Community News: December 2019
December 15, 2019 - January 19, 2020: Issue 433
Articles This Issue
Aquatics Pittwater Swim Series 2020: The Pittwater Swim Series 2020 commences on Sunday January 5th with the Newport SLSC's Pool to Peak series of swims, then moves to Bilgola SLSC's 'Billy Swim' on Sunday January 12th, followed by the Mona Vale SLSC's 43rd Don Jenkin Memorial Swim from Warriewood to Mona Vale on Sunday January 19th, with the BIG Swim and Little Swims, hosted by Palm Beach and Whale Beach SLSC's happening on Sunday January 26th, while the 'Round the Bends' and Avalon Beach Surf Swims round out the series on Sunday March 29th.
Food Old Australian Chocolates Back On The Market: The Cherry Ripe Song of MacRobertsons -With the recent resurgence of old favourites such as Scorched Peanut Bars, relaunched in late November 2019 and now being made by Wollongong company Cooks Confectionery, Violet Crumbles returned to us by South Australian gentleman Robern Menz in 2018 and his efforts bringing back the very yummy Polly Waffle in January 2019, that little bean from the lush jungles of South America has inspired a new generation of Australians to taste for the first time old Aussie recipes.
From MacRobertsons we had Cherry Ripes and O.K. Scorched Peanut bars while Hoadley’s gave us the Violet Crumble and Polly Waffle. However the Cherry Ripe story goes back a little further than the chocolate bar so many of us still enjoy today and had its beginnings in a popular song, that became linked with a popular painting and even a popular cake and biscuit before that Christmassy coloured treat came along.
A few things to remember going into the Festive Season:
• It will be hot and wildlife will be thirsty. Please consider putting out water in shallow, heavy-based ceramic dishes - positioned in the shade and with pebbles for small critters to clamber out if necessary.
• Drive carefully between dusk and dawn as our nocturnal wildlife are active on and beside roads.
• Keep your pets indoors between dusk and dawn to allow nocturnal wildlife to forage and hunt without interaction.
• If you are going away, keep windows shut so that you don’t get furry, feathery or scaly visitors popping in and not being able to get back out.
If you see any wildlife in distress over the Festive Season, please call Sydney Wildlife on 9413 4300 or WIRES 1300 094 737

Artists of the Month December 2019 To January 2020: Be Brave Artspace's 2019 'A Little Brave' Exhibition- 33 Artists
Featuring 33 talented, local and regional artists presenting smaller, affordable artworks. The exhibition will showcase a diverse variety of original and inspiring pieces that will be suitable for people to purchase as gifts. Only a selection of each artists work will be on display and will be regularly updated as the exhibition progresses. The remainder of each artists works will be stored at the gallery in the stockroom and be available to look at throughout the course of the exhibition if there is an interest in a particular artist. We will have paintings, photographs, textile art, works on paper, prints, ceramics, woodwork, jewellery, tea towels, cards, fashion, homewares and Be Brave Artspace tote bags and gift vouchers.
The exhibition will close for Christmas and then run through until Sunday 19th January.
Be Brave Artspace
5-7 Careel Head Road
North Avalon
Opening hours: Mon-Wed Closed | Thurs/Fri 11.00-3.00 | Sat/Sun 10.00-4.00
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update: December 14, 2019
Click on Logo to acces latest PON:
To contact Julian:
South West Lovett Bay Residents Form A Coastcare Group

Save Mona Vale Hospital Update And AGM 2019
- Apologies
- Confirmation of the minutes
- Business Arising
- Treasurer's report
- Election of Management Committee
- Election of Public Officer
- General Business

Friends Of Currawong AGM 2019

Santa Ride 2019

Pets of the Week

Doggie Rescue's 2020 Calendar Is Out Now!
- Online via the DoggieRescue website
- Over the phone by calling 02 9486 3133
- Visiting the shelter at Ingleside

