Community News - August 2015
August 23 - 29, 2015: Issue 228
Articles This Week
Surf Life Saving New South Wales Board Riding Championships 2015 - the results, some pictures
Pittwater’s Sister Village, Soibada in Timor Leste - Update 1/2015 by Tamara Sloper Harding
Safety first for Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race 2016 by Lisa Ratcliff
RPAYC girls secure 4th place in the 2015 29er Women’s World Championship
Aquatics: City of Sydney's Sydney Park Water Reuse Project: Wetlands and wildlife thrive thanks to Captured Stormwater - Great Green Ideas
Pictures: McCarrs Creek Reserve: A Treat for the Eyes by Bea Pierce
Collector's Corner: Old Chinese Rice Bowls for Marriage: Worth More Than You Think… don't update those wonderful old classics - some have sold for millions and even those from decades ago are now worth hundreds... some historical culture, some quirkiness ... some love!
Profile: John Michael Armstrong Stringer AM, ESM, JP, CMILT, ASO: Mr. Stringer, 'Mike', has given decades in voluntary service, amounting to thousands of hours of work, and worked full-time while doing so in construction, transport, on the land and on the sea. This week we share an insight into an Elanora Heights gentleman of great renown who is a true 'Local Hero'
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways - Hordern or Wiltshire Parks to McKay Reserve – From Beach to Estuary: some 'for Spring Inspirations' insights on the early days of Pittwater Reserves - first - go north dear hiker!
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month August 2015 - Lisa Wilkes-Hunter: Inspired by a childhood full of adventures and encouraged by a creative and talented family, my passion for art started early in life.
I am stirred by the power, colour, mystery and contrasts of the natural world and whilst I often use living energy - animals, people, the ocean, plants and trees as subject matter, I also include inert objects as a medium - eggs, sand, drift wood and recycled things (pages from my grandfather, Richard Wilkes-Hunter 's books), as a background to create a dreamlike, textured, collage effect.
Pittwater Council's Rabbit Control Programs
Wild rabbit Control using Pindone poison baits will take place at the sites listed below from Monday 31 August to Friday 18 September 2015. Advisory signs will be displayed at the entrances to all affected reserves. If the baiting program needs to be extended due to wet weather, on-site signs and Council's website will display the new finish date.
The first week will consist of a free-baiting period (poison free) using plain, undyed oats. During the second and third weeks baits consisting of green-dyed oats laced with Pindone poison will be laid in furrows at the reserves listed below. The poison baits are laid in the afternoon and any uneaten baits removed early the following morning. The sites are checked regularly for carcasses. Please report to Council any dead rabbits found during the baiting period at the sites listed on this page.
Pindone poison is an anticoagulant considered low level of hazard to humans and domestic animals when used according to the label. However, children should be supervised and pets kept away from the affected reserves for the duration of the program. Dogs should also be kept on leash in areas surrounding the participating reserves. In case of accidental poisoning with Pindone, persons should contact the Poisons Information Centre on 131126 and go to the closest hospital emergency department. Animals should be taken to the closest vet immediately.
Please contact Council on (02) 9970 1111 with any queries.
Wild Rabbit Pindone Baiting Sites include:
• Careel Bay Playing Fields
• Hitchcock Park - Careel Bay
• Avalon Golf Course
• Boondah Playing Fields - Warriewood
• Porters Reserve - Newport
• Kitchener Park - Mona Vale
• Narrabeen Indoor Sports Centre - Warriewood
• Ausgrid - Samuel Street - Mona Vale
Important note to pet rabbit owners & rabbit breeders: Please seek advice from your veterinary surgeon regarding annual vaccination against rabbit Calicivirus. Generally the vaccination should take place prior to February each year to ensure that there is sufficient time for immunity to build-up in your rabbit prior to any release of the biological agent by public authorities.
For further Information
• Contact a Bushland Management Officer on 9970 1111
• Refer to Council's Feral Rabbit information page.

NSW Clubbies Honoured For Top Rescues
Thursday 20 August, 2015
A group of dedicated lifesavers received national recognition for recent rescue efforts at a ceremony in Parliament House Canberra on Thursday.
Avan Christie from Evans Head-Casino SLSC took out the National Rescue of the Month award for April, while Kate Munro, Kerry McEwan, Donna Wishart (Avalon Beach) and Bev Tilbury, Jen Spencer and Russell Lamb (Warriewood) received their award for the May/June period.
The group were presented their awards at ceremony attended by representatives from the Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving as well as Mackellar MP Bronwyn Bishop.
Avan Christie won his awards for his efforts on Easter Monday where despite not being a patrolling member, he rescued 4 people in two separate incidents at Evans Head Main Beach and Airforce Beach before getting in trouble himself.
Mr Christie’s feat is made all the more significant as he is from a small club, with Evans Head only having around 25 patrolling members. After the story of his brave rescue spread and with pressure from his fellow clubbies, Avan says he has decided to do his bronze medallion, when he can find the time away from the club treasurer's duties.
It was extremely fortunate for one fisherman that the Avalon Beach Masters crew along with their Warriewood sweep were out for a training session in the early hours of 27 June. The team spotted the fisherman falling around 5 metres onto rock and roll partly into the water.
The surfboat crew realised that the fisherman had suffered significant injuries which ultimately resulted in him having to be evacuated off the rock platform by helicopter.
Warriewood sweep Russell Lamb said the combined Warriewood/Avalon effort was the result of the right people being in the right place at the right time.
"He was lucky that there were well trained Surf sports competitors there outside of patrol hours to respond. We need to encourage more participation in surf life saving at all levels for this reason, as it means more people who know what they're doing are there," Mr Lamb explained to the attending MPs.
Each month a ‘Rescue of the Month’ is awarded at State level for the most outstanding rescue performance for that period. Monthly winners have the chance to win the Australian Rescue of the Month and become finalists for the SLSNSW Rescue of the Year which is presented at the annual Awards of Excellence.
The SLSNSW Rescue of the Month aims to recognise excellence in lifesaving.
Top - Winners are grinners. Avan Christie and the Avalon and Warriewood Surf Boat Team with Graham Ford. Credit SLSA
Centre - The Avalon and Warriewood crew show off their spoils with Hon. Bronwyn Bishop MP. Credit SLSNSW
Below - Avan Christie is all smiles with Sarah Henderson MP, Federal Member for Corangamite, Victoria and Matthew Thistlethwaite MP, Federal Member for Kingsford Smith, NSW. - Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving - co-chairs. Credit SLSNSW.
What’s Your Beef?: Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Workshop
If you live, work in or just visit Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment and have an issue relating to its natural environment you’d like to get off your chest, go along to Narrabeen Lakes Public School on Monday August 24 at 7pm.
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment is staging a workshop that will be about the positives and negatives of living in this iconic part of Sydney. Share your observations, experiences and knowledge as ideas are discussed for recreational use, managing the challenges, inappropriate development, values that need protecting and preserving what remains of the bushland. Maybe you are just fed up with the limited parking at the various reserves? Be there and have your say. The second part of the evening will be focused on what can be done to address your concerns.
Entry is free, but you need to book your tickets now. Phone 9905-2135 or email Judith Bennett at
Tourism paper on exhibition
21 Aug 2015
Pittwater Council agreed at its recent meeting to place the draft Tourism in Pittwater paper on exhibition for public comment.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the overall aim of the draft tourism paper is to identify current and future tourism opportunities for Pittwater, along with possible challenges.
Mayor Townsend said we are very much aware of the contribution and value of tourism to the Pittwater businesses and our overall economy.
“Tourism is vital for creating job opportunities, with approximately 10 percent of our local workforce employed directly in tourism and hospitality, which is above the national average,” she said.
Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said that the data reveals the importance of tourism to Pittwater, with over 600,000 people visiting per annum and some 460,000 visitor nights recorded.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper was developed with input from businesses, chambers of commerce, government agencies along with the broader community.
“An online survey and a series of focus groups were conducted, along with one-on-one interviews with a broad spectrum of local owner operators including yacht and kayak hirers and café owners,” he said.
“Tourism to our area is growing; especially the day visitors who want to experience the lifestyle and unique natural environment, eat at our superb cafes and restaurants, and shop in a vibrant village atmosphere,” said Mr William-Smith.
“The draft paper also highlights the opportunities associated with developing our night time economy, with the potential to further enhance the visitor experience in our town and village centres.
Mr William-Smith said the draft tourism paper offers a useful tool for investors, operators and the broader community in developing their own business planning.
“It also confirms the desire to preserve the natural environment that makes Pittwater so unique, by promoting tourism that is sustainable.”
The draft document Tourism in Pittwater is on public exhibition from 20 August to 20 September 2015. To view the document visit
Imagine the future of Mona Vale
20 Aug 2015
Pittwater Council considered the community engagement outcomes from the Mona Vale place planning process at its meeting this week.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the report that came to Council contained a detailed account of how the community would like to see the future of Mona Vale.
Mayor Townsend said the Imagine Mona Vale – Engagement Summary report highlights feedback from engagement activities undertaken over the last 18 months, in particular the urban talks series earlier this year.
“We were delighted with the level of interest in our urban talks and workshops, with 1,300 community comments received over the engagement period, including input from local businesses and support from the local chamber.
“We had expert panellists and interactive discussions around ‘people & destinations’, ‘retail & economics’, ‘access and linkages’ and ‘urban fabric and the public realm’,” said Mayor Townsend.
“These sessions provided the framework for capturing key ideas about place planning in the context of the future of Mona Vale Town.
“We also saw a number of social ‘activation’ events in the centre which offered the chance for Council staff to interact with community members that perhaps would not usually attend Council’s engagement events.
“These included an outdoor cinema in Village Park, the Mona Vale Long Lunch, art installations, along with a series of pop-ups events offering food, music and temporary bars.
“There is a great opportunity for Mona Vale to take advantage of predicted economic growth and position itself as the peninsula’s vibrant urban town centre - it will be an exciting time for Mona Vale!” added Mayor Townsend.
Place Planning Manager Melinda Hewitt said the community’s feedback will inform the next phase of the place planning process which includes:
• proceeding with a parking & traffic study
• shaping draft planning controls that address the priorities expressed by the community
• identifying innovative housing opportunities
• finalising concepts for Village Park
• developing a program of ‘quick wins’ for the town centre.
To view the document Imagine Mona Vale – Engagement Summary visit the Council agenda of 17 August at
Exhibition of Climate Change Policy
At Pittwater Council’s meeting last week, the Council agreed to place on exhibition for public comment the revised Climate Change Policy from 6 August until 2 September 2015.
The focus of the review brings the current 2009 policy up-to-date to incorporate a risk management approach, with closer alignment to Pittwater 2025: Our Community Strategic Plan.
Pittwater Council supports the Australian Local Government Association which classes climate change as one of its top five priority policy issues.
As such Council has an important local role in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as implementing measures for climate change adaptation.
Acting General Manager Mark Jones said that a key focus of adaptation to climate change under the revised policy is on building community resilience.
“This requires preparedness for the projected increases to the severity of heatwaves, fires, floods and coastal storms.
“We are at a point in time to move beyond philosophy and acknowledge that we have commenced a focus on embedding climate change resilience into Council actions, and will continue to do so into the future,” said Mr Jones.
A Climate Action Plan Framework has also been developed in support of the revised policy.
Mr Jones said whilst it will take time, using a clear framework enables Council to coordinate its efforts to respond to the pressures of climate change in an ordered manner.
A number of key projects relating to building both Council and community capacity to climate change have already been completed and others are underway.
These include Council’s Climate Change Risk Assessment and plans to carry out community workshops later in the year. The workshops will raise awareness on how to be psychologically prepared for fire, floods and coastal storm events.
The Climate Change Policy No.176 is on exhibition for public comment between 6 August and 2 September 2015 and can be viewed at or at Council’s customer service centres at Mona Vale and Avalon.
Free child car seat fitting day at Flying-Fox Park
Pittwater Council together with Roads and Maritime Services invite Pittwater parents and guardians to a free child car seat check on Thursday 27 August 2015.
The safety check provides peace of mind that your child’s car seat, harness and/or booster seat is correctly anchored and fitted and appropriate for your child’s ages. The free check will take place at Winnererremy Bay car park, Mona Street, Mona Vale between 9.30am and 3.30pm.
Pittwater Council’s Road Safety Officer Michelle Carter said this is a great opportunity for parents and grandparents to become familiar with safety legislation with regard to child car seats.
“Legislation requires that children younger than six months must be secured in a rear-facing car seat and those between six months and four years of age must be secured in a car seat which is either forward or rear-facing,” said Ms Carter.
“Additionally, any child aged between four and seven years must be seated in a forward facing car seat or a booster seat.
“Your car seat will be checked or fitted by an authorised fitter on the day. They are authorised to fit and check only those seats that meet the Australian / New Zealand Standard 1754,” she added.
Ms Carter emphasised that the free check did not include the cost of any new equipment required to make the car seat safe and that only parents or direct guardians of children were eligible for the service.
“The service is free, however, bookings are essential and priority will be given to Pittwater residents,” added Ms Carter.
Residents are also reminded that legislation requires children under the age of seven should not be seated in the front seat of vehicles, where there are two rows of seating or more. For more information on the new child car seat laws visit:
Bookings can be made by calling 9970 1196. Residents in Warringah can call 9942 2447 and Manly 9976 1619 to find out details of their next child car seat fitting days.
Put your prized pooch in the frame!
Is your dog talented, cute or funny? Then the PETstock Pittwater Dog of the Year photo competition is for you and your pooch.
Pittwater residents are invited to submit a photo of their beloved canine companion in the competition and be in the running for a great prize package.
The competition closes 5pm on Friday 4 September, with winners announced at Dog Day by the Bay on Sunday 20 September at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
Event coordinator Sasha Lucius said to participate all you have to do is to submit your dog’s photo along with a brief description as to why they are worthy of being Pittwater Dog of the Year.
Entry to the competition is for Pittwater residents only, with a reminder that beach shots or dogs in the water will not be eligible.
All photos submitted will be available for viewing at as well as at the Dog Day by the Bay event and via social media.
Dog Day by the Bay is on between 10am and 3pm and includes demonstrations of canine skill and training, education talks and competitions including the ever-popular ‘Canine Fancy Dress Parade’ and ‘Doggy Dash’ competitions.
Other highlights include a new fun obedience and trick challenge led by the Manly and District Dog Training Club.
Ms Lucius said anyone in the audience can participate in this fun competition, again with great prizes on offer.
There will also be a Kids’ Corner where children can enjoy a free jumping castle and face painting, and a number of delicious food stalls on the day.
Proceeds raised will be donated to the local branch of the Animal Welfare League. Entry and parking are free.
Both the 2015 photo competition and the Dog Day by the Bay event are proudly sponsored by PETstock.
For further information about Dog Day by the Bay and how to enter the competition visit
Safety first for Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race
20 August 2015
Staying in touch with the latest in safety technology is paramount to the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s sailing committee, particularly when it comes to sending its Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race fleet offshore at night through major shipping channels.
The Pittwater to Coffs Notice of Race, which is now available online for prospective entries, includes a new requirement that adds the latest in positioning technology to the fleet’s inventory of safety gear.
For the 2016 race to Coffs Harbour starting January 2 off Palm Beach headland, all competing yachts will be required to carry an AIS transponder, technology that is readily available and brings increased benefits, particularly when navigating through busy shipping channels such as off the port of Newcastle on the NSW Hunter coast.
Ragamuffin and OCL 2 - photo by Crosbie Lorimer
AIS, or Automatic Identification System, is a maritime communications device that uses Very High Frequency (VHF) radio broadcasting system to transfer data via a VHF data link. AIS equipped vessels can send and receive identification information plusposition, course, speed, and ship particulars that can be displayed on an electronic chart, computer display or compatible navigation radar.
Skipper and Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race organising committee member Robert McClelland says AIS gives a very accurate picture of all ships, much more than radar is able to do, “given AIS’s ability to ‘look around corners’ because it’s based on a transmission rather than a point-to-point approach.
“On our plotter screen on my boat we can see all the targets within a 25 nautical mile range, and AIS tells me their speed and direction and this information is updated every few minutes. Using a wireless transmitter means I can see the plotter on my iPad, which is really convenient.”
The Rolex Fastnet Race requires AIS on every boat and the Volvo Ocean Race used the technology heavily during the most recent edition of the round-the-world race. “From a performance point of view the VOR crews were able to keep an eye on each other using AIS,” McClelland points out. “It opens up another avenue for monitoring the fleet that can aid in navigation and decision making.
“There are lots of side benefits other than being able to stay out of the path of a huge ship at night,” he added.
The transponders are easily hardwired into the boat and simple to use. They utilise a boat’s existing VHF antennae, which the Coffs race fleet is required to have. AIS is being introduced for the club’s flagship offshore event as an additional entry requirement and safeguard to complement the requirement for Sat phones and the YellowBrick tracking units.
Owners planning to enter the 2016 race to Coffs can look forward to the same simple and streamlined online entry process, and can choose to enter a monohull and be scored under IRC, ORCi, and PHS handicap systems, a multihull (OMR) or the short-handed division.
So far three keelboats and two multihulls have been nominated for the 226 nautical mile race, including Brian Pozzey’s Frantic which will cruise down from the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron to join the dominant NSW fleet.
Owners of eligible boats considering a first time entry for the opening offshore event of new calendar year are encouraged to have a look at the RPAYC’s Pathway to Coffs information series, designed to walk those new to the idea of ocean racing through the stages. Go to
RPAYC’s sailing office staff are available to answer questions and are more than willing to step owners through the qualification and entry process.
Enter here before Friday December 4, 2015.
All information relating to the Club Marine Pittwater to Coffs Race 2016, including a new simplified Notice of Race, is on the regatta website
Club Marine, Australia’s largest provider of pleasure craft insurance, is proud to be the naming rights sponsor of the RPAYC’s Pittwater to Coffs Yacht Race.
Event website
By Lisa Ratcliff /RPAYC media

12pm U16 v Harbord
1.30pm U17 v Belrose
3pm U19 v Belrose
Please spread the word and let’s get a huge crowd down to the doggie dome today Sunday August 23rd. We need to cheer the boys on big time. If U16s and U19s win it's straight through to the Grand Final. U17s need a win to keep their GF hopes alive.
A Grade is already into the Grand Final at North Sydney Oval - next Saturday August 29th.
Don't miss out on all the action. Be there!!
Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club Registration and Club Maintenance Day
The sailing season is almost here.
Our Registration and Club Maintenance Day will be held on Sunday 23 August at Jamieson Park, Narrabeen Lakes.
Anyone wanting to learn more about sailing on the lake or keen to sign up, come and see our friendly volunteers from 10am.
Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club is a not-for-profit community organisation based at Jamieson Park, Narrabeen Lakes.
We are here for the benefit of sailors of every ability – the junior, the novice, the experienced.
We are a family-orientated club, and we love nothing more than encouraging mums, dads, grandparents and kids to jump into a boat and simply give it a go.
We place almost as much emphasis on socialising as we do on sailing, and our club is built on the values of camaraderie, role-modelling and team spirit.
Get Your Bronze Medallion at Whale Beach SLSC
Do you know anyone who is interested in obtaining their Bronze Medallion?!
If any of your friends or family are interested then all they have to do is send a quick email to our Chief Training Officer - Georgia Roberts - at - Easy!!
The first Bronze course begins on the 27th of September and there will be more courses throughout the season!

