheapest and best. They keep you clear of damp, ants, &c. A boat can be hired by the week; this is better and cheaper than hiring by the day or hour. Be sure and pull up M'Gair's Creek for one day, and try for whiting on the sandy flats. Land also on the fine reserve, Kuring-gai Chase, and spend a pleasant time amongst the tree ferns in the beautiful shady gullies. Also walk up the mountain track to the top, where a glorious view may be obtained. For black bream a good ground is on the western side of Scotland Island, close Inshore, and with an in-coming tide. Good sport is generally to be obtained here with the 'darkies.' Some five miles from the head, of the bay are the noted flathead grounds, but it would be advisable to obtain the services of a local youngster as pilot, as you might miss the right spot.. If you are fond of fish, and catch them, you can reduce your butcher's account. If you stay at Newport for weeks you can picnic and explore fresh places each day, on the beautiful bay, or along the wild, rugged ocean shore. For variety of pleasure(boating, fishing, shooting, bathing, &c), lovely scenery, beautiful climate, and a real good all-round holiday resort, to be reached and enjoyed at a minimum of expense, I say try Newport— THOS. H. HODGES. IN PRAISE OF NEWPORT. (1905, January 1). Sunday Times(Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7 Section: The Sunday Times Magazine Section.. Retrievedfrom http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article125871481
I will write and tell you about a delightful holiday Flo
and I had a few weeks ago. We had grown rather tired of the Mountains, and
thought a seaside place would be a change, so at last we decided on Pittwater.
We started one Friday afternoon, and, catching the 3 o'clock boat to Manly,
reached it in plenty of time for the Pittwater coach, which left Manly shortly
after4 o'clock, and arrived at Pittwater in time for dinner. Although we had a
12 miles drive by coach, still we did not find it a tiresome one, for the road
was good all the way ; besides, the scenery was so beautiful. All along the
route there was something interesting to look at. Now we were passing through a
forest of tall trees and beautiful cabbage-tree palms, and wildflowers growing
in great profusion; and then suddenly we were confronted in all its grandeur by
the ocean itself- And soon we drove, until Church Point, which is as far as the
coach goes, was reached, and we found ourselves on the shores of Pittwater.
We had made arrangements beforehand as to that coach we would come down by,
so we weren't surprised on leaving the coach to find a small motor launch
waiting to convey us to our destination. After about 10 minutes in the
launch we entered a pretty little bay surrounded almost by mountains, and
picturesquely situated on the side of one of these was the Cottage which was to
be our abode for the next ten days.
Above: Barretts' launch at Newport, Dated: c. 31/12/1908, Digital ID: 18526_a024_000028
Next morning we awoke early and made a tour of inspection, and were delighted with the place, for, besides having a nice orchards, cows, poultry, plenty of milk, eggs, cream, and oysters, we discovered a bathing-place securely fenced off and boats if we cared to fish or row. After breakfast the little launch in which we had come across in the previous evening, and which belonged to the house, was waiting at the pier to take us to see some of the beauty spots round about. That morning we went up as far as the Barrenjoey Heads, which are the entrance to it from the ocean side. On the South Head is the famous Barrenjoey lighthouse. Then we wont round Lion Island into Brisbane Water, on to the mouth of the Hawkesbury River, and on our way back landed at Barrenjoey to inspect the lighthouse, and thence homewards, after having spent a most enjoyable day. Next day we went in quite an opposite direction, and soon found ourselves in the Kuring-gai Chase. Leaving the launch, we followed the path up the mountain. At first we anticipated rather a dreadful climb, but soon the beauty of the flowers and ferns attracted our attention, and so onward we pressed until the summit was reached. Sitting down, we gazed on the surrounding scene — one of the most glorious I had ever looked upon. Down beneath us was the water sparkling like diamonds in the Summer sunshine, and jutting out into it a large isthmus richly clothed in all its beautiful verdure and foliage ;whilst studded here and there among the trees were tiny cottages. Then further on Church Point, and Scotland Island appeared ; and still further on Bayview and Newport. And so our days were spent exploring new places, picnicking, and fishing, until at last the morning came for our departure homewards. And it was rather unwillingly that we bade farewell to beautiful Pittwater. Our board, which was very good, indeed, cost us 30s a week ; and as there were two of us, and we stayed ten days, it came to £4 6s, a slight reduction being made for staying over the week. The coach journey cost 6s return for the two or us, and out fares by tram and ferry Is each, making in all. £4 14s. This covered everything excepting tips, but as everyone has his or her idea on that subject I thought it best to leave 'that item out.— CONSTANCE(Enmore). PITTWATER. (1906, December 23). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 4 Section: The Sunday Times Magazine Section. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article126553173
Then one of the events of the week at Bayview took place— the Narara and her rival, the Hawkesbury, arrived, and much of the population of Bayview gathered on the pier to watch the steamers discharge such parts of their cargoes as had been booked to Bayview. The steamers, then went on their way, and the pier was again deserted.