Surfing NSW Unveils 2020 Event Calendar

![]() | Surfing NSW 2020 Events Calendar.pdf Size : 262.598 Kb Type : pdf |
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade Update - November To December 2019
Our last day of work for 2019 will be Friday 20 December and we will return to work on Monday 6 January 2020. We wish you all a safe and restful Christmas and New Year and thank you for your patience during 2019.
The NSW Government is investing $140 million to upgrade Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale, from two to four lanes to improve safety and traffic efficiency.
Work has now started in all areas along Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale.
Map of activities in Mona Vale Road East upgrade
Note: Shaded areas are not to scale and for general information and illustrative purposes only
Work between Manor Road and Mona Vale Cemetery
We have moved into the earthwork stage along Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Mona Vale Cemetery. We expect to complete earthwork in late 2020, weather permitting.
Earthworks include removing top soil, scaling and breaking rock between Manor Road and Mona Vale Cemetery.
The cutting of the rock faces and filling of the gullies along the road corridor will widen and bring the adjacent ground levels to meet the level of the existing roadway. We are also relocating utilities and installing new drainage.
During the earthwork stage we will:
- remove about 210,000 cubic metres of sandstone and soil
- install over 140 rock anchors and shotcrete (spray concrete) to stabilise the excavated rock faces.
Activities to the end of 2019 include:
- continuing rock breaking along Mona Vale Road between the descending section and the site compound
- erecting electrical poles and connecting the new electricity service along the southern side of Mona Vale Road
- constructing permanent retaining structures and commencement of the fauna bridge overpass abutment
- installing new stormwater and the start of major filling at the Western Early Works area, between Kimbriki Road and Tumburra Street, using the excess material from the Mona Vale Road East project
- continuing installation of permanent fauna fencing along Mona Vale Road to protect fauna crossing the road.
Work between Mona Vale Cemetery and Foley Street
The following activities started at the eastern end of the project in mid-October and will continue to the end of the year:
- survey and confirming locations of existing utility assets
- clearing vegetation on the southern side of Mona Vale Road. Some clearing is still required near the Cemetery and near Emma Street on both sides of Mona Vale Road
- removing asbestos contaminated soils and buried construction debris in areas between Mona Vale Cemetery and Foley Street
- relocating signs and adjusting private property assets for some commercial properties in the area
- retaining work near Ponderosa Parade.
Pedestrians and cyclists
For safety reasons, pedestrians and off-road cyclists are advised to avoid Mona Vale Road between Daydream Street, Mona Vale, and Manor Road, Ingleside. There is no footpath or cycle way and the road shoulders are not available during construction.
We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Construction Speed Zone
We have implemented a 40km/hr construction speed limit along our work corridor to maintain safety. The increased truck movements at the multiple construction access gates also require safe entry and exit speeds along the road corridor.
For the safety of motorists and construction workers please follow the speed limits during our day and night work.
How will the work affect you?
There is noise, vibration and dust associated with our work. We make every effort to minimise the impact by notifying residents before work starts near their property.
During night work we direct light away from residential properties, use noise shields where possible, and turn off equipment and vehicles when not in use. Eligible residences will be offered alternative accommodation.
Our work schedule
Our standard working hours are between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday and between 8am and 1pm on Saturdays. Due to daytime traffic restrictions and safety considerations, out of hours work will need to continue for some activities. Out of hours work may happen on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday night from 8pm to 5am with up to three shifts per week, weather permitting. The out of hours work will not be carried out for more than two consecutive nights in the same area. We will advise you before we start night work near your property.
For more information
If you have any enquiries, feedback or concerns, or would like to sign up for our emailing list, please:
Call: 1800 413 640 (24 hour number)
If you need help understanding this information, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call us on 1800 413 640
Australian Surfing Awards Nominations Now Open

Pittwater Online News Christmas-New Years Break

Christmas 2019

Merry Christmas
Newport Residents Association 2019 Christmas Get-Together
Bro Chats

Big Sing At Warriewood

Pasadena PSA Liquor Licence
Ingleside RFB Info Stalls
- Want to assist the community and meet new people
- Have an interest in learning new skills
- Available to assist with incident calls throughout the day and night