Lock Crowther Regatta 2015 – RMYC Multihull Division
Lock Crowther was regarded as a world class Australian pioneer of multihull yacht design. We recognise his dedication to the development of the modern multihull and name a Regatta in his honour.
The Lock Crowther Regatta has been hosted by the RMYC since 1996 and offers multihull owners both exciting racing and cruising programs.
Once again the regatta will be held over the October long weekend on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and Broken Bay, NSW - starting with an optional Blue Water Classic ocean race on Friday 2 October 2015 for Safety Category 4 equipped boats with 4 inshore races to be sailed over Saturday and Sunday 3-4 October 2015.
And for the second year running, "off the beach" multihulls are invited to attend!
For the tenth year running APC Logistics, a major Australian-based international freight forwarding company, has signed on as principal and title sponsor of the 2015 event. We acknowledge and thank them warmly for their ongoing, generous support.
Here's an outline of what we have arranged for the weekend:
• Five races over three days • Exciting prize pool on offer
• First class marina facilities • PHS, OMR & VYC handicap formats
• Launching area for trailable boats • Family entertainment facilities including swimming pool
• Trailer storage area • Courtesy bus to shops/chandlery
• Friday evening welcome BBQ • Breakfast and take-away lunch available
• Free skipper's regatta shirt • "off the beach" entries welcome
All this for only $150 entry fee unchanged from last year!
Don't miss it!
Please click HERE for the 2015 Notice of Race, online Entry Form and regatta shirt ordering information.
The online Entry Form includes help instructions. And you can pay securely online as well as upload a photo and other details of your boat if you wish!
"Off the Beach" boats, please choose the OTB Regatta Entry Form.
Sailing Instructions will be available for download towards the end of September 2015
Renewable energy and efficiency for your home, 8 September, Manly
Get the lowdown on how you can save money on your energy bills (and at the same time reduce your dependence on coal and gas).
The Renewable Energy and Efficiency Forum will outline the most up-to-date methods and technologies available for reducing energy use in the home and for keeping houses warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It will be practical and innovative!
The speakers are leaders in their field:
• James Bramwell from Energy Freedom
• Michael Mobbs, a sustainability consultant who has made his own inner-city houseindependent of water, sewage and power supplies
• Christina Kirsch from ClearSky Investments
Regardless of your home's age or design, there are ways to use the latest technology to improve your efficiency, take advantage of rooftop solar, and get coal seam gas out!
The speakers’ presentations will be followed by a Q & A session.
WHEN: Tuesday September 8, 7pm - 9pm
WHERE: Manly Council Chambers, 1 Belgrave St, Manly
Entry by donation. Refreshments provided.
Thank you to Manly City Council and the Manly Environment Centre for their support of this event.
Pablo Brait: Community Organiser - Nature Conservation Council of NSW, proud partner of the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
Ph. 0421 011 182 -
Tree Vandals Cause Destruction
Tuesday, August 18, 2015: Warringah Council
Eight trees have been ring-barked, poisoned, and had roots cut in a needless act of tree vandalism in Anzac Reserve, Collaroy.
‘Bush regenerators first noticed the vandalism in June in the reserve behind Duncan Crescent, Collaroy and there has been further destruction recently,’ said Warringah Council Mayor, Michael Regan.
The species of trees include Bangalay Gums, Blueberry Ash, Pittosporum, Omalanthus and Port Jackson Figs from the vegetation community known as Bangalay Slopes Forest.
The trees are important to the total ecosystem within Anzac Reserve and greatly help to reduce erosion and landslips on the steep embankment area and there is no obvious motive for the attacks.
Any body found guilty of tree vandalism may be fined up to $1.1million in the Land and Environment Court.
‘Tree vandalism costs the whole community and the people who are doing this need to be caught.
‘This needless destruction of native trees is very disturbing and we’re asking anyone with information to call rangers on 9942 2111.’
Local government outraged at sacking reports
Sunday August 16, 2015: LGNSW
The reported Baird Government plan to unilaterally sack NSW Councils and replace them with administrators would be an outrageous breach of faith which would make a complete mockery of the council reform process, the Local Government sector said today.
Local Government NSW President Keith Rhoades AFSM said that - if true - reports of a proposal taken to Cabinet by Local Government Minister Paul Toole would vindicate the very worst fears of councils and communities by confirming the Government's plot to crush local democracy.
It would see the Government sack all elected Mayors and Councillors in order to force through the creation of Mega Councils, some with populations the size of Tasmania.
Smaller rural Councils would be replaced with Community Boards, according to media reports.
“Just three days ago, I and LGNSW Chief Executive Donna Rygate sat with Premier Mike Baird, trying to get information on the Government's plans, process and timing,” Cr Rhoades said.
“There was NO mention of the alleged hidden agenda splashed across the media today - none.
“It would be an outrageous breach of faith, and completely ignore the rights of residents and ratepayers, who elected their councillors to represent their wishes for the future of their communities.”
Cr Rhoades said councils had entered into the reform process in good faith, investing enormous amounts of time, effort and money to consult their communities, analyse council finances, develop improvement plans and prepare submissions to IPART, and to a Parliamentary Inquiry supported by the Government.
“Yet from today's media reports, the whole Fit for the Future process, with its ratios, submissions and forums, could be just camouflage for a developer-driven political agenda.
“It would be breach of faith, a betrayal of process and a slap in the face to all councils – including those who have chosen to voluntarily amalgamate.
“The arrogance and duplicity of this would be breathtaking.”
Cr Rhoades said such a proposal would also ignore statistically valid polling that showed less than one in five Sydney residents supported the merger of their Council.
“The polling, carried out over the past four months by respected market researchers Micromex, found 85% supported their Council standing alone, and more than 60% actually selected the stand alone option as their first preference.
“Less than one in five – just 18% - supported the Government’s proposal to create Mega Councils.”
Cr Rhoades said the polling used a sample size some five times greater than used in regular political polling, and showed the Government was wrong to claim a mandate to force mergers through.
“And don't forget this is the same Minister who has claimed amalgamations will drive down Council rates, when we know from the Queensland and Victorian experience that this is not borne out by the evidence,” he said.
“After the 2008 Queensland amalgamations, total council rate revenue in that state grew by 27.4%, compared to NSW growth of 13.4% over the same period.
“The Commonwealth’s most recent Local Government National Report shows Victorian council rates average $692 per capita compared to $499 in NSW – a difference of nearly 40%.
“This is despite amalgamations in 1994 that reduced the number of Victorian councils from 210 to 78.”
“The Australian Centre of Excellence in Local Government criticised the perception that municipal consolidation will result in gains through efficiencies in scale, saying there was clearly ‘insufficient robust research’ to support the proposition.
“More recent research demonstrated no discernible economies-of-scale efficiencies in bigger councils, and found amalgamated councils did not deliver better performance than non-amalgamated councils on any of the Fit for the Future performance indicators.”
Cr Rhoades said some had argued the only real efficiency gain from amalgamation would be that the State Government and property developers had fewer Councils to deal with, allowing them to ignore the wishes of individual communities.
“Local Government is the only way the majority of ordinary individuals can have a direct input into the future of their neighbourhoods and the way they live their lives – and they don’t want any sphere of Government riding roughshod over this right.
“They don’t want to be forced to give way to big developers, or to see their lifestyles impacted by decisions into which they have no meaningful input.
“The Premier and the Minister have dodged the question of forced amalgamations for more than a year, but they must come out today and confirm or deny publicly whether the Minister took this proposal to Cabinet - and if he claims he did not, he should explain why some of his Cabinet colleagues are so horrified by the proposal they seem to be leaking it to the media.
“If Premier Baird and Minister Toole won’t rule out mass Council sackings, then residents and ratepayers throughout NSW will know this process and this Government are nothing but a bad joke, with democracy as the punchline.”
Parliamentary Inquiry into Local Government
Saturday August 22, 2015
The Parliamentary Inquiry into Local Government was out and about this week, seeking to unpack the views of our regional members relating to the Fit for the Future reform process. I know the committee welcomed the input from witnesses who attended hearings at Cobar, Wagga Wagga and Armidale. Unsurprisingly it was the Minister’s appearance at the Wagga hearing which attracted maximum public attention – particularly following the reports about a proposal to sack all councils and replace them with administrators. While the Minister told the Inquiry there was “no such plan”, when pushed in media interviews on the day to rule out sackings, he would only commit to waiting for the IPART report on councils ruled fit or unfit for the future ... leaving the vast majority of NSW councils, residents and ratepayers in the dark and decidedly nervous about their fate.
In another development this week, the Government has launched a TV ad seeking to persuade the community that local government needs reform. Needless to say, we are giving very careful consideration to our next steps in this context.
You might also be aware of the Minister’s claim that I told him I was disappointed that so few councils had chosen the amalgamation option – a claim I immediately rebutted in a formal statement to the Inquiry. I think anyone who has spoken to me, read these Weekly messages, seen any of my interviews, or read any LGNSW media releases will recognise the claim is diametrically opposed to my position, which has remained consistent throughout this process.
See: Media Release: Government ignores community on Council mergers - June 30, 2015
As President of LGNSW I wholeheartedly support reform and member councils who choose to voluntarily amalgamate, but both I and the association are vehemently opposed to forced amalgamations. LGNSW Treasurer and Cootamundra Councillor Paul Braybrooks OAM put it very well in Wagga when he told the Inquiry: “Local residents should be the prime decision-makers on whether amalgamations occur”. That’s exactly the position LGNSW continues to take on this issue. Rest assured we will also continue to play the ball and not the man in this debate which – despite all efforts to portray it to the contrary – is about local representation and the right of all communities to have a meaningful say in the future of their local area.
Cr Keith Rhoades President
Sydney Metropolitan Mayors Reject Minister’s Plan to Force the Amalgamation of Councils
17th August, 2015
The Sydney Metropolitan Mayors are calling on Local Government Minister Paul Toole to abandon and publicly reject any plan to sack every council in NSW to implement its amalgamations agenda.
“Forced amalgamations are costly, disruptive and undemocratic,” Sydney Metropolitan Mayors Chair and Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.
“To secretly plan forced amalgamations, especially before IPART completes its recommendations, demonstrates complete disregard for proper process and community involvement in the future of local government.”
“How can we trust anything about the local government reform process if the Government is developing a secret plan to ram through amalgamations?”
Council amalgamations currently require the NSW Government to apply to the independent Boundaries Commission or to the chief executive of the Office of Local Government and run public consultation on the proposed change.
Reports in Fairfax and News Ltd. papers say the Government will look to circumvent these requirements to unilaterally redraw council boundaries across NSW.
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal has been tasked with reviewing submissions from each local council and making recommendations to the Government by October.
Councils across Sydney ran extensive consultation and found overwhelming opposition to amalgamations. Statistically valid polling carried out over the past four months found that 85% of Sydney residents supported their council standing alone and more than 60% actually selected the stand alone option as their first preference.
The NSW Government’s obsession with amalgamations has overshadowed more significant and generally supported recommendations contained in Revitalising Local Government, the final report of the Independent Local Government Review Panel.
“We need a 21st century system of local government and planning in New South Wales, which is why Sydney Metropolitan Mayors supports the majority of recommendations made by the Independent Local Government Review Panel, particularly a stronger partnership between state and local government and supporting councils to be financially sustainable,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.
“Some Sydney Metropolitan Mayors member councils are pursuing voluntary amalgamations where there is support from their communities and clear benefit to improve sustainability.”
Sydney Metropolitan Mayors is an organisation of 22 inner and outer urban Sydney metropolitan councils, representing more than two million residents. Established in July 2013, Sydney Metropolitan Mayors aims to provide a cohesive voice for Sydney, regardless of geographic boundaries or political persuasion. Member councils include a diverse cross section of the Sydney metropolitan area reflecting the needs of both suburban and inner urban councils, large and small.
Music from the Heart
A concert for the Manly Arts Festival given by the Odawara Doctors’ Choir and the Manly Warringah Choir
Conductors: Hiroko Yamada and Carlos Alvarado
Accompanists: Yumi Tabata and Angela Ferguson
Guest Artist: Noriko Shimada (Contrabassoon)
The Odawara Doctors’ Choir and Manly Warringah Choir will present a program of songs reflective of love and the spirit. Each choir will sing its own repertoire and the two choirs will join forces for two songs – one from each repertoire.
The concert will be held at the Cardinal Cerretti Chapel, Darley Road Manly, in the grounds of the International Management College at 5.00pm on Sunday September 20th.
Odawara Doctors’ Choir
The Odawara Doctors’ Choir was founded in 2008 in Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Most of the members are medical personnel including doctors, pharmacists, nurses, nursing school staff, dentists and secretariat staff.
The choir holds its concert annually – The Choir has featured an international cellist, Mari Fujiwara, and a
psychiatrist and musician, Osamu Kitayama as some of the guest artists to make their concerts richer. The choir participates in chorus festivals such as Odawara Citizens’ Choir Festival and Kanagawa Prefectural Chorus Festival.
The choir has also held charity concerts, in 2011 in Paris and in 2013 at Honen-in Temple in Kyoto. The choir was selected to perform at a Christmas charity concert held by the Japan Medical Association in December, 2014. The conductor of Odawara Doctors’ Choir is Hiroko Yamada and the accompanist is Yumi Tabata.
The members of Odawara Doctors’ Choir practise singing for their patients and community to feel closer to them through music.
Odawara Doctors’ Choir appreciates the opportunity to sing with The Manly-Warringah Choir in Manly where Tokimeki International School, Odawara-Manly youth exchange program has been held for 25 years.
Manly-Warringah Choir
Members of the Manly Warringah Choir are a diverse group of people. Some members have been in choirs all their adult lives, have powerful voices and can read music at sight. Others have taken up singing later in life, and are still developing musical and vocal skills.
The one thing they all share is a love of choral music, and of performing it for local audiences. Choir membership in 2015 numbers around 100, with between 70 and 90 members taking part in each concert.
The Choir’s Conductor for over ten years, Dr Carlos Alvarado, is an experienced and accomplished musician, having been trained at The Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow and Berlin. His particular expertise is in melding the singing of such a variety of voices and abilities to make memorable performances.
2015 is the 40th anniversary year of choir’s foundation.
Noriko Shimada: Guest Artist
After graduating from the State University for Music and Arts in Tokyo, Noriko Shimada moved to Hannover, Germany to continue her studies with Klaus Thunemann. She completed her Konzert exam (Soloist's Diploma) performing André Jolivet's bassoon concerto.
Noriko worked as a member of the Ensemble Modern, a contemporary music group in Germany over 10 years. She joined the Sydney Symphony Orchestra as Principal Contrabassoon in 2002. She also teaches the fagottino, a small bassoon designed especially for young children. Member of Australasian Double Reed Society.
Spring Flower Show
Mona Vale Garden Club 44th Spring Flower Show
26th Sep 2015: 10:30am - 4pm
The Mona Vale Garden Club presents its annual Spring Flower Show. All profits to Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary.
Flowers, potted plants, vegetables, herbs and floral art exhibits.
Plants, craft, cakes & white elephant goods for sale.
Raffles and refreshments.
Cost: Adults $2, children no charge.
Venue: Ted Blackwood Hall, cnr Jacksons & Boondah Roads, Warriewood
Contact: Cheryl Wunsch 9971 7875

Fauna Passes for Upgraded Mona Vale Road
What will a widened Mona Vale Road be like? How will animals get across?
Please ask Roads and Maritime for more fauna crossings for the Mona Vale East Upgrade Project before Friday 28 August Contact: Mona Vale Road East Upgrade, Roads and Maritime Services, PO Box 973, PARRAMATTA CBD NSW 2124 - or by email
See video at here along with all documents relating to this upgrade under tab 'About'
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA)
Avalon Sailing Club 2015 (ASC) Registration Day
Sunday, August 30 at 9:00am
Come and register for
• Learn to sail group (tell your friends - children only)
• Registration will also open for the Learn To Sail camp aimed at the older children during the September holidays
• Dinghy sailing -for those with limited to extensive experience, adults and kids
• Yacht Racing and cruising
Above: Nearly there! - after a long time coming the deck is almost complete and we will start the season with somewhere to rig the centreboards! Too many to mention, but a huge thanks to all those who have contributed.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 21/8/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Great Chairs for sale at Avalon Beach SLSC
We are dropping the price of these chairs as we really need to get rid of them. We are also happy to sell any number (we have to move 94) THEY ARE NOW ONLY $20 EACH.
You couldn't rent them for this price. In great condition. Message us if you want some or would like to have a look at them. Message at
Riviera Owners Invited to Experience the Wonderful Whitsundays
Picture yourself cruising aboard your luxurious Riviera through Queensland’s Whitsundays, creating special memories at idyllic destinations such as Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, secluded island anchorages and wonderful Whitehaven Beach.
It’s the stuff dreams are made of – and Mark Riley and the team at Pittwater-based R Marine Riley are planning to make these dreams come true.
Sydney International Boat Show was this week abuzz with excitement as R Marine Riley formally announced a special Whitsunday Islands Experience, departing Sydney in mid-2016.
This extremely active Riviera dealership has hosted some amazing experiences for Riviera clients from all over the world, all of whom share one thing in common: getting out and enjoying ‘the ultimate boating experience’ aboard their luxurious Riviera and Belize motor yachts.
“This will be an amazing trip,” said dealer principal Mark Riley. “We will also be taking in many of the major highlights of Australia’s east coast, the world-class Riviera factory at Coomera, of course the Great Barrier Reef as well as many of the magnificent Whitsunday islands that are known worldwide for their beauty and pristine turquoise waters.”
The Whitsunday Island Experience open to all Riviera and Belize owners, regardless of experience.
“This is a great opportunity for Riviera and Belize owners to stretch their sea legs with the confidence they are in the company of people with extensive blue-water cruising and weather forecasting experience, as well as a marine engineer who knows their boats intimately,” says Mark.
“We will be enjoying some amazing raft-ups, sunset on the beach parties and, of course, the safety of knowing that if anything goes wrong other boats are only seconds away.”
Mark says the success of past R Marine Riley Experience trips to Lady Musgrave and Frazer islands in Queensland, to Jervis Bay on the NSW south coast and also closer to home trips to northern NSW destinations including Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and the Myall Lakes has ensured plenty of early interest in the Whitsundays passage.
“Our trips have included everyone from families and couples new to boating through to experienced hands who just love the camaraderie of cruising in company of like-minded people who share their passion for the rich and rewarding boating lifestyle,” he said.
“Cruising the Whitsunday islands is, for many people, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we invite Riviera and Belize owners to join us on this very special voyage to the by registering as soon as possible.”
If you would like to register for this amazing Whitsunday Islands Experience or for R Marine Riley’s three-week Tasmania Experience departing Sydney at the end of 2015, please contact:
R Marine Riley
The Quays Marina
1856 Pittwater Road
Church Point, NSW, Australia
Phone: + 61 (02) 9979 7000
Fax: + 61 (02) 9997 1288
Mobile: +61 418 250 727

Have Your Say On Plans To Upgrade Mona Vale Road East
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encourging the community to comment on plans for the upgrade of Mona Vale Road between Ingleside and Mona Vale.
The NSW Government has allocated a further $2 million this financial year to progress planning for the 3.2 km section of Mona Vale Road East - between Manor Road at Ingleside and Foley Street at Mona Vale.
The proposed upgrade reduces travel times by widening the road corridor to four lanes, with median separation and wide shoulders, and improves safety for breakdowns and cyclists.
Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and bus priority lanes would also be installed at the Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection to enhance motorist and pedestrian safety and bus service efficiency.
The community is being invited to view the proposed concept design and comment on the Review of Environmental Factors which outlines measures to reduce environmental impacts.
“This project would provide enormous benefits to our entire community,” Rob Stokes said.
“The upgrade aims to improve safety, increase capacity and reduce travel times for the thousands of motorists who travel along Mona Vale Road every day.
“Further community feedback is now being sought to inform the final project design.
“The community is invited to learn more at information sessions on Saturday 8 August, from 10am to 12pm, and Monday 10 August, from 5pm to 7pm, at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Park Street, Mona Vale.
“The Review of Environmental Factors is also available to view on the Roads and Maritime Services website and in hard copy at Mona Vale and Avalon Beach libraries.
“Roads and Maritime is also preparing an Environmental Assessment Report for the Mona Vale Road West Upgrade Projectbetween McCarrs Creek Road at Terrey Hills and Powder Works Road at Ingleside. The report will be on display for community and stakeholder comment in the first half of 2016.
“Feedback on the Mona Vale East Upgrade Project is invited before Friday 28 August and can be directed to - Mona Vale Road East Upgrade, Roads and Maritime Services, PO Box 973, PARRAMATTA CBD NSW 2124 - or by email
“I encourage everyone to view the plans and concept design and provide feedback,” Rob Stokes said
See PDF of works HERE - 2.45MB
Live captioning: let's talk ... register now
20 July 2015
Captioning gives deaf and hearing-impaired citizens access to television programs. But live captioning comes with its challenges, so what is the most effective and sustainable way to caption live or part-live programs?
Join a range of citizen, industry and government stakeholders as the ACMA hosts the latest Citizen conversation series on live captioning. This free event will feature a hearing loop, Auslan interpreters and captioners.
Event details: Tuesday 15 September 2015, 9.00 am – 3.30 pm(registration opens at 8.30 am).
Where: ACMA Sydney office, Level 5, The Bay Centre, 65 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont
RSVP: Space is limited, so register now to secure your place. Registrations close Monday 7 September 2015.
Please note that this event will be filmed.
More information
For more information about this event, please A draft program with information about speakers and panellists is available here.
Please note: One registration per individual.
If you are viewing this page on our mobile site, you will need to switch to the full site to access the registration form.
Live captioning: let's talk – register here
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition 2015
Over 500 artworks will be on display when the Forest Community Arts Centre opens its doors to the public for the annual Forest Art and Craft Exhibition.
In this past year hundreds of pieces of art have been created by talented artists and crafts people at The Forest Community Arts Centre.
Paintings in pastels, oils, watercolour and mixed media will be on display, plus numerous crafts including quilting, ceramics and folk art - with many pieces available to purchase.
Many artists have been involved in creating works for this annual exhibition since 1979.
The teacher’s love to create, but they also really enjoy passing on their skills and seeing their students build confidence through a class and through this opportunity to exhibit their work.
There will be artworks from Jeanette Maxwell, Val Kemsley and Bernard Devaux, who are all part of the Forest Community Art Centre group, plus amazing pieces from Artability classes, run for students with disabilities.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and nominate their favourite piece in the People’s Choice Award – as well as buying something for their wall or mantelpiece.
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 Sep, 10am – 4pm
Forest Community Arts Centre: 6 Darley Street, Forestville
Free entry
Monday, 17 August 2015
Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair has visited students in Years 5 and 6 at Carlton South Public School, who are participating in this year’s ‘Get Hooked…it’s fun to fish’ program and encouraged more schools to sign up.
“I grew up fishing and still love wetting a line, and I want to see more kids get involved and that’s why this initiative is a great way to bring fishing into NSW classrooms,” Mr Blair said. “The NSW Government is investing more than $1.5 million across a wide range of education programs to ensure that funds from the Recreation Fishing Trusts support the sector, including our younger fishers.”
To date more than 80 schools will participate in the ‘Get Hooked’ program in 2015. The program, implemented using funds from the Recreational Fishing Trust, provides teachers with a comprehensive learning package to deliver the program which encourages primary school aged students to develop skills for recreational fishing.
Elements of the program include a ‘fun resource kit,’ DVD and comprehensive teachers manual for educators, as well as the assistance of enthusiastic volunteers and workshops, to take children on a fun, fishing journey. The program follows the marine mascots Snappy and Squirt, as they venture into learning about sustaining quality aquatic habitats by practicing safe and responsible fishing.
The program is designed to teach students show to fish responsibly as well as to be mindful of the environment and aquatic habitats.
For more information, is available
Nominate now for the National Disability Awards
The 2015 National Disability Awards open today, giving Australians the chance to acknowledge the many people, organisations and initiatives across the country that make a positive impact on the lives of people with disability.
Now in their ninth year, the Awards help build awareness of disability issues and showcase important work throughout the community, enabling people to fully participate in work and society.
I encourage people to put forward a person, organisation or initiative in their community that deserves recognition.
This year we are looking for nominations that demonstrate great community initiatives.
Awards will be presented in six categories:
Lesley Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Disability
Emerging Leader in Disability Awareness
Excellence in Accessibility – Technology
Excellence in Accessibility – Community
Excellence in Choice and Control in Service Delivery
Excellence in Advocacy
To nominate for the National Disability Awards, go or call 1800 672 682. TTY users please call 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 672 682.
Nominations for the National Disability Awards close on 4 September 2015.
The winners will be announced at a ceremony in the Great Hall, Australian Parliament House in Canberra on 25 November.
The Awards are an integral part of the Australian Government’s celebrations of the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December.
Expressions of interest open for National Program for Excellence in the Arts independent assessors
17 August 2015: Attorney-General for Australia, Minister for the Arts, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC
The Ministry for the Arts is seeking expressions of interest for independent assessors to assist with the assessment of grant applications to the National Program for Excellence in the Arts.
Expressions of interest are sought from arts and culture professionals and other relevant areas to the sector. This may include artists, curators, philanthropists and producers. Individuals who may not be involved professionally in the sector, but who attend and participate in arts and culture are also encouraged to apply. Consideration will be given to the balance of different artform expertise, gender, cultural backgrounds, ages and an understanding of regional, urban or international contexts.
The Ministry for the Arts will establish a register of independent assessors who will play an important role in supporting the program to provide a responsive, national approach to strengthening participation in and access to Australia’s high quality, diverse and vital arts and cultural sector.
Applications to be an assessor can be made at any time and applicants will be notified within 25 business days whether their application has been successful. Assessors will have the opportunity to indicate if they wish to be considered for positions which assess applications to other Ministry for the Arts funding programs. The Ministry for the Arts will select assessors for the register.
Those interested will have the opportunity to apply to the register at any time, and will be notified within 25 business days whether they have been appointed to the Register. Selection to the Register does not guarantee work as an assessor.
For more information, to view the draft guidelines and to submit an expression of interest visit the Ministry for the Arts website.
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun August 23
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8:30-11:30am
Fri August 28
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sat August 29
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sun August 30
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 2-3 years / F
BREED: Foxy x
Daisy is a pretty girl with a sweet affectionate nature. She is social with other dogs. She walks on loose lead but can be reactive to passing cars. She has a very soft short coat and weighs 5.8kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
Pittwater YHA Envirofun Weekend August 28-30.
Do something important and have fun too! PNHA assists with birding and botany activities. Eight years of Asparagus removal in Spotted Gum forest have transformed the bush. Go with friends, book through the hostel.
Volunteer for two mornings’ bush regeneration and receive:
• Free accommodation
• 2 evening meals + 2 BBQ lunches + 2 morning teas
• Free use of kayaks
• Alternatively come for a Sat or Sun morning's bush regeneration
and enjoy a morning tea & bbq lunch & kayak
Cost: $20 contribution for a weekend of great company, food and activities.
Bookings Essential: $50 non-refundable booking fee with a $30 refund on arrival.
Phone: 9999 5748 Email:
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.

George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is September 6th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has welcomed the release of a series of draft recommendations, which outline proposed changes to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the commercial fishing industry in NSW.
The independent Structural Adjustment Review Committee (SARC) is writing to all commercial fishing businesses in NSW, with each fisher receiving the draft recommendations that relate to their business.
“This state needs a commercial fishing sector that is viable and sustainable long in to the future. Doing nothing is not an option, which is why the NSW Government will make the necessary reforms to secure the future of this industry,” Mr Blair said. “This reform is about providing greater certainty and security to the commercial fishing industry – something this sector deserves.
“But this reform is also about assisting fishing businesses to either exit or remain in the industry, through a $16 million business adjustment program.”
All commercial fishers are encouraged to examine the materials they receive from the SARC, and to use this next period of consultation to provide constructive feedback to assist the committee with finalising its recommendations. The SARC has considered extensive stakeholder feedback and will now consult further with the commercial fishing industry on its draft recommendations.
The SARC has recommended modifying the $16 million adjustment program, removing a number of high impact options from consideration and giving commercial fishers more time to adjust to the changes.
The SARC will make final recommendations to the NSW Government in September 2015. The NSW Government will make no final decisions in relation to the reform until after it has considered the SARC’s final recommendations. More information, including all of the SARC’s draft recommendations, is available
Industry Working Groups will meet with the SARC during the consultations while individual fishers and other stakeholders can make written submissions on the Draft Recommendations by 31 August 2015, via: Email:
Mail: Structural Adjustment Review Committee - c/o PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
August 16 - 22, 2015: Issue 227
Articles This Week
VP Day Commemorative Service 2015 – at Avalon Beach RSL Cenotaph: 70th Anniversary
NBN Update at Avalon - Pittwater Works Will Commence in 2016
Pittwater Ferry Services: OPAL Card for Pensioners Not Same as Public Ferries
Funds Begin Flowing To Pittwater’s Newest State Parks
Launch of New Dementia Service for Manly Community
Riviera Owners Invited to Experience the Wonderful Whitsundays
Captain T. Watson and his Captain Cook Statues: A Tribute to Kindness - for students of all ages - also see: Sailing with Cook: Inside the Private Journal of James Burney RN by Suzanne Rickard - our interview with the author
Aquatics: Pittwater Sailors Among 339 Set For Second Olympic Test Event in Rio
Pictures: Pittwater Environment News: A Week of Constructive and Active Positives: Sea Shepherd Sydney Monthly Clean Up of Curl Curl Lagoon, Drawing a line in the sand against coal and coal seam gas at North Narrabeen, Check if you're in a 10/50 area: Review Now Complete and You Aren't!, Funds Begin Flowing To Pittwater’s Newest State Parks, Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade Hazard Reduction, Whale Pictures at Bantry Bay, near Seaforth and on magnificent Middle Harbour by many!
Profile: John Michael Armstrong Stringer AM, ESM, JP, CMILT, ASO: Mr. Stringer, 'Mike', has given decades in voluntary service, amounting to thousands of hours of work, and worked full-time while doing so in construction, transport, on the land and on the sea. This week we share an insight into an Elanora Heights gentleman of great renown who is a true 'Local Hero'
History: Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways - Hordern or Wiltshire Parks to McKay Reserve – From Beach to Estuary: some 'for Spring Inspirations' insights on the early days of Pittwater Reserves - first - go north dear hiker!
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month August 2015 - Lisa Wilkes-Hunter: Inspired by a childhood full of adventures and encouraged by a creative and talented family, my passion for art started early in life.
I am stirred by the power, colour, mystery and contrasts of the natural world and whilst I often use living energy - animals, people, the ocean, plants and trees as subject matter, I also include inert objects as a medium - eggs, sand, drift wood and recycled things (pages from my grandfather, Richard Wilkes-Hunter 's books), as a background to create a dreamlike, textured, collage effect.

Happy International Lighthouse and Lightship weekend Barrenjoey!
Manly Warringah Radio Society have once again make the 93m vertical ascent to Barrenjoey Lighthouse, Palm Beach for International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW). This is a fun weekend playing radio in a very scenic location, the climb is worth it! Go see them, find out a bit more about amateur radio or if you are already licenced you are welcome to borrow their mic for a while (or for those playing at home, hunt us down on air and work us!). The lighthouse will be running tours on Sunday, and it is a great view up there.
See all participants HERE
In the lead up to ILLW, Radio Northern Beaches host Radio Northern Beaches host Ian Nicholas interviewed club President Geoff Van der Wagen on Tuesday. Listen here!
Pittwater Online has run a few pages on Barrenjoey Lighthouse, all listed under Barrenjoey in Past Features - two that may be of interest for those strolling up the hill to visit today are:
Barrenjoey Lighthouse - The Construction - History
George Mulhall - First Lightkeeper at Barrenjoey and First Rowing Champion of Australia - History
Remembrance Day Contest
15th & 16th August 2015
Amateur radio operators in Australia hold the "Remembrance Day Contest" on the weekend nearest VP Day, August 15, commemorating the amateur radio operators who died during World War II and to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. The contest runs for 48 hours, from 0800 UTC on the Saturday, preceded by a broadcast including a speech by a dignitary or notable Australian (such as the Prime Minister of Australia, Governor-General of Australia, or a military leader) and the reading of the names of amateur radio operators who are known to have died during this conflict. It is organized by the Wireless Institute of Australia, with operators in each Australian state contacting operators in other states, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. A trophy is awarded to the state that can boast the greatest rate of participation, based on a formula including: number of operators, number of contacts made, and radio frequency bands used.
The opening speech for the 2015 RD Contest is given by Lieutenant Colonel Deane Limmer, Commanding Officer, Defence Force School of Signals, Simpson Barracks, VIC (and VK3HWX). This follows introductory remarks by the host, Peter Ellis VK1PE and Phil Wait VK2ASD, President of the WIA, and a reading of the names of WIA members killed during WW2.
You can find out more, and the link to this address (audio)
100 years of Commonwealth lighthouses
While on Lighthouses, the Australian National Maritime Museum ran a report on Saturday on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority - AMSA, who are celebrating 100 years of Commonwealth lighthouses this year. Learn more about some of Australia's most famous lighthouses – the tallest, the oldest and the most isolated – located all around our vast coastline at:
Of Note:
The Macquarie lighthouse, in the Sydney suburb of Vaucluse, was the first in Australia. The locally quarried stone of the original lighthouse tower, built in 1818, was of an inferior quality, and that tower was demolished in 1883 and replaced with the current tower later the same year. For some time, both towers stood together.
Picture courtesy AMSA

Check if you're in a 10/50 area: Review Now complete
10/50 Review report recommendations announced
A review of the 10/50 scheme has been conducted by the NSW Rural Fire Service, Department of Planning and Environment, and the Office of Environment and Heritage. The review has now been completed and a copy of the final report is available here.
Thirty recommendations have been made. The NSW Government is now in the process of implementing these recommendations.
You can check here if you are in a 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement area. Checking your land is easy.
Changes to eligibility area
In response to the review recommendations, the NSW RFS has made interim changes to the 10/50 vegetation clearing entitlement area which come into effect immediately. Further changes will come into effect once legislation is finalised.
You should always re-confirm your eligibility to remove vegetation using the online tool before taking any action. For more information see our frequently asked questions.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015: Media Release
Minister for Emergency Services David Elliott, Minister for the Environment Mark Speakman and NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) Deputy Commissioner Rob Rogers today announced a strengthened 10/50 scheme would provide better environmental protection and minimise tree clearing for views.
A review of the 10/50 scheme by the NSW RFS, the Office of Environment and Heritage and the Department of Planning concluded that residents in bushfire-prone areas should retain the right to protect their homes from bushfire, and made 30 recommendations to tighten the scheme.
The 10/50 scheme introduced after the devastating 2013 bushfires enables residents in bushfire-prone areas to remove trees within 10m and vegetation within 50m of their house without seeking approval. Mr Elliott said the NSW Government accepted all 30 recommendations and would introduce legislation to Parliament today to amend the Rural Fires Act 1997 and separately tighten the NSW RFS 10/50 Code of Practice.
The amendments also include measures to protect firefighters and other people who are carrying out hazard reduction activities or clearing vegetation under the scheme.
“This Government strongly believes that property owners should be empowered to protect their property, but it was clear that some people were clearing trees for reasons which had nothing to do with bushfire protection,” Mr Elliott said.
It maintains the reduced entitlement area of 100m from higher risk vegetation (originally 350m), covering 85 per cent of properties historically destroyed in a bush fire. Mr Speakman said the strengthened scheme would introduce stronger environmental protections such as excluding koala habitats, littoral rainforests, Aboriginal places, and trees within 100m of the coastline and mapped estuaries.
“The scheme will now also exclude critically endangered plants, critical habitats, all mangroves and saltmarshes and a range of critically endangered ecological communities,” Mr Speakman said. “About half of the 30 recommendations introduce greater environmental protections.”
Deputy Commissioner Rogers said the review encourages councils to take greater responsibility of their bushfire prone land. The RFS can exclude low-risk pockets of bushland from the scheme if it is satisfied that council has appropriate mitigation strategies in place.
“This review has not been an easy task but we think we have the balance right. We thank the more than 3,500 residents, councils, community groups and other stakeholders who took the time to make a submission,” he said.
Residents can check their eligibility for the 10/50 scheme and view a copy of the report at
10/50 Code Still Allows Destruction of Trees for View and May Create Friction Between Neighbours
August 13, 2015: STOP the CHOP Media Release
Solution to the discrepancies in Code 10/50
The solution is simple. Remove the self assessment components. That way the rules of code 10/50 can be implemented, offenders penalised and data can be collected for future analysis.
Comment of latest band-aid recommendations:
1. 30 new regulations and no resources funded to enforce and monitor them. How will offenders be identified and penalised? It will continue to come down to neighbour policing neighbour which is destroying communities.
2. Self-assessment means no records will be kept so no data will be available to review the policy to analysis its effectiveness. There is a complete lack of scientific evidence that supports the need for Code 10/50,
3. Turpentine and Ironbark communities excluded from protection as were several other endangered ecological communities - e.g. Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland, Illawarra Subtropical Rainforest and Melaleuca Armillaris Tall Shrubland which only exist is particular areas. RFS is relying on OEH to provide mapping and information they simply do not have. The mapping of these areas have been done at a local council level and Code 10/50 does not involve the local council in the approval process. (As was the case prior to Code 10/50).
4. Restricting clearing within 100 metres of coastline and mapped estuaries does not stop the clearing for views from hilltops everywhere else.
5. It is unclear whether clearing will be prevented on land after a habitable building is constructed under a complying development certificate.
Please call you MPs and demand they take out self assessment.
Spring Flower Show
Mona Vale Garden Club 44th Spring Flower Show
26th Sep 2015: 10:30am - 4pm
The Mona Vale Garden Club presents its annual Spring Flower Show. All profits to Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary.
Flowers, potted plants, vegetables, herbs and floral art exhibits.
Plants, craft, cakes & white elephant goods for sale.
Raffles and refreshments.
Cost: Adults $2, children no charge.
Venue: Ted Blackwood Hall, cnr Jacksons & Boondah Roads, Warriewood
Contact: Cheryl Wunsch 9971 7875

Fauna Passes for Upgraded Mona Vale Road
What will a widened Mona Vale Road be like? How will animals get across?
Please ask Roads and Maritime for more fauna crossings for the Mona Vale East Upgrade Project before Friday 28 August Contact: Mona Vale Road East Upgrade, Roads and Maritime Services, PO Box 973, PARRAMATTA CBD NSW 2124 - or by email
See video at here along with all documents relating to this upgrade under tab 'About'
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA)
Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club Registration and Club Maintenance Day
The sailing season is almost here.
Our Registration and Club Maintenance Day will be held on Sunday 23 August at Jamieson Park, Narrabeen Lakes.
Anyone wanting to learn more about sailing on the lake or keen to sign up, come and see our friendly volunteers from 10am.
Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club is a not-for-profit community organisation based at Jamieson Park, Narrabeen Lakes.
We are here for the benefit of sailors of every ability – the junior, the novice, the experienced.
We are a family-orientated club, and we love nothing more than encouraging mums, dads, grandparents and kids to jump into a boat and simply give it a go.
We place almost as much emphasis on socialising as we do on sailing, and our club is built on the values of camaraderie, role-modelling and team spirit.
Essential Navigation Course at RPAYC
Sunday, August 23 at 10:00am
The RYA Basic Navigation & Seamanship Course aims to introduce the basic concepts of inshore navigation and safety in an easy to understand and enjoyable format. This course is ideal for those operating smaller craft close to shore. It also serves as a great foundation for the RYA Yacht master Shore based Course and International Certificate of Competence Exam (ICC / Med charter boat license). 23 & 30 August 10-4pm.
Shore Based Training
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club offers a number of shore based training courses and seminars to advance your skills in other areas. To find out more about the courses on offer, see
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC: Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
Avalon Sailing Club 2015 (ASC) Registration Day
Sunday, August 30 at 9:00am
Come and register for
• Learn to sail group (tell your friends - children only)
• Registration will also open for the Learn To Sail camp aimed at the older children during the September holidays
• Dinghy sailing -for those with limited to extensive experience, adults and kids
• Yacht Racing and cruising
Above: Nearly there! - after a long time coming the deck is almost complete and we will start the season with somewhere to rig the centreboards! Too many to mention, but a huge thanks to all those who have contributed.
Great Chairs for sale at Avalon Beach SLSC
We are dropping the price of these chairs as we really need to get rid of them. We are also happy to sell any number (we have to move 94) THEY ARE NOW ONLY $20 EACH.
You couldn't rent them for this price. In great condition. Message us if you want some or would like to have a look at them. Message at
Riviera Owners Invited to Experience the Wonderful Whitsundays
Picture yourself cruising aboard your luxurious Riviera through Queensland’s Whitsundays, creating special memories at idyllic destinations such as Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, secluded island anchorages and wonderful Whitehaven Beach.
It’s the stuff dreams are made of – and Mark Riley and the team at Pittwater-based R Marine Riley are planning to make these dreams come true.
Sydney International Boat Show was this week abuzz with excitement as R Marine Riley formally announced a special Whitsunday Islands Experience, departing Sydney in mid-2016.
This extremely active Riviera dealership has hosted some amazing experiences for Riviera clients from all over the world, all of whom share one thing in common: getting out and enjoying ‘the ultimate boating experience’ aboard their luxurious Riviera and Belize motor yachts.
“This will be an amazing trip,” said dealer principal Mark Riley. “We will also be taking in many of the major highlights of Australia’s east coast, the world-class Riviera factory at Coomera, of course the Great Barrier Reef as well as many of the magnificent Whitsunday islands that are known worldwide for their beauty and pristine turquoise waters.”
The Whitsunday Island Experience open to all Riviera and Belize owners, regardless of experience.
“This is a great opportunity for Riviera and Belize owners to stretch their sea legs with the confidence they are in the company of people with extensive blue-water cruising and weather forecasting experience, as well as a marine engineer who knows their boats intimately,” says Mark.
“We will be enjoying some amazing raft-ups, sunset on the beach parties and, of course, the safety of knowing that if anything goes wrong other boats are only seconds away.”
Mark says the success of past R Marine Riley Experience trips to Lady Musgrave and Frazer islands in Queensland, to Jervis Bay on the NSW south coast and also closer to home trips to northern NSW destinations including Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and the Myall Lakes has ensured plenty of early interest in the Whitsundays passage.
“Our trips have included everyone from families and couples new to boating through to experienced hands who just love the camaraderie of cruising in company of like-minded people who share their passion for the rich and rewarding boating lifestyle,” he said.
“Cruising the Whitsunday islands is, for many people, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we invite Riviera and Belize owners to join us on this very special voyage to the by registering as soon as possible.”
If you would like to register for this amazing Whitsunday Islands Experience or for R Marine Riley’s three-week Tasmania Experience departing Sydney at the end of 2015, please contact:
R Marine Riley
The Quays Marina
1856 Pittwater Road
Church Point, NSW, Australia
Phone: + 61 (02) 9979 7000
Fax: + 61 (02) 9997 1288
Mobile: +61 418 250 727

Have Your Say On Plans To Upgrade Mona Vale Road East
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encourging the community to comment on plans for the upgrade of Mona Vale Road between Ingleside and Mona Vale.
The NSW Government has allocated a further $2 million this financial year to progress planning for the 3.2 km section of Mona Vale Road East - between Manor Road at Ingleside and Foley Street at Mona Vale.
The proposed upgrade reduces travel times by widening the road corridor to four lanes, with median separation and wide shoulders, and improves safety for breakdowns and cyclists.
Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and bus priority lanes would also be installed at the Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection to enhance motorist and pedestrian safety and bus service efficiency.
The community is being invited to view the proposed concept design and comment on the Review of Environmental Factors which outlines measures to reduce environmental impacts.
“This project would provide enormous benefits to our entire community,” Rob Stokes said.
“The upgrade aims to improve safety, increase capacity and reduce travel times for the thousands of motorists who travel along Mona Vale Road every day.
“Further community feedback is now being sought to inform the final project design.
“The community is invited to learn more at information sessions on Saturday 8 August, from 10am to 12pm, and Monday 10 August, from 5pm to 7pm, at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Park Street, Mona Vale.
“The Review of Environmental Factors is also available to view on the Roads and Maritime Services website and in hard copy at Mona Vale and Avalon Beach libraries.
“Roads and Maritime is also preparing an Environmental Assessment Report for the Mona Vale Road West Upgrade Projectbetween McCarrs Creek Road at Terrey Hills and Powder Works Road at Ingleside. The report will be on display for community and stakeholder comment in the first half of 2016.
“Feedback on the Mona Vale East Upgrade Project is invited before Friday 28 August and can be directed to - Mona Vale Road East Upgrade, Roads and Maritime Services, PO Box 973, PARRAMATTA CBD NSW 2124 - or by email
“I encourage everyone to view the plans and concept design and provide feedback,” Rob Stokes said
See PDF of works HERE - 2.45MB
RU OK? Day - September 10th, 2015
find out more here
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Library shines light on Science Week
Budding scientists and enquiring minds will be enlightened with our Science Week activity at Mona Vale Library on Monday 17 August from 3.30pm.
National Science Week (15-23 August) is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation.
Take part in this celebration at a fun session at Mona Vale Library exploring the science resources on World Book Kids. The session will have an emphasis on the science of Light given 2015 is the International Year of Light.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor encouraged students to visit the library discover the various materials available as well as looking at laser technology, art in nature, art and life.
“Children will be guided through the basics of conducting their own science project, again using the library’s online resources.
“Not only is there a wealth of scientific knowledge available for hungry minds, but there is also afternoon tea for hungry students,” added Cr Townsend.
This event is a great way to start the cogs in young brains working in the lead up to the Science Fair hosted by the Peninsula Community of Schools at Narrabeen Sports High School being held on 3 September.
Mona Vale Library is always available to work with students to aid them with their study needs. Children aged six and over are encouraged to visit Mona Vale Library and familiarise themselves with what’s available.
For more information about Science Week
Gloria's Handbag - a magical performance
Do you enjoy live theatre? Looking for an entertaining way to spend the afternoon or evening without having to go far from home? Then catch one of two performances of the acclaimed Gloria's Handbag, with Helen Moulder on Saturday 22 August.
Mona Vale Library will host a performance at Pittwater Retirement Village, Mona Vale from 2pm and another performance at Mona Vale Library from 7pm on Saturday 22 August.
Set in 2021 in Nelson, New Zealand our solo-performer Gloria, is 97 years of age and hasn’t long to live. Her son Craig is pushing her to move to a "retireville" but she doesn’t want to leave her home.
On a whim, Gloria buys an extraordinary designer handbag. This purchase sets off a series of unusual events which transform Gloria’s remaining days and enable her to send a message to the future.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said Helen Moulder’s performance has received extensive praise from audiences both here and in New Zealand.
“Helen Moulder is no stranger to the Northern Beaches, she performed the outstanding Playing Miss Havisham in 2012 at Pittwater Retirement Village and based on its popularity we’ve decided to host two performances of her new production.
“Come along and experience this entertaining show which has been described as a modern magical mystery, with music from The Magic Flute,” invited Cr Townsend.
Gloria’s Handbag is written by veteran New Zealand actor Helen Moulder and Australian Sue Rider (Meeting Karpovsky, Playing Miss Havisham), the play explores our modern society’s drive to accumulate “stuff” and how our identity can be bound up with objects and the memories they evoke.
Bookings are essential, please call 9970 1600 and reserve your seat today. Cost $10 Adults, $8 Concession, includes afternoon tea at Pittwater Retirement Village and wine and cheese at Mona Vale Library.
Pittwater YHA Envirofun Weekend August 28-30.
Do something important and have fun too! PNHA assists with birding and botany activities. Eight years of Asparagus removal in Spotted Gum forest have transformed the bush. Go with friends, book through the hostel.
Volunteer for two mornings’ bush regeneration and receive:
• Free accommodation
• 2 evening meals + 2 BBQ lunches + 2 morning teas
• Free use of kayaks
• Alternatively come for a Sat or Sun morning's bush regeneration
and enjoy a morning tea & bbq lunch & kayak
Cost: $20 contribution for a weekend of great company, food and activities.
Bookings Essential: $50 non-refundable booking fee with a $30 refund on arrival.
Phone: 9999 5748 Email:
Critter of the Month - August 2015

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is September 6th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
NSW Takes First Steps Towards A Ban On Lightweight Plastic Bags
August 14, 2015: Boomerang Alliance Media release
Yesterday, Members of the Parliament of NSW from all parties supported a ban on lightweight plastic bags in a parliamentary debate led by MP for Coogee, Bruce Notley-Smith, who presented a petition with 12,472 signatures.
NSW Environment Minister, Mark Speakman, declared the State Government was committed to accepting the challenge and will discuss options at a further meeting of Environment ministers. Past experience shows is highly unlikely that the federal process will lead any effective resolution as all past efforts have failed, so the NSW Government will need to act.
In incredible timing, a video of a whale caught in plastic bag and seeking for help went viral just before the debate at the NSW Parliament. Last Tuesday, a group of men was returning from a fishing trip when they noticed a Southern right whale in the upper reaches of Sydney's Middle Harbour. One of them explained the whale “had a big scar on his back and had some fishing line and two plastic bags on his head”. The distressed whale swam alongside their boat allowing the men to remove the life-threatening bags from its head.
We estimate that at least 16.5 million plastic bags enter the litter stream in NSW every year. Discarded plastic bags are injuring and killing wildlife and need to be banned. An Omnipoll survey conducted in July by the Boomerang Alliance and Plastic Bag Free NSW revealed 64% of NSW residents support a total ban on single use plastic bags given out at supermarkets and stores. Where a ban is already in place as in SA and NT the support rises to 81%, demonstrating public acceptance once the measure is established.
We know it is community support that gets MPs to listen and to act, so we need your help, once again. Please send an email or call Mark Speakman and your local MP to ask them to do the right thing and support a ban on light weight plastic bags. And don't forget to thank Bruce Notley-Smith who is doing everything he can to win this debate.
Tuesday 4 August 2015 – Media Release
Minister for Local Government Paul Toole today announced new measures to crack down on boat trailers clogging suburban streets. There are around 204,000 boat trailers currently registered in NSW. This number is forecast to increase by around 2.9 per cent per annum of the next decade. Currently, a boat trailer can be parked for an indefinite period unless there are parking restrictions or reasonable grounds to believe the trailer has been left abandoned or left unattended. This applies whether or not the trailer is registered. Under the changes introduced into NSW Parliament this week, boats left in the same place for more than three months will be impounded. Mr Toole said boat trailers being parked in residential areas has been an ongoing source of frustration for residents in high density areas.
“Increasingly, boat owners are using street parking as a long term parking solution for their boats. This in turn has led to legitimate concerns about the loss of amenity. “These new measures will allow council officers to specifically target boat trailers which have been parking for considerable periods of time and for which their councils have received complaints,” Mr Toole said.
The NSW Government has also set aside $5 million to assist local councils and other organisations establish off-street boat trailer parking facilities to help ease congestion.
Barrenjoey High School Raising Funds for Community Performance Space
Thursday August 13, 2015
Drum Roll Please.....
We are so happy to announce that the Trivia Night at Barrenjoey High School has made the school just over $10,000!
Thank you to the local community for supporting the school by attending the evening and also to our wonderful sponsors. Please keep our sponsors in mind when you are purchasing goods and services - remember buy local.
It really is wonderful to see our local community supporting our fabulous High School. Funds raised are going towards an amazing project in support of the Arts - which is the development and construction of the Barrenjoey and Community Performance Space - a purpose built auditorium which will play host to musical performances, art shows, drama performances, assemblies and other school and community activies.
Any tax deductible donations will be most gratefully accepted and enquiries can be made to the school as to how to do this.
Exhibition of Climate Change Policy
At Pittwater Council’s meeting last week, the Council agreed to place on exhibition for public comment the revised Climate Change Policy from 6 August until 2 September 2015.
The focus of the review brings the current 2009 policy up-to-date to incorporate a risk management approach, with closer alignment to Pittwater 2025: Our Community Strategic Plan.
Pittwater Council supports the Australian Local Government Association which classes climate change as one of its top five priority policy issues.
As such Council has an important local role in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as implementing measures for climate change adaptation.
Acting General Manager Mark Jones said that a key focus of adaptation to climate change under the revised policy is on building community resilience.
“This requires preparedness for the projected increases to the severity of heatwaves, fires, floods and coastal storms.
“We are at a point in time to move beyond philosophy and acknowledge that we have commenced a focus on embedding climate change resilience into Council actions, and will continue to do so into the future,” said Mr Jones.
A Climate Action Plan Framework has also been developed in support of the revised policy.
Mr Jones said whilst it will take time, using a clear framework enables Council to coordinate its efforts to respond to the pressures of climate change in an ordered manner.
A number of key projects relating to building both Council and community capacity to climate change have already been completed and others are underway.
These include Council’s Climate Change Risk Assessment and plans to carry out community workshops later in the year. The workshops will raise awareness on how to be psychologically prepared for fire, floods and coastal storm events.
The Climate Change Policy No.176 is on exhibition for public comment between 6 August and 2 September 2015 and can be viewed at or at Council’s customer service centres at Mona Vale and Avalon.
Free child car seat fitting day at Flying-Fox Park
12 Aug 2015
Pittwater Council together with Roads and Maritime Services invite Pittwater parents and guardians to a free child car seat check on Thursday 27 August 2015.
The safety check provides peace of mind that your child’s car seat, harness and/or booster seat is correctly anchored and fitted and appropriate for your child’s ages. The free check will take place at Winnererremy Bay car park, Mona Street, Mona Vale between 9.30am and 3.30pm.
Pittwater Council’s Road Safety Officer Michelle Carter said this is a great opportunity for parents and grandparents to become familiar with safety legislation with regard to child car seats.
“Legislation requires that children younger than six months must be secured in a rear-facing car seat and those between six months and four years of age must be secured in a car seat which is either forward or rear-facing,” said Ms Carter.
“Additionally, any child aged between four and seven years must be seated in a forward facing car seat or a booster seat.
“Your car seat will be checked or fitted by an authorised fitter on the day. They are authorised to fit and check only those seats that meet the Australian / New Zealand Standard 1754,” she added.
Ms Carter emphasised that the free check did not include the cost of any new equipment required to make the car seat safe and that only parents or direct guardians of children were eligible for the service.
“The service is free, however, bookings are essential and priority will be given to Pittwater residents,” added Ms Carter.
Residents are also reminded that legislation requires children under the age of seven should not be seated in the front seat of vehicles, where there are two rows of seating or more. For more information on the new child car seat laws visit:
Bookings can be made by calling 9970 1196. Residents in Warringah can call 9942 2447 and Manly 9976 1619 to find out details of their next child car seat fitting days.
Put your prized pooch in the frame!
07 Aug 2015
Is your dog talented, cute or funny? Then the PETstock Pittwater Dog of the Year photo competition is for you and your pooch.
Pittwater residents are invited to submit a photo of their beloved canine companion in the competition and be in the running for a great prize package.
The competition closes 5pm on Friday 4 September, with winners announced at Dog Day by the Bay on Sunday 20 September at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
Event coordinator Sasha Lucius said to participate all you have to do is to submit your dog’s photo along with a brief description as to why they are worthy of being Pittwater Dog of the Year.
Entry to the competition is for Pittwater residents only, with a reminder that beach shots or dogs in the water will not be eligible.
All photos submitted will be available for viewing at as well as at the Dog Day by the Bay event and via social media.
Dog Day by the Bay is on between 10am and 3pm and includes demonstrations of canine skill and training, education talks and competitions including the ever-popular ‘Canine Fancy Dress Parade’ and ‘Doggy Dash’ competitions.
Other highlights include a new fun obedience and trick challenge led by the Manly and District Dog Training Club.
Ms Lucius said anyone in the audience can participate in this fun competition, again with great prizes on offer.
There will also be a Kids’ Corner where children can enjoy a free jumping castle and face painting, and a number of delicious food stalls on the day.
Proceeds raised will be donated to the local branch of the Animal Welfare League. Entry and parking are free.
Both the 2015 photo competition and the Dog Day by the Bay event are proudly sponsored by PETstock.
For further information about Dog Day by the Bay and how to enter the competition visit
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Over 500 artworks will be on display when the Forest Community Arts Centre opens its doors to the public for the annual Forest Art and Craft Exhibition.
In this past year hundreds of pieces of art have been created by talented artists and crafts people at The Forest Community Arts Centre.
Paintings in pastels, oils, watercolour and mixed media will be on display, plus numerous crafts including quilting, ceramics and folk art - with many pieces available to purchase.
Many artists have been involved in creating works for this annual exhibition since 1979.
The teacher’s love to create, but they also really enjoy passing on their skills and seeing their students build confidence through a class and through this opportunity to exhibit their work.
There will be artworks from Jeanette Maxwell, Val Kemsley and Bernard Devaux, who are all part of the Forest Community Art Centre group, plus amazing pieces from Artability classes, run for students with disabilities.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and nominate their favourite piece in the People’s Choice Award – as well as buying something for their wall or mantelpiece.
Forest Art and Craft Exhibition
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 Sep, 10am – 4pm
Forest Community Arts Centre: 6 Darley Street, Forestville
Free entry
What’s Your Beef?: Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Workshop
If you live, work in or just visit Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment and have an issue relating to its natural environment you’d like to get off your chest, go along to Narrabeen Lakes Public School on Monday August 24 at 7pm.
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment is staging a workshop that will be about the positives and negatives of living in this iconic part of Sydney. Share your observations, experiences and knowledge as ideas are discussed for recreational use, managing the challenges, inappropriate development, values that need protecting and preserving what remains of the bushland. Maybe you are just fed up with the limited parking at the various reserves? Be there and have your say. The second part of the evening will be focused on what can be done to address your concerns.
Entry is free, but you need to book your tickets now. Phone 9905-2135 or email Judith Bennett at
Nominate now for the National Disability Awards
The 2015 National Disability Awards open today, giving Australians the chance to acknowledge the many people, organisations and initiatives across the country that make a positive impact on the lives of people with disability.
Now in their ninth year, the Awards help build awareness of disability issues and showcase important work throughout the community, enabling people to fully participate in work and society.
I encourage people to put forward a person, organisation or initiative in their community that deserves recognition.
This year we are looking for nominations that demonstrate great community initiatives.
Awards will be presented in six categories:
Lesley Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Disability
Emerging Leader in Disability Awareness
Excellence in Accessibility – Technology
Excellence in Accessibility – Community
Excellence in Choice and Control in Service Delivery
Excellence in Advocacy
To nominate for the National Disability Awards, go or call 1800 672 682. TTY users please call 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 672 682.
Nominations for the National Disability Awards close on 4 September 2015.
The winners will be announced at a ceremony in the Great Hall, Australian Parliament House in Canberra on 25 November.
The Awards are an integral part of the Australian Government’s celebrations of the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December.
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 16/8/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Mon August 17
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu August 20
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat August 22
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun August 23
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8:30-11:30am
Fri August 28
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sat August 29
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sun August 30
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend

Start with the Pub2Pub... then party all day!
The 2015 Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival is growing all the time, both in numbers and stature as an iconic community event.
Family Festival on Fire!
We can now let you know that thanks to Major Sponsor URM, we have at least six great bands taking to the stage at Newport, with the headline act no less than former Midnight Oil legend Rob Hirst with his current band, The Backsliders.
'Tarantino-esque' surf rockers The Mezcaltones will kick-start the music at 10am.
We've also confirmed two Co-Hosts for the day - Triple M's Gus Worland (The Grill Team) and TV Presenter Matt White. Gus will actually compete in the 3km event from Mona Vale with his three kids before taking over M.C. duties from Matt (once he's warmed down) at the carnival-style Finish Line party. The licensed bar will help quench the thirst of runners completing the race, international food stalls will stave off any hunger pangs and there'll be plenty of activities for the kids.
Sea Eagles on board
The Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are now right behind us and at all their home games in the lead-up to Pub2Pub, they're promoting a massive 'Community Day Out'. Several Sea Eagles stars will be present to greet runners at the Finish Line at Newport on Sunday morning August 23 and sign autographs for young fans.
And after you've enjoyed all the fun of the Family Festival at Newport Surf Club, the Sea Eagles are also hoping to organise transport taking you directly to Brookvale Oval for the 4pm kick-off of the suburban blockbuster against arch-rivals, Parramatta.
This will truly be the best Pub2Pub ever!
So... if you haven't yet registered to take part in all the fun that is the 2015 Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival, do it today. And even if injury or ill health will prevent you from taking part in the race, you can still soak up the wonderful community spirit that will flow non-stop from 9:30am at Newport. See you there!
Guess what? If you raise just $150 or more for your nominated charity in this year’s Pub2Pub, you automatically go in the draw to WIN 7 nights for 2 at the Orator Hotel in SAMOA, valued at $1,299. Make sure you get your fundraising going now. (Competition terms and conditions apply)
Register at
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 18 months / M
BREED: Japanese Spitz x
Caramello is a bright happy boy who is super social with other dogs and attentive with people. He loves affection and attention. He has a fair bit energy. He has a fluffy coat that needs a lot of brushing. He came from the pound with severe demodectic mange with secondary infection. With antibiotics and medicated washes and good nutrition he coat is growing back and he soooo happy! He was 6.4kg from the pound but could put some weight on. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. His adoption cost is $350.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

Upgraded bushfire monitoring capability to keep communities safer
11 August 2015: Geoscience Australia
A new and improved bushfire monitoring system will be in place for the 2016 disaster season, transforming an existing delayed monitoring service into a more responsive emergency management tool for firefighters.
Geoscience Australia's Sentinel Hotspots system will receive a major upgrade as a recipient of the 2015-16 National Emergency Management Projects (NEMP) grants announced in Canberra today by the Minister for Justice, the Hon Michael Keenan MP.
The Sentinel Hotspot monitoring system currently provides information about potential bushfire hotspots to emergency service managers and the general public across Australia through the use of satellite imagery.
Geoscience Australia CEO Dr Chris Pigram explained how the upgrade to the Sentinel Hotspots capability will provide Australia with observations 144 times a day, opening up opportunities to monitor change as it happens.
"The increase in frequency from 6-hour updates to 10-minute updates will enable emergency services to monitor fire development in near real-time," Dr Pigram added.
When natural disasters occur, timely and accurate decisions need to be made by emergency management authorities to ensure the safety of individuals and to minimise impacts on property and infrastructure.
"Emergency services will be able to draw upon Sentinel when deciding where and how to prioritise resources when they are in most demand."
"This is particularly important where there are multiple fire fronts or large scale incidents across state and territory borders," Dr Pigram said.
The new Sentinel capability, which is due to be operational by June 2016, is made possible by the Japanese Government's A$927 million investment and Japanese industry's technical excellence in developing the Himawari-8 satellite, launched October 2014.
Governments, land planners, emergency managers and communities need to know the risk and potential impacts of natural hazards in their area, and have access to the information they need to understand to the whole picture. The new Sentinel capability will boost the availability of information for bushfires.
In addition to the $260 000 to upgrade Sentinel, Geoscience Australia also received two other NEMP grants to enhance its community safety programs: $130 000 for the development of flood vulnerability models for non-residential properties; and $200 000 to improve national situation awareness information and systems.
The flood vulnerability models work will build upon Geoscience Australia's existing building vulnerability expertise. A gap exists in the understanding of the vulnerability of non-residential properties, such as those for commercial and industrial use. The vulnerability models developed will help individuals, asset owners and all levels of government to better understand the cost of floods.
The national situation awareness information and systems work will strengthen and expand the availability and consistency of situation awareness information shared by the states, territories and Australian Government for decision making in response to natural hazard events and disasters. By improving the timeliness and accuracy of information this project will enhance governments's ability to respond to disasters and activate consistent and targeted financial assistance.
August 15, 2015
A new record should be set tomorrow at the Rolex Fastnet Race. This classic 603-nm offshore race, running from Cowes to Plymouth in the United Kingdom, is set to welcome its largest ever fleet, comprising almost 370 international yachts.
The impressive number, and range of competitors, reflects the race’s popularity with the huge number of starters set to comfortably pass the current record of 336 competitors set two years ago.
Both the Rolex Fastnet Race, partnered by Rolex since 2001, and organisers the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) celebrate their 90th anniversary this year. “We are delighted this is a record year and by the quality of the competition and fantastic sailors who have donated their efforts and energy to be here for this special race,” explained RORC Commodore Michael Boyd.
Following departure from Cowes tomorrow, the famous Rolex Fastnet race course takes the fleet down the English Channel passing The Needles – where they will spectacularly converge – Portland Bill, Start Point, The Lizard and Land’s End, ahead of the open water passage across the Celtic Sea and the symbolic turn around the Fastnet Rock off the southern coast of Ireland; a rounding that heralds the race’s emblematic moment as the fleet embark on the long return leg and the finish in Plymouth.
With the current weather forecast pointing to a light wind race, a convincing challenge at overturning the monohull race record set in 2011 by Ian Walker’s Abu Dhabi (42 hours, 39 minutes) appears unlikely.
One of the yachts keen to challenge that record is Jim Clark’s 100-ft Maxi Comanche (USA), launched last year ahead of the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. Skipper Ken Read is philosophical about the prevailing weather forecast. “We all play with the same breeze and have to adapt as best as we can. Dragging around seven plus metres of beam in very light air is no fun but we have to deal with it. Ian Walker is feeling very confident that his record is not going to be broken!” That said Read was still optimistic the forecast may improve following tomorrow’s race start. “We just need a little bit of breeze - and if we get it - we like our chances.”
Comanche’s closest challengers for monohull line honours include George David’s 88-ft Rambler (USA) and perennial Rolex Fastnet challenger Mike Slade with his 100-ft Leopard (GBR), one-time holder of the race record. Also in monohull line honours contention is the Maxi 72 MOMO (CAY) in addition to Volvo 70s Camper (AUS) and Monster Project (RUS) and Volvo 65 SCA.
Rolex Fastnet Race 2015 – Preview
Published on 13 Aug 2015
The biennial Rolex Fastnet Race, celebrating its 90th anniversary this year, has been an established fixture on the ocean racing circuit since 1925. The 603-nautical mile race is a test of strategy and skill with challenging tidal currents and changeable weather. The fleet starts off the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes, races out of the Solent and across the often tempestuous Celtic Sea to the Fastnet Rock, before returning on a reciprocal course to the finish off Plymouth. This year marks the 46th edition of this international classic organized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club. The race will be held from 16-21 August.
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has welcomed the release of a series of draft recommendations, which outline proposed changes to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the commercial fishing industry in NSW.
The independent Structural Adjustment Review Committee (SARC) is writing to all commercial fishing businesses in NSW, with each fisher receiving the draft recommendations that relate to their business.
“This state needs a commercial fishing sector that is viable and sustainable long in to the future. Doing nothing is not an option, which is why the NSW Government will make the necessary reforms to secure the future of this industry,” Mr Blair said. “This reform is about providing greater certainty and security to the commercial fishing industry – something this sector deserves.
“But this reform is also about assisting fishing businesses to either exit or remain in the industry, through a $16 million business adjustment program.”
All commercial fishers are encouraged to examine the materials they receive from the SARC, and to use this next period of consultation to provide constructive feedback to assist the committee with finalising its recommendations. The SARC has considered extensive stakeholder feedback and will now consult further with the commercial fishing industry on its draft recommendations.
The SARC has recommended modifying the $16 million adjustment program, removing a number of high impact options from consideration and giving commercial fishers more time to adjust to the changes.
The SARC will make final recommendations to the NSW Government in September 2015. The NSW Government will make no final decisions in relation to the reform until after it has considered the SARC’s final recommendations. More information, including all of the SARC’s draft recommendations, is available
Industry Working Groups will meet with the SARC during the consultations while individual fishers and other stakeholders can make written submissions on the Draft Recommendations by 31 August 2015, via: Email:
Mail: Structural Adjustment Review Committee - c/o PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
August 9 - 15, 2015: Issue 226
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 226: Mermaids of Palm Beach on a Beach in Western Australia!!, Pittwater Rural Fire Service Brigades on Duty in Blue Mountains This Week, Peninsula Paddlers are Pure Inspiration and Fit for Summer 2015/16, The Inaugural Sydney Harbour & Coast Walk A Year On: Inspirational Invitation to Enjoy Sydney’s Coastal Walks
Special Olympics World Games - Australian Sailing Team Triumphs: Alyse Saxby and Melissa Nelson Secure Gold Medal by Bob Hamilton
Reflections by George Repin: GALLERIES OF PHOTOGRAPHS II
Aquatics: The Inaugural Sydney Harbour and Coast Walk A Year On: An Inspirational Invitation to Enjoy Sydney’s Coastal Walks - The vision of Walking Coastal Sydney is to promote public access to, and enhance the appreciation and recreational enjoyment of Sydney’s coastline, harbour and estuaries for the people of Sydney and visitors to the city. The route of beauty and history on your doorstep
Sailing with Cook: Inside the Private Journal of James Burney RN by Suzanne Rickard - our interview with the author
DIY Ideas: DIY One Shelf Open Sideboard- If you have ever wanted to build your own furniture this simple version of a classic may be a good place to start.
Pictures: Careel Creek - Birdland - 8.8.2015 - for Children
Profile: Traudi Line: The Long and Winding Road to Pittwater - born in Czechoslovakia in 1940, part of the 1945 Death March, educated in Stuttgart and then emigrated to UK and Australia from there, Modelling during the 1960-'70's, Learning to Swim and The Big Swim, part of Pittwater's Lueville Bridge Girls....
History: The Riddles of The Spit and Bayview/Church Point: sailors, boat makers, road pavers and winning rowers
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month August 2015 - Lisa Wilkes-Hunter: Inspired by a childhood full of adventures and encouraged by a creative and talented family, my passion for art started early in life.
I am stirred by the power, colour, mystery and contrasts of the natural world and whilst I often use living energy - animals, people, the ocean, plants and trees as subject matter, I also include inert objects as a medium - eggs, sand, drift wood and recycled things (pages from my grandfather, Richard Wilkes-Hunter 's books), as a background to create a dreamlike, textured, collage effect.

Pittwater’s Neil Evers Gives NRL Welcome To Country
Newport gentleman Neil Evers, pictured above with NRL legend Preston Campbell, gave the Welcome To Country at the Manly Vs. Souths game on National TV for the NRL Indigenous Round on Friday evening (August 7th).
The NRL Indigenous Round invites fans to celebrate and participate in Indigenous culture throughout Indigenous Round weekend while pausing to consider an overdue shift in attitude in Australia.
A number of teams wear specially-designed Indigenous Round jerseys across Round 22 where traditional Indigenous dances and 'Welcome to Country' are part of the pre-game celebrations at each ground.
You can find out read more about the NRL Indigenous Round here
Manly Warringah Sea Eagles recorded a hard fought 26 -18 win over South Sydney Rabbitohs at Brookvale Oval.
15 August 2015 marks the 70th Anniversary of Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day. This is the date that Japan officially accepted the terms of surrender imposed by the Allied nations. For Australia this meant that the war in New Guinea was finally at end and five years of Service for some was finished - although it took months or many to get home and months after that before they were released from .
There will be a Commemorative Service at Avalon Beach Cenotaph commencing at 11:30 a.m. for those who wish to pay their respects.
V-P DAY-1945 - VICTORY -1945-V-P DAY
Let us be glad, but not so joyful be
That past and future both are lost to mind ;
There is much yet of death and agony,
Heart-breaking search for kin we cannot find.
We are not stricken like our motherland,
Nor ragged, foodless, face the northern snows,
True victor-spirit bows to the command
To show compassion even to our foes.
And for our own men, scattered thro' the world
Home let them come, with lustrous honour crowned,
When all the tattered battle-flags are furled
Let their great name for ever be renowned,
And now let us, whose lives they made secure,
Work ceaselessly their future to assure.
V-PDAY.1945 - VICTORY- 1945-V-P DAY. (1945, August 16).Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Vietnam Veterans Day 2015 – (Northern) - Sunday August 16th, 2015
Vietnam Veterans (Northern) will be holding their 2015 March commencing from Palm Beach Ferry Wharf at 10.45 a.m. for their Commemortaive Service at Palm Beach RSL Cenotaph at 11.00 a.m.

Above: "Welcome stranger; I have missed you the last sixChristmases. PEACE AND GOODWILL. (1945, December 24).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Andrew Thompson – Help from Richmond
Hi there Pittwater!
I’ve been heavily researching Andrew Thompson and have found a transcript of his court trial at Jedburgh. Thought you might like to pass it on to your Andrew Thompson researcher, A J Guesdon. The text is in a book written by Jan Barkley-Jack – Hawkesbury Settlement Revealed, published in 2009, and appears on Page 349 in Box 9.7
Not sure if it’s totally complete, but there’s a lot of information in it.
Venecia Wilson, Richmond NSW
PS – I love your web site.
Sheriff’s case:
‘Andrew Thompson…present Prisoner in the tolbooth of Jedburgh and … John Aitkin…on the night between the Fifth and Sixth day of August [1790] …did…break into and enter the house of William thomson Manufacturer and Dyer in Yetholm or Town Yetholm …and carrying away…a pair of Pistols, a Powder flask, some Powder and Shot, a parcel of Indigo and about a pound of Tea…[some] afterwards found hid among some other Goods which had been in possession of the said Andrew Thomson and John Aitkin…And further…On the night betwixt Saturday the Seventh and Sunday the Eighth of August [1790]…did break into the house or Shop of Walter Turner Merchant or Shopkeeper in Yetholm or Town Yetholm…and steal…Linnen and Woolen Goods…and concealed them partly amongst some Straw in a Stackyard…and the remainder in a holde [under some cabbages] in a park possessed by John Thompson Indweller in Yetholm…Edinburgh 31.8.1790’
Thompson’s Declaration:
‘Andrew Thomson youngest son of the said John Thomson aged Sixteen being judicially examined Declares he knows that John Aitkin was a Journeyman Weaver with the Declarants Brother Walter Thomson and…the Declarant did work [and sleep] a little in the same place with Aitkin till about nine or Ten weeks Ago when he lost his health and was no longer able to work at the Weaver Business but went to School [living at that time with his brother William]…that John Aitkin left Yetholm and the cause of his going away was that he had run in Debt to the Declarants mother and had turned Idle. Declares…he heard that Walter Turner had found part of his goods in a Chest of which John Aitkin had the key away with him…Declares he does not remember to have seen the Cabbages he planted from the time he set them.’
Court Proceedings at Jedburgh:
‘John Aitkin…failing to Compear…[was declared] to be an Outlaw…Andrew Thompson…present…answered that he was Guilty… The Advocate Depute declared that on account of the Pannell’s youth and his former good Character and some other circumstances he restricted the libel to an arbitrary punishment…[At] and assizes…[21.9.1790] the said Andrew Thomson [was found] Guilty [10 of the 15 jurymen were Merchants]…[on 22.9.1790] The Lord Hailes…[declared] the …Pannell to be Transported beyond Seas to such place as his Majesty [decreed]…Council has appointed…that for the space of Fourteen years with Certification to him that if after being so Transported he shall be found at large in any part of Great Britain during the foresaid space without some lawfull Cause…he shall suffer death.
For those interested - Andrew Thompson's page, which ran in our first round of 'Pittwater Patriarchs' - and pages the research of him and Scotland Island led to (of which there are more to come) are:
Andrew Thompson - 'Long Harry'
The Marquise of Scotland Island
Top: 'View in Broken Bay New South Wales. March 1788' by William Bradley - Drawings from his journal `A Voyage to New South Wales',1802+ Image No.: a3461013, courtesy State Library of New South Wales.

Have Your Say On Plans To Upgrade Mona Vale Road East
29 July 2015 - Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encourging the community to comment on plans for the upgrade of Mona Vale Road between Ingleside and Mona Vale.
The NSW Government has allocated a further $2 million this financial year to progress planning for the 3.2 km section of Mona Vale Road East - between Manor Road at Ingleside and Foley Street at Mona Vale.
The proposed upgrade reduces travel times by widening the road corridor to four lanes, with median separation and wide shoulders, and improves safety for breakdowns and cyclists.
Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and bus priority lanes would also be installed at the Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection to enhance motorist and pedestrian safety and bus service efficiency.
The community is being invited to view the proposed concept design and comment on the Review of Environmental Factors which outlines measures to reduce environmental impacts.
“This project would provide enormous benefits to our entire community,” Rob Stokes said.
“The upgrade aims to improve safety, increase capacity and reduce travel times for the thousands of motorists who travel along Mona Vale Road every day.
“Further community feedback is now being sought to inform the final project design.
“The community is invited to learn more at information sessions on Saturday 8 August, from 10am to 12pm, and Monday 10 August, from 5pm to 7pm, at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Park Street, Mona Vale.
“The Review of Environmental Factors is also available to view on the Roads and Maritime Services website and in hard copy at Mona Vale and Avalon Beach libraries.
“Roads and Maritime is also preparing an Environmental Assessment Report for the Mona Vale Road West Upgrade Projectbetween McCarrs Creek Road at Terrey Hills and Powder Works Road at Ingleside. The report will be on display for community and stakeholder comment in the first half of 2016.
“Feedback on the Mona Vale East Upgrade Project is invited before Friday 28 August and can be directed to - Mona Vale Road East Upgrade, Roads and Maritime Services, PO Box 973, PARRAMATTA CBD NSW 2124 - or by email
“I encourage everyone to view the plans and concept design and provide feedback,” Rob Stokes said
See PDF of works HERE - 2.45MB
Windows 10 NOT being Offered by Email– SCAM!
August 4, 2015: NSW Fair Trading
Don’t get stung by the latest malware scam offering upgrades to Windows 10 via email. NSW Police Force have warned scammers are at it again with this latest scam! Take note-Microsoft isn’t distributing Windows 10 through email attachments or links embedded in emails. Stay informed about this scam then share it with your friends and family.
Pittwater Mens Probus Club
Tuesday 11th August 2015 at 11AM
Guest Speaker - Barrie Unsworth: A Life in Politics
It is always a pleasure to have one of our own as our guest speaker. After the surprise retirement of Premier Neville Wran in May 1986, Barrie became leader of the NSW Labor Party and thus Premier.
Barrie has held many senior Public Sector positions including:
Ambulance Service of New South Wales, Chairman (2001/2008)
RailCorp, Director (2005/2008)
State Transit Authority, Chairman (November 2004 to November 2009)
Director of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles 2006
Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am in the Mona Vale Golf Club. Find out more
RU OK? Day - September 10th, 2015
find out more here
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Open House 2015
Sunday, September 27 at 10:00am
Ever wanted to know or learn more about our Sailing programs for children or adults or are you already a sailor but wish to sharpen your skills or knowledge?
Come and visit the Club in the new Jack Gale Centre to learn all about what The Alfred's can offer you.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
Mitala Street, Newport, New South Wales, Australia 2106
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST and be the FIRST to hear about Early Bird Discounts and Priority Bookings for what has become known as the most EXCITING event on Sydney's Events Calender -The Sydney Coastrek Team Trekking Challenge.
Come with your friends and explore Sydney's stunning coastline, golden beaches, iconic Harbour, rugged headlands and soak up the vistas of sparkling oceans and emerald coves on this all time FAVOURITE endurance event.
Sydney Coastrek ALWAYS sells out so register your interest and get PRIORITY BOOKING!! Supporting the great work of The Fred Hollows Foundation - we are ready to roll!!
Registrations open Tuesday 1st September and Sydney Coastrek will be held on Friday 4th March 2016. 2 EPIC events to choose from - 55km Classic Beach or 50km Iconic Harbour.
Register your interest HERE
Wild Wishes,
Danae and The Wild Women On Top Coastrek Team

Elanora Heights Village is open for business!
05 Aug 2015
Pittwater Council is inviting local residents to come and check out the stylish new look of Elanora Heights Village at Kalang Road.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said Council had been working closely with local businesses, the community and residents to create a vibrant village centre.
“The substantial village centre refurbishments include upgrades to parking; widened footpaths to improve safety and convenience for pedestrians; new street furniture and attractive landscaping,” said Mayor Townsend.
“The landscaping work adds visual appeal with the use of quality granite paving, sandstone walls and a linked steel structure offering an interesting design feature at the pedestrian crossing.
“The feature at the crossing will also offer the benefit of being able to be dressed up for local events and made festive with lights over Christmas.
Mayor Townsend said there were a couple of minor works still to be done, such as road markings, but the shops are very much open for business.
“I invite you to come and check out the upgrades to the centre, while taking advantage of shopping locally by grabbing some groceries, a coffee or a newspaper.
“You can also pursue your sporting activities, with the Elanora Squash and fitness centre located on Kalang Road, or for more social activities kick back in the new local bar.
We thank local residents and businesses for their patience during the upgrade period, along with those who were closely involved in discussions about design formulation at the community workshops,” she said.
“We hope these new enhancements are not only received positively by local residents and businesses but will ultimately attract new customers to the retail area,” added Mayor Townsend.

Sand Installation at Narrabeen
Want to be part of something a little different?
On Sunday morning 9 August, the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future campaign will be creating a giant sand-art installation at the Narrabeen Lake entrance that will be photographed from the air. I would like to invite you and your family to help us create it!
The message is simple, we will be drawing a line in the sand, calling for the coal and coal seam gas mining expansion to be restricted, and our farms, forests, water supplies and public health protected permanently.
The images will be created by raking the sand. It will be fun and family friendly.
WHEN : Sunday August 9: 9am - 10:30am
WHERE: Birdwood Park at the Narrabeen Lagoon entrance, 2 Malcolm St, Narrabeen
Please RSVP here to help us get a sense of numbers. There will also be a BBQ if you want to have some breakfast.
I hope you will join us for this fun event that will send a positive message about protecting our environment.
Sarah Downes
Volunteer with the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
Waratah Park Working Bee
Volunteers are needed to help clean up 'Skippy Park' on 9th Aug 2015; 9am - 1pm
Waratah Park, "Home of Skippy the Bush Kanagaroo" TV series represents an important part of history of our local area. It is 12 hectares of bushland, environment culture and rare flora and fauna species. Currently the park is closed to the public and all animals have been removed from the park.
Landcare have provided a small grant of $1000 to help cover ongoing costs of restoration work at Waratah Park.
Come along and join an enthusiastic group of volunteers with the ongoing restoration and maintenance of this iconic site. On the day, we will be removing invasive species and planting local provenance tube stock.
Please bring along friends and family to help boost volunteer numbers on the day and reach our goal of 3 additional volunteers on the day and the promotion of the ongoing works to restore the natural environment.
What to bring: Long sleeve shirt and pants, protective footwear, sun hat, gardening gloves, water. If available please bring along small hand tools such as weeders and mattocks.
Lunch and morning tea provided.
Location: Waratah Park, 13 Namba Road, Duffy's Forest
If you are able to make it on the day or interested in contributing in other ways please contact Jenny Harris on 0408512060 or
Website: All details are on DFRA website:
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Climate and Water Outlook, August–October 2015
Bureau of Meteorology Published on Jul 29, 2015
Our monthly Climate and Water Outlook video covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months. The next video will be available on 27 August 2015. For more detail, go
What’s Your Beef?: Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Workshop
If you live, work in or just visit Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment and have an issue relating to its natural environment you’d like to get off your chest, go along to Narrabeen Lakes Public School on Monday August 24 at 7pm.
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment is staging a workshop that will be about the positives and negatives of living in this iconic part of Sydney. Share your observations, experiences and knowledge as ideas are discussed for recreational use, managing the challenges, inappropriate development, values that need protecting and preserving what remains of the bushland. Maybe you are just fed up with the limited parking at the various reserves? Be there and have your say. The second part of the evening will be focused on what can be done to address your concerns.
Entry is free, but you need to book your tickets now. Phone 9905-2135 or email Judith Bennett at
Free Hearing Tests
National Hearing Care will conduct free hearing tests for anyone aged 26 or over on 10th Aug 2015: 10:30am - 1pm. Drop in anytime between 10.30am-1pm for a 15min consultation, to Mona Vale Library.
Enquiries: 9970 1600
Government Recall Issued for Affected Samsung Top Loader Washing Machines
Minister responsible for Fair Trading Victor Dominello today (23/7/2015) announced a Government recall had been issued to Samsung regarding six top loader washing machine models.
The machines, of which more than 144,000 were sold nationally between 2010 and 2013, have been found to pose a fire risk.
Mr Dominello said consumers should be mindful of the potential dangers associated with the affected model machines.
“Don’t wait until it is too late. It is time for consumers to take action and check the model numbers of their Samsung top loader washing machines,” he said.
“If a consumer does have an affected machine, they should only use it if they are present or nearby to monitor it and contact Samsung to arrange a free inspection and repair. If a consumer notices any smoke or smell coming out of the machine, they should turn it off at the power point.”
While a voluntary recall has been in place since 2013, warning consumers of the dangers of the affected machines and providing a free in-home repair, both the NSW Government and Samsung remain concerned by the number of consumers that have not taken part in the recall to date.
To prevent further incidents occurring, it is essential that anyone who has one of these machines contact Samsung and organise to have it repaired.
Under the terms of the Government recall, Samsung will repair machines on-site in consumers’ homes. The reworked machines meet the safety requirements of Australian Standards and are independently certified following repair.
Under the Government recall, Samsung will also continue to provide significant reporting to Fair Trading about incidents, progress of repairs, and standard of technicians’ work. The company will continue its advertising and promotion campaign about the recall.
The move to a Government recall is a strong signal of the commitment to continuing efforts to get any affected machines repaired.
“The previous 'voluntary’ recall may have led some people to think it was optional to take part - far from it. Affected consumers need to take action and have their washing machine inspected and repaired,” Mr Dominello said.
Fifty-one percent of the affected models in NSW have already been inspected and fixed by Samsung as part of the voluntary recall; however, there are still incidents occurring involving machines that are yet to be inspected.
Machines that are yet to be inspected by Samsung pose a fire risk as moisture may penetrate electrical connectors within one area of the machine causing a fire hazard.
Model name and number details can be found on the back of the washing machine. Affected models are:
If people are uncertain whether their machine is one of those in the recall they should contact Samsung to get help. Free inspections of affected machines can be booked by calling Samsung on 1800 239 655 or by visiting
For more information on the recall or for photographs of the six models visit the NSW Fair Trading website.
Important safety recall information is available at
Library shines light on Science Week
Budding scientists and enquiring minds will be enlightened with our Science Week activity at Mona Vale Library on Monday 17 August from 3.30pm.
National Science Week (15-23 August) is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation.
Take part in this celebration at a fun session at Mona Vale Library exploring the science resources on World Book Kids. The session will have an emphasis on the science of Light given 2015 is the International Year of Light.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor encouraged students to visit the library discover the various materials available as well as looking at laser technology, art in nature, art and life.
“Children will be guided through the basics of conducting their own science project, again using the library’s online resources.
“Not only is there a wealth of scientific knowledge available for hungry minds, but there is also afternoon tea for hungry students,” added Cr Townsend.
This event is a great way to start the cogs in young brains working in the lead up to the Science Fair hosted by the Peninsula Community of Schools at Narrabeen Sports High School being held on 3 September.
Mona Vale Library is always available to work with students to aid them with their study needs. Children aged six and over are encouraged to visit Mona Vale Library and familiarise themselves with what’s available.
For more information about Science Week
Gloria's Handbag - a magical performance
Do you enjoy live theatre? Looking for an entertaining way to spend the afternoon or evening without having to go far from home? Then catch one of two performances of the acclaimed Gloria's Handbag, with Helen Moulder on Saturday 22 August.
Mona Vale Library will host a performance at Pittwater Retirement Village, Mona Vale from 2pm and another performance at Mona Vale Library from 7pm on Saturday 22 August.
Set in 2021 in Nelson, New Zealand our solo-performer Gloria, is 97 years of age and hasn’t long to live. Her son Craig is pushing her to move to a "retireville" but she doesn’t want to leave her home.
On a whim, Gloria buys an extraordinary designer handbag. This purchase sets off a series of unusual events which transform Gloria’s remaining days and enable her to send a message to the future.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said Helen Moulder’s performance has received extensive praise from audiences both here and in New Zealand.
“Helen Moulder is no stranger to the Northern Beaches, she performed the outstanding Playing Miss Havisham in 2012 at Pittwater Retirement Village and based on its popularity we’ve decided to host two performances of her new production.
“Come along and experience this entertaining show which has been described as a modern magical mystery, with music from The Magic Flute,” invited Cr Townsend.
Gloria’s Handbag is written by veteran New Zealand actor Helen Moulder and Australian Sue Rider (Meeting Karpovsky, Playing Miss Havisham), the play explores our modern society’s drive to accumulate “stuff” and how our identity can be bound up with objects and the memories they evoke.
Bookings are essential, please call 9970 1600 and reserve your seat today. Cost $10 Adults, $8 Concession, includes afternoon tea at Pittwater Retirement Village and wine and cheese at Mona Vale Library.
What was it like when you were eight?
To celebrate history week, Mona Vale Library has launched a non-fiction short story writing competition entitled ‘When I was eight years old..”
The library is inviting residents aged between eight and 80 – and beyond – to submit a creative piece describing what being eight years old means to them.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend encouraged the young and the young at heart to submit their memories of what it was like at the age of eight.
“Whether you have grown up here in Pittwater or arrived later in life, the library is keen to hear your recollections,” said Cr Townsend.
This year’s competition has been themed to coincide with History Week in September, when the winners will be announced at an award ceremony on Tuesday 9 September 2015.
There are three categories in this competition, each with a cash prize up for grabs.
Adult 18 years + – up to 1500 words Cash prize $200
Secondary students – up to 1000 words Cash prize $100
Primary students – up to 500 words Cash prize $ 50
To enter, simply pick up an entry form from the library or download the form This competition is open to residents across the Northern Beaches – not only Pittwater residents.
To submit your entry, please hand in a hard copy of your piece together with an 'entry form' at the library or email it to: Entries close at 2pm on Saturday 15 August.
Names of winners will be posted on the Mona Vale Library website and winning entries will be displayed at the library after the award ceremony on Tuesday 9 September 2015 during History Week.
NBN update @ Avalon
Pittwater Council is hosting a free update on the roll out of Australia’s Broadband network at the Avalon Beach RSL Club on Thursday 13 August from 8-10am.
The event supported by Pittwater Business Limited and local chambers of commerce will hear from Michael Tyler from Australia’s Broadband Network (nbn) who will provide the latest update on the roll out of high speed broadband in Sydney, NSW, and more specifically Avalon.
Pittwater Council’s Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said that the rollout will provide essential infrastructure for Pittwater, supporting economic development and jobs growth.
Mr William-Smith said Pittwater’s growing creative industries sector, for example, needs access to a fast, reliable network to access new customers and markets, resulting in business innovation.
“We have a growing number of home-based businesses that would benefit enormously from fast, reliable broadband, with the advantage of facilities such as video conferencing that remove geographic barriers.
“Meetings with customers, suppliers, colleagues and networks, can take place regardless of location, potentially saving time and costs associated with travel.
“Work, life balance is also enhanced with working from home becoming a real option as we experience fast, reliable internet connection.
“In fact nbn has the potential to change the way we live and learn with certain industries such as education changing significantly, with traditional campuses being of less importance, thanks to satellite lectures.
“Participants at the session will not only hear about the broader benefits of the nbn roll out, but will receive more specific information from the International Copper Association about being nbn-ready from a wiring perspective, added Mr William-Smith.
Bookings are essential for the session
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/8/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Applications Open For NSW Footy Facilities Fund
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging local rugby league clubs to consider applying for support under the NSW Government’s Footy Facilities Fund. The program is a joint initiative between the NSW Government and the National Rugby League and aims to assist clubs improve the quality and availability of their local facilities and boost participation.
Grants up to $75,000 are available and clubs are required to contribute at least 50% of the total project cost.
The Narrabeen Sharks were successful in last year’s program and received $39,600 to assist with improvements to its Lakeside Park clubhouse.
“This is a great opportunity for local club’s to boost their fundraising efforts and kick-start necessary projects,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Grassroots footy grounds are where sporting stars develop - so it’s great the NSW Government is offering support.
“Many local footy clubs have exciting plans and proposals but they need a leg-up to help them become a reality.
“The Narrabeen Sharks received funds in last year’s program and it would be great to see this success continue.
“Applications are now open and will be accepted untilWednesday August 12, 2015.
“Further details on the program and information on how to apply is available by visiting
“I encourage all our local footy clubs to explore this great opportunity,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater YHA Envirofun Weekend August 28-30.
Do something important and have fun too! PNHA assists with birding and botany activities. Eight years of Asparagus removal in Spotted Gum forest have transformed the bush. Go with friends, book through the hostel.
Volunteer for two mornings’ bush regeneration and receive:
• Free accommodation
• 2 evening meals + 2 BBQ lunches + 2 morning teas
• Free use of kayaks
• Alternatively come for a Sat or Sun morning's bush regeneration
and enjoy a morning tea & bbq lunch & kayak
Cost: $20 contribution for a weekend of great company, food and activities.
Bookings Essential: $50 non-refundable booking fee with a $30 refund on arrival.
Phone: 9999 5748 Email:
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has welcomed the release of a series of draft recommendations, which outline proposed changes to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the commercial fishing industry in NSW.
The independent Structural Adjustment Review Committee (SARC) is writing to all commercial fishing businesses in NSW, with each fisher receiving the draft recommendations that relate to their business.
“This state needs a commercial fishing sector that is viable and sustainable long in to the future. Doing nothing is not an option, which is why the NSW Government will make the necessary reforms to secure the future of this industry,” Mr Blair said. “This reform is about providing greater certainty and security to the commercial fishing industry – something this sector deserves.
“But this reform is also about assisting fishing businesses to either exit or remain in the industry, through a $16 million business adjustment program.”
All commercial fishers are encouraged to examine the materials they receive from the SARC, and to use this next period of consultation to provide constructive feedback to assist the committee with finalising its recommendations. The SARC has considered extensive stakeholder feedback and will now consult further with the commercial fishing industry on its draft recommendations.
The SARC has recommended modifying the $16 million adjustment program, removing a number of high impact options from consideration and giving commercial fishers more time to adjust to the changes.
The SARC will make final recommendations to the NSW Government in September 2015. The NSW Government will make no final decisions in relation to the reform until after it has considered the SARC’s final recommendations. More information, including all of the SARC’s draft recommendations, is available
Industry Working Groups will meet with the SARC during the consultations while individual fishers and other stakeholders can make written submissions on the Draft Recommendations by 31 August 2015, via:
Structural Adjustment Review Committee
c/o PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour
NSW 2450
Critter of the Month - August 2015

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 9982 5656 / 0409 391 065
Seniors Toy Repair Group needs your help
Volunteers are sought to help out on Wednesday mornings (7.30am to midday) at the group's workshed in Ingleside. Volunteers need their own transport and be willing to sort and clean toys that are picked up at different collection points on the Northern Beaches.
Prospective volunteers can email Mary Kitchen to arrange a visit to the workshed. To arrange a donation pickup please call Terry Cook on 0410 597 327 or email him. Find out more about this great community group HERE

Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is September 6th 2015. The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Countering extremism in public schools
29th July 2015 - NSW Premier Mike Baird today announced a state-wide audit of prayer groups in public schools, in response to concerns about a small number of students being potentially exposed to violent extremist ideologies.
“Our schools should be, and are, havens of tolerance, places where students can explore the reaches of imagination and knowledge,” Mr Baird said.
“We will never allow them to become the setting for extremist ideologies.”
Mr Baird also announced that a joint memorandum from the NSW Department of Education and NSW Police Force will be issued today to all public school principals, to reinforce their obligation to report information in accordance with the Department’s Incident Reporting Policy.
Last month the Premier announced the NSW Government will spend $4 million to build the strength of our multicultural society and protect young people from extremist influences.
The Government has already invited submissions on this Countering Violent Extremism program and is consulting community leaders across the state.
“Our schools, our police and other authorities are operating in a new and different world, as far as risks to our young people are concerned,” Mr Baird said.
“These new risks mean that, collectively, we are going to have to be vigilant, and take action as necessary.”
NSW Police Force will also provide a counter-terrorism briefing to Departmental officers, the NSW Secondary Principals’ Council and the NSW Primary Principals’ Association executive.
Police and the Department of Education have responded to a very small number of incidents in the past year, including at Epping Boys High.
With each of these current investigations, NSW Police Force can assure the community there is no current threat to the safety of students.
Protecting young people from extremism: Have your say on one of the most challenging social policy questions of our time.
What is this about?
The NSW Government is consulting with communities on how we can build on the strengths of our multicultural society and work together to protect our young people from hateful and violent influences by offering safe community connections and support.
The Minister for Multiculturalism, the Hon. John Ajaka MLC, wants to hear directly from the community. He has invited submissions to inform the scope and nature of a new $4 million program announced in the 2015 NSW Budget, to be implemented over the next two years. The Minister wants to learn from community experiences and perspectives, and build on successful community practices and partnerships.
Following the events at Martin Place in December last year, the people of NSW showed the world how we respond to violence and terror with human kindness, compassion and multicultural unity.
It is important we keep working together in this way to protect young Australians from hateful and violent influences and offer them opportunities to be involved fully in our society.
Have your say
Please download the submission form to share your views with the NSW Government. Once you have filled in the submission form, save it and submit it as an attachment by email by 5pm Friday 14 August 2015.
More information at: protecting-young-people-from-extremism
Tuesday 4 August 2015 – Media Release
Minister for Local Government Paul Toole today announced new measures to crack down on boat trailers clogging suburban streets. There are around 204,000 boat trailers currently registered in NSW. This number is forecast to increase by around 2.9 per cent per annum of the next decade. Currently, a boat trailer can be parked for an indefinite period unless there are parking restrictions or reasonable grounds to believe the trailer has been left abandoned or left unattended. This applies whether or not the trailer is registered. Under the changes introduced into NSW Parliament this week, boats left in the same place for more than three months will be impounded. Mr Toole said boat trailers being parked in residential areas has been an ongoing source of frustration for residents in high density areas.
“Increasingly, boat owners are using street parking as a long term parking solution for their boats. This in turn has led to legitimate concerns about the loss of amenity. “These new measures will allow council officers to specifically target boat trailers which have been parking for considerable periods of time and for which their councils have received complaints,” Mr Toole said.
The NSW Government has also set aside $5 million to assist local councils and other organisations establish off-street boat trailer parking facilities to help ease congestion.
Great Chairs for sale at Avalon Beach SLSC
We are dropping the price of these chairs as we really need to get rid of them. We are also happy to sell any number (we have to move 94) THEY ARE NOW ONLY $20 EACH.
You couldn't rent them for this price. In great condition. Message us if you want some or would like to have a look at them. Message at
2015 Australian Pool Rescue Championships
Surf Life Saving Australia: Published on 8 Aug 2015
Disturbing news is emerging tonight with reports and photographs on social media of two men with spear guns confronted on the beach at Mona Vale, Sydney with a speared Grey Nurse Shark on Sunday 2nd August 2015. The Underwater Skindivers and Fisherman’s Association (USFA) do not condone any illegal practise by NSW spearfishers who do not comply with Fisheries regulations and laws.
The juvenile 1.2m Protected Shark had been shot twice in the head and from an angle that denotes a deliberate act and not a result of self-defence.
When confronted the men feigned poor English and then said the shark had “tried to kill them” before throwing the dead shark back into the ocean along with the rest of their catch.
The two men fled the location in a champagne coloured Nissan Patrol 4WD still wearing wetsuits with numberplates being seen by a few and forwarded to Fisheries.
The Underwater Skindivers and Fisherman’s Association (USFA) would like to remind all spearfishers that every time you pull on a wetsuit you are representing not just yourself but the entire sport, that at all times you must uphold the highest level of ethical standards, abide by all laws and adhere to the USFA Rules and Regulations.
The USFA has also developed the Code of Conduct for Grey Nurse Sharks to assist spearfishers with their interactions with GNS.
This code represents the minimum standards of behaviour and actions required when Spearfishing in proximity to Grey Nurse Sharks. The code is part of the membership commitments to the Underwater Skindivers and Fishermen’s Association (USFA). It also serves as the default standard for all NSW Spearfishers.
Code of Conduct for Grey Nurse Sharks
When spearfishing near where Grey Nurse Sharks congregate:
• Keep a minimum distance of five (5) metres at all times.
• Do not knowingly allow sharks to steal catches.
• Refrain from all forms of flashlight photography of sharks.
• When sharks move to within five (5) metres discreetly retreat avoiding the projected path of the shark. If the sharks appear agitated, move out of the area.
• Assist in any scientific research in conjunction with NSW DPI personnel.
• Maintain and share records of shark populations to be able to ascertain whether they may be increasing or decreasing over periods.
• When operating in Grey Nurse Shark locations, try to limit direct interaction.
• Educate other spearfishers who may not be aware of, or otherwise regulated by the USFA code.
The Underwater Skindivers and Fisherman’s Association (USFA) would like all members to assist in any way possible to identify these men so that their details can be forwarded to Fisheries. Report illegal or suspect fishing activities to your nearest Fisheries Office or use the Fishers Watch Phone line on 1800 043 536 or complete their online report form.
The USFA can also be alerted to assist via our Contact Us page. Please address the Secretary
Peter Walsh
USFA Vice President
Exhibition of Climate Change Policy
07 Aug 2015
At Pittwater Council’s meeting earlier this week, the Council agreed to place on exhibition for public comment the revised Climate Change Policy from 6 August until 2 September 2015.
The focus of the review brings the current 2009 policy up-to-date to incorporate a risk management approach, with closer alignment to Pittwater 2025: Our Community Strategic Plan.
Pittwater Council supports the Australian Local Government Association which classes climate change as one of its top five priority policy issues.
As such Council has an important local role in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as implementing measures for climate change adaptation.
Acting General Manager Mark Jones said that a key focus of adaptation to climate change under the revised policy is on building community resilience.
“This requires preparedness for the projected increases to the severity of heatwaves, fires, floods and coastal storms.
“We are at a point in time to move beyond philosophy and acknowledge that we have commenced a focus on embedding climate change resilience into Council actions, and will continue to do so into the future,” said Mr Jones.
A Climate Action Plan Framework has also been developed in support of the revised policy.
Mr Jones said whilst it will take time, using a clear framework enables Council to coordinate its efforts to respond to the pressures of climate change in an ordered manner.
A number of key projects relating to building both Council and community capacity to climate change have already been completed and others are underway.
These include Council’s Climate Change Risk Assessment and plans to carry out community workshops later in the year. The workshops will raise awareness on how to be psychologically prepared for fire, floods and coastal storm events.
The Climate Change Policy No.176 is on exhibition for public comment between 6 August and 2 September 2015 and can be viewed at or at Council’s customer service centres at Mona Vale and Avalon.
Put your prized pooch in the frame!
07 Aug 2015
Is your dog talented, cute or funny? Then the PETstock Pittwater Dog of the Year photo competition is for you and your pooch.
Pittwater residents are invited to submit a photo of their beloved canine companion in the competition and be in the running for a great prize package.
The competition closes 5pm on Friday 4 September, with winners announced at Dog Day by the Bay on Sunday 20 September at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
Event coordinator Sasha Lucius said to participate all you have to do is to submit your dog’s photo along with a brief description as to why they are worthy of being Pittwater Dog of the Year.
Entry to the competition is for Pittwater residents only, with a reminder that beach shots or dogs in the water will not be eligible.
All photos submitted will be available for viewing at as well as at the Dog Day by the Bay event and via social media.
Dog Day by the Bay is on between 10am and 3pm and includes demonstrations of canine skill and training, education talks and competitions including the ever-popular ‘Canine Fancy Dress Parade’ and ‘Doggy Dash’ competitions.
Other highlights include a new fun obedience and trick challenge led by the Manly and District Dog Training Club.
Ms Lucius said anyone in the audience can participate in this fun competition, again with great prizes on offer.
There will also be a Kids’ Corner where children can enjoy a free jumping castle and face painting, and a number of delicious food stalls on the day.
Proceeds raised will be donated to the local branch of the Animal Welfare League. Entry and parking are free.
Both the 2015 photo competition and the Dog Day by the Bay event are proudly sponsored by PETstock.
For further information about Dog Day by the Bay and how to enter the competition visit
Author shares her inner journey through Paris
04 Aug 2015
Mona Vale Library’s upcoming literary luncheon event presents Patti Miller sharing her latest body of work Ransacking Paris from 12 noon on Friday 14 August.
With children recently flown the nest, award-winning author Patti Miller decides to fulfil a life-long dream of living in France for a year with her partner.
This is no typical wanderlust tale, and is as much an exploration of the self as of Paris.
Miller’s story is part philosophy and part memoir – a story of a writer’s inner journey through the heart of Paris.
Ransacking Paris is a book to nourish the soul, filled with epiphany, lyrical prose and candid insight. Above all it speaks of our humanity – our interconnectedness, our desires, our frailties and our implicit differences.
This insightful recollection of Miller’s journey to Paris is her seventh book and confirms Patti Miller as one of Australia’s finest literary voices.
Patti Miller grew up on Wiradjuri land, dreaming of Paris. She is the author of the award-winning memoir The Mind of a Thief which won the 2013 NSW Premier’s History Awards (NSW Community & Regional Prize) and which has been set for the VCE English curriculum.
She has written best-selling writing texts, Writing Your Life and The Memoir Book, as well as a novel and four memoirs, including Ransacking Paris. She is Australia’s foremost memoir teacher.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600. Following the presentation and lunch there will be an opportunity to purchase the book and have it signed by Patti Miller.
Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession, free admission for students.
Missing Persons Week 2015 Missing Person Peter Millett
Thursday, 06 August 2015
Police are appealing for information, as part of Missing Persons Week, to help locate a man who went missing from Sydney’s Northern Beaches almost two years ago.
Peter Millett, now aged 47, was last seen in the front yard of his home on Idaline Street at Collaroy about 9.30pm on Tuesday 27 August 2013.
Neighbours reported that he left the premises on foot and he’s not had contact with family or friends since.
His parents reported him missing the following day and officers attached to Northern Beaches Local Area Command launched an investigation into his disappearance.
There have been a number of unconfirmed sightings of the missing person around the Northern Beaches region; however, he remains missing.
Inquiries have also revealed Mr Millett has not accessed any bank accounts since he went missing.
Police and family hold serious concerns for his welfare due to a medical condition that requires ongoing treatment.
Mr Millett is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 183cm tall, balding brown and grey-coloured hair, clean shaven, with blue eyes and of a thin build. He also has a number of tattoos on his torso.
Anyone with information about the whereabouts of Peter Millett is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page:
Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. We remind people they should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Missing Persons Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of the issues and impacts surrounding missing persons and runs between Sunday 2 August and Saturday 8 August 2015.
This year’s campaign is urging people to ‘Follow Your Instincts.’
If you suspect a friend or family member has gone missing, you don’t have to wait 24 hours to take action, ‘Follow Your Instincts’ and report the matter to police immediately.
NSW Police Force would like to thank the Outdoor Media Association (OMA) for their assistance with Missing Persons Week 2015, donating advertising sites worth more than $200,000 across NSW.

Beautiful Newport Artworks Destroyed
In November 2014, at the Newport Sculpture Trail Launch, prominent local artists gave their time, material and talent free of charge for the community.
Five artists painted live the panels in the arcade leading through to Foamcrest car park. Seeing artists in action entertained hundreds of people, especially the children...and not one bit of graffiti has touched this area since!
Recently the owners of this property have allowed their new asset manager to come in and whitewash every panel. Why?
Especially when this whole area had been an eyesore for around 10yrs and, even more importantly this site is hazardous to say the least and should be classed as a danger zone!
The ceiling is falling in, windows have been smashed and it's a miracle that no-one has broken their neck on a pavement in disrepair!
A Newport Resident.
Christine Ambrose-Keys painted the whale. Below: Nik Ballingal painted the Pittwater scene

Beko to Support Best of the Best Surfboat Challenge in 2016!
7 August 2015 - Surf Life Saving NSW is pleased to announce that Beko will again support the Best of the Best Surf Boat Challenge in 2016. After staging a highly successful event in 2015, the appliance giant will throw its weight behind the state’s premier surf boat event, where the top NSW crews have the chance to take home some great prizes.
Expressions of Interest are currently being sought from clubs to host the event in 2016 and 2017 with the successful venue to be announced in October.

Nominate now for the National Disability Awards
3 August 2015
The 2015 National Disability Awards open today, giving Australians the chance to acknowledge the many people, organisations and initiatives across the country that make a positive impact on the lives of people with disability.
Now in their ninth year, the Awards help build awareness of disability issues and showcase important work throughout the community, enabling people to fully participate in work and society.
I encourage people to put forward a person, organisation or initiative in their community that deserves recognition.
This year we are looking for nominations that demonstrate great community initiatives.
Awards will be presented in six categories:
Lesley Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement in Disability
Emerging Leader in Disability Awareness
Excellence in Accessibility – Technology
Excellence in Accessibility – Community
Excellence in Choice and Control in Service Delivery
Excellence in Advocacy
To nominate for the National Disability Awards, go or call 1800 672 682. TTY users please call 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 672 682.
Nominations for the National Disability Awards close on 4 September 2015.
The winners will be announced at a ceremony in the Great Hall, Australian Parliament House in Canberra on 25 November.
The Awards are an integral part of the Australian Government’s celebrations of the International Day of People with Disability on 3 December.
Local Government NSW recognises best council communicators
August 7, 2015: LGNSW
A quirky campaign to promote responsible pet ownership has taken out one of the top gongs in Local Government NSW’s prestigious RH Dougherty Awards for Communications Excellence, announced at the Australian National Maritime Museum at Sydney’s Darling Harbour last night.
LGNSW President Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM also announced awards for Councils communicating community services and events as varied as Parkes’ Elvis Festival, smarter Waste Management, and The Children’s Games.
A special Award for an Outstanding Individual Contribution went to Blue Mountains City Council’s Communications Manager Adrienne Murphy, for her work in communicating with the Blue Mountains community following the horrific bushfires of 2014.
“Adrienne ensured Blue Mountains City Council delivered the information residents and ratepayers needed, when they needed it,” Cr Rhoades said.
“And when the storms pulverised Local Government Areas up and down the NSW East Coast in April, she reached out to her communications colleagues in those Councils and offered assistance in their time of need.
“Local Government is about commitment to community, and Adrienne has truly embodied that commitment in her work at Blue Mountains City Council.”
Cr Rhoades said all 63 entries in the LGNSW Awards were of exceptional standard, making the task for the 2015 judges particularly tough.
Categories included Excellence in Communication, Reporting to The Community, and Innovation in Special Events.
“Local Government communication and reporting has gone from strength to strength,” Cr Rhoades said.
“This year’s RH Dougherty winners truly lead the field by engaging with and reporting to their community in creative and innovative ways.
“They make smart use of technology and deliver budget efficiencies to achieve greater community engagement and better service delivery,” said Cr Rhoades.
They and their fellow nominees are a credit to their Councils, and to the communities they serve.”
Winning Councils were Mosman, Willoughby, Ryde, Parkes, Wagga Wagga, Randwick, Tamworth, Parramatta, Lake Macquarie, the Blue Mountains, and SHOROC – the North Shore regional council body representing Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah councils.
The 2015 RH Dougherty Award Winners are:
Division A: less than 30,000
Mosman Council: There’s no such thing as the dog poo fairy
Judges’ comments: Great to see humour highlight an issue we all take for granted. I loved everything about the campaign, the eye catching design, its directness and the very visual and graphic nature of the topic. As a parent, pet owner and local government employee, this just resonated with me and I could see the message being absorbed by people of all ages, young and old.
Division B: 30,000 – 100,000
Willoughby City Council: Willoughby Symphony 2015 Subscription Series
Judges’ comments: The objective of this project was to engage interest from new audiences and increase package sales via an innovative strategy. It resulted in an increase of 1,000 subscriptions from the previous year, increased brand and venue awareness and local restaurant business all on a minimal budget with a range of tools and methods.
Division C: population more than 100,000
Ryde City Council: Securing our Future Special Rate Variation Campaign
Judges’ comments: Ryde showed great innovation. It is a well thought-out campaign and a strong communication message for what is a hard topic to inform and especially engage about. One of the stand-outs was the educational video that delivered a complicated topic clearly and made it interesting and relevant.
Division D – ROCS and County Councils
SHOROC: Too Good to Waste
Judges’ comments: Too Good to Waste is a fantastic campaign and partnership across Warringah, Pittwater, Mosman and Manly councils. An excellent use of shared resources and project expenses which delivered a meaningful and core service campaign. The best part is that this service is relevant to every single Council operating in Australia. Great campaign, well executed and a shining example of what can be achieved through ROC’s and County Councils.
Division A – population less than 30,000
Parkes Shire Council: Storytelling: Communicating Effectively with our Community
Judges’ comments: A good strategy followed up with simple and clear communication of key points using info-graphics – focusing on what the community needed to know, not what Council needed to tell them. Excellent use of budget, extra banners and designs to complement the often chunky annual reports and regional requirements through storytelling and other communication channels.
Division B - population 30,000 to 100,000
Wagga Wagga City Council: Council News – Wagga Wagga City Council
Judges’ comments: An innovative response to Council messages being lost in translation was born within the Council’s Media and Communications Team via a weekly A3 four page newspaper written, compiled and designed internally and printed within the local paper, The Daily Advertiser. It was also made available online, via social media and in hard copy at the Civic Centre Arcade.
Division C - population more than 100,000
Randwick City Council: Randwick City Council’s Website
Judges’ comments: Moving into the web 2.0 world, Randwick had clear objectives and got their ‘super hero powers’. It was a great way to promote their new and improved site. It was a large internal project with an extensive budget. However it overhauled their online presence, delivering a better experience for customers who choose the web as their first point of contact.
Division A: less than 30,000
Parkes Shire Council: 2015 Parkes Elvis Festival
Judges’ comments: Great work in achieving some of the innovative steps for the event to be formally recognised as delivered by Council. It has a clear strategy, plans for growth and innovation and an official licensing agreement with the Elvis Presley estate. It squarely puts the festival as a must-do on the Destination NSW events calendar, thanks to the fantastic work of Council and community.
Division B: 30,000 – 100,000
Tamworth Regional Council: Tamworth Country Music Festival 2014
Judges’ comments: This event was the stand out. It captures the unique country music market in Australia and made it synonymous with Tamworth and the Golden Guitar Awards. Excellent to see new initiatives such as the FamilyZone and FanZone to entice younger audiences, and a serious approach to sustainability by reducing waste, water and energy.
Division C: more than 100,000 – Joint Winner
Parramatta City Council: Parramatta Lanes 2014
Judges’ comments: This built on an existing event with well-defined objectives. Reaching people through a well-targeted communications strategy, together with great event management has led to Parramatta Lanes being successful in changing residents and workers perceptions of the city, boosted local business, and enabled the permanent activation of unused spaces.
Division C: more than 100,000 – Joint Winner
Lake Macquarie City Council: Lake Macquarie International Children's Games 2014
Judges’ comments: We were very impressed with the Lake Macquarie submission. Although it was potentially a risk for the Council, the whole community pulled together to promote and encourage sport in our young people.
Blue Mountains City Council: Adrienne Murphy – Recovery & Response Communications
Judges’ comments: Adrienne led communications for an unprepared extreme event and delivered certainty at a time when it was desperately needed by the Blue Mountains community. She should be commended for her excellence in disaster and crisis management, her impact on the recovery process and an ongoing willingness to share these experiences and learnings with other Councils.
For the full list of Local Government Week award winners, including councils that received Highly Commended and Encouragement awards, visit:
'Hang onto the Bag' Pittwater
A recent waste audit undertaken by Pittwater Council has found that on average the equivalent of one in every ten yellow lidded recycling bins are contaminated with non-recyclable items which include plastic bags and food waste.
PlanetArk have also carried out research that shows some 23% of people put recyclables into a plastic bag and then into the container recycling bins mistakenly thinking that they are recycling correctly.
Pittwater Council, along with SHOROC and its partner councils, is now encouraging residents to ‘hang onto the bag’ when placing recyclable items into the container recycling bins.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqueline Townsend said that Pittwater residents are generally good recyclers, however the recent waste audit results indicate that recycling in Pittwater can be improved.
“A plastic bag full of recycling that has been thrown into the yellow lidded recycling bins could very well end up in landfill and not be recycled at all,” she said.
“If you need to use a plastic bag, empty the container recyclables into the container recycling bin first, then place the plastic bag into the garbage bin,” she added.
Plastic bags not only contaminate household recycling, they can also jam machinery at the recycling processing facility.
The Hang onto your Bag project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.
For more information visit
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Support Local Marathon Man Running from the Blues
Olly Woolrych, a runner from Avalon, is currently attempting to run from one end of Central America to the other, running 5 marathons a week for 6 months to raise awareness for depression in young people and aims to raise $50 000.00 for beyondblue.
Olly is passionate about the positive impact that running can have on young peoples' mental health.
The Run will be a total of 5500km and will take Olly through the Mexican highlands, along both the Caribbean and Pacific coastlines, through countless rain forests in Guatemala and Costa Rica and passing through several capital cities.
Olly will also be taking part in various volunteering programs to get a better idea as to how young people live in other parts of the world
You can follow his odyssey on Facebook
And donate to ‘Running from the Blues’ here

For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Bangalley Headland 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Wed August 12
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Sat August 15
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Bch 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun August 16
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Mon August 17
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu August 20
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat August 22
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun August 23
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8:30-11:30am
Fri August 28
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sat August 29
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sun August 30
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend

Start with the Pub2Pub... then party all day!
The 2015 Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival is growing all the time, both in numbers and stature as an iconic community event.
Family Festival on Fire!
We can now let you know that thanks to Major Sponsor URM, we have at least six great bands taking to the stage at Newport, with the headline act no less than former Midnight Oil legend Rob Hirst with his current band, The Backsliders.
'Tarantino-esque' surf rockers The Mezcaltones will kick-start the music at 10am.
We've also confirmed two Co-Hosts for the day - Triple M's Gus Worland (The Grill Team) and TV Presenter Matt White. Gus will actually compete in the 3km event from Mona Vale with his three kids before taking over M.C. duties from Matt (once he's warmed down) at the carnival-style Finish Line party. The licensed bar will help quench the thirst of runners completing the race, international food stalls will stave off any hunger pangs and there'll be plenty of activities for the kids.
Sea Eagles on board
The Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are now right behind us and at all their home games in the lead-up to Pub2Pub, they're promoting a massive 'Community Day Out'. Several Sea Eagles stars will be present to greet runners at the Finish Line at Newport on Sunday morning August 23 and sign autographs for young fans.
And after you've enjoyed all the fun of the Family Festival at Newport Surf Club, the Sea Eagles are also hoping to organise transport taking you directly to Brookvale Oval for the 4pm kick-off of the suburban blockbuster against arch-rivals, Parramatta.
This will truly be the best Pub2Pub ever!
So... if you haven't yet registered to take part in all the fun that is the 2015 Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival, do it today. And even if injury or ill health will prevent you from taking part in the race, you can still soak up the wonderful community spirit that will flow non-stop from 9:30am at Newport. See you there!
Guess what? If you raise just $150 or more for your nominated charity in this year’s Pub2Pub, you automatically go in the draw to WIN 7 nights for 2 at the Orator Hotel in SAMOA, valued at $1,299. Make sure you get your fundraising going now. (Competition terms and conditions apply)
Register at
Pet of the Week
AGE/SEX: 7-8 years / F
BREED: Terrier x
Franzina is a smart active little girl who loves to play with other dogs. She has a scruffy easy care coat and weighs 5.2kg. Franzina enjoys the company of kids. She loves to play with a tug rope and fetch a ball. She walks well on lead and knows sit and stay. She is so well mannered! She has a scruffy coat and weighs 5.2kg. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Her adoption cost is $400.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.

New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government. The NSW Government Gazette contains: New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on theN.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.

August 2 - 8, 2015: Issue 225
Articles This Week
Aquatics: Pittwater students take Hollywood by 'storm': Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre has been working closely with local schools to engage and educate them on stormwater education - Mini eco-film project
Ian Crutch Newport SLSC Made Life Member at 2015 AGM by John Guthrie
Changing of the guard at Avalon Beach SLSC: New President and Director of Lifesaving (Club Captain) 2015 AGM report by Roger Sayers and Warren Young OAM
Pittwater Gentleman’s Vision Brings International Recognition: a chat with Ian White, Founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences about The Love System, a range of Certified Organic Skincare and Bodycare formulations that has won an acclaimed Natural Health Beauty Award 2015 in the UK
Park Bench Philosophers: The Currawong: Classic Yacht
Pictures: South, West, East, North in Pittwater by Christine Hopton, Paul Wheeler
Profile: Lisa Wilkes- Hunter: mum, businesswoman, Artist
History: The Riddles of Bayview and The Spit: sailors, boat makers, road pavers and winning rowers
Artist of the Month: Artist of the Month August 2015 - Lisa Wilkes-Hunter: Inspired by a childhood full of adventures and encouraged by a creative and talented family, my passion for art started early in life.
I am stirred by the power, colour, mystery and contrasts of the natural world and whilst I often use living energy - animals, people, the ocean, plants and trees as subject matter, I also include inert objects as a medium - eggs, sand, drift wood and recycled things (pages from my grandfather, Richard Wilkes-Hunter 's books), as a background to create a dreamlike, textured, collage effect.

Beautiful Newport Artworks Destroyed
In November 2014, at the Newport Sculpture Trail Launch, prominent local artists gave their time, material and talent free of charge for the community.
Five artists painted live the panels in the arcade leading through to Foamcrest car park. Seeing artists in action entertained hundreds of people, especially the children...and not one bit of graffiti has touched this area since!
Recently the owners of this property have allowed their new asset manager to come in and whitewash every panel. Why?
Especially when this whole area had been an eyesore for around 10yrs and, even more importantly this site is hazardous to say the least and should be classed as a danger zone!
The ceiling is falling in, windows have been smashed and it's a miracle that no-one has broken their neck on a pavement in disrepair!
A Newport Resident.
Top: 11yr old Ruby Chamberlain with her uncle, Simon Chandler painted the whale. Christine Ambrose-Keys also contributed a work. Below: Guy Hawson and Nik Ballingal painted the Pittwater scene

Vale Philip Bond - A True Gentleman
Philip passed away peacefully in his sleep after a few sips of Johnnie Walker on Sunday afternoon, 26th July 2015 surrounded with love by Trilby, his grandson and partner Tina.
Philip was a highly respected member of the Scotland Island community for 30 years.
He was a founding member of the Woody Point Yacht Club back in the early 80’s and became Commodore in 1994. That year he and Arthur Spithill, wrote the WPYC Charter commencing with the line “Founding Members were a group of social drinkers with a boating problem”!
He started the Gentleman’s Launch division at the Australia Day Putt Putt Races by racing his timber half-cabin boat Aldrych against Brian Wetzler of bottle shop fame. He continued to race Aldrych for another 20 years winning many bottles of champers on the beach at Treharne Cove for Best Dressed boat.
Philip was a long time member of the Bush Fire Brigade and a Harmonica player and clown in many Scotland Island Player revues.
Philip was a British war veteran of the Korean War and his main contribution to the off-shore community, along with Old Brucie and Michael Moxey, was organising the Anzac Day Ceremony at Church Point and making it into the special event that it is today.
A private cremation for Philip has been organised according to his wishes.
Pittwater Online News was fortunate to run a Profile of the Week on Philip a few years ago which readers may visit again HERE
Have Your Say On Plans To Upgrade Mona Vale Road East
29 July 2015 - Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encourging the community to comment on plans for the upgrade of Mona Vale Road between Ingleside and Mona Vale.
The NSW Government has allocated a further $2 million this financial year to progress planning for the 3.2 km section of Mona Vale Road East - between Manor Road at Ingleside and Foley Street at Mona Vale.
The proposed upgrade reduces travel times by widening the road corridor to four lanes, with median separation and wide shoulders, and improves safety for breakdowns and cyclists.
Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and bus priority lanes would also be installed at the Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection to enhance motorist and pedestrian safety and bus service efficiency.
The community is being invited to view the proposed concept design and comment on the Review of Environmental Factors which outlines measures to reduce environmental impacts.
“This project would provide enormous benefits to our entire community,” Rob Stokes said.
“The upgrade aims to improve safety, increase capacity and reduce travel times for the thousands of motorists who travel along Mona Vale Road every day.
“Further community feedback is now being sought to inform the final project design.
“The community is invited to learn more at information sessions on Saturday 8 August, from 10am to 12pm, and Monday 10 August, from 5pm to 7pm, at Mona Vale Memorial Hall, Park Street, Mona Vale.
“The Review of Environmental Factors is also available to view on the Roads and Maritime Services website and in hard copy at Mona Vale and Avalon Beach libraries.
“Roads and Maritime is also preparing an Environmental Assessment Report for the Mona Vale Road West Upgrade Projectbetween McCarrs Creek Road at Terrey Hills and Powder Works Road at Ingleside. The report will be on display for community and stakeholder comment in the first half of 2016.
“Feedback on the Mona Vale East Upgrade Project is invited before Friday 28 August and can be directed to - Mona Vale Road East Upgrade, Roads and Maritime Services, PO Box 973, PARRAMATTA CBD NSW 2124 - or by email to
“I encourage everyone to view the plans and concept design and provide feedback,” Rob Stokes said
See PDF of works HERE - 2.45MB
Palm Beach SLSC AGM
The major changes were in Club Captain and Vice Captain, being two wonderful women – Alex Tyrell (C) and Ali Murphy (VC)
Alex is the 2nd female club captain in PBSLSC’s history, and Ali is the 4th female VC.
With Kate McDonald staying on as President, the women are taking over at Palmy!

Elanora Heights Shopping Centre Still Open For Business
August 1, 2015 - Pittwater Council is almost finished with the Elanora Heights Upgrade : Stage 1.
Most of the fencing came down Friday afternoon, all the parking is available and its looking pretty schmick.
Whilst it’s been a little disruptive for all of us, it’s been a really hard period for the local shops. Please head up there this weekend and help them out by doing a shop, saying hi and celebrating the facelift. Don’t forget there are heaps of extra public parking spots in the building where The Nook Wholefoods, Green Door Health and The Meat Emporium are located: entrance off Powderworks Rd.
There are lovely orchids at IGA Elanora Heights, awesome (healthy) treats at The Nook Wholefoods, yummy lemon tarts at the bakery, coffee at Ella & Nora's, best bacon ever The Meat Emporium, top notch eats Conrad Piggins, beautiful Kalang Homewares, just about everything you could ever need news and gift wise at Elanora Heights Newsagency and Post Office, There is the chemist, hairdressers and dentist to get you looking and feeling good, Bar Nora for a sneaky tipple, the pizza, Chinese and chicken shops for a family friendly break from cooking and a bunch of other great local business like Envirotecture Elanora Heights Local Business Hub.
Please support our local businesses.
Pittwater Cr. Selena Griffith – Elanora
Top: The lovely folk from The Nook at Elanora Heights - nourish yourself with their healthy tasty treats! Below: Richard at The Meat Emporium ready to delight your taste buds - drop into the upgraded Elanora Shops this weekend.

Waratah Park Working Bee
Volunteers are needed to help clean up 'Skippy Park' on 9th Aug 2015; 9am - 1pm
Waratah Park, "Home of Skippy the Bush Kanagaroo" TV series represents an important part of history of our local area. It is 12 hectares of bushland, environment culture and rare flora and fauna species. Currently the park is closed to the public and all animals have been removed from the park.
Landcare have provided a small grant of $1000 to help cover ongoing costs of restoration work at Waratah Park.
Come along and join an enthusiastic group of volunteers with the ongoing restoration and maintenance of this iconic site. On the day, we will be removing invasive species and planting local provenance tube stock.
Please bring along friends and family to help boost volunteer numbers on the day and reach our goal of 3 additional volunteers on the day and the promotion of the ongoing works to restore the natural environment.
What to bring: Long sleeve shirt and pants, protective footwear, sun hat, gardening gloves, water. If available please bring along small hand tools such as weeders and mattocks.
Lunch and morning tea provided.
Location: Waratah Park, 13 Namba Road, Duffy's Forest
If you are able to make it on the day or interested in contributing in other ways please contact Jenny Harris on 0408512060 or
Website: All details are on DFRA website:
Boomerang Bags: sewing the seeds of change
July 27, 2015: Boomerang Bags update.
Well it's been a busy week at Boomerang Bags. On Wednesday we had a very positive meeting with local Sate MP Rob Stokes. Rob is very much behind us and we will hopefully have some more news on that soon.
On Thursday Laurel Wood was interviewed on radio all about Boomerang bags Avalon! Well done Laurel.
Our workshops are still continuing every Tuesday at the Avalon Rec Centre from 11am until 5pm. Please come down and find out more about how it all works.
You do not need to be a sewer to be involved. We have many non sewing jobs.
For those who cannot make the Tuesday workshop but would like to help we have several options. For sewers we can drop off some "ready to sew" bags to be done in your own time. For non sewers contact us for more information on how you can help from home.
We also have some items for sale . You can buy a beautiful "Bought to Support" version of Boomerang Bags ( $10) and a lovely ceramic reusable coffee mug ($15.00). So start reducing your plastic use now. Contact us for more information.
For anyone who is on Facebook we now have a group. Search forBoomerang Bags Avalon.
Climate and Water Outlook, August–October 2015
Bureau of Meteorology Published on Jul 29, 2015
Our monthly Climate and Water Outlook video covers rainfall, streamflow and temperature for the next three months. The next video will be available on 27 August 2015. For more detail, go
What’s Your Beef?: Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Workshop
If you live, work in or just visit Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment and have an issue relating to its natural environment you’d like to get off your chest, go along to Narrabeen Lakes Public School on Monday August 24 at 7pm.
Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment is staging a workshop that will be about the positives and negatives of living in this iconic part of Sydney. Share your observations, experiences and knowledge as ideas are discussed for recreational use, managing the challenges, inappropriate development, values that need protecting and preserving what remains of the bushland. Maybe you are just fed up with the limited parking at the various reserves? Be there and have your say. The second part of the evening will be focused on what can be done to address your concerns.
Entry is free, but you need to book your tickets now. Phone 9905-2135 or email Judith Bennett at
Basketball Scores at Northern Beaches PCYC
Warringah Council: Published on 30 Jul 2015
Warringah's star basketball girls take over construction of Warringah Council’s new community building and Police Citizens Youth Club - celebrating a new place to play. The PCYC at Dee Why opens in 2016!
Free Hearing Tests
National Hearing Care will conduct free hearing tests for anyone aged 26 or over on 10th Aug 2015: 10:30am - 1pm. Drop in anytime between 10.30am-1pm for a 15min consultation, to Mona Vale Library.
Enquiries: 9970 1600
Sand Installation at Narrabeen
Want to be part of something a little different?
On Sunday morning 9 August, the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future campaign will be creating a giant sand-art installation at the Narrabeen Lake entrance that will be photographed from the air. I would like to invite you and your family to help us create it!
The message is simple, we will be drawing a line in the sand, calling for the coal and coal seam gas mining expansion to be restricted, and our farms, forests, water supplies and public health protected permanently.
The images will be created by raking the sand. It will be fun and family friendly.
WHEN : Sunday August 9: 9am - 10:30am
WHERE: Birdwood Park at the Narrabeen Lagoon entrance, 2 Malcolm St, Narrabeen
Please RSVP here to help us get a sense of numbers. There will also be a BBQ if you want to have some breakfast.
I hope you will join us for this fun event that will send a positive message about protecting our environment.
Sarah Downes
Volunteer with the Our Land, Our Water, Our Future Campaign
New Artist Begins Residency at Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - Warringah Council
Warringah Council’s third artist in residence at Kimbriki, Leesa Knights, is starting her six month stint, producing works from materials the rest of us discard.
Her work includes sculptures from found objects as diverse as paint, paper, plastics, wood and metal.
Leesa Knights said, ‘I am thrilled to accept the Kimbriki Artist Residency and plan to use this opportunity to develop my art practice further. Waste to Art can be both challenging and rewarding. It can also be viewed as an educational tool to highlight important issues surrounding sustainability.’
The public will be invited to participate in the process and learn the importance of waste reduction and reuse or diversion. Leesa will run workshops over the next six months so others can experience her artistic process.
Warringah is one of the few local Councils in Australia reducing waste through creative means and on such a large scale – a pioneering sustainable practice through creative collaborations.
Mayor of Warringah, Michael Regan said, ‘It is wonderful to see an artist of Leesa’s calibre at work at the Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre, challenging the boundaries of reuse. It will be an incredible boost to the current education programs at Kimbriki and a great chance for materials to be used in new ways under Leesa’s guidance.’
Leesa is setting up shop in a shipping container and will complete her residency in October 2015 when she will exhibit her works at the Warringah Creative Space.
Leesa Knights of Allambie is an Environmental Artist with an Honours degree in Fine Art from Winchester School of Art, England. Leesa has exhibited in numerous group shows and been a finalist in the Waste to Art category of the Warringah Art Prize since 2009, receiving an Honourable Mention in 2012. She has also been involved in the Manly Arts Festival, a SHOROC social media campaign against plastic bags in recycling and was honoured to be selected as one of only nine artists to create and show work at the inaugural opening of the Warringah Creative Space. In addition to her own practice she has organised and curated numerous solo and group shows for emerging northern beaches artists.
Waste to Art is an annual art prize, given as part of the Warringah Art Prize. It is sponsored by Kimbriki and this year attracted a record number of entrants.
The Warringah Creative Space is an old Scout hall located at 105 Abbott Road, North Curl Curl that has been renovated with reusable materials. It has a large gallery space plus five working studios for hire.
Government Recall Issued for Affected Samsung Top Loader Washing Machines
Minister responsible for Fair Trading Victor Dominello today (23/7/2015) announced a Government recall had been issued to Samsung regarding six top loader washing machine models.
The machines, of which more than 144,000 were sold nationally between 2010 and 2013, have been found to pose a fire risk.
Mr Dominello said consumers should be mindful of the potential dangers associated with the affected model machines.
“Don’t wait until it is too late. It is time for consumers to take action and check the model numbers of their Samsung top loader washing machines,” he said.
“If a consumer does have an affected machine, they should only use it if they are present or nearby to monitor it and contact Samsung to arrange a free inspection and repair. If a consumer notices any smoke or smell coming out of the machine, they should turn it off at the power point.”
While a voluntary recall has been in place since 2013, warning consumers of the dangers of the affected machines and providing a free in-home repair, both the NSW Government and Samsung remain concerned by the number of consumers that have not taken part in the recall to date.
To prevent further incidents occurring, it is essential that anyone who has one of these machines contact Samsung and organise to have it repaired.
Under the terms of the Government recall, Samsung will repair machines on-site in consumers’ homes. The reworked machines meet the safety requirements of Australian Standards and are independently certified following repair.
Under the Government recall, Samsung will also continue to provide significant reporting to Fair Trading about incidents, progress of repairs, and standard of technicians’ work. The company will continue its advertising and promotion campaign about the recall.
The move to a Government recall is a strong signal of the commitment to continuing efforts to get any affected machines repaired.
“The previous 'voluntary’ recall may have led some people to think it was optional to take part - far from it. Affected consumers need to take action and have their washing machine inspected and repaired,” Mr Dominello said.
Fifty-one percent of the affected models in NSW have already been inspected and fixed by Samsung as part of the voluntary recall; however, there are still incidents occurring involving machines that are yet to be inspected.
Machines that are yet to be inspected by Samsung pose a fire risk as moisture may penetrate electrical connectors within one area of the machine causing a fire hazard.
Model name and number details can be found on the back of the washing machine. Affected models are:
If people are uncertain whether their machine is one of those in the recall they should contact Samsung to get help. Free inspections of affected machines can be booked by calling Samsung on 1800 239 655 or by visiting
For more information on the recall or for photographs of the six models visit the NSW Fair Trading website.
Important safety recall information is available at
Library shines light on Science Week
20 Jul 2015 - Budding scientists and enquiring minds will be enlightened with our Science Week activity at Mona Vale Library on Monday 17 August from 3.30pm.
National Science Week (15-23 August) is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals – from students, to scientists to chefs and musicians – get involved, taking part in more than 1000 science events across the nation.
Take part in this celebration at a fun session at Mona Vale Library exploring the science resources on World Book Kids. The session will have an emphasis on the science of Light given 2015 is the International Year of Light.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor encouraged students to visit the library discover the various materials available as well as looking at laser technology, art in nature, art and life.
“Children will be guided through the basics of conducting their own science project, again using the library’s online resources.
“Not only is there a wealth of scientific knowledge available for hungry minds, but there is also afternoon tea for hungry students,” added Cr Townsend.
This event is a great way to start the cogs in young brains working in the lead up to the Science Fair hosted by the Peninsula Community of Schools at Narrabeen Sports High School being held on 3 September.
Mona Vale Library is always available to work with students to aid them with their study needs. Children aged six and over are encouraged to visit Mona Vale Library and familiarise themselves with what’s available.
For more information about Science Week
Gloria's Handbag - a magical performance
Do you enjoy live theatre? Looking for an entertaining way to spend the afternoon or evening without having to go far from home? Then catch one of two performances of the acclaimed Gloria's Handbag, with Helen Moulder on Saturday 22 August.
Mona Vale Library will host a performance at Pittwater Retirement Village, Mona Vale from 2pm and another performance at Mona Vale Library from 7pm on Saturday 22 August.
Set in 2021 in Nelson, New Zealand our solo-performer Gloria, is 97 years of age and hasn’t long to live. Her son Craig is pushing her to move to a "retireville" but she doesn’t want to leave her home.
On a whim, Gloria buys an extraordinary designer handbag. This purchase sets off a series of unusual events which transform Gloria’s remaining days and enable her to send a message to the future.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said Helen Moulder’s performance has received extensive praise from audiences both here and in New Zealand.
“Helen Moulder is no stranger to the Northern Beaches, she performed the outstanding Playing Miss Havisham in 2012 at Pittwater Retirement Village and based on its popularity we’ve decided to host two performances of her new production.
“Come along and experience this entertaining show which has been described as a modern magical mystery, with music from The Magic Flute,” invited Cr Townsend.
Gloria’s Handbag is written by veteran New Zealand actor Helen Moulder and Australian Sue Rider (Meeting Karpovsky, Playing Miss Havisham), the play explores our modern society’s drive to accumulate “stuff” and how our identity can be bound up with objects and the memories they evoke.
Bookings are essential, please call 9970 1600 and reserve your seat today. Cost $10 Adults, $8 Concession, includes afternoon tea at Pittwater Retirement Village and wine and cheese at Mona Vale Library.
What was it like when you were eight?
20 Jul 2015 - To celebrate history week, Mona Vale Library has launched a non-fiction short story writing competition entitled ‘When I was eight years old..”
The library is inviting residents aged between eight and 80 – and beyond – to submit a creative piece describing what being eight years old means to them.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend encouraged the young and the young at heart to submit their memories of what it was like at the age of eight.
“Whether you have grown up here in Pittwater or arrived later in life, the library is keen to hear your recollections,” said Cr Townsend.
This year’s competition has been themed to coincide with History Week in September, when the winners will be announced at an award ceremony on Tuesday 9 September 2015.
There are three categories in this competition, each with a cash prize up for grabs.
Adult 18 years + – up to 1500 words Cash prize $200
Secondary students – up to 1000 words Cash prize $100
Primary students – up to 500 words Cash prize $ 50
To enter, simply pick up an entry form from the library or download the form This competition is open to residents across the Northern Beaches – not only Pittwater residents.
To submit your entry, please hand in a hard copy of your piece together with an 'entry form' at the library or email it to: Entries close at 2pm on Saturday 15 August.
Names of winners will be posted on the Mona Vale Library website and winning entries will be displayed at the library after the award ceremony on Tuesday 9 September 2015 during History Week.
NBN update @ Avalon
22 Jul 2015 - Pittwater Council is hosting a free update on the roll out of Australia’s Broadband network at the Avalon Beach RSL Club onThursday 13 August from 8-10am.
The event supported by Pittwater Business Limited and local chambers of commerce will hear from Michael Tyler from Australia’s Broadband Network (nbn) who will provide the latest update on the roll out of high speed broadband in Sydney, NSW, and more specifically Avalon.
Pittwater Council’s Economic Development Coordinator Paul William-Smith said that the rollout will provide essential infrastructure for Pittwater, supporting economic development and jobs growth.
Mr William-Smith said Pittwater’s growing creative industries sector, for example, needs access to a fast, reliable network to access new customers and markets, resulting in business innovation.
“We have a growing number of home-based businesses that would benefit enormously from fast, reliable broadband, with the advantage of facilities such as video conferencing that remove geographic barriers.
“Meetings with customers, suppliers, colleagues and networks, can take place regardless of location, potentially saving time and costs associated with travel.
“Work, life balance is also enhanced with working from home becoming a real option as we experience fast, reliable internet connection.
“In fact nbn has the potential to change the way we live and learn with certain industries such as education changing significantly, with traditional campuses being of less importance, thanks to satellite lectures.
“Participants at the session will not only hear about the broader benefits of the nbn roll out, but will receive more specific information from the International Copper Association about being nbn-ready from a wiring perspective, added Mr William-Smith.
Bookings are essential for the session at
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/8/2015
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Applications Open For NSW Footy Facilities Fund
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging local rugby league clubs to consider applying for support under the NSW Government’s Footy Facilities Fund. The program is a joint initiative between the NSW Government and the National Rugby League and aims to assist clubs improve the quality and availability of their local facilities and boost participation.
Grants up to $75,000 are available and clubs are required to contribute at least 50% of the total project cost.
The Narrabeen Sharks were successful in last year’s program and received $39,600 to assist with improvements to its Lakeside Park clubhouse.
“This is a great opportunity for local club’s to boost their fundraising efforts and kick-start necessary projects,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Grassroots footy grounds are where sporting stars develop - so it’s great the NSW Government is offering support.
“Many local footy clubs have exciting plans and proposals but they need a leg-up to help them become a reality.
“The Narrabeen Sharks received funds in last year’s program and it would be great to see this success continue.
“Applications are now open and will be accepted until Wednesday August 12, 2015.
“Further details on the program and information on how to apply is available by visiting
“I encourage all our local footy clubs to explore this great opportunity,” Rob Stokes said.
Pittwater YHA Envirofun Weekend August 28-30.
Do something important and have fun too! PNHA assists with birding and botany activities. Eight years of Asparagus removal in Spotted Gum forest have transformed the bush. Go with friends, book through the hostel.
Volunteer for two mornings’ bush regeneration and receive:
• Free accommodation
• 2 evening meals + 2 BBQ lunches + 2 morning teas
• Free use of kayaks
• Alternatively come for a Sat or Sun morning's bush regeneration
and enjoy a morning tea & bbq lunch & kayak
Cost: $20 contribution for a weekend of great company, food and activities.
Bookings Essential: $50 non-refundable booking fee with a $30 refund on arrival.
Phone: 9999 5748 Email:
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair, has welcomed the release of a series of draft recommendations, which outline proposed changes to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the commercial fishing industry in NSW.
The independent Structural Adjustment Review Committee (SARC) is writing to all commercial fishing businesses in NSW, with each fisher receiving the draft recommendations that relate to their business.
“This state needs a commercial fishing sector that is viable and sustainable long in to the future. Doing nothing is not an option, which is why the NSW Government will make the necessary reforms to secure the future of this industry,” Mr Blair said. “This reform is about providing greater certainty and security to the commercial fishing industry – something this sector deserves.
“But this reform is also about assisting fishing businesses to either exit or remain in the industry, through a $16 million business adjustment program.”
All commercial fishers are encouraged to examine the materials they receive from the SARC, and to use this next period of consultation to provide constructive feedback to assist the committee with finalising its recommendations. The SARC has considered extensive stakeholder feedback and will now consult further with the commercial fishing industry on its draft recommendations.
The SARC has recommended modifying the $16 million adjustment program, removing a number of high impact options from consideration and giving commercial fishers more time to adjust to the changes.
The SARC will make final recommendations to the NSW Government in September 2015. The NSW Government will make no final decisions in relation to the reform until after it has considered the SARC’s final recommendations. More information, including all of the SARC’s draft recommendations, is available
Industry Working Groups will meet with the SARC during the consultations while individual fishers and other stakeholders can make written submissions on the Draft Recommendations by 31 August 2015, via:
Structural Adjustment Review Committee
c/o PO Box 4291
Coffs Harbour
NSW 2450
Congratulations to Johnson Bros Hardware 60 Years of Community Service
Today, Sunday August 1st, it will be 60 years since John and Bob Johnson first opened their doors for business.
A lot has changed since then, but one thing hasn't, great Customer Service and a focus on supporting our community.
To thank their customers for 60 years of business, JBH are giving every single customer a gift (min spend $5).
“We're looking to give away over one thousand items this weekend. In addition, the two Mitre 10 stores will be putting on a BBQ lunch from 11:00 - 2:00 (Avalon Sat only) - Thank you for your support!
Kind Regards, The Johnson's"
We congratulate Johnson Bros Mitre 10 Hardware on achieving their milestone of 60 years in business.
Johnson Bros are great Supporters of the many local surf life saving and sports clubs, as well as community organisations that do so much for others.
They have stores at Avalon and Mona Vale as well as JBH Timber & Building Supplies and JBH Fencing & Landscape Supplies. If you need the right hardware at the right price go to Johnson Bros!
Pittwater Online news Profile:

Wild Oats XI Trophies - Transpac 2015
August 2, 2015 - The remnants of the Wild Oats XI crew (those still in Honolulu) seen here receiving one of their trophies at the Transpac Race awards ceremony last night. Roy Disney (who shared the entry in the race with Bob Oatley) is holding the trophy (his son is with him).
"Oats" won "Overall Elapsed Time", 1st on corrected time in the 100ft class, and first foreign yacht on elapsed time. Navigator, Nick White, received the Navigator's Trophy for the division. "Oats" is now sailing 4300nm back to Sydney.
Picture is from Sharon Green/Ultimate Sailing - post courtesy Rob Mundle, Wild Oats XI Media. See Aquatics page Issue 224

Pittwater’s Stephanie Brown Finalist in 2015 Black Swan Prize for Portraiture
That very talented and lovely lady who brought us all the wonderful Exhibition and book, Face of Extraordinary: Volunteers, has been selected as a finalist for the 2015 Black Swan Prize for Portraiture with her portrait of John Ogden.
There are some wonderful artworks this year, which indicates just how talented Stephanie is.
The 2015 Black Swan Prize is one of Australia's richest Portraiture Prizes, featuring the $50,000 Lester Group 1st Prize.
Showcasing and promoting Australia's top artists this is an exhibition and competition that attracts the best of the best. See all this year’s finalists HERE

Warringah Art Prize 2015 Entrant Lisa Wilkes-Hunter
In more Pittwater Artists news, our Artist of the Month for August 2015, and the lady opening our Profiles of the Week for this month too, found out on Friday July 31st that she has been accepted into the Warringah Prize 2015 for her work 'Turkana Take Off'.
The Warringah Art Exhibition has relaunched as Warringah Art Prize with a record $22,000 in prizes.
The exhibition is curated by professional artists and in 2015 will be judged by a panel of independant critics: Michael Hedger, Director of Manly Art Gallery and renowned artists Joshua Yeldham and Geoff Harvey.
In 2015 two exhibitions will be held - a Waste to Art and Youth Exhibition and a General Exhibition.
Warringah Art Prize
Waste to Art and Youth Exhibition: 13 – 23 August
General Exhibition: 28 August – 6 September
Hours: Sat-Wed 10am-4pm, Thu-Fri 10am-6pm
Warringah Creative Space, 105 Abbott Road, North Curl Curl

Saturday 25 July – Sunday 30 August 2015
Now in its 68th year, the Mosman Art Prize is one of the oldest and most prestigious municipally funded visual art prizes in Australia. It is an annual, acquisitive award for painting sponsored by Mosman Municipal Council. Pittwater’s Jill Ferrall’s work ‘Meiji Jingu door 1’ was accepted and forms part of this year's exhibition.
Congratulations to Jill - we certainly have a dearth of very talented Artists in Pittwater.
Mosman Art Gallery's 2015 Mosman Art Prize winners
Alan Jones, winner ‘Mosman Council Major Prize’ for his artwork Painting 131 (North Coogee), 2015
Andrew Tomkins, winner of the ‘Henry Bucks of Mosman Commendation Prize’ for his artwork Safe from the rising tide, 2015
Kevin McKay, winner of the ‘Allan Gamble Memorial Prize’ for his artwork Barangaroo Observations, 2015
Natasha Walsh, winner of the Fourth Village Providore Emerging Artists’ Prize’ for her artwork Aeon’s breath, 2015.
Meet the Artists!: Sunday 16 August
Mosman Art Gallery, 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Join some of the winning artists and finalists in this year’s Mosman Art Prize for some personal insights into their art practices, creative journeys and artworks in the exhibition. Bookings
Top: Jill Ferrall - at Pittwater Artist's Trail Winter Exhibition 2015
Rates likely to rise following forced amalgamations, Inquiry told
July 27, 2015 - The claims that forced Council amalgamations would drive down rates was not borne out by evidence from other states, Local Government NSW (LGNSW) has told a NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Local Government Reform.
LGNSW President Keith Rhoades said amalgamations had actually driven rates higher in other jurisdictions, including Queensland and Victoria.
"After the 2008 Queensland amalgamations, total council rate revenue in that state grew by 27.4%, compared to NSW rate growth of 13.4% over the same period," Clr Rhoades said.
"As a result of nearly four decades of rate pegging, NSW actually has the lowest per capita rates of all jurisdictions except the Northern Territory.
"According to the Commonwealth's most recent Local Government National report 2012-13, Victorian council rates average $692 per capita compared to $499 in NSW - a difference of nearly 40%.
"This is despite amalgamations in 1994 that reduced the number of Victorian councils from 210 to 78."
Clr Rhoades was giving evidence at the NSW Legislative Council's Parliamentary Inquiry into Local Government in NSW, which is examining the Baird Government's Fit for the Future reform proposals which would dramatically reduce the number of Councils in NSW through amalgamation.
He said the Government had consistently claimed the Fit for the Future reforms were designed to drive down rates, improve infrastructure and provide better services, yet had failed to deliver any evidence to support its case.
"The argument that bigger is always better lacks evidence, and is in fact contradicted by a larger body of research and real life experience that challenges that proposition.
"The Australian Centre of Excellence in Local Government criticised the perception that municipal consolidation will result in gains through efficiencies in scale, saying there was clearly 'insufficient robust research' to support the proposition.
"More recent research conducted by Lake Macquarie City Council General Manager Brian Bell demonstrated no discernible economies-of-scale efficiencies in bigger councils, and found amalgamated councils did not deliver better performance than non-amalgamated councils on any of the Fit for the Future performance indicators".
"Many have argued that the real efficiency gain from amalgamations is that the State Government and property developers simply have fewer Councils to deal with.
"Well that's not a benefit to local communities, and it is not in itself sufficient justification for forced amalgamations."
Clr Rhoades said independent polling conducted by respected market research company Micromex had found more than 60% of individuals in the Greater Sydney Basin wanted their Councils to stand alone, and less than one-in-five supported the Government's proposed amalgamation option for their Council.
"So not only is there a distinct lack of evidence to support the Government's claims, there is also hard evidence that forced amalgamations are strongly opposed by residents and ratepayers," he said.
'Hang onto the Bag' Pittwater
27 Jul 2015 - A recent waste audit undertaken by Pittwater Council has found that on average the equivalent of one in every ten yellow lidded recycling bins are contaminated with non-recyclable items which include plastic bags and food waste.
PlanetArk have also carried out research that shows some 23% of people put recyclables into a plastic bag and then into the container recycling bins mistakenly thinking that they are recycling correctly.
Pittwater Council, along with SHOROC and its partner councils, is now encouraging residents to ‘hang onto the bag’ when placing recyclable items into the container recycling bins.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqueline Townsend said that Pittwater residents are generally good recyclers, however the recent waste audit results indicate that recycling in Pittwater can be improved.
“A plastic bag full of recycling that has been thrown into the yellow lidded recycling bins could very well end up in landfill and not be recycled at all,” she said.
“If you need to use a plastic bag, empty the container recyclables into the container recycling bin first, then place the plastic bag into the garbage bin,” she added.
Plastic bags not only contaminate household recycling, they can also jam machinery at the recycling processing facility.
The Hang onto your Bag project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.
For more information visit
Pittwater Waterway Review
The Pittwater waterway is a natural icon and a distinguishing feature of our region’s identity. The waterway is a major focus for business, tourism and leisure activities, within a highly valued natural environment. It also serves as an important connection for Pittwater’s off-shore communities.
In recent years the waterway has experienced unprecedented pressure from a range of competing demands and activities, including increased recreational and business uses, increase in number and size of boats, along with increased access and use of the foreshore.
To achieve Pittwater’s vision of a vibrant sustainable future, Council has initiated the Pittwater Waterway Review to identify and prepare appropriate strategies to meet the competing demands impacting on the waterway. The review is in its early stages with Council currently seeking members of the community and interested stakeholders who may wish to get involved. Please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 9970 1684.
Pittwater Bike Plan
Project summary
Pittwater Council is working on a new Bike Plan which will encourage an active Pittwater, where cycling is supported as a travel choice around our town centres and villages. It will also identify other important cycle linkages to destinations like beaches and parks.
We are looking for input from all types of cyclists, from commuters to retirees and families, to help develop the plan to nurture a bike-friendly community.
Community survey
Feedback via the survey will help us develop a cycling vision for Pittwater. It will identify aims for the Bike Plan and projects that can be implemented in the local area. By providing your input we can get a clearer understanding of bike usage and behaviour in Pittwater.
Please complete the survey, which will take approximately 10 minutes. To be in the running to win one of five gift vouchers from a local bike shop, please include your contact details.
Pittwater Bike Plan

Ministers, MPs and Mayors Partner to Deliver for the Region at Biannual SHOROC Leaders’ Forum
July 28, 2015 - Pushing ahead with fixing the roads and public transport of the northern beaches and north shore, planning for the future of northern Sydney, creating more local jobs and local government reform were the key points discussed at the SHOROC Leaders’ Forum of NSW Members of Parliament and Mayors.
The Hon Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Family and Community Services and Social Housing, The Hon Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning, and Mr Jonathan O’Dea MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Major Events and Tourism, met with the SHOROC Board of Mayors and General Managers from Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah councils.
“Strengthening the partnership between state and local government at the highest levels and delivering results for our region were the overarching themes of this Forum,” said SHOROC President and Mosman Mayor Cr Peter Abelson.
“These biannual meetings really help us work together on a whole of government approach to improve our public transport, roads, hospitals and plans for the future.”
This SHOROC partnership with the local NSW MPs has led to record NSW Government transport and health funding for the region.
“The significant progress on our hospitals and implementation of the Bus Rapid Transit system, public transport improvements for Warringah Road, and the road upgrades around the new Northern Beaches Hospital were key points of discussion,” said Mayor Abelson.
Regional planning and how the planned Greater Sydney Commission might work with the 11 councils to better plan for the northern Sydney region was also an important topic of discussion as well as tourism and economic development to attract business investment to provide more local jobs and improve job containment.
“We have put in place a stronger framework for state and local government to partner in the development of the future plan for housing, employment and infrastructure of northern Sydney.”
“I thank our local MPs for their commitment to our region and willingness to work with local government. These forums are invaluable for us as a region and together we can make this fantastic area even stronger for the future,” said Mayor Abelson.
Topt: SHOROC Mayors and State MP meeting. (L-R) Cr Jose Menano-Pires, Deputy Mayor Warringah; The Hon Brad Hazzard MP, Minister for Family and Community Services and Social Housing; Cr Jean Hay AM, Mayor Manly; Cr Peter Abelson, SHOROC President and Mayor Mosman; Cr Jacqueline Townsend Mayor Pittwater; Mr Jonathan O’Dea MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Major Events and Tourism; The Hon Rob Stokes MP, Minister for Planning
Support Local Marathon Man Running from the Blues
Olly Woolrych, a runner from Avalon, is currently attempting to run from one end of Central America to the other, running 5 marathons a week for 6 months to raise awareness for depression in young people and aims to raise $50 000.00 for beyondblue.
Olly is passionate about the positive impact that running can have on young peoples' mental health.
The Run will be a total of 5500km and will take Olly through the Mexican highlands, along both the Caribbean and Pacific coastlines, through countless rain forests in Guatemala and Costa Rica and passing through several capital cities.
Olly will also be taking part in various volunteering programs to get a better idea as to how young people live in other parts of the world
You can follow his odyssey on Facebook
And donate to ‘Running from the Blues’ here

SCAM ALERT: Fake Telstra refund emails
The ACMA has received hundreds of reports from Australians concerning Telstra refund emails.
These emails are a phishing scam designed to trick people into clicking links and giving away personal information.
Here is an example of one of the scam emails in circulation. The subject line is: 'Your Telstra bill for account 2000XXXXXXXXX is refunded'. The sender address was Telstraemailbill_noreply9(at)online.Telstra. com
The scammers have copied real information from Telstra and at first sight it looks legitimate. But there are also obvious signs it is a scam. Can you pick them?
Do not click on the links if you receive an email similar to this and never reply to a suspected phishing email.

Applications Open For Community Building Partnership Program
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging local community and sporting groups to apply for funds under the NSW Government’s 2015 Community Building Partnership Program.
The NSW Government has allocated $200,000 to the Pittwater community as part of this highly successful program which provides financial assistance to projects that will deliver lasting and wide-reaching benefits to the community.
Local projects that have benefited from this program over recent years include the construction of Mona Vale Hospital’s new Palliative Care Unit, renovations to Mona Vale Hospital’s Rehabilitation and Assessment Unit, Avalon Beach Surf Club’s major renovations, Narrabeen Sport High School’s new synthetic sports field and Pittwater High School’s new security fencing.
“This program has supported a huge number of projects throughout our community,” Rob Stokes said
“Pittwater is really fortunate to have a diversity of community groups and associations that could all benefit from an injection of funds.
“Projects seeking moderate contributions and supported by leveraged funds have been particularly successful in recent years.
“There are many local sporting and community groups that may not have other avenues to attract funds and I would especially encourage these groups to consider applying.
“Applications are now open and will be accepted until Friday 7 August 2015.
“Further details, and information on how to apply, is available by visiting the program’s
“I encourage all eligible community groups to explore this opportunity and submit their applications,” Rob Stokes said.

Start with the Pub2Pub... then party all day!
The 2015 Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival is growing all the time, both in numbers and stature as an iconic community event.
Family Festival on Fire!
We can now let you know that thanks to Major Sponsor URM, we have at least six great bands taking to the stage at Newport, with the headline act no less than former Midnight Oil legend Rob Hirst with his current band, The Backsliders.
'Tarantino-esque' surf rockers The Mezcaltones will kick-start the music at 10am.
We've also confirmed two Co-Hosts for the day - Triple M's Gus Worland (The Grill Team) and TV Presenter Matt White. Gus will actually compete in the 3km event from Mona Vale with his three kids before taking over M.C. duties from Matt (once he's warmed down) at the carnival-style Finish Line party. The licensed bar will help quench the thirst of runners completing the race, international food stalls will stave off any hunger pangs and there'll be plenty of activities for the kids.
Sea Eagles on board
The Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles are now right behind us and at all their home games in the lead-up to Pub2Pub, they're promoting a massive 'Community Day Out'. Several Sea Eagles stars will be present to greet runners at the Finish Line at Newport on Sunday morning August 23 and sign autographs for young fans.
And after you've enjoyed all the fun of the Family Festival at Newport Surf Club, the Sea Eagles are also hoping to organise transport taking you directly to Brookvale Oval for the 4pm kick-off of the suburban blockbuster against arch-rivals, Parramatta.
This will truly be the best Pub2Pub ever!
So... if you haven't yet registered to take part in all the fun that is the 2015 Pub2Pub Fun Run & Festival, do it today. And even if injury or ill health will prevent you from taking part in the race, you can still soak up the wonderful community spirit that will flow non-stop from 9:30am at Newport. See you there!
Guess what? If you raise just $150 or more for your nominated charity in this year’s Pub2Pub, you automatically go in the draw to WIN 7 nights for 2 at the Orator Hotel in SAMOA, valued at $1,299. Make sure you get your fundraising going now. (Competition terms and conditions apply)
Register at
Pets of the Week
Angelique and Bert
AGE/SEX: 6yrs
BREED: Mini Foxy x Chihuahua
Angelique came from the pound with Bert her mate. They are very bonded, sleep in the same bed and Bert really looks after his little mate. These dogs are very quiet and both have a gentle nature. Angelique is an inquisitive girl who weighs only 3.2kg. Bert is a touch heavier at 7.5kg. They are both short haired and would suit a family working longer hours or apartment style living.
They come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Their adoption cost is $750.
For further details or to meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs.
For further information or to confirm the meeting details for below groups, please contact Council's Bushcare Officer on 9970 1367

Sun August 2
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Warriewood Wetlands 9-12pm
Mon August 3
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Tue August 4
Browns Bay Res 9-12pm
Fri August 7
Norma Park 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Sat August 8
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt 10-1pm
Porters Res 8-11am
Bangalley Headland 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Wed August 12
Avalon Golf Course 8-11am
Sat August 15
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Bch 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun August 16
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Mon August 17
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Thu August 20
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat August 22
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Sun August 23
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Kundibah Res 8:30-11:30am
Fri August 28
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sat August 29
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Sun August 30
Pittwater YHA Bush Regen Weekend
Loosely Woven: Musos play for Amnesty - New concert in Avalon
Wayne Richmond the leader of Loosely Woven is one of the Peninsula’s inspirational leaders in giving live music to the community. In this brand new concert 26 musicians play many and varied Instruments.. it is always lots of fun for young and old.
It will be a free, light-hearted, folky, acoustic concert/cabaret which will close with a spectacular arrangement of the title song.
This concert Includes the usual eclectic mix including some classics: From Neil Young, Joan Baez, to Beethoven, some Australian songs eg The Shearer's Lament, some rock favourites, and some fun songs.
You can enjoy a musical treat and also support human rights by coming.
The concert is free and so is the supper but those who wish may donate to the work of Amnesty International in its efforts to help people around the world suffering human rights abuse.
Avalon Amnesty International group is at present working on several campaigns – for Refugees; for Indigenous people; against the Death Penalty; for prisoners of conscience. There will be information about campaigns and petitions to sign at the concert.
DATE: Sunday 2nd August
TIME: 4 pm-7 pm
PLACE: Avalon Baptist Church 2 George St. Avalon
Free entry/ free supper
Voluntary Donations to Avalon Group of Amnesty International
Information: Kath Moody 99971815 E:

New skate park for Mona Vale
Pittwater Council’s plans to build a new skate park at Kitchener Park, Mona Vale are now underway and we are seeking input on the design process.
We need your help to shape the design and input on questions like whether or not to keep and renovate the existing half pipe.
A skate park working group is being formed to provide advice, recommendations and local knowledge to Council on behalf of skateboard, BMX, scooter users and skate related enthusiasts and professionals.
Pittwater Council’s Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said the project was a cornerstone in delivering one of Council’s key strategic objectives – promoting youth involvement in recreational and social activities.
“The skate park at Kitchener Park has been a longstanding concern and something we are committed to delivering to our community.
“The facility will cater for the interests, needs and safety of current and future generations of skate facility users,” added Cr Townsend.
The preparation of concept design and tendering for the project will take place from mid to late 2015, with construction of the upgrade commencing in early 2016.
Project information and expression of interest survey for the working party are located on our website at:
To submit your ideas for consideration or call David Bremner, Community Engagement Officer on 9970 1262
Countering extremism in public schools
29th July 2015 - NSW Premier Mike Baird today announced a state-wide audit of prayer groups in public schools, in response to concerns about a small number of students being potentially exposed to violent extremist ideologies.
“Our schools should be, and are, havens of tolerance, places where students can explore the reaches of imagination and knowledge,” Mr Baird said.
“We will never allow them to become the setting for extremist ideologies.”
Mr Baird also announced that a joint memorandum from the NSW Department of Education and NSW Police Force will be issued today to all public school principals, to reinforce their obligation to report information in accordance with the Department’s Incident Reporting Policy.
Last month the Premier announced the NSW Government will spend $4 million to build the strength of our multicultural society and protect young people from extremist influences.
The Government has already invited submissions on this Countering Violent Extremism program and is consulting community leaders across the state.
“Our schools, our police and other authorities are operating in a new and different world, as far as risks to our young people are concerned,” Mr Baird said.
“These new risks mean that, collectively, we are going to have to be vigilant, and take action as necessary.”
NSW Police Force will also provide a counter-terrorism briefing to Departmental officers, the NSW Secondary Principals’ Council and the NSW Primary Principals’ Association executive.
Police and the Department of Education have responded to a very small number of incidents in the past year, including at Epping Boys High.
With each of these current investigations, NSW Police Force can assure the community there is no current threat to the safety of students.
Protecting young people from extremism: Have your say on one of the most challenging social policy questions of our time.
What is this about?
The NSW Government is consulting with communities on how we can build on the strengths of our multicultural society and work together to protect our young people from hateful and violent influences by offering safe community connections and support.
The Minister for Multiculturalism, the Hon. John Ajaka MLC, wants to hear directly from the community. He has invited submissions to inform the scope and nature of a new $4 million program announced in the 2015 NSW Budget, to be implemented over the next two years. The Minister wants to learn from community experiences and perspectives, and build on successful community practices and partnerships.
Following the events at Martin Place in December last year, the people of NSW showed the world how we respond to violence and terror with human kindness, compassion and multicultural unity.
It is important we keep working together in this way to protect young Australians from hateful and violent influences and offer them opportunities to be involved fully in our society.
Have your say
Please download the submission form to share your views with the NSW Government. Once you have filled in the submission form, save it and submit it as an attachment by email to by5pm Friday 14 August 2015.
More information at: protecting-young-people-from-extremism
George Bass surf boat marathon 2016
Entries are now open for the 2016 George Bass Surf Marathon. Head to to download the entry form!
Special early bird prices are on offer until 30 September 2015