August 29 - September 4, 2021: Issue 508
Trafalgar Square, Newport: A 'Commons' Park Dedicated By Private Landholders - The Green Heart Of This Community

Newport’s original and sole Village Green or commons area was Trafalgar Square as Farrell’s Beach, now Newport Beach, was owned by the Farrells and it wasn’t until 1912 that a section of beach frontage had been purchased and made access for the public legal and possible - although people were certainly bathing there long before that.
Similar to all the reasons for development and planning this undertaken at the Ramsay Estate in Collaroy to Narrabeen, a ‘Marine Township’ centred around the estuary was the vision. This, along with the masses of ‘excursionists’ who would arrive via steamers, made these blocks popular as an investment as much as a future holiday home.
A Pleasure Trip. — Messrs. John See and Company run two steamers, the Australian and Wellington, to Broken Bay and Newport, on Monday. In Extremely Sad Case. (1887, December 26). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from
Today the shift towards being centred around the main road alongside the beach provides the business centre of Newport village, with the estuary side the home of two of Pittwater’s popular yacht Clubs, the RPAYC and RMYC as well as associated boatsheds to service this industry, and the public pool and once famous 'Newport Oysters' and oyster leases now long gone – along with much of the wildlife that used to inhabit these bays.
This was one of the earliest park areas dedicated to the public by private owners, Trafalgar Park Newport shows up in the original Marine Township of Newport lithograph of 1880, along with the location of land allocated for a public school and the 'Victoria Wharf' built to enable access to the then newly constructed and as yet unlicensed Newport Hotel:
Victoria Wharf at the end of Queen’s parade (west) below current Newport Arms hotel began as a pier circa 1879 which was built by Charles Edward Jeannerett in anticipation of developing then heavily wooded and pristine Newport. Although seemingly nameless for this period, it would have been described in terms by those who were eye witnesses early and by advertising material for contractors by real estate developer George Pile, real estate speculator, agent and auctioneer, who was contracted to aid in this venture:
January 1880: TO CONTRACTORS – TENDERS are wanted for clearing roads and about forty acres of land at the new Pittwater Marine Township. Apply Mills and Pile, 112, Pitt Street. Advertising. (1880, January 19). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
But our steamer, the good ship Florrie, owned by Mr. Jeannerett, is in waiting, lying alongside a jetty at the head of the bay, so we immediately embarked for our destination, Barrenjoey, a distance of about eight miles. On the opposite side of the bay is New Port, the property of Messrs. Mills and Pile and Mr. Jeannerett, who are erecting an hotel, for the accommodation of visitors to the bay. It will have a fine situation; and when the place becomes more widely known, as it deserves to be, the hotel will doubtless be largely availed of. LAYING the FOUNDATION-STONE of a NEW LIGHTHOUSE at BARRENJOEY. (1880, April 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
Although Piles and Jeannerett did not officially own land here until 1880, as some sources state, they clearly had rights enough from late 1879, and their words as gentlemen who were already contributing much to the development of Sydney both as standing to represent Canterbury and local MP’s or Councillors (Pile was defeated at elections he stood for in November, 1880, only getting 493 votes; two representatives, William Piggott and William Henson were voted in, getting 2,513 (42.11%) and 1,380 (23.12%) respectively). Jeannerett was an alderman of Hunter's Hill and mayor in 1870-71, 1877-78 and 1890. From 1886 he represented Bourke ward in the Sydney City Council. As a magistrate he administered 'strict justice and sound common sense' in the Water Police Court. He was defeated for Central Cumberland in 1875, he represented Carcoar in the Legislative Assembly in 1887-89 and 1891-94 as a free trader. (1.)
Department of Public Works: (Contracts and Tenders;) Sydney May 21st 1880: Road, Manly to Pittwater-Contracts 1 and 1L .Advertising. (1880, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
They purchased land from the then released Basset-Darley Estate from George Osbourne and Alexander Stuart (later Sir) - one of whose surnames turns up as the western street name alongside Trafalgar Square as Stuart Street:
At Pittwater the Bassett Darley estate was sold in two parts. In 1880 Charles Edward Jeanneret and George Pile paid 732 [pounds sterling] for 118 acres on which to establish the New Marine Township of Newport, (49) while the remaining land, apart from a one acre lot purchased by the Church of England, was bought by John William Cliff for 8000 [pounds sterling] in 1886. (50)
(49) Land Titles Office, Old System Deeds Book 201, No. 916; Book 224, No. 576.
(50) Land Titles Office, Old System Deeds Book 340, No. 647.
Images courtesy HRLV - Book 224 Number 576
The development of Newport as a 'resort' was a key factor in seeing the oft called for 'improvements' finally materialise from those earliest days, as was Mona Vale residents determination to see 'Mona Vale go ahead' - first signalled with the opening of Taramatta Park (now known as the Village Green park at Mona Vale) and continuing into the 1920's and 1950's with calls for electricity, for water pipes to be connected to houses. These developments give us the names of 'subordinate roads' - they also show when and where these were built first, and improved. The first of these:
We have received from Messrs. Mills, Pile, and Gilchrist, (who have published it for the proprietors) an interesting pamphlet descriptive and illustrative of the beauties and attractions of Newport, Pittwater, and the celebrated Hawkesbury lakes. The work consists of about eight pages of letter-press and nine carefully lithographed drawings, depicting the more important scenes and places of interest in the locality.
The description is capably written, and the illustrations, lithographed by Messrs. S. T. Leigh and Co., from water colour drawing- by Mr. H. Brees, are very creditably executed, and give excellent ideas of the places represented. Appended is a plan and local sketch of the new marine township of Newport, and altogether the publication is one which will commend itself highly to all interested in one of the most picturesque spots on the New South Welsh coast. NEW'S OF THE DAY. (1880, August 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from

Campbell Avenue (main view) Newport, from the corner of Beaconsfield Street, from album Pittwater scenes, 1880 / Harold Brees courtesy State Library of NSW - note the Telegraph wires. The drawings appear to be the originals for six of the lithographs illustrating 'The Pittwater and Hawkesbury Lakes album'. [Sydney] : Mills, Pile & Gilchrist, 1880. (Lithographed by S.T. Leigh & Co.), courtesy State Library of NSW
IT IS NEAR a beautiful OCEAN BEACH, at the head of a lovely- bay, between romantic headlands. It has extensive frontage to the deep waters of PITTWATER LAKE. THE LINE of STEAMERS for-BRISBANE WATER and the Hawkesbury start from the NEWPORT WHARF. THE SCENERY is beautiful in the extreme, the views from the adjacent mountains are most extensive, the vegetation superb. IT WILL he the head centre of YACHTING and FISHING PARTIES. AS A PROOF of its prospects, it may be mentioned that although the HOTEL (now an accommodation house only, until a license is got for it) has only been occupied ONE MONTH, yet the tenant has made APPLICATION for 12 additional rooms, and offered to contribute to the cost of the same. THE PROPRIETORS have so high an opinion of the FUTURE of NEWPORT, that they have decided to sell only a portion thereof, and hold the remainder for some years to come. ATTEND THE SALE. LIBERAL TERMS. LITHOGRAPHS NOW READY. Advertising. (1880, November 5). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Newport Hotel, from album Pittwater scenes, 1880 / Harold Brees courtesy State Library of NSW - note the Telegraph wires. The drawings appear to be the originals for six of the lithographs illustrating 'The Pittwater and Hawkesbury Lakes album'. [Sydney] : Mills, Pile & Gilchrist, 1880. (Lithographed by S.T. Leigh & Co.)courtesy State Library of NSW
FOR SALE AT THE ROOM'S, 114, PITT-STREET, some FINE BUSINESS SITES in the TOWNSHIP OF NEWPORT, suitable for Hotels and Shops. A good business will be done there before long, Newport being the true PORT OF THE HAWKESBURY. The terms will be £5 deposit on each lot, and the balance 20s per month. Advertising. (1880, November 24). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
Messrs. Mills. Pile, and Gilchrist held a sale of land, in the new marine township of Newport, at their rooms, to-day, and report having sold 46 allotments at prices ranging from £8 to £42 per lot. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. (1880, November 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Advertising (1880, December 18). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 11. Retrieved from
Land buyers at Newport 1880-1890, per HRLV, Charles Jeanerette and George Pile land Sales to Gustave Lix, 1,2 and 3 in Section E, Frederick Fahl, Section E and Section J, Joseph Skellan, Lot 4 to? Section E, John Foster, Lots 8 to 11, Section A, James Rule, Lots 8 to 13, Section A, James Rule (of Ballarat) Lots 8 to 13, Section B, and Lots 5 to 15 & 17 Section C, David G Ethrington, Lot 20, Section E, Alfred Hogsflesh, Lots 23 to 26, Section F, corner of Queens Parade and Stuart Street, William McCloy, Lots 13 and 14 Section D, Elizabeth and Sarah Jane Ewart, Lots 12 and 13, Section A, Lots 9 to 12, Section E, Charles J K Friend, Lot 14, Section L. John O'Dowd, Lots 13 to 16, Section E and Lots 1 and 2 Section C. David Etherington, Lots 1 to 5, Section G, Martha Lorton also D. Etherington, Lots 13, 35, 36 Section F, Mary Etherington also George L. Wilson, Lots 17 and 18 Section F, Albert H Turner, Lots 28 to 30 Section E, William Bolton Lots 31 and 32 Section E, Ann Hordern (widow) Lots 2 and 3 Section A, Samuel Bennet Bailey and Pembrook Denne, Lots 3 and 4, Section C, Lots 7, 10, 11, and 12 Section D, Lots 8, 9, Section G, and Lots 1, 2, 19, 20 and 21 Section F as well as Lots 1, 2, 23, 24, and 11 to 14 Section I. George Frederick Want, Lots 2, 3, Section D, John Russell Jones, Lots 6 and 7 Section G, John Yelverton Mills, Lot 1, Section D, Eliza Greber Lot 18, Section C. John William Cliff, Lot 21, Section E, William Boulton Lots 23 to 27, Section E, Percy R. Russell, Lot 27, Section F, Lots 10, 12 and 14 Section G, Lots 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 22 Section I, Lots 4 to 18 Section J. Annie Strickland (widow) Lots 28 to 34 Section F inclusive, also right-of-way. Joseph Waterhouse Lot 20, Section I, Patrick Dee, Catherine Dee and also John Navin, Lots 8 to 10 Section F also Lots 15 and 16 Section F.
Messrs. Mills and Pile have sold by auction and private contracts in last report the following properties, vix - .... Mrs Warrington, 80 allotments, Newport, Pittwater, £150 PROPERTY SALES. (1883, June 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Mattamolla, Joining National Park £660-Mr Jeannerett, lot 19, Lawson Estate, ... Newport Estate, Pittwater, £15-Mr Turner, lots 31 and 32, sec. E, £10-Mr. Boulton , lot 33, sec E Newport, £6- Mr. West, Total amount of sales for week, £13 071 PROPERTY SALES. (1884, September 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
Section J, block 3 and 4 show the location of the public school which would have a strong association with the park. Commenced by Elizabeth Giles, recorded as 'Lizzie Noble Giles' who commenced her teaching career in 1881 at age 20, Miss Giles was appointed to Newport on the 25th of April 1888. Newport is called 'Mona Vale' after the Campbell grant even though the school was on the edge of Mona Vale and in Newport:
APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS -The following teachers have been appointed to the positions and schools specified in connection with their respective names; ... Miss Elizabeth Giles, teacher, Provisional school, Mona Vale; GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. (1888, May 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 10. Retrieved from
Names of pupils enrolled/admitted 1st day – Monday 30th of April 1888:
1. Leighton Scott 9 years, George A Baker 9.10, Walter J Baker 3 6 months, 1. Minnie Scott 13.4, Elizabeth Baker 8, Violet Baker 5
Enrolled and admitted May 1st, 1888:
William Bulfin 12, John C. Bulfin 11, Edmond Bulfin 9.6, Richard Boulton 14.1, Edward Boulton 10, Lucy Bulfin 14, Annie Bulfin 14 – twins, Alice Bulfin 13, Blanche Bulfin 8.6, Maude Bulfin 6.6, Violet Bulfin 4.6, Lillie E Bulfin 2.6 - 18 students!
On December 22nd a Telegraph Office was opened at Newport:
Newport Telegraph Office.
Last Saturday the new telegraphic office at Newport was formally opened by Mr. Cracknell, the chief superintendent, in the presence of a large assemblage of residents and visitors. Mr. Cracknel delivered a short address, and formally declared the office opened and communication established with the rest of the world. He asked the visitors to join with him in thanking Messrs. Shorter and Boulton for the efforts they had made in bringing about this desirable result. A large number of ladies and gentlemen then adjourned to Bulfin's Newport Hotel, where dinner was provided for those who had taken a prominent part in the proceedings. This opportunity was taken to present the Christmas prizes at the Newport public school, which has been open for about nine months, and is under the supervision of Miss Giles. Various prominent residents had contributed to the prizes, amongst which was a watch, donated by Mr. Aitken to the most efficient pupil. After the prizes had been distributed, an address, signed by the Misses Bulfin and Miss M. Scott, on behalf of their fellow pupils, was presented to Miss Giles. The address was accompanied by a gold-bracelet and a smelling-bottle. The presentation was suitably acknowledged by Miss Giles, after which, the proceedings terminated. Newport Telegraph Office. (1888, December 27). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from
This first 'school' was in a tent, an illustration of which is below from a reporter visiting around the same time a politician was launching his election campaign. In 1889 the District Inspector visited the school in a tent, a day it, fortunately, rained. It was deemed advisable to provide the Newport children with an actual schoolhouse.

Two acres of land were resumed from William Boulton, who had purchased the land in 1884. He was paid £380, for the original Queens Parade site for the school:
New South Wales, to wit. (L.S.) Carrington, Governor, By His Excellency, The Right Honourable Charles Robert, Baron Carrington, a Member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of New South Wales and its Dependencies.
WHEREAS the parcel of land hereinafter described is required for the purpose of the erection thereon of a Public School and of buildings to be used in connection therewith: And whereas I, as such Governor as aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council of the said Colony, have sanctioned the acquisition of the said land for a site for a Public School: Now, therefore, I, Charles Robert, Baron Carrington, the Governor aforesaid, with the advice of the said Executive Council, in pursuance of the power and authority given to or vested in me by "The Lands for Public Purposes Acquisition Act," by this notification, published in the Gazette and a newspaper circulated in the Police District wherein the said land is situated, that is to say, in the " Sydney Morning Herald " newspaper, declare that the parcel of land hereinafter particularly described has been resumed for the purpose of the erection thereon of a Public School and of buildings in connection therewith: And that the said land hereinafter described is resumed with the intent that by the publication in the Government Gazette, and in a newspaper circulated in the Metropolitan Police* District, of this notification of the said land being so resumed, the said land shall forthwith become and be vested in the Minister of Public Instruction of the said Colony and his successors, on behalf of Her Majesty, for the purposes of the said Act, for an estate of inheritance in fee simple, in possession, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, contracts, charges, rights-of-way, or other easements whatsoever, and that the legal estate therein, together with all powers incident thereto or conferred by the said Act, shall be vested in the Minister of Public Instruction as a Trustee, as in the said Act is provided : And I declare that the following is the parcel of land hereinbefore referred to as resumed by this notification, that is to say :—
All that piece or parcel of land situated at Mona Vale, Pittwater, containing 2 acres and 12 perches, being allotments 11 to 14 inclusive, of section D, of the new marine township of Newport, in the parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland: Commencing at the intersection of the south-west side of Stuart-street with the south-east tide of the Queen's Parade; and bounded thence on the north-east by the southwest side of the first-mentioned street bearing south 10 degrees 39 minutes east 5 chains 71 links; thence on the southeast by the north-east side of Beaconsfield-street bearing north 85 degrees 59 minutes west 4 chains 13^ links; thence on the south-west by allotment 10 bearing north 10 degrees 39 minutes west 4 chains 66-^y links to the south-east side of The Queen's Parade aforesaid ; and thence on the north-west by that side of that street bearing north 79 degrees 21 mi lutes east 4 chains, to the point of commencement.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand, and caused the Great Seal of the Colony to be hereto affixed, at Government House, Sydney, this eighteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and in the fifty-second year of Her Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command,
[2238] GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! NOTIFICATION OF RESUMPTION OF LAND UNDER 44 VICTORIA No. 16. (1889, March 22). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 2228. Retrieved from
TENDERS will be received at this office for the Works specified in the schedule hereunder up to 12 o'clock noon on the various dates set forth in the second column. Tenders are to be addressed to the Under-Secretary, Department of Public Instruction, Sydney, and endorsed, "Tender for [... insert the name of school and the work to which the tender relates]." , J. H. CARRUTHERS.
MONA VALE. Newport-New Buildings. Where Plans and specifications may be seen and Forms of Tender obtained - Department of Public Instruction and Public School, Mona Vale - Date up until which Tender will be accepted - March 17, 1890.Advertising (1890, February 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 2. Retrieved from
The speech made on day foundation stone was laid – written in longhand by William Boulton and found inside the original foundation stone when this was being cut to add to the new Infants Block completed in 1969:

Suburban Railway Agitation.
The electoral campaign so far as the Ministry are Concerned was opened yesterday, when Sir Henry Parkes addressed a small meeting at Hodge's Newport Hotel in the afternoon. Mr. W. Bulfin occupied the chair.
Sir HENRY PARKES, who met with a hearty reception said he had come out to Newport that morning with some pleasurable anticipations. He remembered addressing a small meeting in that immediate neighbourhood some time ago, and he met with so much cordiality and altogether so much enjoyed his visit that he felt certain that he should have a repetition of that kind of enjoyment. But he came out here with other anticipations, which might appear to some hardly well founded, but which to his mind, had a very good foundation . He looked forward to the time when that portion of the colony would be a very busy scene. It was not in the nature of things for a place possessing so many advantages in so many features of natural attractiveness to remain for a long time without those natural beauties being taken advantage of and though they were a scattered hamlet now with only a few persons attending a meeting of that kind he anticipated the time-and not beyond another generation when Newport would be a well-known fashionable watering place…
Sir Henry Parkes, in replying, said that as they had been good enough to pass a vote of confidence in him without asking any questions, he had one or two pieces of information to give them as a member of the Government. The Government was considering, and he had no doubt that consideration would lead to active steps being taken of supplying them with a wharf suited to their purposes, on both sides of that important water He ascertained that from the Works Department. Also he had to tell them that the Government was considering better requirements for the Public school there, for the accommodation and shelter of the children attending.
He was glad to see the youngsters present, because they had arrived at an age when they came to take an interest in the course of public affairs, and in a few short years-a few years which would fly away in swifter moments than they could imagine-they would be men in the life of the country.
A vote of thanks to the chairman was passed, and the meeting closed. ST. LEONARDS. (1891, June 9). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. from
Trafalgar Square becomes the Newport Commons or community space

 Trafalgar Squar Indenture.jpg?timestamp=1629949007885)
 Trafalgar Square Indenture.jpg?timestamp=1629949088882)
 Trafalgar Square Indenture.jpg?timestamp=1629949118372)
The Book 398, Volume 361 referred to provides an Indenture agreement between Jeanerett and Pile and Percy Robert Russell from 1888 - this is 4 pages long - an extract:
Comprising at least 8 blocks of land or 3 acres and 2 roods according to old maps, this was a 'Deed of Trust'. Named Trafalgar Square (now park) for the naval battle of October 1805 when Nelson defeated the Spanish and French fleets off Cape Trafalgar, Spain, this was originally to be a kind of 'village green' for the Marine Township of Newport.
There was, at this time, a Trafalgar Square at Mosman, which was a business style square, and later one at Stanmore too.
The original Trafalgar Square is a public square in the City of Westminster, Central London, established in the early 19th century around the area formerly known as Charing Cross. The Square's name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar, the British naval victory in the Napoleonic Wars over France and Spain that took place on October 21st 1805 off the coast of Cape Trafalgar.
Sir Alexander Stuart KCMG (21 March 1824 – 16 June 1886) Premier of New South Wales from 5 January 1883 to 7 October 1885, was born at Edinburgh, the son of Alexander Stuart and his wife Mary, née McKnight.
Percy Robert Russell was applying to mine for coal under all Crown lands in Manly Cove in 1891. He was the son of John Russell, born February 12, 1818 at Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, a brother of Sir Peter Nicol Russell, head of the then well-known firm of ironfounders, Messrs. P. N. Russell and Co., of Darling Harbour. His mother was Charlotte Ann (nee Nicholl). His brother in law was Llewellyn Charles Russell-Jones, Mayor of Petersham and later a member of the NSW Legislative Council. He married Lilian E. Geary at Newtown on April 18, 1893. He passed away at Edgecliff, death registered at Woollahra, on November 10th1946. The Family Notice states he is beloved father of Sarte Russell and Olga Ewing.
William Thomas Ashton Shorter passed away on May 23rd, 1916, Thomas James Dickson on July 21st, 1919, David Scott on February 15th, 1913 and Thomas Henry Hodges appears to have passed away in 1947, aged 89, at his home, by then, in Artarmon. He had transferred the Newport Hotel licence to a Frederick G. Bradburn in January 1895, who then transferred it to James Stuart Greig in November of that year.
Mr. Hodges appears to have kept his links with Newport for a while though:
Newport is one of the best possible picnic spots; It is only twelve miles from Manly, with coach communication twice daily, yet it is 'far from the madding crowd.' Situated on a peninsula, there is on the one hand the bay of Pittwater with its innumerable and oyster rocks; and, on the other, within ten minutes' walk, there is the ever-restless sea, with its magnificent coast line of head lands, and beaches, its surf and lagoon bathing, its schnapper fishing from the rocks, and its grand exploration tours. There is Barrenjoey and its glorious ocean scenery seven miles distant, and there is the mysterious cave near the 'Hole in the Wall,' three miles' walk from Newport, said to have been used in the 'good old days' by the smugglers and escapees. On the way to the cave is the residence of the late W. B. Dalley, in its picturesque de mesne, a sight worth seeing, and an ideal picnic spot. Within half-a-mile of the township stands Bushrangers' Hill (noted for its flannel flowers), from the top of which a matchless panorama of land and sea can be obtained. ' To get to Newport, catch the 9 a.m. or 3 p.m. steamer from Sydney, and you will find the coach waiting at the wharf. The most enjoyable drive takes you over Curl Curl and Dee Why lagoons, through the village of Narrabeen, over Sheep-station Hill, changing coach at Rock Lily Hotel, and then five miles more to Newport. The morning coach lands you there at noon, the afternoon at 6 p.m. Avoid camping under trees for fear of falling wood or the drip after rain or heavy dew. Select an open spot on a rise, yet sheltered by timber. Manly butchers and bakers visit Newport twice weekly, and there is a well-stocked local store, so that you may 'fly light' if you choose. You want rugs or blankets, billycans, plates, pannikins, candle lantern, fishing tackle, and oyster knives. Make bag bunks, two bags to a bunk; they are the cheapest and best. They keep you clear of damp, ants, &c. A boat can be hired by the week; this is better and cheaper than hiring by the day or' hour. Be sure and pull up 'M'Garr's Creek for one day, and try for whiting on the sandy flats. Land also on the fine reserve, Kuring-gai Chase, and spend a pleasant time amongst the tree ferns in the beautiful shady gullies. Also walk up the mountain track to the top, where a glorious view may be obtained. For black bream a good ground is on the western side of Scotland Island, close in shore, and with an in-coming tide. Good sport is generally to be obtained here with the 'darkies.' Some five miles from the head, of the bay are the noted flathead grounds, but it would be advisable to obtain the services of a local youngster as pilot, as you might miss the right spot. If you are fond of fish, and catch them, you can reduce your butcher's account. If you stay at Newport for weeks you can picnic and explore fresh places each day, on the beautiful bay, or. along the wild, rugged ocean shore. For variety of pleasure (boating, fishing, shooting, bathing, &c), lovely scenery, beautiful climate, and a real good all-round holiday resort, to be reached and enjoyed at a minimum of expense, I say try Newport— THOS. H. HODGES. IN PRAISE OF NEWPORT. (1905, January 1). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 7 (The Sunday Times Magazine Section.). Retrieved from
He had bought this land from Mr. Jeanneret in 1875:
No. 17,812. APPLICANT:—Thomas Henry Hodges, Balmain. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 2 roods 31 ½ perches, Gladstone and Queen streets, Newport,—lots 17 and 18, section C, township Newport, and part 700 acres (portion 17 of parish), granted to Robert Campbell; adjoining properties of M. Johnston and J. Sanderson. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1912, August 7). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4985. Retrieved from
As shown in the above 1890 'agitating for a rail line' a hall was being constructed in June 1890 and reference is made to the Trafalgar Square's Indenture to those 'keepers' of 'messuages' which is or was when this term was used, under Law; a dwelling house with its outbuildings and adjacent land. A later Real Property Act notice by Laurence Edward Moss in 1907 names those his lots of land are adjoining 'the properties of the Trustees of the Newport Hall'. He did own four blocks of land at the Stuart Street to Gladstone corner, facing the park.
However, a 1903 article in the Mosman Mail newspaper article states a hall for dancing was part of the facilities offered by the Newport Hotel. When the Newport Hotel was advertised for sale in 1886 the listing shows there were 3 acres of land as part of the package on which the structure and its buildings sat - William Boulton bought the premises and it was eventually sold in 1919, years after he passed away. The Boulton family had a dairy and premises up the top of the current western end of Beaconsfield street. After some of the lots they'd bought were resumed for the school those cows would have grazed at the Trafalgar Square 'commons' and perhaps use of a hall on grounds closer to the Pittwater may have been part of that as a swap.
The Boultons had built wharves at Church Point and that for their own use in business at Newport in the bay alongside Beaconsfield street. James Booth, credited with building the first Newport Public School, and also a 'hall at Bayview' which was at Mona Vale and on the road to Bayview, was also busy in the area still then.
Some 'Newport Hall' notes;
Newport New Hall
On Saturday night the hall at Newport lately erected for social and intellectual entertainments was opened by a concert given by Mr. Graham and the Euphonic Orchestra: The hall is picturesquely situated amid bush surroundings and gum trees, and was rendered gay with bunting festooned from the trees. Boat loads of people came from Bayview and the surrounding districts, and after the concert an impromptu dance closed the evening. The interior of the hall is nicely decorated with paintings and half life-sized figures of classical and literary heroes.
A small stage, with proscenium and footlights, enables dramatic performances to be given there. Newport New Hall. (1891, November 9). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved from
Mr. J F Cullen MLA, addressed a large number of his constituents in the public hall, Newport, on Saturday evening- Mr Geddes presided. Mr Cullen in his speech dealt with the prospect of the next general election giving the country a better Parliament and a strong freetrade Government, the necessity for greatly restricting the functions of the Ministers, and contracting the Civil Service Mr Cullen said that 12 months ago he had predicted that the next Parliament would abolish payment of members, and the only possible hitch which might prevent this prediction being realised was the Premier s sudden conversion to the same view.
A vote of confidence in Mr Cullen was carried unanimously. MEETING AT NEWPORT. (1893, August 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from
The residents of Pittwater and surrounding district held an enthusiastic meeting on Saturday evening in the Newport Hall to protest against the action of the Minister for Lands in submitting the lease of the Main Manly Wharf to public auction. Mr. W. Bolton, sen., presided.
Two resolutions were most enthusiastically carried, and were to the following effect : ' That the residents of Pittwater are of opinion that the best interests of the district and the public generally will be conserved by the Minister for Lands vesting the lease of the Manly Wharf in the local council under the provisions of the Municipal Wharves Act of 1893.' 'That this resolution be forwarded to the chairman of the meeting to be held at the Aquarium Hall, Manly, on the 13th instant, and through him to the Minister for Lands.' The speakers, who were well received, were Messrs. T. Hodges (Newport), Austin, sen. (Bayview), H. C. G. Moss, and C. J. Burns. MEETING AT PITTWATER. (1895, May 14). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
The member for Warringah, Mr Dugald Thomson, continued his federal campaign on Saturday, holding a meeting at Newport in the local hall, where he addressed a fair number of electors, Mr David Scott occupied the chair. Mr. Thomson explained at length the provisions of the bill, and dwelt upon the advantages which federation would bring in its train. At the conclusion of the address a unanimous vote of thanks was accorded. MR. DUGALD THOMSON, M.L.A., AT NEWPORT. (1899, May 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
A concert, in aid of the funds of the Manly Cottage Hospital was recently held in the Newport Hall, and the affair, which was organised by the residents of Newport and Bayview, proved to be a great success financially and otherwise, the arrangements being in the hands of a wideawake committee, consisting of Messrs. Devlin, Booth, Fitzgerald, Erickson, and Wilcox. Among the contributors to an excellent programme were Miss Lord, Miss Johnson, Miss Duffy, Miss Black, and Messrs. Duffy, Fitzgerald, Booth, and Buist. CONCERT AT NEWPORT. (1899, October 9). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
Concerts held at Newport Hall where the schoolchildren sang the then current songs and their 'tutor' is named - this also informs us that what was taught at the Newport school had gone beyond writing, reading and maths and that children as young as 3 were attending:
A concert was held on Saturday last at the Newport Hall, Pittwater, in aid of the N.S.W. Patriotic Fund. The hall was crowded, and the entertainment a thorough success. The pupils of the Newport Public School opened the concert with a children's chorus, 'Little Gleaners,' the stage being set as a harvest scene, and later they sang, with Miss Black's assistance, 'Hush, the Bogie Man.' Little Mymie Bramley (aged 3) was heartily applauded for her contribution of 'Children of the Empire,' with a well-rendered chorus. 'Those who gained encores for their contributions wore Miss E. Black ('Absent-Minded Beggar'). Miss Black ('Goodbye'), Mr. A. Wetherall ('The Don' and 'The Grass Widower'), Mr. J. Pearson ('Henry V: Before Harfleur' and 'The Light Brigade'), l. C. M. Burney ('That's How I Saved My Life' and 'Fashioned. Rather'), and Mr. H. Phillips ('Sleeping Camp' and 'All Coons Look Alike to Me'), Miss W. Stratton sang 'The Gift of Rest,' and played a couple of piano solos; and Mrs. Brownlow 'The Sleeping Camp'. Other items were rendered by Mr. T. Dudgeon, Mr. A. Simpson, Mrs. Stuart Greig, Mr. W. Raines, and Mr. Geo. Solomon. The accompanists were Misses E. Black and Winifred Stratton. The entertainment was promoted by Mrs. and the Misses Black, and was ably assisted by Mrs. Norris and Mr. Stuart Greig (treasurer). The children in their choruses reflected credit on Miss Black's careful tuition, their contributions being especially well rendered. The sum netted by Miss Ettie Black for her singing of 'The A.M.B.,' amounted to £1 4s 11d. The result of the concert will be the handing over to the fund of a sum of over £7. SOCIAL ITEMS. (1900, May 25). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), , p. 8. Retrieved from

Another, also to raise funds for those elsewhere:
BAZAAR AT NEWPORT. A bazaar in aid of Indian Famine Fund has been held in the Newport Hall. On the opening day there was a large gathering of ladies and gentlemen, among those present being Mr. Dugald Thomson, M.L.A. Mrs. Norris, teacher of the Public school, acted as secretary, and Mr. E. J. Higgins as treasurer. BAZAAR AT NEWPORT. (1900, November 12). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
A plain and fancy dress ball in aid of the building fund of the Newport Hall was held in the Newport Hall last Saturday night. Refreshments were served at 11.30. The ball was quite a success. It is rumoured that Mr. Brock has on the way from America a motor car or cars capable of carrying 30 passengers. Fire I Fire I (1904, October 29). The Mosman Mail (NSW : 1898 - 1906), p. 4. Retrieved from
With a view of putting the Newport Hall in repair and paying off some of the existing liabilities a fancy dress ball was held on Saturday week in the building. Willing hands made the interier of the hall a perfect fairyland, nothing but native flora of various kinds could be seen and in several parts were erected cosey nooks. Among the fancy dresses were Miss Greig as May Beattie in the " Rose of Riviera," Miss Arter as Pierriot. Miss Violet Bulfin as Grace Bros., Miss Blanch Foster as the Duchess of Gainsborough. The British Embassy Manufacturing Co. had a tasty dress representing Pasteur's Washing Fluid and Household Purifier, but unfortunately it did not arrive in time. Miss Maudie Bulfin, who presides over the destinies of the local post office, looked exceptionally well in a pretty white dress, 'tastefully trimmed with " Forget-me-nots," with sprays of the same flowers woven through her hair. Mrs. J. Booth wore a becoming costume, and Mrs. Quirk, wife of the ex-parliamentary member for the district, displayed a beautiful dress of white satin. Mr. S. Greig gave a good representation of the " White Eyed Kaffir." Mr. F. Stringer took the character of a clown, and the dress was complete in all details. Mr. J. Oliver chose "Night and Morning," heing half white mid half black. " Uncle Sam's Nephew from Ohio" was a splendid rendering by Mr. H. L. Skinner; and Mr. Daniel's effort was a Cricketer. It would not do to close this list of dresses without mentioning Miss Stringer in pale blue. Prizes were offered for the best dresses, and these were carried off by Miss Greig, Miss Arter and Mr. F. Stringer, in that order. Mr. S. Greig, who was the hon. secretary to the movement, had his arrangements complete in every respect.
For some reason men have been sent from Sydney to repair and make part of the road near Newport village, while some the local men, though used to this work, were passed ovnr. This naturally caused some unpleasantness and a special meeting of the Progress Association was called, when it was decided to write to the Parliamentary member of the district with reference to it. It was pointed out that there were men in the district seeking work, and it should have been given to them, more especially as they were used to the work of roadmaking. The next meeting of the association promises to be somewhat interesting, as several letters, some as far back as May, have not been acknowledged by the Works Department and the manner in which the Department, has treated the association over the public well and water supply has roused the ire of some of the councillors. The meeting is set down for next Saturday. NEMO. PITTWATER-NEWPORT. (1904, November 5). The Mosman Mail (NSW : 1898 - 1906), p. 4. Retrieved from

Vaudeville at Newport
A number of young men are preparing a minstrel entertainment to be given at Newport on the 28th inst.— this day fortnight—in aid of the Presbyterian Church there. Mr. Thos. Plows, plumber, of the Bank Buildings, Mosman is taking an interest in the undertaking. He owns land up that way and goes there once a week or so.- They practice weekly in Parkinson's Hall, Trafalgar Square, and a pleasant programme is promised. Vaudeville at Newport. (1906, July 14). The Mosman Mail (NSW : 1898 - 1906), p. 6. Retrieved from
From The Brock Estate Brochure - to be sold October 7th Newport 1907. Item No.: c046820076 from Mona Vale Subdivisions, courtesy State Library of New South Wales
In 1906 the Warringah Shire Council was created and vested with certain powers to do what work needed to be done in late 1907 - details under extras. A few years after this:
At the last meeting of the Warringah Shire Council Councillor Quirk moved— "That application be made for the following powers:— The care and management of parks and recreation grounds, public reserves and commons, the care of which is not by or under any statute vested in other bodies or persons; the establishment, maintenance, or subsidising of local bands or orchestras," Councillor M'Intosh seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. It was also unanimously resolved, on the motion of Councillor Quirk, seconded by Councillor Powell— "That the finance committee consider the best means of encouraging the establishment of local bands."
Mr. S. Stringer's tenders were accepted for erecting dressing-sheds as follows:— For Curl Curl beach, £25; for Freshwater beach, £100; for Newport beach, £24. Mr. G. Riddle's tender, £17 10s, for clearing and forming Seagull-road, was accepted. AT THE COUNCIL BOARD. (1909, December 10). The Star (Sydney, NSW : 1909 - 1910), p. 7 (LATEST EDITION). Retrieved from
Samuel Stringer was the gentleman who lived at Mona Vale in Dungarvon, and was one of the Builders for the original Brocks' mansion, and looking after Turimetta Park (Village Park) at Mona Vale prior to the establishment of Warringah Shire Council.
In August 1908 discussions with the Trustees of the Mona Vale park had taken place so that could be placed under the Council's care. As the original gentleman named in the Trafalgar Square Deed of Trust were becoming elderly, working in a public office in another Council, discussions about bringing Trafalgar Square would have been on their list. These formative years for this newly established council were difficult - the costs of works expected far exceeded what they were granted from the state government and what could be raised from the populace - one 1909 newspaper article quotes the then shire clerk stating they are levying the highest rate they can - a whole 2d/! or twopence, 'tuppence' - not much even when you do the 1909 to 2021 conversions, and that they had inherited a raft of problems, chief among these being the main road from Manly and Brookvale to places like Newport and Barrenjoey was in a very bad state and mad worse by the numerous visitors who would be contributing nothing towards upkeep, let alone getting near upgrades.
The area was rarely out of local newspapers and always being praised for its beauty. The shift from steamers arriving at Newport Wharf, the public one constructed in 1898, had changed to people accessing the area via the 'roads' (tracks) in wagons, coaches and even the occasional rare car. Although the steamers still ran these ferries were moving goods from the farms more than bringing boat loads of tourists.
An example of those enticing reports includes one of the early Enemark panoramas of Barrenjoey:
In the District of Extensive Seascapes - Around Pittwater and Barrenjoey
Sydney is often envied by other places for the remarkable and varied scenery to be found almost at the door of the city, for in no matter which direction one may go beautiful and pleasant spots are available. . To. the west, of course, the Blue Mountain's are the attraction: to the south the rich South Coast -country is the happy hunting ground of the pleasure seeker; and to the north is the Hawkesbury River, -rich in its scenery. Many of the beauty spots, in those localities are within easy distance of the metropolis, and while within the twenty miles' radius are many; pleasant places, notably National Park, if one travels sixty or seventy miles some of. the 'most beautiful scenery in the .State is encountered. The Hawkes-. bury is well-known as a touring locality, and for its fishing; but nearer Sydney is a place known by name but seldom visited by many Sydney people. That place is Barrenjoey, the! bold headland at the southern entrance to Broken Bay, noted in the mind of the ordinary person by reason of the fact that a lighthouse stands on the headland, but unknown, comparatively speaking, as a district overflowing with beauty spots and panoramas of extensive seascapes of imposing grandeur. Barrenjoey is situated within the boundaries of the Warringah Shire, and is reached by land via Manly. The distance from Manly to Barren joey by road is 18 miles, the road from "The' Village" to Newport (12 miles) being in splendid order, but the last six miles of the journey is accomplished with difficulty.
The road, apparently uncared for for several years, has fallen into 'disrepair, and the journey by vehicle resolves itself into a semi-walking expedition, some parts of the road ,being very difficult. The Warringah Shire Council has a great work ahead of it, and although the Council has done remarkable work in the more frequented parts of the Shire, the repairing of the road between Newport and Barren-joey will doubtless increase, the popularity of the district between Manly and Broken Bay and open up the most picturesque portion of the Shire.
The journey from Manly to Newport is fairly well-known, the lagoons along the way— Curl Curl, Deewhy, and Narrabeen— having attractions for the holiday-seeker and tourist. From Newport, however, the road is not so generally known, but for six miles it traverses scenery of a most interesting and desired character, first fine ocean beaches, and next the more placid waters of Pittwater, and the quiet little beaches along the shores of that arm of Broken Bay. Then, as a conclusion to the journey, one clambers up Barrenjoey and obtains from the summit of the headland what is probably the most extensive and pleasing seascape in the State. To the south, looking towards Manly, is the view illustrated at the foot of these pages. In the foreground is the narrow spit connecting Barrenjoey with the mainland, to the left is the Barrenjoey Lighthouse, and a succession of bold headlands stretching away towards Newport, arid to the right is an open stretch of water looking up Pittwater, while further round is the shore of that arm, with a glimpse of the Hawkesbury in the distance. Looking towards the north, one has an equally remarkable view. Lion Island, standing as a sentinel at the entrance to Broken Bay, lies in the immediate foreground and beyond is the great stretch of the Bay, with a glimpse of Woy Woy in the background. To the north-east loom up another succession of headlands, Cape Three Points (the scene of the wreck of the Maitland) showing up clearly, and other promontories stretching towards Newcastle. Altogether the panorama is a delightful oriel, and being within 40 miles of Sydney is certain to become an important tourist centre.
With the construction by the Shire Council of a good road from Newport (the Government assisting if necessary), and the conduct by the Tourist Bureau of periodical trips from Sydney, the place would soon find much favor. On the headland stands a fixed red light, visible 15 miles at sea, the light being 371ft: above sea level. The small picture below is a view of Barrenjoey as seen when approaching it from Manly and Newport.
Dalley's Beach, near Newport.
A Beautiful Beach in Pittwater between Newport and Barrenjoey.
Newport Ocean Beach.
View of Barrenjoey from the south.
A Remarkable and Extensive Panoramic Seascape, within forty miles of Sydney View from Barrenjoey, looking south showing the Lighthouse and Ocean on the left, and Pittwater (at the head of which is Newport) on the right. In the District of Extensive Seascapes -- Around Pittwater and Barrenjoey. (1910, August 31). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 30. Retrieved from
There also seems to be a problem with goats at Newport during this year - possibly those that once kept Trafalgar Square 'mowed' as was the original institution of 'commons' - that they be used to feed livestock:
Councillor M'Intosh had a motion carried at Tuesday's meeting of the Warringah Shire Council, that, owing to the number of complaints of straying animals, and the consequent destruction of gardens, a pound be established at Brookvale. A letter was received from a ratepayer, pointing out that it is about time some steps were taken to cause owners of goats, etc., in the vicinity of Newport to keep them enclosed on their own land. Notwithstanding four rows of barbed wire fencing, the goats, have caused a great deal of trouble among the ornamental trees. It was pretty rough to have to pay rates regularly, and be annoyed by pests owned by other people in the district. Councillor M'Intosh said the goats were a great nuisance, eating everything, and ringbarking trees. President President Quirk said it was an easy matter to catch them, for they were always, on the road. GOAT PEST AT NEWPORT. (1910, October 6). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 4. Retrieved from
The other reserve for residents and visitors called for at Newport was a:
Proposed Resumption of Newport Beach.
At a public meeting held at Newport resolutions were carried urging the Government to have the Newport beach resumed by the Warringah shire council as a. public reserve.
Speakers representing local residents, tourists to the district, and the Newport Surf Club pointed out that resumption would be an easier matter at present than later on, when the beach would probably come under private ownership. The proposal is to resume the whole of the beach from low water mark to Barranjoey road, and it was decided to ask the council to arrange a deputation to the Minister for Lands on the subject. EMPIRE FORESTS. (1910, March 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
The Warringah Shire Council has been endeavouring to secure a park for Brookvale and the acquirement of sufficient land at Newport Beach to enable it to improve the spot for tourists and pleasure seekers. Councillor Quirk, president of the shire, has, with Dr. Arthur's assistance, induced the Minister for Lands to visit the locality. The Minister was taken through the district by motor car and shown the various beauty spots in and around Narrabeen and Newport. With regard to Brookvale Park, Mr Neilson promised to do his best for the shire, and expressed himself as thoroughly satisfied with the site. At Newport Councillor Quirk pointed out the necessity of resuming a portion of the beach frontage now privately owned. SUBURBAN NEWS. (1910, November 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
By 1911 the Council was in a much better financial position. On Saturday April 8th 1911 a section of Newport Beach, recently resumed, was declared open to the public - the Warringah Shire Band played '';There'll be a Hot Time in the Old time tonight'' and Cr Quirk told the cheering crowd, ''It's practically the only beach Newport Residents could boast of and now it belongs to them''.
The Newport Beach, which was recently resumed by the Lands Department and Warringah Shire Council, was dedicated on Saturday before a large gathering. The ceremony was performed by Mrs. Nielson (wife of the Minister for Lands). Councillor Ralston, (president of Warringah Shire) in presenting Mrs. Nielson with a pair of silver scissors with which to sever the blue ribbon, said they could well call it a red-letter day in the annals of the shire. The council had recognized the necessity of securing the beaches for the people, and a few more would be resumed later on.
Mrs Nielson, in cutting the ribbon, said “I hereby declare the Newport beach open for the public.”
Alderman C. D. Paterson and Dr Arthur, M.L.A. also spoke and congratulated the shire on securing such a fine beach.
During the afternoon the members of the North Steyne Surf Club and Newport Surf Club gave exhibitions in the surf and refreshments were supplied by a committee of local ladies and gentlemen. The Warringah Shire Band rendered a programme of music. NEWPORT BEACH OPENED. (1911, April 10). Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 10. Retrieved from
Warringah Shire Council minutes show an item in the May 10th, 1914 Meeting wherein the Council's Engineer is reporting on the cost of repairing fences and clearing scrub on Trafalgar Park at Newport.
At the last Avalon Beach Historical Society Exhibition, the 9th one held in June 2018, Geoff Searl OAM had included in the Newport section a great photograph of a cow peeking out from bush halfway down the hill towards the beach - possibly another Boulton cow?; although most residents had a cow for their own fresh milk. This great photograph also shows how much bush was still intact on either side of Barrenjoey road and how much land had been cleared by the Farrells beside the beach and up to Bilgola Plateau. Geoff dates the image as circa 1915:
During the mid 1920's and again during the mid 1930's there were Council discussions about selling the park.
At the January 12th, 1925 the Council was looking to make acquisitions of land at Newport. They Resolved that; ''the Council take steps to acquire two to three lots extending from Queen Street Newport to Pittwater Bay between Barrett’s Store and Gladstone street.
The other matters which the President desired noted for attention by the Council were :— The further acquisition of land fronting the ocean beach; the acquisition of sufficient beach frontage to give access to the site of the proposed new rock bath; and the proposal to sell Trafalgar Park, and apply the proceeds to the purchase of land more suitable for recreation purposes.
By April 6th, 1925 they had received letters from the Council's Solicitor's were furnishing the result of their further investigations into the matter of Trafalgar Square Newport.
By the April 20th, 1925 Meeting they were accepting the Tender of an N J Douglas of £395/10 for the construction of Newport Rock Baths and the proposal by the Newport Progress Association that a local rate be imposed to help fund the acquisition of more lands at Newport beach frontage should the government not be able to provide all the funds needed.
November 16th 1925; From Council's Solicitors re Council's power to exchange, or sell, Trafalgar Square, Newport. Resolved, - (Crs.Hewitt, . Hitchcock) That the matter be noted for future consideration.
At the March 15th 1926 Council Meeting (Crs. Hope, Hitchcock) asked that an enquiry be made as to whether the Council can sell Trafalgar Park, Newport, and use the proceeds in purchasing another park. Of note at that same Meeting: Mona Vale Park picket fence. Resolved, - (Crs. Hope, Simpson) That the cutting back of the corner at Mona Vale Park fence; the construction of the road at the junction, and the removal of the trees, as previously authorised, be proceeded with at once, and completed before 25th April, the date of the unveiling of the Memorial.
At the November 18th, 1929 Meeting a T. H. Page. was renewing his offer to purchase the iron shed on Trafalgar Park, Newport. Council resolved that he be thanked for his offer but informed that the Council proposes to make use of the material itself. A few weeks later, on December 2nd, 1929 it was resolved that authority be given to use the old iron on the shed in Trafalgar Square, Newport, for the purpose, of constructing dressing sheds on the Lake Park, and that if it be not sufficient, authority be given to purchase further iron up to an amount of £5.
Waste not want not was the policy - that and a lack of funds for materials made use and reuse of everything. It was also during this year that a stone crusher was refurbished and moved to what was called 'Farrell's Quarry' at Newport, adjacent to current day Porters Reserve, to crush rocks for use in the making of roads.
On September 22nd, 1930 Cr. Robertson was asking that the Inspector investigate the report of trees having been ring-barked in Trafalgar Park, Park Newport.
At the January 15th, 1934 the idea of selling the park came up again with the Council's Shire Solicitors., (letter dated 18/12/33), re proposal to sell Trafalgar Square, Newport, requesting full particulars of any concrete scheme the Council has in mind for purpose of submitting same to Court. This was referred to the A Riding Councillors for report.
At the January 29th, 1934 Meeting the Proposal for disposal of Trafalgar Park, Newport, and acquisition, with the proceeds of the sale, of other lands at Newport for recreation purposes, it was Resolved, That a sketch be furnished by the Engineer, in accordance with the suggestions agreed to by the A. Riding Councillors.
April 23rd, 1934: 67. Newport Progress Association, 16/4/34, (a) Advising that the Association supports the proposal to acquire land, and by dredging it, to form a swimming pool at the head of Pittwater opposite the Public School, but it objects to the proposal for the sale of Trafalgar Square as a means of financing the scheme; suggesting that the land be acquired by the Council; (b) suggesting an inspection be made of land on the Village Reserve to ascertain suitability for a sports ground; (c) requesting that the damaged sign at the corner of King Street and Gladstone Street be repaired;
The respected paper of that time tells us:
The Warringah Shire Council experienced difficulty in 1934, mainly because of the rapid development in the shire. The 13 beaches in the shire constituted both an asset and a liability. While they attracted thousands to the shire and had been largely responsible for its progress, they also entailed a big ex-penditure on necessary improvements and conveniences. New beach buildings were erected at Newport, Avalon, Mona Vale, South Narrabeen, and North Curl Curl, at a total cost of £5800. Extensions were being made at North Narrabeen, and £2000 was being spent on a modern building at Harbord. The clubhouse at Collaroy would shortly be ex-tended. In addition, rock baths were pro-vided at North Narrabeen.
An effort was made to secure the surroundings of Deewhy Lagoon as a public reserve. The Minister for Lands gave a sympathetic reply to a deputation's request that the Go-vernment should resume the area. The mat-ter went to the Cabinet for consideration. Farrell's Lagoon at Newport was converted into a recreation area, as an unemployment relief work. Reserves throughout the shire had been improved.
The problem of communication between the city and the shire was one of the problems of the council. The Main Roads Department carried out work on Pittwater-road, Warrin-gah-road, and Condamine-street, and the roads connecting with Roseville. These, it was stated, were providing speedier access from the northern suburbs to the beaches. It was hoped that a scheme would shortly be car-ried out to make a marine drive from Manly through Harbord, Curl Curl, and Deewhy.
Building in the shire continued to improve. In the quarter ended September 30 last, the value of buildings approved was £35,595, the largest quarterly total in the history of the shire. THE COUNCILS. (1935, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
The February 19th, 1935 Meeting records ' That the Council take steps to dispose of Trafalgar Park, Newport, and that when this is done, take steps to acquire Square more suitable recreation lands for Newport;'
The March 5th, 1935 Shows, per Crs. Ross Hughes that the proposal for sale of Trafalgar Square, Newport, and acquisition of other land in lieu report was adopted. Late that month the Valuer General, Letter dated 22/3/35, was submitting a valuation of Trafalgar Square, Newport. Resolved, - That consideration be deferred till the next Finance Committee meeting. (Crs. Square Hughes, Hewitt).
The matter came up again on April 2nd, 1935: [Valuer General, 22/3/35, submitting a valuation of Trafalgar Square, Newport} with the same deferral. A fortnight later, at the April 16th, 1935 Meeting the proposal for disposal of Trafalgar Square, Newport, and acquisition of other land in lieu thereof was again discussed with the Councillors resolving that the ''Shire Clerk get in touch with the Shire Solicitors on the matter, with a view of having Trafalgar Square sold, either by public auction or by private contract, on a subdivision basis to be approved by the Shire Engineer, the sale to be on five years terms; and that the matter of acquiring other land be referred to the Finance Committee''. It was further resolved that the Council take steps to have Trafalgar Square brought under the provisions of the Real Property Act
64. Pittwater Sub-Branch R.S.&.S.I.L. 18/4/35, (a) requesting to be given control of the Mona Vale War memorial, forwarding copies of letters from present trustees agreeing to Sub-Branch taking control; (h) requesting control of Newport Flagpole Memorial as well; and (c) requesting supply of material for repair of Flagpole memorial before Anzac Day: resolved.;- That all the requests be granted. (Crs. Hewitt, Hughes
By the April 30th, 1935 Meeting the Council was approached by the Palm Beach Lands Ltd; to dedicate to the Council two 20-ft. right-of-ways, one between Lots 116 and 117, the other between-Lots 13 and 14, Pacific Road - more public pathways up and over the hills. The Councillors resolved, ''That the Council accept dedication of these two right-of-ways. At the same Meeting Crs. Hewitt, Hughes were submitting plan of proposed subdivision of Trafalgar Square. It was resolved that the plan be adopted by the Council, for the purpose of the application to the Equity Court, as decided upon at last meeting.
At the June 25th, 1935 Meeting the Shires' Solicitors, (letter dated 18/6/35) wrote re petition the Equity Court to authorise the sale of Trafalgar Square, Newport, setting out what information Counsel requires for submission to the Court by affidavit, and suggesting that the application to bring the land under the Real Property be deferred until it is known whether the Court will grant authority to sell the land.
The Council resolved that the suggestion regarding the bringing of the land under the Real Property Act be adopted, and that Cr. Hughes be delegated to give evidence before the Equity Court on behalf of the Council.
As can be seen by the fact that we still have a Trafalgar Park, the idea to sell off this green square came to nought. Warringah Shire Council, even during these straitened financial years of the 1930's, had an ambitious list of projects they wished to proceed with for Newport as well as elsewhere. One example shows up within the same months of these discussions:
Warringah Wants Loan
Warringah Shire Council has decided to apply to the Superannuation Board for a loan of £2500 for a new club-house at Palm Beach, and to the Unemployed Relief Council for £1000 for the reclamation of the beach for a parking area. It was decided to call for competitive designs. Council has also decided to prepare plans and call for tenders for the construction of a swimming pool on the rock formation at Newport, opposite the northern end of the cliff. The pool will be 65ft long by 50ft wide. It will have a depth of 5ft on the ocean side and 3ft on the beach side. BEACH PLANS (1935, May 18). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (FINAL FOOTBALL LAST RACE). Retrieved from
Later that same year a letter from the Shire Solicitors, dated 23/9/35, is requesting that the Seal of the Council be affixed to the Contract for purchase of land at Newport from Boulevarde Estates (Newport) Ltd. for a Sports-ground. The acreage that is Trafalgar Park remained intact.
At the July 18th, 1938 Meeting correspondence from the Newport Parents & Citizens Assoc., 11/7/38, speaks on the necessity for additional land for the Newport School, stating the Department has asked for advice as to what land is available, suggesting that Council hand over Trafalgar Park to the Association until the Department will purchase it, the Association being prepared to clear and fence it as a Playground for the children. They are also requesting Council to form a watertable in Queen's Parade from the school to Stuart St; requesting a load of metal dust or screenings for the footpaths in the school grounds. Council Resolved that permission be granted to the Parents & Citizens Assn., to use Trafalgar Park for the purposes of a playground for the school children, provided the rights of the public are not interfered with; that the Association be informed it is not advisable to form a watertable in Queen's Parade until the road is properly constructed; and that the request for dust or screenings for the footpath on the school grounds should be referred to the Education Department.
Warringah Shire Council, like everywhere in Sydney, had to place a lot of projects on hold to meet the materials and labour demands of World War II. It isn't until February 1st 1944 that the Newport Parents & Citizens Association is heard from again and in a letter dated 13/1/44, are inquiring whether the Council would approve of the under-scrubbing of Trafalgar Square, Newport, for the purpose of providing a play- ground for children. Council Resolved; 'That the desired permission be granted, the work to be done under the supervision of the Shire Engineer. '
Later that month, the Newport Parents & Citizens Assoc. writes again, 19/2/44, regarding previous request for the use of Trafalgar Park;, and Council suggestion that the under-scrubbing be carried out by voluntary labour, stating it is impoissible to obtain voluntary labour for this purpose, and, the request was made in the hope that Council's staff would perform the work as the park would appear to be under the Council's responsibilities. Council answered that it has no labour available for the work either.
The Newport Parents & Citizens Assoc., letter dated 14/3/46, persisted requesting that Trafalgar Square, Newport, adjacent to the School, be cleared and made suitable for a children's playground. This time the Council referred the matter to their Parks & Reserves Committee. At this same first meeting for April 1946 the Newport Progress Assoc., letter dated 16/3/46, are requesting Council to include in its post-war programme the reconditioning of Bishop Street from Bardo Road to Queens Parade, King Street from Gladstone Street to Queens Parade, Kalinya Street, Wallamatta Road from Nullaburra Road to Barachi'a residence, Seaview Street north of Foamcrest Avenue. This request was referred to Works Committee.
At the August 20th 1946 Meeting the Newport Progress Assoc., 13/8/46, are submitting following requests - (a) that Council define its policy regarding street lighting, as at present "lights are on when the moon is up and off when the night is dark"; (b) that attention be given to the straying stock menace; and (c) that Trafalgar Park be cleared to enable enlargement of the playing area. Council's decisions were: (a) that the Association be informed of the Electrical Engineer's report on the reason for the failures in the service; (b) that the Association be informed arrangements are being made for a man, to take the place of the Impounding Officer while he is ill; and (c) that it be suggested they contact the Parents & Citizens Association with a view to a 'working bee" clearing this area.
At the Meeting held on the 19th of March 1951: Newport Sportsground Proposal: Resolved, - That the Council's Newport previous decision be adhered to, and arrangements be now made for the holding of the conference between A. Riding Councillors and representatives of A. Riding Progress Associations; and that, as recommended by the Committee, £200 be voted for improvements on Trafalgar Park for the purposes of a playing area.
A few more years tick by....
The May 9th 1955 Meeting records: NOTICE OF MOTIONS. (a) The Notice of Motion appearing on the Business Paper in the names of Crs. McKay, Hewitt and Simmonds regarding Trafalgar Square, Newport, was deferred until the next meeting, owing to the unavoidable absence of Cr. McKay.
23/5/1955 NOTICE. (A.) Cr. McKay moved, seconded-by Cr. Hewitt — That the Council’s reserve known as Trafalgar Square, situated at Newport and bounded by Gladstone, King and William Streets and Queens Parade, be cleared of rubbish, and prepared for public use and enjoyment, for which it was originally dedicated, and that the following work, the estimates for which were prepared by the Shire Engineer, be carried out and funds provided by Council — (a) Clearing of the area, £100; (b) children's playground to be located near Queens Parade, £250; (c) providing and placing of twenty garden seats; (d) erection of a sign at each corner (four in all) with the words "Trafalgar Square Park”, £40 and (e)provision of water service and bubblers £60 — Total.570; and (B) that the following two-matters be listed for consideration in the Estimates for 1956 — (i) provision of toilet accommodation at an estimated cost of £600 and (ii) the construction or a park-rail fence at an estimated cost of £.... An amendment was by Cr. Simmonds seconded by Cr. Quinlan, that the matter be referred to the Parks & Reserves committee for consideration; The amendment was carried, and on becoming the motion, was again carried. Resolved — That (i) of item (B) be approved, and item (ii).be deleted. Crs. McKay, Hewitt)
At the same Meeting: NEWPORT PUBLIC SCHOOL. Letter from Department of Education, 11/5/55, regarding question of installation of a septic tank at the Newport Public School and the use of Trafalgar Square adjoining for of effluent. Council Resolved; That the Council approve of the proposal subject to conditions to be imposed by the Chief Health and Building Inspector, and the Department be requested to expedite the Installation so that it will be completed before the next summer.
The next year some more expenditure: 6/2/1956: Trafalgar Square improvements £100 Angophora Reserve - Repairs to fence £60 Park dedicated by Mr. Wallis at Plateau Road, Avalon - flagging, paths and steps £600:
The May 19th 1958 shows the a Department letter, 30/7/57, referring to the recent meeting between Mr. N. McG. Johnston, Administrative Asst. (Properties) of the Department with the Shire President and Councillors following which arrangements are to be made for the disposal of septic tank effluent from the Newport School to the Council property known as Trafalgar Square due to the inadequacy of the school site for this purpose.
At the June 23rd 1958 correspondence is read from the Newport Progress Association, 9/6/58, regretting the Council's decision not to provide toilet facilities at Trafalgar Park, and, urging that the matter be reconsidered. Council resolved that the Association be informed the Council cannot carry out this work at present, but will give the matter consideration from time to time.
The 1960's were a decade of the passion for Tennis locally. At the December 15th, 1966 Meeting the Parks & Reserves Committe provided, as requested, an item on a proposal for Trafalgar Park Tennis Courts (P. & R. 29.3.66) $8,000. Council Resolved to recommend that this item be not included in the estimates.
The May 8th, 1967 Meeting records grass cut with Victa mowers at - Governor Phillip Park; Lake Park; Pittwater Park; Avalon Beach Reserve; Avalon car park; Avalon, Newport, Elanora Heights, Collaroy Plateau,Dee Why and Brookmgc Baby Health Centres; Clareville Beach Reserve; Newport Beach Reserve; Newport, Mona Vale, Elanora Heights, Harbord Road, Forestville, Narraweena shopping centres; Gretel Park; Trafalgar Park; Florence Park; Mona Vale Memorial; Church Point car park; Elanora Heights Community Centre; Cooleena Reserve; Berry Reserve; Collaroy Plateau Park; Fox Park; Dee Why Beach Reserve; Campbell Avenue Reserve; Edgar Gornal Gardens; Meehan Reserve; Cromer Public School area; Kerry Close Reserve; Willandra Reserve; Willandra Road Community Hall; Soldiers Avenue; Killarney Heights Oval; Calca Crescent Reserve; Cassuarina Reserve; Epacris Reserve; Terrey Hills Library and Community Centre area; French's Forest Community Hall; Arndale Reserve; Devitt Street Memorial; Manly Vale Kindergarten; Harbord, May Road gardens; Dee Why car park and library; Albert Sweitzer Reserve; Brookvale Library, Wellman Road Reserve. GRASS CUTTING (WITH TRACTOR). Sterland Averue Reserve; Woolgoolga Reserve; Yamba Reserve; Orara Reserve; Maroa Crescent Reserve; Roosevelt Avenue Reserve; Brentwood Reserve; Killarney Heights Oval; Forestville Girl Guides Hall area; Terrey Hills Community Hall area; Castle Crescent Reserve; Yarrabin Reserve; Wareham Reserve; Forestville Community Hall; Patanga Park; Rabbett Reserve; Jimada Reserve; CosterCrescent Reserve; Riverview Parade Reserve; Palm Avenue Reserve; Karingal Cfescent Reserve; Ryrie Avenue Reserve; Wheeler Reserve; Lakeside Reserve; Griffith Park; Beverley Job Park; Brookvale Oval; Meehan Reserve; Geelong Reserve; Dee Why Oval; Arthur Street Reserve; Kerry Close Reserve; Willandra Reserve; Berry Reserve; Furlough Park; Fox Park; Collaroy Beach Reserve; Twight Reserve; John Fisher Park; Harbord Beach Reserve; Jacka Park; Pfoeffer Park; Makim Street Reserve; Bassett Street Reserve; Florence Park; Winji Jimmi Reserve; Dearin Reserve; Trafalgar Park; Kitchener Park; Bilgola Beach Reserve; Appian Way Reserve; Frankston Place Reserve; North Narrabeen Golf Driving Range; Lake Park; Lake Park camping area; Wimbledon Reserve; Jacksons Road Reserve; North Narrabeen Reserve soccer fields; Corontatim Park; Mona Vale Cemetery; Cook Terrace Reserve; Cooleena Reserve; Woorarra Avenue Lookout; Garden Street; Progress Park;
A costing appears in the March 28th 1978 Meeting: Trafalgar Park - Toilet block $15,000.
The tennis court wishes rises again in a Report to Reserves and Community Services Committee, 21st April, 1981. Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 23.2.1981, resolved, when considering a request from a Newport resident for the establishment of tennis courts within the Newport area, "that the Reserves Planner bring forward a report on suitable sites in the Newport area for tennis courts". There were then no public courts within the Newport area. There were two existing private courts in Gladstone Street, although some concern has been expressed in regard to the possibility of these being sold for redevelopment.
When speaking to long-term Newport resident Dorothy De Rooy Vidgen in 2019 it was confirmed that:
Didn’t your parents have/run the Tennis Courts at Newport?
Yes they did, near Newport Primary school. Our house was next to the people who owned the block – then there was a little clubhouse for the night and day tennis courts. The whole block went down to Gladstone street. On what had been the half tennis court is where we built the boat. When my father was able to buy the whole lot he said we could move the boat and build it there. He sadly passed away during the first year of us doing this. My mother sold one house, and then sold another part. My brother Robert had built his house on one part of it, and my father had built some units, those ones right next to Alcatraz. So it has changed a bit since then. This was a job dad did during his retirement years. I think his aim, in building those units, was to be able to upgrade the little house we still have there.
Council's records show that a survey of suitable public reserve land within the Newport area for a minimum of two courts indicated the almost total lack of suitable land. The suggested site near Hillslope Road and Sybil Street was unsuitable due to the terrain. Porter Reserve was currently utilised for rugby and the Lands Department had not supported proposed extensions of recreation into the remaining Crown land on past investigations.
Newport Oval was currently at capacity catering for soccer and the only remaining space within this reserve sufficient to accommodate courts would be on the southern boundary directly beneath the balconies of the residential units in Gladstone Street. This was not considered a desirable location for such a facility.
Trafalgar Park, though topographically suitable for the construction of courts, was not considered suitable for active recreation due to its well established and appreciated passive character.
The only suitable reserve land was considered the relatively undeveloped Crescent Road Reserve which could accommodate two tennis courts without disturbing its character and use as a local passive recreation area.
Council noted that 'No other reserve lands are considered suitable within the Newport area. There are no funds currently available for the development of this facility, but the proposal is considered worthy of further investigation and the comments of the Tennis Liaison Committee should be sought in this regard. RECOMMENDATION That the Reserves Planner prepare a sketch proposal for the construction of two tennis courts at Crescent Road Reserve for consideration by the Property Management Panel as to the feasibility of seine, AND further that Council seek the comments of the Tennis Liaison Committee in regard to the desirability and funding priority for this work.'
A few years later areas for exercising dogs arose. At the February 3rd, 1983 Meeting the records show that Council resolved at the Reserves and Community Services meeting on 14th December, 1982, to have members of the public invited to submit suggestions for additional dog exercising areas. This was done through Council's advertising page in the Manly Daily on 8th and 15th January, 1983. Altogether, 5 possible reserve areas were suggested by the public.
These were as follows:- (a)Small lower oval and surrounding bush at Melwood Oval. Staff Comment - Used as playing fields, therefore, not suitable for this purpose. The bush area is too heavily vegetated for use. (b)Wyatt Reserve, Belrose. Staff Comment - Used as playing field, therefore, not suitable for this purpose. (o) Trafalgar Park, Newport. Staff Comment - This area can be considered. (d)Harbord Park or Jacka Park, Harbord. Staff Comment - Both areas not suitable as playing fields. (e)Hinkler Park, Queenscliff. Staff Comment - This area can be considered.
However, 4 areas were tendered Mrs L Nelson, the dog-owning public representative on the Committee. These were as follows:- (a)Porter Reserve, Newport. Staff Comment - Playing field is not suitable, however, the area west of the main field is usable, but the ground surface is unsuitable. (b)Mona Vale Headland. Staff Comment - Area east of Narrabeen Park Parade/Coronation Street, can be considered. (c)McCarrs Creek Road, Church Point. - Staff Comment - Area already classified for usage. (a) Trafalgar Park, Newport (b) Hinkler Park, Queenscliff c) Mona Vale Headland - area east of Narrabeen Park Parade/Coronation Street Junction. (d) Turrimetta Beach (e) Reclaimed area near Jamieson Park, Narrabeen Lagoon.
The Council also resolved at this Meeting; That signs be erected on the main road near Hitchcock Park and Bayview Park: (areas already allocated) indicating to passing motorists the proximity of dog exercise areas. The foregoing recommendation was adopted by Warringah Shire Council - 15th February 1983 - signs were duly raised.
At the March 29th, 1983 Meeting the Dog Exercise areas was again discussed. Council's records showing that at the Special Meeting of Council held on 15th February 1983, it was decided to consider a list of additional dog exercise areas. At that stage, the areas recommended by the Dog Advisory Sub Committee were as follows: a)Trafalgar Park, Newport b)Hinkler Park, Queenscliff c)Mona Vale Headland - Area east of Narrabeen Park Parade/Coronation Street Junction d)Turrimetta Beach e)The reclaimed area near Jamieson Park, Narrabeen Lagoon.
The matter was submitted for determination by Council with the Recommendation; that the areas listed as a, b, c, d and e above, be approved and added to the existing list of dog exercise areas. However Council's decision was; That the areas listed as a, b and c above, be approved and added to the exercising list of dog exercise areas, per Crs. James/Hummerston.
Turimetta Beach, as a place land birds, sea birds and sea creatures come ashore to nest and live, was vetoed.
Later that year, at the Council Meeting held on August 4th, 1983, the Council discussed dogs in TRAFALGAR PARK, NEWPORT. An objection was received from the Newport Parents and Citizens Association with regard to the allocation of Trafalgar Park, Newport as a dog exercise area. The Association's letter dated 1st July 1983, states:-
"This park is directly opposite the Infants Department of the above school, and is used constantly by the Primary and Infants children who walk to and from school. It has a playground area with swings and slide, and this area is used daily by mothers and pre-schoolers while waiting for the older children.
The park is also used by the school for part of a sports programme.
Parents are deeply concerned about the health hazards associated with the exercising of unleashed dogs, and also about the possibility of children being bitten.''
The Association also stated that a stray dog problem had developed as a result of this park being a dog exercise area. Advice from Council's Dog Impounding Office with regards to this claim was to be furnished at the meeting.
The Reserves Section of Council had advised that it agrees to the relocation in principle, however would need to further investigate the matter prior to full agreement. A Recommendation was; That Council approve the relocation of the dog exercise area from Trafalgar Park to Dearin Reserve, Newport, subject to the outcome of the Reserves Sections investigation.
The Proceedings in Brief showed The Reserves Section had carried out the further investigation referred to, and advised that it has no objection to the proposal. The advice that Council approve the relocation, of the dog exercise area from Trafalgar Park to Dearin Reserve, Newport was adopted.
Youngsters safe and romping in Trafalgar Park again.
And then, just to top that off; on June 18, 1991 an item shows a costing for Trafalgar Park Installation of children's $ 12,000 Newport playground equipment. However, Pittwater residents were busy completing their secession from Warringah Shire Council, with ex-Warringah Councillor Eric Green, the first Elected Mayor of the Provisional/Appointed Council in September 1991, undertaking the next phases of Trafalgar Park custodianship.
Today the park has playground equipment, a cricket pitch for the youngsters form the school and all others, some worn paths where students ride their bikes to and from school, and some beautiful trees. Even the trees around this 'park bench' seems to have grown since it was photographed in 2016:

Trafalgar Park - Newport - old tree stump made into useful ART - Garden Furniture; 2014
The Honouring of those who served: Trafalgar Park Cenotaph
Despite having a large number of their young men serving in WWI and WWII the residents of Newport had no official cenotaph or memorial where they could honour the fallen. Proposals for a flagpole at both the surf club and at the Newport Hotel were agreed to by the Warringah Shire Council and there was a plaque registering the names of those who had served and lost their lives near the hotel soon after WWI, with a flagpole, by 1921. There were also dedications in local churches which honoured their names, along with one inside the Newport Surf Club, for members of the congregation of the surf club itself.
Newport Hotel, near Pittwater, showing flagpole and Tribute Board, June 1925 - Digital order no:d1_15923, courtesy State Archives & Records Authority of New South Wales as NRS 21689 Images [Government Printing Office] & NRS 4481 Glass Negatives and State Library NSW.
The June 15th 1925 Council Meeting shows items submitted by the Newport Progress Association 29/5/25 listed as; (1) supporting Parents and Citizens Association's request for the construction of bath on the Pittwater side of Newport, (2) asking that a right-of-way be established between Mrs. Scrivener's land and the Lagoon,(3) respecting state of the Flagpole and Honor Roll near the Hotel; (4) asking that an endeavour be made to have netting prohibited in the South portion of Pittwater; (4) on the state of road leading to Scott's Hotel; () re state of Bardo Road, (7) re state of Bilgola Road, from Stanley Street to the Lagoon, and (8) suggesting that the Council endeavour to have the local policeman supplied with a motor bicycle and side-car.
The Council Resolved; That the Association be informed it is usual for the local people to look after local Memorials, and it be suggested that the Newport people should attend to the flagpole and Honor Roll.
The April 9th, 1934 Meeting records; MOTIONS ... The following requests, submit by the Councillors named, were agreed to - by Cr. Hitchcock - That the Memorial Honour Board and the flagpole at Newport be renovated, and the bored -adjusted before Anzac Day.
At the April 16th 1935 Meeting; Pittwater Sub-Branch R.S.&.S.I.L. 18/4/35, (a) requested to be given control of the Mona Vale War memorial, forwarding copies of letters from present trustees agreeing to Sub-Branch taking control; (b) recuesting control of Newport Flagpole Memorial as well; and (c) requesting supply of material for repair of Flagpole memorial before Anzac Day. Council Resolved.;- Thet all the requests be granted. (per Crs. Hewitt, Hughes)
At the January 23rd, 1940 Meeting Pittwater Sub-Branch R.S.S.I.L.A. had written (letter dated 13/1/40), drawing attention to the state of the flag-pole at Newport War Memorial, stating if Council will supply a new Flagpole the Sub-Branch will paint and erect it to the Council's satisfaction. The Council Resolved;- That a new flag-pole, shaped, cut and pulleyed, be supplied at an estimated cost of £3.10.0.
In April 1961 the Warringah Shire Council received a letter dated 17/4/1961 inquiring 'Would the Council consider granting permission to the Newport R.S.L. to resite the Honour Roll-War Memorial from outside the Newport Hotel, to-a suitable site, say "Trafalgar-Park", under direction from the Parks and Reserves Engineer, and all costs and labour, to be borne ,by the Newport R.S.L.?' The then President replied that the Council would be happy to do so and subsequently stated that he would refer the matter to the Park and Reserves; -
Another letter was read at the Council Meeting held on August 18th 1961 from the Newport Sub-Branch, R.S.S. & A.I.L.A., (dated14/9/61,addressed to the President),- re Newport District War Memorial - Special meeting between the President, Councillors and Members of the Sub Branch, proposed siting of War Memorial at Trafalgar Park'- submitting a plan which has been approved by Members. Adding that should Council favour the plan, work could commence within 4 weeks. Council Resolved; That the plan be approved and that the Sub-Branch be notified forthwith and that the work can be commenced.
Maj.-Gen. Cullen at ceremony
Major-General Paul Cullen will unveil an R.S.L. war memorial at Newport next Sunday. The dedication service of the war memorial will commence at 3 p.m. Major-General Cullen, a member of the Jewish community, was promoted to his high rank recently. Maj.-Gen. Cullen at ceremony (1962, February 23). The Australian Jewish Times (Sydney, NSW : 1953 - 1990), p. 4. Retrieved from
Dedicated to the fallen. Unveiled by Major General Cullen DSO., ED 25th February, 1962.
Major General Paul Alfred Cullen, AC, CBE, DSO & Bar, ED (13 February 1909 – 7 October 2007) was a senior officer in the Australian Army. He joined the Militia in 1927 and saw active service throughout the Second World War, distinguishing himself as a fighting battalion commander on the Kokoda Track. Post war, he continued to serve in the Citizen Military Forces (CMF) and rose to the rank of major general as the CMF Member of the Military Board. In civil life , and having formed Australia's first unit trust before the war, in 1950 he formed Australia's first merchant bank, Mainguard (Australia) Ltd. Over time he became the first national president of Austcare, the first president of the Refugee Council of Australia, the president of the Australian Jewish Welfare Society for Refugees and the president of the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales. In 1981 he received the Nansen Medal from the United Nations, in recognition of his work on behalf of refugees.
Promoted major general commanding Communications Zone on December 1st 1961, Cullen transferred to the Unattached List on 1 December 1963 before serving as the Citizen Military Force member of the Military Board. He was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) on 1 January 1965. He was also awarded the Efficiency Decoration (ED) for efficient service as an officer in the Citizen Military Forces.
Major General Cullen transferred to the Retired List on 2 December 1966 but remained an outspoken champion of the part-time soldier. Cullen was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) "In recognition of service to the community of ex-service personnel and their dependents" in the Queen's Birthday list on 6 June 1978. He was raised to a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC), "In recognition of service to the community, particularly to the welfare of the blind and visually impaired" on Australia Day, 26 January 1988.
The Newport Memorial was restored and sponsored under the new Work Opportunities Scheme and Pittwater Council "Australia Remembers" 1945 – 1995. It was re-dedicated on April 21st, 1996. Donors Pittwater R.S.L. Sub-branch. Pittwater R.S.L. Club Ltd. Pittwater Rotary. L.L. Coppin President Newport R.S.L. Sub-branch. Two plaques were installed at this time, along with the original:
In 2021 Trafalgar Square, or Park, persists as the original 'green heart' of Newport and remains a place of commons and common ground for the whole of the community; people and wildlife alike. It is much loved by all and much played in by the youngsters who attend Newport Public School. It remains a Deed Trust for this generation and those yet to enjoy this grassed space beneath trees where birds can nestand sing.
Trafalgar Park Newport
Photos taken April 24, 2021
references and extras
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- NSW State Archives & Records
- State Library NSW
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Narrabeen
- Oystering In The Pittwater Estuary - Oyster Kings and Pearl Kings and When Not To Harvest Oysters
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Newport
- Collin’s Retreat, Bay View House, Scott’s Sanatorium, Guest And Boarding House: Crystal Bay, Newport
- Newport Wharf
- The Newport School: 1888 To 2018
- The Mail Route To Pittwater and Beyond
- The Wild Coachmen Of Pittwater - A Long and Sometimes Bumpy Ride On Tracks Instead Of Roads
- Rock Lily Hotel - Mona Vale, 2021 updated
Dray Stand, Manly— Corso, south side, at east side of Pier, for 8 drays.
Carriage Stand, Manly— Corso, north side, west of Pier, for 8 carriages.
Omnibus Stands, with line of roads— Corso, Steyne Street and Pitt Water Road
Carriage Stand - Victoria Parade, Newport
Timetable for Omnibuses plying from and to Manly and Newport.
Omnibuses shall start from Manly for Newport on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, at 8.30 a.m.; and shall start from Newport for Manly on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 4*30 p.m.; and shall perform the journey from and to Manly and Newport in two hours, and parts of the journey as follows;—
From Corso, Manly, to Pitt Water Road at Long Reach Beach, in 60 minutes.
From Long Reach Beach to Newport, in 60 minutes. Government Gazette Proclamations and Legislation (1882, June 2). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 2993. Retrieved from
General Post Office,
Sydney, 28th December, 1888.
A TELEGRAPH OFFICE was established on the 22nd instant at Newport. CHARLES J. ROBERTS. Government Gazette Appointments and Employment (1889, January 2). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 2. Retrieved from
APPLICATIONS having been made to bring the lands hereunder described under the provisions of the Real Property Act, Certificates of Indefeasible Title "will issue, unless Caveats be lodged in Form B of the said Act, on or before the date named opposite each case respectively.
No. 10,712. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, near Newport, Pittwater, 45 acres 3 roods, adjoining the properties of W. H. Holt, John Farrell, and B. James,—comprises the land granted as 30 acres to James Macdonald. Applicant – Arthur Walker – Mosman NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1899, February 3). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 1031. Retrieved from
No 8,815. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, 175 acres 3 roods, near Newport, Pitt Water, adjoining the properties of J. Farrell, D. Scott, The Australian Widows Fund Life Assurance Society (Limited), Miss I. Massey, A. Massey, W. C. Woolcott, and H. Scott,—comprises 60 acres (portion No. 38 of parish); granted to Robert Henderson, and parts of 50 acres (portion No 37 of parish) to Richard Porter, and 60 acres (portion No. 36 of parish) to Robert Melville.. Applicant: Benjamin James. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1903, December 31). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 9568. Retrieved from
No. 14,787. APPLICANT:—Laurence Edward Moss, Sydney. LAND County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, Shire, Warringah, 1 rood 16 perches, 1 rood 3 perches, 1 acre 2 roods 21 perches, 1 acre 0 roods 28 perches, 2 roods 16 perches, 1 acre 1 rood 21 perches, and 1 acre 1 rood 21- perches, in Gladstone, Beaconsfield, Bishop, and Stuart Streets, Queen's Parade and Barrenjoey Road,—being lot 4. section C, lot 10, section D, lots 1,2, 19 to 22, section F, lots 8 and 9, section G, and lots 1, 2, 11 to 14, and 23 and 24, section I, Newport Estate, and part 700 acres (portion 17) granted to Robert Campbell ; adjoining the properties of trustees of Newport Hall, T. A. Miller, C. Boulton, J. O. Trimble, W. C. Woolcott, J. R. Jones, S. Pile, H. Hogsflesh, J. S. Mulford, Mrs. Jane A. Chisholm, administratrix of late F. A. Strickland, and Kate M. Black, and Crown Land. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1907, July 31). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4243. Retrieved from
No. 21,297. APPLICANT :—William Charles Woolcott, Sydney. LAND:—Shire Warringah, at Newport, 4 acres 1 rood 22} perches, 3 acres 3 roods 27 1/2 perches, and 3 roods 35 1/2 perches situated in Barrenjoey-road. Gladstone and Bishop streets, comprising section H, lots 7, 8, and 11 to 18, inclusive, section J, of Newport Township. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1919, March 7). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1468. Retrieved from
The Newport Progress Association.
The monthly meeting of the council was held on Saturday night last. The Secretary of the Fisheries Dept. forwarded a list of Hon. Inspectors for the Pittwater district. A letter was received from the Public Works Dept. notifying that Mr. W. Boulton's tender for the sinking of a public well at Newport was accepted. Dr. Arthur, M L.A., notified that the following sums had been granted for the district .-—Public Well, £50 ; road at Bushrangers' Hill, £60 : quarry work, ,£60.
A good deal of discussion took place on the matter of bringing the unemployed from Sydney to do work on the road while there were local men wanting work. The Dept. wrote saying that the then were taken from the Labor Bureau. The council decided to make a strong protest against the overlooking of the local unemployed. A vote of thanks was passed to sec. to the association for the last years and Mr. F. (J. C. Hanslow was elected to fill the vacancy. The Works Dept. wrote saying that the screwing up of the new wharf and the stone work on the immediate approach would be attended to at once. Mr. J. Devlin's motion with reference to the opening up of Hill and Water Streets on the Mona Vale estate was withdrawn for further information. It was decided that the newly dedicated reserve should be called Thomson Park, in honor of the federal member for the district, who was instrumental in obtaining it. The Newport Progress Association. (1904, November 12). The Mosman Mail (NSW : 1898 - 1906), p. 4. Retrieved from
Warringah Shire Council powers proclaimed:
New South Wales
[to wit. ]
Harry H. Rawson, Governor.
By His Excellency Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson, Admiral in the Royal Navy, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Governor of the State of New South Wales and its Dependencies, in the Commonwealth of Australia.
WHEREAS the Local Government Act, 1906, provides that a Council of a Municipality or Shire may, under sections 107 and 109, from time to time acquire the right to exercise any or all of the powers therein specified, in the manner laid down in section 110 of the said Act and the Regulations thereunder, and that the Governor may, except in a case where a poll is demanded, and where a majority of the ratepayers voting at such poll taken in pursuance of the provisions of section 110 is against the conferring of any power applied for, .grant the application of the Council for such power in whole or in part; and whereas the said Act further provides that when the Governor confers any such power lie shall make an order accordingly, which shall be proclaimed ; and whereas applications have been made by the Councils of the undermentioned Municipalities and Shires to acquire the right to exercise the powers set out in the Schedule hereto, and such applications have, as prescribed by the Act and Regulations, been duly notified; and whereas the period of sixty days prescribed by the Regulations for the receipt of petitions asking that a poll of the ratepayers of the Area be taken as to whether the powers applied for shall be conferred on the Councils has expired, and no such petitions have been received: Now, therefore, I, Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson, the Governor aforesaid, with the advice of the Executive Council, in pursuance of the provisions of the said Local Government Act, 1900, do, by this my proclamation, hereby order that the powers set out in the Schedule hereunder be conferred on the Councils of the said Municipalities and Shires respectively.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the State, this nineteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven, and in the seventh year of His Majesty's Reign.
By His Excellency's Command,
The paragraph of section 107, under which the particular power may be acquired, and the powers which are conferred, are set out hereunder :—
Paragraph. Function.
I. The conservation, collection, removal, and disposal of night-soil and refuse, the construction and situation of privies, the degree of closet accommodation, and the construction and maintenance of drains and sewers in the villages or towns of Freshwater, Mona Vale, Narrabeen, Newport, and Brookvale.
lit. The regulation and licensing of public vehicles, and of the drivers and conductors thereof.
iv. The regulation and licensing of the hawking of goods.
The paragraph of section 100, under which the particular power may be acquired, and the powers which are conferred, are set out hereunder: —
Paragraph. Functions.
iv. The watering of streets.
viii. The extirpation of noxious weeds, pests, vermin, and animals, not being animals which have been or may hereafter be declared noxious under the Pastures Protection Act, 1102, or any Act amending the same.
ix. The acquisition or erection and maintenance of a Shire hall.
xiii. The establishment and maintenance of parks and recreation grounds.
xiv. The provision and maintenance of garbage destructors, and the collection and destruction of garbage.
xvi. The construction, maintenance, and management of public baths; the regulation of bathing and the observance of decency in connection therewith; the provision of life-saving appliances, danger notices, and life-saving attendants; and the construction, maintenance, and hiring by the Council or other persons to the public of bathing-houses and bathing machines, and the regulation thereof.
xxin. The regulation and control of theatres, dancing saloons, buildings used for public assemblies, and places of public amusement or of public resort.
xxx. The provision, maintenance, and management of schools of art, reading rooms, and mechanics' institutes.
xxxui. The regulation—
(a) of hoardings; and
(b) of the posting or painting of bills, signs, or advertisements.
xxxiv. The rearrangement and beautification of the Area, and the acquisition of land, streets, buildings, tfcc., therefor, together with the sale or lease of land or buildings after such rearrangement.
xxxv. The regulation of buildings, balconies, verandahs, or other structures abutting on or extending over any public place, and the removal thereof.
xxxvi. The carrying out jointly by Councils of undertakings authorised by the Act for the mutual benefit of their Areas, and the joint control, regulation, management, and maintenance thereof.
xxxvm. The suppression of public nuisances caused by the emission, discharge, or escape of smoke, fumes, steam, oil or oil vapour, either separately or any two or more in combination, from premises within or partly within the Area, or by the discharge of waste waters or waste products from any factory or other building in the Area.
xxxix. The regulation or prevention of the erection of any structure of calico or canvas, or other inflammable material.
xl. The regulation and supervision of the opening up of streets or roads for the laying of pipes, construction of tunnels, or other purposes; the regulation of the laying of wires or cables under or over or through the roads or streets of the Area for the transmission of electricity; and the making of a charge for damage resulting therefrom.
xli. The regulation and supervision of the sale, storage, exhibition for sale, conveyance, and mode of delivery, by carcase or otherwise, of meat for human consumption ; and of the disposal and removal of other meat, and of any blood, offal, or other refuse.
xlii. The regulation and supervision of the manner, route, and times of driving animals in public places.
Paragraph. Functions.
xi,i 11. The regulation of the erection of buildings as to height, design, structure, materials, building line, sanitation, the proportion of any lot which may he occupied by the building or buildings to be erected thereon : and the subdivision of land for building purposes so as to secure due ways of access to the rear as well as to the front of buildings erected, or to be erected, thereon.
xliv. The suppression of houses of ill-fame and disorderly houses.
xi.v. The regulation and control of the solicitation or collection in public places of gifts of money, or of subscriptions for any purpose. [2845] - Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), Wednesday 20 November 1907 (No.146), page 6307
Following on a deputation to the Minister for Works, the Warringah Shire Council has forwarded a statement of affairs for the consideration of the classification board', to sit shortly with' a view to securing a greater endowment. From the outset the departmental estimate of receipts, and expenditure when classifying the shire was: — Expenditure: Public works, £1500; administrative expenses, £520; revenue, £2029. As against this the actual receipts and expenditure for two years is as follows; — For 1907 — Expenditure: Public works, £1559 4s 11d; administrative expenses, ' £718 16s 2d; receipts, £3021 2s 10d. For 1908— Expenditure: Public works, £4955 10s 7d; administrative expenses. £726 10s 8d; receipts, £4706 10s 7d.
The estimated expenditure for 1909 Is: Public works, £3598 Os Od administrative expenses, £710; and the estimated receipts, £4676 11s 10d. "Wo are finding it an impossibility to carry on," says Mr. P. J. Carew, the shire clerk, "and things are simply going to the dogs." The shire engineer in his report states that, generally speaking, the roads, bridges, wharves, etc., are not in good order, owing to the inadequacy of the annual expenditure. Mr. Baker's estimate of funds required is: Main roads, £4055; by roads, £1895; bridges, £130; and wharves; £50.
The main trouble in the whole thing is the presence in the Manly district of tourist roads, that require so much attention. The principal one, Pittwater-road, is said to have been almost worn out when the' shire council took it over. The length is 13 miles, and the fact that It Is used mainly, by tourists who do not contribute anything towards its maintenance does not tend to increase the pleasure of the councillors. Another is Rocklily to Newport, length two miles, and the Newport to Barranjoey-road, length about seven miles. The highest possible rate of 2d was struck by the council. "We must have more money," said a member of the council; "or also I'm afraid It's going to be a case of bankruptcy," - Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), Saturday 3 July 1909, page 7
Proposed Residential Districts Nos. 3, 6 and 7
Warringah Shire.
IT is hereby notified that Warringah Shire Council has applied to the Governor for the declaration of the portions of the Shire respectively defined in Schedule "A" hereto to be Residential Districts (Nos. 3, 6 and 7— Warringah Shire), and for the prohibition in such Districts of (1) the erection of any building for use for the purposes of the trades, industries, manufactures or shops respectively described in Schedule "33" hereto; (2) the use of any building for any such purposes; (3) the erection or use of advertisement hoardings; and (4) the use of any land for the purposes of the trades, businesses; avocations or callings respectively described in Schedule "C" hereto.
A period of one month from the date of this notice is allowed during which objection may be lodged by any person interested.
(This notice is in lieu of that published in Government Gazette No. 189 of 12th October, 1934, insofar as such notice related to proposed Residential district No: 3.)
(L.G. 35-S. 2,359)
Department of Local Government, Sydney, 9th August, 1935.
Schedule "A."
Proposed Residential District No. 3.
Commencing on a southern foreshore of Pittwater at its intersection with Waterview-street; and bounded thence by that foreshore generally northerly to the south-eastern corner of lot 5, section E, township of Newport, shown on roll plan 599 at the Registrar-General's Office; by the eastern boundary of that lot northerly to the southern side of Beaconsfield-street; by that side of that street westerly to the north-western corner of lot 3 of the said section E; by the western boundary of that lot southerly to the foreshore of Pittwater; by the foreshores of Pittwater, Broken Bay and the South Pacific , Ocean generally northerly, easterly and southerly to the easternmost corner of lot 20, shown on- plan 776 (L) at the Registrar-General's Office; by a line along the north-eastern boundary of that lot north-westerly to Grandview parade; by that parade generally north-westerly to Pittwater-road; by that load south-westerly to the aforesaid "Waterview-street; and by that street generally north-westerly, to the point of commencement.
Proposed Residential District No. 6.
Commencing on the southern side of Beaconsfield-street at the north-eastern corner of lot 5, section E, township of Newport, shown on roll plan 599 at the Registrar General's Office; and bounded thence by the eastern boundary of that lot southerly to a northern foreshore of Pittwater; by that foreshore westerly to the south-western corner of lot 3 of the said section E; by the western boundary of that lot northerly to the aforesaid Beaconsfield-street; and by that street easterly, to the point of commencement,—being the whole of the land comprised in lots 3, 4 and 5 of the said section E, township of Newport, shown on roll plan 599.
Proposed Residential District No. 7.
Commencing at the intersection of the south-western side of Beaconsfield-street with the south-western side of Newport-road; and bounded thence by that side of that road south-easterly to the easternmost corner of lot 34, section E, township of Newport, roll plan 599 at the Registrar-General's Office; by the south-western boundary of lots 34 and 33 and the western boundary, of the latter lot north-westerly and northerly to the aforesaid Beaconsfield-street; and by that street south-easterly, to the point of commencement,—being lots 33 and 34 of the said section E, Township of Newport, shown on roll plan 599.
Schedule "B."
Proposed Prohibited Buildings, Trades, etc., in Proposed Residential District No. 3.
Buildings for the purposes of the following trades, industries, manufactures .or shops:—Blood-boiler, blood drier, bone-boiler, bone grinder, fat extractor, fat melter, flock maker, glue maker, gut scraper, knacker, manure maker, pig keeper, poultry farmer, rag dealer, rag picker, soup drier, wool scourer (being the trades, businesses or manufactures declared to be noxious trades within the meaning of the Noxious Trades Act, 1902), and also the following:—Factories of all. kinds, workshops of all kinds (except workshops used for boat-building and repairing and workshops used in connection with motor service stations), wood and coal depots, blacksmithies, iron foundries, iron works, "sawmills, steam laundries, lime and cement depots, wholesale stores, public stables, private stables housing more than two horses, keeping of ducks, geese, turkeys and fowls for profit, wheelwright, monumental mason, „ undertaker and embalmer, coach trimmer, pattern maker, oil refineries, paint -varnish or oil manufactories, fellmongering works, leather works, soap works, candle works, smelting and engineering works, produce stores, and carriers' establishments.
Pre posed Prohibited Buildings, Trades, etc., in Proposed Residential District No. 6.
Buildings for the purposes of the following trades, industries, manufactures or shops:—Blood-boiler, blood drier, bone-boiler, bone grinder, fat extractor, fat melter, flock maker, glue maker, gut scraper, knacker, manure maker, pig keeper, poultry farmer, rag dealer, rag picker, soup drier, wool scourer (being the trades, businesses or manufactures declared to be noxious trades within the meaning of the Noxious Trades Act, 1902), and also the following:—Sawmills, steam laundries, public stables, private stables housing more than two horses, keeping of ducks geese turkeys and fowls for profit, wheelwright, monumental mason, undertaker and embalmer, coach trimmer, oil refineries, paint varnish or oil manufactories, fellmongering works, leather works, soap works, candle works, and smelting works.
Proposed Prohibited Buildings, Trades, etc., in Proposed Residential District No. 7.
Buildings for the purposes of the following trades, industries, manufactures or shops:—Blood-boiler, blood drier, bone-boiler, bone grinder, fat extractor, fat melter, flock maker, glue maker, gut scraper, knacker, manure maker, pig keeper, poultry farmer, rag dealer, rag picker, soup drier, wool scourer (being the trades, businesses or manufactures declared to be noxious trades within the meaning of the Noxious Trades Act, 1902), and also the following:—Sawmills, public stables, private stables housing more than two horses, wheelwright, monumental mason, undertaker and embalmer, coach trimmer, oil refineries, paint varnish or oil manufactories, fellmongering works, leather works, soap works, candle works, and smelting works.
Schedule "C."
Proposed Prohibited Trades, etc., in Proposed Residential District No. 3.
The use of land for the purposes of the following trades, businesses, avocations or callings:—Brick works, tile works, pipe works, pottery works, bottle depots, second-hand material or machinery depots, timber yards and sawmills.
Proposed Prohibited Trades, etc., in Proposed Residential Districts Nos. 6 and 7.
The use of land for the purposes of the following trades, businesses, avocations or callings:—Brick works, tile works, pipe works, pottery works, bottle depots and sawmills. " (3878) LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919 (AS AMENDED BY SUBSEQUENT ACTS). (1935, August 9). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3255. Retrieved from

From album 'Samuel Wood - postcard photonegatives of Avalon, Bilgola and Newport, ca. 1928', Hotel - Newport. Item No.: a1470006h, courtesy State Library of New South Wales - and enlarged section to show name of licensee - A. W. Newbery - Captain Alfred William Newbery was not at Newport Hotel until at least 1930. Shows flagpole still in place.
The old Newport Hotel, one of the best known hostelries in the Pittwater district, is to be demolished. Messrs Eaton and Bates are the architects for a large two-story brick hotel to be erected on the site of the present old building. The main frontage will be 100ft by 85ft. There will be a large public dining room, two private dining rooms, public and private bars, with large cellars under the parlours, office, and private quarters, kitchen, laundries, pantiles, and other rooms. There will be 20 bedrooms, also sitting rooms, bath-rooms, linen cupboards, and lounges, and 10ft verandahs and balconies all round. THE NEWPORT HOTEL. (1913, May 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
The very many friends of Captain A. W. Newbery throughout Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the world, will be pleased to know that he has taken over the Royal Hotel at Bowral, and will be pleased to meet them again at that delightful town, which is noted for its climate and splendid golf course. Captain Newbery is one of the best known master mariners on the Australian coast, and was for 19 years in command and acted as Marine Superintendent for the A.U.S.N. Company. He also did a lot of service during the Great War as master of the Indarra, and in other capacities. As Captain Newbery's great sport is golf, he will no doubt be pleased to see many of his Sydney golfing friends at the 19th hole, up at his new abode, where all the fine points of the game may be debated. PERSONAL. (1929, July 31). Daily Commercial News and Shipping List (Sydney, NSW : 1891 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Quiet Marriage At Manly
After a brief engagement of six weeks, Miss Mabel Newbery and Mr Geoffrey Cambage, sales manager of Dalgety oil department, were quietly married yesterday morning at St. Matthew's Church, Manly.
THE bride, who was also a member of the same firm, is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Newbery,' of the Hotel Newport. Rev. A. R. Ebbs gave the couple his blessing. There were no bridesmaids or groomsmen.
The bride wore for the ceremony a frock of tea rose crepe de Chine, which had a bolero bodice. The skirt was flared and moulded to the hips with a tucked yoke. Of the same shade of georgette were the jabot, collars, and cuffs. She chose a shady Baku to match her frock, finished with velvet ribbon, and carried a sheaf of pale pink rosebuds and blue hydrangeas. Mrs. Newbery was hostess later at the Newport Hotel, and wore a gown of black floral crepe de Chine, which had a cape and flared She added a black Ballibuntle, and carried pale pink carnations and roses.
The bride's only sister, Gwen was frocked in almond green and fawn figured crepe de Chine, and added a Java straw banded in green. Mr. and Mrs. Cambage left for a honeymoon tour by car. On their return they will move immediately into their home at Bellevue Hill. AFTER BRIEF ENGAGEMENT (1930, December 2). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 18. Retrieved from
Is extended to old patrons of the WOOLPACK HOTEL (Parramatta) to call in and meet the new proprietor, Captain A. W. Newbery (Late of the Newport Hotel.) Advertising (1935, August 22). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 9. Retrieved from
Previous History Pages:
Marie Byles Lucy Gullett Kookoomgiligai Frank Hurley Archpriest JJ Therry Sir Patrick Gordon Taylor Bowen Bungaree W. Bradley 1788 Journal Midholme Loggan Rock Cabin La Corniche La Corniche II Lion Island Bungan Beach Botham Beach Scarred Trees Castles in the Sand Dame Nellie Melba lunches at Bilgola Spring, 1914 First to Fly in Australia at North Narrabeen Mona Vale Golf Club's Annual Balls Governor Phillip camps on Resolute Beach Ruth Bedford Jean Curlewis Mollie Horseman Charlotte Boutin May Moore Neville W Cayley Leon Houreux Frederick Wymark Sir Adrian Curlewis Bilgola Heron Cove Mullet Creek Shark Point Woodley's Cottage A Tent at The Basin Collin's Retreat-Bay View House-Scott's Hotel Bilgola Cottage and House The First Pittwater Regatta Women Cricketers Picnic Filmed In Pittwater Governor Phillip's Barrenjoey Cairn Waradiel Season The Church at Church Point Governor Phillip's Exploration of Broken Bay, 2 - 9 March 1788 Petroglyths: Aboriginal Rock Art on the Northern Beaches Avalon Headland Landmarks Steamers Part I Pittwater Aquatic Club Part I Woody Point Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Part I Dorothea Mackellar Elaine Haxton Neva Carr Glynn Margaret Mulvey Jean Mary Daly Walter Oswald Watt Wilfrid Kingsford Smith John William Cherry George Scotty Allan McCarrs Creek Narrabeen Creek Careel Creek Currawong Beach Creek Bushrangers at Pittwater Smuggling at Broken Bay An Illicit Still at McCarr's Creek The Murder of David Foley Mona Vale Outrages Avalon Camping Ground Bayview Koala Sanctuary Ingleside Powder Works Palm Beach Golf Course Avalon Sailing Club Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club Palm Beach SLSC Part I - The Sheds Warriewood SLSC Whale Beach SLSC Flagstaff Hill Mount Loftus Pill Hill Sheep Station Hill S.S. Florrie S.S. Phoenix and General Gordon Paddlewheeler MV Reliance The Elvina Florida House Careel House Ocean House and Billabong Melrose-The Green Frog The Small Yacht Cruising Club of Pittwater Canoe and I Go With The Mosquito Fleet - 1896 Pittwater Regattas Part I - Dates and Flagships to 1950 Shark Incidents In Pittwater The Kalori Church Point Wharf Bayview Wharf Newport Wharf Palm Beach Jetty - Gow's Wharf Max Watt Sir Francis Anderson Mark Foy John Roche Albert Verrills Broken Bay Customs Station At Barrenjoey Broken Bay Water Police Broken Bay Marine Rescue - Volunteer Coastal Patrol Pittwater Fire-Boats Prospector Powder Hulk at Towler's Bay Naval Visits to Pittwater 1788-1952 Pittwater's Torpedo Wharf and Range Naval Sea Cadets in Pittwater S.S. Charlotte Fenwick S.S. Erringhi P.S. Namoi S.Y. Ena I, II and III Barrenjoey Headland - The Lessees Barrenjoey Lighthouse - The Construction Barrenjoey Broken Bay Shipwrecks Up To 1900 Barrenjoey Light Keepers Douglas Adrian Ross Newport SLSC 1909 - 1938 Part I Overview North Narrabeen SLSC - The Formative Years First Naval Exercises by New South Wales Colonial Ships –The Wolverene at Broken Bay Bilgola SLSC - the First 10 years North Palm Beach SLSC A History of Pittwater Parts 1 and 4 Pittwater Regattas - 1907 and 1908 Pittwater Regattas - 1921 - The Year that Opened and Closed with a Regatta on Pittwater Pittwater Regatta Banishes Depression - 1933 The 1937 Pittwater Regatta - A Fashionable Affair Careel Bay Jetty-Wharf-Boatshed Gow-Gonsalves Boatshed -Snapperman Beach Camping at Narrabeen - A Trickle then a Flood Pittwater's Parallel Estuary - The Cowan 'Creek' RMYC Broken Bay Boathouse and Boatshed Barrenjoey Boat House The Bona - Classic Wooden Racing Yacht Mona Vale Hospital Golden Jubilee - A Few Insights on 50 Years as a Community Hospital Far West Children's Health Scheme - the Formation Years The First Scotland Island Cup, Trophy and Race and the Gentleman who loved Elvina Bay Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay NSW - Cruiser Division History - A History of the oldest division in the Royal Motor Yacht Club Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay Early Motor Boats and Yachts, their Builders and Ocean Races to Broken Bay, the Hawkesbury and Pittwater The Royal Easter Show Began As the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales The Mail Route to Pittwater and Beyond The Wild Coachmen of Pittwater - A Long and Sometimes Bumpy Ride on Tracks Instead of Roads The Fearless Men of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews - A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow's Tom Thumb 'Canoe' Furlough House Narrabeen - Restful Sea Breezes For Children and Their Mothers From Telegraphs to Telephones - For All Ships at Sea and Those On Land Mona Vale Training Grounds - From Lancers on Horses to Lasses on Transport Courses Fred Verrills; Builder of Bridges and Roads within Australia during WWII, Builder of Palm Beach Afterwards Communications with Pittwater Ferries To Pittwater A History of Pittwater - Part 4: West Head Fortress Pittwater's Lone Rangers - 120 Years of Ku-Ring-Gai Chase and the Men of Flowers Inspired by Eccleston Du Faur Early Pittwater Launches and Ferries Runs Avalon Beach SLSC - The First Clubhouse Avalon Beach SLSC The Second and Third Clubhouses From Beneath the Floorboards at Hyde Park Barracks Bungaree Was Flamboyant Andrew Thompson - 'Long Harry' Albert Thomas Black John Collins of Avalon Narrabeen Prawning Times - A Seasonal Tide of Returnings Oystering in the Pittwater Estuary - Oyster Kings and Pearl Kings and When Not to Harvest Oysters Yabbying In Warriewood Creeks Eeling in Warriewood's Creeks (Includes A Short History of community involvement in environmental issues/ campaigns in and around Narrabeen Lagoon - 1974 to present by David James OAM) Eunice Minnie Stelzer - Pittwater Matriarchs Maria Louisa Therry - Pittwater Matriarchs Manly's Stone Kangaroo, Camera Obscura, First Maze and 'Chute' - Fun Days in Sea Hazes from 1857 On A Salty Tale of the Kathleen Gillett – A Small Reminder and Celebration of Our 70th Sydney to Hobart Katherine Mary Roche - Pittwater Matriarch Sarah A. Biddy Lewis and Martha Catherine Benns Pittwater Matriarchs A Glimpse of the Hawkesbury.(1883) By Francis Myers. Illustrated by J C Hoyte Pittwater's New Cycle Track of 1901 Manly to Newport The Rock Lily Hotel Barrenjoey House The Pasadena Jonah's St Michael's Arch The First Royal Visitor to Australia: the Incident at Clontarf March 12th, 1868 Pittwater: Lovely Arm of the Hawkesbury By NOEL GRIFFITHS - includes RMYC Wharf and Clareville Wharf of 1938 + An Insight into Public Relations in Australia George Mulhall First Champion of Australia in Rowing - First Light-Keeper at Barranjuey Headland Captain Francis Hixson - Superintendent of Pilots, Lights, and Harbours and Father of the Naval Brigade The First Boat Builders of Pittwater I: the Short Life and Long Voyages of Scotland Island Schooner the Geordy The Marquise of Scotland Island Boat Builders of Pittwater II: from cargo schooners and coasters to sailing skiffs and motorised launches 130th Anniversary of Australia’s Sudan Contingent - Local Connections of the first Australians to Serve The Riddles of The Spit and Bayview/Church Point: sailors, boat makers, road pavers and winning rowers The Currawong: Classic Yacht VP Day Commemorative Service 2015 – at Avalon Beach RSL Cenotaph: 70th Anniversary Captain T. Watson and his Captain Cook Statues: A Tribute to Kindness Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Hordern or Wiltshire Parks to McKay Reserve – From Beach to Estuary Pittwater Reserves, The Green Ways: Clareville Wharf and Taylor's Point Jetty Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways Bilgola Beach - The Cabbage Tree Gardens and Camping Grounds - Includes Bilgola - The Story Of A Politician, A Pilot and An Epicure by Tony Dawson and Anne Spencer Pittwater Reserves - The Green Ways: Mona Vale's Village Greens a Map of the Historic Crown Lands Ethos Realised in The Village, Kitchener and Beeby Parks Pittwater Regatta Air Race Trophies: from 1934 and 1935 and The Pilot Who Saved William Hughes Pittwater Reserves: The Green Ways; Bungan Beach and Bungan Head Reserves: A Headland Garden Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Green Family Elanora - Some Early Notes and Pictures The Stewart Towers On Barrenjoey Headland Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Williams Family Early Cricket in Pittwater: A small Insight Into the Noble Game from 1880's On The Pacific Club's 2016 Carnival in Rio Fundraiser for Palm Beach SLSC Marks the 79th Year of Support Bert Payne Park, Newport: Named for A Man with Community Spirit Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Fox Family Surf Carnivals in February 1909, 1919, 1925, a Fancy Dress Rise of Venus and Saving Lives with Surfboards Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers and Scullers: The Paddon Family of Clareville Mermaid Basin, Mona Vale Beach: Inspired 1906 Poem by Viva Brock Early Pittwater Schools: The Barrenjoey School 1872 to 1894 The Royal Easter Show and 125th Celebration of the Hawkesbury Agricultural College: Farmers Feed Us! The Newport School 1888 to 2016 Pittwater's Ocean Beach Rock Pools: Southern Corners of Bliss - A History The Royal Botanical Garden Sydney Celebrates 200 Years in 2016 The Porter Family of Newport: Five Brother Soldiers Serve in WWI Church Point and Bayview: A Pittwater Public School Set on the Estuary The Basin, Pittwater: A Reprise: Historical Records and Pictures Lighthouse Cottages You Can Rent in NSW - Designed or Inspired by Colonial Architect James Barnet: Includes Historic 'Lit' Days records Bayview Days Ships Biscuits - the At Sea Necessity that Floated William Arnott’s Success Mona Vale Public School 1906 to 2012 St Johns Camden: 176th And 167th Anniversaries In June 2016 - Places To Visit Narrabeen Lagoon And Collaroy Beachfront: Storms And Flood Tides Of The Past Avalon Beach Public School - A History Muriel Knox Doherty Sir Herbert Henry Schlink Shopping And Shops In Manly: Sales Times From 1856 To 1950 For A Fishing Village Sir Edward John Lees Hallstrom Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club's 150th Sailing Season Opening: A Few Notes Of Old A Few Glimpses Into Narrabeen's Past Beauties Dr. Isobel Ida Bennett AO Taronga Zoo 100th Birthday Parade: 1000 Reasons To Celebrate War Memorials: Manly, October 14, 1916 Avalon Beach Golf Links: Pittwater Fields of Dreams II War Memorials - Mona Vale, November 14, 1926 Annie Wyatt Reserve Palm Beach: Pittwater Fields of Dreams II Tumbledown Dick Hill Waratah Farm and Narrabeen Plums: Pittwater Fields of Dreams II Mark Twain, J.F. Archibald And Henry Lawson - Did They Go Fishing At Narrabeen In The Spring Of 1895?: Probably! Bayview Baths Centenary Celebration in November 2016 hosted by Bayview-Church Point Residents Association Dr. Jenny Rosen's Historical Timeline Palm Beach RSL - Club Palm Beach Celebrating 60 Years Early Years At Narrabeen: The Plane Sailing Day Of 1944 The Five Ways- Six ways Junction; Kamikaze Corner - Avalon Bilgola RPAYC Season on Pittwater and coming of Jubilees in Summer of 1938 Local Explorers’ Modern Day Discovery - Governor Phillip’s First Landing site, Campsite and contact with Local Aborigines in Pittwater: The Case for West Head Beach Rendezvous Tea Rooms Palm Beach: links with 1817 and 1917: Palm Beach Stores and Fishermen St Cloud's Jersey Stud: Elanora Heights: Pittwater Fields of Dreams Roderic Quinn's Poems And Prose For Manly, Beacon Hill, Dee Why And Narrabeen A Historic Catalogue And Record Of Pittwater Art I – Of Places, Peoples And The Development Of Australian Art And Artists: The Estuary Celebrating World Radio Day: The Bilgola Connection With The Beginnings Of Radio In Australia Emile Theodore Argles - champion of all Australians without a Voice - a very funny Satirist, Manly Poet and Pittwater Prose Writer and Litterateur Sydney Harbour Bridge Celebrates 85th Birthday: A Few Pittwater Connections Victor James Daley: A Manly Bard And Poet who also came to Pittwater and the Hawkesbury Let's Go Fly A Kite !: Palm Beach Whistling Kites Inspire sharing How to Make Standard, Box and Whistling Boy Kites - school holidays fun with a bit of Australian and Narrabeen history Clifton Gardens Mosman: An Eternal Green and Saltwater Space, and Of Many Captains Historic Catalogue And Record Of Pittwater Art I: Coastal Landscapes and Seascapes The Bayview Tea Gardens 1920 to 1923 When Run By Thomas Edward And Annie Newey (Nee Costello) An Australian and RPAYC Commodore Aboard an America's Cup Challenger of 1908 and 1914 Henry Lawson - A Manly Bard and Poet: on his 150th Birthday Historic Catalogue and Record of Pittwater Art I: Artists and Artists Colonies Opportunity To Visit Submarine War Grave Renews Memories Of 75 Years Ago Early Bayview - insights courtesy Don Taylor and Margaret Tink Retracing Governor Phillip's Footsteps Around Pittwater: The Mystery Of The Cove On The East Side Early Pittwater Surfers – Palm Beach I: John (Jack) Ralston and Nora McAuliffe Patrick Edward Quinn: A Manly Prose writer who gave us A Run To Pittwater (1889) and Songs for the Federation of Australia Avalon Beach North Headland Indian Face 'Falls': An Everchanging Coastline Nautical Treasure In Suburbia Pittwater: Where the Wild Flowers Are 1917 to 2017 Narani, Captain Cook Celebrations At MVPS And Elvina Bay Memories - 1970s Early Pittwater Surfers – Palm Beach I: Alrema Becke Queen of Palm Beach The Beachcombers Surfboard Riding Club: Palm Beach, NSW - 1959 to 1961 Year Dated Beer Bottles Found at Taylors Point Early Pittwater Surfers: Avalon Beach I - 1956: The Carnival That Introduced The Malibu Surfboard and Being Able To SurfAcross A Wave Face - Reg Wood Anecdotes Mona Vale SLSC To Be Completely Renewed + A Few Insights from the Pages of the Past The Firecracker That Closed Narrabeen Hotel By Ken Lloyd (Savalloyd) + Narrabeen Hotel Licence Transfer Trail Traces Of WWII Coast Watchers Found On Bangalley Headland - 1942 Early Warriewood SLSC insights per Norman Godden + Extras The Macphersons of Wharriewood and Narrabeen: the photo albums of William Joseph Macpherson Angophora Reserve Avalon 1938 Dedication Avalon Preservation Association History by Geoff Searl Pittwater Summer Houses: a 1916 Palm Beach Cottage and Palm Beach House Pittwater YHA: Some History WWI Historian Presents New Film On The Beersheba Charge At Avalon Beach Historical Society Meeting Newport's Bushlink 'From The Crown To The Sea' Paths: Celebrating Over 20 Years Of Community Volunteer Bushcare Results Pittwater Fishermen: The Sly Family Narrabeen Exploits and Manly Community Contributors: The First Surfboat at Manly Beach Women In The Surf Life Saving Movement As Life Savers: From At Least 1910 Locally - Awarded Medals For Saving Lives From 1880 In NSW Windsor Bridge: Planned Destruction Of Historic Link With A Pittwater Connection The Rise Of The Cruising Season: A Look At Some Early Australian sailers and Local Visitor Beauties Pittwater Fishermen: Barranjoey Days Polo By The Sea 2018: Over A Hundred Years Of Loving This Game In Pittwater Australia Day Regatta Began As Anniversary Day Regatta Black Bakelite Telephone: Early Pittwater Phone Numbers Hy-Brasil, Avalon Beach - Pittwater Summer Houses Ferry Names for Emerald Class: The Gibbs-Turner Original Magic Button Pittwater Summer Houses: A Tent At Palm Beach's Governor Phillip Park 'Neath Barrenjoey Pittwater Summer Houses: The Cabin, Palm Beach - The Pink House Of The Craig Family Manly's Early Sand Sculptors: How Pennies Can Become Pounds and Found A New Art Retracing Governor Phillip's Footsteps Around Pittwater: The Mystery Of The Cove On The East Side by Geoff Searl and Roger Sayers 230th Anniversary Edit March 2018 Black-Necked Stork, Mycteria Australis, Once Visited Pittwater: Pair Shot in 1855 Butter Churns: Pittwater Dairies The Drainage System In Thompson Square, Windsor Sydney Royal Easter Show 2018 Show Stopper Beer Brewed By Modus Operandi Mona Vale Extends Locals Input Into RAS Annual Celebration Of Local Products Sydney's Royal Easter Show Showbag Began As An Australian Sample Bag Pittwater Fishermen: Great Mackerel, Little Mackerel (Wilson's Beach - Currawong) and The Basin Motor Car Tours To And In Pittwater Show Us The Way This Place Once Was Some Bayview Memories: The Lloyd Family Tarramatta Park, Mona Vale 1904 The Collaroy Paddle Steamer: New Ephemera Added To Public Accessible Records - Her Connections To Pittwater The Roads And Tracks Of Yesterday: How The Avalon Beach Subdivisions Changed The Green Valley Tracks Australian Sailing's Barranjoey Pin Program; some insights into this Pittwater Yacht and owner, Sir W Northam who won Australia’s first Olympic sailing gold medal at the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games Avalon Beach Historical Society’s 9th Great Historic Photographic Exhibition: Thousands Of Stories Made Accessible The Hawkesbury River Railway Bridge: Timely Winter Anniversaries and Commemorations For A Septuagenarian and her Predecessor Photographers Of Pittwater Capture Historic Insights: A. J. (Arthur James) Vogan, 1859-1948 Roads To Pittwater: The Wakehurst Parkway Along Old Oxford Falls Track Roads To Pittwater: The Pittwater Road My Holiday by Charles de Boos – 1861 Shark-proof pools at Manly on the Harbourside Dad's Fishing Shack At Long Reef Historic Photographers Of Pittwater: Harold 'Caz' Cazneaux 1878 - 1953 Roads To Pittwater: The Mona Vale Road My Singing Story Barrenjoey High School's 50th Year: History Notes + The Original Barrenjoey School A Bunch Of Wildflowers: Historical Spring September Songs Camden-Campbelltown Hospitals & Carrington Convalescent Hospital: A Mona Vale-Frenchs' Forest Hospitals Comparison With Pittwater History Links The Newport School: 1888 to 2018 A Visit to Bungan Castle by ABHS Roads In Pittwater: The Barrenjoey Road Remembrance Day 2018 - Pittwater Veterans WWI 100 Years From Armistice Day 1918 Filmed in Pittwater: A Sentimental Reprise + Narrabeen Roads In Pittwater: The Bay View Road The NSW Women's Legal Status Bill 1918: How The 'Petticoat Interference In Government' Came Of Age - A 100 Years Celebration Of Women Alike Our Own Maybanke Selfe-Wolstenholme-Anderson Scott Brewster Dillon: A Tribute - He Did It His Way Pittwater Summer Houses: Rocky Point and Elvina Bay - A Place Of Holiday Songs and Operas In Ventnor, Fairhaven, Trincomalee and Maritana Remains Of Captain Matthew Flinders Discovered: Links with Bungaree of Broken Bay Isabella Jessie Wye MBE OAM (Isa) Off To School In 2019 Quicker Than 104 Years Ago Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Charles Bayliss Harold Nossiter's Classic Yachts Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Scotland Island Art Deco Inspirations In Palm Beach: The Palladium Dance-Hall, Cafe And Shop - The Surf Pavilion - The Beacon Store Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Newport Beach Professor Christopher John Brennan: A Poet Of Newport Beach M.V. Reliance Turns 100 Avalon Beach Historical Society March 2019 Meeting: Focus On Trappers Way Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Clareville Photographers of Early Pittwater: Henry King Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood Richard Hayes Harnett - First Commodore Of The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and Designer Of The Yacht 'Australian' - Based On The Lines Of A Mackerel Pittwater Summer Houses: Waiwera and Hopton Lodge, Bayview The Sirius Circumnavigation (1935-1937): Nossiter Trio Make Australian Sailing History Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Avalon Beach Were Manly's Statues, Smashed For Road Ballast, Sculpted By Achille Simonetti? Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Warriewood Avalon Beach Historical Society June 2019 Meeting Flint and Steel Guesthouse Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - 'Green Hills', Elanora Heights, and Ingleside Ethel Turner's Seven Little Australians Added To UNESCO Memory Of The World Register - The Missing Pages Restored RPAYC To Host 100th Year Of The Scandinavian Gold Cup and 5.5m Worlds In January 2020 - some Etchells Worlds and Gold Cup on Pittwater History Pittwater Roads II - Where the Streets Have Your Name: Mona Vale Pittwater Roads II - Where the Streets Have Your Name - Bungan Shark Meshing 2018/19 Performance Report + Historical Pittwater Shark Notes Anthony Thomas Ruskin Rowe, Spitfire Pilot (1919 To 1943) - Who Defended Darwin And His Mate: An Avalon Beach And Pittwater Hero Newport Surf Club Celebrates 110 Years On October 19, 2019 - A Few Club Firsts Pittwater Roads II - Where the Streets Have Your Name - Bilgola Tram Memorabilia - Historic Daylight Run For Sydney Light Rail Begins 80 Years After Last Tram To Narrabeen Closed Historic Insights From The Australian National Maritime Museums 1890 Pitt Water 'Era' Yacht Collection: The Basin Regattas Pittwater Roads II - Where the Streets Have Your Name - Coaster's Retreat and The Basin Samuel Wood Postcards of Pittwater and Manly Bilgola SLSC Celebrates 70 Years: Anecdotes from Early Members Pittwater Roads II - Where the Streets Have Your Name - Great Mackerel Beach G . E. Archer Russell (1881-1960) and His Passion For Avifauna From Narrabeen To Newport A History Of The Campaign For Preservation Of The Warriewood Escarpment by Angus Gordon and David Palmer Mark Foy of Bayview 2019 Inductee into Australian Sailing Hall of Fame The Victa Lawnmowers Story With A Careel Bay Link Plaque Unveiled To Mark Phenomenal Surfing Revolution Commencement: the 1956 Carnival at Avalon Beach That Introduced The Malibu Surfboard The Other Angels From Avalon: 50th Anniversary Of The IRB Marks The Saving Of Over 100 Thousand Lives The Eos: Classic Pittwater Yachts Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Whale Beach Palm Beach Pavilion To Be Renamed The Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC Pavilion - some historical insights Daniel Gordon Soutar's Influence On Local Golf Courses: Some History Notes Pittwater Fire Boats History: January 2020 Tribute Palm Beach Pavilion Renaming Dedication Honours Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC Ella McFadyen's Love Of Pittwater: An Environment, Wildlife and Children's Champion Ella McFadyen's Love Of Pittwater: A Children's Champion - shorter version for Children Sydney Bus Museum Volunteers Helps Mona Vale Bus Depot Celebrate 50th Anniversary Of Opening Dorothy Hawkins - a new film by John Illingsworth Dorothy Hawkins' family, father Joseph Homer, ran a dairy near Winnererremy Bay at Mona Vale from 1936 Narrabeen Fire Brigade Celebrates 100th Anniversary + A Few Extra Insights Into Local Fires And Brigade Formations Pittwater, Narrabeen Lagoon & The Collaroy Beachfront: Some Storms and Flood Tides Of The Past - With Pictures The Wolverene At Broken Bay In 1885 Jack 'Bluey' Mercer (January 2nd, 1923 - February 17th, 2020) - West Head Battery in WWII Manly Children's Festival Federation Of A Commonwealth Medals Of 1901 Maybanke Selfe-Wolstenholme-Anderson: 2020 International Womens Day + Pittwater Online 10 Years Celebrations The Bona - Classic Wooden Yacht 2020 Answers North Head Quarantine Station, Manly: Some History - Governor Ralph Darling Saved Australians, Saved Australia Winnererremy Bay: Angus Gordon, the Sequel to Dorothy Hawkins by John Illingsworth Roderic Quinns Poems and Prose For Manly, Beacon Hill, Dee Why And Narrabeen - 10 Year Celebrations and all Manly-Pittwater Poets Series in One Place Stargazing In Pittwater: Historic and Contemporary The Naval Pioneers of Australia by Louis Becke and Walter Jeffrey 1899 Harold Tristram Squire: October 28, 1868 - May 16,1938; Artist of Mona Vale All Is Quiet On The Western Front by Roger Sayers Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach Large Sunfish Caught at Barranjuee in 1875 Grace Brook, 1921-2017 by Paul McGrath and Robin Bayes The Pittwater Floating Hotels That Almost Were: Old Paddle Steamers, Fairmiles + A Current 'Lilypad' Pittwater's Ocean Beach Rock Pools: Southern Corners Of Bliss - A History: Updated 2020 Long Reef Aquatic Reserve Celebrates 40th Anniversary Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Careel Bay Careel Bay Reserves and Playing Fields in Careel Bay Playing Fields Reserve - Including Hitchcock Park: Birds, Boots & Beauty North Narrabeen Rock Pool: Some History Narrabeen Lakes Amateur Swimming Club by Maureen Rutlidge, Life Member Avalon Beach North Headland: An Ever-Changing Coastline - Storm Swell Of July 2020 Anthony Thomas Ruskin Rowe, Spitfire Pilot (1919 To 1943) - 75th VP Day Tributes 2020 Walter ('Wal') Williams - VP Day 75th Tributes 2020 Gwenyth Sneesby (nee Forster) 75th VP Day Tributes 2020 Pittwater's Midget Submarine M24 War Grave Renews Memories Of 75 Years Ago Avalon Beach and Surrounds in 1968 and 1970 - Photos Taken By Gary Clist Muriel Knox Doherty of Avalon Beach VP Day 2020 75th Anniversary Tributes Dundundra Falls Reserve: August 2020 photos by Selena Griffith - Listed in 1935 Binishells In Pittwater Schools Bairne Walking Track, Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park (Trig Stations) photos by Kevin Murray Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Bayview Perons' Tree Frog At Careel Bay - who is 'Peron'? Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Church Point Stapleton Park Reserve In Spring 2020: An Urban Ark Of Plants Found Nowhere Else Sydney's ACA Building Revitalisation Project Complete: Grand Old Building Has Links To Architects Of St. Patrick's College Manly - Some History Notes Harry Wolstenholme (June 21, 1868 - October 14, 1930) Ornithologist Of Palm Beach, Bird Man Of Wahroonga Three Ferries Named Narrabeen (1883 To 1984) + One Named Barranjoey (1913-1985) Rockley was Cricket for Girls 130 Years Ago - and this Team Visited Narrabeen as well The Bus To Palm Beach: Some History Surf Boats Season Kicks Off At Newport November 14; A Whole Range Of Local Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Carnivals Set To Roll Out Over The 2020-2021 Season + Some History Newport to Bilgola Bushlink 'From The Crown To The Sea' Paths: Founded In 1956 - A Tip and Quarry Becomes Green Space For People and Wildlife Welcome To Country: Neil Evers – NAIDOC Week 2020 Marine Rescue Broken Bay Naming Ceremony for the new BB30 - The Michael Seale Marine Rescue Broken Bay Unit's Beginnings In The Volunteer Coastal Patrol - Some RMYC BB Connections Stokes Point To Taylor's Point: An Ideal Picnic, Camping & Bathing Place Boy Scouts - The Pre-Nippers Life Savers: Some Notes On Local Troops From 1909 Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Narrabeen Warriewood Historic Farmhouse 'Oaklands' by Krisitin Zindel John Illingsworth's Local History; 'The Water Dwellers' 1967, Enemark panoramas of Palm and Whale Beach 1917, 'Paper Run' 1956, John Illingsworth 1921 - 2012: 'A Newport Story Pittwater Summer Houses: 'Cooinoo', Bungan Beach Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment: Worth Looking After Past Notes and Current Photos Pittwater Summer Houses: Ocean Beach House - The Combers, Newport Beach Pittwater Aviatrixes On The Eve Of The RAAF's 100th: A NSW Women's Week - Women Of Aviation Week Celebration Florence Mary Taylor Doreen Mavis 'Bobby' Squire 2021 Tribute Avalon Beach Reserve Heritage Marker For Old Kiosk Installed Landing In Pittwater: That Beach-Estuary-Lagoon Looks Like A Great Place To Touchdown! Hawkesbury River: 1 In 100 Years Floods - What Washed Up On Pittwater Beaches The Australian Air League Camps At Mona Vale Beach In The Old La Corniche Building + The Robey Family Of Manly; 'Always Looking Out For Younger People' The Story Of Pittwater's Anti-Submarine Boom Net by John Illingsworth, Pittwater Pathways Avalon's Village Green: Avalon Park Becomes Dunbar Park - Some History + Toongari Reserve and Catalpa Reserve Unseen Footage Of Nellie Melba To Celebrate Her 160th Birthday: The Day Dame Nellie Melba Lunched At Bilgola Cottage Narrabeen Cenotaph + RSL History: 100 and 65 Years Markers Of Service In 2021 Avalon Beach Public School: Some History For A 70th Birthday Bungan Head 'Bridge' and Tank Trap During WWII - by Malcolm Tompson Currawong’s 10th Anniversary Funding: The Investment In Local Heritage Continues The Wakehurst Parkway: 75th Anniversary Of Gazettal As A Main Road In 2021 Pittwater's Tropical Fruits: From The Middle Of Winter Turimetta Beach Reserve: Old & New Images + Some History National Fitness Centres At Broken Bay, Mona Vale, Narrabeen: Local History Shows We Like To Move It! Move It!
Collectors Corner pages:
Blacksmiths and Tinsmiths Nylon Stockings Poster Art Furphy's Water Cart Mousehole Anvil Sapphire One Armed Bandit Gould's 1840 Single and Compound Microscope Tibetan Thangka Wheel Of Life Painting Cast Iron Seats Mabel Lucie Atwell Prints The Customs of Traditional Dining by Hans and Jenny Carlborg Albert Collins Landscape Boomerang Harmonicas Drinking: 18th Century Style Part I by H&J Carlborg Drinking 18th Century Style Part II by H&J Carlborg Fleece Shears Wood Case Crank Telephone 1803 Timepeice Vintage Guitars Milestones No.38 Rolls Royce Motor Oiler Christmas Postcards Seashells McCormick-Deering Horse Drawn Mower Rope Making Machine Marilyn Monroe 1955 Calendar Stubbie Holders Hill's Hoist Akubra Hat Fowler's Bottling Kit The Bold Autographed Script Fishing Tackle Arnotts Biscuit Tins Comic Books Silver Opium Pipe Mrs Beetons Book Souvenir Teaspoons Bendigo Pottery Gianelli Figurines Key Fobs Model Aircraft-static Porcelain Slippers Wagon Wheels Rhys Williams Painting Chinese Guardian Lions Australian Halfpenny Bud Vases Rolling Stones Still Life LP Autographed WL1895 Thinking Monkey Estee Lauder Ginger Jar Reel Mowers Surf Reels Millers Car Collection Hilton Lingerie - Slips Miniature Books of Verse - A Romantic Tradition REGA Pouring Can R O Dunlop - Sailing At Itchenor Painting Morning Shadows by C Dudley Wood The Father of Santa Claus - Xmas 2012 HMS Penguin Anchor at RPAYC - Newport SS Birubi Mast at RMYC - Broken Bay Helen B Stirling Ship's Wheel at Club Palm Beach Woomeras HMS Endeavour Replica Cannon at RPAYC The Doug Crane Classic Handmade Double Blade Paddle HMS Bounty Wooden Ship Model Collecting Ladies - Ferdinand Von Mueller and Women Botanical Artists Australian Bark Art Chinese Ginger Jars Hand Plough and Jump Stump Plough - Australian Inventions Frank Clune Books Frederick Metters - Stoves, Windmills, Iron Monger Trinket Boxes 1933 Wormald Simplex Fire Extinguisher is Pure Brass Chapman 'Pup' Maine Engines - Chapman and Sherack The Beach Ball Figureheads Salty Wooden Personifications of Vessels Binnacle at RMYC The Australian Florin - Worth More Than 20 Cents to Collectors Weathervanes; For Those Passionate About Seeing Which Way the Wind Blows Her Majesty's Theatre 1962 Programme - Luisillo and his Spanish Dance Theatre Cooper's Sheep Shower Enamel Sign and Simpson's and Sons of Adelaide Jolly Drover Sugar Bowl and English Pottery A Means to Gaze into the Past Chief Joseph and Edward S Curtis; His Images of Native Americans an Inestimable Record of Images and Portrait Photographs His Masters Voice, Old 78s and Australia's Love of Music Jack Spurlings 'Tamar' Picture 1923 Resch's Beer Art - A Reflection of Australiana Now Worth Thousands The Compleat Angler - Izaak Walton's Discourse Inspires Generations of Fishers Portable Ice-Boxes and Coolers How Many Claim This Invention as Theirs? Malley's and Sons Ltd. - A Munificent Australian Family Company Vintage Paddles and Gigs Nautical Memorabilia The Crinoline - a 550 Year Old Fashion B.B. King - King of the Blues Goes Home: a Timely look into Photographs and Autographs and Being Buyer Aware Deep Down Among the Coral - By Christopher Corr - A Limited Edition Print in Celebration of the seventy fifth anniversary of QANTAS Airways Old Chinese Rice Bowls for Marriage: Worth More Than You Think... Commanderie St. John: An Ancient Wine - From 1927 with Lineage to Cyprus in 1210/92 and Methods of Production to Greece in 800 B.C. Pittwater Regatta Air Race Trophies: from 1934 and 1935 and The Pilot Who Saved William Hughes Vintage Brass Mortar and Pestle 1958 Bedford 'D' Truck and GM Holden Australian Made Car Bodies Heart Padlock Charm Bracelets for Newborns: A Golden Tradition Marvellous Marbles: An All Ages Preoccupation for Collectors Antique Silver Fish Servers: Artisans Past Tuckfield's Bird Cards: to Swap or Collect Joseph Lyddy – O.B.B. Dubbin Boot Polish Vintage Wooden Tennis Racquets: A Collectors Item As Popular As Summer Australian Trade Tokens Record Enriching Colonial Histories: the Cascade Shilling First Art Form To Record 'Tasmania' And Kangaroos Australian Vinyl Singles of the 1950's and 1960's Dicken's The Old Curiosity Shop bought at The Old Curiosity Shop Pear's Soap: Artworks For The Masses Collecting Vintage Photographs: Early Tasmanian Photographer - J W Beattie Cyclops Vintage Toys Year Dated Beer Bottles Found In The Estuary Adjacent To Taylors Point - Roger Wickins Collecting Matchboxes: A Great Way To Explore History And Art Black Bakelite Telephone: Early Pittwater Phone Numbers Butter Churns and Milk Separators: Early Pittwater Dairies F100 Ford truck: 1977 model Collecting Buttons Photographers Of Pittwater Capture Historic Insights: A. J. (Arthur James) Vogan, 1859-1948 Historic Photographers Of Pittwater: Harold 'Caz' Cazneaux 1878 - 1953 Photographers of Early Pittwater: The Macphersons of 'Wharriewood' and Bayview Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Charles Bayliss Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Henry King Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood Were Manly's Statues, Smashed For Road Ballast, Sculpted By Achille Simonetti? Tablespoons - The Original Soup Spoons Tram Memorabilia - Historic Daylight Run For Sydney Light Rail Begins 80 Years After Last Tram To Narrabeen Closed Samuel Wood Postcards of Pittwater and Manly The Victa Lawnmowers Story With A Careel Bay Link Collecting Snow Globes Sydney Bus Museum Volunteers Helps Mona Vale Bus Depot Celebrate 50th Anniversary Of Opening Manly Children's Festival Federation Of A Commonwealth Medals Of 1901: Collecting Commemorative Medals Ranelagh Hotel 'Mist' Scent Bottle (Robertson Hotel): Collecting Vintage And Antique Perfume Decanters Stargazing In Pittwater: An End Of Daylight Savings Pastime - The 2020 CWAS David Malin Photography Awards Are Now Open QANTAS During Centenary Year: 2020 Stamp Collecting Month 2020: Wildlife Recovery Miniature Books of Verse for Spring 2020 June 1942 Rhys Williams Painting of Sydney Harbour Attack