Scotland Island Dog Race

Warriewood SLSC's New Boatie Master

Talk Story

Neighbourhood Safer Places: Pittwater
- Your safest option will always be to leave early.
- People with special needs, such as the elderly and people with a disability, should always leave before the threat of bush fire.
- If it is unsafe to leave the area or stay and defend your property, and the path is clear, you should move to your pre-identified Neighbourhood Safer Place, or other safer location, prior to the impact of a bush fire.
- Be aware that when you are travelling to your Neighbourhood Safer Place there may be heavy smoke and poor visibility.
- It is important that you are familiar with the area. Gather at the Neighbourhood Safer Place location and remain there until the bush fire threat has passed.
- The conditions at the Neighbourhood Safer Place may be uncomfortable and you may be affected by heat, smoke and embers.
- Water, toilets and food may not be available at the Neighbourhood Safer Place and emergency service personnel may not be present.
- Lakeside Park Open Space, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen
- North Narrabeen Reserve Car Park (Pittwater Rugby Park), Open Space: 1472 Pittwater Road, Warriewood
- Nelson Heather Centre, Building: 4 Jacksons Road, Warriewood
- Pittwater Rugby Park, Building:1472 Pittwater Road, Warriewood
- Apex Park, Open Space: Surfview Road, Mona Vale
- Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre,Building: Namona Street, Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Golf Club, Building: Golf Avenue, Mona Vale
- Pittwater RSL, Building: 82 Mona Vale Road, Mona Vale
- Kitchener Park Sports Centre, Building: 1610 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Headland Reserve, Open Space: Coronation Street, Mona Vale
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Building:1606 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
- Pittwater Place, Building:10 Park Street, Mona Vale
- Kitchener Park, Open Space:1610 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
- Winnererremy Bay Park, Open Space:Mona Street, Mona Vale
- Bayview Golf Club, Building:1825 Pittwater Road, Bayview
- Bayview Park, Open Space: Pittwater Road (adjacent to Boat Ramp), Bayview
- Church Point Reserve (Thomas Stephens Reserve) Carpark, Open Space: McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point
- Newport Arms Hotel, Building: Kalinya Street, Newport
- Newport Park, Open Space: Bishop Street, Newport
- Newport Community Centre, Building:11 - 13 The Boulevarde, Newport
- Newport Beach Surf Club, Building:394 Barrenjoey Road, Newport
- Dearin Reserve, Open Space: Cnr Kalinya Street and Gladstone Street, Newport
- Newport Beach Reserve, Open Space: Barrenjoey Road, Newport Beach
- Dunbar Park Reserve, Open Space: Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
- Avalon Beach Reserve, Open Space: Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
- Whale Beach Surf Club, Building:Surf Road, Whale Beach
- Lucinda Park, Open Space: Iluka Road, Palm Beach (opposite Nabilla Road)
- North Palm Beach Surf Lifesaving Club, Building:Governor Phillip Park, off Beach Road, Palm Beach
- Clontarf Reserve, Open Space: Sandy Bay, Clontarf
- Manly Beach - South Steyne, Open Space: South Steyne, Manly
- Balgowlah Oval, Open Space Sydney Road, Balgowlah
- Manly West Park, Open Space: Quirk Road, Manly West
- Little Manly Beach, Open Space: Stuart Street, Little Manly
- North Balgowlah Community Centre, Building:Corner of Bardoo Avenue and Wonga Street, North Balgowlah
- Forestville Memorial Hall, Building:Cnr of Warringah Road and Starkey Street, Forestville
- Abbot Road Fields, Open Space: Abbot Road, North Curl Curl
- Brookvale Park, Open Space:Federal Parade, Brookvale
- Beverley Job Reserve, Open Space: McIntosh Road, Naraweena
- Patanga Reserve, Open Space: Patanga Road, Frenchs Forest
- Bambara Reserve (Belrose Oval) & Belrose Community Centre, Open Space: Forest Way (near Bambara Road), Belrose
- Lionel Watts Oval, Open Space: Blackbutts Road, Forestville
- Cromer Park, Open Space:South Creek Road, Cromer
- St Mathews Farm Reserve, Open Space: Grover Avenue, North Cromer
- Vic Huxley Oval (Collaroy Plateau Oval), Open Space: Blandford Street, Collaroy Plateau
- Kurara Reserve, Open Space: Kurara Close, Terrey Hills
- Woolgoolga Reserve, Open Space: Woolgoolga Street, North Balgowlah
- The Greenway Reserve, Open Space:The Greenway, Duffys Forest
- Allambie Heights School - Community Centre, Building:165 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights
- Belrose Public School, Open Space: Cotentin Road, Belrose
- Cooleena Reserve, Open Space: 28-30 Cooleena Road, Elanora Heights
- Frank Beckman Reserve, Open Space:Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills
- Killarney Heights Oval, Open Space: Starkey Street and Melwood Avenue, Forestville
- Millers Reserve, Open Space: Campbell Parade, Manly Vale
- Passmore Reserve, Open Space: Campbell Parade, Manly Vale
- Truman Reserve, Open Space: Corner of Macquarie Street and Toronto Avenue, Cromer
- Terrigal Reserve, Open Space: Terrigal Road, Terry Hills
Seeking Stella Ilimo Info
Jason Falinski Welcomes #YouCanTalk Campaign
Safe Places Grant Round Now Open To Mackellar Organisations
Church Point Ferry Service Christmas Day Runs

- 8.20 am Depart Bells Wharf
- 8.30am Depart Church Point
- 9.30am Depart Church Point
- 10.30am Depart Church Point
- 3.30 pm Depart Church Point
- 4.30pm Depart Church Point
- 5.30pm Depart Church Point
Palm Beach Ferries Summer 2019

December 8 - 14, 2019: Issue 432
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 432: Santa 'Drops In' To Carols At The Beach 2019: Hosted By Avalon Beach SLSC
NSW Volunteer Of The Year Awards 2019 Awarded: Local Finalists
Surf Dive 'N Ski Australian Junior Surfing Titles In Margaret River 2019: Narrabeen's Jamie Thomson Wins! by Surfing Australia
Aquatics Shark Nets Are Destructive and Don’t Keep You Safe – Let’s Invest In Lifeguards

A few things to remember going into the Festive Season:
• It will be hot and wildlife will be thirsty. Please consider putting out water in shallow, heavy-based ceramic dishes - positioned in the shade and with pebbles for small critters to clamber out if necessary.
• Drive carefully between dusk and dawn as our nocturnal wildlife are active on and beside roads.
• Keep your pets indoors between dusk and dawn to allow nocturnal wildlife to forage and hunt without interaction.
• If you are going away, keep windows shut so that you don’t get furry, feathery or scaly visitors popping in and not being able to get back out.
If you see any wildlife in distress over the Festive Season, please call Sydney Wildlife on 9413 4300 or WIRES 1300 094 737

Artists of the Month December 2019 To January 2020: Be Brave Artspace's 2019 'A Little Brave' Exhibition- 33 Artists
Featuring 33 talented, local and regional artists presenting smaller, affordable artworks. The exhibition will showcase a diverse variety of original and inspiring pieces that will be suitable for people to purchase as gifts. Only a selection of each artists work will be on display and will be regularly updated as the exhibition progresses. The remainder of each artists works will be stored at the gallery in the stockroom and be available to look at throughout the course of the exhibition if there is an interest in a particular artist.
We will have paintings, photographs, textile art, works on paper, prints, ceramics, woodwork, jewellery, tea towels, cards, fashion, homewares and Be Brave Artspace tote bags and gift vouchers.
The exhibition opened on November 30th, will close for Christmas and then run through until Sunday 19th January.
Be Brave Artspace
5-7 Careel Head Road
North Avalon
A community based art gallery, studio and workshop venue.
Be Brave Artspace was an idea that grew out of a love of all things creative. On street level: a light, spacious Gallery delivering dynamic exhibitions of local and Sydney based artists. Downstairs a workshop and studio for creators to be bold and fearless.
A space where artists can exhibit, create, connect and be inspired.
Opening hours: Mon-Wed Closed | Thurs/Fri 11.00-3.00 | Sat/Sun 10.00-4.00
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update December 1st, 2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Christmas Drought Drive For Farmers Families Done!

Men Of League Northern Sydney Branch's Xmas Function At North Narrabeen SLSC
December 6th 2019
Photos and report from Brian Friend OAM: We had the best time with great blokes and ladies. There was laughter all around as this is what's needed during Christmas time. Thick skin was the order of the day and tall tales and unbelievable stories from the past were resurrected and exaggerated.
Big thanks to Trevor Bailey, Ken Vessey, Norm Pounder, Fred Jackson, Ian Dodds and many others who made it a great function. And of course our Manly Sea Eagles players led by Wayne Cousins. And we can't forget John Gibbs as interviewer and Steve 'The Race caller' Windbank for his call on the Melbourne Cup replay.
More photos in this Issue's Pictorial; Christmas Cheer!

Talk Story

Doggie Rescue's 2020 Calendar Is Out Now!
- Online via the DoggieRescue website
- Over the phone by calling 02 9486 3133
- Visiting the shelter at Ingleside

Proposal To Upgrade A Mobile Phone Base Station At Warriewood And Bilgola Plateau
Surfing NSW Unveils 2020 Event Calendar

![]() | Surfing NSW 2020 Events Calendar.pdf Size : 262.598 Kb Type : pdf |
Major Crime Categories Remain Stable Across The State
- Steal from retail store has increased by 8.8 per cent;
- Break and enter dwelling has decreased by 6.1 per cent;
- Steal from dwelling has decreased by 2.8 per cent;
- Steal from person has decreased 5.8 per cent; and
- Malicious damage to property has decreased by 3.7 per cent.
Roads And Maritime Services Has Joined With TfNSW
New Structure Of Federal Government Departments
- the current Department of Education; and
- the current Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.
- the current Department of Agriculture; and
- environment functions from the current Department of the Environment and Energy.
- the current Department of Industry, Innovation and Science;
- energy functions from the current Department of the Environment and Energy; and
- small business functions from the current Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.
- the current Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development; and
- the current Department of Communications and the Arts.
- Ms Kerri Hartland;
- Ms Renée Leon PSM;
- Mr Mike Mrdak AO;
- Mr Daryl Quinlivan; and
- Dr Heather Smith PSM.
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Mona Vale Road East Upgrade Update - November To December 2019
Our last day of work for 2019 will be Friday 20 December and we will return to work on Monday 6 January 2020. We wish you all a safe and restful Christmas and New Year and thank you for your patience during 2019.
The NSW Government is investing $140 million to upgrade Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale, from two to four lanes to improve safety and traffic efficiency.
Work has now started in all areas along Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale.
Map of activities in Mona Vale Road East upgrade
Note: Shaded areas are not to scale and for general information and illustrative purposes only
Work between Manor Road and Mona Vale Cemetery
We have moved into the earthwork stage along Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Mona Vale Cemetery. We expect to complete earthwork in late 2020, weather permitting.
Earthworks include removing top soil, scaling and breaking rock between Manor Road and Mona Vale Cemetery.
The cutting of the rock faces and filling of the gullies along the road corridor will widen and bring the adjacent ground levels to meet the level of the existing roadway. We are also relocating utilities and installing new drainage.
During the earthwork stage we will:
- remove about 210,000 cubic metres of sandstone and soil
- install over 140 rock anchors and shotcrete (spray concrete) to stabilise the excavated rock faces.
Activities to the end of 2019 include:
- continuing rock breaking along Mona Vale Road between the descending section and the site compound
- erecting electrical poles and connecting the new electricity service along the southern side of Mona Vale Road
- constructing permanent retaining structures and commencement of the fauna bridge overpass abutment
- installing new stormwater and the start of major filling at the Western Early Works area, between Kimbriki Road and Tumburra Street, using the excess material from the Mona Vale Road East project
- continuing installation of permanent fauna fencing along Mona Vale Road to protect fauna crossing the road.
Work between Mona Vale Cemetery and Foley Street
The following activities started at the eastern end of the project in mid-October and will continue to the end of the year:
- survey and confirming locations of existing utility assets
- clearing vegetation on the southern side of Mona Vale Road. Some clearing is still required near the Cemetery and near Emma Street on both sides of Mona Vale Road
- removing asbestos contaminated soils and buried construction debris in areas between Mona Vale Cemetery and Foley Street
- relocating signs and adjusting private property assets for some commercial properties in the area
- retaining work near Ponderosa Parade.
Pedestrians and cyclists
For safety reasons, pedestrians and off-road cyclists are advised to avoid Mona Vale Road between Daydream Street, Mona Vale, and Manor Road, Ingleside. There is no footpath or cycle way and the road shoulders are not available during construction.
We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.
Construction Speed Zone
We have implemented a 40km/hr construction speed limit along our work corridor to maintain safety. The increased truck movements at the multiple construction access gates also require safe entry and exit speeds along the road corridor.
For the safety of motorists and construction workers please follow the speed limits during our day and night work.
How will the work affect you?
There is noise, vibration and dust associated with our work. We make every effort to minimise the impact by notifying residents before work starts near their property.
During night work we direct light away from residential properties, use noise shields where possible, and turn off equipment and vehicles when not in use. Eligible residences will be offered alternative accommodation.
Our work schedule
Our standard working hours are between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday and between 8am and 1pm on Saturdays. Due to daytime traffic restrictions and safety considerations, out of hours work will need to continue for some activities. Out of hours work may happen on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday night from 8pm to 5am with up to three shifts per week, weather permitting. The out of hours work will not be carried out for more than two consecutive nights in the same area. We will advise you before we start night work near your property.
For more information
If you have any enquiries, feedback or concerns, or would like to sign up for our emailing list, please:
Call: 1800 413 640 (24 hour number)
If you need help understanding this information, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call us on 1800 413 640
Pittwater Online News Christmas-New Years Break

Swim For Lifeline Northern Beaches
Toys ‘N’ Tucker Christmas Appeal

A Good News Story

Brewarinna Bound Caring
Save Mona Vale Hospital Update And AGM 2019
- Apologies
- Confirmation of the minutes
- Business Arising
- Treasurer's report
- Election of Management Committee
- Election of Public Officer
- General Business

Friends Of Currawong AGM 2019

Scotland Island Dog Race

Seeking Stella Ilimo Info

Pets of the Week

Australian Surfing Awards Nominations Now Open

Jason Falinski Welcomes #YouCanTalk Campaign

Two-Year-Old Return And Earn Keeps Delivering

Safe Places Grant Round Now Open To Mackellar Organisations
Independent Review Of The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Church Point Ferry Service Christmas Day Runs

- 8.20 am Depart Bells Wharf
- 8.30am Depart Church Point
- 9.30am Depart Church Point
- 10.30am Depart Church Point
- 3.30 pm Depart Church Point
- 4.30pm Depart Church Point
- 5.30pm Depart Church Point
Palm Beach Ferries Summer 2019

Envision Hands

Mackellar Food Drive
- Tinned food
- Package goods
- Personal hygiene and laundry products
Please Register Wildlife Road Strikes
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
December 1 - 7, 2019: Issue 431
Articles This Week
Aquatics Coastal Drowning Tragedies Up By 22%: The 2019 Surf Life Saving New South Wales Coastal Safety Report + Nutri-Grain IronMen and Women Head Up New Summer Surf Safety Campaign: Please Swim between the Red and Yellow Flags this Summer
Pictures Summer Springs From Narrabeen's Rock Platform To Palm Beach: A few great photographs taken by residents this week as we head into the first day and week of Summer 2019-2020
DIY Ideas: Time to Put Up those Christmas Lights and Deck your Gum Trees with rows of Jolly!
Norfolk Island Sojourn by Robyn McWilliam
Artists of the Month December 2019 To January 2020: Be Brave Artspace's 2019 'A Little Brave' Exhibition- 33 Artists
Featuring 33 talented, local and regional artists presenting smaller, affordable artworks. The exhibition will showcase a diverse variety of original and inspiring pieces that will be suitable for people to purchase as gifts. Only a selection of each artists work will be on display and will be regularly updated as the exhibition progresses. The remainder of each artists works will be stored at the gallery in the stockroom and be available to look at throughout the course of the exhibition if there is an interest in a particular artist.
We will have paintings, photographs, textile art, works on paper, prints, ceramics, woodwork, jewellery, tea towels, cards, fashion, homewares and Be Brave Artspace tote bags and gift vouchers.
The exhibition opened on November 30th, will close for Christmas and then run through until Sunday 19th January.
Be Brave Artspace
5-7 Careel Head Road
North Avalon
A community based art gallery, studio and workshop venue.
Be Brave Artspace was an idea that grew out of a love of all things creative. On street level: a light, spacious Gallery delivering dynamic exhibitions of local and Sydney based artists. Downstairs a workshop and studio for creators to be bold and fearless.
A space where artists can exhibit, create, connect and be inspired.
Opening hours: Mon-Wed Closed | Thurs/Fri 11.00-3.00 | Sat/Sun 10.00-4.00
Christmas Appeal Launched For Aboriginal Kids In Sister City Brewarrina: Presents should be wrapped with the age and gender of appropriate child attached. They and/or food donations can be dropped at the Avalon Primary School office. Otherwise, presents and/or food can be delivered to 47 Riverview Road, Avalon, or a pick up can be organised by ringing 0415 401 513. Please get all gifts to the organisers by December 10th
Robin has delivered his seminars and workshops around Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Canada and Indonesia. His experiential, skills-based and informational parenting courses have helped many people to embrace parenting as a transformative, personal growth journey. Robin also runs workshops about behavioural boundaries, empathy, motivation and vocation for teachers in early childhood through to high school.
Drawing from 30 years’ clinical experience and from leading-edge neuropsychological research, Robin’s seminars and courses focus on healthy emotional development for children; while building supportive, co-operative parenting and education communities. Robin’s work is animated by his belief that humanity’s future is largely dependent on the way we collectively relate to our children.
This week an insight into one of our local 'gifts' in a person.
Visit: Blog:
Newspaper reports carried the tragedy to their readers far and wide, some even reporting the rescuers had to run over the hill to the store at Gow's wharf to telephone for help, there being no Ocean road yet at Palm Beach, the only access, and telephone, was over the Palm Beach road. Jean Curlewis, sister of Adrian Curlewis, in her book 'Beach Beyond', a fiction work based on early days at Palm Beach, speaks about this tragedy. Her brother was on the sand that day, as was his good friend, 'Jack' Ralston.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update December 1st, 2019
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Mona Vale Hospital Demolition Continues
'and not a Warning Asbestos sign in sight'.

Narrabeen Climate Crisis Protest

Doggie Rescue's 2020 Calendar Is Out Now!
- Online via the DoggieRescue website
- Over the phone by calling 02 9486 3133
- Visiting the shelter at Ingleside

Mona Vale Road East - Out Of Hours Work
- Monday 25 November
- Tuesday 3, Wednesday 4 and Friday 6 December.
- excavating rock
- road maintenance, where required
- line marking and barrier placement, from Manor Road to Mona Vale Cemetery
- signage installation near Ponderosa Parade.

Proposal To Upgrade A Mobile Phone Base Station At Warriewood And Bilgola Plateau
Keeping Of Animals Policy (Draft)
Project update: by council
- Inform the community of the legal restrictions and acceptable standards which apply to keeping certain animals.
- Provide advice on restrictions and prohibition applied to keeping animals in certain areas within the local government area.
- Ensure that public and private amenity is not adversely impacted by the keeping of animals.
- Promote responsible ownership of companion animals.
- Investigate complaints about inappropriate animal behaviour.
- Place the draft Keeping of Animals Policy on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days
- Note the need to address management of domestic cats given their impact on native wildlife and strengthen the draft policy to reflect the need for continued public education and enhanced legislation.
- Council report, Item 12.4, Public Exhibition of Keeping of Animals Policy (draft)
- Keeping of Animals Policy (draft)
- Council minutes, Tuesday 22 October 2019
Bales From The Beach 2019 Is Here!
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2019

Grants Available To Help Bring Communities Together Through Sport
- newly arrived migrants and refugees;
- people with a physical or mental disability;
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; and
- Women.
- engaging with community organisations to deliver sport and physical activity projects;
- coaching clinics to teach sports skills and techniques;
- participation in local sports competitions;
- instruction in exercise and physical activity classes delivered by qualified instructors;
- research and data collection; and
- recruitment and engagement of translators required to deliver the activities.
Local Bus Drivers Rally

Christmas Hampers For Farmers And Their Families: Thank You!

Brewarinna Bound Caring
Scotland Island Dog Race

Seeking Stella Ilimo Info
Surf Lifesavers Stuff Surf Surf Boats To Help Farmers
- Batemans Bay RFS Region South Office
- Shoalhaven RFS Fire Control Centre
- Illawarra RFS Fire Control Centre
- Coffs Harbour RFS Fire Control Centre
- Sutherland RFS Fire Control Centre
- Warringah RFS Fire Control Centre (Northern Beaches Office)

APA AGM Tree Focus
- - how to still have tree canopy with urban growth ( eg plant trees on public land such as nature strips at housefront boundaries, BUT not under power lines or over water mains, AND with the support of residents after consulation by council with the adjacent property owners.
- - native trees are preferable, but even those not native to the area are good. And in fact if the choice is between A tree and No tree, any tree is better than none if adjacent property owners like it and will care for it.
- - bushfires and storms require risk management approaches...e.g. remove leaves from gutters to reduce risks from falling embers, a major cause of house fires from bushfires.

Pets of the Week

ABHS Christmas Meeting

Notice Of Meeting: Barrenjoey High School P&C

Safe Places Grant Round Now Open To Mackellar Organisations
Independent Review Of The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
Pittwater Online News Christmas-New Years Break

Palm Beach Ferries Summer 2019

Envision Hands

Mackellar Food Drive
- Tinned food
- Package goods
- Personal hygiene and laundry products
Please Register Wildlife Road Strikes
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal