community News: September 2021
September 19 - October 2, 2021: Issue 511
This Issue:
Public Safety Highest Priority As Volunteer Lifesavers Return To Our Beaches
Marine Rescue Broken Bay Reminds Boating Community To Log On To Marine Rescue NSW This Spring Holidays: New MRBB Vessel In 2022, New MRBB Unit Build Update
Pictures A Pittwater Mix: September 2021
Covid Update: NSW To Run Home Quarantine Pilot Program - Doherty Modelling Revised, Children From 12 Years Vaccinations Open, National Cabinet Statement, NSW Government Expands Support Payments, NSW Police Disrupt Super Spreader Protest
Unlocking Stories From The Sandstone - the first in the new series of The Coast with Wendy Frew is an interview with Professor in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Sydney, Annie Clarke on the Quarantine Station - commences September 24th, 11am
Aquatics Data From 29,798 Clean-Ups Around The World Uncovers Some Of The Worst Litter Hotspots + Australia Signs Pacific Regional Declaration On The Prevention Of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution and Its Impacts
DIY Ideas Spring School Holidays Projects For The Young and Even Younger: A Swing Chair - With An A-Frame For Garden Setting + DIY Dolls House Or Garage Or Boatshed - something for everyone, of course!
Call Out For Blue Plaque Nominations To Celebrate Our State's Heritage - Communities across the state can now nominate heritage places linked to notable personalities and events for recognition as part of the NSW Blue Plaques program. MPs and MLCs will have until October 31st 2021 to submit their nominations to Heritage NSW for consideration.
Park Bench Philosopher RuPaul Fly Among Species Named By CSIRO + Mission To Map Australia’s Biodiversity Predicted To Bring Big Economic Benefits
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: September 1st
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Another Innocent Bird Shot At Avalon
On August 14th 2019 a cockatoo was shot around midday, probably by an air rifle, found by a resident in a very distressed state and taken to the vet. It's injuries were so severe it had to be euthanised.
In October 2020 WIRES contacted the Northern Beaches Police Area Command as they'd been called to Riverview Road, Avalon Beach to help a cockatoo found in a bush, injured and bleeding.
This bird had also been shot, probably by an air rifle, it's injury so severe it had to be euthanised.
Local vets said then this was the latest in a series of incidents in the area where cockatoos have been shot.
On the morning of Tuesday September 14th 2021 a cockatoo was found near the entrance to Angophora reserve, shot twice, again with a pellet gun. Nearby residents recall hearing the flock that lives there being highly agitated at dusk the day before.
Another resident states she has also found a bandicoot shot by a pellet gun in the reserve just days prior to this.
On Bilgola Plateau, in a separate incident, a resident reports a cockatoo that visits residents has suddenly turned up with its yellow comb clearly cut off by scissors the same day of the cockatoo being killed.
The cockatoo's yellow crest is used to communicate with its other flock mates or other cockatoos. This act is likely to not only severely distress this cockatoo but cause that to be ongoing for the year it will take these feathers to be replaced in the normal moult cycle for these birds.
It too may end up dead as a result of this violence.

Sulphur crested cockatoos breed once yearly, between August and January in the southern parts of their range and between May and September in the northern parts of their range.
If they seem more active at present it's because they're doing their 'Spring Thing'.
Anyone who can help our local police identify and find the human who is responsible can call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or the station at Dee Why 9971 3399.

Spring School Holidays Break
Please note that Issue 511 will be published Sunday September 19, 2021 and Issue 512 published October 3rd 2021.
The Inbox will still be open for emails and between Issues updates posted on the PON Facebook page.
The Events page will return to being updated from that first Issue for October 2021 and some events have already been sent in - yours is welcome too.
Have a great break Pittwater!

Royal Far West Announces A Gift From The James G. Boswell Foundation
September 16, 2021Today, Royal Far West is pleased to announce the receipt of a gift of more than $650,000 from The James G. Boswell Foundation, following the sale of the Australian farming and cotton operations known as Auscott Limited. Jacqueline Emery, CEO of Royal Far West, said “we are honoured to be selected for this incredible donation and with the gift being unrestricted, it means we will be able to use it where we see the most need. After some of the most challenging times for Australian country families, this wonderful gesture by The James G. Boswell Foundation will give hundreds of country kids the chance to thrive”. Ashley Power, former CEO of Auscott and representing J. G. Boswell Company said, “The Boswell Company is proud of its involvement and relationship with the rural communities it has operated in since 1963 and on the sale of Auscott, we are pleased to provide this gift to say thank you. “Royal Far West helps young children in rural areas at a most critical stage in their educational and behavioural development, which dramatically changes future outcomes. This is not only an extraordinary benefit for these young people and their families, but also as these young people grow to be part of the community, it supports the growth and welfare of these rural communities for many years to come,” Ashley said.

Royal Far West CEO Jacqueline Emery
Royal Far West’s Brianna Williamson (Occupational Therapist) and Chris Anderson (Social Worker) reading with some very engaged preschoolers

Mona Vale Road Upgrade Road Closures September 2021
Mon 20 Sep 2021 to Wed 22 Sep 2021Scheduled closures- Mon (7:00am to 5:00pm) Road closed westbound
- Tue (7:00am to 5:00pm) Road closed westbound
- Wed (7:00am to 5:00pm) Road closed westbound
Advice: Use diversions, Exercise caution
In addition:There will be no access into Foley St for eastbound traffic on Mona Vale Rd (buses excepted). Eastbound motorists wishing to access Foley St should use Ponderosa Pde and Jubilee Ave.There will be no right turn into Mona Vale Rd from Emma St. Emma St will operate in a left-in and left-out configuration.
During the closure, westbound motorists will be diverted via Foley St, Jubilee Ave, Ponderosa Pde, and back onto Mona Vale Rd.

- Mon (7:00am to 5:00pm) Road closed westbound
- Tue (7:00am to 5:00pm) Road closed westbound
- Wed (7:00am to 5:00pm) Road closed westbound

CABPRA Meeting
Clareville and Bilgola Plateau Residents Association is having its half yearly meeting Tuesday September 21 at 6.30 pm and our guest is the wonderful chef Annie Smithers talking about her book.If you'd like to listen email and we will send you a link on microsoft teams.Always looking for new members too.
Book available at Bookocchino. If you mention CABPRA or use it as the code you get 15% off.

We Say No To Gas Drilling Off Our Beaches
Ben & Jerry's have joined Surfrider Foundation Australia 's STOP PEP 11 campaign. This message is displayed loud and clear in their Manly shop window:
Photo courtesy Surfrider Foundation Northern Beaches

Barrenjoey Seal Watch
Living Ocean and ORRCA are collaborating with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service at Barrenjoey.A seal colony there is being harassed by water craft approaching too close. Signage will be posted soon to notify craft to stay beyond 80m or face substantial fines. Jet ski’s in particular are the worst offenders and have been observed spraying the resting colony ‘for fun’.
Both Living Ocean and ORRCA have been monitoring the seal colony numbers for some years and also have observed individual seals recovering from both shark and boat strikes on the body and flippers. They do recover quite soon if allowed to rest.
Fortunately observers will be posted at the site to report violations of the 80 metre rule this coming season.
Living Ocean will also be conducting a major clean along the NW rock tideline at the 'Joey' where a vast amount of rubbish has accumulated from floods and river outflow. This macro rubbish will be logged onto the Tangaroa Blue database.

Photo; A J Guesdon

Clareville Development Proposal: DA2021/1522
Avalon and Clareville residents have written to Pittwater Online this week dismayed over a proposal for a new house that intends to remove a total of 17 native canopy trees, including 7 protected Spotted Gums; 2 x Broad-leaved White Mahogany; 5 x Forest Oak (Glossy Black Cockatoo food trees); 1 x Grey Gum; 1 x Christmas Bush; and 1 x Grey Ironbark. Some of these trees are quite mature. The site also has remnant patches of other local vegetation.
Feedback for DA2021/1522 closes 23/9/2021

NSW Government Developer Contributions Bill: Community And Council Futures At Stake
Thursday September 16, 2021NSW’s peak body for councils has led an online gathering of all NSW local governments, who have come together this week to express grave concerns about the future of community infrastructure and councils’ financial sustainability if the NSW Government proceeds with planned changes to infrastructure contribution rules from developers.
Local Government NSW President Linda Scott said the Government’s Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Bill 2021, introduced into NSW Parliament with the NSW Budget, was deeply flawed and threatened to reduce critical contributions paid by developers towards the costs of vital community infrastructure as communities grew and more housing was developed.
“COVID has highlighted the importance of community access to public parks, footpaths and vital community infrastructure that local governments provide,” Cr Scott said.
“The State Government’s dangerous legislation threatens to take us back to the bad old days of suburbs with no drainage, and communities with no parks, by allowing developers off the hook from providing essential infrastructure and services to ensure liveable communities for our future.
“As well as funding vital infrastructure like roads, roundabouts, drainage and footpaths, those funds help pay the bill for the new parks, pools, playgrounds, childcare centres, libraries, and more, to meet the expectations of our communities today.
“These new proposed rules include a move to siphon off infrastructure contribution funds into the State’s coffers.
”Councils will be forced to cancel infrastructure needed to support increased demands brought about by development or to raise rates, impacting those who can least afford it.
“This Government legislation unfairly punishes NSW communities by diverting funds councils need to serve their communities to the State Government’s reserves, while cutting the contributions made by profit-taking developers.”
Cr Scott said the Bill was rejected by a recent Upper House Parliamentary Inquiry, which recommended the Government withdraw it and consult with councils before making changes.
“While the Minister has acknowledged the Committee’s recommendation, there is no guarantee that the Bill will be withdrawn from Parliament or substantially re-written to address councils’ concerns,” she said.“The Bill must be withdrawn and substantially re-written.
“LGNSW and local governments are working together to fight any attempt reduce infrastructure and services to our communities.”
Manly Warringah Touch Association Congratulations
Huge congratulations to the following players who have been named in squads for the upcoming National Youth Trans Tasman Series being held next year in Auckland.
Players will be invited to attend a selection camp in January 2022. Six teams will be selected including 20s boys, girls and mixed and 18s boys, girls and mixed.
Well done and good luck to the following players!
20s boys
Cuban Porter-Sheen
Oskar Warner
20s Girls
Maddie Binding
Macy Carrothers
Millie Durdevic
Bella Geros
Sara Ryan
Tia Young
18 Boys
Josh Turner
18 Girls
Imogen Sayer
Huge congratulations to the following players who have been named in squads for the upcoming National Youth Trans Tasman Series being held next year in Auckland.
Players will be invited to attend a selection camp in January 2022. Six teams will be selected including 20s boys, girls and mixed and 18s boys, girls and mixed.
Well done and good luck to the following players!
20s boys
Cuban Porter-Sheen
Oskar Warner
20s Girls
Maddie Binding
Macy Carrothers
Millie Durdevic
Bella Geros
Sara Ryan
Tia Young
18 Boys
Josh Turner
18 Girls
Imogen Sayer
A Night At Tam's With Nobel Laureate His Excellency Dr Jose Ramos Horta
Online event: Friday September 24th at 7pmLet's get together for a virtual gathering to raise funds for Soibada. We won't let this virus stop us! Tickets are $20 and will be available through trybooking.
You have an incredible opportunity to meet the true hero of Timor Leste, former President and Prime Minister Jose Ramos Horta. In exile for 24 years, he was the lone voice of his people as they suffered one of the most brutal occupations of all time.
Tickets at:

RSL NSW Members Dig Deep To Support Their Fellow Veterans
September 16, 2021RSL NSW veteran members have rallied to bolster life-changing support for veterans and their families by donating $2.1 million dollars to the charity’s service delivery partner, RSL LifeCare, this week.
Members of over 70 RSL sub-Branches contributed to the state-wide donation which will provide vital physical and mental health, DVA claims and advocacy, education and employment, housing, income and finance, and social services to veterans.
RSL NSW President Ray James said that the donation reflects the commitment of veterans across the state who, as members of the Returned and Services League, volunteer their time to help their mates, particularly after the withdrawal of the Australian Defence Force from Afghanistan.
“When the going gets tough, RSL NSW members get going by mobilising physical and financial resources to ensure that veterans and their families receive the hands-on support and services they need.
“RSL NSW and its partner charity RSL LifeCare has observed an increased need for support services this year and I expect this continue with the pressure of COVID-19 restrictions, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, and the ADF’s withdrawal from the conflict in Afghanistan,” Mr James said.
The State’s largest member-based charity announced in August that it has established an office to advocate for and support veterans throughout the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. RSL NSW is contributing to a national submission by the RSL to the Royal Commission and the office will support veterans to prepare submissions and to appear at hearings.
RSL LifeCare Board Chair, Mark Dickson, said that he expects to see an increase in demand for financial assistance from the charity as communities begin to come out of lockdown over the next few months.
“The donation from RSL NSW will help to support the expansion of the organisation’s service delivery in regional communities, including veteran wellbeing centres and placement of remote Claims Advisors, like those in Ballina and the Newcastle region.
“The donation will help to support clients of the RSL Employment Program as we aim to place 100 veterans in new roles over the next financial year and support the processing of 500 claims to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs,” Mr Dickson said.
RSL NSW is a member-based charity and does not own or operate clubs or benefit from the proceeds of the sale of alcohol or gambling. As an ex-service organization RSL NSW and its sub-Branches are committed to supporting current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
Thanks to the support of RSL NSW sub-Branches and other donors, RSL LifeCare was able to provide the following services to veterans and their families throughout 2020:- Provide over $500,000 in financial assistance, supporting essential services for veterans and their families
- Assist 107 veterans experiencing homelessness
- Help 505 veterans to lodge 1729 DVA claims
- Make 474 virtual or socially distanced visits to veterans and family members at homes, hospitals or nursing homes
- Lodge 173 new VRB appeals, complete 244 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediation discussions and represent 57 full VRB Board Hearings.

- Provide over $500,000 in financial assistance, supporting essential services for veterans and their families
- Assist 107 veterans experiencing homelessness
- Help 505 veterans to lodge 1729 DVA claims
- Make 474 virtual or socially distanced visits to veterans and family members at homes, hospitals or nursing homes
- Lodge 173 new VRB appeals, complete 244 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediation discussions and represent 57 full VRB Board Hearings.

Landcom Welcomes New Appointments To The Board
September 10, 2021Landcom is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan MacDonald and Trent Alston as non-executive Directors to the Landcom Board. The new Directors join the Chair Peter Roberts, and existing Directors John Barbeler and Pamela Hanrahan.
Landcom Board of Directors Chair Peter Roberts said he was very excited with the new appointments.
“Susan and Trent bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from the property sector which will serve Landcom and the Board well,” Mr Roberts said.
“They will complement the Board’s strengths bringing additional skills, particularly in the areas of asset management, business operations and strategy.
“The appointments come at an exciting time in the sector, with new ideas and innovation being explored as NSW faces both increasing prices and pressure to house its growing population.
“The Board is looking forward to working with the new Directors to continue to deliver on Landcom’s strategy to improve the supply, diversity and affordability of new housing.”
Commenting on the appointment, Ms MacDonald said she was excited to be taking on the role.
“I am passionate about how the built form can provide not only a functional role, such as housing, but if done well, how it can impact how we feel, how we connect to others and how we influence a positive impact on communities,” Ms MacDonald said.
“Landcom is taking up this challenge by working with government agencies, the private sector and not-for-profit organisations to deliver a range of housing types that are sustainable, innovative and attractive places across NSW.”
Mr Alston said he was thrilled to be joining the Landcom board.
“I have a long association with the property sector that started many years ago as young boy helping my dad on construction sites.
“Now as a father of four adult children I am passionate about helping tackle affordability and sustainability and being on Landcom’s Board is a way for me to address these challenges.”
For more information, including details about the new Directors, please visit
About LandcomLandcom is the NSW Government’s land and property development organisation. We are a State Owned Corporation working with government and the private and not-for-profit sectors to deliver exemplary housing projects that provide social and economic benefits to the people of NSW.
Landcom helps the NSW Government achieve its urban management objectives by taking a lead role in improving the supply, diversity and affordability of new housing.
Our mission is to create more affordable and sustainable communities.
People’s Choice Awards In The NSW Training Awards
Your chance to pick a winner in this celebration of vocational education.The 2021 NSW Training Awards are just around the corner in October with the awards selection process again offering the people of NSW the chance to cast their vote in the People’s Choice categories.
Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education Geoff Lee said this year marked the 66th year of the NSW Training Awards that celebrate the achievements of our apprentices, trainees, students, teachers and institutions in our Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector right across the State.
“The NSW Training Awards have long celebrated not only the high-achieving, young learners building careers through work-based training, but also the adult learners who’ve wisely decided to use VET to launch a new career,” Mr Lee said.
“It is also important to acknowledge the role that vocational careers have played in our economic recovery during a global pandemic and the pipeline of highly skilled workers that will continue to support our economy into the future.
“I’m calling on the people of NSW to vote for their ‘top’ People’s Choice in the Apprentice, Trainee, School-Based Apprentice/Trainee, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander categories.”
Have your say and take part in selecting the best and brightest upcoming ambassadors for the VET sector.
This is your opportunity to salute outstanding students in these categories that have shown such a high level of commitment, discipline, and resilience to shine in their training and overcome the challenges.
Voting can be done online and closes Monday 27 September.
The 2021 NSW Training Awards will go live (virtually) at 4.30pm on Saturday 9 October via Facebook Live on

Please Dispose Of Single Use Masks At Home
On a short walk yesterday three masks were picked up of the ground within 10 metres. Same thing the day before. These probably dropped out of a pocket or something alike that after use - but, these can impact on wildlife and cause death.
Let's look after our wildlife as well as each other during this latest challenge. Please be careful and ensure you take yours home so we don't see this:

Kimbriki: Essential Services Only
In line with current NSW Health Orders, and lockdown restrictions, Kimbriki is open for Essential Services ONLY.
The government advice is that residential customers wanting to drop household waste and recyclables to Kimbriki are NOT classified as “Essential” and we ask that any non-essential customers please delay visiting Kimbriki until the lockdown restrictions are lifted.
Please be aware that you risk incurring significant fines if your visit to Kimbriki is not essential in accordance with this list.
To view the current stay-at-home rules in place for greater Sydney please go to
If you do need to make a trip to Kimbriki, and you meet one of the identified essential criteria, please be aware the following site changes and requirements in place:- Kimbriki is open seven days a week from 7am – 5pm for essential services only.
- You MUST wear a mask at all times while onsite.
- You MUST practice social distancing at all times.
- You MUST not approach staff.
- YOU MUST check in using the QR codes provided, or manual sign-in forms if you do not have a phone.
To view the full list of COVID related changes on-site at Kimbriki please go to
- Kimbriki is open seven days a week from 7am – 5pm for essential services only.
- You MUST wear a mask at all times while onsite.
- You MUST practice social distancing at all times.
- You MUST not approach staff.
- YOU MUST check in using the QR codes provided, or manual sign-in forms if you do not have a phone.
Help Shape The Future Of Maritime Safety In NSW
Transport for NSW is developing the Maritime Safety Plan 2026 as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our waterways.
The new five-year plan builds upon the achievements of the Maritime Safety Plan 2021. It incorporates the Safe System Approach which focuses on safe people, safe vessels and safe waterways.
The plan focuses on four key areas:- safer lifejacket wear and equipment
- safer boating through technology
- safer waterway access and infrastructure
- growing our safety culture.
TfNSW are seeking your feedback on these proposals to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone spending time on NSW waterways.
Proposed changes to simplify and expand lifejacket wear requirementsTfNSW also invite you to have your say on the proposed changes to simplify and expand lifejacket wear requirements in NSW. The aim is to ensure that the law regarding lifejacket wear compliance is safer and easier to understand, so that more lives can be saved on NSW waterways. You can read more about the proposed changes in the fact sheet. The two proposed options are:
‘Option A’ would require mandatory wearing of lifejackets by adults:- on vessels less than 6m when underway; and
- at all times for vessels less than 6m when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
‘Option B’ will require mandatory wearing of lifejackets by adults:- on vessels less than 6m in enclosed waters when underway; and
- on all vessels in open waters in the open area of the vessel when underway; and
- at all times when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
Under both options, children under 12 years of age will be required to wear a lifejacket:- at all times in a vessel less than 6m in enclosed and open waters; and
- in the open area of a vessel greater than 6m that is underway in enclosed and open waters.
Feedback closes on 24 September 2021
- safer lifejacket wear and equipment
- safer boating through technology
- safer waterway access and infrastructure
- growing our safety culture.
- on vessels less than 6m when underway; and
- at all times for vessels less than 6m when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- on vessels less than 6m in enclosed waters when underway; and
- on all vessels in open waters in the open area of the vessel when underway; and
- at all times when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- at all times in a vessel less than 6m in enclosed and open waters; and
- in the open area of a vessel greater than 6m that is underway in enclosed and open waters.
Updated Noise Guide For Local Government Open For Comment
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has drafted an updated Noise Guide for Local Government for public consultation until 27 September 2021.
The Noise Guide for Local Government provides practical guidance to council officers on the day-to-day management of common neighbourhood noise problems and in the interpretation of existing policy and legislation.
EPA Director Environmental Solutions Sonya Errington said the Guide assists councils to assess and apply the regulations to noise issues in the way that best suits their local government area.
“This new Guide gives clear advice on the regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to managing noise and community expectations,” Ms Errington said.
“The Guide assists council officers in managing neighbour-to-neighbour problems and those noise issues resulting from commercial or industrial premises.
“It also assists planners by including planning considerations that can prevent future noise problems, such as land-use planning to avoid or minimise noise from land-use conflict. Noise-generating activities and noise-sensitive areas should be separated where practicable. For example, situating commercial buildings, recreation space or similar between incompatible land uses provides a physical barrier and/or spatial separation,” Ms Errington added.
The key changes in the draft Noise Guide for Local Government include:- improved and easier to navigate three-part structure;
- updated fact sheets for various common noise sources and summaries of which is the right regulatory authority;
- up-to-date worked examples for common neighbourhood noise issues; and
- consolidated and simplified technical and supporting information for council officers.
Once finalised, the Noise Guide for Local Government will replace the current Guide that was first published in 2013.
Have your sayCouncil staff and members of the community can:- have their say at
- make enquiries on the draft Guide to
- improved and easier to navigate three-part structure;
- updated fact sheets for various common noise sources and summaries of which is the right regulatory authority;
- up-to-date worked examples for common neighbourhood noise issues; and
- consolidated and simplified technical and supporting information for council officers.
- have their say at
- make enquiries on the draft Guide to
Sydney Wildlife Recycled Bottles For Wildlife 2021
Sydney Wildlife Rescue is registered for return and earn in NSW. This time it is accessed by an App called My Tomra - which is the organisation that runs the recycling.
Once you have downloaded the My Tomra App. Just search “Our Wildlife” you will see Sydney Wildlife Rescue listed. You can set that as the payout.
So you just scan the bar code from the App at the recycling machine and the 10c will be donated to Sydney Wildlife Rescue. The machines can be located anywhere in NSW.
Please have a look it’s a good way to support us to care for wildlife and do your bit to keep Australia Beautiful.

Feathertail Find

RPAYC: Protect Our Environment

2021 Australian Yachting Championships Cancelled

Mona Vale Golf Course 20 Year Lease Renewal
Getting The Beaches Back To Business

7 Reasons Why Sharing Sailing Expertise Is Good For Membership
- Develop a community of learning and training at the club
- Foster cross generational member relationships
- Encourage collaboration between classes and disciplines
- Help others to find different and better ways to enjoy sailing
- Improve member experiences for new and experienced sailors
- Reward, recognise, and retain knowledge in the club and class
- Provide opportunity to connect and feel valued
- Invite your experienced sailors or officials, to present club seminars (e.g., The top 5 tactical tricks of our club champions! or, Rules and how you can use them to your advantage at the start). The seminars can be brief, and clubs could deliver 2-3 per season.
- Invite your champion sailors to share their top tips and tricks in your club newsletter.
- Share tips from a club champion on your club noticeboard: ie ‘Club Champion’s Key Tips to Starting’, or ‘How Club Champion Overcomes Challenges around the Racecourse’
Pets Of The Week

AGE/SEX: 3 years / F
BREED: Staffy X
Apricot is a sweet affectionate bouncy girl. She walks nicely on loose lead and ignores other dogs and cars, She enjoys cuddles and sits on command. Walker says: "Very chilled mellow and loving." Apricot has heartworm and she will start treatment in Oct. It lasts some 2 months. She has a smooth coat and weighs 20kg. We are committed to seeing her heartworm treatment through but she can be adopted in the meantime. She comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. Her adoption cost is $450.

Simon, Daphne and Eloise are siblings 16 weeks old who have recovered from cat flu (herpes virus). Simon is the most outgoing and playful of the litter. He comes desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated and microchipped. His adoption fee is $250. His located at Ingleside. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email

Statewide Createability Internship Program To Level The Playing Field
Sports Grants To Help Build Stronger Healthier Communities
- address barriers to sport and physical activity, noting that COVID-19 has impacted many Australians
- increase participation in sport and physical activity through the provision of inclusive and high-quality sport and physical activity experiences
- build awareness of the benefits of being active through sport and physical activity.
NSW Maritime - COVID-19 Boating Update
- The location is within your LGA or
- You stay within 5 kilometres from your home.
- Access a vessel at a marina or on a mooring to maintain, service or check on systems and make sure it is safe and compliant (as a legal obligation)
- Take a vessel to a marina or boat shed for repairs or servicing
- Pick up vessel from a marina or boat shed after servicing
- Move a vessel between marinas or moorings for relocation purposes.
- Contact your local council for more information about boat ramps in their LGAs.
- There are no current plans to close the ramps managed by Transport for NSW.
Avalon Beach 100th Celebrations

September 12 - 18, 2021: Issue 510
This Issue:
Coastal Stability Series: Cabbage Tree Bay To Barrenjoey To Observation Point by John Illingsworth, Pittwater Pathways, and Dr. Peter Mitchell OAM
Pictures Deep Creek To Warriewood Walk photos by Joe Mills
Aquatics 2021 NSW Coastal Safety Report By Surf Life Saving NSW
Call Out For Blue Plaque Nominations To Celebrate Our State's Heritage - Communities across the state can now nominate heritage places linked to notable personalities and events for recognition as part of the NSW Blue Plaques program. MPs and MLCs will have until October 31st 2021 to submit their nominations to Heritage NSW for consideration.
First Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 2021 Images Revealed
Covid Update Issue 510: Roadmap to Freedom for fully vaccinated announced
Park Bench Philosopher What Does The Future Of Medicine Look Like?
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: September 1st
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Feathertail Find

NSW RFS: Get Ready Weekend
- Online Meetings
- Social Media campaigns
- Other contactless activities
RFS And SES Members Supporting Their Communities In The Battle Against Covid-19

Avalon Rockpool Path Repairs

Spring School Holidays Break

2021 Centre For Volunteering Senior Volunteer Of The Year: Bilgola Plateau's Lyn Millett, Wildlife Carer


Bilgola Bends Clean-Up

Waratah Thief?
- Lighting bushfires
- Hunting and shooting native animals or poaching wildlife
- Vandalising or stealing park infrastructure, cars or other items
- Driving vehicles or riding horses or bikes on unauthorised tracks
- Trapping or collecting birds, birds' eggs, reptiles or other animals
- Removing or destroying plants, including picking flowers or collecting plants
- Removing bushrock
- Dumping rubbish
- Driving vehicles or riding horses or bikes on unauthorised tracks
- Trapping or collecting birds, birds' eggs, reptiles or other animals
- Removing or destroying plants, including picking flowers or collecting plants

Proposed Shop Top Housing: 51 Kalang Road Elanora Heights
Back To Business: Supporting Local Businesses In Recovery
Contractor Announced For Warringah Freeway Upgrade
- Upgrade four-kilometres of the Warringah Freeway, between High Street at North Sydney and Willoughby Road at Naremburn, to reduce the amount of merging required, and improve safety and traffic flow.
- Improve interchanges with Falcon Street at Cammeray and High Street at North Sydney, including a new northbound on ramp at High Street which will ease pressure on the existing ramp at Berry Street.
- Connections to the future Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link.
- Improved public transport links, with a continuous southbound bus lane from Miller Street to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
- Around 2.5 kilometres of new and upgraded cycleways and pedestrian paths, integrated with public transport networks, including the future Victoria Cross metro station at North Sydney

A Night At Tam's With Nobel Laureate His Excellency Dr Jose Ramos Horta

Pets Of The Week

AGE/SEX: 12 months / M
BREED: Cattle X Border Collie
Bandit is a very active dog who loves kids and suits 5+yo. He is completely relaxed and happy in their company. Bandit pulls on lead but ignores other dogs and cars. He loves to run and jump up and lick your face. He sits on command. Walkers say "beautiful dog, very well behaved. Endless energy but happy to sit and relax with walkers." He has a short coat and weighs 19.2kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $400.

Simon, Daphne and Eloise are siblings 16 weeks old who have recovered from cat flu. Eloise is very sweet, shy at first but does not take long to come out of her shell. She comes desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email She is located at Ingleside.
Nominations Open For 2022 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
People’s Choice Awards In The NSW Training Awards

Increased Support For Learning From Home
- Learning from Home Hub:
- Learning packages for parents and carers: learning-at-home/learning-packages
Please Dispose Of Single Use Masks At Home

Kimbriki: Essential Services Only
- Kimbriki is open seven days a week from 7am – 5pm for essential services only.
- You MUST wear a mask at all times while onsite.
- You MUST practice social distancing at all times.
- You MUST not approach staff.
- YOU MUST check in using the QR codes provided, or manual sign-in forms if you do not have a phone.
Help Shape The Future Of Maritime Safety In NSW
- safer lifejacket wear and equipment
- safer boating through technology
- safer waterway access and infrastructure
- growing our safety culture.
- on vessels less than 6m when underway; and
- at all times for vessels less than 6m when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- on vessels less than 6m in enclosed waters when underway; and
- on all vessels in open waters in the open area of the vessel when underway; and
- at all times when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- at all times in a vessel less than 6m in enclosed and open waters; and
- in the open area of a vessel greater than 6m that is underway in enclosed and open waters.
Updated Noise Guide For Local Government Open For Comment
- improved and easier to navigate three-part structure;
- updated fact sheets for various common noise sources and summaries of which is the right regulatory authority;
- up-to-date worked examples for common neighbourhood noise issues; and
- consolidated and simplified technical and supporting information for council officers.
- have their say at
- make enquiries on the draft Guide to
Sydney Wildlife Recycled Bottles For Wildlife 2021

2021 Surfing NSW Event Update
September 10, 2021
Due to the rapidly shifting COVID-19 pandemic and the current public health order in NSW, Surfing NSW has made the hard decision to cancel or postpone all of October's events until a later in 2021.
After consultation with all event stakeholders, local councils, Office or Sport and NSW Sport, the following events will be impacted:
October Events
Woolworths Surfer Grom Comp // Northern Beaches 9-10 October (postponed)
The event will be moved to 11th -12th December 2021.
Havaianas NSW Grommet State Titles // 22-25 October (cancelled)
The Under-14’s division from the Havaianas NSW Grommet State Titles, will move to the Woolworths NSW Junior State Titles at Illawarra and form a part of the event schedule. Unfortunately, the Havaianas NSW Grommets State Titles event has had to be cancelled as there are no further available dates at Maroubra to run the competition in line with our entire NSW calendar of events. We look forward to bringing back this event in 2022. The Under-12’s divisions are encouraged to enter the Woolworths Surfer Grom Comp Series at either Coffs Harbour, Kiama, Cronulla and Northern Beaches.
Woolworths NSW Junior State Titles presented by Ocean and Earth (postponed)
This event will be postponed to a later date in 2021 in Illawarra. This date is to be confirmed upon our next events update on October 6th. The following divisions U14’s, U16’s, U18’s will all compete in this event in a revised straight knock-out format. If the Australian Junior Surfing Titles is cancelled, Surfing NSW will still aim to hold the NSW junior state titles for U18, U16 and U14 divisions in 2021 regardless (pending COVID-19 restrictions and timeframes at the time).
NSW High School State Titles at Illawarra (cancelled)
Due to the limited time available and return to school sport uncertainty, unfortunately, the NSW High School State Surfing Titles won’t run for 2021. If the Australian High School Surfing Titles runs for 2021 Surfing NSW will determine a selection process in the near future. This selection process will be confirmed (if required) on October 6th aligned to the next events update.
Volkswagen Tradies Surfmasters (cancelled)
The Volkswagen Tradies Surfmasters event has been unfortunately cancelled as there are no further dates available in 2021 in line with our entire NSW calendar of events. We look forward to bringing back this event in 2022.
Aloha Manly Junior Teams Event pres. by Hurley // Manly, 28 - 29 September (postponed)
The event will be moved to 4-5 December 2021.
The highest priority is the health and safety of all competitors and their families, staff, and event partners, as well as the local community with all event decisions being made.
We will be offering full refunds for those who are affected by the current COVID-19 situation or cannot attend the rescheduled date, however, it is important to note that competitors will lose their spot once a refund has been processed. If they decide to enter the event again at a later date, they will be at the end of the waitlist if it is full.
Surfing NSW is monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation and will provide all competitors with changes as they come to hand.
The next events update and confirmation of new dates for the Woolworths NSW Junior State Titles will be on Wednesday the 6th of October 2021. We will email, post on socials and our website.
If you would like to process a refund or have a query please email
Photo: Ethan Smith / Surfing NSW
Domestic Summer Of Cricket Gets Underway: NSW Delayed Start
Slow Down In School Zones
Expressions Of Interest Invited To Deliver Manly Health Sanctuary
Kiersten Fishburn Appointed DPIE Secretary
Statewide Createability Internship Program To Level The Playing Field
Sports Grants To Help Build Stronger Healthier Communities
- address barriers to sport and physical activity, noting that COVID-19 has impacted many Australians
- increase participation in sport and physical activity through the provision of inclusive and high-quality sport and physical activity experiences
- build awareness of the benefits of being active through sport and physical activity.
NSW Maritime - COVID-19 Boating Update
- The location is within your LGA or
- You stay within 5 kilometres from your home.
- Access a vessel at a marina or on a mooring to maintain, service or check on systems and make sure it is safe and compliant (as a legal obligation)
- Take a vessel to a marina or boat shed for repairs or servicing
- Pick up vessel from a marina or boat shed after servicing
- Move a vessel between marinas or moorings for relocation purposes.
- Contact your local council for more information about boat ramps in their LGAs.
- There are no current plans to close the ramps managed by Transport for NSW.
After Dark Photo Competition: Northern Beaches - Entries Date Extended
- Land – capturing man-made and/or natural formations, wildlife, flora or fauna associated with the night
- Sea – capturing waterways, beaches, or marine areas, sea life associated with the night.
- Sky – capturing aspects of the night sky, moon, stars capes, clouds or wildlife associated with the night sky.

Avalon Beach 100th Celebrations

JP Public Register
September 5 - 11, 2021: Issue 509
This Issue:
Pictures Whale Beach Ocean Reserve: 'The Strand' - Some History On Another Great Protected Pittwater Reserve
Aquatics Drone Gives A New View On Coastal Stability; Bungan: Bungan Headland To Newport Beach + Bilgola: North Newport Beach To Avalon + Bangalley: Avalon Headland To Palm Beach The next in a series of five videos taken by a drone flying just offshore from Long Reef to Barrenjoey was released this week. All of the imagery was taken in 2021 and we believe that repeated flights every year or so will reveal a great deal about the rapidity of coastal change.
DIY Ideas Early Spring Chores For Great A Summer Outdoors: Soil Preparation For Vegetables + Salads + A Few Other Tips To Make Your Garden Ready To Plant Out
Food Salad Season: Whole Meals In A Bowl Ideas
Park Bench Philosopher Vaccine Passports: More Freedom; But At What Cost? (Webinar In Full) An expert panel of health, human rights and legal scholars convened by the Australian Human Rights Institute explore how to balance rights and responsibilities amidst COVID-19, including issues such as vaccine inequity, mandatory vaccination, vaccine passports, lockdowns, quarantine, and the role of local and international institutions in shaping these responses.
Inbox News Human progress is no excuse to destroy nature; A push to make ‘ecocide’ a global crime must recognise this fundamental truth, We asked 9,000 Australians about their mental health needs post-COVID; this is what they want, Opening up when 80% of eligible adults are vaccinated won’t be ‘safe’ for all Australians, Archaic Laws Prevent Conservationists From Bidding On Public Resources; Experts Think This Should Change, Low-Sodium Salt Prevents Stroke, Bright Idea: New LEDs Can Detect Off-Food and Lethal Gases, Can A Piece Of Sticky Tape Stop Computer Hackers In Their Tracks?; New Steps Towards Quantum Communications Say ‘Yes', Increased Survival With Eye Melanoma In Clinical Trial
Environment Migratory Bird Season, Baby Wildlife Season, Avalon Public School Sunflower Project, Birds and Blooms spotted this week, Federal Environment Minister Approves Coal Mine Expansion Beneath Sydney Water Catchment Until December 31st 2067, IPC Rejects Hume Coal Proposal Due To Threat Posed To Water and Communities, A Majority In Every Seat Want More Climate Action: Poll Of Mackellar Voters, Human progress is no excuse to destroy nature; A push to make ‘ecocide’ a global crime must recognise this fundamental truth, The Great Australian Dream?; New homes in planned estates may not be built to withstand heatwaves, This shy little wallaby has a white moustache and shares its name with a pub meal; Yet it’s been overlooked for decades, This bird’s stamina is remarkable: it flies non-stop for 5 days from Japan to Australia, but now its habitat is under threat, Robber barons and high-speed traders dominate Australia’s water market, Flies like yellow, bees like blue: how flower colours cater to the taste of pollinating insects, Australia’s coastal waters are rich in Indigenous cultural heritage but it remains hidden and under threat, Decaying forest wood releases a whopping 10.9 billion tonnes of carbon each year; This will increase under climate change, 1,600 years ago, climate change hit the Australian Alps; We studied ancient lake mud to learn what happened, Time Of Ngoonungi, Bushcare In Pittwater: when and where, Community Gardens, Groups, + Reserves History pages
Migratory Bird Season + Nesting Season
Baby Wildlife Season
Harry the ringtail possum. Sydney Willife photo
Opera House Sails To Light Up In Virtual Tribute To Olympians And Paralympians
Avalon Public School Sunflower Project

R U Ok Day 2021: September 9
Mona Vale Surf Club Build

The 10th Great Historic Photographic Exhibition Postponed

A Night At Tam's With Nobel Laureate His Excellency Dr Jose Ramos Horta

Pets Of The Week
AGE/SEX: 6 years / M
BREED: Gt Dane X Pointer
Chief is a very gentle affectionate dog. He is calm and easy to handle and walks on loose lead. He came from the pound with an injured tail from wagging it too much and hitting the kennel wall. His tail is very long but is slowly healing. He has a smooth coat and weighs 49kg. He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $400.

Pie is a very gentle calm cat about 10yo. He is social with other cats. He enjoys lots of pats and cuddles. Pie has a heart arrhythmia so would be best in a family who have experience with heart disease. We do not know if he was born with this or is a recent development. He is currently not showing clinical signs of issues.
He comes desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. His adoption fee is $220. He is located at Ingleside. Please call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 if you are interested in meeting him or email - she is located at Ingleside.
Long Reef Boardwalk Repairs Underway

Nominations Open For 2022 NSW Women Of The Year Awards
People’s Choice Awards In The NSW Training Awards

Increased Support For Learning From Home
- Learning from Home Hub:
- Learning packages for parents and carers: learning-at-home/learning-packages
$200 Million Support Package For Not-For-Profits
Children's Court President To Head NSW Local Court
Retirement Of Chief Magistrate Judge Graeme Henson AM
Enjoy Manly Jazz 2021 Online

Garigal National Park: Notice Of 1080 Pest Management Of Foxes
Free Community Pantry: Frenchs Forest Anglican Church

Small Business Rebates For Hygiene Items
- check the terms and conditions to make sure you are eligible
- attend a free eligible event (online) advisory from a SafeWork NSW officer
- buy and install eligible safety items to address a safety problem in your workplace

Virtual Zoo Lessons Available
Please Dispose Of Single Use Masks At Home

Avalon Beach 100th Celebrations

Kimbriki: Essential Services Only
- Kimbriki is open seven days a week from 7am – 5pm for essential services only.
- You MUST wear a mask at all times while onsite.
- You MUST practice social distancing at all times.
- You MUST not approach staff.
- YOU MUST check in using the QR codes provided, or manual sign-in forms if you do not have a phone.
Updated Noise Guide For Local Government Open For Comment
- improved and easier to navigate three-part structure;
- updated fact sheets for various common noise sources and summaries of which is the right regulatory authority;
- up-to-date worked examples for common neighbourhood noise issues; and
- consolidated and simplified technical and supporting information for council officers.
- have their say at
- make enquiries on the draft Guide to
Sydney Wildlife Recycled Bottles For Wildlife 2021

Domestic Violence Support
![]() | Where to get help - March 2020.pdf Size : 465.979 Kb Type : pdf |
Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls At Pittwater Place

Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: September 1st
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
DV: Leave

Nandi Reserve + Country Road Reserve Upgrade Plans Open For Feedback
Slow Down In School Zones
Collaroy SLSC Memories

Hundreds Of PIN's Arrests: Protest Across NSW
Retired Police Day 2021
Surf Life Saving Australia Urges Public To Volunteer For Individual And Community Benefit
September 2, 2021
“Our club, is your club”
Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) exists to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities and as the 2021/22 patrolling and summer season approaches, SLSA is encouraging members of the public across the country to join their local surf club.
SLSA, Australia’s largest volunteer movement with over 181,000 members across 315 clubs nationwide, is launching a recruitment drive ahead of the start of the new season highlighting the value and benefit of surf lifesaving clubs to the community, and also the individuals involved.
“It has never been more important or easier to join your local surf club,” said SLSA President John Baker ESM. “Surf clubs around the country are more than just a building or a service, they’re a home, a family, and we are asking all Australians to join us and make it ‘your club’ too. There is a place for everyone at the surf club and everyone is welcome.”
Whether it’s at the beach, through bushfires, floods or the COVID-19 pandemic, surf lifesavers and Surf Life Saving Clubs continue to be at the heart of communities offering emergency services, respite and support, all with a friendly sense of belonging and community spirit.
The Deloitte Access Economics 2020 report on ‘The Social and Economic Value of Surf Life Saving Australia’ highlighted that 90% of Surf Life Saving Club members said that being a part of their club assists them to positively contribute to their community while over 80% of members said that Surf Life Saving gave them a sense of purpose and belonging in their life.
Research conducted by Volunteering Australia from the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia (April 2020 to April 2021) found that those who were able to volunteer through the pandemic reported a significantly and substantially smaller decline in life satisfaction for those volunteers who did not stop volunteering, compared to those who stopped, or who never volunteered in the first place.
For those who continued volunteering, levels of psychological distress were also substantially lower than those who stopped volunteering, and those who had never volunteered.
“We know that volunteering gives people a purpose and it has been proven to increase physical and mental wellness in everyday life, especially through the challenges of the past 18 months due to COVID-19,” said Baker ESM.
“In light of this we are actively encouraging new and returning members to join our clubs, to find that sense of purpose and belonging whilst at the same time helping the wider community … our club is your club.”
Surf Clubs around the country are at the heart of local communities and offer a variety of roles both on and away from the beach or they can simply be a place to gather, create new friendships and support individual and community wellbeing.
For more information on how to join your local Surf Life Saving Club click here –
NSW Maritime - COVID-19 Boating Update
- The location is within your LGA or
- You stay within 5 kilometres from your home.
- Access a vessel at a marina or on a mooring to maintain, service or check on systems and make sure it is safe and compliant (as a legal obligation)
- Take a vessel to a marina or boat shed for repairs or servicing
- Pick up vessel from a marina or boat shed after servicing
- Move a vessel between marinas or moorings for relocation purposes.
- Contact your local council for more information about boat ramps in their LGAs.
- There are no current plans to close the ramps managed by Transport for NSW.
Readers Query: 1890-95 Paintings Location

NSW Rural Fire Service Goat Protocol
After Dark Photo Competition: Northern Beaches - Entries Date Extended
- Land – capturing man-made and/or natural formations, wildlife, flora or fauna associated with the night
- Sea – capturing waterways, beaches, or marine areas, sea life associated with the night.
- Sky – capturing aspects of the night sky, moon, stars capes, clouds or wildlife associated with the night sky.

Help Shape The Future Of Maritime Safety In NSW
- safer lifejacket wear and equipment
- safer boating through technology
- safer waterway access and infrastructure
- growing our safety culture.
- on vessels less than 6m when underway; and
- at all times for vessels less than 6m when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- on vessels less than 6m in enclosed waters when underway; and
- on all vessels in open waters in the open area of the vessel when underway; and
- at all times when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- at all times in a vessel less than 6m in enclosed and open waters; and
- in the open area of a vessel greater than 6m that is underway in enclosed and open waters.
Scammers Using Fake AFP Credentials To Target Vulnerable People
North Palm Beach SLSC New FB Page

Funding To Support Women In Sport Leadership
ADF Training In New South Wales From July To December 2021
Calling All Artists!

JP Public Register
August 29 - September 4, 2021: Issue 508
This Issue:
Australia's First Urban Night Sky Park May Be HERE! - Great news out of Council this week for those who love looking up as a recommendation to proceed with a proposal to have Australia’s first ever Urban Night Sky Park hosted in our area was passed in this week's monthly Meeting
New Freedoms For Vaccinated First Step On State Roadmap Out Of COVID + Pittwater Vaccinations Surge + Back To School Update + Children Aged 12-15 Year Olds Now Eligible For Vaccine + Assistance For Childcare Providers
Pictures Trafalgar Square, Newport: A 'Commons' Park Dedicated By Private Landholders - The Green Heart Of This Community; some history + more
Aquatics Scotland Island Wharf Upgrades For Bells and Carols Wharves + Have Your Say On Lifejacket Reform
Park Bench Philosopher National Cabinet Must Revise Its Plan To Transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response; High Morbidity and Mortality Predicted Under Current Targets, Health System Overwhelmed; 'the much-touted 80% threshold is really only 64% of the whole population' - new studies and insights by Australian Scientists, Professors
Artists of the Month September 2021: Feathers & Dreams Art Exhibition At Cromer - Now Online and Raising Funds For Dreams2live4
Environment Time Of Ngoonungi, Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan: Feedback Closes September 4, Sick Turtles Coming Ashore, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment August Newsletter, Forum & 2021 AGM, Australia has failed greater gliders: since they were listed as ‘vulnerable’ we’ve destroyed more of their habitat, As the world battles to slash carbon emissions Australia considers paying dirty coal stations to stay open longer, Drone Surveillance Leads To $270,000 In Penalties For Pollution Offences, Disbelief As Coal Mine Companies Issued Mere Cautions For Illegally Burying Hundreds Of Giant Tyres, Liberal and Labor Join Forces To Funnel Public Funds To Fracking Company, Whitehaven Wants More Coal But Isn’t Willing To Wait For Locals To Weigh In, Bushfire survivors just won a crucial case against the NSW environmental watchdog, Job Seekers Jump On The Header For A Record Harvest, Ordinary people extraordinary change: addressing the climate emergency through ‘quiet activism’, Cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets battle for nest space as the best old trees disappear, Coral: how selective breeding may help the world’s reefs survive ocean heating, Microbes can help us recycle carbon dioxide into everyday products, Today’s decisions lock in industry emissions for decades; here’s how to get them right, Pacific Island bats are utterly fascinating; meet 4 species, Bushcare In Pittwater: when and where, Community Gardens, Groups, + Reserves
Inbox News Modelling Highlights Risk In Australia's National COVID Plan, New Method Improves Detection Of Harmful Microscopic Parasites In Water, Mental Health Of Young Adults 'Most Affected' By COVID-19 Restrictions, The Royal Society Awards Michelle Simmons The Prestigious Bakerian Medal, New Discovery Pinpoints The ‘Golden Window’ For IVF Success, Volcanoes Acted As A Safety Valve For Earth’s Long-Term Climate, Exercise Maintains Normal Heart Rhythm In Patients With Atrial Fibrillation, Patients Helping Researchers To Advance Treatments For Prostate Cancer
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: August 1st, 2021
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
DV: Leave

Vale Warren Miles
1927-2021It is with sadness we announce that Warren Miles has passed away this week at the age of 94.Warren was a Newport Juniors President in 1970, Life Member and a great supporter of the senior club.He was a frequent spectator and always good for a chat as he was passionate about all things rugby, and enjoyed watching Cameron go around for the Breakers.
He was also a keen sailor, often seen at the RPAYC.
We wish to pass on our condolences to Cameron and the Miles Family.
Peter North Newport BB Juniors President

Vale Charles Robert Watts
2 June 1941 – 24 August 2021Charlie Watts was an English drummer, best known as a member of the Rolling Stones from 1963.Originally trained as a graphic artist, he started playing drums in London's rhythm and blues clubs, where he met Brian Jones, Mick Jagger, and Keith Richards. In January 1963, he joined their fledgling group, the Rolling Stones, as drummer, while doubling as designer of their record sleeves and tour stages.
Mr. Watts, along with Jagger and Richards, are the only band members to have been featured on all of their studio albums. He cited jazz as a major influence on his drumming style. He toured with his own group, the Charlie Watts Quintet, and appeared in London at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club with the Charlie Watts Tentet.
In 2006, Watts was elected into the Modern Drummer Hall of Fame; in the same year, Vanity Fair elected him into the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame. In the estimation of music critic Robert Christgau, Watts was "rock's greatest drummer." In 2016, he was ranked 12th on Rolling Stone's "100 Greatest Drummers of All Time" list.
Mr. Watts's personal life appeared to be substantially quieter than those of his bandmates and many of his rock-and-roll colleagues; onstage, he seemed to furnish a calm and amused counterpoint to his flamboyant bandmates. Ever faithful to his wife Shirley, it is noted that when the group was invited to the Playboy Mansion during that tour, Watts took advantage of Hugh Hefner's game room instead of frolicking with the women.
"I've never filled the stereotype of the rock star," he remarked. "Back in the '70s, Bill Wyman and I decided to grow beards, and the effort left us exhausted."
Mr. Watts, husband, father and grandfather died in a London hospital on 24 August 2021, at the age of 80, surrounded by loved ones.

R U Ok Day 2021
R U OK? has launched ‘Are they really OK? Ask them today’, to encourage all Australians to think about how the people in their world are really going.
‘Are they really OK? Ask them today’, comes in response to new research which found 22% of Australians aren’t reaching out to ask ‘are you OK?’ because there hasn’t been an occasion where they felt someone needed their help.“R U OK? is encouraging all Australians to pause and consider how the people in their world are really going, and to make asking ‘are you OK?’, a part of their everyday,” says Katherine Newton, R U OK? CEO.
The call comes in the lead up to R U OK?Day, Thursday 9 September, a national day of action that reinforces the importance of staying connected with your friends, family and colleagues through all life’s ups and downs, big or small.
“We want to emphasise that an R U OK? conversation is not only for when someone is visibly distressed or in crisis and remind everyone that their support can make a difference for anyone who is struggling.”
The research also found that seven percent of those surveyed felt it’s a conversation you don’t need to have unless someone seems to be in a really bad way, or in crisis.
“None of us are immune to life’s challenges whether that’s a relationship breakdown, financial worries, work pressure or, sadly for some, the loss of a loved one,” said Ms Newton. “Sometimes it won’t be obvious that someone is having a hard time but we know that when we ask early and in a genuine way, we can help someone who might be struggling feel connected and supported, long before they are in crisis.”
R U OK? will be releasing a range of free resources in the build-up to R U OK?Day including tips and tools to help Australians know when and how to have an R U OK? conversation.
North Avalon Seniors Development Appeal Upheld In L&E Court
Judgement date: August 26, 2021 - The Appeal is upheldDevelopment consent for Development Application No. DA2019/1260 for demolition works and construction of a seniors housing development comprising ten (10) self-contained dwellings for seniors or people with a disability and basement parking for twenty resident vehicles and two visitor spaces, site consolidation, and the removal of 45 trees at Nos 27 and 29 North Avalon Road, Avalon is granted.
Under the Pittwater LEP 2014 this section of North Avalon, Pittwater, is still zoned R2.
R2 is a zone for land comprised mainly of low density housing where the planning objective is to protect the locality's single dwelling character and landscape setting.
Full judgement available here.

Local Environmental Plan And Development Control Plan: Feedback Closes September 4
Northern Beaches Council is required by the NSW Government to consolidate four planning control documents into one and has released a discussion paper.
Mayor Michael Regan said the preparation of a whole of Northern Beaches Local Environment Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) would be based largely on existing controls and was not seeking to increase heights in residential areas or increase densities in areas that have not already been identified.
“To be crystal clear, there are no plans for increasing densities beyond what has already been identified – our housing strategy made clear we only need to find an additional 275 dwellings,” Mayor Regan said.
“No one wants to see our area overdeveloped or the local character destroyed.
“Our aim is to ensure we maintain our great lifestyle, protect the local character and environment we so value, provide green space, infrastructure to support growth, and local employment for the future.”
One of the key topics explained in the recently released LEP/DCP Discussion Paper is how Council will implement their local housing strategy. A Council email forwarded this week by a resident subscriber to Council updates reads:
''While our housing targets are small, we still need to address housing affordability, provide a better mix of housing types and protect our local character and environment. The discussion paper outlines our proposed approach to planning controls, that will contribute to this, including:- permitting seniors housing, boarding houses and dual occupancies within 400m of (the) identified local centres of Avalon Beach, Newport, Warriewood, Belrose and Freshwater
- prohibiting dual occupancies in the R2 Low Density Residential zone (currently permitted under Pittwater and Manly LEPs)
- prohibiting attached, semi-detached and multi-dwelling housing in the R2 zone (currently permitted in the Manly LEP)
- standardising the size and placement rules for granny flats
- removing the floor space ratio controls for houses (currently required under the Manly LEP).
To support local business and to provide an improved retail shopping experience and greater flexibility in the use of the space, Council’s Urban Design expert panel have suggested small height increases in business centres – no more than 1.5 metres. For example, the document proposes an 11-18-metre building height limit for the Frenchs Forest Business Park B7 zone.
To meet the demand for floor space in industrial zones the community is asked to comment on a an increase of building heights in industrial areas.
Among other things, the discussion paper also asks for community response to:- improved controls for development near waterways, foreshores, wetlands and riparian lands;
- more water sensitive urban design and greater tree canopy;
- performance standards for net-zero carbon emission buildings;
- which water-related structures residents think are suitable adjoining waterways (NB: as well as noting that Action 1.8 of 'Towards 2040' proposes to expand the W2 zone to permit marina expansion)
- provisions to restrict large scale retail in small retail centres.
The 190 page LEP and DCP is now available to read and provide feedback on. Feedback closes September 5th, 2021
- permitting seniors housing, boarding houses and dual occupancies within 400m of (the) identified local centres of Avalon Beach, Newport, Warriewood, Belrose and Freshwater
- prohibiting dual occupancies in the R2 Low Density Residential zone (currently permitted under Pittwater and Manly LEPs)
- prohibiting attached, semi-detached and multi-dwelling housing in the R2 zone (currently permitted in the Manly LEP)
- standardising the size and placement rules for granny flats
- removing the floor space ratio controls for houses (currently required under the Manly LEP).
- improved controls for development near waterways, foreshores, wetlands and riparian lands;
- more water sensitive urban design and greater tree canopy;
- performance standards for net-zero carbon emission buildings;
- which water-related structures residents think are suitable adjoining waterways (NB: as well as noting that Action 1.8 of 'Towards 2040' proposes to expand the W2 zone to permit marina expansion)
- provisions to restrict large scale retail in small retail centres.
Barrenjoey Seal Colony Being Harassed
Residents have reported this week witnessing appalling behaviour at the seal colony at Barrenjoey, including throwing fish and hitting them, roaring JetSkis up to them with music blaring whilst trying to spray them and driving boats up to within one inch of their chosen rock.
For those that don’t know, there is a 40 metre exclusion zone, more if there are pups present - and yes; there are bubs around - it's the season for them.
Someone has contacted police and took videos of offenders and this is now an NPWS matter.

Southern Fur Seal Arctocephalus forsteri, or New Zealand Fur Seal at Barrenjoey - napping in the afternoon sun. A J G photo

Southern Fur Seal Arctocephalus forsteri, or New Zealand Fur Seal at Barrenjoey - napping in the afternoon sun. A J G photo
Juvenile Wallaby Killed At Lovett Bay
Residents of the West Pittwater Community report that the carcass of young female wallaby (perhaps 12-18 months old) was found at the base of Tarrangaua’s driveway near Lovett Bay Wharf on the morning of Friday 30 July. It appeared to have been attacked by a predator, as its wounds were horrific.
The wallaby’s death has been reported to the Northern Beaches Council Animal Management team and National Parks and Wildlife.
''While we don’t have hard evidence that the wallaby was killed by a dog (or dogs), at this point a dog attack seems the most likely explanation.
Please ensure that your dog remains under your control at all times, as per the Council regulations. As in, when the dog is off-leash, it remains within the boundaries of your property. And when the dog is not within the boundaries of your property, it remains on-leash.'' the resident states
West Pittwater Community Association Editor’s note: a National Parks and Wildlife Ranger says that while the wallaby carcass would need expert examination to determine how the animal was killed, it is probable given the location that a dog rather than a fox was responsible.
The NPWS Officer makes the point that with fox baits now in place in Ku-ring-gai National Park dog-owners have even more incentive to keep dogs on-leash.
Increased Support For Learning From Home
New guided learning packs aim to help teachers and parents keep children engaged with their schoolwork.Learning from home has become easier for parents and teachers of primary school students, with the introduction of guided learning packs in NSW public schools and additional training for teachers.
The guided learning packages are specifically designed for K–6 students and have been developed by a team of curriculum experts and designers to ensure they are easy to navigate for students, parents and carers.
Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the packs were helping teachers to keep their students engaged and connected.
“The packs are easy to use and cover all the essentials for teachers and students,” Ms Mitchell said.
“They include a full week of learning activities with stage-specific video content which includes teacher guidance, open-ended activities and wellbeing checks.
“All subjects within the K-6 curriculum are addressed on a weekly basis and each day begins with a student wellbeing activity, as well as a brain break during the day and additional activities for students who finish the work early.”
The packs are not mandatory but provide a great way for teachers to supplement what is already working for them.
Ms Mitchell said the department was also running new learning from home professional development courses designed using insights from last year and the current learning from home period.
“Teachers are committed to providing the best possible learning from home experience for their students, and thousands of teachers have engaged with the available professional development resources and webinars,” Ms Mitchell said.
“Teachers have told us that the support has been incredibly useful, helping to guide their students while learning from home and providing additional support for parents and carers navigating online systems.
“I know that learning from home can be challenging, and I’m incredibly proud of the work our principals, teachers, school staff and the department are doing to make this period as instructive, engaging, and supportive as possible.”
The Learning from Home Hub is also constantly being updated with great materials for students, teachers and parents with over 2 million visits last month.- Learning from Home Hub:
- Learning packages for parents and carers: learning-at-home/learning-packages
- Learning from Home Hub:
- Learning packages for parents and carers: learning-at-home/learning-packages
Residents Concerned About Bilgola Bends Development Proposal
Residents have written to PON this week expressing concern about a DA at 521 Barrenjoey Road, just south of the bends entrance. Objections to the scale and size of the compound, along with impacts on traffic, as well as a precedent it may set, are among their concerns. The application requires the removal of established trees on public land as well as and including the endangered Asterolasia elegans.
As the proposal would require significant excavations, stated to be undertaken over a 10 week period, the impact on traffic flow would also be affected during construction.
Image: 521 Barrenjoey road at present - Google maps image.
Council To Investigate Land Ownership On Bilgola Bends
Regarding the above item, Council's meeting held last week on Tuesday August 24 shows an item wherein it was proposed to investigate which blocks of undeveloped land on the Bilgola Bends are still owned by Transport for New South Wales.
Discussions among residents has inferred that Council sold the land to the developer which is not correct. There are three other parcels of land along this Barrenjoey Road frontage. No’s 519 ,515 and 513 all owned by Transport New South Wales.
Councillor Alex McTaggart put forward a Motion that ; 'To prevent the sale of these parcels by Transport New South Wales, Council should write to the local member for Pittwater the Hon. Rob Stokes and ask that these parcels be added to the Crown of the Hill Reserve and placed under care and control of Council.'
Council resolved that Council: 1. Undertake a desk top assessment of zoning and ownership of all land in the Bilgola Bends precinct.2. Provide a report to Council within two months on the outcome of the assessment with a view to requesting that the State Government transfer suitable parcels into Council ownership.
'To prevent the sale of these parcels by Transport New South Wales, Council should write to the local member for Pittwater the Hon. Rob Stokes and ask that these parcels be added to the Crown of the Hill Reserve and placed under care and control of Council.'
Storm Damages Long Reef Boardwalk
Council advises that the timber boardwalk connecting Long Reef Beach and headland has been severely damaged by the intense weather and large swells this week and the area is now closed to the public.Walkers are advised to avoid the area and fences have been erected to ensure public safety.
Council ask that the public be patient while they assess the damage. Please do not walk through the golf course or trample the vegetation by walking through the dunes.
Council will attempt to undertake temporary repairs to restore the boardwalk however, initial assessments indicate that it will need to be rebuilt in the next six to twelve months.

NBC photo

Council To Install More Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Council resolved this week to proceed with implementing designated charging infrastructure across the peninsula for electric vehicles following the adoption of a new plan at this week's Meeting.
In April, Council asked the community to provide feedback on the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan with 144 people responding.
Now the Plan is endorsed, key locations around the peninsula will be finalised with consideration to both private-operated and Council-owned electric vehicle charging stations in strategic locations like carparks, on-street sites and at key hubs.
Consideration will also be given to the type of charging units to be used as well as installation, operational costs and ongoing maintenance.
Currently, there are eight public charging stations in the LGA, seven of those in private property commercial carparks, with the eighth at the Council-owned PCYC carpark in Dee Why.
Council also has eight fully electric vehicles and 10 hybrid electric vehicles as part of its 379-vehicle fleet.
Enjoy Manly Jazz 2021 Online
Manly Jazz will be online for you to enjoy in the comfort of your loungeroom this October long weekend.
Mayor Michael Regan said this is one of the Northern Beaches’ longest running annual events and it will still be going ahead online.
“Covid has unfortunately put a stop to many events, but this is one that we don’t want you to miss and will deliver you content virtually for the second year in a row.
“We received feedback that last year’s digital delivery of Manly Jazz was successful, so we are pleased we can again connect everyone during this challenging time.
“Manly Jazz is one of the highlights of our events calendar and we won’t disappoint because we’ll still bring heaps of incredible artists to the community via the dedicated Manly Jazz social media and website.
“Jazz lovers will not have to leave home to be part of this iconic event!”

Pets Of The Week
AGE/SEX: 7 years / M
BREED: Ridgeback X
Buddy is a gentle boy who was found guarding his deceased owner. He is very confused about all the changes in his life but is very accommodating. We are giving him as much TLC as we can. Buddy is strong on lead and pulls but listens well to commands. He has a gentle calm nature. We have removed a few lumps and bumps on him. He has a smooth coat and weighs 40.1kg He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our animals. RON R251000024
AGE/SEX: 7 years / M
BREED: Ridgeback X
Buddy is a gentle boy who was found guarding his deceased owner. He is very confused about all the changes in his life but is very accommodating. We are giving him as much TLC as we can. Buddy is strong on lead and pulls but listens well to commands. He has a gentle calm nature. We have removed a few lumps and bumps on him. He has a smooth coat and weighs 40.1kg He comes desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DR Vet. His adoption cost is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our animals. RON R251000024

Frank is a handsome grey tabby with chubby cheeks. He is a super shy guy and is looking for his very own super human to give him the love, patience and security needed to let go of his fear and show his true personality. He is approximately 2-3 years old. He would suit a calm adult household with lots of rescue experience.
He comes desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. He is a healthy FIV positive boy. His adoption fee is $220. He is located at Ingleside.
Please call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 if you are interested in meeting him or email - she is located at Ingleside.
Foster Carers NeededNot everyone is in a position to adopt a dog, which is why DoggieRescue runs a foster program making it easy for caring dog lovers to make an immediate difference.
Meet our top ten doggies desperate for a foster home. These are most frequently doggies who have spent a long time in the shelter and are in urgent need of some quiet time in a loving home.
For further details or to meet all cats, rabbits and dogs at Doggie Rescue call 9486 3133 or email Visit to see all our dogs. Rehoming Organisation No R251000024.

Frank is a handsome grey tabby with chubby cheeks. He is a super shy guy and is looking for his very own super human to give him the love, patience and security needed to let go of his fear and show his true personality. He is approximately 2-3 years old. He would suit a calm adult household with lots of rescue experience.
He comes desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. He is a healthy FIV positive boy. His adoption fee is $220. He is located at Ingleside.
Please call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 if you are interested in meeting him or email - she is located at Ingleside.
Garigal National Park: Notice Of 1080 Pest Management Of Foxes
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service will be conducting a baiting program using manufactured baits, fresh baits and Canid Pest Ejectors (CPEs) containing 1080 poison (sodium fluroacetate) for the control of foxes. The program is continuous and ongoing between Sunday 1 August 2021 and Monday 31 January 2022 in Garigal National Park.
Don’t touch baits or ejector devices. All baiting locations are identifiable by signs.
Domestic pets are not permitted in NSW national parks and reserves. Pets and working dogs may be affected (1080 is lethal to cats and dogs). Pets and working dogs must be restrained or muzzled in the vicinity and must not enter the baiting location. In the event of accidental poisoning seek immediate veterinary assistance.
Fox baiting in these reserves is aimed at reducing their impact on threatened species.
Penalties apply for non-compliance. For more information, contact the Forestville office 02 9451 3479 or Lane Cove office on 8448 0400.
Free Community Pantry: Frenchs Forest Anglican Church
July 23, 2021Today we set up a small Community Pantry with essentials, to help out during lockdown. Especially for the many of you who have had to go into 14 days isolation.
We've got the basics: milk, bread, fruit, butter, soup, baked beans...etc. And some toilet paper too.
If you need something delivered, there are others from church willing to help. Of course, if you know of neighbours in need, please let us know that so we can help there too.
Everything is undercover, milk and butter are in the fridge. You could even drive though if you wanted. Just make sure you wait till the person in front of you is finished, so we keep safe by keeping our distance.
Let's do our best to keep caring for one another and those around us at this time.
Blessings from the crew at Frenchs Forest Anglican
PH: 9975 5410

Small Business Rebates For Hygiene Items
We hope the Northern Beaches community is staying safe and healthy during this time.
We understand that it has been a difficult time especially for our trade customers. However, there is some good news to share. Safe Work NSW is now providing safety rebates of up to $500 for eligible small businesses and sole traders for the purchases of hand sanitiser stations as it now a requirement for all construction sites to have an appropriate check-in facility and sanitiser station.
Before you apply for the rebate please ensure you complete the following: - check the terms and conditions to make sure you are eligible
- attend a free eligible event (online) advisory from a SafeWork NSW officer
- buy and install eligible safety items to address a safety problem in your workplace
To assist our customers with the new regulations we’re offering StandiTiser hand sanitiser stations for $169. These stands are easy to install, comply with the new rebate and are ideal for visitors and staff to check in and sanitise their hands. 
Watch this short video on how to claim the $500 small business rebate.
- check the terms and conditions to make sure you are eligible
- attend a free eligible event (online) advisory from a SafeWork NSW officer
- buy and install eligible safety items to address a safety problem in your workplace

Virtual Zoo Lessons Available
The great people of Taronga Zoo are offering Virtual Zoo Lockdown Lessons streamed straight to your living room for FREE to help those teaching at home at present. Connect virtually with some of Taronga’s amazing animals with digital lessons led by a qualified member of our teaching staff that allows your students to be engaged by getting up close (digitally) to our fascinating animals via video link.
Virtual Zoo Lockdown Lessons will be running four times a week across Tuesdays and Fridays, with two virtual lessons per day.
In these engaging sessions, Taronga Educators will delve into a variety of animals, their habitats, needs, the challenges they face for survival and the amazing adaptations they possess.
These virtual sessions will be hosted via the Taronga Website, via Vimeo Livestream. No download is required, the livestream can be watched on a Taronga webpage link that you will be emailed after registering. Vimeo Livestream will allow multiple devices to be active at one time.
To register for these, please visit:
Help Shape The Future Of Animal Welfare Laws In NSW
Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall has released the NSW Animal Welfare Reform – Discussion Paper as the next step in the NSW Government’s commitment to modernise animal welfare legislation.
Mr Marshall said while the care of animals was a universal value, it was critical the state’s laws provide the right legal framework to protect all animals.
“I am calling on all members of the community to help shape the future of animal welfare in NSW,” Mr Marshall said.
“Expectations and animal welfare science have changed drastically in the 40 years since our existing laws were written. With the community’s help, three pieces of legislation will be replaced with one modern Act.
“The NSW Animal Welfare Reform – Discussion Paper outlines a series of proposals about the future of animal welfare legislation and it’s important all stakeholders, from farmers to mum and dad pet owners, have the opportunity to provide us their feedback.
“We now have Australia’s toughest set of animal cruelty penalties, but it is vital our legislation is in line with the best available science and community expectations.”
The feedback on the discussion paper will support legislation development to create an animal management framework that is easier to understand, closes loopholes and reflects new best-practice since the original legislation was developed 40 years ago.
This will be the second round of consultation on animal welfare reform and Mr Marshall said significant feedback had already been gathered.
“More than 1,100 stakeholders including key representative bodies and experts had their say in the first round of consultation and this has been used to develop a series of proposals outlined in the NSW Animal Welfare Reform – Discussion Paper,” Mr Marshall said.
Proposals in the Discussion Paper include:- Setting a minimum care requirement for those responsible for animals;
- Clarifying what constitutes cruelty and who is responsible for the care of an animal;
- Introducing a modern penalties framework with increased penalty amounts and new and enhanced offences; and
- Providing updated powers and tools to protect animals.
If you would like to have your say, email your submission to or visit the NSW Department of Primary Industries website.
Consultation is open until Friday, 3 September 2021.
- Setting a minimum care requirement for those responsible for animals;
- Clarifying what constitutes cruelty and who is responsible for the care of an animal;
- Introducing a modern penalties framework with increased penalty amounts and new and enhanced offences; and
- Providing updated powers and tools to protect animals.
Please Dispose Of Single Use Masks At Home
On a short walk yesterday three masks were picked up of the ground within 10 metres. Same thing the day before. These probably dropped out of a pocket or something alike that after use - but, these can impact on wildlife and cause death.
Let's look after our wildlife as well as each other during this latest challenge. Please be careful and ensure you take yours home so we don't see this:

Avalon Beach 100th Celebrations
Roger Treagus called an open meeting of interested community members on 10/6/21 hosted by Av Bowlo and assisted by Councillor McTaggart, to canvass ideas for the community to celebrate this event.
Some Ideas so far include asking the community to provide historical film/photos of living here to process into a movie for local screening, Tree Planting, Bands, Celebrating indigenous culture, A Guinness book event and more.They will post updates to Avalon What’s On Facebook page.
Meanwhile Roger is keen to hear from anyone with film/pics to lend, celebration ideas or to volunteer help or resources.
A Facebook webpage has been set up to share information at
Contact:- Roger Treagus Convenor- Avalon Beach 100 Committee via email:-

Sydney Wildlife Recycled Bottles For Wildlife 2021
Sydney Wildlife Rescue is registered for return and earn in NSW. This time it is accessed by an App called My Tomra - which is the organisation that runs the recycling.
Once you have downloaded the My Tomra App. Just search “Our Wildlife” you will see Sydney Wildlife Rescue listed. You can set that as the payout.
So you just scan the bar code from the App at the recycling machine and the 10c will be donated to Sydney Wildlife Rescue. The machines can be located anywhere in NSW.
Please have a look it’s a good way to support us to care for wildlife and do your bit to keep Australia Beautiful.

JP Public Register
You can find a Justice of the Peace (JP) using the online Public Register. You can search by postcode, name of a JP, day of availability, language spoken and JP registration number.
The register lists a JP’s location, availability and telephone number. Please note that JPs are volunteers and may not be available at all times.
Domestic Violence Support
NB: Where to get help Fact Sheet is below. Simply click on PDF and 'save as' on your own device
People experiencing domestic violence can be assured police and frontline services are ready to support them and their families.
Member for Manly James Griffin said the Northern Beaches community should not hesitate to seek help and support at this time.
“If you are in danger or in an emergency call Triple Zero (000),” Mr Griffin said. “If you are in need of support services, such as housing or counselling, our hard working frontline staff are also available to help those suffering domestic violence.”
“No person, whether they live on the Northern Beaches or anywhere in Australia, should in live in fear of violence and I urge people to seek the help they need when it is safe to do so.”
Mr Griffin added that perpetrators are on notice and that police have increased efforts to combat violence in the home including more proactive operations to enforce protection orders. “Police will continue to conduct Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) compliance checks to keep victims safe.”
NSW Police Force Domestic Violence Corporate Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Mark Jones, said police are monitoring rates of domestic violence.
“High-risk and repeat offenders are being targeted by specially trained police to ensure that all orders are strictly followed and complied with and offenders are arrested if violence is detected,” Assistant Commissioner Jones said. “Police are also able to vary existing interim or final ADVOs if we know that violence is escalating, without needing to first go to court, so victims are immediately protected.
Where to get help - March 2020.pdf
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Type : pdf
![]() | Where to get help - March 2020.pdf Size : 465.979 Kb Type : pdf |
Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
Local wildlife rescuers are asking all members of the public to report any roadkill on McCarrs Ck Rd or any other road in the NB (Wakehurst Parkway or Mona Vale Road for instance) on
It records the GPS position, date, sex, species. Photos can be added as they help in identificationThe data is then forwarded to OEH and Transport NSW as it can help establish the best places to place mitigation. Thanking you all in advance for your help with this.
We need your help. Thank you for reporting wildlife road fatalities. There is so much wildlife on the move in our area at present due to various pressures. Although we have had pictures sent to us, many of these have no date or location.
There is a database that volunteers maintain but this needs three pieces of information:- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
The details can be entered into the database directly by you at:
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls At Pittwater Place
Our Avalon Mothers’ Day stall was most successful raising $2,400 which we will spend on outdoor furniture for the new Palliative Care Centre.
“Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary members will be holding stalls at Pittwater Place, Mona Vale on the first Saturday of the month for the rest of the year, selling knitting, sewing, craft, jams and books, from 8am to 3pm.”

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:

The purpose of - is best defined by the vision of the West Pittwater Community Association.
To be a supportive community, encouraging and promoting civic pride, interest in community affairs and goodwill amongst residents.
To protect local fauna and flora and generally preserve West Pittwater and its environs.
To secure essential facilities including public wharves and reserves and to protect private and public property.
To speak with one voice and represent the interests of the Western Foreshore community when in discussion with Pittwater Council and other relevant government bodies. The WPCA website provides a forum for the better realisation of these objectives. Visit:
Westfield Local Hero: Jake De Kort

Readers Query: 1890-95 Paintings Location

After Dark Photo Competition: Northern Beaches - Entries Date Extended
- Land – capturing man-made and/or natural formations, wildlife, flora or fauna associated with the night
- Sea – capturing waterways, beaches, or marine areas, sea life associated with the night.
- Sky – capturing aspects of the night sky, moon, stars capes, clouds or wildlife associated with the night sky.

Help Shape The Future Of Maritime Safety In NSW
- safer lifejacket wear and equipment
- safer boating through technology
- safer waterway access and infrastructure
- growing our safety culture.
- on vessels less than 6m when underway; and
- at all times for vessels less than 6m when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- on vessels less than 6m in enclosed waters when underway; and
- on all vessels in open waters in the open area of the vessel when underway; and
- at all times when boating alone, on alpine waters or between sunset and sunrise (heightened risk circumstances).
- at all times in a vessel less than 6m in enclosed and open waters; and
- in the open area of a vessel greater than 6m that is underway in enclosed and open waters.
Scammers Using Fake AFP Credentials To Target Vulnerable People
North Palm Beach SLSC New FB Page

Free Mental Health Workshops For Parents And Carers
New Statues To Honour Three Great Australians
Funding To Support Women In Sport Leadership
Laws Banning Pets In Strata Properties Reversed
- repeated damage of the common property
- menacing behaviour, and
- persistent noise and odour.
ABC Statement: “Fox And The Big Lie”
Teachers Coastal Education Week

Fee-Free TAFE NSW Courses Available
- Reading plans for builders
- Construction materials and work, health and safety
- Digital security basics
- Medical terminology
- Business administration skills
- Business skills for supervisors
- Producing documents and spreadsheets
- Food handling
- Mental health
- Alcohol and other drug work
ADF Training In New South Wales From July To December 2021
Calling All Artists!

Kimbriki: Essential Services Only
- Kimbriki is open seven days a week from 7am – 5pm for essential services only.
- You MUST wear a mask at all times while onsite.
- You MUST practice social distancing at all times.
- You MUST not approach staff.
- YOU MUST check in using the QR codes provided, or manual sign-in forms if you do not have a phone.
Updated Noise Guide For Local Government Open For Comment
- improved and easier to navigate three-part structure;
- updated fact sheets for various common noise sources and summaries of which is the right regulatory authority;
- up-to-date worked examples for common neighbourhood noise issues; and
- consolidated and simplified technical and supporting information for council officers.
- have their say at
- make enquiries on the draft Guide to