community news: November 2022
November 27 - December 3, 2022: Issue 564
This Issue: full list in Contents page
The Making Of The 2021 Avalon Beach Centenary Quilt by Anna Maria Monticelli
From The Council Chamber - November 2022 by Miranda Korzy, Pittwater Greens Councillor
Council Cites Numerous Significant Concerns In Their Feedback For Lizard Rock Planning Proposal
Pictures: Avalon Bulldogs Touch Footy 2022: 20 Years Of Youngsters Having Fun During The Club's 60th Year
Sydney Short Ocean Racing Championship 2022 by Di Pearson
Aquatics: Palm Beach Sailing Club's Beware The Bullets Regatta 2022 – The Match Report by Paddy Butler
Park Bench Philosophers: State Of The Climate 2022 – Australia Continues To Warm; Heavy Rainfall Becomes More Intense, Bushfire Season More Intense, Longer
ACF - Saving Sydney's Koalas Film Night At Narrabeen: Thursday December 8th
Christmas Wrap 2022: Giving To Others - Carols - Street Lights - Markets - Meals
ABC In 2023 – Bright, Bold, Brilliant Programs Coming Your Way
DIY Ideas Preparing Outdoor Areas For Christmas Get-Togethers and Summer Visitors: Wooden Decks, Tiles, Pavers, Outdoor Furniture, Putting Up The Christmas Lights, Garden Spruce Up
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Meteorologist
The Australian Magpie: Our Suburban Caroller
Environment Gilead Stage 2 Development, Land Court In Queensland Recommends Against Clive Palmer’s Coal Mine, BirdLife Australia Photography Awards 2022 Winners Announced, Regent Honeyeaters Being Helped To Find Their Songs Again, They might not have a spine but invertebrates are the backbone of our ecosystems; Let’s help them out, That siren-imitating lyrebird at Taronga Zoo? He lost his song culture – and absorbed some of ours, Stripping carbon from the atmosphere might be needed to avoid dangerous warming – but it remains a deeply uncertain prospect, State of the climate: what Australians need to know about major new report, COP27: how the fossil fuel lobby crowded out calls for climate justice, After COP27 all signs point to world blowing past the 1.5 degrees global warming limit – here’s what we can still do about it, COP27 flinched on phasing out ‘all fossil fuels’; What’s next for the fight to keep them in the ground?, Adapting to a hotter planet has never been more important and progress edged forward at COP27, Wildfires often lead to dust storms – and they’re getting bigger, How to design clean energy subsidies that work – without wasting money on free riders, What planting tomatoes shows us about climate change, Remaking our suburbs’ 1960s apartment blocks: a subtle and greener way to increase housing density, Queensland’s high-tech plan to make the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games smarter and greener, What mirrored ants, vivid blue butterflies and Monstera house plants can teach us about designing buildings, Pittwater Bushcare, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Pittwater Environment Groups and organisations, Downloadable Shorebirds Guide
Inbox News Nitrous Oxide – Not A Laughing Matter, UNSW Solar Innovator, World-Leading Oceanographer and Molecular Tech Entrepreneurs Awarded Prime Minister's Prizes For Science, Children as young as 10 are repeat self-harming: study, Shocking Question: Can We Store The Energy From Lightning?, Solid Salamander: Prehistoric Amphibian Was As Heavy As A Pygmy Hippo, Exercise Can Reduce Severity Of Breast Cancer Treatment Side Effects, Sea Level Rise To Dramatically Speed Up Erosion Of Rock Coastlines By 2100, It’s time-out for leap seconds: an expert explains why the tiny clock adjustments will be paused from 2035, Groundbreaking studies of Earth’s churning oceans recognised at Australia’s most prestigious science prizes this year, Why do kids bully? And what can parents do about it?, The Australian Magpie: Our Suburban Caroller, Staying Safe At Schoolies, School Leavers Support, Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Meteorologist, Word Of The Week: Bark, Mukbang, #EatWithMe and eating disorders on TikTok: why online food consumption videos could fuel food fixations, Scientists need help to save nature. With a smartphone and these 8 tips, we can get our kids on the case, Clothes women wanted to wear: a new exhibition explores how Carla Zampatti saw her designs as a tracker of feminism, Minimalist poet Antigone Kefala wins the Patrick White Award for her contribution to Australian literature, Watching Casablanca on its 80th anniversary, we remain in awe of its simplicity – and profound depth, Spending too much money? Tempted by sales? These ways to ‘hack’ your psychology can help, 18th- and 19th-century Americans of all races, classes and genders looked to the ancient Mediterranean for inspiration, Rosetta Stone: a new museum is reviving calls to return the artefact to Egypt, How satellites, radar and drones are tracking meteorites and aiding Earth’s asteroid defence, Banksy in Ukraine: how his defiant new works offer hope, The concept of class is often avoided in public debate, but it’s essential for understanding inequality, Get Your Tickets To The 2023 NSW Seniors Festival Premier's Gala Concerts, Australians Working 6 Weeks Unpaid Overtime, Costing Economy Over $92 Billion: Go Home On Time Day Report, World-Leading Falls Researchers and Clinicians Call For Urgent Government Action On The $2.3bn Health Problem No One Talks About, Compulsory Dementia Education As Important As Pay Rise For Aged Care Workers, Losing Your Best Friend: Your Pet - and How Pets Grieve Too; Profound grief for a pet is normal – how to help yourself or a friend weather the loss of a beloved family member, ANZHFR Report Highlights Need For Cognitive Assessments In Hip Fracture Care, Caravanners Urged To Seek Remedy For Dangerous Recalled Swift Cookers
Foreshore Connection Improvements At Bayview Open For Comment: New Seawall and Footpath - feedback closes Wednesday November 30th.
NBC’s Conservation Zones Review - What’s It All About? - feedback closes December 2nd
Monika’s DoggieRescue 2023 Calendar Is Available Now: A History Of The DoggieRescue Calendar by Roland Briefrel

In late January 2023, 305 Squadron will be running an information night for prospective recruits. To register your interest and receive updates on the date of the information night, please register an expression of interest in joining 305 Squadron at:
While researching for materials for a page on Careel Bay habitué Sir Herbert Henry Schlink the remarkable lady known as Dr. Margaret Mulvey, 'Meg', appeared again and again through his records. A small insight into Meg Mulvey ran as a history insight in 2012, although it was obvious there was much more to this story.
Pittwater residents spoken to clearly remembered this lady and passed on small insights over the years, all of them referring to her gentle spirit and kind and loving nature.
Margaret Mulvey was not only an exceptional Doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and a brilliant teacher beloved by all whom she helped during her career, she was also an author, a supporter of Painters, Poets and Writers and Thespians, while her home at Careel Bay, 'Marara', was a salon of the first degree open to many and all throughout the decades this property was owned by the Schlinks.
Recently, and fortuitously, Meg's still resident in Pittwater relatives kindly forwarded one of the Tributes read at her Service. Penned by Dr. Nic David Jools AM, an obstetrician gynaecologist who later went on to teach medicine at the University of Sydney, his collated memories from many of those whom came in contact with Meg shares insights into her long career and the happy times so many spent at Careel Bay as her guests. This reads a little like a 'who's who' of Sydney Medicine during her lifetime.
Dr. Jools Tribute from the Celebration of her life in December 2001 runs this Issue.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: November 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Marine Rescue Broken Bay New Base

Community Sport Facilities Granted Major Boost: Warringah Recreation Centre Receives Over 3 Million
2022-2023 Issues Of Pittwater Online News: Cut Off Time For End Of Year Wrap - Holiday Notices
State Government Responds To State Infrastructure Strategy
Inquiry Into The Appointment Of The Former Prime Minister To Administer Multiple Departments Report Released
- Legislation to require public notice of the appointment of Ministers to administer departments and hold offices;
- The publication of acting arrangements for Ministers; and
- The publication of details of which Ministers are appointed to administer departments and an outline of divisions of responsibilities where more than one Minister is appointed to the same department.
Joeline Hackman To Stand As Manly Independent In 2023 State Election

Avalon Shared Space Update: Cr. Miranda Korzy
"I’ve met with council staff this week to report concerns held by residents and businesses about the roadworks in Avalon. Thanks to those who emailed because I could show staff the spread of issues and opinions - both for and against the changes. I’ve also talked to the Avalon business chamber and some shop owners near the intersection - with some worried about how the work will effect their busiest time of year over the Christmas holidays, and others welcoming the attempt to reduce the risk of accidents.I relayed everyone’s concerns about the confusion at the corner of Avalon Pde and Old B’joey Rd, the long queues on Avalon Pde, and shops losing business to other centres. Also that we are all worried about greater chaos as we move into holiday season.
In answer to questions raised, staff have told me:- It was not possible to build a roundabout at the intersection of Avalon Pde and Old Barrenjoey Rd or to install traffic lights because it would be too close to the lights on Barrenjoey Rd. It would also have been more dangerous for pedestrians trying to cross with traffic coming out of a roundabout.
- The roadwork, including the new shoulders near the pedestrian crossings reducing the roadway to one lane each way, should be finished by the end of the second week of December. However, work laying new asphalt is scheduled to move to nights from December 4.
- Currently, roadwork should only be taking place between 10am and 3pm and there should be a traffic controller on duty throughout that period. If not, please call the council on 1300 434 434 to report it. I have also asked staff to consider introducing a lollypop person at the end of school time to help ensure kids’ safety at the intersection.
- Staff will review signage to reduce confusion and warn that traffic conditions have changed.
- Regarding a suggestion to prevent Woolworths unloading their trucks and opening up the laneway for access to the carpark, staff said that the company has a lease arrangement for unloading there, so it would not be possible.
- Changes to the entrance and exit to Woolworths carpark will not occur until later.
- Staff said that they are receiving positive comments about the pedestrian crossings.
I agree with everyone that it was too late in the year to attempt such big changes - would have been much better to do it outside holiday time. We could all have seen how it went in normal traffic, without the influx of Xmas visitors. The trial could then have been aborted if it hadn’t worked. However, councillors were not consulted about the timing. And I note that this is definitely a trial - staff have told me previously that money from the NSW government grant to carry out the work would be left over to make changes if it doesn’t work.
Please email me any other questions at and I’ll follow up on them. I’ll be away for a few days now but will check when I’m back."
Avalon Parade - Old Barrenjoey Road junction - Saturday November 26, 2022, midday
New crossing on Avalon parade - Old Barrenjoey Road heading west
More in: Avalon Beach Village Shared Space Timeline For Works Made Available - works commenced
- It was not possible to build a roundabout at the intersection of Avalon Pde and Old Barrenjoey Rd or to install traffic lights because it would be too close to the lights on Barrenjoey Rd. It would also have been more dangerous for pedestrians trying to cross with traffic coming out of a roundabout.
- The roadwork, including the new shoulders near the pedestrian crossings reducing the roadway to one lane each way, should be finished by the end of the second week of December. However, work laying new asphalt is scheduled to move to nights from December 4.
- Currently, roadwork should only be taking place between 10am and 3pm and there should be a traffic controller on duty throughout that period. If not, please call the council on 1300 434 434 to report it. I have also asked staff to consider introducing a lollypop person at the end of school time to help ensure kids’ safety at the intersection.
- Staff will review signage to reduce confusion and warn that traffic conditions have changed.
- Regarding a suggestion to prevent Woolworths unloading their trucks and opening up the laneway for access to the carpark, staff said that the company has a lease arrangement for unloading there, so it would not be possible.
- Changes to the entrance and exit to Woolworths carpark will not occur until later.
- Staff said that they are receiving positive comments about the pedestrian crossings.
Scheduled Roadwork: Seaforth To Frenchs Forest
Wakehurst Parkway between Judith Street and Aquatic Drive - Sun 27 Nov 2022 to Tue 13 Dec 2022 - 8:00pm to 5:00am; Road closed both directions
Advice: Reduced speed limit (40km/h), Use diversions
Other Advice: Resident access will be maintained. Access for buses and emergency services will be maintained through the work zone at all times.
Diversions - Light vehicles:
Northbound: Frenchs Forest Rd, Sydney Rd, Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Condamine St, Kentwell Rd, Allambie Rd & Warringah Rd.
Southbound: Aquatic Dr, Allambie Rd, Kentwell Rd, Condamine St, Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Sydney Rd, & Frenchs Forest Rd.
Heavy vehicles: Warringah Rd, Pittwater Rd, Condamine St & Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation in both directions. From: Live Traffic NSW
Visit NSW Government announcement made November 15th, 2022:
Wakehurst Parkway Improvements: More Details On $75 Million Spend Announced By NSW State Government

