Community News July 2014
July 27 - August 2, 2014: Issue 173
Articles This Week
Bayview's Team Windcraft Offers Amazing Grace - A Hanse 345 to Support Sailors With DisABILITIES- you could win this over 250k yacht for a mere 100 dollars! - on display and tickets for sale at this year's Sydney Boat Show, or purchase online - this company is what community and Pittwater is all about!
Australia My Country Awards 2014 - Four Pittwater Schools have a combined 378 entries in the Avalon Beach RSL Sub-Branch sponsored competition this year
Mayors Welcome Major Frenchs Forest Road Upgrades and Encourage the Community to Find Out More - Community Information session this Monday 28 July 3- 6pm at the Mona Vale Memorial Hall
A Kind of Victory: Captain Charles Cox and His Australian Cavalrymen by Craig Wilcox - former Narrabeen resident and Military Historian releases new National Library of Australia book on a little known chapter in the Light Horse Regiment - Craig will be a guest on NB Radio this Friday, August 1st during David Harris' 12-1 timeslot, A Good Book or Two - our interview may whet your appetite for more
From Beneath the Floorboards at Hyde Park Barracks - Pittwater's Rob Stoke's, Heritage Minister for NSW, has met with descendants at Sydney's Living Museum's Female Immigration Depot 1848 – 1886 Exhibition which opened this week
Collector's Corner: His Masters Voice, Old 78’s and Australia’s Love of Music: Among the curious objects that collect here are some very heavy and quite thick records that once required a beautiful old gramophone for their playing. Going through these, and marvelling at some in this ‘record collection’, prompted a small investigation into Australia’s love of music and when these Australian made editions first began to be produced here
DIY Hints: Winter Draughts Fix; draughts can drive up your power bills from between 5-30%!, so it’s worth spending a few hours attending to these chinks in your warm Winter armour for good health as well as extra dollars for Summer holidays
Pictures: Birds At Our Window: The Bush Turkey we saw as a chick has returned as a beautiful full grown lady - traditionally a symbol of abundance, this hen is among a growing flock that perch, and chirp
Profile of the Week: July 2014 - Community Groups and Clubs Peninsula Music Club is a Music Club for lovers of fine music this wonderful club has been bringing music to live for to people in Pittwater since 1960
History: July- August 2014 - Pittwater Patriarchs: Bungaree was Flamboyant by Neil Evers; On 31 January 2015 it will be the 200 years anniversary since the establishment of Bungaree's Farm at George’s Heights, Mosman. This was the first land grant by colonial authorities to an Aboriginal person in Australia. For more information on various events from December 2014 to February 2015, please go to the link‐the‐first‐australian
Artist of the Month: July 2014 - John Stephen Ayliffe - John has published three books prior to the icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches project. Blind Man's Bluff is the story of a blind man who took on the world, My Brother's Eyes : The True Story Of Surviving 16 Years In A Destructive Cult was co-written with his brother, David, and The Priest's Woman: And Other Real Life Stories. In March 2014 icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches by John Stephen Ayliffe with Terri Ayliffe was released through the support of Jonah's Restaurant, Whale Beach.
With double page spreads of beautiful pictures intertwined with historical notes, this is a must for every Pittwater home and a great gift for visitors to ‘God’s Country’; Pittwater! Copies of the book are available to guests of Jonah’s, Whale Beach. We share a sample here this month.

Work to Start on Palm Beach Wharf
Pittwater Council will begin works to upgrade Palm Beach Wharf within the coming weeks. Councillors approved the appointment of engineer construction company Clement Marine Pty Ltd at Monday’s Council meeting, accepting their $1.85 million tender.
The wharf upgrade will take approximately five months to build and completion is expected before Christmas this year.
The upgrade is being undertaken as a result of a long term plan to improve the safety and accessibility at the wharf.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said Council conducted a thorough assessment of tender applicants based on strict evaluation criteria including health and safety compliance, environmental sustainability, social equity, financial competitiveness, to name a few.
“We are delighted to report Council has appointed a marine specialist engineer contractor to carry out the necessary works to upgrade Palm Beach Wharf,” he said.
Mr Ferguson says during the construction period no disruption to ferry services is expected although pedestrian congestion on the wharf may increase at times.
“Council will work closely with the contractor and do its best to minimise disruptions to users of the wharf,” said Mr Ferguson.
“We are committed to increasing the integrity of the wharf whilst planning for future sea level rise, with our primary focus remaining on the safety of passengers, and their boarding efficiency and accessibility.
“With state government funding and the green light to start works, we are able to deliver solutions to issues that are close to the hearts of locals and commuters - pedestrian congestion at the wharf and limitations around recreational boating in the area,” Mr Ferguson said.
Earlier this year, during the planning phase, the project was open to a healthy discussion among ferry operators, residents, engineers, the local community and Council. This community consultation and collaboration helped facilitate the final design.
For more information on the wharf upgrade visit

Children Need School Uniforms - Kenya Care Wear
Milami Primary School has 40 children in need of new school uniform. These are the kids who cannot afford any school fees either. A uniform costs about $A45 including sweater.
If anyone can help, please message us.
Thank you, Brenda Allsop
Manly Council Crowned NSW’s Most Sustainable City
Mayor of Manly Jean Hay AM and NSW Environment Minister The Hon Rob Stokes MP
July 23, 2014 - Manly Council has won the NSW Overall Sustainable Council award as part of Keep NSW Beautiful’s Sustainable Cities awards, in recognition of their progressive efforts to create a holistic and comprehensive vision of environmental, economic and social sustainability in their LGA.
The Sustainable Cities awards recognise outstanding achievements for the environment and sustainability in urban communities.
Manly Council also won the Community Actions and Partnerships Award for the Friends of Cabbage Tree Bay Volunteer Group, and were Highly Commended in the Environmental Education Award category for our Getting Started with Sustainability program.
Keep NSW Beautiful said renewable energy, clean transport, and incentives for recycling and composting were features which made Manly Council’s entry the standout as well as engaging community participation across broad demographics.
The ‘Manly Sustainability Strategy, For Today and Future Generations’ is a holistic approach to integrate sustainability into Manly’s lifestyle, involving residents and tourists in keeping Manly pristine from the moment they step off the ferry through education, infrastructure and behaviour change initiatives.
“The strategy’s primary purpose is to integrate the social, economic and environmental considerations of sustainability and direct council’s initiatives to enable the people of Manly to live and work in harmony with their environment,” said Mayor of Manly Jean Hay AM.
Manly Council will now represent NSW in the Australian Sustainable Cities Awards to be held later in the year.
Congratulations to Manly Council for your commitment in delivering these programs which protect the local environment now and into the future.
For more information visit Keep NSW Beautiful.
It’s Local. It's 50' - Survey
Six northern Sydney Councils, Ku ring gai, Lane Cove, Pittwater, North Sydney, Warringah, and Willoughby, are running a local road speed awareness campaign called ‘It’s Local. It's 50'.
This campaign was launched on the 16 June 2014 and will run across the northern beaches and north shore regions.
Please provide some feedback regardng the ‘It’s Local. IT’s 50’ Campaign by completing the online survey at

Naming of the "Jack Gale Training Centre”
A large crowd braved inclement weather on Sunday 20 July, 2014 to attend the turning of the first sod for the new RPAYC training centre development and the official naming of the building. Jack and Joan Gale, sons Geoff and Rob and other members of the Gale family were in also attendance.
Newly elected Commodore Ian Audsley officiated for the ceremony, as Jack Gale turned the first sod of earth and unveiled a plaque officially naming the new training centre, “The Jack Gale Training Centre”, recognising Jack’s service and contribution to the Club, over nearly 60 years. Long standing member, Peter Kennett spoke at length, highlighting the many and varied contributions of not only Jack, but also his wife Joan and sons, Geoff and Rob have made to the RPAYC.
The shovel used for the turning of the first sod will be used as a perpetual trophy for participation in Centreboard racing. The inaugural winner for 2013-2014 is, Paul Hawke.
The Jack Gale Training Centre development is expected to commence in September 2014, with a scheduled completion date of January 2015. Once finished it will become the Centre for Excellence for all of the Club’s training activities, as a Yachting Australia Discover Sailing Centre.
Above: Jack and Joan Gale. Picture by Brendan Rourke.
Celebrating NSW councils this Local Government Week 2014
Councils across NSW are gearing up for Local Government Week 2014, which kicks off Monday 4 August until Sunday 10 August 2014, and Local Government NSW is encouraging communities to get involved.
President of Local Government NSW, Cr Keith Rhoades AFSM said that councils are always striving to provide services that are beneficial for their individual communities, so it's important for residents to know the expertise that their council has to offer.
"From land management, sustainability, council-owned and managed local water utilities, child care centres, sports fields, roads, citizenship ceremonies to food safety checks and pet registration - Local Government and its many functions are embedded in people's lives, whether they realise it or not," said Cr Rhoades.
"Local Government Week provides the perfect opportunity to promote the importance of councils to residents, ratepayers, businesses - the whole community.
"Goulburn Mulwaree Council will be running a 'Councillors on the Couch' initiative at the local shopping centre on 7 and 8 August. This is a great opportunity for residents to access their local councillors and ask them questions.
"North Sydney Council will be launching their Home Front exhibition (6 August) at the Heritage Centre which explores the impact of the First World War upon North Sydney using original photographs, objects and documents with Brad Manera, CEO of Anzac Memorial, as guest speaker.
"Dinner Under the Stars is one of the highlights of Walgett Shire Council's Local Government Week activities. Guests can enjoy a bush-style dinner beside the campfire in Walgett Showground with an astronomer to help locals get a better look at the stars, along with family entertainment and marshmallows for toasting.
"Bathurst Regional Council is taking the opportunity to educate local students on their council facilities, services provided and the role that they play in the community by holding a Council Open Day on 5 August.
"Similar to last year, Queanbeyan City Council will be hosting a string of community-focused events including a youth centre drop-in evening, an open morning at Queanbeyan Family Day Care, careers presentations and information talks about Queanbeyan City Council, open days at the local museum and Mt Jerrabomberra, launch of the Queanbeyan Book Club, an internet class for seniors and the official launch of Queanbeyan Council's Regional Art Awards Exhibition.
"For Local Government Week, Griffith City Council will be thanking their local volunteers for their hard work with an annual morning tea on 4 August at the Griffith Regional Theatre, followed by a free movie screening of Las Vegas. On 5 August they will be hosting a morning tea for their Seniors Club and providing reduced-rate animal microchipping at the Griffith Dog Pound on 6-7 August," said Cr Rhoades.
The highlight for Local Government Week 2014 is the Awards evening held at Parliament House, Sydney on 7 August, which recognises councils' unique and innovative community projects.
Awards to be presented include LGNSW's RH Dougherty Awards and Local Government-specific awards sponsored by the Heart Foundation and the Office of Communities.
For more information about Local Government Week, contact your local council or visit

Avalon Beach SLSC New Clubhouse Nearly Complete - Buy A Brick and Contribute to Your Community
Getting close now. Once we are in we need to fit out the building. So far the Surf Club has contributed $400,000 in cash, raised another $400,000 from grants and managed to get a lot of materials etc in kind.
It’s not too late to help us by buying a brick or helping us purchase some furniture or racking for our gear. Go to the secure Surf Life Saving Australia payment gateway at the following link
Select Avalon Beach SLSC then you can make your donation by credit card. All donations are tax deductible. We thank everyone for their generosity. Picture Courtesy Avalon Beach SLSC
Dog Training a Must for All Dog Owners
Council has recently investigated a fatal dog attack, resulting in the death of a young dog, which occurred at the Rowland Reserve unleashed exercise area. The event has highlighted the importance of educating our community that owning a dog provides many benefits however dog ownership comes with great responsibility, not only for the care of the dog itself but for the safety of the greater community with which the dog may interact.
Pittwater Council General Manager Mark Ferguson says Council deals with concerns from residents regarding the issue of responsible pet ownership on a regular basis.
“Our advice to dog owners is to be consistent with training as it plays an important part in the development of a well behaved dog and of increases the joy in owning a pet,” says Mr Ferguson
In order to assist in managing responsible dog ownership, Council has an active education and enforcement program which includes regular dog training workshops and information evenings teaching dog park etiquette, how to manage dogs in off leash parks, animal behaviour and training. Additionally Council Rangers undertake regular patrols to manage compliance with the Companion Animals Act (1998) and to assist in providing community safety.
“It’s essential that dog owners have effective control of their dogs both on and off the lead.
Dogs should be leashed at all times in public areas except for when they are in a designated off lead area,” Mr Ferguson said.
Council has a number of education events for dog owners scheduled for the remainder of 2014 including:
21 September: Dog Day by the Bay 2014
Annual festive event Rowland Reserve for dog owners and their pets.
12 October: Pop-up education tent at Rowland Reserve, Bayview
Free advice on dog park etiquette and controlling your animal in off leash dog parks with animal behaviourist Dr Joanne Righetti. Council rangers will also be available to check dogs have been micro-chipped and that details are up to date.
23 November: Pop-up education tent at Rowland Reserve, Bayview.
Free advice on dog park etiquette and controlling your animal in off leash dog parks with elite dog trainer Steve Austin. Council rangers will also be available to check dogs have been micro-chipped and that details are up to date
For more information on upcoming events along with other information on responsible dog ownership
Council Conducts Survey of Residents
Pittwater Council is about to reach out to residents with two separate surveys – a biennial survey measuring residents’ satisfaction with a range of services and then a new survey capturing feedback relating to Council’s latest community strategic plan Pittwater 2025.
Research company Micromex will conduct the two independent surveys during late July and August on behalf of Council. A total random sample of 800 residents – 400 per survey – will be contacted by phone and asked to take part in one of the 15 minute surveys.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said both surveys would provide valuable feedback from residents on a range of issues.
“Our main aim with the surveys is to measure residents’ satisfaction with service delivery and the level of communication from the Council, as well as gain valuable feedback on the latest community strategic plan,” he said.
He said residents would be asked about their level of satisfaction with services such as garbage collection, recreational facilities and the state of local roads, among others.
They will also be asked how they prefer to receive communication and news. Council currently sends out a monthly e-newsletter each month via its website and direct to subscribers. It also uses its website and social media such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with residents.
Mr Ferguson said the Council also wanted to benchmark the success of achieving the goals of Pittwater 2025, the Council’s strategic planning document from now until 2025.
Data from the survey would be analysed and the results reported back to Council by October. He also said that by conducting surveys every two years Council was able to measure its progress and impact across a number of areas.
“Being committed to delivering a high level of customer service, we’ll conduct similar customer satisfaction survey every two years, continually assessing our customer satisfaction levels,” he said.
For more information about the surveys
'Yellow Brick Road' Extension at Avalon

Public consultation on new principles for the application of ‘omics’-based tests
Summary media release information - 21 July 2014
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has released Principles for the translation of ‘omics’-based tests from discovery to health care for public consultation.
The document offers a new framework to guide the development and application of ‘omics’-based tests, focusing on genomic testing. ‘Omics’ is a general term that covers transcriptomics, metabolomics, epigenomics and proteomics.
NHMRC CEO Professor Warwick Anderson commented on the timeliness and necessity of this new guide.
‘Omics’-based technologies have the capacity to deliver more effective and better targeted treatments and improve screening for genetic disorders,’ Professor Anderson said.
‘Over the last six years, we have seen the cost of sequencing the human genome go from around $10 million to a few thousand dollars, spawning the commercialisation of genetic testing,’ he said. ‘This is an area that is continuing to evolve and grow, with other ‘omics’-based testing also on the rise. It is timely for Australia to agree to adopt principles to protect interests of consumers and to ensure research integrity.
‘The promise is great, but it is important to introduce these technologies into health care in an orderly, evidence-based, ethical manner.’
The principles cover the passage of ‘omics’-based discoveries from the research setting through to clinical care. The document was developed by the NHMRC’s Human Genetics Advisory Committee in consultation with stakeholders including researchers, clinicians, bioinformaticians, ethicists and consumers.
Public consultation on Principles for the translation of ‘omics’-based tests from discovery to health care is now open and will close on 16 September.
Further information:
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 23/7/2014: click on Logo.
To contact Julian:

Surf Life Saving NSW is getting ready to celebrate the commitment and heroic actions of the season’s most outstanding volunteers at the 2014 Surf Life Saving NSW Awards of Excellence, proudly presented by Stramit Building Products.
Every year Surf Life Saving members are officially recognised for their hard work and dedication to Surf Life Saving in NSW. The Awards of Excellence will be held at The Four Seasons Sydney on Saturday 16 August. Layne Beachley is the Master of Ceremonies for the night, making this year’s celebration an event not to be missed.
Some of the night's top awards include Surf Lifesaver of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Branch and Club of the Year.
Surf Lifesaver of the Year
Stephen Perris, Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore SLSC
Michelle Kirkwood, Wauchope - Bonny Hills SLSC
Allan Davis, Crowdy Head SLSC
Lee Howes, Newcastle SLSC
Peter Lambeth, Ocean Beach SLSC
Robert Cook, Narrabeen SLSC
Anne Bretherton, Garie SLSC
Daren Weidner, Coledale SLSC
Jamie Whitton, Tathra SLSC
Volunteer of the Year
Michael Crawley, Cudgen Headland SLSC
Gary Hawkins, Tacking Point SLSC
Brendan Pieschel, Crowdy Head SLSC
Darren Williams, Catherine Hill Bay SLSC
Warren Evrard, The Entrance SLSC
Andrew Cross, South Narrabeen SLSC
Michael Gencher, Bondi SLSC
Stephanie McGuinness, Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC
Melissa Meaker, Tathra SLSC
Club of the Year
Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore SLSC, FNC
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest SLSC, HUN
Umina SLSC, CC
Sandon Point SLSC, ILL
Trainer of the Year
Gay Steinthal, Evans Head - Casino SLSC
Amanda Higgerson, Tacking Point SLSC
Kathryn Donnelly, Nobbys SLSC
Jane Davis, Ocean Beach SLSC
Matthew Murphy, Narrabeen SLSC
Stephen Cardy, North Cronulla SLSC
Jayson Norris, Windang SLSC
Michael Lambert, Broulee Surfers SLSC
Assessor of the Year
Geoff Horsey, Evans Head - Casino SLSC
Mitch Ford, Catherine Hill Bay SLSC
Bob (Robert) Powell, Umina SLSC
Tracey Hare-Boyd, North Steyne SLSC
Tania Rouse, Clovelly SLSC
Kaye Norris, Windang SLSC
Surf Sports Official of the Year
Peter Allsopp, Cudgen Headland SLSC
Ray McDonagh, South West Rocks SLSC
Kellie Connelly, Black Head SLSC
Stephen Marley, Catherine Hill Bay SLSC
Ken Sellers, The Entrance SLSC
Louis Tassone, North Curl Curl SLSC
Wayne Druery, Cronulla SLSC
Robert (Bobo) White, Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC
Stephen Dobson, Narooma SLSC
Surf Sports Coach of the Year
Scott McCartney, Cudgen Headland SLSC
Mark Sutton, Urunga SLSC
Kel McCredie, Pacific Palms SLSC
Damien Benson, Avoca Beach SLSC
Don McManus, Bilgola SLSC
Scott Thomson, North Bondi SLSC
Jack (John) Patison, Austinmer SLSC
Robert Pollock, Broulee Surfers SLSC
Surf Sports Athlete of the Year
Ela Heiniger, Byron Bay SLSC
Nathalie Massin, Black Head SLSC
Stewart McLachlan, Redhead SLSC
Tim Schofield, Terrigal SLSC
Max Brooks, Newport SLSC
Ali Najem, Wanda SLSC
Hannah Minogue, Bulli SLSC
Ben Carberry, Warilla Barrack Point SLSC
Masters Athlete of the Year
Helen Murray, Byron Bay SLSC
Raelene Myers, Tacking Point SLSC
Laura Thurtell, Forster SLSC
Alan Metcalf, Newcastle SLSC
Paul Lemmon, Terrigal SLSC
Michael Gedz, Queenscliff SLSC
Dori Miller, Bondi SLSC
Tim Jennett, Wollongong City SLSC
Justin Bennett, Narooma SLSC
Young Athlete of the Year (U19s)
Joshua Brown, Byron Bay SLSC
Lachlan Hawkins, Tacking Point SLSC
Jordon Connelly, Black Head SLSC
Daniel Collins, Redhead SLSC
Brad Woodward, Shelly Beach SLSC
Georgia Miller, Manly
Jay Furniss, Wanda SLSC
Kaitlin Mott, Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC
Samantha Law, Broulee Surfers SLSC
Team of the Year
U17 Ski Relay, Joel Martin/Max Hulbert/Shaun Sewell, Byron Bay SLSC, FNC
Support Operations Team, MNC
Female IRB Tube Rescue Team, Lauren McEnearney/Mitchell Lobston, Caves Beach SLSC, HUN
Support Operations Team, CC
U19 Male Water Competition Team, Newport SLSC, SNB
U17 Male Surf Team, North Cronulla SLSC, SYD
Education Team, Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC, ILL
Narooma Vets George Bass Crew, FSC
Initiative of the Year
ALBERT Program, Cudgen Headland SLSC, FNC
"Nippers to Legends" Membership Recruitment and Retention Program, Wauchope-Bonny Hills SLSC, MNC
Club Refresh Program, HUN
SLSCC 75th Anniversary, CC
The After Dark Youth Program, Dee Why SLSC, SNB
USA Trip, Coledale SLSC, ILL
Facilitator of the Year
Rod Balkin, Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore SLSC
Paul Rayner, Port Macquarie SLSC
Debbie Booth, Tea Gardens Hawks Nest SLSC
Bob (Robert) Powell, Umina SLSC
Jessica Menzies, Newport SLSC
Peter Agnew, North Bondi SLSC
Phillip Geary, Woonona SLSC
Administrator of the Year
Teena Redman, Evans Head - Casino SLSC
Joanne Hawkins, Tacking Point SLSC
Bernadette Nicholson, Black Head SLSC
Maxine Cook, Tea Gardens-Hawks Nest SLSC
Lynn Smith, Ocean Beach SLSC
Alexandra Hill, Manly SLSC
Ed White, Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC
Sussan Hunt, Batemans Bay SLSC
Branch of the Year
Hunter SLS
Central Coast SLS
Young Lifesaver of the Year (U19)
Hugh Bundock, Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore SLSC
Naomi Howe, Uranga SLSC
Jessica Rayner, Port Macquarie SLSC
Nicholas Croker, Crowdy Head SLSC
Darcie van Huisstede, Cooks Hill SLSC
Cody Milne, The Entrance SLSC
Julia Baker, Freshwater SLSC
Jackson Towns, Elouera SLSC
Scott McInally, Woonona SLSC
Beth Knox Pambula SLSC
Community Education Program (SLSA)
Forster SLSC Surf Awareness School, LNC
Asia Pacific Special Olympics Australian Beach Experience, HUN
Aquatic Surf Safety Awareness Program, CC
Lifeguard of the Year
Steve Mills, Byron Bay
Ken Walsh, Shoalhaven
Rescue of the Year
May-June 2014, Pacific Palms SLSC, Lower North Coast
April 2014, Freshwater SLSC, Sydney Northern Beaches
March 2014, Tea Gardens-Hawks Nest SLSC, Hunter Branch
February 2014, South Narrabeen SLSC, Sydney Northern Beaches
January 2014, North Bondi SLSC, Bondi Surf Bathers LSC, Waverley Council Lifeguards, Sydney
December 2013, Randwick Offshore Rescue Boat
November 2013, Merewether & Redhead SLSC, Hunter
October 2013, Pacific Palms, Lower North Coast
September 2013, Narrabeen Beach, Sydney Northern Beaches
July-August 2013, Nowra-Culburra, South Coast

Our 2014 Community Jersey features our famous Sea Eagle emblazoned across the chest of all the players and will hopefully add a little more intimidation to the Wests Tigers players when we proudly wear them in our Round 18 Friday night clash at Brookvale Oval. United Resource Management proudly sits front and centre on the jersey and have been a proud partner of the Sea Eagles and their work in the community for more than a decade.
We are auctioning off each of the starting 17 player-issue un-worn individually signed jerseys where each jersey purchased will help continue to support the work that the Sea Eagles do in the community each year that helps bring smiles to thousands of kids, parents, schools, support service, members and fans.
Happy bidding!

Queen Elizabeth Photobombs Hockeyroo Girls – July 24th, 2014
The Hockeyroos have had a Royal surprise following their first win in Glasgow. The Hockeyroos did well in the first game of their Commonwealth Games campaign with a comfortable 4-0 win over Malaysia.
The team wore black arm bands during the match, to honour victims of the MH17 disaster.
Player Jayde Taylor later tweeted a picture which apparently showed the Queen in the background.
“Ahhh.. The Queen photo-bombed our selfie!!” the tweet read.

Northern Beaches Chorus - Join our August new member program!
Open Night on August 11 - visit our rehearsal, see what we’re about and be voice-placed in one of our four harmony parts – Lead, Tenor, Baritone and Bass.
If you’re keen to join in, you’ll take away a short song to prepare for the four week introductory program.
August 18 – September 8 - is the four week introductory program, which costs $50. Guest coach in Showmanship Education, Lynne Smith from Los Angeles visits in Week 3 – not to be missed!
After successful completion of the introductory program, singers will be invited to audition for Chorus membership.
What could you achieve through your singing talent?
Members who joined last year’s New Member program have:
* performed in two major concerts and high profile events
* did lots of Christmas carolling
* attended a coaching retreat with international educators
* made the finals of Sydney Eisteddfod
* won a medal at a national chorus contest
* made new friends!
Over the past year’s our longer term members have travelled extensively within Australia to perform and some have attended education events and competitions in the USA. Many have taken up opportunities to develop skills in choreography, music direction, arranging, costuming and other stagecraft.
On the immediate horizon, we are competing in a national chorus contest in Hobart, Tasmania next May. Join the program and you too could be travelling south with a fun bunch of female singers!
Some members also choose to sing in quartets and ensembles and one of ours,Sista! Quartet consistently places in the top 5 nationally and regularly performs at venues around Sydney. We also have members involved in Sweet Adelines at a regional level.
Give Anne a call today – 0477 211 609. We look forward to welcoming you!
Find out more here:
Plant a Tree for National Tree DayTODAY!
On Sunday 27 July, 9am-12pm you can take part in the biggest community tree planting and nature care event, at Sydney Lakeside Holiday Park, North Narrabeen.
It’s a great way for Pittwater residents to help out by planting and caring for native trees and shrubs – as well as improving the environment in which they live.
National Tree Day started in 1996 and since then more than 2.8 million people have planted 20 million seedlings.
Contact Council’s Bushcare Officer for further details: 99701367
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
MH 17 Memorial Service at Newport This Sunday - Today
A memorial service for the victims and families of those involved in Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 will be held at the Pittwater Presbyterian Church on Sunday.
The service, starting at 9am, will be led by the new pastor of the church Rev Rob Lamont, who says it is vital that people on the Northern Beaches have an opportunity to publicly mourn those who died and to provide comfort for those who knew passengers aboard the plane, brought down by a missile over eastern Ukraine.
Mr. Lamont says the shock and horror of the deaths has left many people feeling confused and distressed.
He says many people have asked how God could allow this tragedy to occur and why such terrible things happened to good people.
That’s why his sermon on Sunday is entitled “Why do bad things happen to good people?””
Mr Lamont says when people confront such questions they seek answers from community and religious leaders – and he intends to provide some answers.
He wants to provide understanding, compassion and comfort to people at the service which will be followed by morning tea.
The service starts at 9am on Sunday in the church on the corner of Robertson Road and Foamcrest Avenue at Newport – opposite the Newport Post Office.
Village Economics Summit
The Village Economies Summit will be held at Bayview Golf Club on Friday 19 September 2014 and brings to Pittwater a series of panel discussions with experts in Urban design, Health & wellbeing, tourism planning, retailing for villages, and other hot business topics.
The Village economies summit is another Enliven Pittwater initiative, designed to engage and support Pittwater Business.
Registrations now open or go
Don't miss out!
NAVA at Eramboo Next Saturday
Calling all artists! Here’s a chance to brush up your CV, artist statement and project plans under the expert guidance of NAVA (the National Association for Visual Artists).
Enliven Pittwater and Eramboo are presenting the second instalment in the ‘Writing Grant Series’ on Saturday 2 August. Bookings are essential.
Check out
School bullying goes unnoticed by teachers and parents
Media release - 23 July 2014
Analysis of a large-scale study by the Australian Institute of Family Studies suggests a significant under-reporting of school bullying by both teachers and parents. One in three children aged 10-11 years old report being picked on or bullied by peers in Australian schools.
In a research presentation to the 13th Australian Institute of Family Studies conference commencing this week, researchers report that for more than half of children who reported experiencing unfriendly behaviours, their parents were either not aware, or did not consider the actions to be bullying.
Research Fellow, Dr Jodie Lodge said that similarly, almost 4 in 5 teachers did not report the child had been a victim of bullying behaviour at age 10-11 years old.
“On the whole, parents were more likely to be aware when their child was bullied than were teachers, which may suggest that children are more likely to tell their parents than their teachers when they are victimised.
“The research indicates that when children are bullied in multiple ways, the outcomes are likely to be more apparent, with parents being more aware when their child reported experiencing 3 or 4 different types of unfriendly behaviours from peers.
“Bullying victimisation experiences that are apparent at young ages are a precursor to such experiences as children grow, with 1 in 7 children identified as having been persistently bullied or picked on their entire school life.
“This pattern is important as teachers and parents may need help in ensuring that bullying interventions are effectively targeted toward the children at greatest risk of bullying victimisation.
“Our analysis affirms the need for increased training of teachers and parents to address factors that influence how these individuals understand and respond to bullying incidents.
“This may involve providing teacher training aimed at raising awareness of bullying behaviours, as teacher responsiveness is considered fundamental in efforts to reduce school bullying.
“Teachers may also need help in ensuring bullying interventions are effectively targeted toward the children at greatest risk of bullying victimisation.
“Parents may need help to recognise their child might have been bullied so they can help their child to deal with these situations.”
Dr Lodge said it was important to recognise that children who bully also need help too.
“Children who bully tend to have a wide array of conduct problems and show high levels of depressive, aggressive and anti-social behaviour,” she said.
“Bullying by children is considered a stepping stone for criminal behaviours, increasing the risk of police contact when they become adults by more than half.
“Children who bully also increase their risk of later depression by 30 per cent and require greater support for behaviour change through targeted approaches.
“However, children who bully are not doomed to bully all of their life. Effective and early treatment may interrupt the risk of progressing from school bullying to later adverse life outcomes.
“Parents need to take strong and immediate action to prevent bullying behaviour getting out of hand. Parents should avoid blame and focus on potential solutions, as well as supporting school policies, supervising their child and modelling and encouraging kindness at home.”
The Australian Institute of Family Studies has developed a compendium of new resources for both professionals and parents about children who bully at school.
Available to download
The professional resources focus on effective ways of working with children who bully at school; while the related hand-outs give parents some practical steps they can take to prevent bullying behaviour getting out of hand.
The research presentation ‘Under-reporting or Unaware? Parent and teacher reports of children’s bullying victimisation experiences’ by AIFS Research Fellow, Dr Jodie Lodge will be presented at the 13th Australian Institute of Family Studies’ conference Families In A Rapidly Changing World being held at the Melbourne Convention Centre from July 30 to 1 August.
Become a weekend water warrior!
Are you 18 to 39 years young (male or female) and looking for some weekend fun. The Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club sponsored by the Newport Arms Hotel are looking for sporty young people to join their premiers team. No experience necessary, training, boats, coaches all provided.
The club are holding an information night at the Newport Arms Friday 1st August from 6pm till late. Pop along, grab a drink and have a chat to our club members about how much fun you could have this summer.
More info:
If you own a GME Accusat EPIRB model MT400, MT401 or MT403 then please click on the link below to check whether your beacon is subject to this recall notice.
Please share this with anyone you know who might have an affected beacon.
A properly registered, GPS encoded, 406 Mhz distress beacon is still your best chance of being rescued in an emergency.

Help us to improve health care
Can you suggest how health care might be improved on the Northern Beaches? If so, we’d like to hear from you.
Sydney North Shore and Beaches Medicare Local is establishing a group of local health consumers and carers which will meet every three months to discuss health programs, health issues and local health services.
Our staff and Consumer Advisory Committee will consider your ideas and how they might be put into action.
For details, contact Sherryn Moltzen on 02 94520418 or
SNSBML is a member based not-for-profit organisation that helps people understand their local health services, options and how to access them.
Mission: Improved health through primary care.
Company Overview
Sydney North Shore and Beaches Medicare Local (SNSBML) was established in July 2012 as part of the Australian Government’s reforms to the healthcare system. Commencing operations on 1 October 2012, SNSBML was founded from, and continues to build upon, the work of the Manly Warringah Division of General Practice (MWDGP) and the Northern Sydney General Practice Network (NSGPN).
We do this by:
* being your local connection to service information,
* working with GPs, physios, aged care providers, allied health, hospitals and the private sector, and
* supporting our members who are individuals and organisations that provide local health services to Sydney’s North Shore and Northern Beaches.
We add value to primary health care through:
* access to up to date, timely and locally relevant information to help you plan better,
creating a local Health Services Directory,
* education and professional development, and
* front line support with in field primary healthcare officers.
We get better value from our health dollar by:
* reducing duplication, better use of existing services and decreasing fragmentation,
* driving healthier outcomes, and
* collaborating with health service providers.
SNSBML is located on Sydney’s Lower North Shore region and extends from the northern side of the Harbour Bridge to Palm Beach, taking in all of the Northern Beaches and includes the Local Government Areas of Lane Cove, North Sydney, Willoughby, Mosman, Manly, Warringah, Pittwater and Ku-ring-gai (partially).
SNSBML is an independent company limited by guarantee, predominantly funded by the Department of Health (DoH).
Facebook page:
Elanora Players - Auditions - October 2014 Production
Elanora Players are currently casting this great comedy. If you would like to Audition or find out more about the play, please contact :-
Wade Orth: OR phone: 9973 4959
JTT is a hilarious comedy about an English woman venturing on a solo trip to Australia in an attempt to relive her first adventure as a twenty year old. It features only one character – Susan – played variously by four actors.
Susan is aged between about 50 and 65, eccentric, untidy and endlessly chatty. The audience will, at times, love, pity and cringe at Susan’s attitudes and behaviour.
The four actors need to be roughly similar in appearance, though not identical, as their different interpretations of Susan are part of the fun.
Much of the play is delivered as monologue to the audience, set in some of Susan’s holiday destinations – airport lounge, hotel bar, the beach etc.
Over 45Years of Quality Theatre on the Northern Beaches
Elanora Players is a community theatre group based on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. We have been providing high quality theatre for over 45 years and have a strong membership and audience base.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to provide high quality entertainment that both pleases the audience and is fun to perform, as well as occasionally challenging ourselves to try something different that stretches us and our audience.
Program Mix
Every two years we will endeavour to provide a program with the following mix of plays:
4 comedies; 1 contemporary classic; 1 drama or alternative piece; 1 ‘who dunnit’; 1 production of 3 short plays
Development of New Talent
We take pride not only in our ability to produce high quality, enjoyable theatre but also in developing new talent, be it actors, directors or technical crew. We will always endeavour to find avenues for members to improve their skills and try new ones.
Creative Leisure Celebrates 90 Years
Calling all past participants in any Creative Leisure Movementactivities, to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of its formation.
Originally known as the Children’s Library & Craft Movement, later called the Creative Leisure Movement, this organisation was founded in Surry Hills in1924 by two sisters Elsie Rivett and Mary (Rivett) Mathieson. It catered for children with after school activities, holiday programmes and travelling libraries. In the Northern Beaches area there were five libraries: - Balgowlah, Manly, Harbord, Narrabeen and Terrey Hills. These activities expanded to include preschoolers and adults.
From 1971 programmes and activities were developed on the Northern Beaches under the leadership of the tireless Nan Bosler catering for the needs of all ages and abilities. With Nan at the helm, the organisation pioneered children’s toy libraries, playgroups, after-school care, international dance camps, film groups, adult learning & leisure classes and the War Veterans Creative Leisure Movement. These activities evolved to include disabled adult programmes, learning difficulty support groups, the Kookaburra Playgroup, holiday fun programmes and Interchange. Many of these activities are now run independently, while others are provided by organisations such as the local councils.
When the parent organisation of the Creative Leisure Movement closed down in March, 1996, the Northern Beaches region incorporated as Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning Inc continuing the same aims-
• To provide a range of learning & leisure activities for all ages and levels of ability; with particular
emphasis on adult education, activities for the aged and people with special needs.
• To promote activities and programmes to meet the needs of the community.
• To adapt to meet the changing needs of the community.
Today, NBCLL seeks to provide activities which encourage the constructive use of leisure hours & promote the
enjoyment of lifelong learning.
To register your interest in celebrating this 90 year milestone on Sunday 19th October, please phone Maureen 9913 1474
Mona Vale Library Calling for WW1 Photos and Memorabilia for Exhibition
If you have a collection of WW1 photographs and/or memorabilia, then Mona Vale Library would love to hear from you!
The library is putting together a special exhibition, due to be opened in September, to commemorate 100 years since the start of the First World War during History Week.
Library staff are looking for any photos or memorabilia from those years that relate to Pittwater residents and the Pittwater area.
Library Manager Cathy Howie said there’s no need to hand over your precious items for good – the staff will simply borrow them (and take great care of your historical items) or copy and return them to you.
So perhaps it’s time to see what historical treasures are tucked away at home – or perhaps people can ask parents and grandparents if they have photos that can be shared with others.
For more information call Sharelle Ravenscroft on 9970 1600.
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is August 3rd 2014.
The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
NRMA Helping People Awards Open
The NRMA Helping People Awards are now in their 8th year. We are proud to continue our recognition and support of volunteers who give tirelessly to their local communities.
The awards are an opportunity to nominate unsung heroes from all walks of life in NSW/ACT. Winners will each receive a $5,000 donation towards the charity they volunteer for and a well-deserved holiday for two from NRMA Travel up to value of $2500*. Winners are announced in September.
See more here
Pittwater Artist Out and About
'A Celebration Of Life' at Eden Garden
Ted Blackall (landscapes), Merrilyn Blackall (still lifes) and Silvia Tuccemei (sculptures) are part of the 'A Celebration Of Life' exibition that opened yesterday (Saturday 5th of July) at Eden Garden. Their works are placed so that are all loosely connected by a botanical theme that captures and celebrates our natural environment.
The exhibition runs until the end of July. Eden Gardens is at 307 Lane Cove Road (cnr Fontenoy Road), Macquarie Park - on the left as you drive towards Macquarie Shopping centre and Uni.
'Bench Light' by Ted Blackall

Find out More

Three – Danks Street – Depot II Gallery
2 Danks street, WaterlooJuly 29- Aug 9, 2014
This exhibition unites three artists who individually pursue an experience with nature. They are united by it, live by it and seek to immerse themselves in nature often.
The aesthetics in this exhibition also unite each artist. The viewer is engaged in each artist’s use of paint and line to activate and energise the surface of paper or canvas or a ceramic tile. The marks and forms are fluid and rhythmic.
There is energy in the room that results as part of the journey taken by each artist into nature and then translated into each piece in the room. There is a mood of contemplation as we rediscover the seasonal changes.
In the work by Lisa Woolfe not one aspect of the moreton bay fig tree is left unconsidered. Like a scientist Lisa has analysed and considered every limp and every angle of these gorgeous trees. The simplicity of line and form is lyrical in each piece as the viewer followers the flow from one piece to the next. This series is titled- Ficus Macrophylla
Rachel Carroll takes the viewer on a journey down stream, mid flow but never stagnant. These images imbue a sense of action within nature’s greatest resource. The water evolves and evokes memories and moments within one’s life that has either been uplifted by the sight of water or the experience of water or simply the tranquillity of water. The universal theme is appealing in each artwork and consistent with Rachel’s chosen mark and simplified use of colour. Aspects of Rachel’s artworks are also scientific as she has chosen to highlight the forms of water at a molecular level. Like a scientist looking through a microscope these are not simply images of a river or a stream this is the internal workings of water. Rachel takes us on a journey straight to the source of the source and it is music to the eyes. This series is titled – In Search of Water
Amanda Hale has equally evoked a sense of the journey in these mini trips into nature. Each piece is almost a snapshot of a journey taken and then delicately imbedded in a ceramic surface that is so rich in soft colour and movement that you cannot decide which one to visit first. This series is titled –Gone to Earth
It is the softness of colour and the intensity of form that unites these artists on their ongoing joy into nature’s lust for life.
Three artworks (one from each artist) will be auction during the exhibition to raise money for the Garvan Research Foundation.

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Nominations open for Australian Search and Rescue Award
Nominations are open for the annual Australian Search and Rescue Award to recognise Australians who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to search and rescue.
The Australian Search and Rescue Award has been presented since 1996 by the National Search and Rescue Council, which is made up of representatives from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Australian Defence Force and state and territory police services.
This year’s award winner will be announced in October.
Last year’s winners were Sergeant David Cooper, Officer in Charge at the Lorne Police Station, and Nicholas Costello. Both men assisted in the rescue and recovery of a 12 year old boy who was swept out to sea at St George River, near Lorne, on 9 March, 2013.
Three crew members of the Victorian Police helicopter were also commended at last year’s awards for their role in rescuing a Russian solo sailor in rough seas approximately 110 nautical miles south east of Mallacoota in April 2013.
The award is open to individuals or organisations and may relate to a particular event or a sustained contribution to search and rescue over a period of time.
Any person or organisation can nominate candidates for the award. The National Search and Rescue Council encourages nominations for all types of search and rescue incidents and members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for anyone from their community that fits the award criteria.
Nomination forms are available on the National Search and Rescue Council website at
Nominations close on Thursday, 31 July 2014. More information on the Australian Search and Rescue Award is also available on the website.
Moorings Review Issues Paper
The Maritime Management Centre (MMC) within Transport for NSW has produced a report covering a range of issues and possible reform options for boat moorings in NSW.
The MMC is seeking feedback on the report including:
the number of moored boats allowed in a particular area
how boat owners should be maintaining a mooring
modernising the regulatory and policy framework
improving priority waiting lists.
Moorings Review Issues Paper (pdf 896KB).
Email your comments to
The closing date for feedback is 5:00pm Friday, 1 August 2014. See this page for Moorings Review Issues Paper document.
Spring Concert brings celebrated singer Peter Cousens to Northern Beaches
The Rotary Club of Pittwater is proud to be bringing the internationally-acclaimed Australian vocalist Peter Cousens to the peninsula, performing with the Northern Beaches
Orchestra (NBO) in the Northern Beaches Spring Concert.
This year's event, on Wednesday 17 September, is the fifth annual concert presented by Pittwater Rotary in partnership with United Cinemas and will again be held in the Grand Theatre at United Cinemas, 4 Vuko Place, Warriewood.
Peter Cousens and the NBO have created an exciting musical program called Love Changes Everything, an evening of beautiful hits from musical theatre. The program includes familiar songs from The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Man of La Mancha, Carousel, West Side Story, The Boy from Oz and many other hit shows.
Mr Cousens, a former resident of Terrey Hills who spent his youth surfing at Whale Beach, is delighted to be singing with the Northern Beaches Orchestra. "There are great local talents that are wonderfully expressed in community initiatives like the NBO," he said.
The multi-talented Mr Cousens is the only Australian to play the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera in London's West End. And whilst he may be best known as the leading man of musical theatre, he recently embarked on his debut directorial role for a Hollywood motion picture, Freedom ( Freedom stars Oscar-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jnr in a hauntingly beautiful and inspirational depiction of hope and faith as a family struggles to escape a life of southern slavery.
"We are excited to showcase the amazing local talents of the Northern Beaches Orchestra again this year," said Pittwater Rotary President Roger Digby. "And we are especially pleasedto be able to bring a star of such international prominence as Peter Cousens to sing in theNorthern Beaches."
Concert proceeds will go to the Palliative Care Centre at Mona Vale Hospital and other local projects of Pittwater Rotary.
The event has attracted an impressive group of sponsors, including Pittwater RSL Club, Lifestyle Financial Services, Johnson Brothers Mitre 10, the Royal Motor Yacht Club, Style Communications and the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club.
Ticket prices are: regular seats $45 (concession $40), and deluxe seats $55. Tickets are on sale at and at the Warriewood Cinema box office (9913 2800 or in person).
Pittwater Rotary is expecting a sell-out concert again this year, so everyone is encouraged to buy tickets early. For more information call Pittwater Rotary on 8005 0711.
It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a memorable evening of fine music featuring talented local musicians and an Australian superstar, while helping to support the work of Rotary in the Northern Beaches.
About Peter Cousens
Peter Cousens ( is an actor, singer, producer, director, teacher and film director. In addition to playing the Phantom of the Opera, he has starred alongside Russell Crowe in Blood Brothers, the late Richard Harris in Camelot and has played major roles in musicals throughout Australia, New Zealand and England.
His other musical theatre roles include Tony in West Side Story; Chris in Miss Saigon; Nanki Poo in The Mikado; Motel in Fiddler on the Roof; Marius in Les Misérables; and Ravenal in Hal Prince's Show Boat.
Peter tours extensively around Australia with his own one man show, A Life on Earth, and works regularly in concert, performing in Australia's major performing arts venues and with symphony orchestras. He has recorded five albums.
About the Northern Beaches Orchestra
The Northern Beaches Youth Orchestra was formed in 2008 to give young local musicians a chance to excel and to enhance our community cultural life. In 2011 the group spun off the Northern Beaches Orchestra, an auditioned orchestra which now features members of all ages. (
Founded with support from local councils, the orchestra is now fully self-funded, through corporate and community sponsorship, ticket sales and paid performances. The future success of the orchestra rests on the generosity of the community, its businesses and its individuals.
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - July 2014

Child protection services received by 135,000 kids (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Public Interest Disclosure Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Male health Mental health Mothers & babies National health priority areas Overweight & obesity Palliative care Population health Prisoner health Risk factors Rural health Safety & quality of health care Veterans' health Workforce Youth health & wellbeing Youth justice. Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury.
School bullying goes unnoticed by teachers and parents - Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
SNIPPET: Analysis of a large-scale study by the Australian Institute of Family Studies suggests a significant under-reporting of school bullying by both teachers and parents. This pattern is important as teachers and parents may need help in ensuring that bullying interventions are effectively targeted toward the children at greatest risk of bullying victimisation. The Australian Institute of Family Studies has developed a compendium of new resources for both professionals and parents about children who bully at school.
Review of property schemes disclosure
SNIPPET: Log in / Sign up. ASIC Commissioner Greg Tanzer has described as `disappointing' a review of disclosure to investors by the unlisted property industry. The review, part of a recent broader surveillance into the managed investment and superannuation sectors, including listed and unlisted property funds, found unlisted property schemes were failing to adequately disclose against benchmarks put in place to improve investors' awareness of the risks of investing in these products.
Consumer Price Index - June Quarter 2014
SNIPPET: Consumer prices rose by 0.5 per cent in the June quarter, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics this morning. The 0.5 per cent rise in the CPI in the June quarter 2014 followed a rise of 0.6 per cent in the March quarter 2013. Through the year to the June quarter, trimmed mean inflation was 2.9 per cent while weighted median inflation was 2.7 per cent.
Appointment of Chair Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission
SNIPPET: The Government has today announced Mr Barry Sherriff as the next Chair of the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission following the resignation of the former Chair. The SRCC is a statutory body established under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 which regulates workers' compensation arrangements of Australian Government employees, Australian Capital Territory public sector employers and employees of corporations licensed to self-insure under the relevant Act. In 2008 and 2009 Mr Sherriff co-authored the National Review into Model Occupational Health and Safety Laws.
Appointment of Comcare Chief Executive Officer
SNIPPET: The Government has today announced the appointment of Ms Jennifer Taylor as the next Chief Executive Officer of Comcare at the expiry of the current CEO's term on 23 August. Comcare is a statutory authority established under the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 and its functions include ensuring an early and safe return to work, access to compensation for injured workers, and regulating work health and safety under the Commonwealth's Work Health and Safety Act 2011 The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Comcare, including its governance responsibilities and reporting requirements. I also congratulate the outgoing CEO, Paul O'Connor, on his 5 years as Chief Executive.
Bush Blitz steps up search for Australia's 'hidden' species
SNIPPET: Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment. Bush Blitz is a pioneering partnership between the Australian Government, BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities and Earthwatch Australia.
SNIPPET: The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution calling on the armed separatist groups controlling the MH17 crash site to allow unfettered access to international investigators. Australia played a lead role, authoring the resolution which was adopted in New York on July 21 (July 22 Australian time). Deploring the downing of a civilian aircraft on an international flight, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, on 17 July in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, with the loss of all 298 passengers and crew on board,.
Australia Acts on Rising New HIV Infections
SNIPPET: While Australia has made great progress in addressing HIV over the last three decades there are still an estimated 26 800 people living with HIV infection.. PDF printable version of Australia Acts on Rising New HIV Infections (PDF 312 KB). Departmental Media Releases Seasonal Flu Vaccine and young children Australia's New Chief Medical Officer Announced Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council Final Communiqu? Australia New Zealand Therapeutic Products Agency (ANZTPA) Australian Health Ministers' Conference Communique CMO To Step Down Design of New National Registration and Accreditation Scheme Dr Mukesh Haikerwal Food Ministers Agree To A Strategic Vision For Australian And New Zealand Food Regulation System Food Ministers Consider Food Labelling Review Government on Track to Close the Gap on Infant Mortality GPs are major players in H1N1 Influenza 09 Health authorities continue to put seasonal flu vaccine on hold for young children Indigenous Australians recognised
SNIPPET: The first meeting of the Prime Minister's Advisory Council on Veterans' Mental Health was held in Canberra today. The Government is therefore establishing a high level Prime Ministerial Advisory Council with a specific focus on mental health issues affecting veterans and their families. The role of the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Veterans' Mental Health (the Council) is to advise the Prime Minister, the Minister for Veterans' Affairs, and the Government on high level strategic and complex matters relating to the mental health of veterans and their families, particularly those relating to former serving personnel with service after 1975.
Early exposure to gambling a risk factor for later addiction - Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
SNIPPET: New Australian research has indicated a possible link between early exposure to gambling and the likelihood of becoming a problem gambler later in life. In research that will be presented to the 13th Australian Institute of Family Studies' conference next week, researchers found that many high-risk gamblers had been exposed to gambling early in their lives. The Institute's Australian Gambling Research Centre Manager, Dr Anna Thomas said that while early exposure to gambling within families was common, the context was important and some types of exposure appeared potentially more harmful than others.
New program to strengthen Defence research : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: A new partnership program between the Department of Defence and the innovation sector launched today will strengthen and enhance the impact of Defence science research in Australia. The Defence Science Partnerships program, led by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), will enable Australian universities to work in a coordinated way with Defence and national security agencies on collaborative research projects. This program provides a uniform model for universities to engage with Defence on research projects and ensures a consistent approach to intellectual property and cost sharing, Chief Defence Scientist Dr Alex Zelinsky said.
Future Fellowships Announcement
SNIPPET: I'm extremely pleased to be with you to announce the funding outcomes for the 2014 Future Fellowships. Those who watch the research sector closely will know that the Future Fellows are a vital part of how research is done in Australia. As you are all aware, it is through the Australian Research Council that these Fellowships are administered.
Nature features Crystallography - ANSTO
SNIPPET: As part of the International Year of Crystallography, the prestigious international science journal Nature has produced a special Nature Milestones collection on Crystallography, with sponsorship on behalf of both the Bragg Institute and the Australian Synchrotron by ANSTO.
Highway Upgrade Sees Freight Capacity Soar
SNIPPET: Federal Member for Durack. Road Trains and commuters are experiencing faster and safer trips on the Great Northern Highway at Port Hedland, with works on a $260 million upgrade now complete and open to traffic. Mr Grylls said this stretch of the Great Northern Highway is used by more than 15,000 vehicles each day.
The Search for MH370 Continues
SNIPPET: On Monday the Prime Minister appointed Air Chief Marshal Houston AC AFC (Ret'd) as his Special Envoy to lead Australia's efforts on the ground in Ukraine to help recover, identify and repatriate Australians killed in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. The search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared on 8 March on a flight to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, continues uninterrupted. A bathymetric survey of the 60,000km 2 search area is well underway, with two vessels, the Australian-contracted Fugro Equator and the Chinese survey ship Zhu Kezhen, mapping the ocean floor.
Indonesian Presidential Election | Prime Minister of Australia
SNIPPET: I congratulate Joko Widodo on winning the Indonesian presidential election held on 9 July. The election is a significant milestone. The relationship with Indonesia is extraordinarily important to us.
SNIPPET: A train carrying the remains of the victims recovered from the MH17 wreckage reached Kharkiv, Ukraine just before 7.40pm last night (AEST). More than 100 Australian officials from various agencies are being deployed to Ukraine and the Netherlands to support Operation Bring Them Home. Once the Australian victims of MH17 have been identified, the Government will transport their families to the Netherlands, should they wish, so they can accompany their loved ones home.
New ARC Research Hub to transform dairy industry
SNIPPET: Tuesday, 22 July 2014. The Hub has been awarded $5 million over five years from the ARC through the Industrial Transformation Research Program. To obtain more information about this hub please visit the ARC Dairy Innovation Hub website.
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity Integrity Commissioner end of term
SNIPPET: Today, I congratulate Mr Philip Moss as we farewell him from his post as Integrity Commissioner, and head of the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI). Mr Moss has served the Australian Government's law enforcement and integrity communities with distinction since July 2007, when he was appointed the inaugural Integrity Commissioner. As Integrity Commissioner, Mr Moss has provided invaluable leadership in the fight against corruption.
Honour for 20 Australian soldiers identified after 98 years
SNIPPET: PDF version (32 KB ) | Back to Media Releases & Speeches entry page. Michael Ronaldson, today dedicated the headstones of 20 Australian soldiers on behalf of the Prime Minister and the Australian Government. 'The identities of the 20 soldiers who were honoured at today's ceremony were announced in May 2014 and are among 144 Australians who have been identified to date as part of the joint Fromelles Project,' Senator Ronaldson said.
HMAS Darwin completes Middle East region deployment : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: HMAS Darwin has completed a highly successful maritime security deployment to the Middle East and is now heading home to Sydney. During her deployment HMAS Darwin steamed over 40,000 nautical miles and conducted 23 flag verification boardings, 13 Replenishments at Sea and visited five ports along the east coast of Africa and the Middle East. A vision compile showing HMAS Darwin on deployment in the Middle East will be fed to the Canberra Press Gallery later today.
End of an era - the LCHs' long goodbye : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: The Navy's three remaining Landing Craft Heavy auxiliary vessels put on a proud display of thanks to the Cairns community, sailing in formation from the city's harbour this morning. The Landing Craft will decommission at a ceremony in Cairns in November, Lieutenant Commander Richardson said.
Have your say on our National Landcare Programme
SNIPPET: Minister for the Environment. Minister Hunt said the information sessions would be held in every capital city as well as ten regional centres, so that farmers, environmental groups, local Landcare bodies and natural resource management organisations could have a say about how the National Landcare Programme could benefit their local area.
Exploring More Options for Retirement Income Products
SNIPPET: The Government is today delivering on our election commitment to review regulatory barriers restricting the availability of retirement income stream products. The Government wants to encourage greater product innovation in retirement income products that better cater for the evolving and differing retirement preferences. There is also an opportunity for to be made to that inquiry.
Public consultation on new principles for the application of omics'-based tests
SNIPPET: The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has released Principles for the translation of `omics'-based tests from discovery to health care for public consultation. The document offers a new framework to guide the development and application of `omics'-based tests, focusing on genomic testing. `This is an area that is continuing to evolve and grow, with other `omics'-based testing also on the rise.
SNIPPET: Air Chief Marshal (retired) Angus Houston AC AFC has been appointed the Prime Minister's Special Envoy and will lead Australia's efforts on the ground in Ukraine to help recover, identify and repatriate Australians killed in the MH17 crash. Once the site can be accessed by international investigators, Air Chief Marshal Houston will coordinate Australia's consular, diplomatic, disaster and crash site investigation response in Ukraine. In close cooperation with the Ukraine government, the International Civil Aviation Organisation and other international partners, Air Chief Marshal Houston will work to ensure a comprehensive investigation into the MH17 crash is swiftly underway.
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 99825656 / 0409391065
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government.
The NSW Government Gazette contains:
New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on the N.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
August 2nd: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
August 2nd: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
August 15th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft, books
August 29th: Stall, Centro Warriewood. Knitting, sewing and craft. 9am to 3pm.
September 5th: Stall, ANZ Bank, Avalon Parade,Avalon, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
September 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
September 13th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
September 19th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
September 23rd: Fashion parade Newport Bowling Club,Palm Ave, Newport. Morning tea 10.30am. No bookings, all welcome. $10.
October 4th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft
October 11th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
October 17th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
October 24: Stall, Centro Warriewood. Knitting, sewing and craft. 9am to 3pm.
November 1st: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
November 8th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
November 21st: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
November 28th: Stall, Centro Warriewood. Knitting, sewing and craft. 9am to 3pm.
December 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
Bushcare Dates - July - August 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun July 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 9-12pm
Sat July 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Native Plant Giveaway
- Centro Warriewood
Sun July 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
National Tree Day
Planting Day at Lakeside Holiday Park 9-12pm
Fri August 1
Norma Park 9-12pm
Sat August 2
Algona Res 9-12pm
Plateau Park 8:30-11:30am
Elizabeth Park 9-12pm
Sun August 3
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Mon August 4
Rocky Point 9-12pm
Bahai Temple 9-12pm
Fri August 8

Sat August 9
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Pt 10-1pm
Woodlands Res 9-12pm
Sun August 10
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Sat August 16
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Irrawong Res Community Planting Day 1-4pm
Sun August 17
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 9-12pm
Thu August 21
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat August 23
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Wongala Ave Planting Day 9-12pm
Sun August 24
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
Wed August 27
W’wood Beach 8-11am
Sun August 31
Bilarong Foreshore Walk and Community Field Day
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter July/August - 2014
Have your say on our National Landcare Programme
Joint media release - 20 July 2014
The Australian Government will hit the road in August to talk to Australian communities about getting involved in the National Landcare Programme.
Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt, and Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce, said from 4 August, community information sessions would be held in capital cities and regional centres across the country telling people about the opportunities on offer in the National Landcare Programme and how to get involved in local projects.
Minister Hunt said the information sessions would be held in every capital city as well as ten regional centres, so that farmers, environmental groups, local Landcare bodies and natural resource management organisations could have a say about how the National Landcare Programme could benefit their local area.
“We’re keen to get as many views as we can so a consultation survey will also be available online for all Australians to have their say on the National Landcare Programme,” Minister Hunt said.
“We want to work with regional natural resource management organisations, Landcare groups, community organisations and individuals to deliver simple, local and long-term solutions to environmental challenges.”
Minister Joyce said the online consultation would make it easier for those in regional and remote Australia to have their voices heard.
“The Government is committed to empowering local communities to undertake projects with long-term benefits, based on local and regional priorities.”
“The consultation survey is a great opportunity for communities to help shape the programme in their region and I encourage people to participate in this process,” Minister Joyce said.
The Government will also shortly announce details of funding for future small projects and a one-off grants programme to coincide with the 25th anniversary of Landcare.
Information on the consultation survey and community sessions is available on
Sydney International Boat Show - Welcome & How Easy It Is To Get Around in 2014
There is a change on the horizon and the 47th Sydney International Boat Show will be like no other. While the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre undergoes a major upgrade over the next three years, the Sydney International Boat Show will move its undercover exhibits to the interim facility that has been specially built at the historic working port known as Glebe Island.
The new Sydney Exhibition Centre @ Glebe Island is a fully functioning exhibition facility designed to accommodate world class exhibitions.
The spectacular Cockle Bay Marina, always a show highlight, remains on its traditional site in Darling Harbour.
Free Workshop on Growing Your Exports
Small to medium-sized businesses on the Northern Beaches are invited to learn how to grow their exports with a free workshop at Bayview Golf Club, Mona Vale on Friday 1 August.
Collaborating with Pittwater Council, the workshop will be presented by NSW Trade & Investment and the Australian Institute of Export, Aspect Legal, and Aeronaut Automation.
The event is the first in a new state-wide program targeting potential and new exporters across all product and service areas.
Economic Development Coordinator for Pittwater Council, Paul William-Smith said the workshop is intended to inspire and inform on a host of exporting issues, including export planning, resourcing for export, marketing assistance and visiting your target market.
Mr William-Smith said the workshop is suited to all SME’s including home-based businesses that are looking to start exporting or to expand their market overseas.
A director with Aspect Legal, Joanna Oakey will discuss export-related IP issues and solutions, with John Clark from Aeronaut Automation sharing his success as a local exporter.
This session provides the perfect opportunity to pitch your export-related questions to the experts, network with like-minded businesses and discover how to start or grow your export business,” added Mr William-Smith.
The event which runs from 8.30am to 2.30pm includes a delicious lunch at Bayview Golf Club.
For further information and to register or call Paul William-Smith on 9970 1187 or email
Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, Minister for the Arts and Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC
Applications are now open for the Australian Government's $2 million Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program.
The Minister for the Arts, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson said that the creative projects funded through this program will commemorate the Centenary of the First World War and the service and sacrifice of Australians in all war efforts.
"The Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program will enhance our understanding of the Anzac legacy by assisting artists in the development, production, presentation, exhibition or performance of arts and culture projects," Senator Brandis said.
"Communities, individuals, organisations and artists from across the nation have an opportunity to create high quality arts and cultural activities that will form part of the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history.
"Throughout history, it is the artist with their unique vision and interpretation of the human condition who has captured the spirit and substance of momentous events and daily ritual which, in turn, help inform our thinking and understanding of the past.
"I'm sure that the observations and reflections of Australian artists, about such a significant time in our nation's history, will create a memorable and enduring legacy for the benefit of all Australians."
Senator Ronaldson said the grants will enable the use of creativity by Australian communities, cultural institutions and individuals to explore the Anzac Centenary in a range of ways. Grants of up to $100,000 for national, state and territory cultural institutions and $50,000 for artists, organisations and community groups are available for a wide range of arts and culture projects.
"Artists are encouraged to explore any aspect of Australia's military history including Australian involvement in any war or through peacekeeping efforts," Senator Ronaldson said.
"The Centenary of Anzac will mark a Century of Service, encompassing all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. It will be the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history and the Abbott Government is committed to providing opportunities for all Australians to participate"
Applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines before applying.
Applications close at 5.00pm AEST on Wednesday 10 September 2014.
July 20 - 26, 2014: Issue 172
Reflections by George Repin: MURANO
To The Lighthouse by Robyn McWilliam
Day Two of racing for the RPAYC Mid Winter One Design Regatta by T.Spithill/B.Rourke Media
Aquatics: Port Jackson Pleasure Fleets No: 11 and 12: Clubs, Flags and the Advantages of Sailing; This is the final two articles written ‘By Lanyard’ – following this, in Issue 174, we will run an article on who this author is and their association with early sailing writing and literary circles in Australia. After that we shall run pages on the boatbuilders mentioned throughout these articles and the boats themselves – not to the extent of The Bona – Classic Wooden Yacht – but somewhere near it in some cases, while others will be left for fuller pages in the future. Shortly after this we begin our pages on the many Pittwater wooden yachts, yawls and the like, which are still sailing here - as so many of the vessels that have been mentioned throughout this series did.
Pictures: A Stroll with David James OAM Through Warriewood's Wetlands
DIY Hints: Make Your Own Trestle Table: You could use leftover decking boards in making this versatile classic. If you don’t have leftover decking you can buy new wood and make something beautiful, strong, durable and portable for use as a pop up table outside when barbecue season arrives, as a classic desk for those who need more elbow room or as a potting table for the garden.
Profile of the Week: July 2014 - Community Groups and Clubs Community Care (Northern Beaches) Part of what we do is bring you information on local services and those who provide them. This week we focus on a great local organisation that has been dedicated to residents for 20 years this year.
History: Avalon Beach Clubhouses: The Second and Third Clubhouses, built by community hands, funded by brilliant ideas Miss Peninsula and let's stop Stomping now - the amazing people who made renovations become realities and a few shark stories - men jumping on sharks, men chasing sharks back out to sea, men pulling sharks up on the beach and selling 'look at' peeks - all to keep a great and growing club just that - great and growing!
Last week! We commence a run of Pittwater Patriarchs next Issue
Artist of the Month: July 2014 - John Stephen Ayliffe - John has published three books prior to the icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches project. Blind Man's Bluff is the story of a blind man who took on the world, My Brother's Eyes : The True Story Of Surviving 16 Years In A Destructive Cult was co-written with his brother, David, and The Priest's Woman: And Other Real Life Stories. In March 2014 icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches by John Stephen Ayliffe with Terri Ayliffe was released through the support of Jonah's Restaurant, Whale Beach.
With double page spreads of beautiful pictures intertwined with historical notes, this is a must for every Pittwater home and a great gift for visitors to ‘God’s Country’; Pittwater! Copies of the book are available to guests of Jonah’s, Whale Beach. We share a sample here this month.

Avalon Beach SLSC New Clubhouse Nearly Complete - Buy A Brick and Contribute to Your Community
Getting close now. Once we are in we need to fit out the building. So far the Surf Club has contributed $400,000 in cash, raised another $400,000 from grants and managed to get a lot of materials etc in kind.
It’s not too late to help us by buying a brick or helping us purchase some furniture or racking for our gear. Go to the secure Surf Life Saving Australia payment gateway at the following link
Select Avalon Beach SLSC then you can make your donation by credit card. All donations are tax deductible. We thank everyone for their generosity. Picture Courtesy Avalon Beach SLSC
Dog Training a Must for All Dog Owners- 18 Jul 2014
Council has recently investigated a fatal dog attack, resulting in the death of a young dog, which occurred at the Rowland Reserve unleashed exercise area. The event has highlighted the importance of educating our community that owning a dog provides many benefits however dog ownership comes with great responsibility, not only for the care of the dog itself but for the safety of the greater community with which the dog may interact.
Pittwater Council General Manager Mark Ferguson says Council deals with concerns from residents regarding the issue of responsible pet ownership on a regular basis.
“Our advice to dog owners is to be consistent with training as it plays an important part in the development of a well behaved dog and of increases the joy in owning a pet,” says Mr Ferguson
In order to assist in managing responsible dog ownership, Council has an active education and enforcement program which includes regular dog training workshops and information evenings teaching dog park etiquette, how to manage dogs in off leash parks, animal behaviour and training. Additionally Council Rangers undertake regular patrols to manage compliance with the Companion Animals Act (1998) and to assist in providing community safety.
“It’s essential that dog owners have effective control of their dogs both on and off the lead.
Dogs should be leashed at all times in public areas except for when they are in a designated off lead area,” Mr Ferguson said.
Council has a number of education events for dog owners scheduled for the remainder of 2014 including:
12 October: Pop-up education tent at Rowland Reserve, Bayview
Free advice on dog park etiquette and controlling your animal in off leash dog parks with dog expert Steve Austin. Council rangers will also be available to check dogs have been micro-chipped and that details are up to date.
21 September: Dog Day by the Bay 2014
Annual festive event Rowland Reserve for dog owners and their pets.
22 October: Training workshop
A free workshop with Dr Joann Righetti to learn about training your dog, addressing behavioural problem such as barking, aggression and separation anxiety as well as keeping her healthy.
For more information on upcoming events along with other information on responsible dog ownership
Mail Thieves About- C/- Northern Beaches LAC - NSW Police Force
There have been a number of reports of mail theft within the command recently. These thefts have been in the Dee Why and Newport areas. This problem can be reduced or minimized by following these tips:
* Make sure your home mailbox is in good condition. Mail that is exposed can be damaged by bad weather and is visible to thieves.
Promptly collect your mail after it is delivered.
* Ensure that your mailbox is locked and secure at all times when not in use.
* Do not leave spare keys to your letterbox unsecured. Ensure that they are locked away in a cupboard/cabinet.
* Purchase a locked mailbox or convert your unlocked box to the lockable type. Make sure the mail slot is large enough for the postman to insert the mail.
* If you don't have a mail box you can arrange for your mail to be delivered to a Post Office box for a small fee.
* Promptly contact the senders if you do not receive credit cards, checks, or other valuable mail.
* Notify the post office and mailers if you change your address.
* When going on vacation, have the post office hold your mail or have a trusted friend or neighbor pick up your mail after delivery.
* Be observant of activities on your street, the postal vehicle, residential mailboxes, and collection boxes.
* If you see suspicious persons or suspicious activity around your letterbox contact police immediately.
Please ensure that all mail theft is reported to police.
MPs and Mayors from Northern Beaches and Mosman Talk Priorities at Biannual SHOROC Leaders Forum
July 16, 2014 - Record transport and health funding for the SHOROC region was a hot topic of discussion at the meeting of NSW Members of Parliament and Mayors from Sydney’s Northern Beaches and North Shore.
The Hon Jillian Skinner MP, The Hon Brad Hazzard MP, The Hon Rob Stokes MP and Mr Jonathan O’Dea MP met with the SHOROC Board of Mayors and General Managers from Manly, Mosman, Pittwater and Warringah councils.
SHOROC President and Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said “we have achieved much together over recent years through collaboration and these regular meetings enable us to address the big issues for our region as a united group. “
“The NSW Government recently announced $633 million Northern Beaches Transport Action Plan and today we discussed how the councils will work closely with the NSW Government to implement the Bus Rapid Transit system and major road works,” said Mayor Townsend.
“A key priority we all agreed is advocating to maintain our vital social infrastructure and services such as youth homelessness services, support for sufferers of domestic violence, and youth employment and education services.
“The partnership we have built with our local MPs is achieving great results for this region and I congratulate our local MPs and in particular NSW Premier The Hon Mike Baird MP for finally delivering a plan that will address our major transport choke points.
“It’s also great to see work progressing at a rapid rate on the new health system including the Northern Beaches and Mona Vale hospitals.
Boosting the local economy and attracting business investment to provide more local jobs and improve job containment is an area discussed the group will be focussing on in the coming year.
“These forums are invaluable for us as a region. Together we can make this fantastic area even stronger for the future,” said Mayor Townsend.

(L-R) Rik Hart GM Warringah Council, Mark Ferguson GM Pittwater Council, Cr Jacqueline Townsend Mayor Pittwater, Cr Peter Abelson Mayor Mosman, Cr Michael Regan Mayor Warringah, Veronica Lee GM Mosman, Cr Jean Hay AM Mayor Manly, Henry Wong GM Manly Council
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17
Friday, 18 July 2014
Prime Minister
The thoughts and prayers of all Australians today are with the families and loved ones of the Australians that have tragically been killed on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
Our hearts go out to the families of all the dead.
At least 27 Australians citizens have lost their lives on flight MH17. Nine resided in Queensland, nine in Victoria, seven in Western Australia, one in the ACT and one in New South Wales.
We can’t restore them to life but we can and will do everything to support them in this sad and bitter time because that is the Australian way – we help in times of trouble.
Counselling, consular and all possible assistance will be provided to the families during the difficult days ahead.
We will do all we possibly can to support the families and to find out exactly what has happened and exactly who is responsible.
Anyone who has concerns for the welfare of family or friends are encouraged to contact DFAT’s 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on + 61 2 6261 3305 from overseas, or within Australia on 1300 555 135.
Flags at half-mast for victims of MH17
Friday, 18 July 2014
Prime Minister
I have instructed that the Australian National Flag be flown at half-mast tomorrow on all Australian Government establishments, here and overseas, as a mark of respect to the Australians who have lost their lives in the tragic grounding of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.
The Governor-General and I will attend a church service at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney on Sunday as we stand together as a nation at this difficult time.
A National Commemorative Service will be held at a later time when the families of those who have lost their lives have had time to comprehend this horrific event.
At this time, there will be a National Day of Mourning and flags will be flown at half-mast once more.

High Winds Un-Nest Baby Birds
Above is one of a pair of baby lorikeets brought to Birds at Our Window by their parents on Friday - this family live in the tall gum trees in our office-yard and have made a habit of bringing the new babies to us when they are able to flap about. This is the second lot of youngsters we've been delighted to be introduced to/shown this year, and a timely reminder that some of our birds hatch babies outside of Spring - in fact all year long!
Recent strong winds and those forecast for this week may un-nest some of these youngsters before they are able to flap their way back home, and young birds do get disorientated. If you find a baby bird, possum or any of many other Australian critters lost and alone,please do something about it. Contact WIRES or local vets for advice.
Download the free Rescue App to your smart phone or tablet to get access to wildlife advice and rescue assistance from the WIRES Rescue Team 7 days a week. You can find download details at
You can report rescues of sick, injured or orphaned wildlife directly from the app and have instant access to the most commonly needed information to help native animals in distress.
Visit the Apple store or Google Play store to download our the WIRES Wildlife Rescue App now. More information and links at
hc.r : actuality and reality
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th July, 2014 - from 10am to 4pm.
Avalon Community Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon Beach 2107
Talks will be given on the human condition and reality from 11:30am to 12 and from 2:30 to 3:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday.
The human condition as a projected actuality will be demonstrated on interested individuals periodically throughout the exhibition.
Artworks depict the projected actuality of the human condition and its relation with reality, the whole body alive in creation. They will be on display and for sale.
In text: hc.r; 'cornered settings to other side'
Pittwater Woodsmoke by Pittwater Council - Published on 14 Jul 2014
If you own a GME Accusat EPIRB model MT400, MT401 or MT403 then please click on the link below to check whether your beacon is subject to this recall notice.
Please share this with anyone you know who might have an affected beacon.
A properly registered, GPS encoded, 406 Mhz distress beacon is still your best chance of being rescued in an emergency.

TeamNBI Respite, Recreation, Support - Pub2Pub2014
We are delighted to announce that Doyle Spillane are once again on TeamNBI as one our official t-shirt sponsors forPub2Pub2014. A huge thank you to Matt, Anna and the rest of the team at Doyle Spillane for supporting us again this year.
Doyle Spillane Real Estate has an excellent reputation in Real Estate Sales, Property Management and Project Marketing as one of Manly Warringah’s most reputable real estate agencies. to find out more.
And the wonderful Elanora Players are also back on TeamNBI as t-shirt sponsors. Huge thanks to the Elanora Players Management Committee for their continued support of TeamNBI.
Elanora Players is a community theatre group that has been providing high quality theatre for over 40 years to the Northern Beaches. See:
Elanora Players - Auditions - October 2014 Production
Elanora Players are currently casting this great comedy. If you would like to Audition or find out more about the play, please contact :-
Wade Orth: OR phone: 9973 4959
JTT is a hilarious comedy about an English woman venturing on a solo trip to Australia in an attempt to relive her first adventure as a twenty year old. It features only one character – Susan – played variously by four actors.
Susan is aged between about 50 and 65, eccentric, untidy and endlessly chatty. The audience will, at times, love, pity and cringe at Susan’s attitudes and behaviour.
The four actors need to be roughly similar in appearance, though not identical, as their different interpretations of Susan are part of the fun.
Much of the play is delivered as monologue to the audience, set in some of Susan’s holiday destinations – airport lounge, hotel bar, the beach etc.
Over 45Years of Quality Theatre on the Northern Beaches
Elanora Players is a community theatre group based on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. We have been providing high quality theatre for over 45 years and have a strong membership and audience base.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to provide high quality entertainment that both pleases the audience and is fun to perform, as well as occasionally challenging ourselves to try something different that stretches us and our audience.
Program Mix
Every two years we will endeavour to provide a program with the following mix of plays:
4 comedies
1 contemporary classic
1 drama or alternative piece
1 ‘who dunnit’
1 production of 3 short plays
Development of New Talent
We take pride not only in our ability to produce high quality, enjoyable theatre but also in developing new talent, be it actors, directors or technical crew. We will always endeavour to find avenues for members to improve their skills and try new ones.

Lynda Hills New Website
Our resident Astrologer, whose accuracy is astounding, has launched a new website this week - crammed with daily updates, readings you can have done and a dearth of information.
Please have a look. Lynda has also updated her page for the forthcoming fortnight - Congratulations Lynda - a Huge Project done very well indeed!
Pittwater Artist Out and About
'A Celebration Of Life' at Eden Garden
Ted Blackall (landscapes), Merrilyn Blackall (still lifes) and Silvia Tuccemei (sculptures) are part of the 'A Celebration Of Life' exibition that opened yesterday (Saturday 5th of July) at Eden Garden. Their works are placed so that are all loosely connected by a botanical theme that captures and celebrates our natural environment.
The exhibition runs until the end of July. Eden Gardens is at 307 Lane Cove Road (cnr Fontenoy Road), Macquarie Park - on the left as you drive towards Macquarie Shopping centre and Uni.
'Bench Light' by Ted Blackall
Beryls Bash 2014 – Few Tickets Left for Club Palm Beach Event
There are still a few tickets available for Beryl’s Bash fundraiser atClub Palm Beach on July 28th. This is always a great evening with lots laughs, wonderful music and good food. Contact Beryl on 9974 4168 or Elyse on 0404 000 123
Library Showcases Authors in August
Mona Vale Library is a hive of activity this August, with authors sharing their inspirational stories on a range of topics. Whether you’re interested in mountaineering, beekeeping or re-training your brain, we have it covered.
Mountaineer Andrew Lock will present his book Summit 8000. Life and Death with Australia's Greatest Mountaineer on Tuesday 12 August.
Lock is renowned as being the most successful high altitude mountaineer in Australian History. He summited Mt Everest in 2000, and has successfully climbed all the world’s 8000 metre mountains in 23 expeditions over 16 years.
In 2009 Andrew Lock was awarded the Australian Geographic Society’s Adventurer of the Year Award and in 2011 received the Medal of the Order of Australia.
On Thursday 14 August, hear urban beekeeping pioneer and self-described 'beevangelist' Doug Purdie presents his book‘Backyard Bees – A Guide for the Beginner’.
Purdie’s book is a guide to keeping bees at home or in an office.
Doug Purdie started beekeeping when he read about the worldwide bee decline and decided to do his bit. He is now president of the NSW Amateur Beekeepers Association.
Drawing from his own experience of stroke and resultant brain damage, David Roland will discuss his book How I Rescued My Brain A Psychologist's Remarkable Recovery from Stroke and Trauma on Thursday 21 August.
Roland talks about how he re-wired his brain, showing resilience and determination. The book depicts David’s emotional and cognitive recovery, describing conventional psychotherapy, mindfulness and meditation, along with other activities that enhance brain health such as ocean swimming and music.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600. All talks commence at 6.30pm. Following the talks there will be book signings and light refreshments. Admission is $8 adult, $6 concession (per talk), free admission for students.
ACCC and ATO issue tax time scam warning - 17 July 2014
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Australian Taxation Office (ATO) are warning consumers and businesses to watch out for scammers hiding behind tax time to target you.
“Scammers will go to great lengths to slip under your radar and steal your money, including impersonating ATO representatives on the phone, sending fraudulent emails and even creating bogus websites,” ACCC Acting Chair Delia Rickard warned.
“These fraudsters contact you out of the blue, claiming you have overpaid your tax and are now entitled to a refund. To obtain the refund, they ask you to first pay an ‘administration’ or ‘transfer’ fee. They may also ask for your financial details so they can transfer your “refund” to you. If you hand over money to these scammers, chances are you won’t see it again. If you incidentally give your personal details to a scammer, your bank accounts and identity could be at risk of fraud,” Ms Rickard said.
Since 1 March 2014 the ATO has seen a spike in reports from the public of email and phishing scams from 9,368 to 11,344 compared with the same period last year.
“Scammers are becoming more cunning in their attempts to defraud the public and trick them into handing over money, their TFN or personal information,” ATO Chief Technology Officer Todd Heather said.
“We encourage people to contact us if they are worried have fallen victim to a scam call, email, SMS or a face-to-face scam,” Mr Heather said.
From time-to-time the ATO will send taxpayers emails, SMS messages or official social media updates alerting them to new services. ATO messages will never request personal or financial information by SMS or email.
“It is important for consumers to keep their guard up as reclaim scams can be quite convincing,” Ms Rickard said.
“$300,000 has been reported lost to all reclaim scams to the ACCC this year and we have received 6,000 complaints. Of these, 270 people reported the tax reclaim scam to the ACCC with over $10,000 lost.”
Based on previous trends, Ms Rickard said the figure is likely to much higher in the second half of the year when tax season is under way.
“In making a first impression, the caller will claim to represent a government agency and may trick you by reciting a key piece of your personal or financial information,” Ms Rickard said.
“The catch is you will have to pay a tax or an administration fee of a few hundred dollars to release the money but the reality is government agencies will never contact you out of the blue via phone or email to ask you to pay upfront to claim an unexpected refund,” Ms Rickard said.
Never put your tax file number (TFN) on your resume. Only give it to your employer after you have started your job
Never share personal information, such as your TFN, myGov or bank account details on social media
Change any passwords you may have shared with family or friends
If you use a tax agent, make sure they are registered by checking at
If you receive an email or phone call out of the blue from ‘the ATO’ claiming that you are entitled to a refund or asking you to confirm, update or disclose confidential details like your tax file number, press ‘delete’ or just hang up.
Don’t open any attachments or click on any links or reply to these emails. They may take you to a bogus website or contain a harmful virus.
If you’re not sure whether a call or email is a scam, verify who they are by using their official contact details to call them directly. Never use contact details provided by the caller – find them through an independent source such as a phone book or online search.
Always keep your computer security up to date with anti-virus and anti-spyware software and a good firewall. Only buy computer and anti-virus software from a reputable source.
Never send money or give your financial details to someone you don’t trust - it’s rare to recover money from a scammer.
If you think you have provided your account details to a scammer, contact your bank or financial institution immediately.
If people receive a call from the ATO and are concerned about providing their personal information over the phone, they should ask for the caller’s name and phone them back through the ATO’s switchboard on 13 28 69.
You can forward suspect scams or call the ATO during business hours on 1800 060 062 to discuss a suspected scam.
You can also report scams to the ACCC via the SCAMwatch report a scam page or by calling 1300 795 995. Spread the word to your friends and family to help protect them. Further information is available on the Scamwatch website.
To increase community awareness of scams the ATO has launched a new video campaign with helpful tips to protect personal information.
Information on online security and scams can be found on the ATO website.
Stay one step ahead of scammers, follow @SCAMwatch_gov on Twitter.

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Nominations open for Australian Search and Rescue Award
Nominations are open for the annual Australian Search and Rescue Award to recognise Australians who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to search and rescue.
The Australian Search and Rescue Award has been presented since 1996 by the National Search and Rescue Council, which is made up of representatives from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Australian Defence Force and state and territory police services.
This year’s award winner will be announced in October.
Last year’s winners were Sergeant David Cooper, Officer in Charge at the Lorne Police Station, and Nicholas Costello. Both men assisted in the rescue and recovery of a 12 year old boy who was swept out to sea at St George River, near Lorne, on 9 March, 2013.
Three crew members of the Victorian Police helicopter were also commended at last year’s awards for their role in rescuing a Russian solo sailor in rough seas approximately 110 nautical miles south east of Mallacoota in April 2013.
The award is open to individuals or organisations and may relate to a particular event or a sustained contribution to search and rescue over a period of time.
Any person or organisation can nominate candidates for the award. The National Search and Rescue Council encourages nominations for all types of search and rescue incidents and members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for anyone from their community that fits the award criteria.
Nomination forms are available on the National Search and Rescue Council website at
Nominations close on Thursday, 31 July 2014. More information on the Australian Search and Rescue Award is also available on the website.
The future of vehicle registration in NSW
The NSW Government has released a public Discussion Paper proposing major changes to light vehicle registration to improve road safety, environmental outcomes and customer convenience.
The ‘Vehicle Registration Initiatives’ Discussion Paperproposes registration changes including:
Incentives to encourage the uptake of safer and greener vehicles
Flexible payment options for continuous pay by the month registration to increase the flexibility and affordability of registration
Other incentives to purchase safer motorcycles
Broad improvements to the fairness of caravan and light trailer charges.
Changes to stamp duty and CTP insurance are also proposed to further encourage the uptake of safer and greener vehicles through pricing incentives.
The reforms are intended to provide the basis for a modern, flexible and sustainable registration system.
The NSW Government is committed to thorough consultation about the proposals, and encouraged members of the public and stakeholders to provide feedback on the options described the Discussion Paper.
Feedback closes on 24 July 2014.
The Discussion Paper and further information is available on theTfNSW Community Engagement website.
Moorings Review Issues Paper
The Maritime Management Centre (MMC) within Transport for NSW has produced a report covering a range of issues and possible reform options for boat moorings in NSW.
The MMC is seeking feedback on the report including:
the number of moored boats allowed in a particular area
how boat owners should be maintaining a mooring
modernising the regulatory and policy framework
improving priority waiting lists.
Moorings Review Issues Paper (pdf 896KB).
Email your comments to
The closing date for feedback is 5:00pm Friday, 1 August 2014. See this page for Moorings Review Issues Paper document.
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - July 2014

Bushcare Dates - July 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun July 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 9-12pm
Sat July 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Native Plant Giveaway
- Centro Warriewood
Sun July 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
National Tree Day
Planting Day at Lakeside Holiday Park 9-12pm
Plant a Tree for National Tree Day!
National Tree Day will be spread out across two fabulous days for Pittwater residents, beginning with a native plant giveaway – the best way to celebrate is by bringing a tree home with you!
Come along to Centro Warriewood (at the community room near Centre Management) on Saturday 26 July, 10am-2pm to pick up a free native plant.
Then, on Sunday 27 July, 9am-12pm you can take part in the biggest community tree planting and nature care event, at Sydney Lakeside Holiday Park, North Narrabeen.
It’s a great way for Pittwater residents to help out by planting and caring for native trees and shrubs – as well as improving the environment in which they live.
National Tree Day started in 1996 and since then more than 2.8 million people have planted 20 million seedlings.
Contact Council’s Bushcare Officer for further details: 99701367
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter July - 2014
New app helps Australians save money on power bills - 11 July 2014
Joint media release with the Minister for Communications, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP
The Australian Government has released a free Energy Rating app designed to help households and businesses save money on their power bills by choosing energy efficient appliances.
Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane MP said the smartphone app is the first of its kind to display power use over the life of an appliance in dollars, rather than kilowatt hours.
“This app shows people what the energy rating means financially, and by adding the estimated total power cost to the purchase price, people can see what they are saving,” Mr Macfarlane said.
“Australian households and businesses can now more easily choose energy efficient appliances that save money on their power bills.”
The app uses the data from the trusted and widely recognised Energy Rating Label, a joint industry and Government programme that has helped people buy energy efficient appliances for over a quarter of a century.
Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull MP said the Energy Rating App is one of many initiatives being driven by the Australian Government’s commitment to open data, which delivers wide ranging economic and social benefits to the entire community.
“We are encouraging Government departments to release their high value datasets to app developers and the broader community through, the Australian Government’s one stop shop for open data,” Mr Turnbull said.
“Since the Government came to power the number of datasets being uploaded onto has increased more than seven-fold.”
Many new government datasets have been released in readiness for GovHack 2014 (July 11-13), where more than 1,000 budding developers will compete for prizes worth over $70,000 for creating innovative prototype apps.
To download the free Apple, Android and BlackBerry versions of the Energy Rating App or use the web version for other smartphones, visit
Alternatively you can find the app under the name Energy Rating App in the Apple App Store, BlackBerry World and in Google Play.
For more information about and GovHack 2014 and
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is August 3rd 2014.
The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 1) 2014
SNIPPET: National Security is the highest responsibility of Government. As part of the Government's response to this threat, today I am introducing the National Security Legislation Amendment Bill (No 1)2014 into the Senate. Given these measures, and potential further changes stemming from the Government's comprehensive review of Australia's national security legislation, the Government has decided to retain the position of the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor.
Multi-million dollar communications upgrade a step closer
SNIPPET: The Parliamentary Standing Committee of Public Works has tabled the $131.1 million facilities upgrade of the Defence Terrestrial Communications Network, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence Darren Chester announced today. This is a key strategic reform initiative that will deliver robust and secure communications technology, create greater efficiencies and lower costs, Mr Chester said. IT facilities and communications infrastructure will be upgraded under the project.
Government delivers on commitment to abolish the carbon tax
SNIPPET: The Coalition promised to abolish the Carbon Tax and today the Government has delivered on our promise. Scrapping the Carbon Tax will take a cost burden off Australian businesses. The Carbon Tax was a $9 billion a year hit on the Australian economy.
ACCC puts businesses on notice about Carbon Tax Price Reduction Obligation
SNIPPET: Now that Parliament has repealed the carbon tax, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will have new powers to take action against businesses that supply regulated goods which fail to pass through all cost savings attributable to the carbon tax repeal. When the new law takes effect and the carbon tax is repealed, these businesses must pass through all cost savings from the carbon tax repeal, ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said. Information about price exploitation for suppliers of regulated goods, other businesses and consumers will be published on the ACCC website.
Fines to be introduced for breaches of industry codes
SNIPPET: The Abbott Government has moved to give the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) more powers to allow it to apply fines to businesses which breach prescribed industry codes. The Competition and Consumer Amendment (Industry Code Penalties) Bill 2014 allows for civil penalty provisions in a new Franchising Code of Conduct which will be introduced later this year. A breach of a civil penalty provision will expose a franchisor or franchisee to an infringement notice of $8,500 issued by the ACCC or a pecuniary penalty of up to $51,000 imposed by the Court.
ACCC proposes to re-authorise collective bargaining by TAB Agents Association of NSW
SNIPPET: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued a draft determination proposing to re-authorise the TAB Agents Association of NSW (Association) to collectively bargain on behalf of its members with TAB Limited (Tabcorp) for ten years. The authorisation allows members of the Association to collectively negotiate the terms and conditions of service with Tabcorp and it also enables the Association to participate in dispute resolution negotiations between Tabcorp and TAB agents, pursuant to the Current Agency Agreement. The Association has previously been granted authorisation by the ACCC for similar arrangements.
Australia responds to Typhoon Rammasun
SNIPPET: The Australian Government is providing urgent humanitarian assistance to the people of the Philippines following Typhoon Rammasun, known locally as Glenda'. Typhoon Rammasun struck the Philippines on 15 July, just eight months after Super Typhoon Haiyan devastated parts of the country in November 2013. Support includes multi-hazard and risk mapping, updates to land use planning and building codes, and the establishment of early warning systems and emergency management teams in high-risk areas, and providing six Australian Civilian Corps experts to support recovery following Typhoon Haiyan.
Australian Government managing billion dollar investment in renewables
SNIPPET: The Australian Government is committed to encouraging positive technological advances through the significant taxpayer investment in renewable energy projects made under the banner of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane today announced new Board arrangements to oversee the more than $1 billion in public investment in existing ARENA projects. Through ARENA, Australian taxpayers have invested $1 billion in a suite of renewable energy projects, which has also attracted another $1.8 billion in private investment. The investments have been made in almost 200 projects across all stages of the innovation chain from research in the laboratory to large scale technology demonstration projects.
Global Innovation Index Report Launch
SNIPPET: We are proud to host the international launch of the 2014 Global Innovation Index Report. The 2014 Global Innovation Index Report international launch is in Sydney this Friday, 18 July 2014. Top Provide feedback Customer service charter Our portfolio Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Freedom of information FOI disclosure log IP glossary Forms Copyright notice Accessibility statement Disclaimer Privacy Policy - condensed Site map Patents Trade Marks Designs Plant Breeder's Rights Copyright and other IP. See:
Indigenous ancestral remains to return home from Germany
SNIPPET: I am pleased to welcome the return of 14ancestral remains to the Goemulgal of Lag Mabuyag in the Torres Strait and the Wajarri Yamatji peoples of Western Australia, from the Charit University Hospital in Berlin. In 2013, the Charit made Germany's first repatriation of Indigenous Australian ancestral remains to communities in Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. It is our hope that this will also encourage other European museums to consider the return of Indigenous ancestral remains held in their collections.
Encouraging Community Feedback on the Northconnex Environmental Impact Statement
SNIPPET: NSW Minister for Roads and Freight. 'People can visit the community information office on Pennant Hills Road or a range of locations throughout the corridor to view the EIS and get more information about the project. The EIS will be on display until 12 September and can be viewed at
Small business key to G20's growth target
SNIPPET: Australian and international SME leaders have recommended entrepreneurship should be integrated into the G20 target to boost growth by 2 per cent over the next five years. We know big business has a loud enough voice to ensure they are heard but as a Government we want to make sure small business interests are considered when the G20 looks at options of how to grow the global economy. In Australia SMEs represent more than 99 per cent of all businesses and 56 per cent of private sector Industry Value Added, so if we are serious about growing the economy we need to involve the small business sector more.
Excitement hits new heights in lead-up to Exercise Pitch Black 14
SNIPPET: The Northern Territory skies will serve as a spectacular backdrop for up to 110 military aircraft next month when the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and a number of international partners commence Exercise Pitch Black 14. Conducting Exercise Pitch Black 14 is a massive undertaking, not just for aircrews and maintainers but also for the planning that is involved. The local community will have a chance to get involved in Exercise Pitch Black 14, with an F/A-18A Hornet to conduct a handling display over Mindil Beach on 14 August and an Open Day to be held at RAAF Base Darwin on 16 August.
Global Value Chains key to driving growth
SNIPPET: Minister for Trade and Investment, Andrew Robb today launched the OECD-WTO-World Bank Global Value Chains Report. The report makes a number of recommendations that I will strongly encourage my counterparts to take forward at the Trade Ministers Meeting on Saturday. Central among these is implementation of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation, Mr Robb said. Mr Robb tabled the Agreement on Trade Facilitation in Parliament on 18 June 2014 and Australia is working to assist developing countries.
Australia launches Global Trade Facility
SNIPPET: The Australian Government will provide $60 million over four years to help developing countries participate in international trade and boost global economic growth. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the new Global Trade Integration Facility will make an important contribution to Australia's aid-for-trade efforts by fostering an environment that supports opportunities for poor and disadvantaged nations, creates jobs and builds livelihoods. Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb, currently hosting the G20 Trade Minister's meeting in Sydney for Australia's G20 year, met with the World Bank's Senior Director of Trade and Competitiveness Anabel Gonzalez.
Australia farewells Y20 delegates
SNIPPET: The 120 Youth 20 delegates from G20 nations were today farewelled at the closing ceremony of the Youth 20 (Y20) Summit in Sydney. 'The delegates have worked diligently over the last few days to develop a communiqu which builds on the recommendations presented to G20 Sherpas and Finance and Central Bank Deputies in June. 'Although the 2014 Y20 Summit has now closed, the next important step for youth delegates is to continue advocating for their country action plans, through their home country networks,' Senator Ryan said.
Australian soldier killed during training activity in New Zealand named
SNIPPET: It is with great sadness that Defence confirms Sergeant Gary Francis died during a mountain and cold weather training activity at Mount Cook, New Zealand on 16 July 2014. Defence continues to provide support to Sergeant Francis' family and requests that media respect the family's wishes for privacy at this difficult time.
Pacific Partnership delivers on promises : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel have improved the lives of thousands of people in Timor-Leste, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines as part of the largest annual multilateral humanitarian and civic assistance mission conducted in the Asia-Pacific region. The primary objective of Pacific Partnership is to improve cooperation and understanding between the partner and host nations ahead of major natural disasters that require a multinational response. Further information about Pacific Partnership is available at:.
Establishing an Enhanced Public Register of Financial Advisers
SNIPPET: The Government is progressing our commitment to establish an enhanced public register of financial advisers. The industry working group will consider:. The establishment of an enhanced public register of financial advisers delivers on:.
New Board Appointments for ACARA
SNIPPET: Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP today announced six new members of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) following completion of the Commonwealth appointment process. These six new appointments bring a wealth of experience to the ACARA board and they will work with the seven ongoing ACARA board members. The ACARA Act provides further information on the structure, composition and terms of the ACARA Board.
ANZSOG Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis and Inside Canberra Infrastructure Forum
SNIPPET: House of Representatives Alcove. We still have a high Australian dollar. We are dedicated as a Government to ensuring we leave a legacy for the next generation of a better system of infrastructure that we leave a stronger economy, because we've invested in the right projects at the time right.
Lowest number of work-related deaths in 11 years - Safe Work Australia
SNIPPET: MR15072014 Lowest work-related deaths in eleven years (PDF 34kb). Australian workplaces have recorded the lowest number of fatalities in 11 years according to data released by Safe Work Australia today in the report Work-related Traumatic Fatalities, Australia 2014. In releasing the report Safe Work Australia's Acting Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Baxter urged all workers whether employed by a business or self-employed to make work health and safety a priority.
Small Business Helpline receives 100,000 calls
SNIPPET: Minister for Employment, Senator Eric Abetz, said the Fair Work Ombudsman's Small Business Helpline, a Coalition Government election commitment, has received more than 100,000 calls since it was established in December last year. In addition to the Small Business Helpline, the Fair Work Ombudsman has also developed a Hiring New Employees Guide and given an assurance that small business people can rely on their advice. Small business operators can call the dedicated Small Business Helpline on 13 13 94.
Senate Support for Financial Advice Law Improvements
SNIPPET: The Senate's vote in support of the Government's improvements to our financial advice laws is good news for consumers and for small business financial advisers. The Government will continue to progress the Corporations Amendment (Streamlining of Future of Financial Advice) Bill 2014 through the Parliament in an orderly fashion. The Government has agreed to make further improvements to our financial advice laws in regulation and, as required in legislation, to ensure the following requirements in the Corporations Act 2001 are explicitly listed in the Statement of Advice provided by financial advisers to their clients and signed off by both:.
'Win your future' scholarship winner begins studies
SNIPPET: Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb today welcomed outstanding Indian student Uttam Kumar back to Australia to commence his career-changing postgraduate studies at the University of New South Wales. Students come here because they know that an Australian education will set them up for a great future in work and life, Mr Robb said. In 2013, Austrade issued a challenge to students from around the world to compete for a year of free study in Australia by designing a postcard describing how an Australian education would help their careers. Almost 37,000 entries were received from 190 countries and seven weekly finalists visited Australia for a two week study tour before Uttam was declared the final winner.
UNSC resolution on humanitarian action in Syria
SNIPPET: I welcome the unanimous adoption of the UN Security Council resolution co-authored by Australia providing cross-border access to Syria for the provision of humanitarian aid. Around 11 million people in Syria are in need of humanitarian aid and almost 5 million live in areas that are difficult for humanitarian workers to reach. The resolution provides for the safety and security of humanitarian aid workers and establishes a mechanism to ensure the assistance delivered through these border crossings is limited to humanitarian aid.
Indigenous home ownership on the rise, while overcrowding declines (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Male health Mental health Mothers & babies National health priority areas Overweight & obesity Palliative care Population health Prisoner health Risk factors Rural health Safety & quality of health care Veterans' health Workforce Youth health & wellbeing Youth justice. Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury.
Increasing women's leadership in the Pacific
SNIPPET: The Australian Government considers women's economic empowerment, ending violence against women and girls, and enhancing women's leadership opportunities in the Pacific a foreign policy priority. The dialogue brings together more than 30 Pacific women political leaders and senior women in government to discuss strategies to overcome barriers to women's leadership, and to work together to improve the lives of women in the Pacific. Following the dialogue, more than 30 women parliamentarians from across the Pacific and Australia will meet for the second Pacific Women Parliamentarian Partnerships forum.
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Male health Mental health Mothers & babies National health priority areas Overweight & obesity Palliative care Population health Prisoner health Risk factors Rural health Safety & quality of health care Veterans' health Workforce Youth health & wellbeing Youth justice. Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury.
New legislation closes synthetic drugs loophole
SNIPPET: New legislation introduced to Federal Parliament today will close a loophole that allows people to deliberately avoid prosecution by slightly changing the chemical structure of an illicit drug so it can be legally imported into our country. However, the rate at which new versions of synthetic drugs appear makes it difficult for our laws to keep up. The new ban will help stop synthetic drugs from being presented as 'legal' and governments and law enforcement agencies will no longer be trying to play catch up every time a 'new' synthetic drug is produced.
AFP member charged following joint ACLEI investigation - Australian Federal Police
SNIPPET: An Australian Federal Police (AFP) officer was yesterday charged with criminal offences following a joint investigation between the AFP's Professional Standards area and the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI). AFP Manager Sydney Office, Commander Ray Johnson, said this 15-month joint investigation highlighted the AFP's commitment to ensuring members adhered to the organisation's integrity standards and values.
Interim report on Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians
SNIPPET: Senator the Hon George Brandis QC. The Government welcomes the tabling today of the interim report of the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This commitment has widespread parliamentary support and the Joint Select Committee is to be congratulated for building a strong multi-partisan parliamentary consensus on proposals for change.
New Police biometric identification system
SNIPPET: Federal Government agency Crim Trac will start the search this week for cutting edge technology that has the potential to recognise not only fingerprints, but faces, palm prints, speech and scars, marks and tattoos. Potential new capabilities will be subject to a rigorous scrutiny in the search to upgrade Australia's existing fingerprint identification services. The search for a replacement system has been designed to ensure Australia is at the cutting edge of identification practices, particularly the speed at which we can match latent finger and palm prints found at crime scenes.
Privacy breach: Medical records kept in garden shed
SNIPPET: The Australian Privacy Commissioner, Timothy Pilgrim, has found a medical centre in Melbourne in breach of the Privacy Act 1988 by failing to take reasonable steps to secure sensitive medical records. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's (OAIC) investigation established that Pound Road Medical Centre (PRMC) stored medical records of approximately 960 patients in a locked garden shed at premises no longer operated or staffed by them. The NPPs were replaced by the Australian Privacy Principles on 12 March 2014.
Farewell to Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey
SNIPPET: Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey was farewelled today at the Palmdale Cemetery and Memorial Park on the New South Wales Central Coast. Today we mourn and farewell Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey. Personal details of Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey are available at:
Exercise Hamel 2014 starts throughout North Queensland
SNIPPET: A major exercise that tests the Australian Army's capability and understanding of the link between intelligence gathering and action on the ground has commenced in North Queensland. Exercise Hamel 2014 is designed to evaluate the Australian Army's 6th Combat Support Brigade and 3rd Combat Brigade capability and adaptability across a range of different tactical scenarios. Further information on Exercise Hamel 2014, including vehicle and personnel movement, will be advised throughout the exercise.
Australian Early Development Census website launch | Department of Education
SNIPPET: Tips for searching this site. The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is now officially known as the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). For further information on the Australian Early Development Census visit the new AEDC website.
Supporting the fight against forced marriage, human trafficking and slavery
SNIPPET: Today in Canberra I convened the 2014 National Roundtable on Human Trafficking and Slavery where Ministers, government agencies, non-government organisations and industry bodies discussed the important work being done to combat human trafficking and slavery. In the decade since the Howard Government launched Australia's strategy to combat human trafficking and slavery there has been more than 450 Australian Federal Police investigations into allegations of trafficking and slavery-related offences where more than 230 victims have been identified. Organisations leading the charge in Australia's fight against forced marriage, human trafficking and slavery have received $1.9 million since the Coalition Government was elected, to continue the cutting edge work to eradicate these crimes.
ABC gets a Reality Check | About the ABC
SNIPPET: Lifting the lid on the juggernaut that is `Reality TV' to give viewers a look inside is Reality Check , ABC's new 8 x 30 minute studio entertainment series. Hosted by comedian Tom Ballard and co-produced by CJZ and ABC TV, Reality Check will explore the reality of Reality TV'. Reality is TV's 800 pound gorilla, says ABC Head of Entertainment Jon Casimir.
STATEMENT: Child Care Sharp Practices JETCCFA Programme
SNIPPET: I can confirm media reports today that the Abbott Government is increasing active compliance of the Commonwealth Jobs, Education and Training Child Care Fee Assistance (JETCCFA) programme. However, it has become increasingly clear the JETCCFA programme has been subject to exploitation in recent years by a small, but expanding, network of Family Day Care services, and parents, engaging in sharp practices. This is a fair and sensible measure given the average child care fee nationally is $7.50 per hour per child and average child care usage is 24 hours per week.
Government support for redundant employees of Bruck Textiles
SNIPPET: The Government is very concerned at reports today of 60 redundant workers of Bruck Textiles in Wangaratta who risk being denied their accrued entitlements. The Government is very concerned at any allegation of companies entering into contrived arrangements to avoid paying employee entitlements or any legal obligation. The Coalition Government will work to ensure that employees are not left out of pocket by this situation.
More than $800,000 in arts funding for regional Australia - Ministry for the Arts
SNIPPET: Friday 11 July 2014. Arts Minister Senator George Brandis has announced that through the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund, 68 projects will share in $890,225, delivering a range of arts and cultural activities in regional and remote communities across the nation. The Regional Arts Fund is administered on behalf of the Australian Government by Regional Arts Australia and its member network of regional arts organisations in the states and territories.
Independent Review of Labor's Trade Training Centres
SNIPPET: The quality of Labor's Trade Training Centres (TTC) in schools programme will be independently reviewed amid feedback students are not graduating with the skills employers need. Ms Ley said schools and Trade Training Centres could also have their say about improvements that could be made at
Australia and New Zealand leveraging ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 opportunities
SNIPPET: Streamlined visa arrangements will assist both Australia and New Zealand to capitalise on the tourism opportunities that will flow from co-hosting the 11th ICC Cricket World Cup in 2015. Fourteen cities across Australia and New Zealand will host 49 ICC Cricket World Cup matches over February and March of 2015 and all of these cities will benefit from a major influx of international visitors. Chief Executive of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 Local Organising Committee, John Harnden, welcomed the support from the Australian and New Zealand Governments.
Creative Leisure Celebrates 90 Years
Calling all past participants in any Creative Leisure Movementactivities, to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of its formation.
Originally known as the Children’s Library & Craft Movement, later called the Creative Leisure Movement, this organisation was founded in Surry Hills in1924 by two sisters Elsie Rivett and Mary (Rivett) Mathieson. It catered for children with after school activities, holiday programmes and travelling libraries. In the Northern Beaches area there were five libraries: - Balgowlah, Manly, Harbord, Narrabeen and Terrey Hills. These activities expanded to include preschoolers and adults.
From 1971 programmes and activities were developed on the Northern Beaches under the leadership of the tireless Nan Bosler catering for the needs of all ages and abilities. With Nan at the helm, the organisation pioneered children’s toy libraries, playgroups, after-school care, international dance camps, film groups, adult learning & leisure classes and the War Veterans Creative Leisure Movement. These activities evolved to include disabled adult programmes, learning difficulty support groups, the Kookaburra Playgroup, holiday fun programmes and Interchange. Many of these activities are now run independently, while others are provided by organisations such as the local councils.
When the parent organisation of the Creative Leisure Movement closed down in March, 1996, the Northern Beaches region incorporated as Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning Inc continuing the same aims-
• To provide a range of learning & leisure activities for all ages and levels of ability; with particular
emphasis on adult education, activities for the aged and people with special needs.
• To promote activities and programmes to meet the needs of the community.
• To adapt to meet the changing needs of the community.
Today, NBCLL seeks to provide activities which encourage the constructive use of leisure hours & promote the
enjoyment of lifelong learning.
To register your interest in celebrating this 90 year milestone on Sunday 19th October, please phone Maureen 9913 1474

Stephanie Galloway-Brown's Portrait of John Ogden
Portrait of John Ogden. A talented photographer, cinematographer & writer of the Saltwater People books, Land Without People & many others, who lost an eye in a surfing accident & has a face that tells a story. Painted in encaustic wax & oil, a really challenging medium to control but has a textural quality and translucency I love to work with…
Details of workshops are on our Events page and at Here
People wanted for healthy eating and exercise trial to prevent type-2 diabetes - 16 July 2014
Sydney University is calling out for Sydneysiders to join a research study assessing the effects of healthy eating and exercise on the risk of type-2 diabetes.
The healthy eating and exercise trial will assess two different diet and exercise programs among people aged 25 to 70 years who are overweight or obese.
The trial is part of an effort to slow the rise of a disease affecting 1.5 million Australians that will soon become the nation's leading cause of death and illness.
Sometimes called the "silent killer", type-2 diabetes raises the risk of going blind, losing a limb, kidney failure and dying of a heart attack.
Those at greatest risk are people carrying too much weight who aren't getting enough regular physical activity. High blood pressure, family history, some ethnic backgrounds, and increasing age are other leading risk factors for type-2 diabetes.
"The latest research tells us that type-2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through intensive lifestyle programs resulting in weight loss," says one of the study's co-investigators, Associate Professor Amanda Salis.
"However, many people who lose weight through intensive lifestyle changes tend to regain weight, which elevates their risk for diabetes and other diseases.
"We want to pinpoint the best way to maintain weight loss and keep diabetes at bay among people who are at risk of the disease."
The trial is part of a global study involving people in six European countries as well as Australia, Canada and New Zealand. A total of 2,500 participants are being recruited worldwide.
More information:
The trial is targeting people aged 25 to 70 years who are overweight. People wishing to join the trial should go
The research is an initiative of Sydney University's Charles Perkins Centre.

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 13/7/2014: click on Logo.
To contact Julian:

Woody Point Yacht Club - 1st Two Island Race - July 13th, 2014
Yes it is time again to challenge the waters around Scotland and Lion Island. What a great Day on the Water. Thanks to ALL attending the first Race. Boat of the Day: "Dragon Lady".
Photo courtesy WPYC.

Kenya Care Wear Update – July 2014
New home for one of our Milami Boys at ABC-Childrens-Aid-Kenya where he will get the food, bed, medical care and education he needs in a safe nurturing environment.
The facilities may not look great to you but the testimonies of lives changed here are fantastic. And that’s what its all about isn’t it?Thanks to an Aussie sponsor for financing this move.

NRMA Helping People Awards Open
The NRMA Helping People Awards are now in their 8th year. We are proud to continue our recognition and support of volunteers who give tirelessly to their local communities.
The awards are an opportunity to nominate unsung heroes from all walks of life in NSW/ACT. Winners will each receive a $5,000 donation towards the charity they volunteer for and a well-deserved holiday for two from NRMA Travel up to value of $2500*. Winners are announced in September.
See more here
PM Abbott on Brookvale Oval by Manly Warrigah Sea Eagles - published Wed 16th July, 2014

Find out More
Spring Concert brings celebrated singer Peter Cousens to the Northern Beaches- 14 July 2014
The Rotary Club of Pittwater is proud to be bringing the internationally-acclaimed Australian vocalist Peter Cousens to the peninsula, performing with the Northern Beaches
Orchestra (NBO) in the Northern Beaches Spring Concert.
This year's event, on Wednesday 17 September, is the fifth annual concert presented by Pittwater Rotary in partnership with United Cinemas and will again be held in the Grand Theatre at United Cinemas, 4 Vuko Place, Warriewood.
Peter Cousens and the NBO have created an exciting musical program called Love Changes Everything, an evening of beautiful hits from musical theatre. The program includes familiar songs from The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Man of La Mancha, Carousel, West Side Story, The Boy from Oz and many other hit shows.
Mr Cousens, a former resident of Terrey Hills who spent his youth surfing at Whale Beach, is delighted to be singing with the Northern Beaches Orchestra. "There are great local talents that are wonderfully expressed in community initiatives like the NBO," he said.
The multi-talented Mr Cousens is the only Australian to play the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera in London's West End. And whilst he may be best known as the leading man of musical theatre, he recently embarked on his debut directorial role for a Hollywood motion picture, Freedom ( Freedom stars Oscar-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jnr in a hauntingly beautiful and inspirational depiction of hope and faith as a family struggles to escape a life of southern slavery.
"We are excited to showcase the amazing local talents of the Northern Beaches Orchestra again this year," said Pittwater Rotary President Roger Digby. "And we are especially pleasedto be able to bring a star of such international prominence as Peter Cousens to sing in theNorthern Beaches."
Concert proceeds will go to the Palliative Care Centre at Mona Vale Hospital and other local projects of Pittwater Rotary.
The event has attracted an impressive group of sponsors, including Pittwater RSL Club, Lifestyle Financial Services, Johnson Brothers Mitre 10, the Royal Motor Yacht Club, Style Communications and the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club.
Ticket prices are: regular seats $45 (concession $40), and deluxe seats $55. Tickets are on sale at and at the Warriewood Cinema box office (9913 2800 or in person).
Pittwater Rotary is expecting a sell-out concert again this year, so everyone is encouraged to buy tickets early. For more information call Pittwater Rotary on 8005 0711.
It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a memorable evening of fine music featuring talented local musicians and an Australian superstar, while helping to support the work of Rotary in the Northern Beaches.
About Peter Cousens
Peter Cousens ( is an actor, singer, producer, director, teacher and film director. In addition to playing the Phantom of the Opera, he has starred alongside Russell Crowe in Blood Brothers, the late Richard Harris in Camelot and has played major roles in musicals throughout Australia, New Zealand and England.
His other musical theatre roles include Tony in West Side Story; Chris in Miss Saigon; Nanki Poo in The Mikado; Motel in Fiddler on the Roof; Marius in Les Misérables; and Ravenal in Hal Prince's Show Boat.
Peter tours extensively around Australia with his own one man show, A Life on Earth, and works regularly in concert, performing in Australia's major performing arts venues and with symphony orchestras. He has recorded five albums.
About the Northern Beaches Orchestra
The Northern Beaches Youth Orchestra was formed in 2008 to give young local musicians a chance to excel and to enhance our community cultural life. In 2011 the group spun off the Northern Beaches Orchestra, an auditioned orchestra which now features members of all ages. (
Founded with support from local councils, the orchestra is now fully self-funded, through corporate and community sponsorship, ticket sales and paid performances. The future success of the orchestra rests on the generosity of the community, its businesses and its individuals.
Working towards rollout of 20 Million Trees
Media release, The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
Work towards the commencement of the 20 Million Trees Programme is continuing to progress and the Government is now seeking feedback from organisations who may wish to be involved in the rollout.
The 20 Millions Trees Programme is a key Coalition election commitment and will see large-scale revegetation projects delivered across the country.
Projects will include re-establishing green corridors and urban forests, increasing and improving habitat to support our threatened species, and creating greener spaces to improve the liveability of our cities and towns.
The Australian Government has committed $50 million over four years to the 20 Million Trees Programme with funding to commence from 2014-15. It's an important part of the National Landcare Programme and will deliver real environmental benefits in local communities.
20 Million Trees will be implemented through a combination of competitive grants to land managers and local community groups, and a tender process for larger-scale Service Providers.
The Government is now inviting submissions from interested parties on how best to deliver large-scale tree planting in a way that best utilises industry expertise, knowledge and capacity to achieve environmental conservation outcomes and community engagement.
Suitable Service Providers are encouraged to take this opportunity to make a difference to the environment by helping the Government to reach its target of planting 20 million trees by 2020.
Submissions received through this Request for Information process will inform a subsequent Request for Tender (RFT) process that will invite potential delivery partners to apply to become a 20 Million Tree Service Provider.
There will be opportunity for the community to be involved in consultation for the 20 Million Trees Programme as part of wider consultation for the National Landcare Programme in the coming months.
For more information on 20 Million Trees,
For more information on how to make a submission,
What is the 20 Million Trees Programme?
The Australian Government will work with the community to plant 20 million trees by 2020, to re-establish green corridors and urban forests.
The Programme has four strategic objectives:
20 million trees – 20 million trees and associated understorey planted by 2020.
Environmental conservation – support local environmental outcomes by improving the extent, connectivity and condition of native vegetation that supports native species (including threatened species and threatened ecological communities)
Community engagement – work cooperatively with the community
Carbon reduction – contribute to Australia reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.
The 20 Million Trees Programme is part of the National Landcare Programme(link is external), and will complement and align with other Australian Government environmental initiatives, such as the Green Army and the work of the Threatened Species Commissioner.
The Australian Government has committed $50 million over four years to the 20 Million Trees Programme, with funding to commence from 2014-15. The programme will involve competitive grants, delivered by individuals and organisations, and larger-scale plantings, delivered by national service providers.
How do I get involved?
Competitive Grants
Round One of the 20 Million Trees Programme will invite community groups, landholders and other land managers to apply for grant funding to establish native tree plantings in urban, peri-urban and regional environments across Australia. More information about how to apply for funding under the 20 Million Trees Programme Round One will be released in the coming months.
National Service Provider
The Programme will also involve larger-scale revegetation delivered by one or more service providers contracted by the Australian Government.
A Request for Information on the national service provider component is now open and will close on 31 July 2014.
Please refer to the AusTender website for the coversheet and Request for Information document.
Further information
Please email

Proposed 10/50 rule to improve bush fire protection
The NSW Parliament has recently passed laws for the NSW Rural Fire Service to prepare a DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice. This Code of Practice sets out the proposed framework and provides guidance for owners of land in a designated 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area to:
Clear trees on their property within 10 metres of a home , without seeking approval; and
Clear underlying vegetation such as shrubs (but not trees) on their property within 50 metres of a home, without seeking approval
The DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice has now been released for public exhibition until 21 July 2014.
A series of frequently asked questions has been published to provide additional information and can be accessed via the link below.
Any feedback on the DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice can be submitted by email or by post to the Manager Community Planning, Locked Bag 17, Granville NSW 2142.
At the close of the exhibition period the laws will be gazetted to come in to effect, but until then all existing restrictions apply.
Once the draft Code of Practice has been finalised an online tool will be provided that will enable you to search for your property to find out if you live in a 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area.
See more at:
Sydney International Boat Show - Welcome & How Easy It Is To Get Around in 2014
There is a change on the horizon and the 47th Sydney International Boat Show will be like no other. While the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre undergoes a major upgrade over the next three years, the Sydney International Boat Show will move its undercover exhibits to the interim facility that has been specially built at the historic working port known as Glebe Island.
The new Sydney Exhibition Centre @ Glebe Island is a fully functioning exhibition facility designed to accommodate world class exhibitions.
The spectacular Cockle Bay Marina, always a show highlight, remains on its traditional site in Darling Harbour.
Independent Director – Surf Life Saving Australia
Surf Life Saving exists to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities. As one of Australia's most respected organisations and world leader in lifesaving, coastal public safety, rescue and education services we embody and inspire a truly positive and uniquely Australian attitude to life through our members and clubs.
We are looking for a highly experienced professional with demonstrated experience within finance, risk management and corporate governance to join the SLSA Board. The SLSA Board meets six times a year.
This independent director position will require suitable skills and experiences to be able to advise the SLSA board on matters of financial strategy, financial statements, financial systems integrity, governance and business risk ensuring the board can fulfil its fiduciary and stewardship obligations.
Skills and experiences for consideration for the appointment of this independent director position are;
Finance, business, commercial, risk management or management, preferably with knowledge of the Corporations Act and Not-for-Profit compliance in the areas of corporate governance and directors’ duties and responsibilities
Experience of advising boards on financial, risk and compliance and ability to establish and maintain associated processes and internal control systems.
Have the ability to contribute to the Finance, Audit and Compliance Committee
Be able to demonstrate a major achievement or contributions in previous roles
Understanding of the strategic planning process
Previous experience as a Director of a company or organisation
Experience in or exposure to surf life saving is not a requirement for this position, however the successful candidate must be prepared to gain an understanding and knowledge of the role and activities and business of SLSA.
The term of this position is 2 years. While this position is not remunerated, expenses incurred in carrying out the duties associated with this position will be reimbursed.
Applications, including a resume and a response to the above skills and experiences required close at 5:00pm on Friday 25 July 2014.
Applications addressing the skills and experience outlined above and resume should be addressed confidentially to:
SLSA Nominations Committee
Surf Life Saving Australia
Sports Development Officer – Surf Life Saving New South Wales
This is an exciting opportunity for an individual to further develop their skills in sports management working for an iconic Australian organisation. The right applicant will be able to demonstrate they can provide support to the Sports Manager ensuring effective implementation of development programs for surf sports athletes and coaches throughout NSW.
Surf Life Saving NSW is the state’s peak water safety and rescue organisation and one of the largest volunteer movements in the country. We support more than 76,000 members in 129 clubs to serve the community through the provision of beach patrol services, coastal emergency response, training and education, sports and member development.
Coordinate Talented Athlete, High Performance and various athlete development programs
Coordinate all NSW and NSW Country representative teams
Assist with the logistics of surf sports events across NSW
Essential Experience Required
Previous administration skills
An understanding of current athlete development, grass roots programs and high performance principles
Project management experience
Flexible attitude to work as regular weekend work required
Understanding of Surf Life Saving competition and experience in a similar role is an advantage.
Location: Surf Life Saving NSW Headquarters – Belrose
Position: Full time
Closing date for applications: 25 July 2014
Download the position description.
How to Apply
Explore our website
Send through a current copy of your resume and cover letter (no more than 3 pages)
Review the position description and include a written response to each item of the selection criteria (no more than 3 pages)
For further information on this role please contact Human Resources on (02) 9471 8017. Applications should be sent Successful candidates will be contacted for interviews following the closing date.

Australian scientists reaching for the stars at Mount Stromlo - 15 July 2014
Australian scientists have snared two world-leading contracts to make astronomical instruments which will further consolidate Australia’s reputation for global innovation, Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane said today.
The Australian National University’s Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre at Mount Stromlo has been contracted to design one of the first instruments for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT), a super-giant earth-based telescope being built in Chile that is set to revolutionise our view and understanding of the universe.
And EOS Space Systems, with technical support from the centre, has been selected for a commercial $6.4 million contract from the Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute for a laser ranging telescope to track space junk.
Launching the Mount Stromlo centre’s second stage, Mr Macfarlane said both contracts demonstrated that Australian astronomy was flying high in global terms.
“The centre is directly involved in design and development of the GMT, which will collect more light than any telescope ever, at the best resolution ever,” Mr Macfarlane said.
“Thanks to the adaptive optics system being developed in Australia the GMT will have a resolution 10 times better than the Hubble Space Telescope, by actively correcting for the blurring caused by the atmosphere.
“This will help find answers to questions about such cosmic mysteries as the formation of galaxies, dark matter and dark energy.
“Australia’s first contribution to the GMT is the GMT Integral Field Spectrometer, which will be used to study physical phenomena like the environment around the black hole at the centre of our galaxy and around the planets orbiting nearby stars.”
Mr Macfarlane said work done by EOS Space Systems using the centre’s facilities and adaptive optics expertise contributed to it winning its Korean contract.
“Ensuring that space assets used for earth observations, communications and position, navigation and timing are kept safe among the ever-growing clutter of space debris is a concern for all countries,” Mr Macfarlane said.
“The centre combined its expertise in adaptive optics with the EOS Laser Ranging Facility to develop a system that tracks much smaller pieces of debris, leading to this new contract.”
Mr Macfarlane said he was impressed with the dedication to commercialisation and collaboration between researchers and private firms at the Mount Stromlo facilities.
“The number of signs here showing the presence of private industry partners acknowledges the opportunities for the centre to diversify and expand Australia’s advanced technological capabilities to include the space industry,” Mr Macfarlane said.
“This centre demonstrates that Australia is determined to continue to engage with world-leading technologies and support niche manufacturing.”
To find out more,
Top: Angel Star Trails - aat picture, by Angel Lopez-Sanchez, 2014.
Free Workshop on Growing Your Exports
Small to medium-sized businesses on the Northern Beaches are invited to learn how to grow their exports with a free workshop at Bayview Golf Club, Mona Vale on Friday 1 August.
Collaborating with Pittwater Council, the workshop will be presented by NSW Trade & Investment and the Australian Institute of Export, Aspect Legal, and Aeronaut Automation.
The event is the first in a new state-wide program targeting potential and new exporters across all product and service areas.
Economic Development Coordinator for Pittwater Council, Paul William-Smith said the workshop is intended to inspire and inform on a host of exporting issues, including export planning, resourcing for export, marketing assistance and visiting your target market.
Mr William-Smith said the workshop is suited to all SME’s including home-based businesses that are looking to start exporting or to expand their market overseas.
A director with Aspect Legal, Joanna Oakey will discuss export-related IP issues and solutions, with John Clark from Aeronaut Automation sharing his success as a local exporter.
This session provides the perfect opportunity to pitch your export-related questions to the experts, network with like-minded businesses and discover how to start or grow your export business,” added Mr William-Smith.
The event which runs from 8.30am to 2.30pm includes a delicious lunch at Bayview Golf Club.
For further information and to register visit or call Paul William-Smith on 9970 1187 or email
Dog Day by the Bay 2014
Dog Day by the Bay 2014 will be held at Rowland Reserve, Bayview on Sunday 21 September 2014 between 10am and 3pm.
Highlights of the day include demonstrations and education sessions by dog expert and elite dog trainer Steve Austin. Steve will provide owners with tips on dealing with aggressive pets, behavioural problems, excessive barking and the importance of training. Steve will also bring his dogs on the day so you can see them in action and hear all about his exciting work training detection dogs around the world.
Pet Problems Solved with Dr Jo Righetti - Thunder...Lighting and even just being alone when we go off to work can make dogs suffer a range of serious anxiety problems. It can be VERY frightening for them! Dr Jo Righetti will be available to help solve your pet’s anxiety problems on the day. Dr Jo is an animal behaviourist with a background in zoology, a PhD in animal behaviour and 15 years business experience helping people and pets.
The popular MCs Brian and Kaye from Essential Pet will also keep us entertained throughout the day.
This year in kids’ corner we are excited to have Dr Crunch from Crocodile Encounters. Kids can touch and learn about reptiles and Dr Crunch can provide advice on what to do if your pet brings wildlife home.
Dog Day by the Bay runs from 10am to 3pm and other activities include agility demonstrations, education talks, children’s activities in the kids’ corner and lots of competitions to enter and win great prizes including the very popular Canine Fancy Dress Parade kicking off proceedings at 10am.
If you would like to lodge an on-line application form to attend as a stallholder please follow this link. Please note applications close Friday 22 August 2014.
If you are a food vendor please contact the education team on to 9970 1194 or email to discuss your application before submitting an application form
Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, Minister for the Arts and Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC
Applications are now open for the Australian Government's $2 million Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program.
The Minister for the Arts, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson said that the creative projects funded through this program will commemorate the Centenary of the First World War and the service and sacrifice of Australians in all war efforts.
"The Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program will enhance our understanding of the Anzac legacy by assisting artists in the development, production, presentation, exhibition or performance of arts and culture projects," Senator Brandis said.
"Communities, individuals, organisations and artists from across the nation have an opportunity to create high quality arts and cultural activities that will form part of the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history.
"Throughout history, it is the artist with their unique vision and interpretation of the human condition who has captured the spirit and substance of momentous events and daily ritual which, in turn, help inform our thinking and understanding of the past.
"I'm sure that the observations and reflections of Australian artists, about such a significant time in our nation's history, will create a memorable and enduring legacy for the benefit of all Australians."
Senator Ronaldson said the grants will enable the use of creativity by Australian communities, cultural institutions and individuals to explore the Anzac Centenary in a range of ways. Grants of up to $100,000 for national, state and territory cultural institutions and $50,000 for artists, organisations and community groups are available for a wide range of arts and culture projects.
"Artists are encouraged to explore any aspect of Australia's military history including Australian involvement in any war or through peacekeeping efforts," Senator Ronaldson said.
"The Centenary of Anzac will mark a Century of Service, encompassing all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. It will be the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history and the Abbott Government is committed to providing opportunities for all Australians to participate"
Applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines before applying.
Applications close at 5.00pm AEST on Wednesday 10 September 2014.
August 2nd: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
August 2nd: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm August 15th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft, books
September 5th: Stall, ANZ Bank, Avalon Parade,Avalon, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
September 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
September 13th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
September 19th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
October 4th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft
October 11th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
October 17th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
November 1st: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
November 8th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
November 21st: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
December 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
How reliable are SEIFA indexes?
At every five-yearly census, the Australian Bureau of Statistics recalculates the SEIFA (Socio-economic Indexes for Areas) indexes and also recalibrates the borders and sizes of the geographic areas from which these SEIFA measurements are derived. NCVER reports vocational education and training (VET) participation rates at least annually, and the question that arises is how well the SEIFA indexes perform over the interim years. The authors find that there is little distortion in the measurement of participation in the intervening periods.
Measuring VET participation by socioeconomic status: an examination of the robustness of ABS SEIFA measures over time
Tom Karmel, Patrick Lim
Latest statistical releases
Australian vocational education and training statistics: Students and courses 2013
The annual national snapshot of enrolments and training activity in publicly funded training shows there was an overall decline of 3.4% in student numbers compared with 2012. Fewer young people (aged 15 to 24 years) enrolled in training last year compared with the previous year, down from 820 700 in 2012 to 778 900 in 2013.At provider level, student enrolments declined in 2013 in comparison to 2012 at TAFE and other government providers (down 5.4%) and other registered providers (down 2.4%), but increased at adult and community education providers (up 14.9%).
Plastic Free July - it's as easy as this!

New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 99825656 / 0409391065
The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government.
The NSW Government Gazette contains:
New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on the N.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
July 13 - 19, 2014: Issue 171
Articles This Week
First day of racing for the RPAYC Mid Winter One Design Regatta by Tommy Spithill - Brendan Rourke Media
Avalon Active Seniors Art Show 2014
Enliven Pittwater's 1st Anniversary
Avalon Craft Cottage – Back to Avalon show - July 2014 (Raffle for Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Winner) by Maureen Darcy Smith
The Talent Development Project (TDP) by Jenny Walsh; Creator, Northern Beaches Youth Bands (NBYB) - for young adults
Aquatics: Landing Practice Incidents on HMS Ravager – Framed Photographs Picture
Pictures: A Stroll with David James OAM Through Warriewood's Wetlands
DIY Hints: Make Your Own Trestle Table: You could use leftover decking boards in making this versatile classic. If you don’t have leftover decking you can buy new wood and make something beautiful, strong, durable and portable for use as a pop up table outside when barbecue season arrives, as a classic desk for those who need more elbow room or as a potting table for the garden.
Profile of the Week: July 2014 - Community Groups and Clubs Royal Motor Yacht Club – Multihull Division - This year is the 21st Anniversary of the Multihull Division. To celebrate Alan Brand has helped us put together a celebratory insight into these magnificent fliers and what the RMYC Multihull Division does.
History: Avalon Beach Clubhouses: The Second and Third Clubhouses, built by community hands, funded by brilliant ideas Miss Peninsula and let's stop Stomping now - the amazing people who made renovations become realities and a few shark stories - men jumping on sharks, men chasing sharks back out to sea, men pulling sharks up on the beach and selling 'look at' peeks - all to keep a great and growing club just that - great and growing!
Artist of the Month: July 2014 - John Stephen Ayliffe - John has published three books prior to the icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches project. Blind Man's Bluff is the story of a blind man who took on the world, My Brother's Eyes : The True Story Of Surviving 16 Years In A Destructive Cult was co-written with his brother, David, and The Priest's Woman: And Other Real Life Stories. In March 2014 icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches by John Stephen Ayliffe with Terri Ayliffe was released through the support of Jonah's Restaurant, Whale Beach.
With double page spreads of beautiful pictures intertwined with historical notes, this is a must for every Pittwater home and a great gift for visitors to ‘God’s Country’; Pittwater! Copies of the book are available to guests of Jonah’s, Whale Beach. We share a sample here this month.

Back To School - Please Observe Speed Limits in School Zone Times
Schools go back this week - hope everyone had a great few weeks off.
Last week we came across this item from the NRMA in support of Pittwater Council's proposal as contained therein - and held it over as there ws just too much already crammed into this page last Issue and people may have five minutes to spare this coming week:
SCHOOL ZONE SAFETY: NRMA to champion Pittwater Council’s initiative to ban large objects in school zones
A call from Pittwater Council to ban large objects being parked in school zones has received broad support on our interactive advocacy hub Speak Out and will become the second grassroots campaign the NRMA has championed since the site was launched last month.
Pittwater Council were concerned that trucks, caravans and motorhomes, together with objects like mobile billboards and boat trailers, were making it difficult for drivers to see clearly and made it dangerous for children and their parents to cross the road safely.
After the council submitted their suggestion through Speak Out, we surveyed almost 740 drivers on the issue and found that almost three-quarters believed that these objects were a safety hazard that impaired the driver’s vision.
READ MORE: Pittwater Council’s Speak Out submission.
Trucks parking in school zones was the major concern of drivers with 50% of respondents saying they cause reduced visibility, while caravans and motorhomes (21%), boat trailers (12%) and mobile billboards (11%) were also a concern.
Speak Out enables individuals and community groups to organise and mobilise around issues they want the NRMA to fight on their behalf. Others can then vote on whether they support the campaign or disagree with it.
Almost 84% of those who read Pittwater Council’s suggestion supported the campaign.
NRMA President Kyle Loades said there was overwhelming support for the Pittwater Council initiative on Speak Out and that the NRMA would take up the fight on behalf of the community.
“Large objects parked in school zones are a safety risk because it makes it harder for drivers to see children as they walk along footpaths or cross the street,” he said.
“If the large vehicles or objects are parked at the entrance points of the school zone they can also impair the view of the school zone sign – this could result in drivers not realising they are entering a school zone and creating a further safety risk for children.
“The NRMA survey shows drivers are concerned about this issue and when we put Pittwater Council’s initiative on our grassroots hub, Speak Out, it generated broad public support.”
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend welcomed NRMA’s support for their initiative and called for safety measures to be rolled out across the country.
“Safety in schools zones needs to be top of mind for communities across Australia. We are very pleased our initiative to ban the parking of large vehicles has the support of the NRMA and motorists nation-wide,” she said.
“Ultimately, we want to see national legislation that bans the parking of oversize vehicles in schools zones during school zone times which operate from 8am to 9.30am in the morning and 2.30pm and 4pm in the afternoon on school days.”
Have your say: Do you think large objects such as trucks, caravans, motorhomes and advertising trailers should be banned in school zones?
Image courtesy NRMA
If you own a GME Accusat EPIRB model MT400, MT401 or MT403 then please click on the link below to check whether your beacon is subject to this recall notice.
Please share this with anyone you know who might have an affected beacon.
A properly registered, GPS encoded, 406 Mhz distress beacon is still your best chance of being rescued in an emergency.

Hazard Reduction Burn C/- Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade
Ingleside with assistance from Beacon Hill & Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigades successfully conducted a Hazard Reduction Burn at the corner of Cicada Glen & Chilterns Rds in Ingleside on Saturday July 12th, 2014. This burn will provide asset protection to properties to the East.
Thanks to the 30 volunteers from the NSWRFS that assisted.
Josh McKnight wins Italian Moth Championships
Tuesday, 08 July 2014
Josh McKnight sailing under RPAYC burgee has just won the Open Italian national moth champion on Lake Garda Italy with 7 x 1st places out of 9 races.
This was against a strong fleet of 34 competitors.
For more details go to
Congratulations Josh!
Josh McKnight - AJG Pic.
NBI Respite, Recreation, Support
Do you remember when we asked you to take pictures of Dick Smith products in your pantry and send them to Dick Smith Foundation. Well thanks to you and your pictures we received a donation of $10,000 from Dick and on Tuesday we were presented with a cheque by the great man himself.
A Current Affair covered the event, we didn't get much airtime but if you look closely at the 43 second mark you might catch a glimpse of Trish and Kathy who accepted the cheque... HERE
Congratulations to John Brogden AM
The National Board of the Australian Institute of Company Directors has announced that John Brogden AM MAICD has been appointed as our new Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director.
John, who will take up the role early next year, succeeds John Colvin FAICD after his six outstanding years at the helm of our Institute.
The responsibility of appointing the next leader of Company Directors has demanded and received the most rigorous and professional recruitment process.
It has produced an exceptional result in John Brogden, who brings a wealth and diversity of experience as an executive, director and chairman in the commercial and the not-for-profit sectors, and as an outstanding business leader.
We are very pleased that he has agreed to join us to lead the Institute into the next phase of its growth.
In appointing John we will, I am sure, build on the success achieved by John Colvin, whose leadership has produced six years of continuous growth against every key measure to the considerable benefit of our members and, through you, our society.
I would like to thank board members for their important role in choosing our next CEO, and particularly Elizabeth Proust AO FAICD and Anne O'Donnell FAICD, who have led the selection process with great wisdom and dedication.
John has told me that he is excited to have the opportunity to lead one of Australia's leading business organisations.
He believes that the quality of governance and the leadership of company directors and boards continue to be critical to development of Australia's economy and society and that the Institute has a vital role to play in ensuring quality laws, principles and practices, as well as public and stakeholder awareness of good governance.
John Brogden has had an outstanding career as a political, business and community leader, and as a contributor to the wider Australian society.
He is currently the CEO of the Financial Services Council (FSC), which represents Australia's retail and wholesale funds management businesses, superannuation funds, life insurers, financial advisory networks, trustee companies and public trustees.
John was previously CEO of health insurer Manchester Unity, which he successfully merged with HCF in 2008. From 2006 to 2009, he was the Chairman of Abacus Australian Mutuals, the body representing Australia's credit unions and building societies.
John is the currently Chairman of Lifeline Australia, UrbanGrowth NSW, Furlough House Retirement Village and The Broken Bay Institute. He is a Director of NIA Limited ( and a member of the NAB Advisory Council for Corporate Responsibility.
He is also the Patron of Kookaburra Kids, Sailability Pittwater, Bilgola Surf Lifesaving Club and Avalon Beach Surf Lifesaving Club.
From 1996 to 2005 John was the Member for Pittwater in the NSW Parliament. In 2002, at the age of 33, he became Leader of the Opposition - the youngest person ever to hold the role and to lead a major political party in Australia.
He holds a Master of Public Affairs from the University of Sydney.
John is a Member of the Order of Australia (AM), recognising his significant service to the community through representational roles with social welfare organisations, particularly Lifeline, to the business and financial sectors and to the Parliament of New South Wales.
We are fortunate to have secured a leader of John's experience and standing and I am sure you will make him feel welcome once he arrives.
Michael Smith FAICD
Australian Red Cross Mobile Blood Service – Avalon
July 14th to 16th - 9am - 2pm
Roll up your sleeves and give blood at Avalon. Please bring photo I.D. with you, have a good sized breakfast or lunch and have 3 or 4 glasses of water or juice in the hours before you donate. Call 13 95 96 or visit for more information.
Growing Your Export Workshop
1st Aug 2014 - 8:30am - 2:30pm
First in the program of workshops at Bayview Golf Club. NSW Trade & Investment has developed a program to boost the capability of new and existing exporters. We welcome and encourage participation by you and your colleagues in these events. The Bayview Golf Club Workshop is one of the first in the program.
The 4 Export Modules will cover:
Module 1: Export Planning
Module 2: Resourcing for Export
Module 3: Export Marketing
Module 4: Visiting the Target Market
Also – a local "Case Study of a successful exporter" and Joanna Oakey from Aspect Legal
Who should attend? Businesses looking to develop a growth plan to extend beyond the domestic market Potential exporters and new Exporters Existing exporters that would like a refresher or like to attend to learn about markets, IP issues etc
At: Bayview Golf Club
Contact: Paul William-Smith Phone: 9970 1187
Invite to Meeting Sunday 20/7/14 4pm-6pm - People interested in Forming Co-op to lease Clubhouse for Arts/Cultural Centre & Teahouse & Art /Ceramic Workshops
Avalon Beach Arts and Cultural Precinct Group
Lorrie Morgan PCA Inc., Linda Haigh Pittwater Artist Trail and I (Ros Marsh) recently met with Council to discuss the possibility for Community Leasing of Avalon Golf Clubhouse for an Arts/ Cultural Centre. Council is interested in our ideas but wants us to submit a tender & plan for usage.
The space available on the upper level has disabled parking/toilets and easy access to the building. A wheelchair friendly pathway would need to be constructed to access the lower level which is suitable for workshops.
The space entails a fully equipped commercial kitchen. A bar/foyer area which may be shared with the golfers. A lounge and dining space for Exhibitions/meetings talks etc café/retail outlet for Art/Craft.
The front & side of the building is subject to Heritage orders but the dining area is a recent addition and Council is open to proposals for an extension at the rear.
The lower level has a large cold store, a store room suitable for clay/equipment storage, a work space with large sinks etc & concrete floors which would be ideal for a glazing area or paint craft clean up. On the other side is a locker room with toilets and shower which could be converted to another art workroom.
At the rear is a concrete slab with steel mesh enclosure & 3 phase power connected which would be ideal for ceramics workshop/kiln area.
To the North of the Building is a grassed area which would be superb for an outdoor café-tearoom.
There is also a heritage listed enclosed Gazebo which is deteriorating but with the Assistance of a Heritage Architect could be restored for functional use.
The company who has the Management Lease for the Golf Course is very community minded and Council thinks they may be open to accommodating shared spaces around the building which would benefit the art and golf users.
There is potential for a community garden as long as the planting is not something that would seed onto the Golf Greens.
Council will want some return on the building. As well as money that may include the Group providing materials, professional consultants & trades & undertaking labour for repairs & maintenance & /or improvements to of the building.
The lease would have to be between Pittwater Council & a Legal entity-either a NFP Incorporated Association or Co-operative.
If we had 100 people willing to commit say $400 p.a & volunteer a number of days p.a set up to run the space I think it could be a viable option.
The first 12 months would give an opportunity to develop business plans and establish a café/garden, the exhibition space, sales outlet, the workshop areas & course programs that would need to be run on a commercially viable basis with paid staff but feeding back into a NFP and hopefully returning funds for further infrastructure development and expansion of Arts/Cultural Programs.
We could also look at residency programs, sponsorship & Grants available over this period.
If you are interested in committing to the co-op or have ideas for how it could succeed please join us on Sunday 20/7/14 at the Avalon Recreation Centre from 4pm -6pm.
I have booked the large exhibition space on the ground floor in anticipation of having a large turn out!!!!
Hope to see you there.
Please RSVP to Ros Marsh ASAP before 17/7/14

Working towards rollout of 20 Million Trees
Media release, 4 July 2014, The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for the Environment
Work towards the commencement of the 20 Million Trees Programme is continuing to progress and the Government is now seeking feedback from organisations who may wish to be involved in the rollout.
The 20 Millions Trees Programme is a key Coalition election commitment and will see large-scale revegetation projects delivered across the country.
Projects will include re-establishing green corridors and urban forests, increasing and improving habitat to support our threatened species, and creating greener spaces to improve the liveability of our cities and towns.
The Australian Government has committed $50 million over four years to the 20 Million Trees Programme with funding to commence from 2014-15. It's an important part of the National Landcare Programme and will deliver real environmental benefits in local communities.
20 Million Trees will be implemented through a combination of competitive grants to land managers and local community groups, and a tender process for larger-scale Service Providers.
The Government is now inviting submissions from interested parties on how best to deliver large-scale tree planting in a way that best utilises industry expertise, knowledge and capacity to achieve environmental conservation outcomes and community engagement.
Suitable Service Providers are encouraged to take this opportunity to make a difference to the environment by helping the Government to reach its target of planting 20 million trees by 2020.
Submissions received through this Request for Information process will inform a subsequent Request for Tender (RFT) process that will invite potential delivery partners to apply to become a 20 Million Tree Service Provider.
There will be opportunity for the community to be involved in consultation for the 20 Million Trees Programme as part of wider consultation for the National Landcare Programme in the coming months.
For more information on 20 Million Trees,
For more information on how to make a submission,
What is the 20 Million Trees Programme?
The Australian Government will work with the community to plant 20 million trees by 2020, to re-establish green corridors and urban forests.
The Programme has four strategic objectives:
20 million trees – 20 million trees and associated understorey planted by 2020.
Environmental conservation – support local environmental outcomes by improving the extent, connectivity and condition of native vegetation that supports native species (including threatened species and threatened ecological communities)
Community engagement – work cooperatively with the community
Carbon reduction – contribute to Australia reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.
The 20 Million Trees Programme is part of the National Landcare Programme(link is external), and will complement and align with other Australian Government environmental initiatives, such as the Green Army and the work of the Threatened Species Commissioner.
The Australian Government has committed $50 million over four years to the 20 Million Trees Programme, with funding to commence from 2014-15. The programme will involve competitive grants, delivered by individuals and organisations, and larger-scale plantings, delivered by national service providers.
How do I get involved?
Competitive Grants
Round One of the 20 Million Trees Programme will invite community groups, landholders and other land managers to apply for grant funding to establish native tree plantings in urban, peri-urban and regional environments across Australia. More information about how to apply for funding under the 20 Million Trees Programme Round One will be released in the coming months.
National Service Provider
The Programme will also involve larger-scale revegetation delivered by one or more service providers contracted by the Australian Government.
A Request for Information on the national service provider component is now open and will close on 31 July 2014.
Please refer to the AusTender website for the coversheet and Request for Information document.
Further information
Please email
Humph Hall – Update on Pozible Crowd-funding campaign
Thank you so much to all of you who have contributed so generously to the 'Help Humph Hall' Pozible Crowd-funding campaign to raise money to help towards the cost of the additional fire safety requirements which have to be met before Humph Hall is allowed to open its doors to you - the public - once again.
The campaign has raised $14,430 so far - which is getting close to covering the total cost.
Most of the work has already been done including the treatment of the chairs, the installation of an integrated smoke alarm system and the installation of additional emergency lights and exit signs. All that remains is the new fire exit door which will be completed early next week enabling us to go ahead with Ann & Charlie Heymann's harp workshop & concert on Saturday 19th July.
But, please remember that by far the best way of showing your support for what Gial & I are doing with our home, is by attending the wonderful events that we have here.
N.B. If your contribution entitles you to a certificate, free CD/DVD and/or Humph Hall T Shirt don't forget to collect it/them next time you come here.
Ann & Charlie Heymann (US) A workshop & concert presented by two renowned US musicians
Ann & Charlie Heymann are visiting Australia as part of the 12th World Harp Congress taking place in Sydney later this month.
Ann is the world's foremost performer on the wire-strung traditional Irish/Scotish harp that disappeared 200 years ago. Charlie sings lilting songs in Gaelic & English and plays traditional instruments including cittern, bodhran, button accordion & bones.
Ann & Charlie have been researching the Gaelic Harp and its traditions for over 30 years and have toured throughout the Western world teaching, lecturing and performing alongside such notables as Allan Macdonald, Altan & The Chieftains.
Their visit to Humph Hall offers the chance for you to learn about ancient traditions, meet the instruments & bathe in the music.
Coming up at Humph Hall
Rachel Collis & band - 7pm, Friday 8th August
Martin Pearson - 3pm, Sunday 24th Aug
Sydney International Boat Show - Welcome & How Easy It Is To Get Around in 2014
There is a change on the horizon and the 47th Sydney International Boat Show will be like no other. While the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre undergoes a major upgrade over the next three years, the Sydney International Boat Show will move its undercover exhibits to the interim facility that has been specially built at the historic working port known as Glebe Island.
The new Sydney Exhibition Centre @ Glebe Island is a fully functioning exhibition facility designed to accommodate world class exhibitions.
The spectacular Cockle Bay Marina, always a show highlight, remains on its traditional site in Darling Harbour.
Life Interrupted: Personal Diaries from World War One - Free exhibition in State Library of NSW Galleries - 5 July - 21 September 2014
They were teachers, farmers, clerks and architects. Some were still at school. They came from cities, regional towns and the bush. From August 1914 Australian men and women kissed their loved ones goodbye and enlisted in a war they knew little about.
With pride, they went to war with just a few months of battle training under their belts. Some would not return home; those who did were changed forever. view
Independent Director – Surf Life Saving Australia
Surf Life Saving exists to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities. As one of Australia's most respected organisations and world leader in lifesaving, coastal public safety, rescue and education services we embody and inspire a truly positive and uniquely Australian attitude to life through our members and clubs.
We are looking for a highly experienced professional with demonstrated experience within finance, risk management and corporate governance to join the SLSA Board. The SLSA Board meets six times a year.
This independent director position will require suitable skills and experiences to be able to advise the SLSA board on matters of financial strategy, financial statements, financial systems integrity, governance and business risk ensuring the board can fulfil its fiduciary and stewardship obligations.
Skills and experiences for consideration for the appointment of this independent director position are;
Finance, business, commercial, risk management or management, preferably with knowledge of the Corporations Act and Not-for-Profit compliance in the areas of corporate governance and directors’ duties and responsibilities
Experience of advising boards on financial, risk and compliance and ability to establish and maintain associated processes and internal control systems.
Have the ability to contribute to the Finance, Audit and Compliance Committee
Be able to demonstrate a major achievement or contributions in previous roles
Understanding of the strategic planning process
Previous experience as a Director of a company or organisation
Experience in or exposure to surf life saving is not a requirement for this position, however the successful candidate must be prepared to gain an understanding and knowledge of the role and activities and business of SLSA.
The term of this position is 2 years. While this position is not remunerated, expenses incurred in carrying out the duties associated with this position will be reimbursed.
Applications, including a resume and a response to the above skills and experiences required close at 5:00pm on Friday 25 July 2014.
Applications addressing the skills and experience outlined above and resume should be addressed confidentially to:
SLSA Nominations Committee
Surf Life Saving Australia
Sports Development Officer – Surf Life Saving New South Wales
This is an exciting opportunity for an individual to further develop their skills in sports management working for an iconic Australian organisation. The right applicant will be able to demonstrate they can provide support to the Sports Manager ensuring effective implementation of development programs for surf sports athletes and coaches throughout NSW.
Surf Life Saving NSW is the state’s peak water safety and rescue organisation and one of the largest volunteer movements in the country. We support more than 76,000 members in 129 clubs to serve the community through the provision of beach patrol services, coastal emergency response, training and education, sports and member development.
Coordinate Talented Athlete, High Performance and various athlete development programs
Coordinate all NSW and NSW Country representative teams
Assist with the logistics of surf sports events across NSW
Essential Experience Required
Previous administration skills
An understanding of current athlete development, grass roots programs and high performance principles
Project management experience
Flexible attitude to work as regular weekend work required
Understanding of Surf Life Saving competition and experience in a similar role is an advantage.
Location: Surf Life Saving NSW Headquarters – Belrose
Position: Full time
Closing date for applications: 25 July 2014
Download the position description.
How to Apply
Explore our website
Send through a current copy of your resume and cover letter (no more than 3 pages)
Review the position description and include a written response to each item of the selection criteria (no more than 3 pages)
For further information on this role please contact Human Resources on (02) 9471 8017. Applications should be sent Successful candidates will be contacted for interviews following the closing date.
Pittwater Plans to Deliver
Pittwater Council is set to deliver a wide range of services for the 2014-2018 period, following the adoption of its Delivery Program and Budget at the Extraordinary Meeting held on 30 June 2014.
Broadly speaking, the four-year plan aims to maintain and improve roads, footpaths, drainage, public buildings and other community facilities such as wharves and sportsfields.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson said the budget results for 2014-2015 reflected an operating surplus of $2,061,290 and a collective works budget on Council’s assets of $31 million.
Mr Ferguson said Pittwater’s unique landscape provides us with a broad diversity of assets and infrastructure to maintain and build.
“This is identified in the highlights of this year’s budget, which are listed below.” Mr Ferguson added.
$5.3 million for a road and bridge at Macpherson Street, Warriewood
Approximately $2.4 million for streetscape maintenance
$2.2 million on building improvements
Over $1.85 million for a comprehensive upgrade of Palm Beach wharf and upgrades to other public wharves
$1.7 million for drainage works
$1.1 million for bushland protection
Approximately $1 million for coastal and flood protection
$1.2 million for footpaths with a heightened emphasis on connectivity between village centres and public transport
Commercial Centre maintenance and improvements of $921,000 including Elanora Heights Shopping Centre
Reserve maintenance and improvements of $2.57 million including the new amenities at the Sector 8 playground in Warriewood.
Mayor, Jacqui Townsend acknowledged the significant contribution from the Pittwater community during the exhibition process of the Delivery Program.
“During the 28 day exhibition period we received 55 submissions, 19 of which were via Social Media.
“During the revision process Council were able to consider these submissions and make some relevant changes to the Draft Program, which were a direct result from community input and feedback.
$1 Million Grant Funds New Household Vegetation Bins
Pittwater Council has received grant funding of over $1 million from the NSW Environmental Trust for improvements to mainland household vegetation collection services, due to start in late 2014.
The grant will enable Council to deliver 240 litre lime green lidded vegetation bins to each mainland household for use with the vegetation collection services. One bin will be supplied to each single domestic dwelling. Multi-unit dwellings will be supplied bins depending on the space available and demand.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the grant will enable Pittwater Council to deliver a regular and reliable garden waste initiative that will significantly benefit the Pittwater community.
“The new system will provide home dwellers with a more regular and more streamlined garden waste service, suited to the needs of individuals.
“Each home will receive one bin free of charge and residents wanting a second bin will have the option to buy one or use an existing lime green lidded bin. Council also understands that some residents don’t want nor need a vegetation bin and will be able to opt out,” says Mayor Townsend.
“For mainland Pittwater households, the new collection service will bring about more frequent kerbside services – from eight times a year to a fortnightly service. The new bins will also significantly improve the amenity of Pittwater streetscapes.”
“It’s great for the people of Pittwater and the environment,” she said. “The new bigger bins mean residents are less likely to put garden waste in general garbage bins, reducing the likelihood of organic waste becoming landfill.”
New vegetation bins and the fortnightly kerbside service will be rolled out by late 2014 with exact start dates to be confirmed. Once underway, no bundles, crates or other containers of vegetation will be collected, only what is contained in the lime green lidded bins.
Residents who currently have the 240 litre vegetation bin with lime green lids may continue to use them. For those who are using other types of 240 litre wheelie bins will have the option to swap the lid free of charge. Up to two 240 litre vegetation bins are allowed per collection from each property.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said Council is collaborating closely with the Council’s waste contractor United Resource Management to manufacture new bins and design a new waste collection zoning system that best caters for the community.
An information pack and new waste calendar will be delivered to residents with the bin roll out.
The introduction of the bin only based service aligns with the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA) preferred resource recovery practices and proposed regional waste solutions.
Pittwater Council acknowledges that this Local Government Organics Collection Service Grant Program project was supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.
Only vegetation waste is allowed to be presented in the 240L lime green lidded bin. Council encourages the continued use of home compost bins and worm farms to reuse and recycle food organic waste.
Dog Day by the Bay 2014
Dog Day by the Bay 2014 will be held at Rowland Reserve, Bayview on Sunday 21 September 2014 between 10am and 3pm.
Highlights of the day include demonstrations and education sessions by dog expert and elite dog trainer Steve Austin. Steve will provide owners with tips on dealing with aggressive pets, behavioural problems, excessive barking and the importance of training. Steve will also bring his dogs on the day so you can see them in action and hear all about his exciting work training detection dogs around the world.
Pet Problems Solved with Dr Jo Righetti - Thunder...Lighting and even just being alone when we go off to work can make dogs suffer a range of serious anxiety problems. It can be VERY frightening for them! Dr Jo Righetti will be available to help solve your pet’s anxiety problems on the day. Dr Jo is an animal behaviourist with a background in zoology, a PhD in animal behaviour and 15 years business experience helping people and pets.
The popular MCs Brian and Kaye from Essential Pet will also keep us entertained throughout the day.
This year in kids’ corner we are excited to have Dr Crunch from Crocodile Encounters. Kids can touch and learn about reptiles and Dr Crunch can provide advice on what to do if your pet brings wildlife home.
Dog Day by the Bay runs from 10am to 3pm and other activities include agility demonstrations, education talks, children’s activities in the kids’ corner and lots of competitions to enter and win great prizes including the very popular Canine Fancy Dress Parade kicking off proceedings at 10am.
If you would like to lodge an on-line application form to attend as a stallholder please follow this link. Please note applications close Friday 22 August 2014.
If you are a food vendor please contact the education team on to 9970 1194 or email to discuss your application before submitting an application form
Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, Minister for the Arts and Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC
Applications are now open for the Australian Government's $2 million Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program.
The Minister for the Arts, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson said that the creative projects funded through this program will commemorate the Centenary of the First World War and the service and sacrifice of Australians in all war efforts.
"The Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program will enhance our understanding of the Anzac legacy by assisting artists in the development, production, presentation, exhibition or performance of arts and culture projects," Senator Brandis said.
"Communities, individuals, organisations and artists from across the nation have an opportunity to create high quality arts and cultural activities that will form part of the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history.
"Throughout history, it is the artist with their unique vision and interpretation of the human condition who has captured the spirit and substance of momentous events and daily ritual which, in turn, help inform our thinking and understanding of the past.
"I'm sure that the observations and reflections of Australian artists, about such a significant time in our nation's history, will create a memorable and enduring legacy for the benefit of all Australians."
Senator Ronaldson said the grants will enable the use of creativity by Australian communities, cultural institutions and individuals to explore the Anzac Centenary in a range of ways. Grants of up to $100,000 for national, state and territory cultural institutions and $50,000 for artists, organisations and community groups are available for a wide range of arts and culture projects.
"Artists are encouraged to explore any aspect of Australia's military history including Australian involvement in any war or through peacekeeping efforts," Senator Ronaldson said.
"The Centenary of Anzac will mark a Century of Service, encompassing all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. It will be the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history and the Abbott Government is committed to providing opportunities for all Australians to participate"
Applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines before applying.
Applications close at 5.00pm AEST on Wednesday 10 September 2014.
Art Competition Opens to Celebrate Return of Imag_ne
Pittwater’s popular IMAG_NE sculpture has returned as a permanent fixture outside Mona Vale Library on Thursday 19 June 2014.
Council’s Place Manager Melinda Hewitt said Emma Anna’s sculpture was intended to be a temporary initiative but due to its popularity, Council decided to commission it as a permanent piece.
Ms Hewitt said the sculpture was installed as part of the Pittwater Enliven program which seeks to improve the vibrancy of local streets and public spaces.
“IMAG_NE is composed of large wordplay letters that spell out the word ‘imagine’, although the second ‘I’ is missing. This absence operates as a blank canvass, inviting the audience to physically engage with the work in order to complete the word,” said Ms Hewitt.
To celebrate the return of the sculpture to Pittwater, local school students are being invited to be part of an ‘Imagine’ art competition.
Students should submit artworks that respond to the theme of ‘imagine’, with prizes awarded across three categories:
• Individual (Primary)
• Individual (Secondary)
• Group/School
Each of the winning categories will receive a $100 book voucher at Berkelouw books.
Participants need to submit their work electronically by 18 July 2014, with digital records of drawings, paintings and sculptures encouraged, along with photographs and digital illustrations.
A selection panel will create a shortlist of works which will be printed and exhibited at Mona Vale Library from 11 to 24 August.
For more details on the art competition or call Zoe Johnson on 9970 1171 or email

Australian Sailing Youth Team ready to race at ISAF Youth Sailing World Championship in Portugal (12 - 18 July 2014)
Cora Zillich, Friday, 11 July 2014
The 2014 ISAF Youth Sailing World Championship will officially open tomorrow, Saturday, 12 July, in Tavira, Portugal. Twelve young Australian sailors and three coaches contesting eight classes are part of the 370 sailors from a record 68 nations who will start racing out of Club Náutico de Tavira on Monday, 14 July 2014.
Australia has a strong history at the ISAF Youth Sailing World Championships and with only two athletes returning from last year’s team, the 2014 Australian Sailing Youth Team is a young and new-look team representing five states.
Team manager Brendan Todd says the team is ready to go: “We have all arrived safely and the team is very excited to start racing on Monday. We have used this week to familiarise ourselves with the venue, acclimatise and set-up the boats, which are supplied to us by the organisers and get some training sessions in before it all starts.”
About the team he adds: “This year’s Youth Team is a young team, which will need time and experience to develop, but I believe we have selected promising young sailors who can follow in the footsteps of Australian Sailing’s current senior athletes. Historically, many of those who compete in the ISAF World Youth Championships go on to participate in and succeed at Olympic and World Championship level as e.g. our Olympic Champions and former Youth World Champions Elise Rechichi and Nathan Outteridge have shown. Their success is a great motivation for our young squad.”
Ten athletes will make their Youth Worlds debut for Australia in Portugal. Tasmanian Jock Calvert is one of the returning athletes to the team and will be competing his second World Championship in the 293 windsurfing class. Lara O’Brien from Queensland will be racing the female windsurfer event.
“It’s cool to be part of the more experienced members. Last year there were only two people who had not been to a Youth Worlds so this year it’s the opposite and I’m sure it will be fun and we’ll all learn a lot”, Jock Calvert said about being one of two returners to the team.
In the RS:X Boys fleet in Tavira only eight sailors return for their second ISAF Youth Worlds with many fresh young faces entering the mix.
Having been part of the Australian Sailing Youth Team last year, seventeen-year-old Lachlan Gilmour (WA) is also one of the veterans on the team. Gilmour will add his experience from last year’s World Championship to the team in the 420 class together with helm Emerson Carlberg (WA).
“I’m very excited and happy to be part of this year’s Youth World’s team.
I have been looking to go for a while and it’s fantastic to have the opportunity to be here this year”, said fifteen-year-old Carlberg about the opportunity to race at his first World Youth Championship.
In the 420 girls fleet another Western Australian crew with Nia Jerwood and Lisa Smith will represent Australia.
Also part of the team in Portugal is 16-year old Laser Radial sailor Alistair Young (WA), while Victorian Anna Philip will race the female Laser Radial.
New South Welshmen Jim Colley and Shaun Connor will be representing Australia in the 30-boat fleet of the 29er class, while Victorians Michelle Bursa and Chelsea Haynes will contest in the Hobie 16 multihull fleet, which has attracted sixteen teams, including several former medallists.
Three experienced coaches Brendan Todd (NSW), Belinda Stowell OAM (WA) and Larry Cargill (NSW) accompany the team.
July 18th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft, books
August 2nd: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
August 2nd: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pmAugust 15th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft, books
September 5th: Stall, ANZ Bank, Avalon Parade,Avalon, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
September 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
September 13th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
September 19th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
October 4th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft
October 11th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
October 17th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
November 1st: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
November 8th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
November 21st: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
December 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
Zonta Trivia Night Saturday 19 July 2014
“Sleuths and Spies”
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc are holding their annual fundraising Trivia evening in the Mona Vale Memorial Hall on Saturday 19 July 2014 at 7pm. Members of the local community are invited. The theme of the evening is “Sleuths and Spies” with some of the questions reflecting this theme. Guests are invited to dress with the theme in mind, decorate their table or just come along and enjoy the fun!
All funds raised will support local and international projects of the Zonta Club of Northern Beaches. The Club supports local women and girls in need through education support as well as specific needs support to women at local high schools, the Women’s Refuge and the Manly Women’s Shelter. International projects include assembly of simple birthing kits for distribution in developing countries, and support to two schools in South Africa and Kenya. The making of breast care cushions and their and distribution to local hospitals is also a major activity. These projects can only continue with effective fundraising events.
The volunteer Quiz Master team on the evening has been assisting on these evenings for several years and runs similar events across Sydney for various organisations. They are always relaxed evenings of great fun with interesting prizes. Everyone is very welcome. Cost is $15 per person. Bookings are required with payment at the door.
To make a booking contact Chris on 0449 703 318 or email Book for yourself, your friends, or a whole table of 10! All the details will be sent to you
Plastic Free July - it's as easy as this!

The NSW Government Gazette
The New South Wales Government Gazette is the official channel for the circulation of Proclamations, Regulations, Government Notices, Private Legal Advertisements andther matters required to be published in the Government Gazette under the Statutes of New South Wales Government.
The NSW Government Gazette contains:
New South Wales Legislation, Notices (public and official announcements), and Official Government Notices from the New South Wales Government and Local Government Agencies, Cities and Shires. The NSW Government Gazette is available online on the N.S.W. Government website from 2pm each Friday.
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport.
We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. Visit our website for more information or call John on 99825656 / 0409391065

Pittwater Friends of Soibada Fly Out to Timor Leste Today
Members and supporters of the Pittwater Friends of Soibada departed Australia early this morning for the lovely village of Soibada to further projects they have recently published in this magazine.
We look forward to sharing an update with you on their prgress when they return - god luck to all involved!

Pittwater YHA And Sustainability
YHA's Sustainable Hostel Fund is kicking into action at Pittwater YHA. Can you guess? And thanks to those who have contributed to the fund.
Yes!; Pittwater YHA's first hot water heated by the sun. Next thing for the guests to try.
Book now to join our September bush regeneration weekend. And stay for the birthday celebration on Sunday - Its YHA's 75th year in Australia!
Neil Evers explains NAIDOC: Serving Country: Centenary & Beyond
Then Adam Cryer, Aboriginal Child Youth & Family – Community Facilitator, Hornsby Shire Council will show a Mini Short Film Festival: Spiritual Connections, Rainbow Serpent's Cave, Devil's Rock.
As part of the ‘Our Place’ Project, the three short films feature Aboriginal stories that are told by descendants of the Durag & Guringai people, and are associated with the Hornsby Shire.
Monday July 14th at 7.30pm
Mona Vale Memorial Hall, 1606 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale
All welcome - this is a Free night (Your Donations are welcome) including light supper
Hosted by ASG-MWP (Aboriginal Support Group – Manly Warringah Pittwater)

Amazing Grace Christened
The yacht in the Amazing Grace Raffle was Christened today (12.7.2014) at Middle Harbour Yacht Club by Premier Mike Baird - fantastic to think that someone will win this yacht for $100!
Cannes Reserve Resident Meeting
16th Jul 2014 - 5pm - 6pm
A meeting of Cannes Reserve residents is going to be held to provide an update on the current status of works within Cannes Reserve.
The meeting will be addressed by representatives of the Office of Environment and Heritage.
At: Room 4 (upstairs), Avalon Recreation Centre, 59 Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon
Contact: Jodi Harvey 9970 1366
hc.r : actuality and reality
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th July, 2014 - from 10am to 4pm.
Avalon Community Centre 59A Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon Beach 2107
Talks will be given on the human condition and reality from 11:30am to 12 and from 2:30 to 3:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday.
The human condition as a projected actuality will be demonstrated on interested individuals periodically throughout the exhibition.
Artworks depict the projected actuality of the human condition and its relation with reality, the whole body alive in creation. They will be on display and for sale.
In text: hc.r; 'cornered settings to other side'

Lynda Hills New Website
Our resident Astrologer, whose accuracy is astounding, has launched a new website this week - crammed with daily updates, readings you can have done and a dearth of information.
Please have a look. Lynda has also updated her page for the forthcoming fortnight - Congratulations Lynda - a Huge Project done very well indeed!
Avalon Quilters Winners at Sydney Quilt Show
Congratulations to all entrants and winners at the Sydney Quilt Show, but, especially to four of our group who won prizes. Anne Perry, Carolyn Jones,Mal Bell, and Kate Thomas.
Pittwater Artists Out and About
Meredith Scott at Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair 2014
Pittwater lady Meredith Scott is the Guest Artist for the Craft and Quilt Fair and is exhibiting and touring Australian capitals over the next few months.
This week the Sydney show is on at Glebe Island Convention Centre 9 -13 July.
Meredith will be exhibiting a shell/mosaic art display and hopes that Pittwater visitors to this year's Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair will drop by and say hello!
'A Celebration Of Life' at Eden Garden
Ted Blackall (landscapes), Merrilyn Blackall (still lifes) and Silvia Tuccemei (sculptures) are part of the 'A Celebration Of Life' exibition that opened yesterday (Saturday 5th of July) at Eden Garden. Their works are placed so that are all loosely connected by a botanical theme that captures and celebrates our natural environment.
The exhibition runs until the end of July. Eden Gardens is at 307 Lane Cove Road (cnr Fontenoy Road), Macquarie Park - on the left as you drive towards Macquarie Shopping centre and Uni.
'Bench Light' by Ted Blackall
Beryls Bash 2014 – Few Tickets Left for Club Palm Beach Event
There are still a few tickets available for Beryl’s Bash fundraiser atClub Palm Beach on July 28th. This is always a great evening with lots laughs, wonderful music and good food. Contact Beryl on 9974 4168 or Elyse on 0404 000 123
New research project to understand sediment in Dee Why lagoon - 10/07/2014
Patricia Gadd analysing a sample on the Itrax core scanner.
The Greater Sydney Local Land Services has awarded Warringah Council more than $45,000 in grant funding to undertake a research project at Dee Why Lagoon and carry out bush regeneration in the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment.
Warringah Council Environment staff will be collaborating with experts from both the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and UNSW Australia, who together will:
Take core samples from the bed of Dee Why Lagoon;
Analyse those samples;
Identify the changes that have influenced the lagoon and, of those, which are natural and which are man-made; and
Determine resulting changes in sedimentation rates.
Warringah Council Mayor, Michael Regan said, “The research will be used to shed light on past and current sedimentation rates in the lagoon and illustrate the impact catchment
development and stormwater have on the ecological condition of Warringah’s lagoons.”
The project will form part of the five year Dee Why Lagoon Management plan, whereby permanent sediment markers will be installed in Dee Why lagoon for ongoing monitoring.
“The results of the full project will show how effective our controls have been to date as well as areas that we can potentially improve on,” Mayor Regan said.
Dr Catherine Chagué-Goff, an environmental geochemist at UNSW Australia and ANSTO, and Ms Patricia Gadd from ANSTO, will analyse data obtained with a tool called the ITRAX core scanner, which is located in ANSTO’s Institute for Environmental Research.
ANSTO uses this tool and technique to take and analyse samples from all over the world – including wood, soil and lake sediments.
Scientists using the ITRAX core scanner will generate a geochemical record which gives an understanding of changes in the sample’s chemical composition, which will be overlaid with radiometric and historical data to estimate the changes in sedimentation rates.
“Using ITRAX, we will be able to obtain extraordinarily high resolution information that can pinpoint specific environmental changes and associated variations in sedimentation rates,” Dr Chagué-Goff said.
“This technology has improved significantly in recent years - where in the past we had to estimate results based on sub-sampling, now we are in a position to get far more specific and accurate information.”
As part of the grant, more than six hectares of Oxford Creek in the Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment will undergo removal of noxious and aquatic weeds including the Bidens, Cotton Bush, Crofton, Ludwigia, Turkey Rhubarb, Morning Glory, Lantana, Privet, Bamboo, Wild tobacco, Tradescantia, Watsonia, Moth vine, Honeysuckle vine, Madeira vine, Cassia, Coral tree, Blackberry, Asparagus fern, Ginger lily, Pampas grass.
“Protecting our valuable catchments is crucial, and we will be planting 1,000 native shrubs at Oxford Creek, to enhance biodiversity, improve water quality and increase habitat for native animals in the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment,” said Mayor Regan.
ANSTO and UNSW Australia have commenced core sampling and analysis, and the work is anticipated to take a few months.
See more at: HERE

Proposed 10/50 rule to improve bush fire protection
The NSW Parliament has recently passed laws for the NSW Rural Fire Service to prepare a DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice. This Code of Practice sets out the proposed framework and provides guidance for owners of land in a designated 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area to:
Clear trees on their property within 10 metres of a home , without seeking approval; and
Clear underlying vegetation such as shrubs (but not trees) on their property within 50 metres of a home, without seeking approval
The DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice has now been released for public exhibition until 21 July 2014.
A series of frequently asked questions has been published to provide additional information and can be accessed via the link below.
Any feedback on the DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice can be submitted by email or by post to the Manager Community Planning, Locked Bag 17, Granville NSW 2142.
At the close of the exhibition period the laws will be gazetted to come in to effect, but until then all existing restrictions apply.
Once the draft Code of Practice has been finalised an online tool will be provided that will enable you to search for your property to find out if you live in a 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area.
See more at:
Child Care Benefit increases TODAY for families Monday 7 July 2014- Media Release; The Hon Sussan Ley MP, Assistant Minister for Education
The rate of Child Care Benefit families receive will increase from today, Assistant Minister for Education Sussan Ley announced this morning.
The standard hourly rate of Child Care Benefit families receive will index by the CPI today, as flagged in the Abbott Government’s 2014-15 Budget.
Ms Ley said this could see up to $264 extra[1] in Child Care Benefit alone for a low-income family with one child in full-time care this year.
“The Abbott Government is committed to making child care more affordable, flexible and accessible,” Ms Ley said.
“This increase in Child Care Benefit is timely relief for families struggling with the cost of child care after fees skyrocketed 53 per cent during Labor’s six years in government.
“It will help take some of the pressure off working families as we continue to tackle the larger issue of making child care more affordable, flexible and accessible through our Productivity Commission Inquiry.
“This increase in Child Care Benefit is good news for families and bad news for Labor’s ‘misinformation’ campaign.”
Ms Ley said the Abbott Government was increasing overall spending on child care fee assistance to $28.5 billion over the next four years for around a million families.
“We’re also working closely with the states and territories to cut unnecessary and excessive child care red tape to reduce the burden on fees for parents and services alike.”
The Productivity Commission Inquiry’s draft report is due this month, with the final report due in October.
[1] The standard hourly rate of the means-tested Child Care Benefit will rise by the CPI from $3.99 per hour to $4.10 per hour from Monday, July 7 2014. Families earning under $42,997 receive the full rate of Child Care Benefit, while families earning above that amount receive a partial rate that lessens as their income increases. A low-income family eligible for the full rate of Child Care Benefit with one child in care 50 hours per week, 48 weeks per year could receive up to $264 extra CCB in 2014-15, depending on their circumstances.
Rob Stokes MP, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Heritage, Minister for the Central Coast, Assistant Minister for Planning , MEDIA RELEASE Wednesday, July 9
The Number 470 Fire Bell – a treasured piece of NSW’s fire-fighting history –will be listed on the State Heritage Register.
Heritage Minister Rob Stokes said the bell signified the first attempt to install a centralised fire alarm system in Sydney and in the state.
“The 470 Bell, which was installed in Bathurst Street, Sydney in 1860, was the largest fire bell in the state at that time and served the metropolitan area for more than a decade,” Mr Stokes said.
“Four times the size of normal fire bells for the period, the bell was manufactured in Scotland by the Gorbals Brass and Bell Foundry, Glasgow, and imported by Thomas Bown, one of NSW’s first professional fire-fighters.”
Before 1884, when the Metropolitan Fire Brigade was established under the Fire Brigades Act, protection from fire in Sydney was provided by a group of independent, often volunteer fire brigades.
Volunteers responded to their brigade’s small local fire bells in case of fire, but often these small bells could not be heard by all fire-fighters, making response to the threat of fires inefficient and unreliable at times.
A huge step towards solving this problem was taken in 1860 when the Insurance Companies Fire Brigade installed a large 26-inch turret bell, known as the 470 Fire Bell, at its station in Sydney’s Bathurst Street.
Thomas Bown and his nephew Charles Bown are credited as being founding figures in the evolution of fire-fighting services in NSW.
Thomas established and led the Insurance Companies Fire Brigade from 1851 to 1867 and Charles was the second Superintendent of the Insurance Companies Brigade, Chairman of the Fire Brigades Board and later of the Fire Commissioners Board.
Left: Thomas Bown
“The bell’s usefulness as a centralised fire alarm came to an end with the advances in telecommunications during the 1880s,” Mr Stokes said.
“After the establishment of the Royal Telephone Exchange in 1881 and the Post Master General’s exchange the following year, metropolitan fires were increasingly reported via telephone and the 470 Fire Bell ceased being used in Sydney by 1884.
MP for Bathurst Mr Paul Toole said the bell found a new lease of life when it was bought by the Bathurst Fire Brigade Board in 1887.
“The bell found a new home at the Bathurst Fire Station and was used for many decades remaining in situ in its tower in 1963 when the original Bathurst Fire Station was demolished.
“The bell is held in high esteem by our local fire-fighters and amongst crews across NSW, who regard it as an important part of their history and heritage.
“The bell has played a central role in the history of fire fighting in the Bathurst area and I commend the efforts of all our firefighters and the commitment they have shown to the bell’s recovery, restoration and reinstatement at Bathurst Fire Station,” Mr Toole said.
“The NSW Government is committed to conserving, revitalising and caring for places of heritage significance,” Mr Stokes said.
The Number 470 Fire Bell is an unpolished, 26 inch (66cm) Turret Bell of 350 lbs and 12 oz (159kg). It bears the inscription; 'John C. Wilson, Glasgow; 1855'. The bell is installed in the remnant original Bathurst fire bell tower. The bell and tower were restored in 2010 by the Bathurst Fire Brigade volunteers.
Learn more here
Australian Taxation OfficeTax Scam Warning
Australians should be on the lookout for a nasty phone scam this tax time. The scam intimidates people into paying a fake tax debt over the phone and threatens arrest if they don’t comply. If people receive a call from the ATO and are concerned about providing their personal information over the phone, they should ask for the caller’s name and phone them back through the ATO’s switchboard on 13 28 69. If people think they may have fallen victim to a phone scam, contact the ATO on 1800 060 062 (8.00am–6.00pm, Monday to Friday).
See more at:
Applications Open For Community Building Partnership Program
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging community and sporting groups to apply for funds under the NSW Government’s 2014 Community Building Partnership Program.
The NSW Government has allocated $200,000 to the Pittwater community as part of this highly successful program which provides financial assistance to projects that will deliver lasting and wide-reaching benefits to the community.
Local projects that have recently benefited from this program include the construction of Mona Vale Hospital’s new Palliative Care Unit and rehabilitation garden, Avalon Beach Surf Club’s major renovations, Narrabeen Sport High School’s new synthetic sports field and Pittwater High School’s new security fencing.
“This program has supported a huge number of projects throughout our community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Pittwater is really fortunate to have a diversity of community groups and associations that could all benefit from an injection of funds.
“Projects seeking moderate contributions and supported by leveraged funds have been particularly successful in recent years.
“There are many local sporting and community groups that might not have any other avenues to attract funds and I would especially encourage these groups to consider applying.
“Applications for the program are now open and will be accepted until Friday 18 July 2014.
“Further details and information on how to apply is available by visiting the program’s .
“I encourage all eligible groups to explore this opportunity and submit their applications,” Rob Stokes said.
Nominations open for Australian Search and Rescue Award
Nominations are open for the annual Australian Search and Rescue Award to recognise Australians who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to search and rescue.
The Australian Search and Rescue Award has been presented since 1996 by the National Search and Rescue Council, which is made up of representatives from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Australian Defence Force and state and territory police services.
This year’s award winner will be announced in October.
Last year’s winners were Sergeant David Cooper, Officer in Charge at the Lorne Police Station, and Nicholas Costello. Both men assisted in the rescue and recovery of a 12 year old boy who was swept out to sea at St George River, near Lorne, on 9 March, 2013.
Three crew members of the Victorian Police helicopter were also commended at last year’s awards for their role in rescuing a Russian solo sailor in rough seas approximately 110 nautical miles south east of Mallacoota in April 2013.
The award is open to individuals or organisations and may relate to a particular event or a sustained contribution to search and rescue over a period of time.
Any person or organisation can nominate candidates for the award. The National Search and Rescue Council encourages nominations for all types of search and rescue incidents and members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for anyone from their community that fits the award criteria.
Nomination forms are available on the National Search and Rescue Council website at
Nominations close on Thursday, 31 July 2014. More information on the Australian Search and Rescue Award is also available on the website.

Equestrian events enshrined by Australia Post
09 July 2014
Australia Post is setting the pace with a new equestrian focused stamp issue featuring the equestrian activities of dressage, cross-country and showjumping, polocrosse and pony club on five domestic base-rate (70c) stamps.
Australia Post Philatelic Manager Michael Zsolt said, "Many Australians enjoy horses through pony clubs, competition and leisure, and these form the focus of this stamp issue."
"We trust collectors and especially equine enthusiasts will jump at the opportunity to collect these equestrian-themed stamps and the associated products."
"Today equestrian disciplines such as dressage, showjumping and eventing are practised at local, state and national levels, and are also represented at the Olympic Games. They showcase very different sets of skills and ability in both the rider and horse and polocrosse is also played at both national and international levels, with the World Cup held every two years," he added.
There are five English riding style events featured in the equestrian stamp issue including:
Dressage - In competition, the rider puts the horse through a predetermined series of movements (or "figures"), performed in a rectangular arena. Dressage requires a high level of control, discipline and precision in both horse and rider.
Cross-country - Eventing combines the disciplines of dressage, cross-country and showjumping. The cross-country component tests the endurance of both horse and rider.
Showjumping - Performed either indoors or out, the horse is put through a tight course of brightly coloured temporary obstacles that it must clear against the clock.
Polocrosse - This sport originated in Australia in 1939, and today there are around 4,000 Australian players and 135 clubs. Polocrosse is a fast-paced team sport that combines speed, strategy, tactics and toughness.
Pony club - Australia has approximately 980 active clubs across all states and territories, which together have around 50,000 members.
Phil Ellett from Creative Ethos designed the stamps which use photographs by Bronwen Healy (dressage) and Julie Wilson (cross-country, showjumping, polocrosse, and pony club).
The products associated with this stamp issue are a first day cover, stamp pack, set of five maxicards, five booklets of 10 x 70c self-adhesive stamps, a roll of 200 x 70c self-adhesive stamps and a booklet collection.
The Equestrian Events stamp issue is available from 15 July 2014 at participating Australia Post retail outlets, via mail order on 1800 331 794 and online at while stocks last.
2014 Mosman Art Prize - call for entries!
Now in its 67th year, the Mosman Art Prize is one of the oldest and most prestigious municipally funded visual art prizes in Australia. It is an annual, acquisitive award for painting sponsored by Mosman Municipal Council. The winner of the first Mosman Art Prize, judged by Lloyd Rees in 1947, was Margaret Olley. Subsequent Prize winners include many prominent artists such as Grace Cossington Smith, Weaver Hawkins, Nancy Borlase, Anthony Galbraith, Elisabeth Cummings, Janet Dawson, Jenny Sages and Tim Johnson. The 2011 Mosman Art Prize was won by Kerry Lester. Past adjudicators of the Prize have also included prominent figures in the Australian art world such as Margaret Preston, John Olsen, Tim Storrier, Edmund Capon and Margaret Olley.
While Mosman Council sponsors the major prize of $30,000 (acquisitive), the Commendation Prize of $5,000 (non-acquisitive) is sponsored by Henry Bucks of Mosman, other sponsors include the Fourth Village Providore Young Emerging Artists’ Award (under 35 years) $2,000 and the Mosman Art Society Viewers’ Choice Award for $1,000. The Mosman Art Gallery is indebted to these sponsors for their generous support and commitment to the Mosman Art Prize.
In addition to the major prize of $30,000, Mosman Council sponsors the Allan Gamble Memorial Art Prize. An accomplished architect and artist, and Mosman Councillor for 24 years, Allan Gamble was the founder of the Mosman Art Prize. Valued at $3,000 (non-acquisitive), the prize will be awarded to the best painting which explores the theme of ‘the built environment’.
$30,000 first prize - over $40,000 in total prize money.
Receipting day for this year's prize is Monday 14 July.
For details go to
The future of vehicle registration in NSW
The NSW Government has released a public Discussion Paper proposing major changes to light vehicle registration to improve road safety, environmental outcomes and customer convenience.
The ‘Vehicle Registration Initiatives’ Discussion Paperproposes registration changes including:
Incentives to encourage the uptake of safer and greener vehicles
Flexible payment options for continuous pay by the month registration to increase the flexibility and affordability of registration
Other incentives to purchase safer motorcycles
Broad improvements to the fairness of caravan and light trailer charges.
Changes to stamp duty and CTP insurance are also proposed to further encourage the uptake of safer and greener vehicles through pricing incentives.
The reforms are intended to provide the basis for a modern, flexible and sustainable registration system.
The NSW Government is committed to thorough consultation about the proposals, and encouraged members of the public and stakeholders to provide feedback on the options described the Discussion Paper.
Feedback closes on 24 July 2014.
The Discussion Paper and further information is available on theTfNSW Community Engagement website.
Moorings Review Issues Paper
The Maritime Management Centre (MMC) within Transport for NSW has produced a report covering a range of issues and possible reform options for boat moorings in NSW.
The MMC is seeking feedback on the report including:
the number of moored boats allowed in a particular area
how boat owners should be maintaining a mooring
modernising the regulatory and policy framework
improving priority waiting lists.
Moorings Review Issues Paper (pdf 896KB).
Email your comments to
The closing date for feedback is 5:00pm Friday, 1 August 2014. See this page for Moorings Review Issues Paper document.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 13/7/2014: click on Logo.
To contact Julian:

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - July 2014

Bushcare Dates - July 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun July 13
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Bilarong Reserve Field Day 9-12pm
Thu July 17
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat July 19
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun July 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 9-12pm
Sat July 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Native Plant Giveaway
- Centro Warriewood
Sun July 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
National Tree Day
Planting Day at Lakeside Holiday Park 9-12pm
Plant a Tree for National Tree Day!
National Tree Day will be spread out across two fabulous days for Pittwater residents, beginning with a native plant giveaway – the best way to celebrate is by bringing a tree home with you!
Come along to Centro Warriewood (at the community room near Centre Management) on Saturday 26 July, 10am-2pm to pick up a free native plant.
Then, on Sunday 27 July, 9am-12pm you can take part in the biggest community tree planting and nature care event, at Sydney Lakeside Holiday Park, North Narrabeen.
It’s a great way for Pittwater residents to help out by planting and caring for native trees and shrubs – as well as improving the environment in which they live.
National Tree Day started in 1996 and since then more than 2.8 million people have planted 20 million seedlings.
Contact Council’s Bushcare Officer for further details: 99701367
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter July - 2014
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is August 3rd 2014.
The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
NexGen Complete Knee Solution MIS stemmed tibial component (various sizes)
SNIPPET: Consumers and health professionals are advised that Zimmer, in consultation with the TGA, has issued a hazard alert regarding its NexGen Complete Knee Solution MIS total knee procedure stemmed tibial component (various sizes). Zimmer has written to surgeons who may have received or implanted NexGen Complete Knee Solution MIS total knee procedure stemmed tibial components, providing further information about the above issue.
$35 million to advance Type 1 juvenile diabetes research
SNIPPET: Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne MP and Minister for Health, Peter Dutton MP have today announced the Australian Government's approval of $35 million to advance research in the critical area of diabetes. This funding will allow the development of a national collaborative research network and research programme that will work towards finding a cure for Type 1 juvenile diabetes. This initiative will build Australia's capacity in Type 1 juvenile diabetes research and position our researchers for national and international collaboration, delivery, adoption and investment, Mr Pyne said.
$225 Million Next Stage of Great Western Highway Opens to Traffic
SNIPPET: NSW Minister for Roads and Freight. Minister Gay said the NSW Coalition's historic investments to fast track upgrades of the Great Western Highway would result in a four-lane divided road all the way from Emu Plains to Katoomba. For more information on the completed Woodford to Hazelbrook section of the Great Western Highway upgrade visit:
Senator Ryan welcomes Y20 youth employment focus
SNIPPET: Senator the Hon Scott Ryan, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Education, has commended the Y20 Planning Group on their work to date and their focus on youth employment. I would like to thank the Y20 Planning Group on its work coordinating the Y20 Summit to this point, Senator Ryan said. Through their thoughtful proposals to the G20 Sherpas, the Y20 Planning Group has shown that the Y20 Summit will be about enhancing opportunity for young people, Senator Ryan said.
SNIPPET: The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia (NFSA ) has launched its first online exhibition, Priscilla: 20 Years Young , to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Australian road movie The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Showcasing a selection of the film's documents and artefacts preserved in the NFSA national audiovisual collection, the exhibition provides an insight into the world of Priscilla , and uncovers fascinating facts about its production. In this online exhibition, audiences will be able to:.
Indigenous service honoured : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: The contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have served their country was acknowledged at a ceremony at the Australian War Memorial today as part of NAIDOC Week. This year's theme provides an opportunity to reflect on the service of all Indigenous Australians, not only those that have served in the ADF and its forebear organisations, but those Indigenous members of the Australian Public Service who have also served as part of the wider Defence organisation, VADM Griggs said. I am enormously proud of being part of an ADF and a broader Defence team that is genuinely proud of the contributions that Indigenous Australians make and have made to our security.
Fallen Commando returns home : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey was returned home to his family and comrades today at a solemn ceremony at Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Base Richmond in Sydney. Lance Corporal Chidgey was held in high regard by his unit and his mates. Lance Corporal Todd Chidgey was loyal, diligent and committed to the service of his country, his mates and his family., Brigadier McDaniel said.
Australia's Heron mission in Afghanistan extended : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: The Royal Australian Air Force's Heron Remotely Piloted Aircraft mission in Afghanistan has been extended to the end of 2014 following a request from the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). Operated from Kandahar Airfield in southern Afghanistan, Australia's three unarmed Heron Remotely Piloted Aircraft provide real-time situational awareness of the battlefield. Australia's Heron detachment has played an integral role in supporting the ISAF mission in Afghanistan and ISAF's request to Australia is testament to the capability's strong reputation.
A Chinese puzzle molecule - ANSTO
SNIPPET: Single-crystal neutron diffraction from our Laue diffractometer KOALA has again featured on the front cover of the prestigious chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie.
Nation's Sheep CRC wins $15 million grant to develop further world leading farm practices
SNIPPET: Australia's sheep industry's drive to improve productivity through take up of cutting-edge technologies like genome sequencing, has been given a major boost with the Cooperative Research Centre for Sheep Industry Innovation embarking on a new five-year, industry-driven program. Sheep CRC Chief Executive Officer James Rowe said the CRC Program, with its industry-driven focus and medium-to-long term funding was achieving great things for the sheep industry. The 38organisations participating in the Sheep CRC highly value the CRC framework as it provides them with direct input into the research, avoids duplication, and producesthe outcomes their businesses require, Professor Rowe said.
Dream Shield tips for Aboriginal inventors, designers and business owners | IP Australia
SNIPPET: In recognition of NAIDOC Week we have updated the IP Australia Dream Shield booklet and video. Also featured in the Dream Shield video is Roopa Pemmaraju, a Melbourne based fashion designer and one of several official licensees. See the revised Dream Shield booklet and video on IP Australia's YouTube channel.
NCA to Investigate West Tuggeranong
SNIPPET: Senator for the Australian Capital Territory. Jamie Briggs MP, today asked the National Capital Authority (NCA) to investigate the potential for urban development of West Tuggeranong in Canberra. The NCA will also develop a business case to support any detailed investigations required to determine the potential for urban development in the West Murrumbidgee area.
Australian students score well in PISA financial literacy test but more to be done: ASIC
SNIPPET: Log in / Sign up. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has welcomed the results of the first international study of students' financial literacy but says there is more to be done to prepare young Australians for the challenges of financial decision-making beyond school. Some of the study findings relating to Australian students' performance include: 16% of Australian students performed at the top level of proficiency (level 5), compared with 10% of students across the OECD 10% of Australian students were low performers in financial literacy (level 1) Male and female students scored at the same level in financial literacy on average Some 11% of the variation in student performance in financial literacy is associated with socioeconomic status, about the same as the OECD average Students in metropolitan schools performed significantly better than students with similar socioeconomic status who attend schools in rural areas 82% of students have a bank account and 73% earn
Mildura lock and weir works start next week | Murray-Darling Basin Authority
SNIPPET: Holiday makers and the community around Mildura are reminded that Lock 11 is expected to close next Tuesday, 15 July and the Mildura weir pool will drop to very low levels the following week to allow for maintenance work at the weir. The Mildura weir pool will start to be drawn down in the week commencing 21 July and it is likely to remain low until mid-August while work is underway, Mr Dreverman said. The weir pool will be raised back to full supply level by mid-August and the lock reopened, once the weir is reinstated.
Greater safety risks for Indigenous kids (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Male health Mental health Mothers & babies National health priority areas Overweight & obesity Palliative care Population health Prisoner health Risk factors Rural health Safety & quality of health care Veterans' health Workforce Youth health & wellbeing Youth justice. Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury.
Early drawings reveal their secrets under x-ray examination - ANSTO
SNIPPET: Some of Australia's earliest scientific drawings are finally giving up their secrets under the watchful eyes of Australian Synchrotron scientists and conservators from the State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW).
National homelessness agreement on track
SNIPPET: Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews has announced that only South Australia and Tasmania are yet to sign the 2014-15 National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) that provides up to $115 million in Federal funding for homelessness initiatives. The NPAH will ensure homelessness programs can continue for at least another year including many focused on women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, he said. This one-year extension of the NPAH will enable the Government to re-assess Commonwealth housing and homelessness policy with the object of doing things more efficiently.
HMAS Parramatta visits Port Villa : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: Royal Australian Navy frigate HMAS Parramatta has departed Port Vila, Vanuatu, after a successful visit to strengthen relationships and security cooperation with the Pacific Island nation. Parramatta is conducting a four week South West Pacific deployment, undertaking maritime surveillance patrols as part of Operation Solania. Royal Australian Navy vessels have taken part in this enduring Australian Defence Force operation since 2009, providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support to the Pacific Islands Countries, CMDR Cannell said.
Likelihood of hospitalised injury rises with older age (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Male health Mental health Mothers & babies National health priority areas Overweight & obesity Palliative care Population health Prisoner health Risk factors Rural health Safety & quality of health care Veterans' health Workforce Youth health & wellbeing Youth justice. Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury.
Radical overhaul to ban synthetic drugs
SNIPPET: Under new legislation to be introduced to Federal Parliament, all psychoactive substances such as synthetic drugs will be prohibited unless importers can prove they have a legitimate use. There's nothing synthetic about the damage these drugs cause. The new legislation will target psychoactive drugs marketed as 'legal' alternatives to illicit drugs like ecstasy, LSD or cannabis.
Adelaide Class Frigate maintenance contract signed
SNIPPET: Minister for Defence David Johnston today announced that Thales Australia Ltd has been awarded the Navy's Adelaide Class guided missile frigate's (FFG) Group Maintenance Contract. Senator Johnston said the contract will be for an initial period of four and half years with the potential for contract extensions to an anticipated value of $130 million. Senator Johnston said the design of the contract will provide both industry and Navy with greater certainty and stability in the repair and maintenance of the guided missile frigates.
International ships to join the Albany convoy
SNIPPET: PDF version (117 KB ) | Back to Media Releases & Speeches entry page. Michael Ronaldson today confirmed international ships from Japan and New Zealand will join Royal Australian Navy vessels in the Albany Convoy Commemorative Event in October. 'Five vessels from the Royal Australian Navy will lead the international ships to represent the departure of troops from Albany, 100 years since the first convoy left for the First World War,' Senator Ronaldson said.
$371,000 for youth arts projects - Ministry for the Arts
SNIPPET: Thursday 10 July 2014. Arts Minister Senator George Brandis has announced that five arts and cultural organisations which support and nurture talented young Australians have received funding to continue their great work. With funding of $60,000 youth opera company Pacific Opera will launch a pilot training program in 2015 that will equip young opera singers to pursue a professional opera career.
Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund - Ministry for the Arts
SNIPPET: Thursday 10 July 2014. Applications are now open for the Australian Government's $2 million Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program. 'The Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program will enhance our understanding of the Anzac legacy by assisting artists in the development, production, presentation, exhibition or performance of arts and culture projects,' Senator Brandis said.
Unemployment rises Axe the tax
SNIPPET: Minister for Employment Senator Eric Abetz said an increase in the unemployment rate today demonstrates the need to abolish the carbon and mining taxes and progress the Government's Economic Action Strategy. Senator Abetz said getting rid of the carbon tax - gets rid of a $9 billion a year hit on the Australian economy it eases cost pressures on average by $550 a year for households. Getting rid of the tax is essential to rebooting the economy and promoting jobs growth, Senator Abetz said.
SNIPPET: A new exhibition launched today at the Questacon Technology Learning Centre showcases some of Australias finest innovations and inventions and the people behind them. The exhibition was conceptualised, designed, developed and constructed at the Questacon Technology Learning Centre and is designed to travel to other venues. Programs Shell Questacon Science Circus Q2U Travelling Exhibitions Hire Earth Quest Fascinating Science Imagination Factory Mathamazing Measure Island Our Water Perception Deception Science on the Move About Accessibility Annual Review Awards Contracts Customer Service Charter Environment Legal Freedom of Information Information Publication Scheme Media Centre Partners Questacon Technology Services Staff Management.
July 6 - 12, 2014: Issue 170
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 170 TEDxPittwater 2014(plus John Illingsworth's Great Video Presentation), New Short-Stay Unit For Mona Vale Hospital Opened, Ingleside and West Pittwater Rural Fire Services Mid-Winter Training, Winter Wattle Is Blooming
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Awards of Excellence 2014
Reflections by George Repin: PLUMES AND PEARLSHELLS
Aquatics: Port Jackson Pleasure Fleets – 9 & 10: Small Fry, 16, 18 and 20 Footers and the Revolution of Luxurious Auxiliary Motor Yachts
C-130 - RAAF 50 Years Celebratory Hercules Doing Laps Over Pittwater - Family Day - for boys and girls of all ages!
Pictures: Bangalley Headland Self Guided Walk (School Holidays Activities that require no dollars)...and a few Incidentally(s) of the week
Profile of the Week: July 2014 - Community Groups and Clubs Woolly Wednesdays Community Knitting Group at Mona Vale Library provides a place to meet and share and learn all about knitting - FREE!
History: Avalon Beach Clubhouses: The Second and Third Clubhouses, built by community hands, funded by brilliant ideas Miss Peninsula and let's stop Stomping now - the amazing people who made renovations become realities and a few shark stories - men jumping on sharks, men chasing sharks back out to sea, men pulling sharks up on the beach and selling 'look at' peeks - all to keep a great and growing club just that - great and growing!
Artist of the Month: July 2014 - John Stephen Ayliffe - John has published three books prior to the icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches project. Blind Man's Bluff is the story of a blind man who took on the world, My Brother's Eyes : The True Story Of Surviving 16 Years In A Destructive Cult was co-written with his brother, David, and The Priest's Woman: And Other Real Life Stories. In March 2014 icons: a celebration of Sydney's far northern beaches by John Stephen Ayliffe with Terri Ayliffe was released through the support of Jonah's Restaurant, Whale Beach.
With double page spreads of beautiful pictures intertwined with historical notes, this is a must for every Pittwater home and a great gift for visitors to ‘God’s Country’; Pittwater! Copies of the book are available to guests of Jonah’s, Whale Beach. We share a sample here this month.
Invite to Meeting Sunday 20/7/14 4pm-6pm - People interested in Forming Co-op to lease Clubhouse for Arts/Cultural Centre & Teahouse & Art /Ceramic Workshops
Avalon Beach Arts and Cultural Precinct Group
Lorrie Morgan PCA Inc., Linda Haigh Pittwater Artist Trail and I (Ros Marsh) recently met with Council to discuss the possibility for Community Leasing of Avalon Golf Clubhouse for an Arts/ Cultural Centre. Council is interested in our ideas but wants us to submit a tender & plan for usage.
The space available on the upper level has disabled parking/toilets and easy access to the building. A wheelchair friendly pathway would need to be constructed to access the lower level which is suitable for workshops.
The space entails a fully equipped commercial kitchen. A bar/foyer area which may be shared with the golfers. A lounge and dining space for Exhibitions/meetings talks etc café/retail outlet for Art/Craft.
The front & side of the building is subject to Heritage orders but the dining area is a recent addition and Council is open to proposals for an extension at the rear.
The lower level has a large cold store, a store room suitable for clay/equipment storage, a work space with large sinks etc & concrete floors which would be ideal for a glazing area or paint craft clean up. On the other side is a locker room with toilets and shower which could be converted to another art workroom.
At the rear is a concrete slab with steel mesh enclosure & 3 phase power connected which would be ideal for ceramics workshop/kiln area.
To the North of the Building is a grassed area which would be superb for an outdoor café-tearoom.
There is also a heritage listed enclosed Gazebo which is deteriorating but with the Assistance of a Heritage Architect could be restored for functional use.
The company who has the Management Lease for the Golf Course is very community minded and Council thinks they may be open to accommodating shared spaces around the building which would benefit the art and golf users.
There is potential for a community garden as long as the planting is not something that would seed onto the Golf Greens.
Council will want some return on the building. As well as money that may include the Group providing materials, professional consultants & trades & undertaking labour for repairs & maintenance & /or improvements to of the building.
The lease would have to be between Pittwater Council & a Legal entity-either a NFP Incorporated Association or Co-operative.
If we had 100 people willing to commit say $400 p.a & volunteer a number of days p.a set up to run the space I think it could be a viable option.
The first 12 months would give an opportunity to develop business plans and establish a café/garden, the exhibition space, sales outlet, the workshop areas & course programs that would need to be run on a commercially viable basis with paid staff but feeding back into a NFP and hopefully returning funds for further infrastructure development and expansion of Arts/Cultural Programs.
We could also look at residency programs, sponsorship & Grants available over this period.
If you are interested in committing to the co-op or have ideas for how it could succeed please join us on Sunday 20/7/14 at the Avalon Recreation Centre from 4pm -6pm.
I have booked the large exhibition space on the ground floor in anticipation of having a large turn out!!!!
Hope to see you there.
Please RSVP to Ros Marsh ASAP before 17/7/14
NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920′s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians.
NAIDOC Week is held in the first full week of July. It is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and an opportunity to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our country and our society.
Sunday 13th July - 'Oxford Falls Triangle Walk'
Free Event: 10am -1pm. A walk were you will see Aboriginal carvings. So don’t forget your camera. Starting and ending at 27 Morgan Rd, Belrose. Booking details: Conny Harris 02 9451-3231 or 0432 643 295
Monday 14th July - NAIDOC Information Night
Theme: Serving Country: Centenary & Beyond.
Free Event: 7.30pm – 9.30pm. All welcome - this is a free night including light supper. Mona Vale Memorial Hall 1606 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale
Reduced WorkCover Premiums For Pittwater Businesses - 4 July 2014
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today said local businesses are sharing the benefits of a welcome reduction in WorkCover premiums throughout NSW.
Following reforms introduced by the NSW Liberal Government to help reverse the scheme's massive deficit, reductions in premiums averaging 18.76% have been passed on to Pittwater businesses over the past 12 months.
Returning stability to the WorkCover scheme has also helped support jobs and enable faster payments for injured works and greater support for those suffering severe injuries.
"The success and growth of local businesses is vital for our community," Rob Stokes said today.
"Reforming the WorkCover scheme has helped reduce financial pressures and allowed more funds to be reinvested into job creation.
"It was in nobody's interest to see premiums rising and the scheme falling deeper into debt.
"Rescuing the WorkCover scheme has provided benefits for both employees and employers and enabled a safety net to remain in place for injured workers.
"Local businesses need to be supported wherever possible and this successful reform has been a key part of the NSW Governments ongoing efforts," Rob Stokes said.

Avalon Beach - New SLSC from Bangalley Headland
AJG Pic - 4.7.2014
Winners Announced at 2014 Local Business Awards - 04 Jul 2014
Winners of the 2014 Northern Beaches Local Business Awards were announced at a gala presentation this week at Dee Why RSL.
Pittwater Deputy Mayor Kylie Ferguson said the awards evening showcased a broad range of outstanding businesses across the Northern Beaches, with winners selected across 32 categories ranging from fast food to fashion to professional services.
The Business of the Year was named as Peninsula Personnel Recruitment Services, Dee Why and the Business Person of the Year was awarded to Peter Ramshaw of Forestway Optometry.
There were five businesses in Pittwater that came out on top in their category including:
• Mona Vale Quality Butchers, Mona Vale
• What’s Cooking, Centro Warriewood
• Craig’s Manchester Outlet, Mona Vale
• Andrew Blake Real Estate, Avalon
• Corella Fine Foods, Warriewood.
Cr Ferguson said local businesses play an important role in building a strong local community and create vital employment opportunities along with a thriving local economy.
“I congratulate all the winners and also thank all members of the community that participated in the voting process,” she added.
For details of all award winners
Pittwater Plans to Deliver - 02 Jul 2014
Pittwater Council is set to deliver a wide range of services for the 2014-2018 period, following the adoption of its Delivery Program and Budget at the Extraordinary Meeting held on 30 June 2014.
Broadly speaking, the four-year plan aims to maintain and improve roads, footpaths, drainage, public buildings and other community facilities such as wharves and sportsfields.
Pittwater Council’s General Manager Mark Ferguson said the budget results for 2014-2015 reflected an operating surplus of $2,061,290 and a collective works budget on Council’s assets of $31 million.
Mr Ferguson said Pittwater’s unique landscape provides us with a broad diversity of assets and infrastructure to maintain and build.
“This is identified in the highlights of this year’s budget, which are listed below.” Mr Ferguson added.
$5.3 million for a road and bridge at Macpherson Street, Warriewood
Approximately $2.4 million for streetscape maintenance
$2.2 million on building improvements
Over $1.85 million for a comprehensive upgrade of Palm Beach wharf and upgrades to other public wharves
$1.7 million for drainage works
$1.1 million for bushland protection
Approximately $1 million for coastal and flood protection
$1.2 million for footpaths with a heightened emphasis on connectivity between village centres and public transport
Commercial Centre maintenance and improvements of $921,000 including Elanora Heights Shopping Centre
Reserve maintenance and improvements of $2.57 million including the new amenities at the Sector 8 playground in Warriewood.
Mayor, Jacqui Townsend acknowledged the significant contribution from the Pittwater community during the exhibition process of the Delivery Program.
“During the 28 day exhibition period we received 55 submissions, 19 of which were via Social Media.
“During the revision process Council were able to consider these submissions and make some relevant changes to the Draft Program, which were a direct result from community input and feedback.
Pittwater Council and the RATS (Warringah Rugby Club) sign landmark deal - 03 Jul 2014
Pittwater Council and Warringah Rugby Club (the RATS) are pleased to announce details of a new licencing agreement for the management of Pittwater Rugby Park.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqui Townsend said as well as being great for all involved, this agreement is a model example of Council and local clubs working positively together.
“We are thrilled to have reached such a landmark agreement with Warringah Rugby Club; one that will significantly benefit Pittwater residents,” says Mayor Townsend.
Thanks to a successful collaboration, Council has agreed to provide Warringah Rugby Club more flexibility in the raising of funds for the club – this means the club will be able to sell their own food/drinks and collect parking and gate fees.
“It’s wonderful to see that by running match days, the club is raising funds as well as giving members and other community volunteers more opportunities to become involved,” Mayor Townsend said.
Club memberships have skyrocketed to well over 700 since the new arrangements came into place.
Warringah Rugby Club President Phil Parsons said the club is at the beginning of a new era.
“There is a great energy and sense of unification within the club at the moment – we’re one big happy team,” Mr Parsons said.
“Council has done a great job of looking after us in setting up the arrangement; they remained focused on what’s best for the community, every step of the way,” Mr Parsons added.
The new agreement also means the use of the main field is only authorised for nominated game days; allowing Council to hire the grounds out to the public when it’s not in use by Warringah Rugby Club.
$1 Million Grant Funds New Household Vegetation Bins - 03 Jul 2014
Pittwater Council has received grant funding of over $1 million from the NSW Environmental Trust for improvements to mainland household vegetation collection services, due to start in late 2014.
The grant will enable Council to deliver 240 litre lime green lidded vegetation bins to each mainland household for use with the vegetation collection services. One bin will be supplied to each single domestic dwelling. Multi-unit dwellings will be supplied bins depending on the space available and demand.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said the grant will enable Pittwater Council to deliver a regular and reliable garden waste initiative that will significantly benefit the Pittwater community.
“The new system will provide home dwellers with a more regular and more streamlined garden waste service, suited to the needs of individuals.
“Each home will receive one bin free of charge and residents wanting a second bin will have the option to buy one or use an existing lime green lidded bin. Council also understands that some residents don’t want nor need a vegetation bin and will be able to opt out,” says Mayor Townsend.
“For mainland Pittwater households, the new collection service will bring about more frequent kerbside services – from eight times a year to a fortnightly service. The new bins will also significantly improve the amenity of Pittwater streetscapes.”
“It’s great for the people of Pittwater and the environment,” she said. “The new bigger bins mean residents are less likely to put garden waste in general garbage bins, reducing the likelihood of organic waste becoming landfill.”
New vegetation bins and the fortnightly kerbside service will be rolled out by late 2014 with exact start dates to be confirmed. Once underway, no bundles, crates or other containers of vegetation will be collected, only what is contained in the lime green lidded bins.
Residents who currently have the 240 litre vegetation bin with lime green lids may continue to use them. For those who are using other types of 240 litre wheelie bins will have the option to swap the lid free of charge. Up to two 240 litre vegetation bins are allowed per collection from each property.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said Council is collaborating closely with the Council’s waste contractor United Resource Management to manufacture new bins and design a new waste collection zoning system that best caters for the community.
An information pack and new waste calendar will be delivered to residents with the bin roll out.
The introduction of the bin only based service aligns with the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA) preferred resource recovery practices and proposed regional waste solutions.
Pittwater Council acknowledges that this Local Government Organics Collection Service Grant Program project was supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.
Only vegetation waste is allowed to be presented in the 240L lime green lidded bin. Council encourages the continued use of home compost bins and worm farms to reuse and recycle food organic waste.
The Pittwater LEP 2014 is in effect on 27 June 2014
The Pittwater LEP 2014 is the primary planning document guiding land use and development through zoning and planning standards. The Pittwater LEP 2014 replaces the Pittwater LEP 1993.Amendment 1 to the Pittwater LEP 2014 is also in effect on 27 June 2014. Amendment 1 applies to 120 and 122 Mona Vale and rezones 122 Mona Vale Road to an environmental protection zone.
To view the Pittwater LEP 2014 (written instrument and maps), click on Documents and Maps link below.
For the name of the new zone for your property, click on the Property Enquiry Tool.
If you have any further questions, please call 9970 1111
See more at
Dog Day by the Bay 2014
Dog Day by the Bay 2014 will be held at Rowland Reserve, Bayview on Sunday 21 September 2014 between 10am and 3pm.
Highlights of the day include demonstrations and education sessions by dog expert and elite dog trainer Steve Austin. Steve will provide owners with tips on dealing with aggressive pets, behavioural problems, excessive barking and the importance of training. Steve will also bring his dogs on the day so you can see them in action and hear all about his exciting work training detection dogs around the world.
Pet Problems Solved with Dr Jo Righetti - Thunder...Lighting and even just being alone when we go off to work can make dogs suffer a range of serious anxiety problems. It can be VERY frightening for them! Dr Jo Righetti will be available to help solve your pet’s anxiety problems on the day. Dr Jo is an animal behaviourist with a background in zoology, a PhD in animal behaviour and 15 years business experience helping people and pets.
The popular MCs Brian and Kaye from Essential Pet will also keep us entertained throughout the day.
This year in kids’ corner we are excited to have Dr Crunch from Crocodile Encounters. Kids can touch and learn about reptiles and Dr Crunch can provide advice on what to do if your pet brings wildlife home.
Dog Day by the Bay runs from 10am to 3pm and other activities include agility demonstrations, education talks, children’s activities in the kids’ corner and lots of competitions to enter and win great prizes including the very popular Canine Fancy Dress Parade kicking off proceedings at 10am.
If you would like to lodge an on-line application form to attend as a stallholder please follow this link. Please note applications close Friday 22 August 2014.
If you are a food vendor please contact the education team on to 9970 1194 or email to discuss your application before submitting an application form
Bundock & Curtis "BOAT" Christening - Published on Jul 3, 2014
"BOAT" christening on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea at La Grande Motte.
Northern Beaches Mums Market Update
I would just like to do an update of our Easter Market and Fund Raiser held on Sunday, 6th April at Avalon Recreation Centre:
Unfortunately we couldn’t have picked a worse day for the weather so is such a good job that our Markets are held indoors, otherwise it would have been a wash out and all of our efforts for organising it and promoting the silent auction would have been wasted. So, we didn’t have as many people come through the door as we would have liked due to the weather (in all honesty if I wasn’t organising it, then I’m sure I would have voted for a pj’s and movie day not wanting to venture out the door!). But still we did have a busy influx of people in the morning then just a steady stream of people dodging the downpours on and off as the day went on. The stall holders still did a good trade, the sausage sizzlers kept on sizzling under a leaky gazebo until they were all gone, the Easter bunny and Dora the Explorer made guest appearances giving out chocolate eggs and all the kids had a great time being entertained by a fairy and getting their faces painted!
A big focus of this market was raising funds for Ruby O’Brian (Rallying for Ruby) and we were worried with the bad weather that we wouldn’t raise as much money as we were hoping. We had set ourselves a target of $1500-$2000 with more being a bonus. Amazinglywe have raised over $6500!!This money will help with ongoing medical treatment for Ruby as well as allowing her parents to take the time off work so that they can be by their daughter’s side through this very difficult time for them all.
A few weeks ago Ruby had an MRI to see if her treatment is being successful; the result day was going to be one of the hardest days of waiting for the O’Brian’s since Ruby was initially diagnosed with her aggressive malignant brain tumour back in December. Thankfully it was a day of tears of joy as the MRI showed that Ruby had no signs of tumour regrowth and no evidence of cancerous cells or tumours in her brain or spine. Although she is not cured and still has a long way to go, at least the torture that Ruby has gone through so far has been worthwhile and she will hopefully soon be a normal healthy toddler once again. Ruby and her family have now moved in with her grandparents whilst she undergoes 6 weeks of Radiotherapy treatment. They are really enjoying their time there, getting lots more fresh air and being a bit more like a ‘normal’ family after spending over 4 months in hospital. Ruby has had 4 rounds of chemotherapy with nasty side effects and numerous trips into ICU with extremely high heart rate and temperatures. There is still only a 20% survival rate with Ruby’s rare cancer, but so far she is in that 20%. She is a little fighter but please still keep praying for her.
If you wish to make any donations to the ‘Rallying for Ruby’ fund please head over to:
If you would like to see updates of Ruby’s progress then please head over to her Facebook
The Northern Beaches Mums Market will be holding another indoor market on Sunday 5th October and Sunday 7th December, please head over to our Facebook page to get updates of the great local stalls we will have and some really exciting kids entertainment that we have lined up to keep them entertained whilst you shop and support local mums in business:
Please email me with any enquiries:
Karen Newell - Northern Beaches Mums Markets

Planning Approval Received for the Northern Beaches Hospital
Planning approval for the Northern Beaches Hospital concept proposal has been received, with work due to commence on 30 June 2014.
Planning approval is a major milestone in the hospital project, which demonstrates the largest investment in health infrastructure on the Northern Beaches for decades. In addition to more complex health services, when the hospital opens in 2018 it will provide more public beds and operating theatres than are currently available in total at Manly and Mona Vale Hospitals.
The conditions of approval for the first stage of works on the hospital site include:
Finalising and implementing a biodiversity offset package that has been endorsed by the Office of Environment and Heritage
Retaining existing vegetation along the site’s eastern boundary
Providing a detailed construction management plan in close consultation with the Forest High School to limit any noise and traffic impacts.
Every effort will be made to ensure that disruption for site neighbours will be kept to a minimum.
Further updates will be made available as the project progresses. If you have questions about these works please or telephone 9978 5410. See more HERE
Start the journey back to good mental health by DVA Australia - Published on 3 Jul 2014
Are you an Australian veteran? DVA will pay for treatment from a GP, a psychologist, a psychiatrist and hospital if you need it.
Start the journey back to good health.
Contact DVA on 133 254 to discuss your circumstances.
In Pittwater Avalon Sub-Branch President spoke of the Veterans' Centre Sydney Northern Beaches (Facebook Page) in aninterview we ran last year.
Currently the Veterans Centre Sydney Northern Beaches is based in the RSL Life Care Centre at Collaroy Plateau but are hoping to have an additional two offices in the new Community Care section at Mona Vale Hospital in the future.
The aim of the centre is to improve Pension & Welfare services to Veterans, Past & Present Members of the ADF & Peace Keepers, and their Dependants. People are encouraged to participate, obtain assistance from the VCSNB and attend courses.
Interested people should contact the VCSNB on 9979 1362. Commodore Graham Sloper (Rtd), president of the RSL District Council for the Northern Beaches, stated that the Northern Beaches Veterans’ Centre (NBVC) would operate independently of the RSL and other ex-service organisations.
Drainage Maintenance
Pittwater Ruby Union and League Junior Clubs in Fiji and New Zealand
Lads from Avalon Bulldogs and Newport Breakers Junior clubs are currently in Fiji with their dads while Avalon Bulldogs JRFLC U15 team are in New Zealand.
Newport Junior Rugby Union are active supporters of an orphanage in Fiji. Through the orphanage last year they created an affiliation with a remote mountain village school which has taken on two of the older boys from the orphanage. Angus James and the current U14 team Fiji tourists this year are building fences around the village school. Last year they installed water tanks and running water. Whilst there last year some of the boys met Lepani, he had problems with his knees and the tour committee provided funding to have his knees investigated.
A couple of weeks ago Lepani was admitted to hospital with a serious knee infection. Fiji Kids who manages the two orphans NJRU have placed in the village school took action to have Lepani treated in hospital. It was a two week stay and he should be back in the village this week. The local orthopaedic assessment is that they do not have the capability to treat Lepani's knees in Fiji.
The club have two orthopaedic specialists in Australia examining Lepani's medical history and x-rays, with a view to bringing him to Australia for urgent medical attention. Fiji Kids is coordinating this, but they have run dry of funds as they paid for all of Lepani's medical costs in Fiji. Angus and the U14 Fiji tour committee has donated $2,000 to Fiji Kids last week, which we are extremely grateful for. We are distributing this story within our Newport JRU family to seek assistance for Lepani to receive the assistance he needs.
Donations can be made on the website and put Lepani as the description.
Thanks - NJRU Committee
Mums and dads of all these children at both clubs would like to pass on their thanks to all who bought wine, chocolates, attended dinners and other events so these young men could have an experience they shall never forget.
The Avalon Bulldog's JRFLC U15 team, which has been touring NZ this week, defeated the Northcote Tigers on July 1st and are also playing a match against the Ngongotaha Chiefs who brought The Haka To Hitchcock towards the end of last season. These boys were the Grand Final 2013 winners with a score of 16-0 last August and are ably supported by Gaven Sheehan, their coach.
U15 - Avalon Bulldogs - AJG pic.
Lifeguard Supervisor (Pittwater)
The ALS is currently seeking a self-motivated, well presented Lifeguard Supervisor with exceptional Surf Lifesaving and Lifeguarding knowledge to work during a 12 month period in the Pittwater area.
The ideal candidate will have a professional manner, strong organisational and administrative skills and the proven ability to work well under pressure.
The Australian Lifeguard Service (ALS) NSW is a subsidiary of Surf Lifesaving NSW (SLSNSW), providing professional Lifeguard services to Local Government Associations (LGA), private entities, sporting organisations and community groups. The Australian Lifeguard Service is the largest provider of professional lifeguards in Australia.
Primary responsibilities
Recruit, motivate and manage lifeguard staff;
Ensure a strong relationship with our local stakeholders;
Deliver on the outcomes of the service contract;
Ensure a strong, positive image within the local community.
Essential skills required
Pass the ALS fitness and emergency care requirements at any given time;
Experience and technical knowledge of Lifeguarding or similar public safety roles;
Developed interpersonal skills to work with a range of internal and external stakeholders;
People management skills;
Relevant Awards and an understanding of Surf Life Saving procedures, practices and policies;
Competent data entry skills;
Reporting to the Southern NSW Lifeguard Coordinator, your excellent communication skills will assist you in working closely with lifeguards, local government, land managers and local surf lifesaving clubs. Previous experience working in a leadership role is an advantage.
Location: Pittwater location - Sydney
Position: 12 month contract position
Closing date for applications: 11th July 2014
How to apply:
Explore our website; Send through a current copy of your resume and cover letter (no more than 3 pages). Review the position description and include a written response to the selection criteria including responses to each point (no more than 3 pages)
For further information on this role please contact Brent Manieri on (02) 9471 8029. Applications should be sent Successful candidates will be contacted for interviews following the closing date.
Freshwater Beach Southern Right Whale by Saltmotion / Joel Coleman - Published on Jun 29, 2014
Swimming with a Southern Right Whale at Freshwater Beach in Sydney. Video by Joel Coleman:
Art Competition Opens to Celebrate Return of Imag_ne
Pittwater’s popular IMAG_NE sculpture has returned as a permanent fixture outside Mona Vale Library on Thursday 19 June 2014.
Council’s Place Manager Melinda Hewitt said Emma Anna’s sculpture was intended to be a temporary initiative but due to its popularity, Council decided to commission it as a permanent piece.
Ms Hewitt said the sculpture was installed as part of the Pittwater Enliven program which seeks to improve the vibrancy of local streets and public spaces.
“IMAG_NE is composed of large wordplay letters that spell out the word ‘imagine’, although the second ‘I’ is missing. This absence operates as a blank canvass, inviting the audience to physically engage with the work in order to complete the word,” said Ms Hewitt.
To celebrate the return of the sculpture to Pittwater, local school students are being invited to be part of an ‘Imagine’ art competition.
Students should submit artworks that respond to the theme of ‘imagine’, with prizes awarded across three categories:
• Individual (Primary)
• Individual (Secondary)
• Group/School
Each of the winning categories will receive a $100 book voucher at Berkelouw books.
Participants need to submit their work electronically by 18 July 2014, with digital records of drawings, paintings and sculptures encouraged, along with photographs and digital illustrations.
A selection panel will create a shortlist of works which will be printed and exhibited at Mona Vale Library from 11 to 24 August.
For more details on the art competition or call Zoe Johnson on 9970 1171 or email

Have Your Say on the Herring Road Urban Activation Precinct
Your Say on the Herring Road Urban Activation Precinct
Description: The Herring Road Urban Activation Precinct proposal will deliver much needed new housing and jobs near good public transport links at Macquarie Park, in Sydney's north-west. It will transform Herring Road into a vibrant area, with a mix of residential, retail, commercial, educational and community buildings. This video shows potential development by 2031.
Visit for more about the precinct.
Zonta Trivia Night Saturday 19 July 2014
“Sleuths and Spies”
Zonta Club of Northern Beaches Inc are holding their annual fundraising Trivia evening in the Mona Vale Memorial Hall on Saturday 19 July 2014 at 7pm. Members of the local community are invited. The theme of the evening is “Sleuths and Spies” with some of the questions reflecting this theme. Guests are invited to dress with the theme in mind, decorate their table or just come along and enjoy the fun!
All funds raised will support local and international projects of the Zonta Club of Northern Beaches. The Club supports local women and girls in need through education support as well as specific needs support to women at local high schools, the Women’s Refuge and the Manly Women’s Shelter. International projects include assembly of simple birthing kits for distribution in developing countries, and support to two schools in South Africa and Kenya. The making of breast care cushions and their and distribution to local hospitals is also a major activity. These projects can only continue with effective fundraising events.
The volunteer Quiz Master team on the evening has been assisting on these evenings for several years and runs similar events across Sydney for various organisations. They are always relaxed evenings of great fun with interesting prizes. Everyone is very welcome. Cost is $15 per person. Bookings are required with payment at the door.
To make a booking contact Chris on 0449 703 318 or email Book for yourself, your friends, or a whole table of 10! All the details will be sent to you
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/7/2014: click on Logo.
To contact Julian:
Drink walkers do it because their friends think it's OK
July 1, 2014 – Friends may be the key to stopping their mates drink walking, a risky behaviour that kills on average two Australians every week, a new study has found.
Researcher Dr Ioni Lewis, from QUT's Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety -- Queensland (CARRS-Q), said in a survey of young people aged 17 to 25, friends were the strongest influence on their intentions to drink walk.
"Drink walking, or walking while intoxicated in a public place, is linked to increased risk of injury and fatality," Dr Lewis said.
In a survey, published in Transportation Research, more than 50 per cent of participants said they had walked while intoxicated in the previous six months together with evidence that some young people intended to drink walk in the future.
"The study found that the risks associated with drink walking were seen to be less dangerous than drink driving, however, research shows that in Australia on average 100 alcohol-affected pedestrians are killed each year," Dr Lewis said.
"That equates to more than 5 per cent of all road crash fatalities."
Dr Lewis said the study looked at friends, parents and peers and found friends could significantly influence a young person's decision to drink walk.
"Drink walking may occur, for instance, when young people start drinking at home before heading out to pubs or clubs, or when they're walking between licensed venues," she said.
"We now know that when young people who perceive their friends approve of drink walking and believe their friends engage in drink walking, that these young people are more likely to drink walk in the next six months."
She said the study also identified young males as being most at risk, because they considered drink walking to be a low-risk activity.
"If we can turn around the perception of young people that drink walking is not a low-risk activity and it is dangerous, then we may be able to reduce the injuries and fatalities."
Dr Lewis said the next step, which was currently under way in another study, was to design and test safety messages aimed at discouraging drink walking among young people.
The study is looking for 18-25 year olds willing to provide their responses to some anti-drink walking advertising concepts via an online survey.
Billy Gannon, Lisa Rosta, Maria Reeve, Melissa K. Hyde, Ioni Lewis. Does it matter whether friends, parents, or peers drink walk? Identifying which normative influences predict young pedestrian’s decisions to walk while intoxicated.Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2014; 22: 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2013.10.007
Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, Minister for the Arts and Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC - 3 July 2014
Applications are now open for the Australian Government's $2 million Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program.
The Minister for the Arts, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson said that the creative projects funded through this program will commemorate the Centenary of the First World War and the service and sacrifice of Australians in all war efforts.
"The Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program will enhance our understanding of the Anzac legacy by assisting artists in the development, production, presentation, exhibition or performance of arts and culture projects," Senator Brandis said.
"Communities, individuals, organisations and artists from across the nation have an opportunity to create high quality arts and cultural activities that will form part of the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history.
"Throughout history, it is the artist with their unique vision and interpretation of the human condition who has captured the spirit and substance of momentous events and daily ritual which, in turn, help inform our thinking and understanding of the past.
"I'm sure that the observations and reflections of Australian artists, about such a significant time in our nation's history, will create a memorable and enduring legacy for the benefit of all Australians."
Senator Ronaldson said the grants will enable the use of creativity by Australian communities, cultural institutions and individuals to explore the Anzac Centenary in a range of ways. Grants of up to $100,000 for national, state and territory cultural institutions and $50,000 for artists, organisations and community groups are available for a wide range of arts and culture projects.
"Artists are encouraged to explore any aspect of Australia's military history including Australian involvement in any war or through peacekeeping efforts," Senator Ronaldson said.
"The Centenary of Anzac will mark a Century of Service, encompassing all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. It will be the most significant period of commemoration in our nation's history and the Abbott Government is committed to providing opportunities for all Australians to participate"
Applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines before applying.
Applications close at 5.00pm AEST on Wednesday 10 September 2014.
Plastic Free July - it's as easy as this!

New approach to help job seekers do the right thing- Sunday 29 June 2014, Media Release
The Hon Luke Hartsuyker MP, Assistant Minister for Employment
New rules to ensure job seekers are doing all they can to find a job were announced today by the Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker.
The changes will ensure more job seekers attend their appointments with their employment services provider so they receive the support they need to find and keep a job.
"The Australian Government wants to see more job seekers in work, rather than drifting into a life of welfare dependency. It is important job seekers are actively working with their employment services provider to achieve this goal,” Mr Hartsuyker said.
"Job seekers are currently required to attend regular appointments with providers to discuss their progress in finding a job.
"Unfortunately, too many job seekers are failing to meet this requirement. More than 1.2 million appointments were missed in the March quarter of 2014 alone. In over 60 per cent of cases, the provider concluded the job seeker did not have a valid reason for not showing up.
"These figures show that some job seekers are not taking their responsibilities seriously and are abusing the system. This wastes taxpayers’ money and creates more red tape and administration for employment services providers.
"The Australian Government believes that where a job seeker fails to attend an appointment with their provider, without giving prior notice of a valid reason, the job seeker must demonstrate they are genuine in their efforts to look for work in order to continue to receive income support.
"The new rules, which will be phased in over the next six months, will ensure job seekers are actively prompted and supported to re-engage quickly. The changes will minimise the risk of future episodes of non-compliance and financial penalties.”
From 1 July 2014, new streamlined reporting arrangements for providers to the Department of Human Services will ensure that job seekers who fail to attend an appointment will be re-connected with their employment services providers more efficiently.
From 15 September 2014, employment services providers will be able to arrange re-connection appointments directly with job seekers.
From 1 January 2015, if a job seeker does not attend an appointment (without giving prior notice of a valid reason) their income support payment can remain suspended until they actually attend an appointment with their employment services provider.
These new rules will deliver stronger incentives for job seekers to either meet with their employment services providers or give prior notice of their inability to attend an appointment.
Changes are also being introduced to tighten the reasonable excuse rules, to ensure that job seekers are more accountable for meeting their participation requirements.
An excuse will be accepted as reasonable only when the circumstances in question were outside of the job seeker’s control (or exceptional and unforeseen), and directly prevent a person from meeting their requirements.
These changes will ensure that job seekers are doing the right thing and maximise their chances of finding and keeping a job. This will also result in a substantial reduction in red tape and double handling by employment services providers and the Department of Human Services.
July 12th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
July 18th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft, books
August 2nd: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
August 2nd: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pmAugust 15th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft, books
September 5th: Stall, ANZ Bank, Avalon Parade,Avalon, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
September 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
September 13th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
September 19th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
October 4th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing, craft
October 11th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
October 17th: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
November 1st: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
November 8th: Sausage sizzle, Bunnings Narrabeen, 8am to 4pm
November 21st: Stall, Mona Vale hospital foyer, 9am to 3pm: Baking, knitting, sewing, craft
December 6th: Stall, Pittwater Place, 9am to 3pm: Knitting, sewing and craft
Mona Vale Library Calling for WW1 Photos and Memorabilia for Exhibition
If you have a collection of WW1 photographs and/or memorabilia, then Mona Vale Library would love to hear from you!
The library is putting together a special exhibition, due to be opened in September, to commemorate 100 years since the start of the First World War during History Week.
Library staff are looking for any photos or memorabilia from those years that relate to Pittwater residents and the Pittwater area.
Library Manager Cathy Howie said there’s no need to hand over your precious items for good – the staff will simply borrow them (and take great care of your historical items) or copy and return them to you.
So perhaps it’s time to see what historical treasures are tucked away at home – or perhaps people can ask parents and grandparents if they have photos that can be shared with others.
For more information call Sharelle Ravenscroft on 9970 1600.
First stage of Central Coast Highway Bridge at West Gosford completed - 1 July 2014
Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay was joined by Minister for the Central Coast Rob Stokes and Member for Gosford Chris Holstein today to inspect the first completed stage of the new bridge over Grieve Close at West Gosford on the Central Coast Highway.
Minister Gay said the completed work was part of the NSW Government’s $170 million Central Coast Highway intersection upgrade.
“More than 55,000 vehicles a day travel along the Central Coast Highway at West Gosford and the bridge is being built in three stages so the road can remain open causing minimal impact to motorists,” Minister Gay said.
“When completed, the new bridge will be about 23.5 metres long, 30 metres wide and include 14 precast and pretensioned concrete ‘Super T’ girders each weighing 33 tonnes.
Rob Stokes said motorists got the first look at the new bridge when westbound traffic was moved onto the completed section.
”Now that traffic has been diverted onto the new section of the bridge, work has now started on the second stage,” Rob Stokes said.
“The bridge is expected to be finished in late 2014, weather permitting.”
Mr Holstein said the Central Coast Highway intersection upgrade at West Gosford involved widening and realigning Brisbane Water Drive and Manns Road to form a single intersection with traffic lights.
“The upgrade is expected to improve traffic flow, travel times and safety for all road users while better catering for future traffic growth,” Mr Holstein said.”
“The $170 million upgrade is part of the NSW Government’s commitment to deliver safe, efficient and high quality services and infrastructure to the community and businesses of the Central Coast,” Minister Gay said
“Major work started in November 2013 and is expected to be completed in late 2016, weather permitting.”
Awards to celebrate our brilliant local business women
The Minister for Small Business, the Hon Bruce Billson, and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash are encouraging the community to celebrate brilliant local businesswomen by nominating them for the 2014 Telstra Business Women’s Awards.
Minister Billson said the awards recognise the important role women play - from the small business sector through to the corporate world.
“Communities around Australia are filled with vibrant, hardworking and innovative women who have worked hard to build livelihoods, support communities and promote women in the workforce,” Minister Billson said.
“As the longest-running state/territory and national awards program for businesswomen, the Telstra Business Women’s Awards provide a great opportunity to showcase inspirational business women across the nation.
“Women operate almost a third of businesses in Australia across all industries and many do this while also raising children and running a household.
“We all have a role to play to ensure that Australia is economically strong, and our workforce is innovative, productive and above all, full of opportunities for all Australians.
“I encourage the community to get behind our local businesswomen by nominating them for the 2014 Telstra Business Women’s Awards,” Minister Billson said.
Minister Cash said the Awards recognise businesswomen whose passion, creativity, leadership and success make a positive impact on our community and subsequently inspire other women to reach their own goals.
“Twenty years ago the Telstra Business Women’s Awards encouraged women to break through the glass ceiling; today they play an important role in encouraging diversity in business in Australia,” Minister Cash said.
“Increasing women’s workforce participation doesn’t just improve gender equity - lifting the women’s workforce participation is critical to broader improvements in society as a whole - such as greater economic prosperity, health, and early childhood development.
“Harnessing the economic potential of women should be a top priority and Australian businesses will benefit immensely from diversity within their organisations,” Minister Cash said.
Winners and finalists across Australia will share in a total prize pool of more than $650,000.
The Awards have three qualifying categories for business owners, employees in the private and corporate sector and employees in community and government agencies. Entrants can also be considered for two specialist categories for innovation and young business women.
Nominations can be made at telstrabusinesswomensawards.comor by calling 1800 817 536.
Entries close on 14 July and winners of the 2014 Telstra Victorian Business Women’s Awards will be named at a gala dinner on 21 October.

Indigenous Sailors Named for Broken Bay’s Bungaree perform at Navy’s Change of Command - Media Release
The Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, AO, CSC, RAN, has formally named Navy’s Indigenous Performance Group ‘Bungaree’, in honour of an important Indigenous maritime figure.
The group performed for the first time under its new name on Monday June 30th, 2014, at Chief of Navy’s Change of Command ceremony in Sir Thomas Blamey Square in Canberra.
King Bungaree of the Garigal clan from Broken Bay, NSW was a diplomat and explorer who circumnavigated the continent with Matthew Flinders in the sloop HMS Investigator during 1802-03.
“King Bungaree played a key role in Australia’s early coastal exploration. His achievements, though not widely known, deserve recognition as part of Australia’s maritime history,” Admiral Griggs said.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a long and proud history of service in the Royal Australian Navy and this name reflects on the past while we celebrate the diversity of our future.”
Bungaree members wear a mix of traditional dress and naval uniform representing both their traditional and military heritages. Their performances reflect both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions and were first displayed at the 2013 International Fleet Review.
Representing clans and nations from as far afield as Torres Strait to the western plains of New South Wales—all are either officers or sailors of the Royal Australian Navy.
Over 500 Royal Australian Navy personnel farewelled the outgoing Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs and welcomed their new leader Vice Admiral Tim Barrett in an official ceremony at Sir Thomas Blamey Square in Canberra on Monday June 30th, 2014.
The Chief of Navy is the most senior appointment in the Royal Australian Navy, responsible to the Chief of Defence Force and the Secretary of Defence. The position leads more than 50 commissioned vessels, 17,000 personnel and maritime defence of the world’s largest island nation.
Read the full story on Navy Daily at and this articlehere
Top: Charles Rodius drawing of Bungaree, Chief of the Broken Bay Tribe c.1830, courtesy National Library of Australia
Below: Petty Officer Communications Information Systems Sam Sheppard and other members of Bungaree, the Navy's Indigenous Performance Group prepare to perform at the Chief of navy handover ceremony. Image © Royal Australian Navy.

Avalon Active Seniors Group Inc. Art Exhibition on Saturday the 12th July 2014.
This will be our 7th Exhibition.TheExhibition will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Room 1, Avalon Beach Recreation Centre, Old Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach.
Avalon Craft Cottage – Back to Avalon
Its been a very busy few weeks for the AValon Craft Cottage members; no sooner had the show at Dee Why finished then it was time for the members to start sorting, packing and getting all their new items ready for the 'Back to Avalon' Show;this comingThursday 10th, Friday 11th and Saturday 12th July.
This has become a very popular annual event for the members, one of our main fund raisers for the Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary,and once again we will be in the lovely surroundings of the Avalon Recreation Centre.
The show will be open from 10am to 4pm daily, and with so much space all the members have room to spread out and put out a great display of their craftwork. Beautiful silk wall hangings, fine pottery, colourful patchwork quilts, gorgeous baby wear, heaps of warm hand knitted woollens, jewellery, hand crafted cards and so much more will be available.
Do come along and help us to raise funds for the hospital. There is to be a raffle with a great prize of a basket full of handcrafted gift items (tickets just $2 for 3) and refreshments will be served all day, freshly brewed coffee/tea with cake, for just a gold coin donation to the hospital.
We hope to see many of our regular faces at the show, and bring along a friend or two; the more the merrier!
And, as always, if you are wanting more information call me any time ..... and check out and LIKE our Facebook page.
Maureen Darcy Smith
Pittwater Artists Out and About
Meredith Scott at Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair 2014
Pittwater lady Meredith Scott is the Guest Artist for the Craft and Quilt Fair and is exhibiting and touring Australian capitals over the next few months.
This week the Sydney show is on at Glebe Island Convention Centre 9 -13 July.
Meredith will be exhibiting a shell/mosaic art display and hopes that Pittwater visitors to this year's Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair will drop by and say hello!
'A Celebration Of Life' at Eden Garden
Ted Blackall (landscapes), Merrilyn Blackall (still lifes) and Silvia Tuccemei (sculptures) are part of the 'A Celebration Of Life' exibition that opened yesterday (Saturday 5th of July) at Eden Garden. Their works are placed so that are all loosely connected by a botanical theme that captures and celebrates our natural environment.
The exhibition runs until the end of July. Eden Gardens is at 307 Lane Cove Road (cnr Fontenoy Road), Macquarie Park - on the left as you drive towards Macquarie Shopping centre and Uni.
'Bench Light' by Ted Blackall
Beryls Bash 2014 – Few Tickets Left for Club Palm Beach Event
There are still a few tickets available for Beryl’s Bash fundraiser at Club Palm Beach on July 28th. This is always a great evening with lots laughs, wonderful music and good food. Contact Beryl on 9974 4168 or Elyse on 0404 000 123
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigades Assist with Burn Offs – July 3rd
Six Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers on one of our tankers, joined three other tankers from Warringah-Pittwater District and assisted Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Rural Fire Service & NPWS with a Hazard Reduction burn in Hornsby, near Acadia on Thursday this week.
The burn involved reducing fuels in some 440ha of bushland in the vicinity of Smugglers Ridge, Marramarra National Park, near Fiddletown.
As we enter the hazard reduction season, our volunteers are asked to support other Brigades, often well outside our local area, in their HR work. In return, crews from outside our local area will also come to support our major HR work.
We are grateful to employers of our members who facilitate letting their staff attend essential activities like this, as the demand for hazard reduction work increases and the limited window of appropriate weather means more and more of these are undertaken on weekdays as opposed to weekends when volunteers are traditionally more available.
Friends of NB Palliative Care Newsletter Launched
At the last meeting of Friends of Northern Beaches Beaches Palliative Care there was strong endorsement for the suggestion that we publish our own newsletter. There was vocative suggestion of a graphic artist who had trained at Mona Vale Hospital as a registered nurse. Maryan Heffernan was delighted to come on board. Jo-Ann Steeves writes the articles and takes the pictures. Maryan creates the composition.
Distribution for the first issue will be about 150...targeted at people who are interested/connected to Northern Beaches Palliative Care. Hopefully this will connect us with people who actually want to know about what we are doing. We plan to publish quarterly...each season.
Sign up at
Free Author Talk on Valuable Book for Alzheimer's Caregivers
Are you struggling with grief, at the same time as coping with the day to day demands of a loved one with alzheimer’s? ‘A Healing Hug for Alzheimer’s Caregivers’ by Elizabeth Postle is essential reading for those hoping to make life better in these tragic circumstances.
English born Elizabeth Postle spent most of her life as a nurse but, when she left the profession after 45 years, she began a new life running her own nursing home. She nursed many dementia patients during her long career, before retiring to Australia in 2000.
‘A Healing Hug for Alzheimer’s Caregivers’ is a practical guide for caregivers, demonstrating the best practical coping techniques of everyday problems as well as tackling topics such as grief and how to look after yourself too.
Elizabeth took out a Local Achievement Award as part of the 2014 NSW Seniors Week.
When: 10 July, 2pm. Where: Mona Vale Library, 1 Park Street, Mona Vale. Cost: FREE Bookings essential: 9970 1600

Proposed 10/50 rule to improve bush fire protection
The NSW Parliament has recently passed laws for the NSW Rural Fire Service to prepare a DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice. This Code of Practice sets out the proposed framework and provides guidance for owners of land in a designated 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area to:
Clear trees on their property within 10 metres of a home , without seeking approval; and
Clear underlying vegetation such as shrubs (but not trees) on their property within 50 metres of a home, without seeking approval
The DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice has now been released for public exhibition until 21 July 2014.
A series of frequently asked questions has been published to provide additional information and can be accessed via the link below.
Any feedback on the DRAFT 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Code of Practice can be submitted by email or by post to the Manager Community Planning, Locked Bag 17, Granville NSW 2142.
At the close of the exhibition period the laws will be gazetted to come in to effect, but until then all existing restrictions apply.
Once the draft Code of Practice has been finalised an online tool will be provided that will enable you to search for your property to find out if you live in a 10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area.
See more at:
Australian Taxation OfficeTax Scam Warning
Australians should be on the lookout for a nasty phone scam this tax time. The scam intimidates people into paying a fake tax debt over the phone and threatens arrest if they don’t comply. If people receive a call from the ATO and are concerned about providing their personal information over the phone, they should ask for the caller’s name and phone them back through the ATO’s switchboard on 13 28 69. If people think they may have fallen victim to a phone scam, contact the ATO on 1800 060 062 (8.00am–6.00pm, Monday to Friday).
See more at:

Applications Open For Community Building Partnership Program
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging community and sporting groups to apply for funds under the NSW Government’s 2014 Community Building Partnership Program.
The NSW Government has allocated $200,000 to the Pittwater community as part of this highly successful program which provides financial assistance to projects that will deliver lasting and wide-reaching benefits to the community.
Local projects that have recently benefited from this program include the construction of Mona Vale Hospital’s new Palliative Care Unit and rehabilitation garden, Avalon Beach Surf Club’s major renovations, Narrabeen Sport High School’s new synthetic sports field and Pittwater High School’s new security fencing.
“This program has supported a huge number of projects throughout our community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Pittwater is really fortunate to have a diversity of community groups and associations that could all benefit from an injection of funds.
“Projects seeking moderate contributions and supported by leveraged funds have been particularly successful in recent years.
“There are many local sporting and community groups that might not have any other avenues to attract funds and I would especially encourage these groups to consider applying.
“Applications for the program are now open and will be accepted until Friday 18 July 2014.
“Further details and information on how to apply is available by visiting the program’s .
“I encourage all eligible groups to explore this opportunity and submit their applications,” Rob Stokes said.
RPAYC announce Mid Winter One Design Regatta
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club invites all eligible International One Design Classes including Etchells, Ynglings, Dragons, Melges 24/32, Vipers, Stars, Elliott 7s and others to compete in the inaugural mid winter One Design Regatta hosted by the RPAYC on the week-end of the 12th and 13th of July, 2014.
Racing will be held inshore from 1100hrs and will be a windward / leeward course, with up to six races across the two days on the waters of Pittwater, most likely in the bid pond just north of Scotland Island. A social BBQ and prize giving will be held on Sunday afternoon post racing in Halyards bistro and bar.
Eligible boats must enter via the online entry system available on the RPAYC website at:
The Notice of Race and other race documents and entry can be viewed using the same link as above.
Berthing is available to all visiting boats, contact RPAYC Waterfront to arrange allocations.
A large fleet of Etchells is expected for the One Design winter regatta in July
Pittwater Etchells sailor and RPAYC member, Jill Connell says, “This is a great opportunity for One Design class sailors wanting some more regatta competition during winter to join us on Pittwater for a couple of great days of racing. We would like to see as many One Design boats on Pittwater so please come and join in the mid winter regatta.”
Entry fee is $110 and entries close Wednesday 9 July.
For further details contact the RPAYC Sailing Office on 02 9998 3760 or email
By Damian Devine, Marketing & Publicity Manager, RPAYC
Dragons will be racing in the Mid Winter Regatta hosted by the RPAYC
Nominations open for Australian Search and Rescue Award - Wednesday, 02 July 2014
Nominations are open for the annual Australian Search and Rescue Award to recognise Australians who have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to search and rescue.
The Australian Search and Rescue Award has been presented since 1996 by the National Search and Rescue Council, which is made up of representatives from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), Australian Defence Force and state and territory police services.
This year’s award winner will be announced in October.
Last year’s winners were Sergeant David Cooper, Officer in Charge at the Lorne Police Station, and Nicholas Costello. Both men assisted in the rescue and recovery of a 12 year old boy who was swept out to sea at St George River, near Lorne, on 9 March, 2013.
Three crew members of the Victorian Police helicopter were also commended at last year’s awards for their role in rescuing a Russian solo sailor in rough seas approximately 110 nautical miles south east of Mallacoota in April 2013.
The award is open to individuals or organisations and may relate to a particular event or a sustained contribution to search and rescue over a period of time.
Any person or organisation can nominate candidates for the award. The National Search and Rescue Council encourages nominations for all types of search and rescue incidents and members of the public are encouraged to submit nominations for anyone from their community that fits the award criteria.
Nomination forms are available on the National Search and Rescue Council website at
Nominations close on Thursday, 31 July 2014. More information on the Australian Search and Rescue Award is also available on the website.
Amalgamated Port Authority begins operation - 1 July 2014
Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay today announced the start of operations of the new Port Authority of New South Wales and welcomed the appointments of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
“I am very pleased to announce that the Port Authority of New South Wales is now officially operating and it is with great pleasure that I welcome the Chairman Nicholas Whitlam and the CEO Grant Gilfillan,” Minister Gay said.
“The new authority was formed from the amalgamation of the Sydney, Newcastle and Port Kembla Port Corporations.
“The NSW Government’s port governance review of the three Port Corporations found there were opportunities to improve efficiency in this critical part of the NSW transport network.
“The amalgamated Port Authority of New South Wales will ensure these ports can continue to meet the needs of our port users efficiently and effectively,” Minister Gay said.
CEO Port Authority of New South Wales Grant Gilfillan said the amalgamation was a win for NSW businesses and port users.
“This enlarged single corporation will deliver a more efficient and robust ports business for the state with the benefits of commercial discipline provided under the state-owned corporation model,” Mr Gilfillan said.
“We have an exciting future ahead of us and I am confident the expanded corporation will deliver even better services and outcomes for our major stakeholders and the people of NSW.”
The Port Authority of New South Wales will continue to be responsible for harbour masters and pilotage, navigation services, dangerous goods and marine pollution and emergency response. It is also responsible for managing Port Jackson, Yamba and Eden, and the Hunter Valley Coal Export Framework

Surf Life Saving Australia presents Westpac with giant model helicopter to mark 40 year partnership- July 3, 2014
Surf Life Saving Australia’s President, Mr Graham Ford today presented Westpac with a giant model of a Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter to mark the extension of its longstanding 40 year national partnership.
Surf Life Saving Australia President Graham Ford, said “Our partnership with the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service is one of the longest and most significant community business partnerships in Australia, and we thank Westpac for their ongoing support.
"The reaffirmation of our partnership with Westpac supports Surf Life Saving’s comprehensive services on Australian beaches and coastal areas and in emergency situations around the nation. Surf Life Saving’s helicopters and rescue boats are a vital extension of our front-line services around the country and would not be possible without the Westpac partnership,” Mr Ford said.
Our frontline lifesavers and lifeguards performed 11,533 rescues, 64,645 first aid treatments and 905,574 preventative actions in 2013/2014 year. The national fleet of Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopters have performed over 70,000 rescue missions during the 40 years of the partnership, and conducts more than 6 missions on average a week from its 13 bases.
“Our partners help to provide the much needed support to ensure we can continue to deliver these valuable services. Westpac Schools Program and Air Rescue TV Series are just two examples of how Westpac help to tell the story of the amazing work of the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service and Surf Life Saving. These activities create a legacy and show how a partnership creates shared value.
Gail Kelly, Westpac Group’s Chief Executive Officer, said: ““I would like to thank Graham and the Surf Life Saving Australia community for this generous gift which will serve as an on-going symbol of the enduring relationship between our two organisations.
“Westpac is proud to have been associated with the rescue helicopter service since its founding days and as its longest-serving partner, we believe this truly embodies our commitment to local communities across Australia.”
Mr Ford added: “Last season, Surf Life Saving partners, Telstra and DHL celebrated their tenth anniversaries as well and marked the milestones by sharing the remarkable stories of our surf lifesavers,” Mr Ford said.
“Westpac has always been an important part of communities and SLSA values the importance of corporate partners to a true Australian Icon, the only preventative service of its kind in Australia and the world,” Mr Ford said.
“I am incredibly proud of the tireless efforts of our surf lifesavers and our services that stretch far beyond the coast. We look forward to welcoming new partners to ensure we continue to service the community we all care deeply about,” he said.
2014 Mosman Art Prize - call for entries!
Now in its 67th year, the Mosman Art Prize is one of the oldest and most prestigious municipally funded visual art prizes in Australia. It is an annual, acquisitive award for painting sponsored by Mosman Municipal Council. The winner of the first Mosman Art Prize, judged by Lloyd Rees in 1947, was Margaret Olley. Subsequent Prize winners include many prominent artists such as Grace Cossington Smith, Weaver Hawkins, Nancy Borlase, Anthony Galbraith, Elisabeth Cummings, Janet Dawson, Jenny Sages and Tim Johnson. The 2011 Mosman Art Prize was won by Kerry Lester. Past adjudicators of the Prize have also included prominent figures in the Australian art world such as Margaret Preston, John Olsen, Tim Storrier, Edmund Capon and Margaret Olley.
While Mosman Council sponsors the major prize of $30,000 (acquisitive), the Commendation Prize of $5,000 (non-acquisitive) is sponsored by Henry Bucks of Mosman, other sponsors include the Fourth Village Providore Young Emerging Artists’ Award (under 35 years) $2,000 and the Mosman Art Society Viewers’ Choice Award for $1,000. The Mosman Art Gallery is indebted to these sponsors for their generous support and commitment to the Mosman Art Prize.
In addition to the major prize of $30,000, Mosman Council sponsors the Allan Gamble Memorial Art Prize. An accomplished architect and artist, and Mosman Councillor for 24 years, Allan Gamble was the founder of the Mosman Art Prize. Valued at $3,000 (non-acquisitive), the prize will be awarded to the best painting which explores the theme of ‘the built environment’.
$30,000 first prize - over $40,000 in total prize money.
Receipting day for this year's prize is Monday 14 July.
For details go to
Pittwater Men’s Probus Club
Tuesday 8th July 2014 - next meeting at Mona Vale Golf Club
Guest Speaker: Graeme Sligo
'A Talk on Colonel Alfred Conlon – and the Australian Army’s Directorate of Research during the 1939-1945 War'
Graeme Sligo, has written a number of history conference papers and articles – in his spare time. By profession Graeme is a Regular Army officer, who has served overseas in East Timor and in Iraq (twice).
Graeme is the author of The Backroom Boys: Alfred Conlon and Army’s Directorate of Research and Civil Affairs, 1942 – 1946 (Big Sky Publishing, Newport, NSW, 2013).
The Backroom Boys is the remarkable, but little known, story of how a varied group of talented intellectuals, drafted into the Australian Army in the dark days of 1942, provided high-level policy advice to Australia’s most senior soldier, General Blamey, and through him to the Government for the remainder of the war and beyond.
This band of academics, lawyers and New Guinea patrol officers formed a unique military unit, the Directorate of Research and Civil Affairs, under the command of an eccentric and masterful string-puller, Alf Conlon. Among his team were a future Governor-General, John Kerr, a future head of Foreign Affairs, James Plimsoll, the future Chief Justice,
Harry Gibbs, the Ern Malley hoaxers, James McAuley and Harold Stewart, as well as Jim Taylor and John Black, who led the expedition that made ‘first contact’ in the New Guinea Highlands in the 1930s.
The Directorate has been depicted as a haven for underemployed poets or meddlesome soldier-politicians. Based on wide-ranging research, this book reveals a fuller and more fascinating picture. The fierce conflicts in the wartime bureaucracy between public servants and soldiers, in which the Directorate provided critical support to Blamey, went to the heart of military command, accountability and the profession of arms.
The Backroom Boys is Graeme's first book.
We have a new website. Check it out at
The future of vehicle registration in NSW
The NSW Government has released a public Discussion Paper proposing major changes to light vehicle registration to improve road safety, environmental outcomes and customer convenience.
The ‘Vehicle Registration Initiatives’ Discussion Paperproposes registration changes including:
Incentives to encourage the uptake of safer and greener vehicles
Flexible payment options for continuous pay by the month registration to increase the flexibility and affordability of registration
Other incentives to purchase safer motorcycles
Broad improvements to the fairness of caravan and light trailer charges.
Changes to stamp duty and CTP insurance are also proposed to further encourage the uptake of safer and greener vehicles through pricing incentives.
The reforms are intended to provide the basis for a modern, flexible and sustainable registration system.
The NSW Government is committed to thorough consultation about the proposals, and encouraged members of the public and stakeholders to provide feedback on the options described the Discussion Paper.
Feedback closes on 24 July 2014.
The Discussion Paper and further information is available on theTfNSW Community Engagement website.
Moorings Review Issues Paper
The Maritime Management Centre (MMC) within Transport for NSW has produced a report covering a range of issues and possible reform options for boat moorings in NSW.
The MMC is seeking feedback on the report including:
the number of moored boats allowed in a particular area
how boat owners should be maintaining a mooring
modernising the regulatory and policy framework
improving priority waiting lists.
Moorings Review Issues Paper (pdf 896KB).
Email your comments to
The closing date for feedback is 5:00pm Friday, 1 August 2014. See this page for Moorings Review Issues Paper document.

Pet of the Week
To meet all dogs at call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or Visit to see all our dogs.
Public Exhibition of Warriewood Valley Strategic Review Addendum Report
Pittwater residents are being encouraged to take part in a public exhibition about the future of the remaining undeveloped land in Warriewood Valley.
The Warriewood Valley Strategic Review Report 2012 (Strategic Review 2012) which dealt with the majority of undeveloped land in the Valley was endorsed by Pittwater Council a year ago. For the remaining 22 undeveloped sectors not provided with a forward path under the Strategic Review 2012, Council agreed to undertake a future review of these lands.
Council has now completed a review of this land and prepared the draft Warriewood Valley Strategic Review Addendum Report 2014 (draft Addendum Report).
The draft Addendum Report recommends a number of administrative or ‘housekeeping’ amendments to the Warriewood Valley Release Area boundary as well as some changes to the current land use designations. It will result in an additional 17 dwellings anticipated for Warriewood Valley, taking the total number of dwellings to 2527, from the previous total of 2510 dwellings.
The public exhibition will commence Tuesday 10 June until 7 July 2014. Land owners will be invited to meet with Council staff during the exhibition period. Submissions should be in writing and addressed to the General Manager. Submissions can be submitted via:
• Mail - Pittwater Council, PO Box 882, Mona Vale 1660
• Email -
• Online - Submission form at
• Fax - (02) 9970 1200
The draft Addendum Report will be available online from 10 June 2014 at and hard copies available at Mona Vale and Avalon customer service centres and libraries.
NAVA Writing Grant Series - Empowering Artists to take Positive Steps towards a Brighter Future
Have you always had a hankering to apply for a grant, yet felt clueless about how and where to start? It’s time to stop procrastinating and get moving (unless you want life to pass you by!) with a two-part NAVA Writing Grants series - proudly brought to you by Eramboo Artist Environment & Enliven Pittwater.
Writing grants is very challenging as you must find a way to match your idea with the appropriate grant. There is a definite art to writing a grant application and a key to understanding the often complicated guidelines.
NAVA, the National Association for the Visual Arts, will be bringing Joan Cameron-Smith to provide an introduction to funding bodies, provide tips for researching the right grant for your needs and she will also outline what professional artist statements, biographies and CVs are all about!
A workshop will be held from 11am-4pm, Saturday 2 August(BYO lunch; afternoon tea provided) at the Eramboo Artist Environment, 304 McCarrs Creek Rd, Terrey Hills.
This workshop is designed to provide you with ongoing skills in writing artist statements and biographies, preparing professional quality support material and CVs, and writing a draft project description.
Participants must bring their artists support material and project outlines developed from the tips provided in the first workshop.
For details & bookings:
Taking the Drop Supports Sea Shepherd
Taking the Drop are very pleased to announce that from this point on, all proceeds from sales
will go to Sea Shepherd Australia. This includes our EBook and also 'print on demand'...
Sheree, Danielle, Deb and Jill.
Southern Cross Wildlife Care - Critter of the Month - July 2014

Bushcare Dates - July 2014
Bushcare at Warriewood - The Warriewood bushcare group managed by Pittwater Council needs more volunteers on 4th Wednesday morning of the month – Can you help? Please contact Mary Johnsen at 9999 2020.
Sun July 6
Avalon Dunes 8:30-11:30am
W’wood Wetlands 9-12pm
Fri July 11
Bilgola Beach 8-11am
Sat July 12
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Coopers Point 10-1pm
Woodlands Res 9-12pm
Sun July 13
Bangalley Head 9-12pm
Catherine Park 10-12:30pm
Bilarong Reserve Field Day 9-12pm
Thu July 17
Mona Vale Dunes 8:30-11:30am
Sat July 19
Toongari Res 8-11am
Old Wharf Res 8-11am
Nth Palm Beach 9-12pm
Pathilda Res 9-12pm
Irrawong Res 1-4pm
Sun July 20
Angophora Res 8:30-11:30am
Crescent Res 9-12pm
Elanora Road 9-12pm
Sat July 26
Pindari Res 8-11am
Nth Newport Beach 8:30-11:30am
Careel Creek 8:30-11:30am
Kywong Res 8:30-11:30am
Native Plant Giveaway
- Centro Warriewood
Sun July 27
Bungan Beach 8-11am
Winn Bay 9-12pm
National Tree Day
Planting Day at Lakeside Holiday Park 9-12pm
Plant a Tree for National Tree Day!
National Tree Day will be spread out across two fabulous days for Pittwater residents, beginning with a native plant giveaway – the best way to celebrate is by bringing a tree home with you!
Come along to Centro Warriewood (at the community room near Centre Management) on Saturday 26 July, 10am-2pm to pick up a free native plant.
Then, on Sunday 27 July, 9am-12pm you can take part in the biggest community tree planting and nature care event, at Sydney Lakeside Holiday Park, North Narrabeen.
It’s a great way for Pittwater residents to help out by planting and caring for native trees and shrubs – as well as improving the environment in which they live.
National Tree Day started in 1996 and since then more than 2.8 million people have planted 20 million seedlings.
Contact Council’s Bushcare Officer for further details: 99701367
For further information on bushcare and/or to confirm if your group is working please contact Pittwater Council's Bushcare Officer. Bushcare is a great way to help your local bushland and make new friends! Bushcare Officer: Helena Dewis 9970 1367
Pittwater Council's COOEE Newsletter July - 2014
Local children will have the chance to join a club specialising in one of the most enduring playthings of childhood. Mona Vale Library has started a Lego club on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm to 4pm. Next is July 6th 2014.
The club is open to children aged between seven and twelve years of age, with younger children welcome with parental supervision. If you are interested in attending a Lego at the Library session contact the library on 9970 1622 or book in person at the library,
Federal Government Media Releases this week:
Indigenous sailors perform at Navy's Change of Command : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: The Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, AO, CSC, RAN, has formally named Navy's Indigenous Performance Group Bungaree', in honour of an important Indigenous maritime figure. The group will perform for the first time under its new name on Monday, at Chief of Navy's Change of Command ceremony in Sir Thomas Blamey Square in Canberra. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a long and proud history of service in the Royal Australian Navy and this name reflects on the past while we celebrate the diversity of our future.
Australian Government General Government Sector Monthly Financial Statements
SNIPPET: $m Net operating balance -6,802 -25,869 -28,771 -41,027 Net capital investment 612 2,673 2,218 4,027 Receipts(a) 33,927 328,183 327,110 363,496 Payments(b) 39,997 363,623 367,075 410,662 Net Future Fund earnings 223 2,307 2,532 2,689. The net debt of the Australian Government general government sector is $190,232 million as at 31 May 2014. The Australian Government Monthly Financial Statements have been prepared on a basis consistent with the Budget as required under section 54 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 The statements are prepared in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards Board 1049 - Whole of Government and General Government Sector Financial Reporting (AASB 1049), which require treatment based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics' (ABS) Government Finance Statistics (GFS) except where Australian Accounting Standards (AAS) provide a better conceptual treatment for specific items.
Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program
SNIPPET: Senator the Hon George Brandis QC. Applications are now open for the Australian Government's $2million Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program. The Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund Public Grants Program will enhance our understanding of the Anzac legacy by assisting artists in the development, production, presentation, exhibition or performance of arts and culture projects, Senator Brandis said.
Seeking TGA statutory advisory committee members
SNIPPET: | 1800 020 653 | More contact info Translate | Subscribe. Home Safety information Product recalls Alerts Early warning system Reporting problems Safety information & education Consumers Consumer information & education Reporting problems Importing by mail or courier For travellers & visitors Health professionals Health professional information & education Reporting problems Accessing unapproved products Industry Regulation basics Prescription medicines Over-the-counter medicines Complementary medicines Sunscreens Medical devices & IVDs Blood, tissues & biologicals Other therapeutic goods Manufacturing therapeutic goods Scheduling of medicines & poisons About the TGA TGA basics Contact the TGA Educational materials Compliance & other regulatory actions Committees Employment & job vacancies Fees & payments TGA eBusiness Services International TGA Internet site archive News room News & public notices Consultations & reviews Events, training
White Paper on Reform of the Federation | Prime Minister of Australia
SNIPPET: The Government today released the Terms of Reference for the White Paper on the Reform of the Federation. The Federation White Paper will be coordinated with the White Paper on the Reform of Australia's Tax System. The Federation White Paper will be closely aligned with the White Paper on the Reform of Australia's Tax System.
New approach to help job seekers do the right thing
SNIPPET: New rulesto ensure job seekers are doing all they can to find a job were announced today by the Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker. Thechanges will ensure more job seekers attend their appointments with their employment services provider so they receive the support they need to find and keep a job. These changes will ensure that job seekers are doing the right thing and maximise their chances of finding and keeping a job.
AFP Commissioner honoured for distinguished career
SNIPPET: After 32 years in the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commissioner Tony Negus has announced that he will not take up the offer of a second term as Commissioner, and will finish with the AFP 7September 2014. Mr Negus was appointed as the Commissioner of the AFP on 7September 2009 and is chair of the Australian Crime Commission. On behalf of the Commonwealth Government, I would like to thank Commissioner Negus for a career dedicated to serving both Australia and the region.
Australian company wins LHD sustainment contract
SNIPPET: Minister for Defence Senator David Johnston today announced an Australian company had been awarded a multimillion dollar contract to sustain Australia's new Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) ships. KBR will bring their world-class asset management expertise to the sustainment of Australia's new LHDs, Senator Johnston said. Senator Johnston said the CSC contract contained a mix of fixed and tasked services budgeted at a price of more than $52 million over the five-year term of the contract.
Australian Defence Force Reserve Allowance Reform
SNIPPET: Remuneration that better reflects Reservists' service obligations and contribution to capability have come into effect. First, to better align Reserve allowances with Permanent Australian Defence Force (ADF) members' allowances and second to cut red tape and the administrative burden associated with processing Reserve allowances. Aligning Reserve eligibility for Separation Allowance with Permanent ADF members, including allowing eligible Reservists to access Separation Allowance for separations from dependants for a period of more than 60 days and.
Missile upgrade will boost Navy protection : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: Royal Australian Navy warships will be better protected against the threat of anti-ship missiles following a decision that opens the way to equip the ships with an upgraded version of the Evolved Seasparrow missile system, the Minister for Defence, Senator David Johnston, announced today. Senator Johnston said the First Pass Approval for the upgraded Block 2' version of the Evolved Seasparrow missile would lead to a significant boost in Australia's ability to defend its fleet against the next generation of anti-ship missile threats by delivering a more sophisticated ship self-defence missile to the Navy. The Government is committed to ensuring the safety and effectiveness of Royal Australian Navy operations. The upgrade of the Evolved Seasparrow missile system follows on from a number of complementary Anzac class frigate upgrade projects, the Defence minister said.
Navy charges personnel for inappropriate behaviour : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: The Royal Australian Navy has charged four of its members following an investigation into allegations of inappropriate behaviour in 2011. The alleged incident was brought to the attention of the Chief of Navy after he had encouraged personnel to come forward and report any instances of inappropriate behaviour following reporting on incidents aboard HMAS Ballarat. Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs AO, CSC, RAN stated All of Navy has worked to make people accountable for their behaviour. There is now no doubt that all personnel are aware that Navy has no tolerance for unacceptable behaviour.
HMAS Arunta returns to sea : Department of Defence
SNIPPET: A significant milestone has been achieved in the Anti-Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) Upgrade Programme with HMAS Arunta setting sail for her sea acceptance trials this week. This is a world class capability which was proven by HMAS Perth with successful missile firings off the coast of Hawaii in September 2013. During the last eighteen months every compartment within HMAS Arunta has been affected with more than 30,000 metres of fibre optic cabling laid.
Health star rating system on track
SNIPPET: Australian and New Zealand Food Ministers agreed further steps for the voluntary healthy star rating front of pack labelling system at the Legislative and Governance Forum on Food Regulation. PDF printable version of Health star rating system on track (PDF 294 KB). Minister Nash welcomed New Zealand's decision to join the Health Star Rating system on a voluntary basis, and acknowledged the work and communication between the Australian and New Zealand Governments regarding the Health Star Rating system.
Agreements with international partners will benefit legitimate traders and travellers
SNIPPET: ACBPS CEO Michael Pezzullo signing the ACBPS / United States Customs and Border Protection Strategi&hellip More .
NTC to focus on delivering better productivity for Australian transport
SNIPPET: The National Transport Commission (NTC) will examine new ways to boost the productivity of Australia's transport networks as part of its new work program released by NTC today The new work program was approved by the Council of Transport and Infrastructure Ministers on 23 May 2014. CEO of the NTC Paul Retter said the NTC had already started work on many of the projects outlined in the first year of the program following a thorough analysis by the NTC, governments and industry of the highest priority issues to be examined to help improve the performance of Australia's heavy vehicle, rail and intermodal transport systems. More than ever before we are tapping into the on the ground' experience of transport operators to make sure these projects identify the current concerns of industry and deliver sensible regulatory solutions that will give our transport networks a timely boost without diminishing safety outcomes.
Addressing violence against women and their children
SNIPPET: Violence and sexual assault against women and children is utterly unacceptable. Around $200 million has been committed to address violence against women and their children under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2017. The Commonwealth Government will continue to work with States and Territories, with the business and community sectors, and across all of our society to build on the success of the First Action Plan and achieve better outcomes for women.
Interim Report Proposes a Simplified Welfare System
SNIPPET: Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews says an interim review of Australia's welfare system has put forward a simplified payments structure with four basic payment types, among other potential reforms. 'Australia's current welfare system is incredibly unwieldy, with around 20 payments and 50 supplements, which is complex to administer and difficult for individuals to access and understand,' Mr Andrews said. Among its suggestions is a system that consists of four main payments: a tiered Working Age Payment a Disability Support Pension an Age Pension and a Child Payment.
ABC launches Indigenous Language News Service trial | About the ABC
SNIPPET: The ABC will today launch a trial of an Indigenous language news service in the Northern Territory providing daily radio news bulletins in two Aboriginal languages, Warlpiri and Yolngu Matha, over a 12 month period. Developed with the support of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Senator Nigel Scullion, the ABC's Indigenous Language News Service will be available on ABC News online and mobile services for the duration of the trial. Audiences can access the Indigenous Language Radio News Service through the ABC News Online website:
Opening of Joint Logistics Unit (East) at Moorebank, NSW
SNIPPET: Work to deliver modern, purpose built wholesale storage facilities on Defence land achieved a milestone today with the official opening of the Joint Logistics Unit (East) at Moorebank, New South Wales. The Joint Logistics Unit (East) at Moorebank is the largest and most complex new site in the Defence logistics network. Imagery of the Joint Logistics Unit (East) Moorebank opening will be available on the Defence Image Gallery at:
$22 million Government grant to provide timely literacy boost
SNIPPET: The Australian Government today committed to improve the literacy results of children in remote primary schools by awarding $22 million to the organisation Good to Great Schools Australia. The Australian Government is focussed on putting students first and making a real difference to the outcomes of students in remote primary schools, Mr Pyne said. Today is the first step on the journey to rectifying the literacy results for students in remote schools.
A new era for Australian industry and small business
SNIPPET: A new era for industry development in Australia has begun today, focussing on new investment, jobs growth, and new opportunities for Australian entrepreneurs. Through the Entrepreneurs' Infrastructure Programme, the Australian Government is setting a new path for Australian industry, which will embrace the determination and ingenuity of the business community and help turn good ideas into great market outcomes, Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane said. The service will expand the existing Support Line initiative by providing small businesses with enhanced access to advice on business start-up information, banking, finance, accounting and marketing, advertising, small business counselling and information technology.
Primary school children concerned with body image - Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)
SNIPPET: Children are expressing dissatisfaction with their body size as early as 8-9 years old and the majority of 10-11 years old are trying to control their weight, according to a new research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS). The research paper, Body image of primary school children looked at more than 4000 Australian children aged 8-9 years old and again at age 10-11 to understand how children perceive their body size, what was the desired body size, whether children were controlling their weight and the impacts on their social, emotional and physical wellbeing. The research found that children who were satisfied with their body image were more likely to have good social-emotional and physical health compared to those who were dissatisfied with their body size, she said.
SNIPPET: PDF version (103 KB ) | Back to Media Releases & Speeches entry page. A new YouTube video has been launched highlighting the help available to veterans from the Department of Veterans' Affairs. To help promote this new arrangement a new YouTube video has been produced and is now available.
Australian Maths and Science Partnerships Program
SNIPPET: Tips for searching this site. The Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP has announced the successful projects to be funded through the Australian Maths and Science Partnership Program (AMSPP ) Competitive Grants Round. 10 universities across Australia will deliver innovative maths and science projects worth $16.4million over three years.
SNIPPET: Minister for the Environment. For this reason the Government has appointed Australia's first Threatened Species Commissioner. Mr Andrews will work closely with some of Australia's most respected scientists in the national Threatened Species Scientific Committee to ensure that practical action is taken to safeguard our native threatened species.
Making Public Transport More Accessible for Disabled Passengers
SNIPPET: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss is encouraging anyone with an interest in disability access to comment on a review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002. Mr Truss said that the Transport Standards aim to recognise that access to public transport enables people with disabilities to more fully participate in the workforce and community life. Mr Truss said the 2014 public submissions process will give customers, people with disabilities, community organisations and public transport providers a fresh opportunity to review the Transport Standards and engage to make them relevant to modern needs.
$2 million to help school students learn about agriculture
SNIPPET: The Australian Government will invest an extra $2 million to ensure primary and secondary school students in the cities and the bush can learn more about Australia's important agricultural sector. This programme is all about ensuring school kids get a better understanding of our primary producers from their first days of primary school and beyond by providing school teachers with new online education tools, Mr Pyne said. This is an important part of giving school students the opportunity to learn about our agriculture industry and to consider a career in the sector.
Online agriculture tools for schools announced in Riverina
SNIPPET: Minister for Education the Hon Christopher Pyne MP and the Federal Member for Riverina, Michael McCormack MP will meet today to talk about the Government's education reforms and announce $2 million to develop online agriculture education tools for schools.. Thousands of students in the electorate of Riverina will benefit from the Australian Government's reforms in education, Mr Pyne said. Mr Pyne will visit:.
Disability support services used by over 300,000 Australians (AIHW)
SNIPPET: AIHW Board AIHW senior staff Annual report Capability statement Collaboration Customer care charter FOI - freedom of information Indexed list of files Conferences & events Organisation chart Presentations Privacy of data Public consultation Strategic Directions 2011-2014 Tenders . Health Health prevention Indigenous Australians Injury. The report, Disability support services: services provided under the National Disability Agreement 2012-13 , presents information on the use of community support services (45% of service users), employment services (41%), community access services (18%), accommodation support services (14%) and respite services (12%).
Welfare spending data now online
SNIPPET: Federal Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews has announced that from today, more comprehensive and easier to use income support data will be available online. Mr Andrews said making the income support data readily accessible is part of the Government's policy to reduce red tape. To access the income support data go to
Interim report released by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
SNIPPET: I welcome the Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Interim Report makes clear the enormous scale of the task being undertaken by the Commission. The Commission has also released its second case study report.
New appointments to AITSL Board
SNIPPET: There will be a greater focus on teacher quality with two new appointments to the Board of the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), the organisation leading national work to lift the quality and status of the teaching profession. Minister for Education the Hon Christopher Pyne MP today announced the appointment of Professor John Hattie as the new Chair and Mr John Fleming as Deputy Chair of the AITSL Board. Membership of the AITSL Board of Directors is a fixed-term appointment of up to three years.
Change to New Enterprise Incentive Scheme Allowance
SNIPPET: Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker today announced a change to the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS) Allowance. NEIS is a targeted programme that helps up to 6,300 job seekers each year, Mr Hartsuyker said. From 1 July 2014, a range of new measures will commence to help job seekers move from welfare to work sooner.
Research helps make cancer medication doses safer and more effective - ANSTO
SNIPPET: Treating cancer patients with drugs requires a fine balance between killing tumour cells without damaging normal cells, and managing the body's clearance of anti-cancer drugs so as to be effective without being toxic to the patient. We aim to characterise the functional impact of tumour-induced inflammation on anti-cancer drug pharmacokinetics and identify strategies to normalise drug handling, leading to improved individualisation of anti-cancer drug dosing, and hence safer and more effective chemotherapy for patients. The new knowledge generated from these studies has the potential to fundamentally change cancer chemotherapy dosing strategies to improve the safety and efficacy of cancer treatment.