October 21 -27, 2012: Issue 81

Deborah Carter, MC.

Harry Crampton, President Pittwater RSL Sub-Branch presents Living Treasures award to Wally Williams. Mr Williams turned 90 on 10 October. He is an ex POW in Singapore in the 2nd 19th BN.

Harry Crampton, President Pittwater RSL Sub-Branch presents Living Treasures award to Gwynneth Ross
Living Treasures Presentation Sunday 14th, October, 2012
words by Deborah Carter, photos by Michael Mannington
Last Sunday, to recognise the huge contribution many of our local residents have made in their youth, Pittwater RSL hosted their Sub-Branch’s Living Treasures luncheon and presentation. An initiative of Deborah Carter, Welfare Officer of the Sub Branch and Gary Everitt, Vietnam Veteran and on the executive council, this acknowledgement of seventeen men and women who served in World War II conflicts in the Royal Air Force, Navy and Army. A gent who joined the British Navy at 15, another from the Belgium Army as well as a British paratrooper were among the Australians honoured. Each was presented with a shield listing which Service they were in as well as their service number and the dates of the particular conflict they were a part of.
The day was a chance for the families of veterans and those who served to share memories and a great meal provided by the excellent chefs of Pittwater RSL. Deborah Carter kindly agreed to let us share her welcome and introductory address:
Good morning and welcome to Pittwater RSL sub-branch's presentation to "the Living Treasures of WWII"!
Today we are gathered as family, friends and colleagues of these VERY SPECIAL 17 WW 11 veterans to say Thank you to them for the service they gave to their countries during the war.
We recognise that they were young men and women who bravely went to war to protect the British Commonwealth and their nations.
Today is a result of a conversation that Gary Everitt and I had on the bus coming home from the Anzac Day (2012), we had just watched some of our veterans marching and we were both so proud of them and pleased that we still had these veterans coming to the sub branch meetings. We thought that we should do something to let them know how much they were appreciated and that is how today's "Living Legends of WWII" came about!
We were not the only ones who feel this way and l speak on behalf of the rest of the sub - branch, to commemorate "our buddies!" The Top club also wanted to recognise these veterans by awarding them Life membership to the RSL club and they also generously assisted in the costing of today. We will now have the presentations.
We would like to thank the club staff for their assistance with today and two wives from the sub branch Sandra May and Sue Everitt.
Now we have one more presentation
Mrs Lois Griffiths was the women's auxiliary president of the sub branch for 27 yrs as well as the first women to receive a Life membership from the RSL Club. In 1998. During her time as president she also took on the role of Hospital visitor(10yrs) visiting hospitals from Concord Repat to Hornsby , North Sydney and the Beaches hospitals supplying "Care-packs for our veterans"
Lois's late husband Les was a former Sub branch president and a director of the club.
I would also like to acknowledge John Ericcson of "Endeavour Medallions and Castings" Who engraved all our plaques at a reduced rate. Thankyou for being part of today's celebration!
Michael Mannington’s Volunteer Photography Public gallery

Harry Crampton, President Pittwater RSL Sub-Branch presents Living Treasures award to Bobbie Squire

All Photos by Michael Mannington, 2012.