Community News March 2018
March 25 - 31, 2018: Issue 353
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 353: Legends!
Sydney's First Fauna Overpass To Be Installed On Mona Vale Road + RMS March 2018 Mona Vale Road update
Pictures: 2018 Pacific Boating NSW & ACT Optimist Championship heads to RPAYC: Day 1 report (Day 2 added in Sunday March 25th)
Sydney's Royal Easter Show Showbag Began As An Australian Sample Bag - Iggle Oggle Chocolate Froggle, Feast Your eyes on this!
Pittwater Residents among the Thousands Calling For Clean Water, Land and Energy At Time2Choose Rally on Saturday March 24th
Spinning Tops & Gumdrops: A Portrait Of Colonial Childhood by Edwin Barnard - our chat with this local author about this wonderful new book for young and not so young
Aquatics: Community Rally Against Seismic Testing Off Newcastle States: 'No Gasfield Off Newcastle and The Central Coast!'
Melbourne Osaka Double Handed Yacht Race – Main Start Sunday March 25th Includes Nexba Racing by Di Pearson
The Drainage System In Thompson Square, Windsor by Prof. Ian Jack + RMS this week; 'Comments about possible heritage interpretation options can be provided in writing to'
Reflections by George Repin: CORFU
Park Bench Philosopher Restoring Coastal Headland Ecosystems: Grants Continue to Eradicate the Toll of the Past and Encourage the Return of Habitat Sunday, 25 March 2018 - 8:30am to 12:30pm at Mona Vale Basin. Free native plants are on offer to local residents. Participants are welcome to help out with planting and weeding on the day, supporting the restoration works by the Mona Vale Basin Bushcare volunteers.
DIY Ideas Reducing Ticks in Your Garden: Garden care, Plants that Repel, What to Wear Outdoors Autumn is Tick Larvae active season + 2018 Paintback Collection Event: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale Saturday, April 7 at 8 AM - 4 PM + some great items available in the JBH Mitre 10 'Get Crackin' this Easter' sale
Food: Easter Feast In 2015 Pittwater Online ran a food page focused on sharing some great old ideas for celebrating the Holy Week and the Weekend of Easter, including recipes used by earlier Australian women. A recent request for 'where is that page? where are those old recipes?' is met with 'here it is, for you, once again';
Mega Month Of Artist Exhibitions Opening In April 2017 At Manly Art Gallery & Museum Set To Celebrate Earth And Water Delights: Frank Hurley: Photographer & Gardener + Shoufay Derz' s In Memory of Water + Gerry Wedd: Kitschen Man - Opening Night dates + Curators and Artists in Conversation (NB: A Day with Gerry Wedd: Free but Bookings essential)
Profile: Avalon Community Garden Community Gardens give community members of all ages the opportunity to learn about the benefits of home grown vegetables and healthy eating, in both urban and suburban areas. There’s few things more satisfying then getting your hands in good earth or gardening beside those who have knowledge and insights on how to do this to the optimum.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 25/3/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
New SIRA President

Colour Run / Obstacle Course
ANZAC Day In Pittwater 2018
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
Andrew Wiseman Memorial
28 January 1966 – 18 March 2018
Suddenly, while surfing in Lombok. A place he loved - distant but not removed from his hometown of Avalon.
Loving father of Jack, Skye, Joshua and Nathan (dec); Much loved eldest son of Jan and Dick (dec); Brother and best mate to Steven and Richard; and cherished partner of Jacqueline.
One who lived his life to the full, told a tale like no other and enjoyed the best of this world. Taken too soon.
Friends and family are invited to a Memorial celebrating Andrew's life at Avalon Bowling Club, Thursday 29th March 2018 from 3 pm.
A Memorial Paddle Out will take place at North Avalon on Thursday 29th of March, meet at 9 a.m. North Avalon car park.
Gathering For Jervis
Bridget is bringing Jervis home.
Friends and Family are gathering at Barrenjoey Lighthouse, Cottage 2, on Friday April 27th. An informal celebration will take place from 11 a.m.
Please contact Bridget should you need to discuss: Email here

B-Line Bus Service To Newport Update
March 2018 – The Newport Residents association reports a Disturbing Commentary re B-Line to Newport in Final Greater Sydney Commission District Plan for our area
From the North District Plan, page 77 heading 'Mona Vale'
‘Mona Vale strategic centre is a mixed use area including retail, commercial, community, light industrial and residential uses. It is a thriving centre during business hours, providing amenity, convenience and a sense of community for residents.
Mona Vale’s connectivity to Brookvale-Dee Why and the Harbour CBD has improved with the commencement of the B-Line bus service which operates more frequent buses both during the day and into the evening. Further improvements to travel times, especially for those within the northern part of the peninsula, will be made when operations are extended to Newport.’
"The fact that the GSC Final Plan includes a statement that effectively says the B-Line will be extended to Newport flies in the face of government insistence that that decision will not be made until after an REF is released and commented upon." the community organisation has said this week.
"The NRA is writing to the Greater Sydney Commission to request a written assurance that the above statement is incorrect and we have also contacted our local member Rob Stokes seeking the same assurance."
Read the full District Plan for North
'Imagine this bus turning around at the corner of Neptune & Barrenjoey Roads Newport’ - NRA.