Wakehurst Parkway between Judith Street and Aquatic Drive - Sun 27 Nov 2022 to Tue 13 Dec 2022 - 8:00pm to 5:00am; Road closed both directions
Advice: Reduced speed limit (40km/h), Use diversions
Other Advice: Resident access will be maintained. Access for buses and emergency services will be maintained through the work zone at all times.
Diversions - Light vehicles:
Northbound: Frenchs Forest Rd, Sydney Rd, Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Condamine St, Kentwell Rd, Allambie Rd & Warringah Rd.
Southbound: Aquatic Dr, Allambie Rd, Kentwell Rd, Condamine St, Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Sydney Rd, & Frenchs Forest Rd.
Heavy vehicles: Warringah Rd, Pittwater Rd, Condamine St & Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation in both directions. From: Live Traffic NSW
Visit NSW Government announcement made November 15th, 2022:
Wakehurst Parkway Improvements: More Details On $75 Million Spend Announced By NSW State Government
Petition: Wakehurst Parkway Northbound Bike-Track Carpark Entrance After Sports Centre
The entrance to this Council Carpark is not only on 2 blind corners, the speed limit is 80 kilometres. I had a severe car accident on this same corner in 2018, I was hit 130ks head on and almost died. I was coming from Narrabeen, a car lost control around the corner and hit me head on. My son last week had an accident in exactly the same place heading towards Frenchs Forest when someone pulled out of the carpark and turned right towards Narrabeen.

There needs to be something done regarding the dangerous position of this well used carpark. No right turn heading north and no right turn coming out of the carpark could address it in the short term.
Please sign this petition so we can get some action on this and save lives:
Lisa Raicevich

Newport: Corner Of Barrenjoey Road - Neptune Road Saturday November 26, 2022:
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association AGM 2022
We warmly invite you to our AGM 2022, to be held on Sunday November 27. Time: 11.30amPlace: Newport Community Centre.
Our guest presenter will be Jayden Walsh on " The Ecology of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park" Jayden has already given us several wonderful presentations and this one will be specially interesting, as he talks about the inter-actions between rocks, plants and animals.
PNHA Cards will be on sale.
All Welcome - Bring Friends!Please RSVP to

Roadworks At Night: Ingleside
Mona Vale Road between Tumburra Street and Mccarrs Creek RoadMon 21 Nov 2022 to Mon 5 Dec 2022Scheduled roadwork: Every Night (9:00pm to 5:00am). Traffic affected all directionsAdvice; Reduced speed limit (40km/h), Check signageOther Advice; Alternating (stop/slow) traffic conditions will be in place.

Manly - Warringah Sporting Clubs Share $100,000 In Council Grants
Five sporting clubs have been awarded a share of $100,000 in Sports and Recreation Infrastructure Grants to improve their facilities and grounds, the Council has announced this week.
Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan said the funding helps support local sporting clubs to install or build much-needed infrastructure.
“Sporting clubs are an important part of our local community, and they also encourage people to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
“Investing in sporting facilities improves the viability of our local sporting clubs who do so much good work in our community.
“There were many worthy applications from clubs and associations across the Northern Beaches so it was a tough decision for the panel assessing them. Congratulation to the successful recipients.”
In all, 16 applications were received requesting a total of more than $394,000; however, Council’s budget allocation was $100,000 for this round of applicants.
The grants were awarded to:- Manly Warringah District Cricket Club - to remove the two existing junior cricket wickets and to install three new junior cricket wickets at Seaforth Oval
- Forest Hills Pony Club - to upgrade existing obstacles and install new obstacles at the cross-country equestrian course at the JJ Melbourne Hills Memorial Reserve, Terrey Hills
- Manly Croquet Club - to install a new reverse cycle air conditioning system in the Manly Croquet Club building at Keirle Park, Manly
- Beacon Hill Youth Club (Beacon Hill Football Club) - a contribution towards the installation of a new awning and a kitchen upgrade for the club house building at Beacon Hill Reserve, Beacon Hill
- Bareena Park Tennis Club - contribution towards the resurfacing of tennis courts at the Bareena Park Tennis Complex, Balgowlah Heights
Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding agreement with Council and to complete their grant funded projects by 30 June 2023
- Manly Warringah District Cricket Club - to remove the two existing junior cricket wickets and to install three new junior cricket wickets at Seaforth Oval
- Forest Hills Pony Club - to upgrade existing obstacles and install new obstacles at the cross-country equestrian course at the JJ Melbourne Hills Memorial Reserve, Terrey Hills
- Manly Croquet Club - to install a new reverse cycle air conditioning system in the Manly Croquet Club building at Keirle Park, Manly
- Beacon Hill Youth Club (Beacon Hill Football Club) - a contribution towards the installation of a new awning and a kitchen upgrade for the club house building at Beacon Hill Reserve, Beacon Hill
- Bareena Park Tennis Club - contribution towards the resurfacing of tennis courts at the Bareena Park Tennis Complex, Balgowlah Heights
Foreshore Connection Improvements At Bayview Open For Comment
Pittwater Road, Bayview
The footpath between the Bayview Sea Scouts Hall and Bayview Baths is a highly utilised foreshore connection that currently provides a poor level of service for the community. The path has been impacted by coastal erosion which has caused it to become uneven in places and difficult to traverse.
Council are planning to widen the concrete path and better protect the embankment it sits on from coastal erosion. The existing seawall will be upgraded to modern engineering standards which will protect the widened footpath and Pittwater Road from erosion.
The proposed seawall will be comprised of stepped sandstone blocks and sandstone rock toe protection, which will protect the bank and provide tidal habitat for fauna.
Council will be going to market to seek tenders for a suitable contractor to undertake the works. Construction is expected to occur between April and August 2023.
This project is made possible thanks to a $599k grant from the NSW Governments Metropolitan Greenspace Program and through funds allocated by Council.
View the Design Plans HERE
Have your sayCouncil invite you to have your say on the detailed design plan by:completing the comment form hereemailing to council marked ‘Foreshore Connection Improvements – Pittwater Road, Bayview’, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
Comments close Wednesday November 30th.
All comments regarding this public document will be treated as public documents and made available on request.
Background available in: Council To Revitalise Bayview Church Point Foreshore - Issue 543, June 2022

Artists Impression of works. Image courtesy NBC

Narrabeen’s New Bridge Opens
Council reports that locals and visitors can now safely explore Narrabeen Lagoon from the new pedestrian and cycle bridge.
The bridge opened Friday November 18 for the enjoyment of all users, particularly those walking, running or cycling along the popular Narrabeen Lagoon Track.
This section of the 8.4km loop had been identified as a bottleneck and a safety issue for walkers and cyclists who previously used the narrow path on the Pittwater Road bridge.
The new bridge sits alongside the road bridge, providing pedestrians and cyclists plenty of space to safely cross the lagoon. It even includes a viewing deck where you can sit and enjoy the view.

Photo: NBC

Basin Dining Room Now Open
The Basin Dining Room in the Mona Vale SLSC officially opened on Friday the 25th of November. Find out more at:

McKillop Park Boardwalk Extension
The Freshwater Coastal Open Space Masterplan, adopted by Council in 2018, identifies the construction of a link between the end of South Curl Curl Boardwalk (Harry Elliffe Way) and McKillop Park Reserve.
Council states this boardwalk extension will provide a safer and more accessible connection along the headland. It will remove the need for pedestrians to use the stairs to Lumsdaine Drive to continue their walk along this beautiful stretch of coastline. It will also connect the existing boardwalk to the public artwork that will be installed in 2023 at McKillop Park Reserve.
Council states that due to the environmental sensitivities and rich biodiversity of the area, extensive work has been undertaken to ensure the design of the boardwalk has limited environmental impacts.
Council has commissioned a Review of Environmental Factors (REF), including a Flora & Fauna Impact Assessment, to assess the environmental impacts of the proposed boardwalk extension.
Council states the REF concludes that the proposed boardwalk is unlikely to have a significant impact on the environment.
You can view the REF documents HERE, along with a concept plan outlining the location and sketches of the proposed extension. Council have also provided a brief overview of the REF and some frequently asked questions on this page.
View the information and share your comments about the REF by:
completing the submission form hereemailing to council marked 'McKillop Park Boardwalk Extension’ at Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
Want to chat with Council?Come along to a drop-in session on Saturday 3 December 2022 between 10am and 11h30am at McKillop Park Reserve (by the Freshwater Headland car park).
You can also contact the Park Assets - Planning, Design & Delivery Team on 1300 434 434 (during business hours) or by email if you have any questions before making your submission.
Submissions will close on Sunday 18 December 2022.
Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment November 2022 Forum: Lizard Rock Proposal From MLALC
Speaker: Andrew PigottZoom Meeting: 7pm, Monday November 28
Don’t miss it! Register now. By emailing:
Andrew Pigott is an Urban Planner with over 20 years’ experience in local government and the private sector both within Australia and the United Kingdom.
In his current role Andrew is the Executive Manager of Strategic & Place Planning at Northern Beaches Council and is responsible for land use policy development including the preparation of the new Northern Beaches Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan, urban land release, structure planning, development contributions planning, place planning and urban design. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning and a Master of Business Administration.
As stated in our August newsletter, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council have prepared a plan to convert a large area of bushland near Lizard Rock in the catchment of Narrabeen Lagoon to housing and set aside some patches for conservation.
The Department of Planning and Environment have asked Council staff to make comments on the proposal. The Council comments will be presented to the Northern Beaches Council meeting on November 22.
Andrew Pigott will explain to our forum what the comments from Northern Beaches Council mean.
Outdoor ActivitiesBushcare for beginnersWed 21/12/22 8am - 11amIncludes morning tea at Oxford Creek cascades.Bookings appreciated. Conny 0432 643 295

In Tune With TonyB
In Tune is a radio programme about our local community, hosted by TonyB.
In Tune with community, culture and home-grown music of a diverse range of genres and timelines.
Each week, Tony plays great local music and we chat with guests from local community groups, causes and charities, about how they make a difference. In his next programme on Friday 2nd December, Tony will be chatting with members of Rotary Upper Northern Beaches about the wonderful community projects they have planned leading up to Christmas. The programme will also feature a great line up of predominantly home-grown music.
Radio Northern BeachesFridays at 6pmFM 88.7 or 90.3Or live stream at previous programmes, on demand at also feel free to like and share our Facebook page (link below) and if you would like to come and chat with us on air about your community group or your music, please feel free to message us via the Facebook page. 

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
Schnauzer X Maltese 11yrs

Bobby is a sweet gentle easy going dog. It is not very often that we have such a easy dog at our shelter in the small size range. He is social with other dogs and is easy to cuddle and handle and groom. Bobby has had a dental with 11 extractions and is now on soft cooked chicken. He has a low shedding coat and weighs 4.7kg. All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $400. To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Schnauzer X Maltese 11yrs
Bobby is a sweet gentle easy going dog. It is not very often that we have such a easy dog at our shelter in the small size range. He is social with other dogs and is easy to cuddle and handle and groom. Bobby has had a dental with 11 extractions and is now on soft cooked chicken. He has a low shedding coat and weighs 4.7kg. All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $400. To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
6yo Domestic Short Hair

Gypsy is a shy but sweet girl who has come from a deceased estate. She is getting used to the new surroundings and other cats. She loves affection and is quite smoochy. She just needs a little time to get to know you and is best suited to a quiet calm lifestyle. She has a short coat and weighs 4.7kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
6yo Domestic Short Hair
Gypsy is a shy but sweet girl who has come from a deceased estate. She is getting used to the new surroundings and other cats. She loves affection and is quite smoochy. She just needs a little time to get to know you and is best suited to a quiet calm lifestyle. She has a short coat and weighs 4.7kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls
The Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary members are having a stall at Pittwater Place on the first Saturday of every month from 9am to 3pm selling knitting for babies and children, beanies, bedsocks and scarves for oldies, sewing items, craft and jams, raising funds for the rehabilitation and palliative care units.

Community Invited To Comment On The Conservation Zones Review And Technical Reports
As Northern Beaches Council moves towards developing a single planning system for the whole Council area, as required by the NSW Government, an important step in the process is the review of our conservation zones.
Conservation zones (previously known as Environmental zones) are used in a council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to identify and restrict inappropriate development in areas with high environmental values or that are subject to hazards such as bushfire or flooding.
The Conservation Zone Review will help Council establish which land areas are included in conservation zones in the new Northern Beaches LEP. It contains a review of Conservation zones used in in our four current LEPs, a proposed methodology to establish a consistent set of Conservation zones across the area, and maps of proposed Conservation zones based on that methodology. The Review is based on comprehensive set of technical studies that identify and map areas subject to a range of hazards or with important environmental qualities.
Mayor Michael Regan said while most of the community will see little change to their existing zoning, we want to make sure we’ve got the balance right.
“The aim of this review is not just to deliver consistency across our area but to make sure we apply the right zoning to the right areas using the best available knowledge,” Mayor Regan said.
“We want to protect the precious environment that makes our area special, and also keep our community safe from hazards like flood and bushfire.
“Being in a conservation zone doesn’t mean you can’t build a new house or add an extension – just that you’ll need to take the environment or hazards into account, when you do so.
“The Review is informed by multiple technical studies and provides a strong starting point for a considered discussion about our future Conservation zones.
“Now it’s important we hear from our community. Have we got it right? I encourage everyone to have look at what is being proposed, see what it means for you, and let us know what you think.”
Detailed information will be available on Council’s Your Say website, including an online mapping tool showing affected residents what their current zone is and what is proposed.
Public exhibition of the Conservation Zones Review and Technical Reports starts Friday 2 September and continue for an eight-week period until December 2nd for the Biodiversity Planning Review reports.
Visit the project on the Your Say website to get involved, at:
Catherine Park Scotland Island: Draft Landscape Improvements Plan
- improving the amenity and management of existing facilities
- improving the arrival experience to Catherine Park
- managing vehicles (buggies) to improve pedestrian access & safety
- managing water craft storage and improving access to water
- improving pedestrian connections to the park and between existing community buildings to provide a more cohesive outdoor community space
- enhancing existing foreshore and open grassed areas to cater for a range of recreational activities and community events
- investigating and implementing appropriate treatments to address drainage issues in the park

- Funding is available to undertake the playground renewal in the 2023-24 financial year.
- Potential improvement works will be funded through a budget bid and key aspects of the design will be delivered in stages based community feedback on priority improvements
- Other potential improvement works will be prioritised and delivered based on:
- community feedback
- available funding in future Capital Works Programs
- grant opportunities
- alignment with other related works.
- completing the comment form here
- emailing
- writing to council marked ‘Catherine Park, Scotland Island - Draft Landscape Improvements Plan’, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.

Pittwater Conservation Zones Petition
- Rule out rezoning of C4 land to residential
- Apply conservation zonings to properties where any significant environmental values or hazards are present
- Create Scenic Foreshore Protection Areas from shorelines to ridgelines
- Retain all Heritage Conservation Areas and investigate those proposed - but not yet implemented - by the former Pittwater Council.

$100,000 Available To Support 2023 NSW Women’s Week Events
- Economic opportunity and advancement
- Health and wellbeing
- Participation and empowerment
Help Guide Future Decisions For Manly Dam
The Council are calling for expressions of interest from the community to sit on the advisory committee that will guide decisions about how Manly Dam is managed over the next four years.
Officially known as the Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park, we’re seeking to appoint three community members to the Advisory Committee including:
- an environment representative
- a recreational representative
- a community representative.
Manly Dam is a popular spot for enjoying picnics, bushwalking, mountain biking, swimming, and water-skiing. Loved by locals and visitors, this dedicated war memorial and State Park is home to a wide variety of significant ecological communities and flora and fauna.
This is your opportunity to have your say on how this beautiful park is managed over the next four years.
The Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park Advisory Committee includes three community members, and representatives from Council and the NSW Government.
If you’re interested in a position, submit your expression of interest on the council website before 11 December 2022
Nominations Open For The 2023 Australian Surfing Awards

Local Government Boundaries Commission Review
- Chapter 9 Part 3 (Part 3 Local Government Boundaries Commission) and Schedule 2 (Membership and procedure of the Boundaries Commission)
- The mechanisms by which information and community and stakeholder views can be best provided to the Minister to guide and enhance the decision-making process.
- Any improved, effective mechanisms for providing advice on and recommendations relating to proposals to the Minister, to ensure best practice and optimum outcomes.
Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Mona Vale Residents Association

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
November 20 - 26, 2022: Issue 563
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Mask Up! NSW Covid Cases Rises To Over 27 Thousand In Last Seven Days - Northern Sydney LHD Tops All Local Health Districts In NSW, NB LGA Has 1,444 Cases + ATAGI Update On Boosters
Foreshore Connection Improvements At Bayview Open For Comment: New Seawall and Footpath - feedback closes Wednesday November 30th.
Australian Boardriders Battle At North Narrabeen 2022: Long Reef - NASA Into National Final
The Ku-Ring-Gai GeoRegion UNESCO Proposal
Wakehurst Parkway Improvements: More Details On $75 Million Spend Announced By NSW State Government
Pictures: Barley Ki Giballee: You And Me Come Together, The Exhibition Official Opening - Avalon 100 Celebrations (2021 - 2022)
Aquatics: HARKEN International Youth Match Racing Championship 2022: Hosted By The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club On Pittwater
Park Bench Philosophers: Wings Over Illawarra 2022: Some Brilliant New + Old Machines + Some History Of Pittwater's 'Aces' - Photos by Joe Mills and LAC Chris Tsakisiris
NBC’s Conservation Zones Review - What’s It All About?
Monika’s DoggieRescue 2023 Calendar Is Available Now: A History Of The DoggieRescue Calendar - Compiled By Roland Briefrel
Proposal For Barrenjoey Lighthouse Cottages To Be Used For Tourist Accommodation Open For Feedback - Again - feedback open until November 22nd
Residents Opposed To Rezoning Proposal For 15-17 Mona Street Mona Vale
Narrabeen Education Campus DA Available On Council's Website For Feedback - For Narrabeen Sports High School + Narrabeen North Public School - submissions open until November 21
Environment The Ku-Ring-Gai GeoRegion UNESCO Proposal, Help Guide Future Decisions For Manly Dam, Mozzies are everywhere right now – including giant ones and those that make us sick; Here’s what you need to know, Flowering Now, Misty Morning At Turimetta Beach, Gardening With Brush Turkeys: November 24 At Narrabeen - PNB End Of Year Event, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew South Curl Curl Beach Clean Up: Sunday November 27, Help Needed To Save Sea Turtle Nests As Third La Nina Summer Looms, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Developing Sustainable Communities: November 24 at Narrabeen CEC, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, As New South Wales reels many are asking why it’s flooding in places where it’s never flooded before, To stop new viruses jumping across to humans we must protect and restore bat habitat; Here’s why, New electric cars for under $45,000? They’re finally coming to Australia – but the battle isn’t over, REDcycle’s collapse is more proof that plastic recycling is a broken system, Climate change will clearly disrupt El Niño and La Niña this decade – 40 years earlier than we thought, Urban planning is now on the front line of the climate crisis; This is what it means for our cities and towns, You are now one of 8 billion humans alive today, 4 signs of progress at the UN climate change summit, At least 700,000 years ago the world’s largest sand island emerged as the barrier that helped the Great Barrier Reef form, If you care about nature in Victoria this is your essential state election guide, Pittwater Bushcare, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Pittwater Environment Groups and organisations, Downloadable Shorebirds Guide
Inbox News New Analysis Of Australian COVID-19 Mortality Rates Released, Younger Generation Experienced Most Workplace Stress During COVID-19 Pandemic, Ray Of Hope: One Place Where Reef Manta Rays Are Thriving, Tracing The Origin Of Kampo: Japan's Traditional Medicine, Genes To Potentially Diagnose Long-Term Lyme Disease Identified, Dam Safety: New Australian Study Indicates Probable Maximum Flood Events Will Significantly Increase Over Next 80 Years, Study Finds Feeling Poorer Than Your Friends In Early Adolescence Is Associated With Worse Mental Health, Half Of Replanted Tropical Trees Don't Survive, A Chemical Reaction As Good As Gold, Scientists Say Sea-Level Changes Formed Australia's K'Gari Sand Island: Great Barrier Reef, Prehistoric Predator? Artificial Intelligence Says No, U3A At Newport: Geoff Searl This Coming Tuesday 22nd, Dover Police DashCam Confessional, Wings Over Illawarra 2022 by Joe Mills, ATAGI Update On Boosters Following COVID-19 Meeting, More Caution In Health Services As Covid Cases Rise, Home Care Pricing Caps A Win For Older Australians: COTA Australia, Changes To Stop Home Care Overcharging, More Ways For Seniors To Get Involved In 2023 NSW Seniors Festival, Premier's Gala Concerts, Have Your Say On The Future Of Help At Home, U3A Activities, Ageism in tech: Older adults should be included in the design of new technologies, AvPals Training Term 4 2022 At Newport, Bilgola Probus Club, Christmastide 2022, Pensioner's Concessions: Council Rates, My work investigating the links between viruses and Alzheimer’s disease was dismissed for years – but now the evidence is building, Unlocking new clues to how dementia and Alzheimer’s work in the brain – Uncharted Brain podcast series, Staying Safe At Schoolies, NASA’s Webb Catches Fiery Hourglass As New Star Forms, School Leavers Support, An Epic Set Of Performers Announced For The 2022 ARIA Awards, Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Video Game Designer, Word Of The Week: School, Pumping loud music is putting more than 1 billion young people at risk of hearing loss, Chokepoint Capitalism: why we’ll all lose unless we stop Amazon, Spotify and other platforms squeezing cash from creators, ‘What am I supposed to do about all this really bad stuff?’; Young people identify 7 ‘superpowers’ to fight climate change, Mozzies are everywhere right now – including giant ones and those that make us sick; Here’s what you need to know, We created the world’s first donkey embryo using IVF in a bid to save species from extinction, Raves, repairs, and renewal: how young Ukrainians are bringing joy to the rebuilding effort, Star Wars Andor captures the essence of resistance that is happening in the real world, Synchrony with chaos – blinking lights of a firefly swarm embody in nature what mathematics predicted, Artemis 1 is off – and we’re a step closer to using Moon dirt for construction in space, NASA’s Artemis 1 mission to the Moon sets the stage for routine space exploration beyond Earth’s orbit – here’s what to expect and why it’s important
'Making Lemonade out of Life's Lemons'
Inspirational local mum to represent Australia at the World Para Surfing Championships in the US
On the 24th of February 2021, Emma walked into the hospital as a fun-loving, active mother of two, she was having spinal fusion surgery. Emma hoped the surgery would put an end to years of pain that was hindering her life and stopping her from doing the things she loved.
Emma woke to an absolute nightmare; her spinal cord had been cut and she was in agonising pain. Emma's case notes were a surgery gone wrong. Emma spent the next 5 months in hospital and rehabilitation, uncertain of her future, and missing precious milestones with her children. She left the hospital in a wheelchair, fragile and reliant on family and friends.
1.5 years after the surgery Emma has been classed as Quadriplegic reliant on crutches and a wheelchair. With Emma’s love for the ocean and need to be active, she was inspired by local Para Surfing Champion Sam Bloom to start surfing again.
Emma challenged herself and competed at the Australian Surf Championships assisted by her husband Chook. Being active and competing has had such a positive effect on Emma, you can see this by the huge smile on her face.
In November it was announced that Emma has been selected to represent Team Australia and compete in the ISA Para Surfing World Championship in Pismo Beach California. Emma’s determination and love for life are an inspiration and we are all so proud of how far she has come.
Emma is the last person to ask for help, she is always offering to help others, so her friends and family set up a fundraiser page to support her and Chook in getting the whole family to the USA so they can enjoy this amazing opportunity together as the great team they are.
Emma's journey is embedded in our local community - she's a former BHS student, served as a Avalon Beach SLSC IRB volunteer, revels in getting in the water at Mona Vale when she can, and has spent much of her life doing for others - she still is.
Although incredibly private, Emma agreed to share some of her story this week through speaking to Roger Sayers OAM, an ABSLSC Life Member - she's an absolute inspiration!
While researching for materials for a page on Careel Bay habitué Sir Herbert Henry Schlink the remarkable lady known as Dr. Margaret Mulvey, 'Meg', appeared again and again through his records. A small insight into Meg Mulvey ran as a history insight in 2012, although it was obvious there was much more to this story.
Pittwater residents spoken to clearly remembered this lady and passed on small insights over the years, all of them referring to her gentle spirit and kind and loving nature.
Margaret Mulvey was not only an exceptional Doctor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and a brilliant teacher beloved by all whom she helped during her career, she was also an author, a supporter of Painters, Poets and Writers and Thespians, while her home at Careel Bay, 'Marara', was a salon of the first degree open to many and all throughout the decades this property was owned by the Schlinks.
Recently, and fortuitously, Meg's still resident in Pittwater relatives kindly forwarded one of the Tributes read at her Service. Penned by Dr. Nic David Jools AM, an obstetrician gynaecologist who later went on to teach medicine at the University of Sydney, his collated memories from many of those whom came in contact with Meg shares insights into her long career and the happy times so many spent at Careel Bay as her guests. This reads a little like a 'who's who' of Sydney Medicine during her lifetime.
Dr. Jools Tribute from the Celebration of her life in December 2001 runs this Issue.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: November 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Catherine Park Scotland Island: Draft Landscape Improvements Plan
- improving the amenity and management of existing facilities
- improving the arrival experience to Catherine Park
- managing vehicles (buggies) to improve pedestrian access & safety
- managing water craft storage and improving access to water
- improving pedestrian connections to the park and between existing community buildings to provide a more cohesive outdoor community space
- enhancing existing foreshore and open grassed areas to cater for a range of recreational activities and community events
- investigating and implementing appropriate treatments to address drainage issues in the park

- Funding is available to undertake the playground renewal in the 2023-24 financial year.
- Potential improvement works will be funded through a budget bid and key aspects of the design will be delivered in stages based community feedback on priority improvements
- Other potential improvement works will be prioritised and delivered based on:
- community feedback
- available funding in future Capital Works Programs
- grant opportunities
- alignment with other related works.
- completing the comment form here
- emailing
- writing to council marked ‘Catherine Park, Scotland Island - Draft Landscape Improvements Plan’, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
Foreshore Connection Improvements At Bayview Open For Comment

Narrabeen’s New Bridge Opens

Basin Dining Room Opens This Month

Electric Vehicle Charging Locations: Feedback Invited
McKillop Park Boardwalk Extension
Order Of Australia Association Luncheon

Congratulations To Lions Australia: 75 Years Of Service Across The Country

Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment November 2022 Forum: Lizard Rock Proposal From MLALC

Rotary November Speaker: Lisa Blair

Fourth Statewide Nurses Strike For Staffing Ratios
In Tune With TonyB

Avalon Bus Service Changes: Ongoing - Until Further Notice
- 191 services – will start and end services at Avalon Pde before Old Barrenjoey Rd (210754)
- 192 services – the stop on Old Barrenjoey Rd has been closed. Services are starting and ending at the new stop on Barrenjoey Rd, north of Avalon Pde (outside Shell Coles Petrol station)
- 190X services – services starting from Avalon Pde before Old Barrenjoey Rd (210754). Stops along Barrenjoey Road between Avalon and The Serpentine will be missed.
Community To Have Say On Western Sydney’s New Sydney Metro Precincts
Off The Plan Contracts Review
- introducing minimum readiness requirements before residential land can be sold off the plan
- enhancing disclosure requirements for off the plan contracts
- imposing penalties for developers who offer to sell residential land off the plan without appropriate disclosure
- expanding existing sunset clause protections to include other conditional events, like the need for development approval by a certain date
- solutions to address the increasing size of off the plan contracts.
Privacy And Personal Information Protection Amendment Bill Passes NSW Parliament
New Chair For Destination NSW
ATO: Apply For Director ID Now And Beat The Rush
- Set up the myGovID app on your smart device.
- Check and gather your identification documents.
- Use your myGovID to login into ABRS online and start your application.
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pet Of The Week
6mth Kelpie X Staffy PUP
Frenchie is one of our Grease themed pups, Sandy, Olivia, Frenchie and Danny who were saved from a rural pound. Frenchie is the last remaining pup. She is a mixed working breed pup who need a lot of exercise and stimulus. They were in poor condition but are eating well and loving their puppy milk. She is suited to family where someone is home to teach and guide her and get her used to suburban living. She suits a family with older children who are used to active dogs. Our trainer says "Frenchie suits 8+yo kids. She is a lovely calm pup but kids excite her. She sits and stays beautifully. Very trainable." Frenchie has a short coat and weighed 6.9kg at 12 weeks and now weighs around 15kg.
All our dogs come desexed, all puppy vaccinations, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Her adoption fee is $800. For details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Domestic Short Hair 1-2yo
Cream is a gentle sweet girl who was adopted from us as a kitten and returned at 12months. She is social with other cats and has an affectionate calm nature. She has a short coat and weighs 4.2kg.
All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches Art Show Is Back!

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls

Community Invited To Comment On The Conservation Zones Review And Technical Reports
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive

Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Scheduled Roadwork: Seaforth To Frenchs Forest
Wakehurst Parkway between Judith Street and Aquatic Drive - Sun 27 Nov 2022 to Tue 13 Dec 2022 - 8:00pm to 5:00am; Road closed both directions
Advice: Reduced speed limit (40km/h), Use diversions
Other Advice: Resident access will be maintained. Access for buses and emergency services will be maintained through the work zone at all times.
Diversions - Light vehicles:
Northbound: Frenchs Forest Rd, Sydney Rd, Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Condamine St, Kentwell Rd, Allambie Rd & Warringah Rd.
Southbound: Aquatic Dr, Allambie Rd, Kentwell Rd, Condamine St, Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation, Sydney Rd, & Frenchs Forest Rd.
Heavy vehicles: Warringah Rd, Pittwater Rd, Condamine St & Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation in both directions. From: Live Traffic NSW
Visit NSW Government announcement made November 15th, 2022:
Wakehurst Parkway Improvements: More Details On $75 Million Spend Announced By NSW State Government
Greens Call For Local Action In Response To Soft Plastics Recycling Crisis

Expired Flares
- Saturday, 26 November 2022 7:30 12:00
- Saturday, 26 November 2022 12:30 17:00
- Saturday, 14 January 2023. 7:30 12:00
- Saturday, 14 January 2023 12:30 17:00
- Saturday, 15 April 2023 12:30 17:00

Pittwater Natural Heritage Association AGM 2022

Pittwater Conservation Zones Petition
- Rule out rezoning of C4 land to residential
- Apply conservation zonings to properties where any significant environmental values or hazards are present
- Create Scenic Foreshore Protection Areas from shorelines to ridgelines
- Retain all Heritage Conservation Areas and investigate those proposed - but not yet implemented - by the former Pittwater Council.

$100,000 Available To Support 2023 NSW Women’s Week Events
- Economic opportunity and advancement
- Health and wellbeing
- Participation and empowerment
Help Guide Future Decisions For Manly Dam
The Council are calling for expressions of interest from the community to sit on the advisory committee that will guide decisions about how Manly Dam is managed over the next four years.
Officially known as the Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park, we’re seeking to appoint three community members to the Advisory Committee including:
- an environment representative
- a recreational representative
- a community representative.
Manly Dam is a popular spot for enjoying picnics, bushwalking, mountain biking, swimming, and water-skiing. Loved by locals and visitors, this dedicated war memorial and State Park is home to a wide variety of significant ecological communities and flora and fauna.
This is your opportunity to have your say on how this beautiful park is managed over the next four years.
The Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park Advisory Committee includes three community members, and representatives from Council and the NSW Government.
If you’re interested in a position, submit your expression of interest on the council website before 11 December 2022
Nominations Open For The 2023 Australian Surfing Awards

Local Government Boundaries Commission Review
- Chapter 9 Part 3 (Part 3 Local Government Boundaries Commission) and Schedule 2 (Membership and procedure of the Boundaries Commission)
- The mechanisms by which information and community and stakeholder views can be best provided to the Minister to guide and enhance the decision-making process.
- Any improved, effective mechanisms for providing advice on and recommendations relating to proposals to the Minister, to ensure best practice and optimum outcomes.
Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Roadworks At Night: Ingleside

NSW Public Schools To Help Power Renewable Energy Future
NSW Reconstruction Authority Bill Passed
$905 Million Taxi Licence Financial Assistance Package Passes Parliament
- Taxi licences will be available on application for an administrative fee and be able to operate anywhere across the State
- There will be a seamless transition process for existing taxi licence holders to the new licensing system
- Financial assistance will be offered to the owners of ordinary perpetual taxi licences, which will have zero value as a result of these reforms, and will be cancelled.
- The new package provides $150,000 for every Sydney metropolitan taxi licence holder with a cap of six plates. Each regional taxi plate will be paid between $40,000 and $195,000, with no cap on the number of plates.
Workers Wanted To Deliver Democracy: State-Wide Recruitment Drive For 2023 NSW State Election
- - providing information and assistance to voters
- - sorting and counting ballot papers
- - working together to manage the smooth running of voting centres.
Misuse Of Council Resources – March 2023 State Election
- use council resources (including council staff), property or facilities for the purpose of assisting their election campaign or the election campaign of others unless the resources, property or facilities are otherwise available for use or hire by the public and any publicly advertised fee is paid for the use of the resources, property or facility
- use council letterhead, council crests, council email or social media or other information that could give the appearance it is official council material for the purpose of assisting their election campaign or the election campaign of others.
Have Your Say On Rental Reforms
Mona Vale Residents Association

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
November 13 - 19, 2022: Issue 562
This Issue: full list in Contents page
NBC’s Conservation Zones Review - What’s It All About?
Shearwater Estate Residents Paying A Lot More For A Lot Less: Unfairness Embedded The Local Government Amendment Act 2021 Council 'Fairer Rating System' - Doubled Rates?
Monika’s DoggieRescue 2023 Calendar Is Available Now: A History Of The DoggieRescue Calendar - Compiled By Roland Briefrel
Connecting To Country – Barley Ki Giballee: You And Me Come Together - Avalon Beach Centenary Event; Another Great Sally Mayman Collaboration Realised - Open November 19 To 20 Saturday and Sunday 10 - 4pm at Avalon Beach Surf Club; Exhibition Opening happens Saturday 19th November 5.30pm
Pictures: Remembrance Day 2022: Commemorative Service Held At Avalon Beach RSL Cenotaph
Aquatics: Surf Life Saving Australia's National Awards Of Excellence 2022: Two Meritorious Awards For Avalon Beach SLSC - Two New Life Members From Freshwater SLSC
Park Bench Philosophers: Avalon Recreation Centre Celebrations: 20 Years Since The New Building Opened Celebrated - Scout Hall Built By Early Avalon Beach RSL Served As Community Hall From 1954, Avalon Youth & Community Centre Opened November 1968
DIY Ideas Preparing Your Garden And Home For Bushfires 2022 - The Rains Will Cease; Now Is A Good Time To Clean Out Your Gutters + Prep. The Home Although many of us may not have done what we should during Get Ready Weekend earlier this Spring due the ongoing deluges of rain, the fact is that our gutters and gardens are possible filled with leaves and other materials which make them a firebomb should our area be impacted by bushfires this coming Summer and Autumn. The NSW RFS has stated there is a high risk of grass fires under the current conditions, especially towards the end of Summer as rains decrease and all that has grown begins to die off.
Lunar Eclipse: November 8 - photos by Mike O'Flynn
Manly Warringah Vawdon Cup 2022 Champions
Be The Boss: I Want To Be An Electronic Repair Technician
Proposal For Barrenjoey Lighthouse Cottages To Be Used For Tourist Accommodation Open For Feedback - Again - feedback open until November 22nd
Residents Opposed To Rezoning Proposal For 15-17 Mona Street Mona Vale
Narrabeen Education Campus DA Available On Council's Website For Feedback - For Narrabeen Sports High School + Narrabeen North Public School - submissions open until November 21
Environment Turimetta Tree - Turimetta Beach, If You Clean It Up They Will Come: Royal Spoonbill At Careel Creek, NSW State Government Weakening Environment Protections By Sidelining Councils, Greens To Introduce Bill To Prohibit Forestry Operations In Koala Habitat - Stating It's Time, Community Invited To Have A Say On Draft Management Plan For Flying-Foxes, Mickey Mouse Plant Flowering In Warriewood Wetlands, Weed Small-Leafed Privet Flowering Now; Cut Flower Heads To Prevent Seeding, Gardening With Brush Turkeys: November 24 At Narrabeen - PNB End Of Year Event, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew South Curl Curl Beach Clean Up: Sunday November 27, Single-Use Plastics Ban In NSW Commences November 1st, Help Needed To Save Sea Turtle Nests As Third La Nina Summer Looms, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Developing Sustainable Communities event at Narrabeen: November 24, Weed Alert: Corky Passionflower At Mona Vale + Narrabeen Creek, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, The Economic Opportunity Of Ending Native Forest Logging In NSW, Global carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking, new data shows. Humanity has a monumental task ahead, ‘Toxic cover-up’: 6 lessons Australia can draw from the UN’s scathing report on greenwashing, Batteries of gravity and water: we found 1,500 new pumped hydro sites next to existing reservoirs, After decades putting the brakes on global action does Australia deserve to host UN climate talks with Pacific nations?, Why a chain of tiny Pacific islands wants an international court opinion on responsibility for the climate crisis, Views from COP27: How the climate conference could confront colonialism by centring Indigenous rights, The inconvenient truth of Herman Daly: There is no economy without environment, A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself, COP27: a year on from the Glasgow climate pact the world is burning more fossil fuels than ever, COP27: three reasons rich countries can no longer ignore calls to pay developing world for climate havoc, 8 billion people: Four ways climate change and population growth combine to threaten public health, Birds evolve different body temperatures in different climates – new study of 53 African species, Climate change will force up to 113m people to relocate within Africa by 2050 - new report, Climate change is causing endangered African wild dogs to give birth later – threatening the survival of the pack, Dung beetle mothers protect their offspring from a warming world by digging deeper, 8 billion humans: How population growth and climate change are connected as the ‘Anthropocene engine’ transforms the planet, Zero deforestation in the Amazon is now possible – here’s what needs to happen, The challenge for ‘chauffeur mums’: navigating a city that wasn’t planned for women, Climate change’s impact on mental health is overlooked and misunderstood – here’s what can be done, Gliding treefrogs, mini-males and burrowing frogs in trees: why Melanesia is the world’s tropical island frog hotspot, Floods can be a disaster for humans – but for nature, it’s boom time, Mining vs rivers: a single line on a map could determine the future of water in the Northern Territory, Our buildings are driving us closer to ‘climate hell’ – how do we get back on course to net zero?, Pittwater Bushcare, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Pittwater Environment Groups and organisations, Downloadable Shorebirds Guide
Inbox News Australian Public Health System Failing Those With Poor Mental Health: AMA, Dr Sarah Whitelaw Launches Public Hospital Report Card - Mental Health Edition, Thunderstorm Asthma Season Is The Perfect Storm Brewing: AMA (NSW), Aussies Warned To Take Precaution Against Mozzie Bites: AMA (NSW) - NSW Health’s Japanese encephalitis virus information and list of high risk LGAs, Blind Spots In The Monitoring Of Plastic Waste, Piece By Piece: The Gogo Fossils and Their Tale Of Evolution, Government Confirms No Evidence For Medicare Fraud Claims, Nurses and Midwives Plead The Case For More Research Funding, Increased Prevalence Of Metabolic Imbalances In Children During COVID-19 Pandemic Points To Unsolved Problem With Early Diagnosis Of Diabetes, Seeing Clearly Into A New Realm: UTS-RMIT Researchers Prototype A New Generation Of Quantum Microscopy, Less Gym Time, Same Results: Why 'Lowering' Weights Is All You Need To Do, Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets, Aged Care Council Of Elders, Landmark, Have Your Say On The Future Of Help At Home, New COVID-19 Variant Leads To Increase In Cases, Seniors Welcome New Concession Card Limits, Amendment To Pension Work Bonus Welcomed, Pensioner's Concessions: Council Rates, A Pay Rise For Aged Care Workers, Have Your Say On Strengthening Quality In Aged Care, More Ways For Seniors To Stay Connected, Attacks on Dan Andrews are part of News Corporation’s long abuse of power, Hidden women of history: Kate Cocks, the pioneering policewoman who fought crime and ran a home for babies – but was no saint, It’s after-hours and I need to see a doctor. What are my options?, Circadian Rhythms, Lunar Eclipse: November 8, Manly Warringah Vawdon Cup 2022 Champions – Touch Footy, New Courses To Strengthen Digital Workforce, Local Students and Support Staff Have Opportunity To Train As Teachers, Be The Boss: I Want To Be An Electronic Repair Technician, Word Of The Week: Shambolic, Why Maradona’s ‘Hand of God’ goal is priceless – and unforgettable, Why do I remember embarrassing things I’ve said or done in the past and feel ashamed all over again?, Why Meta’s share price collapse is good news for the future of social media, How early failure can lead to success later in creative careers, How the philosophy behind the Japanese art form of kintsugi can help us navigate failure, Girls are held up as figureheads of political change but they don’t want to do it alone, Attacks on Dan Andrews are part of News Corporation’s long abuse of power, Fermented foods and fibre may lower stress levels – new study, What’s it like being a young person with long COVID?; You might feel like a failure (but you’re not)

Phone: 1300 737 983
Level 1, Suite 1, 1761 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
On Facebook:
The Women’s Resilience Centre, a new centre on Sydney’s northern beaches that will provide support for women who have experienced domestic abuse and trauma, was officially opened on Friday November 4th by The Hon. Rob Stokes MP, Northern Beaches Mayor, Cr Michael Regan, the Labor Federal Representative for Mackellar, Paula Goodman, and Dr Maree Gosper, Chair of the Women’s Resilience Centre.
The Women's Resilience Centre in Mona Vale will provide the missing link between short-term crisis care and longer-term recovery for women who have experienced domestic abuse or other trauma.
“Our aim is to provide a community for women where they can feel safe, heal and reset their lives,” said Simone Allan, founder, Women’s Resilience Centre. “We know there are many women in the community who are suffering trauma and the Centre will be available for all women who need support around them.
“It is a warm welcoming environment where women can stop by, enjoy a cup of tea, talk with one of our trauma informed professionals and find the resources and support that they need.”
The services available at the centre will help women build capability and resilience, assisting with job search and working collegially with real estate agents and housing providers to step ahead in a positive direction. The Centre’s programs will have a trauma-sensitive lens and counselling, group therapy and mentors will be available.
The Women’s Resilience Centre is the bridge between short-term support and longer-term recovery pathways. The Centre will help provide women with the support and capability they need to move on when the crisis housing is no longer available, or they simply need a place to drop in and breathe.
“We see a real need for a service that helps women break the cycle of domestic abuse and the impacts of trauma and be able to step forward in a positive way to improve their lives and the lives of their children,” said Maree Gosper, Chair of the Women’s Resilience Centre.
“The Centre will provide a caring non-judgmental community and also offer practical tools and capability programs to enable women to move forward.
To support the work of the Women's Resilience Centre, a Gala Luncheon, hosted by Patron, The Hon. Rob Stokes, will be held on Friday November 18th at Parliament House, Sydney, with some tickets still available here: www.womens-resilience-centre-annual-gala-luncheon-tickets
This Issue an insight into the work of the Women's Resilience Centre.

In continuing our insights into Palm Beach Boatsheds, all on the Pittwater estuary side of Palm Beach, a look into the Goldthorpe & Smith boatshed at the southern end of Sandy Point Palm Beach represents the second boatshed in the Barrenjoey Peninsula that sprang from a partnership between men who had served together in the Australian Defence Forces and came to Palm Beach to start a business afterwards. However, unlike Carl Gow and Reginald Howlett or the Gonsalves who joined together after serving together in World War I, these men likely knew each other prior to then as both worked as Motor Mechanics, one at Haberfield, the other at Auburn, or even prior to that through mutual acquaintances in the rural areas of western New South Wales.
George Herbert Goldthorpe and Thomas Beaumont Smith became tenants in common of the site on January 30th, 1948.
This history insight includes interviews with those who have worked here over the decades or have knowledge of what has been built here.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: November 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
New COVID-19 Variant Leads To Increase In Cases

Aboriginal Support Group - Manly Warringah Pittwater: Last Meeting For 2022

Robert Patrick Johnson

Statement By AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw On Medibank Private Data Breach
Upgrade Of Boondah Road - Narrabeen To Warriewood
Statement On AEC Donor Disclosure – Dr Sophie Scamps MP For Mackellar
Pittwater Conservation Zones Petition
- Rule out rezoning of C4 land to residential
- Apply conservation zonings to properties where any significant environmental values or hazards are present
- Create Scenic Foreshore Protection Areas from shorelines to ridgelines
- Retain all Heritage Conservation Areas and investigate those proposed - but not yet implemented - by the former Pittwater Council.

