Community News November 2017
November 26 - December 2, 2017: Issue 339
Articles This Week
B-Line Services Reaches Its Day One: Wait And See If Modifications May Be Needed
Pictures: Newport's Bushlink 'From The Crown To The Sea' Paths: Celebrating Over 20 Years Of Community Volunteer Bushcare Results: The pathways wend through the Crown of Newport Reserve, Porter’s Reserve, Attunga Reserve and the Kanimbla Reserve.
Aquatics: 25th Anniversary Harken International Youth Match Racing Championship hosted by The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club on Pittwater
Next Gen Lifesavers Network For Future by Surf Life Saving NSW
A Late Spring Stroll Through Kosciuszko National Park: The Main Range Walk Geoff Searl has shared a few photos of his ‘walks’ during past years, one memorable one being the 84 kilometres South Coast Track trek through Tasmania that was followed by an even more challenging in Western Australia. This week he has completed a 30 k hike in 2 days. We pleaded with Geoff to share some photos on his return and not only has he done justice to the beauty of this place, he also, ever the mindful and passionate Historian, captured some images of what was seen along the way that has a local connection in one particular instance.
Reflections by George Repin: MALTA
Park Bench Philosopher: Women In The Surf Life Saving Movement As Life Savers: From At Least 1910 - Awarded Medals For Saving Lives From 1880 In NSW
Profile: Jennifer 'Jen' Spencer - Warriewood SLSC Host Round 3 of the 2017-2018 SLS SNB Surfboat Premiership next Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 - a great chance and opportunity to see some of the best in the business in action and also spend a few great hours on that wonderful little beach tucked away beneath the green head of Turimetta and meet the people who are part of that surf life saving club. One of them is Jen Spencer, Club Captain for four years, now Warriewood SLSC’s first ever female President, who was also the first Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches branch female member to get her jetski ticket. A Gold Medallion holder and, as result after result has come in through the various surf life saving carnivals at state and local level for years where Jen Spencer’s name pops up again and again in the 1st place, a gold medal holder too. A sports dynamo with a more than healthy approach to life, Jen is one who invests large in others and in community with her time, her energy through communicating the best to bring out the best.
Pittwater Ocean Swim Series 2017-2018: Bilgola December 10th, Newport January 7th, Avalon January 14th, Mona Vale January 21st, The Big Swim January 28th
Artist of the Month: November 2017: Mick Glasheen The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country - You are invited to the exhibition opening of Northern Beaches Artist, Mick Glasheen, whose work is known and loved by many of us on the Peninsula. Mick is holding his first public exhibition of his extraordinary panoramic drawings and paintings of the sandstone plateaus, caves and beaches of Pittwater. Mick brings the landscape to life in a way that few other artists have done.
To prelude this wonderful exhibition Mick will be adding more of his works into his November Artist of the Month page in the lead up to opening night - please revisit his page in the coming weeks to see these breath taking works which may be viewed in full size from opening night.
Opening Saturday 2 December, 2pm - 5pm; running over three weekends in December; 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December, 2017, 8am - 5pm
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 23/11/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Pittwater Online Christmas - New Years Break

Council Agenda November 28th Meeting: Planning Proposal For Warriewood

All APA asks from you is the opportunity and means to look after the attractions of the area in which we live. Which amounts to your support and a nominal $10.00 per annum membership fee. We need both.
Avalon Craft Cottage

Grants For Portable Defibrillators
Mollymook Surf Boat Classic A Dolphins Tale/Tail
Mass Rescue At Avalon Beach
Searching For William John Gibbons
Help The Island Kindy Get A Playground

Larger Signs Or Ranger Patrols Needed At Church Point


Palm Beach Whale Beach Association Last Dates For 2017

Local Government NSW Annual Conference
Donate Your Container Refund To Charity
- Receive a voucher to be redeemed for cash or an in-store credit at a participating retail partner (such as a Woolworths)
- Register to receive a direct payment to your designated bank account via PayPal
- Donate the refund to charities and community groups linked to the reverse vending machines
- Glass
- Plastic
- Aluminium
- Steel

Have Your Say On Palliative Care In NSW
2018 George Bass Marathon
Youth Hub In Pittwater
B-Line Newport Consult Closes December 1st

23-27 Warriewood Rd, Warriewood: DA Number: N0460/17
Ingleside Precinct Planning Update
- All of the submissions and feedback have been reviewed. Feedback from landowners, Northern Beaches Council, the Ingleside Community Reference Group, state agencies and the community will inform the development of the final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan.
- A decision will be made regarding the proposed amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 to make Ingleside a Priority Growth Area. An amendment to the policy will help to assist Northern Beaches Council when assessing development applications prior to rezoning. This will ensure that the intended planning outcomes for Ingleside are considered during the assessment of new buildings or projects.
- The final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan will be released early in 2018, which forms the basis of the formal planning controls and contributions schemes. The Plan will include new material on energy and water conservation measures as well as affordable housing.
- The formal planning controls and contributions schemes will also be placed on exhibition for comment at that time, including:
- Proposed changes to land use zones and associated controls for Ingleside;
- An application for Biodiversity Certification (this is required to be exhibited at the same time as the rezoning proposal). Biodiversity Certification enables areas of high conservation value to be identified upfront and means that landowners, Council and developers don't need to undertake a threatened species assessment during the Development Application stage;
- A Development Control Plan, addressing urban design controls for streetscapes, active travel, other public spaces and controls regarding the built form;
- A Special Infrastructure Contributions determination (section 94EE), funding biodiversity offsets, major infrastructure and potentially affordable housing;
- A Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Section 94), funding local infrastructure which will be maintained by Northern Beaches Council.
Pasadena Progress?

Sydney Wildlife Critter Of The Month: The Long Hop To Freedom
It was a chilly day in August last year when we received a call from Scott to attend to a fatally-ill female swamp wallaby who was having trouble hopping and could hardly stand. She had cataracts in both eyes and could barely see. She was also carrying a joey.
The mother wallaby was sedated for transportation to a veterinarian. Her cute little joey was a very curious critter and kept peering out of the pouch to see what was happening. Dr Ward examined the mum but she was already moribund and he decided to extract the joey before the situation became too stressful for them both. The joey was a tiny furless 300g boy. He was in good health and after a quick examination, Dr Ward popped him into a fleecy pouch to stay warm. Before the mum passed away, we allowed her to ‘say goodbye’ to her joey. It was a very moving moment for all of us. We promised her that we would take good care of her baby. And then she slipped away.

The tiny boy tried to box his way out of his new artificial pouch and he put up his dukes whenever we looked in on him. So a friend suggested we call him Cassius (Clay) aka Mohammed Ali.
Cassius was quite the character from the start. He did what joeys are meant to do - drink milk, grow fur, venture from the pouch - but he tried to do all these things in a mad hurry. He was trying to stand and hop long before his time! He never seemed to sleep. Was always looking out of his pouch and desperate not to miss out on anything. FOMO could’ve been his middle name! FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) was almost the death of him. He tried to follow me up the stairs one day - long before he was hopping ably. And he fell… We rushed him straight to the vet, fearing that he may have fractured something but the x-rays were clear. Phew! Then - instead of staying in his heated pouch like a normal wallaby joey - he kept venturing out to find everyone and ended up getting pneumonia. Sigh. Back to the vet.

5 months from the date of his rescue he had grown from 300g to 3kg. It was time for Cassius to graduate to 'Big School' aka The Sydney Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility.
Our Rehab Facility is also known as Waratah Park. It is where “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo” was filmed many years ago. (Our lovely Facility Manager, Joan Reid, was granted permission from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council - MLALC - to utilise a section of Waratah Park for wildlife rehabilitation. The first thing she did was build a big fenced area for a macropod yard. The word macropod is derived from Greek and literally means ‘big foot’. Kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos are all examples of macropods. In addition to the macropod yard, Joan also organised for the volunteers to build a ‘rubber room’. The rubber attached to the walls allows the joeys or injured macropods to jump around without injuring themselves.)
In contrast to the chilly day when Cassius was rescued, the day of his ‘soft release’ was sizzling! I think it was close to 38 degrees. Joan had the sprinklers on for all the animals and one of our members - Nicole Wedlock - captured a gorgeous photo of Cassius dripping in water from the sprinklers. It was quite weird to leave him there. I felt a bit like we’d abandoned him but we knew it was time for him to become a proper wallaby. In preparation for his release back to the wild, Cassius would need to become dehumanised. This meant reducing his contact with humans and allowing him the chance to experience storms, rain, parasites, fending for himself around other wallabies etc.

Well, luckily he integrated quite well with the others and quickly settled down to life as a big boy.
Cass-cass spent almost 8 months in the Rehab Facility. The wonderful volunteers that keep the facility running like clockwork make sure that all the animals are fed, clean and safe. They are always careful not to interact with the joeys that are being dehumanised and keep their visits limited to once a day. When Cassius reached 7kg and was entirely independent, it was time to go back to his site of rescue and be a wild wallaby.
14 months from the day he was rescued, he was captured, sedated and transported to his release site. The day was cool and the gentle rain added to the beauty of the very picturesque setting where Scott could keep an eye on him from afar.
We released him from the transportation bag and waited for the sedative to wear off. He blinked his eyes at the new surrounds and then gently hopped off.

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on theirFacebook page
Red Cross Shop Newport

Planning Alerts
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
Course For A Cause At Avalon

Coaches & Managers Invite For 2018

- Leading by example to promote an inclusive, committed and united club culture.
- Raising the skill level of new and existing players.
- All club positions are volunteer appointments; however a small honorarium may be available depending on experience
- Innovative coaches with the ability to plan, design, implement and review training programs consistent to ensure player development and enjoyment.
- Player roster, game day and mid week administration and management duties.
- Working with the committee and players to promote the playing, social and community objectives of the club.
What A Fabulous Year We've Had!

Helping Councils Manage Flood Risk
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed Lease Of Lands Prep. Works
Proposed Lease Of Land To Roads And Maritime Services (RMS) - Mona Vale Road

Bus Changes And Timetables
- Better connections, more capacity and improved connectivity, with extra weekly trips
- Brand new high frequency and reliable bus services on the B-line connecting the Northern Beaches to the City

Wayne's Award!

Rotary Carols In The Park - Mona Vale

Pets of the Week

2018 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Board Meeting In Public
Nominations Open For 2018 Australian Surfing Awards Incorporating The Hall Of Fame

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
B-Line Mona Vale Update October 2017
GSC: Draft North District Plan
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Pittwater Community Groups:
November 19 - 25, 2017: Issue 338
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 338: Lots!
Avalon Art Show 2017 - the Mixed Palette Art Show and Sale
Newport SLSC Hosts Round 2 Of The SLS SNB Surf Boat Premiership 2017-18
MC38 2017-18 On Pittwater: Hooley Dooley: Hooligan’s MC38 Summer Series First Day by Lisa Ratcliff
WWI Historian Presents New Film On The Beersheba Charge At Avalon Beach Historical Society Meeting: Dr. Jonathon King's new documentary focuses on those glorious horses and experiences of Light Horsemen from interviews with those men - final edit will include 2017 re-enactment
Going Wild For The Wild Ones! by Lynleigh Greig - fundraising for the Sydney Wildlife Mobile Clinic has gone over halfway - see the social and fundraising event pictures of the season and find out how you can help make the Sydney Wildlife Mobile Clinic a Reality
Pictures: Avalon Beach SLSC Fun Gala Day, Launching 'DIGGER' IRB, Life Members' Ken Davo And Don Imo 90th Birthdays by Roger Sayers
Aquatics: 2018 Pittwater To Paradise Regatta: Entries Closing December 1st, 2017 - Blink And You Might Miss The Entry Cut-Off by Lisa Ratcliff
Pygmy Possums In Their Sights (2017) by Lesley Stevens
Profile: Michael 'Mick' Dooley: We're Super Stoked this week to be bringing you a small insight into an Australian legend and Pittwater resident - the 1964 Bell's winner, when it was still the Bell's Beach Easter Rally, and the gentleman who won the 1962 Metropolitan Championship at Bondi and was in the water, and finals, not on the beach, in the 1964 World Championships at Manly.
COWABUNGA! Over the falls, and over to the Profile of the Week page you go!
History: The Pittwater YHA Celebrating 50 Years on November 19, 2017: All Welcome - a glance back at the beginnings of the YHA that rates 100% year in-year out
Park Bench Philosopher Pittwater Summer Houses 2017-2018: a 1916 Cottage and Palm Beach House - precursor for this Summer's focus on great homes and visitors of the past
Artist of the Month: November 2017: Mick Glasheen The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country - You are invited to the exhibition opening of Northern Beaches Artist, Mick Glasheen, whose work is known and loved by many of us on the Peninsula. Mick is holding his first public exhibition of his extraordinary panoramic drawings and paintings of the sandstone plateaus, caves and beaches of Pittwater. Mick brings the landscape to life in a way that few other artists have done.
To prelude this wonderful exhibition Mick will be adding more of his works into his November Artist of the Month page in the lead up to opening night - please revisit his page in the coming weeks to see these breath taking works which may be viewed in full size from opening night.
Opening Saturday 2 December, 2pm - 5pm; running over three weekends in December; 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December, 2017, 8am - 5pm
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 13/11/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned

Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed Lease Of Lands Prep. Works
Proposed Lease Of Land To Roads And Maritime Services (RMS) - Mona Vale Road

Help The Island Kindy Get A Playground
Start voting TODAY for Scotland Island & Offshore Children’s Services to win a recycled playground worth $45,000 – thanks to Garnier!
Everyone can cast one vote for every 24 hours by jumping Vote every day until December 8th.
Once you click on the link, go to the bottom right hand corner of the page and there will be a "Cast your vote" section. If you fill out your details and then type "Scotland" into the school section our kindy will come up.
Below is a picture of our current playground – as you can see we need some help!
You can also help by saving all your empty cosmetic containers and packaging. Examples include; shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand cream, hand wash, face cleanser, face wash, moisturiser, makeup, lipstick, lipgloss etc etc 

Larger Signs Or Ranger Patrols Needed At Church Point
Residents of our offshore areas are finding the frustrations with the building of new car park works at church point compounded by visitors not being aware, or disregarding how to use the new areas already finished.
On weekends Restaurant diners have taken every spot in the 10min unloading zone, not good for residents who may have items they wish to drop off to their boats.
One resident spent 40 minutes trying to find a parking spot yesterday (Saturday November 18th) resulting in the ruination of ice-cream - not something those with easier access to a car-park and their freezer will have to explain to youngsters.
A little consideration, paying attention to what you can do when and where, or a few fines may remedy the problem of onshore people not looking out for or after offshore people.

Church Point 10 minute drop-off zone yesterday

Monday November 27th at &;30 p.m.
Avalon Sailing ClubHudson Parade, Clareville
Special Guest: Dr. Suzanne DalyOur local doctor fighting to retain medical services at Mona vale Hospital
Infrastructure Grants Now Open
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes is encouraging local community organisations to apply for funds under the latest round of the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants Program.
The Infrastructure Grants Program supports new or upgraded community facilities across three key areas – sport and recreation, arts and culture, and emergency preparedness. The funding comes from the ClubGrants Category 3 Program, which enables registered clubs to reinvest profits from gaming machine revenue back into local communities. “These grants provide an opportunity for our local community organisations to dream big and help equip them to make a real difference in our community,” Rob Stokes said today. “Recent improvements to the program include the introduction of four funding rounds per year, instead of just one – and the application process is now more streamlined. “Funding ranges are $50,000 to $200,000 for arts and culture, $10,000 to $200,000 for emergency preparedness, and $100,000 to $300,000 for sport and recreation. “There are many local organisations that have great plans and ideas – but just need a financial boost to help make them happen. “Applications for this round of funding close 20 November, 2017,” Rob Stokes said. Further information is available at:
Environmental Planning And Assessment Amendment Bill 2017 Passes
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment Bill 2017 was passed in the NSW Parliament this week.
Proclamations commencing ActsLocal Land Services Amendment Act 2017 No 48 (2017-626) — published LW 17 November 2017Parole Legislation Amendment Act 2017 No 57 (2017-627) — published LW 17 November 2017
Visit: Visit: New South Wales GovernmentNotification of the making of statutory instruments, NSW Government Gazette and Bill information
Major Overhaul For NSW Planning System
5.11.2017: Ministerial Media Release - The Hon. Anthony Roberts, Minister for Planning and HousingThe Bill to change the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) that will see the biggest overhaul of the NSW planning system since the legislation’s inception almost 40 years ago, has passed through Parliament.
“The changes reflect the Government’s commitment to thriving, safe and well-designed communities with local character and heritage,” Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts, said.
Mr Roberts said the changes have a key focus on enhancing community participation by requiring planning authorities to prepare and implement community participation plans that detail how they engage with their community.
“These plans include mandatory minimum periods such as a 14-day exhibition period for Development Applications, unless the Community Participation Plan says otherwise. For Local Environmental Plans (LEP’s) the minimum exhibition period is 28 days. Authorities will be encouraged to go beyond the minimum requirements, in order to ensure the consultation suits the community’s needs”.
Mr Robert said the changes ensured a simpler, faster planning system, and will build community confidence in planning decisions and outcomes. “There is no denying that NSW is a great place to live and work, however, the best places do not just happen, they are planned, and planning for the future of our state is critical.
“By focusing on community participation, strategic planning, clarity in decision making and simpler and faster processes, the Bill will help strengthen community confidence in the planning system.
“Greater confidence and participation is essential to accommodating an extra 2.2 million people in NSW over the next 20 years, while at the same time maintaining livability and the richness of our natural and built environment.”
The changes strengthen councils’ focus on strategic planning, which builds on the recent introduction of Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels (IHAPs) in Greater Sydney and Wollongong.
For the first time, the Act will recognise the role of councils in strategic planning for the local area through their preparation of new local strategic planning statements.
“These statements will see councils and communities formulate the vision for land use in the local area, capturing local character and what the community wants for the future. At the same time, the statements will translate the directions in regional and district plans into actions at the local level. “Through the changes, councils will also be given the ability to impose a levy on complying development certificates, as well as being able to stop work for up to seven days on a complying development site to investigate whether construction aligns with the certificate.”
Other changes to the EP&A Act include:- Modernising and expanding the objects of the Act, which sets out the goals of the legislation. The new goals include promoting good design of the built environment, management of heritage, and proper construction and maintenance of buildings.
- Strengthening and streamlining local development processes by ensuring NSW government agencies give advice and approvals in a timely way and giving the Secretary of Department of Planning and Environment the authority to step in where there is delay or conflict in advice.
- Strengthening compliance by introducing enforceable undertakings, which are a powerful tool that enables breaches of the Act to be fixed, compensated or prosecuted.
- Requiring councils to do an LEP check at least every 5 years to consider whether the LEP is still fit for purpose given any changes in demographics, infrastructure, strategic plans and other key indicators.
- Strengthening the rules for regional planning panels in line with the local IHAPs – this includes ensuring property developers and real estate agents cannot sit on the panels, and that meetings are held in public.
- Closing off the transitional arrangements for former Part 3A projects with all future modifications to these projects to be assessed under the State significant development or State significant infrastructure pathways.
The draft Bill was exhibited from 9 January to 31 March 2017, with 478 submissions received and the Department of Planning and Environment. This valuable feedback helped to refine the Bill that has been passed through Parliament.
- Modernising and expanding the objects of the Act, which sets out the goals of the legislation. The new goals include promoting good design of the built environment, management of heritage, and proper construction and maintenance of buildings.
- Strengthening and streamlining local development processes by ensuring NSW government agencies give advice and approvals in a timely way and giving the Secretary of Department of Planning and Environment the authority to step in where there is delay or conflict in advice.
- Strengthening compliance by introducing enforceable undertakings, which are a powerful tool that enables breaches of the Act to be fixed, compensated or prosecuted.
- Requiring councils to do an LEP check at least every 5 years to consider whether the LEP is still fit for purpose given any changes in demographics, infrastructure, strategic plans and other key indicators.
- Strengthening the rules for regional planning panels in line with the local IHAPs – this includes ensuring property developers and real estate agents cannot sit on the panels, and that meetings are held in public.
- Closing off the transitional arrangements for former Part 3A projects with all future modifications to these projects to be assessed under the State significant development or State significant infrastructure pathways.
2018 George Bass Marathon
Warriewood and Perth SLSC Members are joining up for the George Bass!
These clubs competed against each other in the Junior Surf Boat Final - 1983 Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, Clifton Beach Tasmania – pretty amazing.
Warriewood women are joining with Avalon women to form a crew to row this year as well
The 2018 George Bass Surfboat Marathon will run from Sunday 31 December 2017 until Saturday 6 January 2018 - 7 days, 7 legs and 190km's of the best coastline in Australia!
Find out more HEREBelow runs that to be remembered 1983 Championship
Avalon Craft Cottage
With Christmas coming all too quickly, the Craft Cottage members are in the middle of their busiest season, with two more big shows before we shut down for the year.
For the information of our Lower North Shore customers, we will opening atST.IVES VILLAGE, on Monday the 13th November.This time we will be upstairs, outside the coffee shop, and near the Concierge. Just come in from the top entrance.Once again you will be able to buy beautiful Christmas gifts for family and friends, wonderful hand-made greeting cards and Christmas decorations, bunting, kid’s t-shirts etc.
And then, just a couple of weeks later, we head back to Avalon for our bigCHRISTMAS SHOW This show is for THREE DAYS ONLY ….Thursday 30th November, Friday 1st December and Saturday 2nd December. We will be open from 10am to 4pm daily, and with so much extra room the members are really able to put up a good display of their beautiful art & craft.
The room will be very festive with a Christmas table, and many items made especially for the Christmas Season….colourful bunting, little Christmas dresses & bibs, Christmas jewellery for the ladies, lovely decorations for the tree, and plenty of Christmas gift ideas.
We are having a Christmas giveaway at this show. Every customer coming in the door will be given a FREE ticket and go in the draw to win a big basketful of Christmas goodies… wine, biscuits, cake, pudding, crackers etc.
You don’t even have to buy anything…just come, have a look at our display, hopefully be tempted to spend a few dollars, and maybe go home with a lovely prize put together by the Craft Cottage members.
Once again, from all the Avalon Craft Cottage members, a huge THANK YOU for you support this year. And please be a Facebook friend, and share our page with your family & friends.
Maureen Darcy-Smith

Youth Hub In Pittwater
Friday November 17, 2017: The Burdekin AssociationWe are planning to open a Youth Hub in Pittwater and need your help to make sure it meets community needs.... please take a minute and take this short but important survey! We will love you for it.The Youth Hub is a response to the lack of permanently based youth services in the Pittwater region and the need to support our community from the North to the South. Many Youth Services are coming together to deliver this service in the area to support 12-24 year old’s and their family/support people.
You will be able to make an appointment to see a trained support worker or drop in as required. The worker will chat to you about the reason for coming in and then connect you with the most appropriate professional service.
We hope many services will be able to deliver support out of the Youth Hub to ensure young people and their family/carers have access to appropriate and professional intervention for such things as (but not limited to);
* Overwhelming or stressful feelings* Drug and alcohol use* Sexual Health issues* Mental Health concerns* Homelessness* School disengagement
Member For Mackellar, Jason Falinski MP, Updates
Foodbank for ChristmasThis Christmas we are supporting Foodbank Australia, so please drop off any non-perishable food items to my Electorate Office at 1238 Pittwater Rd in Narrabeen before 18 December and we will make sure it goes to the most needy Aussie.
Mr Falinski's office is at 1238-1246 Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen.
NBI Pittwater Paddle 2017Well done to the winners and participants of this year's NBI Pittwater Paddle. A great and fun event to raise money for additional needs children and their families on the Beaches.— at Winnererremy Reserve bay Mona Vale.
The results are in... If you participated in Sunday’s Pittwater Paddle, click on the following link to find out your time and place.: HERE

B-Line Newport Consult Closes December 1st
Residents are reminded that Transport for NSW want your feedback on the proposal to construct a roundabout on the corner of Neptune and Barrenjoey Roads to turn the buses around.
Your feedback will help TfNSW understand what is important to the community, and help them prepare a Review of Environmental Factors that will be released for consultation early next year.
You can also provide your feedback by by mail to: B-Line Newport Extension Locked Bag 6501, St Leonards NSW 2065
Feedback should be sent by 5pm Friday 1 December 2017.
Pittwater Online readers report investigative surveys have been carried out this week, one surveyor apparently entering private property. The B-Line Newport webpage advises that this is:
Night work at Newport Services investigation work on Barrenjoey Road and Neptune Road,Newport between Monday 13 November and Monday 27 November 2017.
Details of work activities Surveying and services investigation work will continue in November to help identify where existing water, sewer and electricity services are located. The majority of the service investigation work will be completed on Barrenjoey Road and Neptune Road over five nights between Monday 13 November and Monday 27 November, weather permitting. Most of the work will be completed at night to minimise impacts to traffic and for the safety of motorists and our team. • night work hours are 7pm to 5am • day work hours, should it be required, are 7am to 6pm
This work will help us understand where services are and help us prepare a concept plan which will be included in a Review of Environmental Factors (REF). The REF will be out for community consultation early next year.
How will the work affect you? There may be some noise associated with this work, but we will make every effort to minimise it by completing the noisier work before 11pm. Equipment being used includes: • concrete saws • vacuum trucks • power and hand tools • light vehicles for site and traffic control
There will be no interruptions to your utility services while this work takes place. The work will take place on the road verge and public areas. Access to private property is not required.
Traffic and pedestrian changes There may be some temporary traffic and pedestrian changes to ensure the work zone is safe. Please keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and signs. For the latest traffic updates call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App.
Contact information If you would like more information on the work or the Northern Beaches B-Line Program, please contact the B-Line project Ph: 1800 048 751 (24 hour construction response line) or visit the website: 

2017 SNB Interbranch Team
We thank everyone who nominated and congratulate the athletes below for gaining selection to this years SNB Interbranch Team AGE GROUP MALE FEMALE U/12 WATER Conner Maggs: Manly Georgina Prowse: Nrth Curl Curl Braden Crichton-Browne: Nrth Curl Curl Ashleigh Windsham: Manly
U/12 BEACH Artie Leiper – Freshwater Nina van der Ryden - Manly
U/13 WATER Jake Morris - Newport Kimberley Doyle - Manly Mitchell Morris - Newport Katelynn Doyle - Manly
U/13 BEACH Joshua Gedz - Manly Stefanie Fejes - Freshwater
U/14 WATER Isaac Crews – Nrth Curl Curl Charlotte Ward - Manly Joel Piper - Newport Jodie Louw - Newport
U/14 BEACH Dylan Calderon - Manly Zoe Couzens - Bilgola
U/15 WATER Oscar Smith - Newport Piper Harrison - Manly Mitchell Stuart - Nrth Curl Curl Alex Lefevre - Newport
U/15 BEACH Aiden Helu - Manly Madeleine Wallace - Collaroy
U/17 WATER Zach Morris - Newport Madison Louw - Newport Taylor Gabb - Newport Jami Prowse- Newport James Finn - Newport Emily Doyle - Manly
U/17 BEACH Reuben Sharma - Newport Bailee Radford - Newport
U/19 & OPEN Isaac Smith(U/19) - Newport Naomi Scott(U/19)- Manly
WATER Max Brooks(CAPT) - Newport Taylar Puskaric - Manly Jay Furniss – Manly Lara Moses - Newport U/19 & OPEN Blake Drysdale - Newport Laura Shorter(CAPT) – Newport
Green Light For Draft Consolidated Central Coast Local Environmental Plan
14.11.2017: Departmental Media Release - The Department of Planning and EnvironmentThe Department of Planning and Environment has issued a Gateway determination to allow the draft consolidated Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to proceed.
The decision allows the Central Coast Council to consolidate the existing Gosford and Wyong LEPs into a single Central Coast LEP.
Coordinator General Central Coast Lee Shearer said the preparation of a LEP is the logical next step following the creation of the Central Coast Council.
"Following the creation of Central Coast Council it is important that we approve creation of the draft LEP, to ensure our environmental planning instruments are simplified and consistent,“ Ms Shearer said.
A key feature of the application process is a pilot study to implement an online mapping tool on the draft LEP.
The web tool will provide online access to zone and development standards mapping resources during the LEP approval process.
The tool gives the Central Coast community better access to LEP mapping resources and presents an ideal opportunity to explore the feasibility of an online mapping tool for LEP map production.
Many of the elements needed to produce the web mapping tool are already in place and this pilot study will explore how to best apply the technology.
"This online mapping tool will reduce time and costs to the council and position the Department and council as leaders in online land use mapping resources," Ms Shearer said.
"The Central Coast is the ideal region for a pilot study into the tool because it involves a single local government area.“
Council will provide access to the online tool for people without computer access, as well as hard copies, which will be available on request.
A 12-month time frame is anticipated to make the consolidated plan, including periods for agency consultation and public exhibition.
New App Puts City Planning In Young People’s Hands
November 15,2017: Greater Sydney Commission
Greater Sydney’s next generation is being given the chance to use their creativity to help shape the city’s future, through a new app launched by the Commission, in partnership with the NSW Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP).
The free app, My Metropolis, is an interactive tool that encourages our younger members of the community to think about what makes an ideal city, allowing them to plan and build elements such as schools, public transport, cafes, places to work and sporting facilities.

Chief Commissioner Lucy Turnbull AO and NSW Advocate for Children and Young People, Andrew Johnson, were joined by Commission CEO Sarah Hill to unveil the app to an audience of young people at the ACYP ’s Strawberry Hills offices, encouraging them to have their say on the future of Greater Sydney.
Lucy highlighted the importance of providing opportunities for children and young people to share their views.
“We want to get feedback and submissions from as many Sydneysiders as possible on the future of our city and My Metropolis is a great way for us to engage with children and young people in a way they’re comfortable and familiar with.
“It’s their city too and they should have a say in it – it’s just one of the many ways we’re involving young people,” Ms Turnbull said.
The app is part of the Commission’s commitment to ongoing and innovative engagement. It will be supported by a survey conducted by the Advocate for Children and Young People.
The Commission will be considering survey results along with feedback and formal submissions from a range of other organisations that represent young people in Greater Sydney.

Kialoa II Crew Growing Mo’s For The Bro’s
November 1, 2017
November 1 is the start of Movember, the annual men’s health awareness campaign and fundraiser, and both the delivery and Rolex Sydney Hobart race crew of Kialoa II are getting into the 70s vibe in anticipation of the 73-footer’s arrival into Sydney at the end of the month.
The Sparkman Stephens design that took line honours in the 1971 Sydney Hobart yacht race (video) is making for Albany in Western Australia having left the UK in August following a tough Rolex Fastnet Race.
The boat’s Movember campaign is called KiaMOa II and the donation page is
“As a throwback to the 1970s, to get us into the spirit of emulating the prowess of the Kialoa II crew who won the Sydney to Hobart race in ’71, the male contingent of the Kialoa II crew of 2017 are going to grow mo’s to help the bro’s as part of Movember,” says shore manager Melinda Broughton adding, “and the two women crew will be suitably accessorised to complete the look.
“Support the KiaMOa II campaign sprouting mo’s and mutton chops to raise research funds all the way to Hobart. And bring back the terry-towelling hat!” she added.

Paddy Broughton during the delivery of Kialoa II to Cape Town - photo courtesy Kialoa II
In keeping with the 1970s theme, a terry-towelling hat each is the latest addition to Kialoa II’s Rolex Sydney Hobart crew uniform of boat branded Zhik Isotak foul weather gear.
Kialoa II’s small delivery crew is en route to Sydney for the start of one of the great bluewater classics which will set off from Sydney Harbour on Boxing Day. Theirs is a 13,000 nautical mile voyage to recreate Jim Kilroy’s ‘71 line honours victory and transport the boat to co-owner Patrick Broughton’s hometown.
Patrick, better known as Paddy, and brother Keith who is based in the UK bought Kialoa in 2016 to compete in the same ocean classics as Kilroy did with the boat back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s.
The final stages of Kialoa II’s delivery to Sydney can be tracked via the boat’s website
For the Hobart Race Dallas Kilponen, the son of Kilroy’s longstanding navigator, the late David ‘Fang’ Kilponen, will be on board along with a UK crew component plus a number of ex-Brindabella legends including Lindsay May (44 Hobarts, three time overall winner) and Tony Hearder.

David Fang Kilponen on board Kialoa III - photo courtesy Kilponen family
Kialoa II’s ETA in Sydney is the weekend of November 25-26, leaving the crew just one month to switch from cruising to race mode before lining up against this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart fleet.
Kilroy’s 1971 line honours winning time for the 628 nautical mile was 3 days 12 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds compared to the current race record of 1 day 13 hours 31 minutes 20 seconds set by Anthony Bell’s 100-footer Perpetual Loyal in the 2016 event.
Kialoa II website By Lisa Ratcliff
November 1 is the start of Movember, the annual men’s health awareness campaign and fundraiser, and both the delivery and Rolex Sydney Hobart race crew of Kialoa II are getting into the 70s vibe in anticipation of the 73-footer’s arrival into Sydney at the end of the month.
The Sparkman Stephens design that took line honours in the 1971 Sydney Hobart yacht race (video) is making for Albany in Western Australia having left the UK in August following a tough Rolex Fastnet Race.
The boat’s Movember campaign is called KiaMOa II and the donation page is
“As a throwback to the 1970s, to get us into the spirit of emulating the prowess of the Kialoa II crew who won the Sydney to Hobart race in ’71, the male contingent of the Kialoa II crew of 2017 are going to grow mo’s to help the bro’s as part of Movember,” says shore manager Melinda Broughton adding, “and the two women crew will be suitably accessorised to complete the look.
“Support the KiaMOa II campaign sprouting mo’s and mutton chops to raise research funds all the way to Hobart. And bring back the terry-towelling hat!” she added.

In keeping with the 1970s theme, a terry-towelling hat each is the latest addition to Kialoa II’s Rolex Sydney Hobart crew uniform of boat branded Zhik Isotak foul weather gear.
Kialoa II’s small delivery crew is en route to Sydney for the start of one of the great bluewater classics which will set off from Sydney Harbour on Boxing Day. Theirs is a 13,000 nautical mile voyage to recreate Jim Kilroy’s ‘71 line honours victory and transport the boat to co-owner Patrick Broughton’s hometown.
Patrick, better known as Paddy, and brother Keith who is based in the UK bought Kialoa in 2016 to compete in the same ocean classics as Kilroy did with the boat back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s.
The final stages of Kialoa II’s delivery to Sydney can be tracked via the boat’s website
For the Hobart Race Dallas Kilponen, the son of Kilroy’s longstanding navigator, the late David ‘Fang’ Kilponen, will be on board along with a UK crew component plus a number of ex-Brindabella legends including Lindsay May (44 Hobarts, three time overall winner) and Tony Hearder.

Kialoa II’s ETA in Sydney is the weekend of November 25-26, leaving the crew just one month to switch from cruising to race mode before lining up against this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart fleet.
Kilroy’s 1971 line honours winning time for the 628 nautical mile was 3 days 12 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds compared to the current race record of 1 day 13 hours 31 minutes 20 seconds set by Anthony Bell’s 100-footer Perpetual Loyal in the 2016 event.
23-27 Warriewood Rd, Warriewood: DA Number: N0460/17
Council is seeking public comment on this proposal prior to determination. The proposal is for construction of a three storey residential flat building comprising 32 residential apartments with 83 basement parking spaces, and a three storey multi-dwelling housing development comprising 12 dwellings with associated parking spaces, extension to Lorikeet Grove, new internal roadway, associated landscaping and remediation works to the existing creek line corridor.
Applicant: J & G Knowles & Associates Pty Ltd
Consent authority: Northern Beaches Council.Sydney North Planning Panel has the function of determining the application.
This proposal is an integrated development and requires a Water Activity Approval from the NSW Office of Water under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.
During the exhibition period, any person may make a submission orinspect application plans and related documents via **
Alternatively, documents can be viewed at Council’s Mona Vale Customer Service Centre during business hours. Written submissions marked with the application number may be sent to the CEO, Northern Beaches Council, 725 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why.
If required, submissions must be accompanied by a Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement, which can be downloaded
Please note that all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports.
Exhibition: Sat 28 Oct - Tue 28 NovEnquiries: Rebecca Englund, 9970 1111Listed in NBC's Northern Beaches News, Sat. Oct. 28, 2017
Documents on Council website HERENO documents on the Sydney North Planning Panel webpage DA Lodgement date: October 16, 2017
Pasadena Progress?
Church Point residents report that the gentleman who owns the Pasadena has workmen working on it - he has said to them council have not offered to buy it, and he's going to refurbish it.
We'll follow up on this by hopefully talking to the owners ourselves ASAP.

Avner Foundation's Pancreatic Cancer 'Network Of Excellence' Meets For First Time At UNSW

All APA asks from you is the opportunity and means to look after the attractions of the area in which we live. Which amounts to your support and a nominal $10.00 per annum membership fee. We need both.
Bus Changes And Timetables
- Better connections, more capacity and improved connectivity, with extra weekly trips
- Brand new high frequency and reliable bus services on the B-line connecting the Northern Beaches to the City

Ingleside Precinct Planning Update
- All of the submissions and feedback have been reviewed. Feedback from landowners, Northern Beaches Council, the Ingleside Community Reference Group, state agencies and the community will inform the development of the final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan.
- A decision will be made regarding the proposed amendment to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 to make Ingleside a Priority Growth Area. An amendment to the policy will help to assist Northern Beaches Council when assessing development applications prior to rezoning. This will ensure that the intended planning outcomes for Ingleside are considered during the assessment of new buildings or projects.
- The final Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan will be released early in 2018, which forms the basis of the formal planning controls and contributions schemes. The Plan will include new material on energy and water conservation measures as well as affordable housing.
- The formal planning controls and contributions schemes will also be placed on exhibition for comment at that time, including:
- Proposed changes to land use zones and associated controls for Ingleside;
- An application for Biodiversity Certification (this is required to be exhibited at the same time as the rezoning proposal). Biodiversity Certification enables areas of high conservation value to be identified upfront and means that landowners, Council and developers don't need to undertake a threatened species assessment during the Development Application stage;
- A Development Control Plan, addressing urban design controls for streetscapes, active travel, other public spaces and controls regarding the built form;
- A Special Infrastructure Contributions determination (section 94EE), funding biodiversity offsets, major infrastructure and potentially affordable housing;
- A Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan (Section 94), funding local infrastructure which will be maintained by Northern Beaches Council.
Wayne's Award!

Rotary Carols In The Park - Mona Vale

Terrey Hills Public Meeting On SCC Senior Housing Developments
Ingleside RFS Puts A Damper On Kimbriki Fire

Full Stockings For Soldiers

Pet of the Week

North Head Sanctuary Foundation November Talk
2018 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Board Meeting In Public
Nominations Open For 2018 Australian Surfing Awards Incorporating The Hall Of Fame

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
B-Line Mona Vale Update October 2017
GSC: Draft North District Plan
Petition: Save Ingleside From Over-Development
Red Cross Shop Newport

Course For A Cause At Avalon

Planning Alerts
Pittwater Community Groups:
November 12 - 18, 2017: Issue 337
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 337: Sydney Wildlife Go Wild Gala Goes Off, Mick Glasheen's Emu in Milky Way Finale +++
Remembrance Day In Pittwater 2017: Addresses by Barrenjoy High School Captains Elijah Thomson and Ella Couston
Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches And Palm Beach SLSC Host Fast Fives On Palm Beach: November 11, 2017
Pictures: Pittwater: A Very Aquatic Life! - Palm Beach Longboarders Old Mal - Old Log Rally 2017, North Avalon Surfriders Association Vs. Newport Plus Boardriders in the 'Battle of Bends 2017, SLS SNB and Palm Beach SLSC Hosts Fast Fives, RPAYC Hosts Opti Chicks Weekend; Speakers Tash Bryant and Annie Wilmot
Aquatics: 2017 Harken International Youth Match Racing Regatta: Hosted By The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Wednesday 22 November to Sunday 26 November 2017 - Eligible Skippers Finalised!
Pittwater Ocean Swim Series 2017-2018: Bilgola December 10th, Newport January 7th, Avalon January 14th, Mona Vale January 21st, The Big Swim January 28th
Reflections by George Repin: THE CORINTH CANAL
Artist of the Month: November 2017: Mick Glasheen The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country - You are invited to the exhibition opening of Northern Beaches Artist, Mick Glasheen, whose work is known and loved by many of us on the Peninsula. Mick is holding his first public exhibition of his extraordinary panoramic drawings and paintings of the sandstone plateaus, caves and beaches of Pittwater. Mick brings the landscape to life in a way that few other artists have done.
To prelude this wonderful exhibition Mick will be adding more of his works into his November Artist of the Month page in the lead up to opening night - please revisit his page in the coming weeks to see these breath taking works which may be viewed in full size from opening night.
Opening Saturday 2 December, 2pm - 5pm; running over three weekends in December; 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December, 2017, 8am - 5pm
Profile: Avalon Preservation Association
All APA asks from you is the opportunity and means to look after the attractions of the area in which we live. Which amounts to your support and a nominal $10.00 per annum membership fee. We need both.

History: The Pittwater YHA Celebrating 50 Years on November 19, 2017: All Welcome - a glance back at the beginnings of the YHA that rates 100% year in-year out
Park Bench Philosopher Pittwater Summer Houses 2017-2018: a 1916 Cottage and Palm Beach House - precursor for this Summer's focus on great homes and visitors of the past
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 12/11/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Avalon Beach SLSC Gala Day To Promote Mental Health

Ingleside - Consultation
Terrey Hills Public Meeting On SCC Senior Housing Developments
Doggie Rescues’s 2018 Calendar Is Out Now!
Surf Collective Initiative Part II: PROGRESS
Introducing Coastal Upcycling
Ingleside RFS Puts A Damper On Kimbriki Fire

All APA asks from you is the opportunity and means to look after the attractions of the area in which we live. Which amounts to your support and a nominal $10.00 per annum membership fee. We need both.
Free NDIS Expo At Dee Why
- 1.30pm Early Years (ages 0 - 8) and School Years (ages 9 - 18)
- 3pm Plan reviews and appeals
- 4pm Plan processes, reviews, appeals for adults
- 5.15pm Plan processes, reviews and appeals for Early Years and School Years
2018 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Board Meeting In Public
Nominations Open For 2018 Australian Surfing Awards Incorporating The Hall Of Fame

Pet of the Week

Thank You Barbara Woodruff

Infrastructure Grants Now Open
Palmy Longboarders Old Log Old Mal Rally 2017: The Short Vid.
Nominees Announced For 2018 NSW Australian Of The Year Awards

Avalon Craft Cottage

The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner: Nettie Lodge
3 Nov - 3 Dec 2017

Pittwater Mens Probus Club: November 2017 Speaker

Stockings For Soldiers 2017

Kialoa II Crew Growing Mo’s For The Bro’s
November 1, 2017November 1 is the start of Movember, the annual men’s health awareness campaign and fundraiser, and both the delivery and Rolex Sydney Hobart race crew of Kialoa II are getting into the 70s vibe in anticipation of the 73-footer’s arrival into Sydney at the end of the month.
The Sparkman Stephens design that took line honours in the 1971 Sydney Hobart yacht race (video) is making for Albany in Western Australia having left the UK in August following a tough Rolex Fastnet Race.
The boat’s Movember campaign is called KiaMOa II and the donation page is
“As a throwback to the 1970s, to get us into the spirit of emulating the prowess of the Kialoa II crew who won the Sydney to Hobart race in ’71, the male contingent of the Kialoa II crew of 2017 are going to grow mo’s to help the bro’s as part of Movember,” says shore manager Melinda Broughton adding, “and the two women crew will be suitably accessorised to complete the look.
“Support the KiaMOa II campaign sprouting mo’s and mutton chops to raise research funds all the way to Hobart. And bring back the terry-towelling hat!” she added.

In keeping with the 1970s theme, a terry-towelling hat each is the latest addition to Kialoa II’s Rolex Sydney Hobart crew uniform of boat branded Zhik Isotak foul weather gear.
Kialoa II’s small delivery crew is en route to Sydney for the start of one of the great bluewater classics which will set off from Sydney Harbour on Boxing Day. Theirs is a 13,000 nautical mile voyage to recreate Jim Kilroy’s ‘71 line honours victory and transport the boat to co-owner Patrick Broughton’s hometown.
Patrick, better known as Paddy, and brother Keith who is based in the UK bought Kialoa in 2016 to compete in the same ocean classics as Kilroy did with the boat back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s.
The final stages of Kialoa II’s delivery to Sydney can be tracked via the boat’s website
For the Hobart Race Dallas Kilponen, the son of Kilroy’s longstanding navigator, the late David ‘Fang’ Kilponen, will be on board along with a UK crew component plus a number of ex-Brindabella legends including Lindsay May (44 Hobarts, three time overall winner) and Tony Hearder.

Kialoa II’s ETA in Sydney is the weekend of November 25-26, leaving the crew just one month to switch from cruising to race mode before lining up against this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart fleet.
Kilroy’s 1971 line honours winning time for the 628 nautical mile was 3 days 12 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds compared to the current race record of 1 day 13 hours 31 minutes 20 seconds set by Anthony Bell’s 100-footer Perpetual Loyal in the 2016 event.
Younger Generation

B-Line Mona Vale Update October 2017
GSC: Draft North District Plan
Palm Beach Bus: 1947

November 5- 11, 2017: Issue 336
Articles This Week
Front Page Issue 336: Newport SLSC's Jake Lynch Awarded Surf Sports Athlete Of The Year At The National Surf Life Saving Awards Of Excellence +...
Pictures: Bilgola SLSC's 'Billy Boat Carnival' 2017
Local Surfers in the 2017 Port Stephens Toyota NSW Pro - Reports and brilliant photos from Surfing NSW
Kialoa II Crew Growing Mo’s For The Bro’s: November 1 is the start of Movember - by Lisa Ratcliff
Aquatics: Australian Sailing Awards 2017: The Winners - Also: Australian Sailing Hall Of Fame Inducts Olympians, Paralympians, America’s Cup Champions and Ocean Racers; local sailing legends!
Legendary Status Confirmed At 2017 Beneteau Cup (Pittwater Cup will be held on May 12th, 2018) by John Curnow
A Stroll Through Kings Park and Botanic Garden: Perth, Western Australia by Selena Griffith
Collector's Corner: Collecting Matchboxes: A Great Way To Explore History And Art: Phillumeny (also known as Phillumenism) is the hobby of collecting different match-related items: matchboxes, matchbox labels, matchbooks, matchcovers, matchsafes. The word, derived from Greek phil- [loving] + Latin lumen- [light], was introduced by the British collector Marjorie S. Evans in 1943
Profile: Jervis Sparks: Born in Papua-New Guinea (Milne Bay) and educated at the Southport School, Queensland, Jervis once resided with his Canadian born wife Bridget, at cottage 2, Barranjoey Lightstation, Palm Beach, NSW.
Jervis and Bridget are well known for their commitment to the heritage, historical and environmental concerns of the community, especially the Barrenjoey headland. They completely self-financed and restored their cottage from a gutted ruin to a comfortable last century residence, still without electricity, and as volunteers with the NPWS Chase Alive program they guided tours on the headland and shared their cottage with visitors.
History: The Macpherson Family of Wharriewood The State Library of NSW has recently finished digitising the photos of William Joseph Macpherson and allows us insights into Warriewood, Narrabeen and Manly as well as glimpses of a family who put family and community first
Artist of the Month: November 2017: Mick Glasheen The Art Of Mick Glasheen: Drawing On The Land, Garigal Country - You are invited to the exhibition opening of Northern Beaches Artist, Mick Glasheen, whose work is known and loved by many of us on the Peninsula. Mick is holding his first public exhibition of his extraordinary panoramic drawings and paintings of the sandstone plateaus, caves and beaches of Pittwater. Mick brings the landscape to life in a way that few other artists have done.
Opening Saturday 2 December, 2pm - 5pm; running over three weekends in December; 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December, 2017, 10pm - 5pm
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter Update 1/11/2017
click on Logo:
To contact Julian:
Avalon Beach SLSC Gala Day to Promote Mental Health

Ingleside RFS Puts a Damper on Kimbriki Fire

Happy 90th Birthday Don Imison!

Happy 34th Beach Without Sand!
This year BWS is turning 34! To celebrate, on November 4 2017, a birthday celebration was held at the Nth Av. store.
A BBQ (donating proceeds to local charity 180 Degrees), a few fun/ memorable activities, hourly giveaways, showbags and a raffle with some awesome prizes from suppliers and again, the ticket proceeds will be going to local charity One Eighty Avalon.
Wato and Leanne from One Eighty Avalon with raffle prize
As well as all the fun stuff owners David (Wato) Watson and Chris Friend (Kong) launched their 1% for the community initiative.
"Since Avalon and the surrounds is such an awesome community that we're all stoked to be a part of we'd like to give back! From this year forward, we'll be giving 1% of our profits to the local community in the form of support for the environment, local schools, sporting associations and families in need."
Besides some artful hat and t-shirt making on the lawn adjacent to BWS, there were showbags, Retro BWS t-shirts and a Special Guest appearance by Quiksilver Team Rider Connor O’Leary currently ranked 14th on the WCT!
The kids LOVED IT!
Connor O’Leary with some of the local Crew
Did we mention there was cake?
Congratulations Wato and Kong - brilliant effort all round!

Free NDIS Expo at Dee Why
- 1.30pm Early Years (ages 0 - 8) and School Years (ages 9 - 18)
- 3pm Plan reviews and appeals
- 4pm Plan processes, reviews, appeals for adults
- 5.15pm Plan processes, reviews and appeals for Early Years and School Years
Applications Roll In For Experts To Join IHAPs
Newport Sculpture Trailblazers now lights up Newport beach

Younger Generation

SAFE Rehoming General Member's Meeting
Planning Body Should Reject Damaging Wallarah 2 Coal Mine Expansion

B-Line Mona Vale Update October 2017
GSC: Draft North District Plan
Sydney’s developers and builders on notice to get their site right
Pet of the Week

Newport Festival 2017

Notice of Race available and entries open for Sail Sydney 2017

Urgently Seeking Sponsors!

Greater Sydney Local Land Service Mini-Grants Now Open
- community events
- running of field days, workshops and courses
- educational signage
- production and distribution of educational resources such as fact sheets and booklets
- small scale demonstration style on-ground works that have an education focus.
NDIS provides $80 million for inclusion
Narrabeen Lakes Festival 2017
Frenchs Forest Road and Naree Road traffic changes
Red Cross shop Newport

Course for a Cause at Avalon

New Funding For Anzac Community Projects

Planning Alerts
New Season for Sailability Pittwater

Sailability Pittwater is a volunteer organisation which provides sailing for people with a disability. Our main recreational sailing activities are at Rowland Reserve, Bayview, and we run competitive sailing for people with a disability out of RPAYC Newport. We are currently looking for new volunteers for our Saturday morning program at Rowland Reserve and Tuesdays at RPA. For more information at or call John on 9982 5656
VALE – Jervis Sparks

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Nettie Lodge
3 Nov - 3 Dec 2017

Pittwater YHA 50th on November 19: History Page Next Week

Stockings For Soldiers 2017

Kialoa II Crew Growing Mo’s For The Bro’s
November 1, 2017November 1 is the start of Movember, the annual men’s health awareness campaign and fundraiser, and both the delivery and Rolex Sydney Hobart race crew of Kialoa II are getting into the 70s vibe in anticipation of the 73-footer’s arrival into Sydney at the end of the month.
The Sparkman Stephens design that took line honours in the 1971 Sydney Hobart yacht race (video) is making for Albany in Western Australia having left the UK in August following a tough Rolex Fastnet Race.
The boat’s Movember campaign is called KiaMOa II and the donation page is
“As a throwback to the 1970s, to get us into the spirit of emulating the prowess of the Kialoa II crew who won the Sydney to Hobart race in ’71, the male contingent of the Kialoa II crew of 2017 are going to grow mo’s to help the bro’s as part of Movember,” says shore manager Melinda Broughton adding, “and the two women crew will be suitably accessorised to complete the look.
“Support the KiaMOa II campaign sprouting mo’s and mutton chops to raise research funds all the way to Hobart. And bring back the terry-towelling hat!” she added.

In keeping with the 1970s theme, a terry-towelling hat each is the latest addition to Kialoa II’s Rolex Sydney Hobart crew uniform of boat branded Zhik Isotak foul weather gear.
Kialoa II’s small delivery crew is en route to Sydney for the start of one of the great bluewater classics which will set off from Sydney Harbour on Boxing Day. Theirs is a 13,000 nautical mile voyage to recreate Jim Kilroy’s ‘71 line honours victory and transport the boat to co-owner Patrick Broughton’s hometown.
Patrick, better known as Paddy, and brother Keith who is based in the UK bought Kialoa in 2016 to compete in the same ocean classics as Kilroy did with the boat back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s.
The final stages of Kialoa II’s delivery to Sydney can be tracked via the boat’s website
For the Hobart Race Dallas Kilponen, the son of Kilroy’s longstanding navigator, the late David ‘Fang’ Kilponen, will be on board along with a UK crew component plus a number of ex-Brindabella legends including Lindsay May (44 Hobarts, three time overall winner) and Tony Hearder.

Kialoa II’s ETA in Sydney is the weekend of November 25-26, leaving the crew just one month to switch from cruising to race mode before lining up against this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart fleet.
Kilroy’s 1971 line honours winning time for the 628 nautical mile was 3 days 12 hours 46 minutes 21 seconds compared to the current race record of 1 day 13 hours 31 minutes 20 seconds set by Anthony Bell’s 100-footer Perpetual Loyal in the 2016 event.
23-27 Warriewood Rd, Warriewood: DA Number: N0460/17
Planning Proposal 2 Macpherson Street Warriewood
- the planning proposal title clearly marked on the title page
- a statement on whether you support or object to the proposal; and
- the reasons why you support or object to the proposal
Planning Proposal - 9, 11, 12 & 13 Fern Creek Road, Warriewood
Palm Beach Walkway
- Safe pedestrian access along Barrenjoey Road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park
- Increased safety for vehicles travelling on Barrenjoey Road by upgrading the road between Palm Beach Wharf and Governor Phillip Park to better accommodate larger vehicles including buses
- Improved pedestrian safety at the intersection of Barrenjoey Road and Beach Road by providing pedestrian crossing facilities
- Improved pedestrian and vehicular safety by formalising the on-street parking along Barrenjoey Road near Beach Road
Palm Beach Walkway - Upcoming Works and Information Session
- concrete footpaths
- sections of elevated boardwalk
- Custom screening and handrails
- Planting of new native trees.
- Site set up
- Establishing site storage facility
- Vegetation clearing and some footpath works.
Bus changes and Timetables
- Better connections, more capacity and improved connectivity, with extra weekly trips
- Brand new high frequency and reliable bus services on the B-line connecting the Northern Beaches to the City
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls 2017
Pasadena Progress?

Draft Brookvale Structure Plan on Public Exhibition
Pittwater Paddle 2017

Avalon Beach Market Day 2017
Sydney Wildlife Critter of the Month: The Long Hop To Freedom
It was a chilly day in August last year when we received a call from Scott to attend to a fatally-ill female swamp wallaby who was having trouble hopping and could hardly stand. She had cataracts in both eyes and could barely see. She was also carrying a joey.
The mother wallaby was sedated for transportation to a veterinarian. Her cute little joey was a very curious critter and kept peering out of the pouch to see what was happening. Dr Ward examined the mum but she was already moribund and he decided to extract the joey before the situation became too stressful for them both. The joey was a tiny furless 300g boy. He was in good health and after a quick examination, Dr Ward popped him into a fleecy pouch to stay warm. Before the mum passed away, we allowed her to ‘say goodbye’ to her joey. It was a very moving moment for all of us. We promised her that we would take good care of her baby. And then she slipped away.

The tiny boy tried to box his way out of his new artificial pouch and he put up his dukes whenever we looked in on him. So a friend suggested we call him Cassius (Clay) aka Mohammed Ali.
Cassius was quite the character from the start. He did what joeys are meant to do - drink milk, grow fur, venture from the pouch - but he tried to do all these things in a mad hurry. He was trying to stand and hop long before his time! He never seemed to sleep. Was always looking out of his pouch and desperate not to miss out on anything. FOMO could’ve been his middle name! FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) was almost the death of him. He tried to follow me up the stairs one day - long before he was hopping ably. And he fell… We rushed him straight to the vet, fearing that he may have fractured something but the x-rays were clear. Phew! Then - instead of staying in his heated pouch like a normal wallaby joey - he kept venturing out to find everyone and ended up getting pneumonia. Sigh. Back to the vet.

5 months from the date of his rescue he had grown from 300g to 3kg. It was time for Cassius to graduate to 'Big School' aka The Sydney Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility.
Our Rehab Facility is also known as Waratah Park. It is where “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo” was filmed many years ago. (Our lovely Facility Manager, Joan Reid, was granted permission from the Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council - MLALC - to utilise a section of Waratah Park for wildlife rehabilitation. The first thing she did was build a big fenced area for a macropod yard. The word macropod is derived from Greek and literally means ‘big foot’. Kangaroos, wallabies and wallaroos are all examples of macropods. In addition to the macropod yard, Joan also organised for the volunteers to build a ‘rubber room’. The rubber attached to the walls allows the joeys or injured macropods to jump around without injuring themselves.)
In contrast to the chilly day when Cassius was rescued, the day of his ‘soft release’ was sizzling! I think it was close to 38 degrees. Joan had the sprinklers on for all the animals and one of our members - Nicole Wedlock - captured a gorgeous photo of Cassius dripping in water from the sprinklers. It was quite weird to leave him there. I felt a bit like we’d abandoned him but we knew it was time for him to become a proper wallaby. In preparation for his release back to the wild, Cassius would need to become dehumanised. This meant reducing his contact with humans and allowing him the chance to experience storms, rain, parasites, fending for himself around other wallabies etc.

Well, luckily he integrated quite well with the others and quickly settled down to life as a big boy.
Cass-cass spent almost 8 months in the Rehab Facility. The wonderful volunteers that keep the facility running like clockwork make sure that all the animals are fed, clean and safe. They are always careful not to interact with the joeys that are being dehumanised and keep their visits limited to once a day. When Cassius reached 7kg and was entirely independent, it was time to go back to his site of rescue and be a wild wallaby.
14 months from the day he was rescued, he was captured, sedated and transported to his release site. The day was cool and the gentle rain added to the beauty of the very picturesque setting where Scott could keep an eye on him from afar.
We released him from the transportation bag and waited for the sedative to wear off. He blinked his eyes at the new surrounds and then gently hopped off.
Pesticide Notification
- Garigal National Park.
- Lane Cove National Park,
- Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
- Sydney Harbour National Park:
- North Head including the Quarantine Station,
- Dobroyd Head,
- Middle Head,
- Chowder Head & Bradleys Head managed by the National Parks & Wildlife Service.
- The North Head Sanctuary and Former School of Artillery managed by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust.
- The Australian Institute of Police Management, North Head
Petition: Save Ingleside from Over-Development
Start Of The Bushfire Danger Period – Fire Permits Required
Given recent weather conditions, the lack of rain and a number of Total Fire Bans, the risk of bushfire in our community is already quite high. In fact, we’ve had a number of bushfires in the local area already.
However, the 1st October marks the start of the official Bushfire Danger Period which will run through until at least 31st March.
During this period residents wishing to do hazard reduction or pile burns will require a Fire Permit as well as a Hazard Reduction Certificate.Fire Permits are valid for a period of 21 days.
They are automatically suspended during Total Fire Bans and periods when the Bushfire danger is rated Very High or above. Before issuing a Fire Permit, the Permit Issuing Officer will need to be convinced that appropriate plans are in place for supervising the fire, containing the fire and extinguishing the fire.
You are also still required to notify neighbours and the Rural Fire Service at least 24 hours before you plan to do the burn and before you light the fire.
Other conditions may also be imposed when the Permit is issued.You should read the Before You Light That Fire document which is available on the RFS web site.
If you need a Hazard Reduction Certificate this can be arranged by contacting the Northern Beaches Fire Control Centre on (02) 9450 3000.
When you have the Hazard Reduction Certificate you can obtain a Fire Permit by contacting the Scotland Island Brigade on 9999 4404 (or the West Pittwater Brigade for offshore residents on 9997 3795) or the Northern Beaches Fire Control Centre.
Courtesy Scotland Island Fire Brigade

Gone Fishing Gallery at Waterfront Store Church Point
Open again TODAY in the top room Waterfront Store. Open mainly weekends as an addition to the waterfront cafe. Keep up to date on their Facebook page
Pittwater Community Groups:
The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit: