Community News: August 2022
August 28 - September 3, 2022: Issue 552
This Issue: full list in Contents page
New Life Member At Whale Beach SLSC + Honouring 70 Years Of Service
From The Council Chamber: August 23, 2022
Save The Northern Beaches Bushlands Community Meeting + Department Of Planning Creates 'Aboriginal Planning Concierge' and Appoints 13 New People To The Sydney District and Regional Planning Panels
Do You Want Pittwater Leashed? Let The Council Know Why!
Pictures: Soup for Soibada Brings out the Songsters and Social side of Pittwater
Aquatics: 2022 Australian Longboard and Logger Championships + Australia’s Para Surfing Championships + Australian Bodyboard Championships - Team NSW Brings Home 27 Australian Titles
Australian Yachting Championships Decided
Park Bench Philosophers ‘I feel my heart breaking today’ – a climate scientist’s path through grief towards hope by Joelle Gergis, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, Australian National University
Food Coffee Brothers Café At Mona Vale: Celebrating A Decade Of Great Coffee and Yummy Food In 2022
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Biotechnologist
Environment Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment August Forum: Ku-Ring-Gai GeoRegion Project, Warriewood Creeklines Works Delayed Due To Rains, So-Called Biodiversity Certificates Scheme Another False Solution To Tackling Environmental Crisis Researcher States, Biodiversity Certificates, Nap Nap Water Recovery Project Announced, Measuring Benefits Of Blue Carbon Ecosystems, Australian Teachers Want Support To Embrace Nature Play In Primary Education, Bringing Sea Horses and Kelp Forests Back To World's Most Iconic Harbour: Seabirds To Seascapes, Leopard Seal Visitor, Echidna 'Love Train' Season Commences, Dogs Off-Leash On Beaches Open For Feedback, Magpie Breeding Season: Avoid The Swoop!, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Sydney Wildlife Rescue: Helpers Needed, Bushcare In Pittwater, Planning Decisions For Aboriginal Communities: Two New Groups Formed By NSW Department Of Planning, Opening 10 new oil and gas sites is a win for fossil fuel companies – but a staggering loss for the rest of Australia, Suspected Poisoning Of Shoalhaven Flying-Foxes, South32 Cancels Water-Draining Dendrobium Coal Mine Expansion Plan, Newly Discovered Legless Lizard now part of IPC Decision On Hunter Coal Mine, Santos Wants To Dump 61,500 Bull Elephants Worth Of Coal Seam Gas Waste In Western Sydney Or The Headwaters Of The Murray-Darling, Chlamydia Vaccine Trial For Koalas In South-West Sydney, Climate Change Predicted To Reduce Kelp Forests' Capacity To Trap and Store Carbon, It’ll be impossible to replace fossil fuels with renewables by 2050 unless we cut our energy consumption, 10 images show just how attractive Australian shopping strips can be without cars, ‘I will miss them if they are gone’: stingrays are underrated sharks we don’t know enough about, The road to new fuel efficiency rules is filled with potholes. Here’s how Australia can avoid them, Frozen in time, we’ve become blind to ways to build sustainability into our urban heritage, If you thought this summer’s heat waves were bad, a new study has some disturbing news about dangerous heat in the future, Hunger is increasing worldwide but women bear the brunt of food insecurity, What the High Court decision on filming animals in farms and abattoirs really means, Not all of us have access to safe drinking water. This clever rainwater collector can change that, The survival of the endangered monarch butterfly depends on conservation beyond borders, Pittwater Environment Groups, Reserves, Histories,, Notes, Pictorial Walks: and ever growing list!
Inbox News Former High Court judge Virginia Bell to investigate Morrison’s secret ministries, Preparing Multicultural Communities For NSW Plastics Ban, Mental Health Resources Become Accessible For Diverse Communities In NSW, NSW Government Builds On Housing Taskforce Response, Ocean Cooling Over Millennia Led To Larger Fish, New Curtin Institute To Tackle The Transition To Sustainable Energy, Comet Impacts Formed Continents When Solar System Entered Arms Of Milky Way, Safeguarding Against 'Shadow Government' Appointments and Strengthening Australia's Democracy, Morrison’s multiple ministries legal but flouted principle of ‘responsible government’: solicitor-general, Mysterious marks on boomerangs reveal a ‘forgotten’ use of this iconic Aboriginal multi-tool, Murdoch v Crikey highlights how Australia’s defamation laws protect the rich and powerful, Celebrities Combine Forces ad Voices To Support People Impacted By Dementia + National Dementia Helpline Now 24/7, Establishment Of The Royal Commission Into Robodebt, Hold The Phone: You Don’t Have To Spend Big On A New One, National Head To Health Phone Service Goes Live, Complaints, missing persons, assaults – contracting outside workers in aged care increases problems, Suicide rates reveal the silent suffering of Australia’s ageing men, Overseas recruitment won’t solve Australia’s aged care worker crisis, Men's Sheds Grants and Movember Improving Men's Health, Protecting The Night Sky From Light Pollution: Why Does It Matter? Mariya Lyubenova, Look up this spring – you might see little ravens build soft, cosy nests from your garden trees, Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Biotechnologist, The Rite Of Holmgang, More Opportunities To Get Skilled For Free, Art Competition To Remember Our ANZACS, Word Of The Week: Hippie, Why do my feet smell and what can I do about it?, Why does my breath smell bad and what can I do about it?, Noise pollution is hurting animals – and we don’t even know how much, Fossils Of Giant Sea Lizard That Ruled The Oceans 66 Million Years Ago Discovered, ‘You get burnt together, you get wet together, you dance together’: how festivals transform lives – and landscapes, Les Murray said his autism shaped his poetry – his late poems offer insights into his creative process, Scientists have traced Earth’s path through the galaxy via tiny crystals found in the crust, Breakthrough shows humans were already standing on their own two feet 7 million years ago
Avalon Quilters 2022 Exhibition Of Members Work Will Present Over 80 Quilts - September 2-3 at Avalon Uniting Church, 2022 Raffle Quilt Tickets now on sale - one for $2, 3 for $5 - details here

With the first day of Spring 2022 happening this Thursday, the 1st of September, Pittwater Online commences a Season-long focus on our historic Reserves, Community Gardens and all those great volunteer Bushcare and Friends organisations that work in our local area to make a difference to these places we all love.
This Issue a few history insights into the wonderful Stony Range Flora and Fauna Reserve atop the hill merging Dee Why and Brookvale, along with some great photos taken by Joe Mills, runs as the first of two features on Stony Range.
This week we also run an insight into Manly Lagoon Friends, a group created earlier in 2022 to Advocate for this beautiful place, Engage with community and council to ensure protecting and enhancing the lagoon remains a priority, and Educate and inform the community on the value of this lagoon and how they can help contribute and help facilitate community-based projects.
This week a few insights into Manly Lagoon Friends and how you can get involved.

Stony Range Botanic Garden has several microclimates: the rainforest gully, the sandstone heath, and the lush ecosystem of the Federation Cascades. The waterfalls that form the Federation Cascades were constructed by volunteers in 2001 to commemorate 100 years of Federation in Australia. Since then they have created their own ecosystem and now abound in lush plants and ferns.
Intricate walkways take visitors to these microclimates. The main circuit takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and in 2013 was extended to include the accessible sensory track - where people of all abilities can experience the Australian bush like never before. Signs along the sensory track point to plants you can touch, taste, smell, and look at, to observe the garden with all your senses. There are also side tracks for the energetic and inquisitive.
After half a century of growth, the rainforest gully is regarded as one of Alec Blombery's (one of the garden's founding members) greatest achievements in the reserve. When Stony Range was first created, the area along the main creekline was badly infested with noxious weeds such as lantana and privet. Today, it is a cool oasis populated with cedar, coachwood, flame trees, hoop pine, lilly pilly, ferns and palms.
The site of the sandstone heath in the upper area of the reserve was part of the stone quarry which was reclaimed with soil fill. Today there is a collection of grasses, grevilleas and banksias which all create a picturesque display at different times of the year.
Stony Range volunteers have a variety of activities to suit all levels of participation. Volunteer sessions run on Tuesday mornings 9am-12pm and Saturday afternoons 2-4pm.
The nursery is also open for sales and advice during these times. Stony Range Volunteer Position Description(Opens in a new window). If you would like to become a volunteer contact
A few weeks ago Pittwater Online News' Parks and Reserves photographer Joe Mills visited this lovely little oasis on the south hill overlooking Dee Why to catch a pre-Spring preview. Some of Joe's photos run on this special Spring Commences history page this Issue.
The great team of volunteers who look after this Reserve report this week that many of the bushflowers endemic to our area are now flowering and it's a great place to visit even when not celebrating a Diamond Anniversary.
Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions, it was necessary to cancel the Diamond Jubilee 60 years Anniversary Spring Festival that was planned for Sunday 12th September 2021 but there are festivities going ahead this year instead. A special Spring Festival celebration will take place this year on Sunday 9th October in conjunction with the Northern Beaches Group of the Australian Plants Society.
There will be native plants for sale plus many displays, music on the stage, live native animals, children's fun activities, a BBQ and coffee shop. More details on that soon - but first, a look into where this great park for the people commenced and some of the efforts the residents and council have made for over a century to make this one of the best reserves in our area.
Artists of the Month August 2022: Personal Whale Tales - True Stories Of Surf Life Saving
Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club is fortunate to have a history of dedicated people who, in their own special way, have contributed to the growth and ideals of the Club and its service to the beach-going community. This heritage will surely be carried forward by future generations of young Australians as members of this special Club.
The stories of surf life saving at Whale Beach runs as the August 2022 Artist of the Month feature and is available now in the WBSLSC online site here.
This book is dedicated to the young men and women who have become members of Whale Beach SLSC since its foundation in 1937. It is a record of their determination and dedication to community service through becoming a trained lifesaver. Many risked their lives and serious injury in undertaking the rescue of beach visitors in danger in the surf. These stories share many of these incidents in which lives were saved.
Personal Whale Tales - True stories of surf life saving, is a testament to the selflessness and courage of those volunteer lifesavers.
Rob Berry, who has organised the work, says;
''Thank you to the members who have put forward stories, and to the many others who have helped in research, provided photographs, and for your encouragement with this Personal Whale Tales book project.
These stories are based on the personal recollections of the lifesavers involved, documents from Whale Beach SLSC archives and newspaper clippings.''
The book is divided into three themes: Rescues, Happenings and History, and dates from 1937 records right through 2021.
This month we share three insights from the large body of works contained in Personal Whale Tales - True stories of surf life saving, that are interrelated and centred in the one family that were always on the beach - the Hendriksons who owned and ran The Whale Beach Kiosk over three generations.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: August 18, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Draft Coastal Design Guidelines
- Requests for changes to planning rules in coastal communities (planning proposals)
- Appropriate design for homes and building
- Managing growing coastal communities.
Congratulations Breakers!
Congratulations Lachlan!

Friends Of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment Forum: Ku-Ring-Gai GeoRegion Project

Dogs Off-Leash On Beaches Open For Feedback
- Calls For Council To Address Dogs Offleash Everywhere After Two Serious Dog Attacks On Local Beaches In Same Week - owner has still not come forward or been identified as of Saturday August 6, 2022
- Sydney Dog Attack Victim Awarded $225, 000: July 2022
- Council Push For Dogs Off Leash On Family Beaches Among Wildlife Habitat
Leopard Seal Visitor
Narrabeen RSL Notice: Extraordinary General Meeting
Nurses And Midwives Strike
Nominate Your Unsung ‘Eco-Hero’
- Caring for Bushland
- Caring for our Coast
- Caring for our Waterways
- Caring for our Native Animals
- Sustainable Resources Award
- Sustainability & Climate Change Award
- Youth and
- Lifetime
In Tune With TonyB


Marine Rescue Broken Bay Needs Fundraiser Volunteers

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
11yo Malt X
Enrique is a very sweet affectionate boy. He is easy to handle and is very social with other dogs. He came from the pound needing a dental. He has had 7 extractions. He also has luxating patellas in both back knees (loose kneecaps) and a grade 3/4 heart murmur but shows no clinical signs and does not need medication. Enrique has a non-shedding coat and weighs a tiny 3.4kg. He suits apartment living and FT work hours alone.
All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Tom And Jerry
2 brother Guinea pigs
Tom and Jerry are brothers who came from an unwanted home. They are sweet juveniles who want to stay together. They adore fresh herbs and you and hear them squeaking in glee from metres away. Their adoption fee together is $60. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Criminalising Coercive Control One Step Closer: Feedback On Draft Bill Sought
Midget Farrelly Tribute Statue For Palm Beach

Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

History Week 2022
- In-person presentations or webinars of presentations via Zoom by or with local historians and/or those supplied to you through our Speaker Connect Program (1 hour suggested duration)
- Recordings of performers that can then be streamed from your website and/or ours
- In-person attendances or videos of exhibitions streamed from your website and/ours
- Webinar discussions with historians in a sister city anywhere else in the world
- Locally produced videos about Museums and their artefacts that tell local history
- Oral Histories, recorded and uploaded to your/our website, along with photographs
Surfing Australia Life Member Nominations Now Open
New Life For North Manly Recreational Area
New Manly Surf Lifesaving Club A Step Closer With Appointment Of Architects
Forestville Library To Take Part In ‘First Of A Kind’ Trial Offering 24/7 Opening Hours
Simple Steps To Online Safety For Every Family
David Chandler To Continue On As NSW Building Commissioner
Calling All Justice Tech Trailblazers
- to explore new approaches to the delivery of legal assistance services and the resolution of legal problems
- to help people to navigate and access the justice system
- to promote collaborative approaches to reducing barriers to justice
- to demonstrate how technology can improve access to, and user experience of, the justice system.
Have Your Say On The Mental Health Line
Avalon Beach Village Carpark Fixes + No Parking In Middle Of Old BJ Road
1080 Pest Management
August 21 - 27, 2022: Issue 551
This Issue:
Do You Want Pittwater Leashed? Let The Council Know Why!
Pictures: Newport Breakers Rugby Club Final Home Game For 2022: The Grand Stand Round
Soibada Update: 20 August 2022
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Pilot
Aquatics: The Sirius Circumnavigation: Nossiter Trio Make Australian Sailing History - Sirius Now Needs A Saviour
Park Bench Philosophers Masked Lapwing Plover Chicks Were In Danger: Now They're Dead Because No One Is 'Responsible' For Wildlife In Council Areas
Avalon Quilters 2022 Exhibition Of Members Work Will Present Over 80 Quilts - September 2-3 at Avalon Uniting Church, 2022 Raffle Quilt Tickets now on sale - one for $2, 3 for $5 - details here
DIY Ideas Father's Day 2022 - Some Gift Ideas To Make Dad Feel Special; Some For Those Without A Single Dollar + Some For Those Who Get Pocket Money! Father's Day will be celebrated on Sunday September 4th 2022, with many already thinking up ways to spoil dad on his day. Younger readers, who don't have a lot of pocket money, have asked 'what can I give dad?'. Those a little bit older may be looking around for what they can give or do. This Issue we run a few ideas on how you can make dad feel really special.
Environment Masked Lapwing Plover Chicks Were In Danger: Now They're Dead, Public Meeting On Northern Beaches Aboriginal Lands Approval By State Government: Sunday August 21 at Opala Reserve Belrose, Leopard Seal Visitor, Echidna 'Love Train' Season Commences, Dogs Off-Leash On Beaches Open For Feedback, Magpie Breeding Season: Avoid The Swoop!, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Federal Court Backing To Destroy Habitat Of Critically-Endangered Species In Gelorup Corridor: Roads Plan Ignores Already Cleared Land Alongside, Formal Consultation On Safeguard Mechanism Reform Opens, Dungowan Dam Evauluation Finds 'Costs Far Outweigh Any Benefit', Wilcannia Weir Project Delivers Water and Jobs, Miner MMG Remove Machines From Tasmania’s Forests Under Environmentalists Supervision, Climate Driver Update - Wet Outlook Continues With An Increased Chance Of La Nina Developing This Spring, Governments and The Healthcare Sector Must Lead On Climate Change AMA and DEA Say, Applications Now Open For 2022 Gone Fishing Day Grants, It’s Raining PFAS: Even In Antarctica And On The Tibetan Plateau Rainwater Is Unsafe To Drink, Wildlife recovery spending after Australia’s last megafires was 13 times less than the $2.7 billion needed, No, not again! A third straight La Niña is likely – here’s how you and your family can prepare, Drought: five ways to stop heavy rains washing away parched soil, 1 in 4 Australians is lonely; Quality green spaces in our cities offer a solution, Australia may be heading for emissions trading between big polluters, Should we bring back the thylacine? We asked 5 experts, How to deal with fossil fuel lobbying and its growing influence in Australian politics, After floods will come droughts (again); Better indicators will help us respond, The Soviet Union once hunted endangered whales to the brink of extinction – but its scientists opposed whaling and secretly tracked its toll, Influential oil company scenarios for combating climate change don’t actually meet the Paris Agreement goals, Cuttlefish, Pittwater Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks
Inbox News Vitamin D Supplementation Seems To Alleviate Depressive Symptoms In Adults, Prehistoric Podiatry: How Dinos Carried Their Enormous Weight, How to help your child write a speech (without doing it for them), Not All In The Genes: Are We Inheriting More Than We Think?, Curtin Enabling Better Lives Through Consumer-First Health Research, Workers Left Behind By Australia’s Changing Retail Sector, A Digital Tool Is Helping Cancer Survivors Cope With Fear Of Recurrence, Multiple Shots Of The BCG Vaccine Protect Type 1 Diabetics From COVID-19, Study Finds, Exercise Answer: Research Shows It's How Often You Do It Not How Much, Explainer: Scott Morrison was sworn in to several portfolios other than prime minister during the pandemic. How can this be done?, Aged Care Roundtable Advances Practical Solutions, The Return Of Joni Mitchell, Feeling Frail? Here’s How To Beat It, Men's Sheds Grants and Movember Improving Men's Health, Seniors Left Out In The Cold – Here’s How To Help, Record Numbers Access Government Home Equity Scheme, Dementia Action Week; 19 – 25 September 2022, ‘We’ve all done the right things’: in Under Cover, older women tell their stories of becoming homeless, Lying down, sitting, leaning over? What science says about the best way to take your medicine, How To Win When You Don't : Lea Davison, Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Pilot, Nullarbor, Fee-Free Training To Supercharge NSW's Early Learning Workforce, Art Competition To Remember Our ANZACS, Word Of The Week: Warriewood, At Last - Etta James + Nina Simone - Feeling Good + Joan Armatrading-Drop The Pilot + Alicia Keys - Empire State Of Mind (New York), Is fake meat healthy? And what’s actually in it?, Old age isn’t a modern phenomenon – many people lived long enough to grow old in the olden days too, Excelling as a musician takes practice and requires opportunities – not just lucky genes, Why it’s important to think about social media use as a form of dissociation rather than addiction, Japan’s Obon festival: how family commemoration and ancestral worship shapes daily life, Procrastinating is linked to health and career problems – but there are things you can do to stop, Scientists are turning data into sound to listen to the whispers of the universe (and more), Jekyll and Hyde: a tale of doubles, disguises, and our warring desires

In 2020 Newport Breakers Rugby Club played in Division Three and were Club Champions, the Keith 'Doc' Harris Shield, Clark Cup Premiers, Farrant Cup Premiers, Nicholson Cup Premiers and almost scooped the pool by securing the Campbell Cup, being knocked out in the Semis for that one - either way Newport won four of the five available cups in their Division.
In 2021, and for the for the first time since 1945, with Covid lockdowns across the range of NSW Suburban Rugby Union, the Board made the difficult decision to cancel the season and, as a result, no premierships or club championships were won, no individual awards were presented and our records will sadly reflect the season that wasn’t.
However, in 2022, the games were on and Newport Breakers Rugby Club, now playing in Division Two, set their sights on not only being a community hub for everyone young and old and in between, they also aimed to do better in their focus on their community engagement and in their sport.
Their first home game, complete with The Breakettes playing, was in May 2022. Strong playing and consistent results have marked their Season in all grades.
At their final home game for this Season, at Porters' Reserve Newport, Saturday August 20, 2022, with Semis commencing next week, Newport results were:
Barraclough Cup: 1st Grade
Newport 32 v 28 Hawkesbury Valley
Stockdale Cup: 2nd Grade
Newport 47 v 17 Hawkesbury Valley
Robertson Cup (Colts)
Newport 52 v 5 Hawkesbury Valley
Blunt Cup: 3rd Grade
Newport 26 v 0 Hawkesbury Valley
Richardson Cup: 4th Grade
Newport 0 v 28 UNSW Forfeit to UNSW
Prior to the Semis Newport places in the following:
Barraclough Cup: currently sits at 1st
Stockdale Cup: currently 3rd overall
Robertson Cup (Colts): currently 2nd overall
Blunt Cup: currently 1st overall
Richardson Cup: currently 3rd overall
Newport is also currently sitting at 1st place in the Cowboy Cup and Division 2 Club Championship.
At the beginning of their 2022 Season Newport announced that Greg Lee had been appointed 1st Grade Coach for Season 2022. Greg came to the Breakers with a rich rugby pedigree:
- * 2021 1st Grade Shute Shield Western Sydney Two Blues
- * 2016-2020 Warringah Rugby Club incl. 2018 Premiership
- * Ex- Waverley Suburban Rugby Player, Coach and Committee level including Barraclough and Kentwell Cup
This week Greg shares a few insights on his coaching as this Issues' Profile - a first ever Profile on one of our local coaches.
Artists of the Month August 2022: Personal Whale Tales - True Stories Of Surf Life Saving
Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club is fortunate to have a history of dedicated people who, in their own special way, have contributed to the growth and ideals of the Club and its service to the beach-going community. This heritage will surely be carried forward by future generations of young Australians as members of this special Club.
The stories of surf life saving at Whale Beach runs as the August 2022 Artist of the Month feature and is available now in the WBSLSC online site here.
This book is dedicated to the young men and women who have become members of Whale Beach SLSC since its foundation in 1937. It is a record of their determination and dedication to community service through becoming a trained lifesaver. Many risked their lives and serious injury in undertaking the rescue of beach visitors in danger in the surf. These stories share many of these incidents in which lives were saved.
Personal Whale Tales - True stories of surf life saving, is a testament to the selflessness and courage of those volunteer lifesavers.
Rob Berry, who has organised the work, says;
''Thank you to the members who have put forward stories, and to the many others who have helped in research, provided photographs, and for your encouragement with this Personal Whale Tales book project.
These stories are based on the personal recollections of the lifesavers involved, documents from Whale Beach SLSC archives and newspaper clippings.''
The book is divided into three themes: Rescues, Happenings and History, and dates from 1937 records right through 2021.
This month we share three insights from the large body of works contained in Personal Whale Tales - True stories of surf life saving, that are interrelated and centred in the one family that were always on the beach - the Hendriksons who owned and ran The Whale Beach Kiosk over three generations.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: August 18, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
Annual Day Of Recognition To Honour War Widows
Coast Walk Public Art - Aboriginal Art & Storytelling Project, Avalon

Meet Constable Zoe

Iconic Freshwater Ferries Return To Sydney Harbour
North Narrabeen Careflight Fundraiser

Engineered Timber Recycling Trial At Kimbriki ReDirects 150 Tonnes Of Engineered Timber From Landfill In Just Seven Weeks

Public Meeting On Northern Beaches Aboriginal Lands Approval By State Government

Dogs Off-Leash On Beaches Open For Feedback
- Calls For Council To Address Dogs Offleash Everywhere After Two Serious Dog Attacks On Local Beaches In Same Week - owner has still not come forward or been identified as of Saturday August 6, 2022
- Sydney Dog Attack Victim Awarded $225, 000: July 2022
- Council Push For Dogs Off Leash On Family Beaches Among Wildlife Habitat
Leopard Seal Visitor
Marine Rescue Broken Bay Needs Fundraiser Volunteers

Narrabeen RSL Notice: Extraordinary General Meeting
Avalon Beach Village Carpark Fixes + No Parking In Middle Of Old BJ Road
Historic Australian Yacht Sirius Needs A Saviour

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls

Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
2yo Mini Foxy X
Pixie is a sweet cuddly little foxy girl. She is social with other dogs but can be possessive of her dinner around other dogs. She came from the pound with a mammary nodule which has been removed and she has had a dental with 3 extractions after examination showed some fractured teeth. She has a short coat and weighs 5.1kg. She suits a family where she is left alone for part time hours and would be comfortable with apartment living. We expect she will be popular so we will need to short list applicants. Hope you understand.
All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Her adoption fee is $450. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
8 months Domestic Long Hair
Stella is a sweet but somewhat shy girl. She was left as a kitten in a box outside out vet clinic together with her sister Bloom who has already been adopted. Stella as a lovely longish coat and weighs 2kg.
All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested if over 6 months old and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Lease Of Café And Restaurant, Avalon Surf Life Saving Club: Public Notice
Criminalising Coercive Control One Step Closer: Feedback On Draft Bill Sought
Midget Farrelly Tribute Statue For Palm Beach

Speed Humps On McCarrs Creek Rd: Please Share Wildlife Data
- The position via GPS or road and suburb
- The date
- The animal
Release Of Independent Flood Inquiry
- A reshaping of Resilience NSW to Recovery NSW to ensure a more streamlined agency focussed on the first 100 days post disaster;
- Migration off high-risk floodplains over time using a mixture of planning controls, landswaps, buy-backs and leveraging private investment in new developments;
- A dedicated Task Force Hawk to ensure emergency management is embedded at the highest level of the NSW Government;
- The establishment of a NSW Reconstruction Authority with legislation to be introduced by the end of the year;
- Creation of a full time Deputy Commissioner of Police focused on emergency management;
- Training for the community to assist with their ability to respond and recover from disasters; as well as greater training and support for the SES;
- Greater emphasis on affordable housing in the Northern Rivers, with adaptation plans for towns also to be developed over the next 3-5 years.
NSW SES To Embrace A New Era Of Flood Warnings
- Stay informed;
- Prepare to evacuate; and
- Move to higher ground.

New Ambulance Package To Transform Cardiac Care
The New Teeny Tiny Stevies Song 'I Got You'

Reform To Allow Data Access After Death
National Defamation Reform For Search Engines And Social Media Opens For Comment
New Bill To Better Protect Our Frontline Emergency Workers
Have Your Say On The Mental Health Line
$68 Million Arts And Cultural Funding Program Now Open
Mental Health Support For NSW Floods
- $4.0 million to establish a permanent Head to Health satellite service in the Hawkesbury and to continue the current temporary Head to Health Pop Up service until the permanent service is established. This funding forms part of the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement bilateral schedule with NSW.
- $1.1 million in 2022–23 to expedite the establishment of a permanent headspace centre in the Hawkesbury region and,
- $3.4 million over four years to 2025–26 to fund the establishment of a new, permanent, headspace service in a high-need location.
Soup For Soibada Fundraiser

1080 Pest Management
August 14 - 20, 2022: Issue 550
This Issue:
Communities Call On State Government To Put 'Local' Back Into Councils (Local Government)
Avalon Quilters 2022 Exhibition Of Members Work Will Present Over 80 Quilts - September 2-3 at Avalon Uniting Church, 2022 Raffle Quilt Tickets now on sale - one for $2, 3 for $5 - details here
FRNSW Firefighters Hit The Streets To Educate Community About Home Fire Safety
Soibada Update: August 14, 2022
Student Writers Rise In This Year’s Young Writers’ Competition
Pictures: Topham Track Ku-Ring-Gai Chase NP, August 2022 - Photos by Joe Mills and Kevin Murray
Aquatics: Shark Meshing (Bather Protection) Program 2021/22 Annual Performance Report - Data Shows Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered Species Being Found Dead In Nets Off Our Beaches - Councils may soon get to decide if nets will be installed off their beaches
2022 Australian Surfing Championships - results so far of shortboard, Longboard and Logger comps. + full NSW Team named
Families Soak Up Sailing and Celebrate At Airlie Beach Race Week 2022
Park Bench Philosophers From Fish To Ants: 139 New Species Named By CSIRO
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Music Producer
Environment Public Meeting On Northern Beaches Aboriginal Lands Approval By State Government: Sunday August 21 at Opala Reserve Belrose, Bushfire Affected Species Listed As Threatened, Glossy Black-Cockatoos Added To Federal Threatened List, Vale Peter Higgins 1959–2022, Tasmanian Birdlife Cull, Careel Creek Birds Seen This Week, Magpie Breeding Season: Avoid The Swoop!, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Sydney Wildlife Rescue: Helpers Needed, Bushcare In Pittwater: join your local site, Community Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations In Pittwater, National Parks And Wildlife Amendment (Reservations) Bill 2022 Passes NSW Parliament, Historic new deal puts emissions reduction at the heart of Australia’s energy sector, NSW Department Of Planning Announces New Chief Executive Secured For NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Applications Now Open For 2022 Gone Fishing Day Grants, Minister Officially Opens Koala Hospital, $1.27 Million To Bolster Energy Storage In The Hunter, Queensland's Renewable Energy Sector Gets $160m Boost, Santos’ Pipeline Purchase Faces Massive Hurdles As Landholders Line Up Against It, QLD Farmers Given Just Days To Respond To Massive Gas Threat, Beyond net-zero: we should cool the planet back to pre-industrial levels, These unusual moths migrate over thousands of kilometres; We tracked them to reveal their secret navigational skills, Thousands more species at risk of extinction than currently recorded suggests new study, How centuries of self-isolation turned Japan into one of the most sustainable societies on Earth, The world’s biggest ice sheet is more vulnerable to global warming than scientists previously thought, Ice shelves hold back Antarctica’s glaciers from adding to sea levels – but they’re crumbling, The US has finally passed a huge climate bill; Australia needs to keep up, Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, Once the fish factories and ‘kidneys’ of colder seas: Australia’s decimated shellfish reefs are coming back, ‘Unacceptable costs’: savanna burning under Australia’s carbon credit scheme is harming human health, Southern conifers: meet this vast group of ancient trees with mysteries still unsolved, Who’s holding back electric cars in Australia?; We’ve long known the answer – and it’s time to clear the road, Pittwater Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks
Inbox News Royal commission delivers damning interim report on defence and veteran suicide. Here’s what happens next, Home and Hope For Vulnerable Women In Sydney, Snapper Study Finds Three Populations, NSW Eyes The Future For Autonomous Vehicles, NSW Government Expanding The Dust Diseases Scheme And Protecting Worker Entitlements, A new Australian supercomputer has already delivered a stunning supernova remnant pic, 15 years of experiments have overturned a major assumption about how thirsty plants actually are, Western Sydney University, Charles Darwin University (CDU) and The Menzies Partner To Establish The Northern Territory’s Own Medical School, Cystic Fibrosis: Causal Treatment Suitable From Childhood, Girls Slip Through The Cracks Due To ‘Referral Bias’: Australian-First Study, Evidence That Giant Meteorite Impacts Created The Continents, Tiny Optical Sensors Could Put An End To Hospital Bed Sores, Down On Vitamin D? It Could Be The Cause Of Chronic Inflammation, Six Behaviours To Increase Your Confidence: Emily Jaenson - TEDx Talks, Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Music Producer, Smooth Start To First HSC Exams, Funding To Enhance University Collaboration, Art Competition To Remember Our ANZACS, Word Of The Week: Scallywag, Skim Boarding The Biggest Waves On The Planet; Featuring Lucas Fink, A new Australian supercomputer has already delivered a stunning supernova remnant pic, Three lessons Olivia Newton-John taught me about music and life, Pop icon Olivia Newton-John was the rare performer whose career flourished through different phases, Olivia Newton-John gave a voice to those with cancer and shifted the focus to the life of survivors, Eddie Betts’ camp saga highlights a motivational industry rife with weird harmful ideas, How complex is your life? Computer scientists found a way to measure it, What is love?; In pop culture love is often depicted as a willingness to sacrifice but ancient philosophers took a different view, Part of the Japanese revolution in fashion, Issey Miyake changed the way we saw, wore and made fashion, DVA Claims Processing Among Urgent Recommendations In Royal Commission Interim Report, The Seekers - I'll Never Find Another You, Olivia Newton John - Let Me Be There, Nullarbor, Pop icon Olivia Newton-John was the rare performer whose career flourished through different phases, Caravan Industry On Notice For Poor Treatment Of Consumers: ACCC, New AMA President and Vice President Elected At AMA National Conference, Major Contributor To Alzheimer's Disease Discovered, Dementia Action Week: 19 – 25 September 2022,
Science Week 2022: August 13-21 School Theme This Year - Glass: More Than Meets The Eye
2022 Environmental Art & Design Prize Winners Announced - details of this years' winners this year, and of events associated with the 2022 Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize and Exhibition; across three venues this August

Daughter of James and Dulcie Smith.
Beloved wife of John Lindsay Gordon (Dec.)
Mother of James and Ian, mother-in-law to Debbie and Christine.
Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
We trust by now you know that our amazing, talented, loving mother Eileen recently passed away.
Please find details below for Eileen’s Service
Date: Wednesday 17th August
Time: 1.30pm
Location: Ann Wilson Funerals – Darley St, Mona Vale
Please note:
If you are available and wish to attend the service in person could you please RSVP via email to by Mon 15 August so we know how many to accommodate.
If you are unable to attend in person but wish to participate remotely the event is being “live streamed”. Please advise us by return email to so we can forward the live link to you on the day to connect via your device.
We are asking people that, rather than send flowers to the service, please consider instead making a donation to the “Heart Foundation” via Eileen’s tribute page at the following link.:
You can also share your memories or thoughts on the tribute page.
Following the service we will be gathering for refreshments in the garden at Mona Vale Hotel.
James and Ian Gordon.
Eileen Gordon has been one of our foremost workers for Mona Vale Hospital through the Hospital's auxiliary, having given over 20 years service to the Mona Vale Branch. Prior to that Eileen was responsible for combining the original Mona Vale, Newport, Avalon, Narrabeen and Elanora Branches.
Mrs. Gordon held a number of Executive positions, including Assistant Treasurer, Narrabeen 2000-2007, President Combined Auxiliaries 2002-2007, President of Mona Vale Auxiliary 2008-2013.
With her passing on Saturday August 6th thousands of messages of condolence as well as tributes and thanks for her works have been expressed by community members.
This Issue a few insights into a lady whose work will live on.

Here a new mini golf course and the 'Mona Vale Hydro' was launched under a Mr. Fox. The Fox-Foy 'Hydro' didn't last long. The building was renamed 'La Corniche' by Rainaud, a French Restaurateur who originally ran a successful tea room, restaurant and boarding house at Church Point-Bayview of the same name until a tragedy. He brought the name with him when taking over these premises in 1911.
Images from the Allen Family album dated Sunday September 3rd 1911 show the Rainauds are already installed and Mr Taylor, of Bayview, also being present.
This week a few insights into the long history of a local landmark.
VALE Eileen Carmel Gordon
1933-2022Daughter of James and Dulcie Smith.
Beloved wife of John Lindsay Gordon (Dec.)
Mother of James and Ian, mother-in-law to Debbie and Christine.
Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
We trust by now you know that our amazing, talented, loving mother Eileen recently passed away.
Please find details below for Eileen’s Service
Date: Wednesday 17th August
Time: 1.30pm
Location: Ann Wilson Funerals – Darley St, Mona Vale
Please note:
If you are available and wish to attend the service in person could you please RSVP via email to by Monday 15 August so we know how many to accommodate.
If you are unable to attend in person but wish to participate remotely the event is being “live streamed”. Please advise us by return email to so we can forward the live link to you on the day to connect via your device.
We are asking people that, rather than send flowers to the service, please consider instead making a donation to the “Heart Foundation” via Eileen’s tribute page at the following link.:
You can also share your memories or thoughts on the tribute page.
Following the service we will be gathering for refreshments in the garden at Mona Vale Hotel.
James and Ian Gordon.
Historic Australian Yacht Sirius Needs A Saviour

Public Meeting On Northern Beaches Aboriginal Lands Approval By State Government

Dogs Off-Leash On Beaches Open For Feedback
- Calls For Council To Address Dogs Offleash Everywhere After Two Serious Dog Attacks On Local Beaches In Same Week - owner has still not come forward or been identified as of Saturday August 6, 2022
- Sydney Dog Attack Victim Awarded $225, 000: July 2022
- Council Push For Dogs Off Leash On Family Beaches Among Wildlife Habitat
Leopard Seal Visitor
Marine Rescue Broken Bay Needs Fundraiser Volunteers

Narrabeen RSL Notice: Extraordinary General Meeting
Avalon Beach Village Carpark Fixes
DVA Claims Processing Among Urgent Recommendations In Royal Commission Interim Report
- Clearing the backlog of Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) claims
- Simplifying and harmonising complex and confusing veteran compensation and rehabilitation laws
- Increasing legal protections for serving and ex-serving ADF members to engage with the Royal Commission
- The exemption of the Royal Commission from parliamentary privilege, to make it easier for the inquiry to hold Defence and DVA to account
- For Defence and DVA to improve access for serving and ex-serving members (and their families) to their service information, including medical records
- summary of work undertaken
- preliminary observations
- recommendations about urgent and immediate issues

Public Display Of Nazi Symbols Banned In NSW

NSW Government Backs Broderick Review For A Safer NSW Parliament
NSW Parliamentary Executive Group Statement On The Broderick Review
Have Your Say On The Mental Health Line
$68 Million Arts And Cultural Funding Program Now Open
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
11yo English Staffy X – what a gentleman!
Monty is a very gentle sweet natured mature boy. Monty is affectionate with people and ignores other dogs walking past on lead. He is social with other dogs who are not too boisterous for him. Monty does have frosty vision and poor hearing, but he can still see enough to get around. Monty is looking for the quiet life for his retirement. He has a smooth coat and weighs 21.7kg.
All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Domestic Medium Hair 10 months
Elsa came to The Cottage came to us with a broken pelvis. She now is running around and as happy as can be. She is a super sweet girl who purrs and loves a good cuddle and pat. She has a medium coat and weighs 2.4kg.
All our cats come desexed, wormed, F3 vaccinated, FIV/FeLV tested if over 6 months old and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $220. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Cybercrime Squad Issue Warning After More Than $2 Million Stolen Under 'Hi Mum' Scam

Australian-First Study To Futureproof Caring For Young Children In Disasters

Tragic Tigers Open Day

Soup For Soibada Fundraiser

1080 Pest Management
Potholes - Damaged Roads + Damage To Vehicles

Lease Of Café And Restaurant, Avalon Surf Life Saving Club: Public Notice
Flying Fox Café Mona Vale: Proposed Lease Public Notice
Mona Vale Alcohol Free Zone: Have Your Say
Forestville Memorial (Poppy Park) Playground Upgrade
- additional inclusive playground equipment elements
- introduction of more nature-based play themes
- accessible picnic area with seating, barbeque and shelter
Criminalising Coercive Control One Step Closer: Feedback On Draft Bill Sought
Mona Vale Residents Association

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls

Midget Farrelly Tribute Statue For Palm Beach

Fairy Penguins Coming Ashore

Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing

August 7 - 13, 2022: Issue 549
This Issue:
2022 Environmental Art & Design Prize Winners Announced - details of this years' winners this year, and of events associated with the 2022 Northern Beaches Environmental Art & Design Prize and Exhibition; across three venues
Science Week 2022: August 13-21 School Theme This Year - Glass: More Than Meets The Eye
Pictures: Avalon Soccer Club Celebrates 40th Anniversary
Aquatics: Local Surf Life Saving Clubs 2022 AGM's: President's Words, New Life Members, Long Service Recognitions
Northern Beaches Aboriginal Land DDP Finalised By The NSW Department Of Planning
DIY Ideas Stop Winter Rain Soil Erosion In Your Garden - Especially On Sloping Blocks
Park Bench Philosophers Increases In Building Materials Costs Adds Pressure To Fixed Price Contracts - Construction Industry
2022 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards Winners Announced - NATSIAA's 2022 Exhibition Is Available To View Online
Calls For Council To Address Dogs Offleash Everywhere After Two Serious Dog Attacks On Local Beaches In Same Week - dog owner still not identified as of Saturday August 6, 2022
Council's Open Space and Outdoor Recreation and Action Plan Open For Feedback: Supports Formalising Illegal Bike Tracks In Bush Reserves and Public Parks - Installing Fitness Equipment - Developing A Dogs In Public Places Policy: feedback closes Sunday August 14
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Gardener
Environment Newport Coastal Erosion, Why Trees?, Magpie Breeding Season: Avoid The Swoop!, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Bushcare In Pittwater, Sydney Wildlife Rescue: Helpers Needed, Release Of Second Water For The Environment Special Account (WESA) Report, 20,000 People Force NSW Parliament To Debate Ending Native Forest Logging, Government Gives Away Billions Of Litres Of Water At The Stroke Of A Pen, Unlocking The Power Of Offshore Wind, Communities Central To Improving Murray-Darling Basin Health, Call Out To Improve Coastal Design, Government set to legislate its 43% emissions reduction target after Greens announce support, It’s official: the Murray-Darling Basin Plan hasn’t met its promise to our precious rivers. So where to now?, Record coral cover doesn’t necessarily mean the Great Barrier Reef is in good health (despite what you may have heard), A wet spring: what is a ‘negative Indian Ocean Dipole’ and why does it mean more rain for Australia’s east?, The length of Earth’s days has been mysteriously increasing and scientists don’t know why, Business can no longer ignore extreme heat events – it’s becoming a danger to the bottom line, Good news: highway underpasses for wildlife actually work, Troubling new research shows warm waters rushing towards the world’s biggest ice sheet in Antarctica, The Greens’ climate trigger policy could become law. Experts explain how it could help cut emissions, Pacific nations are extraordinarily rich in critical minerals but mining them may take a terrible toll, ‘Laid awake and wept’: destruction of nature takes a toll on the human psyche. Here’s one way to cope, Women are turning the tide on climate policy worldwide and may launch a new era for Australia, Solar is the cheapest power and a literal light-bulb moment showed us we can cut costs and emissions even further, Pittwater Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Local Environment Groups Profiles, Reserves, Environment History pages
Inbox News LNG Exporters Must Divert Gas To The Domestic Market To Avoid Shortfalls: ACCC, New Study Provides Greater Insight Into Australians Living With Younger Onset Dementia, First Global Map Of Cargo Ship Pollution Reveals Effects Of Fuel Regulations, Construction For New Tweed Valley Hospital Reaches Highest Point, Free Training For NSW Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Consumers Warned To Be Vigilant As Imposter Bond Investment Scams Rise, Explorers just uncovered Australia’s deepest cave. A hydrogeologist explains how they form, Women Less Likely To Receive Pre-Hospital Stroke Care Than Men, Engineers Develop New Integration Route For Tiny Transistors, The Lining Of Children's Noses May Provide Protection From SARS-CoV-2 Infection, An Effective New Treatment For Chronic Back Pain Targets The Nervous System, Connecting With Harmony: Emma Baylin; TEDxWarrington, First Bill Passed Delivers Aged Care Reforms, Technology Is Key To Transforming Systemic Deficiencies In Australia’s Aged Care Sector New Report Finds, Expansion Of Quality Indicators In Aged Care, Dementia Support Australia Is Excited To Announce Our New Program - Staying At Home, Ask Annie’ body language tips released to enhance dementia workforce skills, You Don’t Need An Accountant To Understand Aged Care Costs, What allegations of Alzheimer’s research fraud mean for patients, Don’t fall for the snake oil claims of ‘structured water’. A chemist explains why it’s nonsense, ‘This is not a barbeque’: a short history of neckties in the Australian parliament and at work, Written In Stone: A 240 Million Year Old Mass Breeding Event (at Turimetta), Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Gardener, Art Competition To Remember Our ANZACS, Word Of The Week: Virtue, Connecting With Harmony: Emma Baylin, Archie Roach: the great songman, tender and humble, who gave our people a voice, Meteors seem to be raining down on New Zealand, but why are some bright green?, It’s Beyoncé’s world. We’re just living in it, What is an Acknowledgement of Country and how is it different to a Welcome to Country?, Hidden women of history: Kudnarto, the Kaurna woman who made South Australian legal history, Space debris is coming down more frequently. What are the chances it could hit someone or damage property?, It’s hard to challenge someone’s false beliefs because their ideas come from social networks not facts

Pittwater Motoring Enthusiasts Association (PMEA or the Club) was founded in 1994 in the Pittwater region of Sydney. The Club fosters a friendship among people with a shared interest in vehicles of all types both old and new, including cars, motorcycles and other types of machinery and equipment.
The Club encourages the preservation, restoration, maintenance, use and display of historic vehicles and machinery.
Members and guests can attend fortnightly Wednesday meetings held at the Royal Motor Yacht Club, 46 Prince Alfred Parade, Newport NSW, starting at 7.30pm.
Members meet socially in a range of regular events from our Events Calendar. The Club is very proud of its support, via donations, to charitable organisations each year. A Club magazine 'STAY TUNED' is published online every two months.
Most importantly, the Club encourages members to be active participants, not just joining the Club for the ‘cheap rego.’
The Royal Motor Yacht Club has a Bistro if you want to arrive early for dinner or a light snack, full bar facilities and plenty of off-street parking.
If you would like to become a member please Click HERE to view.
This Issue a few insights into another great Pittwater club and organisation. Our thanks to Graeme Smith for his great help in putting this Profile together.
President of the Avalon Beach Historical Society, Geoff Searl OAM, contacted this news service sending through the following photos of the grand old tree that gave its name to Angophora Reserve in Avalon Beach.
Geoff said; ''it was noticed yesterday (Friday August 5th) that the 450 years old Angophora costata has decided it ’s too tiresome to stand up any longer, so she fell over probably with the assistances of the strong westerlies we’ve had lately.
I know you’ve got some pics of her when she was young and beautiful but here are a couple of pics of her yesterday.
She was really hard to shoot because of her massiveness.
The official opening of the Angophora Reserve on March 19th, 1938 by Sir Phillip Street (KCMG). Much of the groundwork to enable the purchase of the land by the Wildlife Preservation Society in 1937 was done by Thistle Harris.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: August 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:

Narrabeen RSL Notice: Extraordinary General Meeting
MONDAY AUGUST 29th at 6PM: at MONA VALE BOWLING CLUBIf you were a financial member on February 6th 2022 when the RSL closed you are encouraged to attend and vote.
At this time the previous Management and Board at Narrabeen RSL would like to thank you for your unwavering patience and understanding regarding the current circumstance surrounding the future of our Club.
Our appointed administrator has brokered an amalgamation with Manly Leagues Club.We are grateful for this opportunity to continue the legacy of Narrabeen RSL.
Whilst we have always aimed to remain in our 116 Nareen Parade Nth Narrabeen location this is no longer a possibility.
Narrabeen RSL Sub-Branch is currently seeking a new tenant for the location and we wish them every success.
Narrabeen RSL has stood in the valley supporting and serving its community for over 65 years. It has been a privilege and an honour to be part of something that spanned generations and captured the essence of Narrabeen.
For all the singing, dancing, good times and bad The Razza has always held and will continue to hold a place in our hearts.
We acknowledge that change is difficult but want nothing more than spirit of Narrabeen RSL and it’s members to live on.
As most members will already be aware, the club was not able to cope with its worsening financial position and was put into voluntary administration.
Creditors of the club subsequently approved a Deed of Company Arrangement that will allow the proposed amalgamation to proceed subject to separate approvals in principle from the memberships of each of the two clubs and to approval by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority.
At the time that the administration commenced, the club's landlord Narrabeen RSL Sub-Branch had terminated the lease under which the club occupied its premises and the club, having no alternative premises was and is not able to trade.
Notice of Extraordinary General MeetingNotice is given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Narrabeen RSL Memorial & Recreational Club Ltd (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement) will be held on Monday, 29 August 2022 commencing at 6:00pm at Main Auditorium, Mona Vale Bowling Club 1598 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale.
Members are encouraged to attend and vote. Without the support of the members for the proposed resolution, the club will just go into liquidation without the potential benefits of the amalgamation described in the link below.
Gold Medallist Sharni Williams Now Water Girl At Warringah Rugby!
On Friday August 5th Sharni Williams popped by to wish Ratettes Anne Rutlidge and Sarah Carrington all the best on their final game for the Warringah Rugby Union Club.
As the Rats posted on their social media pages;
Wins a Gold at the Commonwealth Games on Sunday in Birmingham… runs water for the Ratettes on Friday!True Rats Spirit Sharni Williams.Seeing off Ranger and Ox in their last game!

Warringah Rugby photo
Tim Daleki, Haydn Black, Jack Wheatley and Luke Milham are also stepping back after playing their final games for the club.
All 6 players have been great, long-term assets for Warringah. Their consistent on and off field efforts, experience, leadership and welcoming nature has made them many friends and helped a lot of new players settle into the club.
Wins a Gold at the Commonwealth Games on Sunday in Birmingham… runs water for the Ratettes on Friday!True Rats Spirit Sharni Williams.Seeing off Ranger and Ox in their last game!

Gentleman Missing From North Narrabeen Located By NSW SES Warringah / Pittwater Unit Members
Following a multi-agency search in the Narrabeen-Ingleside-Elanora Heights area, a man missing from North Narrabeen was located.
The 66-year-old man, Wagner Fernandes, was last seen at Elanora Heights about 5.30pm on Wednesday (3 August 2022).
Officers from Northern Beaches Police Area Command commenced an investigation into his whereabouts and had concerns for Wagner’s welfare as he is visiting Australia from overseas and does not know the area. His family, posting on social media local community forums explained he is diabetic and also recently recovered from pneumonia.
A two-day multi-agency search was conducted near Elanora Road, utilising assistance from Police Rescue, PolAir, NSW SES and NSW RFS volunteers, and members of the public.
The Fernandes family is well known and well-liked in the Narrabeen area, involved in volunteer work through the local surf club and school.
During the search, their father was found at the rear of a semi-rural property on Wattle Street, Ingleside, about 4.15pm on Friday 5 August 2022.
The gentleman was suffering from exposure and NSW Ambulance Paramedics attended to assess him.
Thousands of residents shared in the joy his family felt on being reunited, with high praise for the NSW SES Warringah / Pittwater and Manly Unit members, along with community volunteers who joined them.

Photo: The elated crew who found Wagner Fernandes (pictured here with his daughter-in-law Jade).Rob, Harry, Vince, Eugenio, Steven and Jonno from NSW SES Manly Unit and Lauren, Michelle, Linda and Steve from NSW SES Warringah / Pittwater Unit.
The Warringah/Pittwater members found Wagner sitting at the creek bed near Wattle Rd Ingleside. It was very overgrown and could not be seen from the air.
As you can imagine, everyone was so excited and proud.
Rob from the NSW SES Manly Unit said a special mention to Manly Unit Commander Charles Hellawell who did a stellar job in the coordination of Friday's search.
Well done all of the emergency agencies involved, including NSW Rural Fire Service, Northern Beaches Police Area Command and NSW SES Randwick Unit, NSW SES City of Sydney, NSW SES Mosman, Penrith NSW State Emergency Service and NSW SES Willoughby-Lane Cove Unit.
Photo: NSW SES Manly Unit

Renewed Appeal To Locate Man Missing From Dee Why
As Missing Persons Week continues, police are re-appealing for assistance from the public to locate a man missing from our area since last year.
Taituha Hona, also known as Tai, aged 37, was last seen leaving his Dee Why home, about 2pm on Saturday 24 July 2021, telling his family he was going out to eat and would return later.
Officers from Northern Beaches Police Area Command were notified of his disappearance after he failed to return home or attend his workplace the following day, which is out of character for Tai.
An investigation commenced into his whereabouts; however, Mr Hona has not been located.
Northern Beaches Crime Manager, Detective Acting Inspector Brett O’Neill, said police continue to investigate Tai’s disappearance and urge anyone with information to come forward.
“Regardless of how insignificant you think it may be, we encourage anyone yet to speak to police who may’ve seen Tai around the time of his disappearance to come forward,” Det. A/Insp O’Neill said.
“Irrespective of time, police will always pursue any new information that may assist investigators in determining what has happened to a person who is missing.”
Tai is described as being of Maori appearance, of solid build, about 185cm tall, with short black/brown hair. He also has tattoos on his back and chest.

Missing Persons Week is an annual national campaign to raise awareness of the issues and impacts surrounding missing persons and runs between Sunday 31 July and Saturday 6 August 2022.
If you have been reported as missing it means that someone is concerned about your safety and welfare. It is not a crime to go missing. You should attend the nearest police station with identification so that Police can ascertain that you are safe and well.
For more information on the campaign visit

Soup For Soibada Fundraiser
Friends of Soibada are having a good old fashioned “Soup for Soibada” evening on 26 August under Maria Regina Church.
There will be updates about the recent trip and all projects. Also on the 'bill of fare' will be raffles and live music – just like in pre Covid days.
Tickets are a mere $15 and available at this link:

Tragic Tigers Open Day
The Narrabeen Tigers Junior Rugby Club and The O35s Tragic Tigers are running an open day Friday 19th of August from 5 pm. There will be some great activities to engage youngsters in Rugby and TriTag!
Then the old boys will be having a run. Come down and try over 35’s Rugby if you are keen to put on the boots!
Canteen will be open with food and drinks to raise money for our Fiji touring team.

Modus Celebrates 8th Birthday
The first brew venue of Modus Brewing’s establishments was launched in 2014 in Mona Vale. Modus Mona Vale is the original HQ of Modus Brewing, playing a pivotal role in the award-winning past of the company.
The venue has been awarded champion smaller, medium and large brewery and continues to produce award-winning beers today.
On Saturday July 2nd the venue hosted 8th birthday celebrations. The day was filled with youngsters running around with unicorns on faces, 5 special IPAs in honour of National IPA Day, fresh Modus Beer, shaken not stirred cocktails, piled high birthday cake, live music and even a great spit roast.
Congratulations Modus Operandi on your birthday and continued success - started here, in Pittwater.A video of the day:
Rotary Club Of Upper Northern Beaches
There is so much more to Rotary than the tip of the iceberg. Did you know that Rotary offers great personal development opportunities for our members, via the Rotary Leadership Institute?
You are most welcome to come along to one of our meetings, to meet us and find out what Upper Northern Beaches Rotary is all about.
Our meetings are held at: - The Sands, 1260 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen and
- Avalon Beach RSL Club, 1 Bowling Green Lane Avalon Beach
Email or call us on 02 8005 0711 to find out more.

- The Sands, 1260 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen and
- Avalon Beach RSL Club, 1 Bowling Green Lane Avalon Beach

Potholes - Damaged Roads + Damage To Vehicles
Residents have been contacting Pittwater Online for months about the increasing amount of potholes we have in our area. Those that have already been sent in are being compiled into lists for each suburb.
If it is a MAIN Road you report it to TfNSW at:
If it is one of the smaller roads leading off a main road you report it to Council at (this includes flooded drain pits creating problems):
Residents can still send locations, and photos if you have them, where it's getting bigger and deeper and dangerous to Pittwater Online at: for those lists.
TfNSW has a form to fill out for compensation if your vehicle has been damaged.Please visit the below link:

Lease Of Café And Restaurant, Avalon Surf Life Saving Club: Public Notice
Council are proposing to lease the café and restaurant at the Avalon Surf Life Saving Club to suitable operator(s) via a tender process. Tenderers may bid on either the café or restaurant, or both premises.
The proposed leases are on part of the ground floor to trade as a café, and part of the first floor to trade as a restaurant.
The tender for experienced food and beverage retailer(s) to lease and operate the café and restaurant will be released in the coming weeks. When released, you will find details of the tender on Council's tender portal, located here. Council will also update the details on this page.
The proposed lease is for five years, with an additional five year option at the lessee’s discretion. Council invite you to have your say on the proposal already though by:
emailing to council marked ‘Lease of Café & Restaurant – Avalon Surf Life Saving Club', Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
The leasing of the café and restaurant is authorised under the Ocean Beach Plan of Management for Avalon Beach. You can view the Plan of Management for Avalon Beach here.
Council is the owner of land and buildings at Avalon Beach, 558A Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach and this public notice is in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.
All submissions in their entirety will be treated as public documents and made available on request, subject to the Privacy Act 1988 and GIPA 2009 requirements.
The granting of the lease is subject to Council’s final approval.
Submissions opened on July 27 and will close on Wednesday 24 August 2022.
Flying Fox Café Mona Vale: Proposed Lease Public Notice
Council are proposing to grant a 10-year lease to operate the Flying Fox Café/Restaurant located at 2 Mona Street, Mona Vale.
The purpose of the proposed lease is for the successful tenderer of RFT 2022/125 to occupy part of the land to trade as a café/restaurant. The tender is for an experienced food and beverage retailer for the lease and operation of the café and restaurant.
The Flying Fox Café is located within Winnererremy Reserve and is part of Lot 100/DP 1007142.
Submissions in relation to the proposal may be made by:
emailing to council marked ‘PA2017/0022 Lease of Flying Fox Café – 2 Mona Street, Mona Vale’, Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
Submissions opened on July 18 and close August 14 2022.
The leasing of the café/restaurant is authorised under the Winnererremy Bay Plan of Management. You can view the Plan of Management here.
Council is the owner of land and buildings at 2 Mona Street, Mona Vale and this public notice is in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.
The granting of the lease is subject to Council’s final approval.
Mona Vale Alcohol Free Zone: Have Your Say
Council is proposing to establish an Alcohol Free Zone in the following location in Mona Vale, adjacent to the existing AFZ, until 31 August 2025:
Barrenjoey Road from Darley Street to Seabeach Avenue, down Seabeach Avenue to Terrol Crescent, and along Terrol Crescent adjacent to Seabeach Gardens Retirement Village.
This in response to concerns raised by residents of the Seabeach Gardens Retirement Village who are experiencing issues with alcohol related antisocial behaviour. Council endorsed the public exhibition of the proposal at its meeting on 28 June 2022.
View the location plan and have your say by:
emailing marked ‘Proposed new AFZ - Mona Vale’ to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.
Submissions close August 14, 2022
Forestville Memorial (Poppy Park) Playground Upgrade
Council are upgrading Poppy Park at the Forestville Memorial Playing Fields to provide the community with a new and inclusive, fun and challenging play space for all ages and abilities.
The upgrade will be partially funded through the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment's (DPIE) Everyone Can Play grant program which supports the creation of inclusive public open spaces for adventure and play.
The project aims to improve accessibility and safety and inspire more social interaction for all generations. The play space theme will pay homage to the memorial nature of the park and feature natural elements and materials.
Important components of the project are an upgrade to the equipment within the playground and improved access to the public amenities.
Features of the upgrade include:- additional inclusive playground equipment elements
- introduction of more nature-based play themes
- accessible picnic area with seating, barbeque and shelter
Council would like to hear what you think before they finalise the plans. View the concept plan here and have your say by:
emailing marked ‘Forestville Memorial (Poppy Park) Playground Upgrade’ to Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82 Manly NSW 1655.Comments close Sunday 14 August 2022.
- additional inclusive playground equipment elements
- introduction of more nature-based play themes
- accessible picnic area with seating, barbeque and shelter
Community Open Day & Night Details Announced For New Allianz Stadium
With the final piece of turf now laid and the last seats in place, tickets are now available for a free community Open Day and Night on Sunday, 28 August at the new Allianz Stadium, headlined by Australian music superstars Guy Sebastian and Baker Boy.
Opening Day, running from 11am-3pm, will see the doors open to the community to explore the venue’s many new features for the first time, including a behind-the-scenes tour of the change rooms, meeting their favourite Sydney Roosters, Sydney FC and NSW Waratahs players, and an opportunity to have a kick on the new world-class playing surface.
Opening Night will kick off from 5pm, with dancers, light shows, large-scale projections and pyrotechnics, headlined by live performances from Australian music icons Guy Sebastian and Baker Boy.Indigenous artist Tony Albert was the artistic force behind the new stadium’s seat design.
Mr Albert said through his artwork, that illustrates the concept Two Worlds Colliding: Water & Land, he embedded the idea of Country on top of the stadium creating an element of friendly yet fierce competition.
“Each end of the stadium is separated and distinguished by two different designs symbolising land and water – the land through geometric lines taken from nature, and the bubble of concentric circles for water,” Mr Albert said.
The seat design is one of six artworks that make up the new stadium’s public art program of art installations and recreational facilities that feature in the precinct, which can be seen during the community open day.
“We are inviting people to come out and enjoy a very special day and night. It will be the first opportunity for fans to experience first-hand how close to the action they will be and be entertained by Guy Sebastian and Baker Boy.”
The community can secure up to six free tickets per transaction to Opening Day (11am-3pm) and/or Opening Night (5pm-9pm). Tickets, which include public transport to and from the venue, can be secured from 12pm Tuesday 2 August via Ticketek:
Following the free community event the stadium will host three blockbuster events across five days when it opens on September 2, with the first match to be the NRL’s famous rivalry between the Sydney Roosters and South Sydney Rabbitohs.
The Wallabies will then take on the reigning Rugby World Cup winners South Africa on Saturday, September 3 and to cap it all off, the Commonwealth Bank Matildas will host Tokyo 2020 Olympic gold medal winners Canada on Tuesday, September 6 in an international friendly.
Time To Bust Your Energy Bills
Applications for the NSW Government’s Energy Bill Buster program to help households slash their power bills by up to $600 a year open on Monday, August 1st.
The 2022-23 NSW Budget included $128 million to help up to an initial 30,000 eligible households install solar or replace appliances with more energy efficient ones.
Treasurer and Minister for Energy Matt Kean is urging families to apply for the incentives to cut their bills.
“Around 30,000 households can apply for a free solar system or energy efficient appliance upgrades that can save them up to $600 per year,” Mr Kean said.
“It’s all about taking the pressure off families and putting more money back into household budgets.”
Mr Kean said the Energy Bill Buster program provides eligible households with more choice on how they manage their energy bills.
“This program enables households to make decisions that will deliver long term savings on their energy bills while making clean energy improvements to their homes,” he said.
“You can switch to solar or upgrade your home fittings and appliances, which are tried and tested ways to cut your energy bills year after year.”
Those renting or living in apartments who can’t have solar installed may be eligible to swap their current annual rebate for a suite of energy efficient upgrades, helping to reduce demand on the grid and lower power prices for everyone.
Appliances available in the package include energy efficient fridges, dryers, air-conditioners and hot water systems as well as upgrades such as window shading and draught sealing valued at up to $4000.
The solar offer has been trialled within select regions of NSW and is rolling out statewide to enable more people to save with solar.
The benefits aren’t just for private homeowners and tenants. The solar swap will also be offered to eligible land and housing corporation tenants later this year.
Eligible households include pensioners and Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card holders receiving the Low Income Household Rebate who can receive 10 years’ worth of rebates upfront to put towards solar or appliance upgrades.
Applications open Monday 1 August. Households can check their Bill Buster eligibility and apply from Monday at the Energy Saver website
Criminalising Coercive Control One Step Closer: Feedback On Draft Bill Sought
Coercive control is one step closer to being criminalised in NSW, with the NSW Government taking the significant step of releasing a draft bill for public comment ahead of introduction to Parliament.
Attorney General Mark Speakman said the NSW Government is consulting on a public exposure draft bill to outlaw coercive control in intimate partner relationships, as part of its ongoing response to the Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control. Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse that involves patterns of behaviour which have the cumulative effect of denying victim-survivors their autonomy and independence. This abuse can involve physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse. Mr Speakman said the draft Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022 would provide further protections for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence. “Coercive control is complex, is insidious and causes untold harm for its victims,” Mr Speakman said. “Creating a stand-alone offence will strengthen our criminal justice system’s responses to abuse, but consultation is critical to ensure these reforms only capture very serious incidences of abuse, avoid overreach and do not unintentionally endanger those in our community we are seeking to help.” The new law will create an offence to carry out repeated abusive behaviours to a current or former intimate partner, and will carry a sentence of up to seven years in jail. Minister for Women’s Safety and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence Natalie Ward, who chaired the Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control, said the Exposure Draft Bill also introduces a definition of ‘domestic abuse’ to the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007. “These are landmark reforms that recognise that domestic abuse isn’t just about physical violence, it can and very often does include physical, sexual, psychological and financial abuse to hurt and control someone,” Mrs Ward said. “These reforms are crucial to ensuring that we recognise in law a pattern of behaviour which is identified as a precursor to domestic violence deaths.” Coercive control is a significant ‘red flag’ for intimate partner homicide. The Domestic Violence Death Review Team noted that in 111 of the 112 (99%) intimate partner domestic violence homicides that occurred in NSW between 10 March 2008 and 30 June 2016 that it reviewed, the relationship was characterised by the abuser’s use of coercive and controlling behaviours toward the victim. Submissions on the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Bill 2022 can be made via the NSW Government’s ‘Have Your Say’ website. Consultation closes 31 August 2022. The NSW Government provided an earlier draft to restricted legal stakeholders and NSW Police to identify and address any technical legal matters, prior to releasing an exposure draft for broader consultation. The NSW Government is well-advanced to introduce a final Bill to Parliament in Spring 2022. Release of the exposure draft bill follows the NSW Government’s announcement in June 2022 that more women and children experiencing domestic and family violence will be supported by $69.6 million in new funding in the 2022-23 Budget, including an initial down-payment of $0.7 million over two years to support the NSW Government’s commitment to outlaw coercive control. This builds on the NSW Government’s landmark $484.3 million investment in housing and related services as part of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Strategy.
If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, call the Police on Triple Zero (000).
For confidential advice, support and referrals, contact 1800 RESPECT

Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary Stalls
The Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary members are having a stall at Pittwater Place on the first Saturday of every month from 9am to 3pm selling knitting for babies and children, beanies, bedsocks and scarves for oldies, sewing items, craft and jams, raising funds for the rehabilitation and palliative care units.

Midget Farrelly Tribute Statue For Palm Beach
A while ago, Bruce Raymond and Gordon Lang set up a community group to recognise Midget Farrelly as our own male first world surfing champion (and local hero) by commencing a fundraising campaign to design and install a life-sized statue of Midget at his spiritual home, Palm Beach.
They have obtained approval from Northern Beaches Council, who are actively supporting the project, along with Beverlie Farrelly, who is our patron. Details below and more soon!
Fundraiser page:

Fairy Penguins Coming Ashore
The Australian Seabird & Turtle Rescue Central Coast advises that during the last few weeks they have seen an increase in little penguins being found along our coastline.
Little penguins on the Central Coast, off Barrenjoey and in the Hunter region live and breed on offshore islands.
If one is found along our coastline, the penguin may be suffering from exhaustion, is unwell, injured or is currently moulting. Please report any penguins that are found onshore and please don’t place them back into the ocean.

Please Slow Down: Wildlife Crossing
Phoebe the Swamp Wallaby weighed less than a kilogram when she was orphaned on the roadside after her mother was hit and killed by a vehicle. Fortunately, Phoebe was uninjured, taken to a local vet and raised and then released by Sydney Wildlife volunteer Jane.
While Phoebe was fortunate, other native birds and animals are not so lucky.
So, if you’re returning home after your summer holiday (or just out and about on Australia Day), please slow down - particularly at dawn and dusk and in areas identified with wildlife crossing signs, for your safety and the welfare of our wildlife.
Please contact Sydney Wildlife Rescue on (02) 9413 4300 for advice if you hit a native animal or come across an injured one while driving. It is helpful if you can provide an accurate location or landmark to assist our rescuers who will pouch check marsupials for joeys, so little lives like Phoebe can be saved.

Photo: Phoebe the Swamp Wallaby by JaneNotice by Sydney Wildlife Rescue

Community Urged To Stay Alert For Meningococcal Symptoms
- severe, unexplained limb pain
- difficulty waking up
- high pitched crying in babies
- severe headache
- upset by bright lights
- stiff neck
- red-purple rash which doesn’t disappear when pressed with a glass.
Cybercrime Squad Issue Warning After More Than $2 Million Stolen Under 'Hi Mum' Scam

ICAC Finds Pork Barrelling Could Be Corrupt, Recommends Grant Funding Guidelines Be Subject To Statutory Regulation
- influences a public servant to exercise decision-making powers vested in the public servant, or to fulfil an official function, such as providing an assessment of the merits of grants, in a dishonest or partial way
- applies downward pressure to influence a public servant to exercise decision-making powers vested in the public servant, or to fulfil an official function, such as providing an assessment of the merits of grants, in a manner which knowingly involves the public servant in a breach of public trust
- conducts a merit-based grants scheme in such a way as to dishonestly favour political and private advantage over merit, undermining public confidence in public administration, and benefiting political donors and/or family members
- deliberately exercises a power to approve grants in a manner that favours family members, party donors or party interests in electorates, contrary to the guidelines of a grant program which state that the grants are to be made on merit according to criteria
- exercises a power to make grants in favour of marginal electorates, when this is contrary to the purpose for which the power was given.
- the Government Sector Finance Act 2018 be amended to mirror section 71 of the Commonwealth Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 by including obligations that a minister must not approve expenditure of money unless satisfied that the expenditure would be an efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of the money and that the expenditure represents value for money
- the grant funding framework, or equivalent requirements, apply to the local government sector. This should include situations where local councils are both grantees and grantors
- clause 6 of the Ministerial Code of Conduct be amended to read, “A Minister, in the exercise or performance of their official functions, must not act dishonestly, must act in the public interest, and must not act improperly for their private benefit or for the private benefit of any other person”.
New Chief Commissioner And Commissioners Appointed To The ICAC
NSW Pool Team Hoping For Success
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week

11yo English Staffy X
Monty is a very gentle sweet natured mature boy. Monty is affectionate with people and ignores other dogs walking past on lead. He is social with other dogs who are not too boisterous for him. Monty does have frosty vision and poor hearing, but he can still see enough to get around. Monty is looking for the quiet life for his retirement. He has a smooth coat and weighs 21.7kg. He suit apartment living and would cope with FT hours.
All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. His adoption fee is $400. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024

Marie, an adult Dwarf X is a sweet easy to handle girl who came to our clinic as a stray. She is desexed, vaccinated and chipped. She is about 4 years and weighs 2.5kg. She is happy to be a single bunny but has had mates in the past. Her adoption fee is $150. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Changes To NSW Ministerial Arrangements
PBS Listings Will Help People With Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Schizophrenia And Multiple Sclerosis
Public Warning Against Tru Water
New Leadership At The Helm Of NSWNMA

