Community News: February 2021
February 21 - 27, 2021: Issue 484
This Issue:
Aquatics: NSW Secures Surfing World Championship Tour Event For North Narrabeen
Shane Fitzsimmons Leads Charge For Graffiti Removal Day 2021 - on Sunday 28 March 2021
Pictures: Mona Vale Road Upgrade: February 2021 Pictorial Update - Pittwater Online News did a run along the Mona Vale Road upgrade works (East) just before the lockdown of December 2020 and took some photos along with more taken earlier this week, Tuesday February 16th 2021, which show a fair amount of work has been done since the contractors came back to work in January 2021. Apart from Noise Abatement walls going up near the Mona Vale Cemetery end, and the commencement of the Fauna Bridge crossing near Katandra Bushland Sanctuary, some landscaping is starting to be installed.
Park Bench Philosopher Our Turtle Program Shows Citizen Science Isn’t Just Great For Data: It Makes Science Feel Personal
SLSA Welcomes Australian Government’s Funding Boost For Surf Clubs Nationally
DIY Ideas Garden Design and Plant Management to Minimise Tick Attacks and Infestations - Residents report a high number of grass ticks, the larvae stage of paralysis ticks, are around at present, thriving after all the recent rains and humidity. In Reducing Ticks in Your Garden: Garden care, Plants that Repel, What to Wear Outdoors information was shared to help residents be able to enjoy their outdoor areas without having to rush to the doctor because a family member has been bitten by a tick. To follow on, Attracting Insectivore Birds to Your Garden: DIY Natural Tick Control, provided some a list of native plants that will attract birds that have been known to eat ticks, although chickens, which have been shown to reduce the prevalence of larger ticks, not the lymph stage of these, was not among those listed. Pittwater Online has had requests to rerun the Garden Design and Plant Management to Minimise Tick Attacks and Infestations, which includes excellent insights by the now passed and highly-regarded Bill Conroy, formerly of Avalon Beach. All these run this week to help you look after your health.
Wildlife Noises You Can Hear At Night In Pittwater: for youngsters
Environment Senate launches Inquiry Into Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Regional Forest Agreements) Bill 2020; accepting submissions until March 16, EPA Statement-Update On Forestry Regulation: FCNSW Set To Log Bushfire Devastated South Coast, Time Of Burran, Bangalley Head Landcare Bushcare Neglect Resolved, Newport Beach Clean Up: Sunday February 28th, Update On Vales Point Power Station, $16.5 Million For More Green Space, Contamination Assessment For Empire Bay Marina, NRAR Responds To Incident In Lake Albert, World First Gene Program To Help Koalas, Don’t disturb the cockatoos on your lawn; they’re probably doing all your weeding for free, Water injustice runs deep in Australia. Fixing it means handing control to First Nations, Blind shrimps and translucent snails: the 11 mysterious new species we found in potential fracking sites, Plastic in the ocean kills more threatened albatrosses than we thought, No point complaining about it, Australia will face carbon levies unless it changes course, ‘Everyone else does it so I can too’: how the false consensus effect drives environmental damage, Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA) Pittwater Nature #4 Is Now Available, Upcoming Activities For Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment, Upcoming Activities For Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment, Bushcare In Pittwater, Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations In Pittwater, Pittwater Reserves, Shorebird Identification Booklet: free to download, Aussie Bread Tags Collection Points in Pittwater
Inbox News NSW COVID-19 Vaccine Program To Begin On Monday, Cartoonist Johannes Leak is not known for his portraits – so why is he being given $40,000 to do Tony Abbott’s?, Bendable concrete and other CO2-infused cement mixes could dramatically cut global emissions, The TV networks holding back the future, First Humans In Tasmania Must Have Seen Spectacular Auroras, Small 'Window Of Opportunity' For Best Recovery After Stroke, Psychotherapy For Panic Disorder Shows Positive Long-Term Effects

In 2020 Pittwater Online News ran a Profile on the Powerful Owl Project - which residents can still get involved in, even if it's just recording that they have heard these nocturnal birds around their home or have sighted one near where they live.
That same year the news service ran a Notice regarding public land belonging to Pittwater being encroached on and razed as part of a private owner seeking to commence a build. Although Council Officers ordered a stop-work, the contractors engaged went back the following day to complete destroying the adjacent bush with the result that two chicks in a Powerful Owl nest on the site were killed and the nesting site destroyed. Those living nearby could then hear the distressed parents calling for them for weeks afterwards - a haunting sound.
The incident points to the need for a Tree App along the lines of that provided by Mosman Council for residents, whereby they may check what they can and cannot do and where individual trees or public land begins and their property line ends. The Mosman Council Tree App also allows for the instant reporting of suspicious or illegal tree clearing and enables and empowers both residents and the Council to take quick action where such practices are being undertaken.
As part of Pittwater Online's Profile on the Powerful Owl Project we provided a link to an article written and photographed by one of Pittwater's PO Volunteers, who also happens to be a brilliant photographer for National Geographic.
Andrew Gregory's work is featured in a current exhibition called Portrait of Australia - 25 years of Australian Geographic at the National Museum in Canberra. Well worth having a look at when down south. The Exhibition is also available and touring around New South Wales this year - the link above will take you to the webpage that lists these locations and dates.
You can also listen to Andrew's podcast “Conservation starts in your own backyard” - an Australian Geographic talking Australia podcast at:
You can also find out more about his work and see his brilliant images at Andrew Gregory Photography:
This time of year you may be lucky to see newly fledged Powerful Owls making their way into the world outside the nest and, hopefully, finding a partner.
An insight into Andrew's experiences may further inspire you to listen or look a little closer at these hidden pockets of green tucked away out of sight and, hopefully, help Council and our wildlife, stop them being destroyed or encroached on by private usurpers.
Commissioner Fitzsimmons Leads Charge For Graffiti Removal Day 2021

Bayview Baths Neglect On The Nose

Grass Ticks Out At Present

- a long sleeved shirt
- long pants tucked into socks
- light coloured clothing to make it easier to see ticks on clothes before they attach to the skin
Bangalley Head Landcare Bushcare Neglect Resolved
Warriewood Wetlands Being Trashed; Dogs Offleash Everywhere - Still
Council Receives 44.5K Grant For Events For Youth By Youth
'Events for Youth by Youth is an opportunity for young people to learn project management and be mentored by industry professionals and the Library and Youth team. Mentorship will upskill, inspire and empower young people to run events to improve access, inclusion, and subsequent wellbeing.'
CCTV Released Following Vehicle Arson - Brookvale
Two Charged Over Home Invasion At Killarney Heights
Draft Avalon Beach Place Plan Now Open For Feedback
New Look Boating Bible Makes It Even Easier To Learn The Ropes
- Staying safe on NSW waterways
- Licences and registration
- Lifejackets and safety equipment
- Being prepared
- Towing
- Navigation marks, lights and sounds
- Waterways and designated areas
- Emergencies and incidents

Wildlife Rescue Phone Line: Care To Help?

Pets Of The Week

Local Housing Strategy Draft: Feedback Extended Until March 7th
Covid Bites Council Budget By Millions
- $6.75m Mona Vale and Long Reef surf clubs
- $4.529m Connecting Communities – Footpath & Cycleway Programs
- $2.811m Collaroy – Narrabeen coastal protection works
- $1.4m Duffys Forest Rural Fire Station
- ($1.254m) Bike Plan implementation
- ($0.584m) Warriewood Valley – Public Space and Recreation
- $0.967m Dee Why Town Centre
- $0.920m Planned Stormwater renewal
Pied Cormorant Drowning Death At Seaforth Via Discarded Fishing Gear
Powder Works Road Carnage: Please Slow Down

NSW Crews Named For Interstate Surf Boat Challenge

Narrabeen Lagoon Entrance Management Strategy: Feedback Sought
Coast Walk Public Art Budget Update
- Government – such as grants and in-kind support
- Business partnerships – such as sponsorships
- Philanthropy – donations from private individuals and businesses
Variations To Development Standards In Pittwater Last Quarter
Nominate Your Unsung ‘Eco-Hero’
Electric Charging Bays Proposed For Mona Vale