SIRA AGM: Scotland Island Community Hall

In Tune With TonyB

Surf Life Saving Jet Skis + Support Vehicles Ready To Roll Out

Avalon Bus Service Changes: Ongoing - Until Further Notice
- 191 services – will start and end services at Avalon Pde before Old Barrenjoey Rd (210754)
- 192 services – the stop on Old Barrenjoey Rd has been closed. Services are starting and ending at the new stop on Barrenjoey Rd, north of Avalon Pde (outside Shell Coles Petrol station)
- 190X services – services starting from Avalon Pde before Old Barrenjoey Rd (210754). Stops along Barrenjoey Road between Avalon and The Serpentine will be missed.
Safety Alerts: The Basin Closed To Swimming

West Head Trails Closed For Upgrade Works:
- Towlers Bay trail
- The Chase trail
- Bona Crescent trail
Resolute Trail Partial Closure For Upgrade Works:

Off The Plan Contracts Review
- introducing minimum readiness requirements before residential land can be sold off the plan
- enhancing disclosure requirements for off the plan contracts
- imposing penalties for developers who offer to sell residential land off the plan without appropriate disclosure
- expanding existing sunset clause protections to include other conditional events, like the need for development approval by a certain date
- solutions to address the increasing size of off the plan contracts.
COVID-19 Support Extended For Vulnerable Communities
ATO: Apply For Director ID Now And Beat The Rush
- Set up the myGovID app on your smart device.
- Check and gather your identification documents.
- Use your myGovID to login into ABRS online and start your application.
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pet Of The Week
6mth Kelpie X Staffy PUP
Frenchie is one of our Grease themed pups, Sandy, Olivia, Frenchie and Danny who were saved from a rural pound. Frenchie is the last remaining pup. She is a mixed working breed pup who need a lot of exercise and stimulus. They were in poor condition but are eating well and loving their puppy milk. She is suited to family where someone is home to teach and guide her and get her used to suburban living. She suits a family with older children who are used to active dogs. Our trainer says "Frenchie suits 8+yo kids. She is a lovely calm pup but kids excite her. She sits and stays beautifully. Very trainable." Frenchie has a short coat and weighed 6.9kg at 12 weeks and now weighs around 15kg.
All our dogs come desexed, all puppy vaccinations, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Her adoption fee is $800. For details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Domestic Short Hair 1-2yo
Cream is a gentle sweet girl who was adopted from us as a kitten and returned at 12months. She is social with other cats and has an affectionate calm nature. She has a short coat and weighs 4.2kg.
All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. To find out more call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Community Voices With Michael Lester
Nominations Open For The 2023 Australian Surfing Awards

Local Government Boundaries Commission Review
- Chapter 9 Part 3 (Part 3 Local Government Boundaries Commission) and Schedule 2 (Membership and procedure of the Boundaries Commission)
- The mechanisms by which information and community and stakeholder views can be best provided to the Minister to guide and enhance the decision-making process.
- Any improved, effective mechanisms for providing advice on and recommendations relating to proposals to the Minister, to ensure best practice and optimum outcomes.
Made By Rueben: Australian Christmas Trees That Are Environmentally Friendly

Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Roadworks At Night: Ingleside

Workers Wanted To Deliver Democracy: State-Wide Recruitment Drive For 2023 NSW State Election
- - providing information and assistance to voters
- - sorting and counting ballot papers
- - working together to manage the smooth running of voting centres.
Misuse Of Council Resources – March 2023 State Election
- use council resources (including council staff), property or facilities for the purpose of assisting their election campaign or the election campaign of others unless the resources, property or facilities are otherwise available for use or hire by the public and any publicly advertised fee is paid for the use of the resources, property or facility
- use council letterhead, council crests, council email or social media or other information that could give the appearance it is official council material for the purpose of assisting their election campaign or the election campaign of others.
Have Your Say On Rental Reforms
Nominate A Multicultural Champion Today
Mona Vale Residents Association

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
November 6 - 12, 2022: Issue 561
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Pictures: NSW WASZP and Wingfoil Slalom Championships 2022: Hosted By Palm Beach Sailing Club
Australian Sailing Awards 2022: Manly Yacht Club Sailors Awarded Youth Sailor Of The Year - Offshore Sailor Of The Year
MC38 Australian Championship 2022
Greens Call For Budget Rethink To Fix Potholes
NSW Government 'Fast-Tracks' Destruction Of Endangered Wildlife, Habitat For Local Species and Community Consultation On Massive New Developments - Lizard Rock Proposal For 450 Dwellings Lodged With NSW Department Of Planning
Aquatics: International Youth Match Racing Championship Returns To Pittwater: November 16-20
Park Bench Philosophers: Ancient Submerged Volcanos In Australia’s Cocos (Keeling) Islands Marine Park Bristle With Sealife: Museums Victoria Research Institute - CSIRO
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Baker
Environment Impacting Pittwater - Have Your Say + Discussions + New Works, Gardening with Brush Turkeys: November 24 at Narrabeen - PNB end of year event, Yard Birds: Spring 2022, More Spring Birds News From BirdLife Australia: Another Record-Breaking, Non-Stop Flight By A Bar-Tailed Godwit + Call For Australian Painted-Snipe Australasian Bitterns Records, Community Invited To Have A Say On Draft Management Plan For Flying-Foxes, Weed Mickey Mouse Plant Flowering In Warriewood Wetlands, Weed Small-Leafed Privet Flowering Now; Cut Flower Heads To Prevent Seeding, Living Ocean Careel Bay Plastics Study, Friends Of Dee Why Lagoon, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew South Curl Curl Beach Clean Up: Sunday November 27, Single-Use Plastics Ban In NSW Commences November 1st, Help Needed To Save Sea Turtle Nests As Third La Nina Summer Looms, Save Sydney's Koalas Petition, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Book Your Free Ticket To: Developing Sustainable Communities at Narrabeen, Weed Alert: Corky Passionflower At Mona Vale + Narrabeen Creek, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Local Wildlife Rescuers and Carers State That Ongoing Heavy Rains Are Tough For Us But Can Be Tougher For Our Wildlife, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Sydney Wildlife Rescue: Helpers Needed, Bushcare In Pittwater: join your local group, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, 40 years ago protesters were celebrated for saving the Franklin River; Today they could be jailed for months, Public order bill: new law is designed to stop climate protests – but it could actually give activists a legal tool, CSIRO Announces New Phase Of National Koala Monitoring Program, Fireworks: growing evidence they distress animals builds case to restrict use, Olive ridley sea turtles are constantly on the move; so protective zones should follow them, 3 things a climate scientist wants world leaders to know ahead of COP27, Australia relies on controversial offsets to meet climate change targets; We might not get away with it in Egypt, How 1970s conservation laws turned this ‘paradise on Earth’ into a tinderbox, Here are 3 ways to ensure Australia’s crazy power prices leave no-one behind, Floods are natural but human decisions make disasters; We need to reflect on the endless cycles of blame, Lula’s victory in Brazil comes just in time to save the Amazon – can he do it?, Brazil election: what I saw on the streets made me cautiously optimistic, Loss and damage: Who is responsible when climate change harms the world’s poorest countries, and what does compensation look like?, In disasters, people are abandoning official info for social media; Here’s how to know what to trust, 7 ‘creepy crawlies’ you don’t need to be afraid of, Cheaper gas and electricity prices are within Australia’s grasp – here’s what to do, Oversized plumbing is adding millions to Australian building costs thanks to a standard dating back to the 1940s, These air conditioner alternatives are cheaper – and better for the planet, The Horn of Africa has had years of drought yet groundwater supplies are increasing – why?, How coal miners and factory workers helped found the environmental movement, If more houses had water butts it could help with drought, flooding and water pollution, Nigeria’s deadly conflicts over water and grazing pasture are escalating – here’s why, Pittwater Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Pittwater Environment Groups and organisations, Downloadable Shorebirds Guide
Inbox News Preventing Drowning By Improving Beach Safety Signage, Feeling bloated, hungry or bored after salad?; These tips might help, Building Brighter Beginnings For NSW Children, From Centaurus to XBB: your handy guide to the latest COVID subvariants (and why some are more worrying than others), New Unusual Bee Species Discovered With Dog-Like Snout In W.A., Balancing The Autonomy And The Safeguarding Of Vulnerable Adults: New S.A. Report, Ancient Genomes Reveal Hidden History Of Human Adaptation, Control Hub For Skin Inflammation Discovered, Top NSW Wine Award Acknowledges A Lifetime Of Service, Why Fish Look Down When They Swim, Landmark Package To Recruit, Retain And Better Take Care Of NSW Police, Seniors’ Stories Tell Special Tales Of Diversity, Congratulations To The 2023 NSW Australians Of The Year, Yard Birds: Spring 2022, Pens Down For HSC: Congratulations Class Of 2022!, Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Baker, Word Of The Week: Dance, What is shadowbanning?; How do I know if it has happened to me, and what can I do about it?, Are bananas really ‘radioactive’? An expert clears up common misunderstandings about radiation, More than a story of treasures: revisiting Tutankhamun’s tomb 100 years after its discovery, An Antarctic neutrino telescope has detected a signal from the heart of a nearby active galaxy, A platypus can glow green and hunt prey with electricity – but it can’t climb dams to find a mate, Friday essay: ‘not for me’ – Amy Thunig on the stigma of having a dad in ‘lock-up’, and the embrace of Indigenous academia, A brief history of the mortgage; from its roots in ancient Rome to the English ‘dead pledge’ and its rebirth in America, Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022 - Have Your Vote!, All ages gig: Friday the 25th of November, School Leavers Support, School Leavers Information Service, 2023 Year 12 School Scholarship Programs Now Open, Have Your Say On Strengthening Quality In Aged Care, Freshie Masters Carnival - Saturday 19 November, Tobias Breider & Grace Kim Perform Forgotten Romance: November 6th, How To Get The Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, AvPals Training Term 4 2022 At Newport, Scams Awareness Week 2022, Updown girl: DNA research shows ancient Britain was more diverse than we imagined, Does picking your nose really increase your risk of dementia?
Proposal For Barrenjoey Lighthouse Cottages To Be Used For Tourist Accommodation Open For Feedback - Again - feedback open until November 22nd
Conservation Zones Review Residents Forum: Resolutions Call For Shift In Criteria Applied, For Keeping Pittwater's Green-Blue Wings Intact, For State Election Candidates To Declare Their Position On Pittwater Community's Stated Expectations - feedback closes December 2nd
Avalon Beach Village Shared Space Timeline For Works Made Available - works commenced
Residents Opposed To Rezoning Proposal For 15-17 Mona Street Mona Vale
Narrabeen Education Campus DA Available On Council's Website For Feedback - For Narrabeen Sports High School + Narrabeen North Public School - submissions open until November 21

Probus Is Fun & Friendship In Retirement
Probus provides retirees with the opportunity to connect socially, which is so important in today’s world.
Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired, so why not join the tens of thousands of Probus members across Australia and New Zealand and find your local Probus Club today.
Probus Clubs offer a range of activities including trips and outings for members to enjoy, depending on their interests, lifestyle and location. Probus Club members meet monthly, to enjoy the company of like-minded fellow retirees and listen to interesting guest speakers.
Make new friends, learn a new skill, explore new interests and hobbies - there is so much to choose from when you become a member of your local Probus Club.
When you retire those friendships that are developed through working life are often lost. Probus is a great way to develop new friendships, to quote a recent Probus Club member “the day I joined my Probus Club, I instantly had 100 new friends”.
As a Probus Club member you have access to exciting benefits:
- Probus publications including Active Retirees and Staying Connected
- Competitions
- Probus Member Benefits Scheme
- Probus National Insurance Program
Plus, there's a dedicated Probus Support Team at your service at Probus South Pacific office.
Looking for new members: Yes
Membership open to: Men and Women
Meetings: 1ST FRIDAY 10:00AM
Location: NEWPORT BOWLING CLUB, 2 Palm Road, Newport Beach
This Issue a few insights into our newest local Probus club.
Remembrance Day Commemorative Services will take place at local RSL's on Friday November 11th.
In previous history page, Brock's The Oaks - La Corniche From 1911 to 1965: Rickards, A Coffee King, A Progressive School, A WWII Training Ground, it became apparent that a Mosman family bought the bulk of the land and cottages associated with the by then 'La Corniche' during its short time as 'Quest Haven' and during the period this land and its buildings were utilised as a training centre during World War Two.
Some of the peculiarities that showed up during widower Mr. Gerald McPhee Snr.'s dealings with the Army during that period are brought into starker relief when you consider his son, Gerald Joseph McPhee was serving in several very dangerous missions in New Guinea during that time as part of 'M' Special Unit. He had been transferred to 'M' Special Unit October 22nd, 1943. His Previous Unit was the Independent Company - Reinforcements, which was the first commandos unit of the Australian Army.
He was in his early 20's at the time.
This Issue a few insights into the Service of one of Australia's first commandos.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: November 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Remembrance Day Commemorative Services 2022

Seniors’ Stories Tell Special Tales Of Diversity

Congratulations To The 2023 NSW Australians Of The Year

Made By Rueben: Australian Christmas Trees That Are Environmentally Friendly

Become A Volunteer Radio Operator: MRNSW

In Tune With TonyB

2022 ISA World Para Surfing Championships
NSW Construction Industry Joins Forces For Veterans
Roadworks At Night: Ingleside

Domestic Delivery Deadlines Signal Christmas Is Around The Corner

Elanora Heights Hectares Adjoining Irrawong Reserve For Sale

Have Your Say On Rental Reforms
JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
VALE Robert Johnson

VALE Maria Cutrie
VALE Rosemary Joyce Sullivan
VALE Margaret Walsh
VALE Margaret Armstrong
Pittwater Conservation Zones Petition
- Rule out rezoning of C4 land to residential
- Apply conservation zonings to properties where any significant environmental values or hazards are present
- Create Scenic Foreshore Protection Areas from shorelines to ridgelines
- Retain all Heritage Conservation Areas and investigate those proposed - but not yet implemented - by the former Pittwater Council.

SIRA AGM: Scotland Island Community Hall

Avalon Bus Service Changes: Ongoing - Until Further Notice
- 191 services – will start and end services at Avalon Pde before Old Barrenjoey Rd (210754)
- 192 services – the stop on Old Barrenjoey Rd has been closed. Services are starting and ending at the new stop on Barrenjoey Rd, north of Avalon Pde (outside Shell Coles Petrol station)
- 190X services – services starting from Avalon Pde before Old Barrenjoey Rd (210754). Stops along Barrenjoey Road between Avalon and The Serpentine will be missed.
Safety Alerts: The Basin Closed To Swimming

West Head Trails Closed For Upgrade Works:
- Towlers Bay trail
- The Chase trail
- Bona Crescent trail
Resolute Trail Partial Closure For Upgrade Works:

Art Exhibition: 'Rewilding'

Narrabeen’s Pedestrian & Cycle Bridge Update

The new bridge itself will be approximately 110 metres and with the concrete lead-ins it will be approximately 130 metres all up. The piers of the new bridge will be aligned with those of the existing bridge to maintain navigational channels beneath the bridge.
During extreme storm events Pittwater Road Narrabeen is subject to flooding. To reduce the flood risk and to comply with current bridge design standards, the height of the new multi-use bridge will need to be elevated above the height of the existing bridge.

ATO: Apply For Director ID Now And Beat The Rush
- Set up the myGovID app on your smart device.
- Check and gather your identification documents.
- Use your myGovID to login into ABRS online and start your application.
Construction Underway For New Duffys Forest Rural Fire Station

COVID-19 Support Extended For Vulnerable Communities
Save Mona Vale Hospital Community Action Group AGM

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pet Of The Week
Mr Biggles
12mths Beagle X
Mr Biggles is a sweet affectionate boy who is social with other dogs his size. He has not experienced much in life and appears never to have been on lead so is looking for a patient family capable of progressing him at a speed he can cope with. He has a short coat and weighs 12.4kg. He is looking for a home based worker with a garden for him to run and play in. All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $550. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches Art Show Is Back!

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls

Mona Vale Residents Association

Nominate A Multicultural Champion Today
Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Community Invited To Comment On The Conservation Zones Review And Technical Reports
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive

Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Community News: Archives
Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.
March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015
January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 November 2022
October 30 - November 5, 2022: Issue 560
This Issue: full list in Contents page
Front Page Issue 560 Avalon Beach Village Shared Space Works Commenced
Mona Vale Surf Club Celebrates 100 Years
Avalon Beach SLSC Lifesavers Awarded Rescue Of The Month For Flood Role
Brad Hazzard, The Hon. Member For Wakehurst + David Elliott, The Hon. Member For Baulkham Hills, Announce They Will Step Down From State Politics: Their Statements + Updates On Other Local Seats
Council Wins AR Bluett Memorial Award 2022
Residents Opposed To Rezoning Proposal For 15-17 Mona Street Mona Vale
Narrabeen Education Campus DA Available On Council's Website For Feedback - For Narrabeen Sports High School + Narrabeen North Public School - submissions open until November 21
Aquatics: Manly's Little Penguins: Warden Program Update by Taylor Springett, 2022 Eco Achievement Award - Youth Winner - Manly's Little Penguin population of breeding pairs is now just 27, falling below the number needed to sustain the population. The volunteers are trying to ascertain of they have moved elsewhere - have you seen Little Penguins trying to nest on the harbour or in our area? Please contact Taylor if you have - details run this week.
$86,668 For Northern Beaches Scoping Study Allocated Under The Coastal Management Program
Art News: November 2022 - Congratulations Catbus! Winner At The Inaugural Canberra Kinetic Sculpture Race!!, Whale Beach Artist To Exhibit Works At Curl Curl, The Studio At Careel Bay To 'Feel' Different In November, Pittwater Artists Trail November 5-6 2022 Open Studios Weekend, ART Gallery On Palm Beach Hosts Karen Hick + Ingrid Kwong This November, Resonance At MAG&M, Nicola Woodcock's ‘Shadow Story’ At Newport, Birds Of A Feather Exhibition At Mona Vale, A Touch Of The Sea Exhibition: Mona Vale Creative Space, Sydney Art Space Spring 2022 Program Of Classes
DIY Ideas: Spring Lawn Care: During Mow For Your Bro Month - Movember 2022
Park Bench Philosophers: How Shoring Up Drones With Artificial Intelligence Helps Surf Lifesavers Spot Sharks At The Beach
Environment Kangaroo Day Protest At Manly, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew Dee Why Lagoon Clean Up: October 30, Community Invited To Have A Say On Draft Management Plan For Flying-Foxes, Mickey Mouse Plant Flowering In Warriewood Wetlands, Weed Small-Leafed Privet Flowering Now; Cut Flower Heads To Prevent Seeding, Single-Use Plastics Ban In NSW Commences November 1st, Help Needed To Save Sea Turtle Nests As Third La Nina Summer Looms, Save Sydney's Koalas Petition, Watch Out - Shorebirds About, Developing Sustainable Communities: November 24th at CEC, Weed Alert: Corky Passionflower At Mona Vale + Narrabeen Creek, Bushcare In Pittwater, Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Activities, Some councils still rely on outdated paper maps as supercharged storms make a mockery of flood planning, Toxic Algae Blooms Detected On NSW Coastline: Broken Bay Affected, World Headed For Climate Catastrophe Without Urgent Action: UN Secretary-General, Murray Cray Rescue Operation, Nestling Birds Recognise Their Local Song 'Dialect', We spoke to the exhausted flood-response teams in the Hunter Valley; Here’s what they need when the next floods strike, Money for dams dries up as good water management finally makes it into a federal budget, Dead crustaceans washing up on England’s north-east coast may be victims of the green industrial revolution, Indigenous defenders stand between illegal roads and survival of the Amazon rainforest – Brazil’s runoff election Sunday could be a turning point, Orangutans: could ‘half-Earth’ conservation save the red ape?, Playing sea soundscapes can summon thousands of baby oysters – and help regrow oyster reefs, Labor’s ‘sensible’ budget leaves Australians short-changed on climate action. Here’s where it went wrong, Out of bounds: how much does greenwashing cost fossil-fuel sponsors of Australian sport?, Beyond a state of sandbagging: what can we learn from all the floods, here and overseas?, The government hopes private investors will help save nature; Here’s how its scheme could fail, What makes a great footpath? The answer is key to our happiness and wellbeing as we age, Australia is poised to be a world leader in offshore wind but any potential risks to marine life remain poorly regulated, Excessive water extractions not climate change are most to blame for the Darling River drying, You might think solar panels have been perfected – but we can still make them even better and cheaper, No, signing the global methane pledge won’t end the backyard barbecue – it’ll strengthen Aussie industries, A green trifecta: how a concrete alternative can cut emissions, resource use and waste, Using the ocean to fight climate change raises serious environmental justice and technical questions, Pittwater Bushcare Groups, Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Pittwater Environment Groups and organisations, Downloadable Shorebirds Guide
Inbox News Pubs and clubs – your friendly neighbourhood money-laundering service, thanks to 86,640 pokies, Journalists must be protected in police investigations; Here’s our five point plan for reform, Albanese government’s first budget delivers election promises but forecasts soaring power prices, Gel-Like Radioactive Tumour Implant Obliterates Pancreatic Cancer In Mice, What are postbiotics and how can they improve our gut health?, Advanced Genomic Approaches Hold Promise For Marine Conservation, Several Beautiful New Bird Species Found On Remote Indonesian Islands, Real-Time Air Quality Data 'Life Saving', Retired Supreme Court Judge To Carry Out Review Of SafeWork NSW, Expanded Hornsby Ku-Ring-Gai Hospital Opens, 75 New Eco-Friendly Social Homes Created In Glebe, Budget October 2022–23: Restoring Dignity To Aged Care The Government States, Have Your Say On Strengthening Quality In Aged Care, Freshie Masters Carnival - Saturday 19 November, Tobias Breider & Grace Kim Perform Forgotten Romance, Budget October 2022–23: Medicare, Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Premature Death, Federal Budget Initiatives Welcomed By Older Australians Says COTA, Scams Awareness Week 2022, Bilgola Probus Club, Most older Australians aren’t in aged care; Policy blind spots mean they live in communities that aren’t age-friendly, Job Vacancies Strengthen Case To Let Pensioners Work, Floods and other emergencies can be extra tough for people with dementia and their carers; Here’s how to help, How we found microbes rarer than a ticket to the Moon, You Are Invited: Youth Congress This November, Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022 - Have Your Vote!, All ages gig: Friday the 25th of November, School Leavers Support, School Leavers Information Service, HSC Online Help Guides, 2023 Year 12 School Scholarship Programs Now Open, Be The Boss: I Want To Be An Information Technology Administrator, Word Of The Week: Holus-Bolus, Japan’s ‘waste not, want not’ philosophy has deep religious and cultural roots; from monsters and meditation to Marie Kondo’s tidying up, Fred Williams is known for his landscapes; But his drawings are little pockets of explosive expressive energy, Elon Musk is wrong: Research shows content rules on Twitter help preserve free speech from bots and other manipulation, Zombie worlds: five spooky planets orbiting dead stars, If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a choir, orchestra or band, TikTok is teaching the world about autism – but is it empowering autistic people or pigeonholing them?, We took away due dates for university assignments; Here’s what we found, Book Of The Month: November 2022 - The Harp In The South By Ruth Park
Proposal For Barrenjoey Lighthouse Cottages To Be Used For Tourist Accommodation Open For Feedback - Again - feedback open until November 22nd
Conservation Zones Review Residents Forum: Resolutions Call For Shift In Criteria Applied, For Keeping Pittwater's Green-Blue Wings Intact, For State Election Candidates To Declare Their Position On Pittwater Community's Stated Expectations - feedback closes December 2nd
Avalon Beach Village Shared Space Timeline For Works Made Available - works commenced

Paul Bailey is a Narrabeen and Manly LSC legend who is known for sharing his time, energy and knowledge as an Accountant, particularly during the past two years of Covid lockdowns, along with undertaking marathon 10 kilometre swims in the butterfly stroke to raise funds for Lifeline. Through his last 8 x 10k swims Paul has raised over $20,000.
Today, Sunday October 30th, he heads north to take part in the 2022 Pan Pacific Masters in his favoured sport - swimming. The 12th Pan Pacific Masters Games takes place on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia on 4 – 13 November 2022. Thousands of participants from over the country are converging on one of the most popular holiday destinations to compete in Asia-Pacific’s biggest and best annual masters games.
In 2022 the Pan Pacs have a them of ‘Play it. Live it. Love it!’
A Patrol Captain at Manly LSC, Paul never ceases trying to warn parents and children of the dangers associated with some of our local swim spots - including the place he takes his morning swim - at North Narrabeen, either in the rock pool or the lagoon.
During the recent Spring school holidays he came to the aid of one young visitor who had fallen off his boogie board and into the current that runs out fast under the ocean side bridge during tide changes or rain events. NBC Mayor Michael Regan reached out to Paul after the incident and measures will now be put in place to help keep visitors safer in this place during peak seasons.
Paul's marathon swims to raise funds for Lifeline over the past few years have a personal basis. He has done so after learning of the high incidences of young lives lost in our area through their battles with the disease that is mental illness.
Paul has had his own battles with mental health, which in his case, went undiagnosed for a long time.
Every day he undertakes a regime of exercise through gym work and swimming, and ensures he gets a good healthy dose of sunlight and fresh air before heading to work. Good healthy food is also part of promoting a good healthy body balance.
Mental Health Month is marked every October in NSW, encouraging us to think about our mental health and wellbeing. It is an opportunity to raise community awareness and understanding of mental health, reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health conditions, and promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
The National Mental Health Month 2022 Awareness Campaign theme is: ‘Building Resilience: Communities and Connections’
In 2022, WHO published its seminal mental health work, the World Mental Health Report. The Report provides a blueprint for governments, academics, health professionals, civil society and others with an ambition to support the world in transforming mental health.
One of the pervasive issues the report covers is stigma. Stigma, discrimination, and human rights violations against people with mental health conditions are widespread in communities and care systems everywhere. In October 2022 the Lancet Commission on Ending Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health has been made available and been well received. The report is co-produced by people who have lived experience of mental health conditions and includes material to bring alive the voices of people with lived experience. The voices whisper or speak or shout in the poems, testimonies and the quotations that are featured.
Stigma wears many faces. We most commonly equate it with how we treat one other. However, that represents only part of the issue; personal shame, internalised through an individual’s mental health suffering, is a silent problem. We must normalise talking about mental health and its multitude of conditions because stigma is the chain onto which all mental health conditions link.
One strength of WHO’s World Mental Health Report is that it also includes diverse stories of people living with experience of mental health conditions. We are grateful to the more than 30 people who shared their stories of perseverance and survival. Their courage in telling their story is laudable and humbling; it is by listening to more and more experiences like theirs that we can learn how to offer better support and normalise conversations.
Paul is one of these wonderful people who bravely and generously shares his own experiences because his passion is to reach out and let others know they are not alone.

During the last year of primary school a weekend with a friend living behind Clifton Beach in Tasmania, an open beach renowned for capturing huge waves right out of the southern extremes of the planet, I took a small bright yellow paddle board out into the waves. As I paddled out I noticed the seasoned surfers who frequented this spot were paddling back in and absently wondered why. As soon as I reached the back I saw why - huge waves were barrelling in. It was the first time I felt fear in the ocean. I turned onto the second or third wave in the first set then coming in, knowing I had to stay calm, stay on the wave and hold onto the board to make it back into shore. At the same time, some kind of quietness or 'presence' was instantly with me.
Thankfully I did make it into shore.
Afterwards, on the beach, my friend said those surfers there were wondering which of them would go out to get me. The looks of admiration from those surfers didn't mean much to an embarrassed 11 year old, especially one still shaking, and by then, freezing.
Obviously the flotation device that was that little yellow plastic board saved my life, as it allowed me to catch that wave back in - but would I have had the confidence to go out in the first place without it? Probably not. I may have already done my Bronze Medallion, as we all had to in the first year of high school back then, but that did not make me safe in waves of that size.
The development of these surf mats, boogie boards and the like, which today give us great lifesaving equipment like the surf rescue board, and even great training equipment, in the Nippers board, come with hazards, as instanced above.
The recent Profile on Damian and Lucie Geyle of the Barrenjoey Swim School shared an insight that Damian had to go to the aid of a 14 year old boy swept out on a boogie board off Avalon Beach on March 7th 1995, a rescue which thankfully was successful, although Damian reiterates through the interview the perils associated with flotation devices and youngsters, especially when these are thought to make it safer for the young to go into the ocean. They do not - especially when the user can be so easily swept out to sea via a rip and become separated from the device they are using.The Profile on Paul Bailey reiterates a similar event, this time at the Ocean Bridge at Narrabeen Lagoon during the 2022 Spring school holidays, where a strong current runs, and a young boy on a boogie board, who then fell off into that current, has prompted the Council to act on mitigating dangers at this spot, especially for visitors during peak season.
The recently released National Water Safety Summit 2022 Review has also pointed out that the Covid lockdowns mean we now have children who have not been able to access swimming lessons and may be more at risk as a result. This experience was echoed by the Geyles just a few weeks ago.
What Damian and Paul responded to brings to mind the tragedy of Victor Vivian Guest drowning at Palm Beach on Sunday December 26th 1937, Boxing Day.
Alike the boy saved at Avalon Beach, Victor was swept out to sea in the channel that can form at the southern end of the beach beside the rockpool and was then tipped off his surfoplane by a wave. Despite lifesavers racing to his aid they could not sight him in choppy waters and hundreds of people on the beach, including relatives holidaying with him, witnessed the boy go under and then he was lost to sight.
His body was never recovered. This week a few insights into the history of our local surfoplane craze.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: October 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Remembrance Day Commemorative Services 2022

Marine Rescue Broken Bay + Marine Rescue Cottage Point Members Head Into Flood Zones

Pittwater Conservation Zones Petition
- Rule out rezoning of C4 land to residential
- Apply conservation zonings to properties where any significant environmental values or hazards are present
- Create Scenic Foreshore Protection Areas from shorelines to ridgelines
- Retain all Heritage Conservation Areas and investigate those proposed - but not yet implemented - by the former Pittwater Council.

Modification Of North Avalon 'Seniors' Development Approved By LEC
Narrabeen’s Pedestrian And Cycle Bridge Update

The new bridge itself will be approximately 110 metres and with the concrete lead-ins it will be approximately 130 metres all up.
The piers of the new bridge will be aligned with those of the existing bridge to maintain navigational channels beneath the bridge.
During extreme storm events Pittwater Road Narrabeen is subject to flooding. To reduce the flood risk and to comply with current bridge design standards, the height of the new multi-use bridge will need to be elevated above the height of the existing bridge.

Toxic Algae Blooms Detected On NSW Coastline: Broken Bay Affected
- numbness and a tingling (prickly feeling) around the mouth, face, and extremities (hands and feet)
- difficulty swallowing or breathing
- dizziness and headache
- nausea and vomiting
- diarrhoea
- paralysis and respiratory failure and in severe cases, death.
- The waters of the Hawkesbury River downstream of the Brooklyn railway bridge;
- Brisbane Water downstream of the Rip Bridge; and
- The waters of Twofold Bay.
Sophie Scamps MP To Speak At AGM

Congratulations Catbus! Winner Of Inaugural Canberra Kinetic Sculpture

Warriewood Protest Against Use Of Animals In Circus
COVID-19 Support Extended For Vulnerable Communities
The Magic Mix Paving The Way For Faster Pothole Repairs
Save Mona Vale Hospital Community Action Group AGM

2023 NSW State Election - Redistributed Electoral Districts Changes For Pittwater, Wakehurst, Manly And Davidson
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches Art Show Is Back!

In Tune With TonyB

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
2yo Maltese X Shihtzu
Rosie is a very sweet affectionate girl. She is very playful and very social with other small dogs. Rosie needs secure fencing as she can climb. She came from the pound very matted and very thin. She has put on condition and is looking good! Rosie has separation anxiety and is looking for company. She came in weighing 4.1kg and is now 4.7kg. She has a non-shedding coat. We expect she will be popular so we will need to short list. I hope you understand. Rosie would be happy with apartment living. All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Her adoption fee is $550. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
10 months Domestic Short Haired Cat
Cordial came to our vets as a stray with a head tilt. He has such a beautiful gentle nature, that people really felt for him. Our vets determined he has a terrible middle ear infection which has taken months to clear. Cordial is very vocal and chatty when you are around. He loves a good cuddle and always enjoys his food. He has a short coat and weighs 4.2kg. All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested if over 6 months old and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Nominate A Multicultural Champion Today
Volunteers Needed: Meals On Wheels

Community Invited To Comment On The Conservation Zones Review And Technical Reports
Two Deputy Directors Of Public Prosecutions Appointed
Have Your Say On Rental Reforms
Northern Rivers' Voluntary Home Buy Backs To Start
Rotary Upper Northern Beaches: Get Involved In Something Positive

Community News
Community News Pages list articles that ran each week as well as reports run in other pages: Inbox and Environment News archives etc.
March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014
January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015
January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 October 2016 November 2016 December 2016
January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
January 2021 February 2021 March 2021 April 2021 May 2021 June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 September 2021 October 2021 November 2021 December 2021
January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022
3D Pedestrian Crossing Trial Coming To Manly

NSW Athletes Shine Bright At Awards Night: Ben Tudhope Named Valour Male Athlete Of The Year
- The Australian College of Physical Education Academic Excellence –Mackenzie Little (Athletics);
- Ian Thorpe AM Outstanding Achievement Award – Eleanor Patterson (Athletics);
- Southern Design Junior Athlete of the Year – Tess Coady (Winter Sports);
- Musashi Coach of the Year – Peter McNiel and Kate Blamey (Winter Sports);
- Valour Male Athlete of the Year – Ben Tudhope (Winter Sports);
- Sydney Olympic Park Authority Program of the Year – Winter Sports; and
- Office of Sport Female Athlete of the Year – Jakara Anthony (Winter Sports).

Roadworks At Night: Ingleside

DCP Amendment: North Sydney Council
- protect daylight and sky views, and reduce wind impact on the public domain;
- provide occupants of commercial buildings increased levels of amenity in terms of ventilation, natural light, and views;
- promote appropriate scale and proportion and avoid the appearance of contiguous ‘walls of towers;’
- enhance the character and image of the North Sydney CBD with commercial towers seen “in the round;” and
- better align the CBD’s planning controls with other major centres
Domestic Delivery Deadlines Signal Christmas Is Around The Corner

Elanora Heights Hectares Adjoining Irrawong Reserve For Sale

Surf's Up (And Don't Mind The Sharks)
- 60 per cent were not afraid of sharks when surfing
- 52 per cent had seen a shark when surfing
- 44 per cent said a shark sighting would not stop them from going in the water
- 17 per cent had been bitten or personally knew someone who had been bitten by a shark.
Greg Melick Is Re-Elected As RSL Australia President

Three New Magistrates Appointed To Local Court
Scam Alert: Optus Impersonation Scams
- secure and monitor your devices and accounts for unusual activity, and ensure they have the latest security updates
- enable multi‑factor authentication for all accounts.
- Contact IDCARE immediately if your identity has been stolen.
- Update privacy settings on social media.
- Change account passwords.

Mona Vale Residents Association

Funding For Projects To Honour Veterans
- local community historical research and education;
- preservation or display of war memorabilia;
- public commemorative events;
- and support to members of the NSW veteran community
Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls

JP Public Register
- Terry Jones J.P.
- Robert (Bob) Wood J.P.
- Deborah Hendy(Carter) J.P
Pittwater Community Groups:
Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Fairy Penguins Coming Ashore