March 24 & 25 NSW Optimist State Championships.
It will truly be a sight to see, 200 Optimists and their helms on Pittwater during one weekend.
Run by Royal Prince Alfred Sailing Club the main fleet will be in the North whilst the Green Fleet will be on the south course.
Six BYRA Juniors will be taking part in the Green fleet. Susie Lawson our Registrar and Will Doyle have been organising for some weeks now. Their boats will be towed over to RPA and left overnight.A terrific experience and right on our doorstep!
As it's a green fleet they are allowed some coaching and I hear that there may be a prominent National Champion Crew, BYRA member, doing some of it. They have all been equipped with a ' BYRA TEAM ' singlet and our best wishes and good luck to all of them.
NS14 State Championships At BYRA Easter 2018
Friday 30 March to Monday 2 April.Entry closes 1 March 2018 for those wishing to order shirts.
Monday 2 April is a reserve DAY for if the scheduled races have not been completed by Sunday. Saturday social function is a spit roast at BYRA being organized by the Association. The NS14 is an Australian designed sailing dinghy, intended for competitive family sailing. It has a simple rig, is light enough to be lifted from a trailer into the water by 3 persons of average strength, requires only reasonable fitness to sail, and is affordable by the private sailor.
April 8th Portuguese Beach Picnic
It wont be long now until our annual visit to Portuguese Beach between Longnose and the Basin.
For new members it is a time when all three dinghy clubs, Avalon, RPA and BYRA, get together at the end of the racing season to mingle in day clothes without their wetsuits on.Some of us sail there, some take the club launches some even hike there! There are the inter-club sports challenges, the egg hurling/catching contest, the tug of war, the hessian sack race and of course the Lace Monitor spotting pastime. I'll give more details of times and transport nearer the date.

Peter Loft Marathon Race 2018: May 6th Fundraiser
BYRA's annual Peter Loft Marathon Race takes place annually on the first Sunday in May. This is a great event and sailors from all clubs are welcome. All race fees benefit the Peter Loft Foundation.
This year the Peter Loft Marathon Race Will take place on May 6th from 8am to 4pm
Peter Loft, a talented young sailor and member of BYRA was tragically killed in a plane accident in 1990. He appears on BYRA's honour board multiple times. In the 1986-87 season, Peter was the Manly Junior National Champion. The following season Peter switched to the 420 and proceeded to become the 420 National Champion that year and the next.
In Peter's honour, the Peter Loft Foundation was set up to help young sailors compete in national and international sailing regattas. Since the 1990s the marathon race has become an institution on Pittwater, and thousands of dollars have been passed on to the foundation.
One of the most popular aspects of the race is the Le Mans start. Competitors line up on the beach beside the clubhouse and, on the dropping of the BYRA flag, sprint to their boats to begin. Clearly this gives the less-old sailors an advantage, but history shows that experience soon wins out.
After the race, please join us for prize-giving and a barbeque dinner on the BYRA deck. Refreshments will also be available.
The Bayview Yacht Racing Association (BYRA) is a sailing club based on Pittwater. We specialise in dinghy sailing and offer learn to sail courses and racing for Lasers, Spirals, Flying Elevens, Manly Juniors, Optimists and other classes. We also offer twilight racing on Pittwater for keel boats.
Visit: - Profile