Balgowlah & Manly Residents Group Update On Community Webinar On The Beaches Link Tunnel

Please Help Us To Save Wildlife In Our Catchment: Beaches Link Tunnel

Bilgola SLSC Open Saturday Afternoons

Harnessing New Technology To Save Lives: Mitochondrial Disease Consultation Paper
Men’s Health And Wellbeing Grants Available
- Specifically target and engage men in their local community/communities
- Increase sustainable, positive connections for men
- Promote prevention or early intervention
- Positively impact families, workplaces and communities
Biala Hostel Homework Program: Volunteers Needed
Rates Harmonisation: Have Your Say
February 14 - 20, 2021: Issue 483
This Issue:
Bangalley Neglect Disgraceful: Lack Of Care Of Bushland Since Amalgamation An Indication Of How Much Council Is Out Of Step With Residents
Aquatics: PEP-11 Licence Expires Without An Official Decision: State Minister Reported To Be A ‘Nay’, Federal Minister Indicates He Will Give A 'Yea’
Pictures Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment: Worth Looking After Past Notes and Current Photos
Super Sydney Harbour Regatta Entry Open
WSL 2021 Championship Tour In Australia Starts In Newcastle During Autumn School Holidays
Rock Solid’s Long-Awaited Nationals Victory by Lisa Ratcliff
Park Bench Philosopher 2020 AAAS Newcomb Cleveland Prize For The Best Science Paper Of The Year: A Single Fast Radio Burst Localized To A Massive Galaxy At Cosmological Distance
Mona Vale Hospital Palliative Care Unit: Proposal By Pittwater MP To Name New Unit After Eileen Gordon

A Tumbledown RFS Milestone

Newport Residents Association: February 2021 Meeting
- The aims and objectives of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated include:
- To provide a forum for all interested residents, ratepayers and resident groups in the Pittwater Ward area and particularly in the Newport area.
- To represent the interests of ratepayers and residents on local issues at all levels of government but particularly at the local government level.
- To work for responsible planning, environmental protection and the enhancement of the environment of the Northern Beaches Council and in particular the Pittwater Ward area.
- To achieve community awareness and involvement in Council’s decision-making processes and planning.
- To take any other action not elsewhere included to further the interests of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated and its members.
COVID-19 Restrictions Update For The Greater Sydney Region
- 1 person per 2 square metres will apply at all venues, except for gyms. Weddings and funerals will still be subject to a 300 person cap.
- Masks will be mandatory on public transport, and will strongly be encouraged in other indoor venues where social distancing is not possible.
Mona Vale Assault: Second Youth Charged
Teens Charged After Alleged Assault, Knife Offences - Mona Vale
New Look Boating Bible Makes It Even Easier To Learn The Ropes
- Staying safe on NSW waterways
- Licences and registration
- Lifejackets and safety equipment
- Being prepared
- Towing
- Navigation marks, lights and sounds
- Waterways and designated areas
- Emergencies and incidents

Flight 2 Light
Graffiti Removal Day 2021
Entries Open For The Nikon Surf Photo And Video Of The Year Awards
- Innovation and creativity
- Dramatic affect and sensory impact
- Uniqueness
- Composition
Wildlife Rescue Phone Line: Care To Help?

Pets Of The Week

Please Help Us To Save Wildlife In Our Catchment

Dine & Discover Business Registrations Now Open
- have an active ABN and be registered for GST
- operate in NSW in one of the eligible industries
- be registered as COVID Safe and have a COVID Safety Plan in place.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: February 9, 2021
Click on Logo to access latest PON:
To contact Julian:

Florida Falls Palm Beach
Saturday February 13, 2021

Crystal Bay, Newport, Circa 1920

Nominate Your Unsung ‘Eco-Hero’
Electric Charging Bays Proposed For Mona Vale

Construction Work At Lionel Watts Reserve Enters Final Phase
Balgowlah Residents Group: Community Webinar On The Beaches Link Tunnel - How It Impacts You
- The history of the Beaches Link Tunnel Project
- The business case – does it really add up?
- The construction site at Balgowlah Golf Club – how will residents and schools cope?
- Local traffic jams of the future – new bottlenecks and rat runs
- How the massive tunnel infrastructure will ‘box in’ Manly CBD and Eastern Hill
- Coming - over-development on the northern beaches
- Design changes for North Seaforth – putting residents close to the construction zone
- Our precious environment – what’s at risk at Manly Dam, Burnt Bridge Creek and Balgowlah

Pittwater International Women’s Day Breakfast 2021

Bilgola SLSC Open Saturday Afternoons

Harnessing New Technology To Save Lives: Mitochondrial Disease Consultation Paper
Men’s Health And Wellbeing Grants Available
- Specifically target and engage men in their local community/communities
- Increase sustainable, positive connections for men
- Promote prevention or early intervention
- Positively impact families, workplaces and communities
Biala Hostel Homework Program: Volunteers Needed
JP Public Register
Rates Harmonisation: Have Your Say
Have Your Say: Local Housing Strategy
Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge Plan Of Management: Proposed Amendment
Newport Community Garden

February 7 - 13, 2021: Issue 482
This Issue:
Palliative Care Unit At Mona Vale Hospital Realised
Community Response To Youth Assaults, Theft, Vandalism, Bullying: ‘We Can Do Better Than This’
NSW Government Announces Support for Local Businesses Impacted by Covid-19 Lockdown
Aquatics: Don Imison, 1927 - 2021: His Story in His Words
Food Café By The Sea + Cellar By The Sea Launches This February! Launching this month is Café By Sea is a locally run, family start up business brought to you by the same creative visionary behind the Avalon on the Green music festival fundraiser for Avalon Public School in 2019, Mel Moss.
Pictures February Mix 2021; a Road National Championships gold Medallist, Summer Touch Footy Comp results, Baby shark rescued from Palm Beach rock pool, Ingleside RFS: 10 Years of Helping out at Whale Beach end of Big Swim, Nature captures from Narrabeen, Elanora, Turimetta and Warriewood, Avalon Bowling Club outdoors upgrade ++
DIY Ideas Dealing With Dampness Inside The Home: The Wet Summer Of 2020/2021 +Nothing By Halves, Johnson Bros. Mitre 10, great new video
Park Bench Philosopher Hidden Women Of History: Frances Levvy, Australia’s Quietly Radical Early Animal Rights Campaigner by Elaine Stratford, Professor, University of Tasmania
Ashley Carlson Solo Exhibition At The Studio, Careel Bay Marina until February 28
Beaches Link Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Released: Open For Feedback until March 1st 2021
#youranuff on Instagram:
We all stumble over our own feet at times, find ourselves ridiculous or unattractive (and walk backwards out of the surf so no one can look at us) or beat ourselves up with our own thoughts for making the same mistakes over and over when really, we may be better off being a bit kinder to ourselves and working through the oft repeated misstep by going a bit slower or putting reminder notes to ourselves in visible places and BIG writing on how we'd like to do it better.
Over the Summer break one of our local younger residents, commencing her HSC this year, came up with an inspirational message that we could all use a lot more of.
Basically - that message is - whatever happens, you are enough, or “youranuff”!
Surfing In The Sixties - Mona Boys
Clay Deposited At Governor Phillip Car Park Sticky When Wet

New And Upgraded Fire Trucks On Track To Be Deployed Across NSW
Beau Needs To Go Home

Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade Member Is Citizen Of The Year

NSW Government Planning News
- Rapid Assessment Framework
- A Community Guide to Planning
- Code of Conduct for Short Term Rental Accommodation
- Guide to Local Infrastructure Contributions
NSW Department of Planning
4 Parramatta Square
12 Darcy Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001
Tel: 1300 305 695
Flight 2 Light
Graffiti Removal Day 2021
Entries Open For The Nikon Surf Photo And Video Of The Year Awards
- Innovation and creativity
- Dramatic affect and sensory impact
- Uniqueness
- Composition
Disposable Masks And Balloons Litter: Snip Those Straps And Please Dispose Of Properly - Forgo Releasing Balloons