Mona Vale Residents Association

Seals Coming Ashore: Please Keep 40 Metres Distance

July 31 - August 6, 2022: Issue 548
This Issue:
Front Page Issue 548 Member For Mackellar Dr Sophie Scamps Sworn In
$11.4 Million To Boost Northern Beaches Youth Mental Health Services: Details
From The Council Chamber: July 26, 2022
Pittwater Community Forum: A Discussion On How To Save Our Area
Avalon Place Plan Passed By Council: Shared Space Trial To Go Ahead - Terracing Avalon Beach Greenspace Still On Agenda
Council's Open Space and Outdoor Recreation and Action Plan Open For Feedback: Supports Formalising Illegal Bike Tracks In Bush Reserves and Public Parks - Installing Fitness Equipment - Developing A Dogs In Public Places Policy: feedback closes Sunday August 14
David Malin Awards 2022: Winners Announced
Marine Rescue Crews Prepare To Save Lives: SAREX 2022 On Pittwater - Broken Bay
Narrabeen Park Parade Oyster Shell-Middens Art Works
Council's Environmental Art & Design Prize Exhibition: Across 3 Venues This August - Winners Announced August 5th
Pictures The Beaches Market At Warriewood: A Final Day (July 29, 2022) Celebration Of Operators Who Support Aussie Producers - still at Palm Beach and Lane Cove
Aquatics: Congratulations Locana Cullen - New Under 12 State Champion!
2022 Surf Life Saving NSW Pool Rescue Championships
Seagull Pair At Turimetta Beach: Spring Is In The Air!
Be The Boss: I Want To Be A Builder
Environment National Tree Day 2022: July 31, Northern Beaches Clean Up Crew: Whale Beach - Sunday July 31st, Seagull Pair At Turimetta: Spring Is In The Air!, Magpie Breeding Season: Avoid The Swoop!, Wanted: Photos Of Flies Feeding On Frogs (For Frog Conservation), Possums In Your Roof?: Do The Right Thing, Local Wildlife Rescuers And Carers State That Ongoing Heavy Rains Are Tough For Us But Can Be Tougher For Our Wildlife, Aviaries + Possum Release Sites Needed, Sydney Wildlife Rescue: Helpers Needed, Bushcare In Pittwater: help Regenrate and Restore our area by joining your local site, Gardens and Environment Groups and Organisations In Pittwater, Water Sharing Plans: Farmers and Water Users, Eastern Bristlebirds Sent South, Call Out To Improve Coastal Design, Land IQ To Deliver Savings Speed Up Planning, Healthy Fish Healthy Rivers and Healthy Farms, Reimbursement For Recreational Beekeepers Impacted By Varroa Mite, Biosecurity Blueprint To Safeguard NSW Agriculture, Labor has introduced its climate bill to parliament, Nature’s deteriorating health is threatening the wellbeing of Australians the State of the Environment report finds, Urban patchwork is losing its green making our cities and all who live in them vulnerable, Greening the greyfields: how to renew our suburbs for more liveable net-zero cities, Protecting 30% of Australia’s land and sea by 2030 sounds great – but it’s not what it seems, Not waving drowning: why keeping warming under 1.5℃ is a life-or-death matter for tidal marshes, 4 lessons for the Albanese government in making its climate targets law, Climate change killed 40 million Australian mangroves in 2015; Here’s why they’ll probably never grow back, Soil abounds with life – and supports all life above it; But Australian soils need urgent repair, Artificial light at night can change the behaviour of all animals, How likely would Britain’s 40°C heatwave have been without climate change?, New research in Arnhem Land reveals why institutional fire management is inferior to cultural burning, I spent a year squeezing leaves to measure their water content; Here’s what I learned, ‘Building too close to the water. It’s ridiculous!’; Talk of buyouts after floods shows need to get serious about climate adaptation, Saving burned or injured animals draws our sympathy but some don’t survive after release; Here’s why, Congo peat swamps store three years of global carbon emissions – imminent oil drilling could release it, Landsat turns 50: How satellites revolutionized the way we see – and protect – the natural world, Pittwater Reserves: Histories + Notes + Pictorial Walks, Local Environment Groups Profiles, Reserves, Environment History pages
Inbox News The Manly pride jersey furore is not as simple as a choice between inclusivity and homophobia, 4 in 10 nursing homes have a COVID outbreak and the death rate is high; What’s going wrong?, Officials resisted Morrison government’s attempt to have them ‘amplify’ election day boat arrival, Here’s a simple way to stop governments giving jobs to mates, Extra Cheers For The Green and Gold, UNSW Multilingual Graduates Set To Help The State's Diverse Communities, New Tool Uncovers 'Elegant' Mechanism Responsible For Antibiotic Tolerance In Golden Staph, New Study Challenges Old Views On What's 'Primitive' In Mammalian Reproduction, Weak Handgrip Strength May Signal Serious Health Issues, University Of Melbourne Researchers Discover Gene That Promotes Muscle Strength During Exercise, The World's Largest Omnivore Is A Whale Shark, Art Competition To Remember Our ANZACS, Word Of The Week: Positive, Gardens Connecting Communities, How The Clash’s Joe Strummer inspired progressive politics in his fans, How pioneering Australian linocut artists Ethel Spowers and Eveline Syme captured an exciting era of change, Labelling ‘fake art’ isn’t enough; Australia needs to recognise and protect First Nations cultural and intellectual property, ‘Suburban living did turn women into robots’: why feminist horror novel The Stepford Wives is still relevant 50 years on, We are working from home (again); 7 tips to boost wellbeing and productivity, This Australian experiment is on the hunt for an elusive particle that could help unlock the mystery of dark matter, 3 reasons why women leaders actually matter for women, Book of the Monht; August 2022 - Kamilaroi, And Other Australian Languages By William Ridley(1819-1878)

At the 15th World Conference of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts it was decided to mark the centenary of the birth of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Guiding, by holding a World Camp in four locations. These were the Philippines, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Canada.
The Windsor World Camp was held at The Windsor Great Park, England and ran from July 26th to August 8th, which means Tuesday this week will be the 65th anniversary of this event.
This was the first time Australia sent a contingent of Girl Guides to Europe to attend a World Camp. These Australian girls would also visit Switzerland as part of their trip when the 3rd World Ranger Week was in session and this too was a first for Australia, being the inaugural time our country had been represented at a World Ranger Week.
A search for information on the 1957 Windsor World Camp has shown there are still many attendees sharing memories around the globe but few photographs and postcards from that event remain. People are asking for them on all forums where this camp is fondly discussed. An Australian, Miss Helen Ross, who went to this camp, was an avid taker of photos, including taking photographs of all the Australian state contingents, as well as purchasing postcards and photos available throughout this tour. Those shared here may be of interest to all those who were part of that 1957 celebration as well as to our younger readers who are part of the movement or looking around for something positive to get involved in that will also be self-empowering.
Girl Guides and Boy Scouts then, as now, is ultimately about doing something that is good for you, in learning skills that will set you up for life and can be used everywhere; First Aid or bushcraft for example, is good for the planet, as an organisation that early on had a focus on looking after the environment, and good for humankind, in having at its core caring about and caring for each other and doing for others when and where you can.
As we'd like our younger readers to actually read this page, it is kept mainly about the images - Helens' lengthy journal from that trip will be added in at a later stage for our older readership and youngsters who are interested. Her photo albums contain great descriptions anyway.
Worth noting is that a the Kani-Karrung Jamboree, a large-scale, week-long Girl Guide event with hundreds of girls from across Australia camping in tents, all made possible through volunteer Leaders and community organisations, will take place 15th-21st January 2023 at Victoria Park, Ballarat, Victoria. Kani-Karrung means 'women camping together' in the local indigenous language of the Ballarat area, the Wadawurrung language.
Artists of the Month August 2022: Personal Whale Tales - True Stories Of Surf Life Saving
Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club is fortunate to have a history of dedicated people who, in their own special way, have contributed to the growth and ideals of the Club and its service to the beach-going community. This heritage will surely be carried forward by future generations of young Australians as members of this special Club.
The stories of surf life saving at Whale Beach runs as the August 2022 Artist of the Month feature and is available now in the WBSLSC online site here.
This book is dedicated to the young men and women who have become members of Whale Beach SLSC since its foundation in 1937. It is a record of their determination and dedication to community service through becoming a trained lifesaver. Many risked their lives and serious injury in undertaking the rescue of beach visitors in danger in the surf. These stories share many of these incidents in which lives were saved.
Personal Whale Tales - True stories of surf life saving, is a testament to the selflessness and courage of those volunteer lifesavers.
Rob Berry, who has organised the work, says;
''Thank you to the members who have put forward stories, and to the many others who have helped in research, provided photographs, and for your encouragement with this Personal Whale Tales book project.
These stories are based on the personal recollections of the lifesavers involved, documents from Whale Beach SLSC archives and newspaper clippings.''
The book is divided into three themes: Rescues, Happenings and History, and dates from 1937 records right through 2021.
This month we share three insights from the large body of works contained in Personal Whale Tales - True stories of surf life saving, that are interrelated and centred in the one family that were always on the beach - the Hendriksons who owned and ran The Whale Beach Kiosk over three generations.
Pittwater Offshore Newsletter: July 1, 2022
Click on Logo to access the latest PON:
To contact Roy:
VALE Jenny Fraser

COVID-19 In NSW: Up To 4pm 29 July 2022
Monika's Doggie Rescue: Pets Of The Week
13yo Maltese X Poodle
Sweetie is a very gentle quiet easy dog. She came from the pound in a matted state, dry crusty skin and a partially bald tail. She has limited vision due to scarring from old ulcers left untreated. Sweetie is social with other dogs and so gentle with people. She is so well behaved on the grooming table! Sweetie is looking for a quiet home life for her remaining years. She has a non-shedding coat and weighs 4.9kg.
All our dogs come desexed, C5 vaccinated, heartworm free and microchipped. Also included for the love and health of our dogs is a free Health and Wellness Voucher with our DoggieRescue Vet. Her adoption fee is $450. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
12mth Dwarf Rabbit
Nutella was one of the 5 female rabbits rescued from the pound. She was the only one not pregnant at the time. She, like her siblings are all sweet and easy to handle. Nutella is probably the most affectionate and nestles in your neck for cuddles. She is vaccinated, desexed and chipped. She weighs 1.49kg. She comes desexed, vaccinated and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $150. For further details call DoggieRescue on 9486 3133 or email RON R251000024
Time To Bust Your Energy Bills
Free Hospitality Courses To Kickstart Careers
Local Arts And Culture Grants Open
Mona Vale Residents Association

Palm Beach RSL Veterans Ocean Therapy

Seals Coming Ashore: Please Keep 40 Metres Distance