Newport Residents Association April Meeting
The next meeting of the Newport Residents Association will be held on Tuesday 17th April 2018 at the Newport Community Centre, The Boulevard Newport at 7 pm. All Community members are encouraged and most welcome to attend.
AIMS & OBJECTIVESThe aims and objectives of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated include:- To provide a forum for all interested residents, ratepayers and resident groups in the Pittwater Ward area and particularly in the Newport area.
- To represent the interests of ratepayers and residents on local issues at all levels of government but particularly at the local government level.
- To work for responsible planning, environmental protection and the enhancement of the environment of the Northern Beaches Council and in particular the Pittwater Ward area.
- To achieve community awareness and involvement in Council’s decision-making processes and planning.
- To take any other action not elsewhere included to further the interests of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated and its members.
MEETINGS3rd Tuesday of each month at 7.00 pm at the Newport Community Centre (The Boulevarde Newport).
- To provide a forum for all interested residents, ratepayers and resident groups in the Pittwater Ward area and particularly in the Newport area.
- To represent the interests of ratepayers and residents on local issues at all levels of government but particularly at the local government level.
- To work for responsible planning, environmental protection and the enhancement of the environment of the Northern Beaches Council and in particular the Pittwater Ward area.
- To achieve community awareness and involvement in Council’s decision-making processes and planning.
- To take any other action not elsewhere included to further the interests of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated and its members.
RMYC Construction Works Commence In April
Nautical Natter, the RMYC's monthly Newsletter, March 2018 update, announces their 'Marina Extension and Redevelopment' will commence in April with an anticipated start date for piling in late April early May, which will be the first stage of the extension. The club plans 3 main stages to the building works construction to limit the impact on their members.
In September 2015, the Royal Motor Yacht Club (RMYC) lodged a development application (N0379/15) with Pittwater Council, now Northern Beaches Council (the Council), for consent to alter and extend its berthing and mooring facilities in Newport. The existing facilities included fixed berths for 217 vessels that were located on land and waterway leased from the State of New South Wales and 49 swing moorings located in the waterway to the west of the leased area. The DA was to expand the RMYC existing 50,000m2 marina another 13,300 sq metres and 56 metres westward into Pittwater.
Pittwater Council heard from members of the community and Community Residents Associations who objected to the proposal with the club pointing out in reply, through their representatives in February 2016 that;
"The proposed extension is outside the existing Crown lease boundary, and is within the part of the waterway zoned W1 Natural Waterway, where marinas are prohibited. However, it has been relied upon, that as this part of the waterway has operated consistently for the purpose of mooring vessels in connection with the marina, since prior to the zoning coming into force, and therefore this area of the waterway has ‘existing use rights’, as defined under Section 109 of the EP&A Act 1979. In this regard, it is proposed to expand the mooring facilities into this area in exchange for the swing moorings that operate in that area, expanding the existing use, as permitted by the Act."
While the expansion can only be viewed as a positive for the club it was seen as a negative for the community by opponents which may allow similar expansions into the Natural Waterway zone. The matter ended up in court.
In mid 2017 Chief Judge Preston of the Land and Environment Court of NSW published his decision in Royal Motor Yacht Club (Broken Bay) Pty Ltd v Northern Beaches Council [2017] NSWLEC 56 with a focus on determining whether an existing use exists to authorise the making of a development application to enlarge, expand or intensify that use.
The case has since become a reference point on Existing Use Rights and what determines the definition of 'a building' in other cases.
The deeper water moorings will allow an increased number of vessels that are 17m and longer to berth - currently 20, after the Extension; 39. In its 2016 reply to council the club noted that the Pittwater estuary is a public waterway, which does attract visitors outside the area. The RMYC BB itself was initially comprised of members who came to Pittwater from outside the area to revel in Easter Cruises in the late 1890's and a few decades on, at Pittwater Regattas.
Emotional Health Community Forum At BHS
Barrenjoey High School are organising a community forum for the Northern end of the beaches focusing on supporting emotional health for our youth. Please join them on the 28th March at 5.30pm in the Barrenjoey High School hall for this highly valuable evening.

National Advance Care Planning Week: MVH Event
Advance Care Planning Week runs from the 16 - 22 April to raise awareness of advance care planning across Australia. Advance Care Planning Australia (ACPA) is a national program funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, enabling Australians to make the best choices for their life and health care.
Advance care planning is invaluable because it ensures your voice is heard if medical decisions have to be made for you. Having a plan means your friends, family and doctors aren't guessing what's important to you or what an acceptable outcome is for your life.
The research shows that families of people who have done advance care planning experience less anxiety, depression and stress and are more satisfied with the care their loved ones receive.
YOUR CHOICE-YOU DECIDE.We spend a lot of time preparing for occasions in life: holidays, weddings, the birth of a baby. Death and dying is a significant life event and to do it well we need to talk about it.
Have you ever thought about:-Who will make choices about your care if no longer have the capacity to speak?-Will it be your family? Your medical practitioner? Your neighbour?-Will that be easy for them because you have previously discussed your thoughts and wishes which they can easily follow. Or will it be stressful and distressing for your family?
YOU can make your own directives involving documenting your personal values about end of life care. Join us for morning tea during the upcoming first annual Advance Care Planning week for Australia.
HammondCare will sponsor a workshop at Northern Beaches Palliative Care. Kelly Arthurs, Clinical Nurse Consultant, will lead the group through the process and answer any questions you may have about: Advance Care Planning, Advance Care Directives, Medical Interventions such as: artificial feeding, ventilation, renal dialysis, organ donation, and what is: a natural death. We will introduce and go through the NSW Government package “Making An Advance Care Directive” which is a ten page information booklet covering all the topics relating to Advance Care Directives. The morning will involve a very open conversation about end of life care and death and dying. You will have the opportunity to reflect and discuss what you would really want.
All are welcome at The Cora Adcock Palliative Care Centre Mona Vale Hospital 10am-noon Thursday 19th April. Entry is free with morning tea and the NSW booklet provided.
RSVP by 13th April to Friends of Northern Beaches Palliative Care at: Sue or Colleen office hours 1800 427 55 option 3.
Paintback Collection Event: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale
Saturday, April 7 at 8 AM - 4 PM
73 Bassett St, Mona Vale
The problem of unwanted paint & packaging has been solved. Trade painters and householders are invited to dispose of unwanted paint and packaging responsibly at the following collection event.
Mona Vale Collection EventDate: April 7, 2018Time: 8am to 4pmLocation: Johnson Bros Mitre 10, 73 Bassett Street Mona Vale, NSW 2103Drop off is FREE
For more info on Paintback go to
Paintback accepts up to 100 litres per visit, secured in containers of 20 litres or less.

Please Help: Contribute To Significant Trees Register For Our Area
Significant trees listings wanted
February 28, 2018: Avalon Preservation AssociationThe next step in the Avalon Preservation Association's Avalon Cultural Audit is to identify and list significant trees in the area.
Roger Sayers has nominated the Spotted Gums in the reserve opposite Careel Bay Wharf.
Please help us by contributing your pick of significant trees in the area so we can map them and enter into our database.
You can either post a picture/s on the APA Facebook page and identify location of tree/s and species type if known or email us with same at
Our new Avalon Preservation Association Noticeboard is finally installed on corner of Belle Property Building near Herforts Chemist Old Barrenjoey Rd Avalon Beach. Many thanks to Mark Griffin Belle Property for use of wall and Robert Adema for installation.

Due to the predicted strong winds and high seas, we have unfortunately had to postpone ALL ocean swim events this Sunday 14th Jan. The new date for all Avalon Beach SLSC swims including the AROUND THE BENDS swim is set for Sunday APRIL 8th.
We hope to see you then !
The Pittwater Swims Series with Avalon Beach SLSC hosting their round of swims includes the third ‘destination swim’ in the Pittwater Swim Series, the ‘Around the Bends Challenge’ which sees swimmers leave Newport and swim to Avalon. The inaugural Around the Bends Challenge was held last year in brilliant conditions.
Then follows Avalon's 1km swim, starts at 10.00am and the 1.5kms. at 10.30am.

Due to the predicted strong winds and high seas, we have unfortunately had to postpone ALL ocean swim events this Sunday 14th Jan. The new date for all Avalon Beach SLSC swims including the AROUND THE BENDS swim is set for Sunday APRIL 8th.
We hope to see you then !
Grants To Assist Heritage Home Owners
February 23rd, 2018: Media Release - NBC
Owners of Northern Beaches properties listed as items of heritage significance are invited to apply for Local Heritage Funding assistance worth up to $3,000 to carry out repair or conservation works.
Northern Beaches Council’s Local Heritage Fund, with support from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, provides grants of between $200 and $3,000 per property, but no more than 50 percent of the total cost of the project.
Mayor of Northern Beaches Michael Regan said to be eligible, a property must be listed as a heritage item in Schedule 5 of the Manly, Warringah or Pittwater Local Environmental Plans.
“The Northern Beaches has a rich and diverse built heritage that is a source of great pride to the owners of heritage-listed properties and to the community as a whole.
“Council has established an internal panel consisting of a Strategic Planner, Heritage Planner and Grants Officer, to review all applications for assistance under the Local Heritage Fund.
“This team will make the call on which projects will be offered a grant, and how much that grant will be, on a case by case basis,” Mayor Regan said.
Eligible projects include repairing structural components such as underpinning walls and repointing brickwork; repainting external walls; repairing or reinstating walls, windows, verandas, external balustrades, roof cladding, roof plumbing and decorative elements; and repairing historic fences, walls, drainage and bridge structures.
To apply, owners should complete a Northern Beaches Local Heritage Fund Application Form and return it to Council before 31 March.
To discuss your project or grant application, please contact Council’s Heritage Planner on 1300 434 434.
For further details, please visit ‘Local Heritage Fund Grant’ webpage at
Community Heritage Grants Round Opens
March 5th, 2018: Australian government Department of Communications and the ArtsApplications are now open for the 2018 Community Heritage Grants Program.
Grants of up to $15,000 are available for community organisations such as museums, libraries, archives, genealogical and historical societies, and Indigenous and multicultural groups.
The grants assist community organisations in the preservation and protection of locally owned but nationally significant cultural heritage material such as archives and records, oral histories, textiles, paintings, drawings, objects, photographs and audio visual material.
Funding is also available for training workshops, preservation assessment of collections and related conservation activities.
The Community Heritage Grants Program is administered by the National Library of Australia, with support provided by the Department of Communications and the Arts, the National Archives of Australia, the National Film and Sound Archive and the National Museum of Australia.
Applications close on Monday, 7 May 2018 at 5.00 pm.
To find out more visit the National Library of Australia’s website.Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 8-10 months / MBREED: Kelpie X
Axle would suit a family with 8+yo kids. He has a friendly relaxed manner but can get overstimulated and mouthy with lots of handling. He walks nicely on loose lead, ignoring cars and lunges playfully at passing dogs. He likes to jog and loves a cuddle with volunteers. He sits on command. Volunteers say "Love him, beautiful boy!" He has a short coat and weighs 16kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at DoggieRescue call 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our
Pet of the Week

Draft Code Of Council Meeting Practice - 2018
Demanding Weekend Pushes Lifesavers To Limits

Australian Antarctic Arts Fellowship
- the activities of the Australian Antarctic Program;
- the importance of the unique Antarctic and sub-Antarctic natural environment;
- human stories and endeavours;
From The Pages Of The Past

Sponsor Pauly For The World's Greatest Shave
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
March 18 - 24, 2018: Issue 352
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 352: Legends!
Sonja Elwood Nominated To Be A Women In STEM Calendar Girl: What Does A Lady Scientist Look Like?
Plans Unveiled For Mona Vale Hospital’s New Palliative Care Unit: Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes has announced plans for Mona Vale Hospital’s dedicated inpatient palliative care unit.
Snake Babies by Lynleigh Grieg
Jayden Walsh’s Northern Beaches Big Year - courtesy Pittwater Natural Heritage Association
Pictures: PITTWATER VISIONS - Visual Video Celebration Compilation In Compass Points Destinations: Autumn 2018 In January Pittwater Online ran a small celebration of people enjoying the Australia Day long weekend on the Pittwater estuary. Since then a few other on estuary places have been forwarded with requests to showcase that blue and green heart of Pittwater and highlight all the compass points. Some of these are new celebrations while others stem from a few years ago.
Aquatics: Pittwater's Jimmy Spithill Joins Luna Rossa Challenge For 2021 America's Cup In NZ - Read James’ first interview since the news broke
Mega Month Of Artist Exhibitions Opening In April 2017 At Manly Art Gallery & Museum Set To Celebrate Earth And Water Delights: Frank Hurley: Photographer & Gardener + Shoufay Derz' s In Memory of Water + Gerry Wedd: Kitschen Man - Opening Night dates + Curators and Artists in Conversation (NB: A Day with Gerry Wedd: Free but Bookings essential)
Berejiklian Government Allows Open Slather On Wildlife by Sue Arnold
Expressions Of Interest Sought For Para Sailing Athletes By David Sygall, Australian Sailing Team; Australian Sailing is taking a leading role in the push for sailing to be reinstated in the Paralympic program with David Staley, vice-chair of the Para World Sailing Committee, appointed to oversee a $150,000 fund allocated to maintain momentum until the International Paralympic Committee announces the slate for the 2024 Games next year
DIY Ideas Autumn Plantings for Winter Harvests + 2018 Paintback Collection Event: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale Saturday, April 7 at 8 AM - 4 PM
Park Bench Philosopher INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE OF MAJOR NEW EXHIBITION: James Cameron – Challenging the Deep opens 29 May 2017
Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe: This Lady is Getting Ready To Row Solo Across The Atlantic - Fundraiser at The Quays Marina, Bayview on March 24th
Profile: Total Wellness Market: In recent decades people have been embracing ancient knowledge and practices to restore whole health. Everything from immersion in oil baths to meditation for the exterior and a focus on what we put into our bodies reinstating and creating a rush for organic fruits, vegetables and meats or rediscovering and using ancient grains and seeds has produced results for people that have meant what is old is new again and back to stay.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 18/3/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Congratulations Nina Curtis

Welcome To The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Pittwater Community Alliance
- respect for the local Pittwater community and its local organisations;
- inclusion of the Pittwater community and its organisations in meaningful planning and decision-making impacting Pittwater;
- open and genuine two-way communication;
- respect for and promotion of sustainability and environmental best practice; and
- best policy, planning and governance practices, and
- Strong Local Residents Associations
- Advocacy of Pittwater Community Alliance within both Local, State and Federal Governments
- Synergies associated with Local Residents Associations working together
- Focus on Strategic Planning Issues including the Northern Beaches Council Community Strategic Plan, Greater Sydney Commission Plans and Local Environment Plans.
Congratulations Jo Brigden-Jones

Open Day: Couta Boat Club Pittwater And Avalon Sailing Club

Newport Residents Association March Meeting
- To provide a forum for all interested residents, ratepayers and resident groups in the Pittwater Ward area and particularly in the Newport area.
- To represent the interests of ratepayers and residents on local issues at all levels of government but particularly at the local government level.
- To work for responsible planning, environmental protection and the enhancement of the environment of the Northern Beaches Council and in particular the Pittwater Ward area.
- To achieve community awareness and involvement in Council’s decision-making processes and planning.
- To take any other action not elsewhere included to further the interests of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated and its members.
RMYC Construction Works Commence In April
Draft Code Of Meeting Practice - 2018
National Advance Care Planning Week: MVH Event
Emotional Health Community Forum At BHS

Paintback Collection Event: Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Mona Vale

Please Help: Contribute To Significant Trees Register For Our Area

Due to the predicted strong winds and high seas, we have unfortunately had to postpone ALL ocean swim events this Sunday 14th Jan. The new date for all Avalon Beach SLSC swims including the AROUND THE BENDS swim is set for Sunday APRIL 8th.
We hope to see you then !
Grants To Assist Heritage Home Owners
Taxis For ANZAC Day In Doubt
Beating The Flu Bug: "It's In Your Hands"
- get your flu shot
- cough and sneeze into your elbow
- clean your hands
- stay home when sick.
Sponsor Pauly For The World's Greatest Shave
Pet of the Week

Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

NS14 State Championships At BYRA Easter 2018
Peter Loft Marathon Race 2018: May 6th Fundraiser

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
March 11 - 17, 2018: Issue 351
Articles This Week
The Big Wave Project By Tim Bonython The Big Winner at 2018 Surfing Australia Awards
Draft Code Of Meeting Practice Now On Exhibition For Feedback - Amendment To Retain Public Forum By Councillor De Luca, Seconded By Councillor Ferguson, Means Vox Populi To Persist At Present
2018 Pittwater Woman Of The Year: Gailene Keen, Fundraising and Development Manager at the Be Centre, Warriewood
Express Yourself 2018 Award Winners Announced: On Show At MAG&M Until April 1
Pictures: Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work A Bright Star Of Handmade Love: The Avalon Quilters Exhibition of their work and show was open on Friday and Saturday 9th and 10th March 2018. See some of the quilts that were on display!
Aquatics: 2018 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships Masters and Opens Competitions: Newport Cleans Up Competition in Opens The 2018 NSW Surf Life Saving Championships has continued at Blacksmiths Beach, Swansea Belmont from 7 - 11 March with the Masters and Open Competitions. Over 1,000 of the state's finest Masters and over 2,000 Opens athletes have been having a great time being great athletes. A few of the highlights, reports and photographs, courtesy of Surf Life Saving NSW
Soil From Mona Vale, Narrabeen, Frenchs Forest, Dee Why and Manly To Form part of the 2018 Anzac Memorial Centenary Project in Hyde Park
The First Royal Visitor To Australia 150 Years Later: 150 years ago, on the 12th March 1868, an Irishman named Henry James O’Farrell attempted to assassinate Queen Victoria’s son, Prince Alfred Duke of Edinburgh, the first member of the royal family to visit Australia. Twenty thousand people made the long journey to Hyde Park, mostly by foot, to protest the assassination attempt. Community relief after Prince Alfred survived saw large sums donated to establish a hospital in his name – the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital opened in 1882. In 2015 Pittwater Online ran a history page; The First Royal Visitor To Australia: The Incident At Clontarf March 12th, 1868 - with so many Pittwater connections in the RPAYC and subsequent Royal Visitors visiting the estuary, a timely glance at this Monday, 150 years ago, is available at the above link
Reflections by George Repin: MUST SEE SIGHTS IN PARIS – 1954
Voyage To Antarctica by Robyn McWilliam
DIY Ideas Autumn Plantings for Winter Harvests + John Brothers Mitre 10 are hosting a Mighty Helpful Information Night in a few weeks, for Tradies, on Wednesday April 4th at Newport Community centre, RSVP by Friday 16th of March 2018 - details in their page this week.
Collector's Corner: Butter Churns and Milk Separators: Where Taste Comes From + Early Pittwater Dairies With the Sydney Royal Easter Show (23 March - 3 April 2018) offering you a chance to experience the Dairy Farmers Working Day, we aim to arm you with some knowledge to tempt you to look into where all your food comes from
Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe: This Lady is Getting Ready To Row Solo Across The Atlantic - Fundraiser at The Quays Marina, Bayview on March 24th
Profile: Natasha Bryant And Annie Wilmot: On International Women’s Day 2018 we finally got to catch up with two young ladies we’ve been bringing you news about for a few years now. Not shy about taking on a challenge, and with a momentum that is definitely building, Natasha Bryant and Annie Wilmot have excelled in their sport for years. They have the passion, the determination and resilience to go the distance in whichever direction they choose, and what's more they love what they do. This week a small insight into two of Australia's great young women sailors
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/3/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pittwater Artists Trail 2018

Return And Earn - Reverse Vending Machine Now At Warriewood And One For Dee Why Coming Soon

Tour De Cure Through Pittwater

Vale Herminie Swainston

Draft Code Of Meeting Practice - 2018
Northern Beaches Council CEO Mark Ferguson Steps Down From Role

Emotional Health Community Forum At BHS

Bayview-Church Point Residents Association AGM
The First Royal Visitor To Australia 150 Years Later

Please Help: Contribute To Significant Trees Register For Our Area

Due to the predicted strong winds and high seas, we have unfortunately had to postpone ALL ocean swim events this Sunday 14th Jan. The new date for all Avalon Beach SLSC swims including the AROUND THE BENDS swim is set for Sunday APRIL 8th.
We hope to see you then !
Seeking Volunteers For Permaculture NB Committee

- Coordinate the identification and pursuit of ethical fundraising opportunities for the group by the Finance & Fundraising Team.
- Collates any membership and other monies collected at PNB events or activities and deposits the funds into the PSN account.
- Supports the PNB Committee to identify and apply for suitable funding grants to deliver special projects or to support existing key functions of the group. Provides the Committee with a monthly update on the financial health of the group and supports project teams with budgeting.
- In 2018 they will additionally oversee the finances of the Green Home project grant.
- Develops a strategy and oversees the publicity for PNB including special events, meetings, workshops and tours.
- Liaises with media contacts as necessary to promote PNB activities including news releases.
- Builds up a contact list for PNB for use for such events.
- Works closely with the communications, events and education team leaders for publicising activities at least three months in advance.
Stop Seismic Testing Newcastle Public Rally

Grants To Assist Heritage Home Owners
Apply For An Investing In Women 2018 Grant
- women’s economic opportunity and advancement
- equitable workplaces for women and men
- women in small business
- women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers
- women in male-dominated trades
- women in leadership roles
- leadership pathways for young women.
Community Heritage Grants Round Opens
Getting To The Sydney Royal Easter Show From Mona Vale

- Train services (bounded by Bomaderry (Nowra), Goulburn, Bathurst and Dungog stations)
- Sydney Olympic Park major event buses
- Regular bus services
- Sydney Ferries services
- Light rail services.
Avalon Beach Petangue

Tradie Information Night

Sponsor Pauly For The World's Greatest Shave
Improving The Quality Of Preschool Learning Spaces
- The Quality Learning Environment program will provide $10 million to enhance a preschool’s physical learning environment.
- The Capital Works Grants fund program will receive $5 million to increase the number of 600 hour preschool places in NSW, through building or renovation projects.
Pet of the Week

Loosely Woven Joins With Amnesty International

Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

NS14 State Championships At BYRA Easter 2018
Peter Loft Marathon Race 2018: May 6th Fundraiser

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
Consultation Draft Of The New Model Code Of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW
- It contains mandatory provisions (indicated in black font) that reflect the existing meetings provisions of the Act and adapt those currently contained in the Regulation. The existing meetings provisions of the Regulation have been updated and supplemented to reflect contemporary meetings practice by councils and to address ambiguities and areas of confusion in the existing provisions based on feedback from councils.
- It contains non-mandatory provisions (indicated in red font) that cover areas of meetings practice that are common to most councils but where there may be a need for some variation in practice between councils based on local circumstances. The non-mandatory provisions will also operate to set a benchmark based on what OLG sees as being best practice for the relevant area of practice.
- promoting, as the principal object of meetings, the making of decisions by the governing bodies of councils that are in the best interests of the council and the community as a whole
- promoting more accessible, orderly, effective and efficient meetings and to provide councils with the tools to achieve these outcomes
- prescribing principles to inform the way in which meetings are conducted and to prescribe meeting rules that are consistent with these principles
- codifying areas of common practice across councils in a way that is clear, efficient, leads to better informed and more effective decision making and that is consistent with the requirements of the Act
- promoting greater consistency between councils across the state in key areas of meetings practice without losing the ability to allow some variation in practice to meet local needs or expectations
- allowing greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings to accommodate a range of potential scenarios that are not addressed by the current meeting rules
- simplifying the language currently used to make the prescribed meeting rules more accessible and easier to understand
- modernising the rules to accommodate current and emerging technologies (e.g. electronic notice, electronic voting systems and webcasting).
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
March 4 - 10, 2018: Issue 350
Articles This Week
Retracing Governor Phillip's Footsteps Around Pittwater: The Mystery Of The Cove On The East Side by Geoff Searl and Roger Sayers - This coming week marks the 230th anniversary of Governor Phillip sailing past Avalon and Palm Beach on 2 March 1788 and entering Pittwater for the first time on 5 March 1788. This Issue a revised version of the earlier story in Pittwater Online News ...includes a map showing Geoff Searl and Roger Sayers assessment of his most likely routes in out and around Pittwater on 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 March 1788.
When you're out and about on Pittwater this week - have a look around and think about what occurred here 230 years ago this week!
Plans Accelerate For Mona Vale Road East Upgrade - from Office of The Hon. Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater
Youngsters Gearing Up For State Champs Glory: Surf Life Saving NSW
Pictures: Champion Lifesavers Headline Opening State Champs Act by Surf Life saving NSW
Aquatics: Vissla Sydney Surf Pro. At Manly: 24th of February to 4th of March - bringing top level, international surfing back to the historic and iconic Manly Beach in 2018; over 20 countries will be represented in local, junior and World Surf League Qualifying Series 6000 events. The Vissla Sydney Surf Pro will also host a number of off-beach activations and festivities that will be centralised around the Corso area for the whole family
Black-Necked Stork, Mycteria Australis, Now Endangered In NSW, Once Visited Pittwater: DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM DURING APRIL, 1855. A fine specimen of the male gigantic crane, Mycteria Australis, shot at a lagoon, near Pittwater. Mr. George Lamont, Pittwater. DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM DURING APRIL, 1855. (1855, May 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from + DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. JULY, 1855. A mysteria Australis, or gigantic crane (female), shot at Pittwater-by Mr. George Mills, Bathurst-street. DONATIONS TO THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. (1855, August 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Park Bench Philosopher Manly's Early Sand Sculptors: How Pennies Can Become Pounds and Found A New Art; It's finals day at the Vissla Sydney Pro in Manly today, Sunday March 4th - to celebrate all things surfing and getting on the sand, a look into what else has happened with the sands of Manly - and Palm Beach!; A few years ago Pittwater Online News ran a page on the annual Palm Beach Castles in the Sand event which would raise funds for Cure Cancer Australia Foundation.
Food: Autumn Classics: Kale, Ricotta And Chicken Cannelloni - If you’re like us, empty-nesters who have to run 7 days a week, you may find a roast chicken on Sunday means leftovers. Here is a simple recipe to turn leftovers into a feast a few days later that’s loaded with a few ancient ingredients that are still proving their worth in beneficial health today.
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work and AMDF Raffle Quilt Touches Stars: Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of March: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in Avalon Uniting Church Hall
Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe: This Lady is Getting Ready To Row Solo Across The Atlantic - Fundraiser at The Quays Marina, Bayview on March 24th
2018 Poppy Wall For Avalon Beach RSL To Be Hand-Knitted And Hand Made With Love: knitting/crochet group meets on Mondays at 12, Craft group meets Wednesdays at 2pm; donations of handmade poppies can be dropped in; red wool also needed
Profile: Coco Elder One of our premier Pittwater artists, who finishes her last Pittwater Artists Trail Open weekend for the time being with the March 10-11 event for the trail is Coco Elder, a creator of luminous works that capture the colour, essence and shape of our landscape. To have just one of these works should be the aim of everyone who lives here - there is something inherently sacred in this ladies' works that communicates the fundamental beauty of the area we're living in and allows you to have something at once filled with blazing light and also a sense of peace. These are celebrations that focus on the miniature as well as the larger scope of big open skies meeting glorious bush. How did she get to be so good at making these works? This week a small insight into one of our premier local Artists who also features as the March 2018 Artist of the Month
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/3/2018
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Congratulations: Australian Surfing Awards Finalist Is Local Filmmaker
Plans Accelerate For Mona Vale Road East Upgrade

Local Avalon Lad Does Us Proud!

Bayview-Church Point Residents Association AGM
Please Help: Contribute To Significant Trees Register For Our Area

Pittwater Ocean Swims Success

Due to the predicted strong winds and high seas, we have unfortunately had to postpone ALL ocean swim events this Sunday 14th Jan. The new date for all Avalon Beach SLSC swims including the AROUND THE BENDS swim is set for Sunday APRIL 8th.
We hope to see you then !
Seeking Volunteers For Permaculture NB Committee

- Coordinate the identification and pursuit of ethical fundraising opportunities for the group by the Finance & Fundraising Team.
- Collates any membership and other monies collected at PNB events or activities and deposits the funds into the PSN account.
- Supports the PNB Committee to identify and apply for suitable funding grants to deliver special projects or to support existing key functions of the group. Provides the Committee with a monthly update on the financial health of the group and supports project teams with budgeting.
- In 2018 they will additionally oversee the finances of the Green Home project grant.
- Develops a strategy and oversees the publicity for PNB including special events, meetings, workshops and tours.
- Liaises with media contacts as necessary to promote PNB activities including news releases.
- Builds up a contact list for PNB for use for such events.
- Works closely with the communications, events and education team leaders for publicising activities at least three months in advance.
Grants To Assist Heritage Home Owners
VALE Ben Castle

Ozzie Mozzie Nets Closing
B-Line Newport Update
North Steyne Wins Rescue Of The Month
Avalon Beach Petangue

Loosely Woven Joins With Amnesty International

Spotted On Pittwater: Michelle Lee's Different World's Canoe

Environmental Restoration And Rehabilitation Grants
Planning Alerts
Course For A Cause At Avalon

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
Red Cross Shop Newport

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on theirFacebook page

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
Sponsor Pauly For The World's Greatest Shave
Improving The Quality Of Preschool Learning Spaces
- The Quality Learning Environment program will provide $10 million to enhance a preschool’s physical learning environment.
- The Capital Works Grants fund program will receive $5 million to increase the number of 600 hour preschool places in NSW, through building or renovation projects.
Avalon Quilters 2018 Exhibition Of Members Work

Pet of the Week

Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

NS14 State Championships At BYRA Easter 2018
Peter Loft Marathon Race 2018: May 6th Fundraiser

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary 2018 Stalls
Consultation Draft Of The New Model Code Of Meeting Practice For Local Councils In NSW
- It contains mandatory provisions (indicated in black font) that reflect the existing meetings provisions of the Act and adapt those currently contained in the Regulation. The existing meetings provisions of the Regulation have been updated and supplemented to reflect contemporary meetings practice by councils and to address ambiguities and areas of confusion in the existing provisions based on feedback from councils.
- It contains non-mandatory provisions (indicated in red font) that cover areas of meetings practice that are common to most councils but where there may be a need for some variation in practice between councils based on local circumstances. The non-mandatory provisions will also operate to set a benchmark based on what OLG sees as being best practice for the relevant area of practice.
- promoting, as the principal object of meetings, the making of decisions by the governing bodies of councils that are in the best interests of the council and the community as a whole
- promoting more accessible, orderly, effective and efficient meetings and to provide councils with the tools to achieve these outcomes
- prescribing principles to inform the way in which meetings are conducted and to prescribe meeting rules that are consistent with these principles
- codifying areas of common practice across councils in a way that is clear, efficient, leads to better informed and more effective decision making and that is consistent with the requirements of the Act
- promoting greater consistency between councils across the state in key areas of meetings practice without losing the ability to allow some variation in practice to meet local needs or expectations
- allowing greater flexibility in the conduct of meetings to accommodate a range of potential scenarios that are not addressed by the current meeting rules
- simplifying the language currently used to make the prescribed meeting rules more accessible and easier to understand
- modernising the rules to accommodate current and emerging technologies (e.g. electronic notice, electronic voting systems and webcasting).