Pets Of The Week

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: February 1, 2021
Click on Logo to access latest PON:
To contact Julian:

Newport Residents Association: February 2021 Meeting
- The aims and objectives of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated include:
- To provide a forum for all interested residents, ratepayers and resident groups in the Pittwater Ward area and particularly in the Newport area.
- To represent the interests of ratepayers and residents on local issues at all levels of government but particularly at the local government level.
- To work for responsible planning, environmental protection and the enhancement of the environment of the Northern Beaches Council and in particular the Pittwater Ward area.
- To achieve community awareness and involvement in Council’s decision-making processes and planning.
- To take any other action not elsewhere included to further the interests of the Newport Residents Association Incorporated and its members.
Electric Charging Bays Proposed For Mona Vale

Pittwater International Women’s Day Breakfast 2021

Bilgola SLSC Open Saturday Afternoons

Seniors Local Achievement Awards 2021
Men’s Health And Wellbeing Grants Available
- Specifically target and engage men in their local community/communities
- Increase sustainable, positive connections for men
- Promote prevention or early intervention
- Positively impact families, workplaces and communities
Biala Hostel Homework Program: Volunteers Needed
Wildlife Rescue Phone Line: Care To Help?

Please Help Us To Save Wildlife In Our Catchment

New Manly Ferries To Be Named After Popular Harbour Beaches
Neighbourhood Watch

JP Public Register
Rates Harmonisation: Have Your Say
Have Your Say: Local Housing Strategy
Have Your Say: Councillor Use Of Social Media Policy
- informs the community about the decisions of Council, policies, programs, services and decisions
- promotes two-way communication
- builds a highly informed and engaged community
- accurately responds to community comments and requests
- complies with relevant laws and regulations, and ensures the confidentiality of Council information
- respects the democratic process acknowledging Council resolutions represent the majority view.
Amendment To Generic Parks Plan Of Management (Former Warringah)
- Register for the online public hearing session. Local residents are invited to register to attend the online public hearing session that will take place on Thursday 18 February 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Please note that bookings are essential for this session. If you're having trouble with the online registration form, please contact them on 1300 434 434 (during business hours).
- Complete the submission form via the link below.
- Write to - marked 'Proposed amendment to Generic Parks PoM - Wyatt Avenue, Belrose' Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly, NSW 1655.
Proposed Road Reserve Closure
Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge Plan Of Management: Proposed Amendment
$10 Million Grants Program To Assist Women To Get Back Into The Workforce
January 31 - February 6, 2021: Issue 481
This Issue:
Near Drowning Leads To Launch Of Innovative Learn To Swim Campaign: Surf Life Saving NSW Has Life Saving Programs For All Ages and Peoples - They Are Available To Everyone
Thank You To Our Frontline Workers On Australia Day From Our Local Rotary Clubs - Rotary's Centenary Of "Doing Good" DownUnder Year - commemorative coin launched this Thursday, February 4th
Ashley Carlson Solo Exhibition At The Studio, Careel Bay Marina For February 2021
Australia Day 2021 Awards: Pittwater Recipients + More
Aquatics: John Gordon (1927 - 2021): his story in his words
Pictures The Inaugural Patrick Alexander Soars Cup: Newport Breakers Off Season Cricket Fun
Park Bench Philosopher A Major Report Excoriated Australia’s Environment Laws. Sussan Ley’s Response Is Confused and Risky by Peter Burnett, Honorary Associate Professor, ANU College of Law, Australian National University + Independent Review Of The Environment Protection And Biodiversity Conservation Act Final Report Released

There are four recipients in the MEDAL (OAM) OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA IN THE GENERAL DIVISION in this year's Australia Day Honours;
Sue Martin OAM, of Clareville, ‘For service to the community of Pittwater’
David Palmer OAM, of Ingleside, ‘For service to conservation and the environment’
Roger Sayers OAM, of Avalon Beach, ‘For service to surf lifesaving’
William Stuart Sherman OAM, of Bayview, 'For service to public relations, to sport, and to the community'.
This week - a few words from those honoured and a celebration of three of these new OAM's who share insights into why they 'give back' to their community. Yes - a 3 for 1 Issue!

Artist of the Month February 2021: David James OAM's New Book - new book The Windward Mark
Long term resident of Narrabeen and former Pittwater Councillor David James has at last "swallowed the anchor" and given up the sea after some 54 years of employment on the briny. But that does not mean he has stopped thinking about or savouring every part of a life that has taken him from tin canoes on Narrabeen Lagoon made out of corrugated iron, graduation to a VJ sailing craft and thence to a wide range of global shipping ranging from UK bound cargo/passenger liners to hydrofoil ferries, to Sydney Harbour tugboats and other craft like the Rainbow Warrior II, Dutch and Belgian dredges and even a 248 m German owned, Indian crewed Container Ship, the Mississauga Express.
Since full time retirement from seafaring at age 75 he has spent the last seven years researching and writing about events revolving around a remarkable ship; one that first set him upon his course way back in 1964. She was the SS Eros formerly built for the Jamaica-UK banana trade, but when he joined as Engineer in Sydney, re-named as the SS Trangie, converted to carry cargoes of live Australian sheep from Sydney to Mexico, via Suva, Tahiti and Honolulu.
In his recently published book The Windward Mark is a true account of the many factors that led to the dumping at sea of 7,200 dead sheep and within a year company bankruptcy and the stranding of the ship in Mexico.
What follows is an adventure story and the uncovering of answers to questions that have remained unspoken for five decades; of hi-jinks and escapades ashore, of young men a-wandering, wide-eyed and excited in Suva, Papeete and Manzanillo; a true and live account of it all even down to a first hand account of what it took to fire the five boilers and drive the now long vanished triple expansion open crankcase main engine in six trans-Pacific Ocean crossings.
This great new book, a must-have for all who love ships and history, will be Launched by Mayor Michael Regan on Wednesday March 3rd, 2021: 1500-1730, at the South Narrabeen Surf Club, Pittwater Road, Narrabeen; Dollar coin donation to the Surf and nibbles provided.
The Windward Mark, hard cover with dust cover 291 pp, is $37 plus postage, and available now. Some insights from the Author run this month.
Environment Time Of Burran, World Wetlands Day 2021 (February 2nd): Wetlands and Water, Flight2Light 2021, Independent Review Of The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act Final Report Released, Wedge-Tailed Eagle Deaths Near Deniliquin Linked To Pesticide Poisoning, Report Cane Toad Sighting In NSW To Stop The Spread, Pittwater Birds and Blooms Summer of 2021, The Sydney Edible Garden Trail Gets Physical In 2021: register your garden by Jan. 31, Surfers For Climate, Discussion On February 11, 2021: Environmental Issues On Our Northern Beaches, Draft Horse Riding Plan For South East Wollemi National Park, Ross River Fever In Pittwater: What You Can Do To Beat Those Mosquitoes, Upcoming Activities For Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment, Bushcare In Pittwater, Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations In Pittwater, Pittwater Reserves, Shorebird Identification Booklet: free to download, Aussie Bread Tags Collection Points in Pittwater
Inbox News NSW Action Plan To Turn Ideas Into Jobs, Four New Fellowship Programs To Support NSW Arts And Cultural Sector, Resources Industry Donated $136 Million Over 20 Years To Australian Political Parties, Most Popular Baby Names 2020, Scientists Use A Novel Ink To 3D Print 'Bone' With Living Cells, Global Demand For Cancer Surgery Set To Surge, Continuous Monitoring Of Proteins A Game-Changer For Patients With Deteriorating Health
1927 - 2021
It is our melancholy duty to inform this community of the passing of John Gordon on Monday, January 25th, 2021.
A member of the Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary, the gentleman who taught many of our premier sailors ‘how to’ and invested many other decades in Sailability at the behest of Kay Cottee, John Gordon also spent time on land. A pursuit of science, a lifelong passion for chemistry and geology led to serving on the N.S.W. Heritage Council for restoration works to sandstone.
As an 18 year old he sailed in the Inaugural Sydney to Hobart yacht race. John also served as one of the inaugural lecturers in Geology when Australia was scarce of teachers in this department.
Our condolences to Eileen and family members.
The community treasures the memories of this 'salty dog' of Pittwater.
This Issue his Profile from 2013 runs as the Aquatics feature as a Tribute to a wonderful gentleman.
Photo by Michael Mannington.