S.S. Narara, circa 1905, from and courtesy of Eric Mitchell collection.
After a simple breakfast, and a smoke while we washed up, we landed, and looked into the little store, which does duty as a post office, and many other things. We strolled into an orange grove, ate the fruit straight from the trees, and loafed the morning away in the sunshine and out of the wind. Lunch with some friends was followed by our taking them but for a short sail in the boat. We drifted off Bayview, and admired from the water the tall, well-wooded cliffs— barriers against the southerlies, sou'- westers, and westerlies, which make Sydney sometimes bleak and unpleasant in the winter; the shore to Church Point bathed in the afternoon sun, the fine outline ofScotland Island, the white beach at Smoky Corner; Barrenjoey, black and grim; Mount Elliott, mid channel, like a huge lion guarding the entrance of the Bay; and in the blue haze of distance the volcanic shaped hills beyond Brisbane Water. All was calm and still; the blue smoke from the chimneys of the sparse houses rose undisturbed- even by a zephyr. An occasional lowing of cattle in the distance, the deep, sweet note of a magpie, seemed only to add to the peacefulness, and we city workers revelled in it. The motor-bus from Manly brought us one of the ship's company and a hamper. We wandered through orchards and orange groves during the rest of the afternoon, and in the evening dined with our friends. It was comfortable sitting round a gum-log fire, but an early start was imperative, as we wished to do some outside fishing on our way home, and we thought it advisable to have a few hours' sleep before getting under weigh. A BRIEF RESPITE. (1907, August 10). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article112640051
With the growing number of residents and visitors, local launches for moving children to school (Newport) and used to ferry visitors around in some cases belonged to establishments. Although there were still regular ferries plying to and from Pittwater into this era, expansions, keeping people moving, keeping Pittwater connected and trying to get a tramline extended to the area was a focus for local businesses.
MR. O'SULLIVAN AT PITTWATER. According to promise, Mr. O'Sullivan (Minister for Works) paid a visit on Saturday to Pittwater, in order to inspect the route of the proposed tram from Manly. A coach left Manly shortly after 10. and among the party were Mr. D. Thomson, M.L.A., the Mayor (Alderman W. H. Fletcher), Mayor of Paddington (Alderman Tom West),Messrs. Dan Farrell, T. C. Haylock, H. Townsend, Robey, E. Ridge, and S. L. Ridge (secretary). The basin at Long Reef was visited on the way, and its suitability as a haven for boats pointed out; also the advisability of forming a road, thus giving the public access to the basin. At Bayview the party was augmented by Messrs. G. S. Brock, S. Morrison, and J. J. Roche. A trip in a steam launch gave the party a view of the beauties of Kurring-gai Chase and other points of interest. A landing was effected at Newport, where the party sat down to an excellent luncheon at Gregg's Newport Hotel. The Mayor of Manly presided. In responding to the toast of 'The Ministry, proposed by Mr. T. West, Mr. O'Sullivan said his Cabinet had earned a name in history for sending the contingents to help the mother land in South Africa. His colleagues had also passed fifty measures in four months. He would very much like to see Sydney lit by electricity. Among bills he had in view were measures to carry out the city railway, the North Sydney Bridge, and one to mitigate the effects of drought by boring and by the conservation of water. Mr. O'Sullivan also said it was remarkable so few people in Sydney knew anything of the beauties of' the scenery of the district they had that day passed through. He would not promise that the money for the proposed tram would go on the Estimates, or that the line would be brought before the Public Works Committee just yet. He would, however, have a complete report and survey made, which would enable him to submit the scheme to the Cabinet, and he would endeavor to have it sent on to the committee as early as possible. He had been instrumental in having a work carried out that would prove a great benefit to the district, and that was the tram from Mosman to the Spit Ferry. While he was Minister for Public Works he would not forget the tram from Manly to Pittwater. MR. O'SULLIYAN AT PITTWATER. (1900, January 30). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117029044
Moving people to and fro across the estuary stretches as far back as people have been in Pittwater. Mr Collins ferrying Samuel Morrison in a simple rowboat, the Ku-Ring-Gai Chase, and its extensions being opened to campers. With more people coming a reliable and regular ferry service to the western shores or over to the eastern shores became feasible as a paying concern. Talented local boat builders at Church Point, Bayview, and Newport; a cavalcade of local watermen from Barrett’s launch to the Riddles, the Williams, Charles Wymark at Church Point, through to men such Lovett Bay’s Bill Roberts and his belief that his water taxi service was to connect the peoples of Scotland Island, a promise his wife honoured after his tragic death, the Goddards at Palm Beach, Lenny Duck the legend, Mr Peter Verrills connecting the estuary with Ettalong after a lapse of a few years during the 1980’s, the Curlew, the Grower, the milk and paper runs, Mr Bennett and Mr Steward, Mr Duff; there is a long long list of names, and each, as always, warrants a volume or two….which we will get to…after a perusal of the main points east and west: Church Point and Palm Beach.
A good place to see this expansion is in the contracts to build sheds on public wharves for landing of goods and storage of these, and for shelter for passengers, some of these fell into disrepair and were rebuilt by those who needed to utilise them for landing fish, as in the case of the Careel Bay wharf, others were the responsibility of those in state and local government:
Department of Public Works. Harbours and Rivers Branch, Sydney, October 25 1892. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up till 11 o'clock on TUESDAY Next, the 1st November, from persons willing to undertake the Erection of a Shed on the Wharf at Church Point, Pittwater. Specification can be seen, and further particulars obtained, at the office of the Engineer-in-Chief for Harbours and Rivers. Sydney. C W DARLEY, Engineer-in-Chief for Harbours and Rivers Department of Lands. Advertising. (1892, October 29). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article13884334
In December 1900 the Bayview wharf was officially opened.
The Shire Council of Warringah has decided to carry out a number of repairs to the Clareville wharf at Pittwater. – A large shed is also to be built upon the wharf. Tenders are called for this work. GENERAL NOTES. (1921, July 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15943054
From the page we ran on the Elvina: "Some sources state the Church Point Ferry service began in 1924 others favour 1940. As the first ever school ferry in NSW commenced from this wharf in 1900 in the form of the launch Patonga, there was definitely a ferry service at Church Point then. One of the first 1924 drivers was a demobbed Norwegian seaman, Einar Holst Fredriksen"
The Cargo Wharf on Scotland Island appears in records as having finished construction by 1920. Mr Charles Wymark was hiring and running vessels at this time.
At Palm Beach W J Goddard and sons began a northern estuary enterprise in 1917 with a fair amount of boat-building and boat running experience:
An old identity of North Sydney in the person of William Rueben Goddard, died at his residence in West-Street Blues Point, on Saturday, aged 68 years. Mr. Goddard, though a native of England, was brought out to Sydney by his parents when only two years of age, so that he spent 66 years at Blue’s Point.
It was as a boat builder that he became known to the people of North Sydney, and he won a big reputation as a designer of small craft—skiffs, dinghies, buteder boats and model yachts. In fact, he was recognised as an expert in this particular branch of the Industry. After passing through his apprenticeship to the late Mr. W. Dunn, of Lavender Bay, he opened some 40 years ago, his own building shed in Berry’s Bay upon the site now occupied by Mr. J. W. Eaton's timber yards. Later he erected the present sheds, where for about 20 years he was actively engaged in building skiffs and dinghies for almost every aquatic man on the north side of the harbor, and for the Royal Navy. In addition, he designed and built innumerable flood boats for the country, inland boats for trading purposes, and fishing craft in great variety. Among his numerous clients were Messrs. T.A. Dibbs, H. H. Massie, R. J. Black, M.L.C., the late W. A. Adams, Geo. Crowley, M'Donald, and the late Robert Moodie and Deltrach.
Mr. Goddard, known to a great many as ‘Billy’ Goddard, had a wide circle of friends and nothing gave him greater pleasure then to see them trying out his skiffs and determining the merits of this or that design. But he was never tempted to build racing skiffs or wager boats, a branch of the trade he was often asked to take up. As a designer and builder of model yachts he was considered the best of his time, and he at all times took a keen Interest in the model yacht contests at Centennial and Moore Parks. He was a great sufferer for two years prior to his death. He left behind him four sons and two daughters, the eldest son. Mr. W. J. Goddard, being the well-known motor launch builder of Rose Bay. Picture: THE LATE MR. GODDARD. BILLY GOODARD. ILLUSTRATED (1916, February 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115845669
The Goddard men were renowned in Palm Beach SLSC and were firm friends with the already resident Gonsalves and Verrills families, were the men called by a succession of Barrenjoey lightkeepers when people were in distress at sea. In between escapades and rescue efforts, they built yachts, launches and opened a shop:
MOTOR LAUNCH FOR HAWKESBURY RIVER. A motor launch, to be utilised for passenger service on the Hawkesbury River, for Mr A Deas, has been completed by Mr. W .J. Goddard, of Palm Beach, Pittwater, and was launched on Saturday. The dimensions are length 43ft overall, 12ft beam, and 4ft moulded depth. She is planked with New Zealand kauri, with a spotted gum frame. The cabin is finished in Queensland maple. The vessel has seating accommodation for 74 passengers and is designed for a speed of 10 miles. The launching was somewhat novel as the boat was built a quarter of a mile form the water. MOTOR LAUNCH FOR HAWKESBURY RIVER. (1922, October 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16049122
Men's Struggle To Save Yachts. SYDNEY, Saturday.— In mountainous seas which raged off Palm Beach yesterday and last night gallant work was per formed by W J and A Goddard and S. Gonsalves in rescuing two fine yachts which had broken adrift from their moorings. It was not until after midnight that they completed their job. According to eye witnesses it was often touch and go whether they would meet with disaster themselves. In addition to the two yachts a launch broke its moorings and eventually piled up on the sands,. Several small boats were swamped in the storm. Men's Struggle To Save Yachts. (1934, February 3). The Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article58633285
Chapman Pup Engines, in putt putts for hire, indicates what boatsheds were here:
C. F. Wymark, Church Point. Pittwater. Andy Riddle, Church Point, Pittwater. Carl Gow. Palm Beach. H. Hollowoy, Palm Beach. W. Goddard and Sons, Palm Beach. Advertising. (1936, January 25). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27995816
AUXILIARY CRUISER BEING BUILT. Mr. Gower Wilson, of Lord Howe Island, who arrived in Sydney by the Morinda yesterday, said that he was having an auxiliary cruiser constructed for use at Lord Howe Island. The vessel, which is being built at Palm Beach, will be 32 feet in length, and will have a 10-foot beam. Engines will be of 30 horse power. Manned by Messrs. W. Goddard, W. Hammill, Alan Wilson, and Gower Wilson, the cruiser will leave for Lord Howe Island towards the end of October. AUXILIARY CRUISER BEING BUILT. (1936, October 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17277279
NO NEWS OF MISTRAL. Expected to Reach Melbourne To-morrow. SYDNEY, Thursday.-Although the yacht Mistral has not been reported since it left Palm Beach for Melbourne last Sunday, no anxiety is felt for its safety. Mrs. W. Goddard, of Palm Beach, whose husband is one of the crew, said to-day the party intended to keep well out to sea, and approach the coast only in heavy weather. The yacht is expected to reach Melbourne late on Saturday or early on Sunday. NO NEWS OF MISTRAL. (1937, August 6). Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article68442921
MISTRAL NOW IN VICTORIA. THE Sydney-built motor yacht,. Mistral II, which was originally owned by the late E. P. Simpson, and sold recently to Mr. W. J. Wallis, of Melbourne, a big-game fisherman, has left for her new -headquarters in the Victorian capital. The craft left Sydney on August 1, made a good trip as far as Bermagui, where she sheltered from rough seas. MR. WALLIS was in command and found Mistral a wonderful sea boat. The craft: was manned by a small crew of experts, Messrs .W.J. Goddard, W. Marshall, and A. Cox. Mistral arrived- safely at – Melbourne last week-end, but will soon be back on the N.S. Wales coast chasing the marlin. MISTRAL NOW IN VICTORIA. (1937, August 12). Referee(Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 24. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article127616463
W. J. GODDARD and SONS. BUILDERS OF BOAT'S SINCE 1883. A LIFE'S Practical Experience at your service. PALM BEACH, N.S.W. Advertising. (1937, December 18). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17432572
PITTWATER REGATTA. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 27 December 1937 p 11 Article ...An all day programme of sailing motor boating, professional rowing and aeroplane events will be provided at the Pittwater regatta to-day. day The aerial ... trophy 2 p m cruiser handicap for W J Goddard trophy
EXPLOSION IN LAUNCH. Bank Manager Injured. SYDNEY, January 9. When an explosion occurred in a large launch alongside a jetty at W. J. Goddard's boatshed at Palm Beach today, a man was seriously Injured and two others were severely burned. The Injured were: John Clarence Folkard (41), manager of the Commonwealth Bank at Woonona; fractured skull, abrasions to legs, body and face" and burns. Admitted to Manly Hospital. Harold Arnott, of Strathfield; burns about arms and face. Walter Goddard (38), of Palm Beach; burns and abrasions. The launch was owned by Mr. Arnott and the explosion occurred when the engine was being started by Goddard, preparatory to the launch being taken to sea. The explosion blew the top off the launch's cabin and part of it fell back on the three men. Folkard was knocked unconscious and Arnott also was dazed. Persons attracted to the jetty by the explosion got the men out of the launch before the main petrol tank caught fire. The launch was burned to the water's edge and extensive fishing tackle and costly interior fittings were reduced to a heap of charred debris. EXPLOSION IN LAUNCH. (1938, January 10). The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article29211210
PALM BEACH LIQUOR. Licence for Store. Without hearing the address by counsel for the applicant, the full bench of the Licensing Court yesterday granted an application for a spirit merchant’s licence made by William Joseph Goddard, storekeeper, of Iluka and Barrenjoey Roads Palm Beach
Mr Scobie, L.M., said that the Court had heard no opposition to the licence from local residents. The only opposition had come from the police, the licensee of the nearest hotel and from one civilian who was not a resident at Palm Beach.
The Court was inclined to agree with evidence that there was no other place within the metropolitan area of the importance of Palm Beach where the nearest licensed premises were of more then six miles distant.
Evidence was given by Mr. Creswell O’Reilly, Chief Film Censor, who said that he had a week-end cottage at Palm Beach for 18 years and had never heard anybody there complain about the lack of facilities for buying liquor. He considered the normal liquor requirements of Palm Beach residents were met by the regular deliveries of reputable city firms.
To Mr. J W M Laidlaw (for Goddard) Mr. O Reilly denied that he was known throughout the State as an ardent temperance worker. He said he approved of licensed hotels provided they were properly conducted and also of spirit merchant licences in certain circumstances but he did not think such a licence was needed at Palm Beach
Mr. Laidlaw: When did you last have a drink?
Mr. O Reilly: In France during the last war.
The licence granted yesterday will allow Goddard to sell beer, wine and spirits at Palm Beach in quantities of not less than two gallons. PALM REACH LIQUOR. (1941, August 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17755886
BREAK "TO PERPETUATE SWILL AT BARS. Most hotel patrons, publicans and bar employees yesterday opposed the proposed 6.30-7.30 p.m. meal break when 10 o'clock closing is introduced. They said it would perpetuate the "six o'clock swill," and "sabotage" later closing. Publicans strongly criticised the five-minute cut in the period of "grace" to clear bars. " On Wednesday the Premier, Mr. Cahill, said that under 10 o'clock closing, hotels would be compelled to close between 6.30 and 7.30 p.m. The 20-minute grace period now allowed after 6 p.m. for patrons to leave the bars would not apply. Hotels would be required to stop serving liquor about 6.15 p.m. so that all patrons would be out of hotels by 6.30 p.m.
"Plain Sabotage" Of about 30 men questioned in bars yesterday, only two favoured the break. Mr. Walter Goddard, engineer, Palm Beach, said: "I thought the principle of 10 o'clock closing was to get rid of the rushed drinking just before 6 o'clock. "This break business seems to me just plain sabotage of that. "It will just provide ammunition for the wowsers." BREAK "TO PERPETUATE SWILL" AT BARS. (1954, November 28). The Sun-Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1953 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article12642967

We spoke to Peter Verrills regarding this image; the vessel to the left being built is the Wongawill - the big yacht slipped on the south is the Mistral. The date of the image is circa 1945/46.

Records indicate that the Goddards ran a ferry service of sorts from 1919 and in 1932 William commenced a regular ferry service to the western foreshores of Pittwater, running from Palm Beach to Coasters Retreat, The Basin, Stiles’ Wharf at Little Mackerel Beach and Great Mackerel Beach Wharf.
Ten years later the whole lot was sold to the Port Jackson and Manly SS Company. The ferry service at Church Point also closed down a few years later, on February 2nd, 1946 (per Warringah Council records), possibly why the PJSSC sent another ferry to Pittwater - they now had a monopoly on the ferries running on the estuary:
FERRY FOR BROKEN BAY. The Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Company announced yesterday that the Rover is expected to sail to-morrow from Circular Quay to begin a ferry-boat service at Broken Bay. The vessel will join the three other ferries operating in the Palm Beach, Hawkesbury River, and Pittwater-area. During the war the Rover was used as a patrol boat by the R.A.N. FERRY FOR BROKEN BAY. (1946, May 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17992931

Gow's Jetty - Palm Beach Wharf Panorama of Palm Beach and Pittwater, New South Wales, panorama by E B Studios circa 1917 -1946. Image: nla.pic-vn6195128, courtesy National Library of Australia. This is all same photograph - we have enlarged it in portions to show details
Jimmy and Madge Goddard: Jimmy was Arthur's son. Photo courtesy Peter Verrills
Port Jackson & Manly Steamship Company - Warringah Council Records:
30.1.1933: Nuisance: that in regard-to the nuisance arising from sawdust from the Port Jackson and Manly S.S. Company's lease of foreshores at Newport, the Company be asked to remove the sawdust, or the Council will remove it for the Company at a cost of £2,-and-that the Company be also asked to remove the logs at low water mark. By Cr. Austin, seconded by Cr. Hitchcock
13.2.1933: 41) Port Jackson & /2/33, re sawdust nuisance at Company's lease at Newport, requesting Council remove sawdust and debit the Company with. Resolved,' - That the work be proceeded with.
13.3.1933 Smell Nuisances r' Hughes, seconded by Cr. Hitchcock - That it be left to Cr; Hughes and the Inspector to arrange for the removal of the evil-smelling logs on the Port Jackson & S.S. Company's lease and Mrs. Briquet's lease at Newport.
10.4.1933: Cr. Hughes moved that in order to provide a subsidy for a patio of three years, of an amount equal to £1000. per annum for the purpose of cheaper transport from Manly to Newport, with fares not to exceed 1 ½ d. per mile, :this Council ask the member for the district (Mrs Reid) to approach the Government for a contribution of £500 per annum towords such subsidy, with the proviso that the balance' of the subsidy shall be conjointly provided by the Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Company and the Shire Council; further, that the Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Company be written to informing it of the project, and asking whether, in the event of the Government's approval, they will arrange for such service and for conditions as to fares, etc.ett. Cr. Austin: seconded. Carried;
29.1.1934: Damage by vandals to surf life line at Bilgola Beach: "Received" 4. Recommending heightening of ventilator pipes at Newport Surf building: Resolved, - That the matter stand over for Building the present. (Cr. Hughes) 5. Re offensive smell arising from decaying sawdust from Foreshores Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Company lease from the Crown Nuisance Pittwater, Newport: Resolved, - That the Lands Department be asked to take action by communicating with the Company regarding the lease, and a copy of the Inspection report be sent to the Department. (Crs. Hughes, Fox)
22.1.1935: 10. Robson & Cowlishaw, Solicitors, 10/1/35, on behalf of Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Co. Ltd., owners of lots 3, 4 and 5, Beaconsfield Street, Newport, and a Special Lease of four properties adjacent thereto, re proposed residential district at Newport, and the prohibition of certain industries in that area, setting out reasons why the Company's property should be excluded from the area as regards all prohibitions except those relating to noxious trades, and requesting Council to take steps to eliminate it. Referred to the Works Committee for report.
5.2. 1935: Representations made for exclusion from proposed Newport- Residential Barrenjoey Residential District of Port Jackson & Manly S.S. District Company's lease off Beaconsfield Street, Newport; proposed permissive Occupancy to A.R. Chrystal highwater mark off Waterview Street for reclamation and timber wharf: Resolved, - That the Committee’s recommendation be adopted. It was decided that the holder of the Company's Lease be asked to give the area a general clean-up. proposed repairs to track on Bayview Wharf Adopted.
19.3.1935: Local Government Department, 11/3/35, re proposed Residential Districts Nos. 3, 4 and 5, stating that in view of the Port Jackson and Manly S.S. Company's objection, the Minister has decided to hold a Public Inquiry into the proposal, - Received.
1.3.1938 13. Port Jackson & Manly Steamship Co's complaint regarding a drain on the boundary of the Company's Newport property, Newport recommending minor improvements to the drain to prevent possible damage to the Company's wall: Resolved, - That the recommendation be adopted. (Cr. Campbell, and Cr. ????)
24.11.1942: 3. Regarding inquiry from Pittwater Fishing Pty. Ltd. whether Council would have any objection to the Company using the land of the Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Co. at Beaconsfield Street, Newport, for the purpose of drying sea-weed, explaining the proposal, and recommending that the Council give its concurrence on the basis of a sin months' trial, that in the event of Seaweed no nuisance being committed the trade be continued at the pleasure of the Council, subject to any structures erected being in accordance with the Council's rules and conditions, and that proper sanitation facilities be provided in accordance with Ordinance 44: Resolved, - That the Works Committee go into the matter and inspect the site in company with representatives of the applicant Company and representatives of the adjoining owners and report back to the Council. (Ors. Nicholas, McLean)
A familiar song ?:
22.2.1945: CORRESPONDENCE was dealt, with as follows:- (1) Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Co. Ltd., 10/2/45, advising that the Company has been approached by the Great Mackerel Beach Progress Association to place a large box on the wharf At Great Mackerel Beach for the protection of ice, groceries, etc stating that the Company would prefer to lease the wharf from the Council so that they. could erect a shelter shed-free of cost to the Council, the Company to pay a small annual rental, and have the sole right of using the wharf for the landing of passengers, the Council to make good fair wear and tear.-.(23) Great Mackeral Beach Progress Association, :19/1/45 advising that a petition is being signed urging the Council to apply to the Government for Great Mackeral Beach District to be declared a residential District, stating the Association objects to any activity on the part of any person or body which may spoil Great Mackeral Beach and lead to its commercialisation, and asking that before the Council agrees to any proposal affecting one such utility, the Association be given the opportunity of examining any propositions involving transfer of rights to any outside body.
10.4.1945: 24) Great Mackerel Beach Progress Assoc., 3/4/45, expressing appreciation of the Council's action in declining to lease the wharf to the Port Jackson & Manly B.S. Cc , which gives proof of the Council's foresight and determination to preserve the community’s rights, and particularly thanking Crs. Forster , McLean and Waleham for their practical approach. Received
22.1.1946: (10) Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Co., 4/1/46, stating they have been informed the proprietor of the ferry service at Church Point is about to discontinue operations from 2nd inst. and the Company has commenced a ferry service from Church Point to adjoining areas, and requesting permission to erect time-table notice boards on Church Point and other wharves at which calls may be made. Resolved, - That the Company be asked to furnish details of the proposal, and in regard to fares and wharves to be used. (Crs. Dunbar, Forster) (11) A. Fiztgerald, 29/12/45, complaining in regard to camping at Avalon Beach Roberto; stating a "Mission of some kinds booked out most, of the sites, and there is a serious racket in sub-letting sites, and payment of a tip or fee is necessary before a site can be obtained, suggesting that the booking of sites on this reserve be eliminated. Resolved - That the Inspectors report be adopted.
5.2.1946: (38) Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Coy. 25/1/46, forwarding cutting from Manly & Warringah News; giving time table and fares for the ferry for both Palm Beach and Church Point. Resolved, - That permission be given for the erection of notices on wharves for …. pleasure. (Crs. Bathe, 1Wffo)
(43) C. W. Robson, 14/6/46, on behalf of the Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Coy. referring to a natural watercourse through Lot 6, Section 3, Beaconsfield Street, Newport, claiming that water has been diverted on to it by Council work on progress or recently completed, and such flow will have the effect of very seriously Newport deteriorating the land, suggesting that Council lay in adequate Drainage line of pipes in agreed positions, and it will grant an easement for such pipes, and as they have applied to the Lands Department for reclamation rights at the water front, the pipe line will need to be carried to the line of reclamation. Referred to the Works Committee.
15.10.1946: (e) regarding the objection by Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Coy. - That the Department be informed of Council's policy, and that it is considered the Company's activities could be carried out on Lots 3, 1+ and C. 51 and therefore Lots 6 and 7 be included in the Residential District. (Cr. Waltham left at this stage.)
(5) Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Co., 5/2/47, requesting that kerbing and guttering be extended along Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach, as far as the recreation area, as at present the Company Store at the corner of Barrenjoey and Iluka Roads is flooded by stormwater. Resolved, That the Company be informed this work has already been approved.
1.4.1947: Re-proclamation of Residential Districts – Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Coy's request at the Government-Inquiry that their land at Newport in Residential District No. 3 be taken out of that district into Residential District . No. 6. Residential- Cr. Harris reported verbally on his attendance at the inquiry Districts on 25th ult. After considerable discussion it was resolved - That the ‘A’ Riding Councillors confer with the Shire Solicitors before the Inquiry is resumed on 9th inst., with power to come to a decision. (Crs. Forster, Walsham)
13.5.1947: 67) J. W. Haund C: Kelynack, 8/5/47 submitting form of resolution which should be passed regarding exclusion of Lots 6 and 7, Beaconsfield Street, Newport, from Residential Area No 39 Resolved, - That the Council expresses it to have been its intention in its resolution of 1st April 1947, that the Council did not agree to the request of the Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Coy. Ltd. to add Lots 6 and 7 facing Beaconsfield Street to Residential District No. 6, and that the Council objected to any exclusion or exception in respect of Lots 6 and 7 fronting Beaconsfield Street, which exclusion or exception did not apply generally to all other lands and premises in the Residential District No. 3 within the Shire. (Crs. Walsham and Morrow)
Across the blue water for a camping holiday. (1950, December 30). The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article47806278
12.5.1952: (21) J. B. Cane, 10/5/52, regarding proposed widening of Barrenjoey Road, Newport Beach, stating that it will be some years before the work is put in hand, and requesting that the Council approve of the erection of good type temporary premises on part Lot 18, D.P. 0248 owned by Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Co., on the following conditions - Barrenioev (a) The Main Roads Department to approve of the scheme and undertake that there will be no disturbance within five years from 1st December,1952; (b) subject to clause 1, Indaning no compensation to be payable in connection with the temporary structure; and (e) plans of buildings and drainage to be submitted to Council for approval. 52. Resolved, - That the Council approve, in principle, of this proposal, subject to approval by the Main Roads Department, and the submission of satisfactory plans and specifications, and the completion, to the satisfaction of the Legal Officer, of any legal matters involved. (Crs. McKay, Hewitt. This is page Number 9 of the Minutes of the'Ordinary Meeting of Warringah Shire Council held on 12th May, 1952
1.9.1952: By Cr. McKay - Will you arrange a conference of A. ceding Councillors, to be accompanied by yourself and the Shire Engineer, to inspect and discuss a private jetty located at Pittwater, south of the Port Jackson Ferry Company's site?
4.5. 1959: Palm Beach Citizens Association, 24/4/59, drawing attention to the lack of a public convenience in the villages on the Peninsula, the want being particularly obvious in or near the shopping centre at the Port Jackson Co's wharf at Palm Beach, and asking that consideration be given to the provision of this necessary amenity. 2$. Resolved that this matter be referred to the Works Committee for coanition, and estimates if necessary, and report back to Council.
13.5.1963: MOTIONS IN PURSUANCE OF NOTICE. (1) BARRENJOEY AND ILUKA ROADS PALM BEACH. Request by Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Company Limited for 12 months extension to Town Planning Consent No; 62/13 for change of usage to Hotel and Restaurant - Pt. Lot 5; Lot B, resub 6, and Lots 7/8 D.P.12979. Notice having been given by Crs Pickett-Reaps, Lindsay and Beckman, Cr. Pickett-Heaps moved, That minute No. 12 of the Town Planning Development Committee Meeting 6.5.63 reading:- "that the consent be renewed for a further 12 months and the applicants be advised Council will not consent to any extension beyond 19.5.64" be and is hereby rescinded. The motion was seconded by Cr. Beckman. , An amendment was moved by Cr. Jones, seconded by Cr. Beck-"J- man, That the Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Co. Ltd. be given 90 days in which to lodge plans and specifications and submit a building application,Cr.• Pickett-Heaps then withdrew his motion, with the consent of the seconder. 22., The amendment then became the MOTION and was CARRIED:
25.11. 1963: (d) PUBLIC WHARVES IN THE SHIRE. Cr. Pickett Heaps moved in pursuance of notice, That the sum of £10,000 be set aside in the 1964 Estimates for the extension of the Public Wharves at Careel Bay and Palm Beach, and the establishment of a Public Wharf south of Sandy Point, at the end of Nabilla Road, Palm Beach, to replace that now closed and being removed by the Port Jackson & Manly S.S. Company at the northern end of Iluka Road, in order to adequately accommodate the ferry and goods transport services essential to the Western shores of Pittwater and the growing demand of the public for these facilities, and to properly cater for the fishing industry in the general interest of the ratepayers and residents. The motion was seconded by Cr. Miles. An Amendment was moved by Cr. Gold, seconded by Cr. Mill, That an application be made to have the Governor proclaim Public Wharves as a National Work. 34. The AMENDMENT was CARRIED, and as the MOTION was again CARRIED.'
13.1.1969: BUSINESS WITHOUT NOTICE INTRODUCED BY CR. G. ANDERSON HOVERCRAFT PASSENGER SERVICE TO SUITABLE COASTAL LOCATIONS IN THE WARRINGAH SHIRE Cr Anderson sought permission from the Council to introduce a matter of urgency concerning this matter and it was Moved by Cr. Beckman, seconded by Cr. Sainsbery, that this item be dealt with as one of great urgency. CARRIED 66 Moved by Cr. Anderson, seconded by Cr. Beckman, that the Warringah Shire Council compliments the Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Company for their enterprise in arranging for the Managing Director, Mr. J.C.Noedhen’s overseas trip to investigate hovercraft development with a view to improving Sydney harbour passenger transport and suggest he also explore the possibility of extending hovercraft passenger services to suitable coastal locations in the Warringah Shire. 67 An Amendment was moved by Cr. Farrell, seconded by Cr. Burke, that this Council suggests to the Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Company that while he is on his overseas trip, Mr.Needham also explores the possibility of extending hovercraft passenger services to suitable coastal locations in Warringah Shire. THE AMENDMENT
Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries Runs In Pittwater - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2014.