Cricket At Hitchy On Oz Day 2021

Teenager Charged Following Bus Stop Assault At Mona Vale
Newport Assault Follow Up
Wildlife Rescue Phone Line: Care To Help?

Avalon 'What's On' Group Attend Penguin Bloom Screening

Please Help Us To Save Wildlife In Our Catchment


- >Always swim between the red and yellow patrol flags, for your nearest patrolled beach check the BeachSafe app or website
- >Read the safety signs for information about the beach and ask a lifesaver or lifeguard for safety information
- >Always swim with someone else so you can look out for each other, and always supervise children around the water
- >Never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- >If you need help in the water, stay calm and attract attention by raising one arm
- >In an emergency, dial Triple Zero
Neighbourhood Watch

Over 50 Stunning ‘Artists’ Books’ Go On Exhibition At Manly Art Gallery & Museum
Four New Fellowship Programs To Support NSW Arts And Cultural Sector: Closes March 1st, 2021
Rates Harmonisation: Have Your Say
Have Your Say: Local Housing Strategy
Have Your Say: Councillor Use Of Social Media Policy
- informs the community about the decisions of Council, policies, programs, services and decisions
- promotes two-way communication
- builds a highly informed and engaged community
- accurately responds to community comments and requests
- complies with relevant laws and regulations, and ensures the confidentiality of Council information
- respects the democratic process acknowledging Council resolutions represent the majority view.
Amendment To Generic Parks Plan Of Management (Former Warringah)
- Register for the online public hearing session. Local residents are invited to register to attend the online public hearing session that will take place on Thursday 18 February 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. Please note that bookings are essential for this session. If you're having trouble with the online registration form, please contact them on 1300 434 434 (during business hours).
- Complete the submission form via the link below.
- Write to - marked 'Proposed amendment to Generic Parks PoM - Wyatt Avenue, Belrose' Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly, NSW 1655.
Proposed Road Reserve Closure
Dee Why Lagoon Wildlife Refuge Plan Of Management: Proposed Amendment
Disposable Masks And Balloons Litter: Snip Those Straps And Please Dispose Of Properly - Forgo Releasing Balloons

COVID-19 Restrictions Update For Greater Sydney
- Visitors to households will be increased to 30 guests – including children.
- Outdoor gatherings will be increased to 50 people in total.
- Weddings and funerals will be capped at 300 people (fully seated) subject to the 1 person per 4sqm rule with no singing or dancing (except 20 nominated people in the wedding party can dance).
- All other venues including hospitality venues, places of worship and corporate event venues (fully seated with no singing or dancing) will be subject to the 1 person per 4sqm rule.
- Smaller hospitality venues will be allowed at least 25 people.
- Singing indoors including choirs or places of worship will be limited to five people.
- Masks will be recommended but no longer compulsory at retail shopping venues.
- Masks will remain compulsory for front-of-house hospitality staff, on public transport, in places of worship, hairdressers, beauticians and gaming rooms.
- Aged care facilities and other health settings such as hospitals will receive tailored advice from NSW Health specific to their locations in relation to requirements around mask wearing.
Congratulations II
Pets Of The Week

Planning Approval For Western Harbour Tunnel

Dine & Discover Business Registrations Now Open
- have an active ABN and be registered for GST
- operate in NSW in one of the eligible industries
- be registered as COVID Safe and have a COVID Safety Plan in place.
Future Vet Kids Camp 2021

Avalon Boomerang Bags 2021

Scheduled Roadworks - Utility Works: Avalon Beach
Newport Community Garden

Domestic Violence Support
![]() | Where to get help - March 2020.pdf Size : 465.979 Kb Type : pdf |
Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
2021-2023 NSW Heritage Grants Now Open: Closes Feb 8, 2021
Where You Can Get Tested In